12 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, JtTLY 28, 1000. CLEARANCE SALE CONTINUES Trices Out Deep to Cause Rapid Selling Sat urdayPhenomenal Values. BIG BARGAINS BRING THE BUYERS Thrrr In .Vo f.rt t'p In Our Detrrmlnn (Ion In Clrnr Oul All Summer (JoimIr .Vote Hip Itrnmrknlile Hctltictloiii We llntv .Untie. fTHESK SPECIAL OFFERS FOIt SATl'lt DAY. AT BOSTON STORE, OMAHA. CHILDREN'S CAPS WORTH UP TO tl, 1BC. Children's luce and embroidery. Swiss and lawn caps, nicely trimmed with One cm broideries, new luces and cluster of tucks, worth up to Jl each; your choice for 16c. 16C HANDKERCHIEFS, 3',4C Ladles' and men's handkerchiefs, very fine quality, plain whlto anc. fancy bordered, hemstitched, 15c values at S'Ac. 25C HANDKERCHIEFS, CC. Ladles' and gents' handkerchiefs, Includ ing Japanottcs, embroidery and lace-edged handkerchiefs and a great variety of fancy border and sheer India lawn handkerchiefs, worth 2Cc, at 5c. 2SO JAPANESE FOLDING FAN 8, CC. 2,500 fans go on sale. These nre exhib ited In our window. Hundreds of different tyles and colors; 25c values at 6c. 25C SUMMER UNDERWEAR, CC. Ladles' and children's Jcrsey-rlbbcd undcr vests, handsomely trimmed with laco and ribbon, all sizes, In white, cream and ecru, 25c values for 5c. 85C AND 60C UNDERWEAR, 10C AND lS'.iC. Immensn lots of ladles' lisle thread under vest with silk ribbon and crocheted laco trimming, Richelieu ribbed and laco effects, also ladles' and children's plain and lace trimmed Jersey ribbed drawers, 33c and 60c values at 10c and 12'4c. ISC HOSIERY. CC A PAIR. Largo bargain tables filled with big lots of ladles' and children's fast black and tan colored hosiery, rnado full seamless, flno caueo and lino and heavy ribbed, all sizes, also men's fust black nnd tan colored full seamless half hose, In blue nnd brown mlxod, heavy socks, ICc values, your choice of the entire lot for 6c. 25C AND 60C HOSIERY, 10C AND 19C. Hundreds of dozens of ladles' and chil dren's extra line fast blnck hose, In line nnd heavy ribbed and plain Ingrain, with double Holes nnd spliced heels, lisle finished, also ladles' flno Imported hosiery, llslo thread, In blacks, tans anil fancy colors, with plain drop stitch and luce effects, worth 25c and COc n pair, on sale at 10c nnd 19c. LADIES' SILK MITTS, CC AND 10C PAIR. Ladles' all puro silk Jersey mitts and extra quality Jersey and Milanese Bilk mlttB, medium und extra sizes, worth up to CUo a pair, on salo at 6u nnd 10c. PARASOLS AND 1J.M I1RELLAS, 69C. A big lot of plain and fancy all silk para sols, ombroldory nnd laco trimmed, hem stitched, fcomo with nifties, all colors, worth tip to also a flno lot of 3,000 gloria and inorccrlzed silk umbrellas of various kinds nnd colors, on salo at COc. HOSTON STORE, OMAHA. N. W. Cor. lGth and DouglnB Sts. Tit for Tat We advertise our prices then our prices ndvertlso us. Hut wo keep a itharp lookout for quality everything has to to right becauso cash buyers are tho most Independent In tho world. Reail all about our Saturday offerings on page 7 Hayden Bros. (rent Ileulon of tleiunrkiilile Fnrm, I'rull, nrnxlnvr nnil llhiernl I. mill. The country In southwest Missouri nnd northwest Arkansas, nlong the 'Frisco Line, la ono of tho surest nnd best farming, fruit nnd stock countries In tho world. It Is also tho richest mineral producing country in tho world. Thcro nro millions of acres of cheap wild lands hero awaiting Improvement. Moro Inducements to homrseekers nnd capitalists than any other portion of thn United States. Descriptive literature sent free upon nppll- ratlon to Bryan Snyder, (J, P. A., 'Frisco Line, St. Louis, Mo. Ram'l Burns, 1.118 Fnrnam. Midsummer reduction sale. Ten per cent off everything. Watch tho papers for N. N. Shampoo gift lay. MAN WITH BROOM IS CONTENT Street Sweeping liuiiir In ,ot cliiirKi'il ii nil .MitkfN No t'nmpliilnt of tlie Miielilnn S)n(em. "The statemnnt of the attorney for tho labor union that tho Introduction of street cleaning machines In Omaha will throw 200 men out of employment is ho misleading thnt it Is only fair tli.it tho public should know how many men nro employed In cleaning tho streets, " said City Engineer Kotownter. "At no tlmo during tho last few years has thcro been moro than thirty flvo men at work on street cleaning nt any ono tlmo, and that 1h the number engaged on tho ntrcets nt present. 1 havo not heard tho men who nro working on the streets complnln. No men havo been discharged and they aro satisfied. It Is fellows who want work 'on tho streets that uro making thn complnlnts. "Tho mnln man In tho injunction case lias boon trying for hoiho tlmo to get a Job tis Inspector or boss. Ho does not want a position whero ho has to work, but prefers to bo a superintendent. If a satisfactory placo had been provided for him It In likely that this Injunction suit would havo been avoided. Wo aro constantly bothered by men who want to work on tho street clean lng gangs. Wo direct our applicants to ngents who wnnt men for shoveling and other work, but they will not take tiuch employment and renew their efforts to got Into tho street cleaning gangs." White Mini Turned Yellow. Great consteruntlon was felt by the trlends of M. A. Hogarty of Lexington, Ky., when they saw ho was turning yellow. His ckln slowly rhanged color, also his eyes, and he suffered terribly. His malady was Yellow Jaudtce. Ho was treated by the best doctors, but without benefit. Then he wns advised to try Electric Bitters, tho wonderful Stomach nnd Liver remedy, and ho writes: "After taking two bottles I was wholly cured." A .trial proves Its matchless merit for nil Stomach, Liver nnd Kldnoy troubles. Only COc. Sold by Kuhn & Co., druggists. Read all about tho big bargains In shoes In Hayden Bros.' ad on page 7. Clieup Hound Trlii ftntra. On August 2, 7 and 21 the Illinois Central will sell tlckots, limited until Ootober 31, nt, follows: Waseca, Minn., and return, $10.35. Watervllle, Minn., and return. $10.08. Madison Lake, Minn., and return, $10.68. St. Paul, Minn., and return, $12.65. Minneapolis, Minn., nnd return, $12.65. Duluth, Minn., ami return, $16,95. Superior. Wis., nnd return, $16.95. West Superior. Wis., and return, $16.95. For full particulars call nt city ticket of fice Illinois Central railroad, HOI Farnam streot. 2 Trains to Spirit Lak6 Via Northwestern Line, Leave Omaha 6:6S a. re. Leave Omaha 7.35 p. m. Only one change of cars If you go via tho Northwuitern Line. Call at H01 Farnam street for round trip rates and parlor car or city settles big account OlillRitllona lleltl liy .rtr York Firm I'll Id rrlth Monrr HrrHred from .title of lloiiil. The council met In special session nt 10 30 a. m. yesterday and Introduced the appropri ation ordinance for July. Several resolu tions which demanded Immediate attention were paused. The city treasurer reported that the ordi nance providing for the paving of Cuming street between Thirty-second and Fortieth streets Is defective. In that It gives an Im perfect description of tho property to bo taxed for tho Improvement. He recom mended that a new ordinance be drawn and tho matter was referred to tho Judiciary committee. A resolution was passed granting Frnnk Parinnlec the right to use eighteen Inches of tho street In constructing show windows at 219 North Sixteenth street. A report from tho recent sale of street Improvement and paving bonds showed that the city derived $101,186.04 from tho sale of $09,000 worth of bonds. Tho bonded obliga tions of thr city to Kountzo Bros, of New York Is K6.510.C2. The city treasurer or dered this amount paid from tho money re ceived from the bonds, thereby saving about (75 on exchange. An ordinance was introduced creating a street Improvement district for tho paving of Dodge street from Thirty-eighth avenue to Fortieth street. An ordinance wns also Introduced for tho paving of Thirty-fourth street from Fnrnam to Dodge. The law holds both maker and circulator of a counterfeit equally guilty. The dealer who sells you a dangerous counterfeit of DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve risks your life to make a little larger profit. You cannot trbst him. DeWltt's In tho only genuine and original Witch Hazel Salve, a well known cure for plies nnd all skin disease!. See that your dealer gives you DoWltt'i Salvo. N. N. Shnmpoo gift day Is coming soon. FISK READS GREELEY'S FIST Velermi f'oniiiofillor In One of Four Aide lo Decipher (lie Omit Kill lor'n CiilinllMtle Scrmvl. R. F. Flsk, senior proprietor of tho Helena (Mont.) Herald, passed through tho ray yesterday onrotite to Chicago, Mr. Fir', bears tho distinction of bolng one of tho four men who In the days of Horaco Orceley was nblo to set tho famous edi tor's copy. Long years ago Mr. Flsk was employed as a compositor on the New York Tribune and becauso of his ability to decipher Horace Oroeloy's manuscript was madn foremali of the composing room dur ing Orecley's rcglmo ns editor. Of tho quartet of printers between whom "takes" of Greeley's copy wero distributed Mr. Flsk Is the only survivor. Mr. Flsk Is ono of tho oldest nowspnper men in tho west nnd has been actively at tho head of his paper at Helena for thirty flvo years. His record for continuous service Is equulcd by few newspaper men In tho west. During n short visit in Omaha Mr. Flsk called on J. II. Millard and Count Crolghton, with whom ho was Intimately acquainted during their residence. In Montana. It nvrrt III l.eir. P. A. Danforth of LnGrange, Gn., Buffered for six months wjtb a frightful running sore on his leg; but writes that Hucklen's Arnica Snlvo wholly cured It In five days. For Ulcers, Wounds, Piles, It's the best salve In thn world. Cure guaranteed. Only 25 cts. Sold by Kuhn & Co., druggists. DELVE DEEP FOR COLD WATER .Xalnre'a Ilenervolr Will Tie Tupped Fsr l iiiliTKriiunil 1'leven Hun dred Feet in the Limit. At tho special council meeting yester day tho A. Booth company was granted per mission to drill a well In front or Its build ing nt 1308 Leavenworth street. The well Is to bo located between the lot line and the curb line and will bo mink to great depth for the purpose of getting water that will bo cold enough for uso In the company'H cold storage house. Water Is used for ex tracting tho heat from ammonia that passos through the cooling pipes In storage nouses and for nucccssful work should have a tem perature of not more than 62 degrees. Tho city water frequently reaches a temperature of 70 degrees In summer time and Is unfit for this purpose. Tho Booth company has contracted with drillers for a well 1,100 feet deep. If It Is necessary to go no far to secure a flow of cold water. Tho deepest artesian well In tho city Is at tho plant of tho Omaha and Grant smelter and supplies water from a depth of a little moro than 1,000 feet. Summer IteNorto. For a book describing the cool, pleasant, healthful summer resorts of Wisconsin, sit uated on the lino of the Chicago, Milwau kee & St. Paul Ry., address or call on F. A. NASH. General Western Agent. ISO I Fnrnam Street, Omaha. A Selected I.Ut of Hummer To urn. Fifteen ono way and nineteen round trip will be found In the Lake Shore's summer edition of "Book of Trains." Copy will be sent on application to B. P. Humphrey, T. P. A., Kansas City, Mo., F. M. Byron, G. W. A., Chicago. Hayden Brof.' ad Is on page 7. Read It. IIHI. SHEELER-Jolin B July !6, 1900, aged R2 i'7menil from residence, 23rtt N. 21st street, Saturday nt 2 p. m. Interment, Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends Invited. HE iWUMffllW SflMlWN EEs COLORADO That's n good place to spend your vacation. On August 2, 7, 19, 20 nnd 21, tho Burlington will sell round trip tickets Omaha to Denver, Pueblo or' Colorado Springs nnd return, for $19.00 The Denver Limited leaves the Burlington Sta tlon, Omaha, nt 4:2.r p, m, It Is due In Denver the next morning at 7(10, It arrives nt 710. TlokM Office, 1 502 Farnam St. L Tel. 200. KELLEY, STICER & CO, ! Slaughter Sale of Shirt Waists Continued Summer Underwear at Less Than Cost. I STORE OPEN TILL 9i30 SATURDAY EVENING All Onr Colored Shirt WnlsU Divided In Two Lots illlo for Our IteKtilnr Trie for if 1.00 uiwl 91. RU Utinlltj Tile for ?!i.."U nnd ?:t QUALITY. WHITE WAISTS FOR COc, $1.00 AND $1.60 REDUCED FROM 11.00, . $1.50, $2.00 AND $2.50. Wc are selling our lino of misses' black llslo thread hose, double knee, heel and toe, all bIzi, 5 to 9 35c values Saturday 25c pair. Infants' sox. lace or plain lisle thread pink, blue, white, red, tan, black all sizes 25e pair. Just received, a very pretty lino of la dles' black and tan drop stitch lisle hose, double sole, heel and toe for Saturday 35c, 3 pairs for $1.00. Our line of ladles' fancy hose aro ex- clunlve styles, silk finished lisle thread, double sole, heel nnd toe, all fast colors, very pretty styles Saturday 50c. pair. Our entire line of ladles' summer under wear reduced, special prices for Saturday 10c Flno rlehellcu ribbed vests, silk tapes, low neck, nhort sleeves or sleeveless 18c and 23c qualities only 10c each. 25c We are closing out our lisle thread vests, low neck, sleeveless or wing sleevcu, very nicely flnlnhcd, 35c stock Saturday 25c. Ladles' lisle pants, knee length, Incc trhnmod, French bands, nil slie only 25c pair. 1 The celebrated "Munslng" union suits for ladles, low neck, short sleeves or sleeveless, knee length, ecru or whlto, the only perfect fitting union ntilt-$1.00 nnd $1.25 qualities only 76c suit. Misses' vests, white or ecru 10c each. KELLKY, STIUER & CO., Farnnm and Fifteenth Streets, Whipped h ii Wurni Itnln. Th.. Imllnn' hnthxrv In Thn Hen bulldlnz has several unique features not easily pic tured with a pen. Even tho ordinary baths, without massage or electric treatment, nre given in a new way. There are no tubs, but the steam, sprays, showero, etc., are ilMlrhtfnl nmt rpf reshlnc. To use the ex pression of one enthuslnstlc lady It Is like being "whipped by a warm rain." Health nnd beauty go hnnd In hand, and thn KxtiKtrnm nvstnm of hvelenlc bathing Is a sure restorer nnd retainer of both. The regular treatment, bath, massage ana elec tricity, has never been equalled as a means for building up the system. Excessive stoutness Is easily overcome nnd tho lines of youth can be as easily restored to those who lack weight. The underlying princi ple In tho same In either case. This treat ment promotes a healthy circulation, puri fies nnd clears the complexion, Infusing new life and vigor Into every nerve, muscle, tlssuo and vital organ, it is highly recom mended by every prominent physician who him tplp(i Its merits and In acknowledged to bo tho only sure and quick relict for all forms of rheumatism ana nervous trouble. A corps of ladles, skilled In msssage and electric treatment, and a Indy'n maid always vnnr nprvlpp. Thn ladles' batherv Is worthy of a visit and tne males or umana aro Invited to call. Saturday, July 28, cheap rate excursion to Hot Springs, via Northwestern Line. Through Saturday aleteper without change. Delightful climate, Delightful plunge. Delightful hotels, Delightful scenery. Curatlvo waters. Call 1401 Farnam St., Northwestern Line office, Hndee to llrpnlillcmii. rubllo notice Is hereby given that the constitution of the McKlnley and Roosevelt County Central club has been ratified by the signatures of tho presidents of two- thlrdn of the republican clubs, bb required therein, and a meeting of tho members of tho club will be held at Washington hall Saturday, July 28, at 2 p. m., to complete organization, In conformity with the consti tution and bylaws. w. H. COLLINS, Chairman Republican County Committee. Omaha, July 26, 1900. Serve We delicious soda, No question bout that. Ak anybody who has drunk It. We MAKE it right KEEP it right SERVE it right. Not so cold, that It's brittle, but Just COLD ENOUGH to suit any palate, cold enough to give you a desire to come hero again. It It's TOO COLD to suit you, say so, and wo'll put a little heat Into it. We want to serve "MADE TO ORDER" soda not "band-mo-down." Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go for. ltlth nnd IoHsre Street. Home of "Onyx ftueen." Burlington sullen, 10th and Mason Sts, Tel. 128. SPKCIAL SALIO OF .1IK.VH WBAK. llostnn Xlore fllTern Orent Hnmiilti for Mntiirdn.r Men' Hilrtn. .'Or. I AT BOSTON STORE, OMAHA. 1 MEN'S $2 00 SHIRTS AT COC. A fine lino of high grade, made-to-order shirts, laundered and negligee, Just re ceived from one of tho foremost manufac turers of New York, ns you will recognize by the trade mark on ench shirt. Newest styles nnd patterns, every one guaranteed to be a $2.00 value, on sale as displayed In the clothing vlndow, at 60c. MEN'S $1.00 SHIRTS, 39C. 1 Men's fine negligee shirts with fancy: puff bosom, body made of line muslin, pos-i ltlvely $1.00 value, 39c. MEN'S 25C NECKWEAR, CC. These ties have been on display In our window, fancy silk band bows nnd shield bows, In all colors, Including black and white, worth fully 25c, on sale Saturday for Sc. COC NECKWEAR FOR 15C. English squares and Imperials In all the latest styles, Including polka, dot, Persian patterns, with fancy bordered ends, COc values, for 15c. MEN'S 50C AND 75C UNDERWEAR. 25C. Men's fine balbrlggan underwear In cream, pink, blue, light nnd dark tnns, as well ns fancy striped and mottled under wear, worth COc and 75c n garment, shirts nnd drawers, special, 25c. Don't forget that our great shoe sale still continues. Big bargains In both de partments, main lloor nnd basement, our prices on the very newest styles of sum mer shoes nnd oxfords aro far below whit others got for odds and ends. Seeing la believing, you know, therefore Investigate. BOSTON STORE, OMAHA, N. W. Cor. 16th nnd Douglas Sts. nmnhn Tent nnd Awnlnc Co.. tents, awn ings, canvas goods. 11 nnd Unmet, phono 8S3. Jefferson Square Did you ever visit Jefferson Square nt night? If not. you ought to. It's Interest ing. There you will llud the mini knocking against the trusts, others will tell you thn' you ought to gn to church, then there nro others who wiil tell you thnt If the demo crats win you w on l nave worn uuy more then there Is u quartet that sings "There is Just One Girl." Then If you arc thirsty you enn get n nice glass of sodu drawn from our $2,7C2.I2 soda fountuln. Cramer's Kidney Cure 7'o Hromo Quinine irc S. S. S 75e Duffy's MHlt Whiskey We Wine of Cardlll 7ac 1 Dozen 2-Grnln Quinine Capsules 7e 1 uor.cn 3-urnin (Jtilnmc capsules luc 1 Dozen 5-Ornln Quinine Capsules 13c Iinkham's Compound V.'.c IyOtu Cream 1IK' Hcott's Emulsion 7,fc Mllfs Nervine 7r. Lincoln Tea 2iV nnr Hon . ... Ie Wests Brain nnd Nerve Treatment.... 290 Pierce s Proscription ,oc SCHAEFER CUT PRICK DRUGGIST S. W. Cor. Kith nml Chli'.ico. THE itmm 43 v. i M - V JlCTOHv Spiolal statist Omaha to Denver anl return . Omaha to Colorado Springs and return, Omnha to Glenwood Springs and raturn, Omaha to Pueblo and return, Omaha to Ogdeu nnd return, . Omaha to Salt Luke City and return, Tlcktts cn Sale - Limited fo CITY TICKET OFFICE 1302 FARNAM ST. TELEPHONE 316, HAYDENs Hot Weather Clothing at Half Price Every dollar's worth must ho sold. $3.00 double breasted Blue Serjo Coats 50 ?l..r0 black Sateen Coats on sale Saturday 50 C $5.00 Coats and Vests on sale Saturday 50 $8.50 Drape d'ete, extra long Coats on sale 50 Children's Washable Knee Pants at St; and 15c worth 120c and 35c. Great mark down on all Men's and Boys' Clothing All our Men's Suits that were JS..M) - , All our Men's Suits that were $12.50 now $3.75 ; now $7.50 i All our Men' Pants that were $2.60 .u our Men's Crash Suits that were Jl 75 -now $1.25 ';w 95c and $ 25 All our Men's nne Suits that were 32 50 ind J25.00 now $15.00 All our Men's Suits that were J8.60 and JD now $4.75 All our Boys' Vestee Suits that were $2 00 now All our Boys' Washable Suits thnt were $1.50 and $1.95 now 75c and 95c! Mail Orders Filled Hoys' fancy Vests given away with all double breasted knee pants suits at $2.50 and up. Read great bargains on page 7. HAYDEN BROS. DAYLIGHT TRAINS FOIt Sl'lltlT LAKH OkolioJI nd Arnold Tnrlt. The Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul rail way company havo Just placed In service daylight trains between Omaha and Spirit Lake, OkoboJI and Arnold's Park. Going the train leaves Omaha at 7 15 n. m and ar rives Spirit Lake at 4 15 d. tt Returning the train leaves Spirit Lnko at 6 15 a. ra r.ml arrives Omaha 3 65 p. m. This Is the best service that has yet been offered over any one road Round trip tickets, good re turning until October 31, $10."o, City ticket office, 1501 Farnam street, F A. NASH. Ocn'l Western Agent. Shirt Waists Cut Price Sale -SCOFIELD'S Tlios who visit our slore Suturrtn.v will pet a I'limifc to secure our lltiext Colored Shirt Waists that havo been .f.'l.r.o. .$:i.(K). .$.",- nml $'-'.50-nt choice for ifl.i'0 racli. Wo have others nt $1.00, f0c and '-"t :SC0FIELD UDAK&SUITCO. 1510 Douulas St. Reliable Dentistry by reliable dentists. Our every effort Is to build gcod work, In constructing teeth, wo mako the bost. Our fillings preserve and add beauty to tho teeth. Best Teeth, set $8.00 Good Teeth, set $5.00 Gold Crowns, best $5.00 Tail's Philadelphia Dental Rooms, 3517 noiiRlnH St. Anti-Kawf Not onco In a hundred times does Antl-Iiuw nil to euro a cold. It's suro. See vour drucRlst. Ho soils it, QUICK TRAINS TO THE WEST IRE VII THE UNION PACIFIC. $19.00 19,00 31.00 19.00 . 32.00 82.00 - - lugast 2-7-21. Oct. 31st, 1900. All our Men's Crash and Duck l'unts that wero $100 now 45c and 50c All our Men's Pants that were $2 50 to $5 now 1.50 and 2.50 All our Hoys' Long Pants Suits that were $7 50 to $12 50 -3.75, 5.00 & 7.50 Men's ing of a house that is in n position to buy rightudiroct from the mills), sell right (with a reasonable protlti). right treatment when you do buy. and your money back if you change your mind afterw ard. Where does your judgment tell you to do your trading? Our Show Window on Farnam stiee has just been trimmed with a full line of Nebraska clothing. We want you to look at it compare it with other clothing windowscompare the style of the garment, the construction, the general make-up "see if you cannot seen difference in the entire conibination.Come up to the department try on ami try on. If we fail to sat isfy you that Nebraska clothing is the best clothing, that's our fault. If you go elsewhere and pay more for oiothing not as good as ours, that's your fault. ' I $4.00 $5.00 $5.50 $5.75 $6.75 $7.00 $7.75 $8.75 $9.00 L If on these priced suits wo do not save you fro.fi $1.00 to $5.00 of.your suit money, we'll not ask your trad I7 v .0 j&o to m i. HH HAYDENs A clearing sale worthy of the name and long to In? remem bered. JUST WHAT WIO CLAIM the best goods for the least money of any house in America. A few items picked from the phenomenal bargains we are now 100 Indies' Tailor-made Suits terialsthat sold at $15.00. $120.00 and ?12.50 i T (( now on sale at mJvJJ 50 ladies' Tailor-made Suits that sold at $12.50 4 Qn now 50 ladies' Dress Skirls no two alike they are worth 7 Q Q $12.00 and $15.00 your choice as long as they last. . 50 ladies' heavy Blistered Crepon Skirts that were A QO $7.50 now only ,m. VO 10 dozen ladies' Underskirts worth $1.00 2t3C 15 dozen ladies' Black Mercerized Skirts with rows Ofto of ruffles worth $2.00 for each . . . : OL 25 ladies' Silk Underskirts worth $12.50 and FJ $15.00 for 4 kJKJ 100 dozen Indies' Wash Waists that sold for $1.50 50C 55 dozen ladies' Wash Waists that sold up to O ESpt $1.00 for OCJL LA DIES' EAKLY FALL JACKETS silk lined QO throughout for VO 25 dozen LADIES' PEKCALE WKAP1M0KS 49c 50 dozen ladies' Percale Wrappers 15-in. llounce ruflle over shoulder braid trimmed worth $2.00 Closing out all Summer Millinery Regardless of former price or cost. Read great bargain announcement on page 7. HAYDEN BROS. Roaches This household pest In alwayn about dur ing warm weather. To pet rid of them ho easiest and quickest way Is the crying need. Have you tried Eciffo? It Is tho dead sure remedy. The roaches dis appear, and that In the end of them. It only costs you r.Oo a can, and tho work Is done. Sold only by J. A, FULLER & CO. cut imiici: imtcitiisTfl. Fourteenth sntl inuiiln Srrrl. ii.ivu you nvi:n r.ivn.v a IWIIl Tltl.il. TO. . . . "Krug Cabinet" If not, you have nilseed a good thing. This exquliilto malt beverago stands on a unique basis. It rells ItHelf. Its fame and reputation Is .the envy of many. Tho palate, tho beneficial results achieved "within" the Inner man are tho only and real Judges of Us merits. Approved of by them, It tri umphantly enters Innumerable uouscholdi. Where Cabinet enters, doctors nnd drug bills exit. iiitnuiiit iiy i'iti:n Kitio iiiiuwixfi ( o., Phone OMAHA, MJ.I. lothing When 3011 start to buy clothing you want to get all for your money that it will bring. You know that prices everywhere are not alike. Yoi1 know that the cost of selling materially affects the llgures n( which the goods are marked. Then, to do justice to yourself, you are very much interest ed in hliv. ma. HIM ill iW Cloa offering: in all the newest stvlesland ma THIS STORE QUITS nd all men's and women's tan shoes In the More at onn prlco J1.08. In cluding such makes as John Foster, I'lngreo &. Smith, Stacy Adams. Queen Quality. Jcnnrxs Miller shoes, that sold from J.T.TiO to ti a pair, SI 98 Ladles' $2.00 and $2.r0 Oxford Tles tnn and black, 98c. Children's Sllppern worth Jl.DO, now 49c. Misses' tan shoes, regular prlco $2.00, now 7Sc. THIS STORK QUITS-Stock must go regardless of prices wo get. the HOWE, 1515 Douglas St. !)(5 SSd)F(l S 3)3it) Result Tell ADS THi: HBE WAN I'ROMJCn KESIIlrS. Gfe KH fill Xldnoy DIaseH, Hack- Kidneycura. ach, etc. AturuK-Klstf-i. or by mill. II. .1'reo book, ail- vle, etc, of Dr. II. J. Uj, Baftos. K. V. leeplnc car accommodations.