20 THE OMAHA DAILY 3iEE: SFXDAT, .TPLY 29, 1000. t i IV a 1 I CITY CAS PURCHASE SWEEPER Judgo Keytar Denies Union's Request for an Injunction. TERM "DAY LABOR" DEFINED BY COURT Word If !! tn lie n Prohibition tif Cuntrni't l.nlior nml Not cci'. nrlly McnnliiK "llaiul LnlHir." The. pneumatic street sweeper has the ap prove! of the law; tho hum of Its wheels and suction draught will continue to bo heard on the streets of Omaha In spite of tho protest ot Federal Union No. S001. Judge Keysor denied the union's petition for n temporary Injunction yesterday and gave tho city permission to make the first payment of $1,260 on the Furnas sweeper recently purchased. "In 1887 tho original city charter was granted to Omaha," said Judgo Keysor, "and In It thcro were provisions regarding the cleaning of streets. An option was left with tho officials whether tho work should bo done by contract or by day's labor. Tho street commissioner was given oversight over tho sweeping and In case the labor waB done by contruct It was specified that ho should appoint an overseer. "In the charter passed In 1807 the rule 1b laid down that 'all sweeping must bo done by day's Inbor.' This would Imply that tho old provision for contract labor Is no longer valid and that tho work must bo dono by tho day rather than through tho medium of some contractor who might have little re gard for tho welfare of his men. With this vlow 'day's labor' would not necessarily be confined to hanl labor, "In the new charter there Is n parallel case with regard to paving. Such work la to be let by contract unless othcrwlso peti tioned for by taxpayers, when It will fco done by 'day's work. In this coso It Is plain that no restriction Is placed upon tho uso of steam rollers or other machinery, the term 'day'H work' being opposed to 'con tract work,' rather than 'hand work.' " "Tho use ot machinery In this country Is so general," concluded tho court, "It has become such n necessity In every depart ment ot human activity that no court would bo Justified In denying tho city tbo uso of modern appllnnccs unless tho charter pro vided RgalnBt them specifically. The peti tion for temporary Injunction Is accordingly denied." In the course of his opinion the court re ferred to tho city's claim that no reduction would bo made In tho working force, but that the only effect would bo to sweep flvo times as much surface. Judgo Keysor also spoke of tho city's objection on the ground of the union not being n taxpayer. Ho said that tho point would be a serious one, but that both sides had signified n desire to havo the case decided on Its merits. Tho attorney for tho union announced to tho court that ho would file nn amended petition in which somo responsible Individ ual would net as plaintiff. Judgo Keysor gave the desired permission, tbo petition not to bo filed, however, beforo tho fall term of court. ASSERTS II OA It I) XV AH NKC.I.IOI5NT. Sim. nierltnwer AnUm Dnuinicea tor In Jnrlm HunIiiIim-iI liy n Fall. Tho hole In tho ground dug by tho school board In front of tho High school build ing has Involved It In trouble with Mrn. Martha B. Wcrbower. On the night of July 4 Mrs. Wcrbower, with several friends, climbed Capitol hill to witness tho flrc worka. She claims In her petition that tho grounds nre of a quasi-public character, und that citizens arc nccustnmcd to gather thcro on tho night of Independence day. It was a dark night nnd Mrs. Illerbower was surprised by a sudden rain. To escape n drmchlng she hurriedly sought tho front steps of tho building, and In so doing was precipitated over tho bank Into the excava tion Intended for n foundation of the new building. Sho fell eight feet into a bed of soft clay. The force of Mrs. nicrbower's fall was broken by tho moist earth, but novcrtholess sho eays sho received Internal Injuries which may permanently affect her physical welfare. Accordingly sho asks damages from tho Iloard of Education In the nmount of $r.,000. She says If the board had used proper precautions In hanging out lanterns tho accident would not havo oc curred. Conrt .Voted. Deputy Tom Flynn hns gone to Lincoln to deliver Into tlin ItiHiino nsvlum llenrv Krebbs, lulludgrd of unsound mind by the uouru vi iiimiiiuy v. onirniHsioncrs. Louis A. Holoulick. need 21. nnd Miss Annlo Mnrenn. nged 21, wero married yes- innifir ny county juugo vinsonunicr. Ttio bridal party wan ntteuded by u train of groomsmen and bridesmaids from tbo Magic Clly. Mrs, Cora Seeley bus brought an action ngalnst her husband, Fred, for divorce. Tbo Sccleys wero married In Hangatuck, Mich., In 1S9T, and the wlfo nlleges thnt lier husband has refused to llvo with her. Mrs, Seeley nsks for tho custody of the j-yeur-aiu cnuu. To the manager of Iloyd's theater for the box parties of 20th and 24th; also to my friends, ono nnd nil, who so kindly and gen erously aided me during tho recent vaca tion contest, ns well as Tbo Hoe Pub. Co., I desire to extend my slncero thanks. Keep., KATHARINE STILLWELU Kvcry Comfort for the Traveler Is afforded by the Lehigh Valley Railroad; ivestlbuled limited trains from Buffalo; also Chicago and tho West to Now York. Din ing car ocrvlco a la carte. Omaha Tent and Awning Co., tents, awn ngs, canvas goods, 11 and Harnnr, phone 883. Hubermann, Jowcler; est. 1866; absolutoly fellah!; lowest prices guaranteed. 13 & Doug. niauk book and magazine binding. A. I, Root. 414-416 South Twelfth St. Dorward, dentist, 1324 Farnam. N. N. Nicest shampoo you ever know. N. N. Six In a package, 25c. Have Root urlnt It. niiin. B'REMANN Fred, nged 25 years, nt Denver, Colorado, July 23, 1900. Services Sunday afternoon, July 29, nt 2 o'clock lit the residence of his sister, Mrs. A. fl. Hchullz, 18'.'2 St. Mnry's nvonuo. Re mains will leu vo Omaha on the 4 o'clock llurllngtnn trnln. Interment, Rock Island. 111. Funeral and services private. OLSKN-Klolrn. July 26, WOO, nged 23 years, 3 days. Funeral Sunday, July 19. at 2 p. m. from family residence, 904 S. 27th St. Inter ment. Forest Lawn. Friends Invited. UPENETER-Solmn, July 2t, 1900, lit Den ver, Colo,, nged 25 yenrs. Funeral from the residence of her mother, Mrs. John Kpcneter, 4021 Izard street, this (Sunday) afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment, Fulrvlow cemetery, Council Jlluffs. MRS. KATE FRAl'KNIHTORR Aged 75, at tho home of her daughter, Mrs, C. A. Rutherford, 201 S. Thlrly-llrst avenue. Funeral to bo held nt Rochester, N. Y Tuesday, July 31, 10 u, tn. Short service nt the liouso nt 3 p. in. today before re mains aro taken to train, 1 i l)rovnliiic In Tenia. HAN ANTONIO, Tex., July 28, The wife and daughter of A. W Shaw, secretory of tho Young Mcn'H Christian association of this cltv, were drowned today In tho Comal river while boating. (ieroiilmo'a Inannlty Denied, FORT WORTH, Tex.. July 2S.-A special ns received here today denying that Oeronlmo. the noted Apache prisoner, has r;on mud. He Is not Imprisoned, but Is ivlng with his squaw on tho Fort Sill enervation. ANOTHER WHOLESALE HOUSE Miirfln-Cntf lint Compnnr Will lie ltrudy for miniums About Jiinnnr) 1, Another Important buslnrns onterprlso has Joined Omaha's gathering caravan of progress. Ocorge Cott, William Colt and Frank .Martin, all ot this city, and a young man named Ilclmer, who Is connected with a prominent Sioux City business establish ment, have associated themselves In the organization of tho Martln-Cott Hat com pany, which will shortly Incorporate with' a capital stock ot 150,000. The company has secured the building nt 1107 Harney street, the occupant of which will remove to the old Klrkendall building, now occupied as a warehoufio by M. K. Smith & Co., at Eleventh and Harney streets. Tho com pany expects to get Its affairs In shape for business by Jnnuory 1 and will at that time put six or seven men on the road. George and William Cott are at present connected with the Oate City Hot company In the capacity of traveling salesmen. The former has been with that company for about twenty years and the latter about seventeen yeans. Iloth aro familiar with thy needs of tho trade. Mr. Martin Is well known as an Omaha capitalist. Otiiiihn Secure n Nmv Hiitorprlsp. Almost overy Issuo of Tho Dee chronicles a new acquisition to the commercial Inter ests of the city. This time It Is nn enter prise not only now to Omaha, but to tho entire west, a plant for the purchase, ns soiling nnd shipping of old or waste papor. Few people aro awnro of the valuo of this commodity or tho Important part which waste paper plays In the manufacture of new stock. Tho uew plant occupies n largo building at 1309-11 Lcatcnworth street nnd r.-ill operate extensively throughout tho west. A force of nearly 100 people aro employed In sorting and handling tbo product and this will not only mako tho business Important from nn Industrial standpoint, but will bring con siderable business to Omaha which has formerly gono to Chicago. Tho handling of waste paper has been reduced to almost nn exact science. It Is regularly collected from printing offices, business houses, etc., and after careful sorting and grading Is baled and shipped to tho mills, whero It enters again Into tho vnrlous grades of paper known to tho modern commercial world. Tho now onterprlso Is Incorporated under tho name of tho Harding Taper Stock company, Sam. Harding, president, and F. C. Kaufman, secretary and' general manngor. Tho former gentleman needs no Introduction to Omaha business men nnd It was largely duo to his energy nnd onterprlso that tho new Industry was lo cated in this city. Ilnir-Itnlc Kxcurslona In Utnh. While thcro aro tourist rates to Salt Lake City and Ogden nnd return In effect every dny, n special opportunity Is offered to vlnlt the world's greatest sanitary and health and pleasure resort through a series of cheap excursions to leave Chicago and St. Louis August 1, 7, 21. Theso excursions leave Omaha, St. Joseph, Kansas City, etc., etc., on August 2, 8, 22. These dates aro subject to change It found advisable. No place in the universe presents such a complement of attractions as Salt Lake City It Is the place of tho great Mormon Temple and Tab ernacle, tho seat of ecclesiastical authority of tho Saints and tho home ot their prophet. It Is quaint, curious, and picturesque In en vironment. Tho summer climate Is Incom parable. Thoro aro cool mountain nnd lake resorts near by, the greatest of which lo Saltatr Beach on Great Salt Lake. Here you can float upon the surface of the water almost n mllo nbovo sea level. Within tho limits of the city aro Warm Sulphur and Hot Springs, parks, drives and beautiful canyons. Furthermore, tho trip to Utah by way of Denver and Colorado Sprlugs over tho Rio Orando Western Railway In connec tion with either the Denver ft Rio Orando or Colorado Midland railroads Is ono of un equaled aplcndor. Tho scenery Is tho most magnificent In America. Send two cents poatago for copy of "Salt Lake City the City of tho Saints," to Oeo. W. Helntz, General Passenger Agent Rio Grande Western Rail way, Salt Lako City. Chrap Hound Trip Rates. On August 2, 7 and 21 tho Illinois Central will sell tickets, limited until October 31, a follows: Waseca, Minn., and return, $10.35. Watervllle, Minn., and return, $10.68. Madison Lake, Minn., and return, $10.61. St. Paul, Minn., and return, $12.65. Minneapolis, Minn!, and return, $12.65. Duluth, Minn., and return, $16.95. Superior, Wis., and return, $16.95. West Superior, Wis., and return, $16.95, For full particulars call at city ticket ot flee Illinois Central railroad, 1402 Farnam street. Saturday, July 23, cheap rate excursion to Hot Springs, via Northwestern Line. Through Saturday sleeper without change. Delightful climate, Delightful plunge, Delightful hotels, Delightful scenery. Curative waters. Call 1401 Farnam ot., Northwestern Line office, (Srenl Ilenlon of Itrninrkalile I'nrni, Fruit, (irur.lnir nnd Jtliiernl I.miil, Tho country tn southwest Missouri nnd northwest Arkansas, along tho 'Frisco Line, Is ono ot tho surest and best farming, fruit and stock countries In tho world. It Is also tho richest mineral producing country In tho world. There are millions ot acres of cheap wild lands here awaiting Improvement. More inducements to homeseekers and capitalists than any other portion of the United States, Doscrlptlvo Uteraturo sent free upon appli cation to Bryan Snyder, O. P. A., 'Frisco Lino, St. Louis, Mo, I.n.llc' TnllorOlade Sulfa. Mr. J. A. Kervan, the merchant tailor at 422 South Fifteenth street, returned Thurs day from tho east, whero he has been for tho past month looking up tho very latest fall nnd winter styles In ladles' and gentle men's tnllor-mada suits, and Is now prepared to tako orders and mako them up In the very latest patterns A new departure with him this season Is that ladles who so desire can purchase, their materials elsewhcro and ho will mako them up In any stylo they may select, and at very reasonable prlcec. Special Useiiralon Via Itoek lalanil Hon (p. Special excursions, via Rock Island Routo: Denver and return, $19,00, August 2, 7 21. Colorado Springs and return, $19.00, August 2, 7, 21. Pueblo and return, $19,00, August 2, 7, 21. Salt Lake and return, $32.00, 'August 2, 7, 21. Ogden and return, $32.00, August 2, 7, 21. City Ticket offlco 1323 Farnam St., Omaha. UnyllKkt Trnlu to Colorado Via Rook lalniul Route. Will leave Omaha Thursday, August 2, at 6.40 a. m., and arrive Colorado early same evening. Take this train and oavo cxpenso of sleeper. City Ticket office 1323 Farnam street, Omaha. Summer Ileaortt, For a book describing the cool, pleasant, healthful summer resorts ot Wisconsin, sit uated on the lino ot the Chicago, Milwau kee & St. Paul Ry address or call on F. A. NASH, General Western Agent, 1504 Farnam Street, Omaha. Genuine Imported II. O. Pilsner beer on drauc ht at Ed Maurtr't. 1306 Farnam St. HE CAN TAI.1C SOMH. Press Ascent for the Fore pn tmli-Sella llrcim Herein In Voenlmlnr)'. He is n young man of student Ilko brow and tho face ot nn up-to-date Chicago busi ness man. That he Is a college graduate is evident from his amplitudinous vocabulary and that be Is what Plato called a "cracker Jack" nrcos agent Is also In evidence with Just n short sitting with him, He is ahead of one ot the biggest shows on earth and conse quently must have big language and plenty of It to describe his goods. This morning with the thermometer plunging up to 101 ho was a welcome caller In tho oanctum of tho Journal of civilization and after tbo scribe had broken tho Ice nnd had handed him a few In reference to tho philosophy that the physical phenomena In man depend upon tho convolutions of tho gray matter In tho cranium of the boy, tho press agent warmed to his subject nnd said; "That's right and proper nnd the circus man Is tho best psychologist of them nil. He knows that the thing that awakens In men tho scenes of devastating danger and sanguinary slaughter Is to reproduco by painting or objects tho recollections of tho boyhood days and whotever was more ox- hllaratlng to the boy'o mind than tbo splen did and captivating oil paintings ot the scenes In the circus cages. So It Is that when the plump and plastic, prodigious and pnlcstlc, palanquin nnd palmary, protuber ant and panoramic, phosphorescent and pe nultimate, pacologlcal and polyphonous pa geant of tho Forcpaugh-Sells Brothers' cir cus shall pass through the streets of this town, tho Inhabitants are going to witness a couplo of miles of ophthalmic, obsecra tions and obolcscent oil, palettlcnlly pictur ing tho Jaguars of tho Jungle, tho dangers of tho desert, the panrlers of the plain, the makebltcs of the mountain, tho snbathlnns ot tho eky, and tho ophidians of the ocean that will mako them stare. It will he su perlatively splendid." ThU big amusement enterprise will arrive in Omaha this morning over the F., n. & M. V. and pitch their tents at tho usual show grounds, Twentieth nnd Paul streets. The parado will occur on Monday morning, leaving tho grounds .nt 9 n. m. promptly and travel tho following route: From Twentieth and Paul outh to Cuming, east to Sixteenth to Capitol avenue, to Fifteenth, to Douglas, to Tcntb, to Farnam, to Sixteenth, to Cum ing, to lot. 2 Trains to Spirit Lake Via Northwestern Line. Leave Omaha 6:55 a. m. Leave Omaha 7:35 p. m. Only ono change ot cars If you go via tho Northwestern Line. Call at 1401 Farnam street for round trip rates and parlor car or sleeping car accommodations. MIbs Katie Kern of "Dyballn," who was ono of tho winners In "Tho Beo Vacation Contest," desires, through tho columns of this paper, to thank her many friends for their kindness in nsststiug her In securing one ot the delightful tripn. The Union OMAHA TO SALT LAKE 0ITY Ten Hours Quicker OMAHA TO SAN FRANCISCO Fifteen Hours Quicker OMAHA TO PORTLAND Fifteen Hours Quicker ....THAN ANY OTHER LINE.... Buffet Smoking and Library Cars, with Barber Shop and Pleas ant Reading Rooms. Doublo Drawing Room Palace Sleepers. Din ing Care, Meals a la Carte. PIntsch Light. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1302 FARNAM. TEL, 316. HAYDEi Clothing at Every dollar's worth must bo sold. $3.00 double breasted Blue Serge Coats at $1.50 Black Sateen Coats on sale Monday at $5.00 Coats and Vests on sale Monday at $8.50 Drape d'ete, extra long Coats on sale at Children's Washable Knee and 35c. Qrtat mark down on all All our Men's Suits that were 16.50 now $3.75 All our Men's Pants that were JIM- now 51.25 All our Men's fine Suits that were J32.EO ind 125.09 now $15.00 All our Men's Suits that were S3.C0 and 19 iat were $3. CO and 19 now $4.75 All our Uoys' Vastee Suits that were J2.00 now 98c All our Boys' Washable Suits that were 11.50 and 11. ?5 now 75c and 95c Boys' fancy Vests given away with all double breasted knee pants suits at $2.50 and up. Read about our gnat bargains on page II. HAYDEN BROS. DA.YMC11IT TIIAI.NS FOR fl'lltlT LAKH OlioboJI .mil Arnold I'nrk. The Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul rail way compiny have Just placed In service daylight trains between Omaha nnd Spirit Lake, OkoboJI nnd Arnold's Park. doing the train leaves Omaha at 7:15 n, m. nnd ar rives Spirit Lake at 4:15 p. tc. Returning the train leaves Spirit Lake nt C:45 a, m. cud arrives Oraah.i 3:55 p. m. This Is the best service that has yet been offered over any ono roid. Round trip tickets, good re turning until October 31, $10.70. City ticket office, 1504 Farnam street. F. A. NASH, Qen'l Western Agent. Hamilton 'Warren, M. D., eclectic nnd magnetic physician, tins moved h'.s office to 709 North 16th street, room 13. Special at tention to all long stnndlng or Ungating dis eases and to diseases of women and children. Chicago Laundry. Telephone 205, Coco Celery Coco Celery Coco Celery Coco Gelery Coco Celery Coco Gelery Idoal summer drink. Just the drink for a hot day. Have you tried It? Sold at tho fountain, J. A, FULLER & CO. CUT PRICU DRUGGISTS. Fourteenth nni Ununlna Streets, Putting Up fruit Is not n plea ting tnsk when you nre doing tho cooking In somo old worn out utensil, but by using ono of our fine stew pans or kcttlct) you will obtain the best results from your labor, they rango In price from 23c up to $1.50. Wo keep a full lino of house furnishing goods, enamel tinware. The Link's nnti rust tlnwnro Is positively guaranteed not to rust, and cannot bo excelled for dura bility. Summer goods nt low prices. Such ns In surance Gasollno stoves, Yukon Refrigera tors, White Mountain nnd Arctic Ice Cream Frcozcrs. Headquarters for paints and oils. J, A. Weaver & Son, HARDWARE and TINNERS. !!7W Leavenworth St. Tel. 1078. THE QUICK TRAINS ARE VIA- Hot Weather Half P 1.50 50c 2.50 4.50 Pants at 8e and lfic worth 20c Men's and Boys' Girthing Alt our .Men's Suits that wero $12.50 All our Men's Crash Suits that were $1 75 and 12.50. now 95c and $1.25 All our Men's Crash and Duck Pants that were i 1.00 now 45c and 50c All our Mcn'a Pants that wero $2.50 to J5 now IM and 2.50 All our Boys' Long Tanta Suits that were 7 50 to $12.50 3.70, 5.00 & 7.50 Mail Orders Filled A Jirlci'lril Lint nf Summer Tours. Fifteen one way and nineteen round trip will bo found In the Lako Shore's summer edition of "Book of Trains " Copy will bo sent on application to II, P Humphrey, T. P A , Knnsag City. Mo., F M, Byron, O. W. A., Chicago. W. k Roush with tho Atnerlcnn Kxpress Co. of Omaha, says this nboiit Cramer's Kidney Cure: "You havo no Idea how well I now feel nnd I don't have to tnko nny more medi cine. I sleep well nt night nnd nwnko In the mornlnR rested, nnd nm entirely frco from pain In tho Imck. I have used other medicines, but Cramer's has made me n well man, nnd I now deslro to ndd my words of praise to the list of thoso who have used this medicine nnd whom I know It has helped." Insist on IiiivIiik OH AMUIl'S. Tnkr no oilier, Hold liy nit (IriiKKlot. Cramer Chemical Co. Albany, X. Y. Our Optical Department Wo havo Just recently fitted up a special dark room for tho testing of eyes for which wo test free of charse. Prompt ii Mention given to n Hllpht eye trouble may prevent serious trouble, nnd we claim to be an export and are nt your disposal to tell you whether you require xlnxsos or not. Wo want you to trade here with the feelliiK that you nro running no risk. Wo have glasses ut all prlees and wo guarantee thnt they are absolutely good ns can be bought elsewhere for the price; our best glasses cost but little more than tho aver ago common trush and go much farther. JOHN RUDD, Optician and Jeweler, 115 South 16th Street. DIAMONDS on tho Tontlno Installment Plan. Ask us about It. U.MVHIISII, TO.VI'I.VK ASSOCIATION, -lit Mieely Illoeli, Omnhn, Nl. iJ Of, M i LZSCPRE3 all ICm.ey Kldneycura. ; iidl a.ivo) i iitt at ucne, etc. Ainruir- gists, or br mat a, 1 1. Frwbook. d' vice, etc., ot Dr. 11. J. Kay, Sarutogs, N. Y, HAYDENs Cloak Dept. A clearing sale worthy of tlie name and long to be remem bered. JUST WHAT WE CLAIM the best goods for the least money of any house in America. A few items picked from the phenomenal bargains we are now offering: 100 ladies' Tailor-made Suits in all the newest styles and ma terialsthat sold at $15.00, $20.00 and $22,50 -I f ff now on sale at lJJJ 50 ladies' Tailor-made Suits that sold at $12.50 Oft now 50 ladies' Dress Skirts no two alike they are worth PTf Oft $12.00 and $15.00 your choice as long ns they last. . zsQj 50 ladies' heavy mistered Crepon Skirts that were y Oft $7.50 now only -rfr. 10 dozen ladies' Underskirts worth $1.00 15 dozen ladies' Black Mercerized Skirts with 3 rows Oftf of ruffles worth $2.00 for each '. VOC 25 ladies' Silk Underskirts worth $12.50 and 70 $15.00 for mtJVJ 100 dozen ladies' Wash Waists that sold for $1.50 50C 55 dozen ladies' Wash Waists that sold up to $1.00 for LADIES' EAHLY FALL JACKETS silk lined A QO throughout for 25 dozen LADIES' PERCALE WRAPPERS 4Qn at "T" 50 dozen ladies' Percale Wrappers 15-in. flounce ruflle over shoulder braid trimmed worth $2.00 Closing out all Summer Millinery Regardless of former price or cost Read great bargain announcement on page 11. HAYDEN BROS. n f n Western Agents for the And Fourteen Other M-kes to Select From. Smith Omalm Warerooms, 025-27 N. 2ltl St. DON'T FORGET THAT WHEN SIMING A Yon hive the BEST not withstanding they cost you no more thin Interior ooodl. r. H. KICK M. C. r MAMIFACTUUKIH, ST. I.OIIIS, MP ISUirU U(lnS C. K RAILSDACK, OMAHA. D1STIUBUTOH. "...ul iRHUC ANOTHER WEEK OF TAN SHOE BARGAINS AT CARTWRIGHT'S We still have lots of stylish, hand some Tan Shoes, nnd aro going to give our customers another week of these splendid bargains. Don't fall to come this week; It's your last chance. Men's best $5 and $6 Tan shoes for ,. . 3.45 Men's best $3.50 O AJZ and $4 Tan shoes . Ladies' $5&'&rcoQ AX Tan lace shoes for . J Ladies' best $4 Tan 1 lace shoes for ... . J Ladies' best $3.50 1 AK Oxford ties for . . . TJ Splendid bargains in tan shoes for boys and girls of all ages. CP. Cartwrigbt M. E. Cor. teth mj A MBmiluSla. QJ wJO Wilcox TANSY PILLS For tn v?m t!it onbr iff nd rftllifete Female lie fculntor 'r Ml uublM. ReliM wttntf 1 iuy. At d run UK, o by n11' "cr, w .Sn'l4G for"Vomn9af0.ulTl!. TTIlrtf .Uedlcnl Co,, m H. istti st. rmu.. r. Sold by Hoaton-McOInn Drue Co., una Sherman & McConnclt Drug Co. DIFFICULT OPERATIONS ARE OUR SPECIALTY Have an examination ot your teeth made nt least once a year. They may nn naA) fill Vl A I r nl'uPi) ilmfl hilt lWM " ! TM that is the only safe plan, we will 31 he pleased to muhe such examinations for you free of chnrfie. If you noeu anythlnK or if you don't, wo will tell you. Rood set of teeth . . t.VOO Dost set of teeth.... 7.fi0 BAILEV, the Dentist CIS I'axton lllk. Kllh A Fnriuiin. I.ndy Attendant. l'lioue limft. - tlKMmM2 Gastronomical "Do, you think the shortest route to n man s heart I - through his stomach?" asked .Miss (lahby. as she prepared to exhibit her skill with tho chafing dlh to young Ur. Powder. "Oh, dear, no!" exclaimed tho young physician, oacIMiik "P with tho con sciousness of his superior knowledge. "Tho shortest way to tho heart Is by way of nn Incision through the loft sub-clavlal section of tho thorlclc pnrlotles." Thus Is cold science wresting Cupid's weapons ono by one from the hands ot tho fair sex. Ualtlmoro American. Tho shortest way to kill a pain In tho stomach Is to tako n dose of Victor's Collo .ind Diarrhoea Itemed)- which Itwtnntly re lieves nil kinds of pain and cramps. Price 2Zc per pottle. Kor salo by Sherman & McGonnell Drug Co. 'or. Kllh nml limine Street. The Drain upon your purso will amount to very little If you havo Free &, lllack do your repair ing and plumbing of all kinds, Wo nre always roasonnblo In our chnrges, prompt and obliging In service, nnd our work cannot bo excelled In plumbing, gas or steam fitting or repairing. How Is your old plumbliy; wearing? Let us know. Free & Black, Phone 1019. . . 1800 I nrntun St. Don't Go For your summer vacation without a KODAK or OAMEHA. You will miss half tho enjoyment of your trip If you do not preserve tho pleasant and picturesque scenes with a camera. Wo handlo nil good makes nnd can ndvlto you. Just now wo nro offering spe cial bargains In Knutman Folding Pocket Kodaks, worth $10.00 for $8.00 The Robert Dempster Co., 1215 Farmim St. Developing and printing dono. See our new lino ot plcturo frames. Good Teeth we nil should und cnu have. Come to us and we will send you awuy with good ones Our work Is lusting und our prices moder ate. Kxtrnctlng 2T.c Vitalized Air Wo (lood Crowns, best J.'i.OO Tatt's Philadelphia .Dental Rooms, irS17 DoiiKlna St. poooooooooooooooooo o Janitors o o Wo wnnt to call tho attention oIq our ninny JANITOR CUSTOMERS toQ our now lino. winiiow ntriiiiHiis CHAMOIS SICI.Vfi STKAMIIOAT MOIVH I'OTTOX MOI'N I.I.NK.V SLASH I'.IIS I'liATIIIlll IM STi:ilS I'l.OOH IIKISIIIOS a it it i.vfii: si'o(ii:s MKTAI, IMtl.lSHI'.S SCHMI HlttlSIIK.S O O o o o o o o o o o o o Jas. Morton &Son Co.o g 1511 DODGE ST. q O Tool Ilciulqunrteis. O O O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ How it grows There's not better evidence (of our posi tion In prescription work) than the ever In creasing hUBlntss It grows like hot-house plants nnd what Is the rrnson? Let ut) aniwer! A perfected scientific knowledge of tho work In hand. Cnstllo Snap, bar 19c Cramnr'H Kidney cure "ii Palne'H Colery Compound T5i " Ul ( J . ..it,.,. I1AA'U UflrU..t.ll.Mll. 1 1 urn, t .., , r . , ,, . Carter's I.lver I'IIIh .. 7.V Hi: -Si- ur. Allies iienuMiicM H. H. H 75- I, yd a I'lnklmin'H Compound ".V Jlostottor'H Hitters 7&i- AM. OTHERS AT CUT PRICKS. BOSTON 9T0RE bf drug V dept. NOTICE- Wo want overy houso kcoper to get nc qualntcd with the results of Mngeo Fur nnces. Wo have our reasons. Yo'i wan! tho best heater. Tho MAO EE Is the nn you want RphiiIIh count, not mero claim-' Not oxnrtly what wu say. Iml what tin Mngeo docs, ilmi determines IIh valuo to vou. .Most hi-iii. easiest secured ut least -unnlng expense, that Is the Magco. Prices fiirnlFhed on application. Kor salo by - ChiiH. A. Peguu tx Co., Mlll-Min Juuksoii HI,, OiunUu, .cb. i (