Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1900, Page 10, Image 11

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Wheat Market Goe on Upward Oourw and
Oloaes Higher.
Trrnlf In Oats I" Sol'rnil-
Inn Earl In Session " Weak
hul Part of Ihp Lose
la llrpoifrfd.
OHIOAOO, .inly II. From a break or-
caslnnen bv M-jiil lHtlon In corn curly, w MSI
today recovered on a demand from MM
northwest and covering by shorts. oloslnK
firm. September over yesterday orn
broke bo, mm of mure favorable reports
k a reiiult or recent rains, but covered
iome of II. September . losing IV flown.
Oats closed . lower. September pork Km-.
September lard l2V16c end 8i-ttember ribs
12M1 lie depn ed
. u.. miem-d I. I Ht
T7'',l77V l)fuf
Liverpool showed lmi a
email decline In the race 01 aw n
yeeterdav and becauee racelot were imaii
th.Ti the markel loal its nerve because
, orn a aa i"1" "" " " .? ',',
the bottom. September, following the open
Inc. worked up to T7e and then proceeded
for the- tall timber, not stopping till ifC
was reached The liquidation waa heavy
luring the alURID and tin- demand acat
lered Having used up nearly an hour in
accomplishing this the speculative mind
dim ami- more compoeed and concluded 10
nuv some Short covered to secure profits
and com.- hull support which sent the tnar
kct In an USWOM OOUraW. This move was
helped along hv rojiawad buying rroni tne
northwest and a dei rease In the world s
visible of LKI.uoi hu. according to Hrad
street's. Heptemher rallied to TJW "nil
shortly afterward cloaed with moal ofthe
advance held. 'v over yeaterday, at roitj
;i-. The rally wax helped to a degree
i.i ihs 0urtl.1l recovery of corn The for
etell news was bearish France reporting
a lima or onlv 10 per cent, while
was laid to have the largeil
hlutnrv There was a break at
roi In Ita
Parla and
at Antwerp New York reported H
taken for exuott Seaboard i learan
pa Iti
wheat and (lour were eipial to a.i,'" nu.
Receipts at primary points were 7:11, I0 bit.,
compared with 1,190,000 bU. last year Mln
ncaimlls and liuluth reported I0S cars,
against tW laat week and 712 a year ago
Re, clpts here were Ht ears. 47 of Which
graded contrai l Southwest ri celpta were
heavy The gravity of the Chinese sltuu
lion and the likelihood of the Brain carry
ing aervlee being curtailed by the taking
of ocean ateamera for transporting troops
exidted aome consideration.
The .orn market made a hollow, empty
allow of having recovered somewhat by the
bear drubbing given It yesterday, but the
"xpoaltlon lasted for only a moment at
the opening. Long corn from the four cor
nera of the earth, to permit a hyperbole,
waa shoveled Into the pit In Immense quan
tities and Inside of an hour the market
brought up over 2c under yesterday's close.
The occasion for the slump waa to be
found In reports of excellent crop pros
pect as a result of recent heavy rains.
In ducking for the bottom the price got
well within a shipping basis and buying by
shippers and rash people, together with
the uaunl covering by shorts for protlts,
caused a reaction und purt of the loss was
regained, giving the (lose an appearance
of firmness compared with conditions
earlier In the session. September sold be
tween tv'v ami tlVLO and closed v Under
yesterday at :IJ'i'h3!'ii'. Receipts were 1 ,027
Trade In nata waa not heavy, but that
market, which If not even allowed a
apeclally COM$rUCted pit like wheat, corn
and provisions on the floor of the board,
showed a deal of Inherent strength when
tl.e other gralna were dropping like the
mercury on a cold day. The rains which
In the southwest were helping corn were
a positive Injury to oats In the shock and
reports from the northwest were In nowise
Improved. Hence the steadiness. Receipts
were 247 cara. September Bold between 24'4jC
and tJMe und closed '4c down at 234'-
Provisions early In the session were very
weak, but purt of the loss waa recovered.
Hogs were easy at the yards and the corn
break was a decidedly tii arlsh factor. One
heavy apeculator let out a long line and
another sold short, this stuff forming the
bulk of the offerings. The recovery, such
aa It was. was on buying by packers. Sep
tember pork sold between IlLMa and 11145
and closed under yesterday at $11.50; Sep
tember lurd. between MTIM and Jt',.55, clos
ing imjflfir down at lii.UViii', t;7',, and Sep
tember ribs, tu t w een ti.75 and Jti.55, wdth
the lose 12'Vfi 15e depressed at W.6S(f6.7V4.
Kstlmated receipts tomorrow: Wheat. 5
ears; corn, o curs; oats, loo cars; hogs,
OOOuO head.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
articles. Open. illgh. Low. CIOM. Yes y.
July Aug.
. July
I m nl
July Sept.
74 76 f 7
74Sl7:,i'i1.. 76H0H
3shi mwi aw
39a'.ia 40Hn
38 :;:.. i't'a II
4i one
12 (5
12 2i
6 T2
6 SO
li MP j
6 70
6 K5
11 B7Mtj
12 15 I
H 72'; I
11 45
I 12 05 ,
U 45
11 40
fi 60
fi 55
11 70
6 J
fi r,7's
6 70
6 57'-
; K7';
6 65
h HO
H 72'S
I b ill
75 ;
6 72'-i
6 72',
li 65
H 55
ti 60
No. I.
Cash quotations were as follows:
FIXtl'R-Qulet ; winter patents. 14.1004.10;
straights. $3.20tfi3.90; sjirlng specials. It 7",'o
4 S6; spring patents. $3 7i"it4.30; straights.
$:130iiB M). bakers. $2
WHEAT No 3. 7l'-.'.i74c; No. 2 red. 76'..
CORN-No. 2. SIWiSSSc; No. 2 vellow. :;r.i
OATS No. 2. 25', c; No. 2 white, 25V: No
I white, 24i44t25'-.c
RYE No. 2. 68W(rafJc.
RA Itl.KV lined f. edlng. 4i".i40ijc; fair to
chob e maltlnir. 4MMl0.
SEEDS -No 1 tlax. $1.80; No. I northwest
ern. $160. Prime timothy, MM. Clover,
contract grade. $x 00
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. $10 S5
r 1 1. IS Lard, per loo lbs . $6 15W6.62' Short
ribs sides i loose i, i; Mr.i6.s5. Dry salted
shoulders (boaed). 1(1.7601.00. Short clear
sides (boaed), $7.$O4J7J0
WHISKY Basts nf high wines, per gal.
SI'OARS -Cut loaf. $6s. granul ited, $6.32;
confectioners' A. $6.2. off A, $6.13,
Following are the receipts and shipments
for today:
Articles. Receipts. Shipments
Flour, bhls 17.000 ll.ftjt)
Wheat, hu 75,000 I6.000
Corn, hu (M,000 Mi.OOO
Oats, hu MO.OOO 22' 0 0
Rye, bu 6,000
Barley, bu 13.000
On the Produce exchange lodav the but
ter market was active, creameries l;t
184c; dairies. 14&l7c Cheese, at
MiMMtie, i:ggs. fresh, lie.
4aitallna for he Day na arlnna
I o 111 III Oil I I I 1
NEW Y'ORK July 17 FLOFR Receipts,
2R.o t,t, is . exports. 41.571 hbls , sales, il.soo
pkgs ; market Inai-IDe and again weaker
winter straights. M.TMM.90; winter patents
$4 0041.60, Minnesota patents. It 4o'u t v.
Mlnneaota bakers, MOOOt.M; winter extras
B.aVOt.10; winter loa grades, M4Otrt,70
uye iiour. steiiov . sales, 1.000 tibls ; fur to
gooit, n enoice to rancy. $:i :t'.o;t 7.".
CORN MEAL, Steady; yellow western
4c; city. '.Hi. Brandy wine. $2 5n'.i'2 11
RYE Dull; No. 3 western, 60.e. f o b.
anoat ; Hate, MMflO, c, 1. f., New York
BARLEY Nominal; feeding, ike, c. I. f
Now ork. malting, 49'.C3c, c. I. f . New
WHEAT Reoelpta, I.MO bu ; exports. 21
wv uu.; sates. .2t.'..i hu futures and 21.000
nu. exisiri npoi. uini; no 2 re. I. w I
o. b.. afloat, and MSc elevator , No!
nvrinarn. I'uiuin, wi', 1. o. u., anoat, to
arrive; rno. 1 nam, oututh, sMie, f. o. h.,
afloat, to arrive. Options opened rathet
nrm on unexpectedly steady cables, but
not having any support quickly fall
on wiin corn aim were weak most of the
aeaslon Influenced also by ralni In th
nortnwesi. weaaer late caoic-, 1111,0-1,1 11, .w
wneat receipia ami general liquidation
bear trudera were aggressive and coiisi , ,
ably enlarged their short aciounts Finally
the market rami ii on covering and . . ,
mm at a partial v,c net advance Julv sHu
...VI' .. .1 ....I ... . '.jt 1 .
ifc . v 1 u r . i, , n"n, . r . 1 1 e 111 tier, 9Hii-imi
si u-iffl-, ciuneo HI sisal , I ii'lillHT, M,C,
cloned at S2c; December, 81 3-ltktj2-Sic
clued at ":'
CORN Recelpta. 69,225 bu : exports
4aa bu.; aales. 166.000 bu futures and 1 118,
ooo bu. exports, pot, aaay; No 2 H
f. o. b , afloat, and 46c elevator. Option
market cOlMpaad again this morning under
renewed local and outside liquidation. In
fluenced by rains west, lower cables and
goitera.1 speculative deapundenc) Closed
steady on late covering at lVtl'v net loss.
July cloaed al 4k4ac. Seotembvr, it .fi'-v ,
lose, I at 44c, December. 41W41c, closed
at ll
OATS Rei elpta. 49,10" ho ; exports. 41. SM
hu Spot, dull. No. 2. 11 No .1. ,:;
No. 2 white, n No 1 white. Hc; track
mixed wertern. WHWi-: tra. k mixed white,
western. Hu;n . trai K mixed white, state,
.toil. lie Options, dull and heavy with corn
HAY Unlet. shipping 7(H75c. good to
h. i t I7x9i7t4r; state, common to choice,
IW crop. I14fl4ci old olds. 3tr4e, 1'aclfic
coaat, !! crop, lOMfc; old olds, .vw,
HIliKS Firm; flalveafoti. to 25 lbs.
lie; California. 21 to K Ibe . 21'c, Texas
dry. 24 to 30 lbs.. fOc.
'RATHER Stead Ituenos Ay-es, light
to heavy sole 2'ii4'lc . acid. ;.1S1f24V
Wool, Hull, domestic fleece, tHTZSr;
Texas. I V,i li .
PROVISIONS- Beef, unlet, family. 110 .Van
12 00; me-is. la.otVtiS.SO; beef ham", S30 OCkQr
fl.OO packet, 110 01611.00; city, extra India
mess. $l(.0ta9lf.W. Cut meats, steady,
pickled belli. e. s'.liloe. pickled shoulders.
pick led hams IOJ10c Lard, steady,
western sf amid. 17 50. July closed 17 17',.
nominal; refined, firm; continent
South Amerh a, IS; compound. VffV.
Pork, firm; family, 114 JOBft.60; short clear.
II3.OO01S.OO; nuns, tl3.00O13.75.
POTATOES yulet; Chilian. II; southern,
tl 1 u2 10
TALLOW-DulI: city. 12; per package,
J ' a ' . 'niintri ip.i'kagea free). 4H04'c.
Hici: Steady; domestic, fair to extra. 4V4
li'.',c; Japan. 41i47c.
MOLASSKS St ly; New Orleans open
kettle, gin .! to choice. 4l'(l55c
' AltHAOKS gulet. Ixtng Island, per 100.
Jl oi'iil 60
FREIOHTB Hull; cotton, by steam. 25c;
grain by at am. 2'c.
BITTTER Recelpla, 16.162 pkgi . market
ateady: creameries, 164511c: factory. lloic.
CHEESE Receipts. 14.610 pkgs.; firm;
large hlte and colored 9-Vo9&c; small
white and colored. 9&H7ac
BOOH Receipts. 14,273 pkgs.; firm; w cat
em. at mark. llOlSVeC for average lots;
Western, loss off, l.V
MRTALS The market for metals was
generally quiet. Without any material
change in prices Copper In the local mar
ket ruleil dull and unchanged at 11660, de
spite an advance of 2s Id for spot and 7s M
for futures In London. The production In
the United States during June was 22.635
tons. The total for the last six months
amounted to 131.577 tons, agalnat 121,457 tona
for the umc time a year ago. Iron was
dull and weak at 113.50 for warrants and
17.00tyit.OO for northern No. 1 foundry. Tin
a a sha le lower on hid pric e today, ow
Ing to a dei line of at abroad. The close
was easier here at t34.'fi4i34.26. Lead waa
dull and unchanged at $3.97H4 2i and
spelter unchanged at 14 17'y&4 22'. The
brokers' prh e for lead was 13.80 und for
(Upper 116.50.
Co million nf Trnile and (iuolatlnaa oat
On pie and Enney I" rod nee.
RQQfl Receipts, liberal; good stock, 10c.
LIVE POULTRY HIM, TlafjlCi roosters,
according to age and size, 31f4r; broilers,
14c; ducks, 4'fi.V; geeao. VaSc; turkeva. Sc.
''c; roosters, 5tic; ducks and geese, Dtfloc;
brollerM, 1'4 to 2 lbs., per iloz., 3.0O4j)4.60;
turkeys. 12'ac
llt'TTEH Common to rnlr. 13c; choice, 15
Qllc; separator, 20c; gathered creamery, lV$
CISH Trout, 10c; blue fish. 12c; pickerel.
Ic; catflah, lie; dressed buffalo, 6c; whlte
tlsh, 9e; herring. 5c; black bass. 10c; sal
mon l;ic; white bass, 10c: cropple. 10c: pike,
10c; hullbut. 12c; bullheads, 10c; ring perch,
6c; lobsters, green. 22c, boiled lobsters, 2oc;
mackerel, '.mi, . codlish. I0o; vellow perch, 6c,
PIORONS -Llve, per doi., 90ciiitl.0O.
KA IH--Choice, 9'ulOc.
HAY' Per i urload lots:
17.50; midland, choice. JH.50.
$5.50; rye stra-. choice, $6;
Upland, choice.
lowland, choice,
No 3 corn, 3,c;
No. :t white oats, 24c: cracked corn, per ton,
$15; corn and oats, chopped, per ton. $15 50;
bran, per ton. $12.50; nhorts. per ton, $12.50.
CUCUMBERS Per doz., 40C0c.
ASPARAiil'S Hoine-gtown. per doz., W&,
NEW Tl'RNIPS Per hu. basket, 75c.
NEW BEETS Per doz. bunches. 30c.
NEW CARROTS- Per doz. bunches, 25c.
LETTl'C'E Per doz.. 20c.
RADISHES-H'ome-grown, per doz., 16
PEAS Per 'A-bu. basket, 50c.
WAX REANS Per VkbU. basket, 4(Vg50c.
NEW POTATOES Per hu.. 40r&45c.
CABBAQE- Home-grow t, per lb , lc.
CAl'LI I' LOWER Per doz.. $1.
ORE E N corn Per doz.. lOJilSc.
TOMATOES - Mississippi per 4-basket
crate, 75c; home-grown, per Vi-bu. basket,
KHI'IIARH Per lb.. lVu2c; home-grown,
per lb., 2c.
ON IONS Home-grown, per lb., l2c.
RLACKIIERRIES- Per 2i-ut case. $2.26.
BLACK RA8PHERRIES -Per 24-ot. case,
$2.75; per 24-pt. case. $1.50.
RED RASPBERRIES Per 24-qt. case,
$2 26.
CURRANTS-Per 24-qt
PBA4 'H ES California,
cases, $2.25.
case, $2.
per box, 90c3gl.
per box, $1.35.
PLUMS- California
er crate, xi 15(4125.
per crate. $1.2o4l io.
PRUNES California
PEARS California, per box,
CHERRllS Cnlirornla. per
$1.10i& 1.25; Missouri, per 24-qt.
S-lb. baskots, tn'.i;oc.
WATERMELONS - As to size, 2620c
APPLES Native, 60575e per bu.
PINEAPPLES-Per doz . $1 50ft 176.
0RANQB8 -- California. Mediterranean
sweets, per box, $4; budded seedlings, $3.
LEMONS California, fancy, $4.75; choice,
I :o
BANANAS Per hunch, according to size,
IS 2502 .00
NUTS Hickory, large, per bu., $1.25;
ihellbarka, $1.35; English walnuts, per lb.,
U01So; fllberts. per lb, 12c; almonds, per
lb, irultlc; ruw, per lb., IVx04Jo; roasted,
W i Vst.
HIDES-No. 1 green hides. 7c; No. 2
green hides, fie; No. I salted hides, 7c; No.
2 salted hides. 6c; No. 1 Veal calf,'8 to 12
lbs.. 8c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c.
i utile and Trlrgrashlr Reiinrta ,,f
lirain MIohi and Aalinre.
NEW YORK. Julv 17. Special tele
graphic communications to Bradst reel 's
how the tollowlng changes in available
supplies n a compared with the last ac-
ount: Wheat. United States and Canada.
east of Roi kles. decrease. 8'21.iki bu.: afloat
for and In Europe, decreaae, 1,100,000; total
supply, di crease. 2.921. (Km bu. Com, United
Stales and Canada, east of the Rockies.
decrease, Ll.Otm bu. Oats. United States
an I Canada, east of the Rockies, decreasi
186,000 bu Among the more Important de
.i. i lei In whi al suppllea reported by Brad-
sfeet's are those of 144.000 bu. ut Chicago
private elevators, i:i,oni nu at Pepot Har
hor. 4,l,ooo hu at East Dubuque and 4O,0o0
bit. at Portland. Me 3 he Important In
creases Include Hi, mm bu. at Coteau. 101. 000
hu. at Port Huron, 75.O0O bu. at Fulton and
M.tast nu. at Cleveland Tactile coast wheat
iio ks increased lOTJaw bu
i I.onla i;raln and I'rarlaliiaa
ST I.OI'IS. Julv 17 WHEAT-Unsettled;
Nu. 2 red cash elevator. 73io; truck. 7:1' -Of
75Vic; July, ."T-,'.73V. August. 74''c; 8ep-
emoer i.i. , iieccnioer. TH".'rt
CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, 38Vic; track,
i"uiio; juiy. .ii,r: Depiemner, ts'c
o. rs -Lower; No. 2 cash, 24c; track. 25c;
.liny. i-4c; r-cpiemner. 22'ac; No. 2 white.
jo ,(.
RYE Better a l 56c.
pLoUR Lower; patents, $3 60ni3o
straights. $.12511:140; .dears. $;!00ji3.15.
seeds riniotnv. nrm at lJ.5fiS2.75 for
oia it"' 010 id' new; nax. higher; July
1 'o bid.
COKNMEAI. Sie,, .,, $J 254,2.30
BRAN -Dull: saeked Ins cast track. '9c
iiav steady; llrnottn. 19 nvn 14 -,o, pra Irle
17 f.iv.ift no
RAOOINO s'.i kv,
PROVISIONS Pork. lower; lobbing
$12 25 Lard, lower; prime .steam. $1; 12'.,
choice, h.4i. Dry salt meatc. lower; boxed
extra anuria. H.W; ribs. 17 12'
clear sides. ..:I2'.... B.uon. lower; boxe.1
extra shorls. Ii.'o; clear rins, 7 62'2; clear
d'lii. 1 1 S2I,
Lead. Ilrm at $.195
nrm at $4n5
POULTRY Quiet; chickens. 7i
10c; turkeys. 5'(i6c; ducks. 5ViO
Hoi. geese. Ss; springs. 5 1 ,'c
EUOS- Hliher at 8ic.
BltTTER Steady; creamery,
dairy. 14'ol6c.
PV pl'jc
It r;t r. 1 1 in e lour, i.oou nnis ; wheat
..iti.oco tin ; coin. : 1.000 bu . oats, 13.000 bu
si 1 1 iwie.-n 1 s- r.our. h.coi bbls ; wheat
54.000 Wi ; com. lou.utai bu ; oats. 8,000 bu
Liverpool l.ruln and Provisions.
si can v. .-no 1 nortnern, spring, lis ;id . .No
1 i allf.ircl.i i.s .' Iu--s 4 I Futures, dull
July, nominal; September. 6s Id; December,
la i,d
corn -Spot, steads, American mixed,
new. 4; American mixed, old. 4s iUd, Fu
lures, dull. Jul. nominal. SepUmber. 4s
PROVISIONS Hams, short cut. steady
at Ma. Bacon Cumberland cut, ateady at
40s; long clear middles, light, ateady at
lis: long clear middles, heavy, steady at
42s 6d; .dear bellies, steady at 41a. Shoul
ders, square, steady ut 36s lrd. American
reflued. In palls, ateedv ut J6s.1d; In tierces,
ste.i1 for prlnu westurti at s
FLOUR St. Louts fancy winter dull. Is.
Receipts of wheat during laat three daya,
14. mi centals. Including sO'ino American
Receipts or American corn during last
three days. 76,700 centals.
Kansas 4 It Drain ana Provision.
t ember, A(,0tWUc; cssh No. 2 hard. ',".f
i.. . No .1 lft'.i',i. . No. 2 red. 7mT72e; No
3. aiaic.
i'oRn Setdember. 17',c. cash. No. J
mixed, .W'ei39i'; No 2 white. 43c; No. 2,
I'd 42c
OATS-No. ? white, 2vn'26'c.
RYE No -.
HAY 1 holi 1 timothy. 19 00; choice prai
rie, $-''
Bl n ER-Creami rv. Wa-. dairy, fan v
EOilS Firm; fresh Missouri and Kansas
stock. MC doz ; seconds. 5c. loss off. cases
returned, southern. 6c. new white wood
.ases Included. t4c more.
RECEH'TS Wheat. 15s. 400 bu.: corn. 14.-
Jflo bu.; oats, 9.000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Wheat. 63.000 bu. : corn, 13.-
00 bu.; outs, 1,000 bu.
Htm York Dry t;onda.
NEW Y'oRK. Julv 17 -The spot demnnd
for all kinds. Is affected by the exereme
heat, keenlna buvers out of the market.
the average volume of business Is through
mall orders; the tone or tne marKct is
without change In anv particular. Brown.
bleached and conrse-colored cottons selling
at previous prices; prints quiet and unal
tered; ginghams featureless, nothing doing
In export for China, but better busln.-ss
with other foreign markets; woolen goods
division quite dull, silks steady.
Toledo Market.
TOLEDO. O.. July 17-WHEAT-Dull and
lower; spot, 7f4c; July, 79c; August. S0c;
September, 81c.
ORN- Dull and lower. No. 2 rasn, 41'c;
September, 41c.
OATS Dull but higher; No. 2 cash, .o;
September, 24'-
RYE Dull and lower; ino. z rasn. t'?c
SEEDS Dull. Clover, dull and lower: '9S
prime, $5.06; 99 prime, $5 40; October, $5 .65;
No. 2, 44c.
Phlladelpkla I'rsdarr Market.
Steady; fancy western creamery. 19'c;
fancy western prints, 22c.
EOOB Firm, irood demand, fresh nearby
and western. 14c; fresh southwestern, 13c;
fresh .southern, lie.
CHEESE Firmer. New York fill' creams,
fancy, small. 10c: New York full creams,
g'Mid to choice, 94rt4C
Dulnth Wheat Market.
T-TM I'TM flnn Vta 1? WIIViT Mn
1 hof.l ,. b V. flnA.,..' ,o.iBl file- Rnnlnmh..r
80Hc; December, Wi',c; No. 2 northern, cash,
iKKic; August. ic; Hcptemner. i"c; i ie. em
ber. 787c; No. 2 northern, 77c; No. 3 spring,
CORN 39c.
Minneapolis Wheat Market.
atore: No. 1 northern. July. 76Vic; Septem
ber, 76'' c; December, 77Hc. On track: No.
1 hard. 79ic; No, 1 northern, 77Uc; No. 2
northern, 76c.
Milwaukee tirnln Market.
No. 1 northern. 76'-u78r; No. 2 northern.
RYE-I.ower; No. 1, 58c.
HA RLE Y Dull ; No. 2, 47c; sample, ,0Wlc.
Peoria Market.
PEORIA, July 17. -CORN-Lower; No. 3.
OATS Lower; No. 3 white. 244c.
WHISKY-On the basis of $1.23 for fin
ished goods.
Mew York Monej- Market.
NEW YORK. July 17 -MONEY On call.
easy at I'tKl". per cent; prime mercantile
paper, l'd I'-, per cent.
tual business In bankers' bills at 14 7i4.7'a
for demand and II M'i4 M' for sixty days:
posted rates, $4.85Cn4.fcS; commercial bills,
SILVER Certificates. Cl'.'iHL", : bar.
MMc: Mexican dollars. 48',ic.
BONDS-tiovernment. strong: state, in
active: railroad, Irregular.
The l inking prices on bonds today are as
ref 2. reg ,1M4I
do 4s
1 27 1 B
do coupon
IM 44 N. Y. C. Is
imi N. J. C. a. 5s
.109', No. Paclflc 3a
.119 do 4s
.pci'd HTOtlti 4a.,
.Ufa W. W. e. 4s
. IPU4 Ore Nav. la
.1151 do 4a
113 I Oregon S. L Is...
.11414' "do c. 5s
.121 Fteading gen. 4s...,
,XIH Rlo O. W. Is
. VP: St 1. 4k t 11 c. Us.
.101 1st L s r g, 6s..
do is. reg
do 3s. reg
do coupon
do nsw 4s, reg .
do coupon
do old 4s, reg...
do coupon
do 6s, reg
do coupon
D. of C S M
Atih. general 4s..
do adi. 4
Can Southern 2s.
'hesa ft Ohio Mil al', St. Paul c
do Ss 11C, Kt P. r A r Is
CM, N W. c. 7a. 141 I do 5s
lo s. F. deb. 5B..1J" So. Paclflc 4s
Chi. Ter. 4s 2'i 80. Railway 5s
Colo. Southern 4s I4U Stand RAT s
1 A R. O. Is
IM Tex. A Piiiltle Is.
7'4 do 2a
64 Cnlon PaclfW' 4S...
70 Is
Ill 1 do Is
112 West Shore 4s
7.". Wis. Central la...
US' Va Centuries
lo 4s
Erie gn 4s
r. W A D. C, Is.
OeO, Klectrlc 6s...
lews Ontral Is...
K. '., P. A O. la
A N nnl Is...
M . K A T. 2s
When Issued.
Iloatnn Slneka and llnada.
BOSTON, July 17. -Call loans. MltU per
cent; time loans, Vni per rent. Ofllclal
A.. T. A St. F 26V,rnlon Pacific Mi'i
do pfd Ttli West End I3'i
Am. Sugar IRtj West. Klectrlc 14,
do pfd 116 Atchison 4s 1)'i
Bell Telephone ....113 N R, O, A C. 5s.. 4
Itoaton A Albany.. Mill Allouea Mining Co.. 1
Boston L 111'a Aninl. Copper S4
Boston ft Maine. ...IW Atlantic ft
c . B. A y 1W Boston ft Montana. IM
Immlnlon 1 'oal 3 Unite ft Boston 63
do pfd 113 ''al. A Ilecla 731
1-vdcral Sn-el 32' Centennial 17
do pfd ttli Franklin IIU
Fltchhiirg pfd l-l1! Osceola 64c.
fjen. Klectrlc ISi'j Parrot 31
Mexican Central .. W, Qulncy 11
Mich Telephone .. 7'i Hanta Fe ( opprr .. 1'
N K Oas A Coko. II Tamarack ISO
old Colony 207. I'tah Mining 27
Old Dominion Is' Winona 214
Rubber II ' Wolverines 3S'ii
London Ktnek Qntatlna.
LONION, July 17. - I p. m Closing;
Consols, money ... SSM Kilo 11",
do account OK 'i. 11; ,10 lot pfd 33
Atchison H44 Pennsylvania 65H
Can Paollb) U S Heading- Sj
St. Paul 11414 I. Paclllc pM 7114
III Central IIH4 ilrnnd Trunk M
lnilavllle 71 Anaionda 7T4
t'nlnn Paclflc pfd.. TTtylRand Mines 3;
N. Y. Central 1
BAR SILVER Steady at 2S'.;d per ounie
MONEY'- l's per cent.
The rate of disinunt In the open market
for short bills la 3'j per cent; for three
months' hlllB. MMHW PW cent.
ew York Mlnlnii Moeks.
NEW YORK. July 17. The following are
the closing uiiolatlons for mining shares
today :
"hollar IS I Ontario too
Crown Point 5 Ophtr fs
vn cai. a Va....ito I Plymouth 10
iMudwood 10 QuIckallvrV ISO
Oould A i"urrlt M do pfd 700
Bale A Kuril See 21 glerra Nevada 2J
llnmesiabe 510 Sundai l 4'
Iron Silver .'.1 i'nlon dm 17
Mexican 15 'Yellow Jacket 10
Foreltfii Financial.
PARIS. July 17. Trading on the bourse
today was brisker on Hie report of .1 vic
tory for the allies hi Tien Tain. Foreign
securities were higher and fpanlah 4s kit..
especially buoyant. Rio tlntoa advanced
eharply, atlmulated by favorable oopper
StaUatlea and the raise In metal. Three
per cent rentes, liflf Mo for the account,
Exchange on London, 25f ll''.c for cheeks
Spanish 4s closed at 72.50.
BERLIN, July 17 The weekly statement
or the Imperial Bank of Qermany shows
the following changes: Cash in hand. In
crease, 17.S6fl,iX marks: treasury notes, In
crease, 560,000 marks; other securities, de
crease, 5,760.000 marks, notes In circula
tion, decrease, tt. 440,000 marks Exchange
on Lasndon, 2dm IMApfga for checks Dis
count rates: Short bills. 3 par 1 cut . three
months' bills, 4 per cent Prices on the
bourse were Arm today "ti a more favor
able view of politics Mines und banks wiTc
materiuiiy higher Internationale and
Americans were supported.
LONDON. Juli 17 American securities
were dull and irregular unul near the oloae
when prices advanced slightly. The oloalng
was Ilrm Amount of bullion withdrawn
from the Bank of England today, 40,000.
Hold premium at Buenos Ayres, IM Spanish
4s. 71V
Hank ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 s
CM1CAIB). July 17 CI.-., , In : h $:: vv'.M.
CHlCAUfl, July 17 CI.-.,, In :-. $r vv'.T-fi.
ilaiices. $l,!37.5O0 Posted exchange, $1 n5
4 as New York exchange, 5c prct 1I11111
NEW YORK, July 17 -tlearlngs, IISI.UKI,
t . I I. .....a- U -Jl.l t-t.i
W4 -
jhj; naiances. i;u.
Biis i ij.'s. July 11. -clearing. 20. fa 11x2 ,
balance... $:'.0n6.HX4
PHILADELPHIA, July 17 -Clearings,
$17. $01,100: balancsa. $2.n03.77t.
BALTIMORE. July 17. -Clearings, $3.3K3.
715, balances, $2 309,4
BT Li 1 1 IS. Uu.. July 17 -Clearings, $5.
M!,7O0, balances, IM2.530. Money, steady at
47 per cent Exchange on New York, 20r
discount bid, fe asked
Efforts of lelleo Boll Pari, Meet with
Considerable sorrraa.
N I W York. Julv 17 -The stock market
gave continued evidence today of O'era
tlons by an Influential bull party. Their
efforts to advance prices met with cnnsl I
erable success and were assisted by B sharp
upward movement In a number of Individ
ual storks In which an outstanding short
Interest was driven to cover. Business was
Tor a Inrge part In professional hands. The
regular list wo rather neglei ted and
price movement were unimportant, bill
net gains were generally registered at the
lose of the dnv. The manipulative char
acter of the market was evident from the
circulation from lime to time of some
rather extravagant rumors, but tl.e result
ing gains were prettv well held and the
pressure of protlt-taklng nt the advance
was not sufficient to cause anv verv nota-
ble setback The ton of the naarkei at the
close, however, was rather easy and dull
nt concessions from the best. These were
due rather to a pause in the hull manipu
lation than to anv large selling. I'nlon
Pacific was the most consplcuoua atock in
I ' iim and resumed Its upward movement
early In the day. Higher quotation from
London helped the advance, news of the
fall of Tien Tsln encouraging sentiment
there. A period of dullness and relapse
followed the higher opening which was np
parently due i,, the check to the upward
tendency In Rnltlmore AV Ohio Some
doubts were cast on vesterdav s confident
prediction or early dividend action on this
stock The marital maintained an attitude
of Indifference for simo time to the rapid
advance a CO red tlrst bv Brooklyn Trnnslt
and Inter by sugar, the first rallying V,
from early di preeelon and the other rising
nearly 4 pnlnts.
The movements were due to demands
from the shorts, who were disturbed bv the
nppnrent willingness of Inside Interests In
Brooklyn Transit lo see the stock go down
and by reports 08 Inrge profits In sugar re
nnlng at the present level of prices There
were similar movements In a smaller scale
In a number of prominent specialties. Pn
clflc Moll rose conspicuously 4 points on
the supposition that It would be benefited
by the transport of troops and military
supplies to China. The upward movement
In railroad stocks was renewed after mid
day under the stimulus of these spe.
The grangers. Sou t h westerns and P-
cirica advanced verv generally from 1 to
IH points and St. Ixiuls ft San Francisco
first preferred lumped '." on a few trans
actions. The movement did not extend far
outside these limits In the railroad list
The ateel stocks were rather quiet and
fluctuated Irregularly under the Influence
of uncertainty due to conflicting reports of
a conference which was expecied to be held
today between leading steel Interests, but
of which all knowledge was denied bv those
in tereats.
The favorable crop news was an Impor
tant Influence n the result. The buying
of grain-carrying roads was reputed to
have t origin In the west, where the bull
movement In grain has run parallel with
a bull speculation In the grangers. Denials
this morning of a probability that congrers
would be convened In extra session re
loved some apprehc-...Mon which was felt
late yesterday.
The check In the advance In sterling
rates was due to the offering of hills
against sterling exports. Exchanges are
reported to have been already made for
sending 11,500,000 gold bars by Thursday's
steamer and exchange houses estimate that
the total for the week will run up to be
tween $.1,000 000 and 14.000,000. Money on
call and for short time loans continues
easy and abundant, but lenders are Indis
posed to place loans lor the longer periods
The ruid market was dull today and the
movement of prlcw continues Irregular
Total sales, value. $S85,flO0. Enlted
States old 4s mid 5s advanced U In the hid
price. 1
Following are the closing prices on the
New York Slock exchange:
At. hlson
do pfd
n a o
Can. Pacific ..
Can, Southern
Ches A Ohio..
Chicago at. W,
C, B. ft Q
. 26
. 70V,
. ,
. 46
. 10?4
. ;
, -.0
I nlon Pacific ...
do pfd
do pfd
W. A la, E
do 2d prd...
Wis. Central ....
Third Avenue .
Adams Kx
American Kx ...
i'. s. Baprose. . .
Wells-Eargo Kx.
Am Cotton OH.
.. 5IS
.. r.'4
.. ii',
.. 22'4
.. Mil
. .losia
. . 4
.. 3344
.. M
.. 3',
.. 1
. . 304
.. W.
.. 1
.. 17
.. !0'4
, . 07
.. 3214
.. 71'i
. 2S
, . rt u
. . S0'4
.. 40
. . S34
. 33
. . IH4
. . J2U
.. r.2'4
. . 1" i
Chicago, 1. A
do pfd ... .
Chicago A K
C. A N W
C., R. I. A P ..
C, C. C. A St. L.
Colo. Southern ..
do 1st pfd...
do 2d pfd...
Pel. A Hudson..
D. . L. A W
D. A R O
do pfd
Ma ..
. ."i4
do pfd
. ', AlTiT. Malting
. 41 V do pfd
. S',Am S. A R
.117, do pfd
lliVi Ainer Spirits ...
17S1 do pfd
, l Am Steel Hoop.
101i "do pfd
MM Am, Steel A W.
112 j do pfd
l$Vl Am. Tlnplate
"4 ; "Mo pfd
119'AlAm. Tobacco ...
1 do pfd
dn I
Ot No
Hocking alley. . .
III. Cent rul
Iowa Central
do pfd
K. C, P. A O ...
L E. A W
do pro
Isuke Shore
Isolds. A Nash
Manhuttan L
Met. St. Ry
Mex. Central
Minn. A St. U
do pM
Mo. Paclflc
Mobile A Ohio
M . K. ft I
do pfd
N. .1. Central
N, Y. Ontral....
Nor. A Weat
do pfd
N, Pacific
do pfd
Ontario a w
O. R. ft N
do pfd
Pennsylvania ....
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
"H 1 W
do pfd
46'.. Anaconda M
16 Brooklyn Fi
26'.! Colo. Fuel ft
SO ICOn. Tobacco
210 I do pfd
Till Federal Steel ...
do pfd
lMtt Qeneral Electric
1;', Oluooae sugar ,
'dH dn pfd
Inter. Paper
do pfd
18' lede Use
Nat. Biscuit ....
do pfd
National Iead ..
do pfd
Nat. Steel
do pfd
:,i s
, 37'j,
. 31
. 34',
. 64',
. 94
. 29
. 80
. 20' i
. 97'i
. Bl
. UU
. M
. AO
. 301,
. 12',
. 70
.11 V4
. 54
. 6S'i
. .i
. S7'
. 13
. 92
. 79'i
. :.4'4
. .".S'-i
VVN. Y. Air Brake
711-,- No. American . .
19. Pacific Coast . . .
do 1st pfd...
do 2d pfd ...
Paclflc Mall ....
People's Oas . . .
Pressed S. Car...
do pfd.......
. IT
. JS'j
H Pullman P,
so Igtandard 1:
A 1
St I, A I
F. .
M4 1 Sugar
do pfd
M Tenn. C. ft I.
10 I'. 8. leather
25'i do pfd
11044 U. S. Buhber.
170 do prd
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
St L. S. W
do pfd
St. Paul
do pfd
Si. P, A Omaha
S Pacific
S Hallway
do pfd
Tex. A Pacific ...
IM Western
:'."-, Hepuhllc
II', do pfd
:.-", P. C. c. ft nt. L
All assessments paid. Offered. SbC
CnttOM Mill-Let.
NEW YORK. July 17. Bgcept for a few
minutes around the opening the bear fac
tion had thing,! on the Cotton exchange
all Its own way today and hammered prices
down to th,. lowest figures touched in
weeks Th. August option was by far the
most susceptible delivery on Hie list and
fell to KXri. this being just 102 points below
the best price scored eight days ago. The
market opened steady In tone, with prices
lo a points higher on covering and light
Investment demand, founded on a steadier
feeling in Liverpool than expected. The
demand was soon gratified nnd then the
market began to feel the effect of heir
pressure Point by point values eased off
until holders became panic stricken and
dumpetl OVar great lumps of summer and
later month deliveries The late cables
portrayed empliutic weakness In Liverpool
r ireign representatives Here were pientl'
fully slocked with selling orders, whlli
New Orleans seemed lo actually Hood our
market with selling orders calling for th.
Mile of the new crop options. Rumors
rained circulation to the 1 Heel 'hat an In
Huentlal long Interest In New Orleans was
loitering on the rugged edge utni might
collapse any moment The weaker ac
counts were favorable shortly after mid
day. the storm of lluuiilatlon and bear
Mioculallon , iih-,1 to reach Its height and
from ihen on the market was not only
inlctcr. but developed consider. ilile re
cuperative energy on brisk prolit-taklng
But anything Ukc speculation failed to
come to the front. The weekly iron stnl
men! from the bureau at Wushtngton was
unite favorable, as anticipated The la'o
utilises of tin- inurket were rather better
prices working up to nlmost Inst night s
1 losing 011 profit-taking purchases At the
close the feeling waa steady, with prices
net 1 to 5 points lower
Futures steady . July $9 vlii9.s,; August,
9 15Hf0 1; Heptemher. I 44'(is 4a: October
l8.0X(riK.06: November, $7 !ll'u7 "J'i, December
I7.9167.K; January. $7.91117 9'.'; February.
57 971i7:i,,. Man h i 'A-w.-s.: soot, ordinary
IM60; good ordinary, lc; low middling.
0 l-1c : middling. l'Ci-1'ic good middling
10 7-lftc; middling fair. 10 1l-lc; receipts,
931 bales: slock. 71.114 naies
NEW Y 1 IRK, July 17. -COTTON Fu
tures closed steady. Julv, $9 50: August
11.10; September,; October, ts.24 No
vemlier. $ 10; I lecemher. $ 07. Januar)
M.0J; February. IMOi March. $S13: April
IS 15: Maw Is 1 . soot closed ould. mid
ulina uplands. 9l.'l-lc; middling gulf
10 i-iiic aalea, 159 bales.
HT I.OI'IS. Julv 17. COTTON Quiet
mid. Ting. :V "o sales, receipts. 700 bales
shipments. 400 bales stock. 21 .050 bales.
I Market.
NEW YORK. July I7 -COFFEE- No. 7
Invoice, 7'4. ; mild, quiet Futures opened
steady at a decline of 5 points and further
aaaad off after the call on local and for
eign selling, absence of speculative support
and weak European cables; total salea.
21.250 bags. Including: September. $ 2U
8.50: October. $', 5n, November, $ lo. De
cember. IS HOo rt ; January tl.its$j 70.
March, I tyj e SO , wui a.
Hoga in Good Supply, but Cattle Reccipta
Light for Tuesday.
Cattle Irs la tlond Peaiaad
strnagrr Prlres 'I haa lesterday
Sheep Market Jast
Abnnt the anae.
Kerelpts were: Cattle Hogs Sheep.
Official Monday 3,1 4.M i.9tl
Ofllclal Tuesday 1.S46 10JM I.M
Two days this week..
Same days last week .
Same week before
Mama throe weeks ago
Same four weeks ago
. 5.014
. 6,3.14
r ooffM
J 1,908
s 7:'
A v l uge prh e paid f
Tor the
several days
with comparisons
1 1900. : 1S99. , IM . 1 1 7 . ; i! IM
June 15
June 16
June 17
June 18
June 19
June 20
June II.
June 22.
June 23
June 24
June 26
June 26.
June 27
June 28
June 29
June 30.
July L,
July 2.
July 3.
July 4.
July 5..
July ..
Julv 7..
4 3 SI 3 57 1 31 I '
3 If)
3 H3
3 &0
Julv 9
Indicates Bunday. Holiday.
The -ii, 1 ,, number of cars of
brouaht In today by each road was:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
CM St. P Ry.
I 4 ii 4 si
, a. 7 l.V IO A .A A I'll u-
.... 3 3 3 S3; 3 111 0J 4 44
.... 5 03 1 H 3 21 3 10. I 41 4
.... I Oil 3 M I i IM i I 4
... 4 94 3 71 I I 2 95j 4 45
... 4 93 3 69 3 81 3 15, 4 3i 4 6,
... 5 00 3 3 72, 3 21 3 01, 4 40 IT,
... 6 13 3 I 3 72! 3 21 3 0t 4 S3
....I I ll I m (I 3 001 4 40
.... 5 10 I 3 I j 97 4 M 4 M
...if 011$ ai I i Sf I if) 4 mi
...II C3I 3 14 I 121 I 2 91 4 I7 I 73
... $ ll! 3 85 3 83' 3 111 I 4 63 4 80
. .1 4 191 J fill 3 60 3 24 2 94 4 10; 4 7J
... 5 01 J 3 55 3 2 41 I 98 4 64
... 1 73 3 571 3 23 2 ! 4 031
... 4 92 3 61 3 111 I 4 H 111
... 6 01 3 78 i 21 2 96 4 701 t
a aa I I 1
5 08 3 781 3 61 "I ' I 4 M 4 B
... 5 16 3 83 3 661 3 28! 2 WI 4 Sll 4 ft
... 6 II, 3 811 3 761 3 2s, 2 981 I 4 77
1 1 IK n; 1 .121 3 04i 4 911
...I S 13; 3 78' 3 351 2 06 4 7 5 01
10 6 131 3 901 j 3 2 2 87 4 : JJ
11 6 041 3 961 3 70; 2 941 4 ,( 4 19
12 1 6 02, 4 04 3 73 S 18 4 72) 4 Db
IS 5 13 4 09 ' 3 82 3 14 2 97; 4 78 4 80
14 5 08 4 05 : 3 77 3 151 3 00 1 4 i3
15 3 991 3 771 3 171 3 05 4 SSI
16 5 02! 3 K2I 3 20 3 07 . 4 81 4 S6
17 1 4 94 4 01 I 3 25 2 97 4 82; 4 97
1 1
11 11
12 36 4
1 1
1 8
17 41 3
j 1
1 1
80 138 7
O. St. L. Ky
Mo P. Ry
I'. P. system
E , E & M. V. R
K. C. & P. Ry
r , 8t. P.. M & O. Ry .
H & M. R. R. R
C , H. y. Ry
K. C. & St. J
C, R. I. & P.. east
C. R. I. ft P., west
Illinois Central
Total receipts
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated:
Buyers, Cattle,
Omaha Pncklng Co. ...
(1. II. Hammond Co
Swift anil Company
Cudahy Packing Co. ...
Armour ft Co
Omnha Pkg. Co., K. C.
Armour ft CO., K. O...
R. Hecker ft Degan
vanaant ft Co
Huston & Co
Hamilton ft Rothschild.
Chicago P. ft P. Co...
Cudahv Bros. & Co. ...
North P ft P. Co
Other buyers
319 MM
207 MM
450 1.742 421
238 1.733 216
192 2.351 7S8
CATTLE Receipts today were about as
light as on anv Tuesday so far this year.
Other markets reported about steady
prices, but In view of the light supply
here and aood demand, the market was
strong and active. Well fatted, handv
weight cattle weighing anywhere from 1.050
to 1,375, that Just happened to suit the
tmyers, In some cases sold Mj)10c hlaher.
Common cattle, however, were slow, the
same ns they have been all along and no
material change In the prices paid was
noterl. Practically everything, though,
was sold and weighed up at an early hour.
There were only four or five loads of
cows on sale today and prices were about
steady with yesterday. Good stock sold
readily, but commonlsh stuff was dull and
draaay. Bulls calves and stags sold at
about steady prices.
There were very few stockers and feed
ers on today's maraet, but anything good
sold at si rung prlres. The demand from
the country Is Improving rapidly and sev
eral buyers were In today. The market
is In considerably belter shape than It
waa a week ago and good stuff Is bringing
higher prices. Representative sales:
Av. Ir.
. 970 14 I):,
.853 4 20
. 91
. 1250
. 986
4 85
4 90
4 90
4 90
4 no
5 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
5 06
5 03
5 10
5 10
5 10
5 10
6 IS
5 20
, . . . UN 4 30
. . . . R76 4 40
...1254 4 50
, ... 980 4 50
. ... 843 I sn
.. .. 9 4 70 18
.... m 4 73 7
...1011 4 75 23
...1179 4 80 IS.
. ...1179 4 80 20
... 1172 4 80 23
...1117 4 SO 3
....1004 4 8.", 33
....1063 4 85 101
....1054 4 85 22
1120 4 75
23. . .
. 970
. 801
8 01
5 10
3 30
2 85
3 25
3 25
3 25
3 50
3 60
4 Oil
4 15
4 50
4 00
22 .. .
1 25
2 00
. son
. 905
. 958
. 07
. 550
. 92
2 50
2 50
'' 50
3 00
3 25
3 30
3 30
. . . 895 3 35
1 85 3 75 3.....' 82 4 30
2 915 3 73 10 826 4 35
1 170 4 15
1 1250 2 50 1 1110 3 75
1 50 2 50 . t 1355 4 00
1 1000 3 10 1 1(00 4 10
1 930 3 20 1 2000 4 15
1 1440 3 25
1 113 5 00 2 170 6 73
8 83 1 50 1 R80 3 00
I 680 1 00 3 746 3 05
4 940 1 15 8 870 J n
1 650 1 35 1 1010 3 15
1 1030 2 50 1 776 I 15
4 790 2 50 S45 3 20
1 770 J 75 602 8 20
1 610 3 00 ' 4il 3 25
1 763 8 00 2 W0 3 30
19 801 3 06 6 463 3 35
6 928 2 65 1 ,0 3 71
1 770 S 40 1 800 3 75
II 684 3 40 9 Kit I 85
1 (27 1 55 1 370 3 90
1 170 3 0 14 674 4 00
1 M0 3 60 13 827 4 15
11 440 S 76 2 616 , 00
11 cows 1062 2 50 2 cows 1090 3 00
1 cow slO 2 65 1 cow 1010 4 00
35 cows 1021 3 05 Scows 870 2 65
HoilS - Receipts of hogs today at this
point were not excessive for Tuesday, hut
with Chicago coming generally 10c lower
the murket here took a drop Ruy-crs
hturted out early anil picked up a few
loads at 1195 and $4,974. or about 5'u7Ui
lower than Monday's general market. Then
they seemed to slop and did not try (o buy
more lit that figure Hills rallL-ed from
14.90 lo $4.95, but mostly nt $4.92V, but as sell
ers were not willing to let go at that llgure
trading was siow ii 11 1 1 11 was rainer late
before many hogs had chaiiared hands
When they did cut loose It was generally
mi a basis of 94 .HZ'jei.B. As the morning
advanced tne maraei wenaened unill It be.
.nine generally I' lower, and the close
was mean and bids way lower than thev
were earlier in the day.
As will be seen from the table of average
prices, lodny s decline takes the market
down to the low point of the month, with
ihi- cxcenlloii of July I, win 11 th averae
cost of all the hogs was $4,924. Hepre-
-Illative S.llCf
Me, Av. Sh. Pr No Av. Sh. fr
M 157 10 14 HO 115 23 ... 4 96
101 16 120 4 5 4 373 ... 4 M
81 824 SO 4 8.5 41 21 ... 4 95
4U 151 ... 4 90 71 113 80 95
1 241 120 4 90 90 2KI '80 4 95
50 Ml 10 4 90 7 196 (0 4 f.
tl 273 300 i t) ii 215 4l 4 95
71'. 323 ... 4 90 96 207 IM 4 95
90 35 ,., 4 90 211 ... 4 95
90 106 . . 4 90 0 900 40 4 94
IT 19 240 4 90 9 lift 40 4 95
7 IM IW 4 9ft 4B 121 10 4 93
86 343 (0 4 90 79 117 10 4 95
M 211 11 ii 71 117 ... II
r . 795 10 4 M 11 ll V 4 98
;i t$7 . 4 ft 7S ... .$ ... 4 95
10 Bj l0 4 90 M M . . 4 9
M III 1 9t ' ::o lo 4 9..
140 96 4 9 M 271 4 4 9.
It 117 9ft 4 90 71 .44 1 4
(7 9S 9ft 4 90 l 117 ... 4
71 .... Hi W CI 72 14 ... IM
it 115 4 92', tr, ... 4 95
71 Nf l.'ft 4 9Kt 9 '.It 4 95
71 II 9 4 91H T 242 'ft 4 94
Ml ... 4 71 230 9' 4 96
97 199 M 4 921, 72 213 IJfl 4 96
IW 9 S.1 4 92S 7 120 In 4 95
77 2Vf 11 4 4JV, J 213 M 4 96
31 227 ... 4 92 V, II 220 90 1 95
71 261 140 4 Hit n :v1 7" 93
91r 219 10 4 M 741 40 4 96
91 191 120 4 92'i 40 210 14 IK
81 11 ... 4 92', 94 20 220 4 5
71 .2 40 4 2V 12 II 90 4
M. 7 ft 4 97', M :;r, ItO 4 95
30 IM ... 4 ttt 71 2.17 ... 4 93
M 2M 120 4 921) 83 226 to 4 5
3 22 ... 4 92', 77 230 290 4 9-5
2 M3 . . 4 92'i 71 211 IW 4 93
5 70 12.1 IM 71 201 ... 4 95
M 210 10 4 92U, 6 239 90 4 6
74 222 80 4 92', 71 240 40 4 95
71 23 10 4 92 S 71 21 240 4 "S
73 23 40 4 92'i 2 tOt 80 4 93
Tt 77 ... 4 42C, (4 2J0 40 95
73 223 40 4 92i, 12 ri 80 4 97',
77 20 ... 4 2i4 2 ... 4 97i,
71 199 90 4 2', 80 S09 10 4 97',
71 243 126 4 95 83 132 ... 4 97',
23 ... 4 9", 74 199 ... 4 97',
293 ... 4 95 81 216 80 4 971,
I 241 80 4 1-, 94 M3 40 4 171,
MS ... 4 95 V. 231 lift 4 97',
71 24 8i 4 95 80 2t . . 4 97i,
U 275 MA 4 95 f,2 M 80 4 97',
74 229 80 4 95 73 213 ... 4 97',
86 233 ... 4 95 59 334 .. 4 97H
81 240 M 4 H 59 271 ... 4 971.,
M 17 ... 4 96 18 233 80 4 97'4
U 213 40 4 95 46 292 120 5 On
7 210 4ft 4 95 (3 ;-j j oft
242 4ft 4 9 62 103 ... S 00
II 25 ... 4 93 2 104 ... 6 "0
71 224 4ft 4 95 49 319 ... 5 02',
7 22 SO 4 93
SHEEP The supply today showed eon
slderable falling off us compnred with yes
tcrday, and the demand continued f.ilrlv
good. Sell.-rs as 11 rule held for a little
better prices, bill bids were about the same
ns they were yesterday, and packers only
wanted the sheep nt steady prices. As a
result the market was a little slow on the
feeder lamb", $3 5ovrfM.fi0.
118 western ewes
Av. IT
lll $3 '."ft
9; 4 m
52 4 on
5S 5 90
74 1 25
97 3 40
273 western wethers
a, cull lambs
501 Idaho spring lambs
499 South liakota feeders
241 South Dakota wethers
atlre Mterra IvrratF Aliont Steady
Sheep steady to Slow.
CHICAOO, 111 . July 17 CATTLH Re
celpts, t,0U head, native steers average
about steady. Texans slow to 0Q lower,
butchers' stock steady to strong; natives,
best on sale today one carload at H.W:
good to prime steers. $5 0006.70; poor to
medium. M.60QS.OO; selected feeder, steads
at $4.00'ri 1 85; mixed stockers, slow at $3.35
6 9.90; cows, t3.004i.lio; belters, $3 no-i
canners. steady at 0.0001.10; bulls. $2 IM
4.60; calves a shade stronger than last
Tuesday at I4.60l 90; Ti xans. receipts.
1,400 head; best on sale today, two carloads
nt $4.90; Texas fed steers, $4.1015.00; Texas
grass steers. $3 2511 4 00, Texas bulls, $2 5'
HOiiS Receipts todav. IV 000 head ; tomor
row, 10,000 head estimated; left over. 6.I8KI
head. Market 10c lower, closing weak; top,
$5.35; mixed and butchers, 6.0OO6.S6: good
to choice heavy. $8.0606134; rough heavy.
II 'io-v.'. 10; light. $5 .ooiia 324; bulk of sales.
$5 1006.174.
head; sheep, steady to slow; lambs, r-.i.'N
lower; good to choice wethers. $4.00911.50;
fair to choice mixed. $3 1'vu4 00; western
Heap and vearllngs, $3 0n'u4.5O; Texas sheep,
$9.0074.00; native lambs, 84.40518 60; w. stern
lambs, St.OOC6.00
St. 1 ..ins Live Stork.
ST. LOUIS. Mo., July 17 - CATTLE Re
ceipts. 4,400 head. Including 1,100 Texans
Market slow and easy; native shipping and
export steers, tt.UO'fia 60; dressed beef and
butcher steers, $4.$0C6.I0; steers under LOW
lbs.. $1.9094.80; stockers and feeders. I8.SU
(54.75; cows and heifers, $2.00?.4.80; canners,
$i.5iJ2.SO; bulls, tl.t4O4.l0; Texas and In
dian Iteere, $3.2fK&4.80; rows and heifers.
HOCS-Recelpts. 7.200 head. Market 5c
lower; pigs and lights. tS.lSOt.SS; packers,
SS.16fl6.S0; butchers, $5.201,5.'
SHEEP AN 1 1 LAMHS-Receipts, z.&uo
head. Market steady; native muttons, 14,00
4l 4.50: lambs, $5 25'ii;.25: culls and bucks.
$2.0034.00; stockers, $3.26tS.t6.
NW York Live Stork.
NEW YORK. July 17 -REEVE8-Re-
celnts 786 head, all for exporters and
slaughterers except one car; nothing doing.
nomlnallv weak aides quote i ni aa
States cattle stronger at lSwltAfcc pet lh. ;
refrigerator beef, slow at 9Vfi9-c; ship
ments, none.
CALVES - Receipts. 390 head: market
slow; vralai. easier nt $4,0046.374; butter
milks. IS.tWO3.00j mixed calves, B.H.
SHEER AND LA MRS Receipts, 4,898
head: sheet, slow; common grades weak;
lambs. 1Wa25c lower; common to fair sheep,
$3.00fM.60; no prime here; lambs, 15. 504(7. 00,
car of Kentucky culla M.09.
HOGS - Receipts, 3,879 head ; market nom
Kansas City Live Stork.
Receipts. 6.100 natives, 1.450 Texans: fed
oal tie shade stronger; grassers steady;
stockerr and feeders, firm, heavy nallv--
Elnnr. ti ?lif?A ill- Irnlinra nn,t f.i.l..w
$3 50; butchers' cows and heifers. IJ.10
414.90; canners, $2.6003.10; fed westerns. $S.71
O6.20; fed Texans, 14 ini'ii 4 :.a ; grass rexans.
$3.0011 4.00.
HOOS- Receipts, 20,500 head. Market dull
nnd Slilflc lower; heavy, I5.06O'i 15; mixed,
S4.WMiS.10; light. $4.75fi5.00; pigs, 14.280 4.75.
SHEER ANH I .A M IIS Receipts. 2.100
hend. Market nctlve and strong to 100
higher; lambs, $V 5006.25: muttons. S4 'K,r
4 60; westerns, $3.k504.28; Texans. tt.10fl4.15i
feeders, $3.250 4.00; culls. $2 5' 03.26. .
St. Joseph Live Stork Market.
SOVTH ST. JOSEPH Mo July 17. -(Special
,) The Journal quotes as follows:
CATTLE- Receipts. 1.S00 he, id, markel
nctlve and strong; natives, tt.S0O6.S5j Tex
ans nnd westerns. lt.00O6.20; cews and heif
ers, 12. 0004.50; bulls and stags. $2 000 85 .
yearlings and calves. tS.50O4.7B; stockers
and feeders, 13.250 1 . '0; veals. $8.0004.60.
HOOS Receipts. 6,60" head; market weak
to 5c lower: all grades, $4 9505 15; bulk of
sales t8.oOf1-r1.074.
BHBEP Reoelpta, SOO head; market Mf
ISo lower.
Stork In Sluht.
Eollowlflg are the receipts at the
principal western markets for July 17:
Cattle Hogs Sheep
South Omaha I.SM
Chicago t,O00
Kansas City 7.550
St. Louis MOO
10.313 1.923
11. (Ol 111.08)
10.600 2.100
7.200 2.500
Totals . .
... 18.796 86,043 16.523
Wool Market.
LONDON. Jul' IT. A 1 the wool auction
sales today 10,169 bales were offered.
Merinos were In good request, German rep
resentatives and the home trade buying
cross-breeds. The good selection of Tas
mania wools sold well The following sre
the sales In detail: New South Wales, 2,200
hales; scoured. l04M0ttOi greasy. 440114d
South Australia, 5iKi bales; scoured, lsS'jd.
greasy. ItyOlOUtl. Tasmanlan, 1,000 bales;
grensv. IdOlsld. New Zealand, 3 200 hales,
s oured. l4d01aMj greasy. I'-lilld Rape
nt good Hope and Natal. 3181 bales greasy,
Is 34d4j'ls 54d. Punta Arenas, 1.300 bales,
grease. .':'u4id.
HOSTON, July 17. WOOI, The wool
market here continues slow and there was
not enough business doing to establish a
price The trade had llxed about im
scoured, line, medium and fine territory
wools as a fair markel price with UOtHC
for staple. Eleece wools offer no attrac
tions whatever and prices are nominal.
Following are the quotations for some
or the leading descriptions: Territory
wools, scoured basis Molilalia and Wyo
ming line medium. 179 lie. scoured. 50c; sta
ple, S206.V; Dtah fine medium and line, IM
17c. scoured, 60c; staple. 62'u03c; superfine,
medium and line IMllO; K nured, tCi sta
ple, 62063c Australian, scoured basis, spot
prices Combing, superfine, nominal ot 820'
87c; good, SoOK'e.
CalUornla llrlrd I rolls
IiRIEl' l'RCITS Dull at old prices; the
market for evaporated apples continues to
iiiuikci nu BvaMiraiau niu".s . ....ii-m
rule quia) and unchanged; state evapora
apples, common, .!',-.05c; prime, v,.i
choice, 644004c; fancy. 774o, cullfor
dried prunes. IVtOrc per lb . as to slxe and
duality. Apricots. Royal, llijltc; Moor park,
15il7c. I'euches, peeled, H'iISc; unpeeled,
(Ill Markets.
OIL CITY. P., July 17 -Credit balances,
tl 26; ccrllllcales, no bid; shipments, 76.142
bbls.; runs, 106,767 hbls ; average, S5,6
LIVERPOOL. Julv 17 -OILS Cottonseed.
Hull refined. August, dull al 22s 2d Spirits
or turpentine, 34s lid. Rosin. common,
steady ut 4s l'K.I
aaaiar 9larkel.
NEW ORLEANS. July 17-SUOAR-Strong:
centrifugal, yellow, 604r; sec
onds. 3&I9-16V
NEW VORK. July 17 SI'OAR Firm;
rennlng, 6-lc; centrlfuaal. 98 test. I lS-llc;
molaaaea sugar, 1-Mc; refined, stronjr.
Mr. Hatch MaUea a snasrestlaa ten.
rernlaa Certala Importaat
I'.tenta and riares.
OMAHA iuly 7 To the Editor of The
Bee The week from July ."1 t . 26 haa j
peculiar Interist to iboe of Neluaka who
are Interestel fl the eatlv bl tory of the
territory, kicatIM It la tlie aen v rssry of
the arrival ai tl,,- mouth el te I'lalte of
ih- Lewis and c.nk- ix edition, i ti July
21. and the first i- nfer n e w th Ih In
dians at Eort calh im iCottncll llluffe) from
July 25 lo 26. Tilt was In the yrai 1804
Sin -where b itWt n fuse poln: th party
cimped on July It,
The time w t l o ne when $JSSfl placea
will be the objects .f hl.iorlcal pilgrimages.
Thfte ore th e t I: Hvin who rU point
out with ac urac- th- lo .illtb- ,f social
Import In our local history. Seme puMtfa
spltltel rillzrn will feel Rd to erect a
tUlUMO tablet en the blufl 61 C.ilhciin,
win re t he e nfermee was held Such Sot
sileratlrns lag I to the stigger len If local
historical eno'elks coul I tint le found In
aon:e of our eltlei and towns on the route
of the Overlap I Trail as auxiliary to the
St.-te Historical s having for one ob
ject the preservation of these polnia and
the Inspiring cf the coming generation with
some rf the Ii iw ns which grow cut . f Ih
deeds so n-co ded The centennial cf Iho
ev. n'e noted n'ove oogh'. and prnhaMy
wir, roll forth a nntal le elehratlon, for
which preparations canno' t.o s on he in
augurated. fRIDIRICK . hatch.
If, Russell of Fremont Is nt the Millard.
Oeorge La Piatt of Healrlce Is at the Mil
lard. V Miller of lola. Kan.. Is at the Mer
eha nt
T. J Hyshaw of Red oBk. la . Is nt the
li. E (Ireen of Alameda, Cal.. Is at the
Judge W 11 Westover of Rushvllle Is a!
the Her Oram!
Or Oeorge Wilkinson will return
New York this week
tl. E. Iddlnger of North Platte Is stop
ping nt the Merchants.
A. H. Horrls and wife of Lincoln are
tmesis of the Millard
Charles E. Hewctt of Fremont registered
Tuesday at the Murray.
M 11 Olbhons, Jr.. of Kansas City Is
Stopping it the Millard.
E W. Heedlc and daughter of Papllllon
were at the Her Grand Tueeday
8. O Sallabeiry and C I. Smith of Lin
coln wen- Tuesday guests at the Murrny
City Treasurer A 11 llennlngs has re
turned from Noble's Lake. la . where ha
spent a short vacation.
J Coldsmlth and family have returned
from a two-weeks outing among the laku
of Iowa and Nebraska.
Mrs. C. B. Haney of Wosr Virginia Is
visiting her sister. Mrs N B. Helly, 621
Norfh Nineteenth sired
.lames Cualck. state mine inspector of
South Dakota. Is In the . Ity enroute from
Kansas city to his home at IjCild.
Major Di h Wlitalor is in Nebraaka city
on business connected wit Ii the l iking of
the special census of manufactures and In
dustries, J II Macomher left last evening for
Arnolds Park, la., where he will spend
his vacation. His family le at present nt
that resort.
John R. Scott and wife have returned
from tt.elr California (rip and leave
Thursday for a ten days' visit with rela
tives at Crelghton, Neb
Miss Bffle Reed, principal of Omaha View
school, and Miss Mary Slmonds. principal
of Cass school, are In Minneapolis, whern
they will apend several weeks.
Rev. David N Mclnlnrff has been called
to Hastings to aeslst in the organization nf
a Pennies United church al that place.
He will be absent rrom the city for several
W H. Crewdson of Corning. In . after a
pastorale of five years, has accepted u call
to the First Christian church. Council
IllulTs. and will be 1 118 tailed as pastor
about August 1.
tjeorge L Erhard. traveling rep
resentative of an Omaha packing house,
who makes his headquarters at Hot
Springs, 8 I)., left for the Ulack Hills
Monday night after a several days visit
In Omaha
Nebraskans at the Merchants Tuesday:
J H Catron, Jr.. and tiny McKee of Ne
braska City, A. O. Hunt and Z. T Wil
liamson of Albion. Walter Gordon ami
Thomas W. Rlackmore of Friend, It II
Jenness of O N'elll, Oeorge W. Conrad or
Humphrey and A. Cow-pert hralte of Heaver
Cross I ns.
Frnme buildings at 1"10 and 1014 llownrd
street have been condemned.
Adrian Rlnnchard has taken out a build
ing permit for a frame ai II It WI
North Twenty-eighth street, lo si ll.oon.
Chief of Police Donahue bus a new uni
form, resolendent lu gold braid, stars and
gilt lettering. It is the most magnlllciu
reeniia in the department.
The body of Charles Johnson, who raa
electrocuted last Sunday bv coming In
contact with a live wire, will he aen I to
Kid Onk. I.i . In lac for Interment. The In
quest hns been postponed until Friday
The Hoard nf Public Works has adver for proposal! for the repaying nf
Dodge street from Seventeenth to I wtu-
tieth and of Nineteenth atreel from Dodge
to CanltOl avenue. Bid will be Opened
at 2 o'clock Jul:' -'7 and mut be a-coni-panb
d by oln , ks for at least 1100.
A ene-story frame cottage at KlaVentb
and Kavan it roe t a, occupied bv win bun
Wilde und family, was destroyed by Mr
at HIS yesterday II Is auppOSOd 'hat
the blaze started from a gasoline slow
The h"iisc waa valued at t-,0 and the con
tains at $400. Both were partially insured.
Workman began to repnlr a dlle pldtili I
two-storv frame building ut the northeaal
corner "f Tenth and Jones street, hilt
were Btopped by the building Inapector,
who will nol permit any Improvements on
the bulI'lliiB- It is the property of Mrs
Emma If. Kennedy, who Is anxious to glio
Hie building a thorough overhauling, but
cannot persuade the city authorities to
Issue lir r a permit for the Improvements.
The new Purnaa street cleaner will lie
given Its first trial on Omaha streeis
this afternoon.
INSTRI' M ENTS tiled for record Tuesday,
July 17. 1900:
Murrain, Heeds.
J O Rurger and wile to Atlantic
Realty aaaoclatlon, lot :4. block .
Bemla park vitiL": 1
Metroi'olltan Loan and I rust ram
nan y lo Michael Berafln nnd wife,
lot II and w'i lot IS, block 8. Mella s
1st add 300
Atlantic Really association to J. O.
Burger, im :i. block 12. laaaoa & 8 s
add '50
A 11 Cressev and husband to Amelia
Reachka. n to feci lot 3, block 25.
South Omaha 150
Omaha Savings bank lo Cornelius
Sullivan, w'j lot ti. block W. Shlnn's
Id odd let
Omaha Security company to Omaha
Saving hank, e tiO feel lot 116 Nel
son's add. and lot 10. block 2, Boggs
& H s Id odd 4.0II
E A Casey and wife to A L Jack
son, lot 7, block 7, Hazel Terrace . 275
Hull Claim lleeila.
C W. DeLamalte and wife to C. H.
Bajltat, bit 15, Rees I'lace 50
W. T Denney and wife to same, s'
lot 1. same 50
Sheriff to C. F. Cnmmlngs. s 40 feet
of n SO feet lots 13 14 nnd 15, block
, Redlck park ....... 600
Sheriff to Omaha Savings bank, lots
9 and 10. block It, West End add. .. 3,000
Total amount of transfers US.Oat
Telephone I (MM, Omaha. Nj'
CorresponUsnut. John A. Warren 4k Ca
Uireci wires to (Jblcago aad Nsw Vort;
8Pori4rir UrVMM
aaaaiia tin
Mrttem lit