.THIS 031 All A PA.ILV 1J5: "V12D"X KSOAY, JTLV.18, 1000. 11 FECIAL NOTICES Ailvrrtlstiiiipnts for IIipsp enlttnins itIII Iip tnlirli iiiilll 12 til. for Hie r v trnl n ir nlllloii mill until N lit) p. in. for moriiliiK mill Siuulnr million. Ilntrn, I I -Bp n Moid first Insertion. Jo n mini therenftpr. .Vol li Inn InUrti for Iron tlinu Uriti for the first limrr tlon. 'I'lifiie nil vcrtlsriiicnta must lie run ponscPtifls ely. Advertisers, by rpinipsllnu; n nnm liprcil elir-el.', ran Iiiitp nnnirrii nil ilrpsnril to ft iiiiiulir rrtl Ipftpr In cute of Tlip Her. Anmrrr no nddrcssril Mill In delivered on lircsenlutlon of the phcak only. situations wanted. 8 T E N OO R A P 1 1 E R S nnd bookkeepers fur nl.ihed temporarily or permanently. UoyleV college. Tel. 19SI. A-121 KP WANTED, sowlnp;, children's clothes a upcclulty. Call or address Ml' Nellie llraun, 1115 N. lith Ht. A-111-19' - . r AS IlOOKKEEPEIt or general ofllco work requiring forenoons; references, .vjuress N 42, Uec. A-112-19 AVAXTlill-MAMi HUl.r. WANTHO: wc have steady work for a few good hustlers of good hati'i and nppar unop, . C. F, Adams Co.. Ui'j . owjrd St. ll-- BAKKEK trade taught thorotichly In short time; catalogue, nnd, particulars free. Addiess Western Jlnrbors' Institute, Omahn. Neb. U--' WANTED, laborers, tenmters, rock men nnd surfacing men. Neb.. Wyo. and Ipwaj freo fare: highest wages; ship dally. Wtttcrn It, It. Labor Agency, 310 S. 11th St. -' VltAf I?nMAT. tnsurnnpi ilenutV. T3ilV nr gentleman; special work; good pay. 517 N, Y: Life nulldlnir; H-ss3-jy2S AJf ,'7JKVLIT-.NTi!l'0U.ni,Sm!,,n.!;hA'5k!l shorthand scholarship In best school and liny lur u wucn courpc is tiiiuii.ivu i,u posltlbn Secured. AililrpKK I, 21. Ueo. K-53D WANTED, experienced elevntbr conductor; mutt nnvo goon reterenres, I'l'iy .lu Superintendent Deo llulldlng, li O'J i WANTED, men to icam barber trado; special offer. of scholarship, tools, bonrrt Xl TrceTrn I Milr.., r,t HI I.nlllu nr 1M I nncll OO I1M CUII- I SESSS'MS iS.t "Ull'fi-V1 ii.i?.m,iv,i r7 tinned until AiiRtlst on account of tho do- nnd speclnl doler iiaVber C.iilcgo, Agent. 162.3 Farnam ItOmnhn. Nob. I1-M657 19 IMoIer Ht WANTED, young mnn ns . stenographer and bookkeeper. A. II. Alpim, nis i'"k las. H l-o la AN A No; 1 bookkeeper, young man pre ferred; must be accurate. Address, stat ing wngon wanted nnd references. N . Ret'. " ' n-l.T 18 tpv r,M.i wnmnn ni mini fn write lire ln- sunincc. Nebraska Mercantile Mutual, 315 8, 15th st. '" WAiS I IUU, a COIIHMI.U III "o'l.H'" reHIHlVfL-u. Ill "i ."rvL. " "L i ,UlCk in, m WOTK; fflll.1 D. y ..nu sober; gtvo references, etc. N 10, Ilee. ' II 14y-l7 WANl'KD, llrst-cniss grocery clerk; state nge, experience and salary required; must furnish best at- references Address X 19, Hoc, K-S-'7 WANTED, school teacher or college man to-do countv historical biographical work. Historical Pub,. Co., Cedar Rapids, In. WANTED, representatives In every sec tion of the union. Work suitable for ladles or gents, uonit pay in nu n-i. Address 506 1st avo.; N., Ft. nodgp. In. It Mlo.l 111" WANTED, snleimen to sell LIlllo corn htiskers nh side lines big .commlsslouv. sample'-'on -receipt 10 conls..pntnge, Trrjx-152.w Beatrice. -Neb.-' J-MlffH9 "rVANTHI FKMAI.K HELP. 1 vr 'TMTrcT.T.inENT ladv lo take a short hand ccholarshlp In best school and pay for tt WUCTI cuurnw l ruiiiinrii:u mm tlop secured, AddressLK;Bee.C 633 WANTED. 200 girls, 1521 Dodgo, Tel. 878. C 2;5 SO girls wanted. Canadian olllco 1522 Douglas CORSETS fitted on. 39c. 1612 Capitol Ave v.r.i.-r. ,,nnn Mrt for lleht housework AN AVrn.'. o? t?nB unfihl i.fflfcr one who ,n. W.E ,?MnMri r.bnn I- musrbo rcllablo "J?,h l iUi" 'I n fflSf sl odC on 'o nnd 'comrt well recommended; good homo for rient party. n uvcihiibh i -i-t Miami st. C 128 GOOD girl for general hottsowork; three In fnmllv: wnges 11.60 pqr week. 4123 Farnnm wt. C-M131 19' GOOD ,pay for men and women Instirnnco hustlers who can produce business. Ne- 1 1 . .. f Ar...rtlllo Vllltl.il 1,-lrn H 15th, C M133 23 WANTED. Intelligent lndy to travel for well established, reliable firm; 150 month atul all expenses Addrepa N 41. Bee. C 146-17 COMPETENT girl for family of three. 2639 Parker street. C 147 WANTED, first-class dressmakers, nt 1020 nou'L'li.ft gi, C MIC5 21 Toil HUNT-HOUSES. IF YOU want your houses well rented placo them with Renown, & Co. D-2S7 HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wcad, 1524 Dougms. ALWAYS moving II. H. goods. Pianos. Office, 15UV4 Farnam St. Tel. 1559086. HOUSES, stores. Bcmls, Paxton Blk. HOUSES for rent In nil parts of tho city, Brennan-Lovo Co.- S09 8. 13th street. U Ml CHOICE houses, cottages, stores. Henry B. Payne, 601 N. Y. Llfo. 'Phono. lOU. ... D w IIOUSEP and Hate. Klngwnlt, Barker blk. D-293 " HAGGARD Vat. & Storage. 1616 Capitol nve. Tel. 1496. D-ai COTTAGE at Lake Okobojl, la., for rt'nt, Omaha .beach, A. M. Clarke, 25j7 Hf- 131 8. 23th St., ll-room, modern. FOR RliNT, ll-toom modern flat. COS N. 17th st. Chan, L. Saundors, 211 SMSthsL I ROOMS, modern, with bnrn; till In extra tine repair: 125 to -good tenant. Alfred B. DeLong, 437 Hoard Of Trade. D-29S TWO-STORY house, 922 So. 20th St.; modern conveniences; good ren.ur. 130, Apply to Clinton 11. Brlggs, 226 lleo Bl.lg. D 697 113 SOUTH 23D; six-iMom house, both closet, city wutcr. '"Wi th's hol,lsf .I.-.., in. Iii In i:ood condition and is a bargain nt this price. Omaha Loan & Trust Co.. 16th and Douglns lrDM500 .ROOpM cottage. StOD pouglus St. NEW 10-room house, water and gas, 2 blocks from school und street car. In autro Wm. I, Klerntend, city hall. D w4 irntl RHN'T. tlve.rnnm rottnee. 26th nnd Blo'pdo streets, 9. Apply' at C07 North f'OR RENT, strictly mortem Mat in Davldgo building, omiosltu' city hall, John W Robblns, ists Farnam St. D 765 FOR' RENT, S-room. lioune. No. 61S So. 17 St, Inqulro at Room 300, City Hal!., . . . ' - . D 820 . t1,. : .... i lSASiT'fMnl .ifeht-rntim residence, all mod ern; larc barn, shade trem und luwn: tn Knlendld condition: rent 135 to a good tenunl vf references" "who will caro for the property. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO., 16th and DoukIm St D-M154 :0 WANT15 , everywi ere. iiurii -. i i... n. Hlgns, wmm io "i,,1" T:, ' bv hustl nVaconts han. fine dQr w Th'aiio ' R-M161 IS- fanny rubber.' collars, curfs, Rlireau. (. hlcago. i neckties: natonfed nnd eunrai I'oit ki:t-iioi m:x. Vfl N 25TH Kt., nn nil modern ;laht-room rcsldeiK.p. In snlcndld rennlr. fins lust been iial ntril and papered; will rent to Rood tenant nt ft bargain. OMAHA I DAN AND TRU8T CO.. 16th and DouslnB Sts. D-M9M ELEGANT apartments In the Winona, Payne-Knox Co., 1st floor, N. Y. Life bldg, 'Phone, 1781. D-MS26 6-ROOM cotluge, all modern. 2121 Miami st D-MS66 ELEGANT npnrtmentn In the Winona. Pnyno-Knox Co., 1st floor, N. Y. Life. D-MHtf 3221 CUMING ST.. 8-room modern house. has Just been thoroughly renovated throughout; rent, 120.00. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO.. 10th and Douglas 8ts. D-M95S ,w cot'TIt su st 7.rnom house. 1317 80LT" 3Ist n" -room t-M974 19 it v 28TII 8T, 7-room modern house, no furnace. In Eood condition, Inrno barn, J", 'to "bpK pMnted: rent. J20.0. ' n.MAHA f.OA.V ANIl TIlt'ST CO.. OMAHA LOAN AND TIlt'ST CO.. ICth and Douzlan Sts. D-M957 6-UOOM furnished cottage, modern. S02 S. 2317 Douglas. Inqulro Llndtiucst, 31C So. 15th. D-13S-23 l-KOOM' cottage, 1723 Dodge, (S, Itlngwnlt tiros., Harlccr lllk. D--152 Ttf- X' T ". t . . , ... I. m .. .illtnUU I'.Ul 41 i V- Ij stvriiiiiuui iiuurr, nuil"" I for man doing business In South Omuha; I nam ana cnoico ynra wtin nowers, eiu. ; ai to a eoou tenant. OMAHA lOAN AND TUUST CO.. ICth und Don. las St. D-M1G5 20 KOIt ltn.T-I'l,lt.MSIIi;i) ItOOM.S. KOOMS Light housekeeping, 2576 Harney. FtTRNISHED rooms, housekeeping, 2623 gt jinry-j,, E 84j-A.12' KOOMS, 1906 Capitol avo ' E-M931 21 SOtTH front, modern rooms; $1.(50 week. BUN 19111. li AllKt ID" Ftln.VINlIKI) HOOMS AM) HQAUI. T"P,rrl'in summcr '". Hth & fuut. ' OLENdA1RN,trans1ent8.11.25day. ICDgls. UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport St. F pRATTi MUlh roomgi a F-631 25th St. -913-Jyl9 IN private family. 2020 St, Mary's avo. F-CU DESIRABLU rooms. 2584 Harney. F-MS30 19 FOR RENT, large front room with nlcove; 207 South 21th St. F-872 20' NICELY furnished south front pat'lor with board. 2015 Douglas. r Aula 17 nitPUnPtTT. fron room, i. hnnnL mhll rn,ll... ,l..lrahlv .1 nl.. lnr.in .In. "j.. ",VL"r 'nnn W mlv'lawnT refer- ences, Tel. F2630, 604 S. 27th St. F-M137 18 foh ni:xT sTonns a.m okficus. FOR RENT, store In first-class location; rent, reasonable. Apply R. C. Potcrs & lo., grounu poor, wo uiag. i -ou TWO of the best rooms In tho Continental block. 15th and Douelas street: specially suited for a physician; will remodei to suit tenant, umana Joan tk 'irust t;o 16th and Doujflas street. I Jiajl A fill NTS WASTED. months hi le nnd bosoms and ritoeil noodst Inclose htamn for special plan, M, & M .his, uo., upnnctieiu, Aiass. ,J-M:o0-Aug.4 , 1 1 1 1 agents wanted. ror tho metallic rubDcr 1 tiro, rocker; It Is perfectly nolDcIess, easyl 01 nction, saves tne cnrpeiH saves m? varnished floor from marks ntld scratches- and Is n. thing of beauty. J. C. naves, 418 E. Locust at., Des Moines, In, 'J.-M858 20 150 PER month during tho campaign and permnnent position utter; man or lany; T'l 1 ,. at Phlnnvn blVKIi:! V.W., tf ACUtWU.l. kj k , v'.,..Au. j-H4 2i D J3 M p(. )ny ftl flt)rt ,)y Jn; experienced men and women. , Nebrnska I Mercantile Mutual Hre. 315 S. mjt. AGENTS, mako 1100 per month nnd ex- PenHen. Wanted, reliable ugonts evcry- wher0 to take orders' for our Immense tall lino of me dlum-prlced, gent.lno -made- to-order clothing. No capital rcqulrod. Outtlt free. Wrltp Immediately for ex clusive territory. Givo references. State former employment, rcaglo Tailoring CO., 21Z-2IK iTanKtin st., unicago, 111. J M106 18 WANTED TO It II XT. I W A VPn..-. in ran X .. n . ,. .,r. nlshed, nit modern. Inqulro Chrlstla Rros., 0011111 umnna. iv Ainra 11 1? URNISHED houpe, 8 or 10 rooms, for .l nr 4 months. J. E, Maurer, Her Grand hotel K-M161 1S WASTED-TO nIY. ALL kinds of household goods, hotels, etc., in inrgo or small quantities. tJitiengo Fur niture Co.. 1106-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020. N-301 WILL purchase a limited number of Omuha 8avlngs Bank accounts. Brcnnan- Lrfive uo., 3iw bo, i3tn. in sua 2D-hnnd ladles' wheels. Omaha Bicycle Co. IN AlySO LIST bargains In real estate with F. D. Weau. 1621 Douglas st. n aimi in 1 5, 10, 15 OR.20 ACRES SOUTH OF MILLER PARK AND EAST OF 36TII STREET. Address N 33, Beo N-102 roit SALK FUIlNITimn. SELLINO out stoves, furniture. 801-3 N. 16. U S3 FOIl .SAI.E-IIOUSES, V13IIICI.ES, l?Tf, PHAETONS, buggies, road wagons, harness. Anderson Buggy Co., 15th and Davenport. I'MO VEHICIjES of nil kinds made and repaired by Harry rrost, inn ana ijcavenworin. P-301 RUBBER tl-ed vehicles. .Buy 'em how! Buy cm rigiu: ask ior jinrt. imi- joues. P-M9J7-Jy-21 AtlTST spII. black 5-vear-old family horse; cooa driver, gentto ana sounu, invesn- 1 gato ut 1110 Douglns st. P.-MS43 FOR, SALE, new 1325 high grado Snyder phncton. very reasonable; upply 313 Kar - bach block, P-M936 23 'nA iiw nlil for Upenlnt?. fleu-bltten btrv a w .. . . . . marP, llliriie.s IIUU HUSK) II. JIWI wmilliru T..I.. Vi rioor,r IlnlYmnn i-.1 So 1fh "' "--- T,,,ti iV . . ua u FOIl SALE MISCELLANEOUS, CHEAPEST and best poultry tuid hog fence. 901 Douglas St. Q-306- CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman &.Mc- connelt urug uo., i-or. loin anu xioage. Q-30r 2DHAND safe cheap. Dtrlght, 1116 Farnam. . VJ OUI n. HASH. Vlnrlnt. 1S13 Vinton St. Tel. 776. Plnnts, cut llowers,. boquets, hall, real- aencc. weuuing nnu grave uecoraiions. Orders by mill or express promptly tilled. Q-3(Ji- SAFES, buy, sell, exchange. Schwartz, 114 a. i3tn. vi3 WIRE fence. Laddy, 1617 Howard. Tel. 1599. 14 ilV A-l M. &. W. tires. 12.75. Omaha Bicycle Co. q 311 i.'n.tiAKn wheels. i3 to 110: new wheels. 115. Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th & Chicago Sts. Q-911- FOR SALE, four TTi-horso power tubular larger -apaclty; in good ordtr; promptly - avullablo and cheap. Swift Hnd Company, honors lately aisniacrn uy uunors p :t.i. V Yurdf station. Kanian Cltv. Kas Q-M834 20 ron sale mim kllanf.oi s. SECOND - HAND machinery for sale; evrry- thlnir In engines, boilers. pumps. Iron nnd wood-working machinery, shafting, pulleys, belting nnd mill supplies; prices lowest Hnrrls Mnchlnery Co., 1023 Wash ington Ave. 8. E., Minneapolis, Minn. j ai&oi mi- SQUARE pianos and organs, 115, (23, li7 and up: ensy payments, New pianos lor rpnt Fln. tlinfnp nnit rnnnlrlnff. Telr phone 1625. Schmoller & Mueller, 1313 Fnrnam. Q M913 AH WILL sell small block of Lord Byron Gold .Mining uo, siock cueup; mane an oner. N 41, ilee. Q-141-17 FOR SALE, one eight syrup Matthews fountain in iirsi-eiass condition, will sen cheap. Address N 45, care Ilee. ONE good hand elevator. A. Hospe, 1614 miscellaneous. NOTICE, country dealers, Hdhand furniture & stoves at lowest prices, carload lots or loss. Chicago Furniture Co., UOG-lO Dodgo. U 312 CLAI11VOYAXT9. MME.aYLMEK genuine palmist. 1605 Dodgo a 313 MRS. 1-K1TZ, clnlrvojant. 812 N. ICth. . 33 MAX HANDEL, clairvoyant, 301 N. 18, K. 4. r.LKCTltIO TltUATMUNT. ELITE parlors, 615 S. ICth, second floor. T MlllV A3- MME." LEE, magnetic treatment. S07 S liitn; room i aisii is- MME. AMES, baths, 1615 Howard, rooms 3d rioor. Aitenanni. i .isi3-i3 HEATKICE HAHLOW, Arabian treatment, uatns, aii4 m. ism, ist tint i-. i izu .i 1'intso.VAi,. MONHEIT, Chiropodist, 1518 Farn. Tel. 2333. U 315 LADIES hnlr shampooed, dressed, 35c. Hair toilet goods. Monhelt, 151S Farnam. Tol 233J U 310 ',4 SOLES, 35c; velvet rubber hcols, 35c. The oiu rename, a. i: rcterson, ism a uiuriing, U-32U EPPERLY corset to order. 1612 CapUol Ay. VIAVI, woman's way to health. 316 Be bldg U 2ii PRIVATE hOHnltal for ladles before & dur- ing conunemcnt; uaDica aaoptcu. um .n. it. U Jli DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns removed. 25c ana upwaru. itoom v., rrenzer uiock. u 318 PLEATING and pleated skirts of all kinds. M. Goldman & Co., 200 Douglas block. y3j i RUPTURE cured; no knife, no pain, no itdni.flf oontl for nlrnilnru Tmtitr.t Ilt.n. I "'"" . "".l"." !- ture Cure. 932 N. Y. Life bids.. Omaha. Uiil PRIVATE homo before and durlnir confine ment; Dames adopted. Airs, uurget, wzo mirueue, u ii HOFF"S Express & Messenccr Co. Tel. 1717. U 323 PROF. LUND, chiropodist. 511 Knrbach blk. u aiw A-s TO CURE that tired feeling got an Olive UlUJLIi:, U Ullll 4HI. UIJU1I LIlUUIVEi at $17.60, up. Louis Flesohor, 1622 Cap. avo U 313 a TURKISH baths, massage baths, electric oatus, ror lautcs only; smiled women mnssago operators; finest equipped bathe) in ino city, itenstom untn company. noonit), ziB -to 2W ueo biug. u aii63 MOM2Y TO XOAX-IIEAL EST.VI'E. PRIVATE1 money, 5, 6. 6 per cent; no de lay, uarvin uiua.i joia t arnam. iv 320 .... . .... - WANTKrM;ity and farm loans; also bonds and warrnnta. R. c. Peters & Co., 1702 v arnnm -ac, tiee mug. w 3s( '' ' ' i'iiivath money. F. D. wead. 1521 Douglas. ' W-326 FIVE per cent money. Semis, Paxton blook. w oS MONEY to loan on first-class Improved city nupcriy or.ior nuiiotng purposes, i-ayno- . . vnox v.o kbw xorK Lire. W 329 on eastern Nebraska nnd western Iowa farms at 6 per cent. Borrowers can par 1100 or nnv multlnln. Anv Interest date. No. delay. Brennan-Lovo Co., 3'j9 Boutn i;nn at., umana. Neo. w xo 6, 5i, 0 nor cent 'on Omaha, So, Omaha. . ii. i nomas, Mi ist Nat. nank. Tel. it. is. W 331 MONEY to loan at 5 and Gty per cent on umana propurty. w. JU. JlelKle, 401 S. 15th. W 332 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real eftato. Brennan-Lovo Co.. 309 So. 13th W 333 ll.00t' and upward to los.n on Improved city properly una arms. w. r arnam nmim &. Co., 1320 rarnam. w 334 WANTED City loans, bonds nnd warrants, Georso & Company. 16011-arnnm St. MONEY In nnv amount at 5, 5t, 6 per cent. J. W. BOBBINS & CO., 1S02 FARNAM RT. W-336 MONEY to loan on farm and city property; lowest ratos. O. F. Davis Co.. 1505 Farnam. 331 13,000-1 l,000-S,000-To placo quick at low raie or interest on goou rent estate, au- ciress. j 13. iiee. w s TO IX1AN, on rod security, at reasonable rate, 1300 to HOO. 506 N. Y. Life Bldg. W MS1S SIOM5V TO I.OAA-CHATTBI.S. MONEY MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. No endorwer or mortcraco renulrod. LOWEST RATES, EASY PAYMENTS nnd STKH. I 1.1 I.IIN 1' lUl'J.M IAU OMAHA CHED1T CO. Room 526, llfth floor, Now York Llfn Bldg. Ji 310 1 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, lew- elry, horses, cowe, etc. C, F. Reed, .1, 31a a. 13. Jt JIJ MONEY LOANED ON Furniture, pianos, horses, cows, etc. You Sf-fi nVlMJoL h?oii in ElihS may pay tno monoy back In one month or iSii'i nnne, yap fS,"!?.1 yione "e'Mn SSMffr h ffi InVor mini nnnpi-5 nr T,amlnlmr seeurltv we itcep noiining out oi inoiimoi ni you borrow. Bo suro ttnu gei our raies oerore uorrowing. MONEY LOANED TO Salaried peoplo on their o , amounts from 110.00 up. th loan alt or In part at own nnmes in oil mny repay any time ntui you aro expected to pay for the money only wnnt lime you Keep ii. ie aro ino . I nn V nnn oo.Tin'inv. Il I ,,1 ni;.n.7o All n ial la n ptuinpn tn I thlS PrlVllCKP, All We ttSK 18 a ChUnCO tO nn v nnn rnmn.inv in .inn riiv mvinu vuu compnro rates. Strictly confidential, , OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. (Established 1892.) 200 So. 16th Street. Xt-339 MONEY loaned on furniture, diamonds. wntches; payments confidential, Omiha Chattel Ixiaii Bank, 220 8. 15th, unstalrB. A 313 tnvrv inn n Ad nn nlnnns. furniture, horses. cows, joweiry. uun ureen, it , unrKer m v ... MONEY to loan on household furniture. Berser's Loan Co,, lsoi Farnam bt. X 315 SAIVRY LOANB. CHATTEL LOANS. J. 4 w. TAYLOE. 21S First Nat. Bank Bide. W. TAYLOE, 21S First Nat. Bank Bldg. V 310 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responslblo concerns upon tneir own names wiinnm securuv, easy payments. Tolman, 706 N, Y, L. Bldg. j. -, i EMPLOYES, see American Loan Co. ad vertisement under Flnantlnl heading for money when needing same in emergencies, mom ,",IOI FOUND. j FOUND, a buggy wheel about 4S Military Ave. Owner ran hnve same by applying Sunday at 1733 Military Ave. FountJ-H5-U business ciiat,ks. FOR SALE, wll-qulpped hnnd laundry; Rood btisinessi cheap; owner must loitvo. N 7. Beo. Y-MB 22' FOR SALE, the Wlsncr steam roller mill. located In one of imp nest grain-producing sections of the state; property In good repair; will sell ut a bargain. Addresn J. H. Kane or Citizens' State Hank, Wlsner. Neb. Y-M9U-2I THE real ostnto market Is Improving, and after 12 years' experlcnco I llnd I need n partner; state age, experience, how much cash you could put lit tho business ntul givo references, N 37, lice. Y 121 14 300 WILL purchase half Interest In clean. legitimate misinoss. win pay you ioo monthly, ltivcslgatc. N 40, Ilee. Y UO-li FOR SALE, or rent, first-class bakery nnd grocery, witn noon casn iraue, located 111 lurl'l I 1 1 J III ,iui in Ai-uiunnn. i, iiu for particulars, Ilox 453, Norfolk. Neb. r MAN'S Kami r,1P ,ii,nnn,i OH liXCIIAMli:. tmlilcr bicycle, new. will trade for diamond. Address N 43, lire. Z-14 1-23' FOU EXCHANGE! Modem S-r. house, 14,600, for larger place, 7,500 to t9,000. Modom 6-r. cottage, small lot, J1.GC0, for sometning larger, nuoui n.zw to w.ww, nortb nrefrred. Good business, netting 13.000 per vear. with noma oi owner, an worm t,ow, tor ?s,ww or i'j.wi inrm. Ceorgo O. Wallace, 313 llrown lllk. Yr 151-20 HAVE 1C0 acres land In central Nebraska ana money to exenange ror cottago in Omaha. W. V. HedEoS, 423 13ee bldg. Z-MS27 FOR EXCHANGE, fine . home, close In, ctgnt tooms, modern inrougnout, nest neignDornoou, ji.tw. win tsKr onc-naif In . city rental property. Address H 47, uec. c4vj VERY desirable resldenco on Oeorcla nve. iar a sman farm in western towa or cnstk em Nehraska: or chcup for cash. Ad dress N 39 lice. Z-M132 19 FOR MALK ItEAL 13.STATU. FOR SALE. H.500.00 for modern, almost new, house, with full lot, fronting south on Dodgo St.. near 33d: asphalt pavement, permanent sidewalk and ull special Improvements paid for In full. This Is one of tho most dralrablo place In the west part of the city and nas never oeen oncreu ror sate ,,for one of the mosttleslrablo 6-room cottages, close to tho business pnrt of the cltv. Tho house has lust been shlnnlcd nnd painted and l.-i In Mrst-clafs cnndllinn. Large ghado trees, nsnhnlt-paved street and iiermnnent sidewalk are all In anil paid for. Tho locution Is 2502 St. Mary's nve. 11,230.00 for 21',4 acres near the city and near street car line. Tlie latitt is level ana partly covered with timber and Is suttable tor most nnv nurnotie. 1750.00 for 21-5 acres, south front on I!amll t?" si.- t0lir blocks west of military rond, fr ?C,T? "enr 9?utk Omhha. iiuv.iv iur 9aiyv ii uu iiuu iiunitui, uir IWPfin 4IHI linn SH. 1350.00 for lot 60x150 ft near MllltnTV TOad. on Hamilton st.; n-n OA t .Y r.-. I. a tul. t f.w.w 1U1 r.uiJ VUffl iiuiii lum uu . jail, ill., near tlie Houievnra. 1125.00 for lots on S. 14tli St.. near the Roulo vara; small cash payments, balance tnnntniv. GEORGE ft COMPANY. 1601 Farnam St., umnna; or in zstn bi., soutn umana. LAND FOR SALE, 15.000 acres of unim proved prnlrle lanus ror snie. Tnese lanas are located In Valley, Sherman, Greeley nnd Howard counties, ncu.. in tno ioud river countrv. which Is well settleil In that vicinity and with excellent railroad facil ities, win sen ior ono-sijcin casti, oatanco In five equal annual payments. Would prefer to sell all theso lands to one pur chaser. Address Jno. ,C. Uavld, caro First National Bank, Pawnee City, Nob. HU A1331-jyiS PAYNE-KNOX CO.. HEADQUARTERS for REAL KSTATK UAHUA1NSI LOW EST RATES on LOA'NB: SOUND IN SURANCE: HOUSES; 'FLATS. STORES. for RENT. First IlcorTN. Y. Llfo Bldg. . ' . :y1.- RE-33l FOR SALE A fine trackage pr6Drty. Elegant residence prbperty. Grcntest bargains In property. M. J. Kcnnaptl & Son, "310 Brown block. HENRY B. IjAYNE, COl N2'Y. LIFE. BLDG. ileal csiaie, iteniais, Loans, insurancu. lin; mi LARGE RESIDENCE, 1? rooms above uasemeni; nioaern tnrougnoui; piaio puisa In all front windows; 'wido porch; largo stable and carriage luiuse, no. 251:1 Chi cago street. Price I?,p00 Apply to Byron Reed Co.. Omaha, or W. 11. GrlllUh, owner, 1201 McCullogli street, Baltimore. Md. UE-M555 Ait RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by tho union Pacific Railroad company. It. A. McCnllaBter, land commissioner. Union Paclllc Il'f adquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE-M3I8 HOUSES, farms. R. C. Patterson, SX. N.Y.L. ULi 153 HOUSES, lots farms, lands, loans; also lira insurance. Bemls, Paxton blk. RE 352 IF YOU want to buy, soli, exchange or rent jour property quicK seo j. 11. jonn non. 841 N, Y. Lli'e. RE-C29 S0-ACRE farm. 10 mllos northwest of Omaha: can ull he cultivate.!: 14T.51) per acre. The Byron Reed Co., 212 Ho. mn hi, RE 799 THE cheapest lot on South 24th street, not far from car line, on grado; call tor price and terms. The Byron Reed Co., 212 So. 14th St. itii liii 11 DEER PARK lots at 1230 to 1400. with elo. gant trees, arc snaps, wnen you seo them you win say so. POTTER-SHOLE3 CO., 310 N. Y. Lite. RE-MS30 FOR SALE, 160-aore farm within 10 miles 01 umana: irnoii lanu: must uo soiu 10 close ejtnte; 12.500. W. R. Homan, Rooms una 10, i renzor diock. hm .Maw .1 ONE of tho first cholco lots In BemW Park llpe houses on cither sine at a harRUin tor a lew uays; nnu anuuier, 10111 nun cust. want money nut 01 litem ai oncf. I' D. Wead, 1521 Douglas. RE-&7I 20 CHOICE HALF SECTION, within 2 or 3 miles or packing houses, south umana; loaning station on iarm; suv. lienux, Paxton block. 103 IlAllGAINS IN VACANT PROPERTY: tivvf'hnirn RO.fnot lot. Curlew Lane & 21st 1100-South front full lot. Ames, bet. 27 & 2S. r?noHi.ipr iiipk lot. All imrv ron 1. ll,20J-Sherman Ave., hot. Yates & Burdetto ueorgo u. wanace, 313 urown uik. . 11 u. iao-:u TO EXCHANGE. "es improved, this sldo of Benson, for omnha. hoimn nnd lot iffm modem house within 7 blocks of urt house, for smaller re.ldence. ., 'v. W per ceni innuiy u. i.iuii ..11 j; 11- edgo property und farms. Tnr rr.vimV.T,. near 2(th nnd SnrnirUe ' . .; iV. sts.. near car line. 1760. full lot. near 20th and Mason, I1.T30 for fi.rnnm hnusi. HOS a. 20th st. 12.500 for two houses at 1113 nnd 1145 North 17th st.: lot BOxllO reet: paving paid 13.000, eight rooms, 124S Park Wilde ave. 13,500, West Farnam street, 9-room house x- i i I i,uw iui oy tiuiun ii imii:i a. ti . ijiilii in viuuca nil hi iui(jv.-iiii:iiin, niui.iv llliu Kiiiui 16,500 for ll-room modern house, corner lot within four blocks of P. O. 17,200, uo acres, smooth, level land near Bennlneton. fair Improvomcnts. 120,000 for 22x132 feet with three-story brick nuuninK. on rarnnm, near mn st. JOHN N. FRENZER, Ol'P, OLD P. O. IIE-M153 IS FINANCIAL. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., ROOM S03( Third Floor, Paxton Block, Cor. 16th und Fnrnam Sis. SALARY LOANSI SALARY LOANSI 110 to uw, J00,0"". "JJfP'ft'JJo""'!" V. eI.np!2yC8i NO mortgage; NO Indorser. Jlostllbernl terms or crc-uu ever nncreti in Omaha. We hove a record for square dealing mars unequnteu. we point with pamon able nrlde to these facts: Lower rates easier payments, largest company. Aro you laaing nnvnniagn oi our linerai terms? A permanent position with re sponsible firm tho only requirement. Open noons: Saturdays s p. m. STRICTLY' CONFIDENTIAL. Take an hour TODAY ana can. iiiiLwm.ii credit co. -3C3 SALARY LOANS TO EMPLOYES AT MUCH less cost anil emoarrasament than has heretofore been posilble. Quick and confidential service. Special terms to school teachers iiurlnc vacation. AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room C91 Bee Ttdf SIIOKTIt M AMI TYI'HWIUTtMJ. 7 ?! VAN SaVt'S Vchool7"717 .Y.Lif7 -359 ftnvt.l.-ai -V,1Iava oonrf rnnnrlnr tirlnrln ! I Beo Illdg. -360 ' NEBRASKA Business nnd Shorthand Col lege. Hoyd s Tiuuter. 361 GREGG Shortlmnd taught at the Omaha Commercial College, 16th nnd Douglas sts. J51 MUIMCAI.. LADIES out of health find prompt relief. ijox 23.', umnna, .nod. tjonnjcntini. -354 VIRTl'AMA cures Impotcncy resulting rrom inutscrettons or (tetnitty, gives vi tnlltv. vlcor. restorltm desires, ntnbltlotis. nsplrntlons of youth, henltli, lltttnc for success, happiness In business; profes sional, social, marrieu 111c; n or 3 ror t. Sent uttywliero prepaid on receipt of price. The Kldd T)ruz Co.. Elgin. 111. American Office! retail, wholesale, Myers nillnn Drug Co.. Omaha; M. A. Dillon, soutii umana; Davis urug uo., uouncu lllurrs. Full line runner goons. O.STlOPA'rilY. JOHNSON institute, BIS N. Y. Life Bldg.; tel. mi) Allco jonuson, u. u., lauies' dept.; Old E. Johnson, Osteopathist, Mijr. w M. E. DONOHUE. D. 0 of Still school, KirKSVIIlC, no., cot I'axton uik. tci. ViSl, 36li , (JY.MXASILM TO Itll.NT. HAVE good room, about 25x10 foet, on ground Moor; would make fine location for gymnasium or young man's club room: the rent Is reasonable to n good class or tenants. OMAHA LOAN' AND THUS 1 CO., 16th and Douslns Sts. M-939 c.viii'i:m nits ami johiiuiia. ALT, kinds of enrnenter work and reottirlntr promptly nttenuea to. j, t. ucntiiree, zutti uiiu lilKU oin. oiv STOV12 ItEPAIHS. GAS, gasoline stoves repaired; stoves stored. 1 I . . . I ...... T I ...... I It'n.l.fl 1 '.1 a , T . V. oiul ucjiau H ui ro, uui, 372 I'orni.s. HENDERSON, 11.00 per day house; board is.w to j weeK. ym en I'nrnam; tel. lib. imnss.MAitiNo. IN Families, Miss Sturdy, 2610 Harney. 4UB jy-2U' DRESS MAKING, experienced help only employed. E. O, McDonald, 1612 Can. Ave. K.vfiiNi:, non.nns, u-ro. L. C. Sharp Mach. Wks.; motors, dynamos. 2D-HAND machinery bought and sold for earn. a. p. liiy a. uo., 1110 uougins st. -M3I1 STOItAGK. PACIFIC Storaco and Wnrchottso Co.. 912- 914 Jonee. general stcrnge and forwarding. 363 Ora. Van Stor. Co., 15114 Farn. Tel. 1539. 863. JOS) DinnM AMI TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S Bird Store. 1603 Leavenworth. 33: FURNITL'RH PACKING. Om. Van & Stor. Co.lSlltf Tarn, Tela. 1550-S63. dt7 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Iatindry; shirts. 7c;" collnrs. i'CI cutis, 4C llbU 1 nnvoliU'nrlh Tl Ri7 .caenworin. 1,81. mi. i i.u-t,j BELGIAN HAKES ; PEDIGREED breeders; Copt, Nemo, score 92!. head or pens. 12. 11. uenquii. st. i'ftui, NOP. , , , AlI3 Ail TIIUNK FACTOID TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases. Trunks repaireu. urn. i rutiK l-nctory, i.w v.urnnm. 3lU AVANT12I) TO IIOHItOW, 1400.00 ON 10 or 12 months' tlmo; good se curity una interest. Auuress u w, ueo. -M790 SUIlVEYINfi AND 1)11 AUGIITING. W. J. McEATHRON. 526 Paxton b ock. BH-A-1' TURKISH IIATIIft. TURKISH baths, 60c; open night. 107 S. 14. STAMMERING AND HTUTTKRING. CURED. Jutla Vaughun, 430 Ramge Rldg. 3l KimNITDHU J113PA1HING. i-AV.-ivi.Nit. upiiuai -'"'Ki. " " :2"l, renovating, tci. 1331. m. n. niKin, Cumins St, -371 SEWING MACHINES. REPAIRED. Omaha Sowing Mnchlno Re- pair Wo ks, cor. Dodgo & 16th sts., J. E. Phllllns ITodT M402 Jv29 I tumps, 1 rop r. auoz jyzj MAC. N ICT 10 INFIIl.MAHY. tttr NKHltAHKA Incorporated. 1B1B-1517 Chlcngo street, Omaha. -M339-' TICKET BROKER. CUT rnto tickets everywhere. P. II, Phil- bin, 1605 Farnam. l eiepnono isi. 377 TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS, secondhand. 1116 Farnam. ix PA WNIHttiiCEIlS. - - kauuu uuiii! uiiii-i:, il'iiuuic, uLLuiimiiiuui- Ing; all business conlldentlal, 1301 Douglas 33U SIDEWALKS, Brick, 7Uc foot, laid, J. McGowan, 813 S. 2S. i3 jy- - MESSENGER SERVICE. O. M. 8. Tel. 2022. S07 80. 16th St. -M7S8 EMBROIDERY. SILKS and linen, slnmptng, 1612 Capitol AV. 1 Ml A 4 .M A G N HT It: II K A LING. GREAT Western Institute, 1623 Douglas rlt., chrnn c d Beases cured: no drugs, surgery, ,uii DENTIST. DR, MITTCLSTADT, 334 Beo bilg. Tel. 1115 131 A 1U POSTOFFItE NOTICE. (Should bo read DAILY by all Interested, an changes may occur 01 any iipiv.i Fniclcn mails for th'e week ending July 21, 1900, will close (PROMPTLY In all eauesj ut tno uenorni i-osiomco as iuiiuwb, i-a-('ELS POST MAILS closo ono hour earlier than closing tlmo shown ueiow, i-arcets post Alults ror uermnny cioso ni d 11. m. Monday. Triuis-A tinntio .11 huh. WEDNESDAY-At 1 a. in. for IRELAND, per h. . New rcngiunn,. from jiastpn; at 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. a. Deutsch- land, via Plymouth, Cherbourg and Ham- nurir imiin must im uirecieu - nor s. n. Deutschland"): nt 7 u, m. (supplementary 9 a. m ) for EUROPE, per s, s. St.' Paul', via Southampton; nt 7 u. m. (supple- mentary 9 a. m ) for EUROPE, per s, s. uymric-, via wuccnuiuwu vuion mum be POftTOri'M'll M1TICI5. dire clod "per s. s. Cymric' ); at 1.30 a 111 UELGU'M direct, per s. s. Frlolnnd II must bo directed "per s. s. Frle- for (mall Inlnl'M TIlfltSDAV - At 7. a. m. for KRANC17, Oil I WU'dtlhVtll'i , Mflliii iJt liitil rrnAL, jvhrky, kutit na nitir SH INDIA, per J: . La HretHite'. via Havre fmnll fur Ather nnrts of Etlrope mut be directed "tier . s. 1-a HretuKne"), HATt itPA Y-At n. m. ror .-sktiikk 1,A.1) uireci. per s. s. spnurnunin un.in must be directed "per s. s. spttanniam ), nt 9 a. m. for ITALY, per s. s, Ems (ninli must tie directed "per s. s, Ems"); at 9.30 n. m. (supplementary it a. nt.) ror ki ROPE, per s. s. Servla. via Qtteenstow n, at 10 n. tit. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. s. Ethiopia (mail must he ilirecteil "tier 0. s. Kimopiu ); at 11 a. in. mr ;nwhv direct, .per s. s. Ilekla (mall must bo di rected "per s. s. Hekla ). PRINTED MATTEL. ETC German steamers sailing on Tuesdays take Printed Mutter, etc., for Germany, nnd Specially Addressed Printed Matter, etc., for other parts of Europe. American anil white Stiir steamers on Wednesdays. Gorman and French steamers on Thursdays, and Cunnrd and German steamers on Satur days toko Printed Matter, etc.. rot- an countries fdr which they arc advertised to fMirn limit. After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantic,, ainus namoa nDove, audi tlonal supplementary malls nro opened on the tilers of the American. English. French and Germnn steamers, and remain open titittl within Ten annates or tno hour of sailing of steamer. Jlnlls for South 11 nil (Jentrnl Anirrtcn, Wi st IiiiIIps, Ute. WEDNESDAY-At 1 p. m. (supplementary 1:30 p. m.) tor aassai). i' per s, s. Antllla (mail must bo directed "per s. s, fVAt,,,'!,ft,'.'i THUKSDAVj - At 8 a. m. for BERMUDA, I'er,5;f s' Irlnldml: at 10:30 a, m. for HAITI, per . s. Prlus Win. 1. (mall for Curacao, Trinidad, Venezuela, British and Dutch Guiana must be illrocted "tier s. s. Prlns Wm. 1."); at 1 p. m. for YUCATAN, campecHe, Tabasco and chiapas, per s. s. urizapa. via linvnnn una l'ro- grnsn (mall for other parts of Mexico and lor t-ttuft must no utrcctea -per s. s, uri zaba"); at 1 p. in. (supplementary 1:30 p. tn.J for NASSAU. N. P.. GUANTANAMO and SANTIAGO, per s. s. Saratoga, at 9 P. m. for JAMAICA, per s. . Admiral Schlev. from Boston. FRIDAY At 1 P. m. for IXAOUA. per s. s menus (man lor Jamaica, uouzc, nicrio i;ortcz nnu nuatumaia must no uirecicu "nor s. B. Themis 1. at 1 p. m. (suniile mentary 1:30 p, m.) for TURKS ISLAND nnd D6M1NICAN REPUBLIC, nor t. s. Cherokee: at 1 p. m. for UIIAKIL and 1,A I'IjATA UUUNTHircS. PCr . . W C' ride (mall for Northern Brazil must bo directed "nor s. s. colerluue ). SATURDAY At. 10 a. m. (sunnlementary iouo a. m.) ror i u r unk id , and. ja MAICA. SA VANILLA. CART1 1 AGENA and- GREYTOWX. her s. s. Adirondack tman tor uosta lttcn must 110 utrecteii "per s. M. Adirondack"): at 10 11. m. for PORTO RICO, per s. s. San Junn; nt 10 a. 111, (supplementary 111:311 n, 111.) ior CURACAO nnd VENEZUELA, per ft. . Hlldur (mull for Savanllla and Cartha genu must ho dlrccteed "per s. s, 1111 dur"); nt 11 a. m. for CUBA, per s. s, Hit vana, via linvann. Mails for Newfoundland, by rail to North Hvuney. nnu tnence ny steamer, c ose at this olllco dally nt 8:30 p. in. (connecting etoso hero every Ainnuay, Aveitnesnay anu saturuay. Ainns ror Miqueion, uy ran In Boston, nni! thenre by steamer, close at this olllco dally at 3:30 p. m. Malls for uuiia, uy run to I'ort inmpa, i' in., anu thonco by' steamer, cloe at this office dally (except Monday) nt "7 n. m, (tho connecting closes nre on Sunday, Wednes day and Friday). Mulls for Cuba, by rail to Maml, Fin., and thenco by steamer, close at this olllco every Monday, Tuesday anil Saturday at "-:30 a. ni. ttno connect Inn closes am on Tuesday nnd Saturday), i 'Mnlls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially uddrcssoil fur illspatch !' steamer, close at this olllce dally at 2:20 a. m. and 2:30 u. m. Malls for Costa Rlrn, Belize, l'uerto Cortcz anu uuuleinalu, uy rnll to New Orleans, nnd thence by steamer, ' close at this otllco dally at 3 P. m. (conncctltiK closes here Tuesdays for Costa Rica und Mondays ror ueiize, Puerto Corlez nnd Guatemala), llcjrls- tered mall closes at 6 n. nt. previous day. RtKlstored mull closes nt 6 p. m, sec ond day before. Trnns-l'iicino MnlU. Alans for Hawaii, via Han r rnncisco, uiuso nero iiuny ai t;3i p.. in. up in Jiny "soui, inclusive, ior aitpaicn per b. AUSimiin. 'JiailS IOr AUSimilil (l-ALCIH. Vt AvwttAlla, which got viu Europe, nliu Nujv c;,,nd which , goes via Snn r uiiii'isui.;, iiawitu nun r ijr ii.t.iur, ,a ViinpniifAi. oloun hnrn ftnlli nt fi'f n. tn. up to July 'lst, Inclusive for tilspatcn tier s. s. MloW,in. .Mnlls for Ilawtill. Chlria. Japan nnd Philippine Islnnds, via' San Francisco, close hero daily at' 0:30 p. Japan, China nnd Philippine Islands, via Man r ranctseo. c oso nero u.uty ui u:3u p. m. up to July "2'Jtn, inclusive, tor uis patch per s. s. America Muni. Malls for Australia (except west. Australia), now Zealand. Hawaii, FIJI and Samoan Is lands, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. after July 21sl and up to August 4th, Inclusive, or on lny of or- rivni or s. h, uampania, due at New voni August "itn, tor tuspnicn per s. s. Aia ineda. Mails for China. Japan ntld Philip- tlo"). Trnnspaclflo mails aro forwarded to port nr snuiuir iinny anu me scncauic ni clon ing Is nrrnttged on tho presumption of tneir uninterrupted overianu transit Registered mall c.1oph nt 0 p. m. pre vious day. UOIiNKLIUS VAN CUT!', Postmaster Postofllre, Now York, N, Y.. July 13. 1900. (it) VKHNMl'.NT NOTICES. nnnnna at u i.-r, onvaTimpTmv , ',' 7 y""1. " 7 w 4 w.r , , . , . u , brick dormitory, laundry, nddltlon to school uuiKiini: anu water anu newer system. De partment of tho Interior, Olllce of Indian Affairs, Washington, June 27. 1900. Sealed proposuls, endorsed "Proposals for brick dormitory, brick laundry, brick addition to school building, wntcr and sewer system." Winnebago school, Omaha and Winnebago nBCnc..f T.tuaska, and addrcksed to tho commissioner of Indian nffalrs. Washington. il. IV. will 110 rereiven nf iniH nlllpn until z n'rlork 11. m. nf Tupsdnv. July 21. 1900. fnr furnishing and delivering the necessary ma- terlals and lubor required In thu construe- tlnn nnd completion at tho Winnebago school, Omnhn nnd Winnebago agency. No- nrasKa, or ono ucick uormuory, oun oricK mldltlnn tn school Imlldtnir. one brick 1 1111 11- ury Ptiliaing ami one -water ann newer sys- tern, in strict nccordnnco with nlnns. sneel- Mentions nnd Instruotlons to bidders, which may be examined nt this olllcfc. tho United mate inuinn vnrpnouse. jnnnson sircei. untcngo, 111.; tnc n'liiiprn ami rroucrs ex- change of Omnht., Neb.; the Northwestern 1 iuuiiuiiiuiiiiers, un;.,,i:iiiiiiiii ijl oi. i uu .Minn.: Tno ueo or umann, cd. ; tno ito- nnnr I'rn.t 'nf Hf T'nul. Minn thn Jnurnnl nf S0UX city, la,; Nebraska State 1 .intirnni nr i.inonin. ivei... nnn Tiirt .lournni oi jxnnsaii liny aio. r or any niiuiiiunui in formation antilv to this otllco or tho United States Indian auent. Omaha and Winne bago agency, Nebraska. W, A. JONES, commissioner. Jy2dlSt OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER, umnna, acd June 37, iwv. aenieu propo- sals In Irlpllcato, subject to tho usual con- anions, will 110 received at tins otneo until 2 o'clock p. in.,, central time, July 30, 19C0, ior ino cnnsiruciinu 01 nn s-incn Artesian Well nt Fort Crook, Nebraska. Full In formation furnished upon application to this olllco or to" tho Quartermaster, Fort Crook. Nebrosku. where. snoclllcatlons may bo seen. Proposals to lie marked and ad dressed to MAJUK tr. II. HATHAWAY, chief Qunrtt'rm I , UBIUI, J 11 its Z M LEGAL NOTICE. WOODMEN BUILDING SITE OwnerH of lots nro r't'spectfully requested to nrpsent In writing to John T Yntps. sovereign cierg. vvooutnen or tno world, Hiiceiy luiiiaing, description or lots ror saio In Omnhn (not less than 75 or more than 100 feet frontage), together with prlco nnd icrms 01 ship, 011 ur ueiuro noon louay. X A. KAI.KENIIUlta, JUI1IN '1. VA-lKJi, A. C. FINE. Woodmen Building Committee. RAILWAY TIME TAftM'I. UN I O N PA Ul FIC-' "1 1 1 E O V E R. luml Route" Gonerul Olllces, N, E. Cor, -Ninth und Farnam etreets. City Tlket OMIcb. not Pnrnnm utrAt Tpbn innn mn iSepot. Tonth and Mason 'sts." Tclepliatiu. 629. Leave. Arrlvo. Tho Overland Limited., a 8:20 am a 7:35 pm Tho Chicago-Portland .ri, i-hin,Fo. Speolal a, 8:20 nm a 7:35 pm The FnBt Mull n 8:50 am n 3:25 pin The- Colorado Special, ult:35 pm a 6:60 am Tho Fast Mail., a 4:35 pm 1 iinenin. iieuiricn niui Strnmshurg Express. .b 4:10 nm bl2:25 pm The Paclllo Express, .. ,a 4;25 pm The Atlantic Express... a 6:50 am Grand Island Iocal b 5:30 pm b 9:39 am 1 a uauy, 0 uany except nunuay, m: .up. to Jitty "2lst. inclusive, ior uis- uuji bih x.uh.hk m'"-- patch per s. s. Coptic. Malls for China clnl a 7.00 am and. Jnpan, via Vancouver, close herd I'eprla Lxprcss ..ftn gS daily at 6:30 p. m. up to July "21111, In- Ch cago yostlbuled Ex.. a 4:00 pm a 7:4a elusive, for dispatch per s. , EmpresB of C h cago Local Express. u 8:50 am a 4 03 India (regiHtcreil mall must bo directed Chicago Limited ...a 7.4.. pm a 7:4., i..i,. i-n..n.,..nr Mnii. f,.r UnHiiii PnpKln .Iiinctlon Ixjcal. ,ul0:45 am pino Islands, via Seattle, close here tinny jvuhbhs i ij i; iy n. ...u o.uv um u i u im at 6:30 p. in. up to August 9th, Inclusive, Kansas City Night Ex..al0:lo pm a 6:15 am for dispatch per s. s. Klnshlu Mnru (regis- St Louis Flyer for St tered mall must bo directed "via Sent- Joseph and Ht. Louis. ,a 4:5 pm allilt am II it way timi: r vitn. CHICAGO & NORTH western Railway "Tim Northwestern Line" City Ticket ortlrc, 14)1 Fnmnm Street. Tele phone, 561. Depot, Tenth unit Allison Sts. Tele- phono. KS' Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe ilal a 7:0) am nll:3) rm Chicago Pnsxengcr n 4:15 pm n S;40 am linstern Express. Des Atonies. Aiai'snniltown, Cedar Rapids and Chi- rnco nl0:55 inn a 4:(5 nm Eastern Limited. Chi cago ami East a 4:55 pm a 4:05 pm Fast Mall, Chicago to O mil In. ft 2:45 nm Omnha-Chlcngo Special. a 7:43 pm n s:W pm Fast Mall ... a 8:30 nm a Dally. FREMONT. ELKHORN & Missouri Vnlley Itullroml "Tho Northwestern Line" General Olllccs, United States National Bank Bldg..- S. W. Cor. Twelfth and Fnrnam Sts. Ticket Olllce. 1101 Fiirnum St. Telephone. 661. Depot. 16th nnd Webster Sts. Tele phone. 145S. Lenve. Arrive. Black Hills, Dead wood, Hut Stirlni! n .V00 nm a K:0O nm Wyoming, Caspar nnd Douglas d 3:00 pm e 6:00 pm Hastings, York, David 1'ity, suponor, tienevn. Exeter nnd Seward.... b 3:00 pm b 6:00 pm Norfolk, Verdlgro and Fremont b 7:30 nm bl0:25 ant Lincoln, Wahoo und . Fremont b 7:30 nm bl0::5 nm Fremont Local p 7:30 am U Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Hun day only, d Dully except Saturday, o Dally except Monday. f- SIOUX CITY Ai PACIFIC Rullroad "Tho North weitern Lino" Uencral Olllces. I'tiited State.t National Bank Building, S, W. Corner Twelfth ,,,,, I l.'nr rnl.l... rt.l... ..... .,... a. ,,,,, oia, lli-nrb o'.1Cm'. U J , ftr"" St. Tclephono 661, Do pot, Tenth nnd Mason Sts. Telephone. O. a... , Leave. Arrive. L1 ?-K ,.3!t,ri'"!J fi:M 1,1,1 ":50 pin win .'.I ny. T:33 pin u 8:15 am Hlml 9,"y 1,ocal :00 urn a 4:20 pm n Dally. CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, Minneapolis & Omaha Kallwuy - "The North western Line" General Oftlces. Nebraska Divi sion, 15th and Wobster Sts. Cltv Ticket nnir 1401 Fnrnam St. Tclephono 661. Depot, 15th and Webster Sts. Leave. Arrive. Twin city Passenger... a U;oo am a 9:10 pm Omnhn Passenger nll:10 am Sioux City .fc North- east Nebraska n 3:60 pm Oaklai.d Local b 5:45 pm b 8:15 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunduy. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Rnllroud. City Ticket Of fice, 1402 Fnrnam street. Telephone, 245. Depot Tenth and Mason streets. Lenve. Arrive. Chicago Express all:10 utn n 4:05 pm Chlcugo Limited a 7:45 pm a 8:15 am Minneapolis and St. Paul Express ,....b 7:00 am b 9:10 pm Minneapolis and St. Paul Limited a 7:45 pm a S:15 am Fort Dodgo 1ocnl from Council Bluffs b 4:30 pm b 10:15 am a Dally, b Dally excopt Sunday. BURLINGTON & Mis souri River Railroad Tho Burlington Route" General Offices, N. W. Cornor Tenth and Farnnm Sts. Tlckot Ofllcn. 1502 Farnam street. Tcleohone. .on station. Tenth and Mason Telephone, 128. Lrave. Arrive. Lincoln. Hnstlnzs and McCook n 8:40 am u 7:35 pm Lincoln. Denver, Colo rado. Utah. California, a 4:23 pm a 3:00 pm Lincoln & Blnck Hills. .n 9:30 pm a 3:00 pm Montana. Puget Sound.. a 9:30 pm a 6:43 am Lincoln I' nst Alan a 3:w pm aio:3& am Denver. Colorado, Utah & cnlirornta am n Dally. CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & Quiricy ltallroua-"Thq Burlington Routo" Ticket Olllco. 1602 Fnrnam 'St." Tel, 250. Depot. Tenth Ai Mason Streets. Tclephono, 123. Leave. Arrlvo, pm am pm am l'ast Mail .... a 2:45 pm " ."j KANSAS CITY, ST. Jo seph & Council Bluffs Railroad "The Burling ton Route" Ticket Offlco, 1502 Farnam streot, Tele phone, 250. Depot, Tenth nnd Mason streets. Tele phone, 123, i.enve. Arrive, n Daily I OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAIL- road Omahn. iviinsns City & Eastern Railroad "Tho Qtilncy Route" Ticket Of fice, 1115 Farnnm Street. Telephone. 322. Depot, Tonth nnd Marcy Streets, Tele phone, 629. ni iveave. Arrive. St. Ixiuls Cannon Ban Express a 5:05 pm a 8:20 am Kansas City nnd Qulncy lineal a i .wnm a 11:00 pm iv Dally CHICAGO, ROCK ISL and & Paclllc Railroad "The Great Rock Isl and Route." City Tick et Ofllce, 1323 Farnam Street. Telephone. 42S. Depot, Tenth & Mason Streets. Telephone 629. ijcnve. Arrivo. Des Moines and Daven- port Local a 7:25 am bll:33 nm Chicago Express ..... ..bll:15am a S;10 am Chicago Fast Express. .a 6:00 pm al:2Gpm Lincoln nnd Fulrbury..a 8:30 am a 7;00 pm i.incoin, uoinrnno opkb., Denver. Pueblo and west a imu pm a i;u pm Des Mnlncs. Rock Isl- I and and Chicago a 7:15 pm a 5:59 pm Colorado & Texas Flyrr.a 5:55 pm a 9:15 am 11 ua iy 11 uany ex cent nununy. MIBSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road General Offices nnd Ticket ofllces Southeast Cor tier 14th nnd Douglas Sts. Tclephono 101. Dopot Unlpn station. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis, Kansas Nebraska Limited ,.al0:00 nm a 6:30 pm uave, Arrive. K C. St. L. Express.... n!0:10 pm a 0:15 nm I'.ivo from 15th uud W'ehstcr sis. Nebraska Local Via W coping W ater b 4:15 pm aioili am u Dally, b Dally except Sunday, CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Railway -City Ticket Office, 1504 Fnmnm Street. Telephone 284. Depot Tonth nnd Mason BtrcotH. Telephone 629, . Ienvp. Arrive. Chlcngo Limited Ex. ...a r,;0f) pm a 8:05 am Chicago & Omaha Ex..b7:l5nm b 3:65 pm a Dally, h Dully except Htinaay. WABASH RAILROAD Ticket Oftiee, 1501 Farnam Street. Tclephono 895. De pot, Tenth and Marcy Streets, Telephone 629. Leave. Arrive, St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a b:i5 pm a am a Dally. Mortnllty SlntlMtlp. The following births nnd deaths were re ported to tho Board of Health fnr the twentv-four hours ending at noon Tuesduy: Mirths vi. uitiK, ziiu'A rnriinm, gin. I T, ,,n ,, llnittnilnu.r fJY Vorfli llorllrth. boy; Jumos Andersen, C13H Paclllc, girl; .1. a. iinixrin. 2100 Ohio, irlrl: Genrus Kurtz. fit. H31 North Seventeenth, girl; Henry Foley, -5-1 Douglas, girl; Murtln Schleicher. 1415 South Fourteenth, boy; John Bossnrd, 3'jOu South Twenty-third, boy; Henry Kapfprl- 'k. Twentletlt and roppieton avenue, gin; John Slpmiin. 1260 Snutit Fourteenth, girl; J. Novlocel. Thirty-first nnd Wulnut, girl; 1 Herman iienornian. 015 I'aruuin. uuy. DenthHGus Wcnncerfltrom. 1437 North Twentieth, aged 46; Victor II. Kane, 1710 Mason, aged 8; Conrad Lchlnlekle, Zj4 Mnrcy, aged 69; Pauline Long, 2814 South 1 buvullteonili, ngeu i moniiu, 3Ev Xofo 250. llurllncl Streets. t . . .1 1 i. 1. 1 a.,Art- M!LWA'"EEf Q"' ''Pin i