10 THE OMAITA DA1XV 111313: SATURDAY, JTTT II, 1000. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL All Grain Markets Are Influenced1!)? tho Weather Conditions. WHEAT OPENS STRONG-DECLINES LATER OprnlnK friers In Corn Slum n Suli ntiintlnl Ailvnnec, lint Arr on Hot, iiKntl for Hie llest of the Session, CHICAGO, July 13.-Wen.Uicr conditions Influenced nil tho grain markets today. He ports of Improvement In tho northwest nml the raising of tho figures on tho estimated yield wero the principal factors In 11 decline of UiSlUc In wheat. Corn closed 'i1ic loner and oats IWfUo lower. Provisions were Hteady on light receipts und good cash demand and closed 2Ji'tGc hlKhcr. Thu opening tono of wheat was rather trong, Heptember starting at an advance ot at 80fcfiMc. This was due en tirely to pit trading, local speculators being Influenced by the fact that foreign markets lid not show nn adeunto response to yes terday's decline hero and to tho serious ness of the. Chinese situation. Tho strength disappeared almost Immediately. Reports from tho northwest told of an Improved condition of wheat ns u result of rains and tho cooler weather prevailing nml llgures on the crop given out today by tho Trade Hull tin were raised considerably. This quickly changed the balance of trading In favor of the bears, The northwest sold considerably and tho steady decline In the firlco finally discouraged longs and resulted 11 considerable liquidation, which was kept up with moro or less steadiness nil day. Toward tho oloso of tho session thero was a flight Improvement In tone, caused prin cipally by covering by northwest traders who had put out wheat earlier In tho week and who had gced prollts In sight. Tho closing, however, wns heavy, though nt a llttlo bettor than bottom prices. Heptem ber sold down to 73c, but recovered to 7!ic on tho Into buying. The closo was nt 7S'.W(.70Uc. Northwest receipts were 142 cars, compared with 102 last week nnd 4S3 a yenr ago, Chicago receipts wero fi7 enrs, 13 of contract grado. Total primary re ceipts wero WJ.OW Int., against 7St,OuO till, a year ngo. Now York reported 50 loads taken for export. Seaboard clearances wero Gfiunl to 1:10,000 bu. Corn was strong enily, Influenced by re ports of continued hot weather In Kansas and Nebraska and absence of rnln, with de cidedly pessimistic crop reports. Opening prices showed a substantial advance- und this fact Induced enough profit taking to keop arlces on the down grade for the rest of the session. Some liquidation wns In jured by predictions of ruin In tho drouth stricken districts. Country offers were light. The seaboard reported CO loads tnken for export. Local receipts were tiXi curs. September rnnged from 4re to 43Hy-l3'!ic and lnil litf'Hie. lower nt ITJic. Tho oats murket followed closely the fluctuations of corn. Opening prices were slightly higher, but the market soon de clined on selling hy local traders, Influenced by tho weakness of other grains. Traders who bought early In tho week on damage reportB from tho west wero conspicuous In the. selling. Receipts wero Itil cars. Sep tember ranged from SIio to 2l'ic and closed WiiYtC lower nt 2lsc. Provisions, though rnther dull, showed steadiness throughout tho session. Hog re ceipts wero light nnd tho cash demand for meats was good and prices were well sus tained, even when grnln markets wero at their weakest. Fluctuations were unim portant. At the close September pork was Ci'ifiUc higher nt $12.0214; September lard, f.c higher nt J5.9214, nnd September ribs, Slfco higher at 7. estimated receipts Saturday: Wheat, 75 -urs; corn, C90 cars; oats, 170 cars; hogs, 35.000 head. Tho lending futures ranged as follows: Artlclos.l Open. High. Low. Closo.l Ycs'y. Wheat .Inly Aug. Sept. Corn July Aug. Sept. Oats July Aug. Sopt. Tork July Sept. Lard July Sept. Oct. Ribs July Sept. 79' j, 7yt, 77 77 7RQ79 7W;JTi 73T(, 7SU 7S4?i 79-VftHi S0!(- S0?i 79 70',iy-U iOi Wt 44U WS 43 BTft 4lMl 41 43 WMWo 411ft 4115 45 43Mf)i 43?44?itf 24 21 2.ia, 23a;fiTs 21 24;fiH 24' 23 24 2IU 24)i 244 24U 2tH2Ml ." 12 45 12 f.0 12 0754 12 67JS 12 CO 12 C214 12 CO r, R7' (! 87'. C W, C ST. 6 7714 C 921S 1125 fi 90 C 92'. 0 S7S 6 90 G95 6 90 0 95 090 C 95 fi 95 C 90 C 90 C 95 7 0214 7 (QK G 97' 7 00 0 97',J No. 2. Cusb quotations were ns follows: FLOUR Basy; winter patents. Jl.lOirt.20; ptralghts, J3.201i3.fiO; clears. J3.COfj3.70; spring specials. JI.751il.S5; patents, J3.rxV4.20; straights, J3.20GO.70; bakers. J2.30fj2.SO. WIIEAT-No. 3, 74077c; No. 2 red, 7Sif bO'.bc. (ORN-No. 2, 4.T?ic; No. 2 yellow, 43;3 44'e. OATS-Np. 2, WMVAic; No. 2 white, 2Sc; No. 3 white. 2fi',iif2Sc. RYR No. 2. COfcfilc. HARLKY CJood feeding, 3SfM2o; fair to choice malting. 43iriSe. SKI-JDS No. 1 llax and northwestern. J1.S0. Trlmo timothy, J3.27' Clover, contract grade. JS. J'llOVISIONS-Mcss pork, per Mil., J12.50 il2.K. Uird. per 100 lbs.. J.S5QCS7',4. Short ribs sides (loose), Jii.fW77.20 Dry salted ahouldcrs (boxed). Jfl.75fi7.00. Short clear sides (boxed). J7.EOT(7.C0. WHISKY llasls of high wines, per gal., SUGARS-Cut loaf. JS.78; granulated, $5.22: confectioners' A, JC.1S; off A, JC.03. V olio wing aro tho receipts and shipments for today: Ship nietits. I9.rw l i.rvo 975,000 522.WO ?.0.OY Articles. Receipts. F our, bbls lo.imo Wheat, bu 39,000 'orn, bu 4:7.0rt0 Oats, bu 191,000 Jtye. bu 4.(m Harley, bu n.COO 19.000 On tlln T I T-n .1 1 1 n.nlin..,. ....... .1 ... ..u...v ...iiiuibu lining llltl IHll- ter market was steady; creameries, i:,fi 19c; ilalrles, 14fil7c. Oheree, quiet, 9'.101ic. Kggs. firm; fresh, 11c. MV YORK (iHXKH.U, MAHICKT. Uuotiilloiia for the llnr on Vnrlonn ComiiiodlllcH. NI3W YORK. July 13.-FLOUR-Rccelpls, 15,173 bbls.; exports, 23.SSS bbls.; sales, 7.GM) bbls.; market wns very dull nnd weaker nt SfMBc decline to sell; winter patents, ll.0O4.G0; winter straights, J3.S0ftl.00; win ter extras, J2.50J3.15; .Minnesota patents, fl.C0ffl.90; winter patents, J2.75ff3.10; Min nesota, bakers, KM01i3.no. Ryu Hour, dull; miles, 450 bbls.; fair to good, J3.15fj3.:M; cholco to fnncy. J3.S5ff3.75. COHNMKAl-Qulct; yellow western, 97c; city. 96c; Jlrundywino, J2.COf(2.70. RYU Qulot; No. 2 western. 05o f. o. t. afloat; state, GIfjC2c c. I. f., Now York, car lots. HARLKY Nomlnnl; feeding, 4Sc c. I. f., Nov York,; multlng. 49i53c c. I. f., New York. HARLKY MALT Nomlnnl. WHKAT Receipts. 40.700 bu.; exports. C5, OiO bu.; sales, 0,310,000 bu. futures; 120,OtP0 bu. export; spot, weak; No. 2 red. 85'io f. o, b. ntloat; No. 2 red, KIHc. elovotor; No. 1 northern. Uulutli, , hS&io f. o. b. allont to ar rive; No. 1 hard, Duluth, Whc f. 0. b. nllont to nrrlve. Options opened llrm on the Im provement In Kngllsh cables and covering, but at onco turned wenk under liquidation, better northwest crop news, foreign and southwest selling, n break In corn nnd nb nenc of buying power; this heaviness wHij inn u in or corn Receipts. 317.S50 bu.; exports, 610,. PC0 bu, ; snles, 115,000 bu. futures; fi.W.OiX) bu spot; spot, weak; No. 2, 51c f. o. b. afloat nnd FiO-NiQ elevntor. Options opened strong on dry weather In tho southwest, but being overbought soon wenkencd on Inter rumors of rains nml suffered a sharp loss In tho nfternoon. Closed weak nt ,ff,e net decline; July. ISfJIli&c, closed nt 4fc; September. 4SJji 1911c, closed nt 4ST4c; De cember, 4fiTW47:c, closed nt 4CT4e. OATS-Recelpts, 323.0CW bu,; exports. 23.139 bu.; sales, 10,000 bu.; spot, quiet: No. 2, 2Uo; No. 3, 2S'c: No. 2 white. 31c; No. 3 white, SObo; track, mixed western, 29ii30c.' Op tions wero dull nnd easier. HAY-Quiet; shipping, 70075c; good to choice. SOiiS7'4c. HOPS -Quiet: state, common to choice, 1S99 crop, Ufj14c; old, SfiGc; Paclllc coast, 1S99 crop, lOfi'lJc; old, 3fl6c. 1IIDBH Firm; Oalveston. 20 to 23 lbs., ISc; Callfprnln. 21 to 23 lbs., 2H4o; Texas dry, 24 tor30 lbs., 14c. LKATHKR Steady; hemlock sole. Huenos Ayres, light to heavyweights, 23Ufi2IHc; neld. 23U'u244c. PROVISIONS-Tleef. steady; family. J10.50 dlii.w; nieBB, rj.wm.uti oeet uams, ;u.wif 21.00; packers, 5.0fjG.i I ; clear extra India mess, J13.OW15.75. Cut moats, llrm: pickled bellies, SUlj'IGc: nlcklvd shoulders. 6?io; pick led bams, lowlop. Lard, eusy: western itiunid, 7,221i; July closed at I7.22H; re jami-n uu nay: rioseu wenu nt 'ijnHo ue cllno; July, SliifiSCUc, closed SPc; Sci)tem. ber. KS-KIISSUr, closeil at 83N,c; October. SSU s.V;c, closed at Slic; Docombor, SIMt t&'frc closed nt Slic. fined, steady, continent, $7 45, South Amer lea. JS.W; compound, J.25fi6.37ti. Pork, llrm, family, JH myni.2; short clear, JI3.25 013.25; mess, J13.25fjl3.40. , t J AllXJW-Flrm. city ( per pKg.j, tijc; 1 1 1.1, It I.Vl -1,0... ..n-..-., .-.fccwwj , large, white, iif9ic; large, colored, 9'iff 9Vc; small, colored, O'ifiSUc. KOOS-Rrcelpts, 6,4?1 pkgs.: firm; west ern, nt mark, 111(130 for nvcrugo lots; west, em, los on, 14!s1(15c. MKTALS Iron continues In the snmc un. satisfactory shape. Pig Iron warrants were quoted nt JI3.50, nominal. Tin In London advanced JJ1 on spot. The local market continues llrm nt J33.75B34.I2'4. Huslncs, however, wns very quiet. Copper In Lon don was 5s lower, but tho local market ruled unchanged nt J1G.50. Lead ruled dull at .1.97ifM.02i4 nnd spelter was dull nnd ensy at JI.SOffi.25. The brokers' price for lead was J3.S0 nnd for copper J1G.23. OJI AHA -WlIOI.nSAI-n MAIIKISTS. Condition of Trndc nml Quotation on Slnple nml Fnnoy I'roilucr, KOOS Receipts, liberal; good stock, 10c. LIVK POULTRY Hens, fUftSc; roosters, nccordlng to ngo nnd size, 384c; broilers, 14fjl5c; ducks, 4fj5c; geese, 4f5c; turkeys, Sc. FRKSII DRESSKD POULTRY Hens, 8f !',4c; roosters, 6fjCc; ducks nnd geese. 9fj 10c; broilers, l',4 to 2 lbs., per doz., J3.C03 1.60; turkeys, 12!4c. I1UTTKR Common to fair, 13'.4c: cholco, 15fli5c; sepnrator, 20c; gathered creamery, 17filSc. FISH" Trout, 9c; blue fish, 12c; pickerel, Sc; cnlll'h. 12c; dressed buffalo, 6c: "vhlte fish, 10c; herring, 5c; black pass, I6c; sal. mon, Me: white bass. 10c; cropplo, 10c; pike, 9c; halibut, 12c; bullheads, 10c: ring perch, Cc; lobsters, green. 22c; boiled lobsters. 23c; mackerel, 20c; codfish, 10c; yellow perch, 6c. PIOKONS-Llve, per doz., OOcfjJl.OO. VKALH-Cholce, 9f?10c, HAY Per carload lots: Upland, choice, J7.E0; midland, choice. J8.50; lowland, choice, JT..E0; rye straw. ..'holce, J6.00; No. 3 corn, 37c; No. 3 white oats, 21c; crocked corn, per ton, J15.00; corn nnd onts, etinppert, per ton, J15.K0; bran, per ton, J12.60; shorts, per ton, J12.50. VPJOKTARLRS. CUCUMBRRS-Pcr doz.. 40850c. ASPARAGUS Home-grown, per dot., 20 2oc. NKW TURNIPS-Per bu. basket, 76c. NKW HKHT8 Per doz. bunches, 30c. NKW CARROTS Per doz. bunches, 25c. LKTTt'CK Per doz. bunches. 20c. RADISH ICS Homo-grown, per doz., 150 20c. PKAS-Per H-bu. basket. 50c. WAX UKANS-Pcr half bu. basket, 40 50 NKW POTATOKS-Pcr bu., 40f713c. CAHIIAOB Home-grown, pet lb., 1C CAULIFLOWKR Per doz., 11.00. ORKKN CORN-Por doz., 10fjl5c. TOMATOKS-Mlsslsslppl. per four-baskat crate, (5c; homo grown, per j-bu. buskct, 73c. RHUnARR Per lb lV4S2c; home grown, per lb., 2c. ONIONS-Homo grown, per lb., lifJ2c. FRUITS STRA WRKRRIKS All gone. H LACK I'lSRIUKri Per 21-qt. case. MXa. ULACK RASPHKRRIKH Per 21-qt. case, J2.75; per 21-pt. case. J1.50. RIJD RASPBERRIES I'er 24-pt. caso, J2.25. ULI'KRERRIES-lC-qt. cases, J2.25. (TRUANTS Per 24-qt. case. J2.00. PEACHES California, per box, SOcfJJl. APRICOTS California, per box, J1.35, PLU.MS-Callfornln. per crnte, 11.53. PRUNES California, per crate, J1.33f1.50. HARTLKTT I'KARS-Callfonila, per box, ""OOOSERERRIES Per 24-qt. caso, J2. CIIERRIKS-Callfornla, per 10-lb. box, Jl.10fjl.25; Missouri, per 24-qt. case, J2.25; S-Ib. baskets. EOfOOc. WATERMELONS As to size., 25S30O each. Al'PLES Native. C0fj75o per bu. TROPICAL FRUITS. PINEAPPLKS-Per doz., tl.60fTl.7S. ORANGES California, Mediterranean sweets, per box. J4; budded seedlings, 13. LEMONS California, fancy, J4.75; chotc, J4.50. 11 ANANAS Per bunch, nccordlng to size, J2.25f3.00. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS-Hlckory, large, per bu J1.25; shellbarks. J1.35; English walnuts, per lb 12013c: filberts, per lb., 12c: nlmonds, per lb.. llillCc; raw, per lb., 5HS6c: roasted, GH37HC. Ta HIDES. HIDKS-No. 1 green hides. 7c; No. 2 green bides, Ec; No. 1 salted hides, 7c; No. 2 salted hides. Cc; No. 1 veal calf, S to 12 lbs., 8c; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs., 6c. SI. I.oulh (5 ml ii nml I'rovlntons. ST. LOUIS. July 13. WHEAT Lower: No. 2 red cash, elevator, 77Vic; track, 77144? 7S".c; July, 7Gc; August, 7654c; September, 77'.Mi77Uc: No. 2 hard, 74fj7414c. CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, 42c; track, WW) 43J4c; July, 42c; September, 43c. OATS Lower: Nok 2 cash, 2."c: track, 25f(25'.4c; July, 23ic; September, 23Hc; No. 2 white, 2S9c. RYIC-Lower at ECfj5G!tc. FLOUR Dull nnd unchnnged. SEEDS Timothy, nominally higher nt J3.10 bid for prlmo new to nrrlve; J2.50S2.75, spot; llax, higher nt J1.39 bid, July. CORNMKAL Steady nt ;2.25f;2.30. URAN Firm; sacked, east truck, GOVic. I IAY Firm; timothy, J9.00fjfl3.50; prairie, JS.ri01J9.25. WIIISKY-Stendy nt J1.23. MKTALS Leud, dull nt J3.93. Spelter, dull nt J4.05. POULTRY Firm; chickens, 7o; springs, lOffllc; turkeys, DfiGc; ducks. 6c; springs, 6fiSc; geeso, 3c; springs, 5fj7c. KGGS-Stendy nt 8c. HUTTKR Stcndy; crenmory, lGf?13V4c: dairy. llfflGc. I'ROVISIONS Pork, steady: Jobbing, J13.00. Lnrd. higher; prlmo steam, JG.G7V2; choice, J6.72'4. Dry salt meats (boxed, llrmer; extra shorts. J7.50; clear rlb3, J7.C2'.i; clear sides, $7.75. Racon (boxed), firmer; extra shorts, JS.00; clear ribs, JS.12i,A; clear sides. $9.23. RECEIPTS Flour. 5,000 bbls.: wheat, 19, 000 bu.; corn, 13,000 bu.; oats, 35,000 bu. SHIPMENTS-Flour. 4,000 bbls.; wheat, 43,000 bu.; corn, 22,000 bu.; oats, 15.000 bu. Kiiiixiih City (rnln nnd Provisions. KANSAS CITY, July 13. WHEAT July, (i9'te: September, 70'4c; cash. No. 2 hard, v., it G9f(70c; No. 2 red, 75fj75',4c; No. 3, C9fj70'iC t oi,i-September, 417ifT42c; cash. No. 2 mixed, 41',if(41Hc; No. 2 white, 4o!4c; No. 3, 43414 IHc. OATS-No. 2 white, 2i'.if27!4c RYK No. 2. 5fic. IIAY-Cholco timothy, J9.5010.00; choice prairie, J7.25fi7.50. BUTTER Creamery, 15fJ18c; dairy, fnncy, 14c. EGOS Firm: fresh Missouri nnd Kansas stock, 814c doz,: seconds, 5c, lors off, cases returned: southern. Go; new wliltcwood cases Included, 4c more. RECKIPTS-Wficat, 117.C00 bu.; corn, (Jt 500 bu.; oats. 9,000 bu. W SHIPMENTS-Wheat, C2,t00 bu.; corn, S,4W bu.; oats, 1,000 bu. Liverpool Crnln nnd Prnvlslnnn. LIVERPOOI,. July 13. WIIKAT-Spot. steady: No. 1 northern, spring. Cs Gd; No. 1 California, 6s -44lfGs E4d; futures wero quiet; July, nominal; September, 6s 34d; December, nomlnnl. CORN Spot, new, firm; old, quiet; Amer ican mixed, new, 4s IHd; American mixed, old, 4s 2d; futures wero quiet; July, 4a 14d; September, I 2;d. PROVISIONS-Lard, prime western In tierces, dull nt 35s; American refined In palls, steady nt Kfis 9d. Receipts of wheat during the past threo days, 2OS.00O contnls, Including 2IS.000 Amer lean. Receipts of Amerlcnn corn during the past threo days, 77,800 centals. Toledo Murket. TOLEDO, O., July 13,-WHEAT-Dull nnd lower: spot, !2c; July. 82?ic: August, 82?ic; September R3c CORN Dull nnd lower; No, 2, cash, 45Vic; September, 4l?ie. OATS Dull nnd lower; No, 2, cash, 23c; September. 2110. RYE Dull and lower; No. 2, cash, 674c CLOVERSEKD-Dull and lower: 1S93, prime. J3.05; 1899 prime, JG.W; October, J5.S0; No. 2 seed, JI.IOfjM.50. Mlniieiipoll AVbent MnrUet. MINNEAPOLIS, July 13. WHEAT Tn store: No. 1 hard, cash, S14p; No. 1 north em, 794c; No. 2 northern, 7Sc. On trnrk: No. 1 northern. July, 7S4c; September, 7Sifj78!'4p; December. 78!ic. FLOUR 5s lower; first patents, JI.40; sec ond patents, JI.20; llrst clears, J2; second clears. J2.50. RRAN In bulk, J13.00Q13.50. lliilutli AVbent MnrKet. nULUTII, Minn., July 13.-WIIEAT-No. 1 hard, cash, 727-hc; August, 82c; Septem ber. S2c; December, 82c; No. 1 northern, cash, SO'ic; August, SOHo; September, SOSic; December, S0-i;c; No. 2 northern, 79UC; No. 3 spring, 75Te. OATS 2J4fl2Sc. 1'lillnileliililn Produce Mnrkrt. PHILADELPHIA. July 13.-RUTTKR-Flrm: good demand; fancy weatern cream cry. 20o; fancy western prints, 22c. EGGS Firm: fresh nearby and western, 134c; fresh southwestern, 124c; fresh south em, lOo. Cnllfornln Dried Frail. NEW YORK. July 13.-CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Dull. but about steady at old prices. The market for evaporated apples continued quiet nnd unchanged; state, common, 34tiue; prime, &4tj64c; choice, 6if,4c; fancy, 7674c. California 'ountry fpKgs. iree), 4',4rn i'ac. Ht'TTKR Receipts, 4.1.11 pkgs.; dull nnd wenk; creamery, 17l9'ic; factory, UWWtc. .IH.t.I... I, .la.,.. A t tils ra H, An ,lt ' dried prunes. 34w;e per lb., ns to slzr nnd quality. Apricots, Royal, llfrHe, Moor park, lMJiTe. Peaches, peeled, llfflSc; un peeled, Gfi'Je. OtllTrnnker (Irnln Murket, MILWAUKEE, July 13. WHEAT Mnr ket lower. No. 1 northern, SOc; No. 2 north ern, 734ffT9c. RA RLE V Dull; No. 2, 174c; sample, 49 MOVK.Mll.NT.S OF STOCKS AMI llO.VD.H. Selling; to Tnke ProfltH In the Order of the Oil). NEW YORK, July 13.-Today's stock market was but a dull nnd uninteresting affair and marked tho further relapse from tho manipulated rise of the enrller part of tho week which came Into evidence yester dny. Selling to toko prollts was tho order of tho dny and tho benrs put out some frofch short lines, That neither of theso operations was on a very extenstvo scale Is sufficiently shown by tho small figure ui iiiu iuiui buiu ui ine uay 111111 uii; Kreaier part of even theso smnll dealings took place In tho forenoon, when the bull Interests iu sun juiiKiiiK luiuu euunn 10 ciin- . I . V. n . I ,1' 1. .. .. .... .. 1 . tmuu 4ii iiuttiuit;. a uu uiiui it. ntiu mil .ui lu, 111 111 uiu ui'eiuiiK liiilisui. nuns llliu the sympathetic depression from foreign mnrkets was allowed Its full effect. The weakness Inert- was due to renewed fears regarding tho Chlneso situation and to the ..'ifllMl' IU UIU 11IUI.1II lUIVlB III OlIUlll Africa. The effect here wns purely sympathetic nnd when It was seen how small tho selling for London nccount was tho bulls braced their energies nnd nt tempted to resume control of the market. Tho pressure of prollt taking which met the advance when lust night's level of prices was npprouched discouraged tho attempt nnd tho murket wns allowed to lapse Into nn almost lifeless stnte. The sharp break In tho wheat market, which might bo fairly construed ns Indicating n more hopeful fnnllt.w rnori f.lln ,1... nKn.. , to sustain tho stock market. Small as tho ""'"S "cm iney wero suiiiciriu 10 drive prices sharply below last night's level. Iho grnngers, south westerns and some of tho southern railroad stocks wero most notably affected, but thero wero examples of weakness all throught tho list, both of Ml Irnndu nml .nn.l.lilUH .1' 1 . ... , ... ,. . i,u oirtLiniucu, I IIU sieei KlUCHS became notably weak late In the day on a kivmviuk nijpreucnsion tnnt ino general re action In business will curtail thu consump tive requirements for Iron and steel, what ever tho ultlmuto basis of prices may be. A further ndvuncc In tho sterling exchange rate, tho hardening of tho I,ondon discount rate nnd tho continued drnln on the gold re servo of the Hank of England led to tho opinion amongst International exchnngo houses that further shipments of gold from New 1ork to Purls aro llkoly to bo made next week. At tho same time today s re duction In the discount rute of tho Imperial Rank of Germany and u further relaxation n tho private discount rate- In Ilerlln makes It crobnblo that Rcrlln hns been further reduc ng ta loan obligations to New York. A liquidation of foreign borrowing, ac companied by un export movement In gold would present nn astonishing state of af fairs. Lstlmatcs of tomorrow's bank state ment are rather tentative In view of tho discrepancy last week between tho prelim inary Inillrntlnnu n.,t !,., ...., - . M,i , , .... h..u ...u iinuui lesuus, ?Jwbank?.st;olV0 havo Kitlncil over Jl.OOo, W from the su'btrcasury during tho week 7 . uurroncy rrom tho In terior. (linllErh Mn.l ,1.1.. '.i , in the'ir favor. CallToans'fell ViTier i f "'r1""" ana lnc probability Is In rhr ?f a," ,ncrease in surplus reserves. prices c-hances were mixed. Total saK i,oo.iW. uiuicu states bonds wero unchanged In bid quotations. nm.MMiCol".erclnl Advertiser's London financial cablegram says: The markets 2,vcr?. Ptlonally Idle today, influ enced by the dismal rumors nbout the lega- C,fr.h"L;t'" of tho Renin bank curui, SSmJ .r&?..K ?.',linfCatnli;0, The bank 't 7,(Whgo 1 to China. Thu cemen mml,ln montloned In theso dispatches w?ns for CWOOOnUnCed t0dny- 11 ,,n8 11 cupltul of No:'w1'kikBS?or?lcthoxcS,an8i,o? rl " tlle Atolilnon 25 K c-Hi1 74 V, MS Union I'aclfle .. . 04 H ,. 73'i 6t . li'. . 8?, , Zl'i . It .110 .110 .153 . in' .122 . 34'i . SS 1'4 . 194 . 3CH . 5S . 1 . 17 . 19 . CS'i . 32'i do ptil llaltlmore & ado Canadian Paolfio.. do pfd Vabash do pfd WWI. I,. H. do 2d pfd... Wis. Central ... .hird Avenue .. Adams Kx muiican lix.... ". a. fix AVIIs.rargo i:.x. .Vmor. at. oil . do pfd ('nuJ-L Ho ,. ,. 27ii .. 11 124U . It . SO . 1 .us locn . S7H . C . 41 K,l ,.11114 .170 . I'M .. r.r, . io-r, SI", ..ir,2i . mi . z ..117'.4 . U . 7 . K, . 2ft .. 90 ,.210 CIk-b. & Ohio (SUwico 1. W O., H. & Q Chi. I ml. & I,.... do pfd , Chlcatro & K. III.. Chicago & N. W.. C. It. I. & ! O. C. C. & St. I,.. Colorado So , do 1st pf.l do 2d tiM .im-r. ."Uniting . do Pfd H. & n.. t.fd Amer. Del. A Unison ,, Del. L. & V Denver & It. a... do pfd , I.'rlo do 1st pfd.... at. Nor. pfd , Rocking Oonl .... Hocking Vulley ., Illinois Cititrnl .. Iowa Central .... do pfd K. C. 1. & O..., Luke IJrle & W.. do pfd LiUe Shore L. & N .Manliultan I, Met. St. Ity Mexican Central Minn. & St. L. ... do pfd Mo. Pacific Mobile & Ohio .. M.. K. & T do pfd "N. J. Central .. N. A'. Cfntrnl Norfolk & W do .M.,i No. I'aeMe , do pfd Ontario & V Om. Tty. .it Nav.. do pfd Pennsylvania .... tending do 1st pfd..., do 2d pfd.... Itlo (J. W do nfd do mr. f-filrlta ... uo pr,i Amor. S. Hoop . do pfd Amer. S. ,1 W. uo pfd Amer. Tin Plate . do pfd Amir. Tobacco .... do pfd Ann. Mfnlng Co.. Rrooklvn 11. T :'' 91H r M'i 2V,i iColo. niel & Iron. Con. Tobaoco do pfd Federal Steel .. 7(!4 .. 32 .. 5514 ..13) .. .H'4 .. 07 .. !2'4 .. CI .. 73'i .. 2ST, .. S2 .. 19 .. fli! .. 23'.", .. SJ'; ..111 .. lS'J .. SI .. S3 .. 00 .. 27'-i .. IK'4 .. 13 .. 73 ..H2 .. 5i ..tl7'4 ..117 .. v; .. .. 07'4 .. 23 do pfd. ..i:ai; nen. Klectrio ... II". 'llucosa Sugar .. K do pfd .. 91 Inter. Pap?r .. M!4 do pfd ... 37 Laclede (las .. 10H National llljcult . ... Sli do pfd .AW N'n'ii.nnl Lwul ... ..129 do pfd .. 3.1. .National Steel .... ... 77V do pfd .. V S'. V. Air Ilrako ... 70 N'o. American ... .. 19' i "Paclllc Coast ... .. 42 ) "iln let pfd... 7 "Jo Id pfd.... ...12 P-iellli- Mull . . ICIi 1'e.iple'n flni D9 l'remed S. Car ., 14 r,V4 S-. 9'; do pfd I'lillmin 1' 'nr Standard It. & T St. I,. & H, P.... uifnr do M pfd... ... ; ... 33 ... to ilo pfd Tenn. Coal & I do 2d pfd..,, St. L. Knutliir,.,, do pfd St. Paul ".to pfd Rt. 1. & Omaha.. fio. Puelflo So. Uallwny do pfd , Toxn.i & lMclflo . If. rt. leather .'.'i do pid ...limi U. S. Itiibh-r . 17t iln nr,l ... ni ... 7sn ... its . . 1... 17 ...IP) ... 32 ... ll4 Wmtern I'nlon .. llcpulillc I ,i S. 00 nr.i ... 5114! V. C C. & St. I, ... 14'i Ass't paid. MSx-dlv. Offered. fit'W York luney llnrUet. NKW YORK, July H.-MONHY-On call, quiet nt 1W per cent; prime mercantllo paper. SUfrlH per cent STUKLING KXrilANOU Vlrm, with nc tunl business In bankers' bills nt Jl.siift 4..SGT4 for demand and at Jl.SI'.d for sixty days; posted rates, Jl.fSfo l,S7i commercial bills. JI.M'.iSI.S:!'. SlLVIJlt Certificates, fil-'lfiia.v.fv hp. ClHc; Mexlcnn dollurs. ISUc iiu.MJS i.overntncni, steady; stnte, Inac tive; railroad, Irregular. The- closing prices on bondu today aro ns follows: r. S. ref. 2.1 wr.'i do 4s 90 do coupon ,...103'l N. Y. C. is 10s N". J C. gen. 5a. ...122'4 ....IM'-i No. l'nrM; 3 ti; ,...10')U do 4h 101'.', do 25, reg... do 3a, reg.... do coupon uo new in, reg....i.ii y, 1- & at I, 4s. .101 do coupon til N. & W, vtm. 4s.... 97 do old , reg....1ll'i Ore N'nv. Is 107 do coupon 114'4 do i.i 102 do Cs, re.T 113' Oregon S. I,. Cs 1571J do coupon lit jo ons-d 5,t 112 D. of C. 3 CSs 121 Heading general 4s. SS' Attn, general 4....l01i', uio a W. Ik 'i7i; do ndj. 4 MV4 St L & I M e. f,s...1l0 Canada 80. 2s 107H St I, & S P g. Cn.,.121 dies. & O. 4Vn 994 iSt. Paul consols ...V,7 do f.s St 1. C & I' Is C. & N. AV. c. 7s.. .1101 do 3s vs; do S. I', deb. 5a. .120 Ko. I'aclllc 4s T9; Chicago Ter. 4s.... 92 So. IlnlUay Cs lOS'i Colo. So. Is S4"i S. H. A T. Ci 71'i D. & U. O. Is 102 ITex. & 1'ac. Is Ill'i do 4s 97'J do 2s PI Ilrle general 4s rAli t'nlon I'aclflo 4s....in;v T. W. S. D. C. is... 7014 Wnliash Is 116 Gen. Kleetrlc 5s..l16"j do 23 lfli; In. Central Is 112 West Shore 4 112'1 K C, T & O Is.. 72'i Wis. Central U S4 I,. & N. unl. 4s 9S'i Vn. Centuries 00 M K. &. T. 2 C3; When Issued. Offered. Trust re eclpts. I'orelwn l'liiiinelul, PARIS, July 13. Business on tho bourse today was depressed on disquieting Chlnn news nnd tho uncertainty ns to the fate of tho legation!, Intensified hy the effect of tho Ilrltlsh reverse In tho Transvaal. Kor elgucrs declined under tho lead of Spanish 4s, duo to tho decision of the international meeting to reduce the coupon 60c, to take effect nt no llxcd (lute, but not prior to January 1, tho proceeds of the reduction to be employed to reduce tho debt by 3,C0O,0O0f annually, tho bonds to be redeemable at par bv annual drawings, nnd holders not accepting the arrangement to bo given a period not yet fixed, but probably three months In which to protest. Kufllrs de clined. Three per cent rentes, Wf DQc for tho account. Kx. hnngo on London. Mfllr f0,r 'leeks. Spanish 4s closed nt 71 rf. KLItl.l.S. July 13,-prlics on the bourse today were weak, the general gravity of tin political situation being moro pro nounced. Hanks and Industrials, noti bly ron shares, were affected by the slu.nps In America. Hut toward the close they Im proved, being stimulated by the bank rate und there were a few repurchases. The riito of dlsciunt of the Imperial Hank of Germany was today reduced from 6'4 to C i'er cent. LONDON. July 13,-Amerlcan securities opened depressed 011 n lower over-night operation from New York and prices re mained down, with next to nothing doing, U1.'im'l.rkot obedient to the lead of "a" I Btrtt. The trading was largely In St. I'nul nnd .Louisville & Nushvllle. The oloso wns dull. Amount of bullion with drawn from the Ilnnk of Knglnnd on bal ance today was .C7,000. Spanish 4s closed nt 1. Gold premium nt nuenos Ayres, 131.60. Itoston stoeks 11 nd lloiidn, "PsTiON' r,u," ".-Call loans, 2mt cent; tlmo loans, 3Q4 per cent. Olllclal A., t. 8. I'.,.. do pfd Amor. .Sugar do pfd Amer. Telephone. Iloston & Albany. Iloston Klevated . Hoston & Me C, II. & Q Dominion iVuj .,, IVdernl Steel do pfd I'ltchhurg prd Mexican Central Mich. Tlcj4ione . N 13. (1. & C Old Colony Old Dominion .... Itllbber t'nlon I'aclllc .... West Knd 2SK . (!9 im .11s 14. .2.10 .141 .m .124'J . 34 . 3214 . , .137 . 12U . S7f. . Ti'4 .203 . 1SV4 . 22', . .14'i . 93 Wis. Central Atchison 4s . N. K. . & C Adventure ... .. 4Ui .100 . CI . 5; . 1 . S3 . 22 .290 . 4 .728 . 17 . 13 . fil ,. 40 .110 .. 4 ,.190 . 2fi" j 1. 2i Cs. Allmiez Mlnlnit Co Ainsl. Copper .... Attnntlc Hoston & Mont... llutto Hoston . Cal. llecla Centennial Franklin Hceola Parrot Qulncy Santa l Copper . Tnmnrnck t'tnli Mining Winona Wolverines ,. 37 K.x-dlvldend. .nr York Mlnlnjc S(ncks. NEW YOH1C. July 13.-Tho following nro the closing quotations for mining shares today: dioltar is Ontario Crown Point 6 Ophlr C6 Con. Cal. & Va lis Plymouth 10 Dcndwood 40 Quicksilver 150 Oould & Carrie .... 20 do pfd CV) Hale & Norcross .. 22 Sierra Nevada 24 Ilomestnke SO00 standard 410 Iron Sliver 53 Cnlon Con 17 Mexican t3 Yellow Jacket 10 London .tllnliiK Storks. LONDON, July 13. 1 p. ni.-Closlng: Consols, money .... ostji Hrlo 11", 33i r,v sy. 73 f,'i 8 39'i uo nccount vi do 1st pfd.... Atchison 2','t Pennsylvania Canadian I'nelflo ft. Paul Illinois Central Louisville t'nlon Pac pfd. N. Y. Central .. 91'i lU'i Heading No. Pacific pfd... Oram! Trunk Annconda Hand Mines 1201) I .. 70'4 ..133 HAH SILVKH-Stendy, 2Sd per ounce. JIO.N'EY-Hi per cent; the rutc of ills count In tho open mnrket for short bills Is -fiL'Ji per cent; for threo months' bills, :.'9l2'i tier rent Kliiiiiieliil otns. C3'I1 T TT t CJ T . . I . . ,n r. I , m. .... ni. ijuuia, juiv 1. uieuiiiign, j,jjQ,it6wf balances, JCGI,15S; Money, 4fi7 per cent; Now iuir eAt-iiaiiKe, uiticouni m, CHICAGO, July lX-Clearlngs, J21,S6,9SD; uiiiiliiVW'i r.,V7V,WJ, 41 U Y 1UI P. t'AV.ll(lllfjV( 11141 to10o Olscount; sterling exchange, J4.t&a 4.8714. aiu iuki juiy 13. uicarings, i&s, 121, IOS: balances, J?,411,107 HOSTON. July 13. Clearings, O,290,434; balances, J'.'.042,674, J'f TI I .A Tll-M .T1 M A Tlllip It mnvrtnm. J14.431.C70 balances, J2.0S7.361. UAITLMOHK, July lS.-ClcaringB, J3.642, S96; balances, J4C5.379. Condition nf the Treasury. WASHINGTON, July 13,-Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the J160, 000,000 gold reserve In tho division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, $150,325,591: gold, $70,I,93S. Cotton 3lurknt. NKW YORK. Julv 13 COTTON Futures closed quiet: July, J9.'J9; August, J3.02; Sep tember, JS.M); October. J.S.C0; November, JS.33; Decenlber, $8.30; January, J3.30; Feb liiury, it.Si; March, 43.34; April, JJi.36; ilay, J8.39. Spot closed quiet; middling uplands, 10He: middling gulf, 10io. NKW OHLKANS. July 13. COTTON Quiet; sales 400 bales; ordinary. 8 l-16c; good ordinary, S-)c: low middling, 9 l-16c; middling. 10 3-lfic; good middling, 10 7-lCc; middling fair. 1011-lfie: rerelnts. f.if.1 lnl.o. stock, 6C.6S4 bales, ltures, July. J10.15, nominal; August. $9.S0f9,81: September. $8.77 5i8.7S; October, JS.2s(&.29: November, JS.llM 8.12; December, JS.10fi8.ll; Junuary, JS.IOS 8.11; February. JS.12QS.14; ilnrch, $8.1488.10; Aurll. SS.10tiS.17. ST. LOUIS, July 13.-COTTON-Qulet; middling, 10c; receipts. 102 bales; shipments, 1,100 bnles; stock, 27,334 bales. Ni;. iuiih, juiy 13. Conditions prev nlent at tho Cotton exchange today were not altogether satisfactory, for while prices early advanced tho trade was small; also n lack of outside speculative Interest was manifested At tho opening thero wus nn ndvanco of 4f13 points. The gain wns brought nbout by several Inlluences, Includ ing a better clnss of cablo news und much less propitious crop conditions. The weather map wan poor regnrdlng the southeastern section of 1 exas and also tho lower Mis slsslppl valley. Tho bear contingent, how ever, was disposed to turn n deaf ear to bullish crop gossip In view nf tho lethargy of public speculation. As the session nd yancod the trade became dull, but In tho late nfternoon prices eased off under local pressure. Tho market ilnally quieted at a decline of 2014 points. Wool MnrUet. LONDON, July 13. At the wool auction snles today 12,377 bales were offered, In cluding a full nnd good selection, which was mostly sold. Good medium greasy merinos nnd coarso irons-breds were In strong demand. The Improvement wns due to n better demand from the continent. J Ino cross-breds were '$'1d higher. 'Hie following l the snlo In detail: New South Wales. 2.400 bnles: scoured, Cd fffls 7d: greany, SUtlllSd. Queensland, 100 bales; scoured, Is 2Hd01s C'.fcd: greasy, fiUlT 10d. Victoria. 2,700 bales; scoured. Sdlt jM: greasy. 3's.if7 U'41. New Zealand, 6.100 bales: scoured. Cdffls 4'4d; greasy, auiff ll'id. Tasmania, 1.009 bales; greasy, 5dils Coffee- llnrket. and small receipts; reacted Gfilo points under private cables reporting lower ex ehango nnd clnlmlng bnckwnrd new crop movement due to Inte big ndvanco In the eoxehange rate. Still Inter .the market re covered on local covering and ruled gen erally llrm. though quiet. The mnrket closed steady, with prices 10'j20 points net higher. Total sales, 23.7W) bags, including July nt Ji.i.'i; August. J7.S5; September, J.0O CJXM; November, JS.irfls.2.: December, J.l) Qs.ir.; March, JS.fiO; May, js.M)ftS.83. Oil InrUelx, hit. rTTV T,i Tt.u. n rmiii n.nin.. . SI. 2.1: eertltle.lteB. 111, 1,1,1 uhlnmnnla bbls.: average. CS.33i) bbls.; runs, yi,S57 bbis. illllliui', en, 111 III1IH. u-ri.fivnTiv vt r. t,,i.. n nr. t. Spirits turpentine, firm nt I2tffi 12140. Tur- peiiinie, iiiiii: erucic, quiet nt 1 'iin.'.lio. SAVANNAH. On., July 13.-OIL-Splrifs turpentine. Him at 44e. 1,1 vi'JHi'iiui,, July OILS Cotton seed, dull; rellned, August, firm ut 22s Udj turpentine spirits, steady nt ,Hm. iM'tv iniii. ,iiny is. i)ii, i ottnnseed Urn, ? tirlmn fm.lrt '.I... nrl,r.rt ,.nllrii. (7, 37'4e: petroleum, slend'y; rosin, firm;' tur pentine, llrmer nt IC'ifi 17c. Ximv York Dry Hoods. NHW YOHK. July 13.-I)RY GOODS-No ehnnge 111 the market for cotton goods; de mand up to previous dnv of tho week and general tono of market sternly. Print cloth division firm. Linens dull, but generally ste.icv. nurinps llrm alio siignuy dearer lor i-aicuiins. Diiuuees negircieq. TUP, ItH.M.TV MA It KMT. INSTHI'MI-wrs rileiTlor record Friday, July li, I'jOft: Wnrrnnty Deeds. Itnsmus Larsen and wife to John Lar sen s'-'. lot 0. block 10. Drown Park. . J 2 John McCreary to W. II. Klhourn, lots 7 and 8, blnrk 2, MnrvfVlllo ndd. 1,000 II 11'. Ilnrder, trustee, to V. II. I.ned erleh, o 10 feet lot 9, block fi, Drake's add 1 South Omaha Iind company to W. O. Hnrlholomew et nl. lot 7, block CO, South Omnha 330 James Ileverldge and wlfo to M. N. Hoverldge, lot 12, block L, Lowo'rt 1st ndd 1 Georgn Hoist anil wife to Josoph Al- kofer. lot 13, block ivi. South Omnha. 600 K. A I'lirlsletiscn nnd liusDaml to w. f. Houk, lot C, block 11. West Al bright mid 83 H. K. N'vimin to li A. ChrUtcnpeu. Biimo 50 DreilN. Master In chancery to National Llfo Insurance company, lot 10 and s'. lot 9, block 9. Kountze 3d add 4,400 Sheriff to Julia I. Havemeyer, lot 8, block 48, Omaha, und strip adjoin ing 30,000 Total amount of transfers $36,331 NHW YOTHC, July lS.-COrPHK-Spnt. Itlo. llrm; No. 7 Invoice, 9'lc; mild, steady; Cordova, 94fll34t I.'utures opened steady With prices M20 unlnts blclier OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Receipts Not Very Heavy and Evorything Sella Early, HOGS BRING DECIDEDLY BETTER PRICES Pnckrrs All Jccin to He I.ooklnir for Cuttle nml tlir .Mnrket ns n llcsult Is ActM r and Mrnuiicr, SOUTH OMAHA, July 13. rtccclpts were; Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep. Oillclnl MontUy 4,cai s,t61 T,w Ofllclal Tuesday 6,270 13,531 B.C17 Oniclal Wedncsdny 2,110 10,5 3.2JI Ofllclal Thursduy l.bW 8,726 Ofllclal Friday 1,531 7,2s9 275 Five, days this week ...16,456 43,112 1S.S28 hailin r uVa Inut M ivu: )? 10 l't? Samo days woek bofore..l,670 53.H2 9.7K jiho nueo nceas ago, . ii.j .10,101 Same four weeks ago.. .18,011 42.69S 6,636 Averagt price pld for Sue fur ta Uil several day, with comparisons: iw.m.i8H.iw.iiM.i8.im. June. 15.,., June 16..,. June 17.... June 18.... June 19 June 20...., June 21 Juno 22 Juno 23 June 24.... Juno 25.... Juno 26...., June 27 ... Juno 28..., June 29.... Juno so July 1 July 2 July 3 July 4 July 5 July 6 Julv 7 July S July 9 July 10 July 11 July 12.... July 13.... 4 8. 3 C4 3 77, I 33 , 2 931 4 44 4 51 4 j 3 62 3 Mi 3 Til 3 01 04 I Ml 3 8I1 3 181 3 OSl 4 44 5 03 6 061 3 CI 4 94 3 711 4 93, 3 CD, 2 80 1 21) 3 10 4 46 4 48 4 45 4 i 4 70 4 14 4 61 4 71 4 i - i it J Vi, 3 SO, I 2 95 3 111 3 15 4 37 5 CO 5 13 3 05 3 72 3 21 3 02 4 40 3 63j 3 72 3 21, 3 02 3 62 3 68, 3 (9 3 26; 3 23 3 15; 3 00 4 40 5 10) 3 63 3 64 2 97 4 46 4 (5 2 97 2 95 4 52 4 7J 3 621 4 57 4 73 4 80 4 70 4 61 4 73 4 C5 4 85 4 94 4 77 G 01 5 Mi 4 79 4 96 4 80 & 11 3 65' 3 Cil 3 63; 3 t0, 3 16 3 21 4 63 4 CO, 4 9D, 2 91 i 98 2 96 2 95 2 95 u 01 4 92 3 6S 3 bO 3 21 4 03 4 03 4 70! 3 73 3 78 3 57 3 23 3 15 3 21 3 61 6 01 5 OS 3 7Sf 3 66 I (3 4 II 4 91 6 16 .1 Nl 3 811 3 66 3 76 3 28 2 98 2 US 3 04 5 11 5 13 3 23 386, 3 fJ 3 8 3 32 3 78 3 35 3 28 3 IS 3 14 2 96 4 76j 4 G3 5 13 2 87 2 94 2 97 6 01 5 02 3 96 4 01 3 70 4 61 4 72 3 73 5 13 4 09 3 8: 4 78 Indicates Sunday. Holiday. The ofllclal number of enrs of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H'ses. C, M. & St. P. Hy.... 1 ; O. & St. L. Ity 1 1 Missouri Paclllo Hy.. 7 2 1J. P. system 13 26 1 1 R, K. Sc M. V. It. It,. II 37 S. C. Ac P. Hy 2 C., St. P., M. & 0 5 .. 1 H. & M. H. It. H..,. 27 29 .. 1 t, 11. & Q. Hy 2 1 C It. I. & P., east.. .. 2 Total receipts .... 07 102 2 3 The disposition of tho day's receipts was ns follows, each buyer purchasing the num. urr 01 ueua innicateu: Huyers. Omiilm Pneklnc Ho.. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 4 .... ... 9 1 ... 264 1,157 (5. H. Hnmmond Co.... Swift and Company,... Cudahy Packing Co.... Armour Sc Co Cudahy, Kansas City.. Armour, Kansas City.. Other buyers 803 1,796 100 4,241 110 70 164 132 Totals 1,524 7,195 884 CATTLE There was nnother light run of cuttlo on todny's market, nnd ns packers wero nu inoKing ror supplies competition was rather active Huyers wero out early nnd cattle began moving townrd ihc scales before the morning wus far advanced. Tho better grades of cattle sold a little better than yesterday and tho light receipts also inline uie commoner came move a llttlo moro freely than of late. It was a good, strong mnrket us compared with yesterday on anythlnf desirable und the yards were i-iruruu in an eariy nour. There was little chungo in the market on cow stuff. The better grade of grans stock brought ubout the same prices as yesterday, but ns has been the caso all ulong canncrs were slow sale, as there Ih but llttlo demand for them at tho present iinie. Stock cattle are selling vcrr mean. This applies to stock heifers, ns well as to steers, nnd sellers suy It Is difficult to get oven n bid on them, to say nothing of getting rid of them at satisfactory prices. About all that can be said of the market on those lines Is that It Is very dull and lower, with prices uneven, Thero were nbout thirteen cars of west erns on the market today. Three cars were steers nnd brought J4.o5, but they wero hurdly as good as the ones thnt sold for Jt.10 on Monday. The other ten cars were cows and they were perhaps a Irldo lower than the first of tho week, cprcentatlve sales: ni2EF STEERS. No. 1 23 2! 1 16 30 41 3 20 23 K 27 1 12 1 1 3 1 11 6 1 12 Av. Pr. No. 08... 3... 1... 10O.. 1... 20... 0... 15... 14... 1... Av. 1 1098 114S 13S0 Pr. 4 93 5 00 5 00 R 03 910 Jl 23 9M 4 55 ....104! 4 CO 4 71 4 75 4 73 4 80 4 80 4 90 4 9) ....1043 ....1070 ....109) ....ll4 ....IMC ....12U .... 9!6 .1: ..1260 5 or, 12S1 5 05 5 10 5 10 .1149 .1K1 .1171 5 13 .1320 5 15 ...1074 4 93 10., 1317 6 15 STEERS AND HEIFERS 847 4 20 10... .1046 4 40 COWS. 8'S 1060 963 960 2 00 3. ...1103 3 25 ...llC-0 3 F,0 ...1310 3 50 ...1150 3 60 ...1000 3 CO ...1125 3 75 2 25 2 2 2 S3 1.., 1.. 1.. 10CO 2 23 33 ! 40 ! 30 6... 1... 3... ...107C ... 940 3 73 3 75 916 3 00 !) 3 25 ...1140 : 85 ...1130 4 25 1003 3 25 HEifuns. 9... 3... 1... 5... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... 828 2 5) 3 !rM 3 10 12 820 3 73 mo 00 ,793 4 15 HULLS. 2 73 1 2 73 1 3 00 2 , 3 10 1 13S0 S3) 1550 .. 970 3 23 . . 930 3 25 ..1310 3 50 ..1760 4 23 11(0 1140 3 1 , CALVES. 330 4 75 4 STAGS. 192 5 00 1310 2 75 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 763 3 00 1 910 3 25 433 3 10 STOCK CALVES. 400 3 75 .1 130 4 80 STOCKEHS AND FEEDERS. 174 3 5ft 62 3 M MONTANA. 1.. 17.. 50 steers. 46 cows.,, 50 cows. , . 1 cow..., 1 cow.... 15 cows.. 1 heifer., ..1121 4 05 BS steers... .1097 ..1420 3 70 1 cow 1170 ..1037 3 70 50 cows IfCO ..940 2 23 46 cows 1015 ..1340 3 70 30 cows 1005 SOl'TII DAKOTA. .. S97 3 ffl 5 rows 930 ..750 2 50 3 heifers,.. 473 Favorable reuort from 4 05 3 70 :: 70 3 70 3 70 3 05 3 25 HOOS- other points aud light receipts here made today's mai'Kci nciivu uuu iiigncr. m ino opening a few hogs changed hands on a basis of 71,45 10c higher than yesterdny. or ut $".10i G.12W. loiter on, owing to a good demand on the part of pnekers, prices llrmed up n trifle and sellers held their hogs at J5,l2'4 ff3.15. The bulk of tho noun sold nl S.V1fwF 5 15, with the long string nt 15.121,4. It was a. gonu, nciivu miirKei irnm sutri 10 II 11 1 s 11 onu, luuve murKci iroin sutri 10 II 11 1 s 1 1 everything was sold and weighed up at early hour. The. long Hiring yesterday light J5.0.'iii, so that today's general aim an en bl'Oll market Is n big 10e higher. As will bo noted from tho tnblo of nvcr ugo prices, today's ndvance takes the mar ket back to lust nbout where It was on Monday nnd Tuesduy, the loss of tho last two day being recovered, Representative sales No. .w. sit. Pr. 21 290 80 1 02 II 2S0 ... 5 07H 12 207 ... 6 C71S 93 1M UO 5 07'i M 217 40 5 10 75 IV? 20) 5 10 Vt 229 200 5 10 10 2G1 ... 6 10 79 203 ... 3 10 21 218 40 5 10 70 119 ... 6 10 fi 2f9 80 6 10 71 2M U0 5 10 f6 2(1 10) 5 10 71 229 160 5 10 6C 22 to 5 2"i CC 217 4) 5 12.4 -.4 205 40 5 12'i 75 210 80 5 12i 61 210 40 5 121,4 70 222 ... 5 1214 71 221 ... 5 12j 61 222 160 5 124 4) 2(0 KO 6 12'i S7 233 200 5 121,4 CC 220 124 5 124 IS 248 ... 6 I214 56 250 280 S 12'4 77 257 160 S 124i 41 20) ,., 5 124 71 230 ... 3 12'4 73 224 40 5 12'.4 109 2S- 320 5 12IJ 70 230 ... 5 1214 72 237 ... i I2'4 61 :n ... s 124 73 204 120 & 124 73 223 40 6 12'i 70 253 ... I 12',i No. Av F2 211 71 231 f.S H Hh. Pr. 81 5 1:14 40 3 124 ... 5 1216 uo n i:ij 140 6 12'4 4) 5 120 5 1214 ..202 47. 417. 237 231 210 219 71. 6 12'4 6 124 5 12'4 5 1214 6 12H ..240 ..201 ,.23C 100 '(0 90 f.8 59 2) ,.2(S 240 5 12 K, 5 12"4 5 124 5 124 1 15H 5 12"j 5 121', 61 231 f,9 3C9 C7 223 57 2S1 73, .231 .201 83 64 75 79 rs 7ft 73 M 59 61 77 80 80 m 2'.7 12!4 ..230 200 5 12'i .V)i icn b 12V4 281 2fl2 5 13 40 40 5 15 5 13 2I ... 5 13 120 5 15 ICO 5 13 1C0 5 15 ... 5 15 .251 .228 .231 .219 .209 .238 5 15 5 IS 160 160 53. 74. 65. 63, ...va 5 IS 23 120 G IS ...235 240 S 13 ..240 M 5 13 U ..211 (6 253 (7 233 40 10 SO 5 IS 5 IS t IS 214 .216 XA ,2(7 ,H4 5 IV, i I3'i ICO '. It 15 5 13 5 l 5 I-. . r, 5 18 r. 6 17'i 80 60..., 57..., 64.. IB... .. CO... 101.. 64... M... )... ,. .314 24) ,...191 ... ... 2.-1 ... ....110 40 ... 5 I2, ... r. is'i ... C 12ij ... 5 15', 40 5 ll'j 0 5 li't ... i 12'i 120 5 121', M 5 134 77.. at 7 25 4 2S1 &-1 2W 4 2" 7 C J.13 141 ...M 1) ...m no ...2M ... ...291 ...280 .. 517'i 10 5 1i' 72 .218 IS) 5 III, 'I 20 H1IEEP There were otilv 11 few biitn lies of mixed stuff on sale today and packers bought them up nt prices Just about steady with yesterday. There wero a few com mon sprli. g lambs on the market, but noth ing strictly choice. There Is n good demand for prlmo lambs nnd they doubtless would bring nbout steady prices with last week. I cedent are still rather slow fnie. ulthottgh thero Is soma little Inquiry for them. Prices however, nro no better than they have been of Inte. Quotations: Cholco western grass weth ers. J3.s,4.00' choice grass yearlings, JI.OO'n" -; t'lolr" e"- MKM3 50; fair to good ewes, Jl.O05f3.23; fair to good yearlings, J M0 io.90; good to choice clipped lambs, fllf 4.00; fair to good clipped lambs, 11.90 1.25; choice spring lambs, J5.75fiii.0n; fair to good spring Inmbs, J5.2flHfi.65; feeder wethers, J3.0Vf3 50; feeder yearlings, J3.2ri3.M. nnd feeder lambs, J3.50Jf4.50. Representative sales: N?. , . AV. Pr. 127 mixed westerns 92 J3 60 6 spring lambs C4 5 00 CIIICAUO MVH STOCK MARKET. Steers StonilyHogs II Utirr Mirrp nml l.nmliK trim iter. CHICAGO, July 13.-CATTLE-Reeolpts, 800 head; steers, steady; butchers' stock, firm; natives, good to prime, steers, J5.10j C.70: poor to medium. JI.WrOG.00; selected feeders, steady nt Jl.OOftCOO; mixed Block ers, J2.75iU1,; cows, J.WOIN.75. heifers, J.1.00 lfio.00; ennners, J.00'n2.75; bulls. J2.AOfM.45; salves, 11,5010.75; Texas fed steers, Jl.lflff 5.00; Texns grass steers, J3.MW 1.10; grass bulls. J2.0Ofid.23. HOOS-Recelpts, today, 15,000 head; to morrow, 13,000 head, estimated; left over, 2,500 head; active und 10c higher; top, J3.I5, mixed nnd butchers, JG.lMifi.45; good to cholco heavy, J5.20fiC.45; rough heavy, $5.00 fiii.lS; light, $5.20SjG.!5; bulk of sales, $5.30r U.421&. SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts, 3.000 head; good to choice stronger, othirs steady; good to cholco wethers, JI.IOJM 50; fair to choice mixed, J3.lOTi4.10; western sheep nnd yearlings, J3.651rl.60; Texns sheep, J3.10icl.00; native lambs, JI.2Gyc.90; western lambs, J5.00ii6.25. Xevr York Live Stoek. NEW YORK. July 13.-HEEEVES-He-cclpts, 3,511 head; steers, slow nnd lower; rough stuff, steady; steers, JI.5Otj5.60; bulls, J3.00fia.25; cows, J2.00tM.25; cables, slow nnd weak. CALVES Receipts. 1W head; dull nnd 50c lower; veals, Jl,00ffti.50; buttermilks, J2.85 ij3.00. SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, 7,605 head; sheep, steady; lambs opened weak nnd unevenly lower nnd closed 50fi75c off un guou i.iinus nnu i lower on mciiium anil common stock; sheep, J3.25tJ5.CO, culls, J3, lambs, J6.C0fiS.00, mulnlv Jrt.255i7.75; culls, J5. HOOS-Recelpts, 4,453 had; nominally St. I,o 11 In ,lu Stock. ST. LOUIS, July 13. CATTLE Recelnts 1.100 heud, Including 850 Texnns; market nieaoy; naiivo snipping nnu export slot J3.00fi5.65: dressed beef nnd butcher stef $1.55(15.35: steers under l.ono lbs.. J4.10W4.80 stockers nnd feeders, $3.50571.65; cows nnd neuers, J2.uuyi.ib; ennnors, ji.&oil2.so, hulls, $2.5093.60; Texas nnd Indian steers, $3.35y i.iw; cows nnu neuers, jz.30fi3.iiu. . HOOS-Hecclpts, 6,200 hend; innrket 5c lilglier; pigs and lights, $.ri.25fi5.40 packers, j.zaan.aiMi; nuicncrp. wi.35ti&M). SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recclpts, 1.400 neau; market sternly; native muttons. $4.W fit. a; inmus, ji.ouyu.; culls nnd buclts J2.00g4.00; stocKers. J2.50513.85. ICnnsns Cltr Live Stock. KANSAS CITY. Julv 12.-CATTLE-nc ceiptu, 2,200 natives, 800 Texans, Inferior quality sieaay; native steers, H.iojju.zo; stockers und feetlers, J3.6Oj?4.50; butchers' cows and heifers. $2.6O5J3.10; fed westerns, w.iwub.iu; red Texans, $4.Itrij4.D0; grass Texans. J3.2O5H.10. HOOS-Recelpts, 14,500 head; market ac tive. 5-uiuc lower: neavy. J5.20tre.30; mixed $o.l5f,S.25: light, J5.tCnG.20: pigs, $4.50(6.05, SHEEP AND LA MUS Recelnts. S50 bead quick market nt llrm prices; lambs, $3.25f' iijuiiuim, i . w,tt,iR,; ivrcilt 'run, tlUCf 4.25; Texnns, $3,703-1.10; feeders, $3.251.00; St. Joseph Live Stock. SOUTH- ST. JOSEPH, July 13,-(Speclnl.) Tho Journal quotes; CATTLE Heoelnts, 1,900 head; market steady to 10c lower; natives, $3.80JJ3.25; rexnns nnu westerns, w.oofio.is; cows nnd heifers. $2.005i 1.65: bulls and stngs. J2.U05f 4,76; yenrllngs and calves, J3.50fi4.73; stock eers nnd feeders, J3.25fT4.50: veals, $5,005(6.50. HOGS Receipts. 7.700 hend: market was steady; nil grndes, .025...; bulk of sales, $5.07i.4fi5.1.r. SHEEP Receipts, 400 head; market was strong. Stork In SIkIM. Following aro tho receipts at the four rjr:nciDni western mnraeis tor juiy i;i: Cattle. Hots. Sheen nouin umana j.nii i.-m u Chicago SOO 15.CXX) 3.0CO Kansas City 3,000 14,500 S50 St. Louis 1.1C0 6,200 1,400 Totnl3 6,434 42.9S9 5,025 SiiKiir llnrket. NEW ORLEANS. July 13. - SUOAR - Strong; centrifugal, yellow, CQ5 5-16c; sec- onus. 3'U 1 9-lbC. STILL SH0RT0F JURYMEN I'roseciitloii Vhvh Its Lust Peremptory CbiilleiiLce tn Excuse nil Antl C.'oetirl Ueinoernt. GEORGETOWN, Ky., July 13. Tho fifth day of tho trial in tho enso of ex-Secretary of State Caleb Powers, on tho charge of complicity tn the Uocbol assassination, found tho Jury not yet completed. Four Jurors were to be supplied, eight having been accepted yesterday, Tho deputy sheriff last night summoned an extra venire ot forty Jurymen. Tho court wns late In get ting to work today on account ot awaiting tho arrival of Attorney Owens of tho de fense, who was slightly injured In a street car accident last night. Tho prosecution exhausted Its number of peremptory chal lenges by excusing Erasmus Ware, null- Ooobel democrat, who had been temporarily seated as a Juror yesterday afternoon. At 11 o'clock tho Jury was completed as follows: W. O. Tinder, fnrmcr, untl-tiocboi democrat; I. 55. Stone, farmer, ontl-Goohcl democrat; A. W. Craig, merchant, democrat; W. P. Munson, farmer, democrat; W. II. Oldham, merchant, democrat; George Murphy, farmer, democrat; J. C. Porter, farmer, republican; Alonzo Kemper, farmer, antl-Gocbel; George R. Ford, farmer, dem ocrat; J, C. Crosthwalle, carpenter, dem ocrat; J. T. Mulberry, blacksmith, democrat; Harris Musselnipn. farmer, democrat. At 11:20 a recess was token until 2 o clock, when the prosecution will begin tho state ment of what that sldo expects to prove. LISTEN TO BEARDSHEAR Ion 11 Mini Hlvex T11IU Ilefore Nutloiiiil Ediieiilloiuil Anpioi'IiiIIoii ill linrlfhloii. CHARLESTON, S. C. July 13. Prof. W. .M Hcardshear of the Iowa Stato Agricul tural collcso was the first speaker at today's session of tho National Educational iis.io.-ia- tlon. His paper dealt with tho Inlluune of poet education from iho taslu of aesthetics. Tho Vnltto of EnclUh Llloraturo in r.uucai Training" was the title of a paper by Prin cipal Rouhen 1'oi.t llalleck of Loulsvillo. Martin 0. Ilrunibaugh of tlio University of Pennsylvania, recrntly appointed commis sioner of education for Porto Rico, was tho last npcaker. Tim tlilo of his addrcm was "Educational Principles Applied to tho Teaching of Llloraturo." Otis Ashmorn of Savannuh and John It. kiik, prrnrucnt 01 tho Stato Normal school at Kliksvlllo, Mo., wero tho speakers at tho closing session of tho department of elementary education. Among the speaker at tho uuhiucsh educa tion department was Dr. II. M. Rowo of Dnltimore. Tho convention closes tonight. Moduli l tin" I'uvorllf, a.w i.vt ANflKl'O. Julv 13. Roth Jack Moffatt nnd Al Nell aro reported to bo In erfect cnnuuion iur uiv-u muvu iiiiiuni n,iitphi. Retting ouencd a couple of days ago with Moffatt fuvorlto nt 10 to 8, but there seems to be more Moffatt money afloat than coin seeking Investment on the Cllllfornian s cnances. iihi nigiu ino odds wero 10 tn 7 und at theso figures bualnew was brisk. 70... CI .. 0)... M... 4... TESTIMONY IN JESTER CASE Little ('IrctiiiiMitncr Polntlnit tn Guilt llronnlil Out, but .0M1 ItiK Direct. NEW LONDON. MoT July 13. Krnnclfl Marion Dawson, who lived about four miles east of tho Iliilln lane and south of tho Paris (Mo.) road In 1S71, took tho stand In tho Jester trial (odny. Ho testified that In January. 1S71. he met Alexander Jester In this lane. The old initn had two trains and two wagons. They were standing still In tho road nt n point enst of tho West Mndlson road. As Mr. Dawson passed by Jester asked him how far It wns to a road that ho could turn south 011. This evidence Is con sidered significant ns showing that Jestor's turning from tlio main thoroughfare wns not an nccldeut, but to conceal this alleged crime. John DoMott of Valley Center. Kan., testi fied that ho hnd lived there twenty years and had known Jester for thirty years. Ho said Jester lived with his wlfo and seven children nnd thnt he never knew him as Mill. Ho had around Ills placo In 1870 n two-horso "Jolt" wagon and n buffalo calf. The witness said Jester farmed and alto ex horted n little. Ho attended Snbbath school. J. C. Temple of Rcnlck, Mo testified that ho saw Jester and Gates nt his town In 1S71. Jester exhibited tho buffalo calf thero and took up n collection. This Is supposed to bo n short tlmo before Gates was killed. Alexander Jester's daughter, Alice, arrived from Norman, Okla., this morning. In com pany wlUi her brother, she passed tho Jail whero her father Is confined without stop ping. Joseph H. Uelaney, nn old citizen of Monroo county, testified to tho truth of tho story that his wlfo made him got up ut their homo near Mlddlo Grovo ono night In Jan uary, 1S71. Btatlng that bIio heard cries of distress. Mr. Delnney said that tho next morning ho wont to tho camp and asked tho old man there what tho nolso meant. Ho said Jester told him ho had choked young Gates while ho (Jester) was dream ing. Tho witness today pointed to Jester ns tho samo man that told him this story that morning In January, 1S7I. Ilenrlk llmen III. NEW YORK. July 13. A dispatch from Chrlstlnnla announces the serious Illness of Henrlk Ibsen, who Is suffering from cryslpelnfl. TIlvtrtiKMiuJ. ill.. Airnn ELI3CTRICITY as self nee can make ineru, Kch one produces as much nerve-buildlng substance as is con tamed In the amount of fond a man coniitimes n week. This is why they have cured thousnndsof cases P. n?vo,"s diseases, such al Debll- .- fIlnrs'. Jnsomtila.vnrlcoecle, etc. They enable you to think clear ly by developing Iiraln matter; force healthy circulation, cure Indiges tion, nnd Impart bounding vigor to the whole system. All weakening and tlssue-dcMrovlng drains mid losses permanently cured. Delay may mean Insanity, Consumption and Death. Price. $ 1 pernor: six boxes (with tron-clad guarautee to cure or re fund money ). 5. Hook rontaliiing PP'htvc proof, (ree. Address Peal iiicuitino v,o., Cleveland, O Bold by Kuhn & Co., IStti nnd Dougta Uil J, A. Fuller St Co. 14tn und Douglas. mv& rata &iW BUFFET LIBRARY CARS Best Dining Car Service CHICAGO and EAST, LEAVE 7:00 A. M.-4:C6 P. M.-7:40 F. M, ST. PAUL and MINNEAPOLIS, LEAVE 6: A. M.-7:36 P. M. HOT SPRINfiS DEfiDWOOD LEAVE S:00 P. M. Cliv Officos. 1401-03 Farnam JAMES E BOYD & CO., Telephone 10:t!. Oniali.i, Nj COMAIISSION, CJKA1N, PKOVISIONa aiul STOCKS noAiut of rit.vDi:. Correspondence: John A- Warren Sc Co jJirc-ct wires to Chicugo and Nw Vort roin! is H.R.PZMMILY81CO. nooii4nrurEBU)o. BPAMCH I03BIWT UtICOUl tiVk CIIATLPl HLB- IIOTIll.S. VIENNA HOTELS 1 01 1 -1:1. in 1 11 in mo si, Ilestaurant. ladles' cafe rem I ml- room. newly furnished rooms, buth rooms. Kvery. thing llrst-clnss. American und Kuropuun plan. Itooms with board. Cli. I' IIODI'I'Iini, l'rop. Bowling alley In connection. IMM HHHIH VTA V'JI, 1 mm mm k ftrfKXt Kfrr-v cwt?'i vmw mm m m & tsw &a m