Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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.11 1. NO it .Mi:.vrio..
Davis !fll sinus.
"Mr Illlcy" 6-ccnt clKnr.
H M I-efTrrt. optician, 2Zi B'way.
Gnu fixtures and RloIit'K nt HIxby.
MnRnzlnes bound, Moorohotise At Co.
Dudwrlsor lrrr. I Hofcnfold, iiRpnt.
Fine A. II. C. beer, Nouintiyrr'8 hotel.
Sdimldt'ii Dhotoy, new nnd latest ntyles.
Try Keystone I'rl.itlnp Hoit-c. 'Phone 3T3.
You Kt-t the beat dinners at the Vienna,
lllley, bent photnuriipher, 102 Hrontlwny.
W H Lenin sells monuments. 301 B'wtiy.
Hclentldc optlrlnn at Woolman, 409
Htar of Jupiter IoiIkp No. ffi will meet In
rcRtilnr kokkIoii tonight.
CiimpalKii picture.- and buttons. C. K.
Alexander & Co.. .TO Ilrimdwuy.
Mrs Krnnk I'orter of Omnhii Is the kiiom
of Mrs. Ori-Kory cm Ilnrcl Htreet.
(Set your work done nt the popular Kagle
Intimity. "21 Hroadway. 'l'hone 107.
)' r Kstfp, undertaker. 2S I'oarl street.
Telephones: Otllee. 'j"; residence, 33.
The prlre of rum In Counell nluifs has
been reduced from Jl.To 1,000 to $1,13 l.nnO.
V. F. tJraff, undertaker and licensed em
balmer, 101 South Main street. 'I'honc 605.
Miss HertliH Mewekerl of Ileatrlee, N'eb.,
Is the intent of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ollleiple.
The old settlerH of Matcnolla and vlclnty
will hold a reunion at Miitrnollii Atmust SI.
Miss (lenevleve Klllek of Omaha Is the
guest of Mlxs Patricia DurniUKli of this
clt j
Mr and Mrs. J. c. Mitchell and family
rft yesterday for a two weeks' outliiK at
Spirit Lake
Miss IMIth Stevetixon desires to thank
',. : rrioiwifi vno so Kindly assisted iier
ID I he llee vacation eontest. I
'rim fi,.,i i,,i i. i... . i. ,
freight house teams will cross bats "next
Hundaj in a return game of ball.
N'fW' and second-hand furnlUre. stoves, I
, r J ZhT tVurTS Sir
,. ......,,..... ,
Justice Vlen t)erformcd the iniirrliiirn rer
emony yesterday morning for II. F. Dull
and Marie Fltzpntrlek, both from Omaha.
Walter H. Prugh and Camilla Welchctt.
both of Douglas county, Nebraska, were
married In this city yesterday, Justice Vlen
Mrs II. H. Snider and daughters, who
have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Karl
Mayne. returned to their home In Mount
Pleasant yesterday.
Miss Helen Shcpard returned yesterday
from a two weeks' visit In Chicago and Des
Moines and resumed her position In the
county recorder's olllee.
An army overcoat, the property of George
Tlnloy. was stolen from the armory of
i ompany I. Tuesday evening while the boys
were drilling on the street.
Mrs T Mnnahan and son, Frank, will
leave this morning for Galveston, Tex., to
spend the summer. They will he Joined at
Denlson. Tex., by Mr. Miuinliiin.
Hev (5. W. Snyder of St. John's Kngllsh
l.titlirrnii church has gone to Krlckson.
Neb., to attend a conference and outing of
the ministers of the Kngllsh Lutheran de
nomination. The case of W. W. I.iingdon. charged with
disturbing tho peace by breaking up the
furniture at, his homo Tuesday night, was
continued In police court yesterday until
this morning.
1'' P .Morgan, who recently removed from
this city to Des Moines, has been appointed
to act as one of the ushers at tho repub
llnm state convention to be held In tho
Capital city August 1.
People living on Seventh avenue and In
tho vicinity are suffering from an epidemic
of chair stealing. Within the last week or
so several chairs have been stolen from
porches during the night.
(! W Daltou. formerly of this city, is
now .it the Soldiers' Home In Danville. III.
lie writes Ids friends here that he Is much
Pleased with his surroundings and speaks
highly of the institution.
The police wcrV Wbtttlrd yesterday tb look
out for and detain Clarence Hroadwell, a
U'-year-old boy who had run away from the
Institute for the Feeble Minded at Olen
wond The boy was seen at nn early hour
yesterday morning at Pacific Junction and
was thought to bo heading this way.
County Superintendent O. J. McManus
and Miss Florence A. Maker wore married
last evening at the home of the bride's
parents In Neola, la. They will make their
home In this city and will occupy for the
summer the residence of I,. A. Casper on
East Pierce street.
The teachers at the Iowa School for the
Deaf have been notified by the board of
control of their reappointment for the en
suing year. The only change In the fac
ulty will be the retirement of Mrs. Hoyen
on account of 111 health. The teachers were
nlso untitled that their salaries would be
xllghtly Increased.
Andrew Thompson, a resident of Harri
son street who invaded police head'luar
ters at a late hour Tuesday nlulit and of
fered a lot of free advice as to how tho
saloons of the city should be regulated
was assessed $.1 and .eosta by Judge AyleS'
wortli vesterdav mornlmr In police court
Thoninson'H advice was not In kecnlne with
Ids eoinlltliiii. as he was considerably under
the inllueiice or liquor
The boys of Company I. are preparing
for the encampment nf the Fifty-first regi
ment. Iowa National Guard, which opens
at lied Oak next Wednesday. A company
Inspection will lie held at the armory Fri
day eveiilnc. Serceant Will II. Anderson
has been appointed acting steward for the
regiment and the vacancy caused by his
promotion will be filled before the com
pauy goes Into camp.
l.itwn Ilalld. K, C. Melnlvre. G. U. Har
rington and Fred Craig, employes of one of
the South Omalia packing houses, had
trouble with a motor conductor on the
Fifth avenue line anil were put off the ear.
They laid for the ear on Its return trip
nnd, It Is charged, were starling another
row when taken Into custody by Deputy
Sheriff Canning They later gave ball for
their appearance. In police court this morn
Tho funeral of the late Mrs. Mary K.
Ttond was held yesterday morning from the
reside lien of the sister of the deceased.
Mrs S. A. Pierce. 721 First avenue.- The
music was rendered by Mr. ami Mrs. W
I,. Thlckstuu and I. M. Trevnor. Rev
George lCdward Walk, rector of St Paul's
Kplscopaj church, conducted the services
nnd the remains were laid to rest in Wal
nut Hill cemetery. The pallbearers were:
G W Upc. II W. Hinder, F. I.. Heed and
A T Kiwcll.
N. Y. Plumbing Co., tel. 250.
flravel roofing. A 11 need. Ml II' way.
It i'ii I Kxtatc Transfers.
The following transfers, wore filed yestor
day In tho abstract, title and loan olllee of
J W Sipilre, 101 Pearl street:
John J MrClure and wife to K. H.
MrClure. tindlv '-s of ne'i 20-75-10,
r, e d : J.'.Hi)
ratrlek T. ( onroy nnd wire to John
O'Connor, that unit of in1', tl nail of
si4 H-77-HS Ivlng h of railroad, w il . tl.oao
Al Hlche and wife to J. Stein, lot I.
block 2. Mvnster's Hentcm Stieet
mid. w d 1M
Kdward H. Puryear anil wife to Indi
an! M. Smith, lot block B. Oak
land w il 7W
Amanda O Hnrg to George II. Mayne
lot block 2. Van Hrunt & Rice's
ndd. w d M
Five transfers, total J1O.10O
Howell's Antl-"Kawf" cures coughs, cold,
MnrrliiK Medium,
Mcentes to v.ed were Issued yesterday to
tho following persons:
Name anil Residence. Ag.
H. F Hull. Omaha
Mnrle Fltzpntrlek. Omaha
J Felix. Council muffs
I. tlllmi Taylor. Council HlulTs
Walter R. PrilBh. Doliglns Co., Neb
Camilla Wrlrhett Douglas Co., Neb
f. J McManus, Council Hlurfs
Florence A. linker. Neola, la
Ilnil iih lloxcrn Are
They would not compel their wives to cook
Kith gasoline, knowing that it had killed
ind wounded 270 people In 30 days,
Negotiated tn Kutern tteirak
and lofta. James N. CaMdy, Jr,
IK Main St ciuncu iun:.
inucv Tn i nm "i
mUHI. I IU kURIU'ropui-ty
Savings Loan and Building Associal'n
council mulls, iunife
Asks for a Temporary Injunction to Stop the
Wickharn Paving Contract.
Says the Vvli'r l.i Too IIIkIi mill Tlint
the Whole ProeveilliiKN lluve Heen
lilt-Kill lleeiliise .Vt Properly
Iliitcri'tl Into,
James A. SnRtiln filed Ms petition In the
dlrtrlr.t court yesterday In the Injunction
prorredlnus In which ho seeks to restrain
the tlty from entering Into. or carrying out
tlio paving contract with U. P. Wlckhnm.
The petition comes a little late to prevent
the city from entering Into the contract, as
Mayor Jennings as chief executive of the
municipality attached his oinclal signature
to the contrast Tuesday morning. In nil
dltlon to the mayor, members of the conn
ell and n. P. Wickharn, Saguln makes K. A
Wlckhnm n co-defendant, alleging that the
Ifctter. while not appearing In the written
tontract. Is n party thereto and directly In
(crested In the carrying out of the same
end the profits resulting thcretrom
Aflnr r.mlMni t tin iirnnpmllmra nf thn nlfv
council relative to the awarding of the
. . , , , . . ,
raving contract complnlneil of Sngulu nl-
l0Rrs 1,101 ,nc '"Ids for the paving were
Improperly advertised, Inasmuch as the ma-
terlal therefor was not specifically sched-
"l "'' llRnftted as required by law;
Hint tho bids for the paving were nlso not
,,, . i. i.. i.
utllclently speelflc. and did not rorrespond
Ith the advertisement therefor or tho
schedules nnd rpeclflctitlons of tho adver
Ho contends further that the ordinance
nder which tho bids and specifications
ore advertised Is Illegal nnd void and In
lolntlon of tho constitution, In that It
Icprlves tho abutting property owners on
said street of their property without due
process of law.
Allcnc ln fill r Collusion,
Continuing, he alleges that the contract
os not awarded to tho lowest bidder, as
required by law. Saguln makes the allega
Hon that nil tho bidders pursuant to nn
Illegal combination and agreement made
with each other nnd the manufacturers o
the material for uso i said paving, made
no competitive bids, but merely made an
apparent show of bidding against each
ther nnd thnt each nnd every bid made for
such paving was In truth and In fact the
bid of hut ono party or parties representing
uch fraudulent, Illegal nnd unlawful com
blnatian. Ho asserts Hint by reason of this
Uegcd combination the bids for such pnv
lng is lnrgely In excess of the value thoreof
nd Is extortionate and unreasonnhlo; and
further, thnt tho accepted bid nnd contract
made In pursuance thereof is fraudulent
illegal, void and of uo effect.
In conclusion tho petition recites thnt
per cent of tho value of n large portion
of the property abutting on the streets to
bo paved under tho contract complained o
will not pay the cost of the paving, nut
therefore the additional cost over and above
tho 25 per cent of the value of said prop
crty will be and become an additional In
debtedness of tho city, whereby the munlc
Ipal indebtedness will be Increased In ex
cess nf the statutory limit. And for thl
reason ho further nvers that the contrac
with II. P. Wickharn Is unlawful, lllegnl
and void.
He askB that a temporary writ of lnjunc
tlon bo Issued restraining the city and
each one of tho defendants from In any
way entering Into the contract for the pav
ing nf snld street or for the paving of the
street In front of his property, or from car
rylng nut the contract or from paying there-
for. or from certifying nny nssessmcnt I
ngnlnst the property abutting thereon, or I
ngalnst his property, by reason of any pav
ing under such contract.
Commonwealth 10-ccnt cigar.
Alirnlinni Lincoln
Didn't use a pine torch because he liked It,
but because ho couldn't gel gas. Ho would
hnvo saved hlR eyes and money, too, if ho
could havo bought gas at $1-15 a thousand,
an you can.
Attorney Clininticm Appcnln front the
Hlcii Avenuo DccInIoii.
The Hoard of Education is In ns great n
quandary as ever over tho High school site.
Much to tho surprise of the members of
tho board and In fact everyone else except
tho tvo In the secret, It developed yesterday
morning that Attorney II. J. Chambers had
late on Suturday evening filed with County
Superintendent McManus an appeal from the
board's action in selecting the old Hlgn
school site aH tho location for the new build
ing. That etich an appeal had been filed
was kept a secret by the county superin
tendent at the request of Attorney Chum
hem, who hnd hoped that the board would
rtvclnd Its former action nt Its meeting
Tuesday night und thus make such action
on his part unnecessary. Hud the board ro-
rclnded Its action, the appeal would havo
been withdrawn and nothing snld about It,
but as tho board adhered to Its determina
tion to place tho new High school on (ilen
avenue, tho appeal win stand. neiore
leaving for Neola yesterday morning to get
married. County Superintendent Mc.Mnnus
unnlllclnlly notified several members of the
hoard of the tiling of tho appeal. Olllclal
notice will be served on his return.
In tho appeal tiled Attorney Chambers.
after setting out that ho Is n resident nnd
taxpayer of tho school district and Inter
ested In the welfare of the schools, recites
thi facts relative to the school election held
In March. lR'.iO. when the proposition to Is
sue JtiS.000 bonds for tho purchase of u site
nnd the erection of a new High school was
voted on and carried by a largo majority and
the recent proceedings of tho board when
tho old High BChool slto was selected as
the location for the new High school. The
grounds on which ho bases his reasons for
appealing am us follows:
That the decision ami order of said
board of illrectom 111 the selection of mild
hlto are In direct conflict with the terms
and spirit of tho proposition suhmltted tlo
clailng for tho purchaso of n site anil for
the use of the old high school us it grade
school, nnd in all other respects-, and that
their conduct In so sclenting s.tld slto was
unlawful and In error.
Tluil at the time of the oassace nf said
resolution and the making of said order
and decision there wns and thero now Is no
money In the treas.iry of said Independent
school district belonging to tho sc'iool
house fund, except tho proceeds of th
bonds voted under tho proposition sub
mitted ns aforesaid on the second Monday
In March. 1900.
That the site so selected by said board of
directors Is 111 nil respects undesirable and
unlit for the location of a school site; that
It Is located in n deep valley, known us
(ilen avenue, and at tho south end thereof.
tlniH mnklni! blub bills to thn east, south
nnd west, and neither airy nor sightly nor
easy of access In Its tonography; that at
the south end of said valley or glen, rising
approximately fifty leot nbnvn the site so
selected and within a very short distance
therefrom, Is located u great reservoir of
water, containing In amount about 4.0oi,0)
gallons of water, accompanied with such
hazard to said school and the lives of its
attendants ns attends Its existence: that
said slto is not central nor convenient for
the use of suid district as a high school
alto; that It Is not centrally located, as
affiant verily believes, within tho Judg
ment of said board as Is possible for them
to locate It, that It was selected and the
order and decision for Its location made In
prejudice nnd as the result of passion on
the part or sittd Hoard, ami its locution is
not with the Interests of the district, and
because of all the nb.ivo said board com
mitted error In the selection of said site.
Pursuant to tho ngrcotnent reached at the
meeting Tuesday night the members of tho
school board met yesterday nfternoon on the
old High school grounds nnd looked tho
situation over. They learned one thing,
nnd that was that there wna considerably
moro hill to bo graded than thoy had fig-
urged on. Thero was moro or less Informal
discussion on the ndvlsnhlllty of rescinding
their action In selecting this location, in
view of tho fact that Attorney Chambers
had appealed, and It was suggested that
tho board select the Street site on Fifth
nvenuo between Third and Muffs Btrcets,
which hnd been offered nt 5,u00. Ono of
the members suggested thnt they cross the
hill nnd examine the Turley property nt tho
head of Willow avenue, which could bo pur
chased for $7,f00, and a move was made
there. This property has n frontage on
Third street of 103 foot and on the gleu of
2S0 feet. Member Sargent was nnxtotm for
tho board to select this site right then and
thero, but on motion of .Member Hess It was
decided to poatpono any further action until
a meeting to bo held Friday night. Mem
ber Swaino stated that under no circum
stances would ho voto now for nny other
slto than that of tho old High school
Davis soils paint.
llriivc Men nnd Tlielr I. miles .llnke u
Holiday tit I, like .Minimi a,
Tho first annual picnic of the Southwest
ern Iowa Pythian association brought to
gether nt Lako Mnnawn yesterday about 500
knights, their families nnd friends, which
was a smaller attcndnnr than had been
expected. Tho day was nn Ideal ono nnd
tho crowd enjoyed the outing to tho limit,
tho visitors from out ol tho city being par
tlcularly Impressed with the attractiveness
of tho resort.
Tho exercises nt the lnko wcro opened
with short addresses of welcome by Judge
niter I. Smith nnd Justice of tho Peace J.
W. Forrler, representing tho two locnl
lodges. They were responded to by Dr. F.
W. Portorfiold of Atlantic, president of tho
nipoelntlon. Grand Chnncollor Salllngcr of
Iowa delivered an address, after which tho
knights and tlielr families adjourned to the
Casino, whoro tho local lodge of Knights of
Khorassan gave a vaudeville, entertainment
characteristic of tho order. This was fol
lowed bv a number of rnces and other
Tho largest out-of-town delegation wns
from lied Oak, which numbered nbotit 100,
nnd was accompanied by n band. Other
towns represented wero Atlantic, Audubon.
Walnut, Pacific Junction, Glcnwood, Wood
bine, Dunlap, Hamburg, Vllllsca nnd Thur
In addition to the officers of tho assocla
tlon other notable members of tho order
present were Charles A. Hlgglns of Orls-
VNold, candidate for grand vlco chancellor,
and William O'ConnolI of Audubon, candi
date for grand master of exchequer.
Suit AKtliiNt City.
Fremont Ilonjatnln yesterday commenced
two new nctlons ngalnst tho city, the
county treasurer and auditor nnd tho hold
era of tho tux titles to have declared null
and void tho wiectal asicssmeut tuxes
nRttlnst certain property of his.
In ono suit tho property involved Is in
Ilcnson s addition abutting on Hroadway
and Henjamln asks that tho special assess
ment levied for grading, curbing and pav
ing or that thoroufihfaro be held Illegal.
Tho other suit Is to declaro Illegal the tax
for tho grading of Ninth avenuo nnd Tenth
street assessed against a. lot In Riddle's
Ah in tho former enso In which Judge
Smith decided tho Issuo In favor of Benja
min, no raises the point in both the new
,,.. . .
, ,, '"M,'T" ol 1110 ,axefl ,n
Jl,,estloM ns Illegal, inasmuch ns It wns
tmfc 0" "i" froI"K" ' " Property nn.l
not on tho benefits accruing to tho property
by reason of tho Improvement. Ho further
contends that tho laws of Iowa and tho city
ordinances under which tho assessments
woro mado nro In conflict with the constitu
tion of tho United States.
I'lirciwll to ii I.iindinnrk.
Tho work of tearing down tho old rnclfic
houso on Hroadway, npposlto Pearl street,
vhlch is to bo replaced by a modern three
story olllco building, was commenced yes
terday. With the demolition of tho old
building will disappear ono of tho land
marks of tho city. In tho early days of
Council Illufls, before rnllroads entered tho
place, tho Pacific Houso was tho Inrgcst
hostelry north of St. Joseph nnd lis roof
has In tho hygono days sheltered mnny a
person of national reputation, among the
number being Abrahum Lincoln. With in
creasing ago and frequent change of man
agement tho old hotel lost Kb usefulness
und thn owner, K. A. Wickharn, finally de
elded to tear It down and erect In Its place
a humlsomo modern building that will bo
an ornumont to tho city.
CliniKCN Aunlnxl Harden.
The city council held u secret session last
night to consider what action Bhould be
taken relative to complaints thnt havo been
made ngnlnst Street Supervisor Hnrden. It
has been charged that only relatives of his
can Bcouro employment on tho streets and
that expenses of tho department aro In ex
cess of tho work accomplished. It Is charged
tnai the supervisor expended $1,300 In June
nnd that this month moro work hns been
dono with one-third of tho amount, owing
to ine rnninnnn of tho streets nnd alleys
commlttco having given tho work his pcr
fonal supervision. What conclusion tho
council reached in tho mntter was not mado
'riircnlcucd Ills SlNlcr'H i.lfc.
Adolpb (loldsteln. ton of n wholesale
liquor dealer on Hroadway, was arrested
jesterduy on romphilnt of his sister, who
charged him with mnkliiR malicious threats.
oung Ooldstoln Is 21 years of ago. while
hie slstor Is two years hU Junior. From the
story told Judge Aylesworth by MIks Gold
stein, It appears that Adolph objects to his
sister keeping ruiiipMny with a young Gen
tile, hho refused to discontinue tho nc
qualntnnco and her brother, she charges,
threatened to tako her life. Fearing that
ho would carry his threat Into execution
hho decided to havo blra nrrested and dealt
with by tho luw.
Sunday School Convention,
A district convention of tho Pottawntta'
mlo County Sunday School association will
'oc held next Sunduy nt Rico's grove,
Wcbtoii, commencing nt 11 a. m. Tho fol
ic wing program has been urrnnged for tho
meeting. Praise service, address of welcome,
Rov. F. P. Selgler; respontes by workers;
dinner und Foclal hour; singing by children;
"Tho Advantages of tho Sunday School."
II. W. Hnzelton; "The Little People," F. L.
Evans; "Fruits of tho Sunday School, '
rbarlca Swaino nnd others.
The Apiirtltf of n (iont,
Is envied by all whose Stomach and Liver
nro out of order Hut such should know that
Dr. King's New Life Pills glvo a splendid
appetite, tiound digestion and a regular
bodily habit that Insures perfect health and
great energy. Only 25c at Kubn & Co.'b
drug ttor.
Webster County Republicans Want Their
Congressman Made Senator,
CiiiiKrcHiloiial Convention Kmlnrses
1 1 1 tit After n Flxlit In Com
mittee mid on the
KOHT DODOK. Ia July 25. (Special Tel
egram.) Tho candidacy of Congresmnan J.
P. Dolllvcr of tho Tenth district for the
United States senate to succeed tho late
Senator dear was formally launchej here
today by resolutions adopted In the Web
ster county convention, called for the pur
pose of electing delegates to the state con
vention at Dei Moines. The members of
tho convention, made up of the many prom
Incnt republicans of Webster county,
pledged themselves to the support of Mr.
Dolllver's candidacy. Speeches wero made
by Senator T. D. Hcaly, Hon. It. M. Wright
and others. Mr. Dolllvcr was called upon
for n speech nt tho opening of the conven
tlon, but left Immediately to catch a train.
The following reinltitlons, which will be
tho slogan of the Tenth district republicans
were Introduced and adopted:
Resolved, by the republicans of Web
ster county in convention assembled, thnt
wo. nn rnniililliMiiis. inke sincere pleasure
In presenting Hon. J. P. Dolllvcr to tho
republicans of Iowa as a candidate for
I tilted Slates senate. e kiiow his nim
Ity und his wortli nnd pledge him our un
tiring efforts to that end, that lie ma"
fill the great olllee to which his ubllltles
so rlcliiy entitle mm.
r.iiilnrnf incut for I'erUlns.
SIOUX CITY, In., July 25. (Special Tele
gram.) A vlogrous boom for ex-Congres
man Oeorgo D. Perkins for tho vacant
United States senatorshlp was launched at
this nftcrnoon's Klevonth district republican
congressional convention at Storm LaKe,
Although It mot primarily for the purpose
of renominating Judge Lot Thoma, It ox
pressed undoubted enthusiasm for Mr. Per
kins and endorsed him for the senntorshlp
In vigorous terms. Hefore this portion of
tho convention's resolutions wns adopted by
acclamation, some of the men who wero
lined up In opposition to Mr. Perkins In tho
(Jear-Cummlns fight took occasion to show
their emntty. When It became whispered
about at Storm Lnko this morning that some
of Mr. Perkins' stalwart friends would sub
mlt to tho committee on resolutions nn en.
dorsement of tho cx-congrcrsman for sena.
tor, his political enemies Immediately be.
stirred themselves to pack tho committee
ngalnst him. They almost succeeded nnd In
tbo committee the vote on tho endorsement
stood 7 to 0. The fight thus begun wns car
rled to tho floor of the convention, but here
It was overwhelmingly defeated. Tho
minority of the committee reported In favor
of striking out tho Perkins endorsement
but their recommendation was voted down
on roll call of counties by a vote of 94 to 43
Immediately after the result was announced
the resolutions were unanimously adopted.
Mr. Perkins had nothing to say this even
ing about the significance of tho action of
the convention. Ho has not yet made
declaration whether he will bo a candidate
or whether ho will not. His friends In
Sioux City, however aro anxious that be
enter aggresslvoly into the fight and they
assure him of cordial support In nil north
western Iowa.
PolttlclniiM ITcicU tn Cnnltnl for And
Con ven t Inn lint tic fit llirrlnon
Seem lo Stnnil tiooil Mhotr.
DKS MOINKS. July 25. (Special Tele
gram,) If tho list of politicians to be found
at tho hotels in Des Moines continues to
lncrcnso at the present rato the end of tho
week will find tho ante-convention battle
In full blast. It was said today that can
didates whose programs contemplated the
opening of headquarters next Monday or
Tuesday had changed their plans nnd woulii
bo hero In the flesh on Saturday night for
the purpose of getting down to actual busl
ncss early Monday morning. It Is Imposst
blo tn extract from all tho talk heard about
tho hotels enough facts to Justify a predic
tion as to tho nominations, with tho possl
Mo exception of that of treasurer. Gilbert
son stock Is above par nt this time, but the
situation ns to secretary of stato and at
torney general is greatly mixed.
Governor Shaw returned to Des Moines
this morning nnd was seen nt the executive
office. When asked concerning his rcccn
trip to Chicago nnd his reported confer
enco with Senator Allison he frnnkly ml
mlttcd that the report was true. Ho said
"To sny thnt I havo any deflnlto Idea o
tho man I will appoint would be Incor
rect. Tho names of more than a doien per
sons navo peen seriously urged to me
Every congressman In Iowa has friends ask
lng for his appointment and nt least seven
out of tho cloven havo ns strong backing
ns could be wished. Outside of this list
thero are moro than a half dozen persons
whoso names havo been mentioned to mo
by persons who urgo nnd somo demnnd
their appointment. The names of somo of
theso hnvo been mentioned. Others hav
not been mentioned publicly nnd probably
never will. Tho names of sereral colored
men have been put forward with serious
Propones llrforr it Crowd,
SIOUX CITY, la., July 25. (Special.)
Whllo tho dining room of tho Merchants
hotel was crowded at breakfast yesterday
morning, Joseph Merrill mado a proposal o
marlago In a loud volco to ono of tho
waiters. Kittle U-itlmer. Thoroughly fright
encd, tho girl ran from the room. Merrill
started after the girl, running wildly from
ono part of tho houso to the other In search
of the young woman who was unwilling to
accept his wooing. Utter be was ejected
from tho houso and arrested by tho pollco
because of fear that bis mind has bocom
Merrill Is a clgarmaker, who came
Sioux City from n llttlo South Dakota tow
severnl weeks ago. He fell in lovo with
Kittle Latimer at sight, but she refused
to receive his attentions, merely taking
walk with him once.
Reception for Krnnr.
DUHUQUE, la., July 25. (Special.)
Archbishop Ke.ine, the new metropolitan o
Dubuque, is expected to arrive in the city
within tho next month nnd already actlv
preparations nro being mndo for his re
ceptlon, which will be In keeping with th
distinguished churchman's dignity and high
station In tho church. At a meeting of th
foremost Catholic laymen of tho city, It wus
decided to havo tho archblshopal residence
thoroughly renovated. It Is doubtful that
the new archbishop will occupy tho present
houso permanently ns a residence. Th
building Is old and hardly sultablo for th
metropolitan of such a wealthy dloceao na
Dubuquo and so distinguished a prelate
Monslgnor Keane.
SticnUiiiK at A nd u ho ii Tournnmrn
AUDUIION, la., July 25. (Speclal.)-
Probabty the most Interesting part of th
firemen's tournament at thla place yeaterda
was not down on the program, In the even
lng the Atlantic City band gave a concert I
the park, tbt Int rvali between the playlo
being taken up by speaking. Mayor Hnnna
poko In behalf of Audubon nnd thanked tho
visitors. Ho was followed by w. II. Km
merson, city editor of the Atlantic Messen
ger, who rcflponded on behalf of Atlantic.
Mayor Tllden, nlso of Atlantic, was called
out and gavo eomo Interesting facts about
the manner In which his town kept their
volunteer fire department to lus high stand
ard, The tournament was a successful one.
(Inly Co ii nly Sent In limn AVI t limit
n Itnllrnnit Is nt l.nxt tiltcn
a Connection.
FORT DODOK, la., July 25. (Special
Telegram.) Pocahontas, the only county
seat In Iowa without a railroad, was
linked with bands of steel with the outer
world at 6 o'clock this evening.
roenhontns hns occupied n unique posi
tion among Iown towns and ns n county
sent without n railroad has been heralded
far and wide.. A town of considerable
mportanco and located In n part of the
stato covered with n network of railways,
Its failure to secure tho long-coveted de-
Ire hns been ns peculiar ns It Is unusual.
While smaller and less Importnnt towns
wero echoing to the sounds of the whistle
f tho locomotive, the only menns of egress
and Ingress to Pocahontas was tho old-
fashioned stage. For years Its peoplo
truggled to secure a railroad nnd many
times seemed at tho point of success, but
each time these efforts closed In bitter
disappointment. The now rond which has
finally broken tho spell under which tho
town seemed to bo placed Is tho Rock
sland, which runs north from Oowrlo.
Tho first train, which ran In tonight, was
common work train, but the first loco-
motlvo whistle heard In Pocahontas was
a sound fraught with the greatest Im
portance to Its people. Tho event Is
clng celebrated with banquets nnd oratory
of a character fitting to mnrk the blotting
out of Its unique but undeslred distinc
tion. The advent of the road Is a notable
state event.
own Mnn I'nilcr ! .re Sentence In
Montnnn Prison Is (irnntcil n
DES MOINES. la., July 25. John Mc
Donald, a former resident of Crcston, la.,
whllo In Montana Ilvo years ago became In-
olved In n quarrel and killed a man. Ho
claimed ho uctcd In self-defense. Ho wns
:onvlctod of murder nnd sentenced to the
pcnltcntlnry for life. McDonald's daughter,
now 12 years old. lives In Crcston Know
ing that ex-Senator Clark would be nt tho
democratic nationul convention, tho girl
raised money enough to buy a ticket and
went to Kansas City. She called on Senator
Clark and told him her story. Ho mado her
his guest and promised to help her. Later,
after Investigating, ho Instructed his at
torneys in Montana to present the case to
tho Hoard of Pardons. Word reached here
today that a pardon had been granted Mc
Convention nt Storm l.nlic.
STORM LAKE, la., July 25. (Special.)
The congrefslonal convention convened here
today nt 11 a. m. In tho Auditorium, with
U. Sammls of Le.Mnrs as temporary chair
man. Mr. sammls is regarded as one ot ine
best campaign speakers in the state.
Aside from the addrcrses by the temporary
chairman nnd ono delivered by Congressman
Thomas, tho proceedings were brief. Mr
Thomas was renominated by acclamation
Every county In tho district Is represented
by n full delegation. Among tho delegates
fan be discovered a large number of federal
otnecre, postmasters, etc. With tho dciega.
tlon from Sioux City, Hon. Oeorgo D. Per
kins nnd E. P. Helser arrived last evening
Immediately following the ndjournmcnt of
tho convention the delegates were cnter-
tnlncd by a drive about tho city and a 6all
on tho lake.
ShortiiKP In PoHlmnst cr'n Accounts.
CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia., July 25. (Special
Telegram,) About threo days ago a post
Inspector visited Marlon and In checking
over tho accounts of Postmaster Wlllard
discovered a shortago of nbout $700. K. 1.
Alderman, ono of tho bandsmen, was np-
polnted deputy postmaster and placed In
chargo of tho accounts of the olllee. Mr
Wlllard has not yet been removed from tho
odlce nnd it Is stated that he will not bo
and that In reality thero Is no shortage.
tho dlffcrenco being caused by the fact that
Mr. Wlllard had not kept up his collections.
It Is rumored, however, that a new postmab
ter will be appointed In a few days.
IiMvn JViwn .otm.
Miss Xclma Drennnn of Osceola win
killed by lightning.
Three men havo been nrrested for scln
lng In tho Iowa river near Kldora.
Nevada has voted a 3 per cent tax In aid
ot ine lies jwoinoH incw urienns rauroaii
The old settlers of Pottawattamie. Mills
nnd Fremont counties will hold u reunion
al Macedonia August X,
The assessors' returns In Iowa show an
Increuso of $12,000,000 In the taxable valua
tion or tho stato this year.
Joseph Wanek. it farmer who lives lienr
Iowa City, was killed by being thrown
from a mowing machine in front of the
sickio liar.
Ottumwa has raised the necessary niones
anil tnero is no iioudi anoui mo encamp
ment of tho Fifteenth regiment being licit
at that place.
Hoy and (leorgo Parker of Casey starlci
to tramp It over tho country, but were
cnpiurcii in v. rcnioii unci iiiko narK noitir.
Throe Letters from Mrs. Johnson ,
Showing that Lydia B. Pink
ham'o v ogotablo Compound
Ouros tho Ills of Womon
Wrote for firs. Plnkham's Advice
November, i897
" Dbar Mus. Pinkiiam :-I am aprcnt
BitlTerer, have much trouble throuph
tho lower part of my bowels, and I am
writing to you for advice. Men ss aro
Irregular and scanty, nra troubled with
leucorrhroa, and I ache so through my
back and down through my loins. I
havo spells of blontinp; very bnilly,
sometimes will bo very largo andothur
times very much reduced." Mits.CiiAH.
K. Joiinbon, llox 33, Humford Center,
Maine, Nov. 20, 1897.
Improvement Reported December,
" Dbar Mns. I'j.nkiiam : I wish to
tell you that I am improving In health.
I am ever so much better than when I
wrote before. Tho trouble tlu-ouph
the lower part of bowels is bettor anil
I am not bloated so badly. I was very
much swollen through tho abdomen
before I took Lydia R. I'inkhnm's Vege
table Compound. I still havo a feel
ing of fulness across my chest. I havo
tueil three bottles of it anil am on tho
fourth." Mits. Cit as, H. Johnson, llox
33, Uuraford Center, Maine, Dec. 13,1897.
Enjoying Good Health June, i899
" Dkah Mkb. Pinkiiam : Slnco a year
ago I have been taking your medicine,
and am now strong and enjoying good
health. I have not been so well for
three years, and feel very thankful to
you for what Lyillu K. Plnkham's Vege
table Compound hns done, for ran. I
would advise nil who suffer with fe
male troubles to try your medicine. 'V
Mbs. Chas. K. Johnson, llox 33, ltum
ford Center, Maiue, June 1, 1899,
The boys wero 13 nnd H venrs of ago re
spectively, ,
(lenrcrt Thomnsnn of Mount I'lensnnt
went to Hurllngton nnd lost his summer's
wages gambling. Ho then went homo und
bunged lilmseir. ,
Superintendent nf Reserve Accuses
I it 1 1 it ii k of llelllicrntcl Stnrt
tlic Finnic.
KALISPELL, Mont.. July 25.-One of the
worst forest fires ever known In northwest
ern Montana la now raging In the Swnn
Lake country, on the western part of the
Lewis nnd Clark forest reserve. Oils Mosler,
superintendent of the reserve, reports that
the Indians deliberately set fire to tho tim
ber and arc slaughtering the game. He will
proceed against tho propetrators. Within
the spare of thirty miles up nnd down the
river, he snys, there are over thirty fires
now burning fiercely, Including tho finest
white, plno and cednr on the reserve, nnd
that It is nlmnct Impossible to estimate the
damage. As fast as one fire Is extinguished
another Is set nnd his rangers nro almost
worn out.
Ititlliiu Stioots Tito Murine.
NEW YORK, Jjly 2.'..-Privittc Pierce of
'ompati C. Fifth battalion, l.'nltcd States
uiiincH, was shot througlt the heart lu
lie lower Italian quarter of llrooklyn at
'M MVtrii'lf flllu ninrnl ,1 ir Ilia limit,.., tilnn
John Costlgan. of the same company. Is
u tne island college Hospital surfer
tig from alcoholism and a bullet wound
ii thn elbow The murder was done bv
r I t ...I..... ...! i... ,
IUIMH1 l,IIMKUIMIl-ll, nil llllllllll. W lit! IN
till,,.. IIIPAI 'Clt.l t ,.! -t... tt.l.l I ..... ..
..arousing along tho Ilowcry, where thev
ilcked up the Italian, and all three crossed
in a ferry to Hrookiyn. The men had a
.inrrei, which eniieii in i.ougiinuco s
iriiwlnir n revolver itml MhnntltiLr tlm nm.
i'clcuriini front Murk llitiiuii.
Ernest E. Hart, national republican com
mitteeman from Iowa, denies that he re
ceived a telegram from Hon. Mark llnnnn
yesterday asking him to ship by fast ex
press 1.000 Tommy tlrlinu cigars for cam
paign purposes. Tho Tommy Orlllln Is too
good a cigar to use for campaign purposes.
but is appreciated by tho private citizen
who realizes that a Tommy Orlllln gives
him a better smoke than most 10 cent ci
gars. Sixty-nine retailers in Council nlulTs
us well as tunny thousand consumers can
testify to Its good qualities. Ask your
wife's friend about It
for Infants
CiiPtorla Is a harmless fltthstltuto for Castor Oil, Parc
Kork;, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. It destroys Worms and allays KeverislincHS.
It cures Ditirthtea and AVlnd Colie. It relieves Teeth
ing Troubles and cures Constipation. It regulates tbo
Stomach and Bowels, f?ivln- healthy and natural bleep.
The Children's Panacea Tbo Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Soars tlic
In Use For Over 30 Years.
lil Vllallror. the mr-crlnuon of n
iirrniiiH or tliiUfmif tho Konfrnllvo
a-wiua in tin. nam, nrmiiiai Ktiilialuiii. .frrtuu. iiruini.T, a-inipit'a
I b(IIii...1s1hi.i.. I' wi. .... ,.... v.pImm..!. mill follBllanttloil.
It ktiimll liiancahy ily or nidi I.
lel'U In Hnermatiirrhrna anil all
Ilvor. IIia khlnava anil lhniirln.r.
ud rritorssmll iit otcarn.
TlttrfRaon diilTfrPra tr iinlniii-d tir !Ktoni!lbnmr tOpcroant nrp troubled with rottlltl.
Cul'IIIRNR the only known remedy tu rure wllhmit nn orcratlon. MM tnitlmnnlala. A written
(tuarnntee Riven ami money returned if Ahnxeadnesiiot effect a Permanent cut. iLWboi,for V00,
by mull, henil for Kitten rtrenlar anil leallmoqlali.
Aih!re lltvtll, Wt UIII IM; CO., I-.O, Uox 507C, Hn Frajirlneo, Cat.
vigor lo the whole be Ine. All drains and lostes are checked ftrintntxtty. Unlets patlenti
are properly cured, their condition often worries Ihem Into Insanity, Consumption or Death.
Mailed sealed. Piice it per boa; 6 boies. with ironctad leeal Guarantee tncure or refund tho
money, Ij.oo. Send lor tree. book.
Sold by Kuhn & Co., 15th anil Dottglnfl,
I WAST yoiiii wikj:
Made happy by our Tnrkldli T and P Pills. Mnnthllee. ure to the. day Nnver rtlaappolnta any
luriv riirH unniv .Kf.fHNlvft or nalnful menstruation Nothlnir llkn It In tlm mitrket. SI 00
I box by mall Two boxra euro any cnr. No pain,
Real Estate
Some exceeut lots, pleasantly located and de
sirable for suburban homes, can be had now at
reasonable prices. These lots are located in
Omaha, Wright's and Central Sub. additions. This
property will steadily increase in value as the city
grows in that direction and the time to buy is tho
present. Call at
Council Bluffs.
1 Pond's
p Extract S
mini scj o"-,,a' Ceniurv jijjiH
and il
Not onco In a
hundrod times
does Antl-lCuwf
nil to cure n cold. It's sure. See your
druggist. Ilo soils II.
and Children.
Signature ot
famous French nliTilrlan. will qnlrkiy curn you of nit
opkuih, utich us !, .1iiIiioI, Inviniln,
ITrvaiiiaqiilrlinaaanf tliclmri;p. lilrh It notrhecki'd
Ih. hnrrnr. lA ImtinlKiiflf. I'lUM 91 K.N' lu rltjAtl! tin th
nraftii. nf .11 Imtmrltlix. ! Ilf-m K BtrAnif theu
They hire itooi tho tett ot years.
ami have cured Ihouianiti ol
canes of Nervous Diteattt. such
s Detmitv. Durlneit.SleenleiS
nen and varicocele, Atraphy.&c
1'hey clear the brain, trencthea
the circulation, make digestion
rirrffct. and imoart a licilthi
Addicts, PEAL MEDICINE fill.. Cleveland. 0.
nnd .1. A. Fuller & Co., Hth nnd DoiiBins.
no danger Iluhn'a I'hnrmacy, Omaha, Nnh.
And tho quality of our work Bhould be
of interest to you if your teeth aro no1
in perfect condition, ft matters no
how little or how much you havo to
bo dono, wo will be pleased to do it
for you, and tho charges will bo very
..Telephone 145.
H. A. Woodbury, D. D. S, Council Bluffs-
30 Pearl St Grand Hotel
is Rising