THE O M ATT A DATLY TIEE: TUESDAY, T1TLY 24, 1900. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL T7hcat Sudors a Decline and Closes Slightly Below Saturday. GENERAL DEPRESSION EVIDENT IN MARKETS Corn Quiet, Hill Nlrnil y Sppeulnllt r 'Trnilr In On If. Wiiiii 1 1 I'rul Ulim Open Firm on l.liclit Hiik Itecelpts. CHICAOO. July 23. HIjt wnrW'n ship rmnts, largo receipts nnil unresponsive ca ble started a decline In wheat today unu the clone wum lV4f under Saturday for the September option. September corn i-lo 'ifV4c and Heptember oats c down. At t.i' cloiie provisions wete 5c to 224e lo- ple8Cl. , . ,.,. Wheat was ti very ,tarm- market tnjiaj. Liverpool showed practlciitly no ronpo tiso to thn nilvance here Saturday and the wrrld'H shipments wore large, shoiunf, I od Increase! from ilusslu nnd the 1 ,an country. It, was the nor of news ..Ich Krcrtcil the beginning of trade, Sep. I nber opening Ho to lo umlor, i day. There was omo11,,,covcl",Js ly shorts for prollts, u Hit " bu Ly on i(n)i fwlnK thin, nd i ptcmber rallied to Tsttc. The ral y which I iders worn playing for failed to tnute t.allze, because of outside apathy, and ' reaction followed. Heavy cclptH anda ury slack cash business during the rest of the session held tho market true to the downward course nnd the wlntlup was mo Ies and weak. September dropped Ui ibUo i nd closed l'.4c lower at 7Hfl .67 fee. C ear .nces at the seaboard In wheat nnd llour vero counl to 1MJ.0-I bu. Primary receipts i ggreguted 1,185.000 bu., compared with ; .- i bu last year. Minneapolis and Uul't tenoned 363 cars, against 2x7 Inst week an C'J tt year ago. Itecelpts hero wcr h cars, Blxty-sovcn of contract grade. Tim domestic Visible decreased 450.WO bu. nnd the English 1,221,000 bu. Reports from the "."kolas were that hot winds had prac 1 .-ally completed the destructive work or i 10 drouth. Not lnurh nttentlon was paid n these reports, however. Corn was quiet but steady, ho dltiT llrmly ngulrist the weakness in wheat nfttr I had made a small concc-Mlon to the at titude assumed by the more Important .rcaK Iluslness In the pit wn; linlted In volumo and local In character Ihc sup porting factors were light recel Pts--U cars leresmnll country offerlnRH, higher cables , nTuI HtrnnK cash ilemuml. m" between 3DV5l3'Jc, closing WW ,in.,,T r's'iSSc. Shipping bids were reported 3V,o over September c. I. f. Buffalo arid 4Wc over September for No. 2 white. Sales for shipment were placed at bu.. w i New York reported thirty-live curloads "Thn specuii'tlve trade In oats was small and largely eonllned to the operations ot local scalners. The (lepressinK nllucncc was to u degree counteracted by the stea Ineis of corn. Receipts were 101) cars Sep ember sold between 23"4n23c and Lw"o and closed -c under Saturday ut USc, Provisions opened lirm on light hoc re ceipts and nn ndvance at the yards. Trnde was dull, however, hogs turned easier thero was no export demnnc and t e w heat weakness was depressing, all of which cost the hoK product market Its early , Bain Mind more. too. September pork sold between $12 l.uid $11.90 and closed down 2214c under Saturday nt $11,921; Heptember lard be tween J8.9214 and J-J.SiMHS.K2V4. closing 5c clown nt $6 S2V4, and September ribs be tween J7.05n7.07l; and $fi.0?M!. with tho close tc depressed nt JG.97V4. .... Estimated receipt tomorrow: heat twenty ears: corn, 715 cars; oats, 200 curs. Iiork, 16,000 head. ..... The lcadliiR futures ranged ns follows. Artlcle8.OpeZiTlTgh7 Low. I Close-ISiify. Wheat July AUg. Sept. A)lg. Sept. Oats July Aur. Sept. Fork July Sept. Lard July Sept. Oct. Jtlbs July Sept. Oct. 76i V,Vt 75'4fi K T5',4Ti H 7777'.fe 76ftfe 77t I-pv-cKfi- 3911 391TM 3SU 39UO 39irV4 3S',lfe 3'n4l 39i 3'JUf. 39Sfi'4 3a',Mj- 394 39(, 391,4(0 ..9',s 23 23 22Tfe 22T4 23Vfe 23Ur(T23Vilafe 23 2.TB23M, S3 23UH 234I234 23' 11 SO 12 00 -12 15 12 20 11 90 U 9:V4 12 15 6 80 6 MA ti SO fi 9JVS J.2V4 fi f,7(s 6 92V4 6 93 6 85 fi 85 C 9Jifc fi 95 fi 93 7 ai 7 074 6 97',4 fi 97'4 7 02',4 7 00 7 02V4 95 6 95 7 00 'No 2. (ish quotations were as follows: KLO I' H Steady: winter patents, $3.90Jir 4.10; HtralRhts,; clears, $3.003.00; spring specials. $I.Cnl.75; patents, :i.70tf 1.20; BtrnlRhts. J2.204f3.70; bakers, $2.30j2.80. Wl I HAT No. 3, 73e; No. 2 red. 7Sfl7S',4c CORN No. 2, 39Sc; No. 2 yellow. 3'JU 10c. OATS No. 2. 21li2l'.4e; No. 2 white, 2&SP 27.4c; No. 3 white, 2."'4'u27'4c. UVI2-NO. 2. r.l5T54Hc. HA11LHV Fair to choice malting, IfifilSc. SIOEIJS No. 1 llax, $1.70; No. 1 northwest urn. $1.71fi 1.7fi. Clover, contract grade, $8.00. PHOVISIONS-Ss pork, per bill., $11.10 H1.S5. Lard, per 1U0 lbs., $0.70f.S2V4. Short libs sides (loose), $7,005(7.23. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), $.75?)7.00. Short clear uldes (boxed). $7.45'f?7.&0. WHISKY Hasls of IiIrIi wines, $1.2314. SUOAHS-Cut lonf. $0.RS; Rrnnulated, $0.32; confectioners' A, $0.28; off A, $6.13. Following 1110 thn receipts nnd shipments for today; Articles. Itecelpts. Shipments. 17.000 23,000 76,000 W,000 275.O0O 116,000 13,001) 183,000 fi.OOO 4,000 10,000 fi.OOO Flour, bbls. AVheut, bu . Corn, bu ... Oats, bu .... Jive, bu .... Hurley, bu On the Produce exchange, today the but ter market was firm, creameries, 15fil9'4e; dairies, U(ffl7c. Cheese, ilrm, 9V4fflOUc. L'rrs, firm; fresh, HV&c. M5W YOHK C.IIM'.H.VI, M.VIlKiyi'. U'lotntloiiN for the liny on Vnrlnua ' III III Oil 1 ( I l-H. NHW YORK, July 23.-FLOlTRRecelpts, 11.373 bblc; exports, 8,881 phis.; sales. 0,930 pkgs.! morkei Inautlvo aiul 1'arelv sternly with wheat; wlnter"pateuts,; win ter stralghtH, W.'hliA.m; Minnesota patents, $1.25571,75; winter extrns, 2.7543.10; Minne sota bakers. $3,('iH3 50; winter low grades, J2.40Jf2.70. Ryo Hour, slow; sales, 250 bbls.; fair to good, $.1,155(3.30; choice to fancy, $3.R51f3.7&. CORNMHAL-Qiitot; yellow western, 93o; city, 9)c: Iirnndywlne. $, RYE l'nsler; No. 2 western, RIW40 f. o. h. nlloat; state, 65ti&fio c. t. f. New York car lots. RARLKY-Qulet; feeding. 4Se e. I. f. New 5'ork: malting, WtiMc o, I. f. New York. UARLMY MALT-Nomliiul. WIIKAT-Reeelpts. 39,775 bu. ; exports, 7,436 bu.; sales, 2,230,000 bu. futures, ROjioo liu, export. Spot, weak; No. 2 red. Sic f . o. b. nlloat; No 2 red, 81Uc elevator; No. 1 northern, Dul.ilh. 86e f. o. b. nlloat to ar rive; No, 1 hard, Duluth, SSe f. o. b. alloat. Options opened steady on 11 little covering, but eased off nnd were rather weak during tho day under larno winter wheat receipts, liquidation, easier cables and forctcii soil. lug, closed weak He net decline; July lunrii weiiK ne nei ueeune; .luiv at S2c; Heptember. 81 :t-l(V!(82Uu, nt 8lV4c; December, S2MS3 11-180. nt S2.e. closed Closed CORN -Receipts. I0.1.40O bu.: exnorts. St.- 745 bu. ; sales, 85,000 bu. futures. 100.000 bu. exports. Spot, stendy; No. 2, 46'so f. o. b. nfloat nnd 45o elevator Options opened stendy and were sustained fairly well nil clay on big seaboard clearances, higher ca bles nnd small country offerings; closed Htendy nt i(,tce net advance; July closed nt 45Uc; September, 44l5i,c, closed nt ll'dc. December. 42ii r.",e, closed nt 12c. OATS Receipts. 332,800 bu, ; exports. 29.10; bu Snot, dull; No. "2. 2Se, No. 2 white, 29if 30c; No. 3 white, 2SH'i(2'.ic: track, mixed western, 27VsSi29'.,o; trnck, white western, 28i4Q3ln; trnck. whlto state, LViflSlc. Op. Hons, dull nnd barely stcadv 1IAY Klrm; shipping, 705j75o; good to rhcilcn. R0fi92i.-je. UOPS Steady; state, common to choice. Vif) crop, lhffltc; old. 2fGo; Paclllc coast, 1899 eroji. 101fl3ej old. 34(fie. HIDKS-Steady; nalvoslnn, 20 to 23 lbs., ISc; California, 21 to 23 lbs., 2Hic; Texas dry, 4 to 80 lbs., He LKATHKR Steady; hemlock sole, nuenos Ayres. lluht to heavy. S3Vs4SIV4c; acid, ClUc. PROVISIONS-Reef, dull; family. $10,50(Tf J2.00; mess, $9.0OJi9W; beef hams. $20.00ff 1.00; packet. $10,004)11.00; city extra India mess, $16.O0f 17.30. cut meats, quiet; pick led liellles, hiMlOe; pickled shoulders, G),c; (dckled hnms. 10il04c. Lard, tlrm; western pteamed, JT.15; July closed nt $7,15, nom Inal; rellned, ilrm; continent, $7.10; South Aiuurtra, $S; compound, $6.23'((0.3"i,4. Pork, rlull: family, $l4.foni5.M; short clear, $13.00; mess, $12,75ul3.fA TALLOW-Kteady; city ($2 ier pkg.), 4Hc; country (pkgs. free). 4Sifnc. RICH Firm; domefltlc, fair to extra, IHO 6W0; Japan. 4?iil'nc. MOLASSKS FlrmJ New Orleans, open kettle, good to choice. UJiffic. IR'TTKR -Receipts, 13,492 pkgs.; steiiily; creamery, MfJOe; current packed factory, liyico , CHi:i:si:-Reeelpts. 11,413 pkgs; Mteady; inr?:.wllUo colored. !Ue; small, whlto, (Mioses small, colored. 9'49Tic ilGGd-Recolpts, U,430 pkb's.i market tlrm. western, nt mark. 1iRI3V4c for avernge lots, western, loss off. 15V4c, MlrrALS- The marKet for metals todnv was stertih, without chnnge, except for eofiper. which was firmer. Tin was 1 higher in London, but was unchatiROd here, lh nominal quotntlon being $:i". Copper continues to rule dull nt $16.50. lnd was dull nnd unchanRcd nt $.1.971,ni.02l4. Pig Iron nnd steel were offered nt much lower prices. The brokers' prlre for lend was $3.95 nnd for copper $1b.iW. OMAHA WH(H.F2NAI.n MAHICIVrS. Condition of Trnde nnd 0.tintntniM nn Mnple nnd I'.iney I'rodtice. LOOS Receipts, liberal; good stock, 10c. LIVE POt'LTRY Hens, 7Hc; roosters, according to nge nnd size, 3Q4c; broilers, lWrllc; ducks, 4f5; geese. 4W5e; turkeys, fc FRESH DRESSED POCLTRY-Itcns, SHfiOc; roosters, rjix?; iluckn nnd Reese, 10c; broilers, per lb., I2l4i!5e; turkeys, 12'4e RUTTER-Common to fnlr, 13c; choice, 15 f16c; separator, 20c; gathered creamery. 17S 18c. FJSH-Trout, 10C; blue nsh, 12c; pickerel. Se; catfish. 12c, dressed buffalo, 6c; white fish, 9c; herring, 5c; black bass. 10c; sal mon, 13c; whlto bnss. lOo; eropple. 10c; pike, 10c; halibut, 12c; bullheads, 10c; ring perch, 6c; lobsters. grc,cn, 22c; boiled lobsters. 25c; mackerel, 26c, codfish, 10c; yellow perch, 6c. PI(3EONS-Llve, per doz., 90cft$1.00. VEALS-Cholre. 9IOc. MAY Per carload lots: Upland, choice, Ji.50; midland, choice, $6.60; lowland, choice, $5.50; ryo straw, choice, $6; No. 3 corn, 37c; No. 3 white oats, 21c; cracked corn, per ton, $1j; corn nnd oats, chopped, per ton, $15.60; bran, per ton, $12.50; dhorts, per ton, $12.50. VEGETABLES. CIJCUMRERS-Per doz., 4OQ50e. ASPARAGUS Home-growtv, per doz., 20 23c. NEW TURNIPS Per bu. basket, 75c. NEW REETS Per doz. bunches. 30c. NEW CARROTS Per doz. bunches, 25c. LETTUCE Per doz.. 20c RADISHES irome.irruwn. ncr doz.. 16 20c. IK. PHA8-Per U-bu. basket, E WAX RICANS-Per V4-bu. NEW POTATOES-Per bll 60C. basKct, 40H&OC. hn.. 40nt3c. CAniJAOl'-Homc-Rrown, per lb., 1C. i;aui,i n,uwiii(-rcr aoz.. i. GREEN CORN-Pcr doz.. lOOloc. TOMATOES-Homo-grown, per V4-bu. bas ket, 75c. RHUItARn-Per lb., Uiftlc; homo-Rrown, per lb., 2c. ONIONS I Iome-Rrown, per lb., li2e. FRUITS. ST R A W 1J E R R I E S A 1 1 gone. HLACK PERRIES Per 21-qt. C3SC. $2.25. R LACK RASPUERRIES-Out of tho mar ket. RED RASPBERRIES Per 21-qt. case, $2.50. BLUEBERRIES 16-n t cases. $2.25. CURRANTS-Out of the market. PEACHES-Callfornln, per box, S0GS5o; Texas, per 4-baskot crate, S3c. APRICOTS-cnllfornia, per box, $1.35. PLUMS-Callfornla. per crnte, $1.15fil.J3. PRI'NES-Cnllfornln. per crate. $l.ayi.35.' BARTLETT PEARS-Cullfornln, per box, $1,7512.00. GOOSERERRIES-Out of tho market. CHERIUES-Callfornla, per 10-lb. box, Jt.10ffl.2C; Missouri, per 24-qt. case, $2.25; 8-lb. baskets, 60S60c. WATERMELONS As to Blze, 235130c each. APPLES Native, 76c$1.00 per bu.; per bbl $2.75iJJ3.00. TROPICAL FRUITS. PINEAPPLES-Per doz., $1.5001.73. ORANGES California. Mediterranean sweets, per box, $1; Valcnclas, $1.004.50. LEMONS California, fancy, $3.60; choice, $5.25. BANANAS Per bunch, according to size, $2.2:53.00. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS Hickory, larpe, per bu., $1.26; shellbnrks, $1.33; English walnuts, per lb.. 12fl'13c; tllberts, per lb.. 12c: almonds, per lb.. lt'J16c; raw, per lb., Sgc; roasted, 6Vy07!Ac. HIDES. HIDES-No. 1 green hides, 7c; No. 2 green hides, 5c; No. 1 salted hides, 7c; No, 2 salted hides, 6c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs.. 8c; No. 2 vcnl calf. 12 to 10 lbs., 6c. St. I.niils Cm I it mill Provisions. ST. LOUIS, July 23. WHEAT Lower; No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 74c: trnck, 74?4 75c; July, 73cj September, 74U74V4c; Decem ber. 76c; No, 2 hard, 71l44(72c. CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, 36c; trnck, 40 t0V4c; July, 38c; September, 3Sc; year, 3l4c . OATS Lower; No, 2 cash, 23c; trnck, 2H4o; July. 23!4c; September, 22c; No. 2 white. 27U028C. RYE-Flrmer; BlOSlc. FLOUR Quiet, Bteady; patents. $3.70 3.85; extra fancy and straights, $3,301(3.45; clear. $3.00(03.15. SEEDS Timothy, new to arrive, August, wanted, with $3.20 bid; $2.&02.73, nominally for spot. FLAX No market. CORNM E A L Steady, $2,255)2.30. BRAN Sacked, east trnck, GS69c. HAY Steady to llrmcr; timothy, $10.50 13.25; prnlrle, $S.509.00. WHISKY-Stendy, $1.23. IRON COTTONTIES-$1.32. RAGGINO-STiSc. HEMP TWINE 9c. METALS Lend, tlrm; $3.93. Spelter, firm; POULTRY-Steady; chickens, 7c; springs, 10c; turkeys, 5fj6c; ducks, 6V4c; springs, 6 1 V4e; geese. 3c; springs, SijiO'Ac. EGGS-Steady; 9V4c. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 16J19V4c; dnlrv. 1416c. PROVISIONS-Pork, steady; . Jobbing, $12.75. Lurd, easier; prime steam, $6.t; choice, $6.65. Dry salt meats (boxed), Sir.2.nBi ,'xtra shorts, $7.12V4; clear ribs, $i.37V4: clear sides. J7.621.4. Bacon (boxed), strong; extra shorts, $7.75; clear ribs, $7.S7V4; clear sides, $S.12A. RECEIPTS-Flour. 4,000 bbls.; wheat, 262,000 bu; corn, 63.000 bu; oats, 78,000 bu. SHIPMENTS-Flour, 5,000 bbls.; wheat. 43,000 bu; corn, 26,000 bu; onts, 5,000. Kiuisnn City Grnln nnd Provision,.. KANSAS CITY. Mo., July 23. WHEAT September, 67"i'fi6Sc: ensh. No. 2 hnrd. 6SV4 S0!, t4"07l4c; No. 2 red, 7273c;. No. 3, 70 72c. CORN-Septembcr. 36436Tfec; cash, No, ScTte,' -WW&i No. 2 white, 39c; No. 3, (JATS-No. 2 white, 25Vs,Q26c. RYE-No. 2. 51c 'W-.'00 imothy. $10.00; choice prnlrle, $7.50. llUTTUU-Creunicry, 15lSc; dairy, fnncy, .KC!?.71''lrm! fresh MIourI nnd Knnaas stock, S',4c dozen; seconds, 5c. loss' off, cases returned; southern, fie; now, whltowood, cases included, Vio mori bu; onts, is.ooi) bu Sll"'MKNTS-Wncnt- 72,600; bu; corn, 17,5?o bu. onts, bu. ' ' I.Ueriinol (iinln nnd Provisions. LIVERPOOL. July 23.-WHEAT-Flrm: No. 1 northern, sprliig, 6s 3V4d; No. 1 Cull forn a, 6s 2si)tt 3d; futuros, quiet; July, nominal; September, 6s 1V4.1; December, fis -wit. n-CiOIN-,ot- flrm: American mixed, 3s lVid; American mixed, old, 3.s IPAd; futures, steady; September. 3s HVl; November, Is ii,r.hilYiIS19NSr;":i.e,on', 0"K clenr middles, ,.. sJ.on''iv' i?8 lon cIp"r middles, heavy, steady, 2s. Lard, prlmo western, li t erces, 3..s; rellned. In p.ils, steady. 36s 9 Cheese. American llnest white, dull, 47s, Toledo Mnrl.rt. TOLEDO, July 23,-WHEAT-Dull- No rahiiml July. 7l0; September. SOTic. " "-oieuuy nnd active; No, 2 mixed, -in A.TSnDuUi No- 2 mlxc'1 nna September, RYE-Dull: No. 2 mixed. 53c, l,,'"YK" SKKIi-nuIir prime prlmo ensh, Octo. her, $3.60; No. 2, no sales. Diilnlh Whent .Mnrket CORN Mi.e OATS 25Vt4j2.'.i:c. Mlln-iiiiki'i. Crnln Mnrkpt. AM'i'rV'A"'-''' -"'ly 23,-FLOUR-Steady U E-Steady; No. I, 5rc 40u'!c:1::YSlra"y; No- mc """I'lo. Pbltn.lelplih, Proilii,.,. Mnrkpt. PHILADELPHIA. July 23R!TTrn nr'",0?l, lc',,n"i 'ney western cre i-ih .. ,-t,cu,ly: fresh nenrhy and western Peoria ,Mnrkp(, jpI'EORIA. July 23,-CORN-Slendy; No. 3. WHTcYo',3;'' Sli Vvh,lt0- 3WKio. llnlVhed RooTls." tl10 lm8la (nl M.M '"r Fnrclitn FIiiiuipIiiI. BERLIN. July 23.-Buslness opened dull to 11 stiiiifiHiiii t "i;yv naiions inmost 10 n sinnnstiii, Later It became brisker and there were n ,,ri,f. r.r,8"cr si?. wFxFtJk ....w... " - .uii'iutcnicni in Cnllifse Dt'LUTH Minn., July 23. WHEAT No Lrnrc'nv ra' m'E- AURiiHt. SOTic Septem: her. mto; December, soifce; No. 1 northern cash. 7Sic; AtiRust, 7S7c; Septeml er, TSo' Mlniienniillft Wlient Mnrkpt MINNEAPOLIS-, Minn.. July 23. WHEAT securltls In repnnse to the hlghi-r market In London Dfsrount rates, short bills. 2 15-lfi per cent, three months' hills, 4 per rent. PARIS. July, 23. -At the opening of the bourse today prices were firmer under the Influence of more ren.tirlng news from China. The llrmness was ncceritualed dur. Ing the dny nnd nt the rlose thrre was a fairly Rcncrn! Improvement In prices. In dustrials were In strong request. Rio tin los were active, purchases being stimulated by tho continued rise In the price of copper. South Africans were rtUlet. but (Inner. Three per cent rentes, 4'if 92Uc for the ac count; exchange on London, 25f 1414c for checks: Spanish 4s, 72.3714. LONDON. July 23. Atnerlcnn securities after 11 dull opening were firmer, but in active, owing to the settlement now going on. At the close the mnrket was Ilrm. Spanish Is closed nt 71j,. Amount of. bul lion tnken Into .the Unnk of England, on balance today was C55,000. Gold premium at Buenos Ayres, 137.70. CMOVEMMVr.N OF .STOCKS AMI HO.VOS. Priifenslniiiil Trailer Seek In Interest the Outilde Public. NEW YORK. July 23. Tho Influential In terests which have taken the leadership In the stock market continued their efforts to day to make n rising market with the ob ject of Inviting public buying. They were not discouraged by tho failure of outside In terest to develop on account of last week's advance utid they resumed their bullish manipulation from the opening this morn ing. There was not much dllllculty apparent In advancing prices or If any obstruction appeared In the shape of offerings In largo volume than could bo absorbed, tho leaders deftly turned their attention to stocks whoso upward courso was easier. As the long Interest has not yet attained large proportions nnd as there still remains 11 consldernblo short interest, whoso position grows dully more precarious, tho technical conditions favored tho ndvnnce. Thero was somo nccesslon of outside buy ing ns well which It is tho ultimate object of the present buying to net ns a rcllnnco for absorbing stocks at a higher level. The appearance of this buying encournged the professional bulls to redoubled efforts, nnd the day'B market ns a result gave nn nppenrnnce of greater nctivity nnd moro strength than on any day last week. This wns tiartleulnrlv trim nfter Sugar had been checked In its ilrst reaction ary tendency and was found to move up wards easily on modcrato buying. This stock continued to have a marked Influence on the whole market and Its reaction late In tho dny precipitated a movement to take prollts elsewhere, so that tho closlnir wns easy nt considerable recessions from tho uest. Tho distinguishing feature of tho market was Its unovenness, ns might bo expected from its professional and mnntmilnteil elmr- ncter. A few stocks wero nctivo nnd strong, 11 nirgo numoer snowed sharp ndvnnees after lying dormant for somo time, so that very meager transactions wero sufficient to movo them. But tho majority of tho list whs only moderately nctivo and continued very sluggish, small net gains being the ruin In sympathy with the strength in spe cial stocky. There wns a disposition to pick somo lending stock from each group of se curities In which tho lntorosts or condi tions wero allied nnd ndvnnoo the lenders for effect on their pnrtlculnr groups, thus permeating pretty much the whole list with n show of strength. During tho courso of the day other stocks In tllti several trrntm. raannnrlAH y, n less to this maneuver, thus broadening tho effect of tho advances. Thus Tentmimen Coal led tho steel stocks, with nn extreme advance of 4 VI, but several of the group responded to the extent of a point or over. Metropolitan Street Railway roso 2 early 11 A'10 ,dJly but Brooklyn Transit took the lendershln Of the irrnlin will, rnn r niL on the favorablo Judicial decision In the ten- .... 1 1, .1 c . - 1,1 1,10 grangers. St. Paul and Burlington roso about 2 points each. Karly ndvnnees in leather, People's Gas nnd houthern Paclllc proved abortive nnd these Btpcks wore relegated to tho background. Such recent favorites ob Baltimore & Ohio and Union Paclllc wero notably neglected and wero Inclined to bo heavy. Tho hope fulness of the bulls was, predicated on the moro encouraging feeling regarding: China, which was rel ected from aVoad, on the SnS1.1?0.00 that.t'10 money ; market Is as sured of a considerable period of ease and nwLn rcrIi0( ot quIot. 1,1 Pollibul affairs Is likely to Intervene boforo the campaign takes on its moro nctivo phase. The ab ?3.f Ilny engagements of gold for ox port today also helped the market, ns did tho favorablo crop news. The bond mnrket continued dull nnd prices moved Irregulnrly. Totnl sales par ,n i"?,!.'2?3'00?- U,,lt,cd States old coupon uml new-4s ndvanced Vfe In tho bid price. nh0i Com"lercl,u Advertiser's London J),1? mI?1'1 cahI"ram says: The markets here enjoyed an Improved tone In the early part ?inn. i-ftf'Si1' V,e .horror ab0" the lega later they vvero unfavorably affected by the SonM, 0fvfrncr11 UoWet's operations In bouth Africa. American securities im nroved quietly, tho professional dealings In them increasing In volume, Copper shares ffih'Vn?"' cntclll"S P with the metal" jy, cJi 'hm '!eoni 'mprovlng in prlro much faster. Tho bank received 55,000 ROld from A"? trn n? ho. nmrket nuotatlon wns 77 94il. The Bleachers- nssoclntlon prospectus is out. The cnpltnl is .25O,0O0 nnd fifty four businesses nre consolidated. Following ate tho closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: Atchlpon do pM It.ilt. A Ohio.. Can. l'acltlc . Cnn. Southern Chea. & Ohio. Chi. O. W.... I'., H. & Q.... C. I. I. do pfd r. & B. III.... C. & N. W... v., n. 1. & p. 56'., Union Paclllc .. '0'4 do pfj 75T4 .. .b4 Wiibnuh .. US'1 do pfd 19 .. 4!'i W. & I., n S'i . . i'7,, no Jd pfd 2314 .. US Wis. Central ni'4 ..l!7i Third Avenuo 110 .. 23 Adnnu Ux ,,.ijj .. Si Kx.......l57 .. M United Stt(g Ex... 4", . .16014 WelU.Farnd Kx....U1 ,iu.V Am. Cotton Oil . 0 I do pfd JIH SJ 20 T7i SS'i :j?4 C . C. C. & St. I. Colo. Southern ... do lt pM do M (il Del. A llmUon.... D., L. & W . II" . do pfd Am. B. ,fc R.,.. do pfd Amcr. Spirits .112 .1 IVnver & It. 0 1"H 00 pra do nf, 6V4'.m. Steel Hoop Krle do 1st pM (!t. Nor. pfd... Hocking Coat .. Hocking Vnlley 111. Central .... Iowa Central . do pfd K. C , V fi C, L. U. & W do pfd Ijiko Shor ... Iiuls. & Nanh. Manhattan L .. Met. St, tty. . . Mex. Cential ., M. A- tft. 1j do pfd Mo. P.icltlo .... Mobile & Ohio.. M.. K & T.... do pM N, .1. CVntrnl ., N. Y. Central .. Norfolk & W... ,. 11 do pfd .. wv, .. 3:14 .. 74 14 .. 2-114 .. 76 .. 04 ..153 .. 4314 .. r.5'4 .. 3:,; .. !4 . 7!4 .. j: 14 .. ts ..ti) ..100 .. W,i .. 6314 .. 7314 ., 31!i .. S3 .. 20' ; . . 1)514 .. MVj . SI .153 Am. Htcol & W. do pfd 'Hi Am. Tlnnlate .... 3-Vj do pfd , ....120 Am. Tobacco 2J do pfd .... Anaconda M, Co,, . .. i llrooklyn It, T..., .... 2" Colo, IMel & Iron .... f0 Con. Tobacco ... do pfd .... 7t Federnl Steel ... .. . !1'4 do pfd ..151 Clen Kleetrlo .... OliKos.; Kuaar .... 56 I do pfd .... 93 Inter. Paper , .... 51'4 do pfd .... 3S iliclede Oa .... '4 Nat. Biscuit .... 1 I do pfd ...,12!)'4 Nat. Load 130i do pfd V, Nat. Steel do pfd N. PailOo do pfd .. 77'i .. .IIS 72 .!! vi .. 1; .. 76 ..129 ... W, ... co'4 ... 59 da pfd Kl N. Y. Air nrake...lSS No. American US Paclllc Coast W do 1st prd HI do 2d pfd R.1 Pacific Mall S-.'U People's 0.i 100 Pressed Bteel Car... 43 do pfd 73 Pullman P. Car.. ..Ill Standard R. & T... 5 Pugar !t7'i Ontario it W Ore. Ity. & Nav. do pfd Pennsylvania .... Heading do lat pfd do 2d pfd Rio O. W do pfd Ht. I. & S. V... do 1st pfd do 2d pfrl Ht. L. & fi. W.... do pfd Kt. Paul do pfd Ht. P. & O So. Paclllc So. Itallway do pfd Texas .1- Pacltle.. ... !') .. 9014 ... 6iV, .. .13 do pfd .1161 Tcnn, Coal A I . 714 . 114 . KM . ! . m . 7o-; ... ... 24 ..ii3; ..nt U. 8. leather do pfd V. B. Rubber do pfd Western Union ... Republic, I, A fl... do pfd P.. C O. A St. L. ..inv, ... sis 124 Bl'4 63 ... . . .,."4 ... 15'i llimlnn Stocks nnd llnniU, BOSTON. July 23.-Cnll loans, 2ff3 per cent; timo loans, 34 per cent. Official closlns: A.. T. A.St. Ke.... do pfd Am. SiiKar do pfd Hell Telephone Ponton A Albany... Iloalon I. notion A Me C II. A Q Dominion Coal .... do pfd Fedeml Steel do pfd l'llclibiirg pfd Oen. Kleclrlc do pfd Mex. Central Mich. Telephono .. N. U. (hui A Coke. do Em Old Colony Old Dominion llublter . 26, I'nlon Pacina M'i 701. west Knd P,4 ,127't Wen, Kleclrlc 45 117 VI. Central 14 ,115 Atchison 4s (34 .253 Adventure 1 H24 .Minuet Mlnln Co.. 1 ,183 Amal, Copper M .127?, Atlantic , 21 , 33 Boston A Montana. .801 ,113 llutte A Ronton e . 3S Cnl. A Hecla ..,,..715 . 614 Centennial 17t4 .136 Franklin 134 .13l4lllnmnuldt 23 .137 IOmcpoIa (04 . 13',i' Parrot 42 . ) Qulncy 136 . M4 Santa Fo Copper... R . 66 iTamarack ,.195 .2)3 I Utah Mlnln i'4 . 194 Winona ,,. 24 . 2I'4 Wolverines , 1J Hunk Clpnrliiua, . BOSTON. July 23.-ExchunKC8, $13,318,569; hnlances, $1.099,1137. ST. LOUIS, July 23.-Clearlngs, $5,0SS,541; balances, $516,4)9. Money, 407 per cent. PHILADELPHIA, July 23.-Clearltlss, $12,473,717: balances. $2,31,111. BALTIMORE. July 23,-CIenrlngB, $2,4S3, 719; balances, $108,214, CINCINNATI. O., July 23.-Clearlngs,. $3.. 174.WX); New York exchange, par to lOo premium. Money, 2Vi'i6 per cent, NEW YORK, July la-Clearlngi, $93,659,- 123, balances, $5,120,459. The siib-treasury had n dehlt bnlnnce todny of $769,886. CHICAGO, July 23.Clenrlngs. $20,497,417. balance, $2,312,9lt. Posted exchnnge. $1 M" IflASVS; New York exchange, fie premium. pvr York Money Mnrkpt. NEW YORK. July 23, MONEY -On call, stendy nt Pif51V4 per cent, prime mercantile paper, steady nt lflli per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm, with notunl business In bankers' hills at $4.87V4 for demnnd nnd $I.S3V4W4.S4 for sixty dnys; posted rates, $l.stiifi4.i nnd $4.SSV4; com merclnl bills. Jl.gSUft I.83H. SILVER-Har. ri'jc; certificates, 61iff 02t4c: Mexican dollars. 4S'lc, BONDS Government, strong; state, In active; railroad. Irregular. The closing prices on bonds today are as follows: v. s. rer, :s, trg . do roupon do 2s, reg do ,1s, reg do coupon do new Is, reg,... do coupon do old 4, reg .104 t04 too 1094 110V, 132V4 "do (s 91S N V. C. U IDS N. J. P. g. Is .!2JS No. Paclflo 3si M do 4 1044 N Y. C A St L 4s..l0i4 133)4 US', 1!f.i 1I34 1144 N. K- V. e. t Ore. N. Is 10? do ts 102S Ore. Short Line 6s..ia!i do c. 5s 112 Reading Ben. ts.... S'i Rio O. W. Is Hi u. t. A I M r. E. Ill) do coupon un m, reg do coupon D. of C. 3 Ka Atch gen. 4s do ndj 4s Canada So, JsS.... Ch. A Ohio 44s., do 6s C & S. W. e. 7s, do S. V. dh Ss Chi. Terminal (s... Colo. So. 4s d 11. a. is do in Krle Ken. 4s Ft W. & r. P. Is. Ocn, Hlectrlc 5s la, Central Is K. C, 1. & O Is.., I.. A N. unl. ttl.... K. & T. 2s 1-1 10P4 M14 1074! Mi; llfi'l ni 1:0 us ID? 074 M'.4 St L A S F r. s...l22 St 1'nul consols ...wt St. P.. C. A P. In. .11S.U do 5s 114 So. Railway 6s 10S4 .Standard R. & T. s 71 Tex. & Pncin- 1S...1HV4 ' do 2s St Union Pacific 4s... .1054 I'V.nnasn is 117 113 71 M Wt 604 do !i is)i tl. Uhnrff 4ft ......113 Wis. Central Is H Vn. centuries i When Issued. Bid? I.nndon Stock anntntlnnn. LONDON, July 23. I p. m. Closing! Consols, money .... 9S Krle 1 Rl4 do account K do 1st pfd 3.H4 Atchison Pennsylvania 654 Can. Paclllc 01H Readlnir St. Paul IIP,; N. PaclflcvpM 73'4 III. Central 122'4 Orand Trunk 6',4 Ixiulsvlllc "J15 Anaconda S-H t'nlon PaclOc pfd... 7S Rand Mines 39',4 N. Y. Central 133'4 RAR SILVER-Qulet at 2S3-16d per ounce. MONEY 2V43 per cent; the rnto of dis count in thn open market for short bills, 3?fe per cent; for three months' bills, 3t per cent. Npiv York MlnliiK Stocks. ' NEW YORK, July 23. The following nre tho closing quotations for mining shares todny: Crown Tolnt 10 Ophlr 81 Con. Cal. A Va 135 Plymouth 10 Dcadwood 40 Quicksilver 150 Oould & Currle .... "0 do pfd 650 Halo & Norcross.... 17 Sierra Nevada 22 Homeslake SOOO Standard 400 Iron Silver 52 Union Con 17 Mexican 12 Yellow Jacket 1 Ontario 600 Cnuilltlnn of tlip Trcninry, "WASHINGTON, July 23. Today's state merit of the treasury balance In the general fund, exclusive of $170,000,000 gold reservo in the division of redemption, shows: Avail able cash balance, $lo2,6S6,856; gold, $70, 915,323. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, July 23,-Today's cotton market opened 218 points higher in re sponse to strong early cablon from Liver pool, Soon after the opening perfect crop accounts from tho south made their pres ence felt, as did wet weather accounts and piedlctlons for the best weekly crop re port from WnshlnRton received this year. The timid holders llnally unloaded a con siderable portion of their staple and the local and southern bear speculation In creased the heaviness of tho mnrket near midday. Not only did iho new crop deliv eries make a full reaction, but they sank several points below Saturday's closing be fore tho selling movement subsided. Nearly every broker in the pit had selling orders, though these for the most part were scaled upward on the theory that the llrmness In Liverpool would cause our marker to ad vance fully 1220 points. Late operations on 'change were of a local evening up character and small at that; prices followed a narrow rut throughout. Tho close was quint, with prices net 10 points higher to 3 lower. NEW YORK, July 23,-COTTON-Futures closed quiet; July, 9.91c; August, 9.32c; Sep tember, 8.70c; October. 8.36c: November, 8.22c; December, 8.19c; January, 8.19c; Feb ruary, 8.21c; March, 8.24c; April, S.26c; May, 8.29c. Spot, closed quiet; middling uplands, 10c: middling gulf, lO'.ic: sales. 1,030 bales. ST. LOUIS. July 23.-COTTON-Qulet; no sales; middling, 9-4c; receipts, 408 bales; shipments. 1.3S9 bales; stock. 20,806 bales. NEW ORLEANS, July 23. COTTON Firm; sales, 603 bales: ordinary. 81-16c; good ordinary, 84c; middling, 10 3-16c; good middling, 10 7-16c; middling fair, 10 U-16c; receipts, 230 bales: stock, 62,097 bales. Fu tures, barely steady; July. 10.16 10.18c: Au gust, 9.519.53c; September, 8.558.56c; Oc tober, S.14fiS.15c; November. 8.028.03c: De cember. 88.02c; January. SS.02c; February. 8.028.Olc; March, 8.048.C6c; April, 8.068.08C Oil Markets. OIL CITY. Pa.. July 23.-OILS-Credlt bat utices, $1.27; certlllcates, J1.27V4 bid for ensh; shipments, 191.392 bbls., nverage. 79.766 bbls.; runs, 219,112 bbls., nveraco. 67,079 bbls. TOLEDO, July 23. OILS-Northern Limn, 93c; southern Lima, and Indiana, 90c. LONDON, July 23.-01LS-Calcutto Un seed, spot. 55s 6d. Linseed oil, 33s 6d. Tur pentine spirits, 32s. NEW YORK, Julv 23. OILS Petroleum, Ilrm; refined, New York. $7.95; Philadelphia and Baltimore. $7.90; Philadelphia nnd Bal timore, In bulk, $7.35. Rosin, quiet. Tur pentine, easy, at 45V446c. Ciillfnrnlii Dried Fruits. NEW YORK. Julv 23.-CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Dull nnd nomlnnl. There were no new developments noted nt the opening of the week In dried fruits, other thnn a slight increase In offers of choice and fnncy grades of Evaporated apples, but as demand seemed fnlr the mnrket ruled steady In tono nt fully sustained prices; state, common, 3V45o; prime, 6V43V4c; choice, 546V4c; fancy, 77!.4o. California dried prunes, 3V4Ti7o per lb., us to size nnd quality. Apricots, Royal, ll14c; Moor Park, 15ifil7c. Peaches, peeled, llfrlSc; un peeled, C9c. ' CnfTpp Mnrket. NEW YORK. July 23.-COFFEE-Spot Rio. easy: Nn. 7 Invoice. 9V4c- mild coffee. quiet; Cordova, 9Vy13Vic Futures opened steady, 1525 points lower under foreign and locnl Belling, based on bearish crop estimate from Rio; weak spot coffee mar ket, very unfavorable cables from European mnrkots nnd predictions of Incrcnsed crop movement. Tho lower rato of oxchnnee In Rio nnd Inte weak Hnvre cnblos Increased heavy undertone and checked buying. Closed steady with prices net 10 to 20 points lower. Total snles, 41,250 bags, Dry (7nnilH Market, NEW YORK. July 23.-DRY GOODS The chief feature of the murket toduy hns been the revision of prices In hlcnched cottons, leading lines being reduced ',2?4c per yard, In brown goods the market continues dull. Coarse colored cottons were without special feature. Prints wero slow throughout. Print cloths were quiet but Ilrm. Ameri can Woolen company will open all Its lines on Monday next. Stisrnr Mnrkpt, NEW ORLEANS. July 23,-SUOAR-Mar-ket strong; centrifugal yellow, 65ic; sec onds, 3t 9-I6c. DnnirtKP Loss Thnn Supnnsed. PHOENIX, Ariz., July 23,-RoportB today resulting from nn Investigation of tho dam age by tho recent droith stnto that tha ornngo crop hos not been damaged so seriously as nt first reported nnd there will be three-fourths of u crop. Tho first pick ing will bo marketed early In November. Spiere Ntnrin In Wisconsin. LACROSSE. Wis,, July 23. A Severn electrical nnd wind storm swept over hero today. The German Methodist church wns struck by lightning and damnged $10,000. Much damage was done to tho crops by tho wind. Sturm Dnniiiigp In Oliln, IRONTON, O.. July 23.-A terrible wind, rain and hall storm swept over hero Inst night, demolished n largo pinning mill, un roofed severnl houses and uprooted trees. Several houses 'wero struck by lightning. THE IlIJAl.TY RECORD. INSTRUMENTS filed In county clerk's of flco July 23: Wnrrnnty DppiU. John Weber to Harry Fischer, lot 3, block. 4. Hitchcock's Ilrst ad $ 300 B. B. Holler and husband to H. B. Mc Alvln. lot 3, block 7, Isabel ad., lots 13 and 14. block 7, North Omaha ad 1 D. E. Fyock to E. O. Fyock, lot 6, block 3. Riverside ad 750 Elsie Uirsen to D. E. Fyock, samo.,.. 750 Quit Clnlni Deeds. . E. F. riper to John Weber, lot 3, block I, Hitchcock's first ad 500 DppiIn, Special Master to Brattleboro Savings' Bank, o 3D feet lot 14, Coburn'a sub,.. 372 Total amount of transfers ,$2,473 0MAI1A LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Rcoeipt Rather Light and Prices Advance Slightly. HOG MARKET ALSO TAKES UPWARD JUMP ltrnvlpst Receipts of Shppp for Hpv crnl Month nnd Prices Fiilly Stenilj. lint I. n nibs Nell Still l.iMTcr. SOUTH OMAHA. Julv 23 Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 2,290 4,258 9,981 D,92i 7.0S0 2.78S 1 313 nnmo nay last wecK 3,168 Samo week before 4,692 Same three weeks ago.. 2,56.1 Same four weeks ago.... 2.230 4,696 6,061 6,603 7.92S Avrftge price paid for hogs for the last several days, with comparisons: 11900. 1S99.1SJ3. 1897. lt96.1895TjlS9t Julv l 3 73 3 671 3 23 2 96 4 03 July 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 d 3 61 3 18 2 951 4 63 4 70 4 73 4 4 85 4 91 4 77 6 01 6 06 4 79 4 96 4 80 4 73 4 X6 July July July Julv 6 01 3 78 4 3 21 2 a 6 08 6 16 6 11 3 781 3 66 3 66 3 76 4 S3 4 1 4 91 4 76 4 63 4 67 3 S3 3 81 3 88 3 28 3 24 2 OS 2 US 3 04 2 96 2 87 2 94 Julv July 3 87 3 32 July 5 13 6 13 5 04 3 78 3 35 3 2i July 10 Julv ll 3 90 3 96 4 04 m S 70 July 12 6 02 6 13 3 73 3 18' 4 72 Juiy is July 14 July 16 Julv IB 4 09 3 82 3 77 3 77 3 82 3 14 3 15 2 97 a no 4 78 6 08 E 02 4 03 3 99 . 171 1 (K 4 88 3 20 3 07 4 81 July 17 4 941 4 01 3 2o 2 li 2 971 4 82 ! 95f 4 S3 4 S9 4 52) 4 97 JUly 18 July 19 July 20 Julv 21 4 S7I 4 1R I 3 82 2 1 I'V 4 M i 23 .1 SO 3 .121 4 79 4 Ml 4 191 .1 Ml 3 351 2 97 4 91 4 74 4J9 1 74 5 071 4 211 3 81 3 SS) 2 OS 4 34 3 791 3 27) 2 Hoi 6 15 3 821 3 231 2 83 I July 22 4 85 July 23 4 81 Indicates Sunday. Holiday. Tho official number of cars of brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Missouri Pacltle Ry.. 3 Union Paclllc System. 6 10 25 C. & N. W. Ry 1 F., E. & M. V. R. R.. 44 13 S. C. &. V. Hy 1 C., St. P., M. fc O. Ry. .. 1 B. & M. R. R. R 39 25 10 C B. & Q. Ry 1 3 K. C. & St. J 2 .. C R. I. & P., east... 5 1 C, R. 1. & P.. west 1 3 Illinois Central 2 stock H'r's. -7 Total recelnts 102 56 39 The disposition of the dny's receipts was ns follows, each buyer purchasing the man ner otsncau indicated: uuycrs. cattle, iiogs. snecp. Omaha Packing Co 3 603 G, II. Hammond Co 353 932 Swift and Company 224 737 Cudahy Packing Co 388 1,168 Armour & Co 68$ 956 Swift, from country 55 R, Becker & Degan 26 Vnnsant & Co 178 J. L. Carey 62 Lnbman & Co 11 Hill & Huntzlngcr 24 Other buyers 123 621 3.453 2.707 2,956 Totals 1.970 4,471 9,668 CATTLE Not ns manv cattle arrived to day as a week ago and only about thirty cars of western stock wove on sale. In view of the light receipts and favorable reports from other markets prices here on cornfod steers ruled generally 5 10c higher than on Friday of Inst week, The greater advance wns, of course, on the better grades, and some very common stuff may not have brought more than steady prices, but the feeling was better all around. Buy ers all seemed to want a good many cattle ana it was not long nerore practically all the choice stock had changed hands. The cow market wns also In better shape. Thero, were not many good native cows on sale, but such ub were here brought from 5c to 10c more than last week's price. Common stuff mpved a little more freely, but without material change In quotations. Bulls, calves and stags also sold at fully steady prices with last week. Stock cattle wero In good demnnd again today and might snfely be quoted 10c higher than on Friday for good heifers or steers. Common stuff does not sell so readily and prices are not much better on that class of stock. The western cattle today met with ready sale at prices that compared very favorably with those of last Monday. Taking quality Into consideration the mnrket today was grobably 10gi5c higher than a week ago, ut owing to the fact that so few are com ing comparisons are difficult. Represent ative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. A v. Pr. No. Av. Tr. 2 920 $3 90 22 1063 3 00 1 800 4 23 53 1180 3 10 4 1102 4 23 12 1234 6 10 3 1036 4 70 IS 1311 5 10 143 1044 4 73 19 12C5 5 30 39 1034 4 83 43 1176 5 20 43 1138 4 90 1 1170 5 20 44 1270 4 W 21 1330 5 20 4! 10W 4 93 38 1223 B 20 23 1044 4 95 19 1273 5 33 13 1164 6 00 60 1421 5 2',4 19 1013 5 O) STEERS AND HEIFERS. 19 934 4 95 COWS. 1 810 2 25 1 1130 3 23 1 950 2 39 1 930 3 33 8 1078 2 50 7 9.',2 3 40 4 875 2 60 1 1060 3 30 2 1100 2 7 5 1 910 3 ,V 1 1160 2 75 1 1110 3 60 7 97 2 90 1 1200 3 75 1 103O 3 0(1 1 800 3 85 t 931 3 10 2 916. 4 30 1 10 3 !0 ' HEIFERS. 1 740 3 25 2 930 4 25 BULLS. 1 920 2 $5 1 13(0 3 33 1 11S0 3 00 1 1600 3 33 1 1200 3 10 1 1180 3 SO 1 1120 3 25 CALVES. 1 200 4 75 1 130 6 00 3 233 5 75 STAGS. 2 1380 3 65 1 -.12W) 3 75 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 2 T0 2 "5 3 790 3 10 1 S40 2 75 9 4S6 3 2.1 3 660 3 00 X 627 3 60 STOCK CALVES. 2 JSO 3 (0 1 310 5 00 1 1ft) 4 00 1..- "0 5 50 8TOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1 760 2 73 3 60 4 00 J 604 3 10 "i 710 4 (fi 1 600 3 30 '7 9.W 4 10 9 970 3 70 633 4 10 1 370 3 75 8 860 4 10 3 400. 4 00 8 787 4 10 1 790 4 00 SOUTH DAKOTA. 42 str. Tex.1196 4 35 1 feeder. .1020 3 75 27 cows 851 2 70 3 feeders.. 753 3 2. 14 steers.. ..1004 3 t:i - teeners., , ,o 1 steer 1040 3 75 4 feeders.. 815 3 75 1 steer 1020 3 75 1 steer 1130 3 75 J. Johnson B, D. 16 feeders.. 866 4 10 1 steer 970 4 00 5 feeders.. 840 4 00 1 steer 1000 4 oo 1 steer 1230 4 00 1 steer 1530 4 00 James Walker-S. D. 7 feeders.. 741 4 00 1 steer 1060 3 25 Scows.... 933 2 9i 1 steer 1100 4 00 4 cows 1075 3 50 1 steer 1260 4 00 Townsend Bros. S. D. 16 cows 1059 3 60 2 cows 1065 3 CO M. KelllKcr , i. , 26 COWS Dffii 3 05 J. I. Smlth-S. D. 1 steer 1250 3 75 1 steer 1260 3 75 1 steer 1300 3 75 1 steer 1100 3 75 1 steer 1030 3 75 1 steer 1230 4 30 1 steer 1260 4 30 1 steer 1230 4 30 1 steer 1250 4 30 1 steer 1420 4 30 1 steer 1190 4 30 2 steers. ...1210 4 30 1 .inr oon 4 .10 1 steer 1180 4 30 M steer!.. ..1330 4 SO 1 steer 1220 4 30 1 steer 1350 4 bo i steer iiai i m Western Ranches S. D. 21 str. Tcx.1193 4 10 J. H. Westovcr S. D. 20 feeders.. 814 4 10 1 feeder... 750 3 00 11 cows 977 3 75 9 heifers.. 610 3 25 9 cows 913 2 90 MONTANA. 69 steers.. ..1236 4 20 S3 steers. ...1218 4 20 80 steers.. ..1218 4 20 85 c. & 11....1081 4 10 47 COWS 1015 3 50 83 c. & h....l054 4 10 Neb. L. Sc F. Co. Neb. 59 feeders.. 946 4 10 21 Steers.. ,.1208 4 00 60 feeders.. 916 4 10 T. Johnson 8. D. 13 feeders.. 957 4 10 13 cows 883 3 50 5 steers.. ..1292 4 35 1 cow 720 2 25 Goo, Mnrshall S. D, 26 feeders.. 796 4 20 IDAHO, No. Av, Pr. No. Av, Pr. 1 heifer... 670 $3 25 2S stesrs.... SOt $1 10 20 heifers.. 558 3 60 3 steers..,. 750 3 60 24 cows..., 919 2 10 2 cows $22 00 36 cows nnd calves 37 00 HOGS There was about an average Mon day's supply of hogs at the yards today, but tho quality was rather on the com mon order, a good proportion of tho re ceipts being composed of light weight stuff, Reports from other markets wore In favor nt the selling Interests, and us a result prices here wero 5gl0a higher than on Sat urday. The bulk of the hogs sold from J5.12V4 to $5.17V4. or generally 7V4o bettor thnn Saturday's prices. Tho light weights brought from $5.15 down, but mostly J3.12V4. and tho choicer hogs brought mostly $5,174, with the long string of nil tho sales at $5,15, The market whb fairly active throughout and closed without material change, ulthnugh Chicago repnricd an eas ier close. As will be seen from the table of average prices today's advanco takes the market back to nbout where It wns two weeks ago today. Representative sales; No Av Hh. Pr. No. Av. Ph. Pr. 0 1.14 . It 7S 61 W 40 5 15 21 291 10 .", 10 79 2J ... 5 13 3 18) 120 5 124 67 2t ... 5 18 91 HI 120 5 12Vf K 234 160 5 15 72 17 120 5 134 M 232 SO 5 13 ;,9 197 200 b I2t4 - 80 & IS V, 191 80 3 124 317 2IS 320 i 174 37 IR6 M 3 124 81.., 23t 120 5 174 16 190 40 6 1-4 P 2M 40 6 174 110 163 ... 5 124 6 236 80 5 174 76 ivrt 24) 5 124 80 213 160 5 174 75 210 2"0 5 IS 77 208 80 8 174 82 202 120 5 IS 67 210 ... 5 IRS .',7 220 ... 6 15 56 22 80 5 17', 55 216 ... 5 15 M 227 ... 3 1714 61 24t 80 5 IS 85 2I0 M R I74 211 120 5 IS 82 237 ... 3 174 68 S6t ... 5 15 61 233 ... 5 17'-, 84 317 120 6 15 71 2M 120 5 174 70 3SS 120 5 IS 69 248 W 5 174 82 267 ... 5 IS 88 2fl 40 5 ITlj 76 223 ... 5 IS 69 216 160 5 174 79 207 120 5 IS M 274 ... 3 114 87... ...... 211 120 5 r, 61 2f 160 t 174 90 184 120 5 15 80 113 80 5 174 188 IV. 120 3 IS 63 263 40 6 174 63 IV, M 5 15 83 2f9 80 5 174 83...... .137 120 6 15 79 241 ... 5 IJ'i 67 238 120 6 IS M 314 ... 6 20 SHEEP-There was tho biggest run of sheep at tho yards that has been received In several months. Tho demand, however, was good on the part of packers, and owing to the fnct that eastern markets were In pretty good shape prices at this point were steady to stronger on choice sheep, They began moving over the scales early in the morning, and those of good quality were picked up nt good prlrcs, The quality of tho arrivals today was rather above -the average, Lambs, In sympathy with east ern markets, sold still lower today. A string of good Iambs brought $3.60, or about 25c lower that) lost week's quotations. The market may now lie said to bo 50t?75c lower than it was before the break In Chi cago last week. Quotations: Choice wentern grass weth ers, $3.85if?4.00' choice grass yearlings, $4.001f 4.25; choice ewes, $3.253.46; fair to good ewes, $2.753.26; fair to good yearlings, $3.60 573.90; good to choice clipped lamhs, $4.2657; 4.60; fair to good clipped lambs, $3.904.26: choice spring lambs, $5.75Q6.00; fair to good spring Iambs, $5,2515.60; feeder wethers. $3fXV33.50; feeder yearlings, $3.2533.50, and feeder lambs, $3.50ff4.50. Representative sales: No. Av, Pr. 32 South Dakota bucks 120 $2 00 ft western ewes 105 2 25 17 bucks 150 2 25 3 western ewes 96 3 25 4 Idaho sheep nnd yearlings... 105 $3 25 31 western ewes 102 3 25 '.) ewes HI 3 25 27 ewes Ill 3 25 51 owes and wethers 112 3 25 30 western ewes 103 3 25 29 ewes 97 3 25 133 ewes and wethers 86 3 70 301 South Dakota wethers 101 3 65 47 wethers 91 3 70 123 ewes nnd wethers 86 3 70 261 Idaho sheep 103 3 65 491 Idaho sheep 102 3 65 675 wethers 110 3 70 42 western wethers 7G 3 70 921 Utah wethers Ill 3 75 14 western wethers 91 3 75 1291 western wethers 91 3 75 2 ewes nnd wethers 93 3 80 76 western wethers 100 3 85 785 western wethers 95 3 85 20 western wethers 104 3 85 133 wethers nnd ewes i. 8C 3 70 149 western wethers 92 3 85 10 western Iambs 60 4 00 4SS Idaho sheep and yearllnRS... 95 4 00 50 cull Iambs 60 4 50 15 western lambs 56 5 25 207 western lambs 67 5 25 651 western lambs 69 5 45 277 western lambs 67 6 45 253 western lambs 68 5 45 818 western Iambs 70 6 60 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET, I'rlcpn Are Gpuernllr Hlnlier nnd Mnrket Sbniv Sonip Activity. CHICAGO. Julv 23. CATTLE Recelnts 1,400 head, Including 400. Texans and 1,400 westerns: active and 107i20c h gher: butch ers' stock, strong nnd active: nutlves, best on sale today, eleven carloads, $5.75; good to prime, steers, $5,153G.S0; poor to medium, $4,651(5.10; selected feeders, steady at $4.4'W 4, id; mixed stociters, J3.z55i3.n.v, cows, ja.w'ir 5.15; canners. $2.00(82.85; bulls, $3.00U4.(W; calves, $4.60g6.23; Texnns, receipts, 400 head; best on sale today, three curloads. $1.70; Texas fed steers, 15c higher ut $4.355f5.15; Toxns grass steers, active and l0ai5c higher nt $3.401.30; Texas bulls, strong nt J2.WW.I.60. HOGS Receipts, 22,000 head; tomorrow 17,000 head; estimated left over, 1,000 head mostly 10c higher; closing weak: top, $5.45 mixed nnd butchers, $5.156.45; good to choice heavy. $5.20ij6.45: rough heavy. $5.00ff 5.15; light, $5.1505.42; bulk of sales, $5.30 H5.4K. SHEEP AND LAMRS Receipts, 14,000 head: sheen. 10Til5c higher: lnmus. steady. good to choice wethers. I4.10S4.40: fair to choice mixed, $3.0064.00: western sheep, $3.1. W4.40: Texas sneep, .ouy-uio: native jamns, $4.0005.75; eastern lambs, $5.0036.00. Xptt York I.Ivp Stopk. NEW YORK, July 23.-BEEVES-Re-colpts. 4,429 head; steers, tlrm; closed 10c higher; bulls nnd cows slow but steady; steers, Jl.20jr5.BT.; bulls. $2.50ff3.25; cows, $2.901.23; cables quote United States cattle steady at 12S12V4e; tops, 13c; refrigerator beef, 3',45?9?4c per lb. Sheep, lower at ll',44f lL-ic; yearlings, 13c; no exports. CALVES Recelnts. 2.510 head: active; overfeed, fully 6c higher: closed lower than opening; veals, $l.fwfi6.75; culls, $4; -holce nnd extra veals, $7.00Jf7.12V4; buttermilks, $2.50ri3.25. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 14.S33 head; good sheep steady: common slow, lambs. 5f?25c lower, closing dull: sheep, $3.0003,75: culls. $2.50W2.76: Iambs, $1.75 6.80; culls. $1, HOGS Recelnts. 8.095 head: h gher at $5.7005.90; choice stnto hogs, $6. Nt. I.nnU I.lvp Stock. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. July 23. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2,000 head, Including 1,600 Texans: market 10?? 15c higher; native shipping nnd export steers, $4.70(fi5.75; dressed beef nnd butcher steers. $4.00(66.20; steers, under 1,000 pounds, $3.653?5.10; stockers nnd feeders, $3.00(5.00: cows nnd heifers, $2.00(??4.85; enn- ncrs, ii.;x'(i-.oj; nuns, i;.wii.ij; lexas nnu Indian steers, $3.40j'4.60; cows nnd heifers, J2.25fl3.76. ' HOGS Receipts, 3,700: marKet, felloe higher: nigs and lights. $3.25fi5.33: packers. $5.20W5.33; bill hers, J3.30ffi5.40. HHEKP AND liAMBS Receipts. ROT bend; market steady; natives, $4.00fi4,25; lambs, J4.50i5,75; culls and bucks, $3.25'fj4.00; Blockers, $3.23(&3.75. KmiKitx City Live Slock". KANSAS CITY, Mo., July 23. CATTLE port steers, stendy. MflOe higher; other grades, steady to strong; heavy natlvo steers, l,i,if((,ri.i; stockers and teeuers, tJ.w ff(4.50; butchers' cows and heifers, $3.15(114.60; ennners, $2.5n(fi3.10; foil westerns, $4.10(?(4.85; fed Texans. ll.O04il.40: grass Texans. J3.005i 4.00. HOGS Receipts, 4,000 head; mnrket nc tivo, 5!fU0e higher: heavy. $5.20f5.27V4; mixed. $5.15fi5.25: light. $5.10fi5.20: pIrs. $1.40 75.00. KK ' AND I,A 51 Hn Receipts, 2.600 head. Quick markot al Ilrm prices, Lambs, $5.26576.25; muttons, $3,835)1.50; western, $3.85 04,00; feeders, $3.25f(4.00; culls, $2.50fl3.25. St. Jnsppli I.Ivp Stopk. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH. July 23,-(Spcclal.) The Journal quotes: CATTLE Recelnts. 900 head: mnrket stendy to 10c higher; natives, $(.00fi5.35; loxas nnn westerns, u'tia.jn; cows nnu heifers. J2.yyfi4.fi5: bulls nnd stags. I2.wm 4.75; yenrllngs nnd calves. J1WW.75; Mock ers nnd feeders, $3.254.50; venls, $5.0O(ti.5O. HOGS Receipts, 3,300 head; market 5fi' 10 higher; all grades, $5.15fl5.30; bulk of sales, $5.17V4ffi5.25. Hlli;i;i' ami liASiun iieceipis, z.niij head; sheep, steady; lambs, 25o lower. Stock In SIkIiI. Following nro the recelnts nt tho four principal markets' for July 23; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 2.250 4,258 n.ftsi Chicago 1,100 22,000 14,000 city -i.mhj i.ikxi z.wju Bt. Louis 2.000 3,700 600 Totals 9,190 33,958 27,084 Dynamite Cnse Finished, ST. LOUIS. Mo., July 23. -Ora Hnvlll, former Transit comnanv detective who wns arrested with dynamlto In his possession ut the time recently when Transit cars were bnlnir blown tin- nliihtlv. wns rolcnsed by Judge Clark In the court of crlmlnnl correc tion today. Havlll plended guilty to Iho charges of being In unlawful possession of dynamlto nnd of cnrrylng concealed weapons. Two other charges of carrying concealed weapons wero dismissed on thn understanding mat mo prisoner snouid leave tho city. Tho court costs, Including tho lines assessed against Havlll, amounted to $261. This Is tho last of tho dynamiting caso which attracted much attention at tho time of HavlU's arrest, .IiiHiuce Mlnlxtcr Ilenclie M'rlncii, SAN FRANCISCO, July 23.-Among tho passengers on the steamship Amerlca-Muru, which has arrived hern from Yokohama via Honolulu, was K. Taknhlru, Japaneso min ister plenipotentiary to the United States, Mr. Tokahlra conferred with Japaneso at Honolulu and will present their claims for dnmnRCH as a result of tho burning of a portion of Honolulu during tho plague epidemic there. Victim of f.nsnlliip, CHICAGO, July 23.-Two girls nro dead nnd two men wero badly burned ns the result of a gasoline explosion a 331 North Franklin street Inst evening The ilend. Margaret Pnch. ngnl II. Anna Poch, aged 17. The Injured Gustavo Keepler. sc'iielid on face nnd hnnds In trying to rescue Anna Poch; John Moore, face and hnnds burned HYMENEAL .Sttlltll-ltllM kin, W. L. Smith nnd Mrs. Arrah Hawkins cro married Sunday afternoon at the res idence of the officiating clergyman, Itev. C. N. l)awon, pastor of the Walnut Hill Methodist church. The ceremony was witnessed by a very few of the Intimate friends of the contracting parties, and the announcement of the marriage was a grat ifying surprise to Mr. Smith's large circle of friends. Mr. nnd Mrs. Smith left Sun day evening for Chicago. They will spend to wcckti visiting In that city mid other points In Illinois before returning to Omaha to take up their residence here. Mr. Smith has been In Omaha as the city pnmeriKcr agent of the Illinois Central slnro the opening of that line's office In this city. Ho Is well known and one of the most pop ular railroad men In the city. Ills hrlde has mado her homo for a number of years In Champaign, III., where Mr. Smith formerly lived. She has recently been visiting In western Iowa, nnd It was while making a Sunday visit In Omaha that the hurried marriage was agreed upon. Tlmin , Gardner A.Thorapson and Miss Eva J. nick ett wore married July 22 nt the residence of tho brlde'fl parents. 1107 North Twenty-llrst street. Rov. Charles W. Savldg officiated. Twenty Yearn for .Murder. RAWLINS, Wyo.. July 23. (Special.) William Foley, tho man who killed William O'Connor in a dance hall at Kcmmrrer last fall nnd who was convicted ot murder in tho second degree hero Inst week, has been sentenced to a term of twenty years at hard labor In the Btato penitentiary nt Laramie. His attorneys have taken an appeal to tho supremo court. llnlldliiK I'prntlts. The city Inspector of buildings has Issu.-d tho fc lowing permits: Fred Fischer. 1S23 Ontario, addition, $75; R. Rumbel, Four teenth nnd Nicholas, frame addition, $350. ,l5K,eJ;s.nlucl, ,ke coated ELECTRICITY s science can make tnem. Kach one produces as much nerve-bulldlng substance ns Is con tained in the amount of food a ninn consumes In a week. This la why they hve cured thousands of cases of nervous diseases, such as Debll ity. Dizziness, Insomnia, Varicocele, etc. They enable you to think clear ly by developing brain matter; force healthy circulation, cure Indiges tion, and impart bounding vigor to the whole system. All weakening and tisue-destrortar drains and losses permanently cured. Delay may mean Insanity, Consumption and Death. 1'rler. ft nprtmr at v t.n lit. 'ron.-clsd guarantee to cure or re fund money), fc. nook containing Positive proof, fr.e. Address Peal mcuicino .a kiavolaod, O. Bold by Kuhn & Co.. 15th and DouchUL tud J. A. Fuller 4 Co . 14th and Douglas. WfctM CTOR 5EARLE5 & SEARLES OMAHA. mmi DISEASES op MEN SPECIALIST We guarantee to cure all cases uurablt ot WEAK MEN SYPHILIS SEXUALLY. Cured for Life. Night Emissions, Lost Manhood, Hydrocele, Varicocele, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Syphilis. Stricture, Plies, FUtula and Rectal Ulcora and all Private niaenaea and Dlaordera ot Meat Stricture and Gleet Cured at Home. Consultation Free. Call on or addroas nn. SKAHLKS A HEAIU.KS. lit) South 14th at. OMAHa. i'aci raiiiof Alera. or7. BloenlMftniHi, U:., cam! lt uvr work anil laillicroUqni. Viey quloklu and turrlu rumor Loit Viulltr la oil or rouui, and fit a man for studr, bnl r. or pUuara. I'rrftnt Inianltr and OonKtimDtion if tAlcsr In tlnm. Tfialr biesbowilhimodUti. improrarout .2daffetnCuit3 whare nil other fall, lnilit upon tiuTiniilbaaanulan AiaxTablata. Thar barn cure! thou.nniU and nil' ear ?oa. We (It a ponltlT tirlttan urntn to ( fjoj near in each can or Mfund thn nionar. 1'rlca nil Me. Pr pwaaat, or nit pucLns- I full trniu UWblSi manll forSS.fiObniall.lnplalii wrapiwic atmnrfloilptof prlr Clrcularafr. KJAX REMEDY CO., gGSW1 For Bale in Omaha. Neb. by Jus. Forsyth, 202 N. 16th, Kuhn & Co.. 15th and Douglas, and in Council Uluffo by J. C. Dellaven, rugglstn CURE YOURSELF! din lllg ii for unnatural dltcharsri, lnrtammaluii Irritations ur ulcerations of raucous rom brants. r.iniMi, am: not aitrln- TuiFviusfiHtMieuCa. K"" r polienum. nnin i.j iiruggiaia, or snt In plain wrapper, by ipr, ptrpairl, fa' l.oo, or I bottl't. .'7.V Circular aeu un rjU3ifr. Dr. Kay's Renovator Gunrniitppil to cure tho very worst cases of dyspensla, cons'lpntlon, bilious head ache, liver nnd kidneys. At drucglsts. 2fic nnd $1. Send for Free Sample, Free nook and Frco Advice. Dr. U, J, Kay, Saratoga, Ti. V. Anti-Kawf Not oni:o In n Ifundrttrl times (loon Anti-Knwf fall to ouro a cold. It's auro. Soo your (IrupRlHt. Ho koIIh it. JIMES E BOYD t CO., Telephone 10.10. Omaliu, No COMMISSION, GRAIN, PROVISIONS und STOCKS 1IOAIU) OF TUADH. Correspondence: John A. Warren St Ca Direct wires to Chicago and Nw VorS H.R.PEMMEY8tC0. OfeAlN Boori4 fir Lire LDi ibratich lassnsa JBs.- ' M DO 13: aBjBY Oatrttle'l SieVy out to atrlaurt 1 Pr.r.pll conUfUo