Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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Omnia Han "WTio Aanuailj UnaBrgfrcs &
Proocffi of Desquamation.
Only Ineonrrnle nee to Wlilcb It f-ul
Jerts II I in In the -t--mltr 'I
7aktntf a I'm
E 0. Busfclrk. trbo board at tbe Euroi'tun
noted, Tenth ana Howard street and n-orkt
lor F. W. riercc. a pardener near Florence.
fcheds hie skin oacc every year Along
about the middle of June the errtdermlf on I
tbe palms of hit hands and tbe Miles of hit
leot bt-clns to loosen and harden, while tbt
ncariskln or cuticle on tbe remainder of hit
body r.tartt, to flake ofi like dandruff from
the head. Within three week the old epi
dermis hat entirely disappeared and in ltt
ilace U a nev. sun. soft, pink and tender
Ilusklrk It 82 years old, a modest man and
by no meant, disposed to brae of a function
not enjoyed lt common with the rent of
mankind. Tbe fact that providence bat teen
t.l to supply him free of eharpe with a new
union tult every twelve months be reparfl
at interesting but a matter not to be dls
russed freely with a chance acquaintance nor
iocs be attempt to inquire ar. to tbe why and
vherefore of this bit of favoritism. He It
not one to crouch with vulgar eye at tbe
keybolt of na'ure't workshop, endeavoring
to rtcal tbe aocrott of her trade. However.
In tb lntrrertt of science be har spvcral
timet permitted physicians to examine him
tnd wat gratified to learn tbat they eould
make nothing of hie case. They found out
That he already knew that he sheds
his tkln once a year and there the'lr re
search ended.
Within the last week Busktrk hat under
gone the phenomenon of desquamation and
at a result lt taking an enforced vacation,
as hit hands, are so tender that the ute
of ordinary gardening tools would caut
tbem to Weed Otherwise tbe passing of
nature'r integument has caused him no In
ronvrnlence. Relle of rnrmrr Perllnc.
In a valise In his room Ihiskirk has sev
eral interesting souvenirs In the form of
patches of skin whlcb he has shed from
his hands and feet at various times during
his career and In every instance these pre
sent perfect outlines of the members from
which ther cune. For example, tbe "bark"
from the palm of tbe hand might easily be
mistaken at first glance for one-half if a
glove, aa the fingers and thumb are as
perfect "reproduc.tlont" of the digits as It
possible in a flat surface. Moreover, the
thick, callous-like tkln retains tie mysteri
ous lines of the hand of which palmists
make so much.
In this connection there is in the Bus
kirk case a fact whlcb tends to disprove tbe
entire theory of paJmistry. being evidence
that tb lines of the hands change with
time and are not unalterably preserved, as
lias been supposed Among his gruesome
keepsakes is a piece of skin taken from
his right" hand when he was Id years old.
It lt observed that while the general con
formation of the lines corresponds with that
of his right hand as it is today, still the
.. .
day, sUll the
Individual lines ate longer no
even after making allowance for the growth
of the member as a whole Fully a third
has been added to tbe length of the famous
"life" line. H is lis if destiny had Intended
him originally to be of brief existence In
this Tale of tears and had later changed bur
mind and concluded to endow him with the
boon of longevity.
Jiovr He Frrl About It.
"The first sign I get that I'm about to
shed my skin."' said Busklrk. "is the hard
ening of the skin on the Inside of my hands.
This always starts at the roots of the lin
gers, gradually spreading In all directions.
Then this hardened skin begins to pufi up
and break away from tbe new skin that Is
forming underneath and If 1 tap it with a
lnadpencll at such times lt gives off a sharp
sound like striking a piece of celluloid or
stiff leather Finally, by opening and clos
ing my hands often, the skin parts along tbe
edges and then, by helping along tbe pro
cess with a pocketknlfe, the piece comes off
"Four yearr ago I went to New York and
for two weeks was In a hospital, where 1
was examined by a dozen or more noted
physicians and Burgeons who had heard of
my case. They didn't try to 'cure' me- 1
didn't want to be 'cured.' In fact 1 wouldn't
have gone at all if they hudn't paid my ex
penses "
Busklrk was born in Missouri thirty-two
years ago of American parents and is one of
a family of three children. He It the only
member of the household who sheds his
The killing of Mrs. Christiansen at tbe
Morrill crossing In Albright by a Missouri
Pacillc train has called attention to the vio
lation of ordinance No K7. which was passed
by tbe city council on September 4. 1FSS. reg
ulating tbe speed of trutnt inside tbe city
limits. According to thlt ordinance, trclne
are prohibited from running at a speed
gteater than ten mlles an hour inside of the
corporate limits. This ordinance It virtually
a dead letter us no attempt has been made
to enforce it for a number of years
When the coroner's Jury censured the Mis
souri Pacific Railroad company for tbe death
of Mrs. Chrtstlanson and mentioned the lict
that tbe train was running at too htgh a rate
of rpeed attention wat called to the ordi
nance. Attorneys for tbe railroad company
visited tbe city offices yesterday and looked
over tbe records for the purpose of making a
ropy of tbe ordinance in question. Thlt ac
tion on tbe part of the railroad lawyers
brought tbe mutter to the attention of the
municipal authorities und it lt likely that
an attempt will be made to enforce this law
In order to protect lives At present tralnt
on tbe Vnion Pacific cross seven streets at
grade within tbe city limits and at only a
few of these are watchmen maintained. The
Mlssorrl Pacific enters tbe city over tbe
Vnlon Pacific tracks, at does also the Rock
Island. Not a single train on the Rock
Island Ftops In South Omaha and it is as
serted by railroad men that passentcr tralnt
on this line run through here at tbe rate of
from thtrty-flve to forty miles no hour
A fine of J100 and costs lt provided for a
violation of the ordinance und some ot these
Cays a train running beyond the speed limit
may be stopped and the crew taken to Jail
Several times In the past the railroad com
panies have been notified to decrease speed
while running through the city, but after a
few days tbe order has been forgotten and
the old-time speed is resumed.
Pome of tbe city fathers favor comjielllng
fan think I
when you eat
the delicious.
the- rt.llroa.dt tt maintain fttrt and vatcb
men Lt ai: Kr&de oroMlncfc Tbe N M-rect
cmotuc l bere thf created dancer lie
and bil lb V&tei FaetOe arid Mlnconrl
Pacific train penerallr nlatk speed at tblR
nertiit the P.ork Inland ruefaet Ibronch at tull
Bfe-efi. 'ltb only a fe blunt ot tbe whistle
It hat bees asserted tbat the cxlatluc nrdt
enre i km njieratlvr and if thin proft te
be a lart a new ordinance mar be passed Ic
order tbat aeclde-nts at crowing mar
Itrjiorts from td Hill. Country.
Hartlett Richard came Is from the rnd
blllr country of Nebraska yesterday v-ltb a
shlpmeet of rattle v bleb brtrocbt pood
prices He say tbat while some nortlene of
tb ranjje are dry there Ir do oetuplaiot of
this nature Is the R&nd billf. There the
pruRf It an floe at can be at tblF season.
t,onP B abundance of water North f
of tbf- B" H1 section the drouth bat been i
felt by cattle, especially southern importa-
lions. The native cattle have not suflered to i
any extent in tbe dry territory, but tbe lock
of water s beginning to tell on the southern
stork. Mr Rlchnrds astertt that while the I
total number of cattle in tbe sand hills
this year it fully at large at a year ago there
will not be as many young cattle shipped to
market this year at last. Hanchmen an
prosperous and will bold back a portion of
their berdt in order to let the youngsters
mature. What shlpmentt will be made will
come to tblr market in preference to all
others, as the sand hills stock raisers like
this market and the treatment given ship
pers. Ilnliut Get Tlilrt.' Dnj.
John Hubut appeared before Judge King
yesterday to answer to tbe charge of be
ing drunk and resisting an ofUrer. He
pleaded guilty and appeared quite penitent.
Chief Mitchell put in a poid word for the
prisoner and on this account his sentence
wat reduced somewhat. The oourt offered
Hubut tbe option of paying a fine of ISO
or going to Jail for thirty days As Hubut
did not have tbe mone) he took tbe JuTl
sentence without a murmur Thlt it tbe
negro who caused no much trouble at Twenty-sixth
and P streetr Monday nignt. When
he appeared before the court Hubut showed
signs of iiuflerlng and hit. head was swathed
in bandages. The Judge remarked that he
bad in a measure suffered for his folly and
upon the plea of guilty bring registered a
light sentence was Imposed.
Hrrrtlnc JMre nc-airs.
In accordance with Instructions issued by
tbe deputy labor commimloner owners of
,iilMtnf. in fVii V.nuitu.ui. uurttnn nf th rttv
are preparing to place Lre eecapeb on a.l
bulldlngt of three sterlet, in height yes
terday tbe Mawnlc block at Tweoty-lifib
and N streets was measured for outside Iron
ptairways and a number of other blocks
have already been meapured with a view
to complying with the state law
The High school building will have to be
provided with Iron stairways anfi this mat-
ter will most likely be taken up by the
Board of Education eoon. All of tbe halls
lar unlit
I bu pro-
tb ma-
where lodj,e me-etlngs are held will
i vldod with fire escapes at soon ai
terial can be furnished by the factories.
.ln.pee.or Wa,ehlnC M.1U Dealer..
banitary inspocior .miitT it i;'piok o
ing dally tests of tbe lacteal fluid sold to
local eouKumerB. in uir icni muut jtmci-
. two salapie. wrrf. Iouua t0 bf ttr beir,w
established by law and these
local consumers, in me tests maat yester-
dealers will be notified to eitther work the
pump less or else secure Mittet feed for their
Calm there it a decided Improve-
ment in the milk sold by these two dealers
arrests will be made and their licensee, re
voked. In general tbe dalrie-s in the vicin
ity of South Omaha are In good condition.
Hrnfj Jtrturiif. from Enronr.
Morgan Heafy is back from a European
inv thut i. .ntnved everv mo-
ment of LI, stay abroad but was glad when
tne snip ne wus on una up iu wir uti iu
New York. July 4 was rjient at sea and
Mr Heafy had provided for the occasirn
by laying iu a empply of American flags,
which he used to decorate the dining table
and his e;tateroom. Only two dayt were
spttnt In Paris, the balance of the time be
ing used in visiting Ireland and England.
Oonnrilmnn Martin Entrm a Denial.
Councilman Tred Marttn de-met that he
i a member of any faction in tbe cit?
council, neither is he trying to carry water
or. .hnth shnuldnrs He claims that he lt
. . . . . , . . .
independent and project tD work for what
he considers the best intc-eists of the admin-
letration and the taxpayers. Mr Martin
also denies that he acknowledges Ed John
ston his leader, and iayt that he votes
upon propositions the way he thinks right
and Just to all concerned.
Made City fiosslii.
James and John Koutsky have rone to
Denver to spend a month.
Local coal dealers isre laylnr In a supply
of anthracite eoal fotf the winter.
The democratic county convention will be
held nt Wt.odman ball on September 1L.
Quite a number of local democrats went
to Lincoln yesterday to attend the conven
tion. Mrs W B. Wyman and daughter have
gone to Grand Rapids. Mich., for an ex
tended visit.
Lodge No f.C or the Ancient Order t'nlted
Workmen will give an excursion to Water
loo on July 2!i
Emnloves of the Omaha Packing com
pany will give a picnic at Sarpy Millt on
Sun'dbj. July IS.
Clure Hitchcock of Orallala, Nob., spent
vesterdav In the city, tbe guest of Harry
and Sam Christie.
The dlflerences supposed to exist between
Drs Hamilton and Wiley will be adjusted
in pnlicr court on Friday.
It Is reported here' that Kuppe. the tailor,
did not commit suicide, but Is now living In where his family Joined him a
short time ago
A tietltlon has heen nronared to present
to the council asking for an extension of
tbe water main along Twenty-third stre-et
from 13 to V streets
Chief Mitchell has recovered all of the
goods stolen from beaver's store He found
tbe propertj at an Italian cigar store ut
Twelfth and Farnam stre-ets. Omaha
Owing to tbe continued absence of Mayor
Kelly the council meeting billed for last
nlrtit failed for lack of a quorum and an
adjournment was taken until next Monday
Vnder the management of Jailor ElBfel
der the cit jail Is now kept clean and
neat The entire establishment It scrubbed
several times n we-ek and every precaution
Is used to secure cleanliness and ventila
tion. Work on the new Jetter bottling works at
the South Omaha bri-wery lt rirogressing
nicely A full force of bricklayers and car
penters It employed and lt is expected tbat
the works will 'be completed in about a
month The machlne.rj tc be used Is on the
ground and will be Installed as soon as the
roof of the building Is placed in position.
Mrs Henri Mies writes from Berlin. Ger
many, thai nor nealtn Is excellent and that
she is enjojing ner sojourn abroad. She
savt that her son Is taking music lassons
from a German professor w no cannot speak
English As tbe bov cannot understand a
wor- of German the pupil and instructor
communicate t signs In spite of thlt
drawiia k Mrs Mies says thst the bo It
procrcrsinc rapidly In hit studies.
When you deposit your vacation e-ecpont
pin them together. It will make the count
ing quicker and easier.
Mnrrlut'r Licenses.
The following licenses to wed have been
Issued from the afDce of tbe county Judre
Narre and Residence Ace
William W Coleman South Omaha.. 4D
Cora M. rielde. Omaha 5S
Samuel C Thompson, Plattsmouth. Neb. 2i
Gertrude E Gardner. Concordia, Ktn ... X
George W Edwards. Omaha N
Jesslt Wtnslow. Omaha S!
I'usrrsl itier.
The funeral sanices for Edward Srbluk
will be hei., on Thursday. Julv IS, at I n
n. r N 7" Swartsor unde-takvnc ronmts
'7M ' amine s-eel Members of the '3rauu
A'trv of 'tie J.e?. bll and frienus ar ln-
I rltuk latLrmtnt la Forest Lawn cemetery
Te Adore the Hand of Miss Olam Mohl at
Yioter in the Contest,
Niirtli rlrnsu.H Poor In a Perfect
Arnlanelie of A 1r-Him Abunt
Itautnc-r Fr. HI tic f Who'll De
.No. (I In snnilnj'. List ?
By far the liveliest votinr since the ojicn-
lnr of The Bee's annual vacation contest this
year occurred yettrflay, when a total of
cver uj.nw, rotes were polled, more than
i,o.000 of hlch came from northern Ne-
brM,:a. To MlM clm Moh, 0, WeM Peltlt
MME lbt. hot)e! of aaJ. bt wttmer of
thf Brown . Borthelm diamond and opal
rln , t h p erTl.fl on a reC0T& oi
,,., t-r.iw, v.. ..n ...
mention here that Mies Mohl b-gan early
in the race to organise her forcet in a sys
tematic manner, going as far us to circulate
a neat card announcing her candidacy for
the vacation trip and exhibiting her portrait
ht a memento.
Miss Cella M Chase of Wayne also de
serve mention for the energy dlfpltyed la
her canvass. In which th made a record of
more than f.S.Cio(i voter wisning the second
prize given by tbe printer. L. V. Pardee, an
engraved copper plau and 100 rlsittng cards.
Mlw Jessie Schram of Columbus Use made
a fine record exceeding 40 000 votesr. and
the two leaders in Omaha. Mlsse? Lucilr rr
rish. who has hold the place of queen for
over twenty days and Mits Maud Williams,
emptied some large sleeves, though, unfor
tunately, not quite large enough for the oc
casion. Miss Fronlc PeWitt of Grand Island now
ocruplet the sixth place In rank In line for
the next ring, but lt remains to be seen
whether she can keep on the diamond level
until Sunday next It lt a slippery spot
and It will net be an easy matter to remain
there during the last dayt of the week, even
with spiked bhoes.
Below it a list of candidates ns they rank
with regard to sixth place in tbe lirt
Clara Mohl. IV rM Point.....
Cella M. Chne. tVnjne....,
Jessie Srlirnm, oliiinlino . . .
liirll Pnrrloh. Oinnlm
Mnud 'UilllMin. Omaha .... .
Pronla D ltt. (irnud Island
Lruu Klein. North Platte....
(i.sri I
loretire nonen. i.rniia ....
.--I'liuiM ...iiit-i. i.
Klla Crnne. Oniiiha
Olle Holme. nhnrn J4.Hi::
Following if the srore trj to b o'clock p.
m on Wednesdav. July 11
Lurlle PnrrUh. eh. Tel. Co . . . . ".('..IM
M. llllnms, truhrosr Co :t(i,oiM
airllf-r. A. fftf-mnn 111. .Kill
U. Crnne. l.lnlEcrrOlrtraU .
K- Kern. D.itmlU
My A I !.. .Nnfl. rtl-cnlt Co
..... .. ...... u. . . .
1' Slillwell. !aie
Selll' "W'anglx-rg H Hardy k Co.
' i.urtne.v E rial Mrs Ileneon t
. IS, sc.
; Este llr Van Horn, Neb Clothlnc Co.
li 415
I lanni Gosne Armour Packing Co.
uinma innian. ilosttin Store
I 47r.
Alt. KreVdemhlVwF0 Sto-cker,'.::: SSS
Mary Aluloni. Neb CloOilng Co 2.1'
niary aiuioiii. jseo t louilng Co 1'
I Mary Bowers. Borton Store
, Z&TrX $
Mary Peterson. Murray Hotei Co l!lI
J'a ut' i-i ("cuntry Publlstiing Co. l,ac
if- " - w-
74 K
Jona aarnliurt, w
V Tel Co
Nellie Canities. Harden Bros
OUle Joh&bon, Hctig Kong Tea Co....
Eliina Howe. Daily News
Clara Feree. Rumsey i- Kerr
Lens Cox. music teacher
Harriet Carmicluiel, Omaha Casket
Marie Tasinr. C Moore
Kosella Vlckery. Boston Store
GNet, G?aTn Groe'rs-
Lucile Elson. Postal Telegraph Co
Bessie Ayer. nurse '
Esther Simons, Hsyden Bros
Brtha Meyer. Thompson. Belden 4.-
Cc .
Leonora Charde, Sherman i- McCon-
Kittle McGrnth eudahy PocVtltig Co
Kale Pwartzlander. public library...
Nora Emers n. Adams Express E Goodchild. Goodchild sls-
Jean Kramer. Clement Chase
Iiena Krandenbercer milliner
Mrs una wuimoy nurse
Henhn Housemnnd. Cudahv PI:
Co Koutskv. Nat l Biscuit Co
Louise etzel. A P Ely a.- Co
Carrie Kirk. Alberv Printing Co
I Ella Gamble, Omaha Furniture Co.
Anna Owen, nurse
Kate Ryan, teacher
Delia Fair. Sixteenth St. Dye House.
Cassle Arnold, florist
Adelne Doherty. B Ss M
Agnes Thomas. Mrs Hartell
Frances T. Bucholtz, Carter Lead
Alice B Mills, Her Grnnd
Clara Nelson, Boston Store
Council muffs.
Mabel Adams Parte) A.- Miller (i.lM
Addie Beecroft. Boston Store 4,r.7J
L.uciie van iiruni. Hamilton s Shoe
store .. ..
Rose Beck. John lieno & Co
Grace Fuller Brackett s Book store..
Mrs A ma K1""-eV., nurse
Anna L Hutchinson. Bono &- Co. .. .
Edna Wilklns, Bouriclus' music
Fmma Btn-sche. teacher
Nettle Kracht. Beno t Co
Male Lunkley, Stork's milliner'
Dslsv Ldwich. Harlan
Olive B. HetStl. Avoca
Salome Brandt Atlantic
F.dlth Nolan. Carroll
Pauline Pettllione. Fort Dodge
Mae Skidmote, Boone
Pantile Deur, Missouri Valley
Josie Heft, underwood
Cora Backus. Walnut
Emma Maxfiold Neola
Bessie Noyes. Missouri Valley
Mirth Xrlirnska.
CLARA MOHL. West Point ...
Cella M Chase. Wayne
Jessie Si hram. Columbus
Fronta DeWttt G'and Island ..
Lena Klein. North Platte ,
riorenee Howell Grand Island
Gwendolen Taylor. Blair
. r.T.nsm
. m.o:a
. 40.171.
. so.
. 7.350
. 4.420
Mav Durland. Norfolk
Do a Central City 3.G7G
Virdle Weilch,. fappinon
Fannie Norton, Norfolk
Minnie Sternty. Fremont
May Davis. Kearney
Qertle Ingram. Valley
Lillian Compton, Schuyler
Kate Walker. L'xlncton
Ida B Woody. Cozafl
Ethel Davis. Nellgh ,
Jennie Newton. Fremont
Mattle Has, ft'ausa
Ids Miliar Floremce
Nellie W AVatts Grand Island t
Josephine Whltted, FJorenoe
Anna Lobnow, Norfolk
Mae MeCormacfc Blair
Rose KUker. North Bend
Anna Long, Schuyler
Eva Phelps Blair
Bertha Gulou, Grand Island
Winifred Flfleld, Tekamah
Ella Vizsurd. St Edward
Nell Mooney Fremont
Nellie Mullowney. Albion 4
South .Vrbrmka,
Mabel C Russell. David City
Annie Hopkins. Auburn
Kate, Nebraska City
Anna Sanders. Beatrice
Nettle Mills. Nebraska City
Nina Rosa, Lincoln
Irene Smith, Hastings
Louisa McDonald. Beatrice
Catherine Marlow. f.eatrtce
Mat White, Hastings
Wynke Kroll, Auburn
Anna Smohl Wllber
Little Rooney Hastings
Maud Woods, MeCook
Olga Bishoff, Nebraska City
lea MeCarl McCook
Helen Web h. Lincoln
Tuny Sadilefc. Wilber
One Minute Couch Cure Is te faly
barmlest remedy that Immrdlatr
results. Try it
Cast your votes early and often lor the
; worUcg girls' vacation trip.
Tall from a Street (ar a tbe
Itrsult of a I'ee-nllar
C Ircnmstanee.
Policeman George o Horn met nth a se
rious accident Wcd&endiT evening while
going te hi home at H'tf North Sixteenth
street on a Sherman avenue car. He wat
aliout to alight at Seventeenth and Charlet
and was grasping the iron htnd rail with
both hands when the motor fuse blew out.
charging tb metal wurk of the car with a
strong current of electricity. The severe
shock threw Mr. Horn violently to the pave
ment and he sustained a number of sprains
and bruises, though no one of them Is con
sidered dangerous. Mr. Horn lt a large man.
In fort, tbe largest of the entire police force,
and his ccape from a fatality it little short
of miraculous Tbe sets of two finger rings
were feirced from their settings, which Is us
indication of the severity pf the electric
shock. The injured man was taken to hit
home near by and cared for He it getting
along at well at could be expected and will
probably be able to resume his dutie't in
two or three weeks.
Gcurrnl Itandnll Atime Clinrcr I ti
ll! Municipal Onvernincnt i
Of cnnlred.
WASHINGTON. July 11 -The War de
partment has received the fnlluwing message
from General Ilaudsll, ds'ed Nome City.
Alaska, June if., via San Francisco, July 11
"At request of Chamber of Commerce have
assumed control of affairs in town o! Nome
until the srrival of the Judge atid the es
tablithment of munlcipul geternment under
lecent act of congress, estimated this date
16.000 people In tbe torn and no effective
civil organization lor iw-'tectloa of life and
A telegram war receive-d at the Treasury
department late this afternoon from Lieu
tenant Jarvls at Cape Nome at follows
"Ten cases of smallpox at thlt port In
last three days. One death today. All were
patieengere from steamship Oregon. Oregon
sailed for Seattle. Have established camp
end removed cases there. Vrge proper of
ferers and vaccine matter br sent."
i The department will scud one or more
curgoons to Nome ut once v ith a supply of Including vaccine points.
WASHINGTON. July 11 The Treasury
arI,lirttt")ht today received u telegram from
I Lieutenant Jarvit of tbe revenue cutter
i service saying that there had leen twenty
runes u id .'ui? . i (.ape .-some
( una upjkiu jur iiit'uiim mirrjf una i,uppiicn.
i Tbt, telegram Is dated Cape Nome. July 2.
ftna WUf tf j,ort TownB,,n(j tbe neIimit
! telegraph station. Lieutenant Jarvls was sent
to Cepe Neime us tbe special representative
i of the Treasury department. He doeF not
say whether these cases hfive occurred in
tbe crowded camps or on sblpbanrd. Two
tessels that itarted for Catu Nome recently
found some smallpox aboard shortly after
leaving Dulth Harbor and it is possible that
the cases spoken of are on board these ves-
; sels. altboucb there are mnty chancer that
tbe disease has broken out ashore Tbe
1 Trnarury depRrttnct bat orflcred 1,000 vac-
' tltie points sent to Nome and a number of
' till 1 ft ant Vitiri nlun ffHu tht
Inspector Dohlrr Advises Thct Iniml
criitlon from AdJnrer.t lulnnds
Br Prohlhlted.
WASHINGTON. July 11-P.omnn Dobler,
the immigrant inspector recently sent by
Commissioner Powderly to examine into the
condition of Porto Rico laboring classes,
has submitted his leport, in which be
sayr :
"1 would respectfully Toport that owing
to the conditions tbat prevail In Portj
Rioo nil Immigration of the laboring
classes be discouraged and that the ui.
deslranle inhabitants of adjacent Islands
be as far us :iohkI1i1c prohibited from co-
i lnr to Porto Illco. Strenuous tnnsur-n
1 should be made to asceTtaln the number
of theoe Islanders, who ar' typical birds
oi prey, as in tact they are titrds of pas
sage. They are consumers, not producers
Th- population of Porto Rico Is already
dense and m'rtsure should tie taken to
eradicate Its character rather than Intro
duce a tit w element Tbe process oi uf
gimilatlon under tbe most favorable cir
cumstances will be slow I would recom
mend further that u commission of lm-
I I migration be appointed unci that two iro
K ! migrant Inspectors with stations at San
Juan und Ponce also be deHijmated These
with tbe aid of an Interpreter could do
much tt do nwa with the evils now
prevalent. Owing tn the similarity In the
nppearanne of other Wet Indian IslanderF
and tbe Porto Rl. iiit lt will require that
a constant supervision be exeretsod The
command with beadauarters at either San
Juan or Ponce could be In close touch with
both tbe northern and southern sides ot
the island and eould have u cenernl sur
vey of the w hole hold "
Nearly all of tbe Immigrants, it it said,
come from the adjacent islands.
Delia rt mentul Nntrk,
WASHINGTON. July 11 (Special Tele
gram.) The order of June 1 discontinuing
the postofflce at I'ool Siding, Buffalo county.
Nobrnska, hns been rescinded. The office
will resume with lis old postmaster.
The postofUcc at Shaffer. Pawnee county.
Nebraska, will be discontinued July 21, at
which time rural free delivery is to be in
augurated in that vicinity.
Arthur Richards has bi-en appointed post
muster at Gait, la.
The secretary of the Interior has reversed
the decluion of the general land office in tbe
case of the Valley Lund and Irrigstlon com
pany against Nils Pranhers, John E. O Don
noll und Harvey T Taylor, respectivelv in
volving rmall tracts in the Huron land dis
trict, South Dakota, and In each case the
claim of tbe company for repayment of pur
chase money paid br the three parties named
has been approved. The secretary has also
rcvursed the derision which canceled Rob
ert M. Snyder's homestead entry' of a cmal.
tract in the Pierre land district, South Da
kota, und Snyder will be allowed to com
plete his entry and secure patent
r. L. Wood has been designated as a mem
ber of tbe civil service board for tbe post
office at Watertown. S. D.
The secretary of tbe treasury has fo--warded
to the Vnited Stater district nnor
ney at Norfolk. Neb., a check for ti for
the public building site at that pin-c pur
chased from Isaac Towers, also a cht-L far
SS.000 to the district attorney for payment
for the site nt Creston, la., purchased from
Thomab McGrath
John Honey of Omaha Is appointed a la
bsrer In the naval obsrrvciory, this city
General "Wood's Decth List.
WASHINGTON. July 11 General Wood't
latest death list is ut follows
HAVANA. July 11 -Ietath report. July l
to 10- Santa Clara. 1st. Private' Solomon
Dunpby, sth. I'nvule John Thomas and
Private James Blanchl. all Company E.
Seitjond cavalry, all yellow lever
Matanzas. 7th. Artlllcer Edwin Borckj
Company F, Tenth Inf antr . suicide b
Columbia barracks, 4th. James W Me
tbeson. citilian. carpenter, yellow fever,
7th, Thomar Connor, civilian, dysentery.
Kh. I'rlvnte William H Jones Burn Com
pany D. Seventh cavalry, appendicitis
Cabanas barracks, Sd. Sergeant Henry S
Beekamp, Second urtlliory, acute dysen
tery. Plnar del Rio. Sd. Private Jeremiah
Chary. Company H, First infantry . jier
nlcleus malarial fever, with nephritis
Guanajay. nth. Private Samuel Walker.
Company 1. First Infantry, yellow fever
('infer on eelj Case.
WASHINGTON. July 11 A conference of
government officials wut held today at tbe
Department of Justice on tbe cane of C W
F Neely charged with embezzling Cuban
postal fundt and now ic Jail In New York
pending the settlement of tbe question of
hu turrender to the Cuban authorities for
removal to Havana fcr trie' At tbe en
rlutlon of tbe conference Attorney General
Qricci said lt had boas called tor ti.e pur-
pose of adrtfrtct with falted States Attfne'
Baldwin of New Yrk It tk prenratnn r
tha case, raicb wilt he heard toy Jj'r'
lAconbe on the Xt Itn Tke Judce
was slated, had insisted on the rnenni
go in i mure derplf H the euflenre :h'
wat usual in ruth cases and an eSort weu)
be made to fully Meet hit views In tb
rn ! s ro it vutiik. mjtijp;a.s.
War Sun Ivors llrinrmlirreil liy the
Ocnernl Gov ernmriit.
WASHINQT(.N. Ju'y U ( Spe iJ v-The
fo'lowinr petiMtons have been granted.
lsmie of June 21 .
Nebraska Renewal atid reinsue Ttiotnae
Alkens. t-catur It, lr-r-ne Hiram B
Llttell, Omaha. 124 War with Spain uirie
lna4 Herliert T Barber. Grand island, t'.'
lowi onelnal John L Jaritarcl. wir
field it. Hurt on A Bllllnrn' NashUR
Martin Scnrt. South Ies Moines K
cial. June 2," Georce H Hand, Slienand .i
" Addltlonal-"W llllam A Woorr. ii-,1
Oak I George I:. Miuck. Tt aterltw D"
Renewal and Increase Samuel MeClement.
Clea Litke. fH ln-re-aae Washliiflon L
I 'avis. Woodbine. t)4. Geo r ire Howard
South Oftumwa. $11. And-ew Kltnbrougr,
Cedar Rapids tS Forest H. Kenned
Gowrle. no, Thomas A Burns. Greene. K
Reissue William T PaJnter. De Molnet
tl2 Reissue and Increaee William R La?
biurn. Grundy nter 10: Lewie Converse
Traty Is. Original widows, etc. (sjwcia
ad. June 3f. Sarah rarrish. Woolsto.k.
tit' (tenewal sjieclaj act. June SSi Ellen V
McCleery. Webster CKy. 112 War w tl
SpaJn (original, snecial. June Sf.t Nat hat
A Rockafellow. Ktiuxvllle. II". Ettmnue.
RlLkman. Onawa. K
Named for MiHlri and Pishes.
WASHINGTON July 11 The secretary of
the navy has selected as names for the six
new submarin bouts tbe following Gram
pus. Shark. Pike. Porpoise. Adder and Moc
Oflrll Not Inclined to Think Serious
Plot to Assassinate Presl.
dent LEilsts.
NEWBVRGH. N V . July 11 Chairman
B B. Odeill of the republl -an state com
mittee said ttHlay concerning the alleged
plot to assassinate President McKlnley "1
read the account in a newspier this morn
ing with reference to an alleged plot to
assassinate President McKlnley and also at
to the part which 1 am supjioaed to have
taken in the matter 1 have nothing to say
upon be subject except that 1 have made
an investigation which I started with he
state committee detective on tbe line of
what I supposed to be political informa
tion, and 1 discovered elthel a crank or a
Baron Munchausen, and on the principle
that an ounce of prevention is worth a
pound of cure, it 1s p rotable that my report
to Secretary Dick it the cause lor the extra
care now being taken of the president. I
have nothing further to nay upon this sub
Jest exceipt that I regret tbat some one hat
been discreet enough to mako of a trifling
matter the gigantic plot exposed in the
CLEVELAND. O.. July n Senator Hanns
today, referrincto the report that a plot to
areasstnatc Prwiident McKlnley had lieen
discovered In New York, emphatically ,de
clcred that the story wat false.
"This." i.ald Mr. Hanna. pointing to the
story of the all ged plot published in the
morning papers, "is tbe llrst I hive heard
of :t. There Is absolutely, to the best of my
knowledge, do truth In it."
Cornelius, N. Bllifc. ex-secretary of the In
terior, and National Committeeman Payne
of Wisconsin arrived here early today. Botb
were closeted with Senator Hanna for an
hour or more, discussing. It Is' understood I
the pttrsennel of the new national executive j
Shortly after noon Senator Lodge arrived
and Joined the eonfe"renee
Atkt.d If he would be a member of the new
executive committee Mr. Bliss i.ald that be
preferred not to distrust the matter. Hi
stated that he had uomc la Cleveland to ar
company the notification committee to Cats
ton tomorrow, as ike cueet of Senator
While Mr. Hanna maintains that all of the
members of the new executive committee
have not been decided upon und that the
personnel of the committee cannot be made
public until Triday. it is learned from ex
cellent authority that at leaFt lour mem
bers have been finally chosen. These ore
H C. Payne of Wisconsin. J. H. Manley of
Maine. Senutor Scott of West Virginia and
R. C. Kerens of Missouri
Tbe Hawaiian delegation to the Philadel
phia national republican convention, escorted
by Senator Clark of Wyoming, called on
Senator Hanna today. Subsequently tbt
party left for Canton.
Between forty and fifty survivors of
President McKlnley's old regiment, tbe
Twenty-third Ohio, will accompany the no
tification committee from this city to Canton
e Chance In President's I'lnns.
WASHINGTON. July 11. It wat stated at
the White House that no word had been re
ceived there to the effect that President
McKlnley will return to Washington Satur
day. As far ut the officials ut the ex-e-eutlve
mansion knew there has been no
change In the president's original plana.
Vote early and often.
One Witness In Jester Trlnl.
NEW LONDON. Mo . July 11 -The taklnc
of teisumonj in the trial of Anxunder Je.
te-r for the mi:rdr of Gilbert W Qu''t b
gun loiiiii The "ni witness .a'lerl whs
Ansel A .Jates Kl years ot ugi lutlier .'
'.he routdo-i: men Gatet told o' lit en'- t.
for t-is son in lC through eouihern Kr
siif atu' MiFSi u". .n 1 f the sut.ser,ui t , r
rest c' Je'S'er ir w mse pnthesfoot wa
found his sons wug -i and persona, et
le. us
Every day adds to the list of deaths
attributed to heart failure. If the
truth -were told the hull: of these
deaths tnicht he written down as due
to stomach failure. Tor it is in thr
failure of the stomach and other orpans
of digestion ana nutrition, that ' weal; "
heart, " weal: " lungs, ' weat " nerves and
ptiter forms of jir3'sicial deterioration
bating their lieginninc. The man whose
ntonach i nound, who can digest and
assimilate the food he eats, and so keep
each organ of the body well nourished,
is the man who u least liable to collapse
under the sudden weakness of some
vital organ.
The preservation of health which fol
lows the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery, ts chiefly due to the
fact that it perfrctly and permanently
cures diiieases of the stomach and organs
of digestion and nutrition, purifies the
blood and increases the blood supply of
the tody. Weak people will find in this
medicine a sure means of strength.
'I was under doctor cart for quite a time."
writes Mr J r Eidd of parmlrysvillc, Waj-ne
Co.. Ky ''They bad almost gircn tnc up and
iry suffering was very rrrat Vj' pulse was
west, breath short cud I had severe lams in
luct., head and legs Had fialpltatiun of been
end lor elrvrn months 1 was not able to do c
dsy's wurk. 1 vuubtseu five bottles of Xir P. V
I'lercc'f t3r.lden Medical IUcrrv trd l the
time the fifth liottle ws rctir I was t wr'.i ruan.''
Dt. Pierce' PrlltU regulate the livec.
Peruna a Safeguard Against Summer Catarrh.
r w n- - v ,m i',
O t nri.'i- f v . '. pi, rut
"Peruna has. June m lour doctors
could not do. .My hovt!s lire now
all nstit and 1 recotnmcnJ i'ertina
to everybody whb hie- bowel trou
ble, lt i- our family medicine. I
think 1 would have been in my
Crave today hud it not been for
Robert W Goodwin tf Modderrrlllr Mich,
wrtle-s "Four Jears ago 1 had been both
ered villi cramps In ln stomatb or down
clone to the bowe-lt ever since 1 wat a boy
At the tt'iie 1 to. k your Peruna 1 waF about
thirty years old 1 wae bothered quite
crien through tLe jeur snel quite ld Ther
C- K $1,00.00
i nmJ'
cure. Keep it in your house; earn it in your pocket; use it for any
and all pains. Toothache, Summer Complaint, Backache, Neuralgia,
Burns, Bruises and Sprains all yield at once to its eScacy. Don't
suner any longer. KILL THAT PAIN. Sold in 2bc and T6 bottles
Ii your druggist doesn't keep it, write
The Lightning Medicine Co., Muscatine, Iowa.
Mull's Pioneer Rheumatism Cure Is a ccrTxin specific for Rheumatic Troubles.
I or side in (imnliii lit Peiiton-Me t.iiin Iirnc o. .Ins, lorsjthe. King
rknrmai-? . I. 1 Tej ion. .ttilin It. out e. snm II. Pn rnsw orth.
In com' I H'ulls li t.eo. Umis. II 1: rimn.
In South On:nl;n Ii M. . Dillon.
In" a.irer of fnnjiur rnnrh iij isiMnn will fjinrkiy rnr- yoX of ull
Hrvuu( utta uf ilic crtii'ris4r irr in, hucL uh lKh.i 23iiliu(t, laMiuiDth,
rullir IB CiifL s.fmli.ul r.iti Ikituni frinm Ikrbllltr. -ttiilr
J.khI'P I.. huAtMi lt Our or i :ttk
tua l:. f t rnn.kirriiii.u hrit ull
i Vi il . Lirttifn i.iui . ti- urttttfT
tni rpstorrt emu r &k o
runranittr p'n ui trr. . r. tirt. ir r , ,. (
ay n.uu Srn f r ii t ' t r m f nc .utix i
AUtlrr- IlOL ;.! I-t( 1NL ( O.. , t
ran mld nv Lo
-fx? Tlpo- tp the T-haie ji-lne JJ' riin
v- srr wrDjicr.T -urci. inrir nn umn
w iu.iieu .cicu i .ilci in: u ' ,
4 niDUty, tvsK, bono toi tree uooL
So, d by, i Co , Itth and T- p'.js
& 1
. trz. hOh III
TV tT A rt C ves
Little Ben-Kur same
quality smaller size.. us
k While Business is Dull &
iiiove. arm wwii move
pf-rroaDfDi lcnti-n ii
The Bee
... .
The army headquarters having moved out into their V
own biilldiii" there are about forty rooms vacated. This 2jC
leaver some of the room temporarily vacant, and there Kfc
W is a chance to be officed right, which may not accur again
jor some time.
The Bee Building
17th and larnair Su.
II AT rout win
Me buvrr br our Tnrilsr T uni. P r is K .-tie.ii rt t-Uie dur Hue el bsji.c rt "'
iuu" ' H'"T exi'i.i.s re c ps U li.erstrust 'r. J ell itir itt ' ,n tlic t of
I uoi bj cis 1-wu be ir . r -e a ', ci-nt. i pt n Cunre- listn J' urtuwy Oii.klik
w . r-- r- '!.' t tw 1
i- n : i i- lasted ver tw
i , it v ,u .,..-,., ,u Mr w
.:.if h: a t I'n ,f Pe-ut.a ai.a -ht first dose
took hiefl mi 1 have otilr had ene
shaht attack since and "ha: was lemt tf.rlt,r
and 1 uok about two-third of a bottle if
rVrwa te effect a cure '
Ht. Oerge W Tsjior ljfx, Tenn , ,ast
, "1 had bad chronic dlorrbnea for six year.
, 1 triud ever. thins I could hear of
Mild hud consulted several pliy t-i -cimiv
wltliout mvmH. .My hunband
boticlit me a bottle of I'cruutt and 1
beiiHti to Impreitc Ht once. I can vtt
snrtblnt 1 ever could, and eat any. hi tig
w.thout inconvenient r, and when 1 say
It had not bees for Pwusa 1 would now be
in lay grave. I do not think I exaggerate '
John W. Mttbvln of Bella, Ark., wrret
"1 had what it csl)el catarrh of the
lower bowels and no one knows V e
torture hud inieery 1 have passe,
through. July doctor seemed to do me
no good 1 luid often beard o
; Peruna when 1 was first tahen sick, bu 1
did not kni'W lt was good for catarrh uc '
I saw one of I'r Hartaiau's udvertleemer s
Hi the pape't 1 made up my mind 1 wi l 3
try It. at, mj doctor wat doing me no gem .
I it a b.ittle of Peruna and began
to feci better after the first dose. I
believe if it htd not been for Perm
it 1 vvenild hnvc died, Evcrvon
vaid I was noinc to die and I be
lieved it. To those who nre? suflprlnr
w :tb catarrh 1 take pleasure in recommend
ing youj medicine to them "
bo.ik entitled "Summer Catarrh." sent
free by Tbe Pc-una M d , lt.e to., Ooluml.
Ohio. 1 at cace from Mull's
Lightning: Pain
is oilcrtd to th
world to product
It kills all pain instantly, and its
use produces a certain and permanent
lmfiu qtnclrtiMMi Uik'T" Dtrt il luiVctiwctPd
thn h'rn-s. f 'ttitu inr. t f I II H Cieatl XiP
nf r..l tn.iiiirliifi CI' PlttllXC lirenrLilCUB
uuo Lflecl h tHjrmaiicui cuxu. uok tici.CIor uoo,
ft. r 2D7L fcttn Franrntrn. Cau
nmc. t o., icth ami rAn.vv.M.
Thr htTe steind the i-tt ot y- sr..
uuq tdvr cuted ttiDu.autu nf
uao loe are chr-kr' - .!.:. i Vnlesi psti-
uiieb vurries xueni inio ) l.i,..ntM mt.un'lKioii ot - ra--
uucs, wiu, iraiimiai, 1 ... irbi --' 'i-rn-rrinnvi 3
Aadre&s PEtt Mfil'"' " "ivtnr r
nnd 3 A Fu'lcr & Co., ll!h and Douet as.
5$ ? r ft rT n I r r
Omuha. Neb.
. ,
vou migM as -vstMI figure on a
R. C. Peters & Co.
I'cnUI Afcnls.