Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1900, Page 11, Image 11

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    THIS OMAHA DAILY 13EE: SAT m DAY, JTLY 28, 1900.
1 1
Advertisements for CIipsc columns
will lie (mWcii milll HI tn. (or the
evi-nliiK petition nntl until 8 .'10 t. in
for morning nnI Siindny edition.
Hntco, 1 l-Uo. a word flmt insertion.
1c n word llierpnfter. Notlilnit tnUrn
for tens thnn 2r.o for Hip II rut Inner
tlon. Thrnc iwlvertUcnicuU must Iip
rttn oonsecnllvply.
Ail vertlpr, by requesting; n nnm
bprpd check, pnti linvi niiMvcr nd
drrsnpd to n nuinlirrnl Iplter 111 pure
of Tim IIcp. AnxTrem o nddrcsspd lll
lie ilrllvpreil on lircnuu t n tlim of the
chrcU only. '
STENOGRAPHERS und bookkeepers fur
nished temporarily or permanently.
Brylea' collose. Tel. 1951. A 124 20
TOUNO married man tie .Ires position of
any kind; understands stenography and
typewriting. A 1 references, o 6, lice.
oflleo. A-Jiniw
WA.vrin-.MAi.n help.
WANTRD: havft stenrlv work for a few
good hiiMtlcni of good habits mil appear-
anro. u. i' Auums t;o., iuiu nuwuro m.
ti 2S2
HAHnEH tr.vlo taught th- '
lime; cata,ogun and i hi
Address csttrn Ilmoii
Omaha, Neb.
-hH In short
...,r free,
i lnstituto,
WANTED. laliorerK teamfter rock men
nml surfaie men, Nob., Wyo.. and Iowa,
r - , i.t.i hln rl.tlll'.
WoBtem 11. Jl. Labor Agency. 310 Otti.
FriATEHNAI' lnfiiranro deputy, lady or
gentleman; ..pedal .work; good tmy. 026
N. Y. Life llilldhng. U-3 Jy 2S
AN INl'ELfT'I'N'T young man to tako a
nhorthaml olarrhlp In best tclmol and
pav for It v .'en coiir" Is tomplete.l nnd
position settprd. Address I. 2. l',p.,,
WA'NT,Ur). fiTHt-clnxM bread and enke
'(her need aiply. Mrs.
nrondwny, Cjninril muffs.
WANTED. lOiy.ving men
raphy. W. 'p. Htudton, Sa
.lher need n.ply. Mm. A. Nlcoll, l)V.
to learn teleg-
Ballna, Kan. .
H M3I1
WILL give iftVmancnt position to reliably
mini rosirtin In gona nmmn town nun
having frnr'' n t tlM- olllce furnished.
Addrosn 10. 'ook. Omnb.i. 11 MI17 2'
r ' -----
WANTED, u tinner for hardware store;
one wh onn--l rooting nml guttering and
's a cood cvar!:; flrrmnn preferred. Ad
drcPH L. ('...MlttelHtadt. Norfolk. Neb.
TIM'STW01'''A"V man tn establish agents
In Nebrnsl-hft'. $40 monthly and expense
besides roiv'rtlslnn; references required;
" permanent. T John C'roiin, Coil Dearborn.
chiciiBo. ... i'rili" 'a
MEN. our PVt.'i'oRtie esplalns how we tcneli
liarner tri"ie in plain wcckh nt our ci-
leges at Chicago. St. Loula and Mlnneao-
oils; free irarsportatlnn given and special
Inilucemenls In scholarship, board and
tool rr tMrly days; catalogue ami uar
tl"Ulnrs nifllctl free. Adilrcss Moler Har
ber I'oIIpep Agent. 1623 Farnam St.,
umana. ?i"i).
H-M 126 I
WANTED, croeery spcclnlty salesman; give
vnur p!:n,v..i.ncp fullv to Insure a reidy:
wo offer pj rptlonal opportunity. Address
K X line.' H-M 130 29'
AN INTEL! 1ENT lady to tnke a short
hand sehnirtVshln In best s.diool and pay
for It whfii tpourse Is completed nnd posi
tion secured!. Address L 23, Hee. C 53S
WANTED, 200 girls, 1521 Dodge. Tel. S76.
C 2?3
SO Rirls wantetL CanaiJau olllce 1322 Douglas
CORSETS lilted oil. 39c.
1612 Capitol Ave.
C-590 A I
CHHLS to assort paper, experience not re
tpllred. Harding Paper Stock Co.. 1.100-11
Leavenworth. C 19S
WANTED, competent cook; references re
quired. , AHl'iy to Mrs. i.uinrr Kounize,
39th street und Dewey avenue.
C-377 28
I'lHST-CJASS halrdrcsrer nnd manicure at
once. Addretfo .Mrs. c. i-j. llcynoKis, iiiihi
Ings, Neb. ' C-MH8 29
WANTED, girl to do housework In small
family. 220S Ohio St. C-MI36 30
IF you want your houses well rented place
them with Henuwu. ,t Co. D-2S7
HOUSES, etc. V.
D. Wead, 1521 Douglas.
ALWAYS moving H". II. goods. Pianos.
Olllce, lSUVi l'lirnum St. Tel. 1559 or S6.I.
HOUSES, stores.
IIoiiiIh, Paxton blk.
HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city.
lircnuan-iovo i-j a. 13111 Mt.
CHOICE houses, eoltnees, stores. Henry
II. Payne, C01 N. Y. Life. Phono 1016.
HOUSES and flats. Ring wait, Darker hlk.
131 B. 25lh St , U-rooin, modern.
S ROOMS, modem, with barn; all In extra
lino repair; $25 to good tenant. Alfred 11.
DeLunc. 137 Hoard of Trade. D-295
E-ROOM cottage.
2709 Douglas St.
NEW 10-room house, water nnd gas; two
IiIocks rrom scnooi nnu ireet cnr. in
qulru Wm. 1. KlerBtead, city hull.
' D-5SI
FOH RENT, live-room cottage, Jiith and
lllondo streets, $9. Apply nt 607 North
19th street. D 732
FOR RENT, strictly modern lint In Dnv-
idgo building, opposite city hall.
John W. Robblus, 102 Farnam St.
(-ROOM cottage, all modern, 2121 Miami st.
ELEGANT apartments lu thn Wlnonu.
Payne-Knox Co., 1st Iloor, N. Y. Llfo.
D-.M 190
ELEGANT iipartmciita In tho Winona.
Payne-Knox Co., 1st Iloor, N. Y. Life
hldg. 'Phone, 17S1. D-MM6
4.ROOM cnttAge, r723 Dodue, $sT
Hlngwnlt Hi-oj., Barker Blk. D-153
1RI2 N. 20TH ST., 7-rooni modern house, no
furnace, In good condition, largo barn,
outstilo to bo painted; rent. $20.00.
16th and Douglas Sts.
FOR RENT, S-ro,om houoe. No. CIS South
17th Ml irtimlr tat vtkitttt till) 1 1 n llnll
Inquire ut room 300. City llnll
$221 CUM I NO ST., S-room modern house,
has Just been thoroughly reiiovutcd
throughout; rent, $20.00.
10th and Douglas Sts.
8-HOOM modern cottage.
Mary's ave.
Inquire 2152 St.
D-M356 30
5-ROOM modern cottngo; $15. 2520 N. 20th,
noor;p. ij in
10-ROOM steam heated Hat. all modern.
2.117 DOtlglutf, lIKllllro Llndqiiest, 310 .So.
15th. D-112
5-ROOM house. 810 Ho. Pith.
D-423 29
FURNISHED, roouiH, housekeeping. 2623
St. Mary's. E-815 A12
i NICE roomtl. housekeeping. 1112 S. 11th.
FOR RENT, .1 rooms. 823 So. ld St.
E-39S 27'
MODERN frocit room, $1.50, 611 North 19th.
E-Mtll 29
THE Merrlaru), good summer resort, 23th &
Dodge. F-29J
OLENCAIRi?truiiBlents,$t.:3day. 1009 Dgls.
4 l'-S
UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. F-6H
IN pniVATlij family
2020 St. Maryi Ave,
509 8. 2STII nvc, prhnto family,
F-125 A21
rtiit hunt t vrriiNisimi) hoimis.
CN-FURNISHED ROOMS. 3 Inra-o rooms,
c ity water, sink ami pantry, ousy walking
instance, reasonable rein. .ppiy w !
CiriC Bt. U-.MUb
POU RENT, store In first-cms;) location;
rent reasonable. Apply H C Peters St
Co.. ground Iloor, Hee Bldg. I 2tt
TWO of the bent rooms In the Continental
block, 15th and Douglas streets, speciiiuy
suited for a physician, will remodel to
nult tenant Omaha Loan & Trust Co.,
tfillt and Douglas hi. l-Mlwi
FOltTRENT. brick store room 22x100 ft.,
with rellnr; best In tMon in city for gen
eral more Write f... particulars to tl
llatn Schafer. Mlnden. Neb 1-M171 Al
fa ii ms ro hunt.
CHOICE 480-acre tnrni, within 2 or 3
miles of packing houses, South Omaha;
loading stft'ioii on iiirm; ji.a'.v. uemis,
Paxton block. 1W
J2,5f0 CAN bo made during next six months
l.y huMIInc agents hundllng our white and
fancy rubber collnrsi, cuffs. booms nnd
neoktleH. patented and guaranteed goods;
Inolusc stump for special plfn. M. & M.
Mfc, Co., Sprlnglleld, Mass.
WANTED, llfo Inourance solicitors, men or
women: big pay to hustlers. Hartford
Lift) lnsuranco Co. of Hartford, Conn.
Lvmaii Waterman, manager. 609 Hee
hlclff. J-.M3i.0 3l
AfJt'.MTM innln nnd fpmale. best seller oil
enrlh; Just out; sold 111 nvcry house; big
prollts; sells Itself. "Wcldon," 27 William
St., .New York. J-.iniJ at'
AGENTS wS'TED. something new. n
good seller; the metallic rubber tiro; It
tits all rocking chairs. J. C Hayes, 418
r.iiHt Loauat street, Drs Alolnes. inwu,
.I-MI13 29
AGENTS 011 salary or commission; Hid
greatest iiRents' Heller .ever produced;
every user of pen and Ink h"ys It on
steht; 2u0 to &) iier cent profit; 0110 agent's
salen amounted to $620 In nix days; an
other $32 In two hours. Monroo Mfg. Co.,
X 10, I,H Crosse, WIS. J MI23 ki
AOENTti sell n-ir aluminum card cases and
ranis; iiIho our dun lcHerjt; big prolltri,
clean work; clrcularH and samples free.
Hunker Ptg. Co.. Dept. O, Hunker Hldg.,
Kansas City. Mo. J-MI32 29
ALL kinds of household Roods, hotels, etc..
In large and small iiuantltlos. Chicago
j- urniiurc wo., uuv-iv uougc. joi. saj.
WILL purchase n limited number of
Omaha Savings Hank accounts. Hrennnn-
i.ove co., oua o. i;nn. n wi
2DI1AND ladles' wheels. Omaha Hlcyclo Co,
N M3S3
I HAVE to $1,5C), all cash, to Invest .In
a houKO and lot for a home; will con-
wider irnod lot and small house If run
be enlarged; send me tho best you hnvo
tn oner; must ne cneap. Aauress n n.
Hee olllce. N-169 27
2D-HAND blcyclec.s.
Omaha Bicycle Co.
WANTED, to buy a good ten-passenger
light bus. Atldresft Harry Hurnett. Hamp
ton hotel, Holdrege, Neb. N-M404 2s.
PHAETONS, buggies, road wagons, hurnes.s,
Andersen Huggy Co., 15th and Davenport,
CHICLES of ali klndH mndo nnd repaired
iy Harry Frost, 14th and Leavenworth.
FOH SALE, new $323 high grade Suvder
phaeton, very reasonable. Apnly 313 Kar
bach block. I'-HSM 2a
FOH HALE, horso and buggy. Inquire 2152
rtl. mtiry n rtvu, i- .mil u-
CHEAPEST nnd best poultry and hog
fence, wi uougias ai, o-3
CUTTEHS of drug prides. Sherman & Mc-
council urug co., cor. lBtn und Dodge ,
j 2y
IJ. IIASS, Florist. 1813 A'lntdn St. Tcl.776.
PlantH, cut llowcrn. botiuets, hall, resi
lience, wedding and grave tlrcoratlons.
OrderH by mall or express promptly filled.
2DHAND safe cheap. Dcrlght, 1116 Farnam.
SAFES; buy, aell, exo'ge. Schwurtz, 114 S. 13.
WIRE fence. Lcddy, 1617 Howard. Tel. 1590.
U 310 AM
M. & W. tlren, $2.75. Omuha Bicycle Co.
2NDIIAND wheels. $5 to $10- new wheels,
$15. Omaha Hlcyclo Co., 16th & Chlcngo Sts
Q 911
SECONDHAND machinery for sule; every
thing 111 engines. Doners, pumps, iron
Hiitl wood-worklnir machinery, shafting.
pulleys, belting and mill supplies; prices
iowpsi. Harris Aincnuipry uo., iv.i wanii
Ington Ave. S. E., Jllnneapolls. Minn.
Q-MSfil SI3
SQUARE pianos nnd organs. $15. $23, $27
nnd up; puay payments; new planoj for
rent; fine, tuning nnd repairing. Tel. 1623.
Schmollcr & Mueller, 1313 Furnam.
0-M913 All
ONE good hand elevator.
A. Hospe, 1614
BILLIARD table, Brunswlck-Halko, cost
JTOO, sell ror Jis; goon ub new. jonn mc
Konile, Madrid, Neb. Q-M230-27
MANSON bloycloH. $25. Omaha Bicycle Co.
ILLUSTRATED private mailing cards, 2
for Be, at Fruehaufa Book and Stationery
store, s:o so. 10111 Ht. w isi sc
KNSAS ilAI 1 lirntY l7 OatTr t a g.
breeder standard pedigreed Belglun hares;
lino young Htock for sale; write for prices.
409 AtchlBoti St., Atchison, Kan,
Q-MI33 3
FOR SALE, good nlze, flreproor, combina
tion lock safe; now, never used, from one
of the best info makers, only $19.95. A
very large. 3,400-pound, four double doors,
bank safe, new: good for hotel, real es
tate, countv, city or bank. $71.95, Will
ship to any place In the United States,
payable nfter received. Cut this notice
out nnd mall to Scars. Roebuck & Co,,
Chicago, for full particulars Q
notice, country denlerM. 2dhand furnltnr
I" ..a t - " a u.Ua '.AvImiiI
lo!3 Chlcngo Furniture Co., 1400-10 uodRc.
H 31
MMEATYLMER genuine palmist. 1C05 Dodge
3 31a
MRS. FRIT., clairvoyant. 812
N. 16th.
ELITE parlors. 015 S. 16th, second tloor.
T M579 A3'
magnetic treatment. 507 S.
13th; room -
MME. AMES, baths. 1615 Howard: room 1,
2d Moor. Attendant. lhlmM'
BEATRICE HARLOW. Arabian treatment,
Paths. 317H N. lain, isi nat v . iiv or
MONHEIT, Chiropodist, 151S Farn.
Tel. 2333.
LADIES hair shampooed, drecscd, 3Cc. Hair
toilet goods. Motihcll, IMS t' lirnain. rei zzu
U 316
U SOLES. 35c; velvet rubbor heels, 35c. The
old reliable, S, P. Peterson, 16th & Cuming.
EPPEHLY corsot to order. 1612 Capitol Av.
U-591 A 4
WHEELER & VILSONHewing machined;
ollwrs J1.00 up; easy payments; renting,
no week", repairing. Petera Co,, IM6
Cupltol Ave., Tel. 1494. U-271 Ail
VIAVI, woman' way to health. 3I5 Bet bids
u ill
PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur
I Ing confinement, babies adopted. 11M Nli
UK. HOY, ehlfopodlst; corns removed, 25c
and upward. Room 12, Frenzer block.
RUPTURE cured; no knife, no nuln. no
danger; send for circulars. Empire Hup
ture Cure, $ii N. Y. Llfo bldg., Omaha.
u .hi
PLEATINffnnd pleated skirts of all kinds.
M. Goldmun & Co., 200 Douglas I'lock.
PRtVATE home before and during confine
ment; bublca adopted. Mrs. Burget, 2620
Burdctte. U-324
HOFfS Express & Mcsscnccr Co. Tel. 1717.
I'HOF. LUJ'U. chiropodist. 611 Karbnch blk.
TJ.THKI8H baths, niassflge baths, electric
mind, tor inuifs only; sKiiied women
massage operators; llnest equipped baths
In the city. Itenstom Uath
Kooms, :is to 2:0 Hee bid
SCHA DELL During July shampoo. 35o;
halrdress, 23c; massage, 25c; treatment,
20c. U-M3t A22
IF Fred Duncan, formerly of Oil City,
Canada, will communicate with the under
signed ho will hear of something tn his
advantage. Wm. Lindsay, 403 Hobert St.,
Fargo. North Dakota. U-M3ST. 30
EXEOUTOIt'8 SALE The undersigned, its
rvrnillrP lit ll-ni-v A ll.tntlftl nt
thi) city of Utlcii, N. ..deceased, for the uf scltlltiL- Nfilrl nstntp. will ex
pose for sale ut public auction at the of
life -if Edson Hlch. In the city of Omalia,
Neb'aska, on the 2"th day of August, 19W,
at two o'clock In tho afternoon, lot No.
11. In block 5, In McCnrmlck's Second ad
dition to the city of Omuha; also lot No.
11, In block 3, In Sulphur Springs addition
to the city of Omaha; sale positive;
twenty per cent of tho purchase price to
be paid In rash at the tlmo of the snlo;
balance within ten days on tho produc
tion f.' proper deeds nnd abstracts show
ing good title. The twenty per cent may
be p.ild to Edsfm Hlch to be held until
ptotiuctlnii of abstract and titles exam
ined Further particulars may be ob
tained from Hdson Hlch. Dated Omaha,
Neb.. Jii'y ffiili, 1M0. W. T Duninore,
executrr of H. A. Duollttle, deceased.
1' - MI39 30
atoM'Y to i,oa.-ui:ai, estati:.
PHIVATE money, 6, 64, 6 per cent; no de
lay. Garvin Hros., 1613 Farnam. W 323
WANTED-Clty and farm loans; also bonds
und warrant. It. C. I'ctera & Co., 1703
Farnam St.. Heo Hldg. W-327
PHIVATE money. F. B7wcad, 1521 Douglas,
FIVE per cent money. Ilemls, Paxton block.
MONEY to loan on llrst-clasH Improved city
property or for building purposes. Puync
knox Co., New York Life. W-329
LOANS 011 eastern Nebraska nnd western
Iowa farms ut D per cent. Borrowers can
nay $100 or any multifile. Any Interest
date. No delay. Brennan-Love Co., 309
Hniltli l.llli SI - nmnhn. h. w .130
6, gj, 6 per cent on Omaha, 80. Oraana,
W. H. Thomafc, J03 1st Nat. bank. Tel. 1648.
W 331
MflVRV tn Inan nt R nml St, ner cent nn
Omaha property. W. 13. Melklo, 401 S. 15th.
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real
ettate. Hrennan-Love Co., 309 So. 13th.
$1,000 and upward to lo.m on Improved city
property and farms. W. Farnam Smith &
w,, is:u l arnain. w 3:11
WANTED City loans, honds and warranta.
ueor,?e a; company, iwi f arnam m.
M?inmuNiT!'n "iw lft
J. HOHHIMJ & CO.. 150-! A
6 ncr cent.
W 336
MONEY to loan on farm pnd city property;
lowest rates. O. F. Davis Co., 1505 Farnam.
$3,000-$ l,000-$5,O0O To placo quick at low
rato of Interest on cood real estate. Ad
dress, J 13, Bee. y 333
TO IOAN. on god security, at reasonable
rate, jcu to J urn. 5iw .n . 1. J.ue nine.
W MS13
No endortter or mortgage required.
Room BSC, llfth floor. New York IJfe Hldg.
X 340
MONEY loaned on plunos. furniture, Jew
elry, norses, cowb, etc. u. v. nceo, w n. w.
Furniture, pianos, lioruci, cows, etc. You
keep tho property. Quick service. You
may pay the money back In one month or
tako one year In which to pay It nnd you
need not pay for It one day longer than
you havo It. Wo charge nothing for mak
ing or llllng paVers or examining fecurlly
and we keep notthlng out of tho amount
you borrow. Bo suro und get our rates
before borrowing.
Salaried peoplo on their own names In
amounts from $10.00 up. You may repay
tha loan all or In part nt any time nnd
you are expected to pay for the money
only what tlmo you keep It. We are tn
only loan company In the city giving you
thli privilege. All we ask Is a chance to
compare rites. Strictly confidential.
(Established 1S92.) 306 80. 16th SnetU
M?NKY to loan on housohold furnlfur.
Merger's Loan Co., 1504 Fnrnnm St
vnvpv infinrH nn furniture, diamonds,
wntches: nnvmonts conllilcntlal. Omaha
Chattel Loan Bank, 220 S. 15th, upstairs.
Str,XTn.V Innn.rt nn nlntinx. furniture. llorSSS.
cow B, Jewelry. Duff Green, R 8. Barker Blk
W. TAYLOE, 213 Flrat Nat. Bank Bhig.
Mnvuv i.iniiH ssinrieii nennle holding per
manent position with responsibly concerns
upon tne.r own names """",:": ',"
cusy payments. Tolman, 706 N. L; Hldg.
EMPLOYES, see Amerlcnn Loan Co.
verttsement under Financial heading fo.
money when needing aamo In emergencies.
X MHlb
FOR SALE, a good, clean stork of dry
goods, notlonn and llxtures. 'A. '-Ii0',M'
Missouri Valley, la. i ami
FOR RENT-Owlng to advancing years
Mr. u. uaag, mo norisi ni ihj i"
street, has decided to rent out his hot
liuuso ut above location, occupying i.oo)
to 8,000 squaro feet, under glass, with
about 200 windows, nnd tho residence and
atoro fronting thn street, on the motor
lino to South Omaha. Excellent location
for the business, 3S2
FOR SALE, only steam laundry In Clarion.
... ..fuut l..l.n..(n.,u. ..n itnlitllullllnil 1 HlHI
111. , HI .Ull Ifl , l. ..MIIl'UHWI,
to $123 per week can bo dmfo by u good
laundryman; $500; owner other bUBlnewa,
not it laundryman. Address W. W. Rich
ard, Clarion, Iowa. " M133 3
HAVE 160 ncres land In central Nebraska
and money to exchange for cntlugo In
Omaha, w. v. itcuges, rn ueo uuig.
' Z-J1S27
T.'Dll F.XCIIANGE. 800 acres ot nne un
improved luiid for improved farm near
. '..i ...... .ilrr.-a.,r... tn
tlllUllll , .Kill,.. I" o.iitt" iiit..ritu ,,
cash or good clear rental property, this
laud is choice nnd will mako a splendid
grain or stock farm, send full description
to L Cfi. Heo olllce. Z-M369 2
for IlKNT.
RENT. First Ccor, N. Y. Life Bidg,
11 rv 2.(1
FOR SALE, ICO-acre fnrm within 10 miles
of Omaha; good land; mm,t bo hold to
closo citato; $2,500. W, R, Homan. Itooins
8 nnd 10, Frenztr block, RE-M863 27
farm. 65 iif-t-s. 12 miles from Omaha:
price $1,150,00 If sold at once. Address
It 49, Bee. HE-M3S4 A24
A fine trackase property.
Elegant residence property
Greatest bargains in property.
M, J. Kennurd & Sun, 3P Llrowu block.
HOUSES, tarms. H. C. Patterson. 5 N.Y.I
T. A ix, 11 RESIDENCE. 13 rooms above
basement; modern throughout, plate glass
In all fron. window, wide porch, large
stable and carriage nousc, no. .'or.i cni
cago street. Price JS.OXj Apply to Hyron
Heed Co., Omaha, or W. It. Orlfllth,
owner, 12(M McCullogh street, U.iltlniora
Md. KB-M5S6 A2
HOUSES, lots farms, lands, loans; also lire
Insurance. Bemls. I'axton blk. HE-352
IP YOU want to buy, sell, exchange or
rent jour property quicK sec J. ii. jonn-
S41 n Y. l-ife.
HE 619
nKRtt PARI; lot nt 1250 to 1100. with ele-
gant trees, are snaps. When you sco
them you will say so,
HENHY U. PAYNE, Ml N. Y. LIFE HLDQ. F.siiitp. Mentals. Loaiis. Insurance.
CHEAP Homes 220 Hamilton St., cottage,
6 rooms, barn, good lot, $1,160.
Cotttage, 6 rooms, city water, 2117 Ohio
street, $900,
Cottngo, 6 rooms, full lot, city water, 30.10
Emmet street, $700.
Two good cottages, lot 60x110. 22nd and
Grace streets, bath, for $2,000.
Two cottages, 26th and Patrick ave.. $1,800.
Good house, barn, city water, lot 60x110,
faclnir 20th st.. near Oraec St.. $1.0X1.
House of 6 rooms, 2S16 Miami St., $SS0.
Small house and lot, Dili and Castellan $100.
House, 6 rooms, paved street, 1SU Corby
siroci, i, -n.'.
Pome modern houses In Kountre Place nt
12.600 and 1111.
Flrst-clasH 6 per cent mortgage of $600 for
W. T. Graham, Heo Uldng. HE-410 2S
FOH SALE, cottuge, to bo moved. Inquire
J153 st. sinry b avo. hk M420 ao
A NICE building corner, lota 28 and 29.
Falrmount Place, on eusy terms. Write
to F. 11. Happen, Alllwti'Jkee, Wis.
160-ACHE farm on West Dodge St., less
than ono mile, from end of macadam: cood
buildings, $35 per acre: eany terms. The
uvrnn f'n L'l'J Sri lit), ut
14th St.
HE-M137 II
101 ACHES In sections 2! nnd 29-15-12, Just
norm 01 1 enier nireci naveu roatiwav: nil
under cultivation, $76 per acre. The Hyron
ltecd Co., so. ltui hi. HE MISS, 1
RANCH AND FAHM lunds for salo bv tho
union I'aeuie uaiiroai) company, n. a.
McCallnster, land commltoloncr. Union
Pacific H'tudqunrterB, Omuha, Neb,
K1J M3a
3U ACHES, suburban nlace, ,1 miles from
Cou.icll Hluffs postolllco; Rood C-room
li'iuse nearly new, luce ,..wii, Hii.nln ti ,
oie.; land nearly all In bcurliiR fruit, 1 rice,
$1,500. Address 11. G. SlcOce, 6 Pearl St..
Council Bluffs. HE-MllirJ
A. C. VAN S ANT'S school. 717
N. Y. Life.
HOYLES' College, court reporter principal,
lieu Hide. 360
NERHASKA Huslness and Shorthand Col
lege. Uoyd's Theater. 361
GHEGG Shorthand taught at tho Omaha
Commercial College, 16th and Douglas Sts.
MUCH lesn cost nnd embarrassment than
has heretofore been possible. Quick and
confidential service. Special terrrm to
uchool teachers during 'vncatlon.
AMERICAN LOAN CO , noom COl Bee Bdg.
For giving such low rates and easy par
tial payments. THE CRITICS ARE
RIGHT, but we must loan a certnln
amount of money as soon as possible re
gardless or comment, wu iaiam u.n
YOUR NOTE; no mortgage; no Intlorser;
no publicity. Your employer or friends
need not know. RELIABLE CREDIT
CO., room 303, THIRD FLOOR. Paxton
blk. M-190
LADIES out of henlth find prompt rellof.
uox -az. umana, .ncd. coundcntiai.
VIRTUAMA cures Impotency resulting
from Indiscretions or debility, gives vi
tality, vigor, restoring desires, ambitions,
n.-plratloiiH of youth, health, fitting for
success, hupplnesa In business; profes
sional, social, married life; $2 or 3 for $5.
Sent anywhere prepaid on receipt of
price. The Kldd Drug Co., Elgin, III.
American Ofllce, retail, wholesale, Myers-
Dinon wrug co., umana; a. union,
South Omaha: Davis Drug Co., Council
Bluffs. Full lino rubber goods.
JOHNSON Institute, 515 N. Life Rldg.;
tel. IA64: Allco Johnson, D. O,, ladles'
dept.; Old E. Johnson, Ostcopathlst, Mgr.
M. E. DONOHUE. D. O., of Still school,
Klrksvllle, Mo., G04 Pnxton Blk. Tel. 1367.
STOCK'S Bird Store.
1603 Leavenworth.
PEDIGREED breeders; Capt. Nemo, scoro
92H, head of pens. E. II. Kendall. St.,
Neb, -M8t3 All
TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases. Trunks
repaired. Om. Trunk Factory, 1206 Farnam.
Juilu Vaughan, 430 Ramge Bldg.
F II It N ITU RE It E P A I R I N fi ,
PACKING, upholstering, matfress. feather
renovating. Tel. 1331. M. S. Wnlkln, 2111
Cuming St. 371
REPAIRED. Omaha Sewing Machine Re
pair Works, cor. Dodge & ICtli sts., J. E.
Phillips. Prop'r. -MI02 Jy29
THE NEBRASKA, Incorporated. 1516-1517
Chicago street, Omahu. . M339
TYPEWRITERS, secondhand, 1116 Farnam.
TURKISH baths, 60c; open night.
8. 14.
OAS, gasolino stoves repaired; stoves storod.
City Stove Repair Worku, 209 S. 13th.
L. C. Sharp Mach. Wki. ; motors, dynamos
2D-HAND machinery bought nnd sold for
I i. a n 1.-1., r. nn mn T-i.. ..I....
A. P. Ely & Co.. 1110 Douglas st
EAGLE Loan OlMce, reliable, accommodat
ing; all buslnesB conllilcntlal. 1301 Douglas.
,N Kamcs, MIbb Sturdy. 2610 Harnoy.
DRESS MAKING, experienced help only
employed, E. G. McDonald, 1612 Can. Ave.
5S9 At
CUT rate, tlcketu everywhele. P. H, Phil
bin, 1506 Farnam. Telephone 7S4. 377
LOST, Tuesday, private bank book c.-n.
mining hdoui n' currency; reward
tin ituestlons asked. HetUrii to Tin Su,
9th st I.ost-M42S 30
LOST, at Hlvervlew park, box containing
purse, bracelet, spoons, forks, etc Re
tilrn 210 So 17th St.; reward.
I.OSI-MI3I 29"
LOST, tuekngp containing gold w.'d.llng
ting, ltoturn to Hoe olllce, Council lliutu,
for reward. Lost-Mill
STOllA cm.
PACiriC Storage and Warehoue Co . 912
911 Jonw. general storage and forwarding,
Om. Van Stor Co ,
15im Farn. Tel. 1339. 63,
CAIII'i:'l Hits AM) .fOllHIiltS.
ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing
promptly attended to. J. T. Ochtltrco, 20th
und Lake Sts, 370
FOUND, black nnd white pointer dog, will
give to owner on proving and paying
1120 N. 17th.
HI l
MIllVr.VINC AM) nitAl'CHTlNCl.
J. McEATHHON. 623 Paxton block.
OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts. 7c; collars,
2c; cuffs, 4c. 1750 Lcavelijvorth. Tel. 647.
SILKS und linen, stamping, 1612 Capitol Av.
691 A4
mac;m:tic iii:.w,im;.
GHEAT Western liulltute, 1623 Douglas St
chronic discuses cured; no drugs, surgery
DH. MITTELSTADT, 331 Heo bilg. Tel. 1415
Om. Vun i Stor. Co,1311ii Farn. Tela. 1530-6J,
.MI'.SSl'Mil'll MS I IV I c 1 ;
O. M. S. Tel. 2022. 307 So. 16th St. -M7S3
(Should be rend DAILY by nil Interested,
as clKHi'ics may occur at any time.)
Foreign malls for the week ending July
2S, I3ri, will close (PROMPTLY 111 all cuse.s)
at the GrnriMl Pustufllce an follows: PAR
CELS POST MAILS close ono hour earlier
than closing time shown below. Parcels
Post Malls for Germany closo at 5 p. m.
TrniiN-Atliinllo .Mull.
SATURDAY At 8 a. m. for NETHER
LANDS, per s. s. Rotterdam (mall must
bo directed "per s. s. Rotterdam"); at 10
a. in. for SCOTLAND dllect, per h- K
Furuesjila (mall must ho directed "per
s. h. Furnojtslu"); at 12:30 p. m. (supple
mentary . p. m.) lor i;riiuris, per s. B.
Lucanla, via Qlicenstnwn.
steamers sailing on Tuesdays take Printed
Matter, etc.. for uermnny. and Hnec ally
Addrcsseil Printed Matter, etc , for other
parts of Europe. American and White
' Star stpameiH on Wednesdays, German
and French steamers 011 Thursdays, and
Cunard and German steamers on Satur
days take PrlrP'' Matter, etc.. for ull
countries lor which they aro udvcrlUed to
curry mull.
After the closing of the Supplementary
Transatlantic .Mans nameu auove. atiui
tlonal .supplementary malls arc opened on
the nlcrs of the American. Enellsh.
Kronen and German Htearnei's, and remain
open until within Ten Minutes of tho
hour of Bailing of steamer.
.Malls for South nntl Cpulrnl Auivi'lcn,
WphI 1 11 ill pm. i;Ce.
SATURDAY At 7 a. 111. for LA PLA'IA
COUNTRIES direct, per s. s. Puclllc, at
10 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.A for
ruiiTu Kico. vkn'';z.fi31.a nnd ci ka
('AO. per h. h. Phlludt'lphla (mall for
Savanlfl.i and Cartt.aeena must be
dlreoted "per a. h. Phllutlelphla."); nt 10
a. tn. (supplementary 10:30 a. m ) for
1NAGUA and HAITI, per s. h. Alps; at 10
n. in. iHupplementary 10:30 a. m.) for
NII-L.A 1111(1 CARTIIAG1SNA. nor B. S.
Athos (mall forCYnta RPm must ho directed
"per h. s. Atho.s"); at 11 a. m. for CUBA,
per h. . Mexico, via Havana- ut 1 p. in.
VITAS. G I HA HA and BARACOA. per tf. s
Ollnda (ordinary mall onlv, which must
bo directed "per h. s. Ollndn ').
Mnlls for Newfoundland, by rail to North
Sydney, and thence by steamer, close ut
this otllce dally at 8:30 p. m. (connecting
close hero every Mondny. Weanesday and
Saturday. .Mails for Mlouelon. by rail
to Boston, and thence by steAmer. close
at this olllco dally at 8:30 p. m. Mulls for
Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Flu., nnd
thiinco by steamer, close nt this ortlce
dally (except Monday) nt "7 a. m. (the
connectniK 0 oses ure on bunaay. weanes
day und Friday. Mails for Mexico City
overland, unless specially nddrpsscd for
dispatch by steamer, close at this ofllce
dally ut 2:30 a. m. und 2:30 p, in. Malls
for Costa Hlca. Belize, Puerto Corlez and
Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, and
thence bv steamer, closo at this otllce
dally at "i p. m. (connecting closes here
iiicsnayH ror coata men ami aioniiuytf
for Belize, Puerto Cortez and Guatcmulu)
"RpRisterrd mall closes at b p, m. pre
uous day.
Trnns-I'ucinn Malls.
Malls for China ami Janun. vl.i Vancouver,
close her dully ut C;30 p. ni. up to July
"Zltn, inclusive, ror niiipaicn per n. s
Emnreiss of India (reclsterrd mail must h
directed "via Vancouver"). Mulls for
Hawaii, Japun, China and Philippine
Islands, via San Francisco, close hero
dully at (1:30 p. m. up to July 2'Jth, In
clusive, f r ilHpitch per h. s. Ametlca
Mnru. Malls for At3trnllu (except West
Australia), New Zealand, Hawull. FIJI
and Samoun Islandu, via San Fruncisco.
close here dully at 6:30 n in after July
21st und up to August 4th. Inclusive, or
on tlay of arrival of h. m Cumpunla, due
at New York Aupust Mill, for dispatch
per h. h, Alameda. Maim tor Hawaii
China. Japan and Philippine Islands, via
San Francisco, clono hero dally at 6:30 p
!. Innlnul.ifl fr illu.
natch iifr h. h. City of Pokln. Mulls for
China, Japan and tho Philippine Islands
via nenme. cioee nero ciiiiij ai u...u p. in
.... . . Q,I, Ia1i.u1.'a tnf ,llu.
ll, III .'l,,, ,,,..,.. ....
patch per s. s. Klnshlu Maru (registered
mall must ne directed "via tienum )
Mulls for Hawaii, via San Francisco,
closo here dully at 0:30 p. in. up to August
"17th. Inclusive, for dispatch per s s
Australia. Malls for Australia (except
West Austr.illu, which goes via Europe,
and New Zealand, which goos via San
Francisco), ami Fill isiumiH. via van
couvcr, closo here dally at t:30 p m. u
to August 18th. Inclusive, for dlspatc
per h. s. Aorungi.
Trniisnnrille innlls are forwarded to nort
of sailing dally and the schedule of clos
ing la arranged on tho presumption of
their uninterrupted overland transit
Registered mall closes nt 6 P- m. pre
Postolllce. New York, N. Y., July 20. 190).
master, Fort Leavenworth, Kunsas. July
IS, 1900. Sealed proposuls, In triplicate, will
bo received at tills ulllcc until 11 o'clock n
m., rentral time, August 17. 1900, and then
nril for furnlshlnc nil liiaterlala and
- labor and performing all Urn work for Im
r proving the water works iyMcm ut l'urt
l.eavcnwortll. ivnnsas. run iiuni iiiiitiun
and blank form of proposals furnished
upon application to this olllce, where plans
and speclllfatlons mny be seen. United
States reserves tho right to accept or re
ject any or all proposals or any part
thereof. Envelopes to ho marked, "Pro
posals for Water System." und addressed
to Captnln D. E. McCarthy, Constructing
Quartermaster. J2)dtt A15-10
Omaha. Neb. June SO, I9M Sealed propo
sals In triplicate subjui t to tho inuil t on-
lltlonx, will lx received at tnis oiure unui
2 o'clock p nt., central time, July 30. 1900,
for the construction of nn S-lnch Artesian
Well ni l'nri I'ronk. Kebrasltu. Full In
formation furnished upon application to
thin nil ce or in tno ui ill if rniiiHier. f ort
Crook. Nebrasku, whero vpoclllratlona may
be seen. Prnpusals to bo marked und ml
dressed to MAJOR F. H. HATHAWAY.
Chief vjuartcrmustcr. J 17 15 27 28 M
m - -.4
souri Hlver Hnllroad
' The Burlington Houte' -funeral
Oltues. N W
c 'rncr Tenth and Furnam
mis Tlrkel Olllce. 1S0J
Vnrnstn slrt-et. Telenhone.
tw. Hurllngioii station, 'lenui ami .waeon
w!lrAla Tfllrnnilllft. 1
Iave. Arrive.
Lin. oln. Hasttnss and
McCook a S;I0 am a(:Jopm
l.ini Min, uenver, .iiio- ...
ratio, I'tnh. California a 4:25 pm n 3:00 pm
LIlRJlll & Illft 'K 11111s a a:st pm-a inn
Mot-tan.i Puget Sound .a 9;.TO pm a fi;l5 am
Lliuoln Fast Mall a 3.00 inn nl0:3o am
Denver Culor.ldo, Utah
k California a 6:13 am
a Dally
seuh Council Hltlffs
Hailrond "The Hurling
ton Houte "Ticket OITlrc,
1302 Farnam street. Tele
phone. 230. Depot, Tenth
nnd Mason streets. Tele
tihone. 12s.
Ieave. Arrive.
Kansas City Day Ex a S:30 am a 6:10 pm
Kansas City NlKht Ex. al0.15 pm a 6:15 am
at. i.ouis 1'iycr ror ai
t. Louis Flyer for st ....
Joacph nnd St IahiI a 4:36 pm all:lo am
n Dally
r. ",..( .... ll..l1r.nil.'Tl.n
& Qulncy Hallroad "Tho
Hurllnglon Houte Ticket
omce. 1502 l'arnam St.
Tel. 250. Depot. Tenth &
Mason Streets. Telephone,
123. . .
iave. Arrive.
Daylight Chicago Spec
rfal ..a 7:00 am
Peoria Express ... ... n 9.26 pm
Chicago Vestlbuled Ex a 4:00 pm a 7:45 am
Chicago Lpcnl Expruss.a s:60 am "
S5K8S0ti !&.neni- ii! 3 am " ' U
Paclllc Junction Extrn. a 7:00 pm
Fast Mall
a 2:15 pm
u Dally
western Hallway "Th
Northwestern Lino"
City Ticket Olllce. 1401
Farnam Street. Tele-
phore. 661. Depot, Tenth
nnu .Mason ms. icie-
phone, 029.
Leave. Arrive.
Daylight Chicago Spi-
a 7:0) nm nll:30 pm
hlcago Passenger a 4:15 pm u b:40 am
Eastern Express. Dos
enuo al0:65 am a 4:03 pm
Eastern Limited, Lhl- ... ......
UIIKU tllltl l .iini , 1 ,w i',,.
ii k I Mull. Chlciiuo to
Oniulii. n 2:15 pm
Omaha-Chicago Special. a 7:43 pm a s:W pin
Met Mall n s:u am
a Dally
Mlj.niirl Vnllrtf llnltrnml
-'The Northwestern
Line" General Otllces
United States National
Hank Hldg.. S. W. Cor.
Twelfth and Farnam Sts.
Ticket Ofllce, 1401 Fornnm St. Telephone,
561. Depot. 15th and Webster Sts. Tele
phone. 145s. Leave. Arrive
Black Hills, Dead wood
Hot Snrlnits
a 3:00 nm a 6:00 urn
Wyoming. Cnspar
uotiKlas d 3:00 tun
e 5:00 pm I
Hastings, vorK, uavid
t'lty. superior, ucneva,
Norfolk, Verdlgro und
Fremont h 7:30 nm bio;25 um
Lincoln. Wuhoo and
Fremont b 7:30 am l)I0:3a am
Fremont Local ..o 7:30 am
..l Dally b Dally except Sunday, c Sun-
lay onlv tl Dally extent Saturday, c
Dally except Monday.
Minneapolis & Oinnha
II, ,lw,.tf "Thu k'nrlh.
western Line" Geimrnl
Offices. Nebraska Divi
sion. 15th and Webster
Sts. Cltv Ticket Offlco.
1401 Farnam St. Telephone 501. Depot, 15th
und Webster sts.
l.euve. Arrive.
Twin City Passenger... a 6:00 am a 9:10 pm
Om.ihu PiiKsengcr nll:10 um
BIpiix City & Nortlt-
past Nehnisku
, .a 3:50 pm
Uaklui.d Local u s.tu pm n n.u am
a Dally U Dally except sunuay.
- - - 1-.- .... . 1
Railroad - ' Tho North
weitern Line'' General
Ofllces, United States
National Bank Building,
S, W. Corner Twelfth
and Farnam Sts. Ticket
Office, 1401 Farnam St. Telephone 561. De
pot, Tenth and Mason StH. Tolephone, 6211.
Leave. Arrivo.
Twlti City Express a fi;55 am ul0:50 pm
Twin City Limited ...a 7:35 pm a 8:15 am
Sioux City Local a 8:00 am u 4:20 pm
u uany.
land Route" General Olllces,
N E. Cor Ninth and Farnam
Htreets. City Tlket Olllce, 1301
Furnam Htreet. Telephone, 318.
' Depot. Tenth nnd Mason Sts.
Telephone, 62.
Leave. Arrivo.
Th Overland Limited, .a S:20 am a 7:35 pm
The Chlea.'io-Portland
Special a s:zo am a 7:33 pm
Thn Fast Mall a 8:50 nm a 3:55 run
The Colorodo Special.. . all :33 pm a 6:50 nm
Tho FaBt Mall a 1:35 pm
Lincoln, Beatrice ir.d
Stromsmirg express..!) 1:10 nm 1)12:23 Dm
rue imciiio i.xprrss ...ui:.apm
The Atlantic Express... a 6:50 am
Grand Island Locul b 5:30 pm b 9:30 nm
a Dully u Daily except Sunday.
& Enstrrn Hnllroad -"The
Qulncy Rout 11" -Ticket Of
lice, 1415 Farnam Street.
Telephone. X2. Depot, Tenth
nntl Marry Streets. Tele
phone, j29.
Leave. Arrlvn.
St. IjiiI.i Cannon Ball
Express a 5:05 pm a 8:20 am
Kansas City and Qulncy
Loca'. a 7:00 am a 9:00 pm
n, Daily
Ticket Olllce, 1501 Farnam
Street. Telephone S95. De
110 1, Tenth and Marcy
Streets, Telephone 629.
Leave. Arrive.
St. Louis "Cannon Ball"
a Dally.
.a G:05 pm a 8:20 am
rAad-General Olllces and
Ticket otllces Southeast Cor-
ii"r 14th nnd Dolixlas Sts.
Telephone 101. Depot Union
Leave. Arrive.
St. Louis, Kansas &
Nebraska Limited ....nl0:00 am a 6:30 pm
rave. Arrive.
K. C. St. L. Express.... u!0:10 pm n 6:15 am
Leave from 15th
Webster Sts..
Nebr.ihku Local
Weeping Water .... b 4:15 pm ul0:!5 am
a Dally b Dally except Sunday.
.-M.IrA.u.'?' VPh.
a nti ac rat'inr itauroati
The (ireat rock Isi-
and Route." City Tick
et Olllce, 1323 Knrnum
Street Telenhone. 428.
Depot, Tenth & Mason
wirci'ta. Telephone 629.
I jinvn Arrlvp
Des Moines and Duven-
nort Lacill . . n 7-!R nm li11- nm
Chicago Expri'HH bll:l5 am a 8:10 am
. in... ,u t'uai express. ,u n:vi pm a i;a im
""5" aa l''alrbury..u 8.30 am a 7:00 pm
i.tucoin, i-utoruiin apgs.,
ueiiver. t'ucuio and
DeVMoinM"''Ho'ck 'iB'i'-n ,:n0 pm " 4:15 nm
imd'and Chlcneo .. . "a 7:15 nm n 5:50 nm
Color.ulo & Texas Flyor.a 6:53 pm a 9:15 am
a. Dally b Daily except Sunday.
Railroad. City Tkket Of
fice, H02 F.irnam street.
Telephone, 215. Depot
Tenth nnd Mason streotH.
Leave. Arrive,
.all :10 urn n 4:03 pm
Chicago Express
Chicago Limited
Mlnr-- ,in'is aiul
Paul Express
MlnneupolU nnd
.a ( :u pm n s:ia am
b 7:00 am b 9:10 pm
a7:l5nm a 8;15 am
Paul Limited
Slik. ...
Fort Dodge loi al fron: proposed for Mias Morgan s nana, ane pro
Council Bluffs . h 4:30 pm b 10:15 am fcsBi'd hho was astounded and gavo him no
a Dally b Dally except Sunday. . . . .1I1HW.r. ,In h(,(1 lllB .enil0 (0 try
Chicago, MILWAUKEE &
? , i'a,"!., "a'iiV'Y." c,,y
Tii km Ofllce. 1501 Farnam
ilW&t'KFF It.?": .:"o "A" "
i strep
, '''ontl
y Teler
nth and Mason Streets.
Telephone C29
Leave Arrivo.
Chicago Limited Ex. n CM pm a 8:03 am
Chicago Si Omaha Ex b 7.15 nm b 3:53 pm
a Dally b Dally except Sunday.
Our KpppIvph TnlnuiKP.
ST PETERSBURG. July 27 Tho czar
and czarina received Rev. I)r, T. Hewitt
Tul mage today at the Pcterhof paluce.
Mr, Satterlco of Ne'v York Serves Seven
Years to Win a Wife.
Unit n Persistent Miltor" Won 1'ler
pout Mtiruiin'k DatiKliIrr Slip
snlil "No" Mnnr Times, lint
I'luull) I'miltiilittrtt,
Llko the patriarch Jacob, who nencd
seven years for his wife, Herbert Living
ston Snttcrlee, a Now York lawyer, has
bien seven years In winning for a wife tho
daughter of J. Plvrpotit Morgan.
Seven years ago, relates the. Chicago
Intcr-Oceau, young Satterlco met Miss
" ' " .
Louise Morgan, tho banker's favorite daugh
ter. For seven years he has been her
Sunii0Wi mi vw York's "400" has specu-
Inled on the result of tho courtship. A few
days ago tho engagement was announced.
Mr. Satterlco had made 110 secret of his
admiration for Miss Moigail, hut In that
was no assurance that ho would win her.
Other suitors In plenty have shown her at
tentions ns marked. Among the 111 have)
hoen men nioro distinguished than Herbert
Snttcrlee. nnd wealthier by far.
Miss Morgan is between 30 and 40 jear
(,j ,,,,,1 one 0( (,0 handsomest and rlcheit
women In New York. Mr. Satturleu Is
about 40. but ranks among tho young and
moderately successful attorneys In tho big
law 111 111 of Ward, Hayden & Sattorlce. Ho
Is not rich, but belongs to one of the old
est families In New York. At one time ho
was secretary to William M. Evarls. Hp
wns 0110 of the organizers of tho Nnvul
Deserve association, in whluli he hold Ih'i
rank of rapluln. During ttio recent war
lutwcou tho United Slates and Spain h
' Navigation
at Watslilnctou
Loulso Morgan Is tho favorlto daughter
of J. Plerpont Morgan. This means that
she never had a wish ungratlllod that
money can buy. Sho Is a very charming
woman, Intellectual and sympathetic to a
mora than ordinary degree. In speaking
of tho match tho other day n Now York
society leader remarked:
"Loulso Morgan is a much mote at
tractive woman now than she has over been.
Sho In not In tho llrst blush of maidenhood
Sho Is a woman at that mystlo age when
Clropatrn's fascinations were nt (heir
height. Sho Is nt thn ago when u woman
ttin v In until man ii t n mnWit lutr nKmrtllnni
: r,.!.::;:."
mm 111 uuuiuu mi'iu wmi nuuii 11101:1 eiitiu
mot outers may Know mem, too. sue is
somewhat over 30"
""l " marked feature of .Miss Morgun s
character It) that sho Is u wonderfully dp-
voted daughter. So good n daughter has
bho been that It Is often said that he te
malncd unmarried in order tn be with her
father. Slip has alwayn been the great
financier's confidant. Ho talks over with
her his luminous. Ho coiiIUch In her. Shn
Is Interested In her father's line dogs, In tils
Hue yachts nnd In hid collections of rare art
l lloiup on it Yni'Iil.
Sho is a hplomlld yachtswoman and de
lights In long crulsrH on the Morgan bont
Corsair. Sho wears on board a short-tiklrted
, , j k , , , , n(1 t , t
, ' ... . ' , ...
cloth cup with u visor front. She can com-
maud u Hallboat like an old captain, and lm-
mr,iiaPv .1,0 eels aboard he rolls 110 her
--" " " " . , ,,. . ,, ,, .,'.,.
nivit i s nun iiinun nui n nut ti m mimn
she la nthletic and strong, ii feet 11 Inches
tall, and weighing ISO pounds. She Is fouj
of horseback riding and devoted to the duo
kennel of dogs at Cragstou, the Morgan
place on the Hudson. Ah a rule, slip pays
but little attention to her wardrobe, being
quite willing to appear again mid again in
tho same gown, when ovcry ono knows alio
might havo a. now one, if ho chose, for
ovcry day and every hour In the year. But
when she puts her mind to it sho has a flue
und original tasto in drees.
Tho great bunker's admiration for his his
daughter la revealed every tliun hli ey
rest upon her. Ho has a son, J. Piorpont
Morgan, Jr., who represents him In tho Iytn
don houtic, and other daughters, but Ixiulso
Is hlH ehum.
The qualities that endenred her to her
father have mado her a favorlto In society
Again and again sho has provided tho "400"
with original Idcaa for entertainments.
Sho ha been tho life of tho most outre
parties. It was bIip who Biiggestcil tho
Mlntvltl vxcnlnhln mirlv nml nt llio Cnnsln.
i.t.. ,,, .. nl. ,,,. , i,
"v ' " """""' """
ivh creuiieu wuu navnig worn 1110 most
superb and original cootumo In tho room,
Sho represented the Spirit of Electricity and
her gown was of electric green satin, covered
with a network of embroidery done In olec
trie wlre, Tim whole coBtuino could bo
lighted up with dazzling brilliancy by touch
ing a button concealed In tho Jewels eho
Miss Morgan haR a laxgo collection of Jew
els, worth several good fortunes, among
other things u pearl neckloco which ha
been bought pearl nt a time and Is worth
Her long nnd closo compmionshlp with
her father has nimbi of her a bustaetts woman
of such excellent parts that she Is Inralua-
ble at tho head of nny enterprise In tho line
of charity. For years alio ha presided with
unvarying success at tho mothers' meetings
at St. Gcorgo'a church, In Stuyvcsant square,
where her father takes around tho plato on
Sunday. Her gifts to charity are as numer
ous us hor father'", though not qulto so mil
nlhVcnt. U hna often been nald that neither
J. Plerpont Morgan nor lils eldest daughter
cared much to havo wealthy mon about, thai
thev nreferred men of names and mon or
Her especial hobby 1b muBlc, nnd sho never
mlispes nn operatic performance of any not
In Now York. Sho has a mezzo-soprano
voice and wlngH well. Sho U a friend of
1 . .. I . . t,..wr.A nmt . 1 .1 . 1 Ill'nri' V.BP
nr r..lvl nl llnvrnuth.
"in-n'io ii.
sho IB also u good amateur actress.
1 1 it ltd of Clio Old .11 no.
It was through J. Plerpont Morgan hlmsolf
that his eldest daughter's romance wne
brought about. Seven years ago ho Invited
Herbert Satterlco to accompany lilm nn his
yacht Corsair up to CragBton, his place on
,ilft iiuilsnii neur II nil and Falls.
" ''ls"" "CUHr ,"!,. n. ,rnH..P,ri i
i ci" w"-n ........ - --
tno banners lavoruc iiaupnicr. mere no
buw Loulso Morgan at her best among her
horBCB, which BllO nilinagCB with the dox-
terlty of a skilled whip, among her futbcr'H
collies, which sho loves as her father loves
them. Under tho great old trees ho talked
with her and found that many of her In
terests were his. Ho discovered the cbarmfl
that had mailo of many it man before him
her slave.
Tho banker smiled and wutcbed hla court
ship. Ho novor disapproved of It, and today
ho rejoices at its culmination in tho engage-
nient that has Just been unnounced.
',,vo V1"" "K Herbert Satterleo llrst
and try und try again. He waited patiently
nml proposed frequently. Ho trlod during
. ' . ,. .....
that time nbsenco nnd propinquity. Neither
succeeded. At Inst there win u lover's
qunrrel- Tho banker einlled when he hiiw it,
for ho thought It augured well.
The quarrel was mado up ono day uh'-n
Miss Morgan met Raltcrleo In tho foyer at
an opera. That wos four years ugo, ami tho
lawyer has since been a faithful attendant,
JJverybody spocul u 1 on It nnd everybody
wished him well. Tho inarrlagt will tako
pluco this (all,