Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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Ml Ml It .MllXTIOX.
Davlg soils class,
"Mr. Itllcy," 6-cont cigar.
II. M. I.cffcrt, optlclnn, K ll'wny.
Uns fixtures nnd globes at lilxby's.
Iludwclscr beer. L. Hosenfold, agent.
1'lno A. H. C. beer, Ncumnyer's hotel.
Dr. Stephenson, 101 Pearl St. Tel. 359.
Bchmldt'n photos, new and Intent styles.
You get th best dinners at tho Vienna.
Illlcy, best photographer, 10! llroudway.
W. 13. Lewis rolls monuments. 301 U'way.
Scicntlllo optlclun nt Woolnmn's, 409
Caleb Andrews of Hxlrn, In., Is visiting
relatives In this city.
Campaign pictures nnd buttons. C. K.
Alexander & Co., .133 llroadwny.
Oct your work done nt tho poputur Kuglo
laundry, 721 Broadway. 'I'hono 157.
V. C. Kstrti, undertaker, 2S Pearl street,
Telephones: Olllte, 07; residence, 33.
The prlco of gns In Council llluffs has
been reduced from J1.75 I.CjO to $1.13 l.OuO.
The rcgulnr meeting of fidelity council,
No. 130, Iloyal Arcanum, will bo held this
W. C. Unthank of tho postotllco foreo nt
tho transfer Is upending his vacation in
Them will bo n special meeting this even
ing of Kxeclslor Mnsonlo lodge for work In
tho second degree.
J. C. & W. Woodward, architects. 523 Hdy.
Wanted, girl for gonerul housework. APP y
82) Oakland avenue.
County Hecorder Klmer 13. Smith left last
rvcning lor .McLean, in., caueu Micro uy
the Heath or his motner.
Tim en ah reeelnts nt the Woman's Chris
thin Association hospital for the mouth of
July amounted to,
C. L. Ilrown, tho author of "A Dangerous
Mission," and family leave today for Grand
.Murals, Mien., on a pleasure trip
for Snle Chenp, new four-holo Majestic
steel range, witn iti-giuioti reservoir, au
dress l Dee olllcc, Council bluffs.
A marriage license was Issued yesterday
to Homer .1. Drlesbnch, nged 32, and Frieda
Von Eggert, aged 2U, uoin oi uinunn.
ICew and keeonil-hand furniture, stoves
carpets and house furnishings bought and
Bold. .1. Hteln K. Co., 721 west iiroauway
Tho Woman's ltellef rorps wilt meet In
regular session this afternoon In Grand
Army of tho Republic hall nt 2:30 o clock
Tho Sunday school of the llaptlst church
enjoyed a picnic at Lake Manawa. A spe
cial motor was placed at tho disposal of
tho party.
Miss Penny, superintendent of tho
Woman's Christian Association hospltnl. re
turned yesterday morning from her trip to
tho lakes.
A bicycle belonging to Jim Johnson, a
messenger boy, was stolen from In front of
tho Western Union Telegraph olllco on Pcurl
street lust nigiit.
' hn ri.iritlnr mnnllni nr I'llllv tflllltl n
Oraco church will be held this afternoon nt
2:30 o clock nt tho residence of Mrs. Ilur
court, 711 Cook nvenue.
Henry Uustufsou was assessed J5 nnd
costs In police court yesterday morning fm
going to sleep In a street car while, Intoxl
rated Wednesday night.
Prof. Waldo II, Hothort nnd wlfo havo re
turned from their wedding trip nnd aro
visiting witn Hiiperinienueni nnd Mrs
rocecdings Under tho Mulct LawBecomo
Quito General.
by Paul Aylesworth, who says that the
paving In front of his property on Sixth
avenue Is badly damaged from bnulliig these
heavy engines over It nnd ho proposes to
put n stop to It If possible. The pavement
on Pearl street Is said nlso to be badly
damaged from the same cause. Tho men
wcro released on bond nnd tho case will come
up beforo Judge Aylesworth In police court
this mo nil in;.
Clinrlifi .1. Dobbins, "noe" I.ime mnl
"Dm ml " Ilium llculn ii (itMicriit
CriiNiiile Aunlnst the. City's
1,1 il mi r Tnveriis.
nothert nt tho Iowa School for tho Deaf.
Prank Wells, a young colored lad. Is under
arrest nt tho city Jail charged with steal
ing a quantity of brass, the property of the
uuicugo fc orinwestcrn itaiiway com
Mr. nnd Mrs. Thondoro N. Peterson and
children left vesterdav for a four weeks
trip, during which they will visit friends in
Minnesota ami irom inero go to tno iciiow
mono pane.
Mrs. W. D. Sheehan of Dos Moines nnd
MIsh Margaret Sheehan of Sioux Falls, who
havo been tho guests of the family of T. 1..
Condy on Sixth avenue, returned to their
homes yesterday.
William Chosney, a colored porter, was
arrested last evening, charged with assault
ing Hen Spye, ti whltu man. Tho troublo
occurred on llroiidwny, near tho North
western depot, nnd Chosney Is alleged to
havo drawn u knlfo on Spye.
Tho police were no'.llled yesterilav to look
out for an detain a boy named Allen, who
luul run awny from his homu In Boone, In.,
In company with nnothcr Ind. Tho two boys
boarded u train at Uoone with the Inten
tion of coming to this city, but tho police
were unable to locate them,
Vrnnk McCulla, tho young Ind held at the
city Jail on suspicion of being wanted at
Muscatine, la., for tho murder of a man,
was released yesterday morning. Tho au
thorities ut Muscatine notllled Chief Albro
yesterday that McCulla wns not the party
wanted nnd that tho alleged murderers aro
now under nrrest there.
John Wolfe died yesterday morning nt St.
losonh's hosnltnl In Omaha from stomach
trouble. He was 41 years of ago nnd a
resiuoni ot uanawny, wea ins widow and
a 7-year-old daughter survlvo. The funeral
will bo held this evening at 5 o'clock from
Lunkley's undertaking rooms In this city
nnd tlui remains will bo taken to Streetcr,
UK, for Interment.
Pat Hanlphau wns committed to the
county Jail yesterday to serve ten days for
nssaultlng Vigo Anderson, proprietor of tho
llroadwny restaurant. Hanlphan, whllu
under tho Influence ot liquor, struck Ander
son In tho face on a street car without the
slightest provocation. "Hegorro. If I slapped
lm I must havo been b'astlv drunk, and I
didn't drink much, nlther." Pat Informed
Judge Aylesworth, when lined up In pollco
Charles J. Dobbins, the opera liouso saloon
keeper, was null wearing his lighting
clothes ycBtcrday and In tho afternoon wont
before Justice Vlen nnd nuoro out a search
warrant for tho saloon at 1001 Y est Broad
way, conducted by John Under nnd H. A.
filter. Justlco Vlen, nlthough ho hesitated
at first, finally lsuued the warrant, which
was given to Constable Albcrtl to serve.
The latter, however, declined to servo It
or attach tho stock of liquors on tho grounds
that ho had legal advice to tho effect that
tho Injunction Issued by Judgo Aylesworth
restrained him from Interfering with John
Llnder's stock no matter where located.
When Filter got word that Dobbins was
swearing out n search warrant for his
saloon ho lost no tlmo In removing the
larger portion of his stock to Linuor s
wholesalo house, so that even had tho con
stablo served tho wnrrant ho would not
havo found any largo quantity ot liquor
to seize.
Tho refusal on tho part of tho constable
to Bervo tho warrant made Dobbins moro
wroth than over nnd ho threatened among
other things to Instituto impeachment pro
roadlngs against both Justlco vlen and Con
stablo Albcrtl. Dobbins claims ho Is being
discriminated npnlnst. Ho says Justlco
Vlen did not hesitate a moment to Issue a
search warrant for his placo and Constable
Albertl was equally quick In serving It nnd
hauling his stock of liquor away.
l)oi! I.oiik Takon a lliuiil.
"Doc" O. W. Long, who somo weeks ago
started out on his own nccouut on a cru
sado against tho saloons, but stopped pro
ccedlngs when tho "costs" wero paid by
his victims, .was to tho foro again. When
ho learned that Constablo Albcrtl had re
fused to servo tho search warrant on Under
& Filter's saloon he, through his attorney
O. H. Gable, commenced Injunction proceed
ings In tho district court to restrain Under
& Filter from soiling or keeping for sale
Intoxicating liquors. Dobbins disclaims
any connection, with Long and disavowed
any part In tho Injunction proceedings.
Tho report was current In tho morning
that Dobbins Intended swearing out war
rants for tho Grand hotel saloon and tho
Kiel hotel saloon. Tho bar at tho Gram:
hotel was closed and a notice placed on th
door us follows: "Closed. Stock sold to
H. J. Fchrber." Tho saloon was reopened
after about two hours, but In tho monntlme
It Is said, n largo portion of tho liquor In
stock had been removed to a placo of safety,
Kehrber Is the head bartender at tho Grand
When askod yesterday afternoon if ho In
tended to keep up tho fight and close all the
saloons In town, Dobbins said tho morrow
would show. He said ho had nothing
against Llndcr personally, but sworo ou
tho warrant against him to compel Justlc
Vlen and Constablo Albertl to show their
hands. Tho latter's refusal to servo tho
warrant on Under & Filter's saloon, h
claimed, was all ho wanted and that li
now knew "where he was at."
Dandy Dunn Im In It.
John Dunn, tho votcran expressman,
better known as "Dandy" Dunn, becamo
solzcd with tho search warrant fever yes
terday morning nnd applied to JuBtlco Vlen
for a warrant for M. Wollstcln's saloon and
wholesalo liquor storo on Ilroadway. Jus
tlco Vlen told Dunn ho was out of blanks
and that ho would llko to confer with tho
Selmiil llonril Han Muii.v .iillt'iitlini
for tin- Vacant Stiii-rliiti'iii1i-iii' .
President Henry yesterday Issued n call
for a special meeting of tho Hoard of Edu
cation for tonight to tnkc some nctlon look-
ng toward tho election of n superintendent
ot tho city schools to nil tho vacancy
caused by the resignation of Prof. II. 11.
Hnydcn. From tho number of applications
received by Chairman Hess of tho teachers'
committee Secretary Hoss and President
Ienry, tho position Is evidently considered
by pedagogues throughout tho country ns a
dcstrablo one. Applications arc received
from prominent school men from almost
every state, from California to Marylnnd.
A number of tho applicants. In addition to
giving full blographlco of themselves nnd
testimonials, enclose their photngrapliB
with tho request that they bo returned.
Some enclosed stnmpcd envelopes for the
return of their testimonials nnd photos,
whllo others failed to do so. Among tho
applicants Is one woman, Anna M. Chand
ler, superintendent of tho Marquctto (Mich.)
schools, n position which sho has held for
twelve years. A number of applications
wero also received for tho position of prin
cipal of tho High school, somo of tho ap
plicants for tho superintendent stating In
tho event of that position being filled they
would bo content to tako tho prlnctpnlshlp.
In very few Instances Is mention niado of
tho salary expected.
Superintendent A. n. Warner of Missouri
Valley Is again an applicant for tho posi
tion of superintendent. P. S. Halleck, who
Is highly recommended, nnd C. C. Kelso,
both of Ann Arbor, Mich., have filed appli
cations. Tho latter Is a graduate of tho
Iloston university and states ho has taught
In China. J. J. Wilkinson, superintendent
of practice touching In tho Illinois State
Normal unlverlty, who studied In Berlin,
Jena and Leipzig, is among tho applicants.
Knlph S. Garwood ot Marshall, Mich., sends
his photograph and testimonials. Gcorgo
M. Hemls of Urookflcld, Mass., a graduate
of Yule, clnss of '06, thrco years principal
of tho Michigan City High school, who Days
ho has training In military tactics and
physical culture, wunts the position. H. L.
Wilton, a graduate of Harvard and Cornell,
nnd principal for five years of the Hlvcr
Falls (Wis.) High school, is nniong the np
pllcants. Hinckley Smith ot Oxford, O., a
graduate of Miami university nnd principal
of tho High school nt MIddletown, O., would
llko tho place. Ira D. Travis ot Albion
Mich., a graduate of Albion college and who
oocurod the degree of Ph. D. from tho Uni
versity of .Michigan, sonde, in his application
Tho principal of tho Lake Forcut (111.) uni
versity filed an application on behalf ot
George I). Bergen, who, ho writes, Is away
In Alaska on Important business, but makes
no mention of when ho Is cxpocted to re
A. S. Otto of Grand Junction, Colo., n
gruduato of Knox college, Galesburg, 111.;
Richard Heyward of Madison, Wis., live
yenra principal of tho High school at Cres
ton, III., nnd a graduate of the Illinois
Stato normal; N. C. Johnson of Franklin,
Ind., who says ho can equip n laboratory
and do science work according to tho most
approved methods and who would accept
$1,500 n year, nil want tho plnco.
Tho Fish Teachers' ngency llles an appli
cation on behalf of Prof. F. A. Laccy ot
Des Moines. W. D. Dobson of Klrksvlllo.,
Mo., presldont for eight years of tho Stato
Normal school at that place, wants It.
Frank N. Williams of tho Chicago uni
versity writes offering himself for the
position, and nniong other qualifications
says ho Is 30 years of ago and has a witn
and two children. J. W. Simmons of
Owosso, Mich., who besides being a prom
inent educator Is a director of tho Citi
zens' Savings bank of that town ami has
filled tho position of stato superintendent,
and for six years was a member of tho
State Board of Education, would bo willing
out all right. Any of the men would glndly
havo assisted him llnnticlnlly, ns ho was ft
grcnt favorite tit tho bank. Ho had been
Janitor at tho bank since the day It moved
Into Its new quarters about two years ago.
Ho was a skilled tile man and beforo en
tering tho employ of tho bank had worked
for Milton Rogers & Sons In Omaha. He
was regarded as a liioJct Janitor.
IH-lt'Kalci I. lite the Tlckrt.
Most of the delegates to tho republican
state convention In Dcs Moines returned
yesterday. While nnturnlly disappointed ut
not being able to nominate Judgo Sims of
this city for the office of attorney general,
they tiro enthusiastic over tho ticket, which
they nil pronounco ns exceptionally strong.
The convention, they say, was a most no-
tablo gathering nnd one ot tho most en
thusiastic held In years.
While In tho cnpltnl city Dr. Barstow, II.
O. Brulngton, Postmaster Treynor nnd
Gcorgo Mnyno essayed to wrest the chal
lenge cup of the Central Whist lcaguo from
tho Dcs Moines club. They wero beaten,
however, 23 points In a game of IS trays.
l.lulitlnu: Plant Sold,
PKKUY, In., Aug. 2.-Spcolal Telegram.)
Probably tho largest slngla transaction
ever consummated in Dallas county oc
curred yesterday In Perry. Messrs. Frank
Dodson and John H. Swearlngcn, owners
ot tho Perry Electric Light nnd Heating
plant, made a salo of It today. Tho prin
cipals In tho purchase nro T. A. Grist of
Cedar Itnplds, County Auditor C. It. Lynn
nnd Harloy 11. Brown of this city. Tho
contracts of sale wero signed tonight. Tho
consideration wns $75,000 and Includes
everything belonging to tho plant, which
has become n very valuable ono under tho
management of Messrs. Swearlngcn nnd
Dodson. Mr. Grist Is a largo owner In tho
electric light plant nt Cedar Uaplds nnd a
practical man. Mr. Lyon nnd Mr. Brown
nro two of tho county's best men. They
expect to tnko charge of tho plant insldo
of thirty days.
Dnlllvi'i' and Clnrk Debute.
6TOHM LAKE, la., Aug. 2. (Special.)
At 2:30 today Congressmen Dolllvcr and
Clark opened tholr debato upon tho subject
of Imperialism at the auditorium by the
lake. It Is snld that theso famous speeches
will not again bo repeated In Iowa this
season. The Illinois central auu mo um
cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railways aro
running special trains to Storm Lako to
accommodate tho crowds that wish to take
adxantago of this last opportunity to hear
the great political leaders upon this Im
portant topic. TIiIb ovenlng tho congress
men nnd n largo number of prominent citi
zens will bo entertained by Hon. Lot
Thomas nt his palatial residence with a
dinner followed by a reception.
wK lifL! because of Jo
mL fr's delicate perfume,, Xs
YP creamy lather and rejr
fj f cleansing properties". 7
Work of Dos Moines Convention Viowod
with Qenoral Satisfaction.
Chairman Weaver I'olntN Out Vital
I'iiIiiIm la CiiiiiIiik Caniialun anil
Caution AnuliiNt ) ver-Coiill-de
nee Cull .Mltl-Itoiiilcra.
Hose Tenni'M UuleU 'WiirlJ.
STOHM LAKE, la., Aug. 2. (Special.)
Storm Lake has only a volunteer company
of firemen, but they aro Justly celebrated
as rustlers. When Cherokee telegraphed
for help on Monday tho boys got together
nnd had their hook and ladder nnd hose
carts down to tho stntlon rendy to load
In less than twonty minutes. Tho run of
six miles was mado to Alta In five and one
half minutes, but at that point tho men
were advised to return homo, as Chero
kee had gotten tho flro under control.
OIU-Tlnier In Moniiiwi.
ON'AWA. la., Aug. 2. (Special.) Hon.
Guy C. Bnrntim, recently examined and dls
eharced by the. Insanity commission at
Columbus, Nob,, formerly resided In Monoun
county, where ho was very popular and was
nromlnent In politics, lie wns niso a 101
lower of Charles I). Thompson, who founded
the town of Preparation and formed a colony
ot a certain religious sect. Thompsoti and
Barnum Bwlndlcd tho colony, but were
forced to glvo up their ill-gotten gains and
leavo tho state.
l'nrm Tenants AVIn rrlr.rn
SLOAN. Ia., Aug. l!.-(Spcclal.) Tho
prizes offered the tenants on tho Dr. Hoads
land by him labt year to the one making
tho best showing for crops, August l, mou,
wero awarded yesterday, tho first to John
Holdcroft, who la farming ISO acres, nnd tho
second prize was given E. Shumnker. who
has chargo of 0C0 acres, "SO being under
..,nl..alln., Tim nrlvotl S:lft mill S''U. Will
. .!. !.(., f .n,Plnln,lonl 111"'""" ! ... . . .
county attorney beforo Issuing any morel,1" "L"; ,'"'"u" be paid to tho winners on Christmas day,
warrants. Tho county attorney was out ot "' ''' :"'1on7;f , '
., ,. , ... ii. res gned Juno 1 ns superintendent of the
tho city nnd as Dunn was unable to pre-1 " "'f"c ou " ' 1 ,.,, i ,u
, , ,,. ,,i , schools thero ' on account ot political dls
paro his own nllldavlt, as required by Jus-, ? ' ., ., , ,pv . , ,,,pU ,inr(
l.n VI,... I.rt Inf. ii.lttir.,,1 aa.ll.lhn lil ll"'vl ,.w.... ...
ll-l, Il .l-.b DVVM, ...ft k L.U . A ...... .. 1 ,1.,
UUllll Ut IIIVVU " 1 w,. (1. w .. ., ...
An Interesting tact has coma to light In
structor of English llteraturo In tho Stato
Normal school at Cambridge, Pn., encloses
IrlT " , r among his testimonials a sot ot questions
N. Y. Plumbing Co., telephone 230.
A MKlit In Wiiiiileraft.
Special notice to tho public at large: Par
ties now holding tickets for performance at
Dohany, August 7, must exchange them for
reserve scats nt box olllco, which Is now
Itenl Kxtnto Trnniifern.
The following transfers wero filed yester
day In tho abstract, tltlo and loan olllco ot
J. W. Squire, 101 Penrl street:
Mnry Mcltobcrt nnd husband to John
Kllnnowskt, w4 iM noU noVi 7-75-4J,
w. d J 1.100
I.ars Jensen and wife to J. W. Squire,
lot 8, block 31, Howard's add, i. i d. 1
Charlotte V. Smith and husband For
rest to II. W. Vosa, lots 1 nnd 2,
block ii, Burke's add, H. w. d 25
Ida V. Keller and husband to Samuel
!'. Keller, part of lots 5 nnd 6, block
10, Howard mid, w. d 5
Bam'uel Hlnmer to Maggie Hlumer.
lots fi and u, block 7, town ut Mln-
den, w. d
Albert H. Smith and wlfo to David D.
Smith, n'4 neU 3-7ii-P, w. d
Bamn to Thomas J. Smith, ! neU 31-
77-13, w. d
Charles It. Haker to C. H. Putnmn,
ueU H-76-3a, w. d
Caroline 55. Damon nnd husband to
Chnrlcs O. Davis, lot 3 nnd e'fc I In
block 11, lllghlnnd Place, w. d
Totnl nlno transfers
Davis sells paint.
Howell's Antl-"Kaw f" cures coughs, colds.
Gravel rooDng. A. II. Bead, GU Broadway.
Commonwealth 10-cent cigar.
Negotiated in Kaslern rtforaka
nd Iowa. Jnmcb N. Camdy, Jr.,
ii Main ki I'Minrii i".iit
UAUFU TA I Alii Oh City
miMCl IU kUHII Property
Savings Loan and Building Associat'n
tornoy, W. A. Mynstcr, ngalnst Beveral of
tho saloon keepers. In one Instance a
saloon keeper "settled" by paying $31. GO
'cojts," for which ho holds a receipt signed
by Llndl & Mynstcr. Another settled by
paying $30.50, while a third claims to havo
been compelled to pay $75. All the re
ceipts given by Llndt & MynBtcr bear on
tholr face; "All proceedings In tho case of
W, Long ngalnst you to bo stopped on
condition that you keep saloon closed on
Sundays," Despite this proviso In tho re
ceipts theso saloons nro still kept open on
tho Sabbath. John Llndt, MynBtcr's law
partner, disclaims any connection with the
Injunction suits ot Long and says that
Mynstcr attended to thorn, that ho (Llndt)
had nothing to do with them. The law pro
vides for nu nttomoy feo of $25 only In such
Injunction cases.
J. L. Knlcr has purchased the grocery
stock and meat market formerly owned by
J. Wnrdlnn nt Sixteenth street ami Broad
way and will bo pleased to servo all old
patrons of tho store.
Tivii Davlil llnriiniM Get Tiinuleil l'n
mill One In llailly Hurt.
Cluitlcs Kenrns, a horsetrader living at
131 Glen avenue, Is lying at his homo with n
bioken Jaw and a deep gash In his face as
tho result of a horso tradn yesterday aft
ernoon. Tho Injuries wero Indicted by
Money Graham, another member of tho
hnrbetrndlng fraternity, whoso homo Is at
213 Franklin avenue. Graham backed up
tah bIiIo of the argument with nn nx and
after ho had laid Kenrns out skipped town
beforo tho pollco could ley tho'r bands on
hlui. It wns said ho boarded a Burlington
train for Pla'ttsmoitth nnd tho authorities
thero wero at onco notified to nrrest him
If he showed up.
Kenrns had three horses which ho wlshod
to trndc with Graham nnd tho two mot at
tho rear of tho Plerco street school, whoro
tho nnlmals were picketed. They got Into
nn nrgumeut over tho anlmnls and fcomo
hnr.' words ensued. Graham was earning
nn nx and n wltncBS to tho nffray paid that
ho struck Kenrns with It ns tho latter was
mining n blow nt him with his ilat. The
sharp edgo of tho ax struck Kearns on tho
right cheek, laying it open to the bone,
loosening nil his tooth on thnt Bide of hU
ucnu nun fracturing his Jawbone. Fearing
no nan Kiuca Kenrns, Graham ut onco took
to nis heels nnd when last seen wn making
mr me railroad yards on South Main street.
Ileav- HniilliiK on HrloU I'livlmc.
W. M. Wycoff nnd Will Pollct, drlvnrs
In tho omploy of the Minneapolis Threshing
Machine compnuy, were arrested yesterday,
charged with violating tho city ordinance
prohibiting tho hauling ot n threshing en
glne over tho streets paved with brick, Tho
information lending -to their arrest was filed
prepared by himself for students of Shake
William Gny of Donntson, Tex., superin
tendent of .schools In that city and a grnd
unto of tho Wesleyan university, sends his
application. Mrs. Gay adds a postscript to
her husbnnd's letter requesting that his
photograph andtestltnonlala bo returned.
W. U. Fee, principal of tho Rochester (N.
Y.) schools, says ho has an nptltudo to in
struct, tact In discipline and flrst-clnss
executive ability and wants either tho su
porlnteudcncy or tho prlnelpalshlp. Albert
C. Hoed, superintendent of the schools nt
Beynoldsburg, O., has had twenty years'
expcrlenco in teaching and would now llko
to bo superintendent In Council Bluffs. Ed
win S. Monroo has been ro-olected for two
years to tho position of superintendent of
tho schools nt Mount Vernon, Ind., but If
given tho position here is certain ho could
securo a release from tho board thero.
John D, Stoops of Pncomoko City, Mil.,
whoro ho Is principal of tho High s'liool,
filed an nppllcntlon. George M. Brace, for
merly of Dunlap, this state, now of Chi
cago, wishes to be considered nn appllcnnt.
II. F. Kllng, who has ehnrgo of tho schools
nt Evnnsvllle, Wis., sends In nn nppllca
tlon from New Hnmpton, In., whoro ho has
been doing work nt tho County Normal In
stitute. Ho encloses with his testimonials
n printed "brief nuto-blographlenl sketch"
of himself, which gives every particular ns
to his oge, height, health, etc. W. J.
Sutherland, superintendent of tho Oregon
(HI.) Bthools, nppllo3 from Madison. Wis.
This morning's mall Is expected to bring
In another batch of applications nnd tho
board will not lack for timber from whl h
to mnUo selection for clUior superintendent
or principal of tho nigh school.
sriii'itisnn at wii.sovs suicidi:.
Men at till' IlnuU CSrently TnUiMi Had;
liy tin- .laattiir'H Art.
Tho news of tho suicldo of Abo Wilson,
tho negro Jnnl'or nt the First National bank,
In Omaha yesterday morning came ns a
great surprise to tho men employed In tho
bank. Whllo It was known that ho had
been on a protracted spreo over since Cash
ler Hannan went to Dcs Moinea last Tucs
day, ho had never hinted to any of tho
clerks that ho intended to take his llfo, al
though he had done fo to others.
To Conductor Gnrdlncr of tho motor lino
Wllion said Wednesday afternoon: "I am
going to have a great time tonight. I will
wind It nil up, becauso at 3 o'clock to
morrow morning I will bo a dead man."
Beforo leaving for Omaha tho last time bo
told Bud Payne, a frleud, that he would
bo a dend man In a few days nnd that ho
wanted him, Ed and Charles Burke, Hans
nnd Palmer Neoley and Leo Borgcr to net
as pallbearers at his funeral,
Whllo he wns In debt, tho men at the
bank say ho not so deeply Involved but
what he could itve lu a short time couio
Student Full from Train.
OTTUMWA. In., Aug. 2. (Special Tele
cram.) Fred Sawyer, a student In Parson's
collezo. Fairfield, fell from a Milwaukee
freight train lu this city last night, crush
ing ono leg bo that It had to be amputated
It Is not thought that ho will recover, baw.
yer is tho Hon of Dr. Sawyer, deceased,
formerly of Centervllle, where ho was very
I'MhIiIiiu; nt Storm Lake.
STORM LAKE, la., Aug. 2. (Special.)
Tho fishing In Storm lake seems to Improvo
ns tho season ndvances. Today ono cltl
zen caught two pickerel weighing ten nnd
eleven pounds, respectively. Numerous
others of less weight were also taken out.
Tho water is unusually high, owing to tho
recent heavy rains.
Mormon BIShODt' Pills " tn in ue 53 ycin tr th luJen ol Hit Motmoa
i CiurcS u7rrJiYP',o!iu.lry cuia t!i won: cum In olj toj younir irtitnr dem mrcu
I of lelftbuK, dlniptuon, eicmti, or c!cette.inoUiu, Cure Lost, Manhood, lm
I potpnoy, Cost jPower, NIBht-l.oio. .Onermntorrfioori lfmi fU"!
b"lltyjAeuUach,lntnnos;toMnrr,l-p'ii of rjjWW Og"1"' WilI?P0i5oV
SSK"f,I,,KJlrniiV,P S?i SiiMftS. rite II l bm l-- nH. m!ttlot4
etrjM, Stimulate! Ih- Uiln ml rc ne trn-en. wiWn, Mmlnobr t'! A 'i1."!'!' 'J,",
m owoeyjetunded, nu 6 uw. circuitit ties. AddrosAj Dlaliop Rameti Co., Can Prancloo CaU
roil sAi.n iiv .ni vcits-nn.i.o v nutt; co iotii ami kaiinam.
s On the Fifth Floor....
IlriiUeniiin Mili'lUex.
CLINTON, In., Aug. 2. (Special Tele-
gram.) Despondency over losing his po3l
tlon ns brakemnn on tho Northwestern rail
way caused Jnmos Morton to commit suicldo
last night. He took a dose of carbolic ncld
and died shortly after In tcrrlblo ugony.
Any advertised dealer is authorized to
guuranteo Banner Salvo for tetter, eczema.
piles, sprains, cuts, scalds, burns, ulcers
and any open or old sore. For solo by
Myor's-IJIllon Drug Co., Omaha, and Dillon's
Drug Store, South Omnha.
Mother' I.eiiKiic at CIiIciiko,
f'lllf'Afsn Amr. At todnv'H session of
tho League ot American Mothers tho fol
tnwlnir nflleern wero announced by the
nominating cummltteo and approved by the
Pres cient, sirs, i.uia 11. iianiy, loncKii,
Kan.; first vice president, Mrs. Kllen
Wyman. i;vanston, 111.; seconu vice preHi-
d. st. Mrs. Helen Vance, Decatur, III.;
rorreftpoiidlng secretary, Mrs. Lucy
Stewart Uoberts. Longwood, 111.: recording
secretary, Mrn. Alice Uleiiinui, Vlncennoi.
ivl.; treasurer, .mis. r runic neiuernug,
kron, O.
l.'nllnwlnir tho election tho new v elected
president, who for several years has been
pulpit assistant of Hev. Charles M. Shel
don nl Topckn, mado an uddress of ac-
Chlnem- Women Held In Slavery.
CHICAGO, III., Aug. 2.-Four Chinese
women nro reported to uuve neen pur
chased by Chlnnmon nnd It Is mild lire
being held us slaves. The women wore
among tho number exhibited In tb Chines
tneater at tno umana expuani" 1. 11 i
claimed that $500 wns the prle of cali
woman and that thov have Ineii held In
captivity for neirly two years.
Acting Mayor ulk -r todav lnntrueto.1
tho pullco ollUialH to liberate tho women.
m KiM You nave ways usii
of c9r7&f
O J. JE C3 3?i X A z
e 11,5 m YcJlii21iS M'-
DliS MOINIJS, Aug. 2. (Special Tclo-
grnm.) It has been a subject of general
comment nbout the stato liouso and lobbies
today that yesterday was u Cumuilus con
vention In lown. And, added to this, was
much speculation among Cummins repub
licans ns to whether Governor Shnw will
recognlzo tho fact. Tho governor left to
day to 1111 n number of dates for lectures
nnd speeches. Ho will return homo In tlmu
to revlow tho Forty-ninth Iowa regiment
ut Cedar Itnplds August II. After that ho
will plungo Into the fall campaign, making
his initial speech at Goldfleld, In. Ne
braska republicans have asked for Gov
ernor Shaw for a week, but ho does not
know whether ho will go thero uutll he
hears from tho republican national com
mittee, which, together with the Iowa stato
central committee, will shapo his speaking
In tho meantime It Is not expected that
anything will develop In regard to tho
senatorshlp until tho governor's return,
Tho day prior to tho convention n Cummin3
supporter called on Governor Shaw to talk
about tho senatorshlp. Governor Shaw
said frankly thnt If ho wero assured that
tho sentiment of n majority of tho repub
licans of tho stato was favorablo to Cum
mins ho would appoint him without delay.
Tho governor witnessed tho work of tho
convention yesterday and tho governor Is
not defective In vision. Ho can sco through
a political situation as thoroughly nnd
quickly ns tho noxt person, nnd if ho was
In earnest ubout Cummins, which all bo
llevo ho wns, yesterday's convention means
much for tho Des Moines man.
Work Will Ilrlatf Victor-.
Chairman Weaver of tho republican stato
central committee said today:
"Tho real light began this morning. Tho
ticket nominated Is tho best that wo could
havo had. It Is strong In every respect,
and whllo tho contests wero spirited and
close, thoso who failed to Becuro their llrst
choice nro woll satisfied, becnuso they havo
all had their second choice. This was a
remarkably fortunato featuro for such a
norlcs ot contests, nnd It starts us Into tho
campaign with universal good feeling. Wo
havo plenty of work to do In Iowa. I havo
realized this from tho beginning of tho
year nnd havo mado preparations accord
ingly. Wo are trying hero at tho stato
headquarters to got Into close personal
communication with nt least one man, se
lected by tho republicans of every voting
precinct In the stato for his recognized
ability, adaptability and willingness to
work for the party whenever ho Is uBked
to do anything from now until tho votes
havo been counted. With this army of
workers we shall bo ablo to mako tho ma
jority for tho national and stnto tlckots
this year tho greatest In Iowa's record
and to mako suro tho olectlon of all tho
congressional candidates by safo majori
ties. Of course, no ono hns any doubt that
Iowa will go republican, nnd this is tho
chief obstnelo wo havo to contend ngalnst.
Too many people Boom to think thero Is
nothing for us to do this year. It Is our
business to show them that thh Is a
serious mistake and wo will do it through
this great army of local workers. It Is
woll understood that tho democrats Intend
to mako their fight In several of tho Iowa
congressional districts. They nro trying.
as they havo In previous campaigns, to miB-
lcad us as to thuir point of nttacit. 1 navo
not tho slightest doubt of tho olectlon ot
nil our congressmen from lown, but my
confidence Is based upon tho activity
which I expect will bo shown by tho repub
lican organization and tho republican vot
ers. Wo never won victory by sitting down
and waiting for It to come."
Opiioxeil to ANKliiillatlon.
Tho call was Issued today for tho mlddlo-of-tho-road
populist convontlon to bo held
hero August 2S. Tho call Is, In part:
"All who support tho principles adopted
and tho presidential ticket nominated by
tho people's party at Cincinnati May 10,
1900, nnd who aro opposed to fusion with
any other political party, nro ellgiblo to bo
elected dolegntea to this convention with
out regard to past political alllllatlon, nnd
nil Termor populists who can now 810 that
fusion with domocrats means only benevo
lent nBslmilntlon following tho 'criminal
nggrcaslon' of titat party nro urged to rb
turn to the fold ot true populism and onco
moro unite tho party for Independent ac
tion." Tho call further states that It Is posilblo
that Bnrkcr or Donnelly, or Uoth, will bo
present nt tho Iowa convention.
John Llndstrom. 11 miner, was cnught in
a fall of slato at tho Saylor mino today and
terribly Injured. Ho will probably live.
Wo still havo some except iona I l.v desirable rooms
although about Uirce-fourtlis of (lie rooms were rented
when the army headquarters moved out. That is merely
au iudex of the popularity of
...The Bee Building...
The entire fifth floor has been re-deeorated and pre
sents a most attractive appearance. An olllco here, in a
lire-proof building, will cost you no more than in wime
lire traps.
R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents,
The Bee Building1, 17tli and Farnaiu Streets.
Some excellent lots, pleasantly located and de
sirable for suburban homes, can be had now ot
reasonable prices. These lots are located in
Omaha, Wrights and Central Sub. additions. This
property will steadily increase in value as the city
grows in that direction and the time to buy is the
present. Call at
Council Bluffs.
Mnrte liappy by our Tnrklnh T. anil P. Pills. Monthlies aura to tlm day Never illappoliitn any
liidy, Ciirnn seamy eiuesilVM or painful menstruation. I.'uthlnir llko It lu the imnluH vl.mi
buxbymatl. Two boxes euro aujr caw. No p.Uii. 110 danger llahn't Pharmacy. Omaha Nrb.
jvrr "I'M
I will giinrantp
that my Klitucy Cum
Will corn 00 per cptiL
of nil forms of kidney
ooraplnltit and In
tunny luatauccs tho
ir.oit fwrlous forma of
llrlglit'u dltvaae. If
the disease Is com
plicated aoud a four,
ounce vial of uiIob.
We will nunlyze It
and mlvlso you fres
what lu do,
At all ilnieiHita. SSn. fill. Outdo to IlealU
m1 ni'llral nilvicf free. J&ih-i .rrn 11..
i IIojn I)lf In Mlnr.
I OTTUMWA. In., Aug. 2. (Sprclnl Tcli-
Kram.) Viank and John Hobliifon, formerly
of Marshnlltown, were MUimI by black damp
In the coal Blopo at Kvans last nlKht. The
boye, aged 11 and 0. bad bwn flnhliiK and
wnnt into tho nlopo to spend tho nlsht and
they v.erw found tbls morning by workmen j l'lu;ue M),
Mr. VIiinHiv'h Sii.oiIiIiijj !yrnp
Has been used for over I-MKTV YBATJS by
MILLIONS of MOTIUCUS for til; 11
CUrtlJS WIN'l) COLIC, und Ik ttu best rem.
cdy for DIAltUIIOHA. Sold by DruKSlst"
In every part ot the world. Ho suro nnd
usk for ''Mrs. Wlnnlow'8 Soothlnc ; Syrun."
and lako no otner kind. Twenty-five cents
a bottle.
nu rici.s.
The . . .
lolel Victory
Pnt-in-Bay Island,
Ohio. . . .
AMHRICA'S I-arBcat and most charm
... nK Hn(j ,n0ti( elPKiintly
furnlHhed Summer Hotel, Hltuated on
tl.D hlghi'Ht point In Lako JCrlr, on oils
of the croups of beautiful Islandp, CO
Miles from Detroit, Mich.; 10 from
Toledo, O.; 2J from Sandusky, O.; 5
,,'om Cleveland, O.
SliPT 15
von i: 1:11 t.n M.v a
TlilAI, TO. . . .
If not, you havo mlsecd a fod thlpK.
This cximlslto malt beverage ttamln on a
iinliuo baslb. It fells Itself. Us famo and
reputation Is tlio envy of many. . Tho palato,
tho beneficial results achieved "ulthlu" tho
Inner man aro the ouly and real Judnca ot
Its inerlU. Approvod of by them, It in
umpbantly cnlora Innumerable liouselioia.
Wlicro Cabinet outers, doctors nnd drug
bllla exit.
iiituwr.i) in
riicit Kitt(i iiui;wi; co
)MIIA. Mill.
Address all
Communications tu
T. W. McCreary,
Cen'l Aljcr. and Representative.
Wrlto for Kouvenlr cataloRuo.
"Just far oiioiiKli norih "
"LarK" band ami orrhestru.
"l''orty uci'PH of olf links."
"AmunomentH Iniuiincrulile."
"Th.i hay fever mifforcr's haven.
"Th- Mi'i tii of the tourist."
"Nature's beauty spot.''
"Clilldron's pniudlse.''
ATi:s tira to $5.00 pPr day; $10.00 to j
'r. INI ti,.r n-nnlf S
44tli Street, Near Hroadway,
M;V V0KK ....
Almoluli'ly I'lif I'l'iiiil'i .IIikIimii nnd
Lu.MirliiiiN In All It AiMHiliitiimnla,
Cr nt rally l.ucnleil,
American and European Plan,
(Cndor Now MauaRCinent.)
J, II. IIAMDLhN'S SONS, Proprietors.
Also Avon Inn and Cottages,
A VOX, X. .1.
Moat Sclera Ilesort on the Now Jersey Comt.
Srii'l for I'll rt Ion Llrit,
CUItEil nil Klrtni-y
nchr, etc. Atdrur-
iHtN. or uy man,
r'ree hook, a-
'- ' 1 f h F (CO UwUl
vice, etc., of Dr. U. J. VT, Snratoia, N, Y.