TTTE OMAHA "DAILY T,VAZ. FRIDAY, AVGVST n, 1000. ft TOMMY HUGHES IN OLD FORM Urorke's Wondor Again Pitching Ball Like the Wizard of June. SAINTS FALL EASY VICTIMS TO HIS VILES umnun l.nniln the? First of Hie Mla- oiirl erlc hy flnltlti. I nder mimiiI Vlclnimly nl (ho Propef .tlo in cut. Omnlin, 7 SI, Joseph, n. TtrnoUlyn, M Huston, (I. 1'hlliidelphln. 10 St. Louis, H. ChUuaii, 7l Xrw York, II. Detroit, r Clilciiun, 1!. BT. JOSKI'H, Aug. 2. (Special Telegram.) "uuiku h wonucr, proved too mucn xor the Salntu today, only four scat- tcred singles and a two-bagger being made off his delivery. Underwood pitched a .nn.i i... . . . . Y.T . ' 1 "ls B,PPrl was bad nt critical times. Only one visitor saw first auring tho first four Innlues hut In tha flfth ThnmnJnn InM ii m , llftn Thompson ted off with it single, Hynn nllowcd Hoy's hit In trot ihrr.nli him And both enmn In nn itnlrHv !,,.. ilfr ti.i-.i . - . " ri ........ ovuivu Mil i, noun a iiyuui i o left, maklnc tho scoro 5 to 3 In favor of no saints, St. Joseph having scored two In llio nrnt on errors by Toman and Il.ilrd and Kllng'H single and thrco In the third on a base on balls, Hall's two-bagger, ninnio nnu nnoincr error by roman. Tho end of tho eighth saw tho visitors in tho lead. Lauzon singled, scor Ing on Maupln's muff In right of Thomp son s fly. Maupln threw wild to head Thompson off nt socond and Thompson went to third, scoring on IJalrd's Blncle. llalrd reached homo on Haer's muff of Wilson's long fly. Two-baggors by Toman and J conncll In tho ninth gave Omaha the seventh run. Hall, who was nlavlne first in piaco of Manager McKlbben. who was spiked in tho St. Josoph-Dcs Moines game Jast Sunday, wa spiked by Thompson In tho nftu inning. Ho will bo out of tho same for n week, which leaves tho homo fnam badly crippled. 3core ST. JOHUI'lI, A I r. n a. it. 0. a. n 0 0 1 2 12 4 116 0 0 0 5 0 12 9 0 1 I 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 I) 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 1 G 27 TI Strang, 3b Flynn, ss. Hall. lb. Herman, lb 2 iviing, c... 8chra.ll, If.. Haer, cf.... Hrlstnw, 2b Maunln, rf. Hiviley, rf.. Underwood, P. Totals OMAHA . AH. It. II. O. I 1 n IB 0 1 O 4 0 A. E. Toman, hh IcVlnkcr. If i.auzon, rr O'Connell. Thompson, Hoy. 3b.... Hnlrd, 2b.. Wilson, c. Hughes, p. lb cf Totals 40 7 9 27 St. Joseph 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 Omaha 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 6 0-5 I F.arnod runs: Omaha. 3. Twn-lmso hits ilall, Toman (2). O'Counell. Three-base lilt: Baird. Stolen bases: Flynn, Schrall, Lauzou. Struck out; Hy Underwood. 5: by lluuhcs, 7. First baso on balls: Off Ifnderwooil. 1: off Hughes, 4. Hit by pitcher: Hy Hughes, 1. l'assod ball: Wil son. Time; 2:1s. umpire: Warner, HtandliiK of the Teiims. Played. AVon. Lost P.U. "Denver Des Moines Omaha St. Joseph . Sioux City . Pueblo 75 ti 32 .tr.i .5'J2 .61! ,M3 .125 .4W 73 77 78 73 32 37 34 42 45 10 10 31 23 . w oU.A1KS . OIV1'IU;tN.VT10..VI, I.lOACil'li-. Drnoklyn AVIiia from llostoti In n Con tent Full of .MpiiniU Ion imOOKLYN, N. Y., Aug. 2.-Today'8 xamo was u marvel of fast lleldlng, live Mensatloual double plays and many lirll llnnt stops keoplng the crowd on tho go. MtuhlH throwing was deadly, two men be lng headed off at the pinto by clean passes to Sullivan. Brooklyn won by collective batting, although Kltsou very nearly lost tho gamo lu tha fifth, when Boston tied the Hcore. Kennedy then went In and blanked them, besides helping to win in tho elzhth with a timely single. Tho hitting of Stnhl, Duffy, Koeler and Kolley was clcun nnd effective. Attendance, 1,000. Score: UOSTON. i HKOOKLVN. H.II.O.A.K It. 11 O.A.n Jlamllfn. cf 2 0 Jones, ef . 2 linif. .... I 0 HUM, rf.... 0 4 Collins. 3l.. 1 1 T'reeuun, lb 0 0 Daffy, If.... 1 3 ' Harry. If.... 0 0 !.ovp, 2b.... 0 1 Sullivan, e.. 0 0 n !cler, rf... 0 Jenn'ss, lb. OKelb-j, If... 0 Dnlilen, ss. . d'aiM, 3b.... 0, Daly. !b 2 Mcdulie, c. 3 i) 1 7 3 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 3 1 0 0 Kltson, p. 1 I Nlctiots, p.. 1 0 1 2 0 Kennedy, p. 0 1 1 1 Totals Boston .. Brooklyn 6 1121 12 Totals .. S 13 27 13 ...1 00 1 1 000 0-r, ... t S 2 1 0 U 0 3 -8 Karucd rum: Boston. 2: Brooklyn. 5. Thrco-base hits: Duffy. Kclley. Two-baso lilts: Jonos. Kelley. Da y. First baso on errors: Boston, 1; Brooklyn, 1. Loft on bases; Boston, 9; Brooklyn. 6. Struck out: By KItson, 2; by Nichols, 1. Sacrlllco hit Daly. Stolon bases: Collins. Keeler (3) KItson. Uascs on balls: Oft KItson. 4; off Kennedy. 2. Double n avs: Cross to Da v to Jruulngs, Daly to Jennings, Dahlen to Jennings, mui to uuivan (.'). lilt ny piicncr; uy .iciiois, i. im pucn: .Mcib ois. Time: 2:1a. umpire: Hwartwood. I'll tip II Wns Ton F.hmj-. rillUADl'JM'JUA. Allg. 2. roweii ei- payed to pitch for St. Louis today, but In the third Inning, after ten men had batted for Philadelphia, Hughey was plnced on tho rubber and succeeded In retiring the -dclo In this Inning the homo team made sovon hits, thrco of which were doubles, and s even runn were Kcnred. The gnniB wns long and tiresome nnd without any notable feature excepting the nulling ot I'tiuadojpma. Attendance, a,ui. Ecore; ST. LOU IS. It II. O.A. l: PHILAUnM'm.V. Il.H.O.A.B. Mcdrsw. 3b. 0 14 2 0 Donovan, rf 2 0 0 0 0 Durkett, If.. I 1 4 0 0 Kelster, 2b.. 0 3 12 3 -Mcdunn. IbO 1 3 10 Gliomas, cf. 3 2 ShiKle, If.... 1 2 2 Deleh'ty. lb 1 3 II lijole, i'b... I 1 5 Flick, rf.... I 2 2 Omnium, c. 1 2 1 WolVfn. 3b 0 1 3 Cross, ss.... 2 ) I'lutt. p 0 1 0 Dltlaril. cf.. 0 0 2 0 0 Wallace, ss. 1 15 3 0 Crlgcr, c... 0 1 5 2 0 Towell, p... 0 0 0 0 0 Himhey, i.. 1 0 0 1 0 Totals ..10 15 27 1 4 Totals ..5 S 21 11 0 fit, Louis 2 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0-5 Philadelphia 0 0 7 0 0 1 0 2 '-10 Earned runs: St. Louis, 1; Philadelphia, n. i wo-pnso nits: nurKett. neiiier. wm lace, Delehanty. l.ajole. Flick. Sacrltlco hit Slagle. Stolen bases: Dlllard, Cross. Left ONE WAY OUT. li Resident of Omaha Shows the Way. Only one way to cure a bad back. Liniment nnd plasters may roliovo It, They won't cure It. Backache means tick kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills euro all kidney Ills Omaha people prove this. Head a enso of It. Mr. Joseph Bonner of 1407 S. 13th street, says: "I can give Doan's Kidney PI1U tho nesi recnnimcna 01 any medicine I over used. Before getting them at Kuhn & Co.'a drug store I could not bend my back' and sometimes had to lay off work two or three days. My kidneys wero weak and their action much too frequent, greatly disturbing my rest nights. I tried a good tuatiy medi cines hut nono helped mo until I begnn to use Doan's Kidney Pills. They cured me, For salo by all dealer. Price 60 cents. Foster, Mllburn & Co., Buffalo, N. v., solo agents for tho Uultcd States. Remember tho name, Doan's, and take no UMtltut.' on bases- Ht Louis, 9: Phllade'phln. fi. First I! t,iOI3.,,'2""'. orf I'owcll. 8, oft Hughe). 2. x I 6; Ktrtick out; By HttKhry. 3; by J U. 2. Paused balls: Douglas, C'rleer. Time: 2 So. Umpire. o'Dnv lilcnKO Wins flip I, nut. NKiV vnni.- o u ... grounds this nfternoon, thelltnri wlnrlng by good buttlnc In the seventh liming. The Kr work wns bad, but lie managed to give to both teams about an even dose of his bad umpiring. Davis kicked hnrd on u decision in inc lirth Inning and was put out of the game. Shpphnil liny lina,. fiirmAil ntit In Syracuse. Attendance, I.CtA). Score: CHICAGO. NKW VOUK. n It II. O A K MeCnrt'y, If o 0 I Vnnll'n, cf. 3 3 4 Ib... 0 o 3 1 1 1 3 0 Felbmih, If.. 0 1 1 Jtertes, ss.. 1 (Ireen, cf.... 1 Doyle, lb.... 0 1 13 1 1 0 0 Smith, rf.... 1 1 IMVIk, f 0 0 :?hehan, rr. 0 0 Dexter, rf... 1 Clanzel, lb.. 3 4 12 1 3 1 IlrnIley. aii. 0 Donahue, c. 0 I .Henson, 3b. 2 1 llkk-m'n, 3b 0 2 Iliwer'n, c 0 2 Mercer, p... I 0 0 0 0 0 0 (r"!utl' P- ' , Totals . . 7 IS 27 11 5 Totals ..6 11S7 13 2 Chicago o 0 o l o l r, o c N'w Vork 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 2 1-5 ,.1;ln,c, ru,ls: Uhlengo 6; New York. 1 Hrst bnso on errors: New York. 2. Lefl on banes: Chicago, 7; New York. 7. First base on balls: off (irlllltb, 4; off Mercer, 'J. rPri,CK ol,l: " uriimii, i; by fiercer, j HloIel Vanllliltren (2. Selbach noylp. Double olavs: Dexter to Donahue Olcnion to Dnvlo (21. Homo runs: Dexter, Onnl Two-baso hits: Orllllth. Htikmatl, iftnr.i. nit by pitcher: Hy Mercer. casseti Drill : Vlrr: Terry. .10. Urn- ntnnilliiB of tlir Tenmi. riayed, V.) Rl S2 m Rl fa , 7S 77 Won. r.t 41 43 41 39 311 33 SO Lost. 2.) E6 3U 4D 42 41 45 47 v r !jKiokilyi"rr iMtV"buri .(to .f2! Chicago Hosion Cincinnati .KB .i;3 st. Louis ., New York .310 (iAMUS 4)1' TIIH AIHIIICAX I.UA4SIJU. Detroit Mtnns Clili'iiuo for n 3liiieiit In the I'eminiit llurc, DliTHOlT, Aug. 2.-Mlllcr pitched nn ex- rcllent gamo today, tho visitors bunching their lilts In but ono Inning. Doheny wus also effective, but his support wus ragged. Attendance, l.SOO. Score; DETIIOIT. I CHICAGO. 11 It O.A li. n.II.O.A.E Casey, 3b..., 1 2 2 2 0 Hoy, rf 12 0 0 Holmes, rr.. 9 0 4 0 0 SugJen, c... 0 0 3 2 1 2 0 O'McFatl'd, rf 0 2 0 1 2 13 0 lMd'len, 2b.. 0 0 7 4 1 2 0 0 llattm'n. 3b 0 0 1 5 1 14 1 0 Isbell. If.... 0 0 10 0 1 0 fl Iluckley. lb. 0 0 11 2 2 0 2 0 O'lrfHO'p ss. 0 0 0 4 u 1 C 0 Uolieny, p... 1 1 1 1 uirley, If.. 0 Klberfehl, ss 0 MeAI's'r, c. 1 nillon, lb... 0 Nlcol. cf.... 1 Hynn, 2b..., 1 Miller, p.... 1 Totals 7 14 0 Totals .. 2 5 21 13 S Dotrolt . Chicago 01002110 S mHV Chicago. I Twoo-,, 00 0 00002 0 2 Kurn od runs: Ilov. McFnrlnnd Casey. Dillon. Stolen buses: Nlcol. Dillon Hiuerreldt. liases on balls: OH .Miller. off Dohenv. 6. Hit by 11 tched ball: Har Icy, 2. First baso on errors: Datrolt, 23. i.ett on nnses: Detroit, 7; rnicago, i. Struck out: Hy Miller, 1; by Doheny, 2. Double tilav: l'addcn to Huckley. I'assed ball: Hticdcn. Wild pitch: Dolicny. Timo: 1:40. t'mnlre: Dwvir. M LWAL'K KK. Aug. 2.-M lwaukee-In- dlanapolls gamo postponed on account of rain. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 2.-Kansas City Huffulo game postponed till tomorrow. MnudliiK f Hie Tennis. Played. Won. Lost PC Chicago .S6 52 45 4S 31 3.) iniiianapniis Milwaukee .. Detroit 81 91 90 f.5 90 93 91 .Evil! .527 43 4B II 17 50 62 44 11 43 43 59 .4 V.I .4S2 .47 Clevelund ... Huffaln Kansas City .4i:2 .Minneapolis ,42J Home Tenm Wins. HUMBOLDT. Neb.. Aug. 2.-(Speclal.) Tablo.Itock and Humboldt baso ball clubs had a game on the homo diamond yester day afternoon, which wns well attended. rno nomo uoys wero entirely too mucn tor tliclr opponents and tno came belonged to them from the first. Tho score: n'ni.i.. iih.i. nnnnnni n n i Atiiiti, iiutn .ui uuvvvuxu r A I Humboldt I I 1 0 0 0 1 1 11 s'-" HVrnboldt..Mycr8 and Buffun; ick, Whltted 'hnd Cotton. lilts: Hatter os Table Hdck Humboldt, s; Table Hock, 4; errors: Table hock, ij; iiumnoidi, u. ntrucK out: jiv Whltted. 9; by Myers, 14. Umprle: GcorKe aiorrifcy. North Uriul Wins Knsllr NORTH BEND. Neb.. Aug. 2.-(SnecIal.) North Bend and Wahoo played a gamo of ball hero yesterday afternoon which re sulted lu a victory for the homo team by a score of 7 to 1. The Wuhno tenm has de servedly earned a reputation os ono of tho nest amateur teams in tno state, mil in mo two games which it has played with North Bend it has neen cicany demonstrated that the latter has much the best ball material. as It won in both Instances, this last time hnnds down. Score: Wnhnn 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01 North Bond 2 1 1 2 0 0 1 0 0-7 Umpires: Cook and Smith (ienevn llnse Hull. OKSKt'A. Neb.. Auk. 2. (Special.) Yes terday afternoon tho Independent Order of Odd Follows nnd the Knights of Pjthlai daved ball. Many spectators wero out me wniznis won. ncorc: K. of P 1 0 5 0 2 0 1 li 01 I. O. O. F 0 2 0 2 3 0 2 0 w i of HntterleR: Ilnbrock and I. Adnms Ohlowa played for the Independent Order nr una Follows nno uerc i.nug nun iims Cainn of Geneva for the Knights. The .MasotiB nave cnaiipngeu mo ivuigius ior two weeks from yesterday. llnse Unit Clulis Dlsliiiiid. MITCHELL. 8. D.. Aug. 2. (Special.) Tho baso ball club In tills city has gone 10 pieces alter wonsing xogciuer ior sev- ernl mouths. The home team was tin- able to soctiro good pitchers nnd for that i-cnson disbanded. Tho Aberdeen nnd Mad ison clubs lire also reported to have quit for tho season, several or tho leading sports of theso towns say they win start In earlier next season and got their clubs iirKmiizcu nu a uuiereiii unenn iiuiu .vuai wns dono this year. tuIin Are llcntpii. PEN D EH. Neb.. Auir. 2 (Special.) There was a gamo of ball here between the Scrubs nnd tno First team, score; Scrubs .2' 1 ft 2 0 0 17 First team 6 1 0 0 0 0 1 S Batteries: Scrubs, Crlss and Hogois; First team. Worth. Wh at or and S Han Struck out: By Crlss. 1: bv Whistler, 8. Homo run: w. A. Down of tno scrims, Win In tlio Mn Hi. HEBHON. Neb.. Aug. "-(Special.) Tho most exciting nnil hardest fought gamo ot ball of tho season wns played yesterday aftnrnoon between the Hebron Mair jns and Oh own teams. Tho Ohlowas won by a score of 10 to 9. having mndo four scores nnd turned the gnmo In the ninth inning: Batteries: uniowa, Towtipenu and Ad ams; Hebron, Flowers and O Hrlen. Lose to Mlnilen. ARAPAHOE. Neb.. Auir. 2.-(Sneclal Tel- egram.) Mlnden defeated Arapahoe hero toduy by tho following score: P..H.H. Mltldoll 0 0 5 0 0 0 3 1 09 fl 4 Arnpahou ....1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-3 ti 6 Batter es: Minden. Hllsi nnd Funk: Afapanoe, uoriion ami ueumonu. Gils AVpylllnu; JiiIiih Cbuilinliiua, NEW YORK. Auc. 2.-Gus Wevhlnir wir (ton n nrooKiyn uniiorm ns soon as 111 ten days notice from St. Lou s Is tnv Ho agreed upon terms with Manager Han Ion nnd will accompany tho chamnlnn nn tho western trip. Nops nnd Dunn will De icu ocuinu. I'll ret AVIiin (ioml Mnteh from llnrdy NEWCABTL?:. N. II . Atlir. 2.-T1ip spp. ond round In the singles of the Wcntworth tennis tournament was finished today and four mutcnes in mo uounics were played, 1110 neit maicu in 1110 singles wns that ne. tweon l'nret and c. s. llaruy. I'aret win. nlng. In tho doubles a close match wns nlaveil between the Hardy brotli' i'M unit Parot nnd Davidson, the Pacific coast cham pions winning llnaliy through better team wont, rscore: Singles, second round: r.irot neat i- h. itaruin, ii-i, u-i. Hnckett beat Davidson, (1-2, C-3. Fischer beat Terry. 6-1, 6-2. Ward bent Samuel Hardy, C-3, 6-0. Doubles. Ilrst round: Wright brothers beat Williams and Mer rill. ti-3, 6-1. Hackctt ami wuril heal Howard und Perry, 0-4, 6-3. Hardy brothers beat Parol and Davidson, 6-1. 10-S, Fischer nnd Little beat Foster nnd Kirk' Patrick, K-o, ti-t, Vnrdoii Ploys Hrlllluiil Gulf BLUE MOUNTAIN LAKE. N. Y.. Auc. 2. A brilliant exhibition of golf was played today by Harry Vnrdon against the best ball of Mortimer M. Sinner and Georu-P Armstrong His driving wan repeatedly over mo .'uu-yaru mar, wiiuo 111s approacn snon were deadly His opponents had no chnnre whatever ugulust him, tlnUhttig 22 strokes The ultendatico was large. Smrc. Vnrdon: Out 1 I .1 B S 3 5 6 5 3 4 3 5 I 3 I 6 i-li III .1 4374334415464 ! 51 5-77 Heat ball of Slneer nntl Armstrong: Yul Out .... 5 5 I 5 5 I !i 6 6 4 6 5 ti 5 4 B 5 6-2 5114535 0 510166455 o-'jj SIDNEY LUCAS SHOWS POORLY WIiiiht nf Aincrlcnii Derby IMiiUlies lli'lilnil JIu in- hi (lleiiuiMu tin ml Ion p. SUM' YOIIU. Auir. 2-Thr HrlEhtnn Hench card whs far below tho standard. with tlvo races at six fiirlonns and tinder. three of which wero for maidens. There wero two fixtures on tho card, the Itlslns Generation stakes nnd tho Olencov linndl cap. Thn Ilrst was n two-horsu affair be i ween ai u recti a ui out under. Sydney i.ucns made ms tirst nnnearance In the east In the Olencove handicap, it was a nubile trial for thn Ilrlrhlon cut) on Saturday. l,ucus ran a bad race, tlnlshlng outsldo the money, Motley winning after miiKinc an mo rt in nc. liesu ts Klrst race, six furlongs: Knight of Hhodcs, 10j (J. Hlacki, 8 to 5, won; Cyrano n,, (jonuniH) 1 1 .. .- 1 n . 1 I Solvit Jin bpiit Hnepv In- 12 strokes. in., iwvnniiini, u IU u mm IU u, Dniiliu, I .".v.. ...v., ...... ,...,v,l.-, vi infill iu, iiiiuii 11. Slmrplcss. 115 (Neel), 50 to 1, third. Time; the oillcu of tho recorder of deeds nt Clay-l:132-o. Horough, Loiterer, Lioness, Argent, Mpn today. Tito company Is caiiltnllzed at Disturber. Canilllnz. Lllllo Suminirs. Alor touvlllu Kid. Hasbrousli. Cnliinei Hun nnd Golden Scepter also ran. Golden Scepter ion m uie iHi.r. Second race, live furlongs, sellluir: About 91 (J. Hlnck), 15 to 1, won; Frank Hall, 7 tltausch). 5 to 1 mill 2 ti 1. .o-nnil! t-Mirc. Held, !7 (Weddcrstrand). I to 1. third. Time: i:uij-u. .viea, i ogswell, Jll;4 tireenwood. Hayseed, Ford, Deluge and Favornetto also ran. 1 Third race. llli tllulnp- (ionornllnn ulnliiu six furlongs: All Oromi. 115 icinu-snm. t in 3, won; Oiitlandor. HI (Snonccr). 11 to 5. second. Time: 1:113-5. ruuriii race, nvo itirinui-! i'rinrn i.:vnii-. 1 rtt ,,,...,., . . . .. vi i uuuerpiiiiiiu;. . 111 1, won; Annu, vi u. nincKi. i, 10 1 mm 2 to 1. second; War- iiiiiu'ii, vi iwnnginan). w to , nurd. Timo; i:ui ya. uangerilcld, Dame, Wine and Song, Lillian Hoffman, Arganatu. und Street Hoy also ran. I' Ifth race, the fllnnrnvn li.nullrvin mllo nun Mic-nixieeniii: .Money, iui (Wrclder strand), u to 2, won; David Garrlck. 118 tHpencer), 0 to r and 2 to C, second; Hlg viiiii, ,u. nnicKi. n in 1. tnirri rrit,in. 1 , ij i-u. ORIMAR WINS GOOD RACE 1 nvnrlte In llcrivln .Stnkes KiiihiIn Truck lleeord of I i'j;t ,'. nt Unit tliorne. CHICAGO. II.. AUK. 2.-Orlmnr ensliv won tha llcrulu Minium ibu eased up. Ho equaled the track record of Ho was a hot favorlto In tho bot- wns lori.inutu enough to got a ! : .1 v . 1 "l no 8lari. ureal uenu, cnWom'c'n'rt was clear and hot nnd the track very fast. Summary: I'irst race, five and n half furlongs: Scallawag, 110 (Dupeei. rtl to 1. won: Kron- vi"e"lh, loo (Walsh), 9 to 1. second; Icon, ' wuiiiiiowmi, 0 10 1, mini. Timo: 1:0s, Plrnto of Pcnznnco. Cora Coetz. Unrrv 1 1 ."?," -llPno Abbott, Yan Ne HI and v-ni intern aiso ran. ..cc2.n'!. rftco- Blx furlongs: 1.. T. Caton ii" .1IJ"I w 10 ' woi Oroenock, no jimii-vi, .1 io 1, secoiiu: Algareta, iiv; uiunpy i.urns. .Mar ucrt and 1'iuckv 1 irt ..1..111:,.... ... " .,.' :......'r.:.. " SI,th,ceMliv1!!,,!rgU,He!: Lrtncnss hft caiTiodiy and It att' lV c'J" SWi O J:T tno ck3'! '''ro WZr 'ZrWA vSlWu "loT.Henrv!0 - WVi "ei?ll,,; 'S 1110 lg ?rot. cfeSceU GaUan1"! u" .n,r,'xr.ll,r ?. (l.l?nrM)i ' c- ll,lnl Tlme' Charley Herr and Daru Devil. CresceiiA i.v- a-. viuiA n uimu ran. 1 'Knight), S to 1 third Tlmi : i"tlii fni eirou, including i.aov tioialdltie, tho w n hlll Ma lor Dixon MnVsarn Fiai rt i t n'r ,f ,httt ?vcnt- ' -len Simmons sold Ho Vtr Ooebel an',1 Marahabny also aii avor,',. ,l" "Jctlon pools, but Lady for InulliiL'. 1 lllrd r.lPP. fllinrl rnlirirt ctla,lnl,iiii.. I, .. . " ....... . ...... ... i n.uviviiiuuv asso Pitrtout. 140 (Callngher). 11 to 5 "Oil; (ilOOO II. IBS IKiririirannl 11 I,, r. second; Frond, 130 (T. Murphy). 3 to l! mini, 'lime: 3:13 s. Manchle. Livonlan ntul CoronatUH also ran. Minor D ran out ut ino urst ouarter. Fourth rapp. SPVPIl fnrtnntra llm Tlnr.,.,1 nmrwuB. urnnar, mi (v nK e d). 11 to B. won; Great Bond, 105 (D.ipee), 10 to 1 second: Tho Lady. 105 (Bergen). 7 to 1 l urn. Time: l:2ji. Hand Press. Tnvnn. Goldone, Sound, Hermoso, Vohlcer'und Sid How also ran. m iu l , iricu,..8,x mrloncH: Possnrt, 107 () Inktleld), 13 to 10, won; Kolhelm. 103 1.1111111 I'Wfl . I III I. HHPnflll' I'llr.l ntllnr1r Ifll !.!. A n ...... 1 . v , iii -. mini, j ime: 1:15V-. Dandy Jim and Fnrmr lr ul. r-n "S " iiSI,atn,a"c,, J"1,1.? "m,1 11 lxtocnth: Aloha JJ: ;l1sf".?"! H l. h wo1': LowHppper. vl i neconu : iieiocoie. uu iiviiicnii. u to i, third. Timo: 1:1734 U nlLfinalin.ii 11... r, , . 1 ... , ... ".1 ' . . .....l.o.M. t, , i IIU also run. Bobby and Frangible JOCKEY KILLED AT DETROIT 1 PIllllllKlIP , Thrown Iit .Illirirlerv mill IlecolvPH Injuries Whluh Prove Filial. DETIIOIT. Ann- 9.Inl... 1-.,. ,, . . ".'.ill l .1 III n Il.shed a new trunk rnmnl rnr ,,,n ,,.,.i ., sixteenth nt Highland park today when ho ...hi in.; iiiiru race in i:iu"i. no ran the Ilrst mile In l:39'i und made the runnliig from end to end. Jockey Fennlmnm rpp,.ivwi i..,.i en i . - - - . ' . I. MM,, 1U1 111 tho Inst race, when his mount. Jmrulerv. roll, soon ufter the start. The horso rolled over him und the boy received Injuries mat later resulted in his death. His mother mi's tu uuuiuen, in. j. ucsuus: 1' irst race. SIX rurlOIICH: .Tnlslo lnrlm nr. wumii'i. u in i. wfin: Mnpunnn ni. ,.n. burn), 6 to 1. second; Nlmrod, lis (Powers), I: 1 1 r. ,1.1.1 rpi.... n, .... Shovllle, Isnblniln, Miss Fonsoland, Trocha. March Past and Minnie C also ran. eciiuu race. race, four und a half furlongs 100 (Castro), 5 to 2, won; Bandit rn), 5 to 1. second; Tempt, 104 (L servant ,.. inn,,. uinn: u;ji"4. Dream Light, Tlrusha, Plorro Junior, Obey, Chlnchlnooka and Glcss alto ran. miiii 1 tin-, 111111 11 1 111 11 MiiTin 11 iniipa- John Yerkes, 105 (K. Boss), 3 to 5, won; Hell runcn, iyu (Landry), 5 to 2, second; Free nmn-e, iu; mem 1:4C'. Cnptlvo u ri. S to 1. third. Time: und Alfred Vnrgrave also run. I'ourth race, six furloncs; llnUi nn 110 (K. Flynn), 5 to 1, won; Spring Wells. 10S u W HHon). u to 1. second: Slat nek. HI it.. i iiwup.iuuj, n 10 1, iniru. jimo: i:ii'i. Zanone, Nancy Till and Sweet Caporal also ran Fifth race, six and 11 half fnrlmiira. oauceuoai, no (vusiro), b to 2, won; Vint, 11,. 1 iniiiiisoiw, iu 10 1, second; siuy Fox. 107 (C. Wilson). 5 to 1. third. Tlm: 1:234. May Boyd. Zazancne. Knowlos. Zel. tmir,-. f.iil,l. nwrf eAinnni r..A , i,.w.v, ...,,j,u v.,..., MUIIII.IU, .uiuiici uuiu mm Jugglery uiso ran. nixiu race, one aim a sixteenth miles: uiiinrii, nr., ij. uuiyj, u 100, wmi; iiur i.izkio. iw (i. . wiiHOii). t to ft, second; viola K, 101 (Castro). 50 to 1, third. Time: 1:43;. Marat, tanna II, Mouzeltoff und Lottie Hunter also ran. CALDWELL TO DROP FLAG Veteran Stnrter Sueeeeils Mult Hymen nl TrneU nf SnrnlOKii An iiiioliitloii. SARATOGA. N. Y.. Aug. 2 -Increased at- tendanco and spirited raclnr marked tho second day's sport of tho Saratoga Racing asuociatinn. .Matt nyrnes resigned as starter early In the afternoon. Tho veteran starter. James F. Caldwell, was mime. dlately appointed In his place and prompt aim kou siaris resulted. iiesuiiH; First race, maiden 2-year-oids, live fur longs: Muthcrlna. 112 (Llttletleld). 5 to 1 won; Tuscarura, 111 (Mtske). I to 2 and l to 1, second: Chuctanuiida, 115 (Roland), 15 to 1. num. ume: iwzuj. water nam. His torian, inrcn Tree. I'lP-irririi. yelp, nynsic, The Jade, Unlantlne and Dr. Prestun also ran. Second race. 3-year-oIds. sel Inc. one mile and a sixteenth: Prejudice. 9'J (R. Murnhvl. 11 to 5, won; Alvurndo II, 1W iMct'ue). i to 1 mid 7 to 5, second; Amor, HI (Buchanan). 7 to 1, third. Time: 1:47. Dlmlnutl- and Myth also ran. Third race. Maiden stake.!, for 2-vear. olds, 0110 mile: RocUtou. IK! (T. Burns), 4 to 1, won: Waring, llu iShawi. 1 to 3 and out. second; Montiinie, 11:1 (Turner), 15 to 1 third. Time: 1-.4UH. Water Cuio, Lord Baltimore and James also ran Fourth race. 2-v -ar-o ds. five and a ha f furlnuus: Luko Ward. 110 (Turner), is to 5. won; Bellarlc, 110 (Mef'ue), II to 5 and 4 to s. second; tscurry, iui (Aiiieueii). 5 to third. Time: i:uv San Finer, sofa a. Tom Embry, Colchester nnd Rolling Boer also ran. Fifth race, all ages, six fur ones: O ca. 103 (McCue). even and 2 to 5, won; Eltln Conlg, 10S (Shaw), 7 to 2 and oven, second , Cupidity. 101 (Mitchell). 10 to 1. third. Time 1:11V. Midsummer. Orion. Tho Outcast Compensation and Elsie Barnes also ran ItciultN nt St, I, mils TrnoK, ST. LOUIS. Allg. 2. Close and exciting finishes characterized the racing at the fair grounds today. Favorites and long shots divided the purses equally. Traco fast, no- suits: First race, maiden 3-year-olds, six fur- oiigs: uo out. 1)2 (Frost). 5 to 1. 'won Tigris, 107 (McGinn), S to I and 5 to 2, see- ond; WlnnebeJour. lifl iFallehy). 1 to : third. Time: I:'l5i Oanrobert. .Maaulo Y Aiuue Bnap. Aiinoiee, .map, jienga ovp. Princess Fedora, Mainlo Pierce nnd Angle also ran. Second race, Helling two and one. eighth miles; Crocsue, IUI (L, Hose), 1 to S, won, llounil Turn. Oi (McOlnni, In to 1 and D to 2. ...... ....I- I nl. r. .. 1i,t . I, i t 1 third. Time: 3.l. Aunt Jane. Valid and S.nlle I.pvv also run. Third race, mile and seventy yards: Oo to lied. 112 (McOlnni. 4 to S. won. I,r fi. 97 (Domltllrkl, 3 to 2 and 1 to 3. serolld; Hottentot. 11 (Dalei. 20 to I. third. T me. 1:15 4-.V Insurgent also started. Fourth race, selling, six furlongs: Lov In.y r. IilI ,T. 1. !..... a, Knr...l ,...,- The Mght. 102 (Morsel, ti to 5, second'; l.oni .Neville. iui tuoniinicK . is to u n ut l to third: Verify. 104 fJ. Woods). 9 to 5. fourth. Time: l:lli. l'omella also ran. Fifth race. 2-yoarolds. four nnd one half furloncs: leva's Durllnir. ln.1 (Domini, 12 to 1, won; Wild I'lrate, US (J. Woods), is to b unti even, scconij i onsor, tuaie), S to 1, third. Time: o:55i. Ualny Day, Great Star, Small Jack and 1'red Ilesslg niso ran. Hlxth race, selllne. lv ninl nnn.ltntf fur. Ioims: Grantor, 19 (Hlnkcy), 15 to 1. won; iecKiace. iuj luumorei. li to h nnn I in fi. second; Tho Hamster, lor, (Corner), 30 to i. mini, -rime: 1:2114. Kindred, Also Itan 11. . j. iaier. .miss i.nrnttn. Jnhn M,. Klroy. Luna and Diggs also ran. New Trauk enr M, I. mils. ST. I.OflS. Atlir. 2. The Klnlncli .1ncUv ciuo, wnicn win uuiki una operate a new ynm t r'Wil. flln.l ntl.,lna t I .......II.. I JVi.MO. Messrs. J. D. Lucas, l'lill Chew and lidward Uutler, Jr., aro the promoters or tho new enterprise. Tho capital has nil uceu pain in. J no new ithck win no inrnini nt kiihocii. Mo., fifteen miles from St. Louis, and will no ready for opening bv Sentniiber 1. It Is not tho intention of the new club to con- mci wmi ine iiur grounus meeting, i ne P.nrses offered will bo In keeping with the 1 uri congress rules. Xn Itneliiir ut tlrnuil Itnnlils. GHAND HA I' IDS. Mich.. A tie. 2. A heavv thunderstorm this morning rendered Com- siock imrK iracK mini rnr rnrincr 14 nnrr- . c 110011, CRESCEUS IN GREAT FORM Tolriln llnnkrr Drives .Moliri'unr Cult Three Fastest lleuts liver Trotted by Stnlllon. sold In the auction pools at $200 to J20 against 1110 Held, und with Crcsceus burred, ivum ircvn was soiu even wmi tiin uniii In tho first heat Dare Devil threw a shoo befoio ho reached the Hrst q.iartcr and wuh distanced. Grattan Hoy hud a bad start nnd Cresceua won tho heat easily In 2:07Vi. In the second, however. Grattan Hoy uavo Cresceus n hard brush In the last ciuar- ter nnd forced Ketcbam In ilrlvn ilu rlnml. nut horso out. Tho last quarter was made 111 u:ji ami 1110 mile 111 z uj Mat. Ill tho third bent (Irnttnn ttnv fYren,l Crescous to tho iiuartpr In 0:31 nnd to the 1 nu in i:ui4. anil it louKed as If all trnt- ung records would no smnshpd, but the paco hud been too hot for Grattan Hoy 'Xned1; cepir' Cresceus tnntrlntr I tho mllo In 2:00 Hat. Tho.m- nrn tlio thrim fastest heats ever trotted by a stnlllon in a race. Pussy Willow was Iilmnat n urnbll.ltK-.. favorite In the 2:12 pace. In the Ilrst heat she broko badly and was tho last of the nine norses xnai started under tho wire. Tho favorlto won In consecutlvu heats nuer mat witnout being puslied. liiero wero seven starters in tho 2:2 pace. It was practically the same, pet that sturted In the M. and M. stako at lto took tho Ilrst heat, but broke badly In too seuonu. which went in i.miv iipniiiiitip Helen Simmons showed lomo when slio scored for the third heat and many of licr backers hedged, but tho lameness did not have any iinnurent eirent unnn h,i- speeii, nnti sue won the third and fourth neais ami mo race, summaries: L.22 class, narlnir. mirxe S2.(iOO: Ptnsy Willow, b. in., by Cibola (Simmons) !i i i l Corbett. b. h. (Meredlth 1 2 2 6 nugueiy, o. g. (.Murpny) 2 7 4 V'iV?"'" f0' .,:i,""howt,-5 H ii 3 6 Dolly Brown, br. m. (Miller) 3 9 7 neuuty npni, u. m. (snocltency) l 4 o 4 .Motion, li. m. (House) i! Maiden Queen, ch. m. (Munson) 6 6 Cdr ds ds Prairie Jack, b, g. (Stokes) 7 0 iimc stiii. 2:i2ii. 2:1 'i. 2:I3W. Free-for-all trnt. fur stiililnns. tmr.e sr.OK) vir?ceiiH, en. 11., py iioocrt .Aicuregor (Ketchum) 1 1 Grattan Boy, b. h. (Miller) 2 2 i.naricy nerr. Dr. 11. iKlley) 3 uare wevu. iiik. n. (ucersj us Time: 2:07',-, 2:00, 2:00. 2:21 class, trottlnc. nur.10 S2.000: Helen Simmons, b. in., by Sim mons (Dlckersrm) 1 4 1 Lady Geraldlne, b. in. (Gcers) 2 1 I Bay Star. b. m. (Kinney) 2 2 I Mr Mlddlemny. b. g. (Ketcham)....4 3 5 3 Georgo H. Hay, b. g. (Munson) 5 ds Barefoot O, s. g. (Itunyan) 5 ds Burt Herr, br. It. (Kelly) ds Time: -.i&'i. -:is. -:i-'i, 2:u'i. DEAD HEAT AT HEDRICK Xenrnttn mid .Inseplilne l)lon I'ln- Uh Tiinotlier In I'irst Ileal of Fret fur-All Trot. HKDniCK. Ia.. Auc. 2. Three Kood races wero Decided, today on the Iledrlck track. Alpha , In tho 2:11 pace, reduced his rec ord to 2:0S?i. In tho free-for-all trotting rsearottu and Joscimlne Dixon trotted a dentl heat In 2:15'2. Kcsults: Free-for-all trotting, purse $"00: Nearotn. blk. in., bv Mermet (Brooks) 10 11 Josephine Dixon, br. m. (Chandler) 2 ur. I'ltzer, br. h. (Ames) 1 Pero Hello, b. in. (Ingram) 3 3 1 em iieiiu, p. in. iiuKianw Swonock, b. s (Nelson) 5 Timo: 2:1S, 2:154. 2:13.6, 2:13&. 1 irnmnf iinrun .viihi Constnnero. b. s., by Coiifetantlne (Erwln) 1 Lavron. br. s. (Marble) Mario Cameron, b, m. (Bennett).... :: 2 4 Backmnn Boy. br. s. (.Meyer) 0 5 2 Joymuker. b. h. (Chandler) 5 7 7 Clematis, blk. m. (Baync) 4 3 3 Amerigo, b. s. (Stevens) 7 4 5 Carnetta S, b. m. (Bruen) S S S Timo: 2:iu,i, 2:1014. 2:17, 2:iuis. 2:11 nnelng. nurso $.".00: luha W. b. m.. bv Judge Norval (Smith) 1 1 1 Panltude. ex. n. iSnencer) 2 2 Flossin F. b. m. (Marble) 3 11 3 Tommy Wilton, b. h. (Alleman) 4 3 1 ncneca see. nr. n. orwini .1 o Dunton Oh So, blk. s. (lllghee) 7 5 i Black Heart, blk. m. (Chandler) 11 10 Admlrnl Dewey, gr. g. (Johnson) 0 7 9 McKlnlev. ill. c. 1 Couch) 9 0 11 Coleslo It, b. in. (.lohhHon) S S 8 Tattler Hums. gr. h. (Jones) 10 9 lo Time; 2:oS?,, 2:10, 2:ll'i. I.iiHt Day nt I'piitnil City CENTRAL CITY. Neb.. Ausr. 2. (Sneclol Telegram.) This was the last day f the races ut this piaee. i ne meeting pas nei-n a successful imp and morn good horses have been entered for tho raceii than are usuall .seen at race meetings. W. P. McCreary of Hastings was sinner 111111 riueis nun tui.-ii-were given to understand that Association rules must be ndlicred to or peiiallles would be Indicted ,and as a result horKcs were driven out. Owing to a heavy wind the track was several seconds slow today, lie suits: :t mien nnrsn ll'tm: Roby 1 1 1 Wheeler Wood Ino 3 Orval I 2 Marlon K - i Hobo 5 4 Fred 11 u 4 M Time: 2:22. 2:22',i;, 2:'.'J'i 2:19 trnt. nurse JJOO: Freak 3 1 1 1 Cnmnotlno Junior 1 2 .Nnriii Htnr - 4 1 1 Weasel I J 3 3 " mil! 2:2SI.... 2:20. 2!2S'i. 2:31. Runnlnir race, nno mllo dash, purse $75' Emerald won, Llbbey V second, Loqunlse Milrd. Tappet fourth, Mlcklo llfth. Time 1:111. Roman maiming nice: anieius won. mi. I,r Hppnnil. Timo: 0:51. Tho guldPless wonder gave an exhibition one-half-mile paco in i:iu. (lime (ini'K ti) ( olerldKC COLERIDGE. Neb.. A UK. 2. (Social Coleridge defeated Randolph at Randolp' vprtlprnn'. l io ft. Batteries. Noves and Wood for Colcrldg and Huchanau, Dwycr and Dwyer for Ran dolph. ' in- lean res oi ino Kamn were a nro nomenal one-handed catch by Morrison on third, a one-handed catch and dnjb piny by Stark nn second nnd Noyes' pluh Inir for Cnlerldire. Tim sumo teams will nlnv at Coler diri August 3. Poncu playa hero August 7 and Sioux Falls, s. u., for mree games .u gust in, n and io. llolnir Curnltiil ut lluliiniiie. DUHUOUE. Ia.. Aug. 2.-L. M. Houi-cninn and Harro Perry ot Chicago hav arranged for n threo nights' boxing carnival during the races. August 20 to 2.. The nur.ii- tion will be a match but ween Terrv ,k- Govern and ono of hli class ut twcnt rounds. .11 in in Mleluiel SiiHppiiilpil. BRIDGEPORT Conn. Auir 2 Jlinm Michael failed to uppuar today for the 1 r-rif .t?f mta r a.. o Your health and your temper your money you It save If you'll learn to seek comfort in HIRES cool wave You don't have to wait for the weather man to predict it it's always at hand, always ready to give to you its coolness and comfort. More people are drinking HIRES Rootbeer to-day than ever before, consequently more people are cool and comfortable through this sweltering weather. is a temperance drink for everybody. Healthful and satisfying. A 25c. package makes 5 gals. Send for list of premiums offered free for labels. CHARLES E. HIRES CO., Malvern, Pa. second scries of races between Michael and Johnny Nelson, to determine the middle-distance cnampiousnip oi mo worm. und, in consequence, was suspended by tho executive noiird or me national cycling association. HYMENEAL doll II.IOII -I'lTK IIS. HUMBOLDT, Neb.. Aug. 2. (Speclnl ) A very pretty wedding occurred yesterday at noon at tho homo of Mr, and Mrs. J. Cor- viu Fergus a tew miles northeast of this city, when their only daughter, Miss Oma, was united In marriage to Mr. Chris John son, formerly of this place, but now a pros perous young farmer of Furnas county. The otllclatlng clergyman was Hev. William At wood, a Presbyterian minister of Urooktleld. Mo. Only tho family and a few Intimate friends of tho family were present, and aflc: tho ceremony nn elaborate wedding dinner was served nnd tho newly married pair took their departure on the nfternoon train for their new home near Heaver City. Double AVeddlntr nt-Monn. SLOAN, la., Aug. 2. (Special.) At the home of L. C. McDonald, three miles north west of Sallx, yesterday at high noon oc curred tho doublo wedding of their two daughters, Mlnnio Ellen nnd Esthunia, to Peter Larson and Herbert H. Hoyer nf Sloan. Hev. M. S. Jameson of tho Christian church at Sloan ofllciatcd. FIRE RECORD. Mills mill l.iinilier Yard. MURFKEKSnOHO. Tenn., Aug. 2. Fire today destroyed tho novelty mills of W. B. Earthmau & Co. nnd tho warehouse of J. O. Halo & Sons. Tho llamcs spread to the lumber yards of W. B. Earthmau Sc. Co., and much of this property wns destroyed. The warehouse of Itnther & Christy was badly damaged. A negro boy wns burned to death. Tho loss has not been estimated. Fn nn House Destroyed. WEST POINT, Neb., Aug. 2. (Special.) Tho dwelling houso on tho farm nf William Qrunkc, two miles southeast of tho city, was consumed by fire early this morning and resulted In a total loss. No Insurance, as fnr as learned. No ono was lu tho houso at the time. Tho causo of tho lire Is un known. Chronic Works ut llnltliuore. BALTIMORE, Aug. 2. Tho chrome works of the Baltimore Chromo company, at Fair field, havo been destroyed by lire. Lo-.s, $60,000; Insurance, $45,000. DEATH RECORD. I' rn in I hp nt Tiiimlier Denier. CHICAGO, Aug. 2. Colonel John Mnson Lootnls, ono of tho best known lumber merchnnts In tho west, died at his home on the Luko Shore drlvo here today, after a llngorlug Illness, nged 7.1 years. Coloucl Loomls commanded tho Twenty-sixth Illi nois Infantry during tho civil war. Colonol Loomls wns n chnrter member of the Loyal Legion, and succeeded tho late General Phil Sheridan nn tho head of tho Illinois commandery of that military organization. l'nltpil Mates Consul. CARACAS, Venezuela, Aug. 2. Informa tion tins reached this place of thu death of W. Irwin Shaw, United States consul nt Harranqullla, Colombia, from cholera. Well Knoiiii IIIp.m'IImI. CLEVELAND, 0., Aug. 2. Louis Johnson, nt nno limn cne of the bit known blcyclo racing men In tho country, died at his home hero today after a lingering Illness. l.leliNtern Will Cniifiirni. CH fCAOO. Aug. 2. Adolpli Llchstern & fn thn (lrm which has been bltteily IlKht- lb.. i.lYnrls of tho Board of Trmle to shut out Us quotations from their oMea him mm i smisseii mo iniuiieiinn proceed- I, ii.. IhIhihIimI in prevent the board from taking that action Tho board has aNo I, ,,ii iliKinlsneil tin ei'uss-bll wherein Lleh stem Sc Co. were charged with bucket shop operations. Mr Lieiisiern sain today tnai iio was now uetlng in eonformlli with the rules or the Hoard or 'i raue and wouiu mul.o application for membership. RIDESOMIIES PEDAL OMVSS- WEMOmOW C0ASTEI1 BRAIIE. Orer 100,000 In use. For Sale By AjlDciilers. PI3 THIllUIOHa'eii IliliT, Co., Omnlin, Rootbeer doctor mm Specialist in Diseases of Men, nf the Stole IHecl ro-.Med lenl Institute i;i()S Furnniii Street, Oiiiiilin, cb. tlon that vc can euro you na'ely. quickly i'id permanently. Our counsel l ll loj )u nothing nnd our rharses for a psrfe t corj will not bo more than you will be w I In to pay fur benefits ronfurred. We v. Ill do by you as wo would want j pii to do b mi If our cases were reversed . Certainty of oure Is what you wnt. V, o enn "d will clto you. by rermleslon, some of tne lust citizens of this city whom we have curca and made harpy, and who will cheerfully vouch for our llnnnelal us well as profes sionnl standllU'. What e Imve dune for them ne enu ilo for jnu. tHT3tlin ra r Under our Electro-Medical treatment this Insidious disease rapidly VAnlilU fcLC dlapnear Pa n ceases almost Instnnly. The pools of stagnnnt blood n"e driven frSln the dilated veins and all soreness ami "veiling quickly suliolde Every Indication of varicocele soon vanishes and in It" stead comes tho prido, tho power ard the plea.iuro of perfect henltli nnd i rutnreil iniinhiioil. YDIfT15E)E Our Elc-tro-Medlcol treatment dlssofves the stricture completely dlnlUIUfllu and removes every obnroctlon Tom the urinary paseaKe. nl ays all Inflammation, stops every unnatural dlsch irge, reduces tho prostate gland, cleans es nnd heais the bladder nnd kidneys InvlgornlM tho sexunl organs and restores he-ltlt and sound nuts to every purl of the body nffeeteil by the illnenne., ooiJTiniis mm vmm result of our life work, and Is endorsed by tho best physlclnns of this nnd foreign countries. It contains no dangerous drugs or Injurious medicines of nny kind, it goes to tho very bottom of the license nnd forces out every part clo of lnpurlt Soon every sign and symptom disappears completely and forever. Tho blood, thp tis sue, the flesh, tho bones and the whole system arc cleansed, purified and restored to perfect health, and the patient prepared anew for tho ilullesi jtiul iilensiures of lire. ISERVO-SOTAl DEBILITY JuKWoV Is falling nnd will soon bo lost unless you do something for yourself. There U no time to lose. Impotency. Plte nil sexuu! dlspn&es, Is never on the standstill. With It you can mnko no compromise Either you must matter it or It will master you, and fill your wholo future with misery nnd indescrl hnble woe. Wo have treated so many eases of this kind thnt we are is fumlllar with them as you nre with tlm very daylight. Onro cure by us you will never ncnln bo bothered with emllons. drains, premnturp iipss, small or weak organs, ncrvouiiniss, fulling mpinnry, loss of ambition or other symptoms which rob you of your manhood and nbsolutcly unfit you for study, biiJl nesi. pleasure or marriage. Our treatment for weak men will correct nil theno ovlla and restore you to what nature Intended a hale, happy man, with physical, mciitnl mill npmiiiI imier complete. OEEI TV ntPEQfcCC ''"'nny nllmentn nro reflex, originating from other dlsoies. II C I UtA t-ft For Inatanc. sexual v.-eakness somet'mes conies from Varl- cpcpIp or Stricture; Innumerable blond nnd hone dlseares often re.iult from con tagious blood taints In thp sytum, nr physical or mental decline frequently follow Itn iioteiuv In treating diseases of any kind wo ulways remove tho orlsln we euro tho cause. The Electro-Medical Specialists of tho Different Departments of this Institute by their combined Electro-Medical treatment aro making many won derful cures lu diseases of tho None, Throat nnd Lumen, Ilend, Ilenrt, Htonineh nnd llim'rln, Liver, Kidney", liheiiiiintlKiii, Catiirrh, I'll nil) sis, I'llrs nnd nil Dlsensen of .lien nnil Women. IMAeAKR ,0 1now ,lmt mlr combined ELECTRO-MEDICAL TREATMENT VvUlllCn will promptly reileve a'l your sufferings and ailments nnd reUore you to health and oriioyment of life" If you are a sufferer either from aeuto ir chronic ailments nvnll ymi'srlf at oiup of this mofct successful nnd llfe-xlvlng tratment Baek nches painful menstruation, irrhca nnd discharges of nil kinds are pi-rmanently and q ilekly curpd Don'i censenl to that operation until vou havo thoroughly In vestlr.ited our Comhl ied ELUCTRO-MEDICAL TREATMENT. flfiMC TOli RTMiCtlT Onu personal visit l always preferred, but If vou cannot IIU ill C I a fJ I tlliCn I cull at our oITlce. write us your symptoms fnl'y f)ur homo treatment by correspondence Is ulways successful, All dealings Ntrlctijr eon lldeutliil. Lcgul contracts given to nil patlentH to hold for our agreements. Do not hsl tate. If you cannot call today, write and describe your trouble. Successful treat, ment by mail. Hcfci oncc Host Hunks and Lutuling Ittisinuss .Men in this (lit y. CONSULTATION FREE. Office Hours IVom K .i, in. to 8 p. m. SiindayH, 10 a. in. tti 2 p. in. STATE ELECTRO-MEDICAL INSTITUTE Permanently Located at 1308 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nab, Weriiwodi BSiiiiary Academy jiK. ""I'ninii'ni niiiirr. i.iini, pniin commirninns io KraninKi,. rreparnumi fnr I niversuics nnil Mstlonal Acsdcmles. COL. SANDF0RD SELLERS, M. A Supl,, LEXINC10N, M0. fi( HDOI.H, Tho Kearney Military Academy ki: wtMvv, m:ii. Third year begins Sept. 12, 1900, with In creased family and facilities) to glvo tho hoys of Nebraska complete preparation for University or HjhIucss. Charges modarute. Address tho prtfldent Or, Kay's Resovalor niiiirmiieeil to cure, the very worst cases, of dyspeculn. constipation, bilious head ache, liver nad kidneys At druggists, 25c and tl Send for Free Sample. Free Book and Frto Advice, Dr B, J, Kay, Suratogo, N. V. Stay .Omd Varicocele, S t r i ct ur c Contagious Blood Poi soti, Nervo-Sexuul De bility, Rupture, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, and All Reflex Compli cations and Associate Diseases and Weak nesses of Men and Women. Wo want every mnn thus afflicted to hon estly Investigate our special Electro-Medical system of treatment. Wo Invito In particular nil who have treated elaawhrre without success, all whose cases havo been abandoned by family physicians and so eallnd experts. Wo will explain to you why such treatment has not cured you and will demonstrate to your ontlrn satlsfsc- SCHOOLS. Oldest and largest military school ia r.ntr.1 Wfr.l .schools. BROWNSLL HALL IIiiiirdliiK mid Dn' Keliiinl foe ulrl under lliu illreellon of III, Itev, (.corKP Wortlilniitoii, S, T, I),, LL, I), Full term liealiiiiliiu .Sep), II), HMIII. Olio of the oldest and most successful educational Institutions of tho wet lis high standard allowing it to compoto with eastern colleges rind schriols, Buildings lu comp'.etn order porfect steam heating, nn Itary plumbing, coiiegiato and preparatory courses; special students in nititlc, tho lan guages mid art; competent corps of teachers, Every fidvaniago offered nn regards tho moral, mental and physical training Send for circular or apply personally to Mrs, U It, Uidoo, Prluclpal, I