Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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..I,- ,i .I. I. - .11 i i ii i .
Twenty-Five More UitlBtulore Kneel and
Swear Pealty to fliu Majesty.
of tho 11,300. After the sheriff promised to
par hid hotel and wine blllo Muhler agreed
to return without waiting for requisition
papers acd was taken cast Monday evening.
Three Million Pounds of Grain Con-
(rnctcil for In West for le
In the Philippine,.
In accordance with Instructions from the
War department Colonel F. II. Hathaway,
quartermaster of tho Department of tho Mis
souri, opened bids Monday for 3,000,000
pounds of oats to ba used In tho Philip
pines, The awards wero not made, pending
an Inquiry Into freight rates and tho ap-
Prom nut hn lnrM nt lil, I nrovnl of the Washington authorities. The
fttilll llrlvrr, of Hie Mtnle Are Invited
to AHcml n Mnei'lnl ,etee When'
the Court Will L'c llenl
.f . Wurm.
Tcsplondcnt throno tho grand mufti of Ak
fear-Ben's court last evening poured his sol
emn admonitions upon a class of twenty
live faltering arplrants for citizenship In the
realms of the mystic and mighty potentate,
'something over a hui.Jrcd of his faithful
subjects assisting him with zeal and en
ergy In tho administrations of the Initiatory
functions. Tho animals were all In docile
humor and the degrees were conferred with
fiplrlt find precision ngrcoablo both to the
novitiates and the spectators. Never were
4ho wlerd mysteries exemplified so smoothly
or with more Impressive effect than last
sight, and twenty-five nowly created
of occultism and oracles of aerial n
Inrrancan wisdom arc yearning for
rival of the next caravan at Ak-8nr-Ben's
cardon In the desert.
That caravan Is expected to arrive next
Monday evening, when the editorial fra
ternity of the mighty kingdom will visit the
proposal of the Clarke Grain company of
1'apllllon was apparently the most advan
tageous. The bids were as follows:
rhnrini Al,.nmlpr f'onnor of Omaha:
20,000 bushels of oats at l,eo, Crcston and
South Omaha News .
An extremely peaceable sei'jlon of the
city council was held last night and a large
amount of routine business was transacted
A communication from a committee of
HAVING LARGEST VOTES IN OMAHA LIST the Commercial club was read In relation
to tno vacating Ol cerium sireeis lur mu
uae of tho Union Pacific Hallroad company
and In addition to the written statement
Messrs. Frcltag and Wells of the club made
detailed explanations. It was aieerted by
these gentlemen that the Union Pacific Is
willing to grant concessions toward the
paving of llallroad avenue, providing its
i tnr lha iim nf certain itrcata wa
l or several uays inuuuum u iciutu ,,,i Thn nluh asked thai a committee
among tho celestials In tho Omaha list of 0l the councij be appointed to work In con
Tho Hco's annual vacation contest and the ,, ,.,., ,h Piub in hrtnelne this
... . I lUUVUUU v - n u
voio oi ycsit-ruu), nuitu o ".' result about. Edson men or tno legal uo-
which of tho ix wero 10 occupy privaiu partment 0f the Union Pacific stated that
T rio of Abandoued Districts Ask Board for
Now Building.
Mimes Pnrrlsh, Wllllnmn nnil .Miller
the Queens of the liny Another
Box I'nrty Content for
Thursdny, ,
Went Sldcr Who Ohjeclert to Closlnic
o'f Mnnrsely- Attended School
Will OITcr n Compromise
to the llonril.
The members of the Hoard of Education
will bo entertained Thursday evening by the
Seventh Ward Improvement club and will
be given nn opportunity to Inspect the site
tho club has selected for the proposed school
that Is to combine tho Ambler, Eckerman
II sTcBctablc?rcpaMliorrorAs-
fl slmualinginciooaQnaiicBuia-
1 il.CltnnrKc nral 1 VYiCPlQ nl
ii'...... vi. ... tins .r hundred nounds. boxes at Iloyd's tonight, strangely, Inetead -.. . nnxloun to havo tho matter nn,i u'ri sm arhnnl. An Invitation was
double sacks Include.!; lO.VO bUBhels oats o disturbing tho equilibrium of tho upper Mttjc,j anJ )g willing to meet tho city half extended to the board nt Its meeting last
bushel!;'1 " per 1W PpoundMs delivered three, resulted In another falling out be- wa m thc pavlng ot tlie road throUBn a1- nght aud wa unanimously accepted,
at Omaha, low and a chango In rank on tho lower brlght ,aJt ycnr the Ambler and Eckerman
J, F. Twamley& Son. Omaha; 1,000,000 nM Tho Ret that tho leaders were pj continuing. Mr. Rich said there U nn schools nnd one room of the West Sldo
pounds' delivered ntOmtiha. far In ndvanco no doubt deterred thoao in Obstacle In thc way of consummating th-J school were closed and children were trans-
I'lnrv'o rimin romtmnv. i'nnllllon. fur- tho lower lines from making the proper ,,, , th ,(.9no of an Inlunctlon secured I unrit-d to Muson. Columbia and Windsor
nlshed at Omaha or ut points west of e(Iort to get sufficiently up In tho celestial ftboul a nr nR0 by fiarau Dennett. This gchools. Thin arrangement was not sat
Kllow As It Is, the former leaden.. Misses ,DjuncUon pr0Vcnt9 the city council from factory to tho patrons of tho schools In
west umaun and a movement was tiaru-u
to unlto the three schools In one. A tlte at
Fifty-fourth nnd Center streets was se
lected by tho Seventh Ward Improvement
Ins the samo ratp: 3.000,000 pounds at JUl contcst and will occupy private boxes at way AUhouch It had been Itsucd a year club and tho Uoard ot Education will bo
?aekVWwPelnseV,'.,8 " 8" "ovdV tonight aR0. there had never been a hcrlng. Ho given nn opportunity to visit It.
D. Ilees. Norfolk. Neb., delivered nt On Friday next another trio will be given .lleEP(.tnii ihnt tho city attorney to In- After looking over the proposed location
Omaha: pounds bulk oats nt cenw prlvato boxes at Boyd's, this trio to be ,,micte(i lo taj,0 tfpg to sot aside the tho members of the board will be oscortci
i t(in rtmmritf diivi urtiitirio at ii nnt4: i i.iiriio ' rr in oi inu lU-uitiana wiv. unwuv. t n t n e arsv nriinn inwflrn var.iiinn mo
B98 sound nt 95 cnti; 600,000 pourulu at mmnnnv. Maud Williams ot the Ambronj L u,u,w nrit wantci hv tho rallroml
The .r". HuVr.Ti ronrJun'o.lo'n CKanas. U-tter (Company and Sophia Miller company. The first thin to do. Mr Rich
vi v . i 1 . m i u u--. h nir tho nrffUll 1 . . . . iL.i it.. MlrVtt 1 i. n,,V. .nntn. n t VI ft v. I li I ril iinrl I nntiir
royal court to seek refreshment In the oasal HtslonnBl Vr Xcle sacks and 'is vote In tho Omaha list As .announced In ocee(i wlth lno ordinance, nnd also with streets, where n ma meeting will be held
ehades, quaft the rejuvenating wators of tho t.cntH for Uoubie Back!S. thnt Is. per 100 Tho Bco ot Kr,)ay. contest to close at 8 Ino aRrccment In regard to tho paving of for the discussion of the school situation. It
etcrnaj springs and fraErant ehowers trav- round- .. 3 00000) pounds No o'clock p. m. Thunday. In the contcst nalIroad nvcnuc. In spite of tho pleadings Is the desire of the club to erect a building
erso the ethereal fastnesses nnd devour tho J?"" ''"; ... ,av rB tn i,P " '. , . .. n .ii ik on,i iv,. r tn rnnma ami nrovldo ic
leaM of magic and supernatural niamresta- per 100 pounds. If deliveries are mado cxclude(1 an,i as thero will bo a larger tho attorncy for the railroads tho council commodntlon for nil children In that portion
tlone to bespread by the grand mahatma. fSnC.. tojv Qf conteelnntg of ncarly equa, rank, c1ncd lak(J any nctlon whatevcr anil of tho clty unlll ,hcy nro sumclently ad-
1'rriinrlnK for Hie Killlors. Deliveries to be completed within thirty somo surprises may bo looked for. tbe matter rests Just where It did a year vanced to enter tho High school.
Over 500 Nebraska newspaper men havo days after notice of acceptance. ,n council Bluffs Mr. M. Wollman, the ag0i CmiilHIon of the Coffera.
teen invited to participate at next week's a. t JJfmmn . onwiwi ;.'V"'n-ud8 " jeweler, will give a gold brooch set In Next ln importance came the passage of . ,.,, of tho flnanccH of the board.
Promotes "Digcstion.Clicorful-ncssandltest.Cntalnsndlha-Opium.Morphirvc
nor Mineral.
Wot Narcotic.
meeting nnil ssu navo sent worn iui iu, Omuha; delivery to eommonco live days opals to tho girl having me miru scoro m the apportionment oruinance ror me nscai preparo(i by Secretary Olllan, was prcscntct
will Join tho caravan. A committee on re- after award mid to bo completed within tho council Bluffs list at tho close of the ycar whch commences on August 6. Hero j,n(,' show tbnt Ul0 (otn receipts for the
ccptlon comprising Unlets R. F. IIodgln, 'mitral arannries company. Lincoln: 3.. contest. Is tho way the levy will bo divided: Oen- scll00, of i8'j9-I900 wero J197.34S.30.
C. D. Thompson, E. B. Smith, B. r. vooti- CCO.000 pounds of onts f. o. b. ears nt Omalm Following Is the score up to 8 o clock crai fund, 10 mills; Interest, 1014 mills; nJ e thQ Kcncra Iunij expenditures woro
Lrldgo. II. U Fowler, J. Frank Carpenter, g,rons doublf .ckii coning p, m. Mon(lay: pollce, 5 mills; fire. 3 mills; public light. ,4,38,503.14, n,i tho dollclt for the year
fiamuel J. Potter and C. C. Chase all at- Pounds ach, i-ound ""Jo uch plli TH, c. . . .:,H,as, 5 mill; Judgment, 16 mills; water. 5 mills. nmounta $71,SS4.60. The total receipts for
taches of the craft, will meet tho MSltors nt tnu tinited States: oats to he old oats of M. WIMlnms. Anihrosc Co !t7,(M)0 1, mill: total. S5 mills. It Is under- lV, ., , , icoc.iton worn siis.S3C.:fi:
JanJkin SmJ m
MxJmnm '
5i5wS Mm
(7jtiW Ayr
knerfee i Rcmcdv forConsllpa
lion, Sour Slomach.Dinrrhoca
Worms .Convulsions .rcvcrisn
aess and Loss or SLEEP.
Toe Simile Signature of
For Infants nnd Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Fears the
For Over
Thirty Years
tho portals of tho royal city and present tho crop of 1839; prlco J1.03 per UO pounds, s. Miller, A. Peterson ao.nns
them at court. Many of the elect of the Bids were also opened for thc purchaso of
editorial fraternity will bo among the guests slxty-nlno horses for tho use of tho Fifth
and no pains will bo spared to make the cavalry at Jefferson Barracks, Mo. Pro
memories of their visit Impressive. posals were submitted by L. T. Hudson of
At tho close of tho ceremonies last evening Louisville, Ky,, nnd John T. Quyton of
the grand mufti nnnounced that he had been Lathrop, Mo. Tho bids ranged from $129 to
authorised by tho board of governors to en- $155, according to color nnd quality. Tho
dow a committee with authority to go out award has not as yet been mado.
nnd cxtond to every citizen of Omaha an In-
vltatlon to enroll himself as a subject of the The law holds both maker and clrcuta or
Wng. A committee ot volunteers was an- of a counterfeit equally guilty. The dealer
nounccd comprising James M. Hcndrle, who sells you a dangerous counterfeit of
Julius noienswclg. A. II. nawitzcr. J. D. uewiu h ai f
Weaver, Lovo Kcllcy, Ilobcrt Hayes, Clem to mako a little larger profit. You cannot
C. Chase, R. F. -Hodgln. A. P. Karbach, trust him. DeWltt's s tho only genuine
Charles K. Miller. O. W. Lee. Oeorgo West, and original Witch Hazel Salve, a well
fleorgo M. Weaver. Fred Wallway, M. A. known cure for piles and all skin dliaatM.
Hall and Roy Tenfold. Thla committee will See thai your dealer gives you DeWltts
follow out tho usual plan of districting the Balve.
Ki'rn. Ilvhnll's '
K. Crime, Miilnner-Metenlf IT.IKIT
If. Mlllltvell, Inee clennlnn Kl.tll).",
May Albee. Nat'l Blsoult Co lf.717
Nellie Wnngbcrg, II. llnrdy & Co... 15.01(1
Kstclle Van Horn. Neb. Clothing Co. 11.3V3
Kmma Inmnn. Boston Store ll.OOi
Courtney 15. Dale, Mrs. Benson s 10.KM
Fnnnln Ooney. Armour Packing Co. .,S07
Ktta Heed, hulldlni; Inspector, 8. O..
Tenn, MrNulr. E. H. Terrlll
Mrs. L. Uraun. art dept. Boston Storo
Mary Devlne. Swift & Co
Alta Brcldenthul, W. F, 8toecker....
Mary Mulone, Neb. Clothing Co
siary nowcrs. uosion
Nellie Crandall, Boyles'
Klslc .Mctz, l'a
Mary Peterson
Eva Cavlev. C
Kato Powers. M. K. Smith Sc. Co..
Ionn Barnhart. W. U. Tel, Co.
Pearl Llngerfelt. A, V. Todd..
Nellie Capplcs, Hnyden Bros...
Kivina iiowc. uauy -cws
School 2,m
park, mill; total. fiB mills, it is unuer- ,h gchooi year of 1S9S-1&99 woro ?US,
stood that tho annual appropriation ordl- tll! gcncrai fUd expenditures wero $451,-
nanco will be passed at tho meeting to be j67,91 ami the deficit $10a,72l.0y.
held July 23. lnhn i.ntnnRpr wan nllawed $600 for his
An ordinance was Introduced repealing ttic tKrviPP. t nrenarlne nlans nnd spcclllca-
eight-hour rule for employes of tho city tlons for Ule High school building. Mr. niMI,nin invnr
Latenser'. .contract , P-'" tf l'UVDll,K LN III1W i MlWZ
nmuuiii auu uu ia.y .... ...v
of thu contract for tho new building.
McWllllams and Adams were awarded tne
and was referred to the judiciary com
mittee. A request from property owners on O
street for a vitrified brick pavement was
ri? answered by tho Introduction of nn ordl- -nnlra(,t for cradlne and lay
. . 1 : . .. . .... 1 - ... ... . ..
3.122 nance creating a paving nisinci wiiam mi- nt th Pacific school, the consiacrauion Diing
w" hnnmlnr os named, urainanccs lor me my- tR-,
lng of sidewalks on L street from Thirty- A rPg0lutlon was adopted empowering tho
rlchth to Forty-second streets, on tho west Bnnrlntnnilent of buildings to employ a
Paxton hotel 1,614 Mo 0f Twenty-sixth street between E and ,nlon Piumber at union wages during ths
rConuTubUhNnCo. l P reet and on the west side of Fifteenth 8Ummer monlta.
oireci ivv itei " - i- rcsoiuiion wu pnoovn .....v.. B"
and referred to tbo proper committee. n, Scott tho uso of the High school telescope
By tho passage of ordinances suowaiKe f . a period of two weeks.
. . .. iL. 1 I .1 . I . V I
were ordered iaia on uic vast, biuc m carl C. Herring, niiorncy ior 1110 uuuiu,
Ing sidewalks InBpoction of Explosives to Bo Loft to Tire
rlty and conducting a canvass for enlarging ,, u . ,e nicc oillo Johnson. Hone Kong Tea Co... 672 Twenty-seventh street from Q street to tho waa crantCii lcavo of absence during tho
the membership of the knlgbthoc.V " tNtaLIOIl CWU Ur niLLO UOU Clara -y gmnha' Casket "corporation limits; on both sides of T nl0nlt of July.
Sevcrnl Counellnieu (Hiject 10 in.
creased Uxpense to City nnil the
Duties of New Olllee Are
(Slven to l'lre Chief.
meet at noon today at tho Commercial club.
At tho regular meectlng of tho board of story of Clrrgymnn'i Former Life an
governor's last evening "E. P. Peck resigned
tls mornberahtp ln tho board because ol bus.
loess demands upon his tlmo and M. C. Pet
ers was elected to succeed him.
Home Women Coming In,
Itelntrd In the Derbyshire
In connection with tho trial of n. P. Hills,
who lately bad his preliminary hearing at
Blair on the charge of bigamy. It Is Intor-
Clora Gray, Neb. Grain Growers' as
Jennie Chevaux. McCord-Brady Co
l.uclle l:ison, rostai xciegrapn uo
A. L. Coleman, tnrougn nis auornoy, .i.inn. hut a letter was read from turn in
5J mado another complaint about the liquor wj,ich ho declined tho position at tho salary
of $110 per month.
230 licenso granicu iw ..u.
Mci uni o! mo pre J eating to note the English end ot the story,
iered somo nmuslng perplexities In the work . u...wi. rr.
of extending to tho prefs of tho state the
Bessie Aver, nurse- 221 street, and asked that the council recall
invitations to next Monday's meeting. Tak
Ing a list ot tho newspapers ho simply di
rected to tho editor of each an Invitation.
When tho answers began to roll ln ho was
perplexed to note that -a numbor of them
had gone to members ot tho gentler sex.
There being certain requirements ln the
ritualistic work that would inevitably prove
embarrassing to the women tho press com
mltteo was under the necessity of politely
recalling such editorial Invitations as had
Kone to femlnlno inombcrs of tho profes
sion. Somo of the recipients of tho Invita
tions manifested tho utmost regret that they
were recalled. One of them responded per
sistently that she was a lono widow; that
sho believed chc could withstand the or
deal, -whatever It might be, and that she
accepted the lnvltatton. Another Intimated
that If sho wore a man tho would see the
how If she had to put up the usual $10
Initiation fee. A well known woman pub
lisher of Lincoln sent her regrots In a
letter, the words ot which wero all spelled
backwards. In conformity with the name
(Ak-Bar-flen. Tho assuranco Is given that
If anjvnt tho.womn do persist In coming
hey will be given tho worth of their
trouble and be amply entertained.
Bertha Meyer, Thompson, Beldcn &
Leoncrn, Charde, Sherman & McCon
ncll Kittle McOrath, Cudahy Packing Co.
Kate Swartzlander, public library...
Delcla B. Goodchlld, Goodchtld Sis
ters Nora Emerson, Adams Express
Jean Kramer, Clement Chaso
Dena Brandenberger, milliner
Mrs. Ella. Qulmby, nurse
Brtha Housemond. Cudahy Pkg. Co.
Fannie Koutsky. Nat'l Biscuit Co....
L'arrlo Kirk. Albcrry Printing Co....
Louise Wetzel. A. P. Ely 4e Co
Adeline Doherty. B. & M
Delia Fair. Sixteenth St. Dyi House
Ella Gamble, Omaha Kurnlture Co...
Anna Owen, nurse
Kato Byan. tearhcr
Cassle Arnold, florist
Agnes Thomas, Mr.. H'artell
Frances T. Bucholtz, Carter Lead
Alice K. Mills, Her Grand
Council Dlaffs.
IFort Wayne S.nn Deserts 111 llrlde
nnd mopes Willi Ills Em
ployer's L'nsh.
August Muhler, a young man employed by
the Eckert Pelting company of Fort Wayne,
Ind., loft that city on the third ot this
month, taking with him $1,300 of tho com
pany's monoy nnd a young woman. Ho wont
to Chicago and was married, but ooon de
serted his bride. Muhler tbcu camo to
Omaha and tried to secure work wllh tho
Cudahy Packing compauy. Ho registered
under an assumed narao at ono of the best
hotels and lived high for a tlmo, having n
largo wine bill charged against him. Mon
day afternoon Sheriff Albert E. Melchlng of
Fort Wayne appeared on the scene and ar
rested the young man In the billiard room
nt tho Millard hotel. The latter did nut havo
dollar and would not tell what had become
as published ln tho Derbyshire Times, near
the town whero tho minister formerly lived.
The paper states that his first marriage,
mado to Miss Adsetts, was kept secret by
the contracting parties because of tho oppo
sition to, the match by the minister's
mother. When tho mother of the curato
dled'and the time camo for announcing tbo
marriage Hills left for parts unknown, and
It was later discovered that he had gone to
America. His wife resumed her teaching,
but afterwards followed him to the United
States, whero she discovered his marriage
to Miss Oolite Powell.
In speaking of the effect tho news had In
the community where Hills formerly lived,
the Times says:
"The charce of blsamv acalnst Iter, R, P.
Hills, a former vicar of Ironvllle, caused a Clara Nelson, Boston Store
profound sensation in uoisover ana in tne
district whero ho lived for nearly ten years,
as well as throughout the county, where he
was well known."
The question of Rev. Dr. Hills' marriage
to Miss Adsetts appears to be settled ln
tho following paragraph.
"With regard to tho oxtrnordlnary state
ment said to have been made by Dr. Hills
before tho magtstrato ln America that Mrs.
Eliza Cook Hills, nco Adsetts, was not his
wife, a representative of the Derbyshire
Times Journuyed to Sheffield and searched
tho registers and thero found tho entry ot
tho marriage, as ainrmcd v Mrs. Hills."
In telling tho story ot ' i trial at Blair,
thn Times Bays:
"The Omaha Dally Bee, a smart, up-to-dato
paper In tbo state, has a long account
ot various matters which have como to light
with reference to tho case since Dr. Hills'
arrest nnd wo quote, from Its columns. The
Information Is contnlncd In a special tele
gram from Ulatr, Neb., and Is dated May
lllds for Cndet Outfits.
Tho following bids wero submitted on
cadet outfits, Including cap, trousers and
blouso: Browning, King & uo,, jitr, uon-
the license. The complainant met wun a
chilly reception and ns no one made a mo-
164 tlon tho mayor referred the matter to tne
NS I . . . 1 . . n rAtami thratnni tn
license . nlMM mmr.nv. 11J.7R
commence mandamus proceedings to compel " ..." ,u ,i
74 the council to rescind Its former action. " vro - -
7U rnu I,.-,! , n v omnlnvfa a little oy "u,r"'" -
- " ' ' ... I . T T., I .... 17,,rtl
Mirin? thn nnssaae of a rcjolutlon com- yji
Union Fuel company, Coal Hill Coal
romtmnv '. ' -412 street from Thirty-second to Thirty-sixth ..... umlcratood that C. B. Bowerman. .hn nlv nhipplnn I havo to tho ex-
Ifna. Cox. music teacher jeo etreotg ana on thc west eldo of Thirty-fourth who was recently elected commercial toachor pj(BiV0 ordinance Is that It creatcu another
HMcfla Wckery Bo'ston Store;'.'."'.'.; 303 Kreot from T to W streets. for tho msh Bchool, had accepted tho po- cU omcc anA makcs an additional drain of
$1,200 annually on mo ciiy ircuBuij.
willing to placo restrictions upon tho stor-ni-B
nnd salo of all sorts of explosives and
combustibles, but do not want to do It If It
inrrnnsFH the oxDenBes of the city. The In
come from tbo oftlco of Inspector ot explo
Ivm cannot bo half tho salary of tho pro
nnsod officer." said Councilman Trostlei
when the explosive ordlnanco came before
tho council at Its commltteo meeting yes
terday afternoon,
rouncllmcn Hoyc and Whltchorn endorsed
the stand taken by Trcstlcr. and suggested
e city official look after tno cniorcc.
the new ordlnanco In addition tr
his other duties. President Karr. who intro
duced tho ordinance, suggested that the chlof
of tho flro department be Instructed to issue
permits to soil combustibles and attend to
tho other duties prescribed iu me new mixt
ure. This suggestion met wllh favor, and 1
was agreed that the ordinance will be pain"''
after amended In accordance with Mr. Karr'i
Tho suggestion was also made that tlu
city clerk might care for the now ofllce, bu
tho flro department is particularly Inter
ested In tho use nnd storage of explosives
and tho ordlnanco was framed fcr tno pro
Mabel Adams. Bartel & Miller 10.351
Addle Deecrott, Boston Store 4,572
Luclle Van Brunt, Hamilton's Shoo
Store 4.20G
nose Beck. John Bono Sc Co 341
Grace Fuller, Brnckett's Book Store. 169
Mr. Ami Klssell, nurie 130
Anna L. Hutchinson. Bono fc Co 20
Edna Wllklns. Bourlclus' Music
House 19
Emma Boesche. tcacner 14
Nettle Kr.icht, Beno & Co 14
Male Lunkley, Stork's millinery 32
MABEL BAKER, Olcnwood ll.Stt
E Be'n5. " "rr.,"'. :i'."vn;. company. Omaha Coal. Coke and Llmo com-
M ItaxeVand dVrect ng the dty treasurer Pany. Victor White. It. McClelland company
41 aro but tho motion was voted down at prices ranging ..uu. .
1? ?hat time, quite a number ot the mem- The 'price on anthracite varied from $7.40
32 bcrs ot tho council were ln arrears on taxes. "5i ton- Mn(,.
i i . nonnett nlcd another protest on Tbo bond of Jasper If. Welse contractor
iS tho corporation assessment and assjrted for the mason work on the now scnooi
that the matter would be taken Into court, omiamg. was ncccpi.
12 . ,.:" n ,.iamt..ti to the Upon the recommendation of
J2 I J 1 tO vuuiu-. -
12 hies.
Street Commissioner uiarK was gnuu
enough work to koep him busy for tho next
two months. Numerous washouts aro to
be niled and crosswalks galore were or
dered laid.
Adjourned until July 23.
make It possible for tho city to punish and
nno persons found guilty of uoiuenreaKing.
Thero Is no specific ordlnanco ot this sort,
and when persons art- punished under the
into law thc city does not have tno uenciu
of the nne. Tho ordlnanco Is Intended par
ticularly for the punishment of men ana
boys who enter and destroy vacant ouuu-
E. S. Jester and E. Purdy appeared Be
fore the commltteo for tho purpose of ask
ing permission to conduct a 6ale lot nt Twen
ty-fifth and Burt streets, mo council re
ferred tho matter to thc Board of Health.
A resolution was passed abolishing sixty-
nve gasollno lamps now used for street light
ing purposes and establishing in tneir places
fifty-flvo gas lamps.
Several property owners wno oDjcci 10
the construction of n sewer on Spencer street
between Twenty-fourth nnd Twenty-sixth
appeared before tho commltteo and set up
their claims. Bids are being received on the
work and action on tho matter was deferred
until after tho opening of tho proposals.
An ordinance was recommended for pas
sago which provides for tho vacation of an
alley In the rear of lota located on Dodfct
street between Thirty-eighth avenue and
Thirty-ninth street.
Klnnl Services for Oenr.
Congressman Mercer has been designated
by Speaker Henderson of the house ol
representatives as nno ot the pallbearers
at tho funeral of Senator Gcur. Mr. Mer
cer Is tltted for the duty hecuueo of hli
lone friendship nnil Association with Sena,
tor Gear In congress. Tho Nebniskn mem
ber left Alonday night for Burlington.
Paulino Pettlbone. Fort Dodge
Daisy Lcilwlcli. linrian
Olive B. Ilctzel. Avoca
F.dvth Nolan, Carroll
Salomn Brandt, Atlantic!
Mile Sktdtnore. Bonne
Fnnnle Deur, Missouri Valley .
Josle Heft, Underwood
Corn. Backus, Walnut
Emma Maxfleld, Neola
Besslo Noyce, Missouri Valley
North Nehrnskn.
Mrnrlo City Golp.
Charles P. Rodman Of this city has been
appointed a railway mall clerk.
Mrs Fred Melcher of Atlantic, la., Is
hn n'iit of her eon. C. A. Melcner.
Mrs W 8 Derbysnire anu cnunren uuvr 1
go'no to Clay Center. Kan., on a visit. A
iina rpttirnnn iram rx
! flnrlnes much Improved In health.
Members of labor unions nre DcsmnuiK . k . .
to talk of Labor day celebration on Sep- taKe 0 lr'P-
will meet Wednes
tho com
mltteo on supplies tho board voted to pur
chase of A. Hospo seventeen pianos now In
use In tho schools. In addition to rental
amounting to $1,445, tho board will pay
$2,040 for tho pianos.
A claim of Gcorgo II. Hess for $000 al-
lfLed to be due htm for services as truant . n,nm. rhlrf "prf-dl helned dr"v
officer from January 1, 1900. to July 1, 1000, up tho n(JW orlllnarjCO an,i is so thor.jghly
was rcferrod to the attorney for thc board.
The following bids wero received for tho
moving of a framo school building from
tho Comenlus school site to tho Vinton slto;
otrle Brothers, $175; Willis McCoy, $160;
Anton Kment.
Save your coupons and h'n somo girl
tember 3.
St Martin's auxiliary will meet Wednes-
dai' afternoon wltn airs, AOKins, mhui
tccnth and Missouri avenue.
Tho Presbyterian social to have been
clven at the home of Mrs. . A. Schrel
this week has been Indefinitely postponed.
n-ui..,.. t..nin Inln thn linrhcr shnn nt
16 Twenty-sixth nnd Q streets early "ondQy
morning aim bio.o u. iiui "
ngninst me
Save your coupons
take a trip.
nnd help somo girl
Germans In Wisconsin Without llc
gnnl to Party llcllrve Present
Conditions flood HnoiiKh,
A. S. Ritchie returned this morning from
a trip through Wisconsin and tells nn In
teresting story of political conditions In
that state Ho says;
"The political situation Is not materially
changed since 1S96. The German democrats,
almost to a man, are solidly against Bryan
and this reeling has been Intensified by
the turning down of Mayor Rose ot Mil
waukee for temporary chairman of the
Kansas City convention, which was fully
aired by tho democratic prews of that state.
a .a- Innlh.. rnatrn n I ) 1 1 1 1 ' I
n:i.i, . rtiiumi -,
CUM Chase? Wayne . ... .. 61782 Jayinr of a l0",Xi I of cK " s " commo
jMSle BehTam, Columbus 40.2C1 has been Issued at the Instance of Charles MJmu LnnKor gay8 that the trayrlln
Charles Ward waa sentenced to sixty
days In tho county Jail yesterday hy Judge
King for stealing a clock from tho Stock
Yards company.
Tho building of a viaduct across the
tracks at N street Is again being agitated
fcy peoplo who are compelled to visit tho
stock yards nnd packing houses several
times a day.
rmnin ri.wiil. firnnd Inland 31.982
Flor.mro Howell. Grand Island 22.127
I.enn Klein. North Platto 20.MM
Gwendolen Taylor. Blair ;.391
Mnv Purlnnd, Norfolk 4.420
Delia Parker. Central City 1.1.6
Vlrdlo Welch, Panilllon Ml
Fannie Norton, Norfolk 63i
Minnie Sternly. Fremont 440
May Davis, Kearney 423
Gnrtle Ingram, Valley .01
T.minn OAniTitnn. Knhnvlcr 174
Knte Walker, Lexington W
Nellie W. Watts. Grand Island 93
Ida B. Woody. Coiad N
Ella Vlzznrd, St Edward 6.1
Ethel Davis, Nellgh 41
Jennie Newton. Fremont 41
Mnttln Hars. Wnusa 41
Ida Miller. Florcnco
Jorephlne. Whltlfd, Florence
Anna Iobnow, Norfolk
Mae MoCormlek. Blair
Hose Kllker. North Bend ..
Anna lng, Sehuyler
Kva Phelns. Blair
Bertha Union, urunu isinnu
Ilohemliins Get Into l.lne.
Joseph Lancer of Wllber, Neb., one of
the presidential electors on the republican
tlrk't. Is spending n. few days In the city
In connection with his duties as tho travel
Ing representative of a Knnsns City houso.
Mr. linger says that his fellow Bohemians
In Saline .county hnvn been won over to
tho republican cause by tho scoro on tho
potent argument offered by good times.
Saline county was counted In for McKln
i.t. hv n nnrrow mnreln In 1S06. but the
triumph thlH year Mr. Longer believes will
men novo cimecirn iroiu ini- reiiuuiiLiu.
rnnks. Nine out of ten. ho believes, will
vote for McKlnley because they want to
sell coods,
acqualuiod wun ui purpcao and proviuiuiis
that It was thought best to entrust him with
Us enforcement.
Fines Will Go lo City.
An ordlnanco was recommended for pas
sage which makes It unlawful to break and
enter houses and other buildings, aud pro
vides a flno of not more than $100 nor less
than $5 for such an offence. Tho ordinance
wao presented by Karr and Its purpose la to
Horsf ord's Acid Phosphiti
Brain Workers.
Strengthens the exhausted and con
fused brain, relieves nervous neaa
ache, and Induces refreshing aleep.
Genuine btari nime IIonsroiD's on wrapper.
One size smaller after using Allen's Foot
Ease, a powder to be shnken Into tho shoes.
t miirna thrht or naw shoes feel easy:
river Instant rcllet to corns nnd bunions.
It's the greatest comfort discovery of th
age. cures ana provenis bwoup.i icm, u.m
ters, callous and sorn spots, Allen's Foot
Ease Is a certain cure for sweating, hot.
aching feet. At all druggists 1 and shoe
stores. 250. Trial package. FREE by mall.
Address. Allen S. Olmsted. Le Roy, N. Y.
Amatuer Photographers-
Find ours a
store whoru nil
suppling can bo
had at reason
nble prlcos
we give, thn
free uso of our
dark, rooms and
bumlBher to all oustoraors or we
will develop and print yourploturos
at a very moderate cost we Invite
you to call and aoe. tho new oamera
tbat wo are now showing This
display will Interest you oven If you
already have a good camera.
tialur i'ftotffrJ)lo S.ijplM.
1408 Furnam. OMAHA
8avo your
take a trip.
coupons and help some girl
mu nnnl.-r.' unlnn will aft Its first an-
nu.rp.lcnlo ami games at the You
cnristiun nsocmiiui. j.a. ....
J4 I anA vcnnar.
27 . ,.u nrrnlnod In nollco court
UU1I1V3 .Oil ' ' ' . . n - ... I , r
Monday on a charge of assaulting M. O.
Cook. He pleaded not guilty and his case
wsb set for nennng
.n..h t. Hmiih have heen cranica a
III oi
The Wisconsin German democrats aro not Winifred Fllleld. Tekamnh 18 'tf "Jl'Woo "voVth of repSlra on tho
follower of Carl Schurr and while many gSilwnSU-:::::::::::::: aVAmWa't S ur5 Sfree?.tt,rThe mill
of them think that tho Philippine matter Nnme Munowne. Aiuion wus rcContly damaged by tire.
Little Liver PiUs.
Must' Boar lgntur f
mlohi linvn honn treated differently by the South .ehrnsUn.
prceldent, they ore not dltposed to crltlclie OLLIR HOLMES. Auburn
him unduly. They say that tn the four "fel -irtmVi?1,Vlitlimwti"
year, cf McKlnley's administration they Anna Mw. ufiirn ?".-..::::....
have learutd what to expoct and they know Kato Schmlnko, Nebrnska City
that the administration has n well-outlined nnn nonafn. "oin
policy. From tho democrats they havo nc.c Nftt0 Mni, Nebraska City
llig to expect and no assurance 01 any Kinu Irene smltn. Hastings
, rA..rt in nnv nollcv Cntherlne Marlow, Beatrice
I Vi."? P."C.y.' . .h J I.lfH Mcponnld, Beatrice
iiieru m u "fH"i"" - " I Anna smoni, wiiDer
democrats of the state of Wisconsin and all wynko Kroll. Auburn 115
of tho old recognlied "ou"'n oey' "uztiw"""
1 PI
Sm Psc-S4silU Wrapper Below.
I Ttay aatoU 4 as mr
rod iiztiNttt.
rOH lltlOUtBECS.
U)IM, iti4A''l-
ifcplr Intention to vole for JlCKiniey. inis m,i Vnort. MrCnok
Is true alio of Michigan and to a great nisa Blshorr. NeiirasKa uuy
f tnwn nd Illinois. The peoplo Ida Mcuari. .mcuook .
w. , , ... I Helen weicn, lyinrom
uesm to bo opposed to taking chances of four Tony gadllek. Wllber
venrn of democracy wun uryan in mo
A laiiarnnierii 1-1 rr
I'oiinllst IlMniiuel Voslpoiieil.
Itching, blind, bleeding or protruding pile
Nil cure, no pay. All druggist!, are author
:!T.,e,0cand?daWthor riftta' S K th, manufacturer, of Paro Pllo
its for the vice presidency, the barbecue Ointment to refund tb money where It falls
and banquet 'which was to have been held ,0 curo anT caae 0( piles no matter of how
wi.mesoay nisi u iin " i0. standing. Curie ordinary case In six
date for the presidency, will bo present at days; the worst cases In fourteen days. One mont.
iiiMnink ni who now nnerntes a feed
10.K51 mill at Thirty-sixth and Hamilton streets,
17 945 l prepnrlng to hulld 0 larger m II at Mill-
' I . . . . . I tin lit AH St PAflffi
17,180 lary avenuo unu iiu.iu n.,.v..
A. u. tiowermnn 01 .uubrbk"". ''
notliled tho Board of Kducatlon that ho
will occept tho position of commercial
teacher In tho Omaha Well school.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles II. Sloan ol ueneva,
Mr. and Mth. A. II. Dorris of Uncoln. C.
J. hills of Fnirbury and George L. Watt of
Beatrice were stato guests at tho Millard
Nebrusksns at tho Merchants Mpnaoy:
City. Thomas Loe of Fullerton, V. Souther
of Crawford. Max Baer of North Platte.
F. H. Smith of Fremont and Jacob Sack of
Deputy United States Marshal Moore itnd
James Alton Icrf t last night for sioux Falls,
8. D., with Frank Goodwin, sentenced nt
,v,a i.rt.i nf Ihn fcdltrnl court tO
one year' ln the penitentiary for selling
liquor 10 me inumna.
"Colonel" John Irish, who, by the way. Is
n.ltlin, n pnlAnpl nnr IrtHh. hilt the TeU-
tonlo Janitor of a disorderly houso nt 118
North Ninth street, was lined $15 and costs
In police court Monday for assaulting Kate
I.elami, tno coiorea coon 01 me eBiuimut
We Might Kick But We Won't-
Tho rnln 1h n mighty good thing for
corn If It Isn't for 11 tun shoe stile Yet
we're. koIiir right on nelllug our tnn
hIiooh nt $2.50 nnil $a.50-whlch nieiiim
thnt wo nre giving the greatCHt tnn shoo
value ever given In Omahn Mcii'h iiikI
women's tnns nt S'J.r.O nnd ja.OO-Thu
Haniin, Foster, Clnpii iitul Hoyden
makes the very best shoes ever made
go nt $3.r0 and you never bought them
boforo for less than $.1.00 mill ?..r0 or
50.00 We've your size for there are no
job lots in this tan shoe sale We never
deal In Job lots.
Drexel Shoe Co.,
Osutis'a Up-to-date Sho Ba.
ch. 1(9 curt, na pay,
Sirtm'i Hs!jc1i
cut all klrtdj had
2 Jc. ti ill drvttUU,
the state- convention at Grand Islnnd this
week, toBother wllh other speakers of na-
tlonai reputation.
MtlRPHV John A age 3S years. Funeral
Wednesday morning, July IS ut 8-S0 n. m.
from fumlly residence, S21 South Twenty
ninth street. High mass at St. Peter's
church, Twenty-seventh and Leaven
worth. Interment Holy Sepulchre cemetery,
application gives ease and rest. Hellevce
Itching instantly. This Is a new discovery
and Is the only pile remedy sold on a posi
tive guarantee no cure, no pay. Price soc.
If your druggist don't keep It In atock send
us 60c, In postage stamps, and wo will for
ward same by mall. Manufactured by Paris
Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. Manufacturers
of Laxative Bromo-Qulnlne and Grove't.
Tasteless Chill Tonic
T. J. Mahammitt. city Inspector of
weights and measures, lias finished the In
BDectlon of twenty-srtven wagon scales and
two largo platform scales belonging to the
lleservolr Ice company, Of this number
four wagon scales wero condemned, having
been found to weigh light. The scales
which showed tho greatest variation were
short only about four pounds on the hun
dred. Siivcn or eight scales showed tho
same variation in favor of the customers,
hut at the rrouest of the Ice company
theso were not condemned,
Tho derangements ot
tho f omuls organism that
brood all kinds of troublo
and which ordinary prac
tice does not ouro, aro the
vary things that glva way
promptly to Lydla E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Com
pound Uterlno and ovarian
troubles, kidney troubles, pr8B Music
ulcerations, tumors, un
usual discharges, back
aches and painful periods
these are the Ills that
hang on and wreck health
and happiness and disposition.
Inew anil jiopulnr compositions:
pieces at 1 cent; 7,000 pieces nt II
7,000 pieces ut T cents; ,000 piece
has a wonuoriui recorm
of absolute cures of these
troubles a constant
series of suooesses for
thirty years. Thousands
of women vouch for this.
Every customer purchasing music at
this grent sncrllleo sheet music sale now
going 011 nt our store will recqlvo gratis
one sheet of patriotic inimlc Ueineinber,
were nro selling 20,000 pieces of vocal
nnd Instrumental music at from 1 cent
to 15 cents per copy Including all the
new anil popular compositions: 'J.OOO
t cents;
leces latest
copyright music at 10 cents Como early
and get tho best
Their letters constantly MHSlC lli Aft 1613 DlUtlll
appear In this paper