THE OMAHA DAILY J5.EE: SATURDAY, JULY 7, 1900. n KELLEY STIGER & CO. Great Slaughter Sale of Ladies' Colored Shirt Waists Our entire stock has been 'removed to first floor and are on sale in main aisle, includej They 6 Star' "Derby "West End," "Giesha' and other well laiown makes, To dispose of the entire stock quickly there will be two prices only 39c Cut from 75c. $1.00 and $1.25. 79c Cut from $1.50, $2 $2.50 and $3. JAPAN HAS FREEHAND (Continued from First I'aRC.) owlnp to lack of Hiifflclcnt huppIIch; but only ns a lust resort will the town bo evacuated In favor of concentration of forces at Tnkil. The Times' Tien Tsln correspondent, tclo praphlnB on July 3. says: "Sir Hubert Hart's mcssenccr reported thnt tho llrltlsh lesatlon on Juno 24 had nine Mildlcrs killed and many wounded. Tho women and children were safe, but tho food was bad and tho ammunition low." In connection with tho cabinet meeting a MOry Is current that several forelsn office ofllclals and other government olllclals will start for China via Vnncouvcr Immediately, Iho circumstances permitting. It Is presumed In somo quarters that they Intend to consti tute a now diplomatic bureau which will temporarily tako the placo of the I'ckln lo cation. MUST WIN FROM THE START Detent of Allien In Northern China McniiK i:teiiivloii of Trouble. that tho members of the gathering must have fled to Pekln for safety. As nothing has been heard from them sirci? that time tho mission officers fear they aro numbered among the dead lu Pekln. STILL STANDSWITH POWERS Ceriiiiiiiy Will Not Alter Her l'lnn of Action nceniine of Huron Von Kottclcr'B .tinnier. WASHINGTON, July 6. A dispatch has been received at the Statu department from Bortous And tho Insurrectionary movement Is oxtendlng. If tho allied forces In tho north, ho says, should meet with reverses the disturbance certainly will extend to Central nnd South China, resulting In the cxpluslon BERLIN, July 6. The German government and press aro exercised over tho Imputations contained In foreign papers that Germany assists In blocking the way by giving Japan a mandate from the powers regarding China It Is stated at tho foreign office today tha Germany merely refused to urge ItUfela to consent to this step. The ecml-ofUclal press tonight repents similar statements. The Vosslscho Zeltung says: "Whenever tho powers ngreo to entrust Jnpan with mandate. Germany will surely nrsent, but If OPULISTS ARE DISCOURAGED Nebraska Horde of Office Seekers Seo the Finish of Fusion. TURNING DOWN OF TOWNE IS SINISTER Will llrltc llonext PopiiHM to the Mlilille-of-tlir-Ilonil WIliR mill Will Hamper the Fusion WIiik (irriitl). LINCOLN. July 6. (Special.) Tho nomi nation of Adlal Stevenson for the vice preil dency hns scut a gloom of disappointment over tho fusion leaders of Nebraska. Through tho nomination of Charles A. Towno by the democratic party they hoped to bring about n harmonious fusion of the nntl-rcnubllcan forces in Nebraska for the state and presidential campaign, but their fond hopes have been dissipated by tho nc tlon of the convention nt Kansas City. State officials and other prominent fusion Ists who wero at the state houso this after noon were outspoken In their disapproval of tho nomination of Stevenson and some of them even went so far ns to predict an In crease In tho middle-of-the-road vote as a consequence of the turning down of Towne. Ilryan Is looked upon as the only salvation for fusion In Nebraska and tho popocrats who are npprehenslve of trouble maintain that all local Interests will bo subordinated to his candidacy and that ho will be strong enough to carry the stats ticket through with him. "Anyway, this Is tho last year of fusion In Nebraska," said one of the state officials In terview by a reporter for Tho Dee this after noon. After he had expressed himself for publication, he remarked that personally he thought tho nomination of Stevenson was well nigh a death-blow to the populist party and fusion. ftonil Prospect for a Holt. "That the populists will be dissatisfied cannot bo disputed," he continued. "They went to Sioux Falls nnd nominated n demo crat because they knew ho would bo noml natcd by the democratic party, and another man for tho vice presidency with tho hope that tho populist party would be recognized by tho democrats In the selection of a pres idential ticket. The populists have been completely turned down and they will natur ally feel ft little sore. They will not have to bolt the party, for the bolt has already been organized. Tho mlddle-of-the-roaders havo u good organization all over tho state. They aro about to hold a state convention, and when you come right down to the facts, tho mlddle-of-the-roaders aro about all there Is left of tho original populist party. In ono sense the nomination of Stevenson may be considered ns nn insult to the populists, and they will not be long In coming to this conclusion." "I don't know what effect tho nomination of Stevenson will havo on the sltuatlcn hero In Nebraska," said Governor I'oyntcr tills afternoon when Informed of the action of tho convention. "The nomination cf gratulatlon signed by Judges Dwlght, Wil liam Farmer and T. K. Ames. Other persons who congratulated Mr. Uryan on his nomi nation were; E. E. Lee of New York, chief of the United Colored Democracy; Gerome I'. Klley of Chlcugo. chief of the Colored Atltl-lmperlallstic league; W. n. Hearst, Chicago; Mark E. Pialstead, Fresno, Cnl.s Norman E. Mack, New lork; John Wallace, Troy, N. Y. Among Mr. Ilryan s morning callers wero II. II. Paul and J. S. Smith of New Jersey, who came' In from Kansas City on an early morning train. Mr. Paul Is national com' mltteemon for New Jersey nnd, In speaking of tin- conditions In that state, said; "New York will doubtless have n great Influence In tho result of the New Jersey election, but tho chance for democracy Is good." Experience of Prominent Men With Peruna roixillnt I'liper Stop I'lihllentlon. S1IELT0N. Neb., July 6. (Special.) Tho weekly populist paper which started here a year ogo last spring, under the tltlo of Shelton Adviser, under the management of Hod C. Smith, and which later was changed to tho Shelton Star, will this week ceaso publication on account of lack of bus iness. II. D. Mercer for a few months past has been business manager nnd Attornoy D. C. Wcnzell for a time wroto editorials. Ilnrn nt I'nllerton. FULLEUTON, Neb., July 6. (Special.) The fire department was called out at 10 o'clock this morning to put out n blaze at tho private barn of Dr. Able, which stood just across tho street from the High school building. Tho department had the flro ex tinguished In twelve minutes after the alarm was turned In. The building burned was n light fromo structure nnd was consumed like tinder. HnrvrHtliiK nt Trenton. TRENTON, Neb., July 6. (Special.) Harvesting has begun In several sections of tho county. Tho yield Is very light on ac count of dry weather. Corn Is growing and looking line, but a rain Is needed very much. Prospects for corn are the best for a num ber of years nnd will remain good If grass hoppers do not bother. Last week was the hottest known, tho tcmpcraturo ranging from 100 to 110 degrees. JrMf : --imfcm VIA n.H(i.JOHNL.SHEBDjt v t exarkamai 1 V Krinnl HnffrfiulxtN Meet. GENEVA, Neb., July 6. (Special.) Tho Equal Suffrago association met with the president, Mrs, Hrayton, yesterday afternoon. It will assist with work In tho bazar to be CUy. next fall, n'ev! Vr?' OrlflUhs "read Congressman John L. Sheppard. of Texas. writes the following m.nnr nn "Tho U'nmnn nf Knplnml " which commenuaiion 01 rcriinn iroin YtnsmnKluil. u. uuubii-Muiuu was n letter written him by his brother In hueppard uses Peruna In his family nnd says: London for the occasion. "I have used I'crtina in my family and found it to U II..... I., f,. ll ..,. I.,. I Mnrtirnirf Iteeoril of I'ollt Cnimtv. uKlllllum n.mi.uj' .............. OSCEOLA. Neb., July 6. (Special.) Fll- plaints." Ings of tho different kinds of mortgages In the county clerk's office for the month of Mr. W. W. Straslcr, 33 N. Center street, June amount to JoO,4G9.zo; released to tne Corry, Pa., says: "I tried throo physicians amount 01 j-jd.zs'j..; uecrcasca inuomcu- ., , -. ,,, ,-.. . ,,, no ners, J43.S20.62. , ... , . . . . , .. , UortlenltiirlMtit Sleet nt Genevn. well. I bad about given up all cartniy GENEVA, Neb., July 6. (Special.) The hopes. I weighed ISO pounds. I accl' State Horticultural society meets In Geneva dentally haw tho name Peruna. I Imme- SAN FRANCISCO, Cnla., C23 Kearney Street, Jan. 3, 1900. Tho Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O.: 2- Gentlemen" It Is with pleasure I glvo my hearty endorse ment of Peruna. It Is tho moat successful remedy I know ot for catarrhal conditions of tho stomach, or Indeed any part of the system. "As a tonic or InviRorator for n worn-out system it Is of special merit, and as a purely herbal rem edy, can be taken with safety by young and old. I have never known it used unless it afforded satisfac tory relief or cure." Respectfully yours, WILLIAM SHEW. July 23 and 2fi. Ilm nnu'nra .llantrrnn rnp.l nlln i th niflltpr fWmnnv hn nn rM.nn tn nlarn hrnt nn StOVenSOn is OS good BS the nomlna'ioll Of ono side or tho other." ar,y democrat would have been. I think the An nfflnlil nf Ihr. fnrplrn nfnro In.lnv TO. POpUUSIS OI .-SeDraSKa Wero OXpeCUng ir.O Iterated tho statement that Emperor Wll- nomination of Towne and I haven't had tlmo . . I t nril;lnp uho( nftf Qlnv.nann'. nnm nation win nave." mnnv will alter her China nnllev becnusn of Harnn vnn lfoitnler-H nsBimslnntlnn. hut will Secretary Gilbert L. Laws of tho Stato m.nni. wlih ihn nnwrB. Thn hmirsn Hoard of Transportation took a ratlnr r. .1 -.,r.,l nlnmr nl Shun chill, dated Inllr tn Iho rnnlrnrv n-Vilnh rnslitlnl In gloomy VlOW Of thp Situation. I think tile ti r. in ivi.ixh hn R.iva that tho situation Is hfxnw hourwo Iosufh. Ik doelnrert in hi with- nomination of Stevenson will bavo nn in OUt foundation. junuua rurii uu iuoiuii tiiin .t.u Tho VoBslscho Zeltung strongly argue that middle-of-the-road vote, but not enough to tho emperor's epeeches ought to be- revised defeat tho election of our state ticket. Tho bv rccnonslblo members of tho cabinet be- division of the Btato nominations between fore they are delivered and then nublished the fusion parties Is already practically ds and murder-of,"foreIgnori!.ln-tU'4nUirlor and, officially, thereby avoiding misunderstand'- tmtncd In tho public mind and there Is but . 1 . ' . M I. . . ... . . I I I 1 , 1 .1 n, . V. . . U , tU ,1nmnnHn mill .AnA..& thn ruin of traiie. a sirons jarcu, no dujo, nn nnu Dourse snecu anons ana losses. nine uuuui. w. mu muiuviu. n. im Is necessary to check tho viceroys In the Tho embassy of tho United States has not l"t double their usual share, or two noml nni-th nnd to Bunoort the viceroys in mo received n formal answer from tho fore en nations, i am connaeni inai lowne win outh. olflco regarding the American-China pro- withdraw." It la understood that tho consuls of nil Kram dispatch. Official circles hem are In- Secretary Fred Jewell when asked what tho powers In China havo sent an Identical crcaslngly afraid of the turn of affairs In effect tho nomination of Stevenson would dispatch to their respective governments. Shan Tun. nlthough no authentic newe hlth- have on tne fusion situation sam: "I tninK LONDON. July 0. In rcsponso to inquiries erto receved has shown tho situation thcro It will bo pretty tough on it. I am afraid cabled to Shanghai In regard to the situa- t0 bo as black as tho English press paints wo will havo more trouble to fuse than we tlon at Pekln tho following cablegram has n, Tne German government thus far does would have had with Towne ns the noml- bocn received at an authoritative quarter. not believe that tho International troops nee of tho democratic party, but 1 think wo "SHANGHAI, Thursday, July 5. Prepare aro bout to vacato Tien Tsln, as authentic will succeed la bringing the parties together to hear tho worst." reports from there show that tho interna- after all. The populists and silver republic Tho dancer of a general revolt In China tlnnal commanders flrmlr Intend to hold ans stand for principles and th?lr local In becomes more and more patent and Europe Tien Tsln until they aro reinforced. tercsts are secondary to tho Interests of Is being confronted with a rapidly Increasing Tho Tagblatt's naval writer docs not bo- Ilryan." fear, not merely that the International Ilevo lnt tho emrieror's sendlne of battle- Werwncr In OptlmlHlle column will be forced from lien isin. dui Bhna will notlceahlv lmtirovn Onrman Denntv Speretarv of State O. G. Wppsner that tho international troops nt tho colonics Btranstb in China, citing a number of who Is a populist candidate for secretary of and treaty ports will stand in grave uniihei professional reasons therefor. The Kaiser's stato, anticipates trouble at the o:mlng con of expulsion. In view of tho fact that the roward dispatch is generally Interpreted 1 ventlons. "The nomination of Stevenson previous assurances ot tuo viceroys ''c here tonight ns showing his majesty's earn- nt tho coming convention will havo no effct proven untruBiworin, incir primuses "' est desiro in every was posslblo to aid In In tho long run," ho aald, "but there will he I'lilllpiilneM, HiMvitll nnd I'ortn llleo Arc .Now Aniriinlilc to .Merit S Mlein. runn. I am In perfect health and tip the beam at 216 poundx. I havo received let ters, nnd do yet receive letters from tho different statcu In tho Union, asking me It my statement Is true, to which 1 always state in plain tcrniH, 'yce, and tho half baa novcr been told.' " When ono Is tired out, - weak,' nervous and despondent, Peruna Is what Is needed In tho system. Peruna Invigorates, ro cupcrattB, builds up, vitalize), enriches, reinforces. Wasted Lives Somo people uso their energies in a way that wastes tho greater part ot them. dlately commenced taking It and continued taking It until I had taken twelve bottles CIVIL SERVICE IS EXTENDED 1 llle" 'Kned ISO pounds, and never felt Doner in my inc. i am u vvuikuik monu ment of tho virtues of your Peruna." In a later letter ho says: "I nm n friend ot Pcrunu. I should havo said Peruna Is a friend of my personal delight. I tako WAS1 INOTON. Julv 6. At tho rcnuest great pleasure In telling the public tho ben of the Philippine commission, through tho eflt I havo received from tho use of Po- I Hurry, worry, Irritation, vexation, deter secretary of war, F. M. Klgglns, chairman of tho Central Board ot Examiners of the United Stntes Civil Servlco commission, hns been assigned to duty In tho Philippines. This assignment Is made to establish civil service examinations to test the fitness ot applicants In tho transfer of Philippine government from tho military to a civil basis. Mr. Hlgglns will stop at Hawaii on his mlnatlon and foolish anxiety keeps them constantly wasting precious vitality. "All tired out," somo peoplo say, "need n stimulant.' A very mistaken Idea. No doubt, such a one Is in need of lnvlgora tlon, recuperation, but not stimulants. Stim ulants draw upon tho vigor which ono al ready pcsscFHfs; they produco no vigor. When nnyond h tired ho neods rest, not stimulants. When anyone's onergles begin to Hag, recuperation, not irritation, Is wanted. Unllko so many other remedies Peruna docs not simply lrrltato and stimulate. Pe runa Is nn lnvlgorator to nerve nnd blood. 'Send for n copy of Dr. Hartman's latest book on "Summer Catarrh." Address Tho Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio. this evolution of tho world may be as con tinuous now ns at any previous time. Mulr glacier has been destroyed, however, It !b highly probablo that within n few years the sight will again bo vlslblo to those who visit tho Chllkat strait. Tha uppor part of tho glacier will now movo forward moro rapidly nnd push Its why Into tho sea. Put way 'to the Philippines to organize a boird even If this does not happen, there are of civil service examiners and ottabltxh civil service examinations In that island l)y direction of the prejldent and In ac other glaciers along tho Alaskan coast which may be visited. Tho Malaplnn, glacier to tho westward of tho Mulr glacier, Is even I . I .. 1 I I ,Ula r.n !!... .,l- , V. .Vilf.,1 Mini, an nt .an,L KIOTO CXlUIlBlVe liilU UCJUIIU llllO l U Vi.U 6 of tho civil servlco act of January 1G. "R and Miles glaciers. In then. , th ee 186S. tho officers and employes under the there is enough ce to smash all the ice Treasury department In Porto Hlco and trusts for years, If only it could be brought Hawaii havo been Included within the pro to New York. visions ot tho civil service law nnd ru'cj, tho employes being classified asln the other departments ot the government. This o.dor embraces the officers and employes of tho customs, Internal revenuo, marine hospitals and other branches of the Treasury de partment. protection tor tne wnncs are uaruiy ui- tho rcscll0 of tho endanKcrcd whites. vlnclng. in tne meanwnuo mo uiineno u..- pr,nco nonry nf 1ruggla na8 been ,n. ronqucramo jealousies 01 '"VT T. y tho emperor that tho prince's powers Biuy urn imim m -ii.. - nffcr to nssume command of tho Ironclad HOLDS UP THE IOWA APPEAL Secretory of the Interior Snnpeniln Action Feiiilinif Further In vcdtlKiitlon nf a I.nnil Matter. PROMISE OF COOL WEATHER Chief I'rnirnoDtlcntor Foreenntn 1C Cnlorlu Teniperntiirc for S ii nil ii y. hoped an understanding will soon bo reached. The foreign office hero has received official dispatches from Toklo today and the As division Is thankfully declined. Tho Ger man first interpreter at tho Pekln legation, - - . iiaron von ucr uose, wno leu unina lust nociateu i-ress un.iers.Hu.m u, -'-" before tho outbreak of tho disturbances, partloj and if so tho democrats will faro a little roaring for a time. The bulk of th Nebraska fuslonlsts wanted to cos Towno nominated. The division cf tho nominations for state officers depends on the conferencB committers. Tho populist conference com mittee may be In gool humor wh'n It comei to dividing the nominations between tho two J.M-. inn !nnnn trnnns mobilized and 0erman lcsntl" ln vUa "err von Hue- w ell enough. I nm confident that Towno 111 make things all right, but I bellovo that low Saleskc, who was hero recently and was our presidential ticket will have two ta'l3." supposed to bo absent from Pekln now, Is Deputy Land Commissioner Lynch was thn chancelleries to Its proposals. Tho llrltlsh cabinet had n long meeting this morning, under the presidency of Lord Salisbury, and fully considered tho crisis. MISSION BOARD LOSES HOPE Seventeen People from rhlciiKo IHx- trie! In mill Around IVUIn. imp 1 nn InK- nftlrnrn nf thn. Amprl- can Missionary Board ln this city ute tLat tornatlo,:a! troops ns met unfav.ratle. probably .oventum or moro of their topie- Mrawlng :a parallel with the campa s of the Idk aro tho nnmec cf those from the Chicago .. Ill.niit n lnnA .m In.ln.llnn Viafifw a I 1 a by the "lloxert:" . -wiv .... . . I friir c anil Icannu n urirtilni ncftlnr nnrfn' . Hnv. William S. Anient, head of the pokiii -"' , " T .. rn.lll In I1HHH11S V. UlliroVT DUUIICIO. HO UC CUIHt'UUlIU, mill ni-uii m luv liibkimh iu . . . . . . don't think Stevenson's nomination will have much effect when It comes to dividing Jhe Btato nominations In Nebraska. This state will go for Bryan nnywny, for tho populists with him "It's pretty hard on us," said Auditor Cornell, In speaking ot tho nction ot tho con vention. "Just what effect It will have Is a pretty hard question to decide. I think tho populists will give the democrats tho nom- Chlna Japan has 20,000 troops mobilized and ready for nction at a moment's notice, when 1 1 t.... mmlnln tt f Iha nntvnrft Great I italn Is "now TwnTtlng answers from ascertained to bo there by letters written very guarded in his comments Ho said: "I JU3b Ul.UtU .UV IIUUUIU HlUilVi Tlt-n TnIii C'nnnot lie Held. General Von Henncken, vho has been 'oag I 1 l. ft l. I . .. I . . U 1 1 -1 . I . . . I .iii f IU IHO tvUlliL-CU BVHIIU, IIUUII1UC3 ,1 IUHIT th,,. V, , V, . . I I t . l I.. .. 1.1.1. ... ... .u- " """T ,u T "v B" l"u through tho campaign kiluuviuu in nm mi tuai b iiiuai. uiauh. Ho thinks tho holding of Tlon Tsln im possible and the holding of Tnku only po!sl- bio if fortifications are hurriedly erected cn the land side. Lieutenant CoUnel Wajner prints a letter In tho National Zeltung lu inntons for attornoy general and state wnicn no considers ine siiuauon cn me lu- trpamirer" Stato Treasurer Meserve said: "I don't think Stevenson's nomination will have any . . nnwiira In 1 Rfifl nnil pli'lnr-j unrnlnr .ipnln.t .m... .. , r., eentatlves from tho North China mlSSlO S . , ivr "J eci on me suuaiiun nure. oievennon is a aro victims of tho Pekln massacre If the : ' ",u' ''" ,'uu"wl truo mue silver man ana ne is tnorougniy renorts from Shanghai lo correct. Follow- cf the Pel Ho freezing, ho says, ln Noyem- western. 1 don't think It will effect the dl- . . i nnr in nrnnnnr t nnnni wnrnfir nKirn i .. i -1 m district whom It Is feared were murdered uu "i" weorasKa ovor to tne repunucans, fin III n "Wnnteil Towne. "I'd rather havo had Towne nominated," said Oil Inspector Gaftln, formerly chairman May: Miss Mary k. AmDrato ot ino rung Cho mleslon; Miss Jano Evans, Tung-Clio Mlis Ada Haven, Pekln: Mrs. Mut I. Matter, Pekln; Miss Luella Minor, Tut:g Cho; Miss Virginia Murdotk, Pekln; MUb 7'"", luu lu"'DU ul """"J "'ami I am pretty confident thnt ho will do so. TllTiiV-nlh lliJi vitliici. nun mu iiic-ouuv ioiuiv u wu" ipi.. I n. , inn M.lnv.. v.n,..n., . WASHINGTON, July 6. (Special Tele gram.) Pending further investigation tho o?retary of tho Interior has suponded ac tion on the appeal ot tho stato ot low a frcm the land office decision rejectinc Us claim o a small tract of swamp lands In the Des Moines land district which were awarded to the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Hallway company. Tho secretary of tho Interior has npp-oved patont for 8,491 acres of land In tho Cheyenne land district, Wyoming, to bs uted for stato school purposes. Comptroller of tho Currency Dawes h.n approved tho Corn Exchange National tank f Chicago as rcsorvo agent for tho National bank of Sioux City, I.t., and tho Commerce National bank of Chlcigo for fio Irst National bank of Douglas, Wyo. Month Dnkotn anil KiinmiR Cniletn. WASHINGTON, July 6. Cadets for West olnt, under the Increase provided by recent legislation, have been appointed during tho past week from tho following states at large: Vannlo I). O'Ncil, Mount Pleasant, Tex., and Mnx O. Elser, alternate, Corslcann, Tex.; Edward K. Martin, Searcy, Ark., and Karl Hargrave, alternate, nrownston, Ark.; Luclcn Moody, Huron, S. D.; Milton S. 'enner, alternate, Austin, Tex.; Alvln D. Darber, alternate, Portland, Ore.; Merrill E. Spalding, Concordia, Kan., and Norman Ramsay, alternate, Topeka, Kan, llniifl. ttiit n nnmho. f9 1 1 oh I - il r f fr 1 1 T. V- n 1 1 aro absolutely required, battleships being V "',r. . T .v. T Vi V aV ' , .... ' ' I don't think tho nomination of Steven perfectly useless. ... . .,. ,, Missionary Maus. who lately arrived on a i. omo, ,,, v. Nelllo Uussell, Pekln; Miss Bchctueld,. Pekln; Hov. Arthur Smith, Pan? Chuang: Mrs. Emily Smith; llev. E. (1 Tewksbury. Tung-Cho; Mrs. Grace Tewks tmry; Hov. Mark Williams Knlgan; Miss Gertrude Wykoff; Miss Grace Wykoff, I'ang-Chuang; Miss Abblo 11. Chap.n, Tung Cho, Tho nnnual cor.vpntlnn , ot North China missionaries of the American Hoard rnd the Board of the Interior the wotnan'a branch of tho same organlza'lon was ho' l nt Tong-Cho beginning May 22. Tong-Cho is thirteen miles' north of Pekln. Whlln the convention was In progress un attuk was made on tho town by tho "Il.X3ri," nnd after some days of lighting tho building owned by tho American Board, whero ih convention was In session, was burncl. As po report mentions any ono hiving been The nomination might, however, cut some lo missionary activity nnd says It Is rather flgure Jn tho MxMm offlces the 8tale owing to the recent seizures of Chinese ter rltory, together with ruthless measures adopted by the Eugllsh, who In building conventions." E. W. Nelson, deputy clerk of the supreme h I .n,,rt ...ralom nt tVia nnmillat railways hnvo destroyed tho Chinese tomb 'ntPn, ' , 'mm, w u-n..M fields by thousands, thereby arousing tho wrath of tho natives over the violation of an nncestrnl cult. Missionary Maus says that tho Boxers received thousands of Mauser .1,1.. ...1.1.1. 1 I .,n ,V.n nnttnivv lllll-B W111V.U UU OIIIUHBII'1 111'" ."uv.J ,,hol.. .V, tt.ll V, ,1 1. nnnlnln.1 Ulliil. In colllns supposed to contain the bodies of c. ,... .,,, , ,i...i ni,i.... w .... ,,lmoi, ,m. over, Stevenson s nomination will help us In have been much better off If Towno had been nominated. I don't know whether tho populists will be sore over the nomination of Stevenson, Towno was their Idol, but nev dead Chinese. Herr Maus himself saw rifles which wero stamped with the word "Dant z!c Illinois, Indiana nnd possibly New York." Mr. Bryan bad tho following to say con- ., . ... cernlng the nomination of Stevenson: "Mr, .... .. .. ..... ..... .v. ' ....i. I Stevenson is an i . Ill- I .. . ,wi. ..I.. ...a . fTl -. . j hn,n n y tr i. I jtiui'u v imo iiuiui, wtutv.a wv.w hid dressers and One lo smaller after using Allen's Foot- fiase, a powder to be shaken Into the shoes, t makes tight or new shoes feel easy; .iv- Instant relief to corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the g8, cures ami prevents gwoiirn icei, ous ters, callous and sore spots, Allen's Foot vial, is & certain vuro for sweating, lint. celling feet. At all druggists and shoo tors, 2Jc. Trial packsge FHrJfi by inall. Address, Alien a. uimsiru x-e tvj, i. excellent man for the place, He supported tho ticket In 1S96 and can de fend the platform of 1900. Towno would havo strengthened tho ticket In tho states where thcro is fusion between tho demo crats, populists and freo silver republicans Houn, Is confined to his bod ns the result of excitement duo to tho recent ovents, Culncco residents of Burlln donned Euro peau clothing today, hid their queues under wigs skilfully manufactured by local hair- d aealn ventured on the streets. . , . ',,. . ,,r , .,, ' Tho emperor, owing to the Chlneso ''"inn ,hnl,n. ,,lm mnr bluuuics. uus tuuuii'iiauiiiiuu iud iiuuuaucu i ... L . . . . . !-- Mifii inenn aiiapIi .. . ., .u nvauaDio man. .no cnoice nas lanen o LHUICd UflW Wtfltt anUEO ' " ,V4"""" luu ono who Is In every respect worthy of the It Is Interestlnc to remark that tho IJyr- Posltlon man government In provisioning tha ships CoiiKrutulntlnn. for Ilrynu. destined for China has been unable to cbtaln Telegrams containing congratulatory mes a sufficient quantity of canned incuts, owing sages began to pour In on Mr. Bryan last to tho operation of tho rteat bill end the ovenlng and continued without Interruption scarcity of foreign meats. The officers have Among the first to nrrlvo was one from O been obliged to purchase canued meats II. P. Belmont. Tho judiciary ot tho Fourth from England. . circuit ot Illinois seat a message of con tub Mum ;i,.cii;ii. Passing of One nf the Great SIkIiU ot a Trip to AlnuLu, Tho Mulr glacier has been ono of tho sights of Alaska ever since the summer trip to that territory becamo famous, A pas senger on ono of the excursions, says the Boston Transcript, might sit under an awn ing and drink cool lemonade while floating along within sight of the great bank ot Ice which roso for several hundred feet along llvo miles ot tho coast and against which the waves of tho ocean seemed to beat In vain. Now, alas, it appears to havo been cracked up Into insignificant lcobergs, affording hardly a resting place for tho uncducatod seal of tho North Pacific. This Information Is really ono of tho moat distressing pieces of hot weather Information that has recently come to our knowledge. The disappearance ot this end of the Mulr glacier, however, la only ono of thoso pro cesses of naturo which occasionally form n nlno days' wonder, but aro really going on all the time. Tho making of the world Is never done. It attracts notice only when It appears In somo catastropho, Uko the Amain landslide. But the tlow action of natural forces, to which they In fact belong, such as the gradual rising of tho Aleutian Islands, and the subsidence of the New Jersey coast aro thoroughly observed year In and year ou by tho scientists. Thoy regard the present as much a stage of evolution as the carbon lfcrous age or the glacial period. One only needs to remember that tho cities of Nineveh and Babylon have been burled since written records existed to realize that TIIH UHACO.VS SUGGESTION. Told n firoeerj limn How to Keep II In SciileM t'lenn. "Opposlto to the railroad depot down In Virginia there was a grqeery kept by a col ored man, nnd as wo had some time to watt for tho train three or four of us crossed over to look as his stock," said a commer cial traveler to a Washington Star mar.. "Buslnres was very brisk with the mer chant, though all his customers wero cob ored. Wo noticed that sugar, tea and cod fish seemed to sell above all else, nnd dur Ine a temporary lull tho colonel approached tho battered old scales on which everything as weighed nnd picked up tome of thb weights. Tho hollow ln each ono nau Deer, filled with lead, and when quite sure that the pound weight would balanco twenty ounces at least ho said to the old man: 'I see you have filled your weights witn lead.' 'Yes, sah; yr. ah;' ho replied as nt rubbed hla hands together. 'What was tho Idea?' 'To keep do dirt out o' do holes, Bah Can't no dirt git In dar now.' "'Was It your own Idea? " 'No. sah. I never should cv got dal Idea If It hadn't been hir Deacon Wllllame. Do deacon said It was do way dey did down in Greenville, an' ho fixed 'em up fur mt without cost.' " 'Tho deacon buys all his groceries here, doesn't ho?' " 'Ho does, sah; yes, sah, ho buys 'em nl. yere, an he was tellln me only dls mawn' Ing dat he nebber did seo de beat o" how dom groceries held out.' He was advised to tako his weights over to thn cotton wnrchouso and have them weighed, and ho picked them up and In a alow walk and very much puzzled ho pro ceeded to tho warehouse. When ho re turned It was on the run and his eyes hang ing out, and as ho reached the door ho ex claimed: 'No wonder I has gono Into bankruptcy fo'tecn times an' bad to sell my mowls and hoga nn' mako do olo woman go bar'fut! Dat air pound weight weighs twenty-two ounces, nn' every tlmo Deacon Williams has bought two pounds o' sugar an' codfish ho has tooken away threo pounds an' a halt! Shoo, but I'zo gwlne to closo do doah nn' put up a sign o' "Busted Ag'ln! Y. M. ('. A. Hull Guillen. Thn nrncram nt the Yolinir Men's Chris tian Association pnrk this nftrrnoon will consist of a "scrub" gnme of ball between tho real estnio ueaiers aim mo luung Men's Christian association second team nnd nn exhibition game between tho Union Pacific nnd the association's regular team. The latter game will be called nt 3:15, WASHINGTON, July C Forecast for Sat urday and Sunday: Nebraska, North Dakota and South Da kotaShowers and coaler Saturday; fair and warmer ln western portion Sunday; north westerly shitting to southerly winds. Iowa Showers nnd thunder storms Satur day; cooler Sunday; fresh southerly winds. Montana Showers nnd cooler Saturday; fair and warmer Sunday; westerly winds. Eastern Texas Partly cloudy Saturday nnd Sunday; not so warm Sunday; fresh to brisk southerly winds. Western Texas nnd New Mexico Showers nnd cooler in tho northern , fair In south ern portion Saturday; Sunday showers; southerly shifting to norihwoUerly winds, Oklahoma and Indian Territory Genotally fair Saturday; showers and cooler ln wes -cm, fair In caster portion Sunday; southerly winds. Missouri Showers nnd cooler ln north west; fair In southeast portions Safurday; fair and cooler Sunday; southwesterly winds. Kansas Showers and" cooler Sn'urday; fair Sunday; southerly shifting to westerly winds. Colorado Showers nnd cooler ln eastern and fair In western portions Saturday; fair Monday; variable winds. Wyoming Fair and cooler Saturday; partly cloudy Sunday; northwesterly winds. I.oeiil Iteeoril. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER nUItEAU, OMAHA, July C.-Olllclal record of tem perature nnd precipitation, compared with the corresponding day of tho last thre years: 1D(V). 1593. im. 1S97 Mnxlmum temperature .. 97 S." 80 93 Minimum temperature ... 75 (17 (ft 72 Mean temperature Si 7fi 71 S3 Rainfall 11 .12 3.5r .00 Record of temperature and precipitation nt Omaha for this day and since March 1, 1900: Normal temperature 75 Excess In temperature S Total excess since Mnrch 1 3S3 Normal rainfall for tliu duy 17 Inch Deficiency In rainfall Ofl Inch Total rainfall slnco Mnrch 1 10. 58 Inch Deficiency slncu Mnrch 1 fi.15 inch Deficiency cor. period. 18y9 2.S2 Inch Excess cor. period, 1S9? 1.23 Inch . 1 i . . , I .. . u I. m f iicpori iruiii ... c & Wkefl stfctrs tall cowtfli DOCTOR 5EARLE5 & SEARLES OMAHA. KEH70I73 MI! & MATS BISSASS op MEN SPECIALIST Wo guarantee) to cure all cases curable ot WEAK MEN SYPHILIS SEXUALLY. Cured for Life, Night Emissions, Lost Manhood, Hydrocele, Varicocele, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Syphilis, Stricture, Files, FUtula and Rectal Ulcer and all rlvate fMsenaes nnd niaorilem ot Ilea Stricture anil Gleet Cured at Home. Consultation Freo. Call on or address DR. SDAHI.TES &, SCAHLKS. 110 Ho u til 14th fit. OMAHa. STATIONS AND STATE OF WEATHER. Omaha, cloudy I 76 North Platte, clear S6 Cheyenne, clenr kn Suit Lake City, clear S2 Rapid City, rnlnlntr 701 Huron, partly cloudy Wllllsion. clear 71 Chlrngo. partly cloudy SSi St. Louis, clear M St. Paul, clear St! Davenport, cloudy 001 Kansas City, clear W Helena, nartlv cloud y HaVre. rlnudy 0 Rlsmnrck, clear I 70! Galveston, clear T Indlcntcs trace of precipitation. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecast Official. p ti "a 35 a t tea i J? A S 1 S3 , i Oil .10 81 .00 KS .00 82 .CO K2 .10 IG .00 7fl .00 9. .00 90 .00 SI .00 2l .00 901 .10 m .05 K .( 78 T 88 .00 it THE POPULARITY OF AMU nans JL ("THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS") is chiefly due to its irreproachable character." The Times. "DRINK NOTHING but Natural Mineral Water, such a3 Apollinaris, free from all vegetable poisons," Boston Journal. Constipation Inward Piles. Fullness of the Blood ln tho Head, Acidity of tho Stomach, Nausea. Heartburn, Dlntrust of Food, Fullness or WclRht In tho Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering of tho Heart, Chok Inc or Suffoeatlns Sensations when In a lylnir posturo. Dlmnew of Vision, Dizziness on rising emiuemy, ""i" , the Slirht. Kover nnd Dull I'aln In tho Head, Deficiency of Perspiration Y'llow- Side, Chest. Limb nnd Sudden Hushes at Heat, Rurnlntr In the Flesh. A few doses ot Radway's Pills will freo tho system of all tho nbovo named d'prlco.rl2 cts. per box. Sold by druggists or sent by mall on receipt of price, RADWAY&GO., 55Elm St. New York X Mnnnjr In Adrmnea to Uentorn Weak Mn. Ve utiud our rttrtedloi and mmhIuico (lot wen onm 'trial and ipprovnl. II i EartU for weak tnd (TeUlh taled men. shin ill Ixvck at our tvtpeuw pay nouilnc. 3r 1 mallfd free. RIB MEDICAL. CO., Buffalo, N.Y. TO -0 on not oa -I fin ktr-i 1 Kidneycura. aCURKS all Kidney Diseases, iiactc ache, etc. At drug. nlsts. or bv mall. II, Free book, ad vice, etc., of Dr. I). J. Kay, Saratoga, N, Y. Curea Dandruff, Falling Hair, Urlttle Hair and all Scalp Troubles, such as Itchlnc, Eczema, Kruptlona, etc, I'uroly Vegetable, harmless and reliable. Cure Guaranteed etiot ofr all other renudita have failed or money rejuudtd. A. K. llHUMDIl CO., Chtoan, For Stile by Sherman & Mrt'ormell Drug Co,, Myers-Dillon Drug Co., M. A. Dillon. Trillin Supplied by M, Monhelt Hair JLuaur, A. U Undcrlnnd. lUciiardson Urns Co.