Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1900, Image 19

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee.
PAGES 11 TO 20.
omatia, srxnAV MOirxixc;. .tvlv .h, woo.
Is Jonason's a Entire Magnificent Jewelry Stock HHYDENs
Sacrificed to Hayden's for Spot Cash
In business for over 20 years, Jonason was one of the best known jewelers in the west, but his stock was too costly for general trade, and he having to lea
Cape Nome, sold his entire stock of Watches and Clocks, Artistic Bronze Statuarv, Stylish and Rich Silverware, Musical'" Merchandise and general iewelry
eave for
ai a men: iracuon 01 its worm. vve are now getung tins great purchase in selling shape, (Watch papers tor announcement of date of sale.)
Great Mid-Summer Clearing Sales in All Departments. JLT',!"
stliat have never been a inn oached bv an v house in America. Goods cut to
ml le:?s
1267 CH. GO, CX, 32 Paid July 749,
Boston Mass 7
Hay den Bros,, Omaha,
Have purchased manufacturers' shoe
stocks of Hoag, Heath & Co,, A, S, Ahborn
& Son, and Geo, F, Daniels & Co, Over
22,000 pairs, at 46c on dollar, Immediate
shipment, . L. L THOMAS,
(The above from our shoe buyer explains itaelf.
Date of sale announced later.)
Mid-Summer Clearing Sale
All "Set Top Laces, worth 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c and 35c, on sale
at one price, 5c.
Odds and ends of Embroideries, on sale per yard 5c.
1 1.50 Lace All-Overs, per yard 59c.
80c Tuckings 38c. 35c Stamped Linens 15c.
50c Ladies' Neckwear 25c. 50c Lades' Vests 15c.
Best corduroy skit binding, only, per yard, 2c.
Ladies' Furnishings Sale
Glaring out all ladles' and children's fan
cy parasols at one-half price.
Children's 60c parasol at 25c.
Children's $1.00 parasols at 60c
Ladlss' $2.50 parasols at Sic.
Ladles' GO a ctlk rests, In pink, blue aad
rhlte. at 25c.
Ladles' 25c lisle Tests, In plain and fancy
Coirs at 15c.
Ladles' lisle hose, drop stitch, regular
35c Qualltr, at 15c
Special bargains In ladles' and children's
hosiery, at 10c, 16o and 25c
Ladles' summer corsets, regular 50c qual
ity, at 26c.
Ladles' $1.00 cummer corsets, at 49c.
1 lot of boys' shirt waists, 50c quality, at
Men's $1 Underwear 29c
50 dozen tntn's Cne balbrlggan and lisle i In all the new styles, at 49c.
thread shirts and drawers, In all sties, all j Men's 50c neckwear. In all the new styles
In on lot at 29c. at 9Ke.
Men's 76c nlsht shirts, at 35c. ' MMen's $1.50 and $2.00 silk and madras
Ob lot of men's colored laundered shirts ' shirts, at 9Sc.
Clearing Sale of
Curtains and Draperies.
All broken lots of Curtains, consisting ofl and '2 pairs of a
kind, at prices to move them out of stock at once. This lot con
sists o fall kinds of Nottingham, Brussels, Irish Points, Fancy
Ituffle Nets and novelties of all kinds.
Rope Portieres all late styles special prices to close before
new ones arrive.
Tapestry Portieres sonic special bargains in better class
goods at 4.50, $5.50 and $(i.50. You get curtains that hare sold
from $7.50, $S.OO and $9.00.
Clearing Sale of Carpets
All short lengths and odd lots being closed out at one-third
of value.
Best All Wool Ingrain Carpet, regular price 75c, at 55c yard.
Short lengths of all grade Ingrain Carpet 10 to 30 yards in
each at one-half former price.
Short lengths Brussels, some worth as much as ?1, all at 49c.
Moquettes and. Axminsiers, short lengths, 05c yard.
Split Bamboo Porch Blinds, best quality, all ready to hang,
rith rope and pulley, in all sizes from GxS up prices $1.85 up.
Grocery Departnent
Large fancy lemons, per dozen, 15c.
Three packages pure corn starch for 10c.
Silver (iloss stachper pound, 3Jc.
Fancy Carolina rice, per pound, 5c.
Farlor matches, best Wed Top, dozen 1-Jc.
Economy evaporated cream, per can, Oc
2-pound cans sliced pineapples, only 12A
Baking chocolate, per cake, 15c.
Sweet chocolate, per cake, ."He
2-pound cans fancy sugar corn, (He.
Ture tomato catsup, per bottle. 10c.
2-pound package breakfast oats, only -Ue.
Pure fruit jellies, in glass, each Sc.
1?rw1 Al'iel.-n A'lltnnn. fnll ivitik Tlf
rcarl tapioca, per pound, only 5c.
Fancy full cream yellow cheese, pound, OJc.
10-pouud sacks granulated corn meal, only 9c.
Imported Kalian macaroni, large package. Sic.
8-pound can npples, wonh 15c, only 8 l-3c.
Mustard and horseradish, large jars, only 10c.
2- pound can early dune peas, only 10c.
3- pound can golden pumpkin, only Sc.
3-pound cans all kinds plums, only 12U
3-pouud cans baked beans in tomato sauce, Sc.
Extra fancy separator creamery butter, 174c, 19c, 21c aud 22c.
Choice dairy butter, l2Sc. 14c and Ific.
r Every item fresh and good or your mouey buck.
Hayden's bought the lot
of 3740 pieces.
An enormous purchase late in the season of Fine Wash
Goods. Values you will appriciate. The sale of these wash
goods will commence Monday.
4 CASES of Fancy Wash Goods, 10c, 12Jc and
15c yard, go at
7 CASES of Check Lace Dimities worth
18c yard, go at
500 PIECES Simpson's best yard wide Percale in light
shades -yard, go at
Silk Bargains
Each year after the Fourth, when stocks have heen in
voiced all odds and end3 of silks are gotten together for a grand final clearing out sale. All of
the ladies look forward to this grand silk sale as one of the notable events of the season, as cost
is not even considered, our main object being to dispose of all surplus so that the space may be de
voted to the new fall silks. '
35c Plain China,
all colors; 50c
White Satins;
55c Changable
Silks; 40c Black Jap,
90c Fancy
Taffetas; 75c
Wash Silks;
69c White
Wash Silks, 27-ln. wide, 75c BlacV.
India, 24-ln. wide, C5c Colored
TaffeUE I
60c Plaid
Silks; 50c
Stripe Silks;
60c Colored
Satins. 75c Colored Surahs;
69c Colored Tafletas,
$1 Black Satin, 27-in. wide; SI
Black Gro Grain; $1.25 Black
Surah, 36-in.
wide; 90c
Colored Taffetas; $1
White Taffeta French;
$1 yard wide Wash
Silk, white
$1.50 Black Imported Peau de
Soie; $1.25 Colored Taffeta, 27
in. wide: $1.40 Black Grenadine,
44-in.; SI. 50
Black Faille Solids;
$1. 50 White Brocade
Satins; 2.00 Rich
Brocade Silks,
75c Black
Taffeta; 90c
Black Jup,
27-in. wide:
71.50 Novelty Silks; 75c, 8bc. 96c
Foulards, $1.25 Whlt Crepe de
Muslins, Linens and Sheetings
Monday wo will have a cleaning up of odds and ends in our
.inen department. Some of our specials for Monday are as follows:
10- inch Damask yard 35e
11- inch IMeached Damask yard r0c
iS-inch Hlcaehcd Damask yard fi9c
.-'-inch P.leaehed Damask yard 7iV
L'-incli Bleaehed Damask yard Soc
I'nl tern Cloths at $L00. ?L'.n0. '$3.00. ;j.50. Napkins to
match at $;U)0 per dozen.
Tapestry Table Covers at prices that will sell them in a
nirry. Come early and get the pick of the lot at $2.i.. Don't
."ail to see these covers every one of them worth o.00.
Turkey Bed Damask at 15c, 25c, 30c, 35c,
40c per yard.
4-4 13 ran u Muslin, 4'i cents.
4-4 Brown Muslin, tieury, C centB.
9-4 Sheeting, 16 cents.
9-4 Bleached Sheeting. IS cents.
A fine Uleachcd MubIIh at 7 cents.
A special Cambric for Mommy nt fli
Bed Spreads
Crochet Spreads
Marseilles Spreads
Satin Marseilles Spreads
. . . .7i-e, $1.00. 1.25, $l.fi0, 1.75 1.75. 2.00. $2.50, $3.0u
2.50, 2.75, 3.00, 3.50
This Is the Reason of the y.'ar when a rattan rocker or
chair is most comfortable. We have Just purchased from
Murphy. Wasey & Co. all their rattan rockers and offer
these at the prices that they made to all furniture deal
ers when they wero In business here. Monday we will srll
a large high back rattan rocker, large Hat arms Just the
tlilnir for a wnrm pvpnlnt. nn fh t,n-r,t nt tt ,e
s" reKular Prce J3.C0. Wo have a few dozen of the-." !"
Cl'WtlP-- erB Bnd ou wl" never hav" n'iothor chance like this.
55sJ5.' " Smaller rocker, f 1.R5. Four styles of large rattan io. .-
ers. all full roll, well made, good design and nice fin-
lsn prices i 50, ?3."5 and $3 95.
Fine oak chair, saddle seat, carved back and brace arm, 95c was $1.25. Oak cob
bler seat rocker, golden finish, leather seat. $1.75. worth $2.50. Torch seats. 95c. $1.50
$1.85 and $2.25. Porch Mats, 5c each. We want you to see us before you bu'v'iin'y kind
of furniture as we are. Just at this time making prices on really first cUsb good, that
makes It Imperative that you buy here and right now A new-lot of framed pictures, all
the popular subjects, In platlno and carbon finish, at 25c each.
Special Odd and End Sale
All Summer Goods Sold Regardless of Former Price.
2- tmrner Gasoline Stove $169
3- hurner and Step $C9
3-burner and step, with the latest Im
proved Grunt burner, a recular $16
for $12.49
The finest Cabinet Gasoline Stove made,
with stp, a regular $30 stove,
special $24 49
Cook Stove, No. 8, 18-ln. oven, war
ranted $9 95
The finest Steel Range on earth, with high
closet, largest oven made, C-hole. asbestos
lined throughout the handsomest steel
range In tho market a regular $30.00 range
special. $30.49.
Summer Goods
Kousefurnishing Goods-
$1. 50 Black French Taffetatfl. 50
Heavy Stripe Taffeta; 1.25
Heavy Black &ZK
mm IB
Peau de Soie
1.25 Black Corded
Satins; $1.19 Broche
Novelties; $1.50 Cannle
and Hemstitched
$1.50 High Grade Foulards;
$1.50 Black Taffeta, 86-in. wide;
$1.09 Black Gro Grain; $1.50,
$1.75, $2 00
Fancy Silks; $2.00 Black
Grenadine, 44-in. wide:
$1.50 Colored Crepe
de Chene,
o Grain; $1.50,
Be Garden Hose
75c Hardwood Heel
35c Solid Drass Nozzle ...
30c Garden Rake
79c Steel Spade
SOc Brooms
$3.00 Lawn Mower
75c Gross Catcher
100 ft. Poultry Netting ....
100 ft. Screen Wire
2-10x8-10 Screen Doors ..
Adjustable Screen Frames
, 6c
, 49c
, 19c
, 17c
, 59c
, 21c
, 49c
. 60
. 59c
. 20c
75e Step Ladders 4'ic
$&.50 Refrigerator $(.
fif.c Cobbler's Outfit s:ir
$3.26 Washing Machines $L . .
20c Nickel Plated Hnmmer
Hand Suwb igr
Gasoline Ovens $1.39
Galvanized Tubs 39c
10-quart Granite Water Palls 39c
2-quart Granite Tea Pota 25c
(-quart Granite Dish PanB 29o
No 8 Granite Ten Kettles 49c
NO SAMPLES can be sent of the above silks, but all orders
sent in will be carefully filled and you may reserve the right to return if not satisfactory aud we
will refund money.
Flannel Department
1 case new patterns Embroidered Flannel, per yard, 60c, 65c, 75c,
35c, 95c and $1.20.
1 case extra good Bed Ticking, per yard, 5c.
36-inch wide Fancy Denims and Cretans, per yard 10c regular
price 15c yard.
1 lot genuine Amoskeag Fancy Shirting regular price 10c per
yard, only 5c.
New Drug Prices.
Lydla Plnkbam's Compound C9c
Pe-ru-na, only -7uc
Polae's Celery Compound R9c
Kilmer's Bwamp Root. larRe 75c
Kilmer's Swamp Root, small ,..40c
Syrup of Tigs 29c
Castorla 25c
Wild Cherry Phosphate 10c
Packer's Tar Soap 15c
Kirk's Jap Rose, 3 bars 2Dc
Allen's Foot Ease 20c
Mennen's Talcum Powder 16c
CdioaS EM.
Straw Hat Sale.
The very best styles and qualities will be
sacrificed at any price they will bring.
These cools must be sold at once.
Crockery Doph
Hot weather biricalns in our basement.
Water Pitchers, crystal, each 7c.
Tumbler', each. lc.
Crystal 1 rry DUhes. each, 1 He
Water I i Uit rs, 8 callon. famous Prin
cess patteru--the clot-eat immltutlnn of cut
Klass ever made, worth !5, tomnnow 45c
Water Sctb, constHiw; of one gallon
pitcher and six tumblers beautiful opal
ware decorated, worth J1.25. sale prii'e k9r
White Granite Sauco Dlshet. six for 10c.
Decorated same dlehes, choice spray mid
floral decorations, sold everywhere for Kit,
sale prirr Sc.
Ice Water Pitchers, best while Kranltn.
with gold tracings. Mi Ballon siz., worth
41.25 sale prlcu 75c.
Water Coolers:
Carlsbad pattern of Flemish stone cooler.,
complete with nlckle plated fuueet. worth
$2.95 nale price $1.69.
Traveling Bags
and Trunks.
We elve you style, quality and low price
in these departments, Variety is complete
and we will be glad to have you call tud
let us show you our exteuelve line.
.Eyes Tested hree.
Colored Eye Glasses 2So
Alumlnlco frames, crystal lenses, value $2,
at !tSc
Gold Plated Spectacles fine quality lenses,
usual price tZ, at 8Se
Prescriptions filled. All kinds of repairs
at lets than halt the regular charges.
Sheet tVeusic.
Call and see. the nice sheet music we can
fcell you ul only If per copy, regular price
2te, 35c unci r.Oc.
We have plenty of coon songs, cake walks,
waltzes, two-step songs and piano solos.
Hundreds to select from. Such hits as Sms
ky Mokes, Impecunious Davis, Bunch ef
Illarkbrrrlcs. The above are our best sell
ing cake walks. When Knighthood Was In, Janice Meredith and Lady of
Quality, Waltzes.
Cake Walk lu the Sky, Nestle Close to
Mammy. Mammy's Little Lasses Candy
Monday's Big Sale
on (Seats
Bent Bologna Sausage CVjc
Imported Summer Sausage 20o
Pickled Pigs' Feet 4fcc
Fancy Pickled Pork llo
Vienna Sausage, per can 7 Ha
Fancy Lean Bacon 1 1 V4 c
IlouFt Beef, per can 15c
Potted Ham, per can 4 Ho
No. 1 California Hams Sc
Chipped Dried Beef, per pound .16V4c
J0-pound palls Best Lard 8tic
Good Salt Pork To