The Omaha Sunday Bee. EDITORIAL SHEET, g ! PAGES 11 TO 20. EST A 15 LI SUED J UXE JO, 1871. OIAIIA. SrXDAV MOKXIXG, JTLV 21), 1000. SIX(LI2 COPY FIVIO CFKTS. Circus Day at Hayden Bros, Make Our Windows Your Headquarters to View the Circus Parade Monday, and Take Advantage of These Circus Day Prices. iwdek 50c Ladies' Neckwear, Circus Day Price 5 $6.00 all silk Taffeta Shirt Waists in colors, Circus Day Price $2.98 25c ad 35c Figured Wash Goods Circus Day Price 75c Men's Shirts, slightly soiled Circus Day Price 9 19 $3,50 and $4 Men's line vici kid and patent leather Shoes Circus Day Price 1.96 50c Ladies' Leather Belts Circus Day Price 10 Win. Liddell's lino Irish Linen Dannsk, GS-in. wide, S patterns, Circus Day Price, yard c 39c Underwear for men, Circus Day Price 19 15c Check Dimity, Cious Day Price C $3 and $4 Ladies' lino vici kid and patent leather shoes, Circus Day Price $1.96 $3.75 Double Satin Damask Napkins Circus Day Price. i 75c Fancy Center Table Covers Circus Day Price 2.25 25 100 Yards Belding Pros Best Sewing Silk Circus Day Price 5 $2.00 Nickel Watches, Circus Day Price 75 c iLinen Dept. Circus Day at the Big Store. When you arc down lown Monday morning to see the parade just step into the big store and see the big special sale we are having on linens, muslins and sheetings. We can save you money on anything you buy at llayden's. Some of the good things for Monday are: B-4 3-4 4-4 4-4 Ready made Illrach Illcach Bleach Drown Sheets, Shostlne Sheeting Mtisltn Muni In 72x90 Inch. 18c 20c x6y4c 4c 50c Yard. Yunl. ' Yurd. Ynrd. Kach. 18-Inch all All linen 8-4 -4 42-Inch linen crash Illicit Towel Drown Ilrown Pillow Toweling, size :0x40-in. Sheeting Sheeting Muslin 8y2c 15c 16c 18c 10c Yard. Each. Ynrd. Yard. Ynrd. 45-Inch Pillow Muslin 11C Yard. Ready made Sheets, hem stitched, 81x90 65c Kucli. Choice of 6 lend ing brands 4-4 blench muslin 7c Yard. Checked Olass Toweling 3V2c Yard. Bed Spreads. 12;4 Fringed Crochet Spreads, (good value at f 1 .75) Monday$1.15 J2-4 Pique Sprenrs7(VinMine);Momlnyat' . . '. .$1.75 12-4 Satin Marseilles Spreads. The best spread ever offered at the price in the city of Omaha, Monday's price, each. $3.00 Men's $1.00 Gowns at 49c. 100 dozen men's tine downs, in cambric and line muslin, A Qr in all the new styles; have been used for samples at. . . Men's 75c Underwear at 29c. IJOO do., men's line lisle ami balbriggan Shirts and QfT Drawers, in plain and fancy colors, made to sell at 7i5c Men's $1.00 Shirts at 49c 300 doss, men's line Colored Laundered Shirts, in silk bosom, separate collars and collars attached, all the A Qpr new styles at Men's 2()c Half Hose at 10c Men's !?1.0() Summer Underwear, in all the new colors at. . ... 45c Men's 150c Underwear at 15c Men's 75c Shirts, slightly soiled, at 19c Men's fiOe Working Shirts, in all sixes, at 35c Men's fiOe Ties, slightly soiled, at 5c Men's 25c Suspenders at 10c Special Bargains in Ladies Muslin Underwear. Ladies' line French Corset Covers at 25c, iffic, 50c; worth double. Ladies' tine Muslin and Cambric Clowns, at 5J)c, 75c and 9Se; worth double. ' One lot of ladies' Lisle and Silk Vests, in plain and fancy col ors, worth up t )('' nt ,r'- Special bargains in ladies' and children's Hose at 10c, 15c, and 25c. Closing out all the $1.00 Corsets at 49c. Ladies' 85c Vests at 15c. War is On in Our Basement A Great Fight to Down High Prices. Special Cut Prices on Stoves for This Week. Same- stylo as cut, a very handsome plain Stove, large IS-lneh oven, four 8-tnch holes with white euumed reservoir, for wood or roal, nicely nickel plated, n renular $22.00 stove this week for Final Clearing Silk Sale The new Fall Silks are already coming in. Monday will bo the last day of our great clearing silk sale. Black Silk Bargains Colored Silk Bargains Prices will positively be down to the very lowest point for genuine bargains for extra values, for the beat special inducements you have been offered attend this sale. $1.50 Plain and Fancy Silks all at only 49c. Plain and Changeable Taffeta, Oro Grain, black Japs, Black Satiin, all kinds of Fancy Silks stripes, checks, brocades, all sorts of high class silks in lengths from 5 to 20 yards, worth up to $1.50 go at. . Remarkable Bargains in Finest Silks at only 69c Cannale Stripe Taffetas, worth $1.25 Plain all silk Satin Duehesse.worth $1.2u;ull colors in Taffetas worth $1.00 Black French Taffeta worth $1.50 Black Satin, 27-in. wide, worth $1.25 Black Peau de Soie, worth $1.00 plenty in this lot for every body and all to go 'at only 7.71 .1 . j ...... 7 -. 49 c 69c Some Silks Worth Up to $2.00 will Sell Monday for only 98c Eeavy Black Silks, such as Peau de Soie. Oro Grain, Satin Duehesse, Sat it de Lyon, Armure, Fades, Poplins, serge, Alma, Bengaline, Cord ed Tiiffetus, Black Ploisse, 27-in. wide; Black Taffeta, .'Ki-in wide; Big Brocades all are new and perfect silks and are correct in stvle some are worth $1.25 some $1.50 some $1.75 and $2 till will sell for only 98 c Send in by mail if you cannot attend this great sale in person. Mail ordors'will not be tilled later than Thursday out of towners should take advantage. jv - 17.95 A very tood No, 8 plain cook, 18.1nch oven, sella regularly for $13.00 this week, 19.49. Two-holo laundry Stovo, No. 8, this week $3.10, The handsomest Steel Hnnge In Omaha, and ns good as It looks, six holes, high warming closet, large oven, 18x21x11 Inch, extra heavy, full nickel plated, duplex gralo for wood or coal, regular J3S.0O range this week, $29.95, Wo have 500 more of those 4-Tie Parlor Brooms 1 7 . .. . l x w left which wo will sell Monday only at, Closing Out Summer Goods. Lawn Mowers, J2.25. 3-4. Inch Rubber Iloie, JHc. 12-tltio Uako, 17c 100 feet Poultry Netting, 65c. I-IOxG-lO Screen Doors, 69c. Spring Hinges, 9c. Kour.tlno Maimro Forks, 29c. ' flross Hooks, 19c. Clothespins, six dozen for Sc. 40-foot Clothes Lines, 5c. . Lurgo Foot Ilath Tubs. 29c. Screcu Wire, pcfr 100 feet, $1.65. SEND US House Furnishings, Solid copper nickel plated Tea Kettles, No. 8. 89c. Folding Ironing noards, 69c, Set Potts Irons, nickeled, 95c. Five rolls Toilet Taper, 10c. Set Christie Knives, 15c. Wax Tapers, per box, 5c. $1,00 Magic Razor Strop, 09c Kitchen Meat Saw, 13c. flood Kindling Hatchet, 10c. Kconomy Cobbler Set, 39c. Dish Pans, 11c. Clearing Sale on All Extension Tables and Parlor Tables Great Manufacturers' Shoe Sale Monday the greatest Shoe Sale ever attempted selling 22,000 pairs of shoes direct from the manufacturers at 46c on the dollar, brings every body to our two big shoe departments belling all now, line, stylish, up-to-date shoes, at less than one-half price attracts cus tomers for miles around. Thous ands of pairs of men's and ladies' line $3.00, $11.50 and $4.00 shoes in Vici Kid, Russia Calf and Patent leather; all the latest styles go in this sale at Men's line .:, .'.nn and .?! Vici Kid, Russia Calf and Patent leather shoes; made for hip; eastern dealers all "I Cf- styles and sizes in this sale, at J Ladies' fine .?:.;"() and 4.00 Viei Kid and Talent leather shoes--made in all the latest styles and sizes, for swell " eastern dealers all go in this sale for..., lz7J Ladies' fine $2 and ?2;o0 Viei Kid and Patent- leather oxford ties and slippers, in all the latest styles, at Misses' and children's line .$1.50 and ?2 Kid and (loat Lace shoes; sizes S to LI and 12 to 2 on sale at; We find we have a great many Tables on hand of which we have only one or two of a .kind. To move these at once we will give 20 per cent discount, on all Tables bought this week we have over 10 styles of new stylish Extension Tables, some are (! feet and some S feet all have heavy legs nearly all are oak of golden finish. The regular price is low enough to enable us to sell over one carload of these tables at this discount of 20 per cent ; you can now secure one cheaper than ever. Remember there are only one or two of a pattern, and it will pay you to investigate this offer. Parlor Tables also, hundreds of styles in oak, mahogany, bird's-eye maple, flemish, ranging in price from Toe up to 25.00 all at 20 per cent discount. This is a otter we have never made before, and only do so now to clean up a lot of tables of which we have no duplicates. Also special reduction on all Lawn and Porch Chairs and Rockers, and seats. Remember wo carry as flno a lot of Furniture; as can bo seen anywhere, and our prices are always lower than the lowest. Special Hat Sale Monday Men's black hats. Fedora 98c anil R. R. shapes regu lar vulues on salo nt Fedoras in pearl, brown and blackregular $3.00 f ff quultty reduced yj J Fedoras worth $2.00 all shades reduced Closing out all our Straw Hats, regardless of cost. Men's black and brown Derb iesregular $51.00 hats on sale Monday 73 A lino line of men's and children's caps at sacrifice prices, and special prices in our trunk and grip dept. Millinery Sale Great closing out prices on all summer millinery. Not a dollar's worth reserved. Prices cut in two. See our styles in walking hats. Optical Dept. Eyes Tested Free. Glasses iltted correctly. New frame's lor old ones. Lenses exchanged. Repairs of all kindc. Our Prices Are the Lowest. Drug Prices Cramer's Kidney Cure I'eruna Castorla Syrup of riK I.ydla IMnkham'fl Compound . Plerco'B Medicines lleof, Iron ami Wine, $1.00 slz Cherry Phosphate, per box .. Kilmer's Hwiimp-Hoot l ain h I'eiory i onipounn Malted .Milk Dandruff i'ure. $1.00 size at 2- quart Fountain Hyrlnjjo 3- quart Fountain Syringe Seldlltz Powders, per box ..10c nnd He, ' 75c,' ' 75c 75 o 25c t3c 6!)o C9e :i)c 10c 75o 6'Jc $3.15 Me 55c tliC 20c Meats. No. 1 California Hams Pickled Pigs' Feet No. 1 Lean Breakfast llacon 3-lb pnlls best brand I.ard 8c 5c 12c 27c 40c 14c 22c Chipped Beef, nor 1Tir round 1 1 gk pickled Pis i Or. Pork lot 5-IU rails best brand Lard Roast Beef per can 2-lb cans Corned Beef Books on Sale Bryan's "The First Battle" . . . 60c David Harum 89c Janice Meredith 89c To Have and to Hold .... 89c Prisoners of Hope 89c When Knighthood Was in Flower 89c Hoy 89c Richard Carvel 89c Via Crucis. . . 89c Red Pottage b3c 98c 98c Flannel Department. One case 3-1 extra heavy Wlilto Wool Flannel, regular 3Bo per yard, 25c. One case 23-lnoh wide Appleton Cream Baby Flannel, 8Vio per yard; regular prlco 124c. Ono caso Afsyrlan blue nnd ox blood Twill Shirting, warranted absolutely fast colors, Monday 10c per yard. ' Two cases Shaker and Cotton Flannel Be per ynrd. Hxtra good dark and light Outing Flannel. Hc per yard. Sewing Machines. Our spolal offer on n thoroughly reliable Machine. A drop-head, handsomely finished oak woodwork and built on tbo latest and approved lino of niachtuo 'construction, iiolsolcsa and very light running; makes a uniform stitch; has self-threading shuttle and automatic bobbin winder. lvcry ma chine Is furnished with a complete sot of attachments, extra needles and bobbins nnd Illustrated book of Instructions free, .-pcvlal price, $14.95 Monday Specials 50c ladies' belts 10c Closing out everything in belts. 50c ladies' neckwear 5c 1 big job of ladies' neck wear, to close out. 5c it 10c Pure linen handkerchiefs, hemstitched 5c 2 dozen pearl buttons for. .5c Wall Paper and Paints Why have dirty walls when you enn buy a (Inn gilt paper for Sc per roll, or a good white blank at 3c per roll. We can sell you a paint for 91c per gal lon that others ask you $160 to $2.00 for. Wo have also varnishes, stains, enamels, brushes and room moulding all at re duced prices. Don't miss these bargains. H It Y 0 E li Monday Grocery Sale Taney Large Lemons, dozen 15c Java and Mocha Coffee, lb 15c Quart cans Pure Table Syrup , 9c I'ure, Sweel Chocolate Cake 3ic French Mustard, large bottles 3Jc Mustard or Oil Sardines, can 3?C Pure Corn Starch, three packages for 10c Picnic Inikod Bonus, per can 5c .'lb. cans (ratedt Pineapple, only 8c New California Apricots only ...8ic New California Peaches only 8ic lOcoiioruy Evaporated Cream, enn 74c Pino Table Salt, !Mb. sacks 3c Parlor Matches, one dozen boxes 12ic Nudavene Oats, 1Mb. packages only 5c Pure Table .felly, large glasses 6c Fancy Japan Whole IMce, lb 5c All kinds of Yeast, Foam, etc., package 2ic Pearl Tapioca, lb., only 5c Large bottles best Laundry Blue 5c 10-lh. sacks Pure (iraham Flour 19c 10-lb. sackS (Iranulated Cornmeal l()c Large bottles Pure Tomato Catsup l()c 8 bars White Russian or Cuilahy Soap 25c New California Prunes, lb 5c Butter! Butter!! Butter!!! Fancy Fine Dairy Butter, lb 14c Fancy Fresh Country Butter, lb I6c Fancy Creamery Butter 17e and 19c Full ('ream Cheese, lb 10c New York AVIiito Cheese, lb 12c YOUR MAIL ORDERS.