THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, JTJLY 20, li)0u. n CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE Volume of Bnsinaw in Practically All Lines Heavier Than Anticipated. MORE MERCHANTS ARE COMING TO TOWN Groceries mill limits Are FlrmltiK l.'P. lint Other Line. SIiimi lull lltlf (limine In Values for tin- Week. Tho volumo of business In this section of the country still continues unisually heavy for this Mason of the year. As a general thing Jobbers lo not look for much business during the month of July, but this year the inujorlty of them havo not experienced what might be called a lull In trade. There Is not, of course the nctlvlty there was a couple of months ogo. but at the sumo time there Is a brlik trade for this time of year. Quito a num ber of merchants aro beginning to call on tho Jobbers anil U Is expecteil that from now on house trade will bo quite u feature Tho merchants' rules, whereby retailer can havo their railroad fair paid, provided It iloe3 not exceed 2 per cent r,r the pur chases, It Is thought. w)H bring ninny dtnl crs to tho city who otherwise woild nut come. Tho efforts made during tho Inst year or two to bring dealers to this city and get them acquainted with the business men hus had a Brent Influence and there aro now many merchants buying their poods on this market who nlwnyB thought they had to ko cast. Jobbors suy ail that Is needed Is to get a man here once und he can bo depended upon to patronize Oiraha In tho future. Tho markets havo not shown much chungo during tho last week with tho ex ception of groceries and drugs, which are advancing Dry goods, hardware nnd such lines aro practically In tho same notches they, wero In u week ugo. lirnrrry Market Firm. Tho last week brought nbout no slack ening In tho demand for groceries. Jobbers miv hnv hnvn nbout nil tho business they can handle and never experienced a better trade In the month or juiy. inero uavo been no very Hcnsatlunut advances since lust renort. but at tho same tlmo tho mur- ko t as a whole Is In a very strong position, khgnr remains unchanged so far ns quota tions go, but London cables snow inn tnnr ltnt on rnws verv strong, which naturally strengthens tho feeling on refined grudoi in rs'ew vorK. u is inongiii uuuwier uu" vnncn will Inkn ulncn III tho near future. I'sckugo coffee Is also quoted the same as It wus u week ago, but greens are higher, so on advance oil roasted coffee would not be a surprise. The cheese market Is still going up, as the demand continues exceedingly heavy. Tho udvnnco since last report amounts to from I4r to ii ner pound. Tito ropo marKci Is going off and tho prlco Is now lower than It has been In many months. This niirllpM to lintb mIhiiI nnd mnnllu. Evaporated raspberries aro now on tho mnrket and prices have advanced from 2o to 8V4C slnco hist report. It Is cluimed that tho old stock Uf practlcnlly exhausted, which accounts for tho fancy prices now lii'lne nuoti'il. Hvanornted anrlcots are ulso on the market, mid, owing to tho heavy foreign demand, fancy stock will bo upt to command a premium In tho near future. It Is said nearly all tho high grudo stocl- Is going to foreign markets, which Is t'liimlnB il Hlicirlnirc for home consumntlon. There Is little chango to report In tho canned goods situation, rrncucnuy an lines remain where they were a week ago with tho exception of salmon, which Is ntcmlllv firming on. This is particularly true of the cheaper grades, as slocks ure being rapldlv reduced and but llttlo Is left of tho dcslrablo brands on tho coast. It will be from six weeks to two months before tho now goods will urrlvo on the market. Guild Di'iiiiunl for Hardwire. Hnrdwnro Jobbers nro stilt enjoying a very nico trade. Orders aro not largo, but lor mar. reason reiaiicrs niivn in unj freniientlv. so that the aggregate of busi ness Is entirely satisfactory. There has hi on no special font tiro to tho trade, as tlm ik'tininil Is for-all classes of seasonable goods. Tho mnrket, too, has been rather uninteresting ino last ween, niuru i mime weakness still observable, but quotations nto not much different on tho Important lines. Somo hardware men, who aro In a position to know, express tho opinion that prices aro not going to decline much farther, us they nro getting well down to .nirl Mm nnut nf nrndiictlnii. and that a much farther drop would wlpo out the margin of profit entirely on a number of lines, indications at least point to ucaiuiy markets in tno near luiurc. Dry ioodn Mnrket Unlet. Local Johbcrs report a very satisfactory trniln fnr Hut IhhI week, linmedlate busi ness, of course, Is not exactly rushing. mil ill tno same lime ino iiuiiuiit in inei nlmno enmlni? In Iho cltv Is on the 111 ci ease and n number of good sales wero jnado lust week to visiting retailers. The outlook for future buslncja Is very en couraging, ns Indications point to the fact that this Is to be a much better dry goods market than It has over been before and for that reason many merchants will come hero who never bought goods on this mar ket helot e. Hecardlng market conditions, there Is not much In tho wav of news. Practically nil lines remain where they havo been for eomo llttlo time, anil in tnu cast inn nine Is doing. Yarn, however. Is developing strength nnd that feature of the market Is being watched with considerable interest, SliliMiInf; Advance Orders. Tlnnt nnd Hhnn tebbers nro shinning ad vunco Orders ns rapidly os possible. It is Hill rather early, but Jobbers nro nnxlous to get thorn tilled ami out oi ma way. Travcllnr men nro sending In a. fow nrrtftrn. tint Htlll thov nrn not having any too good success. Merchants continue to ulinw ii marked tendencv to hold olt until near tho time when they want tho goods and then buy to BUlt tho conditions. For that reason jotiuers are an counting on uo tno n lil if tiunlneHH eurlv In the fall. The situation with rubber goods men Is runetlcnlly the sumo ns It Is with tho boot nnd shoo dealers. The trado has beon without special feature, but still Jobbers seem to be well pleased with the outlook nnd think tho fall and winter tr.tdo will bo tuny up to lust season, I) run Mnrket Strung Tho demand for drugs Is keening tin re morknblv well foi the middle of summer. Tho market Is ulso In good shape and the go icral tendency of prices Is upward. Mnrphlno Is Wo per pound higher than It wnii a week uco und tiresent Indications are that still hU'her prices will rulo In the near future, quinine in also limner, tno uuvanco amounting to about 2c per ounce. Opium Is nnothor lino that has taken u Jump up ward and Is now quoted 60o per pound higher than It was a week ugo, Bismuth preparations nro also advancing rapidly nnd urn hold firm at tho higher nuotntlnns. riiilphur, camphor nnd carbolic acid nro nil IK in at goon, iniu prices, wiiu iiiuicu tlons lor advances in tno near luturu. KrtiltN nnd Produce. Tho fruit trado now centers around tho California stock. Tears, prunes, plums, peaches, grapes nnd nectarines nro all on the market and nro meeting with good de mand. Tho tendency of prices Is lower ns the supply becomes more abundant. Tho quotations will bo found In another column. Herrles aro now getting rather scarce, blacKberrlos being nliout tno only fine. left on tno market in any quantities, Tiiey are selling 111 per iwenty-iour uunrt case. There Is nothing particularly new In the vegetable lino and prices nro about tho same ns iney wore a ween ago. The egg market Is hardlv as firm as It wus a week ago. The quality of the stock is l'U very poor and so much of that class of stock being on the market has naturally weiiKcneu prices, spring cluck ens are coming In nulto freely nnd nuotn tlor.s are lower than tluy wero a week ago Hers are niso on a trine, jne uutter mar kci lemaiuu unciiangeu M:W YOllIC (IILVKBAL MAHKin (Imitation for the liny on Vnrloii llllllllllllltll'H. NEW YOBK. July 28 -FLOl'll-Becclpts 1S.219 bins.; exports, is.:y.i puis.; sales. nkcM. Market was dull and barely steady winter patents. Sll.tWff I 30; winter straights 3.i03.S0, winter extras, I2.9W3.00; wlntei low grades, J2. liMj2."n; Minnesota patents SIft.M; Minnesota bakers, JS-Wa.Xi. Hyt Hour, quiet; sales. 350 bills.; fair to good JJliviisnn; oViolco to fancy. fl.33fi3."5. COItN'MIAlHUndv: yellow western O'V. city, tjie; llrandywlnr, $2.50r2fi). HYH Qub't. No- - western. t'J'sc, f. o. 11. nnoai, state rye, wue, c. 1. 1., .e York cur lots. UAHI-KY -Dull; feeding. Se. c. I. f., No 1 orK ; mailing, vjimitcic, Ktw yorK, ItAItl.lIY MAl.T Nominal, dull. WH1JAT Uecelpts, 70.300 bu.; exports, 01 717 bu.: sales. 2.1H0.1VH) bu. futures. 10.000 b- spot. Snot, easy; No. 2 red, S2ie, f. o. b. lUiom; no. 3 red, to tn clovaior: ."so. northern. Duluth. S.i'.e. f. o. b.. alloat. arrive, Options wero generally depressed ilurlnir tho morning on dlsannnlntlng line llsh cables, favorable crop news and fur ther liquidation; the close was weak nl t-.9Ho net decline! sales Included July 814HS3c. closing at 8l.c; September. SOVbfl SUic closing at S0J4c; IJecombcr, Sl'iOSS.c, ciesiug ai- i"e C'DllN-ltecelnts. 178 37 bu, : exnorts. 1M 004 bu, Spot, No. 2, -lAc, f. 0. b., ullout nd U'ie In elevator. Options ruled steady 1 1 firm on less satisfactory crop news. uggestlne a bullish anvernment renort next month The local crowd covered freely. It fln.illv mhviI nff with wheat. closing barely steady at unchanged prices. uo cioBcti 11 ,i4C, acpiemnor, ,i'4Wiiic, losing lit 41Uf: IlPf.Dlnhar. ItlitMIUf. clou- Inj at UHe. , uatw llccelpts, 77,000 bii.i exports, 33. 701 hi. Spot, dull, No. 2, 2JV4C No. 3, 27r; No. 2 white. jm.1'tc; No. 3 white. 2Sc. track, mixed western, 27'!S9c; trnrk. white western, 2S'CT-it4c; track, white iHic, aivt'aaHHC. options dun mil sieauy. MAY Olllnt: Klilimlni 76r77c: ffond to choice, fciri')i4c. M0IS lJull; state, common to choice. UW crop, lllle; old, S6c; l'.iclflc coast, ISOO rrop, lOfclJc; old, STJo. linJES-Flrm; Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs., 18c; California, 21 to 25 lbs., 21!4c; Texas dry. 21 to no lbs.. He. I.KATHEH - Steady: Hemlock solo, llllenos Avren. Ilirlil In henvv. 23'4321I4C: acid, 224S23Vc. WOOI.-Steady; domestic llceco, 2230; Tex.-. i:,fllfic ITtOVlSIONS-Heef. quiet; family. JI0.60 ft 12.00; mens. t9.0i)fi0.50; beef hams, t2o.001 21.00; packet. H0.0otyll.o0; city, extra IndU ni'SH, $18.00 17.60. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, MflOc; pickled sliouldrs, iV; pickled hams, 10ffb)tc. Lard, easy; western steamed. $7.10; July closed nt $7. 10, nomlnul; retlned. stendy; continent, 7 50; Houtli America, H00; compound, 16.25 ti C.37',4. Pork, dull, family. 1H.&MM5.5); shcrt clear. $U.0ofj 15.00; moss, $12. 755) 13.50. HL'TTKii Hieady ; creamery, iwvjw; factory, current packed, Ht(lovic; Imita tion creamery, 15'ul7Ho; state dairy, 1540 ClilOKSt: Steadv: larce. white. Oo: larco. colored, snio; small, white. 9Wj9ic. i.i.un aienuy; stato and l'ennsyivania, 1170 for avprncn lnt! western, nt mnrk. lli 1314c for averuue lots: western, toss off. liHc. TAI,I.OW-Dull; city, !4QlHc: country. 4141 IJiC. ItlCl: Firm; domestic, fair to extrn, -4i 065c: Japan, 4iIT4c. .M(JI,AH.SI:H-Hlemlv: New Orleans, nnon cttle, good to choice, HflSGc. Mi;TAI-8-l'ig Iron, weuk; northern, $16.50 18.00; southern, $lG.50r20.W. Copper, dull; roKers nricc. jiii.w. i.eau. uuu: oroKers price, $3.15. OMAHA WIICI,aAt,n MAUKETS. Coiidlllim of Trnde nnd (liiotnt loin on .Sfniile nnd I'lincv I'rodilce, icaaa-llccelpts, liberal; good stock, 9!VT 10c. MVI3 POUI.TnY-IIens, V.ic: roosters. ccordlnc to iibp nnd size. 3fflc: broilers, &10c. ducks. 45c, geese, 5(5c; turkeys, ic. Kit HSU hllHHrfliU I'OULTUY-Hens. s'tOe; roosters, 6f 0c ; ducks and geese, yt( iwv, uiuui'in,, yvv 111., lv?L iuini;. ,.-.3.. HL'TTUll Common to fair. 13c; cholco. 15 J16c; separator, 20c; gathered creamery, 17 lac. FISII-Trout, 10c; bluo fish. 12o; pickerel, : cattish. lSe. ilressrd bufTalo. Cci white- llhh. Bo: heri'lnc. fie! black bass. 10c; sal mon, 13c; whlto bas.-i, loo, cropple, 10c; pike, 10c: halibut. 1c: hill heads. Wc: ring nerctt. 6c; lobsters, green, 22c; boiled lobsters, 25c; mucaerei. :uc. rodiisn. 10c; yenow ptrcn, m riutuNB-Live, per uoz., wc. VHA l.'lr'linlr.n IfiK HAY-Per lnt- TInlnnd. choice. $7.50; midland, cholco, $3.50; lowland, choice, j.i.ou: rvn sirnA'. enoice. 1,: io. . corn, oiu. No. 3 white outs, 21c; cracked corn, per ton, i.i; corn nnd oats, chopped, per ton, jis.iiu, orun, per ion, jiz.60; snorts, per ton, VUOBTAI1LKS. fM'nMMm.-lmlv.r ,ln.. JIWTSOtf. ASPAUAaUS-lIomc-crown. per doz., 200 NRW TURNIPS Per bu. basket, oc. Ni:V HKKTS-Pcr doz. buncnes. 30c. NFW CAHUOTS-Pcr doz, punches, 23c. I.KTTIiniSPir ilni.. !Yr. HADlSlllCS-Homc-grown. per doz., 10 sue. PRAS-Per W-bit. basket, 50c. , WAX ni:ANS-Per H-bu. basket, 50c. NEW POTATOHS-Per bu 40c. CA11HAOK Ilotne-grown, per lb., 1C CAI.'MFI.OWUH-Pcr doz.. $1. OHRKN COUN-Pcr doz.. 1&915C. TOMATOKS Homo-crown, per 4-bu. bas. kot. Wc. itriunAitn-Pcr lb., lc. . ON IONH Home-grown, per lb., 2c. CICLUKY-Mlchlgan. 2530c. FBUITS. STHAWnEnitII5a-.AU gone. BbACKUKIUUKS-Pcr 21-qt. case. $2.25. IJLACK RASPBEniHES-Out of tho map ket. KISD nASPBEUKIES Per 21-Qt. case, $2.r,o. UljUKHKIimrci IB-Ol cases, a.a. fltfUl ATMTSflnt nf thn tnarkeL PMAfMfKK Cnllfomla. ner box. SoflDOc; Texas, per 1-liasKct crate, it'U6c. Ai'iuruiH iNone on ino maiseu PliUMS-Callfornla. per crate, $1.00(31.15. PlttJNES-Callfornln. Tragedy, per crate, J1.25; Kelsay, Japan, per crate, $L23. IIAIt l LilSlT I'ISAllb uaiuorma, per dm, 11.TMIS.nil. OBAPES-Callfornla. 4-baskot crate. $1.50; California nectarines, t-bnsKel crate,, nnnsKiiKUHiKS out of tho marKci. rniCIlIllKS California, ner 10-lb. box. $1.1081.23; Missouri, per 24-qt. case, $2.25; 8-lb. baskets, DOT(60o. WATEBMELONS As to size, 15330c eneb. APPiiEH-Natlve, 75cjj$l.oo per uu.; per UUI., H.ilWJ.W. TBOPICAL FRUITS. PINEAPPbES-Per doz.. $1.WWM.75. OHANOESi California. Mediterranean sweets, per box $1; VnlenclaB, $l.0O4.50. IiEMONH-Callfomla, fancy, $5.50; cholco, $5.23. BANANAS rer bunch, according to slz.o, $2.23'J3.00. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS HleUorv. lamp, ner bu.. $1.25 Hhellbnrks. II 35: English walnuts, per lb. 1212c; niberts, per lb.. 12c: almonds, per 111., Hyibc; raw, per id,, o4'it)c; rodsicu WiliW- ... HIDES Vn. 1 creen hides. 7c: No. 2 green hides, be, .no. 1 salted nines, vc; .o j saitea niues, vc; no. 1 veai can, a 10 1 ma., be; no. 4 veai cair. u 10 id ids., uc. St. l.onln (irnln nnd I'ravlilnni, ST. LOUIS. July SS.WHHAT Lower No. 2 red. cush. elevator. 72',lc: trnck. 73Vi 4l7l'e; July, 7Uic; September, 72'c; cumber, 75'so; No. 2 hard, 70!4c. CORN Easy; No. 2 cash. 30c; track. uo- 30V4 CflOc; July, 33c; Scptcinbor, 37',ic; Docem ner. :i;u'.e. OATS Lower; ro. rnsn, -.ic; tracK :3',4c: July. 23c; September. 21'ic; No. 3 whlto, 2Cc. 111 is Lower; ko. FLOUR Steady. sniCDH Prlmo now timothy, firm, with $3.25 bid for first half August delivery, but held at $3.50; others nominal. Flax, dull nt 51.15 bid. COBNM i',.L steady at j2.00Tf2.25. BRAN Steady; east track. Clio. 1 1 AY Steady to firm: timothy. JD.0OffIll.60 prairie, js.wwiimiu. METALS Lead, dull. Spelter, dull u JI.0M4.10. POULTRY Dull; chickens, 7',4c; young, 9c; turkeys, 636e: young, SfiOc; geeso, steady, springs, 50Ce; ducks, Clic; young! r.nns steaiiv at 3V4C. Bl'TTEB-Steady; creamery. l&TClOWo dolrv. IUTI60. l'ltovisiUiNH l'orK. can:' lonuinc. J12.76, Lard, lower; Docember, $6.00. Dry salt meats (boxed), ower: extra shorts. $7.37 clear ribs. $7.C2lt: clear sides. $7.S74. Bu con (imxeilt. lower; extra snorts, js.w clear rltis, $M.12'.'I; clear sides, Vi.aift, wiiihk Y Hteany ai ii.iJ. IRON COTTON TIES-$1.33, BA(HlINO-WiSic. HEMP TWINE Oo. BECEIPTS-Flour. 3.000 bbls: wheat 224.0O0 bu.; corn, 03,000 bu,; oats, CO.OOO bu, SIIIPMENTS-Flonr, 8,000 bbls.; wheat 2,000 bu.; corn, 67,000 bu.; oats, 18,000 bu. Liverpool (irnln nnd Prnvlslnns, LIVERPOOL, July 2S.-WHEAT-8pot steady; No. 2 red western winter, us 2d No. 1 northern spring. s 3d; No. 1 Call fornlu. 6a IHiHiCm 2d. Futures, steady; July nomlnul; September, Cs Hid; December, 0s CORN Soot, steady: American mixed now, Its liv,d; American mixed, old, 3s liVjd, futures, quiei, sepiemuvr, js uw, govern ber. 4s Ud, FLOUR-St. Louis fancy winter, dull nt as. PROVISIONS-Beof, oxtra India mess dull at 73s Od; prlmo mess, dull at (V's Pork, nrlmo meBS vestern. firm ut 70s Lnrd. American refined, In palls, steady ui nus -a, priiiie wusieru, sis no, itams short cut, 14 to 10 lbs., firm nt 47s 6d. Ba con. Cumberland cut, 28 to 30 lbs., steady 111 Biion ruis, is in iui., ami nt i. M: long clear middles, light. 30 to 35 11h steadv ut 42s: long clear middles, henvv 35 to 40 lbs., steady at Us 61I, Short clear uncus. Hi to it ins., tueaay nt ws; cleai bellies, II to U lbs., steady at 36s 4d Shoulders, square, 12 to II lbs,, gtoadv ai 35s CI. Cheese, American finest white, sieauy ni lis; American nncsi colored sieauy ai 47 bu. TALLOW Prlmo city, steady nt 25s Australian In London. Ilrm at '2ts. HOPS- At London (Pacific coast), steady nt 2 I5ff 3 15s. BUTTER Finest United States, 92s; finest ,-nnil T?S Diilutli (irnln .llnrket. 72HC. OATS-2IU(JKI;c, CORN-3Sc. Peiu-in MnrUet. PEORIA, July 2S.-CORN-Hlgher; No, 40c. OATS-Btendv: No.-3 white. 23ic. WHIBKY-On tho basis of $1.23 for tllllshcd goods. DULUTH, July 28.-WHEAT-NO. 1 hard rash, 79Hc; August, 73ic; September, 7S1io, December. 780; No. 1 northern, cash, 77Uo, August. 77'ac; September. 70o; Deccmbor. iSic: No. 2 northern. 754c: No. 3 snrlmr. OMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wi-ik Closes with Wheat Lower on Bearish Gables. ARGE RECEIPTS ALSO CUT A FIGURE ffrrlnK" ut Corn Were Oencrnlfj Sin 11 11 tints Followed Wheat llottn While Provisions Arc Unlet nnd Hiisy, CHICAGO, July 21 Disappointing cables nd large receipts wero mainly responsible for n (lump which wheat took today, Sep tember closing Use under yesterday. Corn closed '4c and oats UOSo lower. At the nd of tho session hog product was Mf7ijc to 20c reduced In price. Liverpool turned a deaf ear to the bulge hero yesterday and dished out disappoint ment to local holders by closing ld lower to W higher. Paris was Id lower and weather favorable. September Htl'ic lower t 7G4c to 75Tic nnd for a time fluctuated between 75ic and 76c, business being of a quiet order. Northwest reports were varied. Some were as bullish as they were when the drouth was on. whllo others tircdlcted crops almost double tho more gloomy esti mates, aii notir neroro tne close noiuers became discouraged and began selling. The outsldo demand wns very slack and there was no hope to be drawn from tho cosh business. September tumbled down to 73c nn.l ..I. I ....... 1, 1t(H U,..n. n ?l-.e 'rlmary recolnts exceeded last year s 834,000 bushels, compared with 800,000 bush els. Minneapolis and Duluth received 217 cars, against 265 Inst week and 341 a year ago. Local receipts numbered 177 cars, 22 of which was graded contract. Clearances ut the senboard wero equu' in wiicut and uour to 405,000 bushels. Corn was quiet, but compared wltn wneai he mnrkeit nlinweil rnnsldrrnliln firmness. Country offerings, nlthough tn some in stances freer, wore generally smun nun me coshi demand remained brisk, Liverpool wns a disappointment, but following tho opening the dip caused by the English easiness wus overcome. Later, however, tho pronounced wheat weakness caused 11 frnctlonnl recession from tho top, but the end of the session found tho market steady. There wus somo reselling by shippers who had good profits on their freights. Receipts mm ."Mil enr Rentemher Mold between Slide nnd 38-fic, closing Uo under yesterday at Tho weakness or wlicat was an inuuenio n Hw imt itmrWel tt could not Ignore. Traders sold on tho weakness of the big tnnrttei .nnd Hie elevntor liconlo unloaded moderately on the expectation qt larger arrivals next week, llccelpts today were 71 cars. dTiccs rnngeit oeiween -sue uuu "2'4e. closing 'iitViO under yesterday at 2210. . Provisions were quiet and easy. The mnrket opened Ilrm because hog receipts hero and In tho west were light nnd becuuse the marKci nt tno yarus snowed nn - unce. Hogs later cased on, iruuern 111 iiuk r.i..,u t,i innilemtelv nml nackcrs d d very little buying, nil of which cost the :.t. iu a,1l. initio nml tnnrn too. Sep- tembcr pork sold between $12.00 nnd $ 1..5 and closed 20c lower nt $11.75; September lard between $ii.77'4fiG.75, closing BUji'Ao $7.0T and JU.Oj, with tho close .&c rcducert at b.9j. . . -it.i... i.ji iitnim rflnomiH iiiikiu . it 1 iui cars: corn, 253 cars; oats, 212 cars; hogs, 25,000 head. . ... riio leaning iiiiurcn tuiih--" - Artlcles.l Opon.l lllgh. Low. I Close.l Yos'y Wheat July Aug. Sent. 71'i, 7IT; 7IV4 74'i 75 Ji't 75U 74U 4V4 ' 75Th-0V 6H "3 ,0's SS'i T.VA .Wi 30'i 3STd sst; xl ns 3S govs, 21T'!W2 22 21:4f?22 22 22', 2211 22' i 22 22 22 22HW 2214 22Vj 22t5 11 70 11 90 'n oii 12 00 11 75 11 75 11 os 7?' ' 15 75 6 70 0 70 (5 77',4 6 771- fi 77Vi B 75 fl 75 fi R2V, 6S2(i S5 6 77V4 6 77',4 C S7V 6 !2',j 7 00 "7 024 '7 05 6 92W B 95 7 02H 7 00 7 00 0 90 fi 92 6 OTV; Corn- July Aug. Sent. Oats- July Aug. Sent. Pork- July Sent. Lnril July Sept. Oct. Rlbs- Jllly Sept. Oct. No 2. Cash quotations wero ns follows: $2.00f V LdJ ' K lllier vnvcii. 4.fl0;siirlng wheat specials. $1.50; patents $3.7Mf4.10: bakers. $2.303.50; ryo flour. $2.. FLOUR winter wucni paieum, nT"-. .. x- Tfll'.ffl WHKAl-lO. u, UU'Uldl, - ",l n.iTUVn " Mureli. 21lie: No. 2 white. new. 24'.io; No. ;i wnue, -w. BARLEY Fair to cholco malting. 40tfj5c. . ""r ' J"1!'1 ,V e"' on' PBOVISIONS-Mess pork, per bbl $11.. Biilti'tl Hhoulilorn UoxCil). J'mDi.OO; Bhort Clear sine iuwai-iij, UllloM lutein 1,1 nihil niiii..., ui'n ii)Upni innf. iC.SS: crnnulatcd. 16.32: confectioners" A, $fi.2S; oft A. $6.13. Following Iiro UIO iuvciiub uuu omiiiuviuo tor touay; ArtlrleH T?eeelnta flhlnnientS. Flour, bbls. ir.inn 1100,1 !!!!i2o!roo st.soo Wheat, bu. Com, bu. . Oats, bu. .. Hvo till . ....203,200 3I7.9W . ...ISO.lsV) 2S3.00) r. r.ivi so roi slooo 11,100 Barley, b.i. titii.;, ' , ,1 1 1. j , , .. .-1 . 1 1 , , trwlnv the Villi Ull 111" CALIIIlMh" tcr market wns Ilrm; creameries, lMTinHc, dairies, 115il7c. Cheese, weak ut 9!iiflOUc. ISggS, sieauy; iiumi, li-.s.. MOVEMENTS OF STOCKS AMD IIONHK. Stock MnrUot In Monopollseil tiy for- terle of Profession!!! lliiTlllor. NEW YORIC. July 23. There was almost nntblug In tho day's stock market to In terest tiny 0110 outsldo of tho small clrclo of professional opcrntora In stocks, who conducted a 1 tho business. rriccs iui vunced In the first nour nnd deciinea niter the ninicorunco of an unexpectedly strong bunk statement. Small net losses aro the rulo as a consequence. Tho feature wus a perpendicular drop of 3 points In Sugar, after an opening ad vnnrn nf a.. Tho reason assigned was a rumor of a strlko lu ono of tho company's rollnerlcs. Tito rumor was uaincu wmi .nnterlnllv Htreiurthenlng thn stock Selling orders to stop losses on tho long sldo wero uncovered at the decline, and the raid on the stoclt was uouihicsh maua wun the purposo of dislodging these orders. The bears were content to tnko their prollts und tho stock quieted down. Brooklyn Transit wns bid up on continued rumors of 11 good annual roport and Burlington was bought on thn belief that tho Juno report would show net enrntngs that would compare favorably with those of other roads. The selling after tho bank statement seemed to bo realizing ana was onsea on 1110 hup position that snorts wouui cover on mi i-ruul hnnlt Htntement. But there did 110 seem to bo nny shorts and tho market sagged off to the low point of tho morning. Tho closing wns heavy. As tho nddltlonnl deposits In tho banks were largely cash Mm HiimliiM reserveH henetlted to the RUb- stantlul extent of $3,456,075. The Held of tho loan expansion lg not very clear. Cer tulnly new lonns did not find their wuj Into stock market oneratlons. Tho In crease of over $1,000,000 In tho outstanding circulation of tho bunks Is duo to tho com pletion of plates for printing notes In Wnshlncton. work on which has delayed the Issuing of notes already applied for by tno nanus, a recovery in stoning ex change In Paris to the high nolnt of the week and a sharp rise In Berlin discounts were tne features or me uay ncanng on tho question of gold exports next week The bull Intercut In tho stock market demonstrated to their own satisfaction early lu tho week that their campaign while easily successful lu advancing prices wns entirely abortive In Inviting any out side demnnd for stocks. It was easy to bid up prices, ns there were no largo sell ing nf stocks, but thero was pructlcally no uemniiu ouisiue 01 inai irom 1110 pro t I 1 .. ,1... M' I. .. . I .. . icooivmuin iiti'iiinvdvd, nun 111V til tempted to sell to realize any prollt, price; quickly broke back ui where the profes sional buying had started them. The du cllne wus oven easier than the ndvunce for the buying by shorts, who were forced to cover on mo advance, wus 110 longe un element. The Inertness of tho market on any rally shows thut the bears have nut nut only seuntv fresh short lines. With the short Interest lessened and with tho long Interest wnicn uus uceu tinutue to secure pronts in creased, the technical condition nf the mar. ket Is distinctly weakened. Tho speculators who undertook to lead a bull movement could not havo been blind to the elements of uncertainly in tno ouiiook. nut tne nrgued that money on call wns easy now whstover the moro distant prospect might bo nnd that a period of quiet wus sure to Interveno In political nffalrs between tho national conventions and the opening of thn campaign. Plnee the professional attempt to nilvanco prices 11ns ucen nuauiionea, tney mivu Bcttiea uaci; 10 u lower levei on I Hmlnlshln scale of activity which has progressed near to stagnation. Only thoe mi'iig the sperl.ilties which have been Inlluenced by Individual causes have ..'u any considerable signs of life. The growing conviction that n period of money stringency Is not Improbable has been tho potent Influence In checking speculation tor rise. Tho nrovnlllnir one of call loans was really a tellcctlon of this uneasiness over the money outlook and shows the desire of lenders to keep their funds In readily ac cessible form, rather than n superabund ance of Idle capital. Cheap call money naturally Invites to speculation and ovttt to a p.ieudo-lnvestmcnt with borrowed money In stocks whose dividends leave 11 margin of prollt over tho Intereit rate But a market In which such holdings are numer ous Is peculiarly vulnerable to a sutieeze in tne money mnrnei, wiucu inevnui forces liquidation In u weak market. It Is viuent tust me speculative noiaings 01 tocks In New York are nt present at a cry low ebb. ns the bears have failed with repeated trials to dislodge offerings by raiding down prices. The snmo must be true of commodities of all kinds as the lengthening period of renctlon In prices has undoubtedly led to general liquidation of speculative holdings so that prices may be aid to be u normal inuex of uciuiu suppiy nil fleminiit. Tlifpe conditions Induce n comfortable nssurance of the soundness of the situation and account for the hardness or the securities market nnd tne nrmnojs with which stocks are held. The well recog nized law that commercial crimes come with udden contraction of credits, which nave mnp tn the uneeulntlve Inllatlon nf nrlros, s pretty clearly seen not to apply to the present situation. The conservative pur pose to avoid weakening the sltuutton Is seen In the determined unwillingness of the public to ombark In speculation In stockB. There nro not lacking elements of uncer tainty In the domestlo situation, such as the stilt unmatured crops, the feature level of not earnings for railroads and tho basis of llnnl adjustment of thu widely rnmllled Iron and steel trnde. It Is pretty certain also that the vicissitudes of the presiden tial campaign will cause unseiucineiu 01 business and of speculative sentiment. .But the seat of greatest uncertainty has shifted r the present to 1 ninn, wnicn 1110 wnuis world of capital Is watching with a grow ing ene of the big possibilities for mis- lilct lying Dcnind ine veil ni mysnrj. !iwn within Its nresent scone the trouble thcro Insures sutllclcnt demand upon the world's money markets for wur loan to mnterlnlly affect their resources. Tho policy inaugurated y tne iiann 11 England lost week of rnlslug Its discount ile unit llftlinr the olltsldo discount'3 to Itii level bv borrowing from the market, tiua i,een niTeeiit'n lii turiiliiL- the. Interna tional exchanges of the world In favor of Loudon. The Purls rnto for sterling has reacted In the latter part of the week, caus ing some leiicwed quesuon wneiner goi-i from New York will go next to Paris or London. But that 11 large demand for gold remains to bo satisfied and that It Is to be mniiiu mi iiv the Hiiniilles In the United States, because they are most abundant and most easily snared, is me conviction tu jn I'nanclnl world. Speculation halts to dis tinguish the effects of this operation. Tho dullness of the bond market Is an evidence of tho present caution of capital 'rim iisiuil reinvestment of July dividends and Interest, although the largest umoiint was disbursed tins yrnr in me cuinu) e 1 storv. has been entirely mcsiiig 111 me iv,n,i Mvirket London and Berlin are re ported heavy sellers of high grade Amer ican railroad uonus. iui 110 sucn inuimu iirxic, imvn heeii recorded on the stock ex change. United States refunding 27, wnen ISSUCll, .IS, OIU Uliu un ,,, bid price. 11- Tlie t'nnimerciai .AllVLTii.-er n unum-im v.. hleirrnm snvs: The markets nere were f.,.,,Mr,.iouu inil.iv tint the tone was fairly,. li.itinvlitil Afrleim news Is exnected on .Mommy, aiso inioiiiiuiiini new L-nvernment loan. Americans were 1.1. .1,,.,. ,, i,i,iee DIsenuntH were 110m Inully unchanged, but there was no de- ,rt,M.i rri,e imiruet renniii 111c iiuiin iuu- tlcally all loans due today. Fresh business was nominal. . . , , Following ate the closing prices on the New York stocu excnunB; Atchison 2CW w 7(11 Union Pacific ., . 57", (to rfd do rfd Baltimore Ohio. Wabash Canaillaii l'aulflc.. Canada Po do rfd Wheel. A- U K do 2d pfd Wis. Central .. .. IV (H'l Che, it Ohl id Chlcngo 0. W. it .. 1( ..110 ..r.s It. fc Q. 1MH Third Avenue ., Adams Bx CM, 1 Mil. & 1. do nfil :a American Kx... V. H. r.x 153 IS l!nlcao & B 111.. ?j,t rhlcngrt Ik N. Wells-Fargo BX....1 11. I. & I'.... l C. & Ht. I, mi5i . it . c . IP . IS 111 Amer. Cot. Oil 3( do pfd Anifr. Malting ... do pf.l Amcr. H. A It.... do pfd Ainer. Hplrlln .... do pfd Anier. H. II do pfd Amcr. H. &. W.... do pfd Amer. Tin Plate do nfd Colorado tin . 3t5 . KM i do 1st pfd do 2d pfd . 371, Del. & Hudson.. Ortl. L. ,t V.... Benver & It. O.. .ini4 P6 . 1 . 17 do pfd . C6H ,. 10, . nij Brie . r.7 do 1st pfd . 3P.ii lit. Nor. pfd .152 . II . 7J, Hocking I'ohI ... Hocking Valley , . :bs 24 . 7H Illinois IVnlral , ...115't Anier. Tobacco .. . !l, .i:s . (2 Iowa Central ... 20 do pfd do rfd . 47 . 1(1 . 2 . 00 .210 Mlnhir Co. K. C. 1'. It O... ilrooklyn It. T... I'nlo. Fuel & I Con. Tobacco .... Lake Brio & W. . .IP, In pfd Luke Shoro do pfd Federal bteel .... do pfd rin. i:ifctri .... . 79 .V . 70 . 3ti Manhattan I,..., Met. HI. By Mfxli'un Central Minn. & Ht. L.. . f.5 .ir.n . i:s Uliieone lAignr do pM Inter. Paper , .... :. .... 93 ...100 do nfd , Mo. Pacific Mobil & Ohio M.. K. & T MV do )ifd Lielfite Oils National Illscult do pfd Nutloniil Iud .. llo pfrl Steel .. do pfd .V. Y. Air Drake ... m'j ... 7 .... .... f .. 30i do pf.l .... so; ....KS'i ... n ... 11 ..w0i N. .1. Central N. Y. Central ....t:i) .... 33 7ii Norfolk Y ... !l'i do pfd .. ST .ha .. 5J .. SI No. 1'aclflo .'.')' do pfd 7i; No. American ... Ontario W Ore. Ily. & Nav.. sclflo C'O.IHt .... ii .1 no 1st pfil do nfd do Id DM .. MVS Pennsylvania .... ..i:ti Pacific Mall People's UaH ... Preued S. Car... do pfd Pullman P. Car.. .. 30 .. 91 .. tt .. 71 ..183 .. 5 ..1211, lle.nllng .. K.i do 1st 1M do M pfd Rio O. Y , ilo pfa k. L. & H. V S. It. & T Sugar iln pfd Tenn. Coal & Iron V. H. Ialher do pfl V. H. Uubuer , do pfd Western Pnlon Republic T. & S... do pfd P. C. C. & St. I,., do 1st pfd do 2d pfd .. 157 lit 7014 St. 1 Bouthw.... .. 10 .. &! do rfd St. Puul ,. ..lll'i 21 do pfd ..17IU, Ht. 1. d Omaha.: So. Piii-uio .. 3314 Ho. Hallway 1; ' 52 u. do pfd 53 Texss & I'nclllc .. Offered. The closing prices on bonds today are n follows: IT. S. ref. 2s, rR..10lij do (s . . n lAllf'V- "V 1 91 ..PJIIJ'N. Y. C. Is 10 ..100 IN. J. C. gen. Et 122 11J 1 lU,n,ll do I", rrg., do 3, reg., do coupon do (, reg.. do coupon ..1W?i No. Paclllo Is fif.'i ..mvi no is ion ..13!". N Y, C & St L Is.. 107 ..131 Norfolk W. c. , OV.i do (s, reg USH Oreson Nav. Is., ,.109 do coupon U no ( do 6s, reg IM'4 Oregon 8. u 6s., do coupon IH'l do consol 6s...,, II. of C. 3s 123 Beading gen. (., Atchison gen. (...101't Bin O. W. 1a do adj. (s 3i tit J, & I M c. Its. Canada Ho. 2s 107U Ht L it H F g. 6a ,.102i ..I21S ..111 .. P4 .. 9S'4 ..119 ..122 Clies. & O. 4Hs M St. Paul consols ...160' i do ts lF.'i Ht. P., P. A P. Is. .Hip C. & N W. o. 7s.. .1(11,! ilo 6.1 US do S. F. deb. 5i..l2"'i 80. Paclllo (s W Chicago Ter. (s. . . . 92J Ho. Hallway 5a 10V, colorailo so. 41 n4 -v. 11. t T. 6s 72V D. & B. O. Is 112 iTex. & Pacific Is. ..112 do (s rii'i1 do Is 63 Kris general (s .... 69 il'iilon Paclfle (S....1031; V W ft I. C Is.. ,Vi Watmsh la.. ..1!6' "Oen. Blectrlo 5s. ..117 la Csntral Is 113 IC P. P & O Is.. 7P4 I & N. unl, (s 9'J M , K & T. !s 69 do 2s West Shore it.... Wis. Central (. Va. Centurlei ... ..1031, ..112 .. 87'J When Issued. "Offured. Trust receipts, Boston Stocks nnd Honda. BOSTON, July 2S. Call loans, 24i3 per cent; tlmo loans, 3Vjftlii per cent. Ofllclul closing; a., t. & h. v : West Knd 9P4 Atchison (s 10O Adventure 2 Allouei Mining Co.. 1 Amal. Cepper M4 Atlantic 24 'loston & Mont 294 lutte & floston .... 62 il fc Hecla 7(J Centennial 14 Franklin 13 luinrnldc 23 Oscrola C5j Parrot 4,) Qulncy 132 Fanu Fe Copper... I'j Tamarack 195 t'tah Mining 12714 Winuna 11, do pfd MTi Amer. Sugar 12IH Iionon & Albany... im Ilosten Klevateil ..1124 Ilosion & Me iw C , B. & Q 1261 Dominion Coal .... do pfd BJ Federal Hteel S do pfd " Fltchliiira rfd II Oencral Blectrlo ...128Vi do pfd. HS'4 Mexican Central 12 Mich. Telephone N E O. & C... Old Colony Old Dominion ... Bobber Union Pacific ... . 16 .213 . mi! :3, Wolverines 1!14 7H Xevr York MI11I1117 Stonka, NEW YORK, July 2S.-The following nre tho closing quotations for mining snares today; Chollar Crown Point ... Con. Cat. & Va. Dadwood riould ii Currle Hale & Norcross 10 10 IJ5 U 18 1 Ontario ....610 .... 62 .... 10 ....CM .... 22 .... 4 . .. 17 . 17 Ophlr Plymouth Quicksilver .... do pfd Klrrra Nevada Htaii'Iard I'll Ion Con.. Yellow Jacket Homesiake Iron Hllver Meklran ...6000 v) 12 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Weak Oloscs with tho Usual Saturday's Light Run. 0GS CONTINUE THE UPWARD MOVEMENT Cuttle Mnrket for the Week Mhovra Ad xii nor of About 11 Dime nnd Sheep Are llluhrr 1, 11 nibs Mcntly. SOUTH OMAHA, July 28. Receipts wero: Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep. Ofllclul Monday 4.25S 9.HS4 oniclal Tuesday Otllclal Wednesday .... Olllclal Thursday Olllclal Friday Olllclal Saturday 7,000 10.0M 7,021 3,i;o 5.043 SS,S7ll (0.501 '.1,820 l.rSj l.PIO 1.336 2Ts(3 11,927 19.S07 10,9j9 Tntnl tlila ti.b .12.7Si5 .10,557 .1G.547 .11,270 Week ending July ii!! VVeok ending July 11.. 51,231 ausi 03,101 wk ending juiy Week ending Junn 30! .Hi. mil 10,im Average prlca paid for hogs for the last oevcral days, with comparisons: l900.ltO3. 1S9S. 1597.KV93.,U95. 1S91. 11 y 1 S 73 3 7S 3 5' 3 23 3 II 2 W 4 03 4 63! 4 70 4 a IlllV 2. 4 92 5 01 3 61 2 95 4 71 4 55 4 8 4 94 4 77 5 01 6 (6 4 79 4 sr. 4 80 4 73 4 M 4 i)7 4 91 4 79 4 71 1 79 July S 3 21 2 95! July 4 July July 6 5 OSi 6 10 5 11 S 13 3 78 3 (M 3 S3 3 CO 3 76 3 2S! 3 2i 2 OS 4 a juiv 7 July s July 9 July 10 July 11 July 12 July IS July H 3 ill 2 US! 3 S6 3 90 3 90 ( 01 3 S 3 32 3 04 4 911 3 7S; I 3 35 3 2S 2 S6 2 87l 2 9( 4 iti 4 CJ 5 13 5 01 3 70 3 73! 3 82 4 67 5 02! 3 18 3 1! 4 72 S 13 ( 09, 2 97 4 7S 0 08 ( 06! 3 99 3 77 3 15 3 00 nny is Julv if. a 77 3 17 3 0o 4 'l 3 07, 4 81 5 02 3 82 6 20 Ju y 17 July 18 July 19 July 20 July 21 July 22 July 23 July 21 July 25 July 26 4 91 4 01 I 3 25 4 871 4 101 3 82 I 4 99 ( 211 3 Ml 3 3l 2 97' 4 82 2 95 4 831 I 4 89 ' 4 91 1 191 3 8S 3 35 2 971 4 91 0 ui 4 zi :t si j a . 4 31 3 79 5 15 3 82 6 15 4 3G1 5 ll ( 3H 3 S9 5 02 4 20 3 87 5 OH 4 321 3 72 3 27! 2 801 4 S5l 3 25i 2 S3 4 81' I 1 3 31 2 92i 4 70, I 81 ' 2 89! 18' 3 371 1 4 8S 4 81 3 (3 2 $5 1 9 4 6 July 27 .... j my 2S 5 13 4 33 3 67 2 29 2 TO, 4 7 Indicates Sunday. Holiday. The otllclal nninlier nf enrn nf ulock brought In today by each road was: . Cattle. Hogs. Bheop. Il'r's, C, M. & St. P. Ry... .1 O. Jt St. L. Ry .1 Missouri Pnelllo llv.. . Union Pacific system. 2 IS 20 F., IC. & M. V. R. R.. . U. ii P. Ily 2 C, St. P.. M. & O. Ry 1 9 H. 1 M. R. R. It 22 C B. f, 0 2 3 C, R. 1. & P., cast 1 Total receipts 5 si rt 1 The dtsnosltlon of the ilnv'a rerelnt.q was ns follows, each buyer purchuslng the num. uer 01 neau inuicnicu: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing cumnanv II hXI 20 201 O. H. Haniiunnd company 1.07S 5iH 1.437 1.151 431 157 Swift & Comnanv fii 21 Ciidahy Packing company 410 521 Armour oi company I'liinKlutnn Packing Co... Luyton & Co Other buyers 1 Total 137 6.70S 1.330 CATTLH There were onlv n few bunches ,of cattle on sale today, and not enough to make a test of the market. Buyers wero not anxious for supplies today, but took what were hero without material chango In price. The cnttlo market for tho week has been In good shape, the demand being fully equal to tho supply, so that onch day's receipts were uiyposcu 01 witnoui 01111 culty. The tendency of prices has been upward, and ut the close of the week It In snfo to call good cornfed steers fully 11 dlino higher than they were n week ago. Steers of medium quality and even the commoner grades are also better than they wero a weelc ngo, ttiougn tun icnuency. 01 course, Is to neglect thut class of cattle. Light receipts, however, havo helped out the salo of the poorer grades. 'i nero lias also ucen consiueranie improve, tnent In the cow market. The demand Is much better und good stock Is fully a dime nisncr tnan 11 was 11 ween ngo. rue medium cows ore also selling higher. Can ners uro moving much inoro freely than they were a short tlmo ago owing to the fact thnt more of tho packers nro buying them. Tho market, however. Is very un even, as tho nrlccs mild denend largely upon wnctner or not pacners uro looKing ior supplies, uno day tno inuruci iooks jjc higher, and tho next day, perhaps, sales are made that show no Improvement. btocK emtio nro sun snowing improve ment, nnd tho better grades nro fully loir 15c higher than they wero ut tho closo of Inst week. The demand for the commoner grades Is not so good, nnd prices 011 tiini class 01 siock nrn noi tuiicii ueuer. moi-h I'nivs nnd heifers nro also advancing at nbout tho sumo rutn as the stock steers, mid stock bulls und calves ure also selling heller tlinii thev wero a week iiko. Western cattlo uavo neon coming on tue market more freely this week and have hiiIiI better than at nny time this season. The steers that are good enough for killers nrn nrntinblv a dime liluher than tllOV were a week ngo, and tho same may ho said nf practically all Klnus 01 good came, 'i no commoner grades, of course, do not move so freely, out even on inoso ino icciing is better. Representative sales: BKKF HTI.UBS. No. ... 11.., Av. Tr No. av. Pr. . 800 4 20 13 1IM S 15 ,. 972 ( 20 6 S70 i 15 .1060 ( 60 COWS. . 935 2 75 1 1IM 3 (0 . 833 2 W 1 10-r.t 3 60 .PYIO 3 10 3 IOCS 3 30 J 827 3 S3 ( tUK iCU llgill' I'.IID. 21 989 1 W 1 BULLS. 1 1170 3 26 STAGS. 1 1230 ( 00 1 1700 4 00 HOOS There wns not 11 very henvy run nf hogs at tho yards today, nnd as reports from other markets were In favnr of sellers nrieen advanced at t us nolnt fiwiuo. or gen orally 74c higher, thuu yesterday's market. n-iin rniiu or tne omen were at u. :m cm, us ngalnst !3.05fi5.07'6 yesterilny. Tho early m.irliei wan fairly active, but as thn morn ing progressed buyers became Indifferent UIKl mo inarKCl Closed mill unci lower, wmi hiiiH rnncing around' Tim hni? mnrket for tho week has been rather on tho swnyback order. Receipts were rather light, a decrenso nf 1,685 head being noted nver last week, and, as com pared with tho snine week lust year, the falling off amounts to 3,199 head. On Mon day the market advanced about So nnd heir! Hiendv on Tursdnv. Wednesday nrlccs took a drop of 10c. and on Thursday 3c moro was inwen on, wnicn wus 1110 low nnini nf ihn week. On Friday nrlces nd- vonced 4c, and todny's ndvnnce loaves tho market a shade lower than on Monday, hut (ic Higher tnan a ween ngo, ou ingiii-r umu two weeks ngo and a shudo higher than threo weeks ngo, iicprescuiuuve paies NO. (S 77 02.... 87.... 68 52 9! 60 74 67..,. 78.... 100..., S3..., 76.,., 75.... CO.... 77.... 79.... (4.... 61.... 62.... 6V... 76.... 61.,.. 61.... 72.... 61.... 60.... A v. Hk. Pr. No, Av. Hk. Pr. ft) 261 100 5 12 ',4 7( 205 M 5 12 '4 79 2J 160 5 1214 63 2(( 120 5 12V4 M 275 160 S 15 79 229 (0 5 15 C3 287 0 5 15 77 MS ... 6 15 7( 2(1 2O0 5 15 67 2(9 ... 6 13 73 257 50 S 15 (3 244 ... 6 15 83 292 SO 6 15 40 317 ... 6 15 75 237 SO 5 15 75 219 ... 5 15 72 220 210 6 15 M WJ SO S 15 72 271 SO 5 IB 63 225 1 6 15 C9 216 1C0 6 15 S3 211 ... 5 15 71 227 10 6 15 68 234 290 S 15 72 2J6 (0 S 15 61 230 M) 5 15 19 2X7 240 5 15 63 274 ... 5 15. 75 210 (0 6 15 M 273 160 5 15 65 251 (0 5 15 7S 223 1C0 5 15 7( 218 SO E 13 61 219 (0 5 15 64 2.' (0 6 15 9 223 (0 6 15 61 271 SO 6 17tt ...174 (0 6 07Vj ...2(1 120 8 10 ...214 80 6 10 ...1IC 120 6 10 ...191 (0 5 10 ...323 ... 5 10 ...US ... 5 10 ...264 ... 5 121, ...255 80 E 1!',4 ...2(4 210 5 124 ...234 120 6 1214 ,,,.2'H ... 5 124 ...178 210 5 ll'i ...212 120 6 1214 ...202 80 5 1214 ...VA 120 6 124 ....222 61 0 1!',4 ....204 124 5 124 ,224 40 I 124 I i:ii ...234 ...211 ...ys ...215 ... 5 1214 (0 6 124 410 & 1214 40 6 12M, .123 1M 5 12H 262 5 12',4 ...tit ...210 6 1214 6 12'4 ..272 140 5 1214 70 212 80 i 12I4 87 2'18 (9 6 UVi ... 5 13 120 5 1214 160 5 12H KO 5 121,4 160 6 12V, 77.. 81.. 47.. 69 . (5.. 57 . .218 .202 .255 .224 . 299 2V b 124 SHUKP-Thn bulk of tho receipts today wero sold to arrive, so there was very llt tlo on sale A string of westorn yenrllngs brought $1.20. which was considered higher than yesterday's market. Tho packers wnnted the sheep anil as the receipts wero llgill iney nnu 10 p;iv goou iinces, , The reeelntH fnr Ihn week lire the heav lest for some llttlo tlmo. the gain over last week amounting to 12,1110 neau, nnu ove the same week Inst year tho Increnso I 11. SM head. Iii suite of the Increased re celpts thn market at this point has been In good shap and prices have advanced very mnterlnlly. Ktrletly choice wethers or year lings are now right around n half dollar higher than they were ut thn low tlmo last week, The demund Is good and packers seem to want an tne goou siock coming Lambs are not much different for the week. Thu market weut oft a llttlo in the mlddlo of the neek, but tinned up later on, so that prices at the close of the week wer not much different. Feeders sre also strong for the week, with tho demand gradually Improvlnr Receipts are light and not large enough to meet the demand at the present time Quotations; Choice western grass weth- ers, 3l.ooiTl.16; fair to good grass wethers. 5 points lower Total sales of futures wero M.OMfS.t"1; choice grass yearlings, JUMf f,,75o bugs, including October, i 15, Novem 11.35; choice ewes, W.25(R.50; fair to good ber, 12 20. December. 18.38. January, l 4oi owes, .Kme.tTS: fair to good yearlings, ; March, !8.&Ofj8f. 13.7MJ4.W; good to choice clipped lambs, I . $4.25trt; fair to good cllpneil lambs, l.(W l)r (I001U Inrket. 4.26: choice spring latnbs, 15. (o5.t; fnlr to NHW YORK, July 5S.-The market for goou spring lamns, j.yiitrs.; feeder 1 "ruins, . 1. .011, 1. 1", leeiier yearlings, Mini 3.05, nnd feeder lambs, 13.75ff4.BO. Repre- "rniuuya sales. N'o. 201 western wethers AY ..103 103 ..101 ... SW IT. KM 3.90 3.1"l 4.20 jus western wethers 410 western wethers 520 yearlings and wethers .0. ClliCACd I.I VIS STtHIC MAHKHT. Cntlle Iteceliils Arc I.IkIiI. Hog Higher, Sheep und l.ninbs Jitenil), CHICAGO. III. July 2S.-CTTLi:-Re-relpts, 400 until es; good to prime steers. ?5.10ff5.S5, poor to luedlim. II. .VMf6 10; se lected feeders, steady at Sl.Oofi l.tti; mixed stoekers, 13.tXWi3.lJ; cows, 13.14 70, heifers, 13.25ff5.15; dinners. J2.25ff2.90; bulls, 4.C0; calves, $5,501(7.00: Texans. Texas fed steers, 1.4(rffJ.15; Tcmis grass steers, $3.31 (ffl.25; Texas bulls, 12.50fj3.40. HOOS Receipts today. 10.000 head; to morrow, 27,000 head, estimated; left over. 3.030 head. Mnrket active und mostly 10c iiigner; lop. a.i;"s; nu.xeu nnu uutcners 15.151T5.40; good to choice henvy, t5.2iifrri.424, rough heavy, JS.ooI5.20j light, 15.2W5.I0, bulk of sales, J5.oo'fi.35. Klli:i:i' AND LAMBS lleeelnts. 2.VAH0 head; sheep and lambs, steady, good tn choice wethers, $l.l5if4,50; fair to choice mixed, 13.251(4,10; western sheep. $l.00fl.l0. Texas sheep, $3.0uru 1.00; native lambs, 14. U 00.00; western lambs, 15.tWfl.00, Becelptn this week: Cattle. I,200 head, hogs. 105,100 bend; sheep. 65.500 bend. Receipts last week: Cattle, lfi,600 head, hogs, 115,500 head; sheep, 09,300 head. KiUKiiH ( lt I. In- Slnek. KANSAS CITY, July 28. CATTLK Re ceipts, 300 head. Market unchanged In prices; receipts for the week. 32.0 si bead; corresponding week last year. 26.000 head; nlthough supplies wero large, there was n constant Increase In prices this week, amounting from 10c to !ioo; native cattle brought 11.761(5.05; stoekers nnd feeders, 13.755(1.75; butcher cows nnd heifers, (? 257f 6.15; cauuers, 12.50J3.25, fed westerns, JI.OJ (!3.35; fed Toxuns, 1I.001M.60; grass Texans, 13.2511 4.00. HOOS-RecelptH. 3.600 head. Market ac tive und 6JI lOo higher; receipts for 111' week. 48.001) head; Improved demand ; mar ket advanced 20c, heavy selling today at 15.20If5.30; mixed. $5.1505.25, light, lllOfo 5.25; pigs, $I 7555.00. SII1':FP ANIi LAMHS ItecelnlH. 17.MIA head; supply largely slaughtering lambs mui aro selling .v'ihuo lower; Killing sueep iicany aim iicuve. siocuers unci feeders, 5c tower, lambs. $5.00'fI5.i'"i: muttons. 1:1 SO 514.50; westerns, $3.70(BI.10; stoekers und feeders. $3,251(4.00; culls, $2.50t3.25. t. I.011U Live Sliieli. ST. LOL'IH. July 28 PATTI.!'! Ileeelnls. COO heiiil, liicludlng 100 Texans. Market steadv; native shipping and export steers, $I.C0f5.7O; dressed beef unit butcher steers, I.U"M,u,u, bu lin illlillT J,i"u III', tl.lUM,i'u tockera und feeders. 13.001(1.05; cows mill ncifers. $2.iiii6.00; canners. $1.50'(i 2.8.5, bulls. $2.50(J4.60; Texas and Inillaii steers, $3.00'if 4.73; cows und heifers. $2 5W!TI.OO. HOOS Rccelnts. 2.0M head. Market 67? iuu nigiier; pigs unci iignts. s.i.-irn.i.j; pacK ers. $5.20cJ6.:i0; butchers. $5.30T(5. 10. SIIIBCP AND LAM US-Receipts, none. Market sternly; native muttons. ll.OO'd 1.25: lambs, Il.OiVHu.r.0; culls nnd bucks. S2.50ff 4.00; stoekers, $3.,13M3.C5. ew lnrl, l.lvr Stork. NHW YORK. July 2.S.-BHHVKS-Re-elpts. 1,23 head; no trade of nny Impor tance. Feeling Ilrm. Kxports today, 2,355 cattle and 9.1S3 quarters of beef. CALVISH Receipts. 12.1 licau; goou veais. 125; mixed calves. $3.75; city dressed veals, ncttve ut h'jfillc. HHi;i';i" A.NII I.A.M1IH itereipis, S.IH.-I bend: hoeti Hteadv to Ilrm: lambs. Ilrm. for good to choice: common stock, weak. Sheep, M.OOJ(5.ii0: lambs. $l.75Ji.fiO; drescd mut tons, sieany at bitiistju per pounn; oresn'u Inmbs, 7f 1 lo' Jp. nuns iteccipts. 2,om neau lecnng, steady. Stock In Slubt. ' Following ure the receipts nt the four principal western niurkets for July 2": l 111 lie. Jingi.. Diif.-l'. South Omuha 132 Chicago 100 6.rd3 10,fm 3,500 2,600 IS.OAI Kansas city St. Louis IW Totals .1.132 21,743 20.3:i St. .Inreiili Lire Stork. SOFTII ST. JOSHPH. Mo., July 2?.-(Spe- clul.) The Journsl quotes: CATTLH Receipts, Hf) neau; marKci, steady. . ... I IOOS Receipts, 3,) lieaii; ninraei nig limn higher. All guides S5.VjU6.SU. Bulk of sales. $5 IOI16JO. SI I HHP Iteccipts, none. Flimiu'lnl. LONDON. July 2S. Ainorlcun securities opened dull but Ilrm. The marKet held its strength mid closed ilrm on very light trading. Spanish Is closed at 71!. Gold premium at Buenos Ay res, 12S. III'.KI.l.N. juiy -a nusiness wil qniei nil the bourse today. The tone nf the market was favorable, nlthough there was 11 re action during the day In consequence, of the disappointing Iioelimer uiVKienu 01 ju per cent. At the close 11 majority of the oiinlnllmiM nlinwed nn Itniiroveinent on the ilav. Hxchango nn London, 20m OOpfgs. for checks. Discount rates: Short bills, 414 per cent; tlireo monins inns, ;i:ti per coin PAB1S. July 2S -The bourse today re flected the Htrength shown by tho London market, nlthough business wns not inti mated. Tho closing was firm, e-reniln Spanish 4s, which wero easier. South African securities, after being firm, be en,n Miilntet- Three ner rent rentes. 9Df 93o fnr tho account. Hxchango on London, 26 f l5o for cliecKH. wpanisu a ciosea ui 1.07W. Iln ok Clearing;. pinrArsn. Julv 2S. Clearings. fl7.C4l.fiKK: balances. $2,418,212. Posted exchnngc, $l.b1W 4.RSV4. New Yorii exennnge, par. PIIILADHLPIHA, July 2S.-ClearlnB, J1" 911 I1M: Imlnneea. 11.620.250. HALTIMORH. July 2S.-Clenrlngs, $2,155,- 33S: balaiireH, $3so.S9l. ,.o. ST. LOl IS. .luiy 21. uicarings, i,y.t",iaii balances. $391.d59, Money, 4j(6 per cent. CINCINNATI, O., July 2S.-ClearlnBS, ti i nr.ii NI3W VOlllv, Jlliy s. 1 lenmiBn, iiu.ow, 142: hnlances. $7.0S4,452. The sub-treasury had a debit balance today nf $.ill,37J. Tinrrn: .iniv .1. 1 learinir ioukq mine ment: Hxchangcs, $17,bW,323; uaiances, $2,711,602, London Stork (lootnt Inn. LONDON, July 2S.-2 p. tn.-CIosIng: Cona , money ...97 13.1 ....97 3-16 27'.. Erie do 1st pfd Pennsylvania ... Beading No. Paclflo pfd.. Orand Trunk ... BV 33', dn account ... Atchison Canadian Paclllc Ht Paul . W',4 .11114 .lion: . 73H' , S 73 Illinois Central . Imlsvllle Anaconda "4 Pnlon Pac. pfd. 77' Band Mint 6PH N. Y. Central .... ..!' BAR SILVHR-Steady nt 28 I-6d per oz. MOVl1! Y 3(0 3U, ner cent. Tho ratu nf dlscounl In Iho onen market for short bills Is Ui, ner cent: for three months- nins, ( jkt com. Condition of the Trcnmiry, WASHINOTON. July 2S.-Today s state ment of tho treasury balances In the ren cral fund, exclusive of thu $150,000,000 gold reserve ill tue division of redemption, shows: Available ensh balance, $160,lt;9,77!S; KlllUt l, 131,001, (HI .Mnrket. OIL CITY. Pa.. Julv 2S Orrrtlt bnlnneeH. $1.27; certllleutes, $1.29 bid for cash. No runs or shipments reported. LIVHRPOOL. Julv 2S.-OILS-Cotton seed Hull, rollned, August, strong at 22s 9d; turpentine spirits, dull ut 22s Od; rosin, common, steady at 4s 9d; Unseed, 35s 6i: petroleum, Kin 6d. NHW YORIC. July 28 -OILS-Cottonseed, dull; prime crude, nominal: prlmo yellow. 3fl'4i37c. Petroleum, ulcady: refined, Now lorg, .i.e..; Piiiiaucipnia and Baltimore, $S.00; Phlliulolphhi and Baltimore. In bulk. $5.45. Itosln, quiet; strained, common to kouii, ic. 1 urpeniine, quiot ai (uyijc. Coffrr Mnrkrl, NHW YORK, July 21-COFFHR-Bpot Rio, strady: Nn. 7, Invoh e, D'.'.r; mild, quiet, Cordova, 9',sfl3'Ac. l"utiircH opened Hteudy, nun in ici's uin.1111111,111 10 o poinin nigner, supported by local buying and acarcliv nl sellers Throughout tho short session tho market ruled extremely quiet, with tho room trado In control, but Indifferent and DO YOU SPECULATE P purposeless. The Burnpenn market news was fairly encouraging, but receipts at the ports In Brssll far exceeded expecta- Horn ami the demand for spot coffee hern wns dormant Late In the session prices simiied under n'ritterlnc room sales and sheer absetue of speculative support. Tho close was iiulet. with prices uueuanK nged to ,jrv KOods retains Its slightly tinner tone. though no radical Inetense hi business Is rennrled The reduction 111 bleached Cot tons has helped tn ninke un Increased yardage, while In brown goods thcro Is a sllghtlv better feeling, some makers hav ing practically withdrawn from the market. The curtailment nt Fall River has been 11 bullish fnctor. which l likely to ho of Increasing Importance The opening of llghtweluht woolens in Monday Is waited with Interest by the trade Sugar Mnrliet. NHW ORLHANS. July 2r-SUOAR-Strong: open kettle, 4V. centrifugal, yel low. 61i;i,e; seconds, 3Sfl -li.o. NF.W YORK, .1 -llv 2S - St'OAR-RRW. strong; fair refining. 4Vjll3-S2e; cen trifugal, 0-1 test. 4 29-32C. Molasses sugar, 4 5-32c; rellneil, Ilrm; No. is $5 6j; No. ., $5.15; No. . $5.40. No. 9. $V3o; No. 10, lo.SO; No. 11, $5.30; No. 12. $5.20; No. 13. $5.20; No. II, $5.20; standard A, $5.90! confec tioners' A, $5.90; mould A, cui luai, $0.50, crushed, $0.60. powdered, $8.20; granu lated, $0.10, cubes, $6.25. Cnl'lfoniln llrled Fru4. NHW YORK, July 23. CALIFORNIA D1UK1) FlUMTS-Miirket continues dull and nominal; state evaporated apples, com mon, 5Wt6e. prime, 5Mf5Ho; fancy. .ctf7He, California dried prunes, 3Hff7c per lb., us to slie and iiunlfty. Apricots, Royal, 115 lie; Moor park. 15l(l7c. Peaches, peeled, lllflSc; impeded, 6Je. imv York Imports and I7port. NHW YORK, July 2S. The exports of gold nnd sliver from this port to all coun tries for this week uggregutcd $939,120, sil ver bars and coin, nnd $10,sno gold. The Imports were $'1,093 gold und $3l,S30 silver. Tho Imports of dry goods und titer chnndlse were valued ut $9,7IS,757. Kiiiinii City (iniin nnd Prntlnlons. KANSAS CITY. July 2S.-WllHAT-Sep ti'inber. COHc; Ueceniber, 6S0; cash. No. 2 Intnl. C7c; No. 3. CjtJitW'.ic; No. 2 red, 72fl 73c, No. 3, C9Q71C. CORN September, 35'sc; December. 32V. No. 2 mixed, cush, 30liic; No. 2 white, 39c, Nn. 3. 3SHc. OATS No. 2 while, 2UV. RYH-No. '., Me. HAV-Chnlco timothy. $9.50dri0.f; choice prnlrle. $7 50 BrTTHB-Crenmery. 1501So: dairy. 15c HOOS -Firm; fresh Missouri nnd Knnsiis stock, Oo; southern, SVtc, cases returned RHCHIPTS-Whcat, 232,200 bu.; corn, 20 Ril bu ; nats. 6,000 bp. SlllPMHNTS-Wheiit. 174,000 bu.j corn. 27.3"0 bu.; outs, 1,000 bu. MlniicniHilln Wlient 11 nil l'linir. MINNHAPOL1S, Minn.. July 2S.-WUHAT In store. Nn. 1 northern, July. 74o; Sep tember, 74l4c77lsc; December, 75HSJ75SO; on truck, No. 1 huril. 77He: No. 1 northern, 76'4c; No. 2 northern, 73Nc. FLOl'R Firm: llrst pnteiits, $4.15; sec olid pnlents. $3.95; llrst clears, $3.05; sec ond clears. 12.10. BRAN In hulk. $12.0iWi 12.60. Toledo (Irnln .llnrkrt. TOLHDO. O., Julv 2S.-WllHAT-Vok nnd lower; No. 2 cush und July, "7Uc; Sep tembar. 7S'ic CORN ytilet; No. 2 mixed, Boplembcr, !9!'.i'. OATS-Dull: No. . mixed. 23ic. Hi No sales. SHHDS-Clnver. dull: prime October, o.M'.'j iiui; Tsn. 2, :.. 1 -1 1. Plilliiilclplilii Priiiliice .Mnrket. PIIILADHLPIHA. Julv 2.-BCTTHR- Flrm; fancy, western creamery, 20c; fancy, wetitern prlntst 2.1c HOOS-FIrm nnd i.c higher. Fresh neartiy. 14c: fresh, western. HUe: fresh southwest ern, 11c; fresh southern, lie. Mllinuikrr (Irnln Mnrket. MILWAI'KHH. Wis.. July 2S.-WHHAT Lower: No. 1 northern. .OJiTGUc: No. 2 northern, 75'tf75,4o. ii 1; Mieaii!-; ro. 1, mst.c. 11ARLHY Firm; No. 2, 4c; snmple, 45c PIC.VSIONS FOR WISSTIIH.V VIl'I'lOB ANS. Wnr Survlvorsi llenie mlir red by the. (Jenernl Ooi eriinienl. "WASHINOTON. July 2S.-(8neclan-Th following pensions havo been granted; issue ni juiy in, ; Nebrnskn: Original Samuel Boyncr. Mar quette. $S; Isanc Wiles. Plattsmnuth, $5. increase-.iolin l. i.ux. blieiinn, jiu. lowa: urigmui irvin Ailiciio . v nton. $0; James H. Cptnn. La Hoyt, 0; Adam Lung. Sumner. JS. Additional Inhn fnrh. ran. Cruwfnrdsvllle, $12. P.estorntlon nnd Additional Setn I liiniiilirpy, (lend. Nevada. $s. Incrcnsi-fleorge Benedict, Musentlno. $30; Oenrgo Hawkins. Pekuy, $10; dairies IS. H. l-'noper, Toledo, jio. Orlglnnl VVIdows. etc.-Hannah A. Humphrey. Nevada. $S. fsnee ul nccriieil. Ju y 13). Br dcet J. Me. Carthy, Dcs Moines. $15. NO SIGNS OF YELLOW FEVER l'cars nf llrrml DlHenne AVIII Not In- (rrfi'i'r Ulli ICmliiirknlloii of Trooii from Culm. NHW YORK, July 28. General Leonard Wood, military governor of Oilbn, who has been In tho United States for about n wcok, railed on tho Mexico todny for Havuna. Oeneral Wood said of the military status In Cuba: "Tho withdrawal of United States troops from Cuba will ond with tho embarkation of the remaining battalions of tho First and Fifth Infantry. Thut will lenvo only about 5,000 soldiers on tuo Island, merely enough for garrison duty. "Foars that yellow fever would Intcrforo with tho transfer of tho First Infantry were removed this morning upon the receipt of telegram which said that tho surgeons re ported that all signs of It had disappeared and that tho embarkation would proceed with all posslhlo dispatch. " Omaha Branch Offici F. G. LOGAN Grain, Provisions and Stocks 2 HI Board of Trndo llldtr,, Omaha. MHMIIHIlHi Chlcnen Board of Truile, Chicago Stock Kxohmitfe, NeiY York Stank Hi cliniige. This oince Is connected by private wlrn with our Chlcugo olllce. Hvery facility offered you for the prompt execution of orders. F. C. IIOM.LVOKII, MuniiBRr. JAMES E BOYD & CO., Telephone 1039. Omaha, N9 COMMISSION, GRAIN, PROVISIONS n ml STOCKS IIOAIIU OF TRADE. Correspondences John A. Warren Co uirect wires to Chlcugo and Nw Tors ;h.r.p MEY&C0. site vm Grain 8RAMCH K3ltn UMCOLn nift OMAHA MB. MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! And how to got it Write for OUR LITTLE BOOK. A few brief facts on successful tradlnn wPBTft'fiM'r.A1 co.,.,oni c,lAI'HK' JJLHI & COMPANY. Bonds end Illal Orude Securities, 50 Broadway, New York. If so, speculate, successfully. Send your orders to a reliable house, where they will ho placed In tho open market. Vq can make for you In one month mors Interest on your money than any bank will puy you in k year. Send for our hook on speculation. It Is free. J. K. Comstock & Co- noorn 2!t Traders' UJdtf,, Ohliyiua.