8 THE oarAITA DATLT BEE: PATUBDAT, ,TUTjT 7, 1DU0. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MI.VOIl MENTION. DavIa eells glass. II. M. Lcffert, opiMan, 230 n'wny. Oqs fixtures nnd globes at Ulxby's. Magazines bound, Moorehouso & Co. Budwelser beer. L. Hnaenteld, agent Kino A. D, C. beer, Nuumayer's hotel. Schmidt's photos, new and latest stylc. Try Koystono 1'rlntlng House. 'Phono 37S. You net tho best dinners at the Vienna. V. E. Lewis sells monuments. 301 B'way. Sclcntlflo optician at Woolman's, 400 B'wny. Tho vacation prlzo will bo to the Council Bluffs clrl who hustles votes, Get your work done nt the popular Eagle laundry, 721 Broadway. '1'hone IGi. W. C. Estcp. undortnker, 2S I'carl street Telephones: Olllco. 97; residence. 33. Tor tdcturcs. frames nnd artists' ma terials, go to Alexander & Co., 333 -way. W. F. Oraff, undertaker nnd licensed cm bulmer. 101 South Main street. 'Phono Vi. Miss Hnrmird of Mollne, 111., Is visiting her sister, Mrs. T. E. Casady, on blxth avenue. Miss Mny Io of Weston, In., Is the guest of Misses Mlnnlo and Nelllo Sutllvnn on Avenue A. H. M. Mctz, commercial agent for the Illinois Ccntrnl at this point, is visiting In Frccyort, III. W. C. Oebhart of the Mllwaukeo ticket ofllco left yesterday for a visit with friends In Freeport, III. Brigadier J. Toft of Des Moines will con duct a special mooting tonight at the Sal vation Army hall. All votes In tho Council Bluffs vacation contest will b- counted dally nnd the result will become more Interesting from duy to day. White Hoso Robcknli lodge will Install lis olllccrs tonight. There will also be Initiation of candidates, after which re freshments will be served. J. D. Kdmundson, prosldant of the First ttutlonnl bank of this city, nan purchased a residence In Des Moines nnd will remove to tho capital city ubout September. (ieorgo F. Urulngton of Carson, secre tary of the republican Judicial committee of tho Fifteenth Judicial district, was In tho city yesterday visiting telatlves. II. II. Strclcher of Toledo, O., Is In the city for the purpwe of looking up tho pav ing business. Ho expects tq bid on soino of the work to bo douo this summer here. A meeting of tho building committee of tho Elks' lodgo will bo held this evening at Clio Grand hotel for the purposo of complet ing organization and filing articles of In corporation. 'Ben Tlnnell, charged with creating a dls iturbnnco at a public danco In the south western part of the city Saturday night. nld $5 and costs on the order of Judge .Aylesworth yesterdny In police court. J. W. Harrison, arrested n few days ngo for begging on the turrets nnd Insulting pcoplo when refused alms, was released from tho city Jail yesterday morning nnd given otic hour In which to leave town. Mr, nnd Mrs. Henry H. Van Hrunt have returned from New York, where they ac companied their son. Harry, who sailed Inst Baturday from New York. They witnessed tho big conllagratlon at the docks In Ho fcoken. The local lodge of Elks has offered to take charge of tho benellt to be tendered Mrs. 10. E. Mnyno by tho management of Lake Matmwa. Tho arrangements have not yet been completed and a further announce ment will be made. Two new Brandt nutomatlc cnshlers have been received nt tho postolllce. Tho one which has been In service at tho stamp win dow will bo sent back. Tho now ones have Improvements which onablo them to make change for nny sum, whllo tho old ono could not go above $1. Josb Hosklns, charged with participating In a light a few nights ago at Olscn'H Hn loon on Broadwny and Sixteenth street, was discharged In pollco court yesterday rooming. Hosklns got the worst of the sight and Judge Aylesworth considered ho Quid received punishment enough. Miss Mary J. Stephenson hn3 been ap pointed substitute clerk at tho postolllce, vice Nat Shcpard, who has been promoted to tho permnnent list. Miss Stephenson Is nt presont In tho money order department, while Mr. Shepanl Is on duty nt the trans fer branch olllco In tho absence of Captnln Ilalley. County Superintendent MeManus hns set next Wednesday morning for heurlng tho nppoal token 'by C. H. Ooldnp from the ac tion of the school directors of Lewis town ihlp In locntlng a now school. Goldap ob jects to tho proposed location, alleging that the slto Is on swamp land nnd Is under water several months In tho year. Thero was nn Incipient strike yesterday morning nt tho Woman's Christian Associa tion hospttnl, which Is undergoing exten sive repairs. It was precipitated by some nonunion painters and tho union bricklay ers and plumbers walked out. The matter was adjusted In the afternoon by the dis charge of tho nonunion painters and the union men returned to work. Pearl, tho 3-year-old daughter of C. M. Huff of Washington avenue, hnd n narrow F5capo from death bv poisoning Thursday nlg'ht. Tho child managed In some way to get possession of a saucer In which pol noncd fly paper was. alio drank tho water nnd wns for somo tlmo In a serious condi tion. With tho assistance of two physicians ine was nnniiy urougni inrougn. Council Bluffs lodge, Nn. Ml. Benevolent nnil l'rotective order or Elks, will bo rep resented at tho meeting of the grand lodge nnd reunion of the order to bo held at At lantic City. N. J., next week by tho follow ing: John N. Baldwin, Dr. George E. Smith, James Fonlnn, F. K. Grey, I'. U. Goodrich, Emmet Tlnlev and Thomas D. Metcalf . K. C. Brown, who Is now In Washington, will also attend. N. V. Plumbing Co., Tel. 250. Commonwealth 10-cont c);jr. .olr from (lie Court", Wilson Smith has commenced suit In tho district court against F- U Chllds and John T. Collins to recover $2,000 damages, which ho claims to havo suffered by reason of a certain real estato deal. 'W. H. Jcfferls filed original notice of suit yesterday In tho superior court ngaluBt Iougeo & Ivougee for $1,000 damages, which ho alleges ho lias nufforcd through the al leged wrongful selzuro and sale of certain stock under a chattel mortgage. The stock told comprised fifty head of cattle nnd twenty-eight head of hogs. "Mr. nllejr" D-cent cigar. Water lllllN. Tny now and bhvo 5 per cent. Monday and Tuesday evenings. Oillce open Ileal KmIiiIp Transfers. Tho following transfers wero filed yester day In tho abstract, title and loan olllco of J. W. Squire. 101 Pearl street: (Masonic Mutual Savings nnd Ioan an notation to llhodn E. flmule. n 13ft feet of lot It! nnd of w Si! feet of lot at In ollkinl resurvry of swi ne'i KO-75-43: o O) feet of n 130 feet of lot II In Bi; ne'i 30-75-n, w d 11,500 li. L. Ulckerson and wiro to waiter U. . Smart, lots f and t. block 1. Arnold's add, Oakland, w d W0 Gcorce B. Folsom to Seno I'ntersen. lot 20, block 12, BuniH' add, w d 10 William J. Illslnp nnd wiro to Fort Dodco & Omaha Hal I mini company, lots 14. 15 nnd 16. block 13. Mullln's HUbdiv, w d 2,200 AVIUIam W. Fnrnam. truHtee, nnd wife to Joseph S. Davis, lot 10. block 7. Hlddlo's suvdlv, 8 w d BOO Blary Daniels Davenport to Joseph H. Davis, lots S and 9, block 7, Kiddle's HUbdiv. cxccDt railroad right of wny. w d 2,200 County treasurer to N. P. Dodgo, lot 18, block 31, Ferry add, t d i Seven transfers, total $7,701 You can deposit your votes for the mcst popular working girl In tne vacation con test at tbo Council Bluffs olllco. FARM LOANS Neaotlatid in Kaaturn rrrtiraska ana ion a. James N. casauy. jr., ivg Main Ht fjtinrll l"urrs. mUni-1 I U L.UHI1 Property Savings Loan and Building Associat'n COUUC1 uiuna, iown. BLUFFS. ENJOINS MOTOR COMPANY Board of Park Commissioners Goes Into Injunction Business. ENTRANCE TO FAIRM0UNT BLOCKED Illicit .side Is Ilrstnilneil from DnliiK Anything tit Hemovc the Dirt or Construct it I'ltMsulilc ItondMiiy. Another kink In tho litigation between tho Board of Park Commissioners and the motor company over the removal of tho dirt now obstructing tho entrance to Falrmount park was taken yiatcrday morning, when tho board commenced Injunction proceedings against tho motor company nnd secured a temporary restraining order enjoining It from removing tho dirt. Attorney Hazelton for tho board also Hied tho lattcr'a answer to tho Injunction suit brought by the motor company against tho park commissioners and In which tho company secured a tem porary order restraining tho commissioners from grading down tho earth now In tho cut or making a driveway over It. The park commissioners take substantially tho same ground both In their petition and in their nnswer to the suit of tho motor company. They set up that before tho dirt fell tho cut was so narrow nt the bottom that the tracks of tho motor company practically occupied tho entire breadth of the road and mndo it useleta for any other purpose; that It Is Impracticable and Impossible without the expenditure of a vast slim of money to maintain tho cut at its former depth so that it will be safe for tho use of the pub lic. The earth which has fallen has tilled tho cut at ono point to a depth of fifteen feet and the commissioners assert thnt it can bo leveled off and n road made over It which will bo at an Incline or grade of not to exceed 7 per cent, which will mako nn easy and practicable roadway either for travel on foot, for ordinary vehicles or for the tracks of tho motor company. Further, that by go lovellng and Ailing the cut with dirt which has fallen It will be posslblo for tho banks to be sloped nt a reasonable ex pense, so that they will not cave In. Also that the road can be thus tnado broad enough to bo used by tho motor company and the general public nnd will te a great nd vantngo In going to and coming from the park. The board states that In contemplation of making this Improvement It notified the motor company on May 18 last to remove Its tracks from tho cut, but that tho latter failed to do so. In conclusion It asks that tho motor company bo restrained from re moving tho dirt or in any way Interfering with same. In Its answer to tho motor company's suit tho park commissioners set up In addition to tho foregoing that tho cut in question is solely vithln tho limits of Falrmount park; that tho same Is not a public road or high way and Is wholly under ho control of tho rark board. Attorney Hazelton stated yesterday that It was not tho deBlro or Intention jot tho park commissioners to oust tho motor com pany from entering tho park or to compel It to removo Its tracks from tho cut. At the samo lime Mr. Hazelton failed to explain how the motor company could reach Its tracks, which at present Ho burled beneath the mass of fallen dirt, unless permitted to remove It. This tho tomporary injunction secured by tho park commissioners yester day restrains tho motor company from doing. No dato for tho hearing wns fixed by tho court, although Attorney Hazelton asked that It bo act for as early a date us possible. AViUer IIIIIm. Pay now and savo C per cent. Office open Monday and Tuesday evonlngs. MICH SCHOOL SITU MI'IHIM: OPEN. Onklniul Avenue People AVIII Sue for Piirehnnc Trice (if Properly. Attorneys for tho owners of the Oakland nvonuo property twlco eolcctrd by tro Board of Education as n slto for tho new High school building stato tint tho su t commenced last winter to enforce payment by tho district for the tract will be pross cutcd at tho next term of the dlstM;t cour Tho prlco agreed upon was $8,000 and fir this amount suit was brought, but In addi tion now Interest will bo asked from tho date of the first selection of tho n't, which was In April, 1S09. Tho suit was lroight In tho uame of Simon Casady of Dcs MoI'Joj. So far no appeal has been taken from tbo action of the board of Juno 22 In select ng tho old High school slto on Glen nvcnuo and there Is no talk of any being taken. The general opinion Is that the board did not when voting for this pile jerlously lnt nd ti build tho new High school thero nnd It Is ex pected to rescind Its action and se'tle on some locntion more centrally rltuntcd. u It nsscrted that thero Is a gravo question whether tho board has tho tight to build the now school there, as nt tho time that the bonds were voted tho proposition con tn'ned tho proviso that tho old HUh tcho l building should bo retained for a "nrd srhool and attorneys say that tho grounds go with tho building. It has been suggested as a rolutlnn of tho question that tho board purchase tho prop erty at tho head of Willow avonue belong ing to tho Folsom estate nnd tl'on grad" down tho High school priurds Pd'olnlng : nd this would plv? tho new Hl-h hool epao'm n grounds both In front nnd rear. It Is un derstood that nt least three cf tho niemh-ri of the board are In favor of this plan. The next regular meeilng of tho board will bo held on Tuesday, July 17. Howell's Anti-"K'awf" .!urm coughs, colds. AVntrr lllll. Pay now and savo 5 per cent. Office opon Monday aud TuosJay evenings. Xot- for the Prlr.e. This Is the last day for tho girls In tho vacation contest to decldo tho rice for tho opera glasses given by Mr Wol'nian. That It will be a pretty lively 'day for voting Is evident frrm the outsldo tuifaco cf tho bal lots cast yesterday on th evo of the tattle royal. Tho prize Is well worth contonin? tor ana the one who works tho hnrdost will como out victorious. Tho prize Is on dU rlay In the show window of Mr Wollman's store. Heraember that tho t'a"ot tnx will be closed promptly at 5 n'clo k this evening, Jintlcc to Slur Collector. Our new books, containing n laraer list of stores than ever, will soon be out. After July l we win strictly enforco the provisions of our books ard only redeem full books of stars. Detached pages or books In which pnges are Inserted will not be redeemed, so do not mutilate your books. Our premium stores have been imposed upon by persons continually running In with small orders and wo aro now compelled to strictly en forco tbo full book rules, PREMIUM STAH COMPANY. Freit .Mnyne'ii I'mieni!, Tho funeral ot FroU Wayne, drowned In Lake Manawa last Wednesday, was held yesterday uftcratam from thu family rtal- dence on Seventh avenue, tho services being conducted by Rev. W. S. Barnes of tho First Presbyterian church, asalatcJ by Rev. Stephen Phelps. D. D., of Omaha. Tho services wcro nttended by a largo number of tho friends nnd relatives of the deccise.l and bereaved family and tho caskot was al most hidden beneath tho numerous floral offerings, Tho remains were followed to their last resting placo In Walnut Hill cem etery by a long cortege. Tho pallbearers were J. II. Grady, A. W. Dallas, J. F. Anton, J. M. McAllister, E. B. Wirt and Walter Saunders. Savo your coupons and voto for the most popular Council Bluffs working girl. SITUATION IX STUM IT HA II, WAYS. Principals HrKcnitc the Stories Told on Thursday of the Drill. Thero were no now developments yester dny Indicating that either of the motor companies had sold out to the other. W. S. Heed of tho Suburban company hold to his statement mndo Thursdny that his company had bought out tho brldgo lino nnd said n day or so would show his assertion to bo correct. G. W. Wattles was In tho city In tho nftcr non nnd was closeted with Mr. Itccd In the offices of tho Suburban company for several hours. Mr. Wattles reiterated bis former statement thnt no such deal as claimed by Mr. Heed had been consummated and said ho was sorry to havo to contradict Mr. Heed. Attorney Gcorgo F. Wright of tho old motor company also Bald there were no dovolopracnts. Cashier Hnnnan of tho First National bank likewise said thero was nothing new In tho situation, but hinted, with a knowing wink of tho left optic, that "something might drop In tho courso of tho next twenty-four hours." To uso Mr. Hannan's pet expression, nobody doubts but that there Is "n hen on" nnd a consolidation of the brldgo company and the Suburbnn company Is confidently looked for by tho pcoplo of Council Bluffs. The Suburban company Is continuing to lay track on South Sixth street and yester day tho crossings over tho Mllwnukco nnd Burlington tracks on Sixth Btrcot were put in. The company also strowed several loads of mils along West Broadwny, be tween Pearl and Sixth streets. What deemed to bo of significance and pointing to a consolidation of tho two com panies is tho fact that tho Suburban com pany has dono no work nt its power houso In east Omaha for tho last four weeks. Davis sellri paints. AiTrny Win Mostly AVIml. A sudden gust of wind, a hat blown off, somo chaff aimed at tho man who lost tho headgear ond whose resentment of tho pleasantry led to the exchange of more or less unparliamentary language, were tho prime factors responsible for tho nppcaranco of Nick Englo and Herman Bernstein, bet ter known to locaj fame ns "Mogy No. 2," boforo Justlco VIcn yesterday to nnswer to tho chargo of "engaging In an affray on tho public streets." Nick Englo, nn aged Teuton, with a tem per easily aroused, was standing at tho cor ner of Pearl street and Broadway Thursday afternoon when his hat was blown across tho street. Bernstein ceased long enough from selling papers to laugh at him. Englo got mad and followed the news vendor Into Percgoy's cigar store. An exchango of com pliments followed until Zacharlah Taylor essayed tho role of peacemaker. Ho was told In Innirmip-n mnri forrlhlr. than nolltn to R0 (o a p,nM whcro ,no nrc8 aro nlwayg raging and attend to his own business. This made Taylor soro nnd bo rushed off to tho poltco station to file nn Information ngalnat Englo and Bernstein for using ob6Ccno and profane language. Taylor did not receive much sympathy or assistance from the po lice, so he hiked to Justice VIcn, who was moro accommodating, nnd Issued n warrant for tho arrest of the disputants. When tho case camo on for hearing yes terday afternoon, it was nt once shown that tho "affray" as termed In tho Information took placo In tho cigar storo and not on the public street and on motion of tho assistant attorney tho defendants were ordered dis charged. Voto early and cftcn. Iltllllllllt? 1111(1 I.OIIII I.IITT. The amended nrtlcles of Incorporation of tho Savings. Loan nnd Building association havo been approved by tho secretary of stato and were returned hero yesterday. Tho necessity of amending tho nrtlrlcs of Incorporation wan caused by tho enactment nt the recent session of tho legislature of tho now loan and building assoclntlon law. Tho principal amendments mndo necessary by tho new law wcro the reduction of the rnto of Interest charged borrowers on stock from 10 to 8 per cent; tho right of stock holders to withdraw nt nny tlmo without forfclturo (formerly stockholders on with drawing beforo their stock reached maturity had to do so at a discount); mortgagos can now be paid off at any tlmo nnd stock cashed In (hcretoloro the mortgage rnu until stock matured nnd paid It off). Tho new law practically transforms the loan and building nrsoclntlons Into savings banks, with substantially tho samo safe guards thrown around them. Gravel roofing. A. 11. Heed, 511 B'way. Stiniliiy McIhmiIn .Meet nl Slliley. SIHLKV, la., July C (Special Telegram.) Tho annual meeting ot tho Osceola County Sunday School association was hold today. J. F. (Hover gavo an address of welcome, responded to by Mrs. Quenby ot Ashton. "Faithfulness In tho Sunday School" was presented by A. J. Nunno and "Aim and Work of tho Sundny School" by Eugcno Walton, "Tbo Ideal Teacher" by Miss Ada Person, "American Sunday School Union" by D. F. Ilergtholdt and F. Fulkorson, Grading tho Sunday School" by Hov. J H. Chase nnd "Personal Work In tho sun- day School" by C. Babcock. Waldo Hunt was oloctcd president, Mrs. Brown and Mrs, Sinclair, vlco president; Hov. J. B. Chase, secretary and treasurer; executive commit tee, J. F. Clover, Albert Klnmpe, F. II. Hunker. Fourteen schools reported with a membership of 1,000. Suits Over CIiimikIiik Street firiule. FORT IJOIXIK, la., July C (Spoclal.) Tho city of Fort Dodgo Is threatened with heavy damngo suits on account of a change that has been mudo In Blgbth street, ono of tho prosperous residence streets. Tho grade has been raised two feet and this has nercs sarlly placed many houses below tho level of the street, necessitating raising them and filling In tho lots. Two of tho residents havo already filed claims for damages and several moro are about to do so, tho suras In each case approximating $1,000, The city Is unwilling to settlo outside of tho courts bccaiiEo of tho precedent that would bo thus established and Is equally unwilling to ro slat the claims In court, no that as a result tho council Is In a quandary and tho latter alternative will probably bo accopted. Triilu Ilium Over Child. BOONE, In., July C (Special.) -This evening as children wuro playing around the gravel train a daughter of Mrs. Eva Phlpps 9 years old, In attempting to get a rldo fell on tho track and the wheels ran over he leg. crushing It so that amputation ns necessary. Sho was taken to tho city hos pltal, where tho leg was amputated. It Is feared she caunot survive. JONES' FEE CASE REFERRED Stato Eiccutivo Oouncil Passes it Up to Governor Shaw. INVESTIGATION IS WELL UNDER WAY Governor In ('(induct Ihk n Strict lu ll ill r- Into Ihe AITnlrn of Hie Cleric of the Supreme Court. DES MOINES, July C (Special Tele gram.) Tho stato executive council today referred tho Jones fee controversy to Gjv ernor Shaw to Investigate; rather, It de ferred to him on account ot Us knowledge ot tho fact that ho was already lnvojtlsat Ing. Treasurer of Stato Herrlott lutro ueed a resolution piovldlng for the appointment of a commlttu of tho council to make the Investigation. Secretary Dobson suggested that courtesy would indicate that as tho governor wns engaged In this business be be permitted to finish It and roport. To thl end he Introduced a substitute resolution which was adopted by a vote of 3 to 1, Treasurer Herrlott voting In tho negative. This substltuto resolution follows: Whcrcns, The nllceed misconduct In the ofllce of C. T. Jones, clerk of tho supreme court, has been formally brought to tho at tention of tho cxeeutlvo council nnd Is a matter which tho chief cxeeutlvo of the Htuto has at least concurrent Jurisdiction; and, Whcrcns, The governor of the state hns the matter under consideration; therefore bo It Resolved, Thnt we take no notion In the matter until the Governor shall have com pleted his Investigation. Tho Herrlott resolution, which waB voted down, was as follows: Itesolved, by tho executive council. That n commltteo bo appointed by the executive council to muke a thorough examination of tho books nnd records of tho olllco of the clerk of tho supreme court, and any other sources of Information, and to ascertain tho fXnct amount of fees received by snld clerk and not paid Into the state treasury for fur nishing copies of opinions or records of tho supreme court, nllldavlts, certlllcates ns to records or papers, certificates of admission to tho bar, transcripts of records In nppcal.i of cases to the Riipreme court of tho Vnlted States and any other fees received by said clerk for rendering nny service for which the law requires thu clerk to charge and collect a fee. Second The exnet amount of those fees reported by tho clerk of the court to thu treasurer of the stato ns "chnrged nnd un collected," which under sections 205 nnd 4121 of tho code should hnve been collected by the clerk nnd nccounted for to the treas urer of state. Said committee upon the completion of Its examination shall report Its findings to the executive council. Fort Mnillsou I.onck n Cninpnny. Tho company at Fort Madison, F of the Fiftieth, will be mustered out tomorrow be cause) It refused to bo Inspected, nnd tho Burlington company mustered In Its placo. Perry has been selected ns tho placo for holding tho encampment of tho Fifty-second regiment, Iown National guard. Colonel 'Humphrey has Issued a notice that the camp will bo between August 18 and August 25, whllo Adjutant -General Byers has Issued nn order that It shall begin August 25. Tho leglslaturo In making tho appropria tions for the Cherokee asylum made tho money available "on or before" certain date Instead of "on or after." This makes the whole $360,000 available now, If tho Board of Control wishes It, nnd Treasurer Her rlott does object, which he probably will, for It was tho Intention of tho legislature to mako $100,000 available after May 1, 1000, $100,000 available after May, 1901, and $80,000 nvallablo each on May 1, 1002, and Novem ber 1, 1902. It was a case of oversight on tho part of tho appropriation committee. Tho Stato Board of Control hns Issued ad vertisements for a well nt Cherokee. It wants ono that will throw 150 gallons a mlnuto for 3C5 days every ordinary year and 360 days on leap years. It desires per sons who want to dig a well of this descrip tion, which will havo to bo deep, of course, to submit bids to tho board Immediately. Tho well v.111 be subject to a threo days' test. Minister Conner AVnrnlnir. MIm Mary Pierce wrote a letter to her brother In Dcs Molnc3 about tho first week 111 Juno, which arrived Friday. This letter shows that Minister Conger knew of and feared tho mobilization of modern armed soldiers nt Pekln, having met them. The letter follows: Yesterday Untie Ed and I went out horse liack riding to our temple (summer homo) In tho hills. On tho way out undo was surprised nnd astonished to meet a largo force of nrmed Chinese, who boro mod el n arms and rllles. lie was va Interested that ho stopped the detachment nnd usked to know tho reason for the presence of the soldiers, which wcro headed for the city of i-cKin. -i no commanoiiig oiucer torn Jilm thnt the emneror wns In the Held nnd thnf tho soldiers were guarding him and wero detailed to prevent persons niiproachlng nenr io ins mnjesiy s presence. Tlio minis ter inoiigiu mis very queer, nut hh said nothing slivce. AcelilentN nt Crenton. CHESTON, la., July fi. (Special.) Arthur bpnon, nged 11, camo near being burned to death last night during n llro that destroyed John Thlmbors fnrm house. Tho boy did not discover tho blazo until It had gained great headway. His escapo was very narrow. His loft leg is burned and his right foot nnd both hands. Ho is suffering severely and tho wounds mny prove fatal. Cecil Hober's lost three fingers and had his kneecap nnd leg injured by tho explo slon of nn Improvised cannon. Rawls Ir win, a young lad, had his right eye badly burned nnd C. Cruzen may lose tho sight of an oyo by tho reckless throwing of a large cracker, thnt exploded near his eye. Other minor accidents nro reported. llreeil Will I.enve Crenton, CRESTON. Ia., July . (Special.) Dr. D. P. Breed, pastor of tho Congregational church, last night Informally nnnounced to his congregation that on September 1 bo would resign. Ho will take a position with tho Homo Missionary sncloty at Orlnnell the work having grown to such proportions that It was necessary to glvo Dr. Douglass an assltnnt. Dr. Breed Is the oldrst res ident minister In tho city. Ho will havo chargo ot 150 churches. Knlile Will llecclve Conmilimlon. FORT DOIKJB, la., July 6. (Special.) Nows has been received here from Sorgeant Frank H. Kaldo, who Is stationed at Clen- tueges, Cuba, thnt ho has successfully passed tho examination for a commission In tho United States army. Sorgoant Kaldo Is a Fort Dodgo boy nnd his success In an Illustration of tho cffcctlvoncas of tbo reg Imoutal schools which the government has established nt the various military posts. Opinion of Prominent Ilemoernt. JEFFERSON, la., July 6, (Special Tolc Brum.) John McCarthy, for many years n wheel horso of tho democratic party In thl county, says: "When tho democratic party can bo manipulated and swerved from It bearings at tho dictation of a tow populists and freo silver republicans It Is tlmo tho party disintegrated nnd was born again.' Democrats hero exhibit no enthusiasm ove tho ticket nnd platform. Hod - of Unknown Found. CLINTON, la., July 6. (Special Tclo gram.) Tho election men on tho Northwest crn railroad found tho remains ot an un known man near Comanouo this afternoon lying In the high grass. As several murders have boen committed in thin vicinity foul play Is luspected. The man vm evidently murdered In some manner, as he wns badly cut nnd bruised. The man had been dead for threo days. Wlsconnln Vlnlteil liy Storm. Ht.unv. Wis.. Julv fi A terrific rain nnd hailstorm, accompanied by a high wind, passed over this city this afternoon. The rain fell In torrents. Hall stones wore picked up which measured twelve Inches In Ircumfcrenco nnd weighed over eight ounces. Corn nnd small grains wero cut to pieces. The loss Is heavy. Tho Bnraboo river Is rising nnd a flood Is threatened, ' AnlinitlM Killed liy Storm. AVOCA, In., July 6. (Special Telegram.) .This nftnrnnnn nhmit 4 o'clock witnessed tlio linrdent rnln nnd windstorm of tho sea son. Threo miles north crops aro damaged by hall. Tho barn of Sorcn Hold, four miles northeast, was blown down, killing eight horses. Threo cows belonging to jncK Brunsklll of this placo wero killed by lightning. CIiIIiPh Feet Are Cut Off. FORT DODGE, la.. July C (Special Tele gram.) Whllo playing In tho streets ot the town of Qarner tho little son of Matthew Bcckncr. n prominent citizen, hnd both feet cut clear off above tho ankles by n man who wns mowing weeds. Tho parents are pnralyzcd by tho accident nnd tho child's llfo Is despaired of. Convict Iicnpe from .Inll. CLINTON, In., July C. (Special Tclo- grnni.) Three men nrrestcd about two weeks ago at Dubuque charged with holding up a Mllwaukeo train nenr Bcllovuo escaped from the Jail nt Maquokcta. They were in dicted by tho grand Jury a few days ugo. c South Omaha News . jj Ono of the needs of tho reorganize! po- llco department Is n privnto tcKpnono s li tem, similar to the patrol boxes In iho in Omaha aud oihcr cltlei. ThU subjCCi w. s brought to tho attention of tho city council couple ot years ngo by John C. Carroll. then chief ot police, but for lack of funu3 tho project wns abandoned. At prisent thero Is no means of communi cating with nil officer on a beat an I tbo chief or captain cannot keep track ot tho men as well jb It pairo'men wer.' riq lred tj eport nt headqunrte s by 'phono eo y hour. In many lnstancis patro.mon use 'i. bones In tores or residences In making retorts to tho central station, but as a general thing ihrse Hnc3 of communication aro shut oft nt or midnight and In many Instances valuab o tlmo Is lost In reporting accldmts or crimes. It has been suggested that ten patrol boxeB bo located In various parts of tho city. Theso boxes could ,be usi d for the turning In of fire alarms as well as police calls and their use, it is stated, will savo tho city a considerable sum of money, ns ftro alarm boxes are expensive, ccsilng In the neighborhood of $125 each. In looking over the ground these locations have been selected for tho proposed boxes: Twenty-seventh and L streets, Twentieth nd Q, Twentieth and L, Th.rty-thlrd and Albright, Twenty-seventh and Q, Thir tieth and Q, Twenty-fourth nnd F, Twenty seventh and N and Twenty-fourth and N. In this way the city Is fairly well covcre.l and tho lines can bo run in circuits, thui greatly reducing tho cost of maintenance. Tho ontlro system, it is thought, can b; placed In operation for about $C00 and maintained after the first year at an annual expenditure of about $300. When an officer arrests a prisoner ho Is compelled to walk to the station with him, whereas If the patrol box system was used telephono messago would bring nn officer In tho pollco rig and the patrolman would not needf to leavo bis beat for an hour or more. Tho gain of ten flro alarm boxes would mean a great deal to tho department and the expense, as estimated now, would be light ns compared with tho cost of ten Gamewell alarm boxes. It Is undeistood that Chief of Pollco Mitchell Is heartily In favor of tho patrol box plan and he doubt less will recommend It as Foon ns tho finan cial part of tho proposition Is arranged. CtiriHtliiiifinii Imiui'Pt ndnyeil. It will probably bo a day or two boforo Coroner Swanson can arrange for an Inquest over tho remains of Mrs. Christina Chrl tlnnson, who wa3 killed nt Morrcll's cros lng In Albright yesterday. The- corcn r de sires that tho crew of Missouri Pacific train No. IS be present at tho Inquest and It will be necessary to wait until tho telurn tilp s tnado. Eyo wltncfscs assert that B'voral poisons tried to warn Mrs. Christiansen rf her danger, but sho did not herd. An ex amination by a physician shows thnt thi was struck squarely over the heart by tin pilot and that her breast nnd sldo woro badly crushed. Somo tlmo ago a man was killed nt this crossing In a similar manner and tho coro ner's Jury recommended that a flagman to nlaccd nt tho crossing. This suggo tion was compllol with, but tho wntchman was rnahlo to savo Mrs. Chrlstlnnson yesterday as Fhe attempted to cross tho tracks about forty feet south of the regular crossing. A Jury will bo sworn In today so that the funeral arrangements will not lie dolayol. Ilciuniiil for XeliriiiUn lleef. C. S. Hall, manager of Swift's Williams burg market, Brooklyn, and S. Pr.iyor, man ager of tho Central market, New York City, spent yesterday In the city ntfnu ng 'o buMnosH matters flt tho Swift plant. Mo srs. Hall nnd Prayer wero hero a year ngo and In looking over tho city said that they no ticed many Improvements. They ronsl'or thnt this market Is Improving all the time and wscrt that eastern people aro becom ing partial to meats packed In South Omaha. There Is a great demand In the oist, they say, for Nebraska corn-fed beef nnd other nroducts from this stato nre not far be hind. Whllo hore Messrs. Hall and Prayer wero the guests of flert Higslns, private sccretnry to tho general manager of tho plant. Sontli Oniiilni McntN for Clilnn. The war In China may prnvo to ho o' some benefit to South Omaha, as Inquiries nro al ready being received by packers for pr'cet cn products of various kinds. Yestexla one packing house received an Inqulrv for 3,0 iO barrels of beef to bo shlppol to t nina aim other packers nro dally rorelvlng 'o t rs ro carding shlnmonts to tho far east. Hiring tho South African war great quantities of canned nnd salt meats were sent from hc(;e to tho tent of wnr. Shipments nro b'111 made to tho Philippines by tho govornmn"t and It is asserted that meats piekcd hnro stand tho tropical rlltnato hotter thin products packed at other points. Aliened Stiliiillcr Arrenf eil. Frank Hoonev. wheso homo Is at Twenty- second and S stiontB, wns arrcstel yo-terdav on sfsrlcion. Tho pollen atsort Hut Io called at a house near Twenty-eighth nn 1 B streets and under pretonso of renting a nlelted tin $2 which had beon left on a table. Other complaints ot a slml'nr nnturo havo been received nt police licauqu rtrrs within the last few dnys nni tho oTlc rs n'e in,.iinrii tn think that Ronney has brrn carrying on this crooked work for n week or mora. At tho Jnll Rooney gave a iictmou.i name, but Officer Newman hipncned ti know him and had the correct namo placoi on the blotter. Vlnu'lc City (inli. Dr. W J. MrCrnnn Is bark .from his trip tn KiiunaK City. Contractor Dan Hunnon will commence grading on west w street iniiuy Kdward l-'arrer, Twenty-llfth nnd II streets, reportu tho birth of n son, I.lciunr dealer are hIow 111 c'llllnt for their licenses, Clerk BhrUlay la unxlcua to and superior to the best English brands of Porter, Stout or 'alf and 'alf, being more mellow and pleas ing. The one perfect American Porter. Prepared by Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n St. Louis. U. S. A. Brewers of (he Original Budwciscr, Faust, Micliclob, Anhcuser-Standard, Palc-Lagcr, Export Pale, Black and Tan, Exquisite and Malt-Ntitrine. Orders addressed to Geo. Krug, managor Omaha branch, will bo promptly executed. Es tate IN VALUE. Some excellent lots, pleasantly located atid do sirable for suburban homes, can be had now at reasonable prices. These lots are located in Omaha, Wright's and Central Sub. additions. This property will steadily increase in value as the city gro ws in that direction and the time to buy is the present. Call at THE BEE OFFICE, Council Bluffs. SCHOOLS. Wenlworth Military Academy Dovcrnracntnuprrvltton. Bute commissions to enutu.wt. l'rvpc aud National Aculrmlcs, distribute the licenses nnd desires nil deal ers to enll us soon as possible uud secure licenses. J Miss Pnnny SlabntiKli hns pone to Ran dolph, O., to visit her grandparents. A son was born yesterday to Mr. nnd Mrs, Ed Todd, Twcnty-llrst nnd J streets. Mrs. J. C. Cnrley has roho tn Chimney Hock, Neb., to visit for a short time. Dr. Frank AW SlnbnUKh left last nlpht for Duluth, Minn., and vicinity to spend a ten days' vacation, A new order of Itedmcn was orcnnlzed here Inst night. The meeting was held nt lllbernlnn hall. City Clerk Shrlgley returned yesterday from Kansas City, where he attended the democratic convention. Tho Ladles' of the Maccabees will clvo un lee cream social nnd dance nt Masonic hall on tho evcnlim of July IS. Acting Mayor Adklns was engaged yester day In signing warrants for salaries und claims allowed by tho council Monday. John Flynn, president of tho Commercial club, has returned from Albnny, Mo., where ho wont to look after business matters. Modern Woodmen enmp. Nn. 1003, will give a. picnic nt Syndicate, park July .11, It being the occasion of the eleventh anniver sary of the order. A came of bare ball will bo plnyed nn Sunday afternoon nt Swlft'n grounds, south of Q street, between the Swift team nnd tho Union I'ncllic shops tenm. C. O. Young, general superintendent of all nf Swift nnd Company's plants, with head (limrteis in Chicago, spent yesterday, in the city looking over thu plunt here. On Tuesday evening next tho High School Alumni association will glvo a lawn social at tho home of Colonel nnd Mrs, C, M. Hunt, Twonty-tlfth and H streets. The 12-year-old sou of John Iluzzard, Twenty-fourth and H streets, fell on the sidewalk yesterdny and broke his right wrist. Dr. Whtto reduced tho fracture. The road tnaehlno ordered by Chairman Adklns of the street und alley committee a few ilayii ago will arrlvo on Monday and will bo given a public test before the pur chase price Is paid. l'hll Kearney post, No. 2, nnd tho Woman's Uellef corps will meet at the hail, Twenty-sixth and N streets, this evening. All members are urged to attend, as busi ness of Importanco will como up. The lloetor school site Injunction rase Is on tho call befoto Judgo Kawcelt today. Mr. Doctor Ins'sts that his property Is worth tho money he asks for It and proposes mak ing a light for tho warrant which Secretory Ilrennan was instructed to draw. antf lydia " Plnkhttm'a VegatahlcGanipoundhavo restored health and happiness to scores of women. This is not a mere advertising claim, but a positive fact. Tho reason Mrs. Pink ham is so qualified to ad' viso women is because for 20 years sho has boon treating and studying woman's Ills Nor ad dross is Lynn, Mass if you aro ill, writo to her for help, as thousands of women aro doing. Lydia E. I'lnklum's Vegetable Compound relieves painful periods and regulates menstru ation, it cures backache, kidney troubles and all uterine disorders. Read tho letters from women appearing regu larly in this paper VIENNA HOTELS 1 o 1 1 -1 :t-1 r. riirnnni HI. Itestaurant, ladles' cafe reading room, nowly furnished rooms, bath rooms. Every thing first-class. American and European plan. Itooms with board, OH. F. WH'I'FIim, I'rnp. Rowling alley In connection. IIOCI TA S.MI.I,W(IOII CAI'Ht I.KH Md.inr.Kndi. nt,.... ......... .. vi"ti',ttiuoii, .,i'i-v, uiiiuiwirni nin ehurges In ft few days. All druggists, ncceut "n,t V?.nu,,V.m"" tu" directions. at km vtiun av. -New xoriC STBsvlkisisim's "The American Porter" is without an equal as a re freshing beverage, is Rising Oldest and larreit military school In Central West. crornllon for Unlrrraltln COL. SANDFORD SELLERS, M. A Supt., LEXINGTON, MO. Selintila. Western Military Academy, "pp auqh, m, Eitshll.hxl rimttlon. I.lnltM numKir. Tlinronghlr rxiulpp.ri, Kicllent locution. Oonvnulrntto tit. Lonla, Oivnnd and ninnased by tftack.ro of Iomk .il.ri.nt'C, who t.ke person.) churcn of tho caJai. and in.mini. p.nnnl rwiin.lblllir forth. Irr.rsnnd Inrlniolloii VkfnrclrcuLr. OEO. I) EATON, Sscr:tiry. MISSOURI MILITARY ACADEMY FINE NEW BUILDINGS. Cninims One Hundred Acres. Hunting;. Swimming, f-'lshliio. floating. Fneulty nf Siieeliillnlii alumni of twrlvo leading Military Schools and Universities; Kducators of national reputation. Modern Improvements. For booklet wlta full In formation, address A. K, YAXCUV, I'rcslilent, lift loo. Mo. Headaches The nauseating sick lieadachrH of summer the terrible forehead uelies--tlm throbbing temple aches tho dull, Iiresslns aches that grip the back of the head In a vise-like clutch lire all CI HI3D ItV Dr. Kay's Renovator! It removes the cause of AL.I. head aches. It renovates and Invigorates every organ, drive out every disease ful .artlelo and banishes thu verv conditions wiilih wiiism he.idaclie.v Them Is NO doubt nbout It! Here's Irrefutable .roof: Mrs. I.uella Schaiiblln. Idumea, Mo., writes: "I was a constant sufferer from neuralgli' headaches for about 12 years. At time It sermed as If my i.e would burst from I heir sockets' Mnall:- I sent for Dr. Kay's Inno vator and after taking six boxes, I ran sav that Dr. Kay's Renovator Is tho greatest medicine ever handed to tho sick" Refuse substitutes. At druggists, 2Co and $1. Freo medical advice, sam ples and book. nit. .i. ii. kv mi:ii('ai, co MiirntoRii, ,N. V, Now Models for I90O, Bevel-Gear Chalnless, $75 ; Chain, $50 HARTFORDS, STORMERS, PENNANTS In ldir In th medlim-prlot elm, $315, $2S. Columbia Conotor raka, Simple, Bare, Effective. Price, (with our 1000 ModeU.) 99.00. Columbia Oloyclcm, HOME OFTICC, HAIITFORD, COIIK. Nob. Cyclo Co., Columbia Dealers, Omaha Bicyclo Co., Stormer Dealer, Omaha, N'cli. $5.00 A MONTH, DR. RflcCREW, SPECIALIST, Trull U Fermi of DISEASES AND DISORDERS OF HJEM ONLY. 22 Yeiri Experience. 12 Yunln Omaha. vrvfTnipiTv I ...... u . . , , m hq c, i Hif- co'liuineu. varicocele, ' i "I iiiuroou Vliaillr. irtlATMJ.M. Hook, Connullatlntt and Exaru. l.itlon Free. Ifour,8 a, su. tod: 7to8o.m. ?2?,,ATf'l1& ,'tV"""'- Omrerfrft Lor. Htu and Vz"-m CtrpHn.OM.SA. NEU. Anti-Kawf Not on'e In hundred tlmea rt'xn Antl-Kuwf full In .'nr. ,, 1 col('- " " Sou your druggUt. Ua MiU u. C