12 THE OMATTA T)ATLY BEE: "FRIDAY", TTTLY 0, 1000. CREDITORS ALLEGE FRAUD Financfal Rcvorses of James Stephenson, Bankrupt, Taken Up in Court. SUIT IS BROUGHT AGAINST HIS WIFE Truslcp Conlr rnl (lull Mir Hold I'oiir Life I ii nil in ii ci' I'oiIi'Ii-h Hint Miotilil llnvi' lln-n Ttiriird ()-r to CrrilUnrx. The financial reverses of James Stephen on, bankrupt, nro being exploited nt lonstli In Judge Kcysor's court on complaint of John A. Scott, who was mailo truitco of tho stato for tho creditors. Stephenson, who WW for many years ono of tho most promi nent and wealthy liverymen In the city, !a charged with fraud In transferrin)? certain property and rlRUts to his wife, Mary. Scott alleges that Stephenson has given ovor to his wlfo four life insurnnce policies In the nmnuntM of $5,000 each drawn by tho Mu tual, the Kntiltnble, the Northwestern and tho New York Mfo Insuranrc companies These policies, Scott alleges, should havo been retained for the benefit of tho creditors. It Is also claimed that Stephenson gnvn his wlfo tho title to u lot In Hanscom Place valued at 15.000. Tho plaintiff asks that all tho property In question bo turned over to him for equitable apportionment among thoo holding claims against tho estate. Attorney Daldwln for tho defendant mado a dramatic appeal for tho rights of Mirf. Btophonson. "When Stephenson wa de clared a bankrupt In 189S his property, known to bo worth $150,000. was sold for 426,000, and ho has been able to save his Rife only tho Insurance on his life and a Jiomcstcad In Hanscom Place. The lot has not been paid for and Clod only known where tho money Is to como from." Tho defenso relies for Its caso upon the fact that tho controversy Is said to havo been settled In federal court nnd Is now res adjudlcata. It also points out that while James Stephenson Is charged with fraud ho Ih not a party to tho suit, tho caso being brought against his wife, Mary. Another relic of tliM hard times Is tho bankruptcy caso against tho Amorlcnn Loan nnd Trust company, on trial In Judge Paw cctt'B court. Tho concern, which was orig inally Incorporated In Ashland, Neb., moved to Omaha In 1887 anil went Into bankruptcy In 1894. At the beginning of Its Omaha ex perience tho company raised Its capital stock to $300,000 and engaged for about a year In tho banking business. Tho Ham ilton Natlonnl bank of Boston nnd other concerns wcro heavy creditors of tho trust company when it failed and aro now seeking a baslB of settlement. JACKSON Al.l.f.filOS CONTHMPT. ear HI" Illrnrcrit Wife linn Din-iilii-ji'il Court'a Miitiilntr, Kdwln It. Jackson Is seeking to show that his divorced wife, Ocorgle J. Jackson, now Mrs. Charles Kelpln, Is guilty of contempt of an order Issued by Judge Kcysor. Jack Ron's wife secured a dlvorco In 1S92 for al leged cruelty and within a few days was married to Charles Kelpln. Judgo Kcysor gavo tho custody of tho two children, aged 6 and i years, to the grandmother, Mrs. Lucy Hnrto of Beatrice, specifying that sho should keep them in her own personal charge. Tho mother's heart yearned for her eldest Foil, who Is now a boy of 14, and on Juno 18 last she went to Beatrice to make him a visit. The hoy has not been seen since and Jackson alleges that his former wlfo has coaxed tho child away from his grandmoth er's homo. Ho asks that Mrs. Kelpln bo called to explain why she should not bo ad judged guilty of contempt. BIG REVENUE COLLECTIONS Receliitn for the llic I.iiHt Wrote In June HrnvlcNt mi HiM'nril. Tho report of tho collector of the internal rovenuo for tho month of Juno, 1900, tthows total receipts of $324,484.04, the collections for the last week being the heaviest for tho amo period In the history of tho office. On July 2 nnd 3 tho collections were In exects of $30,000 per day and tho average for the lant week In June was In oxceta of $27,000 dally. Tho total collections for tho fiscal year ending Juno 30 wore $3,383,018.23, against $3,428,279.38 for tho fiscal year ending June 80, 1899, and $2,270,937.40 for eleven monttu ending June 30, 1S9S. Tho total collections to date, from tho tlmo Collector Houtz took charge of tho olllce, Is $9,088,955.01. Wtuit Will Il.ronw of Chlnnf Nono can forsoo tho outcomo of tho quar rel botwecn foreign powers over tho division of China. It Is Interesting to watch tho go ing to pieces of this ancient but unprogress lvo raco. Many pcoplo In America qro also Rotng to pieces because of dyspepsia, consti pation, blood, liver and stomach diseases. Wo aro living too fast, but strength, vigor nnd good health can be retained It wo keep oft nnd euro tho above diseases with llos tetter's Stomach Hitters. Jl. VI.KillT TII.MXS TON I'I!IIT LAKE OUnlioJI mill Arnold Park. Tho Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail way company havo Just placed In service daylight trains between Omaha and Spirit Lake, OkoboJI and Arnold's Park. Going tho train leaves Omaha at 7:15 a. m. and ar rives Spirit Lnko nt 4:15 p. ra. Returning tho train leaves Spirit Lake at 0:15 a. m. nnd arrlveB Omnha 3:55 p. m. This Is the licst service that has yet been offered over any ono road. Hound trip tickets, good re turning until October 31, $10.70. City ticket offlce, 1504 Farnam street. P. A. NASH, Oen'l Western Agent Chnnur of Tlmr. On July 1 the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. raul railway change tho time of thofr trains between Omaha nnd Chicago. Tho fast train formerly leaving at 7:35 p. m. will, undor the new enrd, leave at 6:00 p. tn., arrlvlug Chicago at 8:30 a. m., In ample time for all eastern connections. The local train form erly leaving at 11:00 a. m. has been changed to a fast daylight train for Chicago, leaving Omaha at 7:15 a. m. and arriving Chicago at 10:30 p. m, Vote early and often. Cincinnati anil Iteturn, fSS.nn. On July 10, 11 and 12, via Illinois Cen tral. Particulars at city ticket offlce, 1402 Farnam at. IlulltlliiK Permit. The Inspector of buildings has Issued tho following permits: Oarvln Bros., soifi Plnkney, repairs, $M: Jlyron Heed company. Nineteenth and lUirt, four two-story frame dwellings, $6,000: ThomuM KvaiiH, 2017, 2021. 2023 llrace, three tframn dwellings, $4W; Thomas Kvnns, 1813 North Twentv-llrst, repairs, $150; O. a, H, Thomson, tioutli Seventeenth nvenue, (loublo brlclt dwelling. $1,000; Charles T. ICnuntKe, Fortieth and Dowey avenue, barn, (TOO; John Struml, ICluvcuth and Homer, ad dition, $100; C Strnube, 1720 Dorcas, re- Imlrs, $50; J. Novllle, 1520 Dodge, repairs, 100; John H. Ilarte, 3322 Farnum. altera lnru. $2.00); John II'. Hiirte, S3 South Thirty-ninth. reiatrs, $500; Harry Austin, 4w North Twenty-sixth, frame dwelling, mill). MonitlS-WlUlam Radcllff. nt Sheridan. Wyo July 3, 1900. Horn September 19th, J l't .m:hai, .writ n. Thn funeral service for Wllllmn n. Vor. rls will bo held from his late residence at (1st and Harney streets on Friday after- ,biuo i u u ciuck. jiiieruieiu private. NEW YORKERS ARE INDIGNANT .J ii i!K" fvrw Snj-a Tlier llimpnrlunlr Condemn lli- (irecil of Tim Hunt Cnptnltik, "Now York pcoplo nro very Indignant over tho greed of tho captains of tug boats and their disregard for human life In the terrlhlo Arc that swept the New York piers last Saturday. Tho captains were so anx ious to secure salvage that they aro charge ! with having refused to pick up drowning persons," siilil Judge William C. Ives, who has Just returned from New York. "So many tugs got around tho Kaiser Wllhelm dcr Orojso nnd tho captains wcro bo keen to hnvn a hand In saving tho vessel that they hitched to tho big vessel on every side and hindered Its rescue by pulling In dif ferent directions. Tho disaster Is tho topic of the hour In Now York. It has overshad owed politics and everything else for the time being. On street earn, trains and everywhero In tho east the matter Is undor discussion, nnd tho tug owners aro bolng cennurcd for their action. "Tho warehouses were like so much tinder nnd tho lire spread from them to tho vessels so rapidly that there was no tlmo for cscapo. Many of tho persons In tho ships were not even nblo to leap Into the water so rapidly did the flames surround the vcfsoIs. Docile i aro being recovered hourly nnd great Inter est Is manifested In their Identification. It was tho most disastrous flro ever experi enced In Now York harbor and seems moro tcrrlblo because thousands of people saw the victims begging for assistance and wcro unablo to help them." HEAVY MORTGAGE IS FILED SitIH nml fontpnny Rvrnril nn In nt rumen t t'ova;rltK Their Prop erty In Tlireo Cities. Tho largest mortgage ever filed In the office of the register of deeds was stamped and senleil yesterdny, giving to tho American Trust and Savings bank of Chicago n trust title to tho properties of tho Swift Packing company In consideration of a $5,000,000 loan. Tho document bore $2,500 in revenue stamps, two of tho denomination of $1,000 nnd ono of $500. Tho mortgage was filed In Chicago July 2 and In Kansas City on July 3. It covers tho Swift plants In St. Clnlro and Cook counties, Illinois; Wyandotto county, Kansas, and Douglas county, Nebraska. An official of tho company said that tho new filing was In tho nature of a refund of tho bonds already on tho market, which havo been called In. Tho former Issue was for $2,500,000 at 6 per cent. It was called In becauno tho needs of the business de manded larger operating outlay as It In creased In scope and because money can be secured at a moro reasonable rnte than when the old Issuo was floated. Tho now bonds bear 5 per cent. One 'Minute Cough Curo Is tbo only harmless remedy that produces immediate results. Try It. INTItODLCTIOX OF AUTOMOI1ILK CAD Service In Connection ivlh the Ditltl more fc Olilo Trnlnn In ChlrrtKO. Tho Baltimore & Ohio Railroad company has sprung a surprlso with tho announce ment of Its Intention to establish on July 1 an electric automobllo cab servlco In Chi cago tor tho accommodation of passengers to and from the Grand Central passenger station. These automobiles nro of the latest elec tric pattern, absolutely noiseless in regard to machinery and running gear. They will carry the name of tho Balti more & Ohio railroad and will be In charge of experienced uniformed motorraen. The rates for this extraordinary service aro extremely reasonable 60 cents per pass enger to and from tho centor of the city and the details absolutely prohibit extor tion. It has been arranged so that passengers on incoming trains can place their orders for cabs with train conductors boforc ar riving in Chicago, which will bo telegraphed ahead, thus Insuring satisfactory service. For outgoing passengers orders will be taken nt Baltimore & Ohio ticket offices. This Is a decided innovation in Chlcngo and In hnrmony with a similar servlco which tho Baltimore & Ohio recently established at Washington nnd Philadelphia, where It has met with much success and has become a most popular featuro with passengers on the Baltimore & Ohio railroad. PRACTICE MUST BE STOPPED Policemen Who Arc Worklns Snloona for Drlnkn Will Be Sum marily DUohnraed. "Reports have been brought to me of po licemen who aro in tho habit of entering saloons and bumming drinks, and I propose to Investigate tho matter thoroughly and Intend to let out every man who Is found guilty of doing such a thing," said Mayor aioorcs. "h is uart enough for officers to take a drink In n saloon when hv nav fnr It, but when tlley got so bold that they will order drinks and bulldoze saloonkeepers iiuo uoi cuarging tnem anything, they havo no right to remain on tho force. No mem- Der oi mo umana police force shall put hlm solf under obligation to snlnnn man t,v ac cepting frco drinks." A gentleman recontlv rttmii nt nVan.i. gavo the following appropriate rendering of Burns' famous blcoslng: "Somo have meat and cannot cat, and somo havo none that want it; but we have meat and wo can eat, nouoi uyspepsia Cure bo thanked." This preparation will dlcest what vmi .t it Instantly relieves nnd radlnniiv gestlon and all stomach dlcordore. Tables of the llnll IV. One night an editor was riding In tho day coach for obvious reasons and he was trying to write a loader for tbo next Issue of his paper. The light was thin nnd tho editor strained his eyes so badly that he had to turn over his plant to the lamp doc tor and quit knocking (or a living. But he was ablo thereafter to seo his finish. Mornl-Thls would not havo happened if ho hnd ridden on a Northwestern line train, becauso they are the most bril liantly Illuminated trains In the world. Cnril of Tlmnka, Ollvo, Joslo and Edward Adklns wish to thank their many friends for kindly acts nnd sympathy during tho Illness and after tho death of their mother, Mrs. Mary A O'Connell. WE CUT HAIR PREPARATIONS that Is we sell prepara. Hons for tho hair at cut nrlees, Our lino of Hair Tonics and Vigors, now numbers about 150 articles, most of which nro Bold nt cut prices. We mention below a few preparations only, but will bo pleased to furnish quotations or show stock upon application, $1 Austin's Hair Grower we sell .. wv t Coke's Dandruff Cure we sell 75S 75o Coka's Dandruff Cure we sell .. r,5n $1 Hall's Slcllllan Hair Renewer wS $1 Dundorlno we mMI $1 Ayer'B Hair Vigor we sell ..." 75c $1 Mexlrun Hair Restorative we sell .. 75c $1 Seven Sunderland Slater's Hair Grower we sell , $1 Plnaud'8 B.511 de Quinine we soli .'. Tic oOc Parkers Hair Balsam we sell .... 40c Mo I'ob'h Kathatron we sell jiv fiOc liar's Hair Health we sell !. tna 6O0 Hillllantlno we soil sj3 CHANITONIC VOn HAIR wo sell V...$U $1 Yale's Hair Tonic wo sell ... 7m; White for Catalogue. ,ot Sherman & McConnell Drug Go &ion. aw:cor-cMhArinAd.Dod6e' BOSTON STORE REMNANT SALE Tremendous Clearing Sale of Every Hemnant and Short End in tho House, THOUSANDS OF SILK REMNANTS (renteBt ttnrrlflce of Ilemnnnls of AVnnh (inoiln, (lliiKlinma, Percnlen, C'nllroK. Snteeits, Alno II In CIob Iiik Sale Children's Wnnh SUlfS ON SALK TODAY. FRIDAY IS RKMNANT DAY. 10,000 yards plain colored, very finest lawns, worth 26c, go at 34c yard. 10,000 yards nit kinds block hcnrlctta sa teen, worth 15c, go nt 3',4c ynrd. One big counter of all kinds of 36-Inch percale, 3 '.Ac ynrd. Ono big lot of short remnants ot percale, gingham, etc., all go at lc yard. Long remnants of best standard sateen finished prints, .T,4c yard. Ono big tot of cambric lining, lc ynrd. Ono big lot of plain colored oil calico, l'c yard. Ono big counter nil best grades 36-inch wide percale in long remnants nnd 32,-lnch wide corded gingham, worth 25c, go at 8o yard. One big counter alt kinds fancy whlto goods, striped, checked, plaid, etc.. If In full pieces would sell at 25c, all go at 10c yard. All tho balance of our drapery burlap, worth 16c, go nt 2c yard. One counter of tho Ilncst Quality mercer ized hcnrletta sateen, worth 40c, go at 13c yard. REMNANTS OF SILK. A new lot ot silks In short remnants; yard lengths, -yard lengths, -ynrd lengths, 'i-ynrd lengths, in 27-lnch taffetas, extra wide novelty silk, In brocades, stripes and plaids go at 25c, 15c, 10c and 5c for nn en tlro remnant. Romnnnts of silks by the yard In lengths from 3 to 10 yards; taffetas In black and colors, brocaded silks nnd china silks nt 25c and 4ttc per yard. Remnants of mousscllno do solo and silk corded batistes. In short lengths, many ploces mntcb, thereby enabling a lady to make a waist nnd other useful articles, worth 50c a ynrd, In short remnants ut 3c and Co for an entire piece. Remnants of moussellne do sole by tho yard In lengths from 3 to 10 yards, many of the remnnnts match, In silk stripes nnd embroidered silk dots, light and dark grounds, at 25c a yard. BOSTON STORE, OMAHA, N. W. Cor. ICth and Douglas. SPUCIAIj KXCLHHIOXS Vln Hock Iftliiml Ilonte. Charleston, S. C, and return, $36.55, July 4, 5 and 7. Cincinnati, O., nnd return, $22.50, July 10, 11 and 12. Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo and return, $19, July 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 17 nnd 18. Qlenwood Springs and return, $31, July 3, 7. 8, .9, 10, 17 and 18. Salt Lake, Ogdcn and return, $32, July 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 17 and 18. St. Paul and Minneapolis and return, $12.65, July 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 17 and 18. Duluth and return, $16.95, July 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 17 and 18. Call at otty ticket offlce, 1323 Farnam St. GOLF IIXKSl Ilot Springs, 8. D. Splendid climate Splendid bathing! SPECIAL SATURDAY NIGHT SLEEPER! Omaha to Hot Springs without change. Leave Wobster St. depot, Oraaba, at 3 p. m. Arrive Hot Springs 7! 45 next morning. Make sleeping car reservations at once at 1401 Farnam street. Spirit I.nke OkolioJI Arnold's Pnrk, Leave Omaha at 7 a. m., arrive Arnold's Park 4 p. ra., Spirit Lake 4:10 p. m., via Illinois Central. The most direct route. Round trip tickets $10.70, good until October 31 returning. For particulars Inquire at city ticket office, 1402 Farnam street. Omaha Tent and Awning Co., tents, awn ings, canvas goods, 11 nnd Harney, phone 883. Clean your scalp N. N. Shampoo. TIE IB1!1UNT WSSi W3 liflfljinjynn MORE EXCURSIONS. Charleston, S. C. nnd return, $$. July 2, 4, 5 and 7. Cincinnati and return, $22.60 July 10, 11 and 12. Denver. Pueblo, Colorado Bprlnfi and return, J1S.0O July 3. 7, s, 9. 10, 17 and U. Olenwood Springs and return, fSl.00 July 3, 7, I, 9, 10, 17 and 18. Ogden, BU Lake and return, $33.00 July 3, 7, I, 9, 10, 17 and 18. Hot Spring and return, $1S.0-July I, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 17, 13. 21 anc 21. Juster. S. D., and return (Sylvan Lake), $20.60 July 3, 7, i, v, lu, if, 11. 11. Tlokat Olllcs, 502 Farnam St, Tot. 250. THE GLORIOUS FOUTRH Is over and now would he a good time to have, your watoh put In order before going on your summer vacntion. Wo employ tho beat workmen. Look for tho namo LINDSAY, the Jeweler, lSKi Dmiglua. ALL PAST RECORDS BROKEN Money Order tliislneiis nt Hie Posl ofllce for I.nst Fluent Yenr Wns ltenv. Tho collections of tho money order de partment of tho Omaha postoftlce for the year ending Juno 30, 1000, shows the great est amount ot business transacted In the history of tho office, tho amount of money paid out for tho first time passing the $800, 000 mark. The Omaha ofllco la tho depos itory for all excess money order funds re ceived at tho postofllces of Nebraska nnd certain ofTlccs In Wyoming, Iowa nnd South Dakota. Tho amount thus received Ib also without a parallel In the history of the offlce. The figures compared with last year arc: No. Amount. 18,767 $ 13O.51S.20 Money orders Issued... Monev orders paid ... RomlttnnccB received . 100,274 lW,m:J2 9,674 1.374,257.01 -l!IO- No. Amount Money orders Issued. Money orders jmld.... Remittances received 20.8S2 $ lfil.2S4.:il 110.221) h72.470.WI 10,753 1,495,643.28 Morro CAstle In our window. ORCHARD & WILHELM CARPET CO. MOISE'S SALOON ROBBED Hnrglnr Kffeet nn Miilrnnre nnd Diminish the Colonel's Wenlth ! 3a. Tho saloon of Walter Mnlse, 2H South Fourteenth street, wan robbed yesterday morning of $24.5C In money. The Indica tions ore that tho burglar cntcTod tho plncc y unlocking tho front door. This Is tho second tlmo tbo saloon has been robbed in two months. A peculiar feature of the burglary Is that a street car transfer was found, closoly folded and compressed between tho door and Jam. It wus dated July fi, and had been Itsued nt 6:40 a. m. yesterdny, entitling tho holder to transfer from thy Hanscom park lino to tho Farnam street line, going east. This would tend to show that tho burglary was committed between 6:40 and 7 o'clock. The saloon wes opened for bus Inws at 7 sharp. A Plnce to Spend the Summer. On the lines of tho MILWAUKEE RAIL WAY In Wisconsin aro somo of tho most beautiful places In tho world to spend a summer vacation camping out or at tho ele gant summer hotels. Boating, fishing, beau tiful lakes and streams and cool weather These resorts are all easily reached from Omaha. A book describing them may be had upon application nt the Chicago, Mil waukeo & St. Paul Ry., city ticket office 1504 Farnam street, Omaha. Round trip tickets, good returning until October 31, now on sale. F. A. NASH, General Western Agent. Clierap Ilnnnil Trip Utiles. On July 7, 8, 9, 10, 17 and 18 nnd August 2, 7 and 21 the Illinois Central will sell tick ets, limited until October 31, as follows: Waseca, Minn., nnd return, $10.35. Watervllle, Minn., and return, $10.68. Madison Lake, Minn., and return, $10.68. St. Paul, Minn., and return, $12.65. Minneapolis, Minn,, and return, $12.65. Duluth, Minn., and return, $16.95, Superior, Wis., and return, $16.95. West Superior, Wis., and return, $16.95. For full particulars call at city ticket of- fico Illinois Central railroad, 1402 Farnam street. Camp Meeting at Mcustsls Likii Park, Maryland, LOW RATE? Via tho Baltimore & Ohio Rallroaa. On July 5 to 16, Inclusive, tho Baltimore ft Ohio Railroad will sell low rate excursion tickets to Mountain Lake Park, Md., ac count above occasion. Tickets will be good for return until July 20, 1900. For further Iriformatlo'n call on or addren nearest Baltimore & Ohio Ticket Agent, or B. N. Austin, General Passenger Agent Chicago, III. The Northwestern t.lno EXCURSIONS. EXCURSIONS. EXCURSIONS. Half Fare Charleston, S. C, Cincinnati nnd many other points. TUB NORTHWESTERN LINE. City Offices. 1401-3 Farnam St. ana m. Burlington station, 10th and Mason Sts. Tel. 126. After it's over you'll wonder why thoughts of the dentlst'a office Inspired uny fear. In BIODMH.V DIo.VriHTHY ns practiced here, painful operations have no place. Our skilled treatment always results satisfactorily. TUHTII extracted er mado hero will please un der all circumstances. Our prices are moderate. BAILEY, the Dentist UVl I'ailu Blk. 16th Jt l'aruam. Vmr. AHeaasutt. fhtu 10MB. MAGGIE O'SIIEA IS MISSING Girl Who Gave Polico a Ohaao a Short Timo Ago Again Disappears. RELATIVES SEARCHING FOR HER l.rft the Illume l.nM Krlilny After noon unci linn .nt lleen Seen Slni'i .iietircil to He Hntlrely Siiiiis Maggie O'Shea Is ngnln missing. S!fo dl appeared from the home of hrr sister, Mn. Mnry Lahcy, 1211 Davenport street, be tween 4 and 4:20 o'clock last Friday after noon, nnd since them her friends and rsla lives havo seen nothing of her, though searching parties havo been at work every day and night for nearly a week. Six weeks ago Miss O'Shea dropped out cf sight nml was gone for about ten das, during which time sho wandered In tho wooJs nnd undcrbruh In tho vicinity of Florence, sleeping without a shelter nt night, nnd sustaining life by eating such fruit nnd raw vegetables n she could gnthcr In tho fields. Finally sho went to n house to nsk for n drink of water. Tho farmer's wife, who recognized her fr.tn descriptions printed In the papers, detil-od her until tho polico could arrive. Sho disappeared this time under much tho nmo circumstances. Her elster left her at 4 o'clock asleep on a bod downstairs whllo ho went to the second floor to at tend to somo household duties. Twenty mlnutcB lntor tho girl was gone. A neigh bor saw her leaving the houso by tho rear door, but thought nothing of It. Miss O'Shea Is 24 years old, tall and slender ot build, and hns tho appearanco of being In poor physical health. Sho woro a whlto hat, trimmed In whlto chiffon and flowers, a black skirt, black and white striped waist and black button shooo. Mrs. Lahey says her sister has nppcared perfectly sane since her first escapade. Sho has worked, read nnd convcreed, minlfo t lng not the slightest sign of nn unbalanced mind. Ladies' Traveling Suits Wo are prepared to fit you with a nice suit for your summer's trip. We make a SPECIALTY of the business and havo the best facilities for fitting garments, which means much to a lady who likes a perfect fitting suit. NEW Unllned Wool Skirts for warm weather. Pretty While Wrnpiei n, Klmonan I)rennliiK, Kiicque anil Shirt WitUla, Price (lie loweat for GOOD Biirmcnt. .SCQFIELD lCuW&SUITCO. IS tO Douglas St. SUMMER OUTINGS " AS THE PIMXCIPAIj W133TKIIS RKSOni'S are reached via the That lino has made the following SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES Omaha to Denver and return, $19.00. Omaha to Colorado Springs und return, $19. Omaha to Olenwod Springs and return, $31. Omnha to Pueblo and return, $19. Omahu to Ogdcn nnd return, $32. Omnha to Salt Lake and return, 32. In effect July n, 7, H, 0, 10, 17 nml IS nml AnituHt -', 7 nml 21. I'lnnl return limit, October Ml, lOOO. City Ticket Office, V.W1 Fnrnnnt SI. Tel. DO YOU APPRECIATE IT? How fortunate you nro 'to reside In Omaha. Ixiok nt tho nice things we have. First, the Ak-Sar-llen. tho llnest organiza tion in tho United States, nnd there is moro pleasure at their ilcn In ono hour thnn a month's stay ut Coney Island. Then there la Bellstedt's band coming, tho best muslcnl organization known, who will en tertain us tho month of September. Hero's where wc sprend ourselves. Then you have In Omaha tho best preparation ever "con coctod" by nny mortnl being, for your kid neys nnd liver. One that has no equal ono that outshines them nil In curative powers ono that haB a sale in New York stato more than all others combined. We refer to thut household remedy, CRAMER'S KIDNEY CURE. As wo have stated time and time ngaln, did wo not know and were not convinced that It Is n medicine that will benetlt you If you should have kidney trouWe, wo would not spend our tlmo epeaklng of It us wu do. IPb a medicine that you once uso it you will recommend it to othera. $1.00 bottle, 75c. SCHAEFER cutkLSt. Cor. Kith anil Chicago utraats. Anyone Can Use Them Most People Have Them We Sell Them We have tho largest and most com plete line of Kodaks and Cameras In the west. Our prices the very lew eat. If you aro going for a vacation, call and see us. It will double your pleasure and make lasting souvenirs. The Robert Dempster Go,, 1215 Farnum St. INSTIlUCTION l-HUU.... KIMVIUN'O A HI'UCIALTY. llio nerves.. To keep Hie temper culm nnd the nerves at resl, in t lie hottest went her, it is only necessary to put the feet into a pair of our Oxfords. They are cool places for hot feet. They prevent irri tation and excitement of the nerves, nnd a delightful sense of coolness, comfort and happiness takes the place of dis tress that the suinminer heat would otherwise produce. Ladies' Oxfords. Tan er black, in kid or vesting top, any stylo last, evory pair guaranteed. Do not class theso'shoes with the auction and closing out advertised shoes, livery pair is backed for wear' and comfofrt. Worth $12.50, our price for choice, HAYDEN'S PIANOS. jui CwCKtniNO In onr piano department we are giving some of the best bar gains that has ever went out of our store. New pianos are being sold at extraordinary low prices. All sold on easy terms if desired. Slightly used pianos going at one-half their actual value. Wo show the largest line of standard makes in this country. Every piano warranted to give good satisfaction or money cheerfully refunded. We carry a complete line of Fischer., Chickering, Lester, Franklin, Jacob-Doll, Iielir Hros. and Haines Pianos. New pianos for rent. Pianos tuned, Moved and repaired. HAYDEM BROS Telephone 1083. Draperies OF THE MANY BARGAINS WE MENTION A FEW. There are 30 pairs of soe clal Nottingham Luce sev eral different otylcs and all new patterns which hnve been selling ut J2.00 per null during thin sale 73c pair 10 pnlrs Hrusjels 1-ucc. No. 1771, very Htyllsh and 60 In. wide. 3'4 yds, long-regular wlllnz price $5.60-to close this patti-rn out $3.75. 6 pairs, No. 1746, Brussels Jmco reduced from W to $1.00. 4 pairs. No. 703, Saxony mtUSSRLS-extra valuo at the regular price $20.00-lur-inr this sale $12.00. Thero are n great many styles of Cord Portieres In our stock and they nro all Included In THIS BALK $38 buys m nieo Top Buggy. BICYCLES WRITE FOR PRICES AND TERMS. H. E. Fredrickson 13 tli and Dodge Sts., OMAHA, NEB. The Feet and Summer Neat A great deal of tho Biiinmor distress is caused by the irri tation tho hoat produces on Special Inducements to Purchasers of Lace Curtains 10 imlnt. No. 120t Brussels Lace, Rococo design, plain center a very handsome cur tnln nt $C.oO tho regular xirlco Is $10.00. 3 pairs Ileal Arabian Hand Mado Iace, mado to sell nt $30.00 during our sale the ?rlce Is tlS.uO. 2 pairs, No. 2111 HAXONY miUSSKLS, (seo these) reg. ulnr lirlce $:o.OO reduced to the special price of $11.00. 6 pair, No. f360, Ilnrocn de elcn heavy lnce Curtains same hh curtains generally sold for $9.00on sale at $5.t0. Boe our Summer Draperies and new styles of Sofa Pil lows for the porch and lawn. no not overlook the fact that our low priced "KUH NlTUntJ Is the cheapest In form Iron Ped from 11.00. Chairs from 30c and so on In everything. wkrIKmtMMJm nt MikUZIu IKTZaM BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBarlBBr'JaMBBBWBBBBBBBlM 0 (0 (?) (?) Buggies Carriages Concords Phaetons Spring Wagons Farm Wagons 1