TUB OMAHA PAIX.Y HBEt yfOyiAY, JVLY 10. 1!K0. SPECIAL NOTICES .tTrrtltinrli for lhr ealaaaaa will be takea aatll 12 m. for ibe a-ientaa ealltlaa and aatll 3S4I p., ta. tar aaaralaa- and edition. Hum, 1 J-Se as eard rmt IHHrfUa. Jr a word thereafter, "talking taken, tar Iran than ITe for Tar 8rt Inaer tlan. Tkrtr 4trrtlrBiraU avast Wr r a a manrralli ely. A 4 ert leei-. las rrqaavliax a a a -Vered rhrrt, ria kair anawrr a !rrri l a Mhrrrd letter- In nrt I The flee. Aatntri n ilrrtiri will de-llet-a' nrt-seutatloa at tar rlirrk ). MTVATJOS WAJTKIl. "EXPERIENCED first -class a wdTorttf desire toltlon In mill. flrt-elat refer ences N S. Bee. A MPs? II VA.TED MALK !! lO-P. WANTED, we hare steady work for a few tmS hustler of good habit and appar- I C K Altai Co . ira Howard SL B as BARBER trad taught thoroughly In snort tilt)''. catalogue rx3 particulars free. Addrea Wrrirrn JUarbeT' Institute. Oa.hi. Neb. B-2K. WANTED. Iilnm, teamsters, roik ram and surfacing rata. Neh, Wj"(. aiid Jew; fro rare. higbet wager. Mp daily Wmrra R. R. Labor Agency, at S 11th st b 34 rRATERXAL larnrancr fl-r-oTT. w crntl-Tji). itlal work, cooB ;iar Ct x t. lATt Puuainc B-aaJra AX IXTEIJJGEXT roang roao to takr a fbnrthana urtjalarf" W71 It) lx-t whol tfl liar Sot It rh) Miurc U n;;lft-4 ani jaBJUcm a.'ureS. Afl4rei L. Sfi. Ef B-S3 Tl'AXTED. exprrlrarra rlrratnr coaflnrtor. rnurt liaTe ca"i rel-mm Aj?1r to KujMrrtntmde-ut B- Jtuuainc. B cm FRATERXAL Inauramcr dejmtr ,1hdr ccxniemaTi fjwdal -work, coca par w. X T Ufe IWt B ZS3 Jr I J5TLi,VRlGHT forrman, at larcr -oprratinj: ' rtah!l.tmfrt ortljr UK-rouchlj- m- 1 P-lit partita na upplv . ate axr, mm drii X S. Bee. B M1-1C 1VAXTED. men to earn liarl"T trad rj-eclal oSer if ncholarshlp. tcl. board and free transportation at oar col I err at t Chlract. St LodU or Mtnneajioh con- 1 nrvod until Auirnrt on aorfTnit t the o- I inand for our traonatey. Fpietxita rnajr for apptlcarru from Wrtauce; cataioirue , 3J(Jer Bartxr Collerr. Apent, IE Farnam St . Omaha. XeP. B-3JC7 IV WAMEB-FC" (LE IlKLP. AX INTELLIGENT ladr to take a rhort hand Mbelbrhip In btrt nrbool and ;ur for It ben euri.e 1 comil'ted and posi tion .erared A4dref L 2i P.i-e. C MB WANTED, a rlrlf.. 1IM IXMle. Tel.- R7t. C 2& t! rlrla wanted. Cuiiadlan office 1U: Bonclaa C at CORSETS atteC on, Sz. ICli Capitol Are. A4 WANTED, a flrrt-rlajiR. enerl)red at uTOxr. pbxtUon trtniment If sattf fttt-rr. Hrfflrne Bath Co.. nc- Bee IMc C-MKIS TTANTED. a clrl lor dinlnc room and one an Bsltant In Wtcben. H'ut' Christ ian aiMrlatlon hofjiilal XI nth street and Sixth arenue. Council Bluff. C K7 IP A GOOD rook i uce. Aj'ply Hotel Har vard. Harrura. Neli. C M"fl6 37 rxtn nuT iiotfri:. IT YOU want your houw well rented place them with Benewa a: Co. D Si7 HOUSES, etc F. D. Wrd, 1344 Doncla. D 2Ji ALWAYS morlnc H, H. roods Piano. Oface, Farnam St, TeL IZii or fcCi. D :i HOUSES, rtorea. Eemls. Part 011 Blk. HOUSES for rent In aH part or the city. Erenr.an-Lore Co. 2itf S. 11th street. D 11 CHOICE hotx-n. cot tare, rtorr. H"-ary B. Payne. UU1 N Y Lift. -Phonelfflt HOUSEf Jd Cati. Rlnr-w art. Barker bit D ra MAGGARD Vat. 4- Storace. IClt Capital arc. Ted IOC P-X COTTAGE at Lake Okobrji. la. for rrnt. Omaha lcich. A- M. Clarke. Harney. O S Hth St, ll-room. modern. TOR REXT 11-roam modem flat. HOC X. 77th t. Ct.it. L. Sacndera. m S ISth st. t ROOMS, modern, with bam: all In extra fine repair; Ci ta rood tenant. Alfred K. DrLoac ZS Board of Trade. D 2S TWO-3TORT bouw. 3 So. ae.h St.; modrrs rotr"enlence: rood rrjialr. 138. Apply to Clinton 11. Brijrs. 2& Bee Bids, ZiOf' KX SOUTH SI; rlx-room house, bath closet, city water X17.W; thi house 1 close in, 1 In rood' condition and is a harrain at this price. Omaha Loan A Trust Co, ICtii and Doticlas fctreet. D M.W (ROOM cottace. r7Ur Dourlat St. D-M!Ct NEW lft-room lioune, water and raa. Z block from school and ureet car. la culre Wm. I. Kleratead. city haH. D-S54 FOR RENT, flve-room oortare. :th and Blonda streets, 13. Apply at CK North Ith street D 7K JX)R RENT, frtrlrtly modem fiat la Daridce buMtnc wPPAtdtr Hty balL John W. Robbtna. UK- Farnam SL. D 7C RESIDENCES FOR RENT 34 North at St, room. a4rnv...SKM 43 North iSth ft., r rwn. modern Xi.' US Soutli 3th St . moms, moacrn UO BRENNAN-LOVE CO 3Jr South 3M b St. D M73 17 J'OR TtllNT. 1-rt.om boHw. X OS So. la St. ItKiulrc at Room 3!. City HE. D SSI ' lnnnni in ine "'-'- ff & SB, ' Vlffl C-ROOM rWttace. aH tna&rrn. 371 sllaml st, D-MsiS C-ROOM farnlalte rwttare: -nvKlern VS. S. SUth. D Ml ! FOR REXT. desirable X-rm hus- 3S3 N fflth St.. Is Urst-cta repair. X3u ;-or mciKh. Apply 1L J. Windsor. 3C4 Capitol ' are. D-CC 35 ELBGAXT apartments te tbe Witmna, nj-nt-MWi va., w now. . i-u-. 1-ROOM huse. rowenkt-st for two families, modern, un South fmaha Une. 3X Sherman AT-ue D MK4-WT V N. I5TH st . aa aH modern elcht-roam residence In sjAenaid repair, hat Just ibrn painted and paered, wlH real to cood tritaut at a iMrcaia. OM.VHA 15AX -AND TRtVT CO . 3Cth and Don: la t. D MM 533 CUM1XG ST , S-room modera lvue. liar iust been tbarouchiy reaoveled throe c ham r r at 13li.ua OilAHA LOAX AXD TRUST CO . Ifsth and Dourlas St. D-MSM 1KII X. 3CTH ST.. 7-room modern btruse. no furnare. In rood cortdltlon. larre barn, outside ta lir painted, rent. tyil OMAHA LOAX AXD TRUST CO, llh and Iovrlaji St. D-MSE7 ' FOR RENT K C t-. V-room rootlern bouse, first - eiass cfjndttian. tZUU) Jth and Dodpe stk. delrab V-room oot- ace larre yard. Sli. 1433 Soatfa ltih st, ( 10.1m. on main rar line 10 Sevith Oanaha and wlthla rasy walkinr distance of Omaha. X13JUL GLJRGK A COMP.VNY. 1!W FARNAM ST D-3c.--: 17 I'OH R.31.T HOI CS, in: soith 21 st -. 7-room ' d-m74 i A NICE t-toom kimH. HTM at Pio- rt. D-MKt IT row rkvt rt RsiHin rooms. ROOMS-Light beurkrt-;itvc. S3 Harney THREE f nntbed htme);re;'4ur room 1SH ( Sh'rniii are E Til FURNISHED room, housekeetrfne 2CJ S. Man E Ms-A-li BEAUTIFUL modern front mum, first floor; bovseekeejilng : -pUrm. 31 X. lMh. K M7 1C ROOMS J." CaHlol are B-KM a TWO roam twj steely famishe. tr-tlr prtvaie lamBf, modern rfinvenleore. X 2S. Bee . K-M11C 17 '( RM!HKD ROOM AD BOARD. TOE Merrtam .good summer reort. ISth A Dodge, f 2W GLENCAIRN.transiratf ,tL2 Cay 1 Del. r aw UTOPIA. 173 Davenport St. r c- TUB PRATT, south room. ZV S. Z.th St. F PU-Jyl IX private family. 2a St. Mary" vf , DESIRABI-E riKitna. ZM ILaxurr- F-MW IP JVtR REXT. Urr? trtmt rtHwn a-tlh V-or. se swvth nth st. f c: sr N1CEI.T fnralbd poutb irant tiarV" with tKiar. yr Lancia-. F IT TOR HKT TORK AND OIT1CKS. Ff'R REXT ;r In f.rrt-f ia legation-. rit reaKot.ak.lr Apply R. C Pftera & Co c-OBDd floor, B- BJflc J SAC TWO of tar bet roomn in thr Continental bUw-k. 2Uh and Doticlaa rtreet; Fp-dllr nttod for a pbvalctan- win rrmodel to Butt tenant Omaha Loas & Trurt Co, lEth and Ddc1 street J MM3 ACUM5 W.TCD. !af CAX be made dnrtrr next rtx tn month and faT rrboer ' oHarn. E. loKim and necktlf : patented and ctxarantea pood. trrloi twtamp for rte tal plan. 3d. & M. Mfc. Co., Sprit: tAt'ld, Maaa. . : ; AGEXTS. male or female: lert a31er on arth Jnrt off! . anld In every hooa W proat!- M-ll ltatll "SVeldon rr WllUam at New Tort. J M 3C AGEXTS wasted for the mta1H" mbter tire roeker. It 1 irtectlr nolMrles, eaj of artian Hvr the carpet. aare the varnlfcbed floor from mark, and ncratt he and 1 a thine of Pantr 3 C Hare. IS E Locu-t M . De Slolnes, la. J-MCR a SSI PER month durlnc the campaica and t!rmiTent position after man ir ladr Zlecler Co, 12 Dearborn St, Ohiraco wvria-To r nT. W.avTED. to rent, f to JO arre near Omaha suitable for raUlcc hoc- Hrdce. r Bee Bide K M77t WANTED to rent f-room eottare, far- nl.hefl all modt-rr Inquire t"hrlsUe Bros. South Omaha. K MC 20 WAXTED, fuT7il.bed houfc by responsible party, no dilldten. Addref X S. Bee vanti. K mwi it WAVTED TO BIT. ALL kind af household roo3. hotal. tc In larcr or small quantltie Chlraro Fur nftor Co, 149C-30 Dodre Tel. TCO. X-301 WILL purchase a limited Dumber of Omaha Sarines Bank a r counts. Br-nnaa-Lore Co, 3 Sa 15th. X JO: rD-hand ladier whi1. Omaha Bicycle Co. x-smc LIST barpalna In real estate with F D. WeiL Vi Dourlas t- N-MCI J a. 1. li OR 2 ACRES SOITH OF MILLER PARK AXD EAST OF KTH STREET. Address N S. Bee. N HE WANTED, office de,k, talile t.vpewrlter stand and typewriter Christian, ni Sa. Fifteenth. N-77 14 FOR MLl-n K.MIHia SELLING out store, furniture. SU1-S N. IS. 0-K3- FOR SALE HOHMl. Vi:illCLI.ii. 1S7C. PHAETOXS. burciea. road waran. harae Andera-on Bu;o Co. Jith and Davenport. P 3tC- VEHICLES of aH kinds made and rrpairoi by Harry Froat, Hth and Leaves worth. p-an RUBBER tl -ed rehlclcs. Buy em now! Bay "en rieht! Ak for Hart. 1387 Jones. P-MSS Jy-tl MUST sen. Mack "-year-old famfly horse, rood driver, jrentle and sound, lnvestl Cate at Hl( Dousla St. P MH3 FOR SALE, nea- fS hich rr5e Snyder phaeton, very reasonable, apHy ill Kar bach Work. P M!Of S FOR SALE MIfCnLL..!El S. CHEAPEST and best poultry and hoc fence. m Dourlas St. C 3X CUTTERS of druf price. Sherman & Me Conntll Drup Co, Cor 3Hh and Ddce. Q 3HC IDH-AXD safe cheap. Derieht, 3136 Faraam. Q-3P7 B. HASS, Flerlsl. 3 SIX VTnton St. Tel 77L Plant, rut flaaera, boquet. hall, reri dewe. weddlnr and crave decorarloa. Order b mill or eprra promptly tilled. SAFES. buy. sell, exthanse. Schuartx. 114 S 13th. Q3W WIRE fence. Leddy. 3C7 Howard. Tel. laSTi Q 1 A-14 M. V VT. Ut. C73 Oiuaha Eirrele Co. Q 311 1 I XD-HAND w heel. X3 ta 110. new wheels, 1 XIS Omaha Biryrte Co, lCth 4 Chlraro St Q SI 4 ONE rood hand elevator lsard. A. Hosp-. 104 Q ETt , ;u- fr -rcvr. ..r tuhnlir -WHJ UtepUrrt fc boiler of available ai.l . heap Swift and -omiwny Stofk YitrSi fctatiun iransa Chy. La tj-M cr, 30 SEOOND-H AND ma - hlnery for sale every thing In enrtne, kuiler. puroji, Iron tnd wood-workinr machinery, shiftlnc. pulley. teitlnc and mill supplies price lowest Hams Murblnerj- Co.. 3 ICS Wash inrtaa Ave. S. E . Miniieapulls, Minn . arvr,. nK 131. ,r ( ea,v navment Nea nlano for ! r.m rine tuninc and re-airinr Trie. rent tihone 31 i. Schmoller A Moeller 13! CJ-MK3 All Farnam. vrmm conntrr Sealer. 3hand furniture A- stoves at lowest jricrs carload lot er lesx. Chlraro Furniture Co, nowl tsoaee R-33 O.HIIVOVA1TA. MME GYLMER renulne palmist 1CK Doflrt . S 333 MRS. FRITZ, clairroyant. Ci N lOh S-34 MAX HANDEL, tlaln-oyant, 3iH N It. R. i S-Se-Jitl'' KL-CCTHIO TRIi-ATMEAT. ELITE parlors, OS tl MOh. reewnd flir. T Mi7 A3 MME. LEE marnetir Uratmeat 367 S JHh; -room 3- T-.MH7 MME. AMES. tisAha. 1(3. Howard, room 3c floor. Attendant. T MKU-1S BEATRICE HARLOW Arabian tretitmer tiatha. CTH K 1U1, 11 Oil F. T-.3 3 rr.RKiuL MONHEIT. ChtropoilPt. Ull Kam. Trt 5S. UAIIB? hair ".harrijoo-fi. 4rril 15 Hair toflrt tood NacaU 1UI Fi.-r.km Trl rs: r-ai H SOUKS. r. Trft roWr hfrla. Tb eM rtsHaMe. S. P Peierti. JBth A: Ouzane EPPERL.T romrt 1 ordrr lOi Capitol At v a 4 VIA VT. 0DU'i w t health. tU TZgt bJflc PRrt' ATE bonpttal Tor la41f briorf A iaf itic cvBaermrtit. Uahle adMHL UK X 37 OR. ROT. rhtrapoSUt . rem remoTfJ. and p ar. Roaa 11. Frrcrrr Mock. C1" Tit PL.EATIXC and plat-d aklrta t aM kiada. M. GoMmati i C( , M Duuctaf MO( k. RUPTtTRE ccrr-d, so knlir, no pain. 00 fianrfr. ncofl for circular t. Empltr Rup turr Curr, 103 X. T Life bide.. Omaha U S3 PRFt'ATE boar lferr aDd inline potfinr mTjt. baM- adopted, Jtrt Barrt, KJO BurdrUe. U 2T HOFF"S Exjrr & J!rfrlicr Co. Tl. PROP. L.UXD. ehL'OJoilat. 121 Karlrh Wk. A-t TO CT'RE that tired feeHnc pet an OMve bJcrrt. I aad Joi Good iAiydr atTIT.50. p. Lul neurher, JC: rap v; U 71 MOnr TO WA5-HHAL EJJTATK. PRIVATE aOD-j-. L. t. pent: no So lar Gin-ai Broa 1C3 Fur.am W S3 TTAXTEI Clrr and farm loan alo bonda and -aarratt. R c Prtcra it Co., 17IC Farsam St. B-r Bide. W 7 PRIVATB tnoner P D. TTeai. Jtli Donrlaa. FIVE per rent moner Bemla, Paxton bteet. MOXET to loan on first-daR improred city SropertT or for buBalnp pcrpoj-e. Parne :nox Co, New York Lite. V is LOANS on eastern Nebrata and western I jowa larma at a p-r cent. Borrower eta par noo or anr aaltlple. Anr laterest date. No delay. Brennan-Love Co.. Sj South 1Mb St, Omaha. Neb. IV 30 a. CH. t per rent on Omaha, Sa. Omaha. W H Theina. VH 1st Xat bank. Tel. IMS. W S3 MONEY to loan at S and fH f-er rent oa Omaha property. W. B. Mettle, 403 S. lith. W 2 MONEY to loan on lmprored Omaha real o'tatc. Brecaaa-Lore Ccl, 314 Sa lh. w-ra I3.( and upward to loin -on Improved city property and farm. W. Farnammlth h Co.. ISO Fanuun. W S4 WAXTED C'ity loent, Vnd and warranta. Getirye i Company, 3HJ1 Farnam St. i MOXEY In any amount at E. 5"--. i lr CTt J tv unnvivcinn uir rmviu c-r 1 ..w... x.v. . tw.,-... TV MONET to loan on farm and city prperty; lowest ralek. O. F Davi Go, lu Farnam. W 7 t3,0(Ki-l. C.W10-T0 place tjulek at low rate of Interest oa rood real emate. Afl-Jr-. J u. Bee. W S! TO LOAN, on rod security, at reasonable rate. X30O to UttO. aOC X. T. Life Bldr W MKX WO.VEV TO L-OAA CHATTELS. MONEY MOXET j LOAXED SALARIED PEOPLE. Xo endorser or mortca.ee reculred. LOWEST RATES. EAST PAYMENTS and STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. OMAHA CREDIT CO. Room L3S. flrth floor. New York Life Bids. X 340 MONEY loan-d on pianos, fumlrnre. jew elry, horse, ctrw. etc. C F. Reed, Hi S. IS. X 3C MONEY LOANED ON Furniture piano, honse, coa-. etc Yon Keep tne proierry Vales service lou may py tne money batk In one month or , take one year In which to nay it and you ne3 net nay for it one oay jonper taan you hare it. We charr" nothlnc for mak inc or flllnr pajHTs ir examining ee unty and we keep notthinr ottt of the amount 3-ou borrow Be sure and ret our rate before borrowlnr- MOXEY LOANED TO Salaried jople on their own names la amounts from XHLOfi up. You may repay th, loan all or la part at any time and j-ou are expected to pay for the money only what time you ke p It We are the only loan company la the city rlvinc you this pmllere- All ice ask Is a chance to compare r-ite. Stnctlr confldrntitl. OMAHA MORTCAGE LOAN CO, (Established 1S3.) SOS So lCth Street. X 33 MOXET loaned on fnrnlt-sre. ciaroond. watche. payroeat ronftdratlaL Omaha Chattel Loan Bank, 330 & lath, -annalrs, X-343 MONEY loaned -on plana, rumlture. horse. oow. Jewelry Daff Green, rt , xarer tun X-34 MONEY to loan on household furniture. Berrer's Lojn Co, LV4 Taniam St. X-3U SAURT LOANS. CHATTEL IXJAXS. J. W TATLOE. 31 Plnst Nat- Bank Bids. X 3 MONEY l;ana salaried people holding jx-r-manent position whh responsible concern upon their own name without security; easy payments. Tolman. 7 X T L. Bldr.. X-S17 EMPLOYES, see -American Lsitn Co. sd rertisement under Financial beadlnr for money when needlnc same In emerreneses. X MHt BrIXKS CHASCI3S. FOR SALE, wellqdpped hand laundry rood business; tbeap, owner must leare.. N 7. Bee Y MC3 77" LAW Mbrary and pes rt Ire for sale; county seat eastern Nebraska. Address X 33. . are Bee Y MK3 IS FOR SALE, the leading millinery store In one of the lwst town in Neb. doing lii husioess. inrestlrate. Addrea N 30. The Bee. Y MislI IC yxtn SAlZ. the Wlaner a-team roller mill. krated in one of the bt graln-produc lnr section of th Mate property In good repair will sell at a bargain Address J. R Lane or Citizens State Bank. Winer. Neh. Y MSI 4-34 FOR SALE OR RENT a flrst-clts res taurant doing rutfd liuetneas located on principal street tn South Omaha, win bear tut esUration. N 33. 1W. T MK 17 rilR nXCHAGB. HAVE lfi acres land lu -central Nebraska and nsone' ta exchanre for cottare la Omaha. TV. V. Ht3er. A3 Ere bide. Z-ME37 FOR EXCHANGE. fie heme, close to. elrht joam. modern throughout, pert nelriborboe. U.7W1 Wni take one-half in city rental property. Addres H 47, Bee. Z 31 FINE fans and pkBture la Merr.-A: coonty. X sertlon. to exhange for goad city prop erty N 14. Be. Z-MX7D 17 FARM and blur rrass jiasturr near Platts mouth to exchange for uty projverty X It, Be. Z-MX71 17 CV.MMMl M TO REXT. HAVE rofd nam, about ?Sx feet, on rrouni floor, would make fine location for gymnasium er young man's club room, thr rest i reasonable to a rood class of tcnaat OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO. 16: h and DoarUs St. m at LUMIRV. OMAILA Steam La ui wiry shirt 7c. collar, ic. oaSa, c 177 Learecworth. TeL M7. S7 BELCIAX HAHlCs. PEDIGREED brooder Capt Nem score s-v head if ;t.a E H Kendalt St PttU Neb. Mai All I ffR RatAt. RT KTK. 1-A'"RE farm T inbr from rotmtr nL Iwiw. hariv rood fT. etrim pa)rd I rll and cn-rr-faHI-e prlrt, atntut M ' arrrt cw-ar. I rol tmr. a woman, prwa njx if takan ansa Addmi Mt lau Lrrrirtv BaHtTrr PMk Co RR-tn it for -Ai-r: UJfl.tlO for rawlrra. aXmoM new. hout. wtth roll Jt. fronting aib mi DoJct t nar Sad arthalt pa'nnnT prrmaBBt aidfwalk and all -rp4al ltn irr jrntirii t paid Ut in XuH. Tin i cr ! th moat atstraMr piarn in tar m part o: ta o: ritr and h nr-rrT t'T. o2rrtf for aalr ttore 1 XTiWt 00 for on of tbf siarx ajilraW t-roftn i eortaera. rioe to the tmsdneiw part of the eltr The bono ku ja le-n aMnclea and palDted and 1 In flrn-laM o-nSiaoi. 1 Larce .hade trr . afphaJl-pared street i and permanent rdoewalk arr aH In and paid for The location i ZKC si MatT ITl tLZiW for Jtj arret near the i-tty and near street car Bne Tt land 1 lerH and partlr rorered with Umber and Is MdtaMe lor root JLrr prjOi. rTM Ofi for tl-fi arre. nth front on Hamil ton rt . fear block werrt of mlHtarr r i Tvmvn for 1 rr- near Sosth Omaha. ITVlOO for ft. on Half Haward, a tween t and Ci m r&)W for lot KxlaO ft on Hamilton near MlHtarr road, ISAM for rood east front lots on 8. 13tb t irear the Boulerard. RSW for Joti n S. lta t . near the Boule rard: maH cash pajmenta. balanre monthlr GEORGE Ar COMPAXT. 16H Farnam SU Omaha, or 417 X Sth St Sooth Omaha. RE I1K 2 lOTVA FARM FOR SALE. 70 arK. fine Improvement ali fine lotlntn land except about 7 acre, which 1 a lit tle rottinr; i mfle te rood railroad town, about S mile to Omaha Prtre. pr arre a.w In rood Omaha prepertr -ltl be considered a pan payment. I alo hare 1Kb farm lor sale in Harrlkon coantr, Iowa, Write for 11 rt J P. 34ARTIX, MISSOURI VALLEY RE MJ If AX ABSOLUTELY SAFE I.WESTMEXT We ar authorized to oifer a fuH CTft lot tr 33 ft , f bdstr west on North lUh M, near Burdetto rt.. rtonr riSewalk and asphalt pavlec paid for la fan. Term, f cash, balance XII per month for 1 thoot Intereat. i wiu paj- r w" imcxest inaa acj- IruHdlnc assodLtlon la the rtate of Ne- traka. Mut be taken at onre. PATXE-KXOX COMPAXT. Main Floor New York Life BuDdlnc, RE MMi It CHTi-VP clear land for Omaha rental prop erty, win aMine aome incumbrance, lac Farnam K. RE M3P7 1C LAND FOR SALE. liOW acres of unim proved prairie land for ale. The." land are located la Valley. Sherman. Greeler and Howard counties. N'eh In the Loup mer t-oautrr. which ts weH etu.d io that ticirjty ana wtin exreuett rsilroad facll- Itir will rll for one-sixth cah, balance In Jive equal annua payment. Wonld prefer to seH nil these lands to on- nur. -haer Address jno. t. uaylC, care First National Eank. Pawnee City Neb RE MBU-Jyll ' " ' 71. v . .....x-wt sir. 1 r.t Jor RKAL ESTATE BARGAINS. LOW EST RATES on LOANS. SOUND IN SURANCE. HOUSE3. FLATS. STORES, for RENT. First float, N T Life Bide RE SI TOR SALE A fine trackarr properly Elerant residence "property Greatest barcalns la property. M. J. Kenuard & Soa,taii Brown blork. RE I 1 HENRY B. PAYNE, SOS N. Y LTTEBLDG. Real Estate. Rental. Loan, lnsurance. KE S7 LAP.IjE RE5IDEXCE. alore basement, modem throughout . plate crlas In all front window, yl&e ttorch. larre stable and carriare bt-use No. "SI Chi- caro str-et. Price XS. Apply to Byron I Reed Co, Omaha, tar W H. GnffJta, ' nvrifT, I3T-4 MrCnllfish lireet. Baltimore. Md. KE MSB A3 RANCH AND FARM 4aads for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company B. A. MeCallasler. land ct-mml!iiner. Union Pacific Htjdgtstrtcra, Omaha. Neh. RE M31S HOUSES, farms. R. GPattexson. t NY L. RE 1 HOrSKS lota farms, land Irtsna alsn fire insuranc. Beml. Paxton blk. RE 333 IF YOU want to buy. sell, exchanre or rent your property quick see J H John son, HI X T Life. RE GTS K-ACRE farm. V miles nortlrwest -of Omaha: ran all be rultlvated. 147.56 per acre The Byron Reed Co, 33 So 34th st RE TH THE cheapest lot on South Stth street, not far from car line, oa rrade. call for price and terms. The Byron Reed Co . 33 So. lth St. RE 7! 17 DEER PARK lots at XT to H-tQ. with ei? tant tree, are snajs. When j-oa se them yen win say so. 1-OTTER-SHOLES CO, 3D N. T. Life. RE MCC FOR SALE, lO-acre farm wrthln 10 miles of Omaha, rood land, must be sold to dose estate, XT-SOO W R. Jloman. Rooms i and 10. Frenxer block. RE MC 37 ONE of the flrst choice lots la Beml Park, fine house on either side at a barcaia for a few days; and another, lCth and Lo cust., want mney out of them at once F D Wead, 3K4 Douria. RE E74 20 CHOICE HALF SECTION, within S or S miles of tiacklns house. South Omaha loading station on farm, X". Berois, Paxton block. MS riXASClAt, RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. ROOM SC. Third Floor Paxton Blork. I ar jKin ana riimis ei. C.XA1 I l.UA. Ul.Ui iJAf' xi to xifta. We loan money on plain notrs to employe. NO mertrace, XO lndorser Most lil-rU terms of creslt rvcr offered la Omahi. W narc a record for square dealing that' un equaled. We point with pardon a sir prior to these tact Lower rate, easier payments, largest company Are yoa taking advantage of our liberal term A pe.rmaner.t position with re sponsible firm tne only requirement- Open noon. Saturday k p m, STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. Take an hour TODAY and call RELIABLE CREDIT CO SALARY LOANS TO EMPLOTES AT MUCH less tist and embarrassment thaa ha heretofore been jiossible Quirk aad 1 eonnoentlal smT-t s-pecial terms to school teacher durhtg raeatlon. AMERICAN LOAN CO. Room CP: Bee Bdc MM sHORTHCi'D AU Tl I'KWniTIMi. A. C VAN iASTa school. 717 N Y Uft X5 BOYLES CaUere. coart reporter principal Bee Bile. 3uU XEB RA SKA Bua'tiessiaad 5harthaad Col lege. Bays" Theatet., 3d GREGG Shorthand tanrht at the Omaha Commercial College, lath and Douglas Sts fAllPKVTKK AID JOBBERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work tnd repair tit promptly attended to. J. T, Ochiltree. 2th and Lake St. 376 TOVi: BCTllllK. GAS. gasitline store repaired, stores stored. Oty Stove Repair Work, JJ S. ISth. BIRDS AND TAIIDItllMV. FTOCTTS Bird Store. 1610 Leavenworth. FTItMTl'RE r.trKIMi. Onr, Tan A Star 3oJSUH ram. Tel. fOTTRL. HENDErtSOX tit per day house board XliK to ti work. ta i Famam te. 134t, gg-Jrg KGI.VE, BOU.EHS ETC, L. C- Sharp Mach. TTkf. ; motor, dynamo. :a 3D-HAND machinery bought and sold for ctih A. P. Ely A Co , Ills Doueirs st am MKMC KU OONOVA l a rr-nrh trratrerut for tn and Jrmt.lt. far tha poattlrr r-ar f Oon orrh'a Glwt Vtmattira: dtachartri, ln fiammationa lrrttattotx and l"irfratlt of th Biucou cnbran An Internal rm2r w$th lnjprtlon roraNtid. war ratitrd to cvrr -ort ra la pf rk. SZ per packacr or 2 for XI Snt anr a brrr on rrrlpt of prt Thf Kldd Iruc C. Elirln. Ill Amrti-an OfSc rrtali. wtiolrsale. Mrrra-DtMao Drcj Co Omaha. M. A rRkn. Soath Omaha. Di1 Dnit C Coanctl BlnSa. Full Ilnr rabbf-r rooda. 3-ADIES out of braltb find prompt tthtt bbx Omaha. XrS. Connjenuat -m 0TnOPATHT. JOHNSON lnUtute. Sli X Y Life Ride . Jet 3d4, Alice Johnson. D O . Utile' dept.; Cld K. Jokaon. u.t-plhii, Mr. Hi. M E DONOHrE D O . of Still acboot. KlrkrriUr Mo., K Paxtos Blk. Tel C at DIi:.MAKlG. IX Famlllei, Ml Sturiy, rne Hamey 4 Jy-S DRESS MAKING, experlenred help only emiiloyti. II G. McDonald. 1CII Cap Are. U? A4 Toiu.Gn. PACIFIC Storarr and Warehouse Co, HJ (74 Joao, cmrral atcrace and forwardtne. an Om. Vat St or Co, lillS Fara. Tel. lTi. WX JO SIDEWALK. Enck. 7ie foot. laid. J MrGowan. Mt 5 SS. lO-Jr-r TRtWK FACTORY. TRUNKS.trarellair barn. ult case. Trunk re;airrd. Oas. Tmr.k Factory, HOP Parana. 170 WAITED-TO RORROW. H'K ON 1( or li moath' time, rood e ccrlty and lcterert Addrrs L ta. Bee. M7D l'nVCTI.G A.D DRAt (JltTlG. W J McEATHROX. EM Partoa block. Ut A-l TVRKTH BATHS. TURKISH btth. 50c, opea nlrht. 1C7 S. 14. rTi fTAMMCttlTG AAD 5TtTTTERI . G. CTTTlTm Juila Vacrtis t2B Riarf Rifle AaEphaa, ud juatt wot. rrnMTrnc nnrAiRiG. PACKING, rpholrtertnc, maUre, feather renoratlnc. Tel. 123. M. S. Walktn. nil Cumins St. SBWTtG MACHIK. REPA7RED. Omaha Sewinr Machine Re pair Wdk, cor Dodce fc ISth rt.., J. E FhHllp. Prop r -Mir Jj3 BEVriT. DR M1TTELSTADT X4 Bee Bide Tel. 3C. as jy-n MAGM.T1C INFIRMARY. THE XEBRASKA. lncorparated. 15ir-lR7 Chlrnro street, Omaha. MS3s j - j ti.- -T mm K-fn 1 11 1 " 1 CUT rat ticket everywhere. P II Phil 0jn, 1SX Farnam Telephone 7M 377 TYriC WRITERS. TYPEWRITERS, secondhand. 13C Farnam. -37i r.VW.VnMtlrCUKs. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat lar; all bu sines confidential. 1301 Doarlaa. 3M mi:sm:ci;ii servicr. 0. m s Tel. am aa: so. icth st mtks EMBROlDnRT. SILKS and linen, stamping. 303 Capitol At. ta A4 LOT. LOST, a pair of patent leather low boss, on Burt street. Saturday afternoon . tinder will return to 3331 Chieayo si. Lost M33 It ma:m:tic iifaliag. GREAT Western tnstltnte 1C33 Douglas t5t chrome disease cured no druga, surgery -M333 0TOPriCK -BTirK. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, a chanre may occur at any timt.1 Foreign man lor tne were eaatng Jtuy r'r" -'-ions m cinu. ,pnrnrpi tH r.i . Uiuuifl iocs-i 3. jism. wiu cios- iniuaiTi.1 in an cases) at the General Ptomre as follow s PAR- I m POST MAIL& close oie hour earlier than cloning time shown below Parcelt Post Mailt for Germany close at i p. m. Mondaj- Trans-Atlavatic Malls. TUESDAY At 7 a. m for EUROPE, per s. aBw and Farnam St. Ticket a. Kalserta Maria Thermit, ria CSar- Office. 14m Farnam St. Telephone sL D bourc. Southampton itnd Bremen. pot. Tenth tnd Mason Sts. Telephone. C. WEDNESDAY At 1 a. m. for IRELAND t Leave. -Arrive, per r. s. New England, from Boston at Twin City Express ..a tiS am a30:5U pm 5:a a. m. for EUROPE, ir . s Deutseh- ' Twin City Limited a 7.3 pra a t.li am land, via Plj-mouth, Cherbourg and Ham- purg tmau must i aireraea 7sr . Deutschland" 1. at . a m 1 supplementary a. ml for EUROPE, p-r s s St Paul via Southampton at r m. (trrpple mrutar) i a. ro for EUROPE, i-r a. s. Cymric via yueenetown imil1 must be dlre-tei ";ier .. s. Cj-mrl 1. at 1 ,3 a m lor BELGIUM direct, per s. s. Frlesland mail must be direct ra "per . a. Fries- isnd" 1 THURFDAT At 7 a m for FR.4.NCE SWrTZERLAND ITALY. SPAIN POK- TUGAL. TURKEY. EGYIT and BRIT- 3SH INDIA per a s La Bre-agne via Havre mall for otlier parts of Borote must I Clrrrted "per1 Ls Bretacne 1 SATURDAY At I a a for NETHER-4 LANDS direct. j-r . . Spaamdam 'roaH ' must be directed ";r-r s. s 5paarndm"i . 1 at a. m. for ITALY, per s. . Em -mail I must be directed "per s . Em" at s:3u 1 a. m. (supplementary 31 a. m.j for EC- ROPE jer s 5Tvla, via Queenstown at 1(" a m. for SCOTLAND direct ter Ethiopia tmaii must be directed "per s . Ethiopia"!, at 31 a m. for NuRWAT direr- jr-r s s Hekla -man must le di rected "I-r a. s. Hekla ) I PRINTED MATTE! , ETC - German steamer sailing on Tuesday tak IVlnted MHtter. etc.. lor tier-many, ana Specially Addressed Printed Matter etc, for other part of Euroje, American and White Star rtearot-r on Wednesday. German and French steamer on Thursday, and Cunard and German steamer on Satur- dars take ?rite- Matter, tie. for all oouatrlef for which they arr ad van i ted to c-arrj' mall After the dosing ot the Supplementary Transatlantic Mall named abort, addi tional supplementary mall are oje-ned oa the pier of the American. Enftith, French and German steamers, and remain occ until -within Ten Minute of th hour of Killing of stejuner Mall for So-ntst and Central .America, IV est ladle. tr. MONDAY At 1p m for LEEWARD IS LANDS and DEMERARA, j.er . . lller TUESDAT At t:V a. m. 1 suwJenvnury 30 JO a mj far CENTRAL AMERICA except Coista Rica) and SOUTH PA "TF3C PORTS, per s. Advance via Colon tmaii for Guatemala must be di rected "jer K . AdraiMt- 1, at 16 a m f jt INAGUA, HAITI and SANTA MAR THA. j-T a. . B-lrernOE at a. m for JAMAICA, per k . Admiral Dcwry, from B'x-ton. WEI'NESDAY At 3 p. m. (supplementary IVi m.) for NASSAU N V . lr t. s. Antilia imail must be direited "per Annua"). THURSDAY At f a. m for BERMX'DA ter a. . Trinidad, at lh:30 a. m foi HATT3 jxir a. s. I Tins Wm 1 4mil for Curaraa. Trinidad. Venexyti. British and Dutch Galatia must be tUrertefl -'ier s- a Print Wm 1. 1. at 1 p m for YUCATAN CAMrBTHK. TARASOf and CHIAPAS, per . Oriaaba, via lltvar.a and Pro greso (mail for oiner part of Mexlro an4 f -r 'Lti trust be )1r'ed "jht a a Ori xAba at i p m, -upiratiur)' lit a roTorvn u sotick. ml fr ?ARAU N P OUANTANAM 3 1 and AANT1AOO. par a. a ftarator A I P m. for JAMAICA, per - A i sural Schley, frren Batea. FRIDAT At 1 p m. f or IXAGUA. pr a a. Tbetnlt (mall tr Jamaica. BeUia. Puerto Ofrtei and Guattmala aut! l !jrt ed tr a a Tiiemi . at 3 t m uppl jnctary IM r m for TURKS ISL.VND and DOMINICAN REPUBLIC per a 7herok. at 1 p is. fr BllAin. a'd LA PLATA COUNTRIES, per a. a. t -ie- i5J. "V.R directed -per a a "ol?rldre' SATURDAf At 1 a. m. taupplemeatary J a. m tor FORTUNE ISLAND JA MAICA. SAVAX1LLA CARTHACKVA and GRETTOM'N. per a a. Adtrooda-k imall for Costa Rlra must ba directed "per a. a AOtrondack , at U a, m tor PORTO PJCO per a . San Juan, at 31 a. m supplementary 3d v a. m I tor CfRACAO and VENEZUELA, per r. a. HUdur imall lor Savadlla and Cartha etna ranit b- direct eed "per a. a HT2 dur". at 31 a tn. for CUBA, per . a Hi rana. via Harana. Man for Newfoundland by rail to North ai-rinw arid tKenee hr .tam- r.lr.. f iM, .a. ii.iir . tm ..4. cioae her avery Monday. Weebeaday atta Saturday Mall for Mlau-lon. by ra! to Boston, and thence by rt earner rloae at thl ofac dally at HSv p. tn. Mall for Cuba, bv rail to Port Timi an! Uksnc by steamer, clt at thl ofSca dally (e-xrept Monday at 7 a. m th cunnectinr closes are on Sunday Wednes day and Friday Mall for Cuba, by ra!l to Kami. Fla., and Ibenct by steamer clnar at thl ollit-e every Monday. Tuesday and Saturday at IJ16 a ro. ithr ennert tnc -closes arr on Tue,3ay and Saturday Malta Z.z Mexico t :ty overiar.d unless Siwdally fcdcrvKsed fur -dispatch by sttamer. close at this office dally at iM a. to. and I JSC a. ra. Mails for Cota Rica, BelUa, Puarto tnrtex and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, and thenre hr steamer, close at thi office daitj at 3 p. m. iconnectlne clos here Tuesday tor Costa Rica and Monday for Bellte. Puerto Cortex and Guatemala. Rcr! terd man close at C p. m. prrvlou day Reristered mall close at C p. tn sec ond day before Trtat-l-arllr Mails. Mall for Hawaii, via San FrandROo, ciose hre daHy at CM p. m up to Jtuy --siith. inclumrr. lor fiisnatm iwr s AHjTraiitt. aiaii tor Austrana excepr weat Auttalia, which coe ria Europe, and New Zealand arhlch roe via San Frnntco, Hawaii and Fill lland, via Vancouver close here dally at C p. m, up to July ast, Inclualvr, for dispatch . . , ' 1 .. . , . T 1 . ., .11 wj.r:a. Mu.r Oilna Japan and Philippine Island, via tau rTaUicittuo. close pere aaiiy at jk p m up to July Tlrt, laclutlie, for ils Ptch pr s s. Coptic Mails for China a ad Japan, via Vancouver, close here dally at C.30 p. m. up to July "Ulh In ctaslre for dispatch jer a. Empret of India irecistered mail must be directed "via Vancouver 'J Mails for Hawaii Japan. China and Philippine lsiands, tia 1 San Frsi.rlsco lmt here dally at f',30 p. m. up to July :h. lnclutve. for dis patch ix-r . - America Maru Mail lor Australia 'except Wet Australiai New, raiana. iiawan. 1 iji ana Mmf j land, via San Fraticisco. close here aaixy at O p m. after July -71t and vp o Autrust 4tr, inclusive or on day of ar- rlra! of s . Campania, due at Xea York Aurust th. for dispatch per s. s Aia- meda. Mall for China, Japan and Philip- pine Island, via Seattle. lose here -dully at f J p m. up to Aurufct "HS ln'lufive for dixpateh jr a s. Klnshlu Maru recls- tered mail murt be directed -via Seat- tie r rranf-p rlfic malls are forwarded to iort of saUtnc dtlty and the srhedule of rlos lnc 1 arranrfd on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit "Rerirtered mail clo at f p m pre rior day CORNELIUS VAN -OTT Postmaster , Pur: office. Xew York. X Y, July IS. 3iw0. j GOVKllXSIKXT JOIirE. PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF brick dormitory, laundry, addition to school buildtnr and water and .eaer rystem Dr- partment of the Interior, Office of Indian Affair. WalUnrton, June 37. IS). Sealed tiroLosal. end'U-sea -ProiiDsals for hri. V I Jormtttrr brick laundry brick addltlan to 1 school buuctnc, water ana sea er system." Wlnnebaro sc-nool tmaha and Wlrnebapo aper -y Nebraska, and addressed 'o the commlssianer of Indian affairs, Washlnptn. D C . win be rerired at this office vtrt-J 3 o clock p. m of Tuesday. July 3. 3Ju. fr f umistinc and delivering the neces.arj- ma lerial and labor required la the cons'ruc tioa and completion at the Winnebago schooL Omaha and Whmebago agency Ne braska, of one brick dormitory, one brick addition to school building, one brirk laun- I cry building ana one water ana sewer sys tem, la strict a-cordance with plant, rperi-fi-atlon xnd Instructions to bidder, which may be examined ot thl office the United States Indian warehouse. 335 Johnson street, Chicago. Ill . the Builder and Trader ex chanre of Omaha, Neh , the Northwestern Manufacturers' association of St Paul, Minn.. The Bee of Omaha, Neb , the Plo nser Pre of St. Paul, Minn the Journal of Sioux City la the Nebraska Slate Journal of Lincoln. Neb , and the Journal of Kansas City Mo For any additional In formation apply to thl office or the United State Indian agent. Omaha and Winne bago aren-y. Nenralia. W A JONES, romalMKiT Jy 2d ltt R ULWAY TIME TABLK. CHICAGO. ET PAIL Minneapolis Omana Raliway - -The Xor.h westem Line" General Offices. Nebraska Divi sion, lith and Webster ' Cltr Ticket Office. 3451 Farnam St Telephone ML De;ot, lith and Webster St. Leare. Arrlrr. Tain CItv PaHserger a E:(W am a ;1P pm Omaha Passenger . all -IV am Sioux C3y i Xjrth- east Nebraska a pm b s : pm o i am 7 fin t ir V nll v exrent 'Sunday "ally b Pau except jnnoay. SIOUX CITY A PACIFIC Railroad The jvonn weslern L'.ne" General Office. I'xdted State ?Ci,rlrinat Rank BnildlnC kBtaaBaBaV s. W Corner Twelfth Sioux City Local .a Xmu am a 4:20 pm 1 & uaiiy CHICAGO 4: western RtllTtT Northwestern IJne Ci'y Ticket Ofhce. 34'.n Farnam Street Tele phone. SO. DetKit, Tenth and Mason St Tele- phone (33- Leave. Arrive ' Dayucht Chicago Sirt- tdai .a 7.-0J am aU30 pm Cb.ir.ag-) Passenger a 4.11 pm t.H .0 EatCrm Expres ! Molne Marshallfiw-n, Tedar Kajilfl and Chi cage a3 am (pa Eastern Limited, Chl- cago and East . . . .a tSipm a 4:IC pm Fast MulL Chicago to Omaha a 3:41 pm Ornalta-hlrago Special. a 7;C pm a isio pm Fat Mail . a t M am a laily FREMONT. ELKHORX A- , Tht Northwestern I Line J General Office, j luinu Biaiei .a.uoclj Bart BVlg S W Cor Twelfth and Farnam Sta Ticket Office life Farnam Si- Telephone, !1- Depot Slith and Webster Sts Tele. phone 3431 Leave. Arrive, Btatk Hill Deadwood. i ot Spring a IH pm a 1:00 pm 1 yomiug Caspar and Douglas d 3:00 pm e pm Hastings. York. David CItv Su-perior Guieva. Exeter and Senard b X-tiO pm b 1:00 pm Norfolk. VerOlgre and Frerooat . . . h 7:3 am blOJS am Lincoln. Wahoo and Fremont . . . . b Jao am blb-S rm Fremont JUcaJ c 7 JO am a Daily b Dailv ext-ept Sunday c Sun day only d Dally excejt Saturday t Dally except Mooday CHICAGO. MILWAUITEEA SL Paul Railway City Ticket Offtre. W Farnam Streft Tole;bone 1S4 Depot Tenth and Masa Streeta. Telephone C3. Chu ago Lim:ted Ex a t: pm a 1:16 am ChK-agi A- omaha Ex b 7 It am b S:!S pm a Daty b Daily exrept Sunday ILLINOIS CENTRA L Railroad. City Tirket Of fice 14U3 Faraajn street Telephone. 34k Depot Trnth and Mason streets, LeaTe. Arrlre. all .Mi am a 4:0. pm Chl'-ago Jixpress hii-gt. Limited Mlnnea:xli and Paui Exjdi'S MtiineapoB and .a 7:4i pm a :! am St. .b 7:W am b pm St a 7:G pra a t-.ll ata Paul Limit ed Fort Dodge Ioial from IVum t! Bluff b 4 30 pm b 10 li am a Dai y b Daiiy txctpt Sunca 1 M!LWA"al R A IL.WAT TIMIC CARD. BURfJWJTOX A: Mis souri Rivrf Railroad The BurMnrtoa Route- Oauaral Ofr. X W. Oarnef Tenth add Farnaia St Ticket OSoe. 1MJ Farnam street Telphene. csra Ss" h-r.an'ii s-aion Tenth and Maaoa S re Tjef h n US. Leate. Artier. vT V . t . iint? r--.e- 9 am a 7:3 p rafl-3 'a1- a ' ili 13 sun a t-ftO tim llw. In Rla k Hill a pm a J-C pm Mod ana I, set Sound a 50 pn 1 I A am Linoc.n Fa Ma a;:tcpm tllJi tm Denver 1 kraec U'ah k fax f;rrla a 4; ata a DaUy iHl''A BVRL1NGTON ar Qutncy Ral.road 'Tba BurUaxtan Roate Ticket OSc J5or Farnam St. Tel SO D-pet Teaith A Mason Street. TeVepbooa. in. Leave ArrlTe. Dar'lrhl Chlraro Spec- rt-f .a 7:TO am St?1 J? , . r. J ' 2r. ? 5; ra 1? m Local Express tjwtta a 4 pa v mr5 i.ir; a . .wpm a ,.a an Pa n- Jrnlion Lntal alB.ta am Fa Mali a ! M pra a Dal y KANSAS CTTT. ST. Jo seph Council Blaff Railroad 'The BurHno - Route- Ticket OS re. ihtc Farnam street Tele pNotie Wi Drjiet, Tenta and Mas-n etreeta. Tele phone 31. Kansas Ctt-r Dr Fx a ::( am a tit pra Kansas City Nirtt Ex alU.3S tm a t.3i am St Lout F.j-er far St Joseph and St Lcui a 4 X. pm all M ata a Da-'y aTXIOX PACI PH. TH E OVKR laiid Rat " General O Si era. N E Cor Ninth atxl Farntra atreets Cltr Tlket Cffice. in Farnam street. TelrPbane. XJt " Dejot. Teeth and Mat-en St. Tiephon. C79 1 .sa vm X rrH r e Thr Overland Limited a a pm jj,, csi aso-Prtlard sp-'-lal a "s tSti am a 7:3 pra The Fast Mail a .5 am a S 2S pra t o . radi- Special all .3; pm a t& am ne Fast Mail a ili pm ... . . . in-oin ieatnce ana Sirximsburr Express b 4 3d pm bClS nm The Psc fic Express .a 4 A pm The A? atti- Expr- a tn Gra-d U.ari Iwal b t. :3f pm b ?:3D am a Dal y b Dally ex -ept Sunday OH 'AGO. ROCK 1SL and & Pat-iAr Railroad "The Great Bock lsV aid Route Oty Tirk- . 'ffi'-e. 33 am am Street Teleplmne. 3i. Dejvat Tenth A- Masoa Street Telelxwe O. Leave. Arrive Dr Moines and Daren- port Ltcul a S am Ull 3 am Chi fcjro Express bll.lt am a k:ll am CI-j uleo I" ast Exprrs a fc If pm a 1:5 pm Li--- n and Falconry a fc'.W am TM pa L:n -c.n. Colorado Spc , Denver Puebio and West .a 2:30 pm a 4aS pra Des M :. Ro'-k lsl- end and t'W'-aco .a 7J pm a I'SA pra C -irra 0 & Texus Flyer a pm a D.ZL aza u Da. y b Daily fxcejit Sunday MISSOURI PAC1T1C R.ML road General Office and Ticket offices Saatbeast Cor ner 14th and Dsurla St. Telephone 1M. Depat UMoa station. Leave. Arrive. St Louis Kansas & Nebraska Limited .. .alOSKi am a tl39 pra Leave. Arrive. K, C St. L. Erpress ...alodlf pm a tOS am Leavu from lf-th and Wenter Sts. Nebraska Loral Via Weepinr Aotcr . .b 4 JJ pm a3B:4e am a Daily b DaDy except Sunday OMAHA A- ST. LOUIS RAIL road Omths. jvansas City A- Eastern Railroad "The Quln.T Route" Ticket Of-t-ee 14U Farnam Street. T'lepbone, 333. Depot, Tenth and Marry Streets. Tele phone, cat. IJCIIVC AlllC St Lflala Cannon Ball Express "m J' Kansas C3ty and Qulncy Lfral .a 7.-09 am a : pm a Daily c t.ftttla r'aTiTtnn Ttlill" " Express . . a S:K pm a (s ata a Dally. -A KIE MA 1113 WAS W-OST. Tiro IrisVisnen'a Tboaslits Aland tbe Cfeausred Jaba L. Snllliaw. "T-hlle tn the Twenty-third street station of the Pennsrlranih railroad in New York list Sunday afternoon, waiting for thr boat," said a Washington commercial trav eler to a Washington Star man. "my atten tion aa attracted by the conversation o! t men standing at my elbow It 1 prrtty hard to size up correctly a man in the big metropolis by his appearance, and thes men may have been clerk or store porter. Tbey were discusflng the identity of a talL stout man who had Just entered from th street. - Oh. It's him. an right,' said one, " Who- " 'The old man John L." "Sure ' - ! knew him. ail rlghL' aiura, ' " "Manj-' the time I have seen him lay out the l-st of em cold. ""Sore, and the same hare 1. " 'Ah, but be failed, he has. all right. Tl not the same man he m wanst 'Sure but ta as a rood one he wa, aH right in his day Sure, and ir not forever ran they last, with tlie beating; tbey ret la the ring.' - tsure An' how fat he Is; look at tba !by window he pushes tt it a fitie man he was i " "Sure He as gray a he pity o It. for anst. a a rat.' Sure, and lie walks a slow as an old woman. Twat nimble enough he was wans, all richt " "Sure He s cot tle same big mustache, all rirht "Sun. an' It irould te a crime t shav it now " " He'B keep It on. aH right Tmruld not le John L. without hi kisser." -Sure, and it's right jou are. all right, on thst - 'Just watch Mm walk it's a load ot years his Irroad shoulder are carrying, all right. 'Sure. Tl rich tbey say lie h now, from his place on Brohdway " 'New Jan L. -uld irever keep a rent, arid he" too old a dog to b-gin naa Just look at the fat, graj badger. It was a flna man h wanst 'Sure an' It would te a merry mlH he"d give the best of them yet' He a tub Just lok at the fat. ML gray badger as be waddle toward the ferry. Piaa 1 u re ortctes. e .-x. m nw. t-ure it was a nne man ne wa wansi " Surt "And It wa inSed John L. SalUran, but I had to look twice at hi great, burly form, now lwd n with adipoce tissue, to assura myself that It was really he It wa hard to believe that this stout, heavy -eyed, square-Jaaed man, with a huge watch chain and charm susje-nded arms a ca pacious ctrth, wa the man who but a few year ago u sarrorjoded by a mob of ad mirer that blocked Pennsylvania arenut from curb to curb, and It i doubtful it on out of a hundred of them would have reo"C nixed their former Idol " DeWlift Little Early Riser arr famoiat lrrtle jiill for Ilrer and bowel troublttv Nerer gripe. When yoo deposit your racatioa ooupas pin them together. It will make the coont Ing quicker and easier. THE REALTY MARKICT. INSTRUMENTS filed for record Saturday. July li, liv Vfarratitr Dee-da. Z. P. Hedge and wife to Alice Sulli van, lot 14. block 113, South Omaha .(LUC South Omaha Investment rompanr to F J Murphy, lot S, Miek 1. W-Gkv-ock A O It add sat R. W Cowan and wile to W. T. Shak-elf-ard. si, lot X, lilock So, inore-m-e lot L R Reed and wife to Byron Iteod company, lot. 1. i. X and 7, block s. lots L I nnd X. block C, Alamo J'lata... J Qnlt Clalta Deeds. T A Crrigh trustee to Louisa Ha nset. wU lot 2, blork L, Improvement assrx-latloa add . . IN T tal amount of trantfrr Baaaal warn Qaaaaaa "tBaLamT k - n -WABASH RAILROAD 1? -hJ..La Tirk-t Office. 1ZM Farnam Street Telephone KC D aJ Vl!li. iot. Tenth and ilarry V tr Stret-ts. Telethane C3S. V Leave. Arrive.