THE OMAHA DAILY UK 13: MONDAY, moo. Jl ' NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. MINOR MHM'IOX. Davis polls glass. II. M. Leffcrt, optlclnn, 2Jfl R'uay. Gas.flxturcs anil globes nt Hlxbys. Magnzlncn bound, Moorehouse At Co? lltidwclscr beer. L. Roscnfeld, ngent. l-'lno A. II. C. bctr, Neumayer's hotel. Bchmldt's photos, new and latest styles. Try KeystoiK! Printing House. 'Phono 378. You get the best dinners ot the Vienna. Itlley, best photographer, Wl Ilroadway. W. H. Lewis sells monuments. 301 B'wtiy. Scientific optician nt Woolman's, 409 H'wny. Mrs. J. L. Smith Is home from a visit at Quick, la. Miss Ituth Rnrstnw Is visiting relatives In St. Joseph. Mo. MIsh Mildred Klssell Is homo from a three months' visit fit Des Moines. Members of tho Owl club rodo to Pupil Hon and returned yesterday. H. Miller of Sterling. 111., Is tho truest or Kirk I'ntterson mid family. Campaign pictures nnd buttons. C. ! Ali'xntiiliT Sr (in.. :'.T3 Ilroadway. Oct vour work done ut the popular Kagle laundry, -721 Ilroadway. 'I'hono 157. V. C. Kstcp, undertuker, fS Pearl street. Telephones: Olllce, 37; residence. 23. Mr. hnd Mrs. I,. I. lMson loft yesterday nn il visit to frlenils 111 Logan, la. Mrs. A. H. Ponder returned yesterday frimi mnnth'H visit In Chicago. p.. nf iriis In Council Illnffs has been reduced from H.75 l.(0 to J1.45 l.nOO. W. F. Ornff, undertaker nnd licensed cm bnlmer. 101 South Main street. 'I'hono 606. Charles 11. Itardo of Dixon, 111.. Is tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. 13. Casady of Sixth uvcniic. MIsh Marian Denton of Fourth avenue has ns her guest Miss Vera Mudgo of llurllng ton. la. Mrs. II. Hutter nnd daughter Kdytlt of Klghth street nro visiting IrietulB in usee ola. la. Mrs. I. IJ. Clreer nnd children are home from a month's visit with relatives nt Itock Island. III. Ktiuu ii..i.... pinnoi' l..ft finturdnv oven Ing for ii trip to the lakes, whero she will lio tno guest oi iruinus. New and second-hand furniture, stoves carpets and house furnishings bought ant sold. J. Stein & Co., 721 West Ilroatiwuy. Miss Nolllo Moore left Saturday evening for n visit with menus at not nnrniKs Deadwood nnd other points In South Lu kota. t I nn Mnncum. iirlncliinl of the Washlng- ton nvenilo school, nnd Miss Clara Meyers: PAVING STRIKES OBSTACLE Eush to Get Streets Improved Likely to Bo Checked Somewhat. OPPOSITION DEVELOPS IN THE COUNCIL Some Member Think I ".no nub Work Hiin lleen Ordered niiil Olliera Want the SI one)- Phase. Cleared L'p. ot I'nrk nvenue nro soJournliiK at Colfax Springs, la. Mnvnr Jcnnlncs received n telegram yes terday from Alderman Hammer written on top of IMke's Peak, saying ho nnd party were nil wen. Mrs. .1. N. Casady, Jr., nnd children left yesterday for Denver. Colo., whero they will spend tho next two months visiting relatives nnd friends. Miss Oeorgeno Itebblngton has so far re covered lis to bo nhlti to bo removed from the Woman's Christian association hospital to her home on rark nvenue. Miss Polly Krb and Miss Ci'lla Jackson returned Saturday from n visit nt Chey enne, Wyo., nnd left yesterday for n visit Willi menus in iiuriingiou, ju Manager W. S. Heed of tho Suburban Motor company, wife nnd son will leave this week for Colorado Snrlng3 nnd Mnnl toil, whero Mrs. Heed uud son will spend tho remainder or tho summer montns. The members of the Oanymedo Wheel club, enlovcd n dnv s outing vesterunv ut Ilanthorue Lake. A wagon loaded with rooiI things to eat and drink preceded the members, who mndo tho trip on their wheels. CJeorgo Wade, n bridge builder In tho em ploy of tho Illinois Central nt Denlson, was t C2. ii.,,(,P,pu l.,,u.,l.,l ....ur.ip.u.' iiftcrnoon for treatment. Ho fell from n bridge Inst Saturday und received Injuries to ins lienil ami side. C. V. Uiickemeyer, sr., nged CI years nnd 7 Contlis. died yesterday evening nt hla rosl-v-nce, 38 North Twenty-llrst street, nfter fin Illness of three months. Ho lenves a wlfo and one son. The remains will bo sent to Seneca, Kan., for interment. Rev. J. W. Wilson of tho Congreputlonal church leaves today on his anuunl vaca tion. He will Join his family at Ilea Wing. Minn., and will spend several weeks visit lng In Red Wing. Nortlilleld, Minneapolis nna otner points in .Minnesota. Tho annual reunion of the Old Settlers nssnclntlnn of Cass county will bo bold at Lewis Tuesday. August 14. lion. L. W Itoss of this city, who was onu of the pioneer settlers of Cass county. Is on the urogram for one of the principal addresses. J. W. Macomber of Des Moines will also deliver nn address. Henltb Oftlcer Phil Wnrehiim had up to Saturday night served no less than 700 no tices to property owners und householders to trim shade trees and cut weeds. Tin eneraetlo work of Olllcer Wiireham this summer has borne Its fruit In that the city Is cleaner so far ns alleys and back yards lire concerned than It has been for several years pust. His notices nro as a rule obeyed una ho hns rarely to make a second visit to tho same place. As Mayor Jennings says. the genial Phil has u way about him that is most convincing, A man nunimsod to bo a professional monk thief and giving tho name of Ocorgo Hammer wns arrested yesterday afternoon for sti-nllim Captain O, M. Brown's gold rimmed eyeglasses at tho lliirllngtou depot. The fellow entered tho ticket olllco and asked for n folder. While Captain Ilrown turned to get It ho seized the glasses, w'hleli were on the counter, und mndo u dash for the door. Ho wns caught, however, before lio managed to get clear of tho depot. Pa pers found In his possession show that his right name Is Klinefelter. N. Y. numbing Co., tel. 230. " The city council Is expected to detcrmlno tonight whether certain streets and avenues In tho Fourth ward, ordered paved, shall bo paved with asphaltum or brick. The In tercBted property owners on First, Fourth and Fifth avenues. Sixth nnd Seventh streets have reiterated their demands for nsphnltum and It Is said will tnko step to prevent any paving on the streets named unless their wishes are acceded to. Too streets which It Is desired to pave with asphaltum are embraced In what Is known as tho second paving resolution, flnaL action on which was postponed InK Monday until tonight. Tho list of streets covered by this roMiltltlon arc as follows Sixth street, from Ilroadway to Fifth ave nuc; Sixth street, from south line of Klghth avenue to north curb lino of Sixteenth nvenue; Seventh street, from Ilroadway to Fifth avenue; Klghth street, from Uroad way to north curb lino of Seventh avenue; Fourth avenue, from Klghth street to cast curb lino of Ninth street; First avenue, from Pearl street to Klghth street; Ninth nvenue, from Miiln street to cast curb lino of Sixth street; Willow avenue, from Sov enth street to Klghth street; Fifth nvenue, from Main street to west lino of Klghth street- Sixth avenue, from Main Btreot to cast curb line of Sixth street; Third ave nuc, (torn Klghth street to cast curb lino of Ninth street. Thero has been some talk since the las council meeting of some of the nldcrmen not being In favor of doing any more paving this year than the group of streets em braced In the first resolution, tho contrac for which has been awarded to P. 11. Wick ham. This Is said to be the position taken by Aldermen Huber nnd Lougce, but It will remain to bo seen by tho action of tho council tonight whether they will re celvo eiilTlclcnt support to put a stop to any moro paving this season. The question a assessment for tho cost of public Improve mnnts under tho now law la one feature that Is worrying some of tho aldermen. It I feared that tho property on some of the streets ordered paved will not bo able stand tho expense and that under tho law tho city will bo forced to bear a greatc part of tho cost of tho paving. This the city Is not nt present In n condition to do, Owing to tho several nuostlons that have arisen In connection with the paving tho action of the city council nt tonight's meet lng will bo watched with more than ordl nary Interest. nd City Clerk Nipper have Investigated the system and believe that It would be profitable Investment for the city, to be run In connection with tno electric ngni plant, which Is owned by the city. A special meeting of tho council will be cnllcd In the near future to consider the matter. It Is estimated that It will re quire about 10,000 to put In a plnnt and that by using the exhaust steam It can be operated at a minimum coat, so as to yield profit for the city. SIoiik City Wan ( Clifford. SIOUX CITY, July 22. (Special.) rrof. W. N. Clifford of Council Dlufts, having an nounced ho would not accept me position oi principal of tho Sioux City High school, which was voted him by the local Hoard of Kducatlon, it la likely tho board will offer him J1.600 In the hope that the raise of $200 will Induce him to change his mind If Prof. Clifford persists In his refusal a meeting soon will be held to chocse some one else to take the place made vacant by the recent rejlgnat!on of Prof. W. II. Turnbull. Prof. Knslgn of Iowa City Is said to be favorably considered. dravel roofing. A. II. need, 641 D'way. of Verdict for the Ilminlitcr. Tho superior court Jury In the suit Mrs. John Mayer against Theodore Storten beckcr arrived at a verdict yesterday morn Ing nt 3 o'clock, after having been out since fi o'clock Saturday evening. It was a sealed verdict, but tho members of tho Jury mad no secret nbout their finding, which was 1 favor of tho plaintiff In tho sum of $25 Tho verdict will bo opened this morning by Judgo Ayleeworth. Tho case was somewhat out of the or dlnary, tho plaintiff In tho enso having brought suit against her father, a wealthy farmer of Keg Creek township, to recover $2,600, which she claimed was due her wages fiom tho tlmo Bho was 18 years of ago until she got married. Tho father denied that ho had contracted to pay her any fixed ages, but before suit was commenced onrrcd to compromise for fZ.,0. This was refuecd nnd Stortenbcckcr brought In a counter claim. In which ho charged up against his daughter every day that any member of tho family had done a day's work for her or her husband. He nlso charged up tho cost of a coflln for his llttlo grandchild, and, further, wanted to bo al lowed $10 In offset for having permitted his daughter's two babies to bo burled in tho family lot In Keg Creek cemetery. The case was bitterly fought on both sides. BOX CAR TOURISTS HELD DP Singular Grime Committed on Northwestern FreighTmin. InereiiNe In Pimtiilllee Receipts. FOUT DODGE, In., July 22. (Spcclal.)- Tho local postofuce ofllclals have com pleted tho work of compiling the report for business dono during the fiscal year ending Juno 30, 1P00. Tho report shows a remark ablo Increase over the receipts for tho year preceding. According to the tabulated re port made by Deputy Postmaster H. L, Power, tho receipts of tho office for the year 1900 wero I23.by3.7b, nn increase oi $3,619.36 over last year. Murllu Offered New Position. FORT DODGK, la., July 22. (Special.) Major II. J. Martin of this city nnd n for mer member of the Fifty-second regiment has been offered tho olllce of regimental quartermaster of tho Fifty-second regl ment. Major Martin Is an experienced en gineer officer of the guard who did good eorvlco In tho south. (Imnliii People nt Storm Lake. STOKM LAKE, la., July 22. (Special.) Mrs. W. B. Douglas. Mr. nnd Mrs. Fronk Tourney, Mlssey Ituby nnd Dorothy Hegln aid. Miss llurrls, Messrs. Kelley and Hoover arc members of the Omaha party that spending a few weeks on tho lake shore. Storm Lake friends have given a seriee oi parties in their honor. Pastor Will Leave Storm I. like. STOItM LAKE, Ia July 22. (Special.) Itev. J. MacAlllsler, who has been pastor of the Lakeside church In this city for eight yiors, Is called to Missouri Vulley nnd will on September 1, assumo bis duties at tho splendid new church recently erected by tho Presbyterians at a cost of $12,000. KIooiIh nt OnilMa. ONAWA. la.. July 22 (Special.) The Lit tic Sioux river Is out of Its banks nt th Perry bridge east of Onawa, rising fifteen Inches last night and Is over some of th hay land. The water has not reached any cultivated land yet, but Is still rising. Klllx II In t'liiim. SIOUX CITY. July 22. (Special Tele gram.) Gregory Monchan, 17 yenrs old, shot and killed Eugeno Nugent, aged 15, thl afternoon. Tho boys -were chums and were examining n revolver Monahan had Just purchased. Monahan Is under arrest. MaeArtlmr'a disunity 1.1st. WASHINGTON, July 22. General Mac Arthur has cabled tho following casualty report to the War department under dato of Manila, July 20: Killed July 11, Manadaan, Panay, Com pany 0, Twenty-sixth infantry, John Culll lant. Wounded July 3, Tlbaguln, Luzon, Com nnnv II. Third Infantry. Herman F. Hurdt Charles Wade, wounded In arm, serious. Tho law holds both maker and circulator of a counterfeit equally guilty. Tho dealer who sells you a dangerous counterfeit of DeWltt'fl Witch Hazel Salve risks your life to make a llttlo larger profit. You cannot trust him. DeWltt's Is tho only gonutne and original Witch Hazel Salve, a well known cure for piles and all skin diseases. Seo that your dealer gives you DoWltt's Salvo. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fall In 'IVnuierntiire, Willi iiiwrr I'roKnontlciitcd for Monday In XehrnU. scondlng Porto Itlcan to collector, who It held by the French nuthorlllr. This Is the only Instance under American rulo where tho authorities have sent outside the coun try for a person nccused of a crime, If UnrcU Is cxtrndltablo tho United States las In the case, It Is believed, determine tho Islnnd's status. The legal fraternity awaits the result with luterest. IIREE DEADHEADS .IT ROB EIGHT OTHERS One of tlio Victim Shot nml Mny III IleeniiNe He Did Holit III llniiil II I u l K mm til When Ordered. JKFFKItSON, la., July 22. (Special Tel- grnm.) Three men held up eight compan ions riding In a box enr two miles east of this city late last flight. Tho eight men ucre robbed of cash and valuables and J. C. Malsby of (Hidden, a man of good repute, was shot In the breast nnd may die. Four of the men were In tho enr when It reached Jefferson, tho other seven getting on here. Tho car was dark, but conversa tion was kept up. When two tulles east of town, without warning, n light wns struck and a newspaper lighted and the eight men saw thrte masked meu and the muzzles of three revolvers. The order was to throw up hands und It was obeyed. However, Mulsby's hands were not high enough to suit nnd he was ordered to put them up. At the came time n bullet crashed Into his breast. He had $30 In money about him and this, with such funds and valuables as the other men had, was taken and at Grand Junction tho robbers fled. Malsby was conveyed to tho homo of a physician and his wound dressed. Several of tho men went on and ut Ogden notllled the trainmen, who wired Sheriff Thompson of this county, who proceeded nt once to Grand Junction nnd went to work on the cafe. It Is believed the robbers took n later train for Hoone and tho officers now havo three suspicious looking strangers un der surveillance. They are believed to be three men who havo been working In tho railroad gravel pit near hero and who wero discharged yesterday. Sheriff Thompson Is In Hoone tonight, accompanied by a black smith named Johnson, who saw three men hanging nbout the depot Just prior to tho nrrlvnl of tho train last night. Ho can identify them. REPORT OF PHILIPPINE TRADE War lliMinrtmrnt luc the Hrniilur Monthly llnlletln SIiouIuk lin port. WASHINGTON, July 22. Tho division of customs and Insular affairs, War depart ment, has made public Its regular monthly bulletin on the subject, of tho trade of the Philippine Islands for tho six months ended December 31, 1899. Tho total value of merchandise Imported Into the IslandB for thla period was $11,450, 070, of which $572,340 Tvorth was admitted freo of duty. The total amount of Import duty collected was $2,071,700. The total exportation from tho archipel ago amounted to $7,015,020. Tho export duty collected was $237,S60. The total Importation of both gold and sliver during this period was $1,251,357; cx rortatlons, $1,297,110. The trade by countries, Including gold nnd sliver in tho order of their precedence, wns as follows: Imports: From Chlnn, $5,695,405; the United Kingdom, $2,050,620; Spain, $1,320, 029, Urltlsh Kast Indies, $1,021,488; United States, $768,507. Kxports: China, $2,377,029; United King dom, $2,232,943; United States, $2,137,205; Japan, $822,760, and Spain, $070,530. OUT TODAY THROUGHOUT THE WEST! A great hot weather publication. Us llroezy Midsummer (August) number of BROADWAY MAGAZINE Hetter than ever Hamo iirlco-10 cents Homo of the features are; Front page of Pontile Miiglnu In n New Straw Hat; full pago pictures of stimulus beauties. Including Stella Marline of "The Casino Ulrl" company, Fill Mon trasse. the latest ptet.ire, of Edna May, Countess Von llatzfeldt ns a Summer Olrl, a stunning art photo of Theroso Hennld, Htoadwny Magazine's Midsum mer Calendar, "No, sTW, Uolle Armstrong, Corona ltlccardo. Flora Fletirette, Florence Rockwell, Baharvt, "Charley Harris Uoes to Purls," May Murrey, Olive Dale. Some of the other fentures, nil Illustrated, nro: "Midair New York In Rum mer,' 'The Hed Soubrettc's Interview," "Stage Vacationists, Hie- Myste rious Woman of Itrondwav," "Dolly Draper Scores an Actor," James (hmllner Clark Interviews Mrs. Ilrown Potter, "At tho lloss-Fetitoti Farm," "The Edi tor Who Is nn Idiot," No. S of Gordon Palmer's Stories, "The Itohcmlans:" "Tho Man nnd the Soubrette," "A Hunch of Warm Weather Flippancies," "Gilt Fizzes and Things," "Typical llroadwnyltes," "A l.ovo Poem," by Clement Scott. Hreozlost, brightest and most dashing publication on the tnnrket. 100 pic tures, stories, gossip and unusual f a it t urea of all kinds and all for 10 cents, ll.iy of your newsdealer or send 10 cents, In stnmps or silver, for a copy of our Midsummer Number. IHlOAinVAY PI'IILISHINO CO., 12S0 llrondway. New York, SPECIAL OFFEU; Send direct or through newsdealer 25 cents In stnmps or sliver for 3 months' trial subscription (Including tho great Midsummer Number) and we will send you OHATIS u 35-cent photo of a stunning actress. Send today. This offer will not bo repented. Real Estate is IN VALUE. Rising Cnluui lie pnrtnicntH ChiiniiI lilnleit. WASHINGTON, July 22,-Ordcrs Issued nt tho War department today consolidate tho Departments ot Havana and Plmir del Klo and Matauzas and Santa Clara Into one department to be known as tha Department of Western Cuba with hendnuatters at Qucmndo.4 and deslgnuta the Departments ot Santiago and Puerto Prlnclpo ns tho De partment of Kastern Cuba, with headquar ters at Santiago. General Fltzhugh Lo Is assigned to command tho former and Col ontl Whiteside, Tenth cavalry, to tho com mand ot tho latter. Some excellent lots, pleasantly located and do sirable for suburban homes, can be had now at reasonable prices. These lots are located in Omaha, Wright's and Central Sub. additions. This property will steadily increase in value as the city grows in that direction and the time to buy is tho present. Call at THE BEE OFFICE, Council Bluffs. VARIAG OFF ON TRIAL TRIP Iii'perlal Itnsslnn Cruiser, llullt at Crump's .Slilpynrtl, I.enve for .New tin ntll nil Coiixt. PHILADELPHIA! July 22. Tho imperial Kurelan cruiser Vnrlagi'Jeft Cramp's shlp- Cnlin'M CniiHtltntloiiiil Convention. WASHINGTON. July 22. It In stnted on good authority at the War department that the dato for holding tho Cuban election for delegates to tho conetltutlonal convention has been fixed approximately for Novem ber 15 next. Tho constitutional convention, It Is believed by tho War department au thorities, can bo held within three months after that date. iTTfrlrflSNii. Mormon UIhOP' Pill ' l"n ' Llt ' S " T !"" ol ll M.rmc Caufth .a u"" Ut..ciw rotiuitt cuict mi worn uui in m yomr inline w nnu ot tclf-tbtiic. ouiiptttoo, cicciiet. or ciffuttte-unoktn;, curs ;nt-uo, Bpermaiorrnoa f potnori wit Powsr, wis in DncKt Bull pesiresi mminni iniiirani filllty. Haadacha.UniUntsa to Marry, up. so or conn ontlon. Bton QUiQKnoM .or uis inn Of Evr.l da. feutcu o immei.i. m tt.t. & cm. it it nrni Cures Lost Manhood, lm tl insomniu. r-nina naoKi Pa n Ninoua Ha vana Twlkahlmci . furiliciw Dr.r eet ucuond Stlmulktet th. brtln ln4 nerv. crntm. 59c k tor. cult tl it hind. 6 Ut t .tT iU. Oamn, Vnrlcoo)l phnrao, Stops Mar- rt. se li. 6 for 1 1 iibr 'H. nnai r.r"'"l"rl"n at aritujj, viu 6 Um. cucuiut tic AddreMt Blahott Homody Co., Oan Franclsooi cau 1'OH HAI.i: 1IY MVKIt.N-nil.l.O.V Dili (J CO., 1UTII AMI I'AIINAM. II envy Receipts nt AtnuUn CJold. WASHINGTON, July 22. A letter has been received by the director of tho mii't from the United States assay office, at Seattle, reporting that during tho first TUHKISII I.. M. CAlSt!LES HAKI'l HAI.I3, HEALTHY AM) HAPPY MHN Out of every phynlcil nnd wreck, Infatlltile and p.-eily re Jut ennturs Klvlnir new Im cf llf, manly Htremth and happlnenH, Harmless ami urtecllve Avoid dnnireroiii driiKH dvertlnpil by medi cal companies, Mamiractttnil and sold under written iru.irnnteo to uuro or money re f muted. $1.00 t.ox orO boxes (complete cure) lor .', U by mail, ye ml fur frru B.itnp'.o and qnemt'in blank. Adilreta llshn's Rallablu I'hurmacy, 18tli and Kurnam Sis , Omaha, Nob. yards at 9 o'clock fhl'sj morning enroute for eleven days of the present month gold ar rivals there from AiaoKa amounted to t,uvu, 000. Several millions are reported to bo in transit. schools. liny CioeM to Clevelnnil. WASHINGTON, July 22. Secretary Hay will leave Washington for Cleveland, O., tomorrow to attend the funeral ot his mother-in-law, Mrs, Amasa Stdne. flirimle CoiiNtltiiitroii Cnrnl. Tho most lmportnnt discovery of recent ytara Is tho positive remedy for conatltpa- tlon, Cascarcts Candy Cathartic, euro guar anteed. Druggists, 10c, 25c, 00c. More Th n ii 1,0011,(1011 Pounds Kept In Storntic In Unpen of Hotter l'rlees. Dumped Into luilliui Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Peterson of Curtis Btreet had a narrow escape from serious In jury, If not death, yesterday afternoon whllo driving on East Broadway. Their horso took fright at a motor car at tho corner ot Oak street nnd Ilroadway nnd hacked Into Indian creek, Tho nnlmnl, when It felt Its feet slipping from under hlm, mado n des perato struggle to regain solid ground, but to no purpose, as tho buggy, occupants and horso all dropped Into tho creek, a fall of thirteen feet.- Mrs. Peterson was somewhat severely Injured about tho right arm and tdde, but her husband ocapcd with- noth ing worse thnn a shaking up and n thorough vetting In tho water of tho creek. Tho top ot tho buggy was broken, but the horso was not Injured. Mrs. Peterson was carried to a neighboring physician, whero she was at tended to, and later removed to her home It Is feared that she received Internal In juries. Ilon't He n llli Vim Winkle 'And cling to candles and coal oil when gas nt tho now price, $1.15 a thousand, la cheaper. Xeiv fin a Compiiny, Trcsldent Casper of tho Merchants' nnd Manufacturers' association la not satisfied vlth the action ot tho city council In pass lng a second ordlnanco fixing the prlco of gas at $1.15. Ho says that a now gas com j'anw will now certainly bo formed in this city nnd that application for a frauchlso would shortly bo mado to tho city council. Mr. Casper talked In the snmo strain scv rrul weeks ago and nsscrted that $15,000 of tho $250,000 required stock had been promised. Later ho admitted that the project bad fallen through, but now ho says It has been revived nnd will bo pushed to a sue cesstul Issuo. Commonwealth 10-cent cigar. Hpeelul Miisle Service. A speclnl musical program woa rendered at tho morning service yesterday nt tho Congregational church, It being tho last reg ular servlco for tho Bummer, durlnc which tlmo tho church will undergo repairs. Tho program rendered was as follows: Preludo Die Frage Wolstenholme waiter u. Younir. Doxology Hesponse Gently. Lord. O Lead Us w. Young Lnoir. Hymn We niess Thco for Thy Pence, O God Anthem It Is High Time to Awnke uarnny Quartet Choir. Offertory Solo Redeemed,. Kato Vanderpool airs. w. w. anerman. Announcements Anthem Tho Lord Hless You and Keep you linrnoy Quartet Choir. Sermon Text, Jnshtin III, I (last clause); sublect. "untrodden Paths Hymn-O Worship tho King All-Glorious A novo Postludo In 1) Smart Walter K. Young. CllfTnrd Htitya Here. Prof. W. N. Clifford has definitely decided to remain hero as principal of the High school, and has notified tho Hoard ot Edu cation ot Sioux City that bo will not accept tho position offered him there. From the Sioux City papers It Is gathered that tho board was willing to pay Prof. Clifford $1,800 a year It ho would accept tho posi tion. If this had been offered In the first placo Prof, Clifford would havo accepted tho position, but will not now. "Mr. IMloy" B-cont cigar. Howell's Antl-"Kawf" cures coughs, colds. Pavls soils paint. FARM LOANS Negotiated tn Kastern rteoraska ftnd Iowa. James N. Casady. Jr.. U Main SU Council Bluffs. MONEY TO L0ANioV"'y Savings loan and Building Associate Council Ulutfu, Iowa. Cnmluu: IVveiitx nt Atlantic. ATLANTIC. Ia July 22. (Special.) Tho local flro department is expecting to par tlclpato In tho firemen's tournament at Audubon next Tuesday and expects to come homo with a good uhnro of tho prizes. Tho Modern Woodmen of the county will hold their annual picnic at Sunnyslde park near Atlantic next Thursday. A flno pro gram of amusements has been arranged. Tho fourth annual old Battlers' reunion will bo held this year at Lewis, the first county seat of the countyaaml tho homo of many of tho old pioneers. Hon. L. W. Host) of Council muffs, an old resident of tho county, will deliver tho address of the day. J. K. Macomber of Dea Moines, former resident, has also been secured for an addfcfs. Tho Atlantic band has been secured nnd tho officers ofthe association are endeavoring to make this tho bent meeting ever held. Special trains will be run dowu to Lewis. WASHINGTON, July 22. Forecast for Monday nnd Tuesday: For Nebraska and South Dakota Local rains nnd cooler Monday; fair Tuesday; northerly, shifting to westerly, winds. For Oklahoma and Indian Territory Local rains nnd cooler Monday; generally fair Tuesday; southeasterly winds. For New Mexico Local rains and thunder storms Monday; fair and warmer Tuesday; variable winds. For Western Texas Local rains nnd cooler Monday; generally fair Tuesday; southerly, shifting to northerly, winds. For Iowa Local rains and cooler In west ern, fair In eastern portion, Monday; Tues day fair; southerly winds. For Missouri Generally fair Monday nnd Tuesday; southerly winds. Kor North Dakota Fair nnd wnrmer Mondav: Tuesday fair; southerly winds. For Kanbos Local rains in western, rair in eastern portion Monday; Tuesday gen erally fair; southerly, shifting to westorly, winds. For Colorado Generally fair Monday nnd Tuesday: warmer Tuesday; variable winds For Wyoming Generally fair Monday, with warmer In southeast portion; Tuesday fair: variable winds. Var Montona Fair Monday; warmer in eastern portion: generally fair luesuay; variable winds. Local Iteeoril. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU, OMAHA, July 22.-OIIlcial record or tern. ...ifn t lie.. (,, ,n nrprn 1 1:1111111. luiniiuiiu ,11... 1 , tu.Mir mi- 1 j.. , Yw, n t hrfln tno corrcsiwuuiiiK uuj w, n - ytUrS: 1000. l&W. 1S59. 1S97. Maximum temperaturo .. l8 91 kg W llnlniitm tnmnerntliro ... to C'J (0 Ut A ii.,!i i fnmiiernture, . 76 r0 79 !,.,., .lull 11 1 Inn 00 .00 .00 .00 Record of precipitation nt umana tor una dnv und since March 1. 1000: Vnrmnl temnemture for tho day 70 llnMntnnev for thn (tnV Total excess since March 1 ......310 Normal ralnrall " "t " Iletlelenev for tho day 14 Inch Total rainfall slnco March 1 15.81 Inches ii,.iw.nev s non Mnreti 1 ..V'J tncnen Tleilelencv cor. period lhOT 4.S Inches Dellclency cor. period IMS 1.0!) Inchc Hrntirta from Ktittlona at H V. ill. tho Now England const, whero her official speed trial will bo made; Tho original Intc'ntlbrV was to leave tho shipyards last Thqrsday, but the Intcnso heat of the last week delayed coaling and other preparations .to shch nn extent that the departure of tho ship was necessarily postponed till today., , t Tho Vnrtng is expected to rench noston tomorrow morning. Thence It will go to the trial cotirso near lloon island, off the New Hamrshlro coast'. This trial course is a measured ten miles, and will be used to detcrmlno tho number 'of revolutions of tho ship's propellers necessary to drive It tho -., .,..-,,.1 I ,!,.,. 'A Ivntn- tlnulnr fin. termlned this, which W-known at, standard- TEXAS GROWERS HOLD WOOL izlng tha screws. It 'Vlll then run directly out to sea, where It' will perform two re quired runs of six hours each. If tho weather Is favorablo throughput the Varlng should return to Cramp's ship yard about the Inst of July. Among prominent Russians on board arc: Captain E. N. S. St. Chensnovltch. presi dent of the Inspection boaid; Cnptaln V. O. nchr, captnln of the Varlng; Captain W. Haron Fersen, naval nttache of the embmuy; Engineer Constructor P. E. Tschernlgovsky, Colonel M. I. Ilarhatkln, Inspector of armor; L'.sutenant Commamlcr P. P. Makedonsky, electrical ofllcer; lieu tenant Commander E. K. Kraft, executive officer Varlag; Chief Engineers A. I. Franz kevltch and M. C. Leykoff, Dr. A. Zohrt. In addition to others of the ship's offi cers there aro thirty-eight Russian sailors aboard. Tho following named guests aro also on board: Joseph G? Cannon, member of congress from Illinois; Commander J. D. J. Kelly, United Statee navy; Lieutenant Com mander A. V. Zano, United States navy; E. M. Mcllvalno and Courtland D. Cram. Edwin S. Cramp will, as usual, conduct tbo trial on behalf of tho builders. m Wenlworih Military Academy Oorerniiirntsupervlnldn. State comuilniminn to Knuluatc. I'rnu and Nntlonal Acailemlrd. Oldest and larceat military school la Central West. icomuilHsTons to cnuluatc. I'rrnarntlnit for Universities COL. SAN0F0RO SELLERS, M. A.. Supt., LEXINGTON, MO. (HIT UV 'Villi Oltlll.NAHY. bulk .SCHOOLS. HOUSTON, Tex., July 22. Tho Post to morrow will print reports from various points in Texas showing that 2,000,000 pounds of wool nro being held In tho stnto because tho growers refuse to accept cur rent prices and that there Is probably as much moro held at uncounted points and branches. Tho glowers havo held a con ference at Lampas and agreed to hold tho entire clip Indefinitely. They havo como to tho conclusion that thero Is a sbortngo and that tho manufacturers will como to their terms rather than import. OHIO MOB STRIPS PREACHER Only Timely Arrlvnl of Poller Suvea Itev. Mr. Foekler from, Tar und Pen th era. Miinlelprtl HentliiMT Plant. ATLANTIC, la.. July 22. (Special.) A movement Is on foot to aecuro for tbo city a hot water bt-atlng plant. Mayor Tlldeu MANSFIELD, O., July "?. Cyrus R. Focklcr, n preacher of tho 7.lon Catliollc. Christian church, of which Alexander Dowlo f Chlcngo Is tho head, was roughly handled by n mob hero this afternoon. Fockler hnd presided over a congregation here, but bad left town some time slnco on account f charges ot his attempts at "dtvlno heal ing." Today he returned, A mob gathered about him at his homo and tho pollco were called upon for assistance. The mob took 'ocklcr from tho "police, carried 'llm to tho city gas house, stripped him ot bis clothing and wns preparing to apply a coat of tar and feathers when a largo force of police appeaml and finally, after n struggle, res cued tho preacher. He was takon to tbo pollco station and was latter spirited out of tbo city. i .. ARE COMING HOME AT LAST ... 11 i Uonea of AmerlenaiiMolillerN 'Who Fell lit II ii en u Vlatia-iAre to He HrouKlit Hack from Me&lco. nt. STATIONS AND STATE OF WEATHER. Omaha, partly cloudy North Platte, partly cloudy,,,. Cheyenne, rainy Rapid City, partly cloudy,,,..,,, Salt Lake, rainy Huron, partly cloudy Wllllston, partly cloudy Chicago, clear St, Paul, clear Davenport, clear Kansas City, clear Helena, clear Havre, cleur lllHiiiurck, clear , ,, Galveston, purtly cloudy 3 3 - 3 P 3 5 g F p p 0 : 35 H ' II M ! ; a ' "111 M .00 rC 92 ,00 C6 82 T 7G SO T CS 84 .04 76 82 .00 76 82 .00 84 86 .00 82 86 .02 81 m .00 86 ft& ,00 84 84 ,00 7 82 T 80 80 ,00 I 82 86 .00 L. A. WELSH. Local Forecast Olllclal POOR YOUNG TRAIN WRECKER Leniency Asked for iSO-Yenr-Old Mini Who Tried to Ilernll u Piih- tciiKcr 1'Myer. LAMAR, Mo., July 22. Clydo Hagan, the young man who, with Frank Levlck, It Is alleged tried to wreck tho Memphis flyer two miles west of this placo on the night of May 21, was arrested near hero today. Le vlck has been In custody slnco last Monday nnd confessed, but asserted that Hagan placed tho obstruction on the track. Leni ency may bo shown, ao bo is only 20 years ot ago. rollcemnii KIIIh IIIm Prisoner. ' MENOMINEE. Mich., July . 22.-Joscph imi.1,,,11 u elirnr maker, was snot anil in stantly killed by Chris Eck. a Marinnetto policeman. Mitchell wmb Intoxicated anil resided arrest. Eck gave himself tip. I la claims that Mitchell had a companion, who attempted to take tho prisoner away from him anil that In discharging his revolver to call assistance Mitchell got within range and was accidentally killed. Natural (inn for St. Lonla. rATjA in .Tnlv 22. Natural iras has boon discovered In Shelby township nnd the farmers In that section nro piping and using tho gas ut their homes. A prominent Co lumbus, O., oil operator has leased ri.000 acres of land In tho vicinity of Pana and will plpo the gas to St. Louis und Inter mediate points. I.ooka Like Double ST. JOSEPH, Mo., July M urder. 22. Tho dead bodies nf two men were found today on tho Muplo Lear rigiu-oi-wny iiuriy niuen . m of hero. Wounds on tho hend In tho siinio spot on each man Indicate murder. I no local pollco aro llrtn In this belief and they nnd the rallrond detectives aro ut work on the case, but give out nothing. Any advertised dealer is authorized to guarnnteo Ilanner Salve for tetter, eczema, olios. sDralns. cuts, scalds, burns, ulcora nnd any open or old sore. For salo by French railways transport wine In in tntiK cars. Tbo clovn suntilv of the world Is produced on tho Islunds of Zanzibar and Pembn. Electric railway trains will run from Chi cago to Milwaukee In three hours next year. A Pennsylvania man has patented a Jug that allows Its contents to How out quetly, without any sound of gurgling. The handle Is hollow, so us to udmlt the nlr freely. A thief In Paris being chased by tho pollco threw away during bis tllitht tho purse! he had stolen nnd was In a fair way. after being taken to the police station, of being allowed to go freo for lack of sulli elent evident e to hold hint when his fnlth fttl dog, which he had trained to fetch and carry, trotted Into the station wagging Its tall and with tho missing purso In its mouth. Senator Foraker of Ohio received from Postmaster Wlthnft of Dayton the other day .a curious memento cane. The ferrule wns muiJo from steel tnken off tho sunken Mnlno ns It lay In Havana harbor; the stick was cut on the mllltnry road In Porto Rico on tho field of tho lust battle fought on the Island: Its covering of tortoise shell camo from Cuba, and tho head was wrought from C'rlpplo Creek gold. John Rowers of Changewnter, N. J., has fnlrly well established his claim that he is a brother to Wllllum Rowers, who recently died In Yonkers, N. Y., possessed of JU0.O0), nnd with no ono to leave It to, by having the body exhumed and showing that Wil liam had webbed feet. Just as he has a family peculiarity. Tho two brothers had not. seen each other slnco 1851. New Orleans received In 1SC4, ns n be quest from Simon V. Sickles, a druggist, a fund of $10,811 for tho establishment of a dispensary to furnish drugs and medlcnl advice free to tho poor of the city. Until 1S77 tho Incomo was used for this purpose, but tho city council, finding that the ex pense much exceeded the receipts, voted to at,,,, thi, (ltshnrKemcntu until the time when tho fund should have so Increased that tho city could equip a freo dlsponsnry and thus rnrrv nut tlm testator's drslro to tho let ter. Tho amount of the fund Is now $S3,- 053.fil. When it Jias reached $100,000 tho plan will bo carried out. Biu.fiL-Ini' nf the nticer doings of nhsent- tnlnded ticonle. tho following anecdote Is rointMl v the. London 1lobe: "A very r rltablo man left his house one morning to attend a race meeting some instance on. In nnlnr thm he mluht have enough money to pay his hotel hill he tied a sovereign In th.. nnrner nt bla handkerchief. Ill tho train ho drew his handkerchief from his pocket, and noticed tbo knot In the corner. Vnw Vi. snlil tn himself, 'what was It I wished to remomber7' Much thought fulled tn .nili'hten hlm noon the point, and at last, In a fit of passion, he burled tbo hand kerchief out ot tno window, -men no re' memborcd." 'Phnrn nrn mnnv- line enlirrams and nro verbs In Spanish. Many of them cannot be tr.'inKluted sn ns to orcservo the terseness and aptness of the original. Following .aro n few nf ii lnmr list nrlnted by .Modern Mexico which are frequently heard In the sister republic: "He. who never ventures uiit never errisM the sea: 1'hero's no gain without pnln;" "Files cannot enter u closed mouth;" "Ilehlnd tho cross Is the tlevil;' A em in nlovcs will never catch rats;' "Tn the hnnirrv no bread Is dry:" "A book that It shut makes no scholar;" "Tho good l.mnilroMt washes tho shirt first: "No evil will endtiro 100 years." "When tho river Is passed tho saint Is forgotten." BROWNELL HALL llnfirdliiK and Day Seliool fur itlrla miller the direction nf HI; Itev. Ooorue Wortlilimton, S. T !., 1,1,. II. nil term lie ullllilnu Sept. 11), 11)1)0. Ono of the oldest nnd most succeisful educational Institutions of tho west Its high standard allowing it to compcto with eustern colleges and schools. Ilulldlugs In complete order perfect steam heating, san itary plumbing; colleglnto and preparatory courses; students In music, tho lan guages and nrt; competent corps of teachora. Every ndvantngo offered as regards tho moral, mental nnd physical training. Send for circular or npply personally to Mrs, L. R. Upton, Principal. MISSOURI MILITARY ACADEMY New bulldogs. Cnmtius 100 acres. Modol school home. Faculty of M ION not boys Specialists from best schools of America and Eurone. YANCEY & FONVILLE, Mexico, Mo. lit) i'lM.S. HOUSTON, Tex'iutf 22. Colonel J. W. Scully of tho qua'rloriiiaster's department, U. S. A., has gone to"' Mexico to disinter and Myer'B-Dlllon Drug Co., Omaha, and Dillon's . . . . . ;..3.'Jll'. . .,l . .. rt , Bring DttCK lor ouriai .in mo san Antonio Drug Store, soum umitua. government cemetery. tho bones of American soldiers who fell tn'HIlo battle of lluena Vista, fought near SaltVilo, Mexico, In 1840, between tho AmerlfauB under General Zachary Taylor and: tho Mexicans unJer Santa Anna. TbdJemalns of about 700 Americans Ho, (hey wero burled on tho battlefield, buta a cow railroad will go squarely across tli,li spot and this has caused tbo Amcrlc.n!cgQvernment to act. FIGHT FIERCELY BUT LOSE lloera Make Determined but Ineffec tual Attack on HrltUU Pout it Itnll Head. LONDON, July 22,The war office has re ceived tho following dispatch from Lord Roberts: "PRETORIA, July 22. The Iloers mado a determined attack yesterday to destroy a post at tho Rail Head, thirteen miles east ot Heidelberg, which they attacked with three guns and a pompom and surrounded. They were, however, beaten off after a sharp engagement heforo reinforcements sum moned from Heidelberg had arrived." 'May i:neet Sttitna of Purto Itlen. SAN JUAN, Porto. Rico. July 22. Chief Ilerrlos of tbo InBular police will leave July "23 lor Havre via Now York and Washing ton to bring back Castro Garcia, the ab- J'0VKL WHITING PAID II 14 ST. llovr Grant Allen Sfiniililed Into ihe I.lternry "World. It Is an nctunl fact that tho latosGrant Alien whom ilfstlhL'ulshed career as n writer Is well known, beenmo a novelist by mere accident Indeed, without knowing It. Whllo pursuing hla sclonttfle studies he wroto nn article for a magazine upon the Impossibility of seeing a ghest. Tho nrtl clo wns written by wny of recreation moro than for nny other purpose, nnd for con venience sako and to mnke tho moral clearer ho throw tho argument Into tho nar rative form, but without tho slightest Idea that ho was writing a story. It was pub lished under tho title, "Our Scientific Ob servations on a Ghost." Immediately tho editor wroto for another "story" of a llko character, llelng n Jour nalist, Mr. Allen accepted an order for any thing and sont back a blood-curdling tale nbout a mummy. Not caring to let the world know that ho was trilling with fic tion, bo veiled tho author's Identity under tho pen nume, "J. Arbuthnot Wilson," Rut presently Mr. Vllrnn had so many orders for tales that ho monopolized Mr. Alton's desk and his Income exceeded that of the scientist, nnd so Mr. Wilson became Grant Allen and known to all tho novel-reading world. KINGSFORD'S CORN STARCH FOR PUDDINGS, CUSTARDS, BLANC MANGE, ETC NO OTHER EQUALS IT IN PURITY AND DELICACY. "What to Drink" Is of grave Importance Intcnso hent dls turbs tho gastrto functions nnd debilitates tbo entlro system. Tbo majority of all bo culled cooling drinks bring no lasting relief, but rather unduly stimulate a craving for more, until the stomach Is wholly demor alized, Krug's Cabinet will effectually bar out all Indisposition. A few ot those dainty, gold-rlmmcd glasses will at onco refresh and bestow enduring comfort, MOTEL GERARD 4 ltd Street. Near BroadwaX, W:W 0.K Absolutely I'lre Proof, Modem nnd Luxurious In All Ita Appointments. Centrally Located, COOL AM) ('t)MI'OIl TAIlhi: IX MI MM IS It American and European Plan, (Under Now Management.) ''I J. R. HAMDLEN'S SONS. Proprietors. Also Avon Inn and Cottages, AVON', X. J. Most Select Resort on the Now Jersey Coast, Mend for 1'nrlloiilara. Mrs. Wlnnlnn'a nollittii; Syrup Ht.3 been used for over FIFTY YHARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHIL DR1JN WHILE TUKTHINO, with PI2R FHCT SUCCICSS. IT SOOTIIKS the CHILD. SOFTI5N8 tho GUMS, ALLAYS nil PAIN. CURKS WIND COLIC, una Is tho best rem edy for DIAHHHOHA. Sold by Drugglstsj In every part ot tho world, Uo sura and nsk for "Mrs, WIubIow'b Soothing Syrup," and tako no otner kind. Twcnty-flvo cerit n bottle. fvTVVOAt!mCS bbbbbbbbbbW Lav BBBBaMS!9B BB3a5llSkBaBBl BaarvwVlBL3aaaalfBatf!4!Bal flanlyayifEataJ $5.00 A MONTH, DR. McGREW, SPECIALIST, Tint, ,11 Formi cf DISEASES AND DISORDERS OP MEN ONLY. 22 Yian Exptrltnca. 12 Ysariln Omiht. Et.ECTUICITY and iMfcUICAf, Tr.atnunt 'combined. Varicocele. Stricture, SypUllls,LossofVIor and Vitality. Cl'ItKIJ OTUItANTKED. Chtrfts low. HOBE TlltATMKNT. Hunk, Consultation and Exam. Inatlou Free, IIoura.B a, ui. to6; 7toBp. nt, Sunday, 9tol2. PO. IIok766. Office, N. B. Cor. 14th and Ka--m 8lrccU, OMASA, NKU. -Tt. UlitiflU w. ytCURKS all Kidney , -1,1 lL. l.-l.. ill? ? "ts, or by mull, T - I. Freo book, ad vice, eta, of Dr. U. J. Kay, Saratonn, N. Y, FRED KRUG BREWING CO., . I I A -.1.1 I L Phona for a cat. Telephone iZD. Not onco In A hundred times douh Ailtl-Kawf fail to euro u colt. It's sura. Sue your drug-glut. Uo soils it.