JO TflE (TM ATTA DAI LY 11151:: Til lT USD A V, .JlLY in, UKW. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Lack of Support Oausss Lato Break in Wheat. CORN SUCCUMBS TO TALK OF DIG CROPS On Is Are Hull nnil Arc Contented to 1'nlliMT In I. mil of Other (Irnlnn Provisions Market In (lulct nnil Irrepjalnr. CHICAGO, July 18. Wheat was firm for hourn today, but broke later with corn unci on luck of support, September closing IHc under yrntcrday. Corn slumiicd on talk of a big crop nnd September concluded the ecsslon lo lower. Oats closed c down nnu urovlslons unchnnged to 10H12!4c higher, Trade In wheat wan only moderate and the courso of the market Irregular. The opening wan firm, September c over the closo yesterday at TTfiTIHc. In this bulge were to be found an Inlicnccs higher cables .from Liverpool, small northwest receipts nnd unfavorable reports from the Dakotas. On profit-taking, which met the initial bulge, September declined to 774c: then. In an erratic mood, the murkct rallied to 77c, but dropped off with great rapidity from mat to ii'.fcc. Again mo iiurii-iiKiji-tne bulls forced the price back to 7i?fc'i8c; in tnis tney were assisted uy cuvemiKn "j iiraltilnif stinrla tnr nrnflls. It was follow ing this bulge that tho severest break of the day occurred nnd brought tho market to nn Inglorious finish. 1'rlmurlly tho lreaK in corn wns an inuuence, 111 num tlon to this southwest receipts were largo nnd tho outsldo support n nerveless affair. The northwest, while claiming Irrenaruble damages for tho Dakotas nnd asserting that the rains Mad found little or a crop left to help, were sellers. September tum bled down to TC.i.n and closed soon after in n weakened state, l',(,c under yesterday at TO'lftWic. Clearances at the senboard In wncat ana nour wero equal 10 iis.uw uusn els. At nrlmnrv points receipts amounted to 7(5000 bushels, compared with 1,000,000 nusnoiR last year. .Minneapolis nnu uuiutn reported 281 enrs. against ltifi last week nnd 47! tt year ago. Local receipts wero 76 cars, 15 on contrnct grade. New "iork re tiortcrt 4" loads taken for export. Corn opened firm, but thereafter ncted llko n market too worn from sickness to lftt well In a hurry. At the start thcro whs tnoderato buying In tho small country offerings nnd on theory of nomo reaction being due after a severe decline. The 2, 000,00") bushels cash business done tho two previous days was a potent consideration Add to tills some desultory reports of mod. crate damages to the crop before the rain struck It and It gives tho bull side. Tho market held well till about noon and then dumped, With talk of a big crop enmo more enthuslnsm and at last started more liquidation, winch had Its nntural result. Hcptcmber opened nt 20c to 39',4c, touched 40c. slumped from that to 3M.Ce anil cIomimI 1c lower at 3S',4$i3Sc. Itecclpts wero 33S cam. Oats wero dull, too lazy to nsscrt any In dependence, nnd was apparently well con tented to follow where corn led, Wben corn slumped oats breathed harder nnd got ted In thv face trying tOjJ'ecp up tho pace, but nobody imld nny pBlcular nttcntlon to It. September sold betwoen 23Tc nnd C3?,c, closing Jo under yesterday at 23c. Receipts 'Wero SO cars. Crop reports wero favorable save from the northwest, where there -was loss from tho drouth. Provisions wero quiet and Irregular, owing to tlio fact that packers worn buy ers of lard and ribs, but rather neglectful .r. A'ork', September pork sold between ! !'?. nml M1.C714 nnd closed unchanged nt 5I';i? September lard between $6.75 nnd fi.C.H. closing 5c higher nt $6.70ft.72V4, and ivlth the closo 10712&c up at J6.774. hstlmated receipts tomorrow: Wheat. 3(r cars: corn. 420 ears? nnta nr. nnra. ,... 10,000 haad. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcle. Open. Hlgh, Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat July Aug. Sept. Corn July Aug. Sept. Oats July Aug. Sept. O'ork July Sept. Lard July Sept. Oct. Blths July Sept. Oct. S9M 23H 23i 23?i&74 11 cs C fi74 6 75 6 65 6 6T, C 70 ..7CH 74 "T4 76 hT4i7. 75V4 75MWU 76?fii .I4(S7S 761.4 76!41l!i IVStir, 30J4 38 35 3U14 40 3SV4 3SV40H WMlYt 23 231,4 23'J 23K 23V4 23 23 ZUA 2374, 23 2JSJ, n 11 50 11 55 11 SO 11 67i(s 11 70 11 70 6 C C 60 6 75 6 671,4 6 7214 6 67!4 t 6 77!4 G72V4 6 75 6 70 I 6 70 6 65 1 6 70 6 57U I 6 771.4 G"i 771. 6 671A I 6 75 0 C7!4 6 724 6 63 No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows: WIIKAT-No. 3, 7H73Hc: No. 2 red 78Vic 31H?4(teNO' 2 m1 3S,iW10c: No- 2 ydlow, J0ATS-N0. 2, 2lfi25o: No. 2 white, 2CVi4i 27c: No. 3 while. 25Vi&26!ic. ' ,tiy ItYH-No. 2. 5414c. RARLKY Good feeding, 3SSI2c; fair to chnlcn maltlnu. tSJTtSo. -,nK1tPSrN?.- ,lax; N-80.: N'c 1 northwest ern, $l.S0. Prime timothy, $3.20. Clover, contract grade. $8.00 i;PvTIS,0-N9-Mess pork. Per bbl.. $10.6', Cf 1.C5. Larc . per 100 lbs., $0.5006 6714. Short r lis sides (loose), $6,604(6.90. Dry salted Hhpuldcrs (boxed). $6,755)7.00. Short clear sides (boxed). J7.2507.25. WHISKY Hosls of high wines, per gal., SliciAnS-Cut loaf. $6.SS granulated, $6.32; confectioners' A, $6.2S off A, $6.13 fortoclay- "r 1,10 recelpt8 nnu sl'IPments TTM'-ia necelpts. Shipments. AVheat. bu 102,000 1720,1 ' 0T" 633,001) 8S7.0UO 0'l,t, 273,000 205,0110 JyV ii" 10,000' ....... Jlarley. bu O.OOO 15,000 On tho Produce exchange today the but !e,r, .,,ll;rk0,t w.u5,.,llrm: creameries. 1B !Ii?,V, ''"'fJ08' Cheese, steady nt SHtflOc. Krks, linn; fresh, nc. WKW YOUIC (5 KM! 11 A I. MAIIKBT. )iiolntli)ii. for ihf Un- on Vnrlou. CuiiiiiiiiilltleN, NEW YOrtK. July IS. FLOUrt Ttecelnts PI375 bli's-: "ports, 2.055 bw"i BalM, s5i J)kgs. Market weak nt old prices, which . .11 .n'0.. ' "novo miyers' views Jtye flour, quiet; sales, -100 bb'ls.:"fa r to gnod, $3,15(03.30; choice to fancy, nx COItNJIl'LVL ICnsy: yellow western le Urandywine, $2,500-160. csiern. jil, UYU-Qulet; No. 2 western. COUc, f. o. b.. cnrloU " ' 56,G7c, Cl ' r" New Vorli HAHLRY-Nomlnnl; feeding. 4Sc, c. I. f., York naltlnn, 49fi63c. c. 1. f., Now HAItLKY MALT Nomlnnl. WIIKAT-Hccclpts, s.233 bu.; exports, nnno: sales, 4,160,000 bu. futures; r,B,000 bu export. Spot, weak; No. 2 red, 82!ic. f o V.n"i!ft 'n.n(tVfl4cVln --IevaIor; No, 1 north ern. .lull nt We f. n. )., alloat, to arrive; TJn. 1 )i!ir,1 liilnfli UTIin t .. 1. ...a.. . arrive. Options opened steady on better cables and less favorable crop estimates from the northwest, but soon eased otT. IlullB lucked confidence and mado no at tempt to check tho nfternoon attack by bears, which broko prices to the lowest jiolnt of tho day; closed weak nt TifflWo net decline; July. MHJiS2sc. closing at Mio; September. MH1?S2ic, closing at tOHc; ?et0 f?SieSlc'. clos"'l5, t 81u; Decern tier. SlNi0S3o, closing at Slic. COHN-ltecclpts. 331,323 bu,; exports, 2, 500 bu.; sales, 2(3,000 bu. futures; 610,000 bu, exports. Spot, weak; No. 2, t$c. f. n. b. nflont and 4Uc In elovntor. Options stendy on bullish bulletins from Kansas nnd Nebraska. It eased off later, through realising and sympathy with wheat, and closed wenk nt Wi4a net. loss; July closed nt 4lio; September, 44H!fff5ic. closing nt 4io; December, 41iT42c. closing nt U?c. OATS Itecclpts. 302,100 bll.; exports. 3. 2W bu. Spot, dull: No. 2. 28o; No. 3, 27U0. No. 2 white, 30c: No. 3 white, 29iic; track, mixed western, 2iT23i,4c; track.'whlto west ern, 20ft34c; truck, white state, 2aff3lc. Op tlons dull. HAY Quiet! shipping. 70ff75c: good to choice, 87&87l4c: state, common to choice, JW crop, lift lie: old olds. 3'o'5c: Pacltlo canst, isw crop, 10?13c; old tilds, 3Ge. HIDHS Firm; OnlveMon. 10 to 25 lbs.. JSe; California, 21 to 20 It., 21Hc; Texns lr-. 21 to .10 lbs.. 40o, LKATH Hit Steady: lluenos Avres, light to neavy sole. 2ifyTmhv. acid, 235462440. WOOL Dull; domestlo lleece, 2J'o28c; Texas. 15ftl6c. PKOVISIONS-Ueef. quiet; fnmlly, $10.MMi 13.00; msss, tO.miOM; beef hams, $;o.00g' 11.00; packet. $10.ooini.00; city, extra India mess, 16.rH7.60. cut mealB. steady; flckletl helllw, SiiOlOc; pickled shoulders, )ic; pickled hnms, lCjlOJic Lard, steady; western steamed. $7 05- Julv closed at $7. 0b nominal, reflneil. flrin: continent. $7.35 South America. $1.00: compound, $4.25, Prk, firm, fnmlly, $l4.t0fi 15.50; short clear, i.i.ivuiii.w; mews, l3.wi( . POTATOKS-Qulet; Chilian, $li southern $1. Iff?? 10. TALI,OW-Dull: city, $2; per package HICH -Steiuly, domestic, fair to ojttrn,. 4',4 rtJsc, japan. 4inc. , MOLASSES-Stendy; New Orleans optn Keme, goon to cnoice, irj&oc. OAIUiAaUS-Qulet; Long Island, per 100, I.Wl.l. KHKinilTS-Dull; cotton, by steam, 25c grain, bv 2iie. IH'TTKIl Itecclpts, 6,507 pkgs.; market firm; creamery, 16J4yiOMc; current packed factory, Hfilfic ClIKKSK-Iteeelpts. 3,533 pkgs.J firm; large, wnuc nnu coioreu, yj'Ulic; small, white and colored, 0Hfo!"4c i:aas Itecclpts, 9,na nkgs.: mnrket steady; western, at mark. liyi3c for aver age lots: western. loss off. 15e. Sl'OAK-Kaw, Btrong; fair refining. 4 5-lc 11111; centrirugni, to test, 4 la-ieo oiu; mo lasses sugar, 4 1.16c bid; refined, lirm, COI'KKK Firm; No. 7 Itlo. fii.4c. MKTALS Prices were reduced ponslder nbly In Iron and steel today, due to the enormous pressure to sell. The local mar ket for tdir iron warrants declined GOo to $13.00. No. 1 northern was quoted nt $16.00 nnu iso. 1, $ir,.uajni 00. Philadelphia reported a decline of 1 point nnd weak at me decline. I'lttsuurg steel billets nro down to $17.o0f(20.00. Tin in London was 10s better for spot nnd unchnnged for fu tures, with the cIofo easy. Here the spot market wns steady, but futures closed weak at $32.75 for July and August nt Hi.iWJiw, spot xin ciofeu nt im.wijsi.Si"!. Copper ruled dull and unchanged nt $16.5o. Lead and spelter continue dull and un changed on tho basis of $3.974.0214 nnd $l.l"i4T(4.22J4 respectively. The brokers' nrleo for lend was $3.80 and for copper, OMAHA -VVHOI.KSAI.F. .MA1IICKTS, Condition of Trnilr 11 nil Qnotntlona nn Slnple nml l'nncy Protlnec. KOOS Itecclpts, liberal; good stock, 10c. LIVE POULTRY-IIens, 7&fiSc; roosters, according to nge and size, 310; broilers, 14c; ducks, 4fj3c; geese, 4H6c; turkeys. Sc. FRESH DIMIHSMn Pni'I.TRY Hens. 9c: roosters. 5T?6e! .IiipWr nnil I'cwe. OfilOc: nroners, iv4 to z lbs., per rtoz., $3.oo4.5o; turkeys. 12V4c. TITT'PTI.1 T) -' , f.l. .... -1.-1 ie ui, .fll(l,IUII lu lull, luv, 1 1 v. 1 -, u Crl6c; separator, 20c; gathered creamery, 170 131', FIH Trout, lfle! hlno (lsh. 12n! nlekerel. 8c; catfish. 12c. dresfed buffalo. 6c; white fish. 9c: herring. 6c: black bass. 10c: sal mon, 13c; whlto bnss. 10c: cronple, 10c; plko, 10c: halibut, 12c; bullheads. 10c; ring pcrcn, 6c; lobsters, green, 22c; boiled lobsters, 25c; mncKcrci, zuc; couilsh, 10c; yeuow pcrcn, bc, nuftuiis-i.ivc, per uoz., wcbji.w. VEALH nholre. !)V710o. HAY Per cnrlnnil Intn TTnlnnil. choice. i.ti, iiuuiaiiti, cnoice, lo.ov; lowiunu, .ciiuiuc, vi.iiu: rvo Hiraw. ohn ri. ifi! Nn. 3 corn. .17c: No. 3 white oats, 24c: erncked corn, per ton, ia, turn nnu u;iis. cnoppeo, per 1011, tia.oM, uran, per ion,; snorts, per ton, jlj.w. VEGBTAHLES. CI7CUMTlEnS-Pcr doz.. 40fIC0c. ASPARAOUS Home-crown. DCr do2.. 20 NEW TURNIPS-Per bu. basket, 73c. NEW HEETS Per do2. bunches, 30c NEW CARROTS Per doz. bunches, 25c, LETTUCE Per doz.. !0e. RADISHES H'nmccroKn. ner doz.. 150) UK. PEAS-Per U-bu. basket, 60c. WAX HEAN8 Per ,4-bu. basket, 4060c NEW POTATOES-Per bu.. 4XK45c. CA1U1AOE Home-grown, per lb., l&c. CAtJLIFLOWER-Pcr doz., $1. nilEEN PnilX Per iloz.. 10(f?15c. TOMATOES Mississippi. ner 4-basket crate, 75c; home-grown, per 14-bu. basket, RHUnARB Per lb.. VATt2d: home-grown, per lb.. 2c. UN iu-nd Home-grown, per id., i?tsr.'c. FRUITS. STRAWBERRIES All gone. BLACKBERRIES Per 24-qt. case, J2.25. BLACK RASPBERRIE8 Per 24-qt. case. $2.73: per 24-pt. case, $1.50. RED RASPBERRIES Per 24-qt. case. $2.20. Ill.UEBEKRIIiS 16-Ot- cases. U.'A. CURRANTS Per 24-qt. case, $2. PEACIIES-Callfornla, per box, 90c311. APRICOTS-Ciillfornla, per box, $1.15. PLUMS-Callfornln. per crate, $1.161.25. PRUNES-Cnllfornln, per crate, $1.261.35. BARTLETT PEARS-Californlm. per box. $2. GOOSEBERRIES Per 24-qt. caae, $2. CHERIUES-Callfornla. Der 101b. box. $l.l0ffl.2n: Missouri, per 24-qt. case, 12.25; 8-lb. baskets, 601 60c. WATERMELONS As to size, 2C30c each. APPLES Native, C0(j75c per bu. TROPICAL FRUITS. PINEAPPLES-Pcr doz., $1.501.75. ORANGES California. Mediterranean sweets, per box. $4; budded seedlings, $3. i.i'jaiuiNs uauiornia, iancy, i.i'j; cnoico, $4 SO. BANANAS I'er bunch, according to size. $2.25-0 3.00. M 1HCELLANEOUS. NUTS Hlckorv. lnrce. ner bu.. $1.25: shellbarks, $!.:; English walnuts, per lb., 12i'13c; Illberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, per lb.. Ilfil6c: raw. per lb.. 6Wi6c: roasted. HIUES, HIDES No. 1 nreen hides. 7c: No. 2 green hides, Cc; No. 1 saltod hides, 7c; No. 2 salted hides, 6C; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 us., sc; no. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c. .St. I.nnlH drill 11 nnd Provision. ST. LOUIS. Julv 18. WHEAT rower! No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 74Hc; track, 7Cc: Julv. 72aJc: Amrust. 73e! Renti-mbir. 73Jc; Derember. 75c; No. 2 hard, 71c. j lAjuii unennnceu. tORN Lower: No. 2 cash. Mtlo! trnnk. 4KfrllV4c; July, 3714c; September, 3tl4c. OATS Lower: No. 2 cash. 21c: track. 2414c; July, 231ic; September, 22?4c; No. 2 white, 2S!ic in n-Steady; sec. SEEDS Tlmnlliv. nntv In nrrlvn Aiifimt firmer at $.1.15 hid and $2.502.75 nominally uir npiu; nax, nigner; juiy, i.bu Did. juii..iii'iAi sieanv at s.2j3.0. BRAN Dull; sucked, east track, 6SK70c. HAY Steady: tlmothv. i3.H)''u-n.0Or prairie, $5.50. WHISKY Steady at $1.23. IRON COTTONTIES $1.32. BAOGINC-SflS-'Uo. HEMP TWINE-Sc. PROVISIONS Pork. stendv: tohblnir. $12, ij. Lard, higher; prime steam, $4.47; choice, $6.52. Dry snlt boxed meats, steady; extra shorts. $6.8714: clear ribs, $7.1214: clear sides. S7.37U. Hacon. hnxnil. ut.vulv fxtra shorts, $7.50; clear ribs, $7.6714; clear sides, $7.K7&. , .Mi;TAis-ixaa, firm; $3.95. Spelter, firm. $4.03. POULTRY Ou et: chlpltoMR 1r: unrlnoa. 10fi)10',4c: turky. SSc: ducks, 614c; springs, 6&'Sc. geese, 3e; springs, 67c. r.i..iin wiraiiy ; bc, BUTTER Stead v: creameries. 1W1IUp. dalrv. Hpl6c. RECEIPTS-FIour. 3,000 bbls.: wheat, 18.1.000 bu.: corn. U.000 bu .: natH. 3?ftfl0 hn SHIPMENTS-Flour, 9,000 bbls.; wheat, 45,000 bu,; corn, 67,000 bu.; oats, 9,000 bu. KiwimiN City ('.mill and Provlnlona. ....... 3. nuif 13. y iir.v 1 oep- N 1 nh- VAm No 2 r,d- 72i&14c; CORN September. 364c: cash. Nn. 1 whltl23c.liC! N0 2 Wh,,e' 430i N- 3 uats NO. 2 white, 2.riV'.'B26c. IiYK-No. 2 white. 64c. HAY ('hnleft Hmntliv tin fin. -w-i-- ---1 He, $7.00. " ' ' '."u" BUTTER f?renmprv ir.1i ICn.inl... He. " ' ""' ". LOGS ! Irm; fresh Missouri and Kansas stock, 8V4c; seconds, 614c; loss off, cases returned; southern, 6c; new whlto casos Included, ijc more. IIPPPIDTC .l,,.nl 170 onn .... . . - "".-w uu, turn, je,- 800 bu.; oats, 7,000 bu. SIIIPMENTS-Whcat. 82,800 bu.; corn, 2 1,. 00 bu.; oats, 7,000 bu. Liverpool Grain nml I'rorlalnm. LIVERPOOL. July lS.-WHEAT-Spot. steady; No. 1 northern spring, 6s 3!4d; No. 1 California, 6s 3dd(s 4d; futures steady; '. "u kih-'uiui.t, os ijaa; Decem ber, 69 2d. CORN Snot. new. am mil... American mixed, new, 3s lld; American mixed, old 4s lid; futures, steady; July, nominal: September, 3s H7d. t-uuvisiuris-unms. short cut. steady, 47s vil. Hacon. Cumberland nil .iu,iu -1.. tl; short ribs, 1.1s; short clear b.vks, steady 39s Sd. Shoulders, square, steady, 6a. UirJ, Anicrlcan refined, In palls, ' , ' " "'" nmivin, in tierces, steady, 31s 6d. (irnlll Mnrket. MILWAUKEE. Wis.. July 18. WHEAT Dull; No. 1 northern. 77Si77Uc! Nn nnrth. ern. 76c. RYE Lower; No. 1, 57068c. BARLEY Steadv: No. 2 .7?i7U. onm. pie, 40tfl5ie. " Peoria Market. Pl-'m? T A Tnli. us pnnv mi . v.- t 39 "jc. OATS Firm ; No. 2 white, 5o. WllISIv Vl.n tli. hula - 11m M- ished coods, MliuiCNiinlU Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Julv II -WHRAT-In store. No. 1 northern, July, 75Vio; Septem- uvi, ijuoi uecemoer, i?,c; on tracK. iso. 1 hurd. 78Hc: No. 1 northern, 714c; No. 2 northern, 75Uc Duluth M'htsl Market. DULUTII, Minn., July lS.-WHBAT-N. I hard. eash. "te: Aueust, 7974c; 3eptem' bcr. ifc; Uecember&Hc; No. 1 northern ..nn, ii4r, Aiiiiini, 11'kc; eptemi)er, ,iic IW.mU. A'-. K n -. . . . spring. 72c. COHNlSc. OATS-2514C, TOLEDO, O.. July lS.-WHEAT-Dull n M .I . c . .. . v..,.. . . . . . . . . iVI'. wt-i, riiui, ia';it, juiy, 10741., AUKuai, 10 i' 1 "t-'iucinuer, o'.jic. CORN Dull nnd unchanged; No. 2 cash, nvii;. nrinemoer. luc. . OATH-Dull and unchanged; No. 2 cash, 2lci September, 24c. ICVE-Dull nnd lower; No. 2 cash, 654c SLEDS-Clover, active and lower; 1S93, ""wvi, fl.iv, IIUII11I1UI, I'llllnitrllllllll lriiitu.,n fni.tff.. PHILADELPHIA, July 18. BUTTER ....... ,,,,u 111 inn ueiiiuiiu; niiicy wesiern rnno'lf P ' iancy western prints, sic V " iresn nenroy anu west cm, jjc; nouinern, 11c. MOVEJIUXTS OF STOCKS AXD IIO.M1S Market Fill In Hnok Into l.'nrincr C011- illllon or Slnunntliin. VI.MV Vnni.- .0 rnl. 1...1. ... .1 . . ".". "i in. 1 nc nun party tie lstcd from its efiorts to advance prices . 1 . . receiu appearance or nc- ' ft .j,i iiiujii.i, piuiniiiiy ...... v.. ,. ,i,iilr 1 in5 pressure to renuzc was not severe It was evident that the recent demonstrative buying by tho bull party has failed utterly to attract nny demand from OUtSldn Knllrnfia un Ihn. m ......1.-. I- -r . .1. . V . i ...... in, nini nti 11. iiiiuil'II i2 fJ.5inklW ?( Vro' lt ot llfltciltt u il " vI,ul wuuiii oe me meet unucr -""v.r. i un- nulling "in 01 rc- nln?R,V..K""".'0fu-thS-er Pf bull 1.7 V .i.- ll,u "emousiraieu ruill- il,. thfi ft(,nii)t to attract outsldo buy- ",ulXV "la ot uiviuenu act on on Ba - more Ohln nr., a r - .11-- n.. ini .in-i, "'TP'?"'1'--" .V...-U "t,"- "iiicii una oeen uiivniiccd bv R nE nftgresslvo management, fell m.f 1!hi" a, m"ch- .tne lner losing m ...... iUlillLT l?. Mhn I.. .1,- .11. .1.1 1 . ... nni. ...V..--7 mi; uiiiuuim rate 01 Illi nois t Cntml nimnranl 1. .11,1 -.1.. . . l , , '.,''... v .... lllll nut, HUH IU IIIO .w wnsvo, iv.-iicjuay a violent I ll f ,4-;'L"ts. PMinc Mali and tho tnr VV.ii.t f ilc"'c railroad stocKs was renorlor),",'"i":i',"l ?4?1" ilf.LnJ'?J mnnf1 2cJ,.,ciJ,:. tno. United States colern- I", '"'"iitio ny tno tlerman iruvernrnpMt rir n 1 . n.- t...-i.i- nnri n la. . i m-llli; 111 iniMH- PniHri.l".t2r ""Pt'Mes to China. But the trilmn i .J; . 8 orlereu or iucrnllve 1 ,."' . ",l!,v0',ncntni rniirond .11-- ?as off"ct. '"'lav by somu other con vnr ,VPMf Hv .r.csu't'' t0 nccruc from 'hitherto to "tie "cWK - ... . . lexincs caused Dy the un- iihnn ih.Vbi .r i.-i'.VV" "4,""Avr "iruiuia Urltlea in Nnw Vnrl ft- -,-...1 .... .... ;!?,ad.Inl,Vht thr?w. considerable burdens ln s hlpmentH of cold wero a reflection i i t "ucy iiriMis oi ioro cn markets. mwrnRT?. l10t m"W Krowcute If tlie Kovernment expenditures for war should becomn large. Today's engagements turn"? to,.0.0W.iwere more thin JI.000,000 less than nntlclpated. A further t;ii uv-nun m sterling exchange nt Paris, a rednpHnn in .v.- i, i. P.. SlS?n '?nr .rlei?-" FI". i j.,..i.. "uiiiiun line oi discount wero in ri"nr '."i",."L.,s"'- advance inmV,... V . v"Bi"n rato or discount as yesterday. The continuity of the gold t.,?ebe - " wniiiu liiu neeus or lorol"n rni7!frtntsJor c5pl!nl win certainly con vorffo upon New York. n this Is now the re ...... v iii world, isut tho uneasiness Is caused by tho conjecture ns to tho effect nnnn Mm ion... vn.t, market when the Interior demand for mov intr cron miiA tn iia rni.. . np ndaUtn"n," rtlme Ioans for te longer min.H"na mnrket continued dull and the nUeniAtlnnn worn nimonn t t ..... the 1 M WA""""" .r.?.r.?ent. And Oil! 4W It nnf rAnr ' flr..C"c'al . Adyertlscr's London era! nnfn "'.V.":.,.A' tr? was. B"- iiZ: -.i . m -i-ubcu securities in tne mATHpIl Mm In, ... . . . spread of tho Chinese robeillon ami General ?n;!w,B ail-il!r?uen General Roberts- .7.. VI r v" inclined to the mm'lnV1 "u"?" ',a",f LW ?la.Krrmf.nt, ls about, to offer JMMO.OOO 7v.K . i 1 '.. Ku"prnii expected that the bank rate will be advanced to sV per cent hut for ,h V." !Unu.e 1 Per blll 'lnnVr.. u. tne treasury FollOWlni? RMI IVl nlADH- I .. N Vnii ar.i. --u,-'","B '-ea on tne - - " - " oiulii i A u 1 1 1 1 1 1 (' ; Atchison io nfd II. & O Can, laclflc Can. Southern .. Ches. & Ohio ChlcaRO Gt. W... c, n. & q C, I. & I, do pfd C. & U. Ill C. & N. W c n. i. & i C. C. C. Jtr s r. Colo. Southern ... do 1st pfd.... (In 2il nf.l Del. & IIudon.... D. U & W D. & 11. O do nfd Erie do 1st pfd. . 2H4 . UU T5V4 . m . is . 27i.i . 10?; . 23 . 50 . Si .13V4 .1001', . "it . C . $ . ie4 .11H', .175 17H . ; . 10 V. 32H Qt. Northern pfd."r, Itocklnir Cnn Hocking Valley. III. Central Iowa Central ... do rjfd K. C, P. & a... L. I. ft W do nfd Ijlke Shore Ix)llls. & Naih... Manhattan L Met. fit. Uy Union Pacific do pfd Wabash do pfd W. & L. E do 2d pfd...., Win. fVnfrnl Third Avenue Adams Ex . 7514 .. 7U . 1814 . S4 . ll'.j .109 117 American Rt . I. H. Rmren.. Wells-Farso Ex. ...13 Am. Cotton Oil 33',5 ao nrri Amer. Malting ... do pw Am. S. & n do nfd Amer. Spirits do pfd Am. Steel Hoop... do pfd Am. Steel & W.. do pfd ,.15S , 16 . 33 . 3U , 19 . .n . ES . t . 17 . 114 . C7i . 33H . 34 .1184 . 19 . ICS . 1C . K'i . !0 .110 .. 73 S8!4 ir.o4 1315 Am. Tlnplate do nfd .. Am, Toh.icco 91 do pfd i;.i Anaconda M. Co.... 10'4 Rrooklyn It. T ri34 Colo, rue I & 1 3174 Con. Tobacco 21 do pfd Ti Federal Hteel 3214 do nfd r.T Oenernl Electric ,.130 Mex. Central M, & St. L r,l4 UO Dfll ill Mo. Pacllln sot: Mobile & Ohio 374 M.. K. fi T !)'4 do Dfil 31 ... m. vrmi., iu'ft;iaiionai Ii 1'. Central 12H' do nfd Ntir. & Went 3114 Nat. Steel 77l4' da.pfd M',4 N. Y. Air Ilrake.. 1 "4 ao, American ... 12V4'OIucose Sugar do pfd Inter. Paper .. do nfd 1 Laclede Oas ... uNat. niscult ... do nfil National Lead do nfd N, raclflc .... do nfd Ontario & V. O. It. tt N... do nf ii . . . IVnnitvlv.nlA Reading do 1st pfd ,, do 2d nfd .. nio o. w... do Dfd St. L. & S. F, tlo lit pfd... do 2d Dfd.. SI. L. S. W.. do nfd St. Paul do pfd 204 42 7? mn 17 r.9'4 2814 594 90 fl',1 117 33 10 SVi lll'i 1601,4 St. P. & Omaha. ...110 S. Paellle S. Hallway no pfd Tex, Pacifla... , 32 , 11 K . 1114 S3 ,. 99 .. 22V4 ., fil'4 .. 71 .. 2S'4 . 81) .. 20'j .. '171.', .. 23'4 .. SI . .133 . 1514 ,. 52 . n ,. 624 .. W!4 ,. 9S4 . 42i; 70 Pacific Coast do 1nt pfd do 2d pfd.. Pacific Mall .. People's Oas .. i'rceo H, car do nfd.... Pullman P. Cnr IB' Standard rt. T.. si Sugar 12114 do nfd nr. Tenn, C. & I efli; U. 6, Leather do pfd 67V4 V. S, Itubber 21 do pfd 9214 We.tern Union 78!4 Republic I. & S 1P4 do pfd (it P. C. C. & St. Ij.... C7 Offered. Uoaton Slocks nnil Honda. DOSTON. Julv 18. Call loans. 2if!3U. nn. cent; time loans, 3145T4 per cent, Ofllctal closlns: A.. T. & St. V do pfd im. Sugar do pfd Hell Telephone .... Boston & Albany., lloiton L ll-tnn & Maine..., n. & o Dominion Coal ..... do nfd Federal Steel do pfd Fllchburg pfd Oen. Electrlo do pfd Mex. Central Mich. Telephone ., N. B. la & Coke. Old Colony Old Dominion Rubber 59iJ 12P Udi lH 2S3V4 niy, w mr, it 11.V4 .W4 6.V,4 136 13414 l"j 1214 8714 1V4 203 m; 23 it. Union Pacifla Went End .... Went. Electric Uchlnon 4s .. N E, a. & c. Adventure Allonez Mining Co., A ma I. Copper Atlantic Ronton & Montana. Ilutte & Iloaton..., Calumet ft Hecla. Centennial Franklin On enla Qulncy hanta Fe Copper ., Tamarack Utah Mlnlnu Winona Wolverlnea C7W 03'.j 4.1 100!i 01 1 8514 23 301 (13 730 1CIJ 13 CI H014 1V4 W 2714 2!4 3314 Rid. civ York .'Mlnlnu; SlooUn. NEW YORK. July IS. The followlnir urn tho closing quotations for mining shares today: Chollar Crown Point Con. Cal. & Va... Onuld & Currle , Hale & NorcroM, Homexake Iron Silver Mexican ., Ontario .. Hi .. 6 ..130 .. 20 .. 20 ,5000 .. 51 .. 14 ..coo Ophlr Plymouth Qulckillver .... do pfd Sierra Nevada Standard , Union Con Yellow Jacket . ... f. ... 10 ...150 ...7(0 .""400 ... 15 ... 10 Condition of the Trcn.ury. WASHINGTON. July1 IS.-Today's stnte- mimt of the trejsurv balances In the een. rJ fund, escluMlv of th 1W,0wO,WO sold reserve In Hie division Of redemption, shows; Available cash balance, JM9,&99,563, goia, ,v,.'7,7t4. Xew York .Itoncr Mnrket. NEW YORK. Julv H.-MONKY On call. easy nt lUfll per cent; prime mercantile paper, .1-491414, per cent. STKRL1NO i:.VC'HANatj-Knsler. with actual business In bankers' bills nt JI.S7 for demand nnd nt JI.MfN.8Hi for sixty "ays; pollen rates, Jl.SOlfl.&Si commercial bills. JI.S3V1T1.S3H. 8ILVER-Har, ' 61',ic; Mcxlcnn dollars, IlONUS aovernment, Irregular; stnte, Inactive: railroad, irrccnlnr. Tho closing prices on bonds today nro as ioiiows; V. S. ref. 2s, rcg... 10311 do coupon ift34 do I, reg lto do 3f, reg ict do coupon ,1101.4 do new 4, reg. ...133 do coupon m do old 4s, reg IMS Ore. do coupon 113 do do 4a N. Y. C. 1 N. J. C. g. 8s. N. Pacific Is... do 4s N Y C & S Ij N. & W. e. 4, Nav. Is..., 4s oi?; 111 121 es'4 ,.;..ID4'4 4s..1(H4 971.4 ....107 .102S do 6s. reg H3 Oregon S. L. 6 12714 do coupon 11414 do c. Cs ,..,111 D. of C. 3 fc!t 123' Reading g. 4s, 88 AUh. general 4....101S Itlo O. W. ls 98 do adj. 4 S314 St. L & I M c. 6s. .110 Can. Southern 2s. .M7'1 St L & H F g. 63. ..122 ChoiM, fc Ohio 414a 994 St. Paul c 184 do s nu st P. C & P 1 ll'i Chi. N, W. c.! do H. F. deb. 6s. .120 Chi. Terminal is,... 91 Colo. Southern 4s,. , f3 1) & It. O, ls 102 do 4s 97 U -r.rie gen. 4S ct do 6 118 Ho. Pacini 4s. So. Hallway Ss... 8. Itope & T 6... Tex. & P. 1 lo 2.1 Union Pacifla 4s., Ft. W. A; V, C ls... 7014 Wabash Is Oon. Electric 6s. ...11714 do 2s Iowa Central 1s....UVWest Shore 4s .. K. C, P. k a. Is.. 71i Wis, Central ls. Liuls. & N. unl. 4s. 9SU Va, Centuries ... M., K. & T. 2 C9I.4 "Offered. 79 ..10814 .. 73 ..112 .. 51 ..10514 ..116 ..10214 ..111 .. 87 .. 90 I.omlnn .Slock Qnotnttons. LONDON, July 18. 4 p. m. Closing: Consols, money do account ... Atchison Can. Pacific ... St. Paul III. Central .... IjoiiIsvIIIc Union Pacific pfd N. Y. Central .... ... 98 ... OS ... 2'.4 ... 904 ...11354! ...1221,4 . 10 . 771,4 .132V4 Erie do 1st pfd .. Pennsylvania . Heading N, Pacific pfd Ornnd Trunk ,, Anaconda Hand Mines .. . ll4 33H , 6.'4 . 84 734 114 , 8 3914 RAR SILVKR-FIrm nt 2S!4d per 02. MONUY lltfiS per cent. The rnto of discount In tho open mnrket for short bills, 2Ty3 per cont; for three months' bills, 3Q311 per cent. 1'orelKii Kinnnclnl. PjVRIS, July I8.-TI10 bourse opened firm, subsequently becoming easier on realiza tions. Spanish Is were llrm. Rio tlntos ndvnnced on higher uuotntlons for cop per. Knlllrs wero dull. Three per cent rentes, OOf 924c for tho account. Kxchitnge on London, 2o" 12c for checks. Spanish 4s cloned nt 72.56. LONDON. July 19. American securities nnnncd ralber llrm in response to better overnight prices from Now York. Later tno selling movement set in, prices de clined nnd the. market closed weak. Span ish 4s. 7114. HI'jRLIN, July 18. Tho bourso opened llrm, owing to a plethora of money and afterward became denressed. In the ab sence ot demand, weakness In Vienna and tho fall of unineso securities in ionuoii. Tlnnk Clearing;. ST. LOUIS. July 18.-Clenrlngs, 6,733,995: balances, $844,153; money, Stll per cent. CINCINNjVTI. July IS. Clearings, J2,b.,- 550; New York exebance, 10c premium; money. iwiitVi per cent. CHICAGO. Juiy is. cienrinKs, jzi.oiM.vsti; balances, J1.GSC.024; posted exchange, H.Wif 4.8S; New York exchange, far. nkw YORK, juiy is. clearings. ni,u64,- C9I: balances, J(i,SH.2i0. iioston. ju v is. Clearings. 20.973.88o: balances, $1,416,321. PHILADRLPHIA. July 18. Clearings. $15,Cfi.3,o21: balances, J2,799,B98. HAljTl.MUltK. juiv is. Clearings, w.ww, 015; balances, $159,465. Cotton Market. MPlt' vrinif .liilw 1Thlo man m dnv nt great nnxioty for snorts on tne cotton ex change, nnd while the general course of eventB favored tho bull faction there were several periods when thev. too. were much at sea as to just whleh way to turn. The Llvernool entile hoard tnis morning snowed that tho English market had ocored one of the most remarkable upturns In many months, if not in years, l-utures abroad wero 8fJ1114 points higher on the active months, nnd nt tho time of our opening wero soaring at a. nerve-trying rate at the best figures, showing a rise of "14f?15 points. a. nasty comparison or iniormntion irom Liverpool showed that shorts abroad had been thrown into a veritable panic by a circular of Nelll's, said to claim that thn cron had been irreparably damaged ana that fields were being deserted. Largo for eign buying onlerH helped to increase the consternntion of oversold nartles. and Im medlatelv after tho market oncned there was a wild scramble to protect short ac counts and to buy cotton for investment, tho latter being devoted more exclusively to Huronenn Interests. First antes showed an advance of 12iT17 points. Then by leaps and bounds prices jumped upward, until Aueust had reached 9.4c and January 8 nc Then a nnrtial relanse under heavy profit- taking enmc, but soon after midday stop loss orders began to pour In from outside points nnd prices tooK tne up course, a. snurt of buying carried August to 9.02c. but failed to materially advance tho new crop options. In mldaftcrnoon selling for both accounts became popular, under which trices crumbled rapidly. During tno last lour the movement of nrlces wn fitful. tnounh in tno main toward a lower level. Tho market at the close was steady, with prices net 1G(?T3G points higher. in isv vuiuv. juiy id. cui tu-spot closed qulot nt 3-lGc advance; middling uplands. 10c: middling gulf, lovic: sales, 200 bales. Futures cloed steady: July, 9.8J; jugust. $9.40; September, $S.72; Oc tober, ?s,42; .vovember, fi.z; December, JS.21: January. S8.2J: February. 18.26: Mnrcli. JS.2'); April. JS.31: May, $S.3I. NKW URIjIGAKH. La.. July IS. CUT'lUN Steady: sales, 200 bales; ordlnnry, 9 7-16c; low middling, a 11-iuc: middling. iuj-it,c; good middling. 10 7-16c: middling fnlr. 1011-lCc: receipts, 7,298 bales; stock. 67,309 bales. Futures, steudy; Julv, $10.17: Au gust. $9.71: September. $8.7208.73: October, $S.26f?8.27: November. .8S.llfffs.12; December, $X.lWiS.ll: January, $8.11ffH.12: February. $S.12'ii8.13: Jlarch, 55.114is.lo; April, js.igw 8.17. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. July 18. COTTON Steady; saleH, none: middling, 9c: re- cents. 3ui bales: smpmonts, hi unies; stock, 23.5S3 bales. Wool Market. LONDON. July IS. WOOL At the wool auction sales Joday 11,891 bales were offered. American buyers paid full prices for suitable cross-breeds. There was a stendy demand for Fnlklnnd Island wools; scoured wools sold well, The. attendance was large, The following are the sales lu detail: Now South Wales, 1,500 bales: scouretl. Glidfffls 9d; greasy. 23;i)10Hd. Queensland, 900 bales; scoured, 1s 2dSds 'jd: greasy. Miowd. victoria, 4,tou bales: scoured, tdffls 6M; greasy, 41dfflls Id. West Australia. 4& bales; greasy, uu, Tas mania, 1,400 biles; scoured, Sdfi'ls 1141; creasv. Cl'jfilllid. Now Zealand. 5.8(0 bales: scoured, ls 4141KIS Or : greasy, 4id01s Id. Falkland Islands, 1,300 bales; greasy. ;?i&d. California Drlcil Fruits, NFjW YORK. July 18.-CALIFORNIA DRIKD FRUITS-Inactlve and nominal. There was little. If any. demand for evnno. rated apples today; olterlncs wero scarce, however, nnd this fact gave a steady un dertone to the market; at the closo prices wero unchanged: state evaporated armies. commission. Si'OSc: prime. SUfiSUc: choice. WtWttc; fancy TiiV.ic Prunes, 314fi7c per 111., as lo size and quality. jpricots, Rovnl, llffillc; Moor Park. I5Q17c. I'caches, peeled, HQlScj unpeeled, 6f?9c. TUB UKAI.TY MA It I CUT. OMAHA LIVE STOCK HARKE Stock Cows nnd Heifers Good Sellers nt Higher Pricos. HOG MARKET TAKES ANOTHER DRO Good nrtnnml for Sheep nt Strong Prices OffcrliiR. ot Mnnngh to S ii 11 ply the Iluyrra. Recelnts were; Oniclnl Mondny ... Olllclal Tuesday ... oniclal Wednesday SOUTH OMAHA, July IS. Cattle, Hogs. Sheep 3,168 J,M6 2,312 Three days this week,. 7,326 Same days last week.,.. 13.072 Snmo week before 4,5.12 Hamo threo weeks ago.. 10,556 Same four weeks ago... 9.152 Average price paid for hogs for the last tn comparisons: 4.h!) 10,348 8,2y3 2.1,337 29,097 12,670 30,202 27,930 6,9a 715 8.590 16,931 6.52S Km 12,635 several days, wl 1900.1899.189s. 1897. July 1... July 2... July 3... July 4... July 5..., July 6..., Julv 7... July 8... July 9..., July 10.. Julv 11.. July 12.. Juiy 13 iuiy 14,.., July 15.... July 16.... July 17.... Juiy is.... 3 73 3 67 4 92 3 61 6 01 3 78 5 OS 3 78 3 66 5 16 3 S3 3 66 5 11 3 81 3 76 3 86 3 87 5 13 3 78 5 13 3 90 5 04 3 96 3 70 6 02 4 04 3 73 6 13 4 09 3 82 5 08 4 06 3 77 3 99 3 77 6 02 3 82 4 88 4 M I 4 9I 4 Oil 13 231 2 7 4 82 I 4 S7 4 16 3 82 I 2 95 4 83 3 231 3 18, 3 21 3 2$ 3 2S 3 321 3 35 3 28 3 18 3 14 3 15 3 17 3 20 1E96.1S93.1S94 2 96' 2 9: 2 95 2 9S! 2 118 3 04 2 96 2 87 2 94 2 97 8 (0 3 05 3 07 4 03 4 63 4 70! 4 83 4 il m 4 tt 4 76 4 G3 4 67 4 72 4 78 4 73 4 5 4 KS 4 94 4 77 5 01 5 (6 4 79 4 9l 4 80 4 1 4 86 4 97 4 W Indicates Sundny. Holiday. Tne Ofllr-lnl .iin.l,.. r j .1..1, 1 , . " " " . .....i.wci wi vuis vii .luvn urougni in today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. She'p. H'r's v., 01, or. 1-. uy,, ,, 1 O. & St. L. ny........ 4 1 Mo. P. Ity 3 13 II. P. system 24 27 F.. K. & M. V. n. II.. 33 21 S. C. & P. Ry 1 C, St. P., M. & O. Ry 1 7 H. & M. II. R. II.. 21 37 C. II. & O. IlV 2 C., It. I. & P., cast.. 1 2 C It. I. & V.. west.. 1 4 Illinois Central 1 Total receipts ... 98 11G 1 The disposition of thn Hav'a rer-plnln wna as follows, each buyer purchasing the num. urr or ncuu indicated: IlUVers. fatllo Ifniro nheon r .... " " " uiiiana i-aciting co 3s j(lwi u. 11. iiammonu co.... i"J5 1,127 Swift and Company 250 2,037 699 398 109 76 60 5 1G7 6 10 127 112 632. 1,000 I NSTRUMHNTS Hied for record IVednes- day, July IS, 1900: Wnrrniilj Oceila. South Omaha Itnd company to John ssuinvnn. 101 4. n ock mtj. snutn Omaha .. $ P. H. Ilnlght nnd wlfo 10 C. S. Shep- urd, lot 8, block 1. Hamilton square. R. Henry, trustee, to C. F. Jones. w 11 feet lots 11 nnd 12 and e 29 feet lots 13 and 11, block 7, Hanscnm Plnco arkway Real Ustato company to Ij. c. naming n ne so 20 and part sw nw 25-15-12 . D. Jensen to Unison Land com pany, lot 3. block 31. Renson M. I j. Rlckurd nnd wlfo to Mary Potersen. lot 10, Maloucy s add D, Jaynes and husband to O. M. Dew, lot 25 and w4 lot 26, block 3, Sherman Avenue park (lull ("in 1 111 Dic.U. Vt'. H. Thompson nnd wlfo to V. A. P. Morris, w 23 feet lot 6, llousel'n suIhIIv DrrilN, Sheriff to D. 8, Cochran, lots 23 to 26, uiocK 1: lots 3, 18 and 21, block 4, V. L. Selby's 1st, nnd lots 13, 14 and 15. block 3. Rush & S.'s add Same to name, lot 16. block 2; lots 3$, 30 and 40, block 5, W. Ij. Selby's 1st add Same to sumo, lotn 30. 34 and 36, block 3! lot Z4, block 4, w. L. seioy s 1st add 75 300 3,000 3,7CO 1 1,200 1,600 50 470 130 Total amount of transfers. 155 .jio.m Cudahy Packing Co... 699 1.656 Armour & Co 398 1.1S3 umn ia i'kc. co.. k. 1:.. Cudahy I'kg. Co., K. C. R. Hecker & Degan.... J. L. Carey Lobmnn & Co Hill & Huntzlnger llenton & Underwood... Hamilton & Rothschild. Klngan & Co Cudahy Hros. & Co... Other buyers Totals 2,353 8,703 612 CATTLE There was a moderate run nf cattle nt tho yards today, nnd hh Inrnl packers were all anxious for supplies the market opened up early and It was not lone uefore nractlcnllv everything liml changed hands. Reef cattle sold just nbout sieauy wun yesterday, tnougn in some cases a little stronger prices may have been paid. A bunch of Shorthorn cattle weighing 1,361 pounds sold for $3.35, which is 1110 nigiiest price in several days. There were about twelve cars of cow stuff on sule today. The demand for anything choice was active, and that qual ity of stock changed hands nt steady tn stronger prices. Cnnners and poor stuff was slow and prices practically the same, Stock cows nnd heifers were good sell ers today at iiigner prices than were paid a week ago. The ennui Is true of feeder steers. There were enough buyers in from the country yesterdny looking for stock cattle to clean tin the yard, and as a re suit feeder buyers wero all looking for iresn supplies toaay, 'inere were com paratively few on the market nnd those of good weight and quality sold at prices fully 10"gl5c higher than tho same cattle would have brought last ween. Repre scntattve sales: BEEF STEERS. No. 2 6 2 20 31 2 6 22 20 8 64 30 4 4 23 103 19 A 27 24 1 7 1 1 1 1 23 2 4 4 1 1 19 12 17 Av. Pr. Nt. Av, SC.") 4 0) 37 10:6 .... 846 4 50 22 1266 .... 990 4 50 19 D83 .... 916 4 50 43 1278 .... 970 4 55 23 1073 ....1010 4 60 1 1270 ....1101 4 05 37 13S3 .... 937 4 CS 18 13SS ....1146 4 70 17 13S3 ....1143 4 75 62 1301 .... 9:0 4 80 si mo ....10(0 4 90 114 1291 ....12.17 4 85 20 13S1 ....UO.', 4 90 1 13(0 ....1046 4 90 IK 1400 ....1111 4 90 19 1368 ....1178 4 95 STEERS TEXAS. ,...1090 4 70 1 000 STEERS AND HEIFERS. Pr. 4 95 6 00 5 00 5 05 6 10 5 10 5 10 5 15 5 15 5 50 5 20 5 23 S 25 5 25 5 30 6 35 4 70 822 .... (33 .... 950 .... 974 ....1020 ....1000 .... 950 ....1039 .... 953 .... .... 970 ....33S0 60 .... 980 ....1007 937 4 85 4 90 ( 2 00 2 0) 2 2". 2 23 2 V 2 50 2 55 2 CO 2 C5 2 75 2 7." 2 73 2 95 3 00 22 COWS. 28 11 45.'.'.'.'.' 11.'.'.'.'. .1112 5 10 ...,1000 .... 817 ....1240 ....1010 .... SS7 .... 930 .... 977 ....1140 ....14C0 ....1056 ....1101 ....1213 ....1280 3 05 3 20 3 25 3 23 3 SO 3 30 3 67 3 70 4 00 4 03 4 10 4 20 4 50 13... ... 2.... 7.... 1.... .... 1.... 3.... 3.... 1.... 3.... 7.'.'.'.'. 1.... 3.... 13.... 3.... COWS AND HEIFERS. .. 937 3 15 15 814 HEIFERS. 3 00 29 3 30 2 BULLS. 2 75 1 3 03 1 3 1.1 CALVES. 5 00 STOCK CALVES. 221 6 00 AND HEIFERS. 660 920 1180 1210 1010 90 658 600 .. 960 ..1210 4 15 4 10 4 50 3 60 3 80 STOCK COWS 7M 2 60 830 2 60 7J2 3 00 760 3 00 910 3 00 2. 1.. 1.. 1.. 11.. 790 3 10 .700 3 10 , 760 3 10 670 3 10 593 3 35 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 5.. No. 13 COWS.... 38 feeders. 16 steers... I cow 10 cows.. . . 2 cows 2 cows.... 3 cows 2 cows.... cows ..1100 . 616 . 996 . 670 . 926 . 800 . 835 . 970 .1113 . 900 . 790 . 660 . 790 2 80 3 10 3 15 S 20 3 25 3 25 3 50 3 50 3 73 3 75 3 75 3 75 NEBRASKA. 3., r..... 3.... 1.... s.... 29.... 23.... II.... 1.... 21.... 9.... 23 766 .... 732 .... 376 .... 400 .... 710 .... 691 ....1020 ....1035 .... 770 ....1111 .... 933 ,...11(0 3 76 3 73 3 75 3 73 3 73 3 90 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 10 4 10 4 15 Av. Pr. .. 918 3 25 ..1061 4 20 47 3 90 No. 1 feeder. Av. ,1061 1220 1054 800 1074 933 931 1068 3 2ft 3 (6 3 03 2 55 2 W 3 05 2 55 1 cow...., 1 cow.... 1 cow 1 cow 1 cow 2 heifers... 860 2 helferp... 810 9S0 930 880 880 970 Pr. 3 70 2 55 3 05 3 03 2 00 3 05 3 10 3 10 HOGS Today's hog market was again against tho selling interests, nnd, ns a result, prices took another drop. Eastern oolnts reported a decline of about 10c. nnd consequently buyers started out here to get their droves nt considerably less money. Opening snles were largely at $4.86'tT 4.90, or 5ii7i4o lower than yesterday's gen eral marKet, 11 tooK good hogs to bring tho high prices, nnd tho medium and mixert hogs sold largely at $t. 8594, 87ifc. The mar ket wns rather slow on the start, ns It took somo time for buyers and sellers lo get together. Later in the day, however. on the strength or some outside orders. the market tooK on more life and closed up stronger. Tho bulk of the hogs today sold at $4.S5fit.90, with the long string at $1.8714. In spito of tho slow start every, thing wns sold reasonably early. The decllno today makes tho mnrkot down to tho lowest point touched since Representative about the middle of June. caiam No. Av 103 164 81 168 13 333 53 291 105 170 67 234 62 243 16 217 74 223 13 193 87. 20.,.. 94.... 23.... M.... (9.... 77.... H.... ..Ill ...276 ...179 ...r ...260 ...2 ...1M Sh. Pr, No. Av. ... 4 60 62 Mi 10 4 70 63 2C ... 4 82H 125 230 ... 4 H(i 7! 233 ... 4 S2IJ 61 278 40 4 S3 63 239 80 4 83 74 2:0 200 4 a 73 .233 160 4 85 74 239 ... 4 63 69 204 M 4 13 70 233 ... 4 85 63 267 ... 4 IS 72 212 ... 4 83 61 234 W 4 71 232 10 4 K 60 237 ... 4 83 M tit ... 4 U 244 Hh, 240 160 200 40 10 19) 'Jo 'io 160 ISO 12 Pr. 4 I7H 4 8714 4 171,4 4 874 4 8714 4 7I4 4 8714 4 871,4 4 874 4 871,4 4 8714 4 8714 4 14 4 17 ,4 4 874 4 174 4 m 4 $71 8t 229 1(0 4 It 7 194 ... 4 85 77 ...... .,850 120 4 15 M.. 217 9.) 4 85 83 160 4 (8 l 211 160 4 85 74 239 40 4 Si 80 211 40 4 83 41 211 91 4 J 7.1 2I3 80 4 93 63.. 170 ... 4 85 78 203 ... 4 83 40 218 40 4 8J 69 211 ... 4 8. 8i 174 ... 4 V. 63 239 80 4 83 H 215 4i) 4 83 69 !3J 80 4 V, 92 2 2M 4 J5 78 219 120 4 83 83 207 80 4 95 91 223 160 4 93 81 247 240 4 83 96 181 40 4 83 66 2.U 80 4 8714 "1 ..199 40 4 871, 61 247 1 60 4 87"4 (9 246 ... 4 8714 73 246 40 4 S7U 79 232 160 4 971J 82 22i 160 4 76 233 80 4 8714 M 219 40 4 87"4 67 533 ... 4 mu. 72 l!i) 63 231 62 214 68 229 80 4 8?i 120 4 8714 40 4 8714 ... 4 8714 82.. .. 2M 12 4 971, 96 W V 4 871, M 246 100 4 ;ii 78 118 110 4 9TU 22 291 ... 4 IJ'4 32 2t1 40 4 f?i4 62 m 40 I 8714 74 24 80 4 871. 8i 201 40 4 87'4 73 M6 ... 4 971, 19 273 ... 4 8714 81 196 ... 4 8!U 86 224 80 4 9714 80 2M ISO 4 90 70 JUS 90 4 90 91 I0 4) 4 !) 77 211 40 4 90 70 213 1 60 4 90 68 231 ... 4 90 91 219 89 4 90 76 228 ... 4 90 69 207 ... 4 90 76 202 ... 4 90 61 362 SO 4 90 61 225 100 4 90 60 269 80 4 90 59 264 120 4 90 62 0 80 4 90 59 203 ... 4 90 62 277 ... 4 90 6! 292 ... 4 90 63 251 ... 11 6S 266 ) 4 91 70 231 ... 4 90 92 239 30 I 90 (9 254 ... 4 90 33 263 40 4 90 89 2.U ... 4 90 63 217 80 4 90 69 239 ... 4 90 nt nmrrrtn !... ..1. 1j..u. rpt,. 11 mi on me pnn or me pncKcrs wns trnnd n n .1 il.n . t j .... i ....... i,,,- llvl r luuuu rt'iiuj niiio tit yrrntlrriio i.Ij.j.h .....ILI.. L.I t.. Sheep of Kood quality nro In pood demnnd un pn;nriii mm", nnu imu mere nern inore liero today they probably would have broucnt good prices. nilfitnf Inna PriAHj. it. ers. $3.&aW4.00' choice prasi yearlings. $l.0Ofr i.i, i-iiuire ewes,'u.4"i rair to goon ewes, $2,,5'iI3.K; fair to good yearlings. $1.60 ?i90;. C00(1 t0 choice clipped lambs. Jt.aT!? 4 fj 1 ' fnlr In rrnr.l 1 1 . . 1 I ... 1, .. ,1 nun . . . ' s.l.rr,, llllllun, ,,ir71Ml choice spring lambs, !5.75fiG.0O: fnlr to itood T""h minim, h tfuD.ui' leeunr weticn 13ftYi.ln fnA,iA. ..A,,..T. ti izjrti r,i .n,i feeder limlia 11 svr, j r.n itn,.rj..nnnti..n ai,.o. ' " No. Pr. AV. 138 Oregon wethers , 96 $3 60 15.1 Oregon wethers Oft 3 (A 101 Oregon yearlings 86 .1 SO 200 Oregon yenrllngs SI 3 SO CIlICAtiO 1,1 V II STOCK MAItKUT. Oooil to Cliolee Cuttle SlrnnK, Others Mimv llous Lower. CIIICAfJO. Julv 18 PA'PTr.!. Reeelnts 11,600 head; good to choice strong, others slow; natives best on sale today one car i nranucu at ia.tb: enoii tn nrimo nterrs $3.10fl6.75; poor to medium, $4.6jf5.00; sc. looted feeders. 3l.ftOff4.5! mlvnil ntnrUr.rn $3.25fi.1.90: COWS. $.1.0(VrH.7o: heifers. $3.00ff B.15: canners, $2.10fl2.s3: bulls, strong, $3.00 m-i.ov; cnives, weait, lc.xnns, re oelnts. 700 head: Texna feil tpors. iilenrlv. Jl.lOfifi.OO: Texas steers. $3.50114.00; Texas mill!., 4.1l.l..o. HOOS-Hecelpts today, 27,000 head; esti mated tomorrow. 22.000; left river. 7.0W); lOr. lower; top, $5.25; mixed and butchers $1.93 (50.2214; good to choice heavy, $5.00375.2214; luiiKii neavy, 4.sr4.!: llgnt, Jl.'jy &.-"0 bulk of mi ps. is.imi7.vmt,. niiuKt' and Ij. 51 ns Receipts, 13,000 iiruiu; sneep anu mmns stronger tor gooa to Choice, others steady tn slow! onnil In Choice wethers. 14.OlVff4.50! fnlp tn rhnlrr. mixed, $.1.10j?4.00; western sheep nnd yenr- iiiikh,'in.ou: 'jexas sneep, j.woy4. uu; tr iizri- -y1"103' 'wu'; wcsiern lamps, New York Live Sloelc. NBW YOltlv. Julv 1R TtKRVRaTle eclpts. 2.344 head. Market dull: steers. 10c on; ouus anu cows, urffi&c lower; steers, $4.40KG.6O; bulls, $2.5(VR3.60: cows, $l.S0fi3.90; cables, weak: shlnmentR. 650 rnttln nnil 6,578 quarters of beef. valves Receipts. 3.S30 head. Market slow; closed 2,va60c lower; buttermilks, 23c off; veals, $3.7Gfi6.50: prime sold at $6.00 at tho close: buttermilks. 2.25fi3.00. SIIEI5P AND LAMIlS-necelptB, 6,945 neaa; sneep, lb'azoc lower tnan Monday; prime lambs, tirm to a shade higher; others dull and weak; sheep, $3.OOa4.S0; few export wethers, $5.40; culls, $2.E0; lambs, $3.00 i. in; uxirn. ji..u. tj jrinQ i)..ii. r. in i..nji nrn.i,.i .u.. anu lower at 55.60A5.75. Kansas Cltr Lire Stock. KANSAS CITY, Mo., July 18. CATTLE Receipts. 3.500 natives. 1.900 Tcxnns: irood. iuc nigner; common stun steauy; neavy native steers. $4.63fiT.40: Blockers and feed- ers. $3.401i4.75: butchers' cows and heifers. $3.2034.75; cnnners, $2.503.20; fed westerns, $3.65'r4.70: fed Texnns, $4 0001.30; grass rexnns. w.W(r4.w. HOGS-Recelpls. 19.S00 head: liberal sun ply caused further decline of lOWlGc: heavy. $5.O0fi5.10; mixed. $4.905.05; light, $l.70'ji 4.97W,: Digs. $1.50'H4.70. shkki' ainu ljAAiiis Receipts, 1,WW neau. marKet gooa at sieauy prices; lambs. $5.25'irG.25: muttons. Jl.OOffl.M: west erns, $3.75(65.16; feeders, $3.254.23; culls, St. I.oma Live Slork. ST. LOUIS. Julv 18. CATTLK Recelnts. 2.500 head, Including 1,250 Texans; market steauy: native snipping ana export steers, $!,75fiG.65; dressed beef nnd butcher steers, $4.00118.25: steers under 1.000 lbs.. $3.75Q4.S5: stockers nnd feedors, $3.40fN.7O; cows nnd heifers, $2.0OJJ5.00; cnnners, $1.S(V0'2.S5: bulls, $3.0034.25; Texas and Indian steers, $3,159' 4.70; cows nnd heifers, $2,251(3.65. HOaS-RecoInts. 7.200 head: market GffflOc lower; pigs anu iignts, w.KryiD.zu; pacKcrs, $5.0)fi3.15; butchers. $5.15ac.23. HIIKKI' AND LA5I US Receipts, 1,800 head; market steady; natives, $4.004.23; lambs, $4.5016.10; culls and bucks. $2.25 i.w; stocKers, .j.ouuo.oo. St. Joseph Live Stock Mnrket. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Julv 18.-fSne. clal.) The Journal quotes: CATTLE Receipts, 1,100 head: market 5 010c higher: natives. $3.90fiG.40: Texan nnil westerns, $3.75fi5.40; cowh and heifers, $2.00 414. u; nuns nnn stags, j,iwii4.75; yearlings and calves, $3.50J; 4.75; sloekers and feed ers. J3.25(fi 1.50; veals. $3.0006.50. HOGS Receipts, 7,700 heart; market 10c lower: all grades, $1.67145.03; bulk of sales, $1.904.35. SHEEP AND LAMnS-Recelpts, 900 head; Iambs, 10c higher; sheep, steady. Stock In SlKlit. Following nro the recelnts nt the fnnr principal western markets for July IS: Cattle. Hoes. Sheep. South Omaha 2.312 8.293 7ir, Chicago 11,500 27,000 J3.CO0 Kaunas Ulty fi,40O I9.MX) 1,000 St. IjOills 2,500 7,20) 1,800 Totals 21,713 72,293 16,543 WESTERN PACKING STATISTICS Hobs ComiOK .More I.llirrnlly TTlth a CorrrspnnillnR Inereanr In the Output. CINCINNATI, July 18. (Special Tele gram.) Tho Prlco Current says: Tbero has been a change to more liberal marketing of hogs. Western packing, 410,000 head, com pared with 355,000 the preceding week and 10,000 last year. From March 1 tho total s 8, 650,000 head, against 8,435,000 Inst year. romlnent places compare aB follows: 1900. 1899. Chicago 2.4SO.OOO 2,575,000 Kansas City 1.140.00 1,055,000 Omaha 900,000 !).'5.(0) St. Joseph 678,000 57l,f01 8t. Louis 603,000 fAO.WV) Indlnnapolls 43a,nw 4S2,n Milwaukee 32.1,000 341.000 Cincinnati 228.000 420,M) Ottumwa 226,000 25.1,000 Cedar Rapids 175,000 142,000 Sioux City 307.000 1K3.000 Ht. Paul im.ijki uu.wj Coffee Mnrket. NEW YORK. July a-COrKEE-Spot. Rio, llrm; No, 7 Invoice, 014c; mild, mnrket IllUi, I.UIIIIMIII 73."1 w.j,i.-,, rm and rnl3 points hlcher und ndvnnced on active covering, investments support, hlcher snot nuotnttons. strong European advices, large warehouse deliveries, Binnll ron movement anu iinuiirss in too lira lllnn mnrkets. Trado was nctlvn: domes- lo statistics Increasingly bullish: closed Irm and 33115 points higher: total sales. 56.250 bags, Including: July, JU5; August, $8.30; September. $S.25fiV&G; October, ti.iOU 8.65; November, $8.0038,75: December, $8,751 .00: January. $9; .March, $s.ojj9.20; May. $9.0509.10. Siiirnr Mnrket, NEW ORLEANS. July 1S.-8UO A It- Strong; centrifugal yellow, 6tf511c; seconds, 3ff 4 9-16c. NEW YORK. July IS.-SUOAR-Raw, firm: fair rcllnlng. 1 5-lCc bid; centrifugal, 96 test. 4 13-160 bid; molacses sugar, 4 l-16c bid; refined, llrm. London, Juiy ii. suuAu ueet, July, Us 9d. Oil MnrketN. t rr. t.. T . . I .. is fill , A I . I Ulll . II 1, ill., Ui.i i.. wi , j-i.1 fiui IJ.1I- anc. $1.25: rerlltlcales, $1,2414 bid for cash: shipments, 104,865 bbls., overage, 79.1(0 bbls.; runs. iiK.itz iidis., average, .iu.Jis nnis. LONDON. July 18.-OIL8-Llnsrcd oil. 24s 7ttd. . York Ilrjr floods, NEW YORK. July 18. The snot market continues Inactive, few buyers caring to visit the dry goods district during the present not upon, yracra nav been el nbout nn average character. Coilon good division shows no change. Woolen aociln slow, somo lines of men's nenr lightweights for next spring recently opened withdrawn owing to lack of demand, Dress goods In nctlvo. START FOR THE PHILIPPINES Deportment of the .Missouri Orlerel lo Hush the IMrst t'nvntry to Snn 1'inneUoo. Some quick work ha been dono by tho ndjutant general and the quartermaster of tho Department ot tho Mtsmttrl In tho Inst twenty-four hours. Tuesday nltornoon a telegram arrived from Washington telllnK tho ndjulnnt to rush tho Elrst cavalry to Snn Kranclsco as soon ns practicable. Tel egrams wero immediately sent to thn com mnmlnnts at Forts Niobrara nnd Robinson telling them to rush preparations. Tho quartermasters department placod Itself In communication with tho railroads nnd yes terday morning the necessary cars wero started for Rushvlllc nnd Crawford for tho use of tho troops. This morning tho two troops nt Kort Robinson will start for San Kranclsco and tomorrow tho troop from Niobrara will bo euroutp. Tho houses will not be sent with tho troops. They will be put on trnnsporte at Seattle, while the men will sail from San Francisco. From Crawford to Seattle tho horses will bo In chnrgo of an officer nnd a detachment to be selected by the command, ant at Fort Robinson. Captain Adrian S. Polhemus will proceed from Fort Leavenworth to Fort Robinson, wnenco no win accompany troopa A and O of tho First cavalry to San Francisco, re turning to Fort Leavenworth upon the com pletion of this duty. Tho court-martial which has been In ses sion at Fort Crook for several weeks has been dissolve!. WILL BUY THE LOT TODAY Woodmen of the 'World Almost Settled on Site for the Locution of Ilendriiiiirtcrs, Tho building committco of tho Woodmen of tho World havo finally decided upon tho purchnso of a lot and aro at present con sidering thrco propositions, nno of which will bo accepted by noon today. Tho prop erties under consideration nro n lot at tho corner of Twentieth and Douglas, a lot at tho corner of Fifteenth and Howard nnd a piece of ground on Capitol avenuo, near Nineteenth. Whon tho committco met yesterday aft ernoon, n committee of thn Commercial club camo beforo It with nn offer of financial assistance if tho headquarters wero lo cated permanently In Omaha. Chnlrman Falkenburg of tho committco refused to receive tho communication and Immediately thereafter, .on motion of Sovereign Clcrit Yntos, tho headquarters wore established in Omaha and tho purchase, of the lot was ordered. REDELL ACCPETS CHARGE Fire Chief Snjs Inspection ot Ei- ploalvra Properly Ilelonga to Ills Department. "The Inspection and regulation of tho ueo and salo ot combustibles belongs properly to the flro department. It would probably have been better to have had a special offi cer who could have worked In conjunction with the department, but since tho council has seer, lit to make me Inspector and placo the work In my bands I will see that tt la properly cared for," said Chief Redoll In dlHoubsliig the new explosives ordinance. "The officer who Is in charge of each flro houso will be responsible for the flro dis trict In which he Is located and will be re quired to make reports. Firemen are al ways on tho lookout for explosives nnd arc so well posted an to their location that the new ordinance will entail 'but littlo extra work on tho department." Ilulldlnic Permits. The eltv inspector of buildings hns Issued tho following permits: W. A. Stone. 2020 North Nineteenth, repairs, $100; William Harbcr. 2215 Fowler nvcnuo, frame barn, $100. LOCAL BREVITIES. Thn ntreet Imnrovoment bonds which ninkr. Pros, of Iioston recently purchased wero sent cast Wednesday. Morgan McKlnncy. nged 38. died of heart dtseaso at Nineteenth street und St. Mary's avenue, nnd his remains wero aent to Osknloosa, la. Van Morris, chief clerk of Omaha camp. Woodmen of tho World, was lined $3 and enstH In' nnllrn court for nssaulting J. C. Tague, janllor of the lodgo hall. Thn remnlna of Charles Johnson, who was killed Sunday night by coming In con tact with a llvo wire on Dodge street, wero sent to Red Oak. In., for Interment. Mrs. John E. Utt left yesterday for luit nt tfnnlnnelle. Wvo.. whither she will soon bo followed by her husband. Mlw Ollvo Utt has gone to visit with relatives at White Cloud, Kan. Tlio rnmmlKHlnner hns seventy men working on washouts In the streets. It Is estlmnted tlmt It will coat tho city nt least $5,OC0 to repair dangerous holes left in tho streets by the recent Hoods. Cnmiiliilnt hns heen made to tho Ilcctisu Inspector that vegetable peddlers lu dlf f7rrif nn r tn nf tlm i' llv nrp lu the habit of throwing corn husks and other rcfuso on the paving. Ho ls Investigating tho matter nnu will rovoao tno license oi men who persist in this practice. a: n .iiiriinss. a septuagenarian, who lives at 1915 South Eleventh street, has filed a complaint In police court nualnst Mrs. James Nasledek, a neighbor, dung ing her with assault. It Is the tlino-hon-ored quarrel over a lino fence, with a dash of religious dissension. City Treasurer Henrilngs lias nrtvcrtiseu fnr nrnnriRillH nn $50,000 worth of RCWer bonds. Tho bonds ure a portion of thn $75,000 worth of sewer bonds voted In March of tho present yeur. Rids will be closed August 1 nt 3 o'clock, nnd no bid will bo considered which is not ac companied by a check for $1,000. Andrew J. Shlll. a park policeman from Counrll Muffri, wns given a preliminary hnnrino. Iii nnllrn court on a r.hnrgo of selling llsh without a license. He nd- mitteil UIO Clinrge, nut num nun iniiniiniuu ns the IWh were caught In a Isko on tho ..rniiniu nver which ho exercised authority as policeman, hn had a right to soil them without a llcenso. He was lined $10 and astH unci given a mxiyuiiy nuy or execu tion. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mrs. W. T. lllui.'kmoro of HnstlncH is nt the Millard. W. M. Unlril of Wood Lake. Neb., was at tho Her Grand Wednesday. R. K. Kloko of West Point wns a Wed- esday Riiest nt tho Her Grand, C W. Lvman. C A. Lvmnn anil O. It. Router of Lincoln, Mr. unci Mrs. W. C. Murray or Alma nml (1. P. Reynolds of Wvmoro were Htato guests nt tho Murray Wednesday. Nebrnskans at tho Slerchnnts WodnoH- :lny: F. j. Dearborn nnd sons of Wayne, f. II. Russell nnd A. C. Hovel of Lincoln. Dr. J. II. Thompson of Albion, I. II. Jef fries of Pllger. William Ilrown of Oenoa. O. A, Williams of Nellgh. f II. Justice of Meruit nnd J. j. Park! of York. JAMES E BOYD & CO., Telephone 1030. Omnlm, NoV COMMISSION, GRAIN, PROVISIONS ttnU STOCKS UOAItU OF Til A Utt, Correspondence; .John A. Warren Sc Co, uirect wlien to Chicago and Nv VorS rerrc n HDDFNNFYftm SfSfcKS( jfv4 . URAII CJU4Mr LirEILDG. MAHA nt : s.u.wy . RAflCrl 103ft Ml uncoui rujft