THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: PAT TUT) A Y, JTLY 14. 1000. WEEKLY REVIEW OF TRADE LaJgl encu of Indiridaal Failure Account for Great Increase. BUSINESS HAS BEEN SOUNDLY CONDUCTED Wool la rirovrliitc Weaker nml lit on Offered by Some Westerner nt Prices Which Were lU-fuxi-il .ot Look Akhi NEW YORK, July 13. R. 0. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Rclew of Trade tomorrow will gay: If the Croat Increase In failures to $50. tTO.131 in the tlrst half of Wi. against , K4.l last year, and especially to U,J.0.3 In the second quarter, against l,i.Ci last year, gave no ocaslon fir dtlUent eircn. failure returns will be worth noth In. But today It Is r-'iown that three tanking failures for IJS.SW.WI. agalnt thirty-one last year for ST.S01.72. accounted for much of the difference, that t brok erage and real estate failures for Jll.SK.S16. against 115 last year for only ;.SH.:iS ac counted for another part, and that In bul'd Ing and lumber working and trade other large failures distinctly held with thewe In real estate exchange much more of the difference between manufacturing ani trade failures last year and thl In these and much li'ss Important condition" In tt few other lints are seen substantially all the commercial disasters a yet resulting from an amazing rise In prices last year, followed by weary, but largely successful efforts during the last few months to get to a norrral state of biwlne.. When this Is seen, and the remarkab.e steadiness In number and size of the great majority of failures not for exceptional amounts, there appears ground for special satisfaction that business has been on the whole so soundly conducted under conditions of unusual dan eer. The Iron Age mnke the output of pig Iron 23,413 tons weekly July, 1. but the de crease of 16.(00 tons has by this time been exceeded, other furnaces having stopped this month, and repairs of works and of wage ecales may yet occupy some weeks. The Inrrense of In stocks unsold Im plies decrease In manufacture more than double the decrease In output and works of Ave of the corporations are wait ing for a decline In wages Just when the workers have looked for an Increase Open mnrketn lire now admitted at Pitt? bur -. where operation have been for some time nominal, and Bessemer pis Is offered there nt II. Structural makers decide not to rrAtirn nrlre hut steel bars there and plates at Philadelphia are snlil to have POlcl at Jl.lo in some cae. inc.- rm-t-i tvnrbs nun Monilnv with lame orders. Coke works, about 19 per cent Idle, have no demand now and in contracts it Is said that even tt.SO would be shaded. Cotton speculation has held tho pr ce too high for the comfort of foreign skin ners who havo not provided for nil their wants, but tho arrangement by the I-all "River committee to close for n month or more a, largo part of the New England mills will clear away dispute about the market for goods, The woolen manufac turer Is In no better position, with some of the best mills closed In part or wnony nn aeroim. nf the uncertainty of demand. Wool Is growing weaker and even offered by some westerners at prices which were refused not long ago. but the mills do not vet It now whit roods thev will be able to sell, and from n temporary idleness there seems to bo no escape. Prlr.i of Hhncw nre not weaker, but a larger proportion of the makers appear oispoaeu to ttjhku coiutbnuhs hcouj mo tioned. So light Is new buslnes that Job. Ktn alsn nm In hnve modified their views Leather grows weaker, though kid has held steadily owing to decreased iirouuc tlon. Splits nre n. little lower, but most upper leather Is steady. 'Tho mt of the eron this vear has brought tho usual estimate which command no more confidence than usual. If the coun try can get out of a crop ofllclally called MT.tTO.OiX) bu., all it wants for food nnd 2tj.lWAW nu. lor expon, wun t-unMuci.tun-r.t. nr In ulirht It Is pnsv Inference that anxiety Is needless. There is not evldem e as yet, anci ior rerac nine iu mmr be. that Injuries sustained have been os great as some suppose, so mat murm m iw more necessary man n wns iusi Vnilnri-s for thn week have been 1?6 In the United States, against 1G9 last year, and X6 in Canada, against .i lasi. year. iinAnsTinnrrs itnviuw of thaiie. IleBlnnlnir of Improvement In l)c ninnil l lleeomlnit Visible. NEW YORK, July 13. Bradstrcefs to morrow will say: While trade Is still only of moderate vol ume tho beginning of Improvement in de mand is apparently becoming visible. The Improvement Is still one of tone rather than of demand, but with n vleld of 010. frM.COO bushels of wheat, a next to record breaking yield of corn nnd a very large production of oats the western crop situa tion contnlns many encouraging features. The southern cotton crop has undoubtedly luffered and the condition Is unprecedently low for this season of tho year, but tho acreago planted was a largo one and prices are so much higher that a satisfactory fnanclal return is confidently looked for. n addition railroad earnings point to tho maintenance of the business of the country at a volume In excess of last year. Tho effort of tho big iron and steel con cerns to control prices, If really made, has proven abortlvo and another wholesale Plashing of quotations Is to be reported this week. Production, however, Is falling off nnd increases of furnace stocks, though considerable, would seem small if renewed itctlvity occurred. It Is hard to see how lower prices can be expected and It Is ex pected present quotations will advance, especially at Chicago. Tho situation in cotton goods Is nn em barrassing one for the manufacturers. Raw cotton, old crop, this week reached the highest price In ten years, but nothing like a proportionate, advance Is being secured In manv of tho Unlshcd products. Export trade with China has been checked, several mills have shut down nnd short time dur ing tho summer has been practlcnlly agreed tipon by the Fall River print cloth mills. A rather better tore Is noted In tho dry goods market at New York, wtth symptoms of ex panding demand, chlctly, however, for sea sonable goods. Concessions In prices have Induced rather freer buying of wool at Home centers and the tone of the Ixmdon sales Is firmer, but tho goods market shows little animation. The Industrial situation Is rather better s a result of agreements upon wnges by a number of Iron and steel manufacturing concerns and their employed. Iower nrlies for lumber nre apparently Inducing more Activity in nuuaing. inougn now mucn is due to this or how much to tho settlement of labor disturbances Is hard to tell Wheat, Including Hour, shipments for the week aggregate 2.2SJ.SI0 bushels, against 8.01S.322 bushels last week. 3.263.S15 bushels in the corresponding week of U89, 2.1DO.S27 bushels in 1SS5. 1.522.092 bushels In U97 nnd 8.9t3.!M9 bushels In 1J&6. Shipments to date this season amount to &.SI3.T42 bushels, against 7.022,707 bushels last season and f.C39,4K tiushels In 1S9S-9. Corn exports for the week nggregate 4.022.CS bushels, against 3.C14 292 bushels last week. 4.5S3.T59 bushels in tnis week a year ngo. 2.S22.24S bushels In 1S?8. 2.723.510 bushels In 1S9T nnd 1.110.ST1 bushels In 1S96. From July 1 to date the neason s com exports nre 7,036,362 Dusneis. ngainst ,u busnels last seubon nd 6,233.520 bushels In 1S9S-9. Business failures In the United States for the week number 221, as cumnared with J4i last wecK, 1.4 in this week n year ago, S3S !n Wi. 241 In ls7 and IV. in Itt Business failures in the Dominion of;iiia ior ine wecK number 22. as com pared with 25 last week. 27 in this week a year aco. is in 1W. In ISifl and 33 In 1!56 im.vnsTitELvrs flw.nci vi, unvinw. Market Thiuutli iirrnw nml Unll 11ns Shawn I'mlrrl) Iiik Strenutli. NEW YORK. July 13 Bradstrcefs Flnan- clal Review tomorrow will say Much attention is paid bv the speculative worm id corn crop conditions ana pros pects. The news bearing on the prospect has been favorable, thouch drouth unit hot winds In the western portion of the corn belt have furnished material for stor ies of a total loss to the crop In that section. TTiU was tho occasion for eome selling of the granger stocks during the week. The Chinese troubles also continue,! to look very grave. Trough at the be ginning of the week the dlonosltlon In Lon don and other forilgn llnancl.i! centers was to look on the absence of news from Pekln n a good rather than a bad sl;n. Lon don's ales of American stocks were partly counterbalanced by renewed purchases and i w.m noieu mat an "ie rorein orrer ings heen verv well taken In fa. t the market though a r irrow and nt times a very dull one, has shown a rcmarkablo SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Allen's Foot-Case, a powder. It curej fialnful. BTnanlng, swollen feet and incrcw nc nails, and Instantly takes the out of corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery cf the age. Allen Foot Ease makes tlcht or new shoes feel easy. It Is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot. tired, arhlnc fret Try it today. Bold by all druggists nnd shoe stores, ny mall Sc in stamp Trial paiKage FREE. degree cf underlying strength and the chief aitlvlty wan In connection with the ad vam of everal prominent trading clock. ime ininn racinr, mitimore onio, 1111 ngis tentral. .Norfolk & Western and sugar in the case of the two first mentioned se- rurtles the movements were based on re- tJ.1reoSft.of .""! Uon In connect on iwi int uiv.oenas. inc expecjauon Deir.g that both stn ks will be placed on a 4 per 'ert basis The dt titration of a 2 per cent i seml-ar.ntial cilvidend on I.oulsvllle A .Sash-I vile had a favorable crfert although It was , about what had been confidently looked for I I'SSf.V,1,!.1'6!1,- J".,ri "i"...1.0 ! der.d nronertleV ... W1JEKI.V t'LUAIMM) not 1I TAIlI.n. ARKreRiite of lluslness Trnnsneteil liy the tssnelnteil llnnk. NEW YORK, July 13 -The following tkble, compiled by Dradstreet. shows the bank clearings nt all principal cities for the week ended July 12, with the. percentage of Inn ease and decrease, as compared with the corresponding week last year: CITIES. Clearings. Inc. Dec. New York f'hlcago Doston Philadelphia Plitsburg St. Louis Haltlmoro San Francisco Cincinnati , Kansas City , Cleveland , Minneapolis -New Orleans , Detroit Louisville Indianapolis OMAHA Providence Milwaukee Columbus, O Houston St. Joseph Uuffalo Seattle St. Paul Richmond Galveston Savannah Denver Hartford Washington I.os Angeles Salt Lake City Toledo Memphis Peoria Portland. Ore Rochester New Haven Worcester Atlanta Springfield. Mass.. Fort Worth Portland. Me Norfolk Syracuse Des Moines Nashville Scranton Ornnd Rapids Dayton, O Spokane Sioux City Davenport Hvansvllle Wilmington, Del... Fall Illver Augusta, Ua Lowell Tncoma New Uedford Knoxville. Tcnn... Topeka Birmingham Wichita Ulnghumton Lcxlncton. Kv 1$ S),S9MI1'. 31 9 18.6 6.6 in an, mi 116. 116.4751. 3.2 .f 51,636 1 33,?:5,IWI 35.6 . K.STB.T'iS, 3.2,. S.0'..V6J is.sra.J7i 16.10t.(&J 12.71. I,l9.f82i 11.7. 11,(CI,29 11.3 . 11.420.M0 3.8'. Mlri.2211 4S.3 . 11.6 !,K7.SK! 10.7 8,2fl3.020 I 2 9 5.6 7,97.42S 6.4I2.T! 6.3frO CO) 5.0)6.10)1 6.4,. 1.41... 3.91... 5,2S(,iC 17.0 . t,irc.3i0 26.5 6.0CKW7 4.S19.6MI 141.1 1.9 4.729.2T2I S.7 4.'j05.2T3 13.9; 4,3,1U 16.5 4.231,61 fi5.ll 3.413.6tfl 12.0 2.1 2.366.9131 2.S72.415 2,'fU,fi27' 2.720.S43 2.W.U46. 1.21. 3S.0 I- 12.1 2.233.6S1! 27.7 2.244,5 17.31 2.239.S36I 2.ft43.K) 13.6 lie.lljl 1.3OT.6S2 1.697.60SI 13.2, 1.611,6491 6.1 1.S31.701' 1.23.(OI 5.4 19.4 16.5 lt.S 21.4 3.37S.7WI 1.32.740! 1.503.0V2' 1,4)1.5.14 . 1.119.203 1,323,GX)I 1.26,174' 7.0, 4 71.. S.b'.. . ..I 6.9.. 13.6 .. 1.1,.. 1.137.54M... 4.7 1.70S.1W, 13.61. 1,353,676 26.61. l,O30,2jC, 4.21. 924.57S1 1 974,6.161 27.4 . 915,4i7l I 710,36'! I. 6.5 949.992 4.4 610. 4CT . ST0,S13 7t6,071 . 42 2"2' 373!m5) ! 60.; 2S.8 &12.796I... 11.1 Jacksonville, Fla itaiamazoo Akron Chattanooga Rockford. Ill Canton. O Springfield, O Fargo. N. D Sioux Falls. S. D.. Hastings, Neb Fremont, Neb Holcna Macon Little Rock Springfield. Ill Youngstown 4 13,635 10.7! 12 Ct f03,(O0 3.S0.53 20.W 8S2.7X9 . 2-29.(00 . 324.0441. S2S.252I 155.1461. 9.4 9.4 .11 l.S 161,972 150.3141 37.61 63SSC0 IS 2 TTfi.W 67.61 459.2i2 33.0) E46,33.- 41.51 367.2i9 S.4 Totals r. S 1.525,014.656.... Totuls outside N. Y 5 eCI.623,2151.... DOMINION OF CANADA. Montreal 16,JI2.MI 11.947.373! 2.143.KOI 2.0S0.M1 M5.573' 8T9,2Tj S.2I 20.5! 11.1 41.0 '2i.-3 Toronto Winnipeg iiniunx Hamilton St. John, N. B. Vancouver Victoria 4.4 1.10S.CCI 26.0 913,679 4S.9' Totals J 36.4.45g! 12.7(, LOCAL BREVITIES. Bricklavlne will be commenced Mondav on tlio extension of the North Omaha main sewer. Phllln H. Bender of Humnhrov. Neb., has filed application to bo declared a bankrupt. no nan assets or. ana liabilities oi '.161 63. Workmen are drlvlnir nlHn? for the nlers of tho Vinton street viaduct and Btone masons will begin ln a few days to lay the stone foundations. Colonel Hathaway. Quartermaster of the Department of the Missouri, will leave for Louisville. Ky., next week to Inspect horses for the cavalry service. Civil service examinations will bo held in Omaha August 14 for the purpose of secur ing ciigtbies ror appointment to tno posi tion of trained nurse ln tho Indian service. Largo forces of men will commence work next week on tho asphalt paving to be laid on Leavenworth street and albo on Jones street between Twenty-second nnd Twenty- sixtn streets. Mrs. Mary Christiansen of Blair. Neh.. came to St. Joseph's hospital for treat ment several clays ago. sne died nt tr.c hospital Thursday and her remains were taken to Blair for Interment. At the meeting of the Masonic Relief association Thursday evening- 13. M. Sten bcrg was chosen president. H. C. Akin vice president. Gustave Anderson treasurer nnd John N. Westberg secretary. At nresont the Rivervlew nark sewer has Its outlet In the lake, but the contract for the extension of the sewer from tne laxo to tho river has been let and work will commence on the Improvement next week. Tho care of S. O. Samuelson, charged with keeping a gambling resort on Capitol ave nue near Seventeenth street, was dismissed ln notice court Friday on motion of the county nttornry. Tho cases of ten frequent ers were cilsmiSFen at tne same nine. Threo small boys who hnd a batch of firecrackers left over from the Fourth set fire to some outbuildings in the rear of 505 South Twenty-fourth avenue, about noon yesterday. The damage will amount to about J20. The property Is owned by J. J. O'Connor nnd occupied by John Dalley. The South Omaha packing houses havo notltled the health department thnt all men employed by them to collect refuse meat are Instructed to keep their wngons covered and that the complaints recently filed were concerning wagons driven by inexperienced men who failed to comply with Instruc tions. The Elks of Hastings and Kansas City have challenged tho Omaha Elks to a game of ball, and arrangements are being mado to play games In both of those cities. The Omaha team has the reputation of being the champion B. P. O. E. nine of the west and will make an effort to defend Its good record. John N Westburg has returned from n trip through the nooi-growin; districts of the west and will tell the mem bcrs of the Patriotic league. In the large hall In the Millard hotel, this evening how hard It is to find buffalo and demo crats in that country now. E. J. Cornish will ssesk on "Imperialism. Fritz Ploem. lanltor of the Paxton block. hid $13 In a tobacco sack and placed ths sack with his smoking materials on the .lockshelf in his room, within plain view of any one who might enter. His Idea was that no one would think of looking for Miluables In u. tobacco sack. But his reasoning was bad nnd yesterday he re ported to tne ponce tne loss ot tne money Tha Roan! of Park Commissioners has dally applications from persons who desire thr. nrivllece of splllne refreshments ln Rlverv.ew park, but has refused to admit any additional stands or peddlers. Balduff. the caterer, has agreed to erect a fine pa vilion in the nark next Mar nnd will nay tho board several hundred dollars for the exclusive refreshment privilege The railway mall clerks of Omaha and vlcirltv hnve decided to hold the nlcnlc at Manawn July it. Those who attend are a.ked to brim: baskets tilled for meals at 1 and 6 p. m. Contests wnl be a feature of the clay, the principal one being a water melon eating contest between Assistant Chief Clerk Metlen of Omaha and Assistant Chief Clerk Yates of Lincoln. Both men nre now In training for the event. Mrs. Iulse Francis Simpson, an insane woman, who. for the last week, has been In custody of tho matron at central poll. o -tatton. was nlaced on the train vesterdav and started for Kansas City. Mo,, where she has a divorced husband and a 160-acre farm, .Mrs. bimpson nas been married twl e nni 'a divorced both times. It is ard m e cse. Vo, f.vor.? SL?.ff;i&5" r dollars'1 yesterday with In- eVd the TmM n ? th5u -w- hJ.Y.',IJSi "ructions to have the money changed, and ?he last foMnl-ot JU1 cou:ions ln as Devlney failed to rctu?n for several tne last rortni.nt; hou .Moran started to the police station hollum, which has wrecked her nervous system Sh spend nearly atl of her time nrlmclnr before a mirror. In a pitiful ai- ternM to coax bnk ft faded beauty t . now two weeks since .Maele n5h,. .,nno,i t h iimni,t hi. at.. p.ired ' f mm her home at 1X11 Davenport , street In this time two reports have been received by the police to the effect that she has been seen. Once It was at Forty-second and Farnam streets and again at Thlrty-elthth and Fowler avenue, searching made up of her relatives are looking for her almost constantly. Pt Moran. who runs a saloon at Twelfth nnd Douglas streets, gave his por- to file a charge against him. On his way back Moran met his recreant porter and forced him to disgorge $18 of the money. He had spent the remainder. Mrs. Elsie Johnson and her sister, Mrs. Oustavson, who run a rooming house at Fourteenth and Jones streets, "mixed It up" Thursday afternoon with two of their roomers, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Peterson. The Petersons, It Is alleged, were trying to take their trunks out of the house without first paying their rent. The landladies met the tenants ln the lower hall and blows were exchanged. Mrs. Oustavson re ceiving a thwack on the head with an um brella that rendered her unconscious. The Petersons were arrtsted on a charge of as sault and battery and will be tried next week. WU CABLES FOR HAY (Continued from First Page.) will be much more serious, If the war lasts till then, than Americans generally suppose, fiom the fact that winters there are much more severe than ln this portion ot the United States. Continuing Dr. Luscher says; Tho sources of weakness of the Chinese armv are that the soldiers have no confi dence ln each other and thnt there are no leaders. Men who rank high enough to be officers will not drill their men. They are too aristocratic. There will not be big armies for the Europeans to fight, but hordes of disorganized fanntics who are not afraid to attempt anything which will harrass the whites. The Europeans can whip their armies, but that will not sup press China. They might be quieted If their leaders were in captivity, but starving them out Is more likely to bring results. Japan can whip China's armies, but Its rabble will be a different thing to deal with. BRINGS MANY MISSIONARIES All Those In Tlrn Tsln District rv At'countccl For ionic Unr Inu Rescues. NEW YORK, July 13. A dispatch to the Jcurnnl and Advertiser fram Che Foo July D says: Oreot Joy reigns in Che Foo, In spired by the safe arrival of every white rrlsslonary and every native preacher In tho Tien Tsln district hitherto unaccounted for. The steamer Shin Flng of Chinese registry, but officered by Amerlccns and English, brought ln the refugees, to the number of more than 200. They report that more than 15,000 refugees ln TIcn Tsln and Taku have been rescued from certain death by the allied forces of the powers. The missionaries who arrived by the Shin Fing are: Perkins, Crawford, Lewis, Blalock, Crawford, Hudson, Dawes, Tedder, Partch, Burnham, Fitch. Farles, Parker, Hayes. Porter. Moon (Boon?), Lowe. Thomp son, Luce. Irwin, Mateer, Hartwell, Print, Stephen, Dutton, Owen, Neal and Cooper. Every missionary In Shan Tung province and every native preacher ot the Methodist TIcn Tsln district is now accounted for. The steamer sailed from an obscure coast wise port with Its destination secret. Rev. P. D. Bergen, one of the refugees, made a gallant rescue of foreign ministers near bis station at Tsln Tao, 160 miles southwest of Che Foo. Mrs. Bergen and Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Nealc aro among the refugees arriv ing on the-Bhln Flng. At Fcng-Tszl three Chinese concerts were killed. Mrs. Crosettl of Wei Hein brought on with her party Davis and Johnson. Fleming also escaped. Watts nnd Fenton made a gallant ride to Taku to bring the news of the critical con ditions in outlying Shan Tung villages. They swam the P61 Ho river twice and were fired upon by the natives at every village they passed. Hopkins, Partch, Luce and Ewing left for Japan by today's steamer. Rev. Mr. Corn wall of Che Foo has greatly distinguished himself by making three trips Into the interior to rescue missionaries. Tbe English mission at Cheng Chow has been looted and burned. CABLE NEEDED IN CHINA Conference Ilrtween Powers In an At tempt to Arrange Line to Base of Operations. WASHINGTON, July 13. An attempt has been on toot for some days past to arrange between tho powers now operating In China for an International cable connect ing the base of the Chinese operations and cither with Shanghai. Tort Arthur, Yoko hama or soire other point through which more speedy communication can be held with tho outaldo world. Tho State. War and Navy departments here have all been partlej to tho confer- nee, which has been conducted with a great deal of diplomatic necrecy. Both the War and Navy departments have been figuring for months past on a transpacific cable, and, consequently, havo all the necessary In formation at the fingers' ends. Tho War de partment now has fifty miles of cable ready to ship to Manila, to be followed by 400 more about the 1st of August This was to havo been used tor intertsland communication In Mrs Pfnkham person ally attends to nor tre mendous correspondence with suffering women. Her trained assistants aro all woman. Tha lettors from women are opened by women only. They aro road by wo men only. Thoy aro answer od by woman and only women. Tho correspondence Is sacredly confidential. Wrlto for a book Mrs. Plnkham has just pub lished which contains let tors from tho mayor of Lynn, tho postmaster of Lynn and others of her own city who havo mado careful Investigation. Mrs. Plnkham has helped a million womon who suffered with female troubles. She can cure YOU. Her &ddress la Lynn, Mass. i Tr I'jffirif iw.iirtv a u tnm n rn unit l jjndg" Biscuit I t--- - - 35323X1 tho Philippines, but then urgency of the case may cause It to be dtverlel to China. No point has yet been decided on for either end of this intcrnatioaal line. Che Foo and Taku both having,' befitc discussed for the Chinese terminus. iMri '600' miles by water from Taku to ShanghhV'the terminus of the Engllch cable. It Is less than 100 miles from Taku to Port Arthur, but the Russian land lines both in Korea and Man churia have been subject to such serluun interruption as 'to almost bar the consider ation of this route for the international connecting link. Tho expense of this undertaking, accord ing to the present tentative arrangements, will bo borne Jointly by tho powers Inter ested. It is Impossible at present to give a fair estimate of the time that would be consumed In carrying out the project, but It Is probable that the United States Is In position to do the work more quickly than any other nation. LITTLE NEWS FROM CHINA LI Hung- dinner Dec-Ides It Is nt Ciood Poller to Go to Pekln at Present. LONDON, July 14. The scanty cable dis patch received added nothing to tho knowl edge ot the Chinese situation. It is stated positively from Canton that Ll Hung Chang will remain there until the allied troops have defeated Prince Tuan's forces and will then go north to lend bis powerful aid in ar ranging terms of peace, co-operating with Prince Cblng, Yung Lu and the other pro foreign viceroys. For the present Ll Hung Chang considers that ho can best control and direct tho viceroys from Canton, and also keep In check the turbulent province of Kwang TUng. All the foreigners and mission aries have evacuated Wen Chau and havo arrived at Nlng Po. Large bodies of Boxers appeared at Wen Chau and threatened to ex terminate the foreigners and Christians. Drex L, Shooman's Tan Shoe Sale Is as popular as The Dally Bee votlns contest Just a rush nil the time ami why uot? Who ever heard of selling Hanan's, Fostcr'B and Clapp's fine shoes for $3.fi0? That's what wc are dolns-SO.OO thoes for ?3.50 .just so its a tan shoe then all our $1.00 nnd $.".00 tans not these makes ko at $2.r0. This little btory Is worthy of more than a patslnp; consideration from you. We've your size in any of them now. Drexel Shoe Co., OBiht'i Up-to-date Iha House. 1419 FAUN AM STREET. Allee Same Chinaman suppose you were your wife, do you tbink vow'd like to cook and wash early nnd late beside n red hot kitchen ranpe -suess you'd Ulck-nn dar is no excuse for it when you can buy n Illne Flume gasoline stove so cheap as my Imjss am selling 'em an' de same can be said about deni l.eonnrd Cleanablo' l-'rlRcrn. tors-Koln' at cost-nn I.awn Mowers, Water Coolers and Ico Cream Freezers same way Now is de time to buy while dey am cheap-Den he's selling dp best Lawn Hose for Sc, 10c and l'Jc a foot and deni line perservln' kettles for He, 18c, 'J0c uud '-"Je each See lilm shore. A. C. RAYMER 1314 FAKXAM ST. 340S .V Street, South Omaha. Uiieeda Milk B Uneeda Graham Wafer izs&z&i .yus They also distributed banners, badges and Inflammatory anti-foreign appeals. The Tien Tsln correspondent of the Ex press, telegraphing under date of Ju.y 0, ns serts that the Chinese are dally driving in the allies. They have mounted, says tho cor respondent, twelve fresh guns ln advanta geous positions, with which they are sweep ing the streets of tho foreign settlement, tho Incesant firing rendering position after poiition untenable. Tho Daily Mail's St. Petersburg corre spondent says In the last six hours' bittlo outside of Tien Tsln the Cossacks captured six Krupp guns and killed numbers of flee ing Boxers. The Chinese lo3t 3,000 killed, Including General Kek. SENDING TROOPS TO PEKIN Ll llunir Clinnu Acts Under Order from the (Jo ernnirnt Others Follow Suit. BERLIN. July 13. According to a semi official telegram from Canton, dated Thurs day, July 12, Ll Hung Chang July C received a written Imperial edict, dated Juno 17, nnd sent overlaud, ln whtch all the governors were urged to dispatch troops with the ut most speed to help against the rebels, among whom Prince Tuan was clearly indicated. Acting on this edict, which is said to be undoubtedly genuine, Ll Hung Chang is sending some thousands of troops to Pekln and tho other governors aro probably doing the same. FnllUIrn Millet. NEW YORK. July 13. Rev. Dr. A. B. Leonard, secretary of the Methodist Epis copal Missionary society, today received a cablegram from Rov. William H. Macy at Foo Chow. Tho message contained but two words: "Fuhklen quiet." This message was sent in answer to one cabled by Dr. Leonard some time ago. di recting thnt all missionaries should bo callod ln from their posts if there was any danger. Quartet This is the first of the famous quartet that set the world a munch ing. They fill the wants of every body and everybody wants them. Dainty and delicious just the thing to serve at luncheon or with lemonade. Just enough piquancy and "ginger" to tempt the delicate appetite. iscuit is now introduced for the first time. Give them to the children; eat them with milk; make a meal of them. There's nothing so digestible and nourishing. is the baby of the Uneeda Quartet. A wholesome delicacy made of pure graham flour. Suitable for ever' occa sion where something particularly tempt ing is needed. NATIONAL BISCUIT FuLilen Is one of the southern provinces of-China nnd there nre thirty-five Methodist missionaries there, including several women Still further south Is the district of Hingua, where there are eleven Methodist mission aries, who have also headquarters at Foo Chow. uui of this number probably a dozen arc lu the United States at present. it Word from Ail in I nil Itemrj. WASHINGTON, July 23. Secretary Long stated at a late hour tonight that he had not received n word during the day or evening from Admiral Reracy, ln command of tho Asiatic station and now In Chinese waters. The fact that the admiral has not mado any report ot the condition said to exist ln Pekln and the reported murder of the ministers the secretary regards as a hopeful sign, as he Inclines to the opinion that had any finality occurred ln the capi tal some word or rumor of it might have found It way to TIcn Tsln or Taku. Order HiiunIiiiik to Lenrr. ST. PETERSBURG. July 13. The latest official advices received here regarding the spread of the revolution movements ln Man churia add but little material Information. On June 24 an edict of the emperor ot China was intercepted ordering the Chinese troops to unite with tho Boxers. Subsequently the governor of Moukden Informed the chief engineer that the rail rjad lino must be handed over to the Chi nese, and that all Russians must perma nently leave Manchuria. Tbe engineer's BEECHAM'S PILLS taken at night will make you feci right, act right and look ngni. i ney euro ionsupauon. t 1 0 cents nnd 3S eonta, at nil drnr stores. 4) Everybody Eals It There is nothlns so coollnp; and re frcshlnp n a dish of Halduff's Ice Cream It Is an Ideal summer dish nutritious nnd easily digested Children thrive on It grown-up people count It a treat and doctors proscribe It for fever patients nnd ln many other troubles It is iniitlc with pure, rich cream flavored with tho finest vnnllla, choco late nnd strawberry und tho juice of ripe, choice fruits It Is made In many forms and various flavors, but can al ways be recognized by Its creumy tidi ness and smooth taste Put up in one of those little barrels and fells for -10c a quart enough for 8. W. S. Balduff, 1520 Farnam St. A Picture Talk on a hot day Is not always entertain ing. Hut our store Is cool nnd we will be pleased to show you nil our new pictures, of which wo hnve n large va riety. Kvery kind and stylo of picture Is shown in onr collection platinums, engravings, etchings, photogravures, carbon. water colors und sepias an as sortment that cannot be equulled in the west. Then, too, a word about our frames will not be amiss over 1,000 pat terns of the latest designs are shown on our sample case we make frames to order. We give you the lienetit of 20 years' experlencn In the art business. A. HOSPE, Muilc ui Art. 1513 Oiotln COMPANY. protests and urglngs that the governor ak tor the assistance ot the Russians at Port Arthur to arnlhllato the Boxers did not avail and the Chinese troops continued to masn until the rising culminated ln the murders and attacks on the railroad and towns already reported. Itrfuoc-K to Proilnee Letter. SHANGHAI. Thursday, July 12. The for eign consuls are offering large sums for the production of the letter which a Chinese merchant is said to have received from Pekln. dated June 30. snylng the legation were demolished and that the foreigners had been killed. The merchant declines to show It, alleging that he fears punishment from the Chinese officials. Rioting is reported to have occurred at Nlng-Po, but no confirmation ot the report has been received. So Many People Havo headaches that are due -to tho over Utked. eya Eye helps that help and relieve are the kind we have been furnishing Our optical department 1 ln charge of a compe tent and praotleM optician who will examine your eyre free of, charge We tuarantee vitltfeotory work. THE A10E & PENfOID CO., Leading Scientific Opticians. lOOSFarnaiii. OMAHA. OPPOelTK PAXTON HOTEL. jj ' au.tij, '-u.ji ..', uu)isicj4 who .. i. re.ieved that her dementia la Clue to aico