THE OMAHA DAILY BIDE: SATURDAY", 1 ULY 7, 1000. 115 KELLEY. STICER & CO, Special Mid-Snmmer Sale Ladles' and Chil dren's Hosiery and Underwear. TORE OPEN TILL 9:20 SATURDAY EVENINGS Our Ilnllrr Lino of Pnrnmiln ('lnrl Out Ilc-Kiirillfni of Cunt Cmler Mcur nml IIiikIit)- lliirKiilnn for SHlurdiu. Tho following Is a few of our specials In ladles' hosiery: 16c Kino fast black cotton here, double cole, heel and toe, fsular 23c quality, our price, 16c pair. 25c Best maco cotton extra fine gauge hoso, high spliced heel, double sole and toe, laM black or tan, very clastic; for thin sale, nnly 25c pair. 35c, 3 pair $1.00 This line of ladles' hose la unotiualcd In prlco and quality; fine black llslo thread, gauzo and medium wclgth drop etltch llslo In tan and black, fancy boot pattern; also a nice line of polka dots In Muu nnd red, for Saturday's sale, 35c, 3 pair $1,00. 60c Wo havo tho largest and newest line of fancy hose, very pretty lace designs In Iblack and tan, iaco boots, polka dots In Iblack, tan. red, new blues, plain gauze, Mack or tan, Halo In medium or extra size, line ruuzo cotton whlto boIcs or all black, every pair fully worth 65c; our sale price, COc pair. Our customer will appreciate our bar gains In children's hosiery. Special prices for thin sale. 15c Children's fine ribbed fast black llslo finished hoHO, double knee, heel and toe, 23c quality, nil sizes. 15c pair. 25c Misses' Ono black lisle ribbed hose, double knee, heel and toe. silk finished, very nlco quality, 35c etock, nil slzei, Saturday, 25c pair. Misses' lino ribbed polka dot hose, fast colors, nuw blue and ton, very dressy, all ulzes. C to 9. 50c pair. Wo havo nil styles In Infants' sox, lace llslo or plain, blnck, tan, red, sky, pink, white, our salo price, 25c pair. 15c. 2 for 25c Ladles' fine Kgyptlan Rich elieu ribbed vestb, very nicely ilnlshed, silk tope. Wo havo reduced our entire line, ecru or white, for this sale, lGc, 2 for 23c. 25c Ladles' llslo pants, extra large, with laco trimming, Kronen band, all sizes, real bargains, Saturday, 25c pair. 25c Ladles' llslo thread vests, silk fin Isbcd, ecru or whlto; closing out this line; Btiurday's sale, only 25c each. 35c Wo will sell ladles' 50c mercerized bilk vcBts Saturday regardless of cost; low neck, sleeveless or wine; sleeves, sizes 3 to 6, Saturdny, 35c, 3 for $1.00. Ladles' llslo union suits, beautifully fin ished, princess style, low neck, sleeveless, knee length, reduced from $1.00 nnd $1.25, for this sulo only 75c suit. Misses' summer vests, nicely finished, low neck, bIcovoIcsb, white of ecru, all sizes, 10c rach. Wo aro closing out our entire lino of la flies' fancy parasols regardless of cost. Whlto, with chiffon trimmings, hem ntltched and tucked, fancy borders, new Shades. A very pretty line of plain whlto, with ftllk ruffles, nt $1.25 each. $1.50 Ladles' blnck, red and navy silk nun or rain umbrellas, 26-in., handsome handles, SOLDIERS' HEARTS GRATEFUL Trnlli I'piimjlvnnlii Volinitrcr Up iiiciiiImt Kliiiliirn Shown by t'ltli'im of Oniulin. On tho Fourth of July tho Tenth Penn sylvania held Its first reunion at Modol gahela, l'a. A little less than a year ana tho regiment passed through Omaha on Its return from Manila and was given a royal reception by tho citizens of Omaha, headed by .Mayor Moores. Dinner was prepared for the regiment, which was expected to ar rive In Omaha about nocn, but the spMlal was delayed and the soldiers did not arrive In tho city until lato In tho evening. Omaha's hospitality has not teen for gotten by tho regiment, which e'nt tho fol lowing telegram to Mayor Moore: "MONONOAHKLA, l'a., July 4. Hon. Frank E. Moores, Mayor City of Omaha: The Tenth Pennsylvania sends erecting to yourself and all tho citizens of Omaha, with thanks for the beautiful keys to tho city. "J. E. BARRETT, Colonel." It Snveil Illi I, ok. P. A. Danforth of LaOrango, Oa., Buffered for six months with tx frightful running soro on his leg; but writes that nucklcn'a Arnica Salve wholly cured it in flvo days. For Ulcers, Wounds, Plies, It's the best salvo In the world. Cure guaranteed. Only 23 cts. Sold by Kuhn & Co., druggists. Clioli'c of Ten Pieces. Of furniture to the person guessing nearest tho number of cakes of soap In Morro Castlo built in our east window. Orchard & WU helm Carpet Co. FIGURES PROVE PROSPERITY crackers drown cry for aid Business at the Postoiflco Last Year tho Heaviest Ever Known. Holihrrn Dmnoll Their Victim of Sinnll A in on ut I' inter I'rcl'inp of CrlcbratliiK Kourtli. Adam IUdynskl, who lives at Tenth and Paul streets, complains to tho police that nil Ihn nlffllf nt It, It, 1 Vi n ti-na tmlil lln hv RECEIPTS EXCEED LAST YEAR'S $20,000 two men block ;.cst ot hs Uomo and robbed of $5,90, "I was going homo about 10 o'clock at night," ho tays, "when two men stepped out of an alley In front of me. Ono of them was lighting a bunch of big flrecra.-kurs. As soon as he had dropped tho cracko.s on the pavement ho seized and held me while V. I '. xnmhnnlnn . V. .. ,1 m ,. n.fl,.l. f ine report or mo umana posiouisw i" -nri f,tn ... nrb. . last quarter of tho fiscal year ending Juno much nog(J that my vo,C(j wfla drowned and ju nas jusi oecu scut i uu6" no on0 paid nny attention to me.' snows, wun ono excepuon, iue .a.B. Ho gavo ft g0Qd dcgcrIpt,on of tne rabbcra nrnouni 01 money and tho police are now looking for them posioiucc irom uii.auuitt-a ,u auj MU.... s nee the offlco was estaonsnou. 1110 ox- TnL. vc.T.n.i. coptlonnl quarter Is tho first quarter of tho por Nagara Kalis, Thousand Islands and all Country OIHces IflO.OOO More Thnn for tile Ycnr lSt)S-lM Sliiiwlne n Mntcrlnl In crease In llimlnesi. SI'UCIAIj ISXCUHSIU.XS Vln Hock Inlnnil Itonte. Charleston, S. C and return, $30.55, July 4, 5 and 7. Cinclnuatl, O., and return, $22.50, July 10, 11 and 12. Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo and return, $19, July 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 17 and 18. Glcnwood Springs and return, $31, July 3, 7, 8, 0, 10, 17 nnd 18. Salt Lake, Ogden and return, $32, July 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 17 and 18. St. Paul and Minneapolis and return, $12.63, July 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 17 and 18. Duluth and return, $16.95, July 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 17 and 18. Call at city ticket office, 1323 Karnam St. Oscnl year ending June 30, 1899, when the total receipts exceedod the present quarter by about $2,000. This was tho high water mark of tho Omaha postomce, the large amount of business being on account of the reposition. The annual report compiled from the quar terly reports shows that tho fiscal year Just ended was tho most prosperous In the his tory of tho office and that the total receipts exceed by over $20,000 tho receipts of the car In which the high quarterly record was made. The report of tho Omaha offlco Includes stamp sales ot $315,675.93, against $336,- 598.30 for last year. The receipts from news paper and periodical postage has increased from $29,734.91 to $30,959.90, while rents from boxes brought :n $2,000.50, against $1,910.43 for tho preceding year, In addition to ordinary postofflco business Omaha Is a depository for postal money from tho offices In tho state of Nebraska, and In that capacity handles all of tho surplus funds which accumulato at tho country post- mccB. During tho last year there waB de posited at tho Omaha offlco tho sum of $154, 059.80, against $141,6CS.72 for tho previous year. The last figures show something or A I'lncc to Spend the lnnitner. On tho lines of tho MILWAUKEE HAIL WAY In Wisconsin are some ot the most beautiful places In the world to spend a summer vacation camping out or at the elo- gant summer hotels. Boating, fishing, beau tiful lakes and streams and cool weather. These resorts are all easily reached from Omaha. A book describing them may be had upon application at the Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul Ky., city ticket office 1604 Farnam street, Omaha. Round trip tickets, good returning until October 31, now on sale. F. A. NASH, General Western Agent. .00 ties, 98c 2. 25 ties, the relative growth of business In the , state 18$2. 50 ties, $1. 38 ties lu tho last twclvo months nnd the $10,000 " ' to $3.50 to Foster's, Ford's, Pin Increase In deposits ot country postofucos worth fthnwR about 7 ner cent Increase. I now selling irom $1.48 rnblen of the Hull V A bashful young Married couplo were Illd- i no Ine In nn Ordinary Sleeping Car ono night, v and when he thought No One was listening ree & Smith's, StaCV, AdaillS 1... 1 1 .1 Til. ,11,. nrwl Aolrtfl fin wVinSO I ' ' ma an otner aepenaaDie ioot Chenp llonnd Trip Hilton. On July 7, 8, 9, 10, 17 and 18 and August 7 and 21 tho Illinois Central will sell tick ets, limited until October 31, as follows: Waseca, Minn., and return, $10.35. Watorvllle, Minn., and return, $10.68. Madison Lake, Minn., and return, $10.68. St. Paul, Minn., and return, $12.65. Minneapolis, Minn., and return, $12.66. Duluth, Minn., and return, $16.96. Superior, Wis., and return, $16.95. West Superior, Wis., and return, $16.95. For full particulars call at city ticket of silk covorB nnd tassels; for this jjce Illinois Central railroad, 1402 Farnam Duckle she was, whereat ft wicked Travel ng man yelled Itubber and tho Bashful bride and groom wore Covered with confusion, etc Moral They might havo called each other duckle and dearie all night without Inter ruptlon If they had occupied one of the elo gant private drawing rooms or Compart ments on the Sleeping Cars of the Norm Western Limited via tho North-Wcstern Line. Voto early and often. ealo only $1.50 each. KELLEY, STIOEIt & CO., , Cor. Farnam and 15th. street. A Kctv flnllrniid to Snn KrnncUoo. The newly completed extension ot tho Eanta Fo routo thro.igh tho San Joaqula valley to Snn FranclBco will be opened for passenger business on July 1, 1900. The AtcbUrn, lopcitn &. Santa Fo railway Cnmp Jlccttn at Mountain Lako Park, Maryland, LOW,nATEP Via tho Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. On July 5 to 16, Inclusive, the Baltimore A Ohio Railroad will sell low nt excursion tickets to Mountain Lake Park, Md ac count above occasion. Tickets will be good for return until July han herntofnro nossesscd tho distinction of l,n ntilv linn with Us nwn trnr-lr nnil 20, 1900 trctns nil tho way from Chicago to Los An- For further information call on or address ...,in nn,i s.nn iiinm. San Kmncln.-o nn.i thn nearest Baltimore & Ohio Ticket Agent, or 4 i.inu f ihr, n tnnn,,in vniinv B. N. Austin, General Patwenger Agent, uro now udded to tho vast territory served Chicago, 111 by this great transportation system undor ono management, which territory also In cludes a largo part of tho region between Denver on tha north ami Galveston on the bouth. Stress Is laid upon single ownership nnd management, which Insure uniform excel lence of service. Overland trains by this routo do not hiIsb connection, becnuso they run through. Tho eating houso nnd dining car servico 1b of tho same superior quality throughout, under management of Mr. Fred llnrvoy. Tho best equipment Is provided. Kmployes aro everywhere solicitous and courteous. Responslbllty for tho comfort ot passongers Is not divided. Nn other transcontinental routo offers so great a number of attractions to tho tour 1st. Among tin-no are mountain nltltudo and scenery, extinct volcanoes, petrified forests, prehistoric ruins, Indian pueblos, tho Yo He in I to and tho Oraud Canyon of Arl jonn, which Ib tho greatest scenic wondor of tho world. Every characteristic phnso of industrial Ufa in tho west Is traversed en routo, Tho Santa Fo has long been tho favorite route betweou tho east and southern Cali fornia. By vlrtuo of tho samo high-grade service and unexcelled attractions it hopes to win equal favor with travelers to and Tha Norenw f tcrn I.ln EXCURSIONS. EXCURSIONS. EXCURSIONS. Half Fare Charleston, 3. C, Cincinnati and many other points. THE NORTHWESTERN LINE. City Offices. 1401-3 Farnam St. tiOI.F LINKS! 1. D. Hot Rprlnifa, Splendid climate- Splendid bathing! SPECIAL SATURDAY NIOHT SLEEPER! Omaha to Hot Springs without chnnge. Leavo Webster St. depot, Omaha, nt 3 p. m. Arrive Hot Springs 7:45 next morning. Mnko sleoplng car reservations at once nt 1401 Farnam street. Climiuo' of Time. On July 1 the Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul railway change the time of their trains from San Francisco nnd intermediate cities between Omaha and Chicago. The fast tral ot tho golden state. The service will consist at first of Pullman and tourist sleepers and chair cars dally. Tho early resumption of tho California llnv ited Is contemplated. E. L. PALMER, l'assengor Agent Santa Fo Routo, Des Moines, Iowa. DAYMtiirr tii ixs rou hpihit i,akk OlcolioJI mill ArnolilK PnrU. The Chicago, Mllwnukro & St. Taul Rail way company havo Just placed In service daylight trains between Omaha and Spirit Lake, OkoboJI and Arnold's Park. Oolng the train leaves Omaha at 7:15 a. m. and ar rives Spirit Lnko nt 4:15 p. m. Relurn'ng tho train leaves Spirit I.ake nt 6:45 a. ra nnd arrives Omaha 3'65 p. m. This la th-1 best servico that has yet teen offered over ny ono road. Round trip tickets, gcod re' turning until October 31, $10.70. City ticket offlco, 1504 Farnam streot. F. A. NASH. Qcn'l Western Agent. n formerly leaving at- 7:35 p. m. will, under the now card, leave at 6:00 p. m., arriving Chicago at 8:30 a. m., In amplo tlmo for all eastern connections. Tho local train torm erly leaving nt 11:00 n. m. has been changed to a fast daylight train for Chicago, leaving Omaha at 7:15 a. m. and arriving Chlcag at 10:30 p. m Write ads. Sell cuts. Trlnt anything, Stonecypher. 1201 Howard St. Tel. 1310, the summer resorts ot the east. All agents sell tickets via the Wabash. Ask for them or call on or write O. N. Clayton, Room 403 N. Y. L. Bldg Clnclnnntl nnd Itrtnrn, On July 10, 11 and 12, via Illinois Cen tral. Particulars at city ticket offlce. 1402 Farnam at. This Store Quits LOW SHOES Men and Women. from $2.75 wear go in this salo without reserve. DIED. HAiiT-rir n. Tt. .Turn- 22. 1900. of conges tion of the. liver, ngea oj, ai nis resident In Knt:-. Tex. Sioux City and Onawa, la., papers please copy. THE HOWE, 1515 Douglas St. Bathing Scofield's Suits For Women Wm bsvn lust received some very pretty Bathing Suits for women made of black mohair nnd navy mohair daintily trimmed with white sires 32 to 40, bust measure. Price $4.50 MAIL ORDERS FILLED. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 'SC0FIELD ClOAkMITCO. 1510 Dounlas St. m Lest You Forget COCA-CELERY IS THE BEST This season has been tho best for Coca Celery. Its refreshing, Invigorating quail ties, combined with the agreeable, aromatic flavoring, makes it tho Ideal summer drink. A few of our competitors aro still plugging away with nn IMITATION, tho best recom mendation that tho GENUINE has merit, Sold only by J. A. FULLER & CO. CUT I'ltlCH DlttfOGISTS. Fourteenth nnd u.iueln Streets, Don't Neglect Tho teeth nature gave you, but If they arn t?nno come to us for your next set. Fit guaranteed. Gold Set 5.00 Gold Crowns 5.00 Gold Fillings U.60 up T alt's Philadelphia Dental Rooms 1017 lloiigini at. Pennyroyal Pilts $1.00 KELLEY, STIGER & CO. Mnde br Dr. Karl Cramer. Ths nlllx hitvo huen used by tho dootor for years and knowing them to be a bless- Do you wear tau shoes? Do you know that they arc cooler than black ones? Try a pair and be convinced. We will make you a IS! marked9 inducement on ladies' tan oxford ties for Saturday We VflVV l.W, BCIll U .111.. "1. ..v.. i ...w. . Cramer's Kidney cure 75c have an elegant tan low shoe new style toe been getting ?1.7o for It tomorrow you can buy a pair for $1.25 all sizos.all widths We are also showing a nice cloth top tan oxford hand turned Winn nt fTnrdlll TfiC Plnkhntn's Comnound 75c rnrtrr I.Ivor Pills 16 C Pyramid Pile Cure 40c Vino Kolarra 83c R R 8 T&c syrup fim sole for fli.UU. Hlrney's Catarrh Powder 5c uom catarrn rowaer jac in,un nnAnitoi;n n,r ;n r,.n,.n, o nn Caatorla C auuiiici uiic ii w.uu, uimu in mui 'f"'""' . . T I .1 Tllltr. HI I Kid-ne-oids '.V.V'V.V.V.IV.'.'.V.'.'..'. 40c A broken line of ladies' tan lace shoes always sold for ?2.00 ajhx laoion 'Vt uar-Ben 40c on sale featurdav. S1.2u Ufnafa Tlxrtln nnd AJArt'A Tr A.a t rrt tort t I ' linni n ll.Uill 11 V A 1 V V , V. Illllll tmw IMerco's Proscription 75c Miles' Heart Cure 7oc SGHAEFER CUT PRICE DRUGGIST. Cor. lth mmd Cbloaica atrcetn. SUMMER OUTINGS AS THE Im.OIPAL WKSTBHX' HESOIITS are reached via th Every Store Every store has its quota of Su m mer Bargains to offer you in today's paper but for real, genuine money savers read what The Nebraska offers you. Ladies' Silk Waists Men's Negligee Shirts THE silk waist man says we've about iifty of those silk waist beauties left from our great three days' sale and they are the choice ones, both in value and in patterns. They will be shown Saturday at the same price. There's only one way for you to appreciate the values, and that is to come and see them. $5 values for ill IS IU CUI11U $2.48 A HOST of splendid pat terns and well made, perfect, fitting ones are here. They are the cream of the season's shirt crop. This same quality sells for 75c all over town, but they are here for you with or without de tachable collars a full line of patterns and all sizes choice of twenty different patterns here Saturday at. ., 45c Ladies' Dress Skirts Men's Underwear For ?2.50 and ?3.00 we can show you a nice line ot ladies' tan lace shoes. ; Don't forget the bargain counter where you can pick up some extra good things for the little ones Our bargains in children's shoes are always appreciated. , Ladies' white canvas oxfords, 75c. KELLEY, STIGER & CO. COR. I5TH AND FARNAM STREET. That lln. has made tho following SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES Omaha to Denver and return, 119.00. Omaha to Colorado Sprlntrs and return, J19. Omoha to Qlenwod Springs and return, $31, Omaha to Pueblo and return, Omaha to Ogden nnd return, J32. Omaha to Salt Lake and return. S3. In effect July .1, T, 8, O, 10, 17 unil 18 nnd Anfrnxt S, 7 anil 21. Final retnru limit, October 31, 11)00. Cltr Ticket Office, 1.102 Farnam It. Tel. 31fl. Omaha Tent and Aw,nns Co.. tents, awn ings, canvas goods, 11 nnd Harney, phono 8S3. Vote early and often. Atomizers 50c Wo Bell a good for 60c. Ono like cut shown above, ivl h metal ncao ploco, for 76o. Our Atomizers arc warranted to work. We buy direct from tho manufacturers. Wrlto for Rubber Ouoda catalogue. Sherman & McGonnell Drug Co, 1 3, MORE EXCURSIONS. Charleston, 3. C, nnd return, $36 K July 2, 4, 5 and 7. Cincinnati nnd return, l!.tOJuly 10, 11 and IS, Denver, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and return, $19.00 July 3. 7, S. 9. 10, 17 and IS. 'Jlejiwood aprtiiKs nd return, J31.00 July 8, 7, 8, 9, 10, 17 and 18. Ogden, ISalt Lako and return, $32.00 July J, 7, 8, 9, 10, It and is. Hot Borings nnd return, 118.10 July 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 17, 18. 21 unc 2S. Justcr. a. I)., and return (Sylvan Lake), $20.60 July 3, 7, 8, 9, 10. 14. 17. li. 21 and !!S. Ticket Olflc, 1 502 Farnam St. T.I. 2S0. Burilnoton 5111. n, 10th and Mason St. T.l. 128. HAYDENs Meats and Groceries SPRING CHICKENS 17c No. 1 Sugar Cured Ilanis lHc No. 1 Tienic Hams Sc Weiner Sausage SAc Large Cans Veal Loaf 19c Potted Ham, per can 4Jc Cooked Corned Beef (sliced) Vlc Minced nam (mnde for our trade) 12Jc Pickled Pics' Feet 5c Fancy Bacon (lean) lHc Given Away Free With every pound of .r0e Tea we give away free one 2-quart Enameled Ware Teapot, Avorth 40c. With every pound of 25c Coffee we give away free one of the following articles: Une can Jiiconomy J'ivaporrted cream one large jar Preserves one bottle pure Tomato Catsup one bottle White Onions, Sweet Pickles, Chow ('how or Celery Kelish Large Fancy Lemons, worth 20c dozen, only 12Jc 2-pound cans Sugar Corn, only OAe Condensed Soups one can makes enough for six 7Ac 3-pound cans Whole Tomatoes 7e 2-pound cans Sliced Pineapples, only 12k' 2-pound cans While Cherries, only 12c New California Prunes at New Evaporated Peaches, pound 8c Separator Creamery Butter, worth 20c to 22c, at IGic, 17c to 19c Fresh Dairy Butter, 124c, lie and Kic A. B. C. Soda Crackers 5c A. B. C. Ginger Snaps Fresh Graham and Oatmeal Crackers 8je Shredded Wheat Biscuit 10c flrnne-Nuts. the brain food 9c j. i HAYDEN BROS THERE are a few of them left for your Saturday's shopping. Homespun, with new ilounce effect, neatly trimmed with satin folds, wfII m.'idiv lipi'fppr. timiiir. " - - J 1 n Real $7.50 values for urifCL lining. $4.90 nplll2 NEBRASKA always comes to the front with the best values in summer Good bal- undervests and drawers real value 50c our price, each Underclothing. briggan 25c Trunks, Valises, Etc. Men's Hats IF you're going away you'll need movable abodes. One so often has to live in trunks when away from home. No mistake can be made if you come here for them the most money sav ing trunk store n town is here. T3 0TH straw and the other kinds. There's no question as to where they are being sold chenpest.This hat store of ours is as perfect as a hat store can be perfect in quality, price and assortment. Piano Purchasers, Attention Dy July 8th our IMMENSE STOCK OP PIANOS MUST BE REDUCED, an tho largo shipment of new styles recently purchased by our Mr. Schmollor In New York and Boston will begin to arrive. VISIT OUR STOKE MONDAY, JULY 2, 1900, and eat FIRST CHOICE of the following bargains: Square Flanos $26.00, $R8.00, $42.00, $50.00, $65.00 Decker Bros., elegant In flnleh, only $150.00 Kimball, 8 months' use, In perfect condition $225,00 Kmcrson, slightly used, worth new $560, for $335,00 Tour eastern made Sample rlanos $138.00, $150.00, $168.00, $192.00 Sohmej Parlor Grand, worth new $800, for $450.00 Geo. Steck & Co. Artist Grand, worth new $1,200, for $350.00 All Pianos In regular line at reduced prices, Including the STEINWAY, A. B. Chase, Vose, Emerson, Packard, Stegcr, Ivens & Pond and other standard makes. $5.00 monthly payments nccopted on sales. Every Instrument fully warranted. Pianos .xchanged It not satisfactory, fttnte agentu for the SELF FLAYING FIANOLA. New Pianos rented. One year's rent allowed If pur chased. Pianos moved, tuned, stored and exchansed. Telophono 1625. WARNING '.Ve havo no connection with any ether music houso bearing tho name Mueller. SGHMOLLER & MUELLER THIS OLD nKLIAHI.K l'IA0 IIOIINK, 1313 FarnamStroet. 337 Broadway, Council Bluffs. 03 uivncii' Grear ElAl UCHS Mid-Summer Clothing Sale. Prices cut to half and less. Now is your time to buy clothing that is comfortable and stylish at your own price. Roys' .'55c Sailor Wash Suits now 15c Roys' 1.75 Sailor Wash Suits now 75c Roys' 1.50 Double Breasted Suits now 75c Roys' 1.50 Vestee Suits now 75c Roys' .$:?.75 Double Breasted Knee Pants Suits now 1.75 Mid-Summer Clearing Sale All Net Top Laces, worth 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c, and 35c, on sale at one price 5c Odds and ends of Embroideries, on sale per yard 5c 1.50 Lace All Overs, per jard 59u S0c 'Packings 38c 50c Ladies' Neckwear 25c ;5c Stamped Linens 15c . , 50c Ladies' Vests 15c Rest corduroy skirt binding, only, per yard 2ic Ladies' Furnishings Sale Closing out all ladles' and ohlldron's fan cy parasols at one-half price, Children's COc parasols nt 25c Children's $1.00 parasols at COc. Indies' $2.50 parasols at USc. Ladles' 50 silk vests, In pink, blue and white, at 25c. Ladles' 25c lisle vests, In plain and fancy colors at 15c. Ladles' llslo hoso, drop stitch, regular 35c quality, at 15c. Special bargains In ladlos' and children's hosiery, nt 10c, ICo nnd 25c. Ladles mi minor corsets, regular 5'0c qual ity at 25c. Lad lea' $1 summer corsets, at 49c. 1 lot of boys' shirt wnlsts, COc quality, at 25c. Men s $1 Underwear, 29c. 600 dozen men's fine halbrlggan and llslo , In nil tho new BtyU, at 49c. thread shirts nnd drawers, In all sizes, all : Men's 50c nockwear, In all the new ttylei In ono lot at 29c. lot 98c. Mcn' 75c night shirts, nt 35c. I Men's $1.50 and $2.00 silk and madras Ono lot of men's colored laundered shirts .Hhlrts, at 98c. HAYDEN BROS. i rJ 1 t