THE OMAHA DAILY JOSE: FRIDAY, JI'LV 27, 1900. SPECIAL NOnChS Advertisement fur IIipsp columns Trill lir (liken tinlll IS! in. fur the evening edition mid until H III) i. in. for iniiriilim mill Stimlny rilltliin. llntes, I 1-VSfl a uortl flml I imerl Ion, In a mini thereafter. Nothlnic tnUrri fur Irian t ll ft It !!! for thr II rut I line p llon. These. nilYrrtlscnicii tn mint be run riiiiKcciillvrl j. Advertisers, by rptitiestliiK n num bered cited., cnn ditto nnnners ntl drrssrtl (u n mi mln-rcil letter In rnre ii f The lire. Answers no ml lire Kuril t 1 1 1 lie. delivered on presentation of (be check ill)-. MIT J ATKINS WASTED, STENOGRAPHERS una bookkeepers fur nished temporarily or permanently Boyirs' college. Tel. A 121 29 W.V.M'il)-MAM J HELP. WANTED, wo have sternly work for n few good hustlers or good nanus nnu nppear- 1 I.- 4....- rrn tain 1 ... . r1 at MllUt; V I . JIUilllin V U. tVIJ I I'JHdl 'I tit B-2S2 BARBER trade taught thoroughly In short time catalogue und parti tn.irs ireu Address Western -Barbers' Institute Omaha, Neb. I 23 WANT IS D. laborers.' teamstei rock men nnH uitrtnrn inttti Vnli Wvn flPll lOWIl free fare, highest wanes, ship Unity. Western n. II. Labor Agency, 310 "JRy1 FRATERNAL Insurance deputy. Indy or rrentlemnn. snpclnl work: good pay. i2G N V Life building B-3VlJy 23 AN INTELLIGENT young man to tnke a shorthnnd scholarship In best school and jmy for ll when course Is completed nnu position secured. Address i. ii, iw IJ-333 WANTED. Ilrst-elnss bread nnd rake baker, good warox; must be sieauy; none other need apply. Mrs. A. Ntcoll. l.TO V . Unindway, Counrll Hluffs. R 312 WANTED. 10 yomm men to learn teles rnphy. W T. Skelton, Sallnn. K'nn. R-M3U ASi' NCVriCE TO ORADERS About 75,000 cubic VHrds of brldgo lllllng to let on C. U. & (. in Iowa; can be done with grader nnd wagons or wheelers; nuatit'tles to suit; free transportation, men nnd tennis. 11. Hall. M irrny, Iown. U-378 2 WANTED two good machinists. Addreos Fremont Foundry Jlachlne Co., Fremont, Neb, U-370 W WANTED. Iiillori nt the Nebraska Dress Circle, 1218 Douglas. R M 3f 27 WILL give permanent position to reliable mail residing In gorid outsldo town nnd having from $30 to JlSo; olllce fiirnlsbed. Address E. Cook. Omaha. II-MI17 29 WANT I'D. ii tinner for hardwiiro store: nno who can di roollng and guttering and Is a good clerk; florman preferred. Ad ilress L. C. Mlttelstudt. Norfolk, Nnb. I1-MI23 WANTED, good hustling H.tteFmun with executive ability to open Omaha brunch for one of the eldest standard mako of typewriters; must have at least JSiw cash for Investment and llrst-class reference; excellent opportunity for good man. Ad dress for threo ilayH O 1. Hce. I1-MI23 27 w .ti:h i'Umai.h hum. AN INTELLIGENT lady to take n short hand i 'lolarsblp In best school and pay for It when courso Is completed and posi tion secured. Address L 2.i, Hee. C 03S WANTED, 200 girls, 1521 Dodge. Tel. S76. C-2S3 80 girls wanted. Canadian olllce 1522 Douglas C -2S0 CORSETS fitted on, 39c. 1612 Capitol Ave. C-.190 A4 OIRI.R to assort paper, experlenco not re quired, llnrdlntr J'apcr Stock Co.. 1309-11 Leavenworth. C 19S WANTED, competent eoQk;. references re mitrcd, -Arpl.vro-Mrs..ilthe'r IvoUliWc, 3'Jth street nnd Dewey avenue. C-377 2S WANTED, housemaid In snull liunlly; good girl may llud good hqmo nt 1719 Park ave. C-M3.N5 27' WANTED, girl for general housework; small family; good wages; must bo good cook Apply ina S. 30th avo. C-M107 FIRST-CLASS halnlrcsser nnd manicure at once. Address Mrs. C, E. Reynolds, Hunt ings, Neb. C MRS 29 ANTED, competent girl for general housework to go to Salt Lake City; for particulars Inquire, nt thn olllco of V. M. 0. A, Saturday morning between 11 and 12. C-.MU9 27 I'oit itnvr nor4i. IF you want yyur houses well rented plaeo them with Ueiuwa Co. D 2S7 HOUSES, etc. K. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas. " I D-2SS ALWAYS moving H H. poods. Pianos. Olllce. 1511V4 Fnrnnm St. Tel. 1559 or S3. D-2VJ HOUSES, store. llemls, Paxton blk. Ii-290 HOUSES for rent In all pnrts of the city. Urennan-Lovo Co., 320 8. 13th St. P-291 CHOICE houses, cottnges, stores. Henry 11. Payne, CC1 N. Y. Life. Phone 1016. JJ-202 HOUSES and flats, Rlngwalt, Parker blk. D-293 COTTAGE at Lnko OkoboJI. In., for rent. Omaha bench. A. M. Clarke, 2557 Harney. D-233 131 H. STith St..4ll-rqom,tuodorn. D-294 R ROOMS, modern, with barn: all In extra lino repair; $2n to good tenant. Alfred II. Dclnnc. 437 Board tif Trade. D-29S S-ROOM cqttnge. 2709 Douglas 'Ht. D--M950 NEW house, wnter and; (wo blocks from school and Htreet cnr. In qulro Wm. I, Klerstead, city hall. D-CSI FOR RENT, live-room cnltago, itith nnd Blondo streets. $9. Apply ut 607 North 19th streM. D-732 FOR RENT, strictly modern P,.it In Dnv- Idgp building, opposite city hall. John W. Rohhlus, 1S02 Farnnm St. D-765 6-ROOM cottage, nil modern, 2121 Miami st. ' l MSGiJ ELEGANl' apartments In the Winona. Payne-Knox Co., 1st door, N. Y. Life. D-MI93 ELEGANT npnrtments IrT tho WlnomT Piiyue-ICnox Co.. 1st iloor, N. Y. Life bldg. 'Phone, 1781. D-MS26, 4-ROOM coltnge, r733 Dodge, $V Rlngwalt Bros., Barker Blk. 1.-153 1812 N..'rtTH ST., 7-room modern house, tin furnace. In good condition, largo barn, outside to be painted; rent, $20.1x1. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO., 16th and Douglas Sts. D-M937 .NINE-ROOM cottage. $30: gas. city wnter. cistern, furnace, lino siuuin trees; near four street, cnr linen, 716 M. 22d St. D-M205 27 FOR RENT. S-ruom houKe, No. 61S South ith st inquire at room 300, cit nail. D-S20 l nrtiivn ai' c-.-.nn. ...n.ia.t Umta.i has Just been thoroughly rnnovati'd iiirnuRnnui; rem, j-ti.ih. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO.. 16th and Douglas His. DM95S 8- ROOM modern cottage. Mary s nve. Iiuiulro 2152 St. P .M35G 30' 5 ROOM modern cottage; $15. 2520 N. 2Dlh, liour i.uko. - 11111 10-ROOM steam heated Hat. nil modern. 231T Douglas, inquire LllidqUCBt, 316 Ho, llllll. ii 11. IVIII l-.T-l't U.MS1IEII BOOMS. FURNISHED rooms, housekeeping. 2l St. Mury's, li -sts A IS' 3 NICE rooms, housekeeping, noOM87lWCupUol ave." 1H2 S. Itth l-; M''i2 FOR RENT 11 HNISIIED ROOMS. FOR RENT. 3 rooms. 823 So. ad St. K -39 27 FOR RENT, furnished rooms. 2111 I st.. South Omaha. E-MI00 27 MODERN front room, Jl 50. SI I North I9th. K-MIU I'MIMSHEII IUIO.MS AM) HOARD. THE Merrlam, good summer resort. 25th & Dodge. F-299 OLBNCAtnN.translents.Jl.23 day. 1609 Dgts. F-3v0 UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport St. F-611 IN PRIVATE family. 2020 St. -Mary's Ave. F-611 609 S. 25TH nve., prlvato family. A21 InVll8.lythrnl8hC'1 Parlr r00mF-M3Dl2"d Kent iii'A'i-rvrritMsiinn ikioms. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 3 larne rooms. , i u n.iioi iiji ikw.fio. u nuiti; ii"'iiit city water, sink nnd pantry; easy walklnu distance; reasonable rent. Apply 100S Pu- clllc St. II-J1HS Hi' FOR HE.NT-STOIIIJS AMI OFI'K.'US. FOR RENT, store In llrst-ciass location; rent roasonabte. Apply R. C. Peters & i o,, ground noor, nee iildg. l.w TWO of the best" rooms in the Continental block. 15th and Douclas streets: specially suited for a physician; will remodel to suit tenant. Omaha Loan & Trust Co.. 16th and Douxlas Sts. 1-M901 FORRENtT brick Vtoro room 22x100 K'. with cellar: best location In city for Kn- cral more. Write for particulars to Wil liam Schafer, .Mlndun, Neb. I-M171 Al AVA.NTI5D TO H13.NT. YOI NO lady would like room nnd board In private family near Hanscom park. Ad dress O t, Ucc. K-M101 26 IMH.MS I'Olt ni:.r. CHOICE ISO-acre rami, within 2 or 3 miles of packing houses, South Omaha; loading stu-ion on larm; ti,.iw. Menus. Paxton block. 103 AtJHNTfl 'WA.VTEIl. J2.rxi0 CAN bo made during next six months by hu.itllng agents handling our whlto and fancy rubber collars, cults, booms and neckties; patented and guaranteed goods; inclose stump tor special pian. m. a m. Slfs. Co.. Springfield, .Mass. J-M309 Al WANTED, life Insurance solicitors, men or women; big pay to. hustlers. Hartford Lift) Insurance Co. of Hartford. Conn. Lyman Watcrmnn, malinger, fiog Hoo bldrj. J M3S9 31 AOENTS, mnlo and female, best seller on earth; Just out; sold In every house; big prollls; sells Itsulf. "Wcluon," 27 William HI., VOrK. J MUD 31 At! I'.MH WANTED, something new, n good seller; th metallic rubber tiro: It ills all rocking chairs. J. C. Hayes, 418 I East Locust street, Dos Moines. Iowa. .1-MU3 29 WA.NTEII TO Ill.Y. ALL kinds of household coods. hotels, etc.. In large and small quantities. Chicago I Furniture Co., HOb-lO Dodge, Tel. 2020. WILL purchaso n limited number of Omaha Savings Rank accounts. Rrennnn Love co . 309 so. i3tn. n 302 IDIIAND ladles' wheels. Omaha Illcycle Co. ? .M9J I HAVE $. to 11.500. nil cash, to Invest in a house and lot for n home; will con sider goon lot nnu small nouse ir can be enlarged; send me the best you have to offer; must be cheap. Address N 19, neo oiiico. is 16U 27 2D-HAND blcyclecs. Omaha Illcycle Co. N M9M WANTED, to buy 'n good teii-passengcr ugnt nus. Miure!ts iinrry nurnett. Hump- t...l I Nl. K ft.... II lull lliilt:!. 1 1 11111 1 hi .uij. i ,U4Ut " WANTED. 2nd-hnnd cash register: cash give style, number and price. Address O 3, lice. N JM02 2H FOR SALE HOUSES, VEIIICI.KS, ETC. PHAETONS, buggies, road wagons, harness. .Anuerscn nuKKy co Join and Davenport. 1' JIM VEHICLES of all kinds made and repaired iy narry itosi, inn nnu i.eavenwortn, I'30 1 FOR SALE, now $325 high grade Snyder puaeion. verj reasonniuo. Apply 313 Knr. bacli block. I' M93S 2S' FOR HALE, horso nnd buggy. St. Mary's Ave. Inquire 2152 r MI21 so KOIl .VVl.E MISCELLANEOUS. CHEAPEST iind best poultry fence. Wl Douglas St. and hog CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & Mc- uonucii urug io., cor. ititri anu Dodge. Q-30i; 11. HAHS, l'lorlst, 1S13 Vinton St. Tel. 776. 1'innts, cut uowers. uoqiiels. ba II. res tlence. wedding and gravo tlecnralloiiH. Orders by msll or express promptly lllled. u sos 2D1IAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1116 Farnnm. SAFES; buy, sell, oxe'go. Schwartz, 111 S. 13. U 30S WIRE fence, l.cddy. 1617 Howard. Tel. 1590. Q-310 All M. & W. tires. $2.75. Omaha Blciclo Co. Q-311 OVltl VMt ...Itnntu f. in tlH ...I.aaI. ..ll'll,,.,,' ,.,'l-,r.. T, l, ,, . ,v;.-r., , $15. Omaha mcycio uo., ltitn & Chicago sts q 911 SECONDHAND machinery for sale: every- tiling in engines, noiiers, pumps, iron and wnnd-wiirklni: machinery, shafting. pulleys, belting and mill supplies; prices lowest. iiuri lH .Muciimcry . .. l"-i wiinn- Ington Ave. H. I-;., .Minneapolis, Minn. Q-MtRl S13 SQUARE pianos nnd organs, $15, $23, $27 anu up; easy paynieuiK; new paino-i iar rent; nun tuning nnd repairing. Tel. lu.'o. scnmoiier Mtioiirr, 1.113 I'ltrnam. Q-.M913 All ONE good hand elevntor. A Hospe, Ifitl Izard. q avo BILLIARD tnbln, Briinswlck-Biilke. cost jrjHi, sell ror jift; goon us new. jonn .vie- Knnzle, Madrid. Neb. Q-M256-27' MANSON bicycles. $25. Omaha Blcyelo Co. IJ MV MISCEI.LAXEOt'S. NOTICE, country dealers, 2dhnnd fttrnlture ti stoves nt lowest prices, enrnau 101s or less. Chicago Furnlturo Co., 1106-10 Dodge. 11 JU CONTRACTORS wishing to hid for grad ing it poriion or tne exposuion grounds will call at First National bank for tur ther Information. Bids will be received until July 3Uth. II Ktmntze. R-M39-) 27 CLAIRVOYANTS. MME.GYLMER genuine palmist. 1605 Dodge H-313 MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. SIS N. 16th. S-314 ELECTRIC TREATMENT, ELITE parlors. 615 S. 16th. second floor T-M579 A3 MME. jatlju LEE, magnetic treatment. 507 8. room 2. T M40S Al MME. AMES, baths. 1615 Howard: room 1, 2d lloor. Attendant. T MU Al' BEATRICE HARLOW. Arabian treatment, pains. Jii .-s. lain, ist uat i- . t si'jsu PERSONAI,, MONIIElT, Chiropodist. 1518 Fnrn. Tel. 233J. U 3l LADIEb Iialr shampooed, dressed, 35c. Hair tollot guods. Monhelt. ISIS Farnnm. Tel 2333 u am i, SOLES. 3-i . velvet rubber heels. 35c. The old reliable, -j. V, Peterson, loth & Cuming, PERSONAL, EPPERLY corset to order. 1613 Capitol Av. U Wl Al VIAVI, womjn'1 way to health. 3I6 Ret bids U-322 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before dur ing conunemeni: babies nuoptco. lias it. 1 t it? DR. ROY, chiropodist; enrns removed. 25c and upward. Hoom 12, Frenzcr block. u 318 PLEATtNO nnd pleated skirts of all kinds. ji. uoiaman u ce.. JX) uougius uiock. U 319 RUPTURE cured; no knife, no pain, no danger; send for circulars. Empire Rup ture cure, m a. Y. Liro bldg.. Omaha.. u m PRIVATE home before and during confine- mem; oaoies adopted. .Mrs. uurget, zuu uurueuc. u 3l 1I0FF,8 Express & Mcssenccr Co. Tel. 1717. PROP. LUND, chiropodist. Ml Karbach blk. U A-i , . . ... . TLJ'iV bth,7' mnVaeo xa't; olcctrle masj.'iKe operatorfc; tlnest equipped baths In the city. Renstom Rath Company. Rooms, 218 to 220 Rce bldg. tj aura WHEELER & WILSON sewlliR machines; outers w.w up; easy payments; rentinu, iDo week; repalrlnjc. Peters A Co., 1616 uapuoi avc., rrei. nw. u 27i azi a?!tV,rJ:;.UM"f.J"'y J?? halrdress. 25c; massage, 25c; treatment, 20c. U J13I0 A 23 IF Fred Duncan, formerly of Oil City Cannna. will communloHte with the under. sinned no will bear or something to his advantage. Wm. Lindsay, 4K1 Robert St., i'-arKo, isortn u.iKoiu u .M30.I so SIOXUV TO I.OA-UUAIi ESTATE PRIVATE money, 5, 5H, 6 per cent; no ile lay, uarvin tiros,. 1613 Karnam. v S25 WANTED City and farm loans: also bonds arm worranm. 11. u. 1'eiers & ua, liiii l'arnam sc.. nee mug. v 3il PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1521 Douglas W 320 FIVE per cent money. Rcmls, Paxton block. W .SSI MONEY to loan on first-class Improved city properly or lor uuuuing purposes, i-nyne- inox w .-sow yorK Lite. w 3a LOANS on eastern Nebraska nnd western lowa farms at & per cent. Uorrowers can pay UOo or uny multiple. Any interest date. No del a v. Co.. 3i9 South 13th St.. Omahn. Neb. W-330 5, SH, 6 per cent on Omaha, So. Omaha. W. II. Thomas, S03 1st Nat. bank. Tel. 16IS. MONEY to loan nt 5 and 5V4 per cent on umann property. v. n. .MelKle, toi H. l&tu 33 s MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real efiaic. urennan-iove (.0., WJ bo. van. $1,000 nnd upward to loin on Improved city property anu inrms. w. i- arnam Htnun ft Co., 1320 I-arnarr.. W 331 WANTED City loans, bonds and warrants Gcorse & Comonnv. 1601 Fnrnajn St. MONEY In nny amount nt 6, 6'4. 6 per cent, J. W. ROBUINS Si CO., 1802 FARNAM ST, MONEY to loan on farm and city property; lowest rntos. O. F. Davis Co.. 1508 Fnrnnm, $3,000 H.roi J3.000 To place quick nt low ratn of Interest on trood real estatn. Ad a rem. j 13, nee. w jjj TO IOAN, on goU security, at reasonablo rate, to iw. tn n. v. i.ue inner. -W MS15 MOM5Y TO I. O AX CHATTELS. MONEY MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. No endorser or mortgage required. LOWEST RATES, EASY PAYMENTS and HI H1U 1 LY Ullrt 1'IUlSJIilAU OMAHA CREDIT CO. Room 626, llfth floor, New York Life Bldg, A JIU MONEY loaned 011 nlnnos. furniture. Jaw. ciry, norses, cowa, etc. u. u . iieea, sis . ij. A. dti ' MONEY LOANED ON Furniture, pianos, horses, cows, etc. You Keep tne property, wuick service, iou may pay tne money back in one month or tnko one yenr In which to pny It nnd you need not pny for It one day longer than you have it. Wo chnrgo nothing for mnk Ing or llllng papers or examining security and we keep notthing out of the amount you borrow. Be sure, and gel our rates before borrowing. MONEY LOANED TO Salaried people on tnelr own nnmes In amounts rrom nuv up. iou may rejuiy th loan all or In part at any time and you ure expected to pny for tho money only what time you keep It. We nro tho only loan company In the city giving you this privilege. All we ask Is a chance to compare rates. Strictly contldentlal. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., (Established 1892.) 306 So. ltith Street. MNEY to loan on household furniture. i:trger a Loan co., law ramam B,.315 MONEY loaned on furniture, dlimonds. watches; payments connuenuni. umnna Chnttcl Loan Bank, 220 S. 15th. upstairs. X 31J MONEY loaned on plnnos, furniture, horses, cowb, :cwc-iry. uurt urccn, it o, uarjcerniK SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. J. W. TAYLOE, 218 First Nut. uanK.uog. MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concerns upon their own names without security; easy payments. Tolman, 706 N. Y. L. Bldg. X 317 EMPLOYES, see American Linn Co. vertlsement under Financial ncacung nu money when needlns aanio in emergencies. X MS10 IIUSI.NES OIIAXCES. FOR SALE. 11 good, clenn stock of dry goods, notions ami uxiures. v.. r. .oves, Missouri Valley, la. Y-M3S7 A3 1(111 E.VCIIA.Min HAVE 1MI acres land In centrnl Ncbrnskn and money to exeiiangn ror cottngo in Omaha. W. V. Hedges, 423 Beo bldg. Z-M827 FOR EXCHANGE. 600 acres 01 tlno un improved land ror improved rami near Omnlia; would pay somo difference In cash or good clear rental property; this land is eholco and will mako u splendid grain or stock farm; send full description to L fi'i, llee onice. s,mjuj . IVIll SAI.i:-RI5.VI, ESTATE. PAYNE-KNOX CO.. HEADQUARTERS for ltl.AL KSTATK llAKOAl.NS, LOW EST RATES cm LOANS; SOUND IN- HUHANU15; HOUSES. FLATS, STOHES, for RENT. First flcor, N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 351 FOR SALE, ICO.acre farm within 10 miles or uniana; coon innu: must no sniii to closn eJtnte; $2,500. W. R. Iloman, Rooms 8 and 10, Frenzcr block. RE-MSG3 27 RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by tho union l'acinc itauroad compaoy. . A. McCallastcr. land commissioner, Union Pacllle Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE-M34S FOR BALE A lino tracKBgo property. Elegnnt residence property. Greatest bargains In property. M. J. Kt-nuard & Son, 310 Brown block. RE-3SI HOUSES, tarms, R. C. Patterson, JK N.Y.U LARUE RESIDENCE, 13 rooms above basement; modern throughout; plate glass In all front windows, w-ldo porch; largo stablo nnd carriage house. No. 2519 Cht cago street. Prlco $S,000 Apply tu Byron need uo umnna, or v. ti iiriiiun, owner, 1201 McCullogh street, Baltimore. Mil. RE-M555 AV HOUSES, lots farms, lands, loans; also fire insurance, ucmis, raxton mit. uts saz IF YOU want to buy, sell, exchange or rent jour property quick seo J. H. John won. Ell N, Y. Life. RE-629 DEER PARK lots at $250 to $40. with elo gant trtrs, urn snaps. When you see them you will say so. POTTER-S1IOLES CO,, 310 N Y. Life HE-MSJti vi it samv-reai. iistiti SO-ACRE farm. 10 miles nortliwe-t of limnh.-t cnn nil be cultivated. JIT M in r ncre. The Ilyron Reed Co., 212 So 14th st RE-7W HENRY B. PAYNE. 601 N Y. LIFE RLDO. Renl Estate. Rentals, i.oans, insurance. RU-337 FOR RENT Owing to udvnnclng years sir. n. Haas, tne norisi ni 1113 vinton street, has decided to rent nut his hot house nt above location, occupying .i" to 8,000 square feet, unde" glass, with nbiinl 300 tvlmlmvn. nnd the residence nnd store fronting the street, on the motor line to South Omahn. Excllent location for the business. FARM, fi., net os. 12 mi en from Omiiha: price ii.ioo.ny ir sold in once. Adores L 49, lice. RE-MSSI A24 CHEAP Homes-2729 Hamilton St., cottage, C rooms, barn, good lot, $1,150. Cotttage, 5 rooms, city wnter, 2117 Ohio Mi-pot. I!lu0. Cottage, 5 rooms, full lot, city water, 3Att Emmet streot, $701). Two good cottnges. lot 60x110, 22nd nnd Ornce str- ets. bath, for J2.000. Two cottages, 26th and Patrick nve.. $l,S00. uood nouse, barn, city water, lot wxlio, racing .Tit it St., near si., ji,i), House of 6 rooms. 2S16 Mlnml st,. fn. Small house and lot. 9th nnd Castellar. $100. House, (i rooms, puveu street, lsia Corby street. $1,250. Sonic modern limmpH In lvounty.e PlnA nt ii.Mi) nno 1111. First-class 6 per cent mortgage of $600 for sale. W. T. Ornham, Reo llldng. RE 410 28 FOR HALE, cottage, to bo moved. Inquire sio; m. .nary s Ave. un MI20 so LOST. LOST. Monday evening, nt lloyirs theater. inu 7, Miuii jii;nt;iuut,,. r I i I IHCUAU return 10 nox ouice or neo oincc. Lost 350 2 LOST, bankbook containing sum of cur rency between 'Jin, nenr Howard, nnd Omaha Nat. bank. Deliver 719 8. 9th st. and receive liberal rewnru. Lost M36 27 SIIORTH.WD AMI TVI'EWHITl.Mi. ,V. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. 359 BOYLES' College, court reporter principal. uee iiiae. 360 NEBRASKA Business nnd Shorthand Col- lege, lioyil s Tlieatcr. 3d QREOO Shorthand taught nt the Otnnha Commercial college, l6tn and Douglas Sts. ass riXA.NCIAL. SALARY LOANS TO EMPLOYES AT MUCH less cost and embarrassment than has heretofore been pos-uuic. Quick and confidential service. Special tcrinu to school teachers during vacation. AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room 601 Bee Bdg. .MUlH SALARY LOANS I SAURY LOANS! WE HAVE RE EN CRITICISED For giving, such low rates and easy par tlal payments. THE CRITICS ARE RIGHT, but wo must loan 11 certain amount of money ns soon as possible re gardless of comment. WE LOAN ON YOUR NOTE: no mortgage: no Imlorser: no mibllclty. Your employer or friends need not know. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., room 303, THIRD FLOOR, Pnxton U1K. M UU M'SIHCAL. LADIES out of henlth flhd prompt rellof. Box 232, Omaha, Neb. Confidential. -3CI DR. LB DUE'S Fomalq Regulator, posi tively warranted to cure tho most stub born cases of monthly stoppuges, irregu larities, obstructions and suppressions brought on from whatever cause; $2 a package or 3 tor Jo: sent unvwiiere lire- paid on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug to,, j-;icin ill. Amcricnn uillce, retail, wiioiesaie, jiyers-Diiion urtig un.. umnlm M. A Dillon, South Omnlia; Davis Drug cjo., council limns, l'liu 11110 ot rubber goods. osTKovXrifV.- JOHNSON Institute. 615 N. T. Life Bldg. tel. 16CI: Alice Johnson. D. O.. laillcs' dept.; Old E. Johnson. Osteopnthlst, Mgr. a is M. E. DONOHUE. D. O.. of Still school. Klrksvlllc, .mo., 604 raxton. lilk. Tel. 13i77. 3t,b IlllinS AND TAXIIIEU.MY. STOCK'S Bird Store. 1603 Leavenworth. 332 BELGIAN HARES. PEDIGREED breeders; Cnpt. Nemo, scoro si.1., nenu ot pens. 1,. 11, Kcnunii. st. t'aiii, Men. .msi;i All 'I'lltr.MC l-'At'TOItl . TRUNKS, traveling bngs, suit enses. Trunks repaired, um. Trunk l- actory, lzuo i- nrnnm. 370 STAJIMI-iltlXfl AMI STUTTERING. CURED. Juila Vutighan, 430 Ramgc Bldg. 371 FtlRNITt'ItE REPAIRING. PACKING, upholstering, mattress, feather renovating. Tel. iaai, m. a. waiKin, -jut cumins St. 371 SEWING MACHINES. REPAIRED. Omaha Sewing Mnehlnn Re. pair works, cnr. Dodge : intn sts , .1. E Phillips, Prop r. -MI02.1y29 MAGNETIC I.VI'I. I A It Y. THE NEBRASKA. Incorporated. 1515-1517 Chicago street, omana. M339 TVPEWHITEItS. TYPEWRITERS, secondhand. 1116 Farnam. 318 TURKISH 1IATHS. TURKISH bathB, 50c; open night. 107 8. 14. 3IS STOVE REPAIRS. GAS, gasollno stoves repaired; stoves stored. .ll HltJYl Ui'Ull IIWIHHi m S3, 1,1111. -372 ENGINE, IIOIl.ERS. Ut:'. L. C. Sharp Mach. Wki.; motors, dynamos. ;ti 2D-IIAND machinery bought nnd sold for ensh. A. l'. Liy iv uo., inu iJougins st. -M5I1 PAWXIIHtllCEHS. EAGLE Lonn Olllce. reliable, nccommodat- Ing; all business contldentlal. 1301 Douglas. 30 DRESSMAKING. IN Families, Miss SturJy, 2010 -Hnrney. luu jy-:a DRESS MAKING, experienced help only employed, n. u. Atcuonaiii, 101s can. Ave. 01 J Al TICKET IIROICEIt. CUT rnto tickets everywhere. P, bin, 1500 Farnam. Telephone 7S4. IL Phil- -377 MESSENGER SGIU ICE O. Al. S Tel. 202 307 So 16th St. -M7S3 FCHMTl HE PACKING. Om. Van & Stor. Co.lSU'i Farn. Tel. 1550-863. 379 STORAtiE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 912- u Jones, general storage nnu torwariiing. 361 Om. Van Stor Co., 15114 Farn. Tel. 1559, 863. CAR I'll VI ERS AMI .lOIII'.EItS. ALL kinds of carpenter work a"d repairing promptly attended to, J, T Ochiltree, 20th ami uiiKt ais, IVIl Ml. FOUND, blm k and whlto nolnter doe: will Kin' tn riwncr on prming and paying cos is 11;" ,-s. iitn 10 inn Sllti:VI.MS AMI HUM (IIITI.Xl. W. J. M.EATHRON. 524 Paxton block. -eu-A-i LA I' Ml It Y. OMAHA Steam Lnundry; shirts. 7c; collars, ;c; cults, tc. iiw Leavcnwortn. 'vei. tt(. lit EMIIROUIEItr. silks and linen, stumping, I612 capital av. 591 At .MAtiMmC HE U.IM1, OREAT Western Institute, 1623 Douglas St curonic diseases cured; no urugs, surgery Ml.i DENTIST. DR. MITTELSTADT. 334 Dee bdg. Tel. 1115 13IA16 I'OSTOFFK 12 SOTICIS. laiioiiiu 11c rcnu uiiu.i uv nil iiiicrasicu. ns chnnnes may occur nt any time.) Foreign malls for the week ending July 2S, l.T. will close tPROMPTLY In all cases) at tne ilcnerul 1'ostoll ce 11s ro lows: l'All. CEL8 POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing t lm shown below. Parcels I'ost Mai s for uermanv closo at 5 11. 111. Wednesday. Triins-Atlnullc Mulls. SATURDAY-At 8 a. in. for NETHER LANDS, ner s. s. Rotterdam (mall must bo directed "per s. s. Rotterdam "), at lo a. m. for SCOTLAND ill! cel. per 1' urncssla tinall must bo directed "per s. v. iurncssia 1; at i.:3o p. m. tsuppie. mcntary 2 p. in.) for lit iiori;. per s s, Lucnula, via Quecnstown. PRINTED MATTEL, ETC German steamers sailing on Tuesdays take Printed dinner, etc., tor uormany. nnu isneciauy Addressed Printed Matter, etc.. for other parts of Europe. American and White Star steamers on Wednesdays. German ftnd French steamers on Thursdays, and Cunnrd and German steamers 011 H.itur- davs liiUii Printer' Matter, eto.. for nil countries for which they nro advertised to enrrv mail. After the closing of tho Supplementary Transatlantic Mnlls named nbove, addi tional supplementary mulls nro opened on the piers of th" American, English. French and German uteamers, and remain open until within Ten Minutes of tlio hour of nailing of steamer. Mulls fur South nnd Central America, "West Indies. Etc. SATURDAY-At 7 a. in. for LA PLATA COUNTRIES direct, per s. s. Pacllle, at 10 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 11. m..i for PORTO RICO. VENEZUELA and CURA CAO, ner s. s. Philadelphia (mult for Havunllla nnd Cnrthagcna must be directed "per s. b. Philadelphia"); nt 10 11. in. (supplementary 10:30 n. m.) for INAUUA and HAITI, per s. s. Alps; at 10 a. 111. (supplementary 10::;o a in.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA, HA VA NILLA and CARTHAGENA. per s. s. Athos (mall forCostn Rica must be directed "per s. s. Athos"); at 11 a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Mexico, via Havana; nt 1 p. m. fur MATANAH, CAIPARIEN, NUE VITAS, GIBARA nnd BARACOA. per s. s. Ollndn (ordinary mull only, which must ho directed "per 8. s. Ollndn"). Malls for Newfoundland, by rnil to North Sydney, and tbence by steamer, close nt thU olllco dally at 8:30 p. m. (connecting close hero every Monday, 'Wednesday and Saturday. Malls for Mlquelon. by rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, clos nt this olllco dally at 8:30 p. m. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tnmna. Flu., nnd thiMico by stenmer. close nt this olllco dally (except Monday) nt '7 n. in. (tho connecting closes nro on Sundny, Wodncs tlav and Friday. Mulls for Mexico City ovcrlnnd, unless specially addressed fur dispatch by steamer, close nt this olllce dnlly ut 2:30 n. m. nnd 2:30 p. m. Mulls for Cos til Rica, Belize, Puerto Cortez and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, and thence by stenmer, cloio nt this otllce dally ut 3 p. in. (connecting closes hcto TuesdavB for Costa Rica and Mondays ror lieiizc, I'uerto cortez nnu uuuicmuini Registered mall cjoscs nt C p. m. pre vious, day. Trim .-I'nclllc MnlU. JInlls for China nnd Japan, vl.i Vnncouvcr, clos-o ncre dally nt ii.;io p. in. up to amy 211I1. Inclusive, fur dispatch per s. s. Empruss of India (registered mall must b- directed "via Vancouver"). Malls for Hawaii, Japan. China and Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at :30 p. m. up tu July "29th, In clusive, f r dlipatfh per h. s. America Mum MhIIh for Australia (except west Australia), New .eulund, Huwall, MJI nnd Sanioiin Islunds. via San Francisco, cIiimc here ilullv nt 6:30 ti. m after July 21st and up lo August Mtli. Inclusive, nr on day of arrival of s. s. Campania, due nt New York August "lib. for dispatch per s. h. Alameda. Alnlls ror Hawaii, China. Japan nnd Philippine Islands via Han Francisco, ciowe nere uauy 111 t):j' p. tu. in, in Atiinist "6th. Inclusive, for dis patch pi r s. s. City of Pekln. Malls for China. Japan and the Philippine Islands vln H, ,Mitl,. close horn dally nt 6:30 ti. m up lo August "9th. Inclusive, for dls patcli per s. s. Klnshlu Muni (registered mull must be ll reeled "Via heattie I MhIIh for I In wall, via San Frnnclsco, close here dally at 6:30 n. in. up to August "17th, Inclusive, ror iiispntcn per s. s Australia. Malls for Australia (except wvut Australia, which irocs via Europe, nnd Now Zealand, which goes via Han Francisco), and Fill isiftnus. via Van couver, close here dally at 6:30 p. tn. up tu August "1Mb, Inclusive, for-dispatch per s. s. Aorangi. Transpacific mnlls ore forwarded to port ot sailing uauy nun in" m-nrum" m lh' ing Is nrrnnged on tho presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit "Registered mall cloes at 6 p. in. .Pre vious day. CORNELIUS VAN "OTT. Postmaster Postolllcc, New York. N. Y., July 20. 1901. LEGAL NOTICE. ADVERTISEMENT I ''OR BIDS FOR TI I E Construe Hon of a General Kewi-r .System fur the Cltv of Lcuu, Lawrence i-uuiiiy. South D.ik'.la. , ... , u..,,i...i urn Invited and will bo e- i.. ...i ,., ii,.. iu.-n if U'llllnni II. I, von cltv ainlltiir. until 2 o'clock p. m. on the lltll day til Aiigusi, r.v, lor ue- "'; tlou of a general sewer system within nnd for tho City nf Lend, Lnwrenco county. South Dakota, uccoidlug lo plans and Bpcclllciitions now on tile In the olllce of tin city engineer and city auditor of said ells'- . ... ... ... i r HcpainU' lililH will no rect-iveu km i"i" wotk. brick mid stone work nnd tunnel Tilda um h wn rk Bball be forwnidetl tu the city aiiilliur, securely scaled, fo ns to prevent their being niieiu-d without detec tion, and shall be endorsed on the outside then of. us lo what work such bid or pro i.omi' Is for. . . Each bid must be accompanied by a bond rui.iilng to the City of Lead, In the penal sum ul hi bast 50 cent of tho nnmuii' of tho bid. which bond shall bo executed by the bidder as principal and by two nr moro good and sufllclciii sureties, who shall Justify as siuh, In like manner ns r-' nulreii by the general laws of the state of South Dakota, relating " arrest nnd ball and conditioned us required by section .1. article xx, nf thnpler xxxvll nf tlio Laws of lS'JO. ... The estimated cost of Bald Hewer Hystein Is iibout $IS.ihi0. A copy ut Hie plans iiihj b"-iiiiiiiiiuiib will bo iurnlsheil to any party desiring tu bid upon the deposit with the city auditor of a cerlltled check for $25.00 payable t.. the cltv treasurer, which check will be re turned If such plaiiH and are returned In Thomas L. Bedlnii, city attor ney, on or before tlio 15th clay of Augist, 19-in. 'Ihe city reserves tho right to reject an or all bids. .... ( oiniiiunlcatlon in relation nerciu, exi-epi bids, may be addressed tn W. J. Allason. city engineer; or TliomaH L. Redlon, city uttorney Dated this inn nay or auiy. ivu. By order of tho city council. W. J. ALLASON, City Engineer, J27dlltm Lead, n. D till VERN.I ENT NOTICES. OFFICE CHIEF QUA RTER.M ASTER. Omaha, Net. Juno 30, 19'jo. - Sealed propo sals In trliilhate, subject to tho usual con ditions, will do received at mis oiu until i i, vin, It n in., central time. July -10. 19n0. for the eonstructl'in of an is-lmh Artesian Well nt Fort cruok. Nebrnska Full In formation furnished upon application to this oflli'o or to tho Qimrtcnn-ister, Fort Crook, Nebraska, where specltlcntlons may bo hern l'muosniH to lie marked anu ad dressed to MAJOR F. H. HATHAWAY. Chief Quartermaster. J n 24 Al OFFICE OF CONSTRUCTING QUARTER- muster, i' on i.eavenwortn, Kansas, jii'y IV 19jo Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be rrcnru in tins oiiico uniu u o iock a in . central time At'gut 17. it), and then ipcrcd f r f r )Hl Ing nil matt rial ,md labor ui.-i p riormlng all the wurK fur un titlVKR.VMHVr NOTICE proving the water works system at Port Leaenworth. Kansas. Full Information and blank r-rm t.f proposals furnlhed upon nppltcitbin to this olllce. where plans and sperlikatliilH mnv be Feti. United States rrs-rves the right to nctept or re ject any or nil proposals or nny part tbereor Envelopes to vo mnrKeu. 1 i"; posals for Water S stein. ' and tiddressed to (Mptaln D E. McCarthy, Constructing Quartermaster J24dlt A15-lb RAILWAY TI.ME TAtil.E. RURLINOTON jjurl River & MIS Rnllrond "The Rurllngton Route" Oencrnl Oltlces. N. W. Corner Tenth and F.irn.nn Sts Ticket Olllce. lftOS street. Tclenhonr. 2.W. Ii 11 station, Tenth nnd Jlason Streets Tiltyhinr, l:s lA'nve. Arrive. T In '.aIm tlntln'-s and JUCnoK .n !iiu am a 1:30 pm Llu.'fln Denver, Colo- rado, Utah. California n 4:25 pm a 3:00 pin Lincoln .4 Hlsck Hills a 9:30 pm n 3:0ft pin Montana. Puget Sound .a 9:30 pm n 6:11 mil Lincoln Fast Mall .a 3.00 pm u!0:35 am Denver, roior.uio. i inn ik Cnllfornla a 6:45 am 11 Dally KANSAS CITY, ST. Jo seph fc council Blurrs Railroad "The Burling ton Route" Ticket Olllie, UJ Fnriiiiin struct. Tele phone. 250 Depot, Tenth and Mnson streets. Tele- ilione. 12V Leave. Arrive. Knnsas City Day Ex . a S-.50 am n 6:10 pm Knnsns City Nlg it Ex nl0:15 pm a 6:1. am St. Louis Flyer for St Joseph and St Louis n 4:50 pm ntl:15 am a Dallv CHICAGO. BURLtNGTON & Qulnry Railroad "Tho Rurllngton Route"-Ttcket Olllce. 1502 Fnrnnm St. Tel 250. Depot. Tenth Si Mason StrcotB. Telephone, 121 . . l.eave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spec- , cial -a 7:00 am Peoria Express , AA n g:2f. pm Chlcngo Vi'stlbulcd Ex .a 4:00 pm a ;:45 am Chkagj Local Express, a S:60 nm a 1:0. pin Chlcngo Limited . ...a 7:1-. pm a 7:15 it in Pacllle Junction Local .atu:u am Pacllle Junction Extra. a ,:00 pm Fast Mall " 2:' I"" u Dally CHICAGO & NORTH western Railway 1'ho Northwestern Lino" City Ticket Olllce, 1401 Fnrnnm Street. Tele plwt'e, 561. Depot, Tenth and Mason Sts. Tele Leave. Arrive phone, 029. Daylight Chicago Spe cial . . a 7:00 am nll:30 pm Chicago Passenger u 1:15 pm n 8:10 am Eastern express, ucs Moines, Murslialitown. Cndnr Itiitililn and Chi cago nl0:53 am n 4:05 pm Eastern Limited, Chl cngo nnd East n 4:55 pm n 4:0G pm Fast Mall. Chicago to Omnhit n 2:13 pm Omnha-Chleuiro Spcclnl.a 7:45 pm a S:C0 pm Fast Ainu a s:3u am a Dally. FREMONT. ELKHORN & Missouri Valley Railroad "The Northwestern Line" Genernl Otllces, United Stntes National Bank Bldg.. S. W. Cor, Twelfth nnd Fnrnnm Sts. Ticket Olllce, 1101 Fnrnnm St. Telephone, dui wepoi. lam nna wenster sts. toio phone, 1158 Leave. Arrive. Black Hills. Deadwood. Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 5:00 pm Wyoming. Caspar and Douglas d 3:00 pm e 5:00 pm Hustings, jorK, unvm City. Superior. Genevn. Exeter nnd Seward b 3:00 pm b 5:00 pm Norfolk, Verdlgre and Fremont b 7:39 am hl0:23 am Lincoln, wnlioo and Fremont b 7:30 um bl0:2o nm Fremont Local c 7:30 am .i Daily, b Daily except Sunduy. c Sun- uny oniy. ci uauy except saiuruny. Dally except Monday, CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, Minneapolis & Omaha Rallwuy - "The North. wPHtcrn Line" General Otllces, Nebrnska Divi sion, 15th nnd Webster Sts. Cltv Ticket Olllce. 1101 Farnnm St. Telephone 561. Depot, 15th nnd Webster Sis. Leave. Arrive, Twin Cltv Passencer...a 6:00 nm n 9:10 nm Omaha Passenger nll:10 um Sioux City Sz North east Nebraska. n 3:50 nm Oakland I.ocnl b 5:13 pm b 8:15 am n Daily b Dally except sunuay. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "Tin North western Line" General Otllces, United States National Bank Building, S W. Corner Twelfth and Fnrnani Sis. Ticket Ofllce. 1401 Fnrnnm St. Telephone 561. De pot, i enin una Atason ats. Telephone, Leave. Arrive. Twin City Expres.-i tt 6:55 nm nl0:5o pm Twin City Limited a 7.35 pm u 8:15 am Sioux City Local n S:XI am a 4:20 pm a uauy CN'ION PACIFIC- 'IIIUl.VKU land Route" -General oihcph N E. Cor. Ninth nnd Farnam nlreets City Tlket Olllce. 1301 r arnnm street, reiepnone, 3111, Depot, icntii and Atacon sts, Telephone, cr." Leave. Arrive Tho Overland Limited .n 8:20 nm n 7:35 pm Tho Chlca.'ro-Portland Special a 3:20 nm a 7:35 pm Tho Fust Mall a S:50 am n 3:2.. pm Tho Colorado Special. ..all:35 pm a :50 am Tho Fnst Mall u 1:33 pm i.tti'-uiii, iieairu-i' itei Htrnmsburg Express, .b t:io pm bl2:25 pm The Pnellle Express a 1:23 pm Tho Allnntlc Express... a 6.50 am Giand lsluml laical h 5:30 pm b 9:30 am a uauy u uauy except aununy. S3 OMAHA K- ST. LOUIS RAIL roHdoinnhn, ..niisns Cltv & Eastern Rnllrond "Tho Qlllncy JlOlltc Ticket Of llce. 1115 Fnrnam Street Telephone. 322. Depot, Tenth n nu Aiany streets. Tele pnont-. hSJ. Leave. Arrlvo. SI Lunls Cannon Bnll Express a 5:05 pm n 8:20 am Kansas city and Qiuncy Local u 7:00 am a 9:00 pm a uauy W A B A H II RAILROAD Ticket Olllce, 1501 Farnnm Street. Telephone 89... Up- t;nl, Tenth and Alarcy nircrm. i c-piiuue iiy. Leave. Arrlvo. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 5:05 pm n 8:20 am a Daily. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road -General unices and Ticket oIHcpr Southeast Cor nr llth and Douglas Sts Telephone 101, Depot Union Btution. I;avn. Arrive. At St 1ouIb. Kansas Nebraska Limited . K C St L. Express . .ulO:00 nm a 6:30 pm Leave. Arrive. . .n!0:10 pm a 6.15 nm Ie,ivu from 15th und Wcbsl.i- Sis.. Nebraska Local Vln Weeping Wnter 1.4:15 pm al0:3 nm a Daily b Daily except rjiinoay. CHICAtiO. ROCK ISL and ri Pnellle Railroad f "Thft Ctri. . it lln,.l tut and Route " Cltv Tick el Oltlce, 132 lirnalu Street. Telephone, tjij, Depot, Tenth & Mnson Hircets. Tttiepnune t,rj l.t-avti. An vu. Dch Alolne.s find D.-ivcn- port laical h 7:23 am bll:35 am Cliiuiitu Express ... hll:15nm a 8:10 am I'hli ugo Fust Express, a 5:00 pm it 1:29 pm Lincoln and Fulrlmry .a 8:30 um a 7:00 pin i-aii'-uin. i "lurn-io apss., Donver. Pueblo and West . ...a 1:30 pin a 1:15 pm Des .Molncd. Rock Isl and and Chicago a 7:15 pm a 5:50 pm Colorado & Texas Flyer a 0:53 pm a 9:15 am a uauy u uauy. except fsunony. iLLlNOIB CENTRAI Railroad, city Ticket or lite. 1102 Farnam street Telephone. 215. Depot icniii nnu Aiasnn sireom, Lenvo. .all ; 1 0 um Arrive. Chicago Express ., a 4:05 pm a 8:15 it m cnirago Limned Mmni iiiolih and St Paul CvnresR i 7:13 pm b 7:00 nm b 9:10 pm Minneapolis and St. Paul Limited a 7.13 pm a 8:15 am Fort Dflco Local from Cni.niilBl.ilf- b 4 30 pm b 0 13 am u Dally, o Daily except sunuay, Is. NO HARDSHIP IS INTENDED Union Pacific New Regulations Anont Watches Aro Explained, COMPANY HAS BEEN MISUNDERSTOOD Time Pieces Tlittt Arc- In Gum! Order Need Nut lie Rcpliiertl Nevr Ours Mil) Hi- Untight 'Where Em plu.te I'lciiscs. Forebodings enterlalned and muttering o( discontentment tittered by operating em ployes of the Union Pnellle relative to the now watch regulations have been nulctcd by tho Issuance- of explicit Instructions ex plaining the- now rules. For somo tinio past It hits been n matter of common knowledge Hint tho executive ortlcInU of tho Union Pacific were perfect ing plans lor the Inauguration of mi Im proved system of watch nnd clock examina tion. Tho detnlls wcto known to none hut the olllclnls hnvlng tlio matter In charge. In certain Quarters, however, report of tho ptoposed Innovation originated, tho otllclnl notion being ntitlclpntcd In every, enso and unnecessarily misconstrued. Exhaustive explanation of tho new system has Just been Issued, and now that tho doubt nnd uncertainty havo been cleared atvny the plan appeals to all of the employes as fnlr one, originated us much ns for nny oilier reason for their own welfare und personal safety. It is not the purpose of tho Introduction of the new system to work hardship upon nny employe, and Union Pacllle olllclnls believe thnt every omployo of tho road will view tho tnnttcr In Its proper light. Tho purpose of the introduction of tula system of watch Inspection," says Genera! Manager Dickinson, "Is to Insure Improved lllctcticy In train service nnd provide ad ditional snfegunrds against accident, afford ing greater security of llfo nnd property. The hearty co-operatlou of our employes In making tho operation of ttio system suc cessful Is earnestly enjoined. Tho desired results can only bo obtained by observing carefully the rules ns to inspection and omparlfon and by employes refraining from nny attempt to set or regulate their watches themselves." Tho new system becomes effective August I. 1900. After that time every conductor, engineer, train baggageman, brakemnn, lire mau, yardmn8tcr, engine foreman, agent and operator employed by tho Union Pacllle railroad will bo required to submit their watches for quarterly examination and weekly romparlroii with standard time. Tho examination und comparison will he made by local Inspectors who havo been ap pointed nt Mirlous points along the Union Pacific. Nimv AVntelies Nretl Not Hp Ilntiiclit. Tho new system will not neccssltnto tho purchase of now watches by employes whoso present time-pieces uro accurate nnd roll- able Watches which uro not deemed safe will bo disapproved nnd the owners re quired to purchaso new ones. Relative to this point General Manager Dickinson says; So long as tho wntches nt present in serv- ico keep 'safo' tlmo they will not bo dis turbed, but when, from long continued wear or other cause, they begin to appear doubt ful and tho owner of hucIi n watch wlshos to continue to use It in r .he and Is will ing to r-lgn a statement on the buck of tbo ccrtlftcnto thnt lie hits used the watch at least six mouths nnd that It Is now keeping tlmo within thirty seconds per week, tho inspector may pnss tho wntch on trial, 'pro viding It Is In good order,' and mark tho certificate issued, 'on trlnl.' " All watches continued In service must ho of a grado equal to what In generally known among American movements as tho llfleon-Jewcled patent regulator, adjusted," as this Is the minimum stnndnrd of ex cellence adopted by the olllclnls having In hand tho new system. However, all watehos hereafter purchased by employes effected by this order nnd intended for use In tho service of tho Union Pacific company must he of tho highest grndes of manufacture, the. selection to bo routined to one ot soveu well known, stnndnrd American manufac tures. Tho person from whom an employe makes a purchase of n wntch Is left entirely to his pleasure. If he has n friend In the Jewelry business or wishes to purchnse his wntch from somo certain dealer ho has that privilege. Or ho cnn buy n watch from the Inspector, pnylug for It in monthly pay mcntB, tho amount to ho deducted from tho pay roll. Also thn employo when hln watcli needs cleaning or repairing may leavo It with any wntchnuikcr he olectB, but the wntch carried In tho meantime and his own watch, after it has been repaired, must be submitted to tho company's Inspector for examination and npprovnl before it can be carried In service. Kxiiiiiliiiitlun Free of Clinrge, Tho quarterly examination nnd tho weekly comparison of wntchen by tho inspector will ho ilono free of chnrgo to tho employes, Each employe, how over, will bo required Immcdlntely oftcr August 1 nnd every three months thereafter to npply to his superior ofllcer for a blnnk certificate nnd order for examination, which must ho taken, togethpr with his watch, lo tlio Inspector. Any em ployo falling to hnvo tho quarterly examina tion or weekly comparison will bo considered as derelict in duty, nnd such Infringement of tho rulcH must ho satisfactorily ex plained. In explanation of thp new system Genernl Manager Dickinson says: "Officers having direct chaign of employes, subject to thn provisions of tho watch system, will sen that certificates of quarterly ojuimlnotlon of watches nro filed with them for watches of employes under their authority and such officers, in nil departments, will he held responslhlo for tho collection and filing of watch cortlllcatCB, They must also see that employes alfectcd by this order turn In regularly certlllcateB of weekly comparison of their watches nnd will mitor in n record lo be kept for thnt purpose the dates on which such certificates nro received, "Employes whoso watches do not conform lo "tho required standard will bo given until August 31, 1900, lo provide themselves with standard watches, as on nnd Hfter thnt dato all employes subject to the provisions of this order must bo provided with strrnrtard wntches, nnd quarterly certificates tn that effect must ho In tho hands of officers to whom they report." The new syHleni of clock and watch In spcctlon will bo under tho direct super vision of J. W. Forslnger of Chicago, who has been appointed general Inspector. Tit Asiriiiiu Stiflercrs, Lawson Elvldge of Barrlngton, III., says tin was cured of chroulu asthma of long standing by Foley's Honey and Tar. It gives positive relief In nil cases of asthma, so this disease, when riol completely cured, is lobbed of all Its terrors by this groat remedy. For sale by Myer's-Dlllon Drug Co., Oinuhn, and Dillon's Drug Store, South Omaha. R VILWA V 'I'l.MI-J CAHH. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Railway - City Ticket omen. 1501 Fnrnum Htrr-el. Telephone. 251. Depot 'lenth and Mason Streets, 'JVic-idione c;s rAVP ArrlvM t hlrago Umlted Ex . u fi (0 pm a 8:0'. m Chicago & Omaha Fx b 7 15 nm b 3.33 pm MiLWA"f viio