Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1900, Page 11, Image 11

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    Til IS OMAHA DAILY UJ5E: Til 1' KKHA V, ,TVLV 'JO, 1000.
1 l
Ailtrrtlsciiirnts for these columns
trill lir tnkfti until II! til. for the
rrrnltiK edition mid mil 1 1 H IW p. lit.
for iiiomiIiik nml Sundny edition.
Ilnlea, I l-ito n noril firm Insertion,
1c n word thereafter. Xotlilnu tnltrn
fur less tlinn ar,r for the llrst liner
(Inn. These nilvrrtl-niuiil must lio
run iMifisprntlvrl).
Al rrtlsem, by retitiestliiir n ntnn
tiernl olirrU, run linrc nnsvrcrs nil
dressed to n, niuiiln'red letter In cure
of Tlir lire. Amnrri no nddressrd will
he ilrlltrrril on presentation uf the
elieck only.
sin atioxs w -nv.i.
STENOGRAPHERS and bookkeepers fur
nlnhed temporarily or permanently.
Unylcs college. TpI. I9M. A 121 29
WANTED, tve have steady work for a few
Rood hustlers of good habits and appear
and i . F. Adams Co., 1619 Howard St.
HAHREH trado tau;ht thoroiiRhly In short
time. eataloKiie nnu particulars
Address Western Hnrbers' n'lti''
Omaha Neb. B-2S3
WANTED, laborerti. teamsters, rock men
and mirfaco men. Neb. Wyo., and Iowa;
free fare, highest waxes; ship d:ill.
Western H. H. Labor ARcilcy, 310 S. 11th.
FRATERNAL Insuratico deputy, lady or
pentleman; special work; good nil v. J.o
N Y Life bulldlnir. B-3S3 Jy 2?
AN INTELLIGENT voiiiik man to tnkr. a
shorthand scholarship In best schon and
pay for It when coursp Im completed and
position secured. Address L 2o, ''j.
WANTED, man to learn barber Irado; spe.
elal ofTer or schoiiirsni p, tools, nonrn uim
free transportation lit ojr eollepes nt
ChlciiRo. St. Louis or Minneapolis, contin
ued until AUKUHt on nccount of tho de
mand for our Kraduates; splendid elianco
for applicants from dlstanco; catalogue
and special IndllcenientH mailed free.
Moler llarbcr OolleRO Representative, Ifi23
Farnam HI., Omalia. N. I1-M207 ZV
WANTED, llrst-class bread nnd cake
baker: wood wanes; must be steady; none
other need apply. Mrs. A. Nleoll. 130 .
Rroadway. Council Muffs. " -
WANTJCD. lf youiiK men lo learn teles
raphy. W. T. Hkolton, Sallna. Kan.
I1-M3I1 A27
WILL kIvp permanent position to reliable
man residing In unod outside town anil
bavins from tn JIR0; olllco
Address E. Cook, Omnlui. U-MSijSO'
WANTED. Hteadv younn men, 17 to 20 years
of iikp, to learn the nusiiicss. iioih. wcuiip
ster & Co.. 13th and I'arnam.
n M371 2fl
NOTICK TOTSRADEUH-About 75.000 cubic
vurds of brldKC II' u tn let on C H. & U
In Iowa; can bo ,one with snider and
wiiKoiiH or wheelers; Muantltles to suit;
free transportation, men and teams. II.
Hall. Murray, Iowa. H-3,8 2b-
WANTED. two Rood machinists. Address,
Fremont Foundry Machine Co., Fremont,
,-Nei). - -
WANTED, nn experienced coachman; ref
ereneo reiiulred; no other need apply. ( all
at 3121 l. IIICHKO HI., neiwecil u aim 21
WANTED, tailors nt tho Nebraska Dress
Circle. i:i8 Douglas. H-M3SS 27
WANTED, man to work on stock farm.
Apply to Clinton II. Brlggs, 226 1M0M.hl.u
HRIOHT young man ns salesman, city or
ence preferred; must be temperate and a
. . , . . v . ...... ..I.. ...I ....II n ,, 1A 1
ronu; easn register or i i i m i
hustler; referenco required
Call fl to 10
n. in. Ifi21 I'lirnam.
R-M f 26
avantf.d-femam: help.
AN INTELLIGENT lady to take n short-
hand schoiarsnip in nest senom aim ii.iv
for It when course Is completed and posi
tion secured. Address L 2j, Bee, C 53S
lion secured. Address
WANTED, 200 Rlrls, 1521 Dodge,
Tel. 876.
SO girls wanted.
Canadian ofllco 1522 Douglas
CORSETS lilted on. 39c.
1612 Capitol Ave.
C-590 A I
GIRLS to assort paper, experience not re
quired. Harding Paper Stock Co., 1309-11
Leavenworth. C 198
GOOD girl wanted nt 1611 Corby.
C 350-23
WANTED, competent girl
housework. 212 No. 22nd St.
for general
C 319-25"
WANTED, competent cook; references re
quired. Apply to Mrs. Luther Kountze,
39th street and Dewey avenue.
C 377 2S
WANTED, housemaid In snuill family; good
girl may And good homo at 1719 Park nvo.
C-M3S5 27
WANTED, girl for general housework;
small family; gooil wages; must be good
cook. Apply I"-!-' s. aotn ave. c .M4U7 2:1
IF you want your houses well rented place
them with Benawa & Co. p 237
HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas.
ALWAYS moving It. II. goods. Pianos.
OHlce, 1511 Farnam St. Tel. 1559 or S63.
HOUSES, stores.
BemfH, Paxton blk.
HOUSES for rent In all parts of tho city.
Brenuan-Lovo co., a. 13111 st.
CHOICE houses, cottages, stores. Henry
B. Payne, 601 N. Y. Life. Phono 1016.
HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker blk.
MAGGARD Van. & Storage. 1616 Capitol avo
Tel. 1490. D-2!'l
COTTAGE at Lake OkoboJI. Ia.. for rent.
Omaha beach. A. M. Clarke, 2557 Harney.
Ml 8. 25th St-. 11-room.modern.
n; nil In extra
fl ROOMS, modern, with barn; all In extra
line repnlr; .' to goon tenant. Airred ii
Doling, 437 Board of Trade. D-29J
t-ROOM cottage.
2709 Douglas St.
NEW 10-rooni house, water and gas; two
blocks from school and ulrect car. In
quire wm. 1. Kierstead, city hall.
FOR RENT, live-room collage, 26th and
Hlondo streets, $9. Apply at 607 North
19tu street. D 732
FOR RENT, strictly modern flat In Dav-
Idge building, opposite city hall.
John W. Robblns. IS02 Farnam St
6-HOOM cottage, all modern, 2121 Miami st.
ELEGANT apartments In the Winona.
Payne-Knox Co., 1st floor, N. Y. Life.
ELEGANT apartments In the Winona,
Payne-Knox Co.. 1st floor, N. Y. Life
bldg. 'Phone, 17S1. D-Mi26
4-ROO.M cottage, TT23 Dodge,
RIllKwalt Bros., Barker Blk.
1812 N. 26TH ST., 7-room modern house, no
furnace, lu Rood condition, largo barn,
outsldo to be painted . rent, j.u.ui.
16th and Douglas Sts.
NINE-ROOM cottage. $30: gas, city water,
cistern, furnace, lino shado trees; near
four street car lines. 716 N. '.'2d St.
D-M203 27
FOR RENT, houe. No. 61S South
17th St. Inoulre nt room 300, City Hall.
D S20
S?'t PI'.MIN'O RT . sTronm modern house,
has Just been thorough!) renovated
throughout; rent, $20.(0.
16th and Douglas Sts.
R-HOOM modern euttuge, Inoulre 2152 St.
Mary'a ave. D -M3,i8 30
CUT rato tlcketa everywhere P.
inn, 1505 l'arnam, Telephono 3 i.
II, Phil--3T7
St Marys.
housekeeping. 23
H-MS All
J NICK rooms, housekeeping.
1112 8. ltth
1S17 Cass St"
E-M240 26
E MMi-2
FURNISHED room, modern.
ROOMS. 13W Cnpltol nve.
FOlt RENT,':! "rooms. '23 So. 23d St.
E-39S 27
FORRKNT. furnished rooms. 2IH 1 t.,
South Omiiliii. E-MIOP 27
putMsiiEn rooms ami hoard.
TIIK Merrlam, good summer resort, 2Slh &
Dodio. F-21U
CH,ENCAIHN,translcnts,$1.25day. 1609 Dgls.
I'TOPIA, 1721 Davenport St.
IN PRIVATE family.
1020 St. Mary's Ave.
DE3IHAHI.E rooms.
23SI Harney.
F-M131 2
509 8.
25TH ave.. private f'-mllv..
noOMH and board at the Hillside; new
manaKcmcnt. lMh and Doilge. F MH7I5
I. A IKS E furnished parlor room, with board.
I.M S. 20th. F-M391 27
FOR RENT, storo In first-class location;
rent reasonable. Annlv R. C. Peterx &
Co., Kround floor, lice IlldR. I 'Mi
TWO of the best rooms In the Continental
block, 15th and DoiikIus streets; specially
suited for a physician: will remodel to
suit tenant. Omahn Loan & Trust Co.,
16th nnd Douglas Sts. I -M901
FOR RENT, brick store room 22x100 ft.,
with cellar; bfst location In city for aen
cral store. Write for particulars to Wil
liam Bcliafer. Mlndcn. Neb. I-M171 Al'
FOR RENT, meat market. Including Ice
box, tools, etc.; Rood location. 26th and
Hliindo sts. 1 M36I 26'
A X T i:i ) TO It H N T.
YOt'NO lady would like room and board
In private family near Hanscom park. Art
dress O I, Rce, K-MI01 26
CHOICE IKO-ncro larin, within 2 or 3
miles of packing houses, South Omaha;
loading staMou on farm; $1,300. Hemls,
raxton diock. vu
$2,5''0 CAN be made during next six months
by hurtling agents handling our white and
fancy rubber collars, cuffs, bosoms and
neckties: patented and guaranteed goods;
luvloso slump for special plan. M. & M
Mfs Co., HprlnBilcld, Mass.
J-M303 A I'
WANTED, llfo Insurance solicitors, men or
women; big pay to hustlers. Hartford
i.uo insurance) t o. oi uaruoru, crain.
Lvmaii Waterman, manocer. W) Rco
bide J-M3S9 31
ALL kinds of household goods, hotels, etc.,
In large and small quantities. Chicago
Furniture Co., 1406-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020.
WILL purchase a limited number of
Omaha Savings Hank nccounts. Hrennan
Love Co., 309 So. 13th. N-302
2DIIAND ladles' wheels. Omaha Bicycle Co.
is iMssa
I HAVE $.Vi to $l,50o. all cash, to Invest In
l . . . . .. . 1 In, tnf ( llrtn.n will Mn.
ii linii!.o and lot for a home; will con
sider good lot and small houm If enn
te enlarged; send me tho best you havo
to offer; must bo cheap. Address N 49,
Heo olllco. N-169 27
2D-HAND blcyclccs.
Omaha Bicycle Co,
WANTED, to buy complete set of survey
or's Instruments, second-hand. In per
fectly good condition. AddrCBS L 65, Bee.
N-M4U5 20
WANTED, to buy a good ten-passenger
light bus. Address llarry liurneii. iiamp
ton hotel, lloldrcge, Neb. N M40I2S
WANTED. 2nl-haud cash register: cash;
glvo style, number nnd price. Address O
3, Bee. N MUG 2H-
PHAETONS, buggies, road wagons, harness.
Andersen Huggy co., jam and Davenport.
I' 303
VEHICLES of all kinds made und repaired
by Harry Frost, ltth and Leavenworth.
FOR SALE, new $.125 high grade Snyder
phaeton, very reasonable. Apply 313 Kar
bach block. 1' AIP5S 2i
CHEAPEST and best poultry und hog'
lence. wi uougias si. j auo
CUTTERS of drug prices. Shormnn & Mc-
Counen urug co., cor. tutu and Dodge.
u. i Tabs, FioristT isi3vinton st. Tel. 770!
Plants, cut flowers, boquetH, hall, resl
deuco, wedding and gravo decorations.
Orders by mall or express promptly lllled,
2D1IAND safe cheap. Derlght, nPMrniim.
SAFES; buy, sell, oxc'rc. Schwartz, HI S. 13.
WIRE fence. Lcddy, 1617 Howard. Tol. 1590.
Q-310 All
M. & W. tires, $2.75. Omaha Bicycle Co.
2ND1IAND wheels, $5 to $10; new wheels,
$15. Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th fc Chlcngo fits
WJ 911
SECONDHAND mnchlnory for sale; every
thing in engines, pollers, pumps, iron
and wood-working machinery, shutting,
pulleys, belting nnd mill supplies; prices
lowest. Harris Machinery Co., 1023 Wash
ington Ave. S. 10., Minneapolis, Minn.
SQuYREl,o7-org-n-s.- $15772T $27
ami up; easy payments; new plan pa for
rent; line tuning and repairing. Tel. 1625.
Bchmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farnam.
0-M913 AH
ONE good hnnd elevator. A. Hospe, 1611
Izard. m-om
PONY, cart und hurness. 2621 Sherman ave.
BILLIARD table. Brunswlck-Balke. cost
$300, sell for $75; good iih new. John Mc
Konzle, Madrid, Neb. Q-M256-27T
FERN HALLS, fern balls, tho greatest
novelty for house culture; send for circu
lar. C. L. Yates, Rochester, N. Y.
Q-M363 26
FOR SALE, good size, fireproof, combina
tion lock Hofc, new. nover used, fr'om one
of tho best safe makers, only $19.93. A
very large, 2,400-pound, four double doors,
bank safe. new. good for hotel, real es
tate, countv. city or bank. $71.J5. Will
bin in anv nlnre in the Un ted States,
payablo nfter received. Cut this notico
out nnd mall to Sears. . Roebuck & Co,,
Chicago, for full particulars Q
GOOD cash register, cash or tlmo; will ship
anywhere. Address O 2, nceQM:
I MANSON bicycles, $25. Omaha Bicycle Co.
Q-M 06
NOTICE, country dealers, 2dhand furniture
stoves nt lowest prices, carload lot or
less. Chlengo Furniture co.. mo-iu raw-.
R Ohm
I'nvTn vPTmis u-ishtni? to bid for trad
ing a portion of tho exposition grounds
will enll at First National bank for fur
ther information. Rids will bo received
until July 30th. II. Kountze. r-msw 2,
MME.OYLMER genuine palmist. 1605 Dodge
MRS j.'RITZ. clairvoyant. ,512 N. I'Uh
O. M, 8."" Tel. 2022.' S07 So. 16th SL -M7SS
ELITE parlors. 615 8. 16th, second floor
T-M579 M'
BEATRICE HARLOW. Arabian treatment,
bath. 317U N. 15th. 1st lint F. T-3VJ 30
magnetic treatment W S.
T-M40S A l
MMK. AMES, baths. 1615 Howard; room 1,
2d floor, Attendant. T-MI09 Al
MONHfilT, Chiropodist, 1515 Farn. Tel. 2333.
Li 315
LADIES hair shampooed, dressed, 35c. Hair
touci goous. .nonneu, ibis Kirnam. tci zsw
IJ 316
i SOLES. 35c; velvet rubber heels, 35c. The
old reliable, S. P. Peterson, 16th & Cuming.
EPPERLY corset to order. 1612 Capitol Av.
U-f.Pl Al
V1AVI, woman's way to health. 316 Hee bldg
P HI VAT E hospital for ladles before & dur-
ing conunomeni; uauies aaopica. if.
U 317
DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns removed. 23c
ana upward, ltoom lz, l-renzcr diock.
PLEATINO and pleated skirts of all kinds.
M. uoiaman & CO., uoucias l'iock.
U 31'J
RUPTURE cured; no knife, no pain, no
danger; send for circulars. Empire Rup
ture cure, 932 n. 1, Lire bias., umnnn.
PRIVATE homo before and during confine
ment; babies adopted. Mrs. Uurget, 2620
Runlet te. U-321
IlOFFS Express & Messenccr Co.
Tel. 1717.
U 323
PROF. LUND, chiropodist. 511 Karbach blk.
TURKISH baths, massnce baths, electric
baths, for ladles onlv; skilled women
masmigo operators; tlnest eoulpped baths
in mo city, uensmm nam L-ompany.
Rooms, 216 to 220 Heo bldg. U .MI03
WHEELER & WILSON 'sewlnc machines:
others $3.00 un; easy navmenlit; renting,
75c week; repairing. I'etcra Co., 1616
Capitol Ave, Tel. 1496. U-271 A21
8CH A I)ELI During July shampoo, 35c i
halrdress, 23c; massage, 25c; treatment,
jii: r .Maiu
IF Fred Duncan, formerly of Oil City.
Canada, will communlente with tho under
signed he will hear of something to his
advantage, wm. Lindsay, lui itonert Ht.,
Fargo, North Dakota. V- M3C ;ni'
mo.vhy to i.oa.v-ueai, kstatu.
PRIVATE money. 6. 6W, 6 per cent; no de
lay, uarvin uroe.. idij l arnuin.
WANTED City and farm loans; aluo bonds
and warrantw. It. c. Peters & Co., 1703
I'arnutn Bt., ueo uiag. w 327
PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1624 Douglas.
piVB per cent money. Hemls, Paxton block
W 32S
MONEY to loan on first-class Improved city
property or ror nuuaing purposes, i-ayne-
Knox Co., New York Llto. w 3.J
LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western
Iowa farms at 5 Der cent. Borrowers can
pay $100 or any multiple. Any Interest
dote. No delay. Hrennan-I.ove Co.. 309
South 13th St., Omaha. Neb. W-330
6. M. 6 per cent on Omaha. So. Omaha.
W. II. Thomas, JOJ 1st Nat. bank. Tel. 1643.
W 331
MONEY to loan at 5 and per cent on
umana property, w, u. Meikie, ui . latn.
W 332
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real
ceiaic. irennan-L)ve to., jua ao. i.tin.
$LCO0 nnd upward to lo.m on Improved city
property and farms. W. Farnam Smith &
Co., 1320 Farnam. w 33
WANTED City loan, bonds and warrant!.
ueorxe At company, iovi i arnam nr.
MONEY-.ln anv amount nt 6. 5W. 6 ner cont.
V .131)
MONEY to loan on farm and city property;
lowest rales, u. Davis co., low r arnam.
$3,OOo-$4,OoO-$5,000-To place quick nt low
rate or interest on goon real caiate. ah-
urcss, j 13. uee. w 3J
TO IOAN, on god security, at reasonablo
rate. 1300 to Jiiw. dus .N. x. ro iihic.
M0N':r.Ajpn km niFn PFOPI0
Vn pmtnrrtpr or mortcaco renulred.
Room 626, llfth floor, New York Life Bldg.
MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, iow-
eiry. norses, cowo, eic. u. r . iiceu, ju o. u.
Furniture, pianos, horees, cows, etc. You
lfoen thn nrnnnrlv. Olllrk service. ioii
may pay the money back In one month or
take one year In which to pay It and you
nfil not nnv for It one day longer than
you have It. Wo charge nothing for mak
ing or llllng paperB or examining securuy
nml urn keen nntthlntr out uf tho amount
you borrow Bo sure and get our rates
before borrowing.
T.riAN'rcn to
Salaried people on their own names In
amounts from $10.00 up. You may repay
th loan nil or In part at any tlmo and
.,nu urn nYnncted tn nnv for the money
only what time you keep It. We are tho
only loan company in wie cuy kiviuk 'H"
this privilege. All we nsk Is a chance, to
compare r.iies. ninuuy luiumi-mini.
tfatniiiuhnil KSiA 20S So. ICtli Street.
MNEY to loan on household furniture.
Merger's Loan Co., 1504 Farnam St.
MONEY loaned on furniture, dlumonds,
wntches: nayments conlldentlal. Omaha
Chattel Iian Bank, 220 S. 15th, unsta rs
MSVw2rrCyd WutiVWAWXfTmA
oAT.nv iiiwa rniTTOI, LOANS. J.
w .p a vi ne lie tfirat tint Tlank Rldir.
. . . -- ..... - - --.v-
v u.
mnvrv innnd antartd neonle holding per
manent position with responsible concerns
upon their own names without ; security;
easy payments, ioiman, iuoii. . j.;
-v i
tMin nVPQ n. Amnrlpun T.nnn Co. ,l-
vnriuement under Financial heading foi
money when needing same In ero""?3-
-V .) a
l.'flll SAI.R. n Hinnll crncerv In EOOd lielgh-
nornoou, or fanner wan miuiniri-. . .,
. .. . V (4
Uce. HIM 20-
RESTAURANT for sale nt a bargain.
Frank Balrd. Plattsmnuth. Neb.
Y-M360 26
WANTED, to correspond with live town
wnero ruruiiuro or snoe store can no lo
cated. Address Box iw. Vulentltie. jsen.
Y-.M364 26
FOR SALE, n cood. clean stock of dry
goods, notions and llxtutes. ',. T. Nnyes.
L ' :
Missouri Valley, lu. y aissi
for EXCHANGE. 800 acres of line un
improved land for Improved farm near
nmnhii: would nnv some difference It)
cash or good clear rental property; this
land Is choice and will mnkn a splendid
grain or stock farm; send full description
to I. w, uce oilier. t .na'w
HAVE 160 ncres land In central Nebraska
and money to exchange for cottngo In
Omaha. W. V Hcdget. 423 Heo bldg.
for REAL HSI ATIS IIAI.llrtl.-NB; UU 1
for RENT. First flcor, N. Y. Life Bidg,
vnn siALH. 160-acre farm within 10 m les
of Omaha, good lann, must do som 10
close ejtate; $2,500, W H, Homan. Rooms
8 nnd 10. Frer.str blocu. uk-mw 21
for sale heal hstvth.
HANOI! AND FARM lands for sale by the
Union Paclnc Railroad company i; a.
McCnllaster, land commissioner. Union
Pacific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb
i it .U J w
A flnc truckage property.
Elecaut residence property.
Greatest bargains In property.
M. J. Kennurd & 3on, 310 Brown block.
HOUSES, farms. H. O. Patterson, 3" N.Y.I
LA Hit K HKSinENCK, 13 rooms above
basement; modern throughout; pinir ginss
In nil front windows, wide porch; large
stable and carriage house. .no siii uni-
cngo street. Price $S.(Wj API'! to ljyron
Heed Co., Omaha, or It. prllllth,
owner, 12il McCullogh street, Baltimore.
HOUSES, lots farms, lands, loans; niso flru
i ' . 1.11. til. tto
insurance, nemi". nisiu
IF YOU want to buy. sell, cxehancc or
rtir. rour property quick sec J. ji. jonn-
on, Sll N. Y. Life. iu
DEER PARK lots at $250 tg.JIOO. with ele-
pant trees, are snaps, w ncn you see
ttiem you win say no.
in-; .insii
M-ACRK farm, 10 miles northwest of
Omaha; can all be citiuvnieu, j.,.o1, ,(rr
acre. Tho Ilyron Reed Co.. 212 So. lltlt st.
Real Estate, Rentals, J.oans, insurance.
FOR RENT Owing to advancing years
Mr. II. Haas, the tiorist in im;i vinion
strop! 1ms rieelilcd to rent out his hot
house at above location, occupying 7,00)
to S.OoO square feet, under glass, with
nhnut ?oo whiiloR-K. and the resilience and
store fronting the street, on tho motor
line to South omalia. I'.xceiioiu location
for the business. ) .WJ
FARM. Ki nefs. 12 miles from Omaha:
prico H.l.VJ.oi) ir som at once. .Miuress
1,49. Hee. RE .M3S4 A24'
A NICE tint Iitlntr corner, lols 2S and 29.
1'Hlrmoiint liace, on easy icrms. write
to F. II. Kappcti, MIlwaJKec, Wis.
j 1 1'.
LOST. Monday evening, nt Ilnyd's theater.
lady H inacK liocaeiimoK. r inner piunsa
return lo box olllco or neo ouice.
i.OSl ju w
LOST, bankbook containing sum of cur
rency hotween ntn. near iiownrii. anil
Omaha Nat. bank. Deliver 719 H. 9th nt.
ami recelvo liberal reward.
i.ogi ,m;su -j,'
A. C. VAN SANT'9 Tchool. 717 N.
Y. Life.
DOYLE3' CoUcbc, court reporter principal.
Rec lllds. --360
NEBRASKA Business and Shorthand Col-
lege. Boyd a Theater. set
QHEGO Shorthand taught at tho Omaha
Commercial College, lstn anu uouglas .ts.
MUCH less cost and cmuarrassmeni man
has heretofore neen possime. uiiick ana
conlldentlal servlre. Special tcrma to
Bphnnl tpaeheru during Vacation.
AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room C01 Hee Bdg.
For clvlng such low rates and easy par
tial payments, iin-; uiuiiib auk
RiaHT, but we must loan a certain
amount of money as soon as possible re
gardless or comment, wii u.n
YOUR NOTE: no mortgage; no Indorser:
no uubllclty. Your employer or friends
need not know. RELIABLE CREDIT
CO., room 303, THIRD FLOOR, Pnxton
blk. M lao
LADIES out of health find nrompt relief.
Box Z32. omalia. Neb. 'Confidential.
GONOVA Is a French treatment for male
and fema e. for the positive euro of Hon.
uiiiiucii. viiuui. i iiu.a mi ki HinLinuhL, in
A . nu., T - . 1 1 .. 1. .. n i .,
flammations, .irritations and l icerattnns
of tho mucous membranes. An Internal
remedy with Injection combined, war
ranted to cure worst cases In one week.
$3 ner package or 2 for $.. Sent any
where on receipt of price. Tho Kldd Drug
Co., Elgin, III. American Oillce, retail,
wholesale, .Aiyers-inuon Drug t.o. umana;
M. A. Dillon. South Omaha; Davis Drug
Co., Council Bluffs. Full line rubber
LADIES! Chlchester'n English rennyroynl
rills Aro tne nest, snrc, reiiaiuo. Take
no other. Send 4c stamns for particulars.
"Reller for Ladles" in letter ny return
mall. Ask vour Idrueclst. Chichester
Chemical Co., Iiilladelphia, l'a.
JOHNSON Institute. 515 N. Y. Life Bldg.;
tel. 1061: Allco Johnson, u. o., ladles'
dept.; Old E. Johnson, Onteopathlst, Mgr.
M. E. DONOIIUE. D. O., of Still school,
Klrksvllle, mo., 601 raxton uik. Tel. 1367.
FOUND, pair of gold-rlmmed spectacles
nt 25th nnd California streets. Owner
can recelvo snmo at 3022 California street.
I'Olimt 3U7 .'
nmns and taxidermy.
STOCK'S Bird Store. 1603
nni.RiAX ii vitr.s.
PEDIGREED breeders; Capt. Nemo, scoro
92l head of pens. E. 1 1. Kendall, st. ram,
Neb. -MSI3 All
TnUNKB, traveling bags, suit enses. Trunks
repaired, urn. TrunK I'nctory. isw farnam.
CURED. Juda Vaughan. 430 Rnmge Bldg.
PACKING, upholstering, mattress, feather
.1 rt.., .til HI a tt'nllit. QUI
rcnuvuiiiiK ici. i.i iniiftiii,
Cuming St. -371
rrpaiiird Omnhi Sewlmr .Machine Re.
pair Woiks, cor. uoago &t win sts.. j. i;.
Phillips, prop T. MWijya
THE NEBRASKA. Incorporated. 1616-1617
Chicago street, umana. ymi
TYPEWRITERS, secondhand. 1116 Farnam.
TURKISH baths, 60c; open nlRht.
107 S. II,
OAS, gasollno stoves repaired; stoves stored.
.... ... ... Tin - ,l.-l..i 1IK1 a 1 -,, V.
A.liy (1IUVU lllIUIi H U -v J. A,V((.
L. C Sharp Mnch. Wks.; motors, dynamos.
2D-HAND machinery bought nnd sold for
cnen. a. 1: r-iy -o., jh" uoukius si
IN Families,
Miss Sturdy, 2610 Harney.
6 jy-23
DRESS MAKINO. experienced help only
employed, 1.. u, Mcuonaiu, iuu wun. avo.
-ij i 1
EAGLE Loan Offlce, reliable, nccommodat-
ing; an uusiness conuacniiai. uvi uougias.
I'l ItM I't HE l'( KIMi.
Om. Van A Stor Co ini4 Farn Td I M 3
PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co . 912
9U Jonen, general storage and forwarding.
Om. Van Stor. Co ,
151114 Karn, Tel. 1559. S63.
St HM'.YI.MS AM) Dtt t (ill i l(l.
W. J.
Mc EAT! I HON. 526 Paxton block,
i, vt vnitv.
OMAHA Steam Laundry: shirts 7e, collars,
2c; curfs, 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel 517
ALL hinds of carpenter work nn.1 repairing
promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th
unit l.ako Sts. -3!0
i:m nit oinnit y.
SILKS and linen, stamping, 1612 Capitol Av.
bill Al
jiai;m:tic nn ti.iMi,
Q RE AT Western Institute, 1623 Douglas St .
cnronic uiscnses cured; no drugs, surgery
DR. MITTELSTADT, 3JI Rce bdg Tel 1115
(Should be read DAILY by all Interested,
as chaimoH mav occur at anv time.)
Foreign mulls for the week ending July
2S, 19"0. will close (PROMPTLY lit all cases)
at t he Mcncritl 1'ostn I ce us fol ows 'A
CELS POST MAILS close one hour earlier
than closing time shown below Parcels
rest flails for uermauy cioso at o p. m.
TriiiiN-Adiindo Miills.
THt'RSDA V At fi:S0 n m for EUROPE
tier h. s. I' uerst II smarok. via I'lvmoutll
Cherbourg mid ltambiiig unall for othci
pnrts or i;urnpe must ne uirecteil "per
h. s. I uerst lilsmnrcK i; at K:j0 a. in. for
and DRITISII INDIA, nor s. M. La iMiaui-
paguc, v In Havre (mull for other parts of
Eliropn must lie directed "per s. h. i.u
SATURDAY- At S n. tn. for NETHER
LANDS, ner s. h. Rotterdam (mal must
bo directed "per m. s. Rotterdam"), nt 10
a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per h
Furnesslii inmll must Do directed per I
S. S. 1' 111 IK 'Km P. Ill ' 111. l.-ujriii'-.
nieutary 2 p. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s
l.ucania, via ijuccnsiown.
PRINTED MATTEL, KTr .. rjcrmnn
steamers sailing on Tuesdnys tal'.o Printed
.Mutter, etc.. ror uermauy. nnu Mneciauv
Addressed Printed Matter, etc , for other
parts of Europe. American and White
Star steamers on Wednesdays, Gorman
and French steamers on Thursdays, and
Cunard and German steamers on Satur
days tako Prlftpi Matter. tc. for all
countries for which they are advertised to
earn- man.
After tho closing of the Supplementary
Transatlantic Mails named above, addi
tional supplementary malls aro opened on
tho nlers of th AinTl-t'i. English.
French and German steamers, and remain
open until within Ten Minutes ol tho
hour of sailing of Bteamcr.
Mnlls for South nml Central America,
West Indies. Etc.
THURSDAY At 12 m for MACEIO and
SANTOS, ner . s. Be anoeh: at 1 n. m.
and CHIAPAS, ner s. s. Securnncn. via
Havana and Progreso (mall for other
pints of Mexico and for Cuba must bo
directed "per s. s. segiirnnca i; ni p. in.
for JAMAICA, per s. s. Admiral Sampson,
from Boston.
SATURDAY -At 7 a in. for LA PLATA
COUNTRIES direct, ner s. s. Pacllle; at
10 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.A for
CAO, per s. s. Philadelphia (mall for
Savanllla and CarthiiRena must lie
directed "per s. s. Philadelphia"), at 10
a. in. (supplementary 10:30 a m ) for
I NAG U A and HAITI, per s. s. Alps; at 10
n. m. (supplementary iuwo a. m.j ior
Nl 1. 1. A nml CAR TH AGENA. ner s s.
Athos (mall forCost.i Rica must be directed
"per s. s. Athos"); at 11 a. m. for CUBA,
per s. s. Mexico, via Havana: nt 1 p. m.
Ollnda (ordinary mall only, which must
bo directed "per s. s. Ulltui.'i ).
Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North
syuney, nnu tnence ny aieamer, ci;i at
this ofllco dally nt S:30 p. m. (connecting
doso hero every Monday, Wednesday and
Saturday. Malls for Mlquelon, by rail
to Boston, nnd thence by steamer, close
nt this 'itllce dally nt 8:30 p. m. Mulls for
Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Fin., and
thence bv steamer, close at this olllco
dally (except Monday) nt M7 a. tn. (tho
connecting doses are on Sundny. Wednes
day and Friday. Malls for Mexico City.
overland, unless specially addressed for t
dispatch by hteamer. close at this oillce
dally nt 2:30 a. m. and 2:30 p. in. Malls
for Costa Rica, Belize. Puerto Cortes and
n ..m..1 . I... .nil ,a Xa... ,-,nlAn..u n.,,1
X, l(l ll-IIHIKl, 1' 1(111 11' Ji lt-(UIS, l,l.
theneo by steamer, close at this olllco
daily at "3 p. m. (connecting closes horo
Tuesdays for Costa Rica and Mondays
for Belize. Puerto Cortez and Guatemala).
Registered mall closes nt C p. in. pro-
vioui day.
TrniK-Piii'lUr Mfllla.
Malls for China and Japan, vl i Vanenuvor.
elo'n here dully nt 6:30 p. m. up to July
24th, Inclusive, for dispatch per h. .
Empress of India (registered mall must ba
directed "via Vancouver"). Mnlls for
Hawaii, Japan, China nnd 1'hlllpplno
Islands, via San Francisco, close hero
dally at 6:30 n. tn. un to July ir.ith. In
clus've, f r ufsjcitch per h s. America
Mum. Mill m for Australia (except West
Australia), New Zealand, Hawaii, FIJI
nnd Snmnnn Islands, via San Francisco,
close here ilullv at 6:30 n m after July
21st and up to August Ith. Inclusive, or
on day of arrival of s. s. Campania, due
at New York August 1th. for dispatch
per s. h. Alameda. Malls for Hawaii,
China. Japan and Philippine Islnnds via
San Francisco, clone here dally nt 6:30 p.
in. un to Auirtist 6th. Inclusive, for dis
patch pir s. s. city or renin. .Mans ior
i num. Japan nnu mo ruin qniii' laimiuo,
vui ru'iiiiii'. ciuni- n.-it- (mil,, (n (,.... i. M(.
up to August -mm, iiicinnive, iui dis
patch per H. h. Klnslilu Mum (registered
mail must bo directed "via Seattle ).
-Malls for U. fin, Francisco.
"nth. Inclusive, for dispatch per s s
Australia. Malls for Australia (except
Wint Aiistrii in. which cues via Europe,
and Now Zealand, which goes via San
Francisco), and FIJI Islnnds. via Van
couver, close here dally at 0.30 p m up
to August IStli, Inclusive, for dispatch
per s. s. Aorangi.
Transpacific mnlls are forw-.rded to port
nr sniiinc naiiv nnu mo scnenn 11 01 clos
ing Is nrrnnged on tho prosuinptlon of
their uniiuerrupieu overinuu iiiiusu
Reglsteied mull closes at 0 p 111 pre
vious day. CORNELIUS VAN "OTT,
Postofllcc, New York. N. Y., July 20, 1W).
master. Fori Leavenworth. Kansas. July
18, i960. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will
be received at this oillce until 11 o'clock u.
m , central time. August 17. 1900, and then
opened, for furnishing all materials nnd
labor anil poriorming an ine worn ior im
proving the water works system at Fort
I.eavenwortn, Kansas run ininriuuiiou
and blank form of proposals furnished
upon application to thin oillce, where plans
and speelllentlons may be seen. United
States reserves the right to accept nr re
ject any or all proposals or an part
therein Kiivempes 10 nn niaracij. - j-i-d-posnls
for Water System." and uddressetl
tn Captain D. E. McCarthy, Constructing
Quartermaster. J21dll A15-10
innd Houto"-Gcni'rul Olllces,
N E. Cor Ninth nnd Farnam
utreuts. City Tlket Olllco, 1301
Farnam street. Telephono, 316.
Depot Tenth and Mason Sin.
Telephone, C2S.
Leavo. Arrive.
Tho overland Limited. .a 8:20 am a 7:30 pm
Tho Cnl.aio-Portland
Special a :20 am a 7:35 pm
Tho Fust Mull 1 S:50 nm 11 3:25 pm
Tho Colorado Special. ..all:30 pm a 6:50 nm
Tho Fast Mall a 1:33 pm
Lincoln, Beatrice ind
Stromsburg Express. .b 4.10 pm bl2;2j pm
The Pacllle Express .. a 4:25 pm
Tho Atlantic Express a 6 50 am
tiranu ihihuu whi- ii u w imi, 1, j um
I ft iaiU. U Anally CAlVl'l HUI4WB1
II VII V 'I'l.Mli llll.
MISSiHMtl PACIFIC RAIL-riwid-Ueneral
Otllces and
Ttikot oill.-es Southeast Cor
n r llth nnd Douglas Sts
Telephone 101. Depot Union
St 1. outs, Kansas
Nebraska Limited
..alOiOO am a 6;0 pm
Keave. .rrivp
.al0;10 pin n 6:15 am
K. c. St.
L. Express
Leave from
lJtli and
wotister sts .
Nebraska Local Via . .
Wioi lng Water b I 15 pm alOHJ am
a Dally b Dally except Sunday.
sDurl River Railroad
!he Hurllngton Route"
Oeicral dttbes, N. V.
Corner Tenth and Farnam
Sts Ticket Oillce. IMS
F.iriuim street. Telenhone,
tatlon. Tenth anil .Mtinon
Streets Telii'lK'Hc, Y:i
Lincoln Hastings
a S to am a 7:35 pm
l.ln .1 llntivpr lnlo
ralo. t tali. I'aiirornia a i;.. pni n inn
1 inmhi x. Hlirk llllts ii 0:30 n in a M" Pin
Montana. Pugot Sound.. a 9:30 pin a 6:15 am
Lincoln Ktisl .Man .. .n j:w inn iuv;m nni
Denver, I', i inn
d- California
a 6:45 am
a Dally
seph ,v Council linirts
Hailrond "The Hurling
ton Route"- Ticket Olllco,
1502 Farnam street. Tele
phone, 230. Depot. Tenth
and Mason streets. Tele
phone, 123.
Leave. Arrive.
K'liiwm fliv li:i v l'.v n V) am a 6:10 tun
Kansas City Night Ex alO.15 pm a 6.15 am
St Louis Flyer for. St
Joseph and St Louis aiii&pm aiKioam
a niiuy
fi Qulncy Railroad "Tho
Burlington Route"--Ticket
oillce. 1502 Farnam St.
Tel 230. Depot. Tenth &
Mason Streets. Telephone,
123. . .
Ix.ive. Arrive.
Daylight Chicago Spec- ,
1nn,.,i' I.H-nrnM a 0:2ft Pill
.. n il . .w dill
Chicago Vcstlbiiled Ex a l:M pm n 7:15 nm
Chicago Local express. a i:i am n ia ira
Chicago Limited ...a 7:4 pm u.:4jam
i'niii, ,iiitifiinn i jip 11. .iiiu ij mil
'aclilc .liiuctlon i:tra. n i .ip inn
Fast Mall
a 2:15 pm
u Dally.
western Hallway - "Th
Northwestern Lino"
lily Ticket Oillce, HOt
I'nrnnm Street. Tele
phone. 661. Depot, Tenth
and .Mason sts. reie
Leave. Arrive.
phone, 629
Dnvlleht I'hlenco St,e-
cfal a 7:00 am nll:3) pm
Chicago Pitbsengcr ...h 4:16 put u 8.10 am
Eiistern express, ucs
Moines. Marsliniitown,
Cedar Haplds and cnt-
cauii al0:65 am a 1:05 pm
Eastern Limited, Chi
cago and East a -ijdj pm a ;uo pm
Fast Mall, Chicago to
Omnia. a 2:45 pm
Omaha-Chicago 7:15 pm a s:i pm
ir..,i n u."A ,.m
Fast Mull
a S:'M am
n Dally.
Missouri Valley Railroad
- "Tho Northwestern
Line'" General Olllces.
United States Nailniml
Bank Bldg . S. W. Cor.
Twelfth and Fnrnnni Sts
Ticket Oillce, 1101 Farnam St Telephone,
561 Depot, 15th nud Webster Sts. Tele-
phone. IIjS Leave. Arrive.
Black Hills. Dcadwood,
Hot Springs .. ,.n 3:00 nm a 5:00 nm
Wyoming. Caspar and
Douglas d 3:00 pm e 5:00 pm
Hastings, York, David
i tty. superior, liencva,
Exeter nnd Poward b 3:00 nm b 5:00 nm
Norfolk. Verdlgro and
Fremont b 7:30 am b!0:25 om
Lincoln, Wahoo and
Fremont .u 7:30 nm mO:2a am
Fremont Local c 7:30 am
i Dally b Dal y except Sunday, c Hun-
lay only. d Dally except Saturday, e
Dally except Monday.
Minneapolis & Omalia
Hallway '"1" - North
western Lino" General
Olllces. Nebraska Divi
sion, 15th and Wclnter
Sts. Cltv Ticket Offlce.
1401 Fnrnnm St. Telephone 561. Depot, 15th
and Webster Sts.
Leave. Arrive.
Twin City Passenger. . .n 6:00 om a 9:10 pm
Omaha Passenger all :10 am
sioux city & Norm-
east Nebraska a 3:1.0 pm Local b 5:13 pm b S:15 nm
a Dally, b Dally except suuriay.
Railroad - "Tho North
western Line" General
Olllces, United States
National Hunk Building,
8. W. Corner Twelfth
und Fnrnnm StH Ticket
Oillce, 1101 Farnam St. Telephono 561. De
pot, xciiin and .Mason sis. Telephone, va.
l.enve. Arrive.
Twin City Limited a 7.35 pm a S.15 ar
sioux City Local n 8:00 am a 4:20 pn
a Dally.
Ticket OHlce, 1501 Farnam
Street. Telephone S95. De
pot, Tenth nnd Mnrcy
Streets. Telephone 629.
Leave. Arrive.
St. Louis "Cannon Hall"
Express a u:0j pm a !:20 am
ii lj.tuy.
-? and & Pacllle Railroad
"The Great Hock Isl
and Route." City Tick
et Oillce, 1323 Farnam
Street. Telenhone. 42S.
Depot, Tenth Mason
hireets. ueiepnone i,;y
i.enve. Arrive
Des Moines and Davrn
port LjcuI II 7 .Ij nm bllinm
Cut. -ago Express . .. .bll:15 nm a S:10 nm
chk.ico Fast Express. .a 5:00 nm a 1:25 nm
i.iin oiii anil r airnury . .a a.ju am ar.wpm
Lincoln, Colorado spgs.,
Denver. Pueblo and
West a 1:30 pm a 4:15 pm
lies Mnlncrt. Rock Isl-
(iiid (iti.l flitcniFn ii 7!lf, nm n .''.(! nm
i-n nraiio ,v i cxas r yer.a ori nm a u:ia am
n uuiiy. u unity calcih nuuuiii
a road city Tit let Of
lice, 1402 Farnam street.
Telephone. 215. Depot
Tenth nnu .musoii streotH.
Leave. Arrive.
ebb-ago Express
..all:10 um a 4:03 pm
( lilciigo l.imueu
.a 1 :-ij pm a tr.u am
Minneapolis nnu
Paul Express .
Mlpni-apiillr. and
b 7:00 am b 9:40 pm
Paul Limited
a 7:43 pm n 3:15 am
Fort Doflgo Iocul from
Council Bluffs b 4:30 pm b 10:15 am
a Dally, b Dally except Sunday.
St. Paul Hallway - City
Ticket Oillce, 1501 Farnam
Street. Telephone 254. Depot
renin ana .inson nirecis
Telephone r,29,
Iave. Arrive.
Chl-ago Limited Ex a 6:00 pm a S:(i. am
Chicago & Omaha Ex b 7:15 am b 3.5o pm
a Dal!j b Dally except Sunday.
rnm inn 12. Kansas uiiy
St ICnstern Railroad "The
oulni v R011I0 Icket ur
n.o Ulf. Farnam Street
Telephone. 322 Depot, Tenth
.1 .,... .. UI...AI. T..ln.
11I1U ,Udiw num. ...
phone. C29.
Leave. Arrive,
St Iiiils
t'innon Hnll
a 6;05 pm u S:20 am
a 7:00 am 11 9:00 pm
Kansas ity .aid Qulncy
a, Daily
EviHTliMier of nil American Miixlelnn
Willi th (irenl CoiiipoMiT.
1,. ti, .lulv Century VIlllam .Mason, tho
vetorun American musician, tells of a re
markablo feat of memory performed by tho
composer Liszt'
Mv friend knew Liszt very well and hav
Ing taken a fancy to a composition of mlno(
"Los Perles do Roscc," which was still In
manuscript, ho said: "Lot me havo It for
nnblleation. Ded coto It to Liszt. I can
oablly et Liszt to nccopt tho dedication.
am Kolng directly from hero to Weimar
nnd will see him about It. At tho samo
tlmo I will prepare the way for your recep
Hon later as a pupil
Not lone atterward I rccolvcd a letter
from my friend In whtih I'e told me thut
hen he handed the music to l,lt tho Ut
ter looked at the manuscript, hummed It
over, then sat down nnd played It from
memory. Then, going lo hl desk, he took
a pen and accepted the dedication by writ
ItiR Ills imiue at the top of the title page.
Encouraged by this l wrote a letter to Llsr.t,
expressing my desire to become one of hl
pupils and asking what my chances were.
Unfortunately, 1 misinterpreted his reply
and recelxed the Impression that It aniountej
to a refusal, but at tho same time he gave
me a cordial Invltiitlton to attend the fes
tival about to take place In Weimar In com
mcmorntloti of the hundredth anniversary of
Goethe's birth. I still hove this letter,
which Is dated August 1$, IS 19. Hnd 1
understood then that Lint was ready to ac
cept me ns a pupil I should have Ukon up
my residence nt eltuor nt otice Instead of
waiting until I learned my mistake, as I
did during n call which 1 paid to Liszt
nearly four years later.
Is iiiero Any Relation lletepn Hint
I'll i' t unit Ccrtnlit Olltrmf
It Is believed from evidences now scon In
the sun. that n period of great activity Is In
progress there and that the effects 'of this
immeasurable force will be seen during tho
next five years In what la known ns "sun
spots." These sun spots, says the Boston
Transcript, are supposed to be great solar
volcanoes or other disturbances of tho sun's
surface In sonio visible way. Tho spots can
bo seen cnslly by observers during the years
up to 1905, when the maximum will have
been reached. These supposed cavities
sometimes go tn a width of about 20,000
tulles and then break up Into separate spots
or cavities, sometimes separating ot tho
rate of 100 tulles on hour.
The energy sent out by the same force
that causcN these sun wpols must be enor
mous. There nre some reasons for believing
that before the spots themselves make their
nppcaraiuc to Hie sight the energy Is nt
work and Is radiated from tho sun lo the
planets of this system. At all events, tho
sun spot periods aro usually notable on tho
earth for peculiar manifestations ot elec
trical energy. The electrlct Btorms that
havo been seen In New England lately aro
due, In i-nnio degree, lo tho solar energy '
and tho electricity sent lo the earth as a
tesult. Such, at least, Is n widely received
scientific theory.
It may be that the sun spots or tho en
ergy of which they nre merely the results
work in some fashion that cannot bo so
easily traced. During the past three years,
when the sun's energies hnve been nt work,
strange things have happened In the world.
In It merely a coincidence? If so, It In at
least worth notice that coincidences of this
kind nre not rare If one takes tho trouble
to look up the story of the civilized world
In the few years preceding euch period of
outbreak of sun spots, say, In the last fifty
To trace back the periods, reckoning eleven
years as tho cycle, tho beginning of sun
spot outbreaks would be reckoned In 1R89,
1878, 1S67 and 1856 In such a count. These
datrs arc not exact because the period of
duration Is not exactly mcjtuirnblo In units
of years. Still It Is surely worth some no
tlce that before tho period of 1S5C thero
camo tho desperate outbreak of tho wnr In
the Crimea; that beforo tho period of 1867
tho United States wb ravaged by civil war
to an extent hardly ever recorded In ths
history of any other country, and that tho
great tragedy of Lincoln's death had been
recorded; that preceding the eiin-spot period
of 1878 there caino the harrowing experi
enced of France, culminating In the com
miinlsh riots, nnd the Russian-Turkish war;
that before 1SS9 came tho Itoumcllan revolu
tion, the nihilist outbreak In Russia, nnd
tho war with tho Afghans, nnd that before
1900 came tho war with Spain, the Jameson
raid and tho consequent war between the
Doom and the British.
It Is also Interesting to note how finan
cial movements of Importance have accom
panied tho manifestation of sun spots In
tho last half century. Each period has been
accompanied by great business booms and
tho climax and disappearance of the sun
pots In clcso proximity to a financial panic.
except In 1861, when the Immense prepara
tions of wnr In tho United States rather
causes! bettor bilsliifefi. Since that (Into,
however, the years 1873, 1884 nnd 1895 wero
years of widespread financial and Industrial
depression. This coincidence Is also ntrlk-
Ing enough to he noted. Of eournu, such
coincidences do not provo that tho energy
or tho reaction In tho sun causes such ro
Hiilts on tho riirth; but It Is ut least re-
markablo that the sun's energy and thn
human energy on the earth should have run
lu cycles so closely alike.
IteiiNOiiN Why Prrionn lluvltiir Any nt
Them Should Cue Glnssrs.
Tho three defects of eyesight which aro
most commonly encountered In otherwise
hfulthy persons, nnd which can be moro or
less perfectly overcome by means of glasses,
sayo tho Youth's Companion, aro near-sight-cdnoFt),
far-fllghtodness and astigmatism.
Thoao are nil Important, for, besides tho dis
comfort and annbyanco of Imperfect sight,
tho Involuntary efforts which thn sufferer
maker) lo see better strain tho eyes, and not
only Injure them, but also giro rise, through
reflex action, to headaches and varlouR nerv
ous disturbances.
Near-sightedness, short-sightedness, or
myopia, ns It lo variously called, is a condi
tion of thn eyeball usually a lengthening
In consequence of which tho rays of light nm
brought to u focus In front of tho retina and
so tho object Is blurrod.
This condition may exist from birth, hut
Is usually tho result of too much and too
early uso of tho eyes, us In the cnoe of stu-
lenls, engravers, women who do flno sewing
and so forth. Thus we may say that putting
children to work at nomo of tho kindergar
ten exercises, such bb perforating nnd draw
ing, Is In a doublo hciiso a short-sighted
Many near-sighted people refuse to wear
glasscn. preferring to deprlvo themselves of
night for everything beyond the nose rsther
than to Injiiro their personal nppearance, as
they think. This Is another ahnrt-alnhted
policy, for, besides losing much of the Joy ef
exlatcnco which comes from seeing tho beau
tiful things about nnd above um, such per
soph arc very llablo to suffer from Inflam
mation of tho eyes produced by constant
A less common defect Is long or fsr
slghtedncHs or hypermctropla. This Is th
oppoallo of myopia, tho eyeball being flat
tened or Hhortoned nnd tho raya of llht
consequently not coming to a focus by tho
tlmo they reach the retina.
In this enso tho eyo often corrects the
defect mere or less miccefofully by making
tho crystalline leua more convex, but It does
thlH nt tho expense of the sufferer's nervous
forco, and so wo often Ilnd tired and con
gested eyes, headarh(H, Indigestion and even
serious nervous affections. Thn effort tn
correct tho vlolon is entirely Involuntsry
and can bo overcome only by tno fitting of
suitable convex glames.
Tho third and most common defect Is
astlgmatlflin. In this condition there ia somo
Irregularity of tho surface of the )ye or
tho lens, by means of which the Imago as
It rcachm tho retina Is distorted. Un
treated astigmatism Is a frequent causo of
headache and other nervouii disturbances.
The only relief Is tho wearing of Klssses,
at least whlln reading, writing; or whenever
near objects nrn looked at.
Strikers Not l.onUInu for I ImIiL
VANCOUVER, II. C July 25. Tho troublo
at Stoviftton with tho striking fishermen is
practically Hflttled. The presence of the
militia hs taken all of the fight out or -b