TIIT3 -OMAHA DAT LV 11 EE: TTESDAT, J TLV 10, 1000. CURRENT COUNCIL MINOR 3IKNTIOJI. D.wls sella glass. IT M. Leffert, optlelnn, 1Y, n'way. Our fixtures And Globes at Hlxby's. Magazine bound, Moorehouso & Co. Budwelser beer. I Rnsenfeld, ngent. Kino A. II. C. beer, Noumaycr'a hotel. Schmidt', photon, new and latest stylos. Try Koystono 1'rlntlng Houso. 'I'hone 373. You get tho best dinner at tho Vienna. W. K. I.ewM selh mon'iments. 301 U'way. Hclnntlflo optician at Woolmnn's, 09 IV way. Jtldgrt Smith ndjnnrned district court yes terday until Wednesday. Mis Julia Olllcer hart returned from a trlD to tho Yellowstone park. The regular meeting ot Hxcelslor Masonic lodge will 1m held thlH evening. Tho vacation prlzo will go to tho Council Ulufttf zlrl who hustles votes. Got your work dono at tho popular En els laundry, 724 Hroudway. 'I'hone 157. W C. Estop, undertaker, 23 Pearl street. Telephones Office, D7; residence. 33. It. and K. A. Morehouso left yesterday for Colorado for a twrf weeks' pleasure trip. W. V. Oraff, undertaker nnd licensed em balmer. 101 South Main street. 'I'hone GOti. Tho regular meeting of Concordia Lodgo Nn, 52, Knights of 1'ythlns, will bo held this evening. I D. Kurltp, the llroadway blncksmlth. was arrested last evening for eVturblng the peace. JIlss Stella Utile has gono to Fort I,arned, Kan., for si two months' visit with friends and rolatlvcs. Miss Mno Henderson left Inst evening for Dixon, III., to spend tho summer with her bister. Mrs. J. T. I'otter. Mm, P. K. Johansenn of Wnlnut, Ta., is visiting her parent, .Mr. and Mrs. Harvey 'ace, on Mynster street. Hev, nnd Mrs. J. Male left Inst vanlns for Chautauqua Park, N. Y., where they will spend several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. A. Mitchell and son, Robert, leavo today for a ten days' trip to Denver, Manttou and Colorado Springs. A copy of Da Vinci's famous painting-, "The Last Huppcr," ran be seen In a win dow ot C. K. Alexander & Co.'s, SUU'wuy. All voton In tho Council Muffs vacation contest will bj counted dally and the result will becomo more interesting from day to 'day. Resident) on Mynster street nre threaten ing to bring Injunction proceedings ngalnst the city to restrain It from paving that thoroughfare, this year. M D. Royer, assistant allilltor of freight lecelpts of tho Illinois Central, was In the city yesterday on his way homo to Chi cago from Denver, Colo. (leorgo H. Jackson left yesterday for Hulrit Lake to attend tho annual stato Masonic encampment which opens today and lasts during tho week. Alderman and Mrs. 12. II. I.ougee, Mtsaes Draco and Emma. Roebo and Walter Heche returned yesterday morning from a trip through tho Yellowstono park. O. A. Clark, superintendent of the Omaha division of tho Illinois Central with head quarters In this city, left for Chicago yes terduy on a short business trip. The Ladles' Aid society of St. John's Kngllsh Lutheran church will meet tomor. row afternoon at thu residency of Mrs. M. P. Schmidt. 1420 Falrmount avenue. Charles Davis, charged with disturbing tho peacn last Sunday by Charles 1 Adams, proprietor of a Rroudway restau rant, Imd a hearing before Justice Vlen yesterday and was discharged. John "Wroth, adjudged Insano Saturday by the commissioners and sent to St. Tler nard's .hospital temporarily, was taken to tho stM asylum nt Clarlnda, yesterday by Sheriff Cousins and Denuty Canning. Miss Abbto Henderson nnd William V. Oesterllng, both of Omaha, were mnrrled In this cltj last evening at tho residence of d. W. Skinner on Park avenue. Rev. R. Venting of thu lluptlst church performing the ceremony. Tho regular meeting, of Shaduklam tem ple. Dramatic Order Knights of Khorassan, will be hold Thursday evening, when all members, and esperlally those of the de gree team, nro icqucstrd to 1m present, ns the lodgo wilt be photographed. Tim Statu Hoard ot Control has purchased teiephonu systems for each ot the state In stitutions, tho contract being awarded to the fitromberg-Carlson Telephone Manufac turing comnanv of Chicago. The Iowa School for tho Deaf hero sots seven lntcr- communicaiini 'pnoncs. The receipts In the general fund nt the Christian Homo last week amounted to 1247.42. be na 547.72 abovo tho est mated needs for iho current expenses of tho week una decreasing tno (tendency In this fund to dat to Jtf.S7.9S. In tho manager's fund the. receipts wore $21.75, being JI3.25 below the needs of tho week and Increasing tho deficiency In this fund to 1130.81 to date. N. Y. numbing Co., Tel. 250. "Water Hills. Vny new and save 5 per cent. Monday and Tuesday evenings. Offlce open Ilnnkriiptn DIseharKeil. Colonel J. J. Stoadmnn, clerk ot the United States district court, received notice yester day that discharges had been granted In tho following bankruptcy cases: Charles 11. Dewoy, Km ma M. Dowey, Pot tawattnmlo county; William D. Needham Newmarket: Levi M, Keith, He-Jford; Daniel W. Davis, Taylor county; Lafayette Combs, Rcdford; I. Ellsworth James, Corning; Ocorge L. Roham, Carbon; Daniel J. Pol lock, Larlmor; Thomas J. Moult, Vllllscn; Krcd arigax, Crawford county; Mlzaboth Shaakc, Anita; John Slinakn. Anita; John K. Westfall, Cass county; XacharJah Taylor, Crawford county; Christina Uecktnnn, sr., Kxira; Matt Justin, Shelby; William M, Kreltzborg, Caw counlyr William O. Drooks, Coburg; Kroltzberg & Wcstfall, Cass county; John Peterson, Stanton; Poster & Carnnhan, Glen V. Carnahnn, Sadlo A. Kos tcr, Hamburg; Marcus L. Curd, Kxira; John 8. Cramer, Stanton; Aloxandor J. Rldnour, Clarlnda; Henry R. Oberholtzor, Cloorgo 11, Stlllman, Council Muffs; (leorgo W. Turner, Harrison county; John W. McOInty, Ncola; Orlln Card, Kfllo I). Card, Logan; William Huthorland. (lien wood; Grlgnx & Son, Craw ford county; Peter Chrlstensen, Cas county; James A. Wagner, John S. Woods Robort H. Woods, Woods Rros. & Wag ner, Anita; Chnrles Johan Almgren, lied Oak; Charles J. Holm, Clarlnda; John Sec- land, Coburg; Dyson II. linger, Dodgo county, Nebraska. Gravel roofing. A. H. Reed, 541 B'wajr. Wnter Hills. Pay now and save 5 per cent. Offlce open Mfday and TuosJay evenings. Willi ted in Ti Uniiinli. Hen Kesslcr Is under arrest at tho city Jail charged with being a fugutlvo from Justice, Ho was apprehended yesterday rooming at tho Instance ot tho authorities of Trkamah Neb., whero ho Is wanted to answer to a charge of stealing a running horse. Tho horso was found by Detective Weir In a prl vato stablo nt Tnrnty-third street nnd Avenue K. KcfbIct attempted to trado the Animal nnd through this the police dlscov cred Its whereabouts. Ko3slcr told several stories to account for bin ownership o the horse when arretted and eald he came hero last Friday from Tckaninh. Ho haB several relatives In this city. The sheriff from Teknrnah Is expected here this morn lng. You can deposit your votes for the race popular working girl In tho vacation con test at tho Council Muffs ofuce. Commonwealth 10-cent cigar. FARM LOANS Negotiated In Kostern rrrnraska an J low a. Jsmrn N. Casudy, jr, IK Main St t'auncll R'ufts. BflmftlSTir TA I Alii On Cty muni, i i u i.unn property Savings Loan and Building Asseciat'n i-ouncn uiuns. lowa. NEWS OF IOWA. BLUFFS. SUPPORT FOR THE LIBRARY Dccrcasocl Valuation Necessitates an In creased Levy for Next Year, STATEMENT OF EXPENSES AND CHARGES President Holirer Mnkrn n I.enKtliy IiouIiik of (lie lliislnesH of (lie linn rd nnd Recommends Additional Ilnlf-MIII. In view of tho decreased assessed val uation of tha city tho trustees of tho public library at their regular monthly meeting yesterday afternoon decided to avail them selves of the law as amended at the recent session of tho state legislature and ask for a levy of V.i mills In placo of 1 mill levy heretofore assessed for library purposes. The law watt amended co as to enable cities of tho first class to levy 2 mills If deemed necessary for public library purposes. Tho matter was brought befora tho board by President Rohrer, who, In a detailed written statement, showed that a levy of 1 mill would bo Insulllclcnt to maintain the library under tho present ducroascd assessed valua tion ot tho city. Ills statement In part follows: Rv reference to the nnnual reports ot tho board It will be noticed that the Income during tho past eight years derived from tho tax levy of 1 mill har averaged S5.167.39 per annum, while the dlsbursments for thu xaniii nerlnd hvitmeciI tu.053.23. The in come for the year ending December 31, mw, wai Ji.3i.4i, ana tne uisnursemcnis 25.31, which Is over 15 per cunt less than tho above uverage. While the annual ex penditures have practlcnlly criualed the in come, the board h,is during the samo time kent on hand a xafety fund cash balanca averaging over J1.G00. The assessed valuo or tno city or uouncn Muffs on which taxes will Iw collected for hn vears lDno and iwi. amounts to J3.3it',4iu. rhn 1 mill lew for tho nresent year of IM'0 will produce safely about J3.000, To this can bo added J1,G17.06, tho cash balance on hand January 1, law. This will mako a total available until Anrll 1. 1901. ot 11.637.05. The expenditure for the half year ending Juno mounted to J1.757.H, us follows Rooks J129.B7 llndlncr 62.70 8.15 135.00 07.'.'2 56.75 MW CTI.OO S7.7I) 100.25 Periodicals .... Insurance Supplies printing Rent Salaries flax nnd light. Miscellaneous This leaves nn available balanco Julv 1, l&on, of J2.37fl.61, from which nil expend itures must be pnld until April 1, lMil, at which time tho llrst Installment ot tax Is paid Into tho city treasurer. Tho present tlxed expense of the library from July 1 to December 31, 1900, aro as follows: Rent , $150.00 Salaries 1.0S0.W Light 71.20 Miscellaneous 10.85 Total $1,515.05 This will leavo an approxlmato cash bal- nnc on hand December 1, 1900. of $1,294 58, providing no expenditure Is made for bookB, binding or furniture from July 1 to that date. Krom this balance the library mu't be maintained until April 1, lol, during which tlmo tho llxed expenses will be an follows; Rent $225.(K) Salaries 4M.00 Light , 31,80 Miscellaneous 29,fi5 This makes n total of $730.43. This will leave nn approxlmato balanco of f55S.ll, from which exTmlltures can be- made for books, binding, furnlturo and supplies from jiuy i, ivw, to Apru i, vm, utter wntcn the library fund will be exhausted instead ot having on hand tho usual cash balance averaging $I.C00. in view or tno anovo racts. wnicn snow that tho income of tho library has been reduced from $5,000 to $3,000 per annum. 1 would recommend tnnt tne board avail tno rending public of the benefit of tho law inssud at the last session of the leglslnturo y certifying to tho city council a levy of one and one-half mills on tho present assessed valuation of tho city, which will produce an approximate annual income of $4,500. Tho levy will havo to bo certified up to tho city council for its npproval by the board before tho meeting In August, at which tlmo tho council fixes tho levy for thu following year. An Interesting feature of yesterday's meet ing of the board was tho report presented by Mrs. M. K. Dalley of her recent trip to Montreal, Canada, whero sho attended the annual convention of the American Library association. Among other things she Eald: Tho children's room seems tn hn nn of the very lmportnnt features of the library of today. In n creat manv of tho libraries thuy not only get up amusement In tho way oi insirucuvo pictures ami DUiieiins, nut they have tho attendant tell stories and In others they employ regular klndorgartners wno give them instruction in that line. In many libraries thoy evon have lavatories, whero they can see that children w.nh if they come with hands unclean, this being one way inai is laacn to icacn in care or bonks. Tho HiibJect of catalOKlnu and of co-oDer- imvo uiiiaioning was mucn aiscusxou Willi tho result that the American Library asso ciation will get out printed cards from which any library can soleut what It nuedH nnu uy tins means save much time and labor to tho library thus purchasing and therefor much expense. Regarding tho Bystem of purchasing du- pllcato copies of books much in demand, Mrs. Dallcy said tho plan proposed hero of renting tho hooks at so much per woek until paid for and thcu placing thera on tho shelves Is In vogue In a number of tho larger cities. In St. Louts, sho had been informed at tno convention, nn many as ninety duplicate copies ot certain books were purchased nnd rented nt 5 cunts per week until paid for and then placed on tho shelves for general and free circulation, Tho books thus purchased soon paid tor themselves. Tho nnnual election of officers resulted ns follows: President, M. I- Robrcr; secretary and librarian, Mrs. M. K. Dallcy; assistants, Mrs. D. K. Mack and Mies Margaret Shor- nian. The terms pt oince aro for tho year commencing August 1 next. Tho report of tho librarian for June Bhowcd the number ot registered books to bo S.'.iGO and tho books taken 2,711. The rerort of the finance committee showed tho balance In tho library fund on July 1 to bo U.0S5.20. "Mr. Rile" 6-cnt cigar. Save your roupohs and vote for tho most popular Council Muffs working girl. Another Trine for Arxt .Sutiirilnr. Tho Dee vacation girls will havo a chance to compoto for another prlio this week. The Bame rulea will govern as those of prizes contested for last week and the- week before. Kvery girl In tho raco has a chanco to win the prlio, as It will go to the ono casting tho ciet votes in tho fivo days of this week, commencing today and ending Saturday promptly at C o'clock p, m. The prlio is a nno pair of patent leather shoes given by Hamilton's shoo store, 412 Hroal- way, nnd will bo on dUp)ay during the week In Mr. Hamilton's show window, Tho shoes nro btlectcd from the finest In tho storo and this U sufficient to demon strato that the prlio Is worth working for Tho winner will be fitted with a pair tho same ns those on display. Ilnllnrd Kutnte Dlatrlliutril. X M. Pusey, executor of the estate of tho lato Mrs. Sarah nallard of this city yes terday filed a supplemental report showing tho distribution ot the moneys reported in his final report. The report was approved by JikIrii Smith of tho district court nnd Mr. Pusey was discharged from liability In connection with the moneys so far collected and accounted for. Ho was continued ns executor, however, without bond for the purposo of recovering the amounts paid ns inheritance tax. Since tho payment of the tax tho United States supreme court has handed down a ruling holding that the law applied only to bequests amounting to over $10,000. The law had previously been construed tb except only estates that did not amount to $10,000. AOTHUIt YOTlfi ON POOH PA KM. Hoard of Supervisors Will Try tlic People Oner More. Tho Hoard of County Supervisors, which convened In adjourned session yesterday afternoon, Is expected to tako action today on tho question of submitting to tho voters tho proposition ot purchasing land on which to establish a poor farm. The proposition which will bo submitted If the board so do sldcs has been drawn up by tho county at torney and Is as follows, with tho amounts left blank: Shall tho following public measure bo adopted 7 Shall the Board of Supervisors of Potta wattamie establish a poor houso In said county, purchase land therefor, and erect suitable buildings on such land at a cost not to exceed $ tor such land and building? And shall said Hoard of Supervisors for tho purpose of paying for the land to be purchased ajid the buildings to be erected levy a tax. In addition to the usual taxes, on the taxable) property of said county In nn amount not to exceed ...... mills on the dollar each year for the years next succeeding the vote on this proposition? Tho supervisors aro of tho opinion that a poor farm Is the only solution of provid ing for the pauper element ot tho county, It is bcllaved that such an Institution, propcrtly managed, could bo made, almait. If not wholly, supporting. In other counties whero tho pauper element Is cared for in poor farms tho achenio has been found to be a paying ono nnd tho cent of providing for tho poor reduced to a minimum. The cost of caring for tho poor in this county amounts to $21,000 yearly and for the last two years tho poor tund has. been con stantly overdrawn. Tho supervisors aro also ot the opinion that tho establishment of a poor farm will materially decrenso tho number of appll cants for relief. As a rulo pooplo who aro willing to recclvo aid from tho county with out working for it arc loath lo enter a poor houso, whero they will be forced to labor, It able. This county, tho authorities claim, has boon for years the dumping ground of the pauper element from sur rounding counties, whoro the poor uro carod for In poor farms. In talking of tho matter yesterday Su pervlsor Hansen said that while the board bellovcd that tho only way to decreaso the cost ot caring for the poor In this county was to establish a poor farm, It was not In tended that nil the paupers of tho county should bo sent there. There are cases where outsldo relief would have to bo given. It Is thought, he said, that by the purchase ot from 160 to 200 acres of gocd farming land tho poor farm could,bo made self-supporting with proper management, Two years ago tho board was offered the Henry Cook farm, near Underwood, con sisting of 320 acres of good land, at $33 per acre. On this farm was a houso con talning upwards of twenty rooms that had cost $7,000 to build. Tho people turned the proposition to buy this place down. The land could not be bought now for $50 nn acre. Ten years ago tno county eoiq us poor farm, containing 160 acres, on the Crescent City road, Just east ot tho city, as it was poor land nnd was found an ex pensive experiment. It sold for $50 an acre and slnco then part of the farm has been resold for $200 an acre. The session yesterday afternoon was de voted to tho consideration of road mat ters. Recorder Smith filed his report for tho second quarter ending Juno 30, showing that 1,729 instruments had been filed dur lng tho last thrco months, the fees on which amounted to $l,183.3o. Davis sells paints. Howell's Ant!-"Kawt" cures coughs, colds. QUA 11 HI? L OVlvIl A I.IX13 PEN'CU. Two Fnrnn-r Poll Ont aud One Serl ojinlj- llruti the Other. John Evans and Joseph Clark, farmers of Oarnor township, Had trouDie ycaicroay morning over a lino fence. Evans backed up his side of tho case with his fists and Clark appealed to Justlco Fcrrler wno is sued a -warrant for Bvuns' arrest on tho chargo of nssauVt and battery. Evans nd mltted that the assault was a fact but pleaded oxtonuatlng circumstances. The court assessed him $2.50 and tho costs which ho paid. It developed after Evans had paid bis nno that the asault on Clark was far more serl ous than at first reported to Justice Fcrrler, It Is alleged that' Evans beat Clark with n fenco -wlro stretcher about tho head and last night Clark's condition was reported to be critical In tho extreme. Three physl clans woro summoned to attend him and tho last reports to reach tho city were that it was doubtful If ho would survive his Injuries. A fresh information charg lng Evans with assault with Intent lo kin was filed and a second warrant for his ar rest Issued from tho court of Justlco Vlen Up to a late hour last night Evans had not been apprehended. "When last seen ho was riding into the country on a horse. Ilenl liitnlo Trnnifers. The folloiviug transfor3 wcro filed yester day in tho abstract, tltlo nnd loan office ot J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl olrcet; Sheriff to A. "W. "Way, sett nc'.i 23-77- 41. h d $ George Rrown and wife to P. J. Day, lot 1. DlocK 9. Williams- jm anu William Hoplcy, administrator, to Charles M. Hurke, lots a to n, niocit 4. town of Walnut, a d W. C. Dlekey to J. M. Kelley. lots 1, 2 nnd 3. diock J., iiigniunu naco wdd. w d M. Mlnahan and wlfo to Pottawntta- mln county, purl or sevi iioii s-io-ii, w d Mansel Wick nnd wife to Mary ,1. Thompson, lot , tiloeK lfi, Hnyllss & Palmer's udil, w d w. Ira P. Hendricks and wife to A. J. Wearln and S. H. lianiefl. nci nwii nii'ii. nil nwii 2S and wt, nw 1 33.77-14. Y? d 9,S) Rose Ward ct al to (leorge Ward, undlv i in nw', nwii 17-77-42, w d... 300 Eight transfers, total $11,707 AVwter 11111. Pay now nnd savo 5 per cent. Office open Monday and Tuesday evenings. Hurt In n It tin turn '. Miss MaOgo Walker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Walker of Woodbury avenue was thrown from a buggy during a runaway yesterday morning on Park avenue. She re eclved a number of severe hrulses and he anklo Joint was dislocated. Sho was alono a tho tlmo nnd was driving down Tark nvonuo from Fairmount park when the horse got beyond her control. Tho bugcy overturned at tho corner of High School avenue throw lng her out. Raid a MannTrn. Hainan, At tho Instigation of P. C. Herd, the for mer owner of tba retort at Lake Manawa who swore out a search warrant under the mulct law. Contabl Albertl of Justice Vlen's court seized tho liquor stock of W, II. Heck, proprietor of tho White Houso saloon at Manawa Sunday evening. Duel nets bad been brisk during the afternoon and prior to the arrival ot the officer to be Corset Specials V.h- .Suiiuncr Coiwf 19c A lino Kuiintier Corset, extra well boned and stnyivl, regular price Me, on sale at ll)c o0c guaranteed fcjuiniuer Cor set, on sale nt 39c (J9e liigh grade Summer Corset, on sale at .50c Choice for 10c Our entire stock of Elyaian Toilet Articles to be closed out at a sacrifice. L'oc box Face Powder 10c LTc bottle Hair Tonic 10c GOe bottle Hair Tonic IOc 50c bot. Fragrant Cream. . 10c 50c bottle Tooth Lotion . . .10c 50c bottle Almond Cream. .10c Besides these articles men tioned, there are numerous oth ers, all go in one lot at one price 10c per pucka je. Muslin Underwear K Few Bargains in Ladies' Muslin Underwear. 12Ac ladies' Corset Covers, plain, on sale at 8c 25c ladies' Embroidery trim med Corset Covers, at . . . . 15c 2 for 25c. 12c and 15c Misses' and Chil dren's drawers, tucked and plain on sale at pair 10c $1.50. Underskirts 98c Line of ladies white Under skirts, wide cambric ruffle, trimmed with lace and inser tion, and embroidery trimmed, also black underskirts trimmed with ruffles, former price $1.25 and 1.50, on sale at 98c Large assortment of ladies' gowns, handsomelv trimmed at 50c, 59c, 75c and 98c MILLINERY AT HALF PRICE, only succeeded In gathering in ono halt barrel cf lager beer, two bottles of ale and one bottle of port wine. Half nn hour after tho constable had taken hlu departuro Major Deck wna nulug business again at tho old stand. ' Juuttco Vien will deter mine tho disposition 'pt tho seized ntock Sat urday morning. Col. Heed, who was tho Instigator of a number ot ratdu on tho Manawa saloons last year, is reported to have declared that ho will not permit any liquor to be old at the lako this season. Himikur liixlri' Itentrnlut. Manford S. Uaughn was picked up by the police yesterday morning in a stato border ing on delirium tremens and taken to St. Bernard's hospital. He has been .under survclllanco for the last two daje but man aged to eludo his watchers yesterday morn ing and made hfa way to Woolscy's res taurant on llroadway where his peculiar actions caused the proprietor to notify tho police. CHILD SVVICS 1 1 lilt MOTIIim'S I.IFR. Ioith AVoinnn In Heat-uril from Dmtli hy llrr Dnnulilrr. FORT DODOE, la., July 9. (Special Tele gram.) Tho presence of mind of her little 10-year-old child nlono saved Mrs. C. Taibot of this city from a horrible death this morn ing. Mrs. Talbot was engaged In her house- bold duties nnd tilled n gasollno stove. She neglected to close tho can before lighting the stove. Sho applied the match, tho gaso llno exploded. Shu was covered with tho burning Itutd nnd nflamn In an Instant. Los ing all presence of mind she rushed for tho door. As she opened It Bho was mot by her littlo 10-ycar-old daughter, who, realizing tho extreme danger thnt her mother was In, wrapped her looao rlothlng about her, smothering tho llames. If fiho had reached tho open air It Is not probablo that any thing could havo saved her. As It was Mrs. Talbot was frightfuly burned about tho arms and hands, wlillo tho little rescuer was also slightly scorched. Tho explosion ocurrcd in tho heart of tho business portion and a conflagration was feared, but was finally extinguished. Tho building burned was that of the William Hobluson grocery store. Iliirlnn Mil n Sliootn Illiimelf. HARLAN. In-, July 9. (Special) Henry fleckman, ft well-known man, resident of Harlan, and head salesman In Oeorgo I'icrco & Co. grocery firm ever since it was es tablished, was found dead tn tho Odd Fel lows' hall by tho Janitor at an early hour this morning. Ho was lying on tho floor with a bullet hole In hla bead nnd a re volver by his side. Despondency over do mestic troublo Is supposed to bo tho cause. llnll Storm Horn llniuiiKe, HARLAN, la., July 9. (Special) It has been found that tho btonn of last Friday afternoon was tho most devastating storm that over visited Shelby county. Tho storm camo up in tho northwest and passed through hero to tho southeast, laying waste A track sixteen mllcn wido across tho en tire county. ImTii Mini Killed lr Trnln. DRNISON, lo., July 9. (Special Telegram) Mr. Fitzpatrlck of the county poor farm was Instantly killed by the last section of train No. 26 running Into him near Denlson this evening. "Will Nut Ailvm Ilntm. NEW YORK, July 9. Roth tho marine and flro Insurance companies doing business in this city havo decided not to make a formal investigation Into tho Hobokcn flrn and the marlno agents have derided not to advanco rates, as was recently Intimated thoy would do. This latter decision wus arrived at today after a cerlra of Informal conferences between representatives of tho marine com panies. Efforts will be made to bring about a strict adherence to tho fire regulations. Triumph u nil The sales of tho bottled beers of the Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n increased over thirty per cent during tho past year evi dence that a superior article Is appreciated by a discriminating public. Orders ad dressed to Geo. Krug, manager Omaha branch will be promptly executed. WHITELAW Boston Store, Council Bluffs, Iowa. GREAT SHIRT To Continue During 50c and 69c Shirt Waists 25c AT 23c Your choice of our entire line EOc and 63c ladles' Shirt Waists In light nnd dark percale, tor .. .25c 75c Shirt Waists 38c Ladles' White Lawn Shirt Waist? Colored Lawn 3hlrt Wnlstt with whito yoko and chambray In all tho stylish patterns 38c $1.00 Shirt Waists 50c Our entlro lino ot $1.00 valuo Ladies' Shirt Walxts, In plain chambrays, braid trimmed percale with embroldory inicrtion and dark stripe percale, far , 50c $1,50 Shirt Waists 75c Fancy Lawn and Striped Chambray Ging ham Shirt Waists wcro $1.50, now .75c LACES HALF PRICE Your choice of our entire lace stock at HALF I'RICE. 3c Laces on sale at IVjc 3c Laces on salo nt IVic 10c Luces on salo at uc 15c Laces on salo nt 7c 25c Laces on salo at 1214c 30c Laces on salo at 23c UNDERWEAR Lot of Chlldron'a lllbbed Vests, to close, on sale at, each ...... Ladles' "o Ribbed Vests, full slzo ...lc 3c! 10c Ladles' nibbed Vest 7c lCc Ladles' Ribbed Vests, taped -4 fn neck and sleeves, on sale at 1 J 23c Llslo Vests, taped neck and Hleevcs, on salo at 19c iroldered 3 for 60c. 19c Swlso Ribbed Vests, silk embroidered neck and sleeves on salo at :.12Jc Ladles' flno Ribbed Jersey Vests, lace trim med and taped 5 styles to choose from ace trlm ic from 25c worth up to DOc on salo at WHITELAW FIGURES ON THE FRUIT CROP Secretary Green of tho Horticultural Society Gives Out His Estimates. OUTLOOK NOT SO VERY DISCOURAGING Apple ProiiiUc nn Exrcllrnt Yield nnd Other Fruits limine Around JlnU to Two-Thirds of a Crop. DES MOINES, Ia. July 9. (Special Tele gram) Secretary Wesley Green of the State Horticultural society has completed figures on tho percentage of tho fruit crop to date as nhown by the returns up to date. According to uis figures tho crop outlook at tho present time is ns follows: Summer apples, 73; winter apples, 63; pears, 30; poaches, 50; American plums, SO; European plums, 43; Japaneso pluniB, 39; grapes, 66; blackberries. 74; red raspberries, 00; black raspberries, 69. The stato oxtutlvo council spent tolsy assessing telephone and telegraph compan ies. None of tho latter -were assessed, nor none of tho larger of tho former. This was because they did not happen to b&ve reported In such order that among the first were tha big ones. Rut two rules "were adopted. Ono of these was that no company should bo asactsed on Its mileage below $40 n mile and that In tho case of large com panies tho exchange should bo assessed separately from tho mileage. Chairman Harry Weaver ot the republi can stato central committee will bo In Des Moines tomorrow. Judge Hubbard, Iowa attorney for tho Northwestern, paid horo today: "I'll tell you a rumor that 1b going round aud that Is to tho effect that Colonel C. A. Clark Is going to withdraw from tho raco for tho supremo bench and permit some of tho other fellows to kill themselves off this year. The politicians talk something of holding him off for another yrar when thoro will not bo so many candidates near at homo. The Fifth district -will bo' about equally divided between Colonel Clark Rnd Judge Rcmley, tho politicians tell nm. Ronton county will support Remley, standing by Jones county from a feeling of reciprocity, and Dallas and Marshall and Tama counties will "probably divide between the two. So far as tho other ofllcrs (o bo tilled go the can didates for tho supremo bench will havo tho power of throwing it oa they pleaso. That will bo proper." Willie Jinn Turned Yellow. Grent consternation wns felt hy the friends of M. A. Hogurty of Lexington, Ky., when they saw ho was turning yellow. His kin xtnulv rhuneed color, also his eves. nnd he suffered terribly. His malady was Yollow jaudtce. jio wns ireaica oy me best doctors, but without benefit. Then ho was advised to try Electric Hitters, tho wonderful Stomach and Llvor remedy, and ho writes: "After taking two bottles I was wholly cured." A trial proves Us matchless merit for all Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles. Only 60c. Sold by Kuhn & Co., druggists. Deny llennlnff ApplleHllon, NEW YORK, July 9. Judge Lacombo of tho United States circuit court today de nied tho nppllcatlon of John L. Hennlng, a Judgment creditor of tho New York & Ot tawa Railroad company, to Intervene in the suit in equity against tho railroad com pany hy Alanson T. Enos. Tho order also denies an application asking that tho order appointing Henry W. Gays receiver bo set aside. Steel Mills llmauit, JOLIHT, ill., July 9.-The converter and billet mill of the Illinois Hteel company re sumed today and nearly 1.000 men wera put to work. Tho Amalgamated scale has not been signed, but Indications are that a sppedy settlement will lio effected nnd the mills kept steadily running. .lewlnu .Niitlonnl OrpuiiuuKe. CLEVELAND, July 9. At the annual xUntliin nf trustee. of Ihn National Jewish orphanage, maintained by tho order B'nul & GARDINE WAIST SALE the Entire Week $2,00 Shirt Waists SI, 00 Iirso assortment of Lawn nnd Dimity Shirt Waists, fine pcrcnlo, with faney laco trim med revere nnd lace front 4 regular $2 value, on e.ilo at 1 VW $3,00 Shirt Waists $1,50 Ladles' dainty Whito Lawn Shirt Waists fancy tucked back and front, with oft tucked cuffs, white lawn with nil-over cham bray fronts others with fancy embroidery Insertion regular price on this lot was $3.00 and $3.60 on Bale -J $4,00 Shirt Waists $1,98 Whito Lawn, with entlro laco front and line embroidery Insertion wero $4.00 on sale nt 1.98 $1.00 nt'-ovr Embroidery Shirt Waist-all sizes a beauty on sala at .2.50 WASH GOODS Now we begin to clean up our "Wash Goods Department, and below are given a few prices that will certainly do it. oc Corded Dimities, on alo 0r nt 3'jC 10c Corded Welts, Lappet Cloths and Ilrcrldered Moucsclines, g on sale at J)C 10c Ginghams, In plaids, stripes and checks, fast colors, on salo at 0C 1251c and 15c Imported Zypher 7lr Glngbcms, on eale ut A. 2 15c Dotted Muslins, Striped Batiste, Madras Cloth, Printed Chambrays and Corded Dimities, on sale (. at 2C 25c Imported Irish Dimities, all new, neat and dainty patterna, on -f e - salo at IOC & GARDINER Real Estate is Rising IN VALUE. Some excellent lots, pleasantly located and de sirable for suburban homes, can be had now at reasonable prices. These lots are located in Omaha, Wright's and Central Sub. additions. This property will steadily increase in value as the city grows in that direction and the time to buy is the present. Call at THE BEE OFFICE, Council Bluffs. OUR First National Bank, UNITED STATES STATIJMKNT AT CLOSE OF RKSOURCKS. Loans and Discounts $1,127,41 1, 13 Hunking House lO.OOO.OO Reul Kstato 21,825.111 CiihIi Kcsourccs: U. S. Honda, nt par $330,000.00 13ondB & Cash SoouriticB. 09,510.05 Cash and U. S. Trousuror 003,728.03 1,072,217.03 "$2564,484.42 J. I), EDMUNDSON, President. YOUIt BUSINESS SOLICITED. Hrlth. tho following offlcerB wero electcM for tho ensuing yi-nr: William Mix. fit LouIh, president; l.ouls I!Vl, Cincinnati, vlcu uruHlilent; Kaultinan Ilnys, CU-vr-lnnd, trt'iiKurer, M lluchman. Cleveland, llnan elul secretary; Dr. 8. WolfenMeln Cleve land, recording secretary ami superintend ent. David Adler of .Milwaukee refused to again serve oh prenldunt, owing to 111 health. Hriily nf (Ik C'liloUima w ItmliloiilM. KOHT WOHT1I, Tex., July 9. Non-cllt-zciih of the Chickasaw nation deny that they refuse to pay trlhal taxes, ax (In manded Uy tho Chickasaw authorities, nnil havo sent Secretary of tho Interior Hitch cock n petition to that effect. Thcso citizens hellcvo they huve n lawful right In the provisions of the Atoka agreo. ment and CurtlH net to reside In Iho Chick asaw nation, and Miould not be considered In nny senpa Intruders. They say there Is no necessity for frderul troops helng sent there to enforce tho collection of taxes. LIKED SKIRTS AT LESS THAN HALF PRICE SI. 00 Linen Dross Skirl, 48c ?l.r0 l,mcn Dress Skirl. 75c t'2.W Linen Dress Skirl, SI. 19 DRESSING SACQUES Ladies' drowsing sucquos to close at the following prices 1.11) sacquo on salo at' 89c 75c sacque on sale at. . . . 50c GAPS AND GONNETS 19c crush and linen caps for boys and girls, on sals at 0C 25c sun bonnets, nil styles and sizes, on salo at Q( FURNISHINGS 5c gout' llockford sox, on sale, a pair for 10c 10c seamless black half hose, on sale at 5c Black real lislo thread hose, on sale ut 15c 2 for 25c. 50c men's working shirts oii sale at 39c 75c men's negligoo shirts on sale at 50c 81 shirts, detachable collars and cuffs, in 50 different styles and patterns, on sale at 75c $1.25 gent's madras shirts, de tachable culls, on salo at $1 Millinery. Our entire stock of mil linery including Sail ors, Shaped and Trim med Hats, at , HALF PRICE. PRICES wrjf And tho quality of our work should bo of interest to you if your teeth are not in perfect condition. It matters not how little or how much you have to be done, we will bo pleased to do it for you, and the charges will bo very moderate. . ..Telephone 145. H. I. Woodbury, D. D. S., Council Bluffs- 30 Pearl St. Grand Hofel Council Bluffs, Iowa DEPOSITORY. NUSINIvSS JUNK 21), 1000. LIAHIL1TIKS. Capttnl Stock 8100,000.00 Surplus and Profits, not 05,120.07 Circulation 09,-lOn.OO Dopoulu 2,200,055.35 $2,604,484.42 CIIAS. R. IIANNAN, Vice Pres. and Cashier. A Imperial Hair Regenerator The Standard Hair Colorinz fur Orar or Illeaclird HrJr. U olwn, durable unit ptrtettlr hirulMt lltlr uoionm An iiAHini inane, i.mnn Dftir DMniirm, riMtn tun ill fflativ. OK". run, i if Afl'I.II'A'I TlOK I.AIJTH MONTHH. ITIracy ,Mtu1. tits fur Pumriblet. IMPERIAL CHEMICAL MFO, CO., 21 W. Hi St., Niw York. Sold hy druggists and hairdressers. (B (! ntr-oits TT r T 1-n ur.M i. in i ffl ,y THE IJRB WAfyT ADS PRODUCE RESULTS. r