TJ TIIR OMAHA DAILV IVEE: PrXDAY, JTLT 8. 1000. itnsoiii-. IN THE DOMAIN Of WOMAN, ( r ASIIIO.V While Monrnltiir for tnninrrletl Wonion Thrrr Smart Tolli-tn. N'BW YORK, July 6. Tho wctnan In whlto Is simply ubiquitous, (or tbo sex that dresses elaborately and thereby makCB tho biggest flywheels of eomraorco go lound Is about to deal with weather that gives her the greatest charm of appturanco end com fort when sho Is arrayed In nwanllke rai ment. A greater number of yards of whl c organdie havo been sold for this scasjn's wear than In a half n dozen provlotia itpinj times, say tli9 denlers in dry, and tbo dressmakers corroborate the ascr.lan. Ono ncctllu artist v.I.llngly displayed 10 privileged eyrn some wondrously lllmv tlouncy things that were In proccts f rack. Ing for forwarding to a group of debutantes at K'ow York. "Everybody this season, with Just the necessary number of exceptions to p ova tho rule," oxplalncd tho dreramakrr, "U wearing pure white for mrrnlng; pure whlto lawn and organdlo touched wl h bla-k panne or velvet ribbon Is In the code fashloi ablo for church-going nnd all our am rt summer coichlng, automobl'lng and plcni: suits nro cut from whlto French linen or drap do Nlmcs. "Hero In a study for 11 o'clock service on A WHITE M0I1A1U SUIT. AN IDEAL nOATINO AND PICNIC COSTUME FOH LAKE OEOHGE. n bright, hot Sunday," nnd thorc wns spread forth a lovely double-flounced cloud of or gandlo made light as soapsuds In aspect by the vertical Insertion of whlto Valenclorncs threading tho two very full valances at In tervals of two inches. All tho fluttering daintiness was dropped upon .1 foundation of puro white silk that comes from J p n, is very crispy, but thin nlmot ns mu-lln and Is called In tho trade mesfmo sl'k, because tho girls In tho Kmart set of Toklo uso It .11 n lining for their summer kimono. "Tho waist of -ho orga-dle was llnd with tdlk only as high as tho bust, In o dor to let tho fair wearer's white chest and ho 1- M)Vi:iI'IHS OK I'. ders shine softly through n hlgh-col -rol oanr'um and a volco In squeaky, but per yoko made of alternating bands of trans- j cmptory tones vibrating through tho re parent goods nnd laco Insertion. A big ' celver, sent the mistress of the robes off bertha of organdie and laco drcppel auout In a hurry to less congenial tasks than the tho shoulders nnd there woro laco trimmed ucarfs of tho material wafted to tho knees from a knot of black wired panne on the hrcast. Long, full-rucked organdie alcoves nnd n belt nnd bow finished strap of ponno completed thin pretty toilet, excepting tho hat. which was a wlde-brlmined affair, mndo wholly of tucked organdie, ban''ol uroacuy wun oincK panne on tnn cr'wn, which wns plied wlh masses cf Marguerite. I " 'Why my lady comes at last Timid nnd stepping fast.' " "Can you picture anything more sweotly effective than this at tho chur-h gate?" in quired tho maker of gowns, "and wo havo turned out dozens already for tbo nmo ur pose, never adopting nn Involved design, .11 fancy frocks are not the thins for church going. What we do do, howover, Is to tis a great deal of simple, 'iKxpenslvo loco ,vd to glvo tho expan lve arp"ct to tho '0 t ft tho skirts by guthorlng In tbo flnun o Just na full n tho thread can pull the goods, l'or l.nki Cciirnc unit C'lilcnuo, "Let me show you a most nttractlvo whlto mohnlr suit that Is abcut to set out on Its life's work In tbo wardrobe of a slim, pretty creature ut Lako Ocrge. It It what I would call an Ideal boating and picnic dress," nnd so It was. With geometric nlcoty tho sltlrt was laid from waist to bolow tho knees In front In tucks placed closo together nnd of a narrownoss that forced them to stoud out straight from tho surface of tho goods. Tho tucking grew Hhorter at tho rear of tho Jupe and thus created a full flounce-lllte effect nbcut tho foot. With this skirt wns worn a captivating shirt waist of finest whlto linen, relieved with polka dots of zlno blue, and a collar, tie nnd broad clrdlo of plain whlto llnon. Over tho tililrt was drawn a bolero Jacket ALWAYS BRINGS BACK YOUTH Ail color, life and beauty to sra. white o.' bleaihed hair. l'rod.icea a new. thick growth on bald heads and Immediately arrests tho fa,. out of hair. Cures dandruff nnd Itching scelp. DOES NOT STAIN SKIN OK CLOTHING. A clean, healthful hair dressing for men and women. Nothing illio It or Jurt us good. Unenuulod as a quick hair grower. DoWe Large Bot, 50c VuTfe. A SKIN OP nCAUTV IS A JOV FORnVtiR. D It. T. I'KLIX tiotiRADD'S oitlliNTAL, Cups and saucers, plates, nlattcrs and vnre magical uKAUTiriKH. .'. .. . D"l l-llD' pinners nnu vege- 3 Jp ""- T. . "...n... nD, ,ai,uw n' a S'K ran cf hot sud, rub ; r",fh"' "i" '" tk" lnB tllem wltn ft d'el cloth, setting tht:l itiiio it . u.kU II.'.T, . " "aw!T"i1I reunurMi i imiiai ioUI ihAf'.V; iruini rnt. n!s., cimJm, .J i"or. ,PERO.T.HOIKINS,Pfop,r,i70rctJoni8.,N.Y. of tucked mohair bound with a band of white embroidery about all Its edges, garnished with five little bullet-shaped mo hair buttons on either side that drew a few Inches beyond tho elbow and broadened at tho end In order to give the shirt's sleeves tho effect of an under nlcove. To finish all this off went a hat In sailor shopo of stitched whlto mohair with a big bow of dotted linen In the front, and with rlghteou. prldo the composer of the gown views her handiwork. "I've got another rather smart little ccm position hero In whlto drap de Nlmcs," she volunteered. "That Is a new light wool goods that has been In vogue th:no thro mouths In Paris, and tho weave of tho goods Is raid to be Just tho same an that cf the stuff of which fashionable Roman women made their costumes In the days when Nlmcs was a Itonian city. The dress of which I speak Is going to a lake Ida rosort not far from Chicago, and It will b used for going to call and to tens In a smart nut mobile. As you see, tho effect almol a. Is tho ever popular princess moJe, and thl broad, horizontal tucking on tho skirt and waist Is tho latest popularity for 1 m, wel -figured women. Down tho fiont f cm hroit to tees tho continuous panel Is outlined b bands of heavy cream guipure on tho wo I, and handeomo wheels of gulpuro set at In tervals down tho center of tho panel harmon lzo with tho laco relief, repeated In epau lettes on the collar and at tho cuffs. The ono touch of color Is a strap and bow tf pastel yellow taffeta at the waist line. If 1 do say It myself, that Is a qulto perfect bill , and I havo bought to go with It n pistol yellow silk parasol having a whlto h:ndl", nnd a flaring pompadour hat of pastel yl low straw with a hugo cabbage of whlti silk at ono side. A .VuvcKy In Mourning. '"Hero you will seo something quite new this season," continued tho modlBte wl h agrcoablo garrulity. "Tho white mournl g only tho unmarried women wear it so far and we don't coneldnr anything but whl c etamlnc, crcpo, lustcrless taffeta, Iud a lawn, etc., as strictly mourning, and wo trim vith dead surface taffeta ribbon a- d whlto velvet a good deal. Ono of the sweet cat suits I havo made this season Is a puro whlto ctamlno trimmed with quillings of white crepe, and the hat was a white mobulr shape, set off with whlto crepo folds and bows and a few clusters of whlto parl de Jardln roses so arranged that no fcl nno rhowed. A dull whlto taffeta pararol and whlto shoes made this one of tbo most becoming and suitable driving or church drrfses I havo turned out of my workrooms In six months. .ViMY DmicliiK Footgear. "But before you go do let mo show you some of the newest Ideas In dancing foot Fear that have Just this week been put on tho market. Ycu know, when we modistes take an order for a frock nowadays we con tract to provide the toilet with or without furnishings. That means with or without the glovca, shoes, hose, hat, parasol, hair ornament, handkerchief and fan, or what ever Is nccissary to make It a rounded out costume. Usually with ball dresses we supply the slippers and lisle or silk stock ings, and the smartest bit of smartness Just now Is steel grey lace kid slippers, em broidered on tho toes In grey chenille and steel or Jet beads. Grey silk hose go with '.heso, and they nro peppered over with Mack chenille dots and steel points. "Just as new, but not yet quite so pop ular, aro absolutely undecorated dancing sandals of black or whlto panne worn with very gay hosiery. For example, with ono pair of black panne shoes I sent n pair of whllo llslo hose having a wondrous broad zig-zag line embroidered in black directly d iwn the front of the leg. With 11 pair of whlto slippers I solrt puro Irish green silk hope, elaborately openworked up the front of the ankla to show tho pale pink of ths dainty feet beneath." di 11:19 juuuiurc mere iyuh a viuicni ring ing at the telephono In 'the dressmaker's talo of her triumphs In the designing and execution of masterly frocks. MAHY DEAN. IU5V0I.T AOAI.VST IIOUSmVOIlK. Mr tit oil IlorriMteil from the Kuetory to IlelUive llouitt'Morkt'rii, "Underneath tho whole revolt of wcmin." T!iys a wrltur 1,1 Alnslee s Magazine, "Is he iinuii iikuiiibi nnusevsoiK, uie refusal or tne architect to carry tho hod. Some of l.s prophets, seeing how tho Instinct for tho homo prevents the application of tbo vh lo sale plan preach a coming day when tha private homo shall bo no more, when we shall all go out for our meals, Uvo In a caravanserai and send the children to a creche. Ono's head shakes of lttrlf moroly to read of It. That goes too much eg Is. tho grain. Wo do not like wholesale cook lug. We want our owu kind, nrrt wo d n't want unybody else to know when we hiv nn economical dinner. Tho wholes ilo plan docs not apply to things In themso v -s artistic, and cookery Is one of thorn. T.,a personal element expresses Itself there q to as truly ns It does in painting. No woman hates to cook when she knows that It re quires a skill that sho possoisos. Dut she does hato to wa.h the dishes. And ho bates to sweep, scrub the floors and do tho wash lug. "Hut If tha housework will not go to tho factory, why should not tho factory come to tho housework? Tho who'esalo plan ha ucen applied with great succoss In npir -ment houses which are, when rightly con sidered, the most progressive of dwolllncts, The wator Is laid on and hetted by th-water-back of the rango when It is n t BUppllod, winter and summer, by th Inn' lord. titcara heat Is furnished to all th uouro hi once, una gas ranges do aw-y wun tno botner of feeding tho flro ntjd carrying awav of tho ashes. It tuk s rower to do the individual work In each Hat. and If this could bo given by au oug o that efts coal Instead of nn onglno that oats bre d and meat, all would bo well. Dut It la eu of the question to have a sttam erg u In tho basement with shafting and pull y and belts running through tho house. That wns, until recently, the only way of tram- muting power from .1 control source, but now that It Is possible to turn mot on luto o'cctrleal energy, to carry that along copper wire to whorevcr It Is necdol and thero turn It Into motion again, the p o lem of doing away with household diudgory be comes so simple that oae fears only thn tho answer will bo eocn before It can he net down. "Few women have tho courage after din ner, when the day Is done, to wnh dishes iThat Is drudgery. It menns nuttiiic Hie to drain, nnd wiping each plcco with o owi- Noah's wife's dishes were cleaned tho Bamo wa'' oml vcry Brobl,)l' Noah'f wlfo lamented her rcddcued and roughuned nauds us tho wives of less distinguished !'"r"u'uir.t"Vii mo" UIVC doue ovcr slnc51 Probably, to-. u. in.m.i ikwuiij sho found that her best pieces of tabic !.V"'.i'.,Cn'i wre K"t scratched In the proctns or slipped n"..' r'l.M.'i'.'lJ'iai out of hf'r eoapy liaui1 smnbed tr una. 11 u iiov ilHIMy, lUOUgn, Inai Sill' bothered her head much about the condj- tlon of thn dlnhcloth nr Ihn Hrvlni- lnli Ulv& as she did In that menagerie, she could hardly bo blamed for not keeping everything sweet. If nny of her daughters have bothered their heads much either It has been to mighty llttlo purpose, seeing that they havo not greatly Improved tho process. Men that keep hotels, though, bolng able to got only tho lowest Clara of help to wash dishes what a comment that Is upon us men that oxpect tho wives of our bosom to do such work found that the bill for broken china was ruinous. Guests Insisted upon being served upon fine porcelain, and refused to cat from slabs of Ironstone so somo way out had to be found, A machine was Invented, cnpable of being operated by anybody, and that could bo trusted to wasn thoroughly, rinse and dry tho most dellcato waro without chlppage or breakage, all at tho rato of C.000 pieces an hour. Think what nn army of dish washers such a machlno must displace, and what an economy It must be I For ni. only Is the hotel keeper rid of tho necessity of giving standing room nnd subsistence lo that army, but of provldlug captains and generals for It, and of enduring tho dnmago that It must Inflict up en friend and too alike, nftcr tho fashion of all armies. "Tho dishes nre collected and scraped and then dropped Into wlro baskets with wooden Interiors so nrranged that tho dishes stand on edge without touching each other. Pitchers, cups, bowls and the like go Into the center. The basket Is lowered Into tho washing tank, where hot suds, mixed with air, so as to present thousands of sharp Jutting edges, are driven against tho dishes with tremendous rapidity and force. Thoy aro washed in twenty seconds. A trolley cnrrlrn tho basket to the rinsing tank, whero two souses 'take off the ,oinnt.. They drain and dry from tho heat they havo absorbed from tho rinsing water. China nnd silverware t litis iiitueu utA.iys iuuK brighter and newer than If washed by hand." STK.VOfSHAlMIV AXII COOKING. TWO ACLMMlllIlnllllU'!lt K'l II I red In Home Modern IIiinIiii'nk Houncm. Business men are not willing to admit It, but tbo fact remains, that the employ ment of so many women clerks, cashiers, stenographers, etc., In olllccs has brought about many curious social changes In tho down-town district. For Instnnco, ono sees fewer mascullno feet hoisted on top of desks than of old and hears much less strictly unscrlpturat language. Ilut tho most curious development, proba bly, Is tho conflict between the tea cup and tho cocktail glass, with tho odds at tho present in favor of tho former. Hyson Is crowding both Manhattan nnd Martini. Afternoon tea Is n fur from unusual thing now In business olllces especially nmoug lawyers nnd literary men. To brain workers tea la a sedative to over-excited nerves, and when the strain of tho day is over a hot cup of "Oolong" or "English Breakfast" Isn't half bad. It Induces a sweet consciousness of Innocence and keeps ono out of mischief. For somo time It has been tho habit of a man at tho head of a big newspaper to havo his pot of tea every afternoon nt -1 o'clock. Ho uses a coquottlsbly pretty china tea service, brags of his special blend of tea, nnd ono of the office boys fetches regularly n fre3li supply of cream. The process of brewing this tea Is one of great ceremony, and no matter what happens, Is never neglected. Tho small Japanned tea caddy Is In a silver holder. Tho silver tray A SMALL AUTOMOBILE DUESS OF DRAP DE NIMES FOIt CALLS AND AFTERNOON TEAS. Is covered with a napkin of Mexican drawn- work. Tho water Is boiled In a shining bra3s kettlo nnd tho cup3 aro tine and dellcato aa egg shells. It Is brought Into tils olllco by a colored attendant, whcioupon tho great man measures out Just so iimny tcaspoonsful (not forgetting ono for the pot), pours the proper quantity of wntor over tho aromntlo leaves and allows them to steep Just so many minutes by tho watch. In solitary state ho drinks his customary number of cups and then propnres to leave his olllco for tho day Contrasted with this Idyllic picture Is tho tea drinking In a very famous publish lng house. Hero, ns tho clock strikes i, tho heads of tho departments, men and women, congregate In ono of tho rooms, ready for their social half hour of gossip and tea. Tho equipage hero Is not as elegant as that of the great editor's, but tho women present ?lve nn agre?ab!o homo-llkcncss absent from tho solitary tea drinking. Tho women toko turns presiding at this 4 o'clock tea. Tho men sit around and nro waited upon, and they secretly enjoy the sensation ns men always do, and many a book tins been made or annihilated at these Informal functions. Hero Is a "waut notice" which appeared tbo other day In a morning papor: "Wanted A stenographer who can cook." Evidently ho tea movement Is leading to greater things. A typewriting machlno with an oil stovo nunc Is n glittering possibility In tho business career of tbo uow woman of tho future. TWO SIMC I'HTTICOATS. Nerve of a Ydiiiik; Woman vlth nn Knitmri nnnmrnt of (iiMwm, The nervo posseted by this young woman f todny with n doxire to bo fashionable but with limited means for indulging her wnlms, is sometimes prodigious. A writer In a Pittsburg paper records tho conduct of a gill of 20, living in fnahlonablo quarter of that city. About fix wccUb ago sho bought a dream of a purple sill: petticoat at ono of tho best shops In town. Sho woro It preclsoly three times nnd, ns every woman knows, threo wearing aro enough to take the first 'bloom olf a rllk petticoat. Two weeks ago her maldcu aunt nt her a silk muslin gown of blue. It was tbo sort of gown that' must be worn ovcr a silk pottl ""oat, and a purplo ono obviously wouldn't do at all. Tbo girl didn't hesitate nu In stant. Sho merely wont out and bought n little cosollue. With It she removed from (a) IRISH GREEN HOSE WITH WHITE PANNE (b) BLACK PANNE DANCING SLIPPERS. (c) GRAY HOSE AND GRAY SLIPPERS. tho purplo skirt tho traces of Its three wear lngs. Then she bundled It up, took It back to tho shop and calmly exchanged It for a pottlcoat of tho proper shado of blue. The shop pcoplo mado no objection. They didn't ovon unwrap tho bundlo In which tho girl had done up tho skirt. I fancy, however, that when they did unroll it and sniffed tho gasollno they thought a few long thoughts. Anyway, tho girl has had two silk petticoats this season tor the prlco of one. I'rllln of l'n xhl nn. Miles of nnrrow black ribbon velvet aro used on thin muslin gowns. Linen nnd pique gowns arc trimmed with machine atltohed ribbon bands. White corselet belt's of plaid ribbon nro worn with either blaek or whlto enivns and nro finished with sash ends or not, ns you like. Suede kid slippers, In a variety of colors to match the uowns. nro worn this scnmin. Some of the more fancy It I lulu show a irimmiug or goiu nraiu. A pretty skirt for cjellnir Is mndo with a rnther deep yoke pointing down In front and nt the back, the lower part being box- i'uiui'u on 10 iniH. Black and white lure gowns are coming ranldlv lo tli front for thn matron's full dress, leaving tho spuugled nets qulto out of tin: race. Jewolcd neckband brooches, pins for tho hair which lonilne the short locks at the back, neck chains and Jeweled or enameled belts are all very popular. CanvaB sailor hats are trimmed with a folded band of soft silk deftly twisted und loout-d into a stvllsh bow In tront. A fold of black velvet finishes the brim. The Psycho knot has appeared again among the fashlonublo modes of balr drcsslnir. but It Is only tho woman with a Madonna lace who cun welcome this speclul vuiieu-. Handsomely embroidered ecru batiste mado up over pink silk constitutes ono of tho prettiest bridesmaid's gowns seen this season. Inscttlngs of laco may be added for greater elegance. V pretty, grateful and comfortablo modi fication of tho mutton-leg sleevu rivals the long Dircctoliu and tho Marie Antoinette styles with puffed or gathered under sletves. On autumn gowns for general wear this sleeve will take precedence of the other models Just mentioned. Strappings of white satin are to be seen on somo of tho few foulard gowns, orna menting both the skirt and waist. In ono pretty blue ono there Is u vest to match the whlto satin, n suvero little vest, lln lrihed with blue buttons to match tbo foulard, while Inside Is a soft little vest of plaited mousscllue. Home very swell bathing suits are mado of black satin, with a colored linen collar nnd vest. A square or bright siik Is Uiaped around the head over the rubber cap and tho woman with a full llgure who p-efL-rs not to wear corsets has a deeu clrdlo belt enrefuly boned and wears a bust supporter wun straps over tno snoumer. Very pretty fancy belts nre mado of nar row bands of colored suede leather Joined at Intervals with gold slides over a satin lining. Velvet ribbon Is also used in this wny, und then there are narrow belts of perforated leather over satin, fastened with a hundsomo gold clasp. A gold serpent -et with turquoise forms an ornament at tho back of to tno of the ribbon belts and bolt pins nre as much worn as ever. Those pretty llttlo dimity gowns, with tho anility nine rosouuu paiierns, are cnarm lug, with tho Ineh-wldo black ribbon velvet around thu w ,st and a small bow In the back and lon ends hanging well down to the lower edge of the skirt. The velvet la worn with all sorts of thin gowns and there Is nothing piettler In tho way of tin Isblng a waist, particularly for a young girl, A noDUlar mornlnir costume worn at tho various Bummer resorts consists of a tailor made skirt of thu best quality of white uque. a pink linen shirt waist, with whlto .tltchlnp a "Uulysmlth" hut of stitched wiuie pique trimmed wun a sou, suit sciiri, white shoes and gloves of white wash kid or Huede finished llslo. Linen Ince Instr lions nre ai led to many of the pink shirt waists made with stitched pleats. Tho summory-garden-paiiy-looklng lint fnidilonable women are wearing now Is a soft, crumpled affair of crinoline, which, es pecially in wnue. is neiisniiuiiy com, ana. n IIUl ID IllUtW. UUIn IV. ill VJ I . i.e.. , straw and trimmed with chiffon and laces and even' ono has n black velvet bow or 'wo to ulve It character and to omnhuBlze tho pretty lightness of the rest of the hat. Bomo small nats are mndu of pretty light shades of taffeta stitched. Tho hat set well back ofT the faco and have moro or less of a tendency to rise at the left side. Somo useful reforms havo been effected In the newest dress skirts, but the folly of an Inconvenient lensth of tho wnlklug skirt still remains iin.iintiked. Constant attention to the street-sweeping gown greatly Interferes with the pteasuro of walklns and very few women can raise heir skirts gracefully from the pavement. They usually clutch tho niaesed folds uny where nnd anyhow and tills lifting If ono would preserve her gown must bo perse--red in from tho tlmo the wearer stc;i upon the pavement until she leaves It. Til I It Aim lit Women, MIm Grar o Kennedy of Santa Fe. N. M., bin been nppolnted commissioner for Now Mexico to tako testimony In Indian depre dation claims. Silas Jane Addnms of Chicago, who is now In Paris, has been appointed a member of tho Jury of awards ut tho Paris exoost Hon and also serves on a committee on :: lublts In social economics. Miss Josle Wanous of Minneapolis has been chosen third vlco president of the American Pharmaceutical association, bo lus the first woman oftlccr In that body. SLIPPERS. Sho owns ono of tho largest drug stores In her nattvo city. Tho charities of tho late Mrs. Gladstone were many and notable and took her into Parliament ns sponsor for the homeless roor act. Tho cholera epidemic in Lon don brnucrht nut Mrs. l.lndntnnp'M Hflf-fnr. getting pity and compassion In heroic man ner. By tho will of tho Into Thomas Thomnson of Urattleboro, Vt., half tho Income of his i large estnte will be spent for the needs of i me eewinir ami snon women or mat. town who mny bo out of work. The managers of the fund nre chosen from among theso women. Although Mary Is believed to bo the com monest of tho names of women, thn wife of only ono president was so named, and she, fittingly, was tho wife of homespun Lincoln Mary Todd Lincoln. There wero two Marthas, both from Virginia. Martha Washington and Martha Jefferson: two Ablgnlls. the wives of President Flilmoro and John Adams, and two Elizas, Mrs. Mon- roo anu airs, jonnson. ur tno wives or tho other presidents, no two have the same Christian name. Mme. Adellna Pattl celebrated her llftv- seventh birthday recently by giving a con cert in iomioii, wnien was aiiendeii oy an Immense nudlenee Upon this occasion tho I'Jngllsn critics say sno looxeu tno picture of hcnllh and almost as young as ever and was in nor oesi voice, sne sang ine "i nsia Diva," "Deh! Vlenl." and "It Baclo." and for encores to eacli tne "Uattl. until. l.attl'.H "Pur dlcestl" and, of course, "Home, Sweet Home," for It is always "sweet home" to Adellna Pattl wherever sho may happen to be. Tho great prima donna had a most enthusiastic reception and was loaded down with laurel wreaths and baskots and bonnets of flowers. The spoctuclo of a singer at tho age of 57 mak ing a puuiic appearance long nuor mo lime when other vocalists havo retiree, trom the A NEWPORT GOWN I'OR 11 O'CLOQK SUNDAY SERVICE A CLOUD OF ORGANDY TOUCHED WITH BLACK. stairo to private life or settled down Into tho ruts of teaching Is a rare one In the history of music. Itetleetloiis of n llnelieliir. New York Press: Tco many men seem to think homo Is like bcavon a state, not a plnce. When a woman Is really In love with her husband sho thinks he looks graceful when ho Is carving a chicken. It is a lot easier, somehow, for a woman to remember once a year when her hus band's birthday comes than It Is to remem ber what kind of pie he likes best. When a woman makes up her mind to go S' mewheco six months later sho begins to overhaul her clothes tho next day and sponds part of every day after that packing. If tho average girl spent as much time learning how to bako a good leaf of bread as she does curling tho wisp of hair that grows down In front of her car the men would ull fight each other to muko love to her. HAY FEVER ASTHMA Prevented relieved cured. Our method will stand investigation. Don't wait until attack is on before beginning treatment. Prevention guaranteed those who come in time to our treatment rooms. Special attention paid to treatment by mail. Every case under supervision of our physician, Write for examination blank and testimonials, rUTHYMF.N CIIKMICAL COMPANY, Treatment ItoomCI0 Fifth Ave, NEW YOIUC liiUC'' -r I CHICAGO BEACH HOTEL uisr sireui uoiioi'iiru nnu j.iiko :iiinre-i iiil .iiiu. A llluli.Cl.m and Trainleiil Hotel. Located In the heart of tho fine residence dlitrlct. t'ntnliictrd in a manner to attract tho let patronage, ho uunt loiufortable abiding place thn year round in Chicago. Away from dirt and noise. Warm In winter. Cool in Sumnir r. 450 largt iooiih. All outside. No court". Furnished throughout In malunratiy. 220 P v.ite Bathrooms, Illinois Crntral i:xproi Suburban trains every It) tn.acs. 7 minutes U I'au Durca Street. liiIcctloii Iiirltcd. Send for handsome booklet. CIGAR Little Bon-Hur quality smaller Distributor", CONAN DOYLE The Qreut Sherlock llolmen llrtectlve iiiU Pnprr. Thn greatest detective stories ever written In any land or language nro those by A. Conan Dovlo, the distinguished author, in which Ills celebrated ehani'-tur, Shellock Holmes, Is tin- entral figure. These stories abound In mystery, startling mirprlste, dramatic situ a ions nnd Intensely lng plots. They are cehbrated wherever thn Knglleh language Is spoken and have been translated Into o number of foreign tongues. We havo collected pome of the most popular of tho Siherlock Holmes de tective stories, by A. Conan Doylo, nnd now offer them to our subsi rltiers. The Sherlock Holmes detective stories will bo aent to you absolutely gratis if you will send us at once 25 cents for a six months' trial subsi rlptlun to "New York Homo Life." the greatest of American magazines. This wonderful collection of stories will bo sent frco because we want every reader of this paper to be familiar tilth "Now York Home Life," width Is tho most beautifully illustrated periodical In the world. More than 30 excluslvo features every month. Crisp, startling stories of. New ork life. A new subscriber writes us: "I consider the New York Home Life Magazine the most Interesting nnd beautiful of any 10-cent or 20-cont publication in America. fiend your 2o cents In stamps or silver today, as the edition of this collection cf Sherlock Holmes stories Is limited Mention this paper when writing. NEW YORK LIFE. 1293 & 1295 Broadway, New York. Six Hd:tkv ip,eatmeiil. In Tablet Knrin I'leiisniit to 'I'll Ice. Is the best remedy known for the euro of all Kemale Diseases Even In tho most olistlnato cases It has achieved results which aro marvelous and stand unrivaled. It hua proven thu greatest benefactor of ailing womankind. Even after short treatment It has aban doned pain and restored the yntlcnt to a nuw life. I suffered years with Female Troubles before I abandoned all hope of over being cured, but In the last hour I tool: I)r Hink. hart's Vegetable Compound and In threo montns i was a well woman. Mrs. Laura Slrns, Dayton, Ohio. For sale by all druggists. Thirty dnys' treatment for 23c; seventy days' treatment, EOo: six months' treatment, Jl.OO; 10 days' trial treatment free. Dr. V. S. lliirkhiirt, Cliieliiiuit I, O. MUNYON'SGUARANTEE. Strong: A(ert!ou ns to Just "Wbil Uie Itemed I .-a Will Do. Munjon fusranttPl tbut lil Itbi'Uiunttfiii Cure will cur. nearly nil cum of iliruuin tlm In a few liouuj that I.U Uii'tixla Curt will cure ludlgutloa nud II (laruacli iroulilri; thM liU Kidney Cut will rure UO pr trnt of all cq of kidntj trouble, that bit ;n tirrb Curo will curt filnnb no matter bov lonr mp.ndlnti tint ble llfflrfarh.. will iitk tvy kind nt hmdacbe in a lew mm. i n; hie Cud Oure tbit will am form ef cold and eo nn thruUKh n.i entire II Ar.,illc At all 4 a..... .1.1 Hit vl If you iifhl iiivdical adrir'p ivrl'r "n r JIunrnr UOS AlCli (I I'l.lU Ir li . Ij.n'.. J (! lyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It.irtl IL'litUy digests thu food nmlfiids Nuturo In fitrc'iigtlicnlng and recon struciniK tlio exhausted dlKcutlvo or cans. Ills the luttisl discovered dlfjcst unt nnd tonic. No other preparation can uHirouch It In elllclcucy. It In itantly rolleven and permanently curea Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, FlatuleiK'o, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick lleadaclio.CiiistralKl'iiC'ramps nnd all other result a of iniperfectdl(iest!on. 1'rlrnfA.Mitid fl. l-nrgiiaiiocontulnstiH times imiillhUe, llookallahouti'vspepslainalled free freoarcd bv iv C DeWI" X CO., Chlcaoo A d Sense It's tho talk of tho business worid tcday and Justly, too, It's for nil classes of b si nea nud ofllce men, puhllbhed every month $1.00 a year, Just to ge acquainted fenl 1U conts-ln coin or btamp-f r n mmplo copy to Ad Sense, iJ t ilth Ave., Chlcifio. 1 1 m r mm. jliite atic Gives Perfect Satisfaction 10c. same size.- Oinah i. .Vcn. STORIES FREE. Stories (Jruttn to Uvery Header of rzza nzz'i ppzs DEATH TO HABR ROOT AND BRANCH New Discovery By The Misses Dell A Trial Treatment PR fill To Any One Afflicted Willi Mnir en Pace, Neck or Arms We have at last mndo the discovery niilch bun Imfllerl chemist? nnd nil o'liers fur cnutiii'lei tbut of tibaoluttily destroy ing u pel Ilium luilr, root and brunch, entirely mid iionmintntly, and Hint too without iinpnlrliiK In nny way thu finest or most senslt Ivo nU In. It It scarcely pimUilj to overstate t tie iiripoituiice of iliUclUoovcry. or tho gient good and f-stl-faction It will bn lo thorn nflllctcil with one of tbo must dlsllgurtmr sail nirgrnvnt 111! lilemMicv-tliftX of niipeilliioUN luilr on tho faco of wonioii, whether It bn a mtis taeho or growth on tho nock, checks or arms. , . Tho Mli03 Hell linvo thoroughly tested Its olllcuey Miid urn deflrous that tho full merits of their tientment to which they have xlven tho dewrliitlvenamocf "KII.I. Ahl.-IIAlIt" shall bo known to nil iitlltctcil. To this end a trial mil bo rout fire of chnrger, to nny-liiily who will write for It. Without a cent of eort you run icofor youiselves what tho dlcnri)ry Ijj the ovldeucn of your own feurcs will then ennvlnce you that the tirutinent "KIM, ALIrllAIlf." will lid you of one or the gieutiMt ilrnwluicks to peifect lovrllnom, tho growth ufruperlluous hair on tho fnco or neck of wnmeii, IMcriKe ii ndei st nni) that a personal demon Btrntl ui of our tienltnent cokI-i you linthlng. A trial will to K'lit you freo, which vnu enn ne yourself and piove our claims by addieslug Tllfi MISSHS BRLL, 78 & 80 Plflh Avenue, New York Tho nines Hell's Complexion Tonic Is a 11111 UUMI.B ii'iui'i 1111 va 1 rrimi iiiiiu iiiiuii iu the skin. It removes entirely all firokles. moth, bliicld'cuds, pimples, und tun, nnd euros eotlrfly uen iirxl eeetnn. nnd beautllle' tho roiiii'lexlnn. Price $1 Of) psr bottle, llnro bottles (usually icq ill red to clecr the en pliiirn) J Ths rilsses Hell's Caiillla Penoa Is n prepnrutltui for nutiiruily restorlnir grny locks to their niltrlnnl color. Cailn liennvn I reillv a llnlr 1'oml, und stiengtl. ensiuid Invlirnriites the luilr In n natiirnl way, nnd thus icetnrcs its originul color. 1'r'cn $1 '1 per bottle V;i Mlsej Uell's Sl.ln IVxl Is a scft, crcsiiiy, oxiiisltely scented ointment, for mild ruses of rnughness, rcdi cf, plmiiles, etc.; Is n cure In Itself, Is nil excellent ro'lrli'i crcnni I'rlre :r riit er Jsr The Misses Dell's l.smbs1 Wnnl Suap Is mndufrim puio oil of Lambs' Wool, i'rlio "i cents per i uke. A eoniplclo linn of nbnve e.xrulrlta prepnrutlon" nrMilwnys lioi't I" stock, and can be had fiom our local nkent Thn Misses Hell's Toilet Preparations are for wilo In Omaha by 1UUIN & CO., tho xe-t llublo I'niicrlptlon I'harmaclsts. 5Cn c