William J. Bryan Facing a Political Dilemma IHE.'' SJMfr .wCH HHYAN, TOWNE AND STEVENSON- l'lioto by Louis U. Uostwlck. HBa'lll -"1911 1 ' N STEVKNSON AND TOWN'E Phoio by l.ouls It IIohIwIcU. Side Lights on the Kansas City Convention spectators pure nnd simple. One of w marked by clean discouragement on his not so ir.U'l' so as bo pretended tbo ptctureu caught by our photog- l,urt- HIh last piece of bacon wub oaten, his to be. A.M. end camo to him ono day rapher shows a group of women, whose bus- 't stick of gunpowder Hred and bis eredlt and Hbouted: A great national convention always af fords unexcelled opportunities for observ ing men who Iigure prominently in public life. Wlillo tho convention at Kansas City, composed of representatives of the. demo cratic party from nil the states in the union, did not comparo with the famous Chlcag convention for the number of noted dele gates, nevertheless it presented liiimeiouri whose benevolence Is attested far and wide, Imn.lK npptmlpil nminlnnnl tilnn nn tin. nlll- utterly used tip. hi 111. he believed the un cial list, caught by tho camera In the act of lo 1,0 tluri'. t recognized tho utter eating their lunch between the BCttilniis futility on bis part of trying further to get of tho second ilav. Imvlnir been favored bv lU " lonely anil out of spirits, Just at silli- the serceant-at-arms. who had made up Kl'1 110 8l0"1' ' 1110 ''" "f ' -'"'" looking Assistant Attorney General Oldham got con- the party, and permitted It to remain In the r tho lant time over the scene of bis up,.- "Will yoi slderable advertising out of his nominating hall during tho intermission when every one k'BS '"h. ' the win, ing trail "You sal Hncwsh which is yet a subject of divergent olse bad been excluded to enable the at- ",c 11 rniw.T astride r a broncho. Tuk- Stocuilon 2 l? del.verr atd e,TLr 8 tendants to restore order and tidiness. I"B IjJ '--' "J .. lu; man Wo .. The Iowa delegation scarcely made any Another set of convention spectators who ,0Ilcly , , cn),n llwiirwny s mark in tho proceedings of tho convention, seemed to enjoy the spectacle moro hugely ,mr,i,r What will you lake for tint pi lyed- although it was made up of representative than any others was tho largo retinue of mlt cn, 0f yours?' democrats, several of whom had flguro'l boys employed In various capacities; they "iinni. unrnm. m.' ,i .,i.,,,.i plcturesauo figures which attracted general -- " ' - miners eyes as no nrnily replied, ayetl imiuiniu "o"113 ""iv- h...v.... Iniir vnnrs nun Iowa wax nnn nL'i itnrvlnir n tuii-i.u nml ti.li.i'rimli nma. 1 , .". , " ' v.. : , . " 11,11 iiuiunig. ii ii nine fi.iMiu.uuii coin lo of the storm centers, with Horace IJolos sengcrs, nnd they seemed to drink in every- UUy nio out.' as Its favorite sou, but this year Holes wan thing as If they were enjoying tho greatest ."pbo stranger slowly gathered up lin net oven honored with a commission to tlmo of their lives; some of tho more thrifty ren8, KV0 you S- Hll)l tentatively Kansas City and no ono elt-o was put forward drove a flourishing business In the dlstrlbu- -ah In cash?' queried the Into prospee for attention from tho Hawkoyo state. lion of fans, passing Ice water, Hading chalra tV millionaire, eagerly. Ono of the noticeable features of the con- for people who wero stnndlng and making -ym,.' WnH Ii,,, resiioiisi- nubile attention. I'erhaps the center of curiosity among tho spectators In all thai vast assemblage was the New York delega tion, which was not only tho laraoit, but. supposed to represent the most hetero geneous elements'. The two most prominent members of the Now York delegation wero T) I ., 1 1 1 ... I. . .1 ,, f i?nmmniiv tlnlt ,D. , i i over, has not yet and ex-Senator David U. Hill, who headed ' . ' tho faction antagonized by Tammany. Mr. Croker sat with tho delegates most of the u,n(lanco of womo1 Al limo wniie mo coiiveuium wua m susoiuu, behaving In a most unobtruslvo manner ventlon, which, how- re ceived much comment, was tL'j large ai- 'Thc claim's yours' all of the sessions tho women were every- summcr costumes, not only in the galleries, but on the lloor. The and conferring from time to time with his when j,, tl)(,lr j,rBi,t associates, ms seat was eiose 10 iiiui ui John F. Carroll, Immediately behind former Senator Edward V, Murphy, and near thn; 1 T . . 1 I 1... . 1 . I 1 ui Aiiurun j-i et iiiiiuii, mu H'eui uuov u.ui p f crm seats re magnate. Senator Hill did not mingle in B0'rve(i for distinguished this group, but kept his placo alongsldo of B,wit8 woro occupLa the delegates from country districts. n,most exclualveiy by Nt-hriiNKii DeUualloii. women; tho women The Nebraska delegation was seated woll crowded out tho dele to tho back, toward tho left of the speaker's gates and press reprc platform, and was Inconspicuous except for sontatives whenever tho fact that It hailed from Hryan's state they could make their and was accorded the honor of making tho wny Into tho enckHure. nominating speech for tho successful candl- Some of the women, of date for presidential favor. The best known course, belonged to tho of tho Nobrayka delegates, of course, was. families of members of John A. Crelghton, who had participated in tho convention, but a tho Chicago convention four years ago and largo proportion wero NEW YOUK DELEGATION. 14 W 111 vim I ii tul in li fi 1 1 n nni'nrnl" n "Wlmt7" "Will you lend mu half a sovereign?" wai tbo still louder petition. What was that?" you lend mo a sovereign?" said half a sovereign before." Icpliolied to the intelligence olllcc for a cook, says u writer lu hlppincott's. Ah Annlo was the only name given on her card fiom the utile,', wo Inquired her suriiauie. "Annie," I halt I, "what Is tbo rest of your naino?" "That Is It," wih the reply. "Yes," 1 continued, "I know your name Is Annie, but Aunlo what?" "That Is it, 1 tell you, uiIhbuh," she said with it broad smile. "You bavo two names, surely," I Insisted, "a llrst niimo and a second name. Now, what la your second name?" "Ob. iiiIhhiih." hIii, i-ki'IiiIiih-iI. wllli kiimim ii the part of the mine i)atk.uce, "I tell you that Is It." owner eksc,! tbo with rising dlspleasuie. thinking she was traiiNactliin." trilling, I said very decidedly, "Your name James ?ayn says In ,H A,ml" w,mt?" 'Tho Iiackwater of "Ob," she cried enthusiastically, "1 am ho Life" that us soon as 'oii know! I think you will never ho became deaf his '"1,w- Voh, that Ih II!" friends tried to hearten "Annie," 1 asked very mildly, "what Is him b collecting nneo- your fatber'H name?" dotes of those who tcliatsl." was the doleful reply, have made humorous 'ii1,i,,,i uinii'" r ninwiui i.rii.,i f,...iii,i that I was siiildunly becoming u pai-ut. Hut like tbo (tirnal "Nevurniiire" of I'oo's "Haven" eniuo the eclio, "That is It!" "What do you put on your father's let ters?" I next Interrogated. "That Is what 1 must put on or bo would not gel tin-in," was the sobbing response. I'nw tiling to give up after such a trial of patience on both sides, I nuked gently, "How do you spell It ? ' Slowly came the solution of the enigma "W-a-e b I " mistakes through suf fering a like lnllrmlty. The elllcacy of this m o t b o d m a y Ii doubted, sayn Youths' Couipaiili'ii, hut such as It Is many bavo had to endure It. One story Is Indeed to bo tolerated, be cause It refers to a gentleman who, al though dntf, was kiflPSULir ,VhHUT E.IHBflH NEHHASKA DELEGATION themselves generally useful. Young America was In Its element amid the excitement nnd onthuslasm displayed by delegates and other grown people which they supposed wns re served exclusively for mlsuhlevlous boys. Comparisons made likened the convention to all sorts of large gatherings from street parades and circuses to race tracks and base ball games, nnd certain It Is that It rellectid elements of each. Bunch of Short Stories "TIicbo fabulous stories you hear every where nowndays," said V. W. Green of Den ver to a Now York Tribune reporter, "of tho wonderful discoveries made and prices re ceived for claims lu the mining regions bring back to my mind a story that used to be told in the earlier days of Colorado. A young chap had there located a claln, In which ho had every conlldenco that ore ex isted, but, try as he would, ho was unablo to locate the precious metal, and little by little ho became sicker and sicker at heart until at length there came a day whoso closing IOWA DELEGATION