Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 19, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TJintSDAV, JTTr 10, 1900.
Hon. Wharton Barker Discusses Outlook
from Populistio Standpoint.
Cnnillilnlr of flic Mlil-ltonrirrn I'i
diet tlint lli Will Poll ft Mil
lion nml n Half Voir
IVcit Aovpiiilier.
' Wharton narkor of Philadelphia, nominee
of the middle-of-the-road populist party for
president of (ho United States and run
nlnK with Ignatius Donnelly, stopped In
Omaha yesterday on his way to the pop
ulist stato convention In Grand Island. lie
camo all tho way from Pennsylvania, he
eald, to meet tho members of his party In
Nebraska, and when tho convention Is over
ho will return, making no Intermediate
Wharton Barker Is a kindly, low-spoken,
Bontle-inannered man, with a remarkable
fund of Information gathered In extenslvo
travels. Easily approached, he at once com
mands respect and places tho visitor at his
ease. He talks entertainingly. There Is
evidence of no attempt to appear learned
and ho says whnt ho has to say In simple
language without gestures or trick of ora
tory. In personal nppcarance Mr. Harkcr looks
like Horaco Greeley. He has tho same lofty
lirow nnd llrm Jaw, though lacking tho
mutton-chop beard of tho great Journalist
statesman. Ills hair, which Is abundant
nnd curly, Is snow white nnd his faco
smooth-shaven. For a man of his years he
Is vigorous and active
Asked to say something concerning the
political outlook from his standpoint, bo began:
llippcln Grot-Kin' Klrrinrnl Vote.
"I expect tho electoral vote of the state of
Georgia. Colonel Traitor, the populUt gu
bernatorial nominee, will bo elected gov
ernor of that stoto on tho Cth of October,
nnd If I'm not badly mistaken tho entire
populist ticket will bo elected then. This,
coming thirty dny before tho national elec
tion, will have Its effect upon tho national
campaign. I'll leavo you to draw your own
conclusion as to what that effect will be.
"I expect to got, moreover, a million and
n half votes, scuttorcd throughout tho coun
try maybo more. I don't caro to forecast
tho results of tho national election, or to
discuss the other candidates In the field.
"As to Pennnylvanlo, tho republtcano will
not carry It by 300,000 majority, as they
havo dono In past years; they will do well
It tholr majority Is 75,000 there. Mnny
Pennsylvania republicans are dissatisfied
with McKlnlcy and his administration."
The Money Question.
On tho subject of money Mr. Darker nald:
"Jloth McKlnley nnd Ilrynn aro bulllonlats.
McKlnlcy believes that tho volumo of money
nhould rest upon tho amount of gold dug
out of the ground; Ilryan believes that the
volume of money should rest upon the"
amount of gold nnd silver dug out of tho
ground. Both bcllovo In money, tho volumo
of which shall depend upon accidental con
ditions, for tho yield of gold and Bllver
mines 1a not uniform from tlmo to time.
Tho populist party standi) exactly where
Thnddoua Stevens, Abrnham Lincoln nnd
tho other great republican leaders stood;
that Is, wo favor a paper money Issued by
tho national government In volume sufficient
to maintain stability of prices, with no
boom and no depressions."
' Situation In Clilnn.
Mr. Barker was especially at home on tho
Chinese question, having traveled exten
lively In tho Celestial kingdom.
"I think tho American nation ought to he
Just," said he, "and suro that the overt
net of war was made by tho Chinese- and
not by tho so-called allies, before America
makes war upon China. I havo been in
China, and havo u personal acquaintance
with a number of tho distinguished Chi
ticso who now direct affairs ut Pekln and
In the provinces, nnd 1'vo found them to be
capable and patriotic men. Of course,
tho embassadors nnd ministers of foreign
nations were slaughtered at Pekln by order
of tho Imperial government, or by Its con
nlvnnco, the European nations nnd America
must obtain reparation; but it the allied
fleet committed tho first act of war by
Bring on tho forts at Tnku, then China
hast been acting on tho defensive, and the
reparation would bo duo to Cblna from the
European natton and not tho reverse At
present the world Is In Ignorance of tho
Mr. Barker closed his Interview by talk
ing entertainingly of domestic and political
Conditions as ho found thorn In China five
fears ago. Ho says that country has today
X vast modern army, equipped with modern
munitions and strengthened by modern
methods of drill. Thin, he says, Is the re
eult of a great nwakcnlng In the Flowery
Kingdom following tho reverses suffored nt
tho hands of Japan three years ago.
A gentleman recently cured ot dysnepat
guvo the following appropriate rendering ot
Sums' famous blearing: "Somo have meat
nnd cannot eat, and some havo none that
vant it; but wo have moat and we can eat,
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure bo thanked." Thli
preparation will digest what you cat.
Instantly relieves and radically cures tndl
gcstlon and all stomach dlrordera.
IlMnlnrun Me,n (Jlvlnic Their Time ami
.Money to Mnkr the .IfTnlr a
Arrangements have been perfected for the
excursion to York July 26 to the firemen's
tournament and other festivities that will
be In progress In thnt city during that week.
Members of the Commercial club, the
Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben and the musical fes
tival committees, with their families, will
participate. Tho cxcursloniwts will leave
Oraaba at 8 a. m. and reach York at about
11. Tho special train on tho return will
leave York about 8:30 p. m., reaching Omaho
about 11:30. A rate of tl.SO for the round
trip has been secured, and It Is expected
that upward of 000 will attend.
Tho soliciting committee for Increase of
the membership of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben
has perfected organization for active op
erations, Although not fully organljed, re
ports of work dono showed that fifty-four
mombers had been necured during tho first
day's canvass of tho committee, and that
business men nnd progressive citizens
overywhero were simply waiting to be called
upon. The members of tho committee were
Woodmen of the World Decido to Remain
in Omaha.
An Soon n .lultnblc Location Ir Pound
Work Will lie Starteil on n
Hlit)-'l'li ounn ml -Doll nr
Headquarters of the Woodmen of tho
World will remain In Omaha. Tho building
committee of tho order Is In session
and before It adjourns will have purchased
a lot In tho central portion of the city, upon
which the erection ot a building to cost at
least $00,000 will bo begun Immediately.
Bcforo the arrival of Mr. Falkenburg from
Denver the other members ot tho committee
had discussed the situation and upon hla
arrival yesterday It took but a short time
to decido that the headquarters1 should ro
everywhere cordially received and assured of main In Omaha and that no offer of a dona-
the annroe at on n which the work of tne non or real esiato or omcr vniuaoio consul
order is held by business men. eratlon should bo received from any city
The worklne committees of the musical or community desiring tho Headquarters.
festival submitted estimates of tbo expenses The reason for this was stated by a member
to be Incurred. Tho band will cost about of the committee, who said that should the
$7,200 and other necessary expenses will run sovereign camp accept such a donation It
the total cost of the season or concerts up would reoi bound to maintain tno ncadquar
to about $12,000. Thero will probably bo tcrs In tho city making tho donation, oven
quito a revenue from tho sale of concessions, though tho best Interests of tho order would
which will materially help out tbo revonucs require lis removal.
from the salo of tickets. When this decision wag reached bids wero
Tho reception committee of the Knights received from sovcral property owners for
of Ak-Sar-Ben on the occasion of tno visit the salo of lots In tho central part ot town
of NobrnBka nowspaper men to the Den nnd at noon tho committee started out to
next Monday evening will meet at the Com
mercial club rooms for luncheon Thursday,
at which plans will be agreed upon to Insure
'the cordial wclcomo and entertainment of
every visitor.
The law holds both maker and circulator
of a counterfeit equally guilty. The dealor
who sells you a dangerous counterfeit of a building for the hcadquartcis of tho order.
DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve risks your life Of this sum $10,000 lg now available and the
to make a little, larger profit. You cannot remaining $.'0,000 will become nvallablo In
trust him. DeWltt's Is the only genuine varying sums each month, as tho amount
and original Witch Hazel Salve, a well of the receipts from tho general fund ex-
known cure for piles and all skin disease, cceds tho expenditures. Tho general fund
See that your dealer elves you DeWltt's of tho ordor Is created by a per capita tax
A I'lnee to ftpeml the hummer.
On tho lines of tho MILWAUKEE HAIL-
WAY In Wisconsin are eomo of the moat
enutlful places In tho world to spend a
summer vacation camping out or at the ole-
8r0t?!!- "atiDf "T b, w" w- Kod new to the members of the order
tlful lakes and streams and cool weather,
These resorts are easily reached from
nmnha. A hook describing them may be
had upon application at the Chicago, Mil
waukee & St. Paul Hy. city ticket omce.
D04 Farnam street, Omaha. Round trip
tickets. Rood returning until October 31,
now on salo. F. 'A. NASH,
General Western Agont,
A Selected !,Ut of Hummer Tours
Fifteen one way and nineteen round trip
rwlll be found In tho Lake Shore's summer
edition ot "Book of Trnins." Copy will be
sent on application to B. P. Humphrey, T,
I A., Kansas City, Mo., F. M. Byron, G
IW. 'A., Chicago.
Inspect tho sites offered. As there aro a
dozen or more of theso It may bo a day or
two bcforo tho lot Is purchased.
I'iiiiiIn Already Avnllulilc.
At the last meeting of the supreme camp
$60,000 of tho general funds of the order
was appropriated for tho purposo of erecting
ot 15 cents per month, payablo by each mem
bor of the society. Under the laws of tho
order $10,000 must always bo kept on hand
for extraordinary expenses. That amount is
now on deposit nnd hereafter nil excess
money will bo turned Into tho building fund.
The decision of tho building committee
In this city, who havo feared that tho su
preme offices would bo removed to another
city. Ono of the officers, speaking of tho
matter, said:
'Tho Woodmen of the World will continue
as a Nebraska corporation. It will fight lis
battles on tbo present lines, demonstrating
that lt policy Is ono which will afford per
manent protection to Its policyholders. I
am glad to feel that wo aro no longer In the
apparent position of asking something for
nothing and that the annual scare of a re
moval of tho sovereign camp la over for sev
eral years at least."
lleivnre of Frnuitt
Every success breeds lmltatora and coun
terfeiters. Look out for substitutes when
you ask for Cascarcts Candy Cathartic. All
druggists, 10c, 2uc, 60c.
Well Known I.ocnl Itnllronil Mnu in
ISntrnnted with Grenter ltenioiiiil
bllltlc by Great Northern.
John A. Sargent, who has a wide acquaint
ance with Omaha railroad men, has been
appointed nsslstant general freight agent of
tho Great Northern railway, with headquar
ters In St. Paul. Mr. Sargent Is ono of the
best known rntlrond men In tho west and
his promotion Is n matter of gratification
to his Omaha friends.
Mr. Sargent virtually grew up In the
railroad service. His father was for many
years general freight agent of tho Kansas
City, Fort Scott fc Memphis, nnd the son,
aftor serving a sovcral years' apprentice
ship In tho general freight ofllco, was ap
pointed assistant general freight agent. He
was afterwnrd made general freight agent
of tho Kansas City, Pittsburg & Gulf, now
the Kansas City Southern. About a year
ago ho left St. Loula and shortly after went
to St. Paul to accept a responsible position
In tho traffic department of tho Great North
ern. His advancement to tho assistant gen
eral freight agency comes nftor loss than a
yoar'n service with the Great Northern. Ho
succeeds W. H. Hill, who has been assigned
to other duties,
Mr. Sargent's wife Is the daughter of Mrs.
Agnes McShane ot this city, nnd both Mr.
and Mrs. Sargent havo a wide social ac
quaintance In Omaha,
Was It it Mlrnele.
"The marvelous cure of Mrs. Rcna J. Stout
of consumption has created lntenso excite
ment In Cammack, Ind., writes Marlon
Stuart, a loading druggist ot Muncle, Ind.
She only weighed 00 pounds when her doc
tor In Yorktown said she must soon die.
Then sho began to uso Dr. King's Now Dis
covery nnd gained 37 pounds In weight and
was completely cured." It has cured thou
sands of hopeless cases and is positively
guaranteed to cure all tbroat, chct nnd lung
disease. DOc nnd $1.00. Trial bottles free
at Kuhn & Co.'i drug store.
OkntioJI nnd Arnold I'nrk,
Tho Chicago, MUnnukco &. St. Paul rail
way company havo Just placed In service
daylight trnins between Omaha and Spirit
Lake, OkoboJI and Arnold's Park. Going the
train leaves Omaha at 7:15 a. m. and ar
rive Spirit Lake at 4.15 p. m. Iloturnlng
the train leaves Spirit Lako nt 5:S a. in.
and arrives Omaha 3;G5 p, m. This Is the
best service that has yet been offered over
any ono road. Hound trip tickets, good re
turning until October 31, il0.7u.
City ticket office, 1504 Fnrnam street.
F. A. NASH. Gcn'l Western Agent.
15c each
Fine Russia leather ones and others of
seal skin leather such as aro usually sold
nt COc, COo nnd 75c Thursday choice, 15c.
New Patent Leather Belts
Cut flaring so they will not creep up new
tyles that Is taking tho placo of pulley
bolts price COc.
Percaio Petticoats dollar kind 55c.
d IXciojk&suitco.
1510 Dmuilits St.
In order to Increase Its accommodations
tho Renstrom Hygiene. Bath company has
added another cabinet and has Just secured
Miss Augusta Turk, a graduate masseuse.
Miss Turk is both nklllful and experienced.
This addition will Insure Its old patrons
ot not only prompt, but efficient service.
The regular meeting of tho Visiting
Nurses' association will .bo held Thursday,
July 19, at tho rooms in tho Arlington block.
Take at any time
Vlrtiir'. I At Vlrtnr'c
V ll"l .
Headache Capsules T
cause no disagreeable
after effects, they can
bo taken nt uny time
before, uftcr or be-
tween meals. Tho ro-
sulta nro most satis-
fylng Indeed. No mat-
ter to what extent
you lire Buffering, It
will never take moro
than two capsules to
rnllpvn vnn iiml vrrv W
seldom more than one. Hememhcr wi4
nro offering you a tkn MiMJTiSia
0 ncuuaciia cure, x-wuu uu it uua.
5 Sherman & McGonnell Drug Co,,
lUtli nnil DoiIkb Streets.
Omiilin, Nell,
() llud
Cheap Hound Trln nates.
On August 2, 7 and 21 tho Illinois Central
will sell tickets, limited until October 31, a
Waseca, Minn., and return, $10.35.
Watervlllo, Minn., and return, $10.68.
Madison Lako, Minn., and return, $10.68.
St. Paul, Minn., and return, $12.65.
Minneapolis, Minn., nnd return, $12.65.
Duluth, Minn., and return, $16.95.
Superior, Wis., nnd return, $16.95.
West Superior, WIb., and return, $16.95.
For full particulars call at city ticket of
fice Illinois Central railroad, 1402 Farnam
The Northwestern Line.
Halt Fare
Charleston, S. 0.,
many other
City Ticket Offices, 1401-3 Farnam St.
This Is tho season whero the question
to Drink"
Is of grave Importance. Intense heat dis
turbs the gastric functions and debilitates
tho entire system. Tho majority of all so
called cooling drinks bring no lasting relief,
but rather unduly stimulate, a craving tor
more, until tho stomach Is wholly demoralized.
Krug's Cabinet will effectually bar out all
A fow ot thoso dainty, gold-rlmmcd glasses
will at onco refresh and bestow enduring
Choline ot Time.
On July 1 tho Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
Paul railway changed tho time of their train
bctweon Omaha and Chicago. Tho fast train
formerly leaving at 7:35 p. m. will, under
tho new card, leave at 6:00 p. m., arriving
Chicago at 8:30 a. m., In nmplo time for all
eastern connections. The local train form
erly leaving nt 11:00 a. m. has been changed
to a fast daylight train for Chicago, leaving
Omaha at 7:15 a. m. and arriving Chicago
at 10:30 p. m.
Omaha Tent and Awning Co., tents, awn
ings, canvas goods. 11 and Harney, phone 8S3.
Vacation Rates
Hot Springs, S. D., and return, $13.40,
July 21 and 28.
Custer, S. D., (Sylvan Lake) and return,
$20.60, July 21 and 28.
Denver, Pueblo and Colorado Springs, $19,
July 23 and 24.
It's a short one. We got more sulphate
morphine In M oz. bottles than all the
drug stores In Douglas county combined
and then some more." Will the doubting
ones please tnko a "peep" In our show
window. And every box Is full
Dr. Karl Cramer's Pennyroyal Pills.. $1.00
I'alne'B Celery Compound 7tc
IIood'B Sarsaparllla 76c
Cramer's Kidney Cure 75c
Carter's Liver Pills 15c
I'eruna 7Sc
Hire's Root Beer 14c
Scott'H Emulsion 75a
Hlrncy's Catarrh Powder 35c tllC dlXlTC WCST
ucm uuiurrn 1'owuer 33U
Syrup of Figs 30c
Wine Of Cardul 75c
Miles Nervine 75c
Tlokot Olflos,
1502 Farnam St.
Tl. 250.
urtlnglon Statlo
10th and Mason
Tel. iza.
0 Sales Saturday
At 8 o'clock Saturday morning we will
open the greatest shoe sale ever attempted in
Over 22,000
Ozomulslon 75c --f,- n 4-t-, fi-
Malted Milk 40o. 75c. $3.15 DaffS OI Uie Illl
Chamberlain's C. C. and D, SOc and.... 40o .
W. Cor. Kith and Chicago.
Spiclal IUI111
Omaha to Denver and return
Omahu to Colorado Springs und return,
OmaliH to Glcnwood Springs und return,
Oinuhu to Pueblo and return,
Omaha to Ogdeu and return, . .
Ottiulm to Suit Lake City and return,
Tickits on Sill July 17-18, August 2-7-21.
LimiUd ft Oct. 31st, 1900.
est makes o f
new stylish
shoes, purchase
ed for spot cash
from the fac
tory floors at 46c on the dollar, all go in this
great sale at less than half the cost of mak
ing, Shoes from such well known manu
facturers as French, Shriner & Urner, Hoag
& Heath, Thare, McGuire & Co,, ) Irving
Benedict & Son and others,
See our big 16th street show window
You will be astonished at the extreme low prices on such
flue shoes. To make room for tins big sale wo are closing out:
Misses fine $1.75 and 2.00 kid lace and button QQn
O r -JK
Ladies' fine J2.00 and 2.50 vici kid oxford ties and
slippers, at
Ladies' fine 2.00 and ?3.00 vici kid lace shoeB
on sale at . .
Men's fine $2.50 satin calf lace and congress
Shoes, at
The man who says he never did
anything that he was sorry for,
is too tough for any use. Our
cloak buyer likes pretty things,
ind he buys 'em. He was offered
eomo real handsome
Foulard Silk Dresses
early in the season at a special
price, and he says, "here's a
chance to give Nebraska custo
mers a good thing in foulards at
little outlay." The salo was
made, but they were sent to The
Nebraska Cloak Co. 2s'o owner.
They were returned to the ship
per. After a research they were
sent to us, but late in tho season,
too late for the going-away-to-thc-sea-shore
people. We accepted
them at n less price than was
first made by the manufacturer.
Two wrongs do not make a right, so we'ro. going to
close 'em out regardless of cost, at less than the making
alone would cost, you.
Dresses that arc worth fom 516.75 up to $25.00, will
be sold,
Thursday, July 19th, for
I & ( A.
These suits will not be shown in the windows, but will be
where you can see them, and try them on if you wish.
Clearing Sale of Wash Skirts,
All of our 75c, $1.00 nnd $1.50 Ladies'
Wash Skirts
All of our ?3.00, $1.00 and JJ5.00 Ladies'
Wash Skirts
Phone for a uso.
Telephone 410.
about your plumbing. Sickness and death
have often resulted from tho pipes being
out of order. Perfect sanitary arrange
ments nre essential to health.. Have all
work dono by respomlblo parties. Coat Is
lees Important than results. A high price
may mean economy In the end. Our work
and our rates In either gas and steam fitting
or plumbing defy adverse criticism.
Free 6c Black,
Phone 1040. . . 1800 Farnam St.
This household pest Is always about dur
lng warm weather. To get rid ot them the
easiest and quickest way Is tho crying need
Have you tried
It Is tho dead sure remedy. The roaches dls
appear, and that In the end ot them. It only
costs you COc a can, and the work Is done
Sold only by
Fourteenth nutf Unaglai Street.
U what you want when having your teeth
llxed. Our work Is dono carefully nnd
Oold crowns 5-00
Gold fillings $1.50 up
Ilest set teeth '. 18 00
T.lll. tll.IUJnli.kln flnntol DnantP
I (HI S rillldUBluiiia uoiuai iiuumaj
ir.17 lltiUKlaa St.
I I Ml liM IIMllTI Mif ITrlllWIl
UJLXnCIT Men's $1.00 Colored
llAT ULRS Laundered Shirts 49c
500 dozen men's fine colored laundered
shirts in all the newest styles and colors
some to wear white collars, some with collars
and' cuffs separate and with collars and cuffs
attached, There is not a shirt in the lot
worth less than $1, but will sell them all at 49c
Men's $1 Cambric Gowns at 49c
Men's $1 underwear at 45c, 10 cases
men's fine balbriggan and lisle thread shirts
and drawers in plain and fancy colors, every
garment warranted fast colors and suits to
match all at 45c, Men's 50c suspenders at
25c, Closing out all the men s 51,50 and
$2,00 silk and madras shirts at 98c, Men's
20c half hose at 10c, Men's 75c underwear
in all styles at 29c, Special bar
gains in ladies' hose at 10c and
15c, Men's 25c handkerchiefs
at 9c, Ladies' vests in lisle thread
plain and fancy colors at 15c,
Ladies' $1.00 Summer
Corsets at 49c
Don't attempt to cure It with any of
the flo-called toothache cures. Better
let DBNTI8T3 examine the tooth,
locate tbo troublo and remove thu
AH our work Is high grade. The
teeth mado In our laboratory ro
perfect In appearance and action and
aro very durable,
BAILEY, the Dentist
&VZ rnzton IIILt. lUlh A Kuruaui,
I.mlr Attendant, I'huue 108.1.
Hi Willi in i Tl 'TTMrTltMWTB
II 1 I IIP 1 II ll I I I MB
You hive th BEST notwithstanding they cost you no more thin Inferior ooodt.