THE Oil 11A DAILY H 1313 1 SATl'HllAV, .TIrTvT 28, 1!)00. OMAHA SHOT ALL TO PIECES Doa Moines' Cannonading Wipo the Keith Tamily Off the Map. COONS LOOKS LIKE MONEY FROM HOME 1 1 ii 11 U - HlnPN llnyiiinUorn I'liiiiniH the Nnv l'ltilirr with u Merry Abandon Hint IlfllKlitn AH HciirlN tiut lltirU'n. I)c Mollies, III OmnliM, ". Mont City, i!) St. .Insci1i, I'liHilo, 7) Denver, .'I. I'lillnili'tiililn, 7 ( lilrno. -I. St. I. mils, JO I'rlinkl) ii, fi. IloStOII, !t PIIMliiirK, ."New YurU, - titieliinntl. Detroit, l K mi kii ii ( II. iiiifTuio, rt ciiii'iiKo, :i. liilliiiiiiioll, III Mliiiirniiolls, O. Mll.vuilUi'C, M Clrt eliinil, fi. DR9 MOIN'KS, July 27. (Special Tele, gram.) Den .Moines mado It four straight from Omaha hy winning this afternoon by a 11 to 2 score. Omaha played a miserable varao An') tho changes mado In positions wftu with n hopo of finding a combination that might play ball. Dcs Molne stnrtcd Into tho game with a rush and, taking a big lead, cinched thliiRn In tho first Inning, so that the contest was rather uninteresting. One pretty featuro was a triple play In tho second Inning. Lauzon was hit and went to flint, Wright singled and then llalrd eoaked a hot one to third. Drain mado n nlco catch of tho lino hit, caught Lnuzon on second and then tho ball was pushed over to flrot In timet to catch Wright, who had fitortcU for second. Jn tho fourth Omaha made one. Tomnn led with a single and went to second on Hny's sacrlDce, McVlckcr went out on a ground hit to third, Lauzon singled and then Toman stole home, a wild throw being mado to tho plate O'Kourko's bono on halls and hits by MoVlrker and Wright gave another score to Oranha In the last Inning. Dcs Moines mado hors by ham mering the ball all over tho Held. Mr. Coons was an easy thing and after tho fourth ho was sent to tho barn, Hoy going In and twirling a good game during the rest of tho content. Score: DKS MOINES. All. It. II. O. A. 15. Thlel, If a i 1 Hall. BS I 1 Nnglc, cf 4 2 Illnes, 2b 1 2 Ilrnlti, 3b C 2 Warner, rf 1 2 Hebsnmon, II) 3 l I.omiin, a 2 o MncKarlund, l I 0 1 It) Totals S3 11 11 27 21 ! 'OMAHA. Alt. II. 11. O. A. E. Toman, mi 1112 1! O'llnurkc. 21) 3 1 0 2 2 McVlckcr. cf 3 0 1 4 I.auznn, lb & c t 0 1 n Wright,. If 4 0 2 2 llalrd, rf & 3b 4 0 0 1 Wilson, o & lb 4 0 0 4 Hoy, 3b & p 3 0 10 Coons, p looo Thompson, rf 2 0 10 Totals .. Des Moines ....32 ,.r. o ..0 0 7 2 ! 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 1 -11 Omaha 1- 2 Two-baso bits: Warner, Kebsamcn. Hall. Sacrifice lilts: 1 lines. I.oman, McVlcker. FUruck out: llv Hov. 1: !v MacFaiiand. 2. liases on balls: Off MncFarlnnd, 1; ott Coons, 3; oft Hoy, 2. Left on bases; lies Moines, S: Omaha, I. Trlplu play: Hall to Mines to uousninen to nines, uuuuip iiiuyn McVlckcr to I.uu.on; Toman to Wilson, Time: 2:00. Umpire: Al Warner. rui;iii.o sk'vh D:xvnii hack Mtiita Vouiipr JoIinnuii'N IMtnlilim (lie I'Vtiture of (lie (iiiitie tin' tiri'incr h iin PUI'UI.O. Colo., July 27 -(Speclal Tolo pram.) Johnson pitched the gamo of his llfn this uftnrnoon find tho locals cleaned up thn Denver nino In nplto of tho fact mat I no support or. mo noma iuno ior mo twlrlcr was very poor. I'ucblo batted hard nnd at opporiuno moments. Aitcnuanee, 1,000. Score: PUKHLO. AU. R. II. O. A. 15. 3 3 0 0 12 10 3 10 0 0 13 0 1 110 0 13 3 1 0 4 2 0 113 1 2 0 4 0 13 27 7i 3 II. O. A. 13. 2 2 10 13 0 0 0 2 10 1 12 1 1 1110 0 0 10 2 2 0 0 1 1 r, 0 0 10 0 "s 21 13 1 0 4 11 7 10 110 0-3 McIIale, cf r. 1 Hulcn. ss 4 I'arrntt, lb 4 Dulrymplo, If. 4 l.auy, rr Closson, 3b.. Graham, c... Kelly. 2b.... Johnson, p... Totals ... 3 4 O 4 3.1 7 DiiNvnn. An. it I'reston, cf Miller, If Huclow, c , Holland, lb Hlckoy, 2b Ilellly, 2b Weaver, rf l.ewee, ss Kane, p 5 , 4 r 3 r, l 4 4 3 Totals Ptioblo ... Denver ... 31 3 0 0 0 0 10 Earned runs: Pueblo. 4: Denver. 1 Two- baso hits: Mclinlo, Parrott CJ). Lally Throe-base lilt: Parrott. Sacrifice hits: Hulen. Kelly. Miller, ltellly. Stolen bases: Parrott, Holland. Double play: Closson to Parrott. Struck out: By Johnson, 4; by Kane, 2. lilt by Johnson, 2. Wild pitches: Kane, Johnson. Hnses on balls: Off John son, 3; off Kane, 2. Passed ball: Huclow. Tlmo: 2:00. Umplro: Ebrlght. NIOUX SHAKE THE ST. .1011 HOODOO. Hones Piirvln's 1'ltcliliiK Proves too Much for (he MeKHilien Tribe. SIOUX City, la., July 27.-(Speelal Tele gram.) Bones Parvln proved a puzzlo fur the Saints this afternoon and through lih effoctivo pitching tho Sioux were nblo to break tho long strln of defeats that they have suffirrod from St. Joo with a 2 to 1 victory. St. Joo mnnaged to get a run In tho Ilrst Inning through Strang's hit and magnificent baso running, but after that not a Saint got pnst second baso and only one reached that bag In safety. Sioux City was lucky In tho second and third, when a few hits nnd a counln of errors manu factured two runs. Asldo from Parvln's work tho game was without any Interest ing features. Score! BIOUX CITY. AU. H. II. O. A. 15. Ilallman, If 4 0 0 1 0 0 ABSOLUTE SECURITY, Qenuln Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature A Fac8lmlU Wrtrpc U'aw. IFOXUUIACNL FfiR DIIZINESS. FOR BIU0USKC83. FOfl TORPII LIVEitt fit C0HST1PATI0M. F6R IAU0W SKIN. FQRTMEC0MPLUI0R -hwrtrTtf-uila Iai rv-rr-r,r Griffin, cf . 1 McCrendle, rf 1 3 10 0 lirnslionr. I'll . OlftMcoi'k, lb iipm, no Herle. nm Cote, o 2 ? i ? J. J; J nrviii, p Totals 48 2 ST. JOSEPH. S 27 13 1 All. It. 4 1 It. 1 0 0 0 1 1 (I 0 0 A. Ft. Strang. Sb r, 0 r lini-r. rr ... Hall, ss ... ... 3 ivunK, v Pchrnll. If 4 Kline, c McKlbben. lb 4 Urntow, 2h 2 Fleming, cf 3 Herman, V 1 Totals 29 1 3 21 16 2 Sioux City 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 i St. Joseph 10000000 0-1 Earned runs: St. Joserih. 1. HacrlhVc hit: Hall. Hotiblo play: Ilerto to Urash ear to Ulnsscock. Hases on balls: Me Creadle, Hrnshonr, Olasscock, Nlles (2), UNstow, Hner 2. nil ny pitcncil ball: (Jhisseock. Struck out: llnllman, Hrnsh- ear, Haer, Schrnll. Fleming 2, Herman, Strain-. Hall. Passed balls: Kilns. Time: 1:3.. Umpire: Cllne. .SIiiiiiHiik of the Tennis. Played. Won. Lost. P.C. .553 Pes Moines Denver St. Joseph . Omiiha Sioux City . ..M 30 ....70 ....72 ....71 ....IS ....67 3S 33 31 30 29 32 ra :is 3S 2 S i yJ'J I .411 Pueblo .431 (iA.-lHS OK Til Ii .N ATION AL I.KACl.'H, (I linkers Tnke AdvniitnKe of Annr- elilsts llliimlers nnd NVIn (tuleltly. PHIhADELPIIIA, July 27.-Two erroy, a baso on balls, a batsman hit by pitcher and threo singles In Philadelphia's Ilrst Inning resulted In Chicago's defeat today. Tho visitors steadied themselves thereafter nnd mado 11 light for tho game. Attendance, 1,11,;. seoru; CHICAOD. I A. n.ii.o.A 1: n 11.0 A.n. Mi-r-nrfy. If 0 0 1 0 1 Tliomiia. cf. 1 2 1 0 0 la-le, If.... 1 1 1 0 0 rtiitd, :b... nil 'Irwn, cf.. 0 0 0 2 2 1 0 1 1 0 1 13 0! iwiwty, 10 1 n 5 0 0 Ityun, rf.. 0 tijolf, 2b.. 1 2 3 1 0 Mnrtes, s. 0 0 0 Pllck, rf.... 1 0 3 0 0 DoiiKia-", c. 0 1 4 4 0 MoKarl'd, r. 0 0 1 10 WolVfn. 3b 0 1 2 4 0 Ontizfl, lb Ii, nilley. Jli. 1 0 : Dnnnlme, c. 0 0 4 1 arlllltli, p... 1 1111 Crons, sh 1 1 3 2 1 IMatt, p 110 3 0 Totnls ..1 0 2li; 3 Totals .. 7 8 27 15 1 Chlrngo ...0 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 0-4 Philadelphia ... 5 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 7 Eiirnc.l runs: Chicago. 1: Phlladelnhla. 1. Two-baso hits: Hyan. Oanzel. OrlllUh. Sac ............ , v-i; rr i ; . ' ; I iVfL" P'n "l1, , 0 1'11; i,,aV Jn 2itio.Wd0la o i. .V; ii f... i Vi T. i . . . . ' " r"tr "" Slaclo, Flick. Struck nut: Uy OHftlth. by Piatt, fi. Left on bases: Chicago, s; I'hllaile nn a. 4. I'nsned ball: Douk ass. Wild pitch: Cirimth. Time: 1:55. Umpire: St, Louis lleiitn Ilrnoklyn. HllOOKLYN. July 27.-PoweIlV wildncsa nnd Kltson's Ineffectiveness caused their sneedv retlreinont tnduv. Yminir nnd llntin I succeeding them with mic score tied. Dunn was batted heavily In tho ninth. President Ebbetts today denied tho report that ho had announced his candidacy for tho leuguo presidency. Attendance, i,ui. score: ST. I,Oi-tK. HllOOKLYN. lt.H.O.A.K. Il.H.O.A E Mcdraw, All. 3 3 1 2 0 Jones, cf.... 116 0 0 Iturkftt. If.. 2 1 2 Ionovan, rf 3 2 & Kclstrr, 2b.. 1 2 2 Wallace, 0 1 3 McGann, lb. 0 1 10 Dlllnrd, cf.. 1 1 2 CrlKcr, c.... 0 1! Powell, p... 10 0 0 idSchr-k'd. rf 1 0 0 0 o 0 0 Jenn'KK, lb.. 0 0 14 0 0 5 Kelley, If 0 2 2 0 0 4 0 0 0 Don, iint, ss Crosn, 3b. . . 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 0 5 2 0 0 Daly, 2b.... 2 4 1 0 0 Karrell, c, 0 OjKltson, p.. 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Young, p.... 0 0 0 1 0 Dunn, p Total- ..10 12 27 12 St. Louis Hrooklyn Totnls 8 27 18 3 " 1 J J 5 j -lft i v v v v v v " Earned runs: St. Louis, 3; Hrooklyn, 1 Three. baso hit: Kelster. Two-baso hits: Crl gor. Kltsou. First base on errors: St. Louis 1. Left on bases: St. Louis, S; Hrooklyn, 9, Struck out: Hy Kltson. 1: bv Young. 1. Sacrltlco hits: Donovan. Crlccr. Stolen bases: Jones, Kelley, Daly. Kltson. oases on onus: uir ivitson, i; un uunn, i on I uni'll, i. mi luuiiK, i. JJUUUI,' i,iu;. m't.-i- ter to Walluco to McGnnn. lilt by pitched ball: Hy Powell, 1. Tlmo: 2:22. Umpire: aural. IIiin((iii Wins ii AViirm (imiie. HOSTON. July 27. Boston won out In tho ninth Inning today. Hoth pitchers "were very effective. The Holding ot Collins, Long aim isiy wcro tno leuturcs. Aiienaanco, -w. acoro: iioston. 1'iTTsnuno. ii.n.o.A.u.i it h.o.a v, llumllt'n, cf 1 2 3 0 0 Ilnum't, cf. 0 0 0 0 Iing, ss... 0 0 2 0 K. Clark. If. 0 1 10 0 Htuhl, If.. Collins, 3b Clark, 3b.. liiuiy, 2b. 110 0 O'ltrltn. lb. 0 013 0 1 1. A V V J 1MICII IV V V J V II 10 3 1 Wtcncr, 2b. 2 2 1 1 0 0 9 2 0 McCVry, rf. 0 0 110 .Immtr, c.. 0 Freeman, rf 0 0 2 0 0 IxmcIi, 2b... 0 Hulllvan, c. 1 1 1 1 0 I.'ly, xs 0 1 3 6 0 Dltieim, p...O 0 2 3 0 phllllppl, ii. 0 0 0 4 0 Totals ..3 5 27 12 1 Totals .. 2 624 10 1 None out when winning run was made. Boston 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1- Plttsburg 00010000 1- Earned runs: Boston, 1; Pittsburg. 1 Two-buso hit: F. Clarke. Homo run: Su- llvun. Double plays: Phtlltppi to Ely to O'llrlen. Wagner to Ely to O'Brien. Sacri fice hits: McCrcery (2), Leach. Bases on balls: Off Dlneen, 2; off rhllllppl. 1. Struck 11111. 1. GLrULK out: By Dlneen. 1; by Phllllppl. 1. Wild pitch: Dlneen. Time: 1:40. Umplro: O'Day. tilnntN Dmrii the Ileds. NEW YORK. July 27. Tho Now Yorkers won an Interesting game from tho Clncln- ,.mu n ii,.. !!,. ..rnt.mi. n,ic nrr,VnAV. it was u gamo that abounded in sharp lleldlng. Tho homo team won through inneiv o.iiiinir in inn f.iiziiiii inniiiL'. ai i lenuaucc, j.tiw. ocoro: CINCINNATI. H.II.O.A.E Yomc. H.II.O.A.E. Barrett, cf.. 0 0 2 0 0 CorLuran, ill) 0 I I Vanll'n, cf, 1 2 I o 0 .Srlbacb, If.. 12 3 0 Doyle, lb... I I 7 0 Smith, rf.... 0 1 1 0 Davis, .... 0 3 4 2 nia-on. 2b, 0 0 1 2 llcckley, lb. 0 1 12 ! 1 tttelnf'dt, 3b 0 0 1 3 0 Crawford, rf 1 1 1 ' 0 McllrlJe, If. 1 2 10 0 Uulnn, Sli 0 10 10 lllckm'n, 3b 0 0 3 3 0 0 I I 0 Warner, c... 0 0 3 Kahoe, c. Halm, p.. 0 1 0 3 0 Mtrcer, p 110 3 Totals ..2 6 21 17 1 Totals .4 $ 27 12 1 Cincinnati o 1 0 1 0 New York 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0-2 0 0 2 4 Earned runs: New York. 1: Clnrliiimll. 1. Klrst baso on errors: Cincinnati, 1. heft nn uusos: (.'ineinnatl, 3; Now York. 4 Ktrst base on balls: Off Ha m. 1: off Alor cer, 1. Struck out: Hy Hahn, C; by Mercer, 4. sacrllli-o lilts: Vanlln tren. .S,.IIku1v moicn oases: ivnlioe. Kolbaiti. Duvle. Kmiih lln.,1.1.. ..I..... t'..l ... .. ...... ..' . . ... .. leiui. iiin-e-u.isu nu: urawtord. Two- baso hit: Doyle. Umpire: Emslle. Tlmo: i.M. .SdiiidliiK of tlin Tennis. Played. Won. Lost. P.C. Hrooklyn .... Philadelphia . Pittsburg .... .Til 4S 43 41 :w 3S 37 32 27 28 .(32 77 70 77 7S 70 71 73 3 1 38 as 43 33 42 4G .rt7 .Mil Chicago Cincinnati ... .606 .4S7 Boston , St. Louis Now York ... 37U camps oi,' Tin,: AMi'.nii'iv i.i-mi'i.' Detroit Ones After Kniisns City mid w iiii. in ,11k lime. KANSAS CITY, July 27. Detroit opened Its series hero today with a shutout in Its credit. Miller was a nuzlo which the homo team could not solve, Attendance, bOO. Scoro; KANSAS CITY. , DETItOIT, ii.H.OA.i:. Jtiio.A.i: llrnipnlll, rr o o 3 0 o carty, 3b... 0 0 0 3 0 i-arreu, itf.. o b s u i uolmrs, rf.. 0 1 l O'llrlen, If.. 0 1 I 0 0 Harley, If... 2 4 2 1 umifall. lb. 0 2 10 1 1 KlUrf'liI, Ml 0 3 Hflmrfer. n 0 1 1 2 lMoAl'a'r, c. 0 s l f.intlilln, 31i 0 1 2 1 0 Dillon, lb... 1 11', Ktrwait, 34i. 0 0 2 1 0 Nlool, cf ... 1 1 2 HuiullnB. c.. 0 0 2 1 0 Ycniffr, lb.. 0 12 0 o 0 0 1 0 : o i o 0 n - u 1'atton, p... 0 1 1 & 0 .Miller, p... I 1 1 5 Totals ..OS Kansas City .. Detroit 17 12 3! Totals .. C U 27 11 0 000O0000 00 2 (I 0 1 1 2 0 0 0-0 ICarned runs: Detroit, 3. Two-base hits Fnrrull, Dungan, McAllister. Nlcoll. Stolen bi'ses uuiiKan, arnaoter, uarloy (3). Suc- riuco nil: l';iberrel(l. Hases on balls: Off ..iiuer, on i-niien, s. HtrilCK out: Hy Miller. 2: by Patten. 1. Passed li.ill nnn. ding. Doublo play: Schaefer to Stouurt to uiiiiKiiu. i.en on oases: Kansas city. 9 li,.t-.-il I'l...... if.....,-.. ....... v. L iiiiurc: .lianas .Mlllem CI lie b l.nst Plnee M l Wl. linl iu i.,i.. n- .... ... MliSiSIAl U1.IH. JUly 27. Tho vlltnrv . i . .. ' . " .. . . limit uii vufty Kiiiiie iroin ine name teiitn i.,. .In.. .il,..l.r,v .... -i.. . A . Vv iV IniUV ..iv7 -J Him -i-o lUUUf. rfVllUlHIIlIUL', MINNHAI'OLIH. , INDIANAPOLIS H.H.O.A. II n II n a i' navu, cr.... I i o o nogr'ver. If l l 3 o o HiirM'y. rr.. 01200 itnrtiel, rf.. J s 1 0 0 Nance, 3b... 0 3 0 J 0 Oelrr, cf.... 1 3 2 0 0 Uitly, cf.... 0 0 2 0 0 OyboM, lh, 2 0 7 0 0 Virln, lh. 0 1 11 0 1 Ukooii, ih. 0 1 ; 4 0 JackKkli, c. 0 0 a 1 rowers. C...11 110 0 d t-mltli, H...0 3 t JUdltori, 8. Q 3 3 2 0 Abbev, ;t 0 0 2 4 3 III. key. 3b 0 0 0 3 1 iMrdner, p. 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 i) ; 0 00000 Turk' r, n I'lachrr . - - Totals . Totals .. n S 37 II 3 10 27 3 0 Hntted for Jaeklltneh In tho ninth. Imllmmpoll 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 'Minneapolis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O-O Kurnoil runs: Inillnniinnllit. .1. Thr-h:ip lilt: 8ybold. Two-base hit: (lelcr. Home tun: Seybold. Unes on balls: Oft Parker, 2; oft Gardner, 1. Btruek out: Hy Oardner. ; iy t'araer, 6. wit on bases: .Minneapolis, 4; Indianapolis, 7. Stolen bases: llsrtzel, 2. Sacrifice hit: Magouti. I'tnplre: Cnntlllion. Time: 2:19. All Look Alike to II 11 fin 1 11. CH ICAOO. JulV 27.-The HiifTnlos hud 1 batting rally In the ninth Inning today and won mo game. Attendance, j,wj. scoro: ClIICAOO. I llflTAII. it It O A K ItHO.Ai: Hoy. of 0 0 2 0 0 HatllKnn, If. 1 2 n 1 0 McMan'e, rf 1 1 1 0 OlOettman, cf 1 12 0 0 McPartM, If 1 1 3 o ifiicaren. rr. 1 . 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 3 2 1 1 2 0 l'adden, !b . 1 0 4 3 0 0 0 1 1 rtclireek, e.. 0 1 Hsrlman, Sti 0 0 3 0 r, 1 7 1 : 0 0 1 0 0 0 Atherton, 2b 0 1 Ciirfy, lb .. 1 1 Ilntlinin, Mil Andrews, 3b 0 2 Atnole, p.... 0 1 Islll, lli-lb. 0 HtiKdrMi, lb.. 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 lUickley, c 0 O Iary, ss, 0 Plsher. p.... 0 Patterson, p 0 0 0 Totals .. 5 12:- 11 4 Totals ..3 5 27 1J 2 Ilartman out for Interference. nLI. n , .1 . . .1 n . A Uuffafo 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4-5 t . .1 . . r, 1. 1 . , , . . r . 1 , t r . luilieu llllin, Vlllilli,, li lllllltlliF, -I. l..'ii nn oases; i. nicngo, iiuunio, . i wo-ujuu hits; Atherton, Gcttmait. Carey. Snc.'lilco hit: Amolo. Stolen base: Hoy. Double play: Andrews to Aliicrton to uarey, sirucK out: Hy Fisher, 1; by Amolo, 3. Hases on balls: Off Amole, 3. Hit with ball: Hoy. Tims: 1:60. IJrerrers roll Out One. MILWAUKEE, July 27,-The Mllwaukeo teiim broke tho lone strlnir of defeats to day. nakcr was hit hard In the srrond nnd Smytho relieved lilm. Attendance. 1,000. Score MIIAVAtJKEtl, II.H O A K CLKVULANl). H.H.O.A R Conroy, 2b.. 0 1 2 3 0 I'lclipr'c, cf. 1 1 3 0 0 Walrtron. rf 0 3 1, If.... 0 0 4 rlslil-'. If.. 1 1 4 1 0 OenlnF, :i.. 0 1 0 Atulcrs'n, lb 2 5 10 Knits, s.... 3 3 2 Crlnliam, lb. 0 0 9 SnllUun, 31). 0 0 0 Sllf.l, h 1 1 0 Ktcham, cf 0 0 4 lturkf, 3b... 1 2 1 llnftr, rf. 1 1 1 0 2 4 0 0 0 DlKKlns, c. 12 3 12 0 utiles. UpWV, p. Maker, p... Pmythp, p. Hart 10 11 0 10 0 Totals .. S 15 27 12 1 Totals 8 21 II 2 Ratted for Smytho In the ninth. Milwaukee. 0 4 2 0 0 0 2 0 -" Cleveland 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 1 03 y . ... 1 .,,... tii...,,l.n K , nl..,Al...l , '" ?. i""'. J;.." J U'V ,.J: 1 tff,.r, She 1 Spies. ilrkcrln. Hi rki! riinirn iiiuruu. a, oiiltimch- mil; Kctchnm. 2. First base on balls: Off HM.Iy, f. Hakcr. 1. . Pltchor: Conroy. PtrucK out: ny iteiiiy, s; iiy Mnyuie, Doimie n av: Hinvmn in Double play: Smythe to Crlshnni I'mplra; Sheridan. Time: iao. MtnnilliiK of Hie Tennis, Played. Won. Lost. P.C. .KJ .&57 .523 .WW . 1SS .471 .455 .IW7 Chicago SO 4S 32 Indianapolis 1 1 ,. ...79 ...Ml ...8! ...M) 41 4S 42 31 40 40 35 35 41 42 41 45 4S til f,l'.i,'"" " riuvcland " S3 i'niins cit'v ss Mlnneunolls !!."!!!!!sl WORKING BOYS WIN EASILY South Oinnlin 'lul(lnn lint All Itluht, but IMelil I.Ike Demi Men, Tho South Om-iha Y. M. C. A. boys came down to Omaha last evening to wlpo tho Working Hoys of tho Omaha association off the earth. In splto of tho fact that the south umana noys were larger and oitipr they were beaten with ease by tho Work ing Hoys, whoso playing was steady and Burn .Clin fntlir n f tlin frnmA n'!ll tin. pitching of Itohrbough and Lalior. Loiler was m sera oiy Hunnorieu. score S. OMAJIA Y. M. C. A.. WAIIKINO HOYH. 1UI.O.A.11. lt.II.O.A.i:. MeCan'h, Sb.l 12 0 0 Orange, It. ..0 0 0 0 1 Strlbl'g. 0 0 0 4 rilbson, C....1 17 2 1 Oneb.ird, lt..0 14 0 Uolirb'h, p...O 0 1 7 1 Sherw'U, B3..0 1 0 4 0 )Innon, cf..! : 0 0 1 cOXi 2b. ..0131 2 C.WIl'rd, 3b.O 0 0 2 0 ..1 1 5 0 4 Kchonlau. lb.l 0 9 0 1 (Ininey. Letter, p rf..l 1 2 3 l.Btoft. s 2 0 0 0 0 Melc'r, rf p.l 2 0 0 ro.WH'nl. Sb.l 0 10 1 IIailm, of.O 10 0 o!lCiiKler, rf....O 0 0 0 0 Totals ....4 9 15 S 11 Totals 9 3 13 11 5 South Omaha Y. Mi C. A.. 0 0 0 0 2 2-t Working Hoys 0 2 0 0 1 '-9 Struck out: Hy llohrbouKh C. bv Lef. ler 6. Hases on balls: Off Letler, 2. off Mel cher, 1. Hit by pitched ball: Itohrbough 2. eoIn Will Knee Orlgllnnls. Cantaln Bradford of the Omaha Orlelnals has arranged for a game with tho peerless tlCUtUil UlOlllll-i Hint l.HJ AlVWIlb tl-UIII Till bo accompanied by a big crowd of rooters, Neolas bumiay, and tno xeoia team win 0000 who expect to give their favorites such 1 3 0 0 encourupeincnt that defeat will be lmpoS3l 115 0 bio. The Otlglnals, however, promlso to dvn n irood account or themselves and re- peat the dose of riofent they administered lliu 11IIT Hl'vra ill .tiv r.iiiiiii ui uuiy . wo ODnrec ate. sani liruiuord. -mat these peoplo are the strongest we have been nu aerainst. Wo won our tnme on the Fourth only by playing an errorless gamo and by timely stick work. Barring acci dents wo will do tho eumti Sunday, and a rcdhol exhibition or ban is assured Slielton (ilves Another to Clbbou GIBBON, Nob., July 27. (Special Tele I T ..l . ' . - . n. I . . . . .. b." L" '"N i,'.'",'..-"" '"u f.i "'V', Vv. w, hair nV th ViMnn1nB""shi. ton brought up an Imported pitcher, but falle.d. to scoro a single tally after the third inning, uno weeK ago wtuoon scored 21 to 5 on Shelton's diamond. Morcer fnnned "v" """""".r" " . .wnH, "J? ,011 U1 Mnv- bhelton brought a I'm lib 1 1 n Defeutn Tyner. FRANKLIN, Neb.. July 27.-(Sneclnl Tele gram.) A good gamo of base ball was played hero today between Tyner, Kun , and tho Pranklln lenm. resultlnc in a vic tory for tho home hoys. A large, crowd was in uuenrjiuii'c. oluic; Franklin 1 1 4 1 0 1 0 0 -S Tyner l oooooooci Hntterles: Franklin. Itoblnson nnd An drews; Tyner, McNcely and Ottowny. CIono Neoru at Superior. SUPERIOR. Neb.. July 27.-(Siicclol Tele crjm.1 The fastest ball uamn ever nlaved in Hiipenor was witnessed uy v peop'o this utternoon. tscore: auperior, l; Abiiene, Kun.. 0. So ncrfect was tho work of both teams that no player of either club ad vanced further than second base until the fifth Inning, when tno winning score was mado by r eit. J no same ciuns pi.iy tomur I rim OLYMPIC GAMES IN AMERICA Prospeet Hint Four Yenrs Hence They Will He Held on 1'runU llii Field, PHILADELPHIA. July 27. Arrancements s- have been practically completed to bring in tho Olvmnlnii mimes, embleiiiiitle of tho world's chnmtilonslilp, to tho Franklin Held, tho University of Pennsylvania's athletic Rrnund. In the summer of Vhen Piiiiis ior reviving inese ancieiu sports were iicciuuu upon u wns agreed io noui tne nisi series at Athens, in tno o d arena where the (ireeks had contested for nthletle supremacy centuries nco, It was hero, In H9t, that Princeton nnd Harvard surprised 110 Luropean world, hy. tho. prowess of iiuorlcan athletes on track and field It was azrcod bv tho committed in ehanro that tho Hports should bo hold every four years, that they should go to Paris In 19)0. that England should have them In 1904 and four years later, or In 190S. they should come to America. In somo little euire snondeuco tho 1'nlvorsltv of l'pnnnvlvunki athletic authorities had with thu promoters ox upon in i. lignum, neinru team started abroad this venr. It was learned that the Hrltlshers were not par- i iii uiuriy iiesirous or ii iwni? inn cam in 1004 and with a little, diplomacy they have uccn iniiiiceii io givo wny to America I'll I'll! I UK Vp Utile flub CHEYENNE. Wyo.. July 27 -(Spcelal.i-J. A. McOulrc. editor of Outdoor Life, in nuru tor tno purpose ot inducing the Chey enne Rlllo club to Join a now organization which will bo formed In tho near future, and which will tako tho place of the present Colorado Rlllo association. Tho bitter foul. Ing now existing between tho Cheyenne nnd Denver clubs will, ho thinks, be swal lowed up In tho new organization, which will include tho clubs of Denver. Chey enne. Laramie. Evanston. American Forks 1 win, Oliver j-iinne, jiuiun nanK, i.uiiiiiii I ,n... r.n..n.i i. .1 t n.i..mA . . .i ....... 311...... Til.. I1I...I. T 1 .. . 1 . . , i v ui , Miami a uiu; linn, i.viiii 1 1111, iciinu unit i it..;t.i.. n.i. ...... ...m i I i iit-1,11,. i iia lion in K'iilltliun ii i,u 09 lh0 "OCKV fountain lUflo asso TrnvU Cuts Down the Iteeoril. SHINNECOCK HILLS OOLF QROUNnS SOl'THAMPTON. N Y.. July 27.-WlllirT J Travis, amateur champion of tho United States, catuhllshed a new amateur record for tho Shlnnocoek links today In tho first is holes of his 3'Miole tlnnl in en for the President's cup, with Roderick Terry, Jr The Utter heh' the previous record at ii, but Travis cut it uown to ii. 111c pro ri. nl M 70, held by Tom ltutihin si and ll irr V.irdeti, Th.- stored. alti r J Tr.ivls, liakl.uul; Out - 4. 5, 4, 4, 2, 4, 4, 5, "--; In-fl. 4. I, 5. 3. 6, 2. 8, 3-3-. Totat, 71. Hoderlck Terry. !r . Newport Out I, 5. I, 5, 3, 6, 7, 5, 7-15 In-1, I, 4, 6, 5. 6, 4, 4, S-I'i. Total. 86. TREATED TO SAD SURPRISE Dare Dim II, 0 em lielmliiK I'imirlte in Uilll Trot lit l ie elniiit, llenlen by !ii)ton, CLEVELAND, July277-The feature of to day's grand circuit racing was the defeat of Dare D-vl" In tho 2:10 trot. He 'ore the start Dnro Devil Whs a prohibitive favorite at odds or J10O to W for tho winner. Midway, tho favorite In tho 2:20 pace, broke badly in tho first three bents, when (leers was put up mid won the rare easily. In tho 2:12 trot Iloraltna carried the Law son colors to victory for tho Ilrst time at this meeting. Summary: 2:23 class, pacing, purso r-MW). three In five: Midway, h. g.. by Tom Web ster (Itennlck, and (leers).,.. C Cobbett, b. s. (Meredith) 1 Oporgo C, b. k. (Townlcy)... 5 Dolly llrown, br. m. (It. Mil ler) 7 S fi 2 s 3 2 1 1 I 2 3 ro 1 (5 S 2 ro Straight Ticket, Dlk. g. (Nuuhols) 4 f, 3 6 6 ro Uonuty Sjiotty, b. in. (Schock enccy) Pussy Willow, b. m. (Cul ver) Maiden Ouren. eh. m. (Mun 7 7 I Bro 1 1 3 dls son) S r 1 7 dls Time: 2:12i,i. 2:12Vi, 2:1 m, 2:12, 2:13'i, 2:19. 2:10 class, trotting, ptirso $1,W), two heats In three; Onyton. b. bv Allerton (M- Honry) fi Dare Devil, b. s. ((leers) 1 Charley Herr, br. s. (Kelley) 2 Precision, eh. tn, (Loekwood) a 1 1 .Monterey, en, a. (Williams) t Who Is It. gr. g. (Marsh) 5 6 ds Tlmo: 2:09i, 2 :0S" i, 2:09. 2:12 class, trotting, purso J2.500, three heats In II vo: Iloralma, ch. g., by Horeul ((Jath- coui) i! 1 I 1 Ellert. b. g. (Van Dokkelenl 1 !t 9 r. Kate McCraeken, br. m. (Earing). 2 2 7 Oeorglnna. ch. m. (Koble) S 7 2 2 Ed Lock, b. g. (McDonald) 3 3 4 3 Letah S.. b. in. (Snow) 7 S 3 7 lllg Timber, b. s. (Perrln) 5 10 4 Phrase, b. in. (Loekwood) 4 t! s 9 Solon Ornltan. b. g. (Miller 9 fi 5 S Time: 2:11, 2:12. 2:00V 2:ll'i. 2:20 class, trotting, purse 1,200, two heats In threo: Honnlo Direct, b. by Direct (Mc- llenry) 1 1 Daisy J., b. m. (Hnth) 2 2 Prlnco Exuni, b. g. (Wltle) 7 3 Tho Private, b. g. (Foote) 3 7 Tommy Mac, b. g. (McCarthy) 4 5 Mary Kelley, It. in. (CJ. Saunders) 0 I Hilly (Jeorge, ch. g. (Ileldy) 5 G Cartridge, b. g. (Van AuKcn) dls Malor S. ch. tr. (Southard) ills Tod Williams, gr. s. (Urccn) dls Time: 2.094, 2:11. WINS LAST THREE RACES loolcey Donilnlek Pilots Three Horses I lrst Pnst the Post 11 1 St. ' Louis, ST. LOUIS. July 27.-Favorltes. second choices and Jockey Domlnlck were greatly In cvldcnco at tho fair grounds today. Tho track was good. Summnry: First race, maidens, 2-year-om nines, live fnrloncs: Murunret F.. 110 (Corner). 4 to 1. won; Tea Gown, 110 (Gllmorei, s to 5 nnd tn 6. serond: uonoiin, nu (f anciiyi, 0 10 . third. Time: 1:01. Acaras. Hertha Hucu. Ilrleht Miles. Miss Elkeston. La Desirous. Mngglo Hnsbrouck nnd May Do also ran. Second race, maiden 2-yenr-old colta and i;eldlnirs. live and one-half furlongs: Mum- 1st, 113 (Talley), C to C. won; Hluo Steel, 113 (J. woods), : to 1 ana J 10 1, seconu; nuniy lark, 113 i Dominican, 12 to l, tniru. rime: lftVt. 1'red Clute, Sklpwlth. Duko Alexis, Gienbow, Louts and Galo Todd also ran. Third race, 3-year-olds, ono mile: Hnvl land, 101 (E. Mathews), 3 to 1, won: Glen Lake, 107 (Dale), 0 to 1 nnd 2 tn 1, second; ildcrim. 101 (Klgiuiooiir, s 10 1, miru. unie; nit The r:mv Dm. Crest Leo. Nester. Clslo Vcnner. Jim Turner. Hello Simpson uud Haunlvnrd also run. . , Fourth race, one mllo and a sixtcenin: Ranlsh, 101 (Domlnlck). 9 to B, won; Jimp. 107 (J. Woods), 10 to G nnd even, second: Zazel, SD (Watson), C to 1, third. Time: 1:194. Nnn Dora, Leo King, Ha lull and Sndlo Levy also ran. Fifth race, .- six nnd a half furlongs: Guide Itnek. l(v (Domlnlck). 3 to 1. won; Sam Lazarus.'lW (Frost). 5 to 1 and 2 to 1, Hornnd: K L'bt Veil. 1UI ( Ja o). i: to i, third. Time: 1:'.'1-14. Dlggs, Eleanor Holmes. Early Hlrd, Mound City, Chorus Hoy and Joe uougniy niso run. Sixth race, 2-year-oin nines, uvo iutioiiks it, .ii,, of I'firln. 110 (Domlnlck). 9 to. 1. won t.nkevlew Hello. 110 (MiUInn). 8 to 5 and 4 to fi, second; Emplreal, 110 (Corner), 40 to 1. third Tlmo: l:u3V,. D.irlene. Glenrose, The Thrush and Ju letta is. also ran. ucio- ralno was left at tho post. FORTY RIDERS ON THE TRACK Ivents lit Mlittvny Cyeli- Meet "Will Ho Keenly Contested nnd Records Villi He HiidmiKcred. About forty riders will enter the various lilrvcln nvents nt the Midway Cycle track Sunday afternoon. Such a large, n nnber of entries will necessitate trial heats in every event and 11 long, snappy program Im nntlr-lnntert. Tho rare riders uro practic ing diligently anu overy owning iiieio un from tweniy-nvo 10 nnv speeiunK iiruuuu tho tracK. woraing-oui ior nuiiuay s rue Nn rielnv will 1 tolerated Sundnv ufter- nnon by the management in ihe running off of the events. Referee Glenson will Inntnrtirato several new Ideas on the trncK at time which will bo eye-openers to the ruee-golng public. Tliese, logeiner with the race for tho ilve-mllo motor tntulem record and n lnrae Held of riders offer nn Incentlvo that presages a largo attendance of tho bicycle fraternity. A live-foot net fence has been strung around tho course to urovent tho rmcrs irom going over tho outer edge of tho track. Form Pluyers Hail I'lilueUy Dny CHICAGO. July 27. Friday proved to bn 1111 nnliickv dnv for form nlavera nt Hawthorne today. Tyr, a spoony iiuy, who showed line form at Washington park, upsot all form In the third race by defeat ing her Held easily and earning the bunch so far that Grandon. Ihe redhot favorite, could do no better than finish third. Hen Pluinee 111, mm! nil ca oil atlnllH In tlio sec ond r.ieo by making a laughing stock of his field. First race, five furlongs: Kogon. nu (Hradfordi, 12 to 1, won; Harhara M. 115 (Rose), 7 to 1, second: Edith Q. 107 (Hassin- ger). iu to 1, third. Tlmo: j;iureu Teloplrnne Girl, Tootsln Green. Peaches Allene Abbott, llelle Shot. Fairy Day Glove. Nlbbler nnd Floranthe ulso ran. Second race, one mile and sixteenth: Hen Chance. !io iWaldoi. 10 to 1, won; Llmo light, 100 (Knight), 12 to 5, second; Intrlg uer. 100 (Narvaez). 12 to 1. third. Time PISH. Allennn. Lcando. Jerry Lee. llalrd L'lara .Meuuer, ..louonagu ami i-iuiuiaiu also ran. Third race, six furlongs: Tyr 112 (Ran- Boii). 3 to 1, won; Pi.ssart. 105 (Klleyi, 2 to 1 second: Ci'uudon. 1U2. (Iviilahl). 2 to 1 tnird. "lime: 1:10. sannazaro. invic.111 Robert Wardell and Duko of Hohemla also ran. Fourth race, one mile and a sixteenth Hluo Licit, 102 (Cnywood), (i to 1, won Donation. 1() fV Ink 1 d). . to 2. second Vincennes. l9 f I-Tlck). 8 to 1. third. Time I'.tS'i. Guess Me. Mitten. 'IVm Gnlney fnv. np.lioi o nnd Annowiin also ran. Fifth race, seion furlonas: Tucson. 101 Walsh. U to 2, won; Hard Knot, 111 (Wlnklleldi, i.l to 10. second; Hand Press, 110 Hlcrtlc). 20 to 1. th rd. Time. 1:22 Talma, uutcn comedian, t murium. vie Furst and Gondalo nlso ran. Emlgro was left at tho post. Hivin race, ono mi 0 r lorizur. jui imhik Held). 3 in 1, won; The Unknown, f'O (Walsh), 20 to 1, second; Dissolute, 07 (Knight). 3 to 1, third. Tlmo: 1:12?; Major Manslr and ClHy Pointer also ran. Hid Kris Krlnulo Pill to Denlli. DETROIT, July 27,-KrN Krlngle shuwod IiIm bud Ivmnnr In the third race at 1 1 lull land Park todav bv klrlilllk' up nt the head of tho stretih and dli-lolntlng his I, g lie ran on thu limb for .mother elKbth of 11 mile nfterward and was shot to put him out of his misery. TracK tiemi. rmin onirics: First race, sovon furlongs: Jueoiua, lot (A Welierl. 11 tn 1. taoh: ClliiHclta. !i I.l D.ilyi. 12 to 1 nnd G to I. second, Jennie, 103 (Enos), 5 to 1, third. Tline: 1:291, Lottie Hunter, Sir I'lorlun. Motucliolt Vint. Rodmonil, May 1'oyd nnd Annlo Ton Inn also ran. Secnnd race, Hvo furlongs: Hard of Avon 101 (L. Thompson), i tn 1, won: Tii.ii Raney. lot) (Cnburnl. 12 to 1 nnd 4 In 1, sec ond; Annlo Chnmberb'ln, loti (Enos), 7 to 2. third. Time: 1:0'V Scotch Hramli'e Servant, William (!erst and Heelzuhah also ran. Third race, mllo and a sixteenth: Gcorgo Hints, lor, (Enos), 2 to 5, won; Kllly He irent. 100 (A. Weberi. G to 1 and I to .'1 mm nnd: Huimnrlan. 101 (Cnburn). fi to 1 (bird. Time : 1:49. Krlss Krlnglo .tho only oilier starter, broko down. Fourth race, six furbrngs: Miss Souk (J. Dalv. 9 to 2. won: Annlo Lauretta, iM. Johnson). 5 to 1 and 2 to 1. second De.TCUbrldorn. Hi (A. Weberi. 15 to 1. third Time: l:UV Mound Hullder Ray Salazur, neisi. tsaciiun anu lirauviiio aiso ran Man n Past left at post Fifth race, ulx turlongs; San Luis, 107 ,tt... o t T ....... l...,lniA- 1A7 ffi I ilt iipim,, o n, 1. liuu, r min i 1 1 , .v, -- Thompson). 4 to I and 3 to 2, second, Gray n.illv 1ft". f Mnf ,llii,1t.l . In 2. third. Time! 2'4. The Topper and (.uiia uiso run. Sixth race, six furlongs: Nancy Till, 103 (C Wilson). 4 to 1, won; Matlock, (L. Thompson), 4 to 1 and 8 to 5, second; Ral ston, 110 (Green), 15 to 1, third. Time: 1:1IU. Ocle Ilrooks. Alex roortlands, lsa blnds and Curtails also ran. NECK AND NECK FINISHES hlril Dny of tlrent Western Itnees lit lies .'lollies Full of I5elte nieiit, DE8 MOINES, July 27-The fcaturo of tho third day of the Groat Western circuit races was the exciting neck-and-neck tin lshes In tho 2:16 trot and 2:22 pace. Tho weather was clear and tho track fast. Stimminarles: , ... :iu trotting: nurse. 5twu; inrco neais in live: Llegc. Ii c. by Labasco (SaddL.l 1 r. 3 1 Auzello. b in, (Kelley) 2 2 112 Phebo Onward, b m (Hmnn)....u n s ;i Emma Foote. ch in (Johnston).G 4 3 4 1 Edith O. h m (Jackman) 4 B 4 C 5 Normcda, b m (Ames) 3 3 6 dr Time: 2:13J. 2:lSi. 2:14i. 2:1 ll,6. 2:14. 2:22 nncinir: nurse. JGOO; tlirco heats In Hvo: Major Muscovite (McMahon) 1 7 11 llnrrv II. br c (Allen) 3 13 2 Fred tho Kid, b h (Freeman) 2 2 9 Dr. Shldluer, b h (Uowk) S 4 2 Charles Dewey, ch g (Rush) 7 :t 4 Kittle Kestcr, g in (Wlckershnm). .fi fi 8 Wanda, br ni (Nlles) 10 S f. Gale, b s (Sparks) 9 Diistor (liogan) ' iu i Ed Hennett, b h (Johnson) 4 G dr Time: IMP;. 2:lHi, 2:12Kr, 2:11. 2:13 irot; purso, 1600: threo henta In live: Miss Stlgo, li m Sllgo (HlghllJld) 1 1 Hod star, b n (DicKerson) - Swunock, b h (Nelson) 5 3 Hlack Huberts, blk h (cnanuier) s Pero Hell, b in (Osborn) 4 5 Doctor Pltzer, br h (Ames) 6 6 Tlmo: 2:Ui, S:12V1( a:13V4- (irdliuiry Curd nt llrlKlitnn lleneh. NEW YORK. Julv 27. There was nil ov T- nlght card nt llilchton Reach track todjy and nn ordinary lot of horses engaged. Summary: First race, steeplechase, full course: Dave S.. 135 (Ilelder). I to 6. won; Old Tank, m (Owens), C to 1 nnd 8 to fi. second; Trillion, 117 ritiii7.11). 1.1 in fi. third. Tlmo: 6.15.. Ochiltree, Spurs, Fllleld and Al Reeves also tun. Second race, mllo and one-slxteentb: war ing, 115 (Shaw), even, won; Lew Kraft, 115 (Mitchell), 3 to 1 and 4 to 0, second; Ka mara, 110 (Spencer), 4 to 1, thlid. Tlmo: 1,,4-r,. Herbert also ran. Third raoe, live furlongs, selling: Manga, ' (Shaw). 7 to 2, won; Quiz. 97 (Wcdder- strand), 7 to 1 and fi to 2, second; Pctrn II. 100 (Henry). 7 to li, third. Time: 1.013-5. i.auy radden, saivaicio, Heady aioney, ine Regent, Wlno and Song, Howen, About, l'lgeon Post and Ethel Pace also ran. Fourth race, six furlonts: F rearm. 112 (Spencer), 2 to 0, won; Smoke. 100 (Henry), 5 to 1 and 4 to G, second; Sky Scraper, 110 (Jenkins). 4 to 1, third. Time: 1:13 4-5. Hlnrney stone also ran. Firm race, ono mo: Huffoon. 112 (Turner), 8 to S, won; Rlnaldo, 112 (Spencer), io u nnu l io second ; 'journey, i2 (Henry), 15 to 1, third. Tlmo: 1:103-5. Jack Telling, Pins, Dick Furber, Top Gallant, Mr. Kaltcnbnch, Cheesestraw II and Deci mal nlso ran. Sixth race, ono mile, selling: Hello of rnl- 111 'fiirnnf., 1 ir. n , r tt,.1..ln li.- - ' u . .M.i.v.,. 11, ... 11.111, ,,11.1,1,1,1, w (Slack). 7 to 1 and G to 5. second: Plccola. lot (Wcilderstrnnd). C to 1, third, 'ilme: 1:121-5. Hardella ulso ran. OMAHA KID GETS DECISION rniiip In I.rit (' pels Ed die Lenny to Glc I n ITitht After til Even Hound. NEW YORK, July 27 Oscar Gardner. tho Omaha Kid, and Eddlo Lenny of Phil adelphia boxed twonty-ona rounds nt catch weights beforo tho Hroadway Athletic olub tonight and L. nny fell In thu twcnty-llm round from tho effects ot a sevara cramp, which rendered his right leg usolcss. 3ard ner was announced tho winner. Gardair weighed in nt 120H pounds. Lenny did not go on tho scales, but owned up to weighing 12" pounds. Tile boys wcro matched to go twcnty-llvo rounds nnd tho battlo would certainly have gono the limit had not tho cramp disabled tho Phlladolphlan. who up to tha tlmo of his mishap was giving Gard ner as good as ho got himself. Lenny used his legs to good ndvan'.ago and Gardner had to follow him frequently around tho ring. Lenny used both hands, swinging for tho head, nnd landed fre quently with full length swings. Gardner's right visited Lenny's stomach frequently and tliese blows hail the effect of stopping inu j-iiuiiiieiiniiiiii, uiu oniy momentarily. Ho succeeded In cuttlntr both ni Ownr'u eyes, nnd In the tenth round Qardner bled irom tno moutn. it wus u tlresomo bout toward tho llnlsh nnd Gardner certainly did not appear to advantage at any stage Tho sudden ending of tho bout by a cramp In me ipb wus ii novuuy in us way nnu tne majority of those who saw Lenny fall with 1 right leg stiffened out In front of him thought that ho had wrenched his ankle Tho betting wns 100 to 30 on Gardner. Vrenn Ilrntliers lie rented. HOSTON. Julv 27. Tho dnv's Interest In tho eastern chnmnlonsblns on the Lnnir. wood tennis courts centered In the after noon s piny, in tho morning Lnrned bent Foster In Htrnlcht sets without dlfllenltv Wren had considerable trouble In defeating j.nwc. 1'ho absorbing mntch was tho doubles ho tweon Hackett and Allen and tho Wrenn brothers In tho afternoon. Tlin Wrennw snoweu lac aor practico together In the ursi set, nui inereniicr wero anio to force their opponents to play their utmost. The gamo rcsiiucu; II. II. Hackett nnd J. A. Allen beat R, D. Wrenn and G. L. Wronn. 1r.. 0:2. firi 4-0, C-4. Results In Tennis Tonriutiiirnt. HHOOKLYNB. Miss.. Julv 21. Two matches wero played In tho Lonitwood i.nwn leunis iiiurnnmf in mis morning Championship tingles, third round, as fob lows: W. A. Larned beat II. I. Foster, fi.l! C-l. !. L. Wrenn. Jr.. beat R. D. Little. fi.S: -u; if-i, u-u, u-i. PlllNliury Defeutn Nliuivnlter. Ml'KICIL Julv 27. In tho fojrth rnund of tho International chess tournament. played today. Hum defeated Colin, Wolf beat Hlllecord, Herger and Marco drew Schlector defeated Jakob, I'oplol defeated Hardeltiben, Plllsbury defeated Showalter. Maroczy defeated Janowskl and Gotschall ucieaieu iiaism. SOUTH DAKOTA NEWS. l.ii rice Wool ( lli lleitorleil. HKADWOOD, S. 1)., July 27 (Special.) Tho wool clip of the Illack Illlla for tho lost season hns been enormous, Jerome W. Higblo of this city, ono of tho largest wool growers in thu west, places his cstl male at 600,000 pounds for tho season Just passed. At tho last wool sale held In Relle Fourche, ono of the largest wool markets In tho northwest, many millions of dollars of capital was represented by tho leading sheep growers of tlin Illack Hills country At tho tlmo of the sain nt Hello Fourcho tlicro was a salo at Rapid City at which the Strango Urns, of Sioux City bought two carloads of wool from thu small wool grow ers, hut Ihero tiro still In that market stored 175.000 pounds of wool awaiting prices such as will suit tho owners. An other fuIo look place at Hcrinosa, but ns tho prices offered wero not ns tho owners dumaniled, 200,ii00 imiiiimIh of wool will bo utoicd thorn awaiting butter prices. Son 1 1 1 IhiUnlii Witter Mil. YANKTON, H. 0 , July 27 --(Speclal.) James Kdwiird Todd, professor of geology at Ihe South Dakota tllatn university, has recently Issued n bullet In from tho gov ernment press at Washington on the water resources of South Dakota. On tho sub Ject of artesian wells tilt author says that those who have studied tho matter tin I ersally agree Unit tlin main artesian sup ply Is from tlin sandstone nnd sand beds of tho Dakota formation. This ruiuarkahlo formation Is also tho source of water In Texas and Colorado as well as In thin re glun. Tim Dakota deposits underlie nearly tho entlro area of eastern South Dakota but from tho relation of prcssuro to sur faro the trim artesian area Is limited ap proximately to a few counties. Itnllrnnil limpings .llipilllemr. YANKTON, S. I)., July 27. (Special.) Tho Great Northern Railroad company haa recently Imported a gang of 150 Japanese cnollles Into the elate and now have them employed ballasting and repairing the line between Wlllmnt nnd Oarretsnn The rail roud officials my (bo Japs liavo been Im Many Ailments under one name Poor Blood. Weak Nerves, Impairect Digestion, Loss of Flesh. No energry. No ambition. Listless and indifferent. Perhaps the penalty of overwork, or the result of neglected health. You must regain your vitality or succumb entirely. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People will bring: you new life, fill every vein with rich, red blood, restore the elasticity to the step, the glow of health to the wan cheek; inspire you with a new energy and supply the vital force of mind and body. Di-Williams' PinK Pills for Pale People At all drurgUU or direct from tho Dr. Williams Medlclni Compnny, Schenectady, N. Y., poitpald on receipt of prion, CO oU. per box six boxes, 12.50. oeodoeototovoaotoeoioioDODoncnccojeooo On the Fifth AVo still have some except ioniill.y desirable rooms although about three-fourths of the rooms were routed when the army headquarters moved out. That is merely an index of the popularity of The Bee The entire llfth iloor has been re-decorated and pre sents a most attractive appearance. An oftiee here, in n lire-proof building, will cost you no more than in some lire traps. 2 R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents, The Bee Building1, 17tli oiooioaootoot090oaoo6o oooooo "A HAND SAW IS A GOOD THING, BUT NOT TO SHAVE WITH." SAPOLIO IS THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEANING. manhood , blaVliKllser,tbprecrlUlnn of ntumoiii French pbjslclsn, will iinlcmy euro you of all Iitrvousor tbe ccnerullvv oran, audi a" !. lnliutl, Inoranla, K-nin in inc. nuru, npiniiini .miBSiuua. nrri am ijfivnat, nr,B- tturillir t. II M ,- r r r.ti.M.llntf llr.l.,. Tttt'lnirffll' IkUtl C'niiBll BHllOS. ma ' ItiUipinll linjenby da or iilnlil. lrrviitsqiilrkiirsnof duolmrir. which II nntrliecked lnls tn HiitriiiaiorrbojA and all tlin bnrrorn nt imnotrncy. .tilllKNHclanMtt.a llr. Ih A Llilnvi and f hn nrlriBpv ,iri,ria nl nil lmmtrlll Ifcl-iN K Mlrnnff thena and restores saiai I nruic cicaun. TlinroaTon sufff ri-rs arp not ciiu'd by Doctors libennW per cut tire troubleJ with Prostatitis. CUI'l I1K.N K llio only known remrclv to euro nlttiout nn oporalloii. UX trillmonUU. A willln Cuirantcurjvrii ami innuy rrturntil If fthoirnilnrangl effect a pcrinaucDt car. ll.Waboi,9(orJ.OO, y mall, homl (or vhku cfrrnlur and tralliuonlnla. AUJrr litvoi, .ilKDK'l.M: Co., P.O. ilox Son Francheo. Col. FOR SAM IIY MYKHS-IMI.I.OX Dltlir. CO,. 11 I'll A .Ml FAUNA 51. I WANT YOtlll WII'K Mado bappy by our Turklsb T and 1'. Pills, Monthlies suro to tho day Never disappoints ar liutv nnri'U A..miilv nxpi.hHlVH nr tialllful iiii.tiHlriiAI!uii. N'nllilnr Itkii it In Iho lnorkfL aXl.l I box by mall. Two boxva cum any coku. No ported to tako tho placo of tbo otla-r men who always leave tho roail nt harvesting tlmo In order to securo the higher wages offcreil by tho farmers. The Jap Inborern nro snlil to bo faithful nnil IndustrlouH and good worhmon, but cannot bo trusted with tbo higher grade of work. Another feature In tholr favor Is tho fact Hint thoy work for a lower wago than tho whlto men will. (riuitH 1 1 t-i it I k 1 1 1 ii n for 1'i'rry. PIHRUR, S. D., July 27 (Special Tolo- grntn.) Oovornor Leo has grunted a requisition on tho governor of Illinois for Kd J. Terry, who Is wanted by the au thorities of Lnwreneo county on u chnri;e of horse stealing. ,lnl Cull for School I'uiiil. PIKItRl", S. I)., July S7. (Spoclal Tolo- grnm.) Mrailo county today called for $7,000 of tho permanent school fund for which school bonds nro Usucd. Tho olllco la making out tho bonds to occuro tho loan. I'nvsioxs von wi'.sthiix vi:ti:iia.v.s. AViir Snrvlvora llciiifiiilii'rcrl liy thi Ci'itenil (JoMTliliiclit. WASIlIN'nTON', n. C , July 27.-(SpPclnl.) The following piMiMbms Imvo been granted: lKsrne of July !, 1!W: Nobrnskii: Original- William Ott, No hriiskii t'lty, Jti. IncreuHi' William A. Ilullor. Biward, J. Inwa: (lrlulniil-Jame P Overbolfcr, $tl, Kamui'l II. WatkliiM, I.lbertv vllle, JU, Krniiklln Klllntt, AIIIhoii. v A.l illtlonnl Zacharluli Ileln, Itoblim, (. .,rc Kliultz, Marblf ltock, S; I'rovldonro Wil liams, MnHOiivlllo, IS. Iti'Mtoratlmi nnd In rrense HufUH II. Coucli. iIpuiI, Mlnwo, $.'!! Iiii'ieiise llnismus (1. Vauglinn. K"ikuk. til; firorge W. I,ay, Miirslialltown. J17. Hbultr. Miirtlnc. Storm I,nk JS; Wlllbim Morrill. W.iverlv. J12. Orlglnul, Wblow-. iti-. Spoclal iic mint, July Vi. Rnnuinthn, Miuin. lledforil. I2: Mary foucli, Mluo $12 War with Spain, Wldown, etc -Franklo Specr. iiuitliiT, Oelwcln. Vi r.ii'iuil lli't'rlvfN Hurry Onli-rs. l'IIlI,AI)i:i,rilIA, July 27 Hurry ordort were received today by Major Heath, com manding the government arsenal at Frank fort, a suburb of thl city, to begin work at oneo on a largo supply of 30-calibor ro volver rnrtrldges and scrapnel. in addi tion, Mnjor Heath wnst ordered to lncrnaso his working force from 600 to 700 nnd to work tho men from 7 a. m. to 7 p. in. Ho ceiitly tho arsenal resumed work uftor n temporary shutdown iirnnniio rvn nnotFin-i A wholesome tonic and nervo food. Im parting vigor and strength to the entitc 1 I aystcm. inuuees reirtsninp; sicep, a , Oeouini bfir name Honrnnn's on wrjpp'r. n 1 Floor o o o o o o o o Building o o and Parnani Streets. restored;'1?: pain, nodiineui' llabn'a Pharmacy. Omaha, Neb. (?) $ s $. $. J SUMMER I HEADACHES Warm weuthor turnH on a luiltery, iz women. to till' tlx Hut. rememlier this f lull nIcU lii'iuliiulioa, l Nlinrp, throlililuif tfiuiilc- rj urlii'M, li (i ill I M I fi ir"f firi-li ! iii-lma nro all Imnlalu.'U by & DR. KAY' SREN0VAT0R At simply bc'J'ntiso It rradlcatcH tho very cnuso of nil liefiduchos' X. MrH. O. A. AilnmH, Cth nnd Marlhn .;, Htreets, Omuh.i, Neli , writes '1 liuil, X Indigestion, sovero headaches anil " blind nnil dizzy Hpclls, mill It woulrtW .J, seem llko tboro wero thrcudti of lire.!, f-. nnd little stars tieforo my eyes, I am,.-, glad to say that after taking one box of Pr. Kny'H llonovnlor I oxperl-.i enced grent relief, and before thnjj V Becond box wns gono I wiih well andr have lind no return of Uiohd illstresa'J' spells; tliankH to Dr Kay'H Itenovutor . Hefuso substitutes! At druggists, , "' 2."c nnd H.CKl Kreo Medical Advice"' Sunildn nnd Hook. . 1)11. II, .1, K.1Y MI DIl'AIj CO., X f-nrnloun HnrliiRN, N. Y. . !? . .j j. i? $ CHICAGO BUFFET LIBRARY CARS Best Dining Gar Servics ;MiCHnrrrcri'a runtime EHHYR0YAL PILLS .... .;;.,.'"i.'.'?.'.".''"-. ("ii' Oil Kill K.ST rr t.c vvm iJn li i..rl.. Ta..ot.r. ltr,.o llanEtron Hub.llluUona and ImlU. !.' "".' ",'"'" . la Ml "iUllir r.r l.adl,aMi Ullar. r r. turn Mall, I (l.Cuo T.illBalal4. S.U r Mull.. IU, t.t." UmUUJ'iiSSZ rllK K2 II .. ye j& 1 i