Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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NOT A STRANGER TO OMAHA no more passengers taken
McOabo Visited tho Oity When it
Was a Frontier Town.
Army 'I'rntifitiurt llrreMflpr
nrry ori" lint Tlior In
.Mllltury .Srrvloo.
Still Pnr from WpII, lull Will
In ii lliiny Wrrk Aiiioiik
i thr Cliuri'lii-n of the
nishop Charles C. McCabo nnd Mrs. Mc
Cabe nro In Omnlm, the guests o( Hcv. J.
W. Jennings, 1625 locust street. Illshop
McCnbo liaH linrtlnlly recovered from this at
tack of rheumatism which mado It neces
sary for him to postpone his Omaha engage
mcnt ono week, but Is far from well and
will leave Omaha next Friday for IJattlc
Creek, Mich., where ho will rest and take
Sunday morning the bishop will preach
at tho Seward Street Methodist church and
in tho evening will be tho chief speaker at
a rally of Omaha Methodists to bo held at
tho Klrat Methodist church. Next Monday
evening ho will preach at a tent meeting
on N street In South Omaha nnd on Tues
day evening ho will be at Southwest Meth
odist church. Ho will spend Wednesday
with the church at Craig, Neb., nnd on
Thursday evening will address nn Kpworth
lcaguo meeting nt Haiiscom Park Methodist
"I am no stranger to Omaha. I was in
tho city before thero wns a foot of paving,
and havo visited It frequently since that
ttmo and noted Its wonderful growth, in
1888, before tho Union I'aclflc was finished
through to Ogdm, I was In Omaha and jour-
ni.ycd went to Laramie, where I saw the
workmen lnylng tho track for tho now
transcontinental lino," the bishop remarked
when discussing his future residence In
Omaha. "Although Omaha Ih to bo my home,
tho homo of a Methodist blfhop Is a sort of
n myth or Action. There are not more than
tbroo monthH In tho year that I am per
xnltted to spend at my home.
Work of thr IIU!iiiin,
"Many peoph have n mlntnkcn Idea about
tho duties of Methodist bishops. Tho idea
eeomw to prevail that my work will bo In
tho vicinity of Omaha, but such Is not tho
case. Mothodlst bishops nro assigned to con
fcrenccs In all parts of the United States
ind do not havo their efforts centered In one
itato or dlocoflo, as Is tho case with tho
TrotCBtant Episcopal nnd Catholic bishops.
For examplo, tho fall conferences to which
I am assigned are two Swedish conferences
In tho northwest, two English-speaking con
ferences in Now York ntnte nnd two colored
conferences In Tennessee. When my homo
wbb In Fort Worth I seldom had work In
tho southern ntates anil was frequently sent
to Washington nnd other Pacific coast states.
"All my time (Hiring September nnd
October will be devoted to attending con
Terences. In November I will attend the
general committed meetings of the different
organizations of tho church nnd tho semi
annual meeting of tho bishops, which will
bo hold this year nt Trenton, N. J. During
December I will have some leisure nnd Mrs,
McCnbo nnd I will removo to Omaha nnd
establish our homo hero at that time
January nnd February nro months that
usually afford mo some vacation, but In
March my spring conferences begin and I
will bo compelled to bo nwny from home
ngnln most of tho time until early summer,
August Is the month of camp meetings, and
.Is the hardest month In tho year for tho
bishops, who attend ns many meetings as
possible. I shall lcavo Dattlc Creek to meet
my camp meeting arrangements.
Persons who dtelre to mako a trip to M.v
nlla In army transports must hereafter be
como members of tho military branch of tho
L'nl cd Stntts army, as, according to advico3
tecclved at tho headquarters of tho Depart
ment of tho Mlsfourl, Secretary Hoot has
suspended tho free list until further orders.
The formal order states that "In view of
tho requirement! of the service, all permits
for tho transportation of persons not ac
tually In tin- military ncrvlcp by transports
sailing from Pacific coast points will be dis
continued i.ntll further order." At army
headquarters this order Is understood nt In
dicating that the War department will send
all of tho available troops In the United
States to Asiatic points, cither In the Phil
ippines or In China, nnd that for some time
at least tho transport service of the govern
ment wilt be taxed to Its utmost.
The quartermaster of the department Is
making arrangements for tho transfer of
two companion of Infantry from Fort Crook.
Ono company will go to Fort Koblnson nnd
the other to Fort Niobrara, where they will
relieve troops of cavalry which will pro
ceed to tho Philippines. Tho transfer ot
these troops leaves Fort Crook with but one
Health mill llrnuty.
No beauty with pimply skin, dull eyes,
bad breath. Clean your system and keep
It clean with fragrant Cascarcts Candy
Cathartic! All druggists, 10c, 2,"c, 50c.
Our Entiro Stock of Ladies' and Children's
Summer Undorwear at Oost.
Colored Shirt WnlMn, 7Re,
ijii.un nt :?!..-., -oo,
nt 7l)e I'nrnsols ItrKiird
Irs of ('out.
a 1.00,
Turn right to Ilayden Dros.' ad on page 7,
Fnhli'Rj iif tlu Hull XII.
Once upon a tlmo a Prlnco loved a beau
tiful Princess, but tho King, her Pa, threw
tho Prince down and tho Couplo Eloped on
a Whlto Palfrey. Tho King, however, rolo
a Powerful black Arabian nnd captured the
Twain. Ho had the young Prince Ilchendcd
nnd locked tho Princess In a gloomy tower,
but she Jumped out ono day Into tho Moat
below nnd was Drowned.
.Moral Thlsi terrlblo tragedy would not
havo occurred In these modern times be
cause the Prince would have) had senso
enough to escnpo on one of the Northwest
ern Lines' fast trains, Boeing which the
King would havo forgiven the young couplo
nnd they would have lived happily ever
Clii-np It ii ii ii it Trip llntm.
On July 17 end 18 nnd August 2, 7 nnd 21
the Illinois Central will soli tickets, limited
until October .11, ns follows:
Waseca, Minn., and return, $10.35.
Watervllle, Minn., nnd return. $10.88.
Madison I.nke, Minn., nnd return, $10.08.
St. Paul, Minn., nnd return, $12.63.
.Minneapolis Minn., nnd return, $12.05.
Duluth, Minn., and return, JIG. 05.
Superior, Wis., and return, $16.93.
West Superior, Wis., and return, $16.05.
For full particular! call at city ticket of
fice Illinois Central railroad, 1402 Farnam
A I'lnpc to fii ml the Sum in nr.
On tho lines ot the MILWAUKEE HAIL-
WAY In Wisconsin aro some of the most
benutlful places In the world to spond a
summer vacation camping out or at the ele
gant summer hotels. Doatlng, Ashing, beau
tiful lakes and Btroams and cool weather.
These resorts aro easily reached from
Omaha. A book describing them may bo
had upon implication at tho Chicago, Mil
waukee & St. Paul Ity. city ticket office,
1504 Farnam street, Omaha. Hound trip
tickets, good returning until October 31,
now on sale, F. A. NASH,
General Western Agout.
Closing out our entire lino of ladles'
children's summer undorwear nt cost.
1C, 2 FOR 23C.
Our lino of Indies' 23c rlchellcu ribbed
vests, low neck, sleeveless or wing sleeves,
very nicely finished, real bargains, 16c, 2
for 25c.
Our lino of lisle thread vests, silk finished,
low neck, V or squnre neck, high neck, long
or short sleeves, knee pants to match, lace
trlmmng, entire lot placed on the counter
for Saturday's sale, only 23c each.
Our lino of silk mercerized COc vests, low
neck, sleeveless or wing sleeves, beautifully
finished, special bargain; Saturday's sale,
33c, 3 for $1.00.
Ladles' union suits, silk finished, lisle
thread, low neck, sleevplcss, kneo length,
whlto or ecru, $1.00 and $1.25 quality, all
sizes, 7..C suit.
Misses' vests, white or ecru, all sizes, Sat
urday's sale, 10c each.
Wo havo tho largest and most complete
stock of ladles' nnd children's hosiery at
lowest prices,
Children's flue ribbed, fast black cotton
hoso double knee, heel nnd toe, cannot be
equaled for !ess than 23c pair, nil sizes C to
914 i our Saturday's sale, 15c pair.
Mioses' black lisle thread hose, double
knee, heel nnd toe, very good quality, 33c
stock, nil sizes, Saturday, 25c pair.
Misses mercerized silk lisle hose, fast
black, double knee, heel and too; also n nice
lino of the new Polkn dot In bluo and tan,
all sizes, 50c pair.
Ladles' fast black fine 40-gaugo cotton
hose, double sole, heel and toe; Saturday,
luc pair.
Ladles' extrn fine maco cotton hose, fast
black or tan, high spliced heel and toe, black
or whlto feet, only 2oc pair.
35C. 3 FOR $1.00.
radios- gauzo usio tnrcad hose, blncle or
tnn; also a complete lino of best maco cot
ton hose, n very pretty lino of fancy, polka
dot or boot patterns, nil for Saturday's sale,
35c, 3 for $1.00.
e nro headquarters for ladles' fancy hose
polka dots, In red, tan, blue, brown or black
lace patterns, In blnck or tan, very pretty
lino of plain gauze lisle thread hose, nil nt
50c pair.
As n special inducement nnd a real bar
gain we will sell our $2.25 black silk hose,
double sole, high spliced heel nnd toe, beau
tiful quality, Saturday only $1.60 pair.
Farnam and Fifteenth
John . Wlinrtou Unyn III" Mnjorlty i
Will lie (iri'iiti-r Thnn It Wim
Four rum An".
John O. Wharton has returned from a
trip to Ohio, In which stnto he has been for
week. Whllo at Mlddletown, O., he met
'aul J. Sorg, cx-congressmnn from tho dis
trict and a prominent democratic politician
who supported Urynu In lS'Jtl. Speaking to
Mr. Whnrton. Mr. Sorg stated his Inten
tion of voting for McKlnley and working for
bis re-election. He said he wa led to thU
course by tno improved business conumons
of tho country and the promise of future In
crease through tho foreign nnd domestic
policy ot the republican party.
Referring to the political conditions in
Ohio .Mr. Wharton said that McKlnley would
receive a larger majority than In 1896, for
all of the men who voted for him that year
would vote for him again and many who
voicd for llryan have seen tho fallacy of
democratic argument. One Ohio farmer who
was nn nrdent champion ot frco silver four
yearn ago toiii blm that no woum vote ror
McKlnley this year and continued:
"I believed the statement of Mr. llryan
n 1896 when ho said that if n gold standard
law was placed upon the Btntuto bookn the
price of all farm produce would be lower
and tbo rates of interest would be higher.
have seen that law passed and havo mado
more money on my farm in tno last tnree
years than I havo mado In any ten yeais
aam i iiurns, l.'uts i-nrnam, is selling n
beautiful "Doulton" dinner set, 100 pes., $8.
- .
Don't miss nttendlng tho big Jowclry sale
Saturday at tno big storo of Haydcu Ilros.
l'ago 7.
Took Sloek In 1'nyiiu-iit for llln
Icch nml mv I'IiiiIn Hint
It In Wnrtlilrmi.
Thr North wrutern Line,
Halt Fare
Charleston, S. Ci.,
many other
City Ticket Offices, 1401-3 Farnam St.
Evcrltt Thompson attempted to prove In
Judgn Vlnsonhnler's court yesterday that
tho laborer Is worthy of his hire. Tho
Omaha Gns Engine nnd Motor company, ho
paid, was indebted to him in tho amount of
juu ror uruuous ton, hacked by a
machinist's skill. All Thompson has to show
for his services are three shares of stock
which he bollovea to bo worthless,
Thompson tcstllled that ho hnd Bpont
rovernl months on tho construction of an
mtomobllu. Ho had built tho machlno In
accordance with specifications, ho Bald, and
when his task was finished ho was ap
proaciieit wim nn oaur of stock In payment
Df wnges. It wns represented to him thnt
tho company would soon bo In tho van of u
now Industrial movement nnd that the fruits
Bf his Inbor wero likely to bo magnified
many fold. Thompson thereupon took thrco
ibnres of stock, giving in exchango his re
celpt for services rendered.
When Thompson made diligent but tardy
inquiry ne alleges that tho stock proved
to bo worthless. Ho asked tho court to
orco tho company to some recognition of his
honest nnd well dlrerted labor. Tho receipt
In full, however, was presented by tho nt-
orneyn inr uie ueii'UHO nnu tno court was
unable to sco how Thompson could have any
valid claim, rue casn was dismissed.
The lair holds both maker and circulator
t a counterfeit equally guilty. The dealer
who sens you a dangerous counterfeit of
HoWltt'a Witch Hazel Salve risks your life
to mam a iittio larger protit. You cannot
trust him. DoWitt's Is the only genuine
ind original witch Hazel Salve, a well
inown euro for piles and all skin diseases,
tee that your denier gives you DoWitt's
ChniiBP nt Time.
On July 1 the Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
Paul railway changed tho time of their train
between Omaha and Chicago. The fast train
formerly leaving at 7:33 p. m. will, under
the now card, leave nt 6:00 p, m., arriving
Chicago at 8:30 n. m., In nmplo time for all
eastern connections. Tho local train form
erly leaving at 11:00 . m. has been changed
to n fast daylight train for Chlcngo, leaving
Omaha at 7:16 a, m. and arriving Chicago
at 10:30 p. m.
A new Bhnmpoo, rub it In N. N. Shampoo.
Medicine that Cures
If your Kidneys are
not performing their
functions properly or
doing their duty use
Cramer's Kidney Cure.
It's a medicine that
- 4 4 4 J
cures bold by all
Trianglo lodge No. 54, Knights of Pythias,
will glvo a basket picnic at Pries' lake
Sunday, July 15, 1900. All knights nnd fam
ilies nro cordially Invited to attend. Carry
alls will leave 22d and Cuming streets at
9:30 a. m.
Only Two Nights
In niahliiK' tho trip
Oninhn tn l'ortlnnil
"The Chicago-Portland Special"
1.-.0 .Mllm
AIoiik hr C'olumliln itlver
hy Ilityliiflit.
City Ticket
onii-e, 1:102
Tel. :ni.
Pnrnnni SI.
Varnishes that wear
Tho Sherwin-Williams Co.'s VARNISHES
llko their paints, nro of superlative qual
Ity. They nre put up In small cans as well
na largo one. There nro varnishes for
FURNITURE and vnrnlshes for FIXJOH
Then thero la tho beautiful "HARD Oil.
Half-pint can Family I'nlnt 15c
Mtwr-mni can varnish stnln 20c
Jlulf-nlut can Screen Pnlnt Jfic
Qunrter-plnt can Enamel Pnlnt 20o
wunrier-puu can niryi le Ennmel
Quurter-plnt can Tiuggy Paint
One-Quart Can Floor Paint.
(Covers 75 square feet, two coats.)
ilnlf-nlnt can Bath Tub Enamel .... fOe
itaii-nint can un Htuin 15o
One-pint can Fine Varnish 40c
One-quart bottle Knundor'H Ruby
Floor Oil fjiv
One-pound can Shlnon Floor Wax.... 50c
Sherman& McGonnell Drug Go.
16th and Dodge Street!, OMAHA, NEB.
l'nrinrrn Want Klprtrlu llnnil.
A call has hoen Issued for a meeting nt
ho Commercial club nt 11 o'clock today
if tho iitrinerH Interested In the nronoseil
iilmrlinn lmtrlf riillvi'uv hnlwi.nii ihlu ,llv
mil Fremont. (5 It. Williams, who Is chief
promoter of tho project, has called the
iieetliiK nnd it Is expected that nearly all
the farinern from along tho prnposeil route
Kill be present. It Is also expected that a
In rem number of tho retail nierehiinlH nt
tmuhn will bo prenont to meet tho farmers
mil manliest nn interest in the project.
T)eWItt'a Little Knrly Risers are famou
Sttlc pills for liver and bowel trouble!.
Hever grlpa.
(rnnil Kxrtimlon unit I'lenle.
To llennlngtoti, given by tho Omaha Platt-
leutnchor Vereln. Sundny, July 15. Trains
Kill leave tho Webster street depot at 10 a.
ii. and II p. m., returning 5 p. in. nnd 10 p.
jn. Rouud trip tickets, 75 cents; children,
I to 12 years, 2u cents, with admission to
park, A jolly good tlmo and good music.
fniiip Mrrtlnir
at Mountain Iako Park. Maryland.
Via the Raltlmore & Ohio Railroad.
On July 5 to 6, Inclusive, the Raltlmore
& Ohio railroad will sell low rate excursion
tickets to Mountain Lake Park, Md ac
count above occasion.
Tickets will bo good for roturn until July
SO, 1000.
For further Iformation call on or addresi
nearet "naltlinoro & Ohio ticket agent or
n, N. Austin, Oeneral. Passenger Agent,
Chicago, 111,
, ,.L -.,..a3a- ,- -
OHIO SAFE FOR M KINLEY I,AYU(I,n 'r,, uvs ,rs,,,IlIT 'AK,:
OknhnJI unit Arnold t'nrk,
The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul rail
way company havo Just placed In service
daylight trains between Omaha and s'plrl
Lake, OkoboJl nnd Arnold's Park. Going the
train leaves Omaha at 7.15 a. m. and ar
rives Spirit I.akp. at 4:15 p. rn. Returning
tho train leaves Spirit Lako at 6-43 a. m.
end arrives Omaha 3:55 p. m. This Is the
best service that has yet been offered over
nny one road. Round trip tickets, good re
turning until October 31, $10. Tu.
City ticket ofilce, 1504 Farnam street.
F. A. NASH, Oen'l Western Agent.
Tho greatest Jewelry sale ever known In
tho history of Omaha Saturday nt tho big
rtore of Haydcn llros. Head their nd on
page 7.
Tnltc the Wnhnih.
For Niagara Falls, Thousand Islands nnd all
tho summer resorts of tho east. All agents
cell tlcketB via the Wabash. Ask for them
or call on or write O. N. Clayton, room 40j
N. Y. Li. building.
We Do
Tomorrow mado of percalci $1.00, $1.25,
$1.50 nnd up.
Made of Colored Lawn 51.50, $1.93, $2.23.
Made of Whlto Lawn $2.50, $2.93, $3.23.
llntlitiiK iMiltn Navy Ilrlllliiiillni-,
Colored I'cronle I'ettleoinn .".
1510 Doit-las St.
Foster's $5.00 Tan Shoes
Ford's $5.00 Tnn Shocs-now
Plngree & Smith's $4.00
Tnn Shoes now
$3.00 nnd $3.50 Tnn Shoes
no w ,
$2.50 Tnn Shoes
Stacy, Adams $3.00 men's
Tnu Shoes now
Men's Tnn Shoes regular
prlco $4.00 now
Men's Tan Shoes regular
prlco $3.00 and $3.50 now
We nre closing out this stock, therefore
this ir.lo Is not confined to tnu shoes nlone,
but nil shoes nro ou sale nt remarkably low
The Howe
1515 Douglas
The teeth nature gave you, but if they ar
enno eonio to us for your next set. Fit
Clold Set 15-00
Clold Crowns $5.00
Cold Fillings $1-30 up
Talt's Philadelphia Dental Rooms
1517 DiiiiRlnn St.
Our celebrated $3. 50 Summer Tan Shoes go on sale
Saturday, at $2.75.
jgA This is no humbug or fako sale.
A $5 Value for $2.75
Workmanship and material the very host money can buy
July I he newest styles, colors and leathers, all sizes
and widths.
You know how well the Regent shoes fit the feet
how ood they wear. Our ?3.r0 line black vici kid
tan Hussia calf oxfords also on sale at ?2.75.
205 South
15th Street
This is no humbug or fake sale, but a genuine shoe
Don't throw this paper
fead Hayden Bros,' nd on
aside till
page 7.
-mnha Tent and Awning Co., tents, awn-
Study the Figures.
Clnclnnntt nnd return, $22.60, July JO, 11, 12.
Denver, Publo, Colorado Springs nnd return
$19.00, July 9, 10, 17, IS. 23, and n.
Glenwood Springs and return, $31.00, July , 10, 11
and 18.
Ogden, Salt Lake City and return, $32.00, July t, 10
17 and 18.
Hot Sprlngt, S, D. and return, $18,40, July 9, 10, 14
17, 18. 21. and 2?,
Custer. P, D. (Svlvnn Lake) and return. $20.60, Jul)
9. 10, 14,17. 18, 21, and 28.
Ticket Offlo.
1502 Farnam St.
Tal. 250.
urilnaton Station!
10th and Mason Sta,
Tal. 121. -
UAVnEIS' Special Clothing, Furnishing and
flAl UCRS Waist Values,
A special lot of men's While Duck Pants, neat and A
comfortable, on sale at eTDj
liegular 91.00 quality.
A large purchase of Glen's Crash Pants, 1.00 values, CAp
will be closed out at
A splendid value in .Men's Crash Suits, a large assort- f Cp
ment, worth $2.00 at VOC
;00 young men's very finest. Suits, for business or
dress wear, $S.r0 to $12.r0 values, go on sale in
two lots at only 5.00 and kJJ
Men's Fine Worsted Pants, worth ?.'?.00, i EZf
on sale at, la-v
Men's fine Tailored ELC
pants at 9JYJ
Men's 10.00 Suits, well made, serviceable, neat A SL
and comfortable, at ;
A large line of men's very finest 15.00 and 1S,00 C 1 f
Suits, we will put in one lot to close at ipivr
The second consignment of the manufacturer's stock from
New York City recently purchased by our resident buyer has ar
rived and the prices will be about half what they were last week.
The garments are new, stylish, clean and up-to-date in every re
spect ami the prices lower than the cost of the material.
1 table of waists in the newest styles. They are Er
worth 7uc and 1.00; for each
2 tables of Avaists in nice lawns, Scotch ginghams and other ma
terials, warranted to keep colors They are worth CAp
1.2") to 1.7o; on sale for only OVJC
Your choice of It tables very finest waists, including all our own
line goods, waists that have been selling for 2.00, SSLf
2.50 and .'.00; your choice - -J
The above are the greatest bargains ever offered in Omaha
or anywhere else at this season
100 dozen Ladies' Wrappers, percales and lawns, trimmed
with embroidery nnd braid, $1.7f values for OSc.
25 dozen Ladies' Wrappers, for '10c.
25 dozen Ladies' I'nder.skirts. for 2.'5c.
aLak 'V fcSll
Your Daily
Supplied at less money
than ever, making sonio
things almost a gilt
eomo a little bolow cost,
somo just at cobt, and
Boino juft ahovo cost
any way that helps. Tho
Btore news gathers f resh
swine. You know that
the methods employed to get the merchandise here to you
are not possible anywhere else.
A line to select from and prices to your liking that cannot
be equalled anvwhere within your reach.
All favorites. If any tno of them claims choice, its th
new fancy pleated bosoms, in pink or blue stripe they are
shown today for the first time. Fifteenth street window
1.00. Where can you find such an assortment of shirts
at 45c, 50c and 75c as this store gives?
One man says haven't you higher-priced shirts than
those in the window? Yes! Peauties for t.50 and ex
tra handsome ones at 1.75. It makes the shirt maker
gather his wits to come anywhere within our prices for
half as gootl a selection. The shirt business conies e
braskaward more this season than ever. We expect it, too.
Ladies' Sailors
Your choice of
$2, $1.50, $1.25 and $1 Sailors, 75c
75c Sailors arc Selling- for 45c
15c Sailors arc Scllingfor 25c
The Great Sale of Ladles' Wash
Waists Continues Rest of Week.
1.00, 1.50 and $2 vraiste,
choice for 50c
Shoes that are making the Nebraska famous as a real, live,
shoe store, gaining every day in sales and popularity, fit
ting both your feet and purse, keeping you cool, keeping
you comfortable. Tan oxfords, with or without vesting
top, real 2.00 value, here for 1.50.
Groceries at 50c
on the Dollar
Economy brand evaporated cieam.
French mustard, large bottles
Fancy large lemons, each, only ...
a sacks One table salt for
Large packages breakfast oats ..
Mustard or oil sardines, can
.... le
Condensed soups, chicken, ox tail, etc., etc.; one can makes six
bowis of soup ,
Sweet pickles, chow, mixed, sour, all kinds, in large glass
bottles, only h v'
Large glasses jelly, pure fruit, only W
4-pound new shredded cocoanut 1U
linked beans in tomato sauce, can '
Oi,nf i..n niinmlvin. makes hue pies "i'
11I1 J J - - 7 -
Pure corn starch, per package
imported sardines, per can
Pure fruit jelly, per pail
Horseradish mustard, per jar
Whole Japan rice, per pound
Large bottles pure tomato catsup
Laundry starch, per pound
New California peaches, per pound
ni.immwl C twinn or White Uiifsian, 8 bars for,
Separator creamery butter U'.c, lTc, 10c and 21c
Fancy dairy butter M(-' i ic aml ,,K!
Full cream cheese, per pound
Fancy Herkimer Co. cream cheese 120
Java'and Mocha coffee, per pound 1o
Family Java and Mocha coffee, per pound 2uc
Meats for Saturday.
s uw
. . 1 5c
8 UW
. . 5c
.. 10c
.. :u:
Deit bolouna KnR,Iph lunch MU80B "
No. 1 California ham 8o Chipped beef, per pound
5-lb. bft brand lard c Chipped bcof, pr enn ...
I.arKo cann veal loaf 19c I Luncheon ham
Spring chickens at our usual low prices.
12 a
Head JomiRen'fl Jewelry Sale Page T.
Gn Lard, on Ham, on
Bacon Is a giiarantat
f purity.
Swift and Company,
ad t
From Council niuffs, South Omaha nnd
oil over Omaha coma good reports, from
tboso using
Rheumatic Remedy
Wo havo born selling this preparation for
years, nnd If you aro ainicted with rheuma
tism, nournlRlo pains through tho body call
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