rTTTT! nVATTA "H A TT "V" TIT!'R. A rpT'T? Fl A "V TTT.V C lOflfl CHINESE LIKE AMERICxXS I War Now On In the Celestial Kingdom the Work of Boxers. JOE LEE TALKS OF ORIENTAL TROUBLES fcn Thnt Those Who Are lnllnntlnK tint Helielllon Arc luiiurnitt Peo lilc Who Wmit All Foreigners Impelled, Joe Leo, who la reputed to be ono of the most Intelligent Chinamen In Omaha, sat In his kitchen under Prank Hamilton's saloon, 1)12 Dodge street, Friday nnd related to a reporter for Tho Hec hli version of the troublo lu and about 1'ckln. There Is no doubt thnt Joo has gone far toward adapt ing himself to conditions ns he finds them In tho United Statin. Since he came to this country from Canton, Southern China, twenty-two years ago. ho has acquired the Christian religion, "id English language, the -wosU n cntcrprUe, n Caucasian man ner a J an American wife. Progressive as ho Is, how over, ho still adheres to certain racial customs and, slnco a Chinaman, like a kite, can't get to heaven without a tall, ho retains tho queuo of his pagan fathers. Aside from the matter of the queue, Joo Is very .conolstont In his application of the religious end moral principled taught him by tho Christians. Tor example, he will never enter tho bar room or wine rooms which aro lust above his culinary domain. Tho reporter .(.as told that ho could have an Interview only on condition that ho go down to the kitchen, which was about the tcmperaturo of a Turkish bath oven. Joe tat at n table, stroking a deformed maltrr.c cat, with two paws on her left front leg and none on her right. "Sho can catch moro mice than any cat I ever saw," said Joe. "Yes, I left Chlnu twenty-two years ago, but slnco then I've been back there on a visit three times. I keep pretty well posted on Chlncso affairs by rending a Chinese paper printed In San Frauclsco, which I get every week. Overthrow of the Kniplre Imminent. "I shouldn't bo at all surprised," ho re turned, "If tho present trouble would re sult In tho overthrow of tho empire. Our peopln fear the Germans most, and tho Americana not at all. Wo regard tho Amerl cans ns our friends. As to Japan, she Is nothing. Sho Is Just trying to net smart that Is all. Humph!" he exclaimed In con' tompt, "whit would little Japan bo as against our 2,000,0u0 soldiers?" To spare hlH feelings no refcrenco was mado to tho Corcau unpleasantness of three years ago. "I presume," ho ndded, reluctantly, "that the missionaries ure the Innocent causo of all tho trouble. The Doxcrs make the Ig norunt people believe that theso mission nrlcs are trying to obtain a foothold In China for tho acquisition of territory, and thereby arouse a bitter feeling against them. "I don't think tho imperial government Is In league with the lloxers. On tho con trnry, I think tho government did nil It could in suppress the uprisings. Hut tho Iioxers r very strong. Tho socloty has been growlnn lapidly of late years. Its purpose Is to wage a campaign of extermination ngalnst tho hated foreigners, called In con tempt 'fou-guu.' 'Kon-yon' is the respeot' fill wr.rd for foreigner, hut 'fon-gua' means something like 'foreign devil,' or ns you would ray 'dago' for Italian. Yen, the uv erage Iioxer doesn't kuow an American from a German or an Englishman from a Frenchman, They're all one to tho Ignorant rioters." Mr. Lee bald bo didn't know tho Prince Tuan who forced Emperor Kwnng-Lu to take a fatal dose of opium. Tuan, ho thought, Is a man who has sprung Into prom inence slnco his (Lee's) day In the celestial kingdom. COMBINATION WORKED BADLY South Wlnil, Jtnimle Limine Pa triotism nmt a Flair Play ltmoc 1 1 It Wires. For several hours Thuraday nftornoon there was troublo with tho flro alarm and telephone, servico on tho north side of town. Subscribers in thnt section found themselves playing tho part of unwilling eavesdropparb to oddly mixed scraps of conversation In which they were In no wise Interested, and the tickers in the flro stations ticked n Mnrso translation of Volapuk. Ltucmen sent out to Investigate this confusion of tonguos finally located the trouble. It was duo to a combination of tho south wind, the patriotism of "Jlrumlu" Llndsey, and un American flag. "Jlmmlo" runs a saloon at Twenty-fourth and Spruce streets. On tho morning of the Fourth he rnn up to the head of his flag polo a lato edition of Old Glory, which fluttered In the hreezo all day and looked o well that ho was loath to take It dowu. Tho 5th of July came, and with It a stiff wind that amounted to a gale, causing the colors to perform sorao wonderful aerial feats, among others that of wrapping itself around a bunch of uninsulated telephone wires, binding them togothcr In a sort of uulted-wo-Btand unity. llut the Interests of tho various com ponent parts of this alliance were too diver- lifted to make a union desirable, so Chief Donahue ordered tho flag taken down. American Bcaailes. There are none fairer or sweeter the world over. Unfettered and untram- meled the American woman queens it as uots no other krvoninu in the world. Yet her vcrv enenrv and ambition are of ten times her un doing. She at tempts too much. Her heaitu is un- lennined. And when health goes beauty goes also. The use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery re-establishes the health. It cures diseases of the stomach ami organs of diges tion ana nutri tion and assures perfect assimila- tion of food and the proper nour ishment of the body. It in creases the blood supply and elim inates tne tmpur- JtlM tbnf nrnr the svstem nnil ciouu tne complexion. r.. vtn. t r 1 - ....... i : 1 . r W. Vs., wriltJS "Dr. Tierce's Coideu Medical Dlteovtry. '1'avorlte Treixrlptlon ' and 'Picas nt relicts,' cured me when doctors and other medicines failed. Kor fifteen years I suffered untold raliery. I had riven up all hope of ever yetting well. I could not He down to sleep, stid ctervthiug I ute'woutd lmo t cramp me to death. Wasverv nervoui nd could hardiv wllc scroll the room. I only weighed ninety pounds when I commenced Uikiug thce medicines ilx yearisfo; I now weijh one hundred and forty noundland am havinc better health than rvrr before. After beln; sick o long havi chzngti ta cetviuii ana rotrciititrj i lure taien miecn bcttlei each of 'rreacripUun,' 'Ducovery' and Tclleta.'" Dr. Tierce's Pleasant Pellets uct gently bui cuccuvciy. women vaius luem. K ivJLsfsJfl w central labor union meets AutiumiLM'M tliu IJeterinlnntlnu of the Clilenuo Ilullili-rn to Continue the 1'IbIiI. At a regular meeting of the Central Lsbor union, held at the Labor Temple Prlday evening, It wao decided to make public the following communication from the Chicago Building Trades ccuncll: CHICAGO. Juno 27. A ulnltncni wns Kent out from Chlcaso today by tho As sociated . Pre saylnir tho bulldlnc trades ockout In this city has been lost un-l that ImilVldUllI Unions nrr wllhrtr.m ln Irnm tho council. The Hulldlnir Tradts council of tnicaso. having no other menns of coun teracting; this statement, requests that your body take such action ns will poittvely deny thnt t trouble now existing Is nt an end nnd also say that this council nnd unions rUllllatcd therewith arc Just ns loyal and determined a over to hold out until vletoti- W achieved. Tho Walters' union presented a grievance against W. S. Halduff and the minagssicnt of Lako Manawa, asking that the bo de clared unfair. The matter wa placed in tho handa of a special committee with In structlonn to act at once. Tho new by-laws, which havo been under dlicusslou for a long time, were adopted and ordered printed. The election of ofllcctH was announced for tho next regular meeting. The arbitration committee was Instructed to call upon the republican otate central committee In regard to the Walters' unlou troublo with Uome Miller; nlfo upon the democratic central committee concerning a similar matter at the Paxton hotel. The following delegates were received from amilated unlonn. Howard Harvey, Walters' union; M. T. White, Typographical union; C. A. Robinson, Carpenters' union. BOLD DAYLIGHT HOLDUP Frank Weldon Itelleved nf Ills Money Within Stone's Throw of Police Station, A bold, daylight holdup and robbery within a etono s throw of the police station oc curred at 2:30 Friday afternoon, whreln Frank Weldon, a stranger lu the city, was relieved of 5.85. Weldon lost no time In reporting tho matter nt the station, and In leas than five minutes Detectives Dempsy and Mitchell and Olllccr Uclglcman bad cap tured two men who gave the names of A. T. Ford and John Horrlgan. TIkko were Iden tified by Weldon ns the robbero. Tho holdup occurred in the alley In the rear of "Dlllle" Atkinson's ealoon, Eleventh and Dodgo streets. Weldon says the two ruffians overpowered him and threw him to tho ground. Then one of them held a hand over his mouth while the other searched his pockctu. It is supposed that Ford and Horrlgan. Im mediately after tho holdup, concealed the money somewhere In the alley, as they had only a tvvf cents on thoir persons when ar rested. BRICKLAYER BADLY HURT FnllliiK Crnne Fracture Ills Sknll mill llrenk Ills Arm In Sev-' ernl I'lnccm. John Peterson, a bricklayer, whc;e home Is near Seventeenth and Canton streets, was perhaps fatally hurt Friday afternoon while working on the new Deere building nt Tenth anil Leavenworth u'recw. A lar." crane, or derrick, standing on tin third floor cf the structure, fell, nt dklne h'm on the head. Ho was knocked down, falling a distance of nearly eight feet. Ho was taken In the police ambulance to St. Joseph's hospital, where the house sur geen examined his injuries. It Is believed that he has sustained a fracture of the skull. His left arm Is broken In several places, and It Is thought that, even though he survive the Injury to his head, tho arm cannot be saved. HOUSE OF CALABRIA IS UGLY Held 1'pnn the Dog ("nlclicr Tilth Knives nnil Wounil Dentil)' Impounder I'liimnirr. Thore was a bloody battle Thursday after. noon botwecn the dog catchers and the house of Calabria, comprising five brothers, and as a result Herman Schmidt, chief deputy Impounder, Is In bed with a etllleto wound In his shoulder. It occurred near Twenty-first street and Poppleton avenue, where live the Aery eons cf Italy known as tho Calabria brothers. Mr. Schmidt and his colored assistant, C. S. Plummer, had Juat lassoed a screw-talled pug dog nnd were about to throw him Into tho wagon when they were set upon by the Calabrlas In full force. They .woro armed. says Plummer, with stlllctoes, daggers, lenucks and knives, and put up an ugly fight. In the melee the dog got away. A gentleman recently curod ot dysperaU gave tho following appropriate rendering cf Burns' famous blessing' "Come have meat and cannot cat, and bo mo have none thit want It; but we have meat and we can rat, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure be thanked." This preparation will digest what you cat. It Instantly relieves and radically cures Indi gestion and all stomach dlrordcrs, PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. A. M. Priest of Lincoln is In tho city. J. M. Thorno of Norfolk Is nt the Millard. I. C. Urwln of Hastings Is nt tho Murray. 6. I Whopper of Chicago Is at the Murray. W. 8. Pugsley of Pluttsburg, Mo., Is In thw city. G. T. Bott of Warsaw, III., Is nt tho Merchants. Charles A. Benedict of Randolph Is nt the Merchants. J. M. Thome of Norfolk was at tho Mil lard Friday. J. B. Hudson of St. L,ouls is stopping at the Mlllnrd. C L. Fuller of Bed Cloud. Neb., is at tho Murray. It. D. MnrHhall of Lincoln reclstered Fri day at the Barker. E. B. Schamn of Lincoln was a Friday guest at the Murray. T. FrlcUhof and sons of Columbus were at the Murray Friday. George H. Landx. a. cattleman of Grand lsianu, is at tun .Merchants. J. C. McCarthy of Chestnut, Mont., Is rci'istored nt the Millard. II. P. Hall, rcnresentlnir a Chlcnco hard ware house, is Rt tho Murray. If C. Martin and wife and Mrs. J. C. Benson of Kansas City uro guests of tho Millard. General Ouge, former adjutnnt of the stato Grand Army of the ltepumic, is in town. Frnnk Beavls delivered an orutlon at Kearney July I to a large and upprecntlve auaience. C. F. Way of Lincoln Is at tho Her Grand. Bob AuDluby of Stanton is at tne licr Grnnd Secretary Barnes of the Young Mn'a Christian association left yesterday for a week s outing. Miss Helen Kiiton of tho force of tho In ternal revenue itgent has returned from her vacation, which wus vpent in vt yonung. Hon. G. D. Me klejohn. usslstnnt seci tnry of wxr, Is a guest nt the Millard. Ho Is uccotnpanled by Simon Harris of Ful lorur.. Judi-e John Iteen of Broken Bow. de partment commander of the Grand Army of mo iiepiiiiui', wan one oi wie visitors ui re- piiniicnii neniiuuarters yestcruny. Colonel Hav Hnton. a fonner well known newspaper reporter of Omaha, was In the cltvThurJday on his way from Chicago to Denver, where he gees on account of his health, Nebraekans at the Merchants Friday: Mr and Mrs. P. B. Trueblood of Grand Island, Guy MeKeo of l'almyra, J. A. Elliott ol Fremont, d. J. Dennis of Lincoln, t Me Meneny of Blair and W. r., Morris of Nor- Mulor Forreot 11. Hathawav. nuarter. master of the Dfpartment of the Missouri. naa rriurnea irnm n inn to i.ainrou. .mo.. where ha has been Inspecting horses for ths cavairy orancn oi me service. AT HEAD OF THE BATTALIONS Mies Cclia M. Ohase First to Orou Twenty Thousand Lino. ths IN ANNUAL VACATION CONTEST Oliuthn Voir Indluntfft "More Dnn One Possum In le Woods" Turn About Couple Attain Itcverse Several CIiuubc I" Acbrnsl.us. To Miss Cclia M. Chase of Wayne belongs the honor of having been first to cross tho twenty-thousand lino In Tho Dec's annual vacation contest, nnd today shu appears us queen of the entlro held with a fair start ahead of rivals, who will have to put In sume good, heavy work botween now and Wednesday evening next to capture the Drown & llorjhelm diamond and opal ring which will he Blven to the girl having tho largest vote at tho close of tho voting on that day. In south Nebraska tho vote is Increasing rapidly end every diy witnesses a number of changes In the rank of tho leaders. Today Miss Mnbcl C. Rus-cll of David City has ad vanced from fourth to second place. Tho celestials In Omaha seem to be wait ing for an auspicious occasion before they add m&ny more votes and the alternating between Misses Albeo and Kern for sixth place Is becoming a dally occurrence. The friends of contestants should bear in mind that subscriptions for Tho Weekly Dec and Illustrated Dee arc counted In this contest. Tho prlco of The Weekly Heo Is CD cents a year, nnd a year's subscription means sixty-five votes. Tho price of The Weekly and Illustrated Is $1.D0 a year ,and Is good for 150 votes You can havo The Weekly and Illustrated sent to any address. If all of your friends are taking Tho Dally and are cutting coupons, pcrauado them to have The Weekly Dee sent to some eastern friend. It Is au excellent medium for ad vertising the west. Following 1b the score up to 8 o'clock Fri day, July C: I I'nrrlxli, .. Tel (' S. Miller, A. l'rtemou .11. WIlIliiniN, Anihroke ( o.. i;. Crnuv, LluliiKer-.Mcteulf K. Stlllvtell, lnee clutinliiic , ns,ft;7 . i.i,:iiii . i i,i:m , i l.Kur, . ii,:ioi) li. Kern, Dyhulln May Albee, Nat. Biscuit Co 11.231 Nellie Wnngborg, 11. Hardy & Co.... fc.t") Courtney L. Dale, Mrs. Benson's Estelle Van Horn, Nebraska Cloth ing com pun v 7,0"2 Etta Htt.-u, oulldlng Inspector, ti. O.. 6,003 Fannin Gosney, Armour PKg. Co D.Tot Tcna MeNalr, E. 11. Terrlll 4.611 Emmu irtuan, Boston ritore 'J.lii .Mary Dovlne, Swift and Company.... 2.S16 Mrs. L. Braun, Art department Bos ton Storo I.MS Alta Breldenthal, W. F. Stoeckcr 2,2) Mary Mnlone, Neb. Clothing Co 2,Wi Mary Bowers, Boston Store 1,37 J Nellie Crnndnll, Boyles' School 1,781 Elsie Metz, Paxton hotel 1,216 Eva Cuyley. Country I'ubllshlng Co.. l,Ki Marv I'uteryon. Murray Hotel Co 1.121 Iona Bamhart. W. U. Tel. Co 707 Kate Powerf, M. E. Smith & Co Pearl Llngerfelt, A. V. Todd Nellie Capplcs, Huyden Bros Elvlna Howe, Dally News ul.le John, on, Hong Kong Tea Co.... Clnra Ferce, Ramsey Ac Kerr.. Lena Cox, music teacher Mario 'lay lor. C. Moore Harriet Curinlchael, Omaha Casket company Bosella lckery, Boston Store Clara Gray, Neb. Grain Growers' ns'n Lucilo Elhon, Postal Tel. Co Jennie Chevaux, McCord-Brady Co.... Esther Simons, Hayden Bros Besslo Ayer, nurse Bertha Meyer, Thompson, Beldcn & Co Leonora Chardc, Sherman & McCon nell Kittle McGrath, Cudahy Packing Co.. Kate Swurtziauder, public library Nora Kmrrton, Adams Express., Dona Brandenbcrger, mllllnct Mrs. Ella Qulmby, nurse Bertha llousemond. Cudahy Pkg. Co.. Delcla E. Goodchlld, Goodchlld sis ters Fannie Koutsky, Nafl Biscuit Co.... Louise Wetzel, A. P. Ely & Co Ella Gamble, Omaha Furniture Co... Jean Kramer. C'ltment Chase Carrie Kirk. Alborry Printing Co Anna Owen, nurse Kate ltynn, teacher Cassle Arnold, florist Delia Fair. Sixteenth St. Dye House. Adaleno Doherty. B. & M Agnes Thomas. Mrs. Hartell Frnnces T. Bucholtz, Carter Lead Works b71 676 fC 45j 416 4W m Ml 227 203 127 8S 77 70 53 53 52 S3 3' 33 34 3: 2J 21 16 II 12 U 12 Alice B. Mills. Her Grand Clara Nelson, Boston Storo Council II I u IT. MABEL ADAMS, Bartol & stiller.... Kdlth Stevenson. W l Tel. Co 7,117 fi.U1 Auule Mcccrotl, iioston oiore j,oo Luclle Van urutit, Hamilton s snoo store 1,559 ltoso Ilei k, John Beno & Co.. 301 Grace Fuller, Hrackett s hook store.. 1X1 Mrs. Aina Kls.snll, nurso 131 20 lit Anna L. Hutchinson, lic.io ic Co Edna wiutins. uouricius music nouse Emma Boosche, teacher Nettle Kracht, Beno & Co II It Male LuiiKley, uiorK s millinery 11 loivn. MABEL BAKER. Glenwood 5.2DD BV I. Edvth Nolan. Carroll 2.111 Salome Brandt, Atlantic 749 Ma Skluinore. uoer.o 7W Paulino Fettlbone, Fort Dodge 702 Fniinlo ueur, .Missouri valley 674 Olivo B. Hotzel, Avoca 234 Joslo Heft, Underwood 33 Cora Bnckus, Walnut :V Emma Maxlleld, .eoia 2 Besslo Noyes, Missouri valley itj North Nehrnaka. fEI.IA M. CHASE. Wnvne 21.1S: Fronia Dewitt, orana isianu is.417 Clara Mohl. West Point 16.504 Jessie Schram, Columbus 16,517 icn.t Klein, -Norm i-iatie 13, .in Florence Howell. Grand Island 12.701 Gwendolen Taylor, Blair 6.1W Mny Durlnnu, Norfolk 4,Oo5 Dolla Barker, Central City l,5.t Vlrdle weicn, rnppiuon mi Minnie. Stcrncy, Fremont. ' l'TcmOIll 44.1 440 410 Fannie morion. isorioiK May Dnvls. Kearney SIS Gertie Ingram. Valley... Lillian Compton. Schuyler Kate Wulker, 1exlncton 2U1 142 79 50 Ida B. Woody, cozau Ethel Davis, Nellxh Jennie Newton, Fremont Mattlo Hass, Wnu.a Ida Miller. Florence Nellie W. Wutts, Urand Island. Josepnlne Whltted. Florence Mae McCormnck. Blnlr Anna Long, Schuyler Boso Kllker, North Bend Eva Phelps. Blair Bertha Gulou Grind Island Wlnlfied Flflr d. Tokamnh Anna Lobnow, Norfolk Nell Mooney, Fremont Nellie Mullownty, Athlon Eolith Xrhrnalcn. 44 41 41 '.'5 31 31 27 23 21 20 IS IS U 1 11 OLLIE HOLMES. Auburn 10.J2S Mabel c itusscii. uavm city s.eoi Annie Ilonklus. Auburn ,359 KaM Schmluke. Nebraska City 7,21 Anna Sanders, jseutuce NMilo Mills, NebrisUa City.... Irei Smith. Hastings Nl.ia R'isu, Lincoln Louisa McDonuld, Bcatrloo Ontherlnn Mnrlow, Beatrlco ... Mae Whtte, I lasting Wynke Kroll, Auburn Annn Smohl, Wllber Lizzie Ronncy, Hastings Maud Woods, MrCook oijs Blslu'ff. Nebraska City..., Ida McC'itr), McCoolt Helen Welch, Lincoln 400 3i0 267 an 13 131 7 bl 73 fit Si 3 37 IS One of the (Inllnnt .InI. "Our boy. who was ono ot tho gallant 51st (Iowa roglmentj, took sovoral bottles of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy with him when ho called to the Philippines." says Mrs. F. D. Held, Oskn loosa, Iowa. "Ho used nil of It while thoro and It was tho lint medicine ho called fo when he got home. This remedy Is nn ol friend In our family. Wo have used It for years." Found Demi In lied. unaries itnauy whs r-juna dead In a co at the State hotfil. 1313 Dnuw'lus street ntKJtit i p. m. Friday. He had been room inif mere tnreo mourns, dur nc wni. h tir ho had been drinking heavily. It ! thought mm ueaui resulted irom excessive al conousm. ino ii:.y wns taken to tfc morgue. Drowned In the Mlxunurl. An unknown man was drowned Friday afternoon while swlmm'ng In the Missouri near uitxon. no wis wun iwo companions Oeorge Mc Reynolds and James F Welch, tirl- khivers who recently arrived in n.-nnlm from Philadelphia. Their story Is that the man got In tho river beyond his depth and was caugiu ny me unucrtow wcp ii made n inoireetuai attempt to rescue mm Up to a late hour last iilxht the body had not been recovered. The mnn cumr here three ays ngo from spoxane He is described ns v.i ft'.'t ten Inches. 0 Hiir old. ll.l noun,!.. IIj:ht hair and no beard BLOWS UL.UITO ALMOST CAME TO ltorr llelnern M, l.nslrs nnil M. Wnl- decU-Hiinsentt In l'rrnch Chnmticr of Deputies, PARIS, July 6. A disgraceful scene oc curred In tho Chamber of Deputies today. Lasles (Nationalist), noted for his ex treme views, Interpellated the government on tho pressure which ho alleged was put on tho Judiciary by the government In rder to prevent many citizens from obtain ing Justice. Ho instances tho suit of Major 'riuch against M. Urban dottier, based on the latter s article in tho Aurore, stig matizing Frttsch ns a felon. Frltsch Is the officer who was dismissed from the gen eral staff by General the .Marquis dc (Jnltl fct, the former minister of war, for dl- ulglng the Temps' letters. The hearing of this suit was postponed by order of tho government, because It would result In In convenient revelations. M. Lasles wns several times called to or der for straying from the subject in order to Indulge In criticisms of the government. Finally, at the request of M. Deschnncl, tho house voted a refusal to hear him. This decision created an uproar and M. Dcschanel wns compolled to suspend the sitting. M. Lasles, who remnlned in tho tribune, de clared ho would speak. The deputies left tho benches, shouting mutual recriminations and violently ges ticulating. Tho premier, M. Waldcck-Uosseau, shouted o the Leftists, "ou aro iraiiorsi" toclalUt deputy retorted, "(Jet out, Judas." M. Lasles, pointing to M. Wnldeck-Ilos- Beau whllo tbo minibters wero yot in tne hall, cried, "Ho Is a Judas, not 1!" M. Lasles then decended from thu tribune, el bowed his way through tho strong of depu ties and tried to strike M. Wnldeck-Ros-scau, but somo ot the deputies held him back. Tho excitement was now Intense. All the deputies were shouting at tho samo time and it seemed ns though a freo light would ensue at anv moment, when tho ushers In tervened and separated tho belllgorent par tics. M. Lasles then returned to tho trib une. Meanwhile similar scenes were oc curring In the lobby. Cards and tho names of seconds were exchangod between several deputies, Including M. Lasles and M. Odlton Barrot (republican.) After tho session had been suspended for half nn hour business was resumed. Tho deputies on returning found M. Lasles still In tho trlbuno. M. Dcschanel asitca him to leave and ho replied with reproach ing M. Dcschanel for not safeguarding lib erty of speech. But ho finally descended and tho chamber then voted sueiving nis motion nnd quiet was restored. More Jnpnnewc Troops for f'hlnn. WASHINGTON. July 6. An official dis patch received by tho Japancso legation hero this afternoon from Toklo announces that tho Japanese government has decided to send to China a mixed division of troops to relnforco the Japanese force already there. This will make an aggregato of 22,000 Japaneso troops In China. LOCAL BREVITIES. Tin. custodian of tho federal building has received authority to have tho Iron work painted and work will becln nt once. Joseph P. Mariinoer oi namy ..uin.i ni,i o not Mnn ln bankruptcy, listing m assets at J1.4S0, and his liabilities nt $4,162.78. George H. Duncan died at nis nome at 102S South Twenty-iniru street inuisuui i.rr tmiii win he nt st Edwnrd. under the auspices of the carpenters' union. Thn eltv Inspector of lnilldlilKS lias issued the following permits: Willlnm Gentleman, 2027 Miami, repairs. MWiOlat 13. P". 1019 South Twenty-third, frame addition, J200. H Adams of 1714 Pacific street, n young colored man of marked inventive eenius, has Just boon granted a patent for an Im proved sack for wrapping articles of mcr- cnanaiso. a , n nuiinc nf the Seventh vvnrd Im provement club Thursdny night the lack of educational facllitle for the children In that section or tne cuy wns me subject discussed. The next meeting will be held Juli- IS. i,n..ti.a thn nViprlTT'q olltce navo arrested John and Andrew Hurt for seining In Cut Off lake. Their brother. Henry Hurt. wns captured on mo "'iji ; John nnd Andrew ndmlt that they east their nets on tne wrnnjt sun: ui h c mrw. They are residents of South Omaha. a n n.f,1ltrtlnnrv henrlnir ln Police court Friday on ft charge of grand larceny C J. Hornbursr and Emma Nicholson wero discharged. They were accused ny tt. ij. Wemlmont, who occunled n part of the houo In which they live at 124 South Twen ty-fifth street, OI stealing money aim Jew elry from him representing n vntuo o JsO An Inouest wns neld Friday nnernoon in the case of S. L. Bishop, found Monday in dying condition in a rerun mi mini uji" street. The verdict wns to tne eueci tnai he came to his death from excessive use of nlcohol and nn overdose of morphine, nccl- dentally administered ay nimcii. i no body was sent to Menkato, Kan., for In terment. Tho election of officers In tho minding Trades council Thursday evening was a complete victory lor me om mucin iwaiu nnd ensures the continuation of the council along conservative lines, with the strike n r Ha nut rnnrt. . u. d r m. u c jictvtj lrtirl nroslilent. Is a brother of the Inst financial secretary, and will carry out the policy outlined by tho old executive board. Ho Is a member of tho gns fitters' union. Perfect Ice Cream There Is but one wny to have perfect Ico crenm nut. thnt wny lentls to Hnlrttiff s Perfect Ice cream l tnutle of pure, rich crenni, the llnest vnnllla. the best miKnr, ami the Juice of ripe, choice fruit No Belntlne, cornstarch or other substitute, or cheapenlnt; Ingredient If used A quart of eleKnnt cream, put nf In a little barrel, costs but 40c- threo flavors Ask your friend to take luneli with you, brlns him here, and he will tell tho foll8 back east about the cood meals he got In Omahu nt llaldulT's. W. S. Balduff, 1520 Farnam St. "A Truthful Man Never makes much of a miecexs iih a flshornum" Is an true as j,'opcl un' dat's Just de reason why iny bofF wouldn't make a good llahermaii cauoe when ho sezs tint dem Leonard Clean able Krlserators what he sells for $.".00 utu worth i?8.0O an' do ?S.ih ones am worth $10.00 an' so on down de line, he am telllu' do truth An ef yon am yolti' to buy now Is do time All his water coolers am cut, too so dat now you can put a cooler very t heap Den ho nella granite seel preserving kettles for 14c, He, L'Oc aud '"-'c Now Is yore chance to buy i;ood Roods at excruclatlii low prlcea. A. C. RAYMER 1314 FAllXAM T. 3401 K Street, Sooth Omaha. CARTER'S CRIME RECALLED Contractor Chnrucil with Conaplrnoy to Defrnuil on Trial In .rv Vorh. NEW YORK, July 6. The hearing In th cnte of John F. and E. T. Oayhor and W. T. Green, Indlctel for alleged conspiracy ln connecl'on wltn Captnln Oberlla Ca ter ! m ,jj0 fVcr nnJ naroor worj n Sivanish harbor, was begun before United Statoi Commissioner Shields to3ay. Tho cao had been b;foro Judge Addison Brown In the United States court on a motion for n war rant to rcmorc the defendants from here to tho Jurisdiction of tho court tor the south ern district ot Georgia tor trial. The mu tton waa denied nnd tbo case sent back to Commissioner Shields to bo heard today. Charles B. Goodyear of Brunswick, (la., was tho first witness. Mr. Goodycnr said be had a contract with the government ln "S!2 to dredge tho harbor nnd that Captain Carter was dotnlled to make the survey. Tho wit ness said Captain Carter said he had n sys tem under whleh he could get the work done If nn appropriation were made, nnd ho told the witness that he would abandon tho work and go to Washington to gtt nn appropria tion 'or Jetties, that he (Carter) would pay his expenses, pay him for tho work he had done, and give him one-third ot the profits accruing from the contract. Mr. Goodyear said he had nothing to do with the original appropriation for the work ln question, but under an nmvudment he had received $300,000 as his full quota for tho work performed. Ho admitted that none of the plans pre pared for tho Improvement of the harbor wero ever consummated and that no Jet ties woro ever built. Later tho witness declared: "What little I had In the world Is on thu bar at the bottom of that harbor and I will have to get it back." Tho witness said that Carter told him that the profits accruing from the proposed con tracts would bo divided In threo "parts, ono part for hltn (tho witness). William H. Venablo of Atlanta, Oa., was tho next witness nnd ho said thnt ho was In tho granite business In 1S06 and that he bad made on agreement through the assistance of Captain Carter with John and E. H. Gaynor to sell them stone It they got the government contract. The hearing was then adjourned until to morrow. GOING SOON TO PHILIPPINES I'nolllclnl Stiitement Thnt I'lrnl Ciiv nlry Will He DUpnteheil to Orient. WASHINGTON, JuTy" 6. Although the War department officials will not admit It, It is practically nettled thnt the Flrct regi ment of cavalry will bo tho next regiment sent to tho Pblllpplnes for the relief of volunteer troops. The regiment Is now sta tloneil In tho west. Tho cavalry detachment nt Fort Myer. Va., nleo la booked for an early departure to the Philippines. It comprises troops II, G, II nnd I, of the Third cavalry, together with the regimental band. Tho other squad rons of this regiment already are In the Philippines. Other troop suppctted to be destined for tho Philippines for possible diversion Into China aro the home battalion ot tho Sec ond Infantry, at Fort Thomas, and Colum bus barracks; the home battalion of the Fifth Infantry at Fori Sheridan, and the home battalion of the Eighth Infantry at Fort Snelllng, Minn. Their places will be euppllcd by tho Cuban battalions of the regi ment named, the excess being used no far as possible for supplying the garrisons In New York, Vermont ond Georgia, vacated by tho prospective departuro of the Fif teenth Infantry for the Philippines. OIL TANKS STILL BURNING Fire KlKhter Can Do Stop It fiittl Fuel Consumed, Nothing la All to NEW YORK, July 6. The fire nt tbt Standard Oil company's works at Constable Hook, Bayonne, N. J., was still burning thl3 morning. Tho fire department of Dnyonne and tho flro fighting forco of the Standard Oil company kept up their struggle against tho flames during the night, but their effort toward saving burning property wore of little, avail. About 3:15 this morning an other tank exploded with a loud rrnr and the naptba which It contained spread in all directions. Nona of tho Injured were In a serious con dition today. Many of the fire fighters who had worked continuously for twenty-four hours wero compelled to quit today from exhaustion and expoburo to tho heat. The Standard Oil company brought new recruits from various points to add to tho flro brigade with a hopo ot saving the main portion ot the old works. Should these buildings bo destroyed the company's plant nt Riyonno will bo wiped out ot existence nnd the loss will bo Increased several million dollars. Xo Itellef for I.nnillorilH. LONDON, July 6. In the House of Lords this evening the government was defeated, 62 to 59, on a motion of Viscount Temple town (conservative), to appoint a royal commission to consider tbo claims of Irish landlords for compensation for Injuries suf fered by legislation slnco 1SS1. Henry Wnde ItoKcrH Goea to Ynlr. CHICAGO. July G.-Dr. Henry Wade Bolt ers, who recently resigned tho presidency of the Nortnwestern university, uus accepted Some of the Cured. Mr. OEOrtGB HKATON, Columbia City, Ind. Cured of Sciatic liheumnHim. ciiABLEs Nonnia, Mt. Hterllnr, ill. Cured of Lumbago. JOHN IIKWITT, Topelm, Kansas. Cured of Chronie Jiheuinuttim. Mr. BAn.VII LANTZ, Vernon, Ind. Ciirtd ef Inflammatory Ithtumatltm. A. R. SlIOEMAICKB, Ashley, Ohio. Curtdof Chronie lihtumuiiim. FRANK LONG, Innon.Mlcb. Curtd of Muieutar Ithtumatisru ADAM BALM, Vernon Centre, N. Y. Cured of Chronio Jlhtumatltm. OILllEUT UPDEGBAFF, Goshen, Ind. Curtd of ifutcular Rheumatitm. Mr. J. I- JEWETT, Meturhen, N. J. Curtd of Chronic Rhtumuttm. Mrs. M. E. rOX, Boehester, N. Y, Cured of Chroiile JiheumatUm. 7h sbors are ft ftw cr from bnnilrfdi cart.l by Ir. WlllUm' rink IMlls. If you ire troubletl with rlifumit'.sm, nrtt ui. Advice will uoetyou nothlcr. n call from tho trustees of Vale university to tne chair or Inw In the New Haven in stitution He will mircecd the Into M J rnnin. minister to Kmrland under 1'reM- ilcnt Clcvelund. RAY OF HOPE FROM PEKIN Atlnehe of llrltlah Kmhnaay la Ite- porteil to Have Eiaeiipeil from the Cnpltnl. LONDON, July 6. Henry W. Luce, mana ger of tho parllamcnttry corpa of the Dal.y Ncv.k, 6ays that Lady Blgham, wife of Jus tlco Blgham, received a cable on Friday announcing the cafcty of hor son, who w&i last heard of as shut up In Pekln.acd says that If one can esenpo there Is tionio bopj for tho others. Mr. Blgham, who has Just been hoard from. Is attached to tho British emhatsy at Constantinople and wss visiting Chlaa. .Tnpnnrap Troop nt Tien Twin. LONDON. July (!. Tho Tien Tsln rorre- spondent of the Times ln a dispatch dated July 3 says: "Twenty-two hundred Japanese troons with fourteen cuns have nrrlved nt Takti. and S00 nre expected tonight." DEATH RECORD. Noble Prentlee. LA 1IARPE, III.. July 6. (Src-lal Telo- Kram.) Ncblc Prentice of the Ksnsas City Star died nt midnight last nlsht of the Etroko ot paralysis which ho nufferel jc: terday. He v,as not conscious after tho stroke. He was 61 years of nge. Cnptnln F. V. Ln Jrlle, DULUTII, Mlr.n., July 6 -Captain F. N La Solle. a leadlnc vessel man and promi nent In business and social circle, died to day of Rrlght's decease. He waa an old sol dier and was confined ln Llbby prison. Sniitry Winn from (inri'.nrr. KANSAS CITY. July 6. In the conven tlon ball, tvhero the demoerntle hosts hav nf.einipd f.r four days past, thre was r marked ehanre of neene tonluht Ot-ear tlardnor. the ''Omahn Kid." nnd Eddl Sun try of ChleaKo aDiienrin:; for n twentv- round ko. The so-called ilcht mis a more or leas genteel eontett, wh'eh termlnitted In a decision by Georgo Slier In fnvor of Sat' try nt tne etui or tne siipuineu twetiu roundH. Antde from n tvlnv by Hnntiy op Gardner'!" sore left eye, which opn-il ui the old wound, and another nwlnp r n aertl ner's right eye, which started the blood r little, there was nothing In the flchl thnt npiiro.iched hard Joltlne. U'liKf-x Cut One-l'irtli. PITTSWKG. July C.-Todny notlccn were posted In the plate mills of Moerlmad Orn nt Shftrimburc announcing that befflm.ln ou Monday next there would be a 2') pei cent reduction In wages throughout ih mill. Kmnlnveit of tho mill were tolil thn In order to meet competition nnd continue in operation tne out wns necessary set' cm! employes today stated that they woul not accept the reduction. Housewife nnil flurKlnr. I.owlnton (Me.) Journal: Tho burglar had entered tho houeo as quietly as possible, but his shoes were not padded and they made aomo noise. Ho had Juet reached tho door of the bed room, when ho heard someone movlnn In tho bed as If about to get up and ho paused. Tho sound ot a woman's volco floated to bin ears. "If you don't take off your boot when you como Into this houso," It said, "there's going to troublo and a whole lot ot It. Here It's been ratnlne for three hours and you Still Greater Bargains - Wo luivo just n limited number of silnnos that wo nre poliiR to tlisnose of nt ridiculously low figures ilurliiK thle month. If you nre eontemplntln;,' n future purehaise, you should bear In mind this opportunity, and If you wnnt to buy rlRht, you liud hotter plvo us a call quickly whilst these pianos are placed at bedrock prices Wo are sell liiK on all kinds of cany terms, bo there Is no need for you to wait until you have plenty of ready cash With a small amount of cash nntl n small monthly payment you can have the selection of a lovely Instrument from our Immense stock. A. HOSPE, Music and Art 1513 Douglas. Whon You Go Away- Just notice the little boys you run icioss on your trip. Notice tho shoes tliny have on. Just see If they aro as 'ood looking and as long wearing as the l-.liul Drex Shoonuin sells for ono fifty We don't believe you can go anywhere and find a shoe that equals It for the samo money We'vo these $1,50 shoes In all sizes for all boys Just so they nre boys and wo put our reputation back of every pair. Drexel Shoe Co., OMBlia's Up-4U Ska Usim, 1410 FARNAM STHliEl". Dr.Williams' Pink Pills For Pale People Cure Rheumatism They have effected cures where eminent physicians failed and have given health and happiness to hun dreds of tortured victims. Chronic cases yield to this remedy nsif to magic nud the trouble never re turns. No sufferer from nny form of Rheumatism can afford to neg lect this specific. Absolute proof that Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills will cure Rheu matism in nil its forms will be fur nished upon request Or. Wlllltmi' Pink Pills ter Pals People are never old br tho deten orhundred. but ltt In pack gat. Atall drusglttt, er direct Irom the Or. Wil liams Mtdlclne Company, Schenectady, N. t., BO cinii per dox, o ugici at.ou. duro to tramp over my carpets with your muddy boots on. Oo down etalrs and take them off." Ho went down stairs without n word. but ho didn't take off his boots. Instead he went out Into the night again and thn "pal" who wan uniting for him saw a tear glisten ln his eye. "I can't rob that houso," ho said. "It reminds mo of home." Voto tarly and often. savi:i Ftut aotiii:ii fati:. Cieuernl fnmer Might Ennlly llnvc llren Slnlu Dnrliis llrlielllon. Major Thomns Lnwain, a prominent ex- confederate officer, who attended the ro- union of the eoldlero In gray at Lou bv.IIo recently, ttslls an Interesting story of (1 n oral Oeorgo Custer, the dashing soldier who lost his life ln tho battle ot the L tile Big Horn. Major Lawson served with ths Virginia troops oppcolng Cuo:er during the war of the rebellion. Ho was In 11 k-tt's charge at Gettysburg and although s 111 halo and henrty, bears tho marks cf three serious wotlnda. "During tho Virginia campaigns," said Major Dawion, "our forces mude a night at tack. Our ic?lmcnt chargeJ Into Cutcr'. camp and stampeded the ynnkres. Chanco sent us In tho direction of tho general'.! headquarters. In tho midst of tho rout I saw a handsome man rush front n tent a few feet from me. Ho waa only half dressed nnd from his long hair I rccogmz'd hlra, even In the dim light, as Custer Ho had no orra of any aort and the confrd r ttes wero In almott complcto poesosslon hut he hastily pulled a brldlo over b a horse's head nnd without waiting tn naddle up ho Jumped cn tho animal and gall ped off, without arms, to f.ttempt to rally his routnd men. Ho was within ten foet of mo for more than a minute and I drew my revolver to shoot him, but I could not kill so grave n man when ho had no moans of defense himself. It would havo been too much like murder. "' have always been glad that I did not lire v the gallant Custor that t,lht.' Vote early and often. Rubber Gloves, Just tho thing (or protecting tho handa while tlolnjj housework. Prlco eaoh S1.2 by mull lOo extra. THE ALOE & PENfOLD C0.t Deformttr Brace Mnfotror. 1408 Faruam OMAHA. Op. Paxton llotol. 13 1 5ffWyB!IS!ful'3BLBBeBBLI