17 THE OMATTA DATTjY ITEE: SATURDAY, JTTLY 7, 1900. wmtern, 13c! frenh southern, Kc fresh southwestern, 10c. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL VUillUlLtlVVinw Xllli luiaiwiai .. niekled ham. JI0.0Oirt0.T0. Ird. stenny; western flieiimeti, ai.in; reunea, i .tiui ij.ui... is ut-- .iiuutvn a.i minus, steady; continent. 17.T11 Houtn Amer ica. H; compound, l.a.vri.37W. fork, dull: m,.,t AfW T!,,1- Wentr-ow HalliM TTmW family. J13.7ivM.Wi short clear, 13.V816.25i nMwtiuHu "'V rnes, .1.yUlf.W. Lead of Corn. 6ESSI0N IN CORN MARKET IS STRONG Oat" nip Hnrly nml llnlly l.nter, Fol- lairliiK After the III Mnrkeln y, l'rovlnloim Open Strong on CHICAGO, July C Wheat, lifter n period of weakness, early milled tinder the leader nhlp of a strong corn market and n report that Germany was chartering transports to tako troops to China and closed strong. August ,ltc over yesterday. Corn caught IU bullishness from reports of dry weather In Kansas nnd parts of Nebraska. August closing lfilVic higher. Oats closed o up nnd provisions lUilSe lower. The wheat market opened with a degrco of steadiness becauso Liverpool at the out let failed to fhow ns much decline ns hau been cxpoctcd, August, to set the ball n-rolllng sold at mW to 73,c at the open ing and shortly afterward attained hko. Then tho bears took a hand In the i?ami, Argentine shipments were heavy, looting up S.lfo.OUO bushels, according to tho Hoard of Tratlo llgures, which were about iVW.OUO over Heerbohm's, Liverpool turned weak with Minneapolis and bearish, and thoro were more rains In tho northwest. August on selling by persons who wotted of thCBO facts slumped oft during tho fore noon to 7SUc. Tho olliclal North Dakota report showed tho spring wheat crop to be pretty much of a wreck. This may have had a bit of lnllucnco, but not much of It. Coin, meantime, was showing a deal of strcngin. New York reported u better export inquiry und to loads tnken for foreign shipment. Attention to tho gravity of the situation In China was directed by a report thut Oer. many wan chartering transports to tako troops to tho Klowery Kingdom. In these Hems shorts found reason to cover. One mun was reported to have tnken in l.OOO.O'iO bushels, The seaboard and foreigners were fnlr buyers nnd somo of the sales maiio earlier wero taken back. This cnuscd a re action In August to WUc nnd the close soon ufter was strong, August ,Mio up ut iSHii 80c. Seaboard clearances In wheat and flour were miuul to fiM!,0O0 bushels. Primary rocclpts aggregated CM.000 bushels, com j.nred with M7.OJ0 bushels a year ago. Min neapolis nnd Duliith reported 102 cars, gainst 1D4 last week nnd 424 the correspond lng day last year, Hecelpts hero were 157 cars, 7 of contract grade. The Ohio crop report reduced the condition 4 points since t . . i .nbt,t,f It Inrilnntlntr ft nron OL mint: i. limning ii. 7.. .... 12,000;00o bushels, to bo compared with Inst year's yield of 40,000,000. The winter wheat movement gave Indications of Improvement Etooks at Minneapolis nnd Duluth combined were reduced MO.wo bushels. Corn wan active most of the tlmo nml strong save at the beginning, when tho dip Li wheat led It from tho straight and nar fnw nntli. wlileli lenila llnwiml. At this stnge of tho gamo thu bnncful lnfluetico or vhnt hml nn nllv in the llboral receipts und tho crop condition of 107 on nn nrea of 8,001,000 ncrcs. Tho hot, dry weather In Kan sns was n consideration on the other hand. Dnmauo was reported from this state nnd from parts of Nebraska. The crop expert. .,lil, Ilfll, mlernarnno. wnH In the Held and when ho acts that wny woe betide the crop. The bulls allowed the market to dip in then not tn work. Shorts covered and tho market responded with a rush, Receipts were 1,051 cars. August sold between 43c nnd 4l',c, closing 141 1 Vic bettor nt 44',i,fl HVaC. Shipping business hero was put nt 300.0"0 bushels. Country offerings were very smnll. Oats wero quiet and toddled along nftcr the big markets, Tim murnei tiippcu cany, with whent mid milled later with corn. August sold between 23c nnd 2IHc, closing Ho over yesterday nt 23!c. Jtecelpts, 418 Provisions ononed strontr on light hog re ceipts nnd nn ndvanco at Liverpool for firoduct. Thuro was a good demand for aril, but tho market slumped off on tho rolling of a local lino or ribs. September tmrk sold between f.13 and J12.7TV4 and closed 32WfUfic tinder yestorday at J12.77M.; Sep tember lard between J7.221 und jo.w, cios Inir Ko lower ut JG.90. nnd Sentembcr ribs J7.17 nnd $7.0216, with tho close Co down at i7 n5U,r)7.ftr.. Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat. 45 enrp: corn, 370 enrsi oats, iuj cars; nogs, JCOno head. Articles.) Open. Hlgh. Iow. Close.cs'y. Ml I TAMxnv-KIrm: cltv. 4Hc: country, 4 4 111012 Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 4'4 a'.4c: Japan. 4if4!4c. aiUWASalili f irra; .iv uricmiB upcn kettle, good to choice, 44'iKOc. . IIUTTKII Itecelpts, pugs.; pacKet, steady, creameries, liB19)ic; factory, 14 16'.c. t IIKKSK Receipts, 12,433 pkgs.J mnrket KGUS Receipts, 8.1&9 pkgs.; . market steady; western, at mark, lOlZo ror aver ago lots; western, loss off, WuUMc SUOAIt Haw, nrm; fair rellnlng, 4c; rentrlfugnl, Dfi test, 4'!ic; molasses sugar, llrmj powdered, 6e; granulated, 6.0c. OMAHA WIIOI.KSAI.U 31A1IKKT3, Cimilltlim of Trnl ntitl qimtntlons on Stnplf' nml l-'nnoy l'rodiiri-. KOOS Receipts liberal; good stock, 9Hc MVR POOiyniT liens, 7(57Uc; roosters, according to ngo nnd slo, 3It4c; broilers, 12481lc; ducks, 4afic.; gecne, 4S'3c; turkeys, 8c. TRKSIJ DRKS3HD POUITRY-Hens, 80 8'4c; roosters, Wc; ducks nnd geese, i nip loc ; nrouers j1 to io., iier uui., ii.ivu 1 ri- tnri.'fit lltJTTKR Common to fair, U'sc; cnoice, LVaHr; sepnrntor, 'Mo: gathered crenmery, 11 tf'ISir Trout, ?e; bluo llsh, 12c: pickerel, ... nntflah Ifr; ilrnai-i bnrTnlo. fie; white- n'h. 10c: herring. 5c: blnck uas, lCc; sal mon. 13c; white bass 10e; cronple, 10c; pike, 9c; halibut, 12c; bullheads. 10c: ring perch, 6c; lobsters, green. Zic: oonwi iounirr. mackerel. 10c; codllsh, 10c; yellow perch, 6c riOKONH Live, per tioz., sik'silw. VKALS-Cholce, miOc. , M . , HAY Per cnrload lots: Upland, choice, J7.50; midland, choice. J5.J0: lowland, cnoico, $5.50; rye straw, choice, Jfi.W; No. S corn, 37c; No, 3 whlt onts, 24c; cracked corn, per ton, $15.00; corn nnd oats, chopped, per ton, i3.&u; until, per iuii, i..uu, o.w.v-, ton, $12.60. V tt.(.t f. l il iin.a, CtlCUM BRRS Per dor... 4OS60c. ASPARAO US Home-grown, per aoz., a- 23c NKW TURNIPS Per doz. bunches, 25 30c, ... .... A NKW HBKTfl-I'cr UOZ. Diincnrs, ovu. NKW CARROTS Per doz. bunches, 25c. liKTTl'CK Per doz. bunches, 20c. RADISHES Home-grown, per doz., lf 20c. PHA8 Per h-du. uasKei, ouc. WAX UKANS-Pcr half bu. basket, 40 We, ...... NKW POTATOKH I'cr 1)U ovuooc. CA Iin AO K Home-grown, rer lb.. lHe. CA1TL.1FI.OWKR Per doz., $1.00. C.HRKN CORN-Per doz., lOfflRc. TO.MATOKB Mississippi, per ioui-uusivci crnte. 7r(i90c. . MIJSHHOOJIS l'er 10. onx, wo. j RHt'IlARll-Per lb., 1HQ2C. 't ONIONS-Callfornla. per sack, $2.00. FRUITS STRAWRKRRIES Colorado shipping stock, per 21-qt. rase. $2.75. I1I-.ACKUKKR1KB fer i-qi. case, 2.25. . IILACK BASPBKI1KIKS-fcr c, $2.75: per 24-pt. ense, $1.50. RKD RASPP.ERR1KB Per 24-pt. case, VIM- HIjI'KHKIIHIKS lU-qi. canes, Ct'KR ANTS Per 24-qt. case. $2.00 PEACHES California, per box, 9pog$l. APRICOTS Calif ornln, per box, $1.35. PhPMS-Cnlirornla. per craie. -f-PRPNES California, per crate, $l.JoW1.50. HART LETT I'EAIIH J'cr nasaci, w.ow- CHERRIES cautornia, per $2.00 St rrnathenlng- InllnrntTs Art I.nck- K nnd Mnrkrt MiifTrrn Itelnimr. NEW YORK, July 6,-Tlie professional operators In stockn who have been nble to manlpuUto prices for nn advance, owing to tho small amount of Moating stock In the market, found their efforts to maintain the higher level unavailing today. There was nothlnir In tho news of the uav that ex erted any marked lnllucnco on tho market and tno relapse must no auriuutcu 10 mo natural reaction attending prollt-tnklng on nn ndvanco nnd tho renewed selling for short account attracted by the higher level of price and the palpably shaky condition of tho market n& the tny prosrossed. The lower prices tor Americans in i.onuon nau llttlo effect, as on previous days, and the professional bulls resumed tho taction which were so successrui yesterday in nii Itiir the nrlees. Hut It becamo manifested dllrlliir tun il.iv that th HUAtnlntnir tllt'.ll- enco In tho strength of New Jersey Central anil us allied stocKs was lacKing iuuuy. Nevertheless a considerably nigner level of prices wua obtained In tho grangers, Hiiltimnni Xr Dliln nnd Missouri i'acitic. Sugar, the local tractions nnd People's Clns wero niso strong, rne sieci siocks eiu fored from realizing on the publlsh-d report that the steel Interests wero conferring to maintain nrlees. The London selling was persisted in Inter than usual and had an effect In combination with the break tn the steel stocks, Tho later effortn of the bears centered on Louisville Si Nashville, which, after rising 'i. wes driven down li. in January the directors declared a 2 per ocnt dividend on tniB stocic ror tne remi-annuai period, which wns called Hi per cent regu lar and ,4 per cent extra. The price of the ptock wns afterward rusnou up on mo as irrtlnn Hint tho romtnsr semi-annual dls- burscmcnt would be V.k per cent. Later came Intimidations that It would bo 2 per cent, but would bo called a regular H-mi' nnniinl dividend. Now the traders are soil lng the stock on the surmise that at Mon day's dividend meeting there "111 be de clared l4 per cent regular and TTi e lti Janiinrv. Oother stocks mentioned tor aiviaenas wero most sharply errectcd in sympainy, notably Missouri Pncltlr, Baltlmoro St Ohio, nftor n. rlan nf 11;. nnd Itcadlnr llrst nru- ferrsd. Tho wholo market fell below last night's level and cloaed heavy at about the lnwnt United Htate Ullhbcr fall 4U on tho falluro of the directors to declare tho expected 1 per cent dividend for tho quar ter. Tho stock rallied 3 iwlins. rPnmnrrnwM h.inlc ntfLtement Iff exnectea to show a gain tn cash of upwards of $3,000. 000, nearly $2,000,000 of which comes from subtreasury operations In the payment of government bond Interest. This makes the Immediate futurn In the money market clear. Hut npeculatlve surmlxu begins to concern Itself with the moro distant periods when the subtreasury win wrin w laae up thi. Kiirnliia revonuen from the money mar- I... .. . U n ..V.a. ,n 1 1 a nf imtliriimtint fte. ICI, iill imuivi " . w . .. . jioslts win have to be met ana wnen re quirements ror moving tno crons win. no tmi Vw. Vrlr TrhnncA nt Chlcatro has cone to a. discount and there was a sharp fall today nt iNew urieuns. i ne juiyum tlianniiiit rntn In London continued to .hnrden nnd the Unnk of Englnnd raised Its price for gold nars iu. tup rate lor uoiu sterling exchange and Berlin exchange In New York roso In recronse. The bond mnrket todny was dull outside nf iniu of rtraHlnc frenernl 4s nnd the mar ket was Irregular. Total sales, par value, $1,020,000. Following nro the closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: H Union raelno H for short hills N 2H24 per cent! for three months' bills, 21,4 per cent. rw Voplr llnlnrc Stoelts. NEW YonK. Jniv r, The following are llltl Closing llUOUU.Jho lul 1I.I..HIH today: Oholtar 1; Crown Point J Con. Cnl. tt Va 14 tesilweoil 42 Oniili & Currle 11 Hale ft Norcross... W ItotnfJtnkii S Iron Silver SI Mrxlran 1? Ontario Ophlr I'lymeuth fjulcksllver .... do pM Sierra Ncvailft tcinilnrrt t'nlon Can Vel-N Jacket .. es .. to ..1M .,7u0 .. :s ..3.'0 ... w I'orelirn I'liinni'lal. I1ERI.IN. July o.-Prlces on the bourse todny were Ilrmer. owing to the IniluetiLe of morn favnt-uliln iltmiirlnl ndv ces nnd a calmer view of the po.ltleal situntlon. There wns a general 1 iovry. especially in Cliineso securities, which improved poii- mericaiiM ivero goou on ... r. - vires. Trnnsvnnl rnllrnnds brolto sharply nn.l tlio ilnlvnu-nrd mnvemnnt WHS SCCOIUU- rtted on the street after the oiote 01 rruiar business on the bourse, declining ponaa since yesterdny. Exchango on London, 10m 42 tif.is. for checks. Discount rates: Short bills, 4 per cent; three months' bills, 4 per cent. . . PARIS. July r. On tho bourse toiiay business was brisker, owing to tho more completo undcistamlln apparent among tho powers concerning China, lending to the hope that serious complications would bo avoided. The mnrket was ns3lstd by tho improvement in New Yonc ana . urriin, principally Influenclnir Parquet stocks. In dustrials recovered nnd Kntllrs wero weaker. Three per cent rentes, I'm ic ior tne uccount. j-jxennnee on umiiun, jl hu. Hnfinlnh 4.4 nlnerl 70 VV . . . . . . . 1 . . . 1 . 1 . .. l,UtNUU., .liny ti. Amoricnn aegui mcu opened good, with prices for the most part above parity on a moro buoyant feeling. Artvrwnrn there wns 11 nariiAi reacuiin, with tin- close steudv. The demand through. rmt tne seiiinn wnn nuni. ananiaii closed The amount of bullion drawn from tho Bnnk of England on balance to day was 126.000. Cold Is quoted at Huenos Ayrcs at 129.90; at Madrid, 27.45; nt Lisbon, 45. Gold bars In tho open market nro quoted nt 77s lOTid. Uniilc Clcnrlnrrs. CHTCAnn. .tnlv flPlerlns. $2.S25.400! balances, $2.607.4S9: nostcd rates. $4.k7i?4.l7l4; New York exchange, 6c discount. ST. LOUIS, July G.-Cleartngs, b.km.yui; balances, $521,199; money. 4Ii7 per cent; New l orn exennnge, iuc tliscouni niu, par as, . 1'H11,aiji;m'11IA. July . i-iearings, iii 615.344; balances, $2,M0,438. NEW YORK. July 6.-Clearlngs, $149,940,- fSS; balances, $,7G,750. UALTIMORE, July 6.-ciearings, 4,uw,- OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Liberal Recolpts Mnko Oattlo Bearish and Market Declines. HOG MARKET STILL TENDING UPWARD .Sheep In I.lprlit Supply nnd Prices About Sternly Hli Yrsterilny, Tliiitmli tilt He 111 n ml Was Anne Tito llrnvy. SOt'TH OMAHA, July 6. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, Onlclal Monday.... omclnl Tuesday . Ofllclal Wednesday uniciai 1 nursuay . umciai i-riany .... 2,0li3 CbOJ H.019 7.067 ..Holiday. ,, 3,021 ,. 3,1i3 ..11.058 1'lvc davs this week Same days lust welt....lG.C70 Paine days week boforo. .14,2i1 Same three weeks ngo...lS,011 tame tour weeks ago....i.-,t:o Averatre tincn nald for aar; several days, with comparisons: 1 1900. 1 1S93. 1M . HL1. 3 64) 1 771 3 3272 9 3 C2 8 Sy, it 3 1 3 tl. 2.75S 3,731 3,213 10,437 9.74lj 16,154 7,169 tor lbs last June 15,... June 16..,. June 17.... Juna II.... Junu 19.... June 20..,. Juna 21.... June 22.... Juno 23.... June 24.... June 25.... Jun 26.... .rune 27.... June 2 Juno 2D June 30 July 1 July 2 juiy 3 July 4 juiy 11 July 6 4 S3, 4 03 G 03 6 06' 4 4 4 3 6 00 5 13 6 10 5 01 5 03 5 11 4 99 k 01 4 92 5 01 5 OS 5 10 3 C4 3 71 3 69 3 65 3 63 3 82 3 03 8 CI 3 $ 6$ 3 Ml 3 73 3 7U 3 7 3 S3 3 83' 3 80 3 SO, 3 811 3 72 3 72 3 6$ 2 (2 3 3 3 r. 3 57 3 CI 3 66 3 66 3 13 3 21 3 la 3 15 3 21 3 21 3 26 S 3! S.1&l g 1C1 2 21 3 211 3 23 J It 3 21 3 3 01 3 1 3 02 2 9o I 3 02, 3 W 2 7, 2 97 2 Ml 2 J 2 94U Z Vol Z 5 2 9t 4 M 4 44 4 48 4 4: 4 4! 4 3M 4 40 4 4M 4 46 4 M; 4 17 4 (3 4 lOi 4 u 4 7W 4 S3 4 SI int. TTj 4 5) 4 65 4 70 4 V4 4 7 4 TT 4 112 4 15 4 71 4 73 4 80 4 70 4 64 4 73 4 4 Si 4 M 747; balances, $711,341. BOSTON. JulV C balances, $2,OS6,(;C. Clearings, $23,490,292; case. $2.26; B-lb. to size, 30340c Whcnt July Aug. Hopt. Corn July Aug. Sept. Oats July Aug. Sept. Pork July Sent. Lnrd July Sept. Oct. Ribs July Sept. 7S 7ST4 7714 787i 7IVH SOU 78U 79T'(I0 S0UV4 81 tMi 79'i bOT 4241? V4 4314 4SVMii 44,i 43 HlMlU 23.i 24 23 21 2l'., 23 23?i 23 24ai ',i Sl 2li 12 CO 13 974 13 00 12 7714 12 7714 6 T7V4 7 00 7 02',4 C !0 C 1)0 7 0214 7 02b C J5 6 95 7 0214 7 15 7 1714 7 0214 7 05 7S14 79)s mi 42 23H 23Vt 23i 12 7214 12 !)21a 6 S214 ti ;ii 7 06 7 10 $1.10; Missouri, per 21-qt. bnsacts. wit ouc. WATERMELONS AS each. ., TRUI'IUAIj l'nuua. PINEAPPLES-l'er doz.. $1.5001.76. ORANGES California, Mediterranean sweets, per box, $4; budded seedlings, lemons-ualirornia, inncy, .io-, cuuitv, 'SlANANAS Per bunch, according to size, $2.25Q3.00. 1U1J.. irttiRSKn 1 irreen hides. 614c: NO. Z CTr or, iitrtna KUe: No. 1 salted hides. 7W, No. 2 Halted hides. 6Wo: No. 1 Veal calf, 8 to 13 lbs., 9c; No. 2 veal calf, 1Z to 15 ins., tsc. MISCELLANEOUS. is?rTTaTilr.lfnrv. lame, tier bu.. $1.26! hntinrkR. 11.35: Knc sh walnuts, per id., 12f13c: lllberts. per lb., lzc aimonas, por lb.. 14flCc: raw. nor lb., 5l4aoc; roaatea, Ht. I.oiiln Grain and rrorUlosi, ct T.niTtu .thIv fi wheat-Hteaayt No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 78c; track, 77 9'ac; July, vsc; aup, iou, ocvumiti. 8c; No. 2 hnrd, 73ii71c. i.1! i ti i ir i mfniiTiiTPii. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash, 42c; track, 43'4c; July. 42c; September. 43TM. OATS Higher: no. z casn, 2314c; July, MHc; September, ZiJMnw. no. steady. Flax, no mar- Stendy. $2.162.20. 4314 2 white, 2SV4C 43". RYE Dull; 6-lc new. SEEDS-Tlmothy, ster et. f .nTJXTXtT? AT Qtnn II V. BRAN-Steady; sacked, east track. 6Wc. HAY-Klrmer; timothy, $10.00S12.; Cash quotations were ns follows ri.OI'R Easy; winter nntents. il.MCTI.20: etrulghts, $3.2ivji3.90; clears, $3.00(iJ3.70; spring cpeclal, $1.75)14. S5; patents, $.'I.GOu4.20; Btralghts, $3.'.W3.70; bakers. J2.30JT2.S0. WHEAT No. 3 spring, 75c; No. 2 red, SO ClSO'tO. CORN No. 2, 43'4'iJ-llc: No. 2 yollow, 43 544'ic. OATS-No. 2, 23Q2IV4c: No. 2 whits, 20?i Wiu'.sr; .-no, a wmie, sjy.oc. RYU No. 2. 59c. BARI,EY Pair to oholco malting, 43fil5o. SEEOS-Klax. No. 1, $1,S0; No. 1 north western, ji.mi. uiover. contract grnde. $1.00, rltOVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. $11.50 yu'.w. j.aru, per loo lbs., $S.7S'uti.8714. Ilacon, short ribs sides (loose), $?.ff7.25. Dry salted shoulders (loxed), $.75if7.00; mini l i-ii'iir Bim-.i luuxeui, I.IJrflri,bJ. WHISKY Unsls of blirh win. J1 2.-L Sl'GARS-Cut loaf, $G.5S; granulated, fS.02: confectioners' A. $5.SS: off A. Ki.s.1. Tho receipts nnd shipments for todny wero Articles. 3'lour. bbls "Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu 3tyo, bu aiarley, bu. Receipts. H.G S1.000 62R.0OO 318,0- n.ono 11,000 Ship ments. IO.OiV) 9,000 739.000 602,0y0 2,W.'0 On tile Produce evehnnirn tn.lnv thn 1,'nt. ter market wns steady; creameries. IM( inP ' tnlr,cs' Hil'lic. Cheese, llrm at 9U1T 41.741.. hl,3 Diuw; IICSII, IVlC. m:w York (;i:m;h,i, mahkht. iiiiiiiiiiioiis fur tin- IJh,- on VnrloiiH C'oiiinioilit Ich, ,i:i.'?n,'0UK' July C-KI,OUR-Recelnts, SM.Xi bbls.; exports, 27,411 bbls.: moder- iyij- nciivo ami steady at old prices: winter patents, $4,165i4.t; Minnesota nat- rnis, 4,wao.w; .Minnesota bakers, $3,151? B.t; whiter straights. $3.!KV t.tO; winter ex Iras, $2.15ii1.15; winter low gradcH. $2.S0if vj. nyo nour. (tilet; fair to good, $3.10 30; choice to fancy. $3.35aiM,75. CORNMlOAIW-'lrm; yellow western. 95c: 2. B clty. 5c: llranilywlno, $2.t'.oii2,70. I. i . un ri. u. u pxiiir I. Mt.n pnoat; stute, til(tj2a c. 1, f. New fork, enr- IV)' lots. BARLEY Dull; feeding. 4li?16c c. Now York; malting, 40,i3c c. I. f. lork. BARIjIOY MAIT Nominal c f. o. b. I. f. New nmlrle S5.00lfi5.50. U' MKK t MPIIIV. ll.ul. PROVISIONS Pork, steady: Jobbing, iiim T.nr.v hlirher: nrlme steam. W.io: hnif'i. tn Mt. nrv nlt meats (boxed), steady; . X . , . , II- CA. -I.n oxtra snorts, i.ai',!i; ciear nus, ., i;i-... Sides, $7.K2'4. lincon (DOIOUJ, aicnuy, shorts, $7.S714; clear nus, w; cicur biucb, MKl ALU- ixad, uun; i.vi-,j. Djitiici, I'OUITRY Steady; chickens, 7c: springs, 910c; turkeys. 6-7c; ducks, 6(ol4c; spring, TSiSn: geese, sc; springs, iu. 11UTTBR Steady; creamery, 1619140; dnlr.V. 14Kc. RKClill'io 1 lour, d,wj oum.; wncui, iv,- 000 bu.: corn, 72,000 bu.; onts, J&.ouu nu. SHIPMENTS Flour, 7.000 bbls.: wheat, 30,000 bu,; corn. 100,000 bu.; oats, 10,000 bu. 1,1 voriiiiol Grain nnil Provisions. i.ivp.iipnni,. Julv R. WHEAT-Snot. firm; No. 2 northorn. spring. ta &a; futures wero quiet; July, (Is 3d; 8eptembcr, Ca 314d; December, nominal. rrniN Hunt, nuiei: American mixeu. new. 4s Id; American mixed, old, 4s 2ftd; futures wero quiet; July, 4s wi. FIXJUR St. Jyouis inncy winter, nrm ai Ss 3d. PROVISIONS I lams, snort cut, nrm ni 17 d. Ilacon. Cumberland cut. stendy at 29a: short r bs. llrm nt 43s: short clenr bncKs, nrm ni ws wi. iiru, American re- llned in -s-iu, pans, steauy at. ms vn; prime western in tierces, stenciy ai 3t.s an. "ALLOW Price cltv. steady at b. The imnorts of wheat into Liverpool for eliul Inir 220.000 centals American. "ho imnorts or American corn into l.iver- pool for tho past three days were 152,300 ccntnis. KnimtiN City Grnln mid Provisions. KANSAS CITY. July 0. WIIEAT-July. 70V.o: Sentember. 71'4ff714c: cash, no 2 hard. 70U'71e: No. 3. fiUKOc: No. 2 red. 77 7714c: No. 3. 73I75c. t'URN sentemoer, izu-t-Vic; cun, no, z mixed, 40Myu-llc; No. 2 white, 42c; No. lie. OATS-No. 2 White. 25?)3614c. RYE No. 2. 6Sc. HAY-Choleo timothy. $10.00iT10.50: choice prairie. $7.0Y7.H). mi n i-jtt creamery, msrifo; nairy, rancy, He. EtHiW-steady iresn Missouri and Kan sas stock, sc. loss oft: southern, new white enses Included. 6Uc. Jirccifiii'iH wueat. ts.iou du.; corn, ii.iaj bu.; oats, none. SHIPMENTS Wheat. 47,400 bu.: corn, iz,- 250 uu. Atchison do pfd H Baltimore A Ohio.. 73i Canaillioi Pacific... 85 C.nail. So ; Ches. & Ohio 3S Chlcajro O. W 10i C, II. Sc Q mi Chi.. IncL A L 21H do pfd w Chicago & B, 111.. 95 Chicago & N. W....1M C It. I. & V I"-: C. C. C. tc St. L.. ibVi Colorado So do lnt pM... do 2d pfd.... T1. & Hudson . Del. L. & W Denver & It. G. Mo pfd Eric do 1st pfd... Clt. Nor. pfd Hocking Coal .... Hocklnr Valley . Illinois Central .. Iowa Central .... do pfd K. C. V. & O.... Lake Brie & W... do ptd take Shore L. & N Manhattan L Me-t. St. lty Mexican Central . Minn. & 81, L. ... do pfd Mo. I'aclfls Mobile & Ohio .. M K. & T do ptd N. J. Ontral .... N. Y, Central Norfolk tc VT. do pfd.... No. rnclflo ... 41 ... Wi ...111 ...175 ... 17 ... n ... Wi ... 32H ...160H ... 1314 ... SMi ...114 ... 1 ... 4t ... w ... St ...109 ... 71 ... 87i ...1V4' ... ... 414 ... S9 ... r,Mi' ... 3M4 ... m; ... J0 ...127H1 ... S1T4 ... 71 ... M do pfd 70 & W 1914 do pfd 72H WnbaKh ITi do pfd IS Wheel. & 'L. K X do 2d prd 25; IVIf. Central 13 Third Avenuo 1J014 Adams V.i 114 Amnrlcan I-Ix 1M U. S. Ex 45 Wells-FnrKO Tix 123 Am-r. Cot. Oil .... 33H do pfd M',i Am-r. Malting 3li do pfd Amer. S. & R 3H do Dfd 47 Amer. Spirits 114 do pfd 17 Amer. 8. Hoop 20H do pfd ?' Am-r. S. A W Kit do pfd 7214 Amer. Tin Plate .. 201, do pfd 74 Amer. Tobacco .... 1 do pfd 125 Anac. Mining Oo... 39 Brooklm 11. T f Colo. Fuel A Iron.. 31 Con. Tobacco 24 do pfd U Federal Steel 33 do pfd l.'.4 0n. Blectrlc 123 Olucose Sugar W do pfd 'Jf Inter. Paper 211 do pfd 04'4 Ijaclede Gae 0 National Blrcult.. JO do pfd K2!4 National Iad 19 do pfd M National Steel Hli do Pfd M N. Y. Air Ilrake....l3'i Ontario Oregon Ry. A Nav. do pfd Pennsylvania Reading an ut pr.i do 2.1 pfd Rio G. W , do pfd St. It. A 8. V do 1st pfd do 2.1 pfd i St. L. Southw do pfd. St. Paul .... do pfd.. St. P. A Omaha So. raclflc Bo. Railway .... do pfd Texas A Paclflo 41 78 ... i?r .... lew .... BV .... 2K .... lYi .... 8S .... .... S .... ZVYi .... 9V .... 24 ....111 ....171 .110 . 31 . IMi . SO11 . It No. American in I'aclflcfl Coait 52 do 1st pfd $5 do 2d ptd M I'acinc Mall 27 People's Gas Prcmed 8. Car V.i do pfd "4 Pullman P. Car.... 179 Standard H. AT... 5 Buirar HS'l do Pfd 115 Tenn. Coal A Iron. OS ir H. leather 9 do pfd es IT. S. Ttutiber 24 do Pfd 0 Wcntprn Union .... SO Rcmibllc I. A B.... 101i do pfd 5 J P. C. C. A St. V... M (,'ntton Market. NEW VOnK. .Ttilv fi COTTON Strontr Liverpool cables dominated the local cotton market today und Inspired considerable bull speculation tn the roronoon. Tho bearish effect of flno weather rcuorts. sensational political news rrom China and n better tenon of crop testimony wns for tho tlmo belnK small In comparison with the In fluence or a nronounced advance in duwi spot nnd future cotton nbroad and espe- pi.niv n news or tne niter was nuciiie- mented by qenerous buying orders from T.lvArnool. Our mnrket started llrm In tone nt an ndvanco or 1 to fi points nnd scored n net rise or ioin points neioro a reaction set in. On tho bulpa room shorts and the foreign representation In Benernl wero con spicuous ns buyers. The south and the mnrn ronr.i rnnun hears hero stinnlled the cotton needed to satisfy tho former demand. Private advices nscrlbed the nrmneis in Llvernool to covcrlnir. In the early after noon our market wns firm nnd prices went off from tho top several points under ex ceptional weather reports nnd predictions from the entire belt. Short selllnrr became atilte notlve on tho theory that Liverpool would respond to the line weather accounts tomorrow. Tho mnrket later turned strontr on European purchases, which carried July to J1.10 and AUKiist to w.i- tho cioso was steady, with nrlees fl(iI12 nolnts hlKhcr. ht T.ot'TS. .Inlv 6 COTTON Firm. 3-16c lilchar; middling, 913-lGc: sales, 3,563 bales; receipts, 321 bales; snipmcnis, iwa bales: stock, 32.610 bales. NKW CHILEANS. JU V li. I I UN- Firm: sales, m balos; ordinary. 81-lCo: good nrdln.irv. yir.: low middling. U'AC: minn inn, 101-lSc; cood middling, 101-lUc; middling . I , il I . . AC, Lnlnn. nlnnl, r. liiir, IVil-l"!:; ivtciiiin, J.v.l iii.iva. niuvn. vv,- 3i naws. J- uturea, sicauy; juiy, sm.ici'a iw.o; August, J9.8Si7lR.l.'3; Heptemner, (i.wuu.uv; nntoher. SS.3K.39: November. JS.19?f.Zi: nonemlier. M.lflS.!0! .Innuarv. $8.1998.20: Februnry, $S.228i 23: March, $3.Mif8.25; April, I3.ims..t; .May, ii.zsvs:. Coffee Mnrltet. NKW YOIIK. July' B-CorKKE The mar ket for futures opened Irregular nt un changed prices to 20 points lower and sub senuentlv ruled rather easy under con tinued realizing, following a large decline nt Rio, offsetting the later ndvnnce In the Itlo rate of exichnnire nntlclnnted by nrlvnte cables, continued speculative support being withdrawn and turned to uquidntion, cnus lng a weak undertone. Hut hesitation In selling for short nccount wns caused by tno light movement of the now crop. Tho greatest decline was lCdCO nolnts, followed by a. partial recovery on covering. The close was steady nt fifi 15 nolnts net de cline. Total sales. 30,000 bales. Including juiy at ji.TT.'ifT.iu; August, ti.wus.uo; ucto- bor. M.12; November. n.ivun.Vt: December. $S.-MTIS.50; January, $V"45'ii$.50; February, $5.PiW8.65; Jlay, JS.CuVS.TS; spot Hlo, barely steady; mua, quiet. Cnllforiila Dried 1'rults. NEW YORK, July C-CALIFOUNIA DKIED FIUHTS-Qulet and unchanged. Price variations wero conspicuous by their absence In the morket for evnnornted apples today. Trading wns of hand to moutii oruer, with sel ers n contro : stale, common. SWabc: prime. G'-fiS'c: choice. CfcCc; fancy. 7f71iC; California dried prunos, s'&TTic per lb as to slro and qual ity; apricots, ltoynl, 12'4f(Hc; Moor Park. KifflSc; peaches, peeled, 16j20c; unpeeled, 6 uvc. Indicates Sunday. Holiday. Tho olliclal number of onrs of stock broueht In tnilnv liv each rami was Cattle. Hoirn. Sheep. H'r's. u., .M. & Bt. l'. ny l O. & St. L. Hy s Missouri Puclllc Ry.. 20 3 U. P. system 25 40 1 23 C. ft N. W. Ry 2 V., E. & M. V. K. R.. 61 3$ S. C. Sc P. Ry 2 2 C, St. P., M. & O.... 20 8 II. & M. It. It. R 32 30 C, B. A Q. Ry 2 S K. C. & St. J. Ry.... 1 C, R, I. & P., east.. .. 2 C R. I. & P., west.. .. 1 Total receluts ....153 115 3 23 The disposition of the day's rscelnts was as ioiiows, eacu nuyer purcnnsing inc num ber or neau indicated: Iluvors. Catt e. Omaha Packing Co 337 O, H, Hammond Co.... Swirt nnd ComDanv Cudahy Packing Co...... Armour & Co Omaha P. Co.. Kan. City. Cudahy. Rnnsau City.... Swift, Kansas City I j. V. Uuxz Other buyers 37 IV04 740 825 124 275 2C 20 44 Hots. Sheep. i,u 1,354 1,234 2.657 2,325 CS1 227 Totals 3,377 S.625 4-51 CATTLE Today's cattln market was verv liberally supplied and us a result buyers started nut to get thorn lower. Sellers wera not wining to take on much, and conse quently trading wns slow nnd draggy throughout. Bids ns a general thing wure BiHOc lower thnn yesterday. Strictly choice cattle wtre, of course. In better favor and in some cases perhaps brought close to steaay prices. Medium weignt, However, and light cnttlo wero a rood 5210c lower. nnd anything on the common order was dull anu ruuy lower. mere were only nbout five or six ears or cows on today"n market, and ns there was n fairly good demand nnythlng good was picked up nt about steady prices. The same ns has been tho case ull along, however, jjour miuii was siow saic. There was very llttlo her In the starker and feeder line and no Improvement In pricos was noted. There Is almost no de mand from the country and ooaaontientlv If any foeders should arrive ttiey would no"t bring very satisfactory prices at th present tune. iieiirusHntnuvc snies: BEEF STEERS. No. 1.... 1.... A. n-lll ) aeon (rum the tnhlo nf nvcrngo prices, today's ndvanco curries tho mnrket to the highest point reached In some lime. Representative sines Av. Pr. ..1110 $3 CO Offered. Ex-dlvldend. Nmv York Money Mnrlift. mstv YORK. July t MONEY On call, easy at 114ff2 per cent; last loan, 114 per cent; prime inercaiuuo (.aye, 0744517a cent. , UTPiii .1 vi; . xi riAm. ', l-inn. wnn actual business In bunkers' bills nt i.Mr!g for demand and $4.f3T4ff4-S4 for sixty days; posted rates. $t.S5'S1.8714; commercial bills, $4.831.8314. A v XtoYlenn dnllnrs. AH. The closing prices on uonus louay are as followoi Dry Hoods MnrliPt. NKW YORK. Julv fi DRY r.OnDH The market has ruled steady today on cottons Wltn rattier moro mnurv. Uleaehod. dull and unchanged. Coarse colored goods also ami ai previous prices, trint cloths, rm unuor prosoectlvo curtal mont. Prints. quiet and unchanged. Linens, dull but steady, uuriaps, Ilrmer for Calcuttas, 1... zn... 1... 1... :... 22... 1... 4T... 21... 19... 49... 10... 7... 35... 43... 20, ,. 13... 49... ... SO... 41... !1... 21... SS... 43... 31... C9... 37... 43... 14... 20... 1... 1... 1... 1.., 1... .1070 .... tl .... 7 ...,1Kf. .... K0 .... too ....1240 .... 81) ....1045 ,...lMr, ....1SCO ....1050 ....1084 ....101O ....1032 ....1M6 ....1074 ....1024 ....1016 ....103 ....1014 ....HOC ....1M5 ....1176 ....107.1 ....10U ....1094 ....im ....HIS .... 972 ....1201 ....1090 ....1097 ....10A3 ....1142 .... 570 .... 840 .... S70 ltW .... 170 .... f 40 3 SO 4 00 4 10 4 :o 4 25 4 Si 4 25 4 40 4 41) 4 45 4 ro 4 55 4 70 4 70 4 ! 4 SO 4 SO 4 SO 4 SO 4 84 4 80 4 SO 4 SO 4 85 4 SS 4 M 4 90 4 W 4 9i) 4 90 4 90 4 95 4 to 5 00 600 5 00 No. It 26 40 19 17 44 101.... 22 Si!!." 25 29 SO 45 6 19 17 1 10 M 39 21 St 40 3 1 77 21 (6 24 it...., 34.... 52.... SI.... 24.... 41..... BULLS. 2 (0 2 75 3 00 3 M 3 25 3 2-1 1.. 1 1 1 1 1 Ar. .....1444 net 1285 1175 114 1011 1433 1144 im 1240 1013 UU 100 10M .....nro , 1K6 1277 UM , 1277 1217 1157 1221 100 1Z73 , 1200 127 153$ , 129 1 979 10S2 nil ltR lftSl 1382 i:o 14H ...1360 ..WW ...1740 ...11M ...1144 ...1790 Pr. 5 00 5 00 6 00 5 00 6 00 5 00 I 05 5 (5 S OS 5 05 S 09 5 074 6 07 H 6 10 6 10 S 10 R 10 5 10 5 10 10 5 10 S 10 r is C 1G C 15 5 15 5 15 6 20 5 20 C 20 5 20 5 26 6 30 5 35 6 15 5 40 3 M 3 TO 3 90 4 00 4 OC 4 25 ....103 ....IM ....100 do 4a N. Y. C. Is. N. J. C. gen. 89 W 5i.... 1204 .10!Ul do 4s 101i rer.. .114 IN Y. C A St L 4..100 ....181 'N. A w. con. 4s. '.i64 .10Vi'Ko. I'aclllo 3a. U. 8. 2s ref.. do coupon , do , rg.. do ii, reg.i do coupon , do new 4, do coupon do old 4, tck UHi OreEon Nav. do coupon 1141 "do 4i do rs, reg Ortgon S. I. nt KifiSSc. ,-V-i,.KAT77Uccc P,B- 105',f, exports, fc'O.uu. Spot, llrm; No. 3 red, 8Sc f. o. b! nlloat ; No. 2 nd. 854o elevator; No. 1 north- if"' "'yit wsc 1. o. n. anoat, to nrrlve; No. 1 hard. DuluUi. 911&o f. o. b. afloat, to arrlvo. Options opened higher and steudy on a rally on English cables, but nlmost Immediately turned weak under foreign selling, local liquidation and the northwest rains. Thta wus followed by un afternoon reaction nnd partial recovery of tho ptrensrth of corn and a scare of shorts, 4?1rvMn firm nt lifiA.' r mil ,i,i,.nv.rtA, ... . H . V " ' I.I4IHIII.V) UUIj $5Ji8'ic, closed nt S6Uc. Sentembur. !; loUo. closed at 83Jj October, So!i4?$57c, .CORN-Recelpts, 257,350 bu.: exports. 103. NI bu. Spot, strong; No, 2. 504c f. 0. b. ufloat and 4sH0So elevntor. The mnrket nrm an tiay. especially in tno nrtor. noon, when tho heaviest buying occurred. Imsed on unfnvornble crop news, roturntng nun souiimeui umi export uemnna, Llo.icd strong tit lo advance; July closed nt 40Hc; (September, 4S 7-l(Ul49Vic closed at 4DJic. OAT'S Receipts. 106,100 bu.: exports. 2,325 bu. Spot, dull; No. 2. 2Sltc: No. 3. 28c; No. 2 white, 3014o: No. 3 white, 30s; trark. mixed wrwiorn, ssttuwc; trnoK, wniie. utxuJoc, up Hons quiet but woll held with corn, .HAY Quiet; shipping, 7f75c; good to cnoice, sot STe. TIOPS steady; state, common to choice. 3859 crop, liyilc; old, 35c: Pacldo coast. 20 to 25 lbs.. lbs., 21'4c; Texas Toledo Markot. TOLEDO. O.. July 6. WHEAT Dull and higher; spot, 83Tc; July, S3?ic; August, 84c; September. 84'ie. CORN Dull and higher; No. 2 cash, 4c; September, 45'4. uats uun nnu lower; io. 3 casn. zee: Septontber, 21Hc. u K Dull and unchanged: No. 3 cash. sc. CLOVERi SEED Dull and ower: 1SS prime, J5.10; IRK) prime, $5.60; October, $5.'j0; .so. s, jt.tv. , Mlimcnpnlls "Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS. July fi.-WIIBAT-In store: .no. 1 northern, oc: sentember. 80:4c. On track: no. 1 hnrd. 820; No. 1 northern, ww. No. 2 northern. 75Tc. FLOl'lt Klrst patents. 14,60: second nnt- onts. $4.40; first clear. $3.50; second clenr. fJ.U.I. jJitA.N in nuiK, u.uojiiJ.w. do coupon lli'i D. of C. 3 C5n 123 Atch. general 4....101H do adj. 4 iu Canada So. 2 107. Cllts. A O. i'.i Mil do la lieu O. & N. W. c. 7.140H do a, Y. deb. &S..119 Chlcuro Ter. 4 93 Colo. 9o. 4a H'i "D. k It. a. 1 103 do 41 971, "Erlo general 4a... 6S1J P. W. & Tl. C. Is.. 72 0n. Klc. Ea. ...Ulli la. Central la 112 1C C. P & a la 70V It. & N. unl. 4.... 9"! M K. A T. 2i CT do conaol 5s. Heading gen. 4s ,1D7 101'4 ....iva ....itt'i ... ST .... 97'i 6s.H0 Cl.121 Oil Market. OIL CITY. Pa.. July 6,-OILS-Credlt bnl- pneca, $1.25; certlftcntos, no bid; shipments, 53,511 bbls.; average, SS.0CO bbls.; average, Wool Mnrki't. ST. LOUIS. July 6. WOOL Easy nnd toudlng lower; medium grndes. UVSOftai light line. Hffl7c: heavy tine. 114714c: tub washed. 1&412SC Siiittir Mnrkrt. NEW ORLEANS. July 6.-SUOAR- Strong; cuntruugnl, yellow, IJiQSUc; sec onds, i'a vuc. Hlo G. W. !(... St. It & t Mfc. "St L & B F g. 3t. Paul console.. ICS rit P, CAP 11...110H do Ci inn Ro. Pacldo 4a 7S'i So. Hallway It lOSH rt. It. & T. ts.... 7" Tex. Pacinc la.11114 do 2s r.: Union Pacific 4s... .101' Wabash la 116 do U lP4j Weit Wtore 4i....UU4 Wli. Central Is 87VJ Va. Cnturlt 91'i When Issued. Hid, Offered. . Itoatnn Mlnlnfr Qnotntlnnii, ROSTON. July 6.-CalI loanf. 2H03H per cent; tlmo loano, per cent, umciai cloEtnz: F... A.. T. & B, do prd.. Amur. Fugar do tifd . . Ilell Telephone .. 2IS .. 71l ..116 ..US'4 ..145 Dulutli Mnrkrt, Dl'LUTII. Minn.. July 6.-WIIEAT-N0. 1 iiani. casn. J.. hp: August. sic: Hentem- ber. &314C'. necember. B4o; No. 1 northern, cash. 2?ic: August. SlKc. Seotember. 8H4o: December, wc no. 2 northern. iS'4c: No. 3 spring, iii-i it; iprlng, "i'i'iC. O VTS-2"(4'i?25c. -UK.N tlftC. Hoston A Albany. ..214 Iknton TTlfvntfd ...W C, II, & Q WIS Dora, coal 3'J Federal Steel 3 do pfd RO Fltchbtir pfd 138H Cle-n, F.lectrlo 12814 Kd, Klfotrlo 111.... 2Ti Mexican Central ... 12' Midi. Telephone .. 83 N K. O. A C 13 Old Colony 203 id Dominion 11 Rubber 2V Union Paclfo , West End 93 Wis. Central 11 Atehlion 4i 9 N. K. O. tz C. 5a... 6 Adventure J AllMifi Mining Co,. 1 Amal. t;orpr st Atlantis Koston Sc Mont 29 Butt" St Iloston.... 07 Cal, A llecla 720 Centannlal IK Franklin 1 Onreola 60 Parrot 40 tlulncy 155 Santa Fo Copper... 4',i ramaracK 1.8 Utah Mining 26' Wlnonn 2?; ... 30'4 Soiitli Dnl.otn mv Noti-a. Tho Oermnn Luthorans of Arlington nnd vicinity have doclded to erect n new church, and woric win begin at once. A conslderablo amount of grading has been dono nt Revlllo this spring and sev eral now streets havo been opened. Castlewood boasts of having fewer dogs thnn any other town In tho state, and In consequence lias become nn onject or envy. All tho machinery for the new creamery nt Riverside, McCook county, litis been received and in a snort time tno new in- Htltutlon will bo In operation. Tho Salvation Army has temporarily abandoned Vermillion owing to nerslstent attempts on the part or a gnng 01 young rowdies to ureitK up tno nieeiin;. Tti-vnnt I - onn nf tint South Dakota towns which are miiklns substantial public Im nrnvements. such hr the nutting In or new street crossings, tiling ror drainage, etc., In addition to conslderablo grading. Editor Volkmur of tho Mllb.mk Review, wlin lind nrlntinn- establishment dc- frtroyed by llro somo weeks ago, has let tho contract for a lino now building, In which his now newspaper plant will be installed. TJie authorities of Watcrtown have dc- rliied tn Imnrove tlin town bv nutting In n completo sewerage system. City Engineer Carpenter has prepared tho plans, whlcn linve been upproveu uy tne city council. Work 011 the system will soon begin. , Mnvnr l!uuz:i of Tvndall was so Strongly Impressed by a recent visit to the en'ut artesian wells at Chamberlain that he 11. is offered to contribute tno sum or 2W in- ivnrd Hlnklntr one or the Tvndnll artesian wniis to tun uuiiic dentil as 1110 iumous Chamberlain wells, believing thnt by doing so It would develop as great 11 pressure as uny or the wens nt unamnennin. TUB II MALTY MARKET. CALVES. 1 ISO 5 60 2 225 6 00 1 263 6 00 1 170 6 M 1 160 6 00 1 110 6 00 STAOS. 1 910 4 (V) 2 1K6 4 70 3 1570 4 30 4 15(7 4 75 30 1799 4 6'. STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1 W) 2 Hi 2 1050 3 60 12 S7 3 (X) STOCK CALVES, t 180 4 50 STOUK15HH ANU KlCKUiSllb. CIO 3 00 1 610 3 25 STEERS TEXAS. 890 4 60 65 1142 6 00 1109 4 65 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 58.. 21.. 24., 881 4 54 956 4 75 STEERS 1500 5 15 53. .124 2 5 05 AND STAGS. 810 730 8U) 800 RT0 910 1000 1150 1040 1P0O 11(0 M 981 1 1030 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... 2... 3.!'. 1.... 1 1 1 2 1 4 1 I 47 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3. ..1000 ..1010 ..1150 .. 970 .. 965 .. 910 .. 810 ..131) ,.10t) 1 50 1 70 1 75 1 75 1 75 1 73 2 00 2 00 2 25, 2 50" 2 M 2 50 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 on 1 25 3 30 3 50 3 60 3 50 COWS. 4..., 4... 2... i".'.'. 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 3.. 7.. 6.. 12.. .. ... 970 1027 10T.5 1170 1040 1100 920 1160 1220 VA 951 XI 991 1070 1015 ..1170 .1145 ,.1230 ,.1427 .1123 1 1440 1 1830 2 1050 COWS AND HEIFERS. 3 75 3 80 3 90 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 10 4 15 4 20 4 26 4 26 4 55 4 40 4 45 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 56 79'. 727 471 , 740 , 420 451 790 9(0 745 , 9S1 , 6.10 618 4 X. 4 !0 HEIFERS. 950 4 35 2 50 3 00 3 40 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 75 3 76 3 75 1.. 1 1 SO 23 19 26 2 4 . 710 . 0 . r,70 . 718 . tl . 11 . 763 .lltt . 790 4 04 4 00 4 10 4 15 4 80 4 20 4 43 4 64 4 65 No 6.V . . . 113... 32.... 71.... 20.... 10.... 62.... 41.... 63.... 62.... 65. Av. ..187 ..151 ..1S4 ..207 ..145 ..rot ..111 ..201 ..25t ..203 215 79 2J4 CS. SI 73 92 to 71 70 IH I ..211 ,.2W ..218 ..183 '.'.221 ..248 3 201 4 2 81 270 0 2--) 2 216 SO 221 71 223 92 216 70 221 Mi. Pr 40 4 75 ... 4 73 40 4 S5 80 6 0) ... $5 10 ... 5 12j 6 U'.'j 5 15 5 15 5 15 5 13 6 r. 6 15 5 15 5 15 5 16 5 15 5 r. 6 1". 5 13 6 13 5 15 6 15 5 13 6 15 IS 40 No. 45 41 (9 67 4) fs...... ISI 78 75 71 7.) 61 W r-V. C2 CO... 66... 53.... Av. fh. Pr. 21) 44 5 IS 4) 60 80 232 ,..29) ,..t:n ...Kl ,..203 ...IS2 ...210 ...150 l71 "j7l ...211 ,..247 266 ,.I7J ..214 ..368 3 .55 38.1 90 80.. 69.. 1A.... 93 67 64 74 66 60 69 80 31 r, TS 17 , 71 84 16 ffi 78.'.... 6 :.. 67.. If: ...227 ...226 ...221 ...227 ...231 ,..212 ...I9t ...203 ...2W .270 .237 .241 .211 .223 .203 ...188 ...24) ...231 ...235 . . .223 ...187 ...189 ...219 ...21S 277 ISO K.0 80 40 12) 4) 200 SO 120 121 60 120 40 70 237 57 213 65 207 87 313 61 190 ) 217 60 1(0 80 160 120 SO "iO 160 40 so 86 120 244 80 5 13 5 15 5 r. 5 1.'. r. ir. 5 15 5 15 5 15 5 IS 5 15 6 15 5 15 5 15 5 15 6 13 6 15 6 15 5 13 6 15 5 15 6 15 5 P. 5 15 5 IS 5 It 5 16 6 15 5 15 6 16 5 15 6 16 6 15 5 15 6 15 5 15 5 15 6' 61..., 64... 79..., 63..., 68... 66..., fil... 63..., 60... 62... 69... 52 77 W 69 75 71 270 ....277 ....274 ....2.11 ....234 ....230 ....283 ....241 ....260 ....216 ....211 ....273 ....311 .281 .212 ..241 ,.V 191 40 60 ir,j 4) 'so SO so 200 so S) 8) 120 M 40 If J) 120 SO to S1) 41 too 80 ICO 6) 61 248 CO 65 261 160 8 231 6-) 63 226 ... 63 231 80 69 2:9 120 70 251 80 51 280 SO 65 286 SO 12 213 0 m!!!!'.'.'.!213 iei 62 24 1 80 M 249 40 74 284 40 69 211 . . 74 219 40 63 246 120 66 270 ... 70 256 ... 46 116 151 341 smtrTflPThorA tenrn hnrrtlv ennusll slieeP nn flalA Inillv tn mntin n tent nf the market. but from tho way buyers actd they did not seem anxious for supplies, It being tho last of the week. A bunch of spring lambs brought $9.25. with n few out, which Is about steady with the way lambs have been selling of late. Tho few other sales that were mnde toilav were not mucn diner. cnt from yesterday's prices. Feeders wero In as little demand ns ever and cammon tuff nf nnv kfnd nas hIow sale. quotations: cnoice western grass wrtu rs. $3.75l3.J: cholcs grass yenrllnss, $4.25 pnou 6 13 6 IS 5 15 5 IS 5 IS 5 IS 6 1714 5 1714 5 17'i 6 17'4 5 17t 6 174 6 17i, 6 174 5 20 6 17ti 5 17Vj 5 l"'j 6 IT'j 6 17'n 6 17"j 6 1714 5 1714 5 17'4 6 114 5 17'S 6 17ij 5 17' j 5 17'4 5 17H, 6 17'4 5 17'4 5 17' i 6 17'4 5 17'i 5 174 6 171 i 5 l?'i 6 17'i 5 17'i 6 171, 6 17'i 6 IH4 5 17t4 5 17'i 6 1714 6 im 5 1714 6 17'4 6 174 6 17', 6 1714 6 17'i 6 174 5 17'i r. 1714 5 20 5 20 5 20 5 20 6 25 ers, 4.50; rlinlre eweo. t3.252T3.50: fair to ewes. 1z.wg11.ia; rair to gooa yearnngs. j.io 5t4.w; good to cnoice cupped lamDs, it wy. 4.AQ: fair to cood dinned lambs. $4.00?4.2: choice spring lambs, $5.75'iHOO; fair to good spring lambs, $5.0036.50; feednr wethers, $3.O0rt3.25; feeder yearllnfes, J3.25g3.50, nnd feeder lambs, $4,2504.50. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 3 otllls S3 $2 00 67 faedlng wethers 72 :i 00 100 feeding wtthers 71 3 25 30t Wyoming wethers 73 3 20 40 feeding wethers 71 3 40 138 owes 10O 2 10 600 Wyoming wethers 7S 3 fO 116 spring lambs hi ti 15 CIIIOAno LIVE STOCIC MAR I CRT. also see. I suppose, that I run considerably further 'round than lou nr. "Well, you arc getting tqunre with rue, nnyhow. Whnt Is your Irth? Thirty-eight?" Tshnw!" replied the prfessor. "It Is thirty years slnco I wns id." At tho hour of going to press the doo- tor wns still trying to dig hidden mean ings out of Hint rejoinder. Soolnl Plilliinoiih v. Atchison (tlobe: A letter Is not really Important unices you burn It after rradlmt You havo made a fair success o( your do mestic nffalrs If 011 nro on speaking terms with nil of your kin. When nny one oer 23 gats nn Invitation to n picnic, It means that somcono very much older Is getting It up. Unless kin drop In every dsy to express their disapproval of you they are treating you worse thnn n stranger. "I don't enjoy my meals nny more, an old follow said todny. "1 ate up nil the gooi things twenty-nvo years ago." When n boy bns n tiling ho Is proud of his plcasuro Is greatly enhanced if there Is someone around to whom he can "show" it. A woman can whip her own children without consulting tho neighbors, but she should npk their permission when a step child needs a licking. An Atchison woninn, who has been mar ried thrco times, will Bhortly try It 11 fourth time. Marrying four times Is next door to being talked about. 'I can't seo how you can shoot nn Inno cent little dove," n girl snld to her guilty brother. "I Just aim nt it," the boy re plied, "nnd pull the trigger." A girl child will bollcvo longer than a boy child that eating the crusts will mako tho hair curl nnd this credulity Is char acteristic ns sho grows older. steers. 4.i5rn.iJ; stociters and reeoi $1.75fllf,76; butcher caws nnd heifers, $. !f4.7o; canners, IS.fiftfjfl.lO: fid wester $4.005iS.OO: fed Texane, $4.4(W4.65; gn Steers Stendy, Ittitelirra' Steele Strnrty tn ntrmiK Hok" liltclicr. CinCAOO, July 6.-CATTLK ReoelptB ,!00 head, Including 600 Texans; steers ntetnly; butehers' stock stendy to strong; natives, best on sale todnv. twolve cur- londu at $6.40; good to prime steers, 15.15(5 .75; poor to medium. 4.65fl5.10; selected feeders, iitendy, $3.S.VS'4,85: mixed stockrrs, aulet, $3.20G3.t6; cows. $2.90iM.40: heifers. fl.orvjjC.OO; canners, 2.2.75; bulls, stendy, $2.6fr4.&0: cnlvea, steady. $4.60gc.50. Tex nns. receipts, 500 head; 4iest on sale today, three oartoads at $4.70; Tsxas fed steers, strong, $4.4O0e.2O; Texas grass steers, steady, $3.C6S4.2o; Texas bulls, steady, $2.00 HOGS Receipts today. 10,500 head; tomor row, 13,000. estimated; left ovsr, 2,600; nv crngo 6c higher; top, $5.50; mixed and butch ers, $5.3O5J6.60; good tq choice, henvy, $5.20OT 5.45: rough henvy, $f. 031-5.15: light, $3.15 6.50; bulk of sales, $5.30S6.37'.4. SHEEP AND LAMDS Receipts, 3.000 hend; sheep dull; good to choice lambs, l(Vjj'15c higher: others stendy to slow; good to oholco wotners, $4.16S4.80; fair to choice mixed, $3.151Tt.25; western sheep, $4.0084.75; Texan sheep. $3.35fi-4.00; native lambs, $4.25 6. SO; western lambs, $5.00JJ4.10. Knnaiin City Live Stock. KANSAS CITY, July fl. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2,600 natives, 400 Texans; good de mand for all classes at firm prices; native steers, it.iblffc.is; stockers and reeurs. ms. rass Texans. I3.60B-4.ir.. jfOdS Receipts, 9,800 hend; trade active, 6l0(; higher; heavy. $5.30f(0.374; mixed. $5,26?(5,33; light, $5.16(55.27; Pigs. $I.S5 6.10. SHEEP AND LAM IIS Receipts, 600 hend J supply unusually light; prices steudy, lambs are bringing $4.&0Sfi.OO: muttons, $3.60 fW.58: Texas and Arlzonas. $3.001T4.CO; feed ers, 3.5O)'4.00; ctllis, SS.WUM.aV. Ht. Loiila Live Stock. cm T ntlTd T . . I . . r fiiipiri 17-.tln..lnla 11, IjUUlD, Jill U. I & Ul'. l.Vl.ll... 1,300 hend. Including 700 hend Texans; mar ket stendy; native snipping and export steers, S4.8SSitS.4SS; dressed beef nnd butcher steers, $4.65176.30; steers under 1.000 lbs., $.!.!0 Gfi.fS; stockers and feeders, $3.5004.75; cows nnd heifers. 12.35'rfo.txi canners. h.wws.m; bulls. $2.3503.40; Texas nnd Indian steers, $3.25ffl.70; cows and heifers, $2.0DJJ3.10. HOOS Receipts. b,70U neau; mnrgei steady to 5c higher; packers, $j.lr45.35; DUtcners, SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, S0O head; market steady; native muttons, $l.OOtf4.25, lambs. $4.00SC.OO: culls and bucks, $2.W'rfl.O0, stockors, $2.00ff3,50. New York Lire Stock. NEW YORK. July 6. REEVES Rece-lpts, 3,634 head: demand fair, priced steady; bulls higher: all sold: native steers, s4.twj w; Texas, $4.rN.; bulls, $3.10irl.3r. cows, $2.:!Wl.2.: cables unchanged; no shlnments UAIjVKS tieceipts, us neau, vi-uis mii" buttermilks nominal nnd weak; veals, $1.50 tpfi. 70: tops, $5.70; mixed culvert, 51 JS. HHKIir A.N1J UA.Mlin-mra:n, " head; sheep, oulet but steady; lambs, slow, top grades lrV((-25c off; common lambs. 4Mf 50c lower: sheep, $3.001.25; culls, $4.60; lambs. $3.001J'3.75. HOOS Receipts, 1,411 neuu; nunc iui bi alive. S5?i Wolverlnrs !. 1490 crop. 104il3c; old, 3'd6c, HlDKS-l-'lrm; Galveston X, ito; California, 21 to I -. . n . "A i,d 1 I tf tu m ivaii liEATHER Steady ; hemlock sole, Rue nos Ayms, light to heavyweights, 2tWc: acid. 23tr2Hie. WOOI-l)omeitlo Ileece, 2Soj Texas, 150 . 16c: eteady. ' I'ROVISIONS-Ileef, dull; fa-nlly, lt0.6OiJ . 13.00: mru. 19.0O.W.50-. Veef hams. S2O.0O22 ttfW; BKtot, tlD-WU.Wi city, Icdijv estra, SlIMvaukre Grnln Mnrkrt. MILWAUKEE. July O.-WHEAT-Dult: No. 1 northern, SOc; No. 2 northern, HVtlt 7c. RYE-Steadv: No. 1. C2o. HA RLE Y Quiet; No. 2, c; sample, 40 47C. London Stock (tuotiitlnna. LONDON, July 6.-4 p. m.-Closlne: mey .... nrle 11 t 9! do lt pfd J3W 65V4 3K 7iH 6 Consols, mon do sccoun Atrhtson 26'i l'"nnBylvaiila Canxdlon raclflo .. nt r.ituiint pi. rui ii54 so. l'lu-ino iifd... llllnoli Central ....116 and Trunk .... Uiulsvllle 75i .uconda I'lillHilrlphln I'rodurr, PHILADELPHIA. July 6. HHTTER Quiet, nut Arm; fancy western crerary. lfliici fhnoy Wflstnrn trrlnra. lie. EQUS-StbaOy; frsti nearby;. Be;., frwdi, t'nlon Pac, prd.. N. A". Ontral ... 75 Rand Mtn .132V4 Bra.mrR Steady, 23 T-lftl. WOtVEW4Wpl9l perosnt;.. THuj-ato; ot discount, lit', thtt. oneavmarttat. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Friday, July 0: AVitrrmity Hoeils. Omaha Ixian and Trust company to II, W. Williams, h 19 foet of lot 3 ml n 21 foet of lot 39, Rcdlck'e 2nd add $ M, L. Rlckard and wife to C, L. Uoh ner, lot 11. Mnloney's add J. A. Russell nnd husband to A. L. Stevens, n 40 feet of tux lot 57 In 31- 15-13 liilt t'lnliu Drrda. Ellen Hogan to aiartln Hogan, lota S3 and 34, Vinton 1'Uco HOOS The hog market was a llttlo more liberally supplied today than yesterday, but still not us mnny cars were received as a wcok ago touuy. unuci mu iiiiuimi" .1 anm in.-qi firmnuti mill h hu ui iu- from othor markets trading opened up at this point fairly active at an advance of 71fS10o. Tho bulk of tho oarly Sales was at $5.155.17W. with the long string at is.lilj, wnne yemrruny tno uum Tinn Xrt.Ut'ATlD.IU. Willi mo lUIIK IIIU'S " KO v50 S50 Total aJrtajrnt. of. trxra&rg $5 07'4. A two-load btiBCh of cnoice heavy hogs brought $5.25 today, or 10c higher than yesterday's top price. After the packers had filled their more urgent orders prices seemea to wi-umn trlflo In sympathy with the weuk close at Chicago. Most of the Inte sales were at $5.11, nff ogalnst S5.15a5.m4 earlier In the day. It took choice heavy hogs to bring Minn 1A.17U nt nnv time, but the ner- nn T.itt fur Lhu bulk, of the sales made It l.fi,uu (injuvnD.v.v ... wmt .- Stock. July 6. (Sp- St. Joseph Live SOUTH ST. JOSEPH. clnl.) The Journnl nuotrs: CATTLI--Recelpts, 1,200 head; market mostly 10c higher; natives, $l.3Oq0.40: Tovnns and westerns. w.uiij.b; cows n mi heifers. J2..'5ral.(; nuns nnu kiiiuk, ic.iow 4. SO; yearlings and calves. $4.00jii.00; stock ors nnd feedcrn. Siajg4-- . , , HOtJS Receipts, 6,600 bend: market 7'45i 10" .higher: all grades, $5.20jjC.2T.'s; bulk of sales, J5.23fiS.30. SHEEP Itecelpts, 1,200 head; market steady. Stork In Sliclit. Following ore fhe receipts at the four principal western markets for July fi: Cattle, Hoi's. Sheen. South Omaha 3,453 R.ilft". 702 Chicago -i" lo.uini suit V IIILKkll '.-... n r.r. n CrtA TM tarLouiu:iy..:;::::::::::: i:S im ' Totals 9,711 31,065 5.C02 With a Mornl. Chicago Tribune: "Have you the tooth ache?" naked the customer, after the barbor had shaved him and handed him a check for 15 cents. "No, tlr," answered tho barber. "Iloll anywhere on the Jawt" " "No, air." ,.'.' '. "Had rold?" "No, fir." "Anything the matter with your throat?" "Nothing." "Any Impedlme speech?" "None." "Tr "It doesn't hurt you to talk7" "Not at nil." "And you refrained from telling mo my hnlr was harfh and dry and asking mo If I didn't want seafoam or If I wouldn't HUo to havo my hair singed, or from making any other suggestions of that kind, for tl'e slmplo reason thnt you thought If I wanted nnythlng else I'd havo sense, enough to know It without being bored to death about It?" "Yes. sir." "Well, I'll eorao horo regularly after this," Tlie IOverlUHtluK Contro ferny. Chicago Tribune: "Woll, said tho doc tor, who Is Blender, to thu professor, who Is rotuud, "I seo, you aro well enourh to be 'round." ' jCsa' TOtta the; pnjtewr. "Toa can, m4 -.Thejnrr-Kimuch like COATED ELECTRICITY as iclence can unite them, rifieh one produce as much nerve-building substance as Is cou talned in the amount of food a man consumes in n week. This is why they have cured thousands of cases of nervous diseases, such as Debil ity, Dizziness, I nsoinnU, Varicocele, etc. They ennbleyo-.i to think clenr ly by developing brain matter; force healthy circulation, cure indiges tion, and Iuip4tt bounding vigor to the wliule svslem. Alt weskenlng and tlssue-destrorlng drain and losses permsntntly cured. Delay msy mean Insanity, Consumption and Death. r Price, ft per box; six boxes (with tron-clad guarantee to cure or re fund money), $5. llodk containing positive proof, free. Address Peal maoicine to., Cleveland, O. Bold by Kuhn & Co., 15tli and DouglU. and J. A. Fuller Co.. 14tn and Deuglaa. BUFFET LIBRARY GARS Best Dining Car SarviM :;uswin Gn Lard, on Ham, on Bacon is a gunranisi off purity. . Swift and Oompany, ClilcdRo, Kotmas City, Ouialiu, Ht. Louis, St Joacph, St. Paul, In AJAX TATlLHTs PCLSITIvCLY CURB l,. An-oii 7laleS Fnllloa Vota. or7. SlcffpUitnskt. rftc. csupsd br orr u i work ami aim turtlv retoia Ixifl or louna, and fit a moa niu or pliun Liomutn Iudiscrttions. Thru tiulctlO I v itaiur in oi Tor timr, o it II ;;t; ,9 pluuiira, l'roiaat IfinultJ. nd rtloa It takar- In tjma. TMIr taro all othara fall. Inmt nron liuVlDiithaganutia A) ax Tablets. Tliojr liarn cured tliornuoiln nui nil! enra oo. Wa al u rotltlta -rlttaa suarantat) to af- Kfl fie "r packaga, or all auckiMi ,Kull ImoV uwuim raanti tor l.ou Drraaii.in iiiain wrappoq frt aenra In aach cans or rnluail tlia uivaar. I'rloa irrnal .lc AJAX REftlEDY CO., 'gS; Tor sale in Omaha, Neb. by Jas. Forsyth, 202 N- tCth. Kuhn & Co., 15th and Douglas, and In Council ti luffs by J. C. Dullaven. Drugglklu iTS cMICInTCrf3 UNIaLIUH AT.. i"Ttrpii,i, l.aaiM. Mk urvrrlll fr ClIICIIKsTEKkl 1W(1(Ah1J lip USCi l tlalt nilallli V.ifi .:.! I ilo ciai nfj.i, i aka aa atkar. Ke naartfm Hukatlluttaaa aatl lajilu. Ilaaa. Sr r itar lirufclit tr ! 4e.T "Pr'Jl!. I'artlealara, Trftlnaaleli 1 ''ItflUr far l.aaTra,"niisFlVf r. , Moll. lo. OOO 1.llmnl. 1,1( I1'". ChlahaatrrCWmloaliia., ana ! alt Lintfl.il. l'hl.k..i..rLaul..l .Varllaatblir- Hadlaaa Sal ara. fl!.).-.. VX- CURE YOURSELF! Uau Bl 44 for uuaatural dlacharxai, lodania-ia'IOAa, Irritations or uliaralloM of in no on a nambrcoaa. itan laaiatioo. Palulni. and nut aitlla- StHlEfMUriHtMICIlCo. or polioQuui. rtnia by urogglau. "or nt In plain -rappart IfW Osaiauttal Vaatr Dl M llltai WW "ir em-iusiri.q.WSlI by aipriat, piruaM, fo fl.M). or t, boUlti. H.li. Circular seat ou raViawVi JAMES E BOYD & CO., Tclopluinc 10;i!). Omalia, NsV COMMISSION, UK A IN, 1'KOVISIOiNSund STOCKS llOAHO OV TIlADi:. Oorreipondenct: John A, W.rren St Ca Direct wlras to Chicago and Maw VorS rn mis H.R.PEMNEY&C0. SSj iBMKCH I03.HJS UfKJrtA