10 TILE OMAnA DAILY" BEE: -rErNEST) AY, AlHrPST 1, 1 SPUD. BORNER MUST STAY IN JAIL Was Arrested on Ohargo of Having Stolen August Leaders' Horses. SAYS THEY STRAYED INTO HIS YARD AfTlilnvIt I'rmrntril in SlmiT thnt Hip AnIitiulK HmiI Horn Ailvrrllm-il 3Ir. Horner Stilinlntitlntra llrr lliinliiinil'n Mnry, For Riving shelter to two nnclcnt, rmaclatcd steeds Chnrlcn Dorncr, a pros perous farmer living southwest of the city, Is lying In the. county jnll on the chaw of horse stealing Ho wnH arrested by Sheriff McAilow of Sarpy county, ui;alnt whom habeas corpus proceedings were Instituted yestorrtay In Judgo Vlnsonhnler's court. Bornor claims that the hors'.-s were estrays and that ho has done his best to ndvertlso their presence at his farm. Tho court held, however, thai tho habeas corpus papers wero Improperly drawn up and that nn action was not proper under tho cir cumstances, liorncr will therefore bo con fined In Jail until tho preliminary hcurlng In Sarpy county. Tho habeas corpus affidavit was sworn to by Mrs. Paulino E. Horner lu bohalf of her husband. It set up the fact that tho two horses had wandered Into the Horner yard on July 12. Mr. Horner at onco In serted nn advertisement In Tho lice, which was reproduced In the affidavit, calllni? at tention to the fact that two stray horses were In custody nt tho Horner fnrm. Mr. Horner also spread tho Information In other ways until It Is said to have been a matter of common Intelligence through tho neigh borhood. In tho mcantlmo tho horses woro fed and properly cared for. Tho horses wero tho proporty of August Leaders of Sarpy county, who had turned them out to graze In his pasture lot. When Loaders wanted to go to town tho next morning thcro whs no traco of tho animals except a holo In the fenco which had tho nppearanco of being tho work of human hands. Lenders concluded that his horses had been stolen nnd notified tho sheriff. Sheriff McAdow nt once started on the trail and finally ran tho missing nnlmnls to fcarth on tho Horner farm. Tho official refused to accept tho farmer's explanation nnd placed him under arrest. Horner was thrown In Jnll on Monday and will probably remain there for a week. In giving Its opinion tho court considered that tho merits of tho caso Hhould bo gone Into by some compotent tribunal. It was pointed out that a horse might bo stolen in Wyoming and advertised as an cstray In Omaha papers as u cloak for tho theft, thcro being llttlo likelihood of tho news reaching tho owner's cars. Tho papers woro nlso defective In not specifying that Bornor Is still In tho sheriffs hands nnd In other technical particulars required In such n extraordinary proceeding aa habeas cor pus. IHinSKY AIMM.IUS KOH IlKIIUAH!N(i. Siinrenif Court Olvrn Him Auut SO to ITcparo Petition. Some time ago a dispatch from Washing ton announced that the nppenl of 1-rnnk M. Dorsoy from the decision of the court of ap peals had been denied by tho United States supremo court. A letter received by tho ns flBtnnt district attorney states that Dorsey s attorney has filed application for a rehear ing before the supremo court and that ho has been given until August 20 to prepare for a hearing upon his motion. This is tho caso wherein Dorsey was sen tenced by tho United Stntcs court at. Omaha to six years In tho penitentiary for false reports sent to the comptroller of tho cur rency with relation to the condition of tho National bank of l'onca, Neb., which fallod. Court NiilM. Herbert Prano asks In county court that tho bond of Itev. John Williams be In creased ns guardian of Mary OobU-. n minor child. Mr. Cm no believes that Rev. II II litis Is Indebted to his ward l'V'l0,w0V?.t. at IfM, while tho clergyman holds that the account Is balanced. John A. Tuthlll has been summoned Into Judge. Dickinson's court to show cuuso wl li" should not b punished for contempt. During tho pendency of dlvorco proceedings Instituted by his wife, Hlnnche. ''uthlll whs ordered to pay $15 each month tar tho maintenance of tho child. Mrs. Tuthlll claims that her husband has not compiled with the court'H instructions. Mrs. Grnclo K. Miller asks tho district court that her maiden name, Gladwin, bo restored to her. Since her imirr age to John H. Miller In lf3 slio clnims that her husband has squandered his salary and has not furnished hur proper support. Mrs. Slna Streoter nlso asks a dlvorco from hpr husband, Perry, becauso of alleged nbuslvo langungo and violent conduct. WARDEN M'CLAUGHRY IN TOWN Superintendent of Wisconsin Stnle lcnltentlnry Tiiklnic nn Kaeiipi'd Convict llnrU to Wnuiiun. Warden Charles C. McClaughry of tho penitentiary at Waupun, Wis., slopped in tho city yesterday on his way from San Francisco to his homo, having In chnrgo n prisoner named John Wilson. Wilson was placed In tho city Jail and Warden Mc Claughry put up at a hotel for a few hours' rest. Ho didn't daro trust himself to sleop on tho train, he said, leBt his prisoner should attempt to escape, and as a rosult ho had ridden nearly forty hours without losing sight of his man. Wilson broke Jail at Waupun after having ervod four of a fifteen-year terra for bur glary. He went direct to San Francisco and tbore nt onco resumed activity along tho old lines. 'Vtbuut a month ago ho was arrestod on a now charge of burglary, There being a strong caso ngalnst him, ho confessod breaking Jail at Waupun nnd con aentrd to go back to Wisconsin without u requisition to servo tho remainder of his term, hoping, doubtless, that beforo the eleven years nro up tho witnesses ngalnst hlra for tho California crime will havo dropped out of sight. Wilson woro about his left nnklo n fifteen pound bracelet, cnlled nn "Oregon boot," tho purposo of which Is to dlasuado a prls oner from Jumping off a train while it is In motion. flit HAT Cl.KAIU.NO 9AI.ID COMTINUES. All Summer iond Snorlflred flrrnt II.. .it. I . I"tr llrnni tit. ON SALK TODAY AT HOSTON STOKK, OMAHA, GOC nt)CKL.ES AT SC. 1 Ann nlnln nit fanov trlmmlnu buckles. all sizes, worth up to BOc, go In this sale at Be each. PEAIHi BUTTON' SALE, 24C DOZ. drift ornxa nf nil styles of white and emoked pearl buttons, all slzci, go In this sulc at 2!c a dozen. BOG ALLOVEItS AT 1BC. Rflft untnnln nlnrcn nf lncfl and nllover tucklncs In a variety of styles, go In this snlo at lBc ench. AI'HON SALK, IOC, 1BC AND 25C. 1.000 inrllen' embroidery and lace-trlmmod aprons, largo nnd small sizes, some worth up to $1.00, go In this ante at 10c, 15c and 25c each. BOC LACE CAl'S AT 1BC. Imnrnln fnlilps with hundreds of all styles of laco nnd embroidery caps, worth up to BOc, go In this salo at 15c each. CLEAUINO THE HANDKERCHIEFS. Tlimmnmln nt ilnzens of ladles' and gents' handkerchiefs In plain whlto and fancy nnlnrorl hnrder. nil widths of hemstitch. Including laco and embroidery trimmed, many worth 2Bc each, go in tins saio ai ic, 3',4c and Bo each. CLEAUINO EMHUOIDEHIES AND IN- SERTINOS. Thmmnmln nf samnlo nieces and trial utrliia nf tho finest embroideries and In serting, worth up to 33c a yard, go In this sale at Be, 7Hc and 10c a yara. 2SC UNDERWEAR AT BC AND IOC. aii tim mid intn of Indies' summer under- vests, ntcolj' trimmed with laco and silk ribbon, Including llslo thread, go on bar gain counters nt Be and lOo caclu BOSTON STORE. OMAHA, N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglns Sts. PREPARING FOR ENCAMPMENT Oni nil it VctPrins .Mnklnjr Hrnily to Attend Ihr (I. A. It. .Vntlonnl .MciMIiik In C'lilenRO. Memhnrs of tho various Qrand Army of dm Uniiibllc nosts In Omaha aro beginning to mako preparations to attend the national encampment at Chicago during tho last week In August. Owing to tho fact that nunn n f tho local organizations is holding meetings during tho summer there will bo no concerted action on tho part of tho old soldiers and their friends In attending tho reunion, but statements made by the vet erans aro to tho effect that moro of their members will bo present than at any na tional encampment In recent years. The Department of Nebraska will bo rep resented, and It Is understood that the vis itors who will go with tho departmental irnin will ilo what thoy can to Impress upon tho peoplo of other states tho de sirability of Nebraska as a home. Tho de partmental commander has not yet issued oidcrs on tho subject, but a prominent member of tho order In Omaha said than when tho arrangements were com niutmi tlinv would bo something unprece dented In Grand Army experiences In tho state. Tho blood Is Btralncd and purified by the kidneys. No hope of health while tho kidneys arc wrong. Foley's Kidney euro will mnko healthy kidneys and puro blood. Pnr cnin liv Mvers-Dlllon Drue Co.. Omaha. and Dillon's Drug Store, South Omaha. AVorld to Knil Till Yrnr. This 'b the recent decision of one of tho prominent societies of the world, but the exact day bun not yet been fixed upon, nnd while thero are very few people who believe this prediction, there nro thousands of others who not only believe, but know that Hostet- tor's Stomach Hlttern Ih tho boat medlclno to euro dyspepsia. Indigestion, constipation biliousness or liver and kidney troubles A fair trial will certainly convince you o Its value, Omaha Tent and Awning Co., tents, awn tags, canvas goods, 11 and HarneY, phone 8S3, MImhIiik Si I c h in 11 it In Kotinil. V.tra. H. 1-Vrrls, city salesman for tho Carpenter l'nper company, who dropped out of sight mysteriously Inst Friday, (ins been found. Letters have been received from htm by his wlfo and by his employers. Ilo Is in Chicago and will return to Omaha soon. He makes no explanation of why no ten wiinoui nomyiug ins menus. CASTOR I A i For Infanta and Children. ftts Kind Yet Have Always Bought ro of Bears gifinaturo A Xevr nnil Successful Knlprirle. Tho new Renstrom Hyglcno Bath Co., re cently Incorporated In this city with a capital stock of $10,000, Is mooting with great encouragement and its success seems Bsurcd. This company owns nnd operates an entirely new system of hyglono bathing nnd Its ladles' bathery in The Bee building Is doubtless destined to become the moat popular resort of tho fair Bex In Omaha. Tho principles applied aro old, yet tho omblnntlon and modo of application aro distinctly new and tho bathery Is tho tcnglblo result of sovcral years' experi ment. Tho system as It Is operated here seems almost perfect and tho results ob tained nro llttlo short of marvelous In tho euro of rheumatism and nervous troubles. As a restorer of health and beauty much s claimed for this new invention nnd the Inlms nro apparently well founded. Tho baths and treatment aro cordially endorsed by lending physicians nnd tho management extends a cordial Invitation to the ladles to visit and Inspect tho Bathery. EXPECTS ORDERS TO MOVE HIckc llnttery O llccrtiltrd (o lt Full Strength Under Instructions from WusliluKton. No word has been recolved yet nt army headquarters regarding tho time that slcgo battery O will leave Fort Riley for tho Pacific coast, but orders are expected by every mall, Acting upon instructions from Wnahlngton special orders, were Issued Mon day afternoon raising tho battery to Its maximum 'strength 145 men, To do this it was necessary to transfer ten men from light battery H and eleven men from light bnttery F. Tho battery is now awaiting orders to move nnd Is fit for service In any part of tho globe. Colonel Hathaway has returned from his trip of Inspection to Forts Sill aud Reno. General Merrlam Is in Omaha, having arrived from Dgnver on his regular visit to this department Monday ovonlng, Cured Ilronrliial Troiihle. Chas. K. Davis, 1071 W. Congress St., Chicago, says: "I suffered for years with bronchial trouble and tried many kinds of medicines without relief, until I began tak Ing Foley's Honey and Tar, which cured me." For sale by Mycr's-Dlllon Drug Co., Omaha, and Dillon's Drug Store, South Omaha. Special Kxcumlon Via Hook Inland llonte. Denver and return, J19.00, Augvst 2, 7 21 Colorado Springs and return, J19.00, August 2. 7, 21. Tueblo and return, 19.00, August 2, 7, 21. Salt Lako and return, $32.00, August 2, 21. Ogden and return, $32.00, August 2, 7, 21. City Ticket office 1323 Farnam st., Omaha A Selected I.lst of Summer Tours. Fifteen ono way and nineteen round trip will be found In the Lake Shore's summer edition of "Book of Trains." Copy will be sent on application to R. P. Humphrey, T, P. A., Kausns City, Mo., F. M. Byron, O W. A., Chicago. PnyllKlit Trnln to Colorndo Vln nook lilnml llonte. Will leave Omaha Thursday, August 2, at 6:40 n. m., and nrrlvo Colorado early same evening. Take this train and savo expenso nt sleeper. City Ticket office 1323 Farnam street, Omaha. Summer Ilemirtfc, For a book describing tho cool, pleasant healthful summer resorts of Wisconoln, sit uated on tho Una of tho Chicago, Mllwau kce & St. Paul Ry., address or call on 1 A. NASH, General Western Agent, 1504 Farnam Street, Omaha, Mortality Statistics. Tho following deaths and births wero reported to tho Hoard of Health for tho iweuty-rour nuurs tuning in noon Tiies llllV! Deaths Loren Corliss, aged 4 months 61t Hnuth Klgntecntu; Agnes llnlaz, aged months. !M South Klchteentli. Births'!'. F. Neble. 2TG3 South Ninth eirl: Frank Herek. Twenty-fourth nnd Bancroft, boy: William lleutou, ."S0i Dupont, girl: Patrick Raerdon, 513 North irwcirtii4 girt; louis siavin, sw inrnum RICE ON THE WATER PLANT Engineer Will Estimate Value of tho Property to the Oity, 0URTS TO SETTLE QUESTIONS IN DISPUTE llnle of the Htplrnllon of Conrel tn In Uoulit Mini Vnlue of Unexpired Frnni.-lilse Must He .iu dlciully Determined. Thn Monltillnn nnanprl liv thn CltV COUH- cll, providing for tho hppolntmcnt of nn engineer to investigate tne city water nnrba nlnnt. Iina linen nlcned by M. D. Knrr, acting mnyor. Tho resolution stntes that tho report is to bo tnauo tor mo purpose of enabling the council to decide what price sha bo tm il for tho plant in caso munici pal ownership Is favored. "It Is rumored that certain mcmDers oi tho council nro trying to railroad some Rcliemn tlirniich without dvltlE he people of tho city n chanco to bo heard," Mr. Karr said. "I have been asked why tho resolu tion did not provldo that City Engineer Rosewater should make the Investigation. Nn nniflnnnr is named nnd Mr. Rosownter or any other engineer may be selected by tho council. Personally I prcrer to nave Mr. Rosowotcr look Into the matter, but If ho makes this report It Is probablo that thnrn unlltil tin anmn nntiosltloll tO Ills ap pointment as ono of the three appraisers who must set a price on tho property If tho city decides to buy it. "9nm nhlt,Hnn hna horn raised to the InvnstlpnHnn n r thn vnlun of the nlnnt by ono man. This Is merely a preliminary step, and tne council ma noi icei mm u wnH Imst to incur a b e expense by Hiring several engineers, becnuso nit tho work will bo dono over ngnln by appraisers and this original estimate is intended to determine tmnto vnlun nf the nroncrtr. This step is far removed from tho pur- chnso of tho plant. .Several ((uentlonn Still Open. 'fMtv Attorney Connell snvs thcro nro sev eral questions that will have to bo settled In court before any detinue action can oe tnken. Thero is a difference of opinion as to when tho city's contract for water ex pires. Tho years of 1900. 1901 and lOO.'l havo been given as the date of tho cxhlra tlnn nf thn contract nnd a ruling of tho court must bo had to determine tho vnlue of tho company's unexpired contract. "After the engineer selected prepares his report tho council proposes to call n mass meeting nnd give tho public a chnnco to nnd out everything it wants to know nbout tho matter. Thero Is no disposition to rail road anvt h nc through and everytntne win bo open and abovo board." in illnciiRRlnir tho selection of an engineer to glvo an cstlmato on tho value of the water works plant, Mr. Connell said that he thought It would bo wise to select some capable man and havo him prcparo hn ex haustive report. After this Is dono Mr. Connell suggests that It would bo well to havo tho city engineer go over the report carefully and pass Judgment upon It. In thla mnnner hn believes It would be possi ble to get very reliable Information as to tho value of the plant. nnWIM's Llttlo Earlv Risers are famous llttlo pills for liver and bowel troubles. Never gripe. KNIGHTS ASK LOWER RATES llullrnnils Agree to Give Woulrt-Ile Ak-Sur-Ilenltea One Fnre for Hound Trip. Four Knlghta of Ak-Snr-Bcn, Inured to danger by their frequent exposure to It while crossing desert sands nnd passing Jungles Infested by wild beasts, had the temcilty to face nn imposing nrray or Omaha general passenger officials yester day and unflinchingly ask for tho extension of courtesies often sought, but seldom granted. The fearless four were H. J. Pen- fold. Thomas A Fry, Edgar Allen anu George 1". Cronk Their conference with the passenger offi cials was relative to the application of low rates on all of tho railroads from nearby points for parties desiring to enter the oasis of Omaha on Monday nights and be Initiated Into tho mysteries of Ak-Sar-Bcn's court. Tho success of tho excursions from Fre mont and West Point were cited as ex amples warranting the railroads In assist ing to bring outside Ncbraskans Into Omaha for the purposo of aligning them selves with tho Knights. Tho railroad offi cials gave tho committee to understand that all parties from points within a hundred miles, numbering between fifty and a hun dred, would bo grunted a one-fare rate for the round trip. Excursions from nearby cities on tho Union Pacific, BurllngOon and Missouri Pacific will bo arranged In tho near future as tho result of tho understand ing reached. 1 Low Hole for i. A. It. Passenger men antlclpato that Chicago passenger traffic will bo noticeably light for the next few weeks, as many travelers will undoubtedly postpono their Journeys until August 24 to 27, when a half-fare rate will be operative on account of tho annual en campment of tho Grand Army of tho Re public. This will not Interfere with tho regular business traffic, but many peoplo who oxpect to go east somo time during the summer and can Just as well as not wait a couplo of weeks or bo will hold off buying their tickets until tho low rates becomo effective. As a result It Is oxpected that Omaha-Chicago passenger business during tho latter part of August will bo exception ally heavy. Return limits have been fixed for September 1, subject to extension to September 30. DAYLIGHT THAI.NS FOR KIM HIT 1.AKI1 Oknliojl nnd Arnold Pnrk. The Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul rail way company havo Just plared In service daylight trains between Omaha and Spirit Lake, OkoboJI nnd Arnold's Park. Going the train leaves Omaha at 7 15 a, m. an J ar rives Spirit Lake at 4.15 p. m Rturnlns the train leaves Spirit Lake at 13 n. m. end urrlves Omaha 3:65 p. m. This Is tho best scrvlco that has yet been offered over any ono roid. Round trip tickets, good re turning until October 31, $10.7o. City ticket omce, 1B0I Farnam street. F. A. NASH. Gen'l Western Agent llnir-ltntr Ktciirnlotin In t'tnli. Whllo thero nro tourist rates to Sail Lako City nnd Ogdeu and return In effect every day, n special opportunity Is offered to visit tho wririd s greatest sanitary and health nnd pleasuro resort through n series of cheap excursions to leave Chicago nnd St. Louis August 1, 7, 21. These excursions leave Omahn, St. Joseph. Kansns City, etc.. etc., on August 2, 8, 22. These dates are subject tn change If found advisable. No place In tho universe presents such a com plement of attractions ns Salt Lake City. It Is the placo of tho great Mormon tem ple nnd tabernacle, the scat of ccclcslastl- cal nuthorlty of tho Saints nnd the home of their prophet. It Is quaint, curious nnd picturesque in environment. Tho summer cllranto Is Incomparable. Thero ore cool mountain nnd lako resorts near by, the greatest of which Is Saltnlr Beach on Great Salt lake, Here you con float upon the sur face of the water almost a mile nbovo sea level. Within the limits of tho city are Warm Sulphur nnd Hot Springs pnrktk Irlves ninl beautiful canyons. Furthermore, tho trip to Utah by way of Denver and Colorado Springs over tho Rio Grnndo Western railway In connection with either tho Denver & Rio Grnndo or Colorado Mid land rnllroads Is ono of uncqunled splendor. Tho scenery Is tho most mngnlflcent In America. Send 2 cents postage for copy of Salt Lako City tho City of tho Saints," to George W. Helntz, general passenger ngent Rio Grattdo 'Western railway, Salt Lako City. Saturday, July 23, cheap rate excursion to Hot Springs, via Northwestern Line. Through Saturday sleeper without change. Delightful climate, Delightful plupge, Delightful hotels, Delightful scenery. Curative waters. Call 1401 Farnam nt., Northwestern Lino ofilce, Kvery Comfort for Ilie Trnveler is afforded by tho Lehigh Valley Railroad; cstlbuled limited trains from Buffalo; also Chicago and tho West to New York. Din ing car eervico a la carte. Sloven to New Ofllee. The city passenger office of the Union Ta clflc Is being Installed In Its new location at Fourteenth and Farnam streets. The now quarters aro not yet completed, but It Is possible to gain an Idea of tho magnlflccnco which will characterize tho Interior furnish ings of the new offico when It is finished All of tho furniture Is now, tho ticket casct aro of modern, Improved pattern and tho flntBhlngs aro decidedly hnndsmne. City Passonger Agent Gcorgo Abbott will have a prlvato office In tho rear of tho main offlce IlnllTviir .Votes nnd 1'erflonnla. V. M. LIhbc, traveling freight ngent of the Santa Fe nt St. Joseph, Is looking after business In Omaha. Guy II. Kramer, rate rlerk nt nurllngton general passenger henilnqunrters, has gone to Denver to attend thn quarterly revision in irunniHiHsoun rate sueeis, W. M. ' Davidson of Chicago, chief in spector for J. V. ForHlncer of Chleauo who has charge of tho new Inspection rules ndoptcd by tho Union Pacific, passed through tho city onroutn to Denver and western points on business connected with tho new wntch rules. J. P. Barrett, traveling freight ngent of thn Missouri Pacific In Kansas, is tn town from Concordia consulting with his chlof, Asslstunt General Freight Agent Phllllppl, W. II, Garratt, assistant general freight ageni or tne union meinc, accompunieil by his wife. 1ms returned from his annual vacation, ten days nf which wero spent at i.iiKii wasningion. Boston Store Sells the Finest CLOTHING In Omahn. BOSTON STORE.OMAHA I w.Cm ih ul 0UI k, J. k BRAHpEIS fi SOM. Vnrl ii.Yin:. iiunv. si'Kciai.s. Cheese Jn1e. B.000 lbs. fancy full cream cheese, worth ISc Id., only !'4c. Fancy separator crenm ery butter, 18c, 10o and 21c. Dairy butter, fresh ami sweet, 124c, He nnd 16c, FRUIT SALR. Now pvnporntcd apricots, 7e lb. New evaporated peaches, 7'4c. New raisin cured prunes, Bo lb. High grndo Java and Mocha coffeo, 30c lb. Fancy lemons, per doz., 15c. HAYDKN HIIOS. Clieup liounil Trip ftntes. On August 2. 7 and 21 the Illinois Central will sell tickets, limited until October 31, at, follows: Wnscca, Minn., nnd return, $10.35. Watcrvllle. Minn., and return, $10.63. Madison Lake, Minn., and return, $10.6$. St. Paul. Minn., and return, $12.65. Minneapolis, Minn., and return, $12.65. Duluth, Minn., nnd return, $16.05. Superior, Wis., arid return, $16.95. West Superior. Wis., and return, $16.95. For full particulars call at city ticket ot flee Illinois Central railroad. 1402 Farnam street. $1,651 $1.65! $1,651 Lincoln nnd return via Rock Island Route. Trains lcavo Union station, Omaha, 8:30 n. m., 1:30 p. m 5:55 p, m. City ticket office, 1323 Farnam St. IT'S A WINNER That's our "Sure Death" tho greatest hug exterminator In the world It never mils t kill-not only bed bugs-hut every kind of bug known to the bug family. If you've bugs In your house buy n bottle. ".op for n Hint. rnc fur it half gallon. $1.00 for it gallon. Cramer's Kidney Cure .oe Duffy Malt Whiskey SBe Carters Liver I'llH !' Wine of C nrdtll no Gem Catarrh Powder Illrney's Catarrh Powder 3.c Dr. Karl Cramer's Pennyroyal Pills.... $1.00 Mlios' Nervine 7oe Scott's Kmulslon 75e Malt.'d Milk 40c, 75o, $3.1.. Plnklmm's Compound 7e . H. S -'c Hood's Sarsapurllla oC Unr-Hi'ii 40c AJax Tablets 40c Castorlu 250 Pyramid Pile Curo 40c HtuarfH TiibletH 40o Klectrlc Bitters 4c Pond's F.xtriict 4K. A.vit'h Ilnlr Vigor i'oc CriiAECCb cut price olnAKLrELn DRUGGIST S. V. Cor. HUli nnil Chleauo. FOR THAT SUMMER COUGH USE "LA GRIPPE COl'GH SYRUP" clears the voice nnd bronchial pas sages. It stops tho "hacking." chronic cough as eailly nnd quick ly ns It does tho more recent ono coughs, colds, bronchitis, wheez ing of the breuth, "tightness" nbout the chest, honrseness and sore throat. All yield quickly to a few doses of this remedy. Prices 25c and BOc. Samples free. FOR COLD IN HKAD use Short man's Cutnrrh Jelly. For Hay Fever, Sherman's Eucalyptus Ca tarrh Jelly, When your HKAD ACHKS (from cold) uso Sherman's Eucuiyptus Catarrh Jelly. When you cunhot breathe through tho nose use Shermun's Catarrh Jelly. If you hitve never used It call and get free sample. You will know then thtil It's thn best cntarrh nnd cold medicine made. Made and sold' by Sherman &McGonnel I Drug Go. Corner 16th and Dodce. Don't Go For your summer vacation without a KODAK or CAMKItA. You will miss half tho enjoyment of your trip U you do not preserve tho pleasant and pIcturfBquo scenes with n camora. Wo handle all good makrx nnd can advise you. Just now wo aro offering spe cial bargains In Kantman Folding Pocket Kodaks, worth $10.00 for $8.00 The Robert Dempster Go. , 1215 Farnam St. Developing and printing done. See our new line of picture frames. "Little Journeys in the Black Hills" Is the tltlo of a 32-pngo booklet, with ten Illustrations, descriptive of several fascinating trips offered by tho Burlington Route. It is freo on application. On August 2, 7 and 21 the Burlington will sell round trip tickets, Omaha to Hot Springs nnd return, fi-.r $18.40 Good to return till October 31. Tlcktt Olllcs, 1 502 Farnam St, Tel. 260. Burlington Station, 1 0th and Mason Sts Tel. 120. H CtllVi IrfJI THE QUICK TRAINS -ARE VIA The Union Pacific OMAHA TO SALT LAKE GITY Ten Hours Quicker OMAHA TO SAN FRANCISCO Fifteen Hours Quicker OMAHA TO PORTLAND Fifteen Hours Quicker ....THAN ANY OTHER LINE.... Buffet Smoking and Library Cars, with narber Shop and ?Ito nt Reidlng Rooms. Double Drawing Room Palace Sleeptrs. Dl Ids Care, Meals a la Carte. Plntsch Light. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1302 FARNAM, TEL, 316. j Ladies' Shoes ONE DOLLAR AND NINETY CENTS J Is a nice onsy price to pay for n woinnn's alioo. just hnlf'Wn.v between $1.7fi nnd .?2.!2,", the little ditTereuee is in your favor, nnd, in this shoe you lintl better vnlue thiin any store in the community can offer you at $2. fit). You have something that is strictly worthy of your con fidence. The fact, that, our Ladies' Shoe Department increases by leaps and bounds every month proves that we're strictly in (lie right kind of shoe business. IF IT'S A LOW SHOE You want, the shoe man has an oxford that will please you in price- style quality; it's a woman's oxford, tan oi1 black, with kid or vesting top, any style last, all sizes, H to 1313. HAYDEHs HOT DAYS you want, to wear something light, and airy. If you want to be thoroughly comfortable and enjoy the summer it is necessary to have one of our tine fancy striped flannel outiu Suits 412 Just the coat and trousers you know and belt to match a negligee shirt and you are fixed uot only cool and comfortable, but correct, and stylish. A beautiful range of fancy striped Jlan nel suits, single and double breasted, worth $.").()0 to $12.00 now on sale at 2.7? and 4. 50. Too many men's tine Suits, something extraordinary had to be done to move them, so we took all our ?LS, ?20, $22.50 and f25 and reduced them to Suits 1252 Think of it, a saving of from $5.50 to $12.50 on a suit fabrics are high grade, pure fancy worsteds nnd imported cheviots. He member this offer will be withdrawn after Saturday evening. All boys' washable knee pants Suits worth from 75c to $3 now on sale at 25c, 50c and 05c. Odd washable knee pants at 5c. Boys' double breasted knee pants Trash Suits, sizes 0 to 10 regular $1.50 suits at only 50c. Selling the most clothing in Omaha. HAYDEN BROS. Selling the Most Clothing in Omaha. HAYDENs SHOE SALE Attracts Bigger Crowds Every Day. The greatest fine shoe values cv.t put on sulc Selling L'2,000 pairs of flno shoes direct from tho floors of thn host manufacturers nt 46 cents on the dollar, in all the latest styles and all sizes. Every pair carefully fitted by experienced salesmen. Ladies' finei.5o, 2.oo and 2.50 ox ford tieB and Btrap slippers in vici kid, fine patent leather and velour calf, go in this salo 98c Misses' fi" illlU O-.i'U $1.96 vici kid lace shoos in black and tans sizes 1 1 to t1 r 2 go in this salo at ipl.wO Boys' f,no tan Soa a,lfl bx J- lace shoos in Ui f .i.ns 1 to 54, at MA Ladies' ino $,'-r, and vioi kid, patent leather and Russia calf shoes, with tho lat est stylo toer, now military and French heels, all sizes jjJJ 96 080 and widths, on sale at T f(f2? J1110 vi patent leather hand welt shoes Ltmib mn,in by Froiicli-Slu'i nor fc Urncr, QT to sell for $5, $0 and 7 all go in this salo nt.P-w V 1 HAYDEN BROS. uiri.