Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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Davl nails elan.
It. M. Lcffert, optician, 235 II' way.
Gaa fixture ami globes nt Dlzby'n.
Magazines bound, Moorchouse & Co.
Iludwclscr beer. L. Ilnsenfeld, ncenL
Fine A. D. C, bocr, Nuumayer'a hotel.
Bchmldt'n pliotog, now and latest style.
Try KeyBtone Printing Iloune. 'Phono 373.
You get the best dinners at tho Vienna.
Y. 15, Lowls nella monuinonts. 501 IVway.
Hclentlflo. optician at WooIman'B, 409
IT way,
Tho vacation prlzo will ro to tho Council
Bluffs girl who hustles votes.
Got your work dono at the popular Eagle
laundry, 724 Ilroadway. 'Phone 107.
W. C, Kstoji, undertaker, 2S Pearl street.
Telephones: Ofllcc, 97; residence, S3.
For tilctures, frames and artists' ma
terials, go to Alexander & Co., 333 B-way.
W. V. draff, undertaker nnl licensed etn
bulmcr, 101 South .Main street. 'Phono 600.
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Yancey nnd sons will
leave tomorrow for a ten duya' trip to Ht.
Fred and K. Harry Mcrrlnm left yester
day for Minneapolis, whero they will spend
the summer.
All votes In tho Council muffs vacation
contest will b; counted dully and the result
will become moro Interesting from day to
11. J. Hlyfcr, superintendent of tho west
ern dlUslon of tho Northwestern railway,
was In tho city yesterday In hlB nrlvato
A number of tho memboru of tho Owl
club went to Locan last nlpht, where today
they will Join In tho celebration of tho
City Attorney Wadsworth left lust pven
ItiB for Kansas City to tuko In tho demo
crats national convention und hulp shout
(or Hryun und Hill.
Hrlirudlcr J. Toft, chief olllccr of tho Sal
vation army for tho Iowa nnd Nebraska
division, will bn at the local corps' hall
Friday nnd conduct tho meetings.
Gentleman would like to drlvo cnrrlaKe
team for livery barn or for doctor or agency
B Btrady Job. flood reference. Address
Alike Smith, Crcstoti house, Council muffs.
Tho case of Churlea Unh, proprietor of
tiho CoMoro tmloon, on West ltroudway,
who has failed to pay his city license, was
continued In pollca court until next Tues
day. Colonol J. J. Steadman, clerk of tho
United States district court, Is receiving
proposals for furnishing the books luid sup
Dllcn for th. new court to bo established
at Crcston.
Mr. and Mrs. William Martin nnd son of
riatner street will leavo next Sunday for
Denver. Mr. Martin will return In about
two weeks, but will Ieavu his family there
to spend tho mi mm or.
A protest signed by tho malorlty of the
abutting property owners ni;alnst tho pav
tnK of l'lerco Btrci-t, between South Klrst
street and Parte avenue, wasa riled with
tho city clerk yesterday.
Day Sergeant Slack Is acting ns chief
of ikiIIco during tho absence of Chief Albro
In Kansas City. Plain Clothes Olllcer lid
Smith Is likewise acting as night captain
la tho absenco of Captain Dennv.
Judgo Aylesworth of the superior court
was unable to hand down bis decision yes
terday In the Wright Injunction suit against
tho Suburban Motor company, but stated
that he expected to do so this morning.
Huury Itoblnaon, the colored awdstailt to
Dog Catcher Hurko, charged with draw
ing a revolver on Mrs. Km ma Curtis, wus
discharged in Justice VIoii'h court yester
day. Koblnson proved to tho court that
It was a case of mistaken Identity.
Mrs. J a men Harrington has resigned her
position In tho money order department
at liw postotlluo nnd will leave shortly for
Spokane, Wash., where sho will make, her
future home. Nat Shepard lias been as
signed to the position temporarily,
MNs Carrie Uess, tho 15-year-old step
daughter of J. A. Crafts, 1310 Seventh ave
nue, died Monduy evening. from heart dls
oae uftcr an Illness' of Ave weeks. Tho
funeral will bo held tills morning at 0:30
o'clock from tho residence and interment
will be In Walnut Hill cemetery.
"Doc" George W. Long, who recently as
sumed thu role of n reformer nnd com
menced Injunction proceedings against n
number of saloons, was arrested late last
night for being drunk and using obscene
lnngungo on the streets. Ito claimed ho
was only fittingly celebrating tho Fourth.
Hobert Stevenson, arrested Monday night
for lighting In a Ilroadway saloon, failed
to mit In an nppcaranco when his caso
was called In police court ycatcrday morn
ing. Ills bond of $10 was declared for
feited, John Haskins, nrrsted at tho soma
time, has his cum continued until Fri
day, as ho was too badly battered up in
tho mclix) to appear in court yesterday.
Tho Suburban ball ttiin met the Unique
Pleasure club ball team last Sunday and
defeated It by a score of 15 to 0. Tho
Suburban team goes to Glcnwood today,
whero it plays two games with a team
from that town. On next Sunduy it goes
to Missouri Valley, where It expects to
have ono of tho closest games it has yet
William Sankey, tin employe In tho brick
yards of J. P. Weaver, accidentally font a
bullet through his loft hand yesterday
morning, Ho was cleaning his revolver
with tho Intention of properly celebrating
tho Fourth and had forgotten that ono of
tho chambers was loaded. Ho Is carrying
his hand In a sling and has laid tho re
volver nwny In a drawer.
The Gllllngwater Stock company, which
was booked for a summer engagement nt
tho Dolinnr opera houso and had entered
upon its flecond week, has struck hard
luck. Soveral creditors of tho comuany
attained tho box receipt Monday nlrht
(it the clowj of tho iierformanco and tho
company, It Is understood, will disband.
!No performance -was glyen lust night.
L. D. James of this city, aged 24 years,
nnd Lucy P. Darroh, whoso residence was
not given, 'a young filrl of 17 sumniTS, ap
plied for a marriago license yefltcrduy.
Olerk Heed of thp district court refused
to Issun It, ns the young woman wus under
ngo nnd neither of her parents wero present
to glvo their consent. The young eounle
wero greatly disappointed wncn mey
learned they could not securo a llcenso.
Contributions to the Christian Homo con
tinues to bo itiHulllclont to meet the finan
cial requirements of the Institution. Tho
recelnts last week In the general fund
nmounted to J130.I3. being JCO.W below the
estimated needs lor tno current expenses
of tho week. In the muniiKer's fund the ro.
celpts wero 6, being JJ0 below tho needs
oi ins wcok una increasing ino ueitcicncy
In this fund to dato to $122.30. The do
Ilclency In the general fund has been In
creased to $733.70.
The funeral of Miss Mlntito lllef, daugh
ter of Mr and Mrs, Peter lllef of Manawa.
held Monday afternoon wns attended bv a
large number of tho friends and relatives
of tho deceased nnd bereaved family. Tho
following young women acted as pall bear
ers: Carrlo Lower, Mary l.elk, saruli
Bhrlver. Theresa Maher. I.orena Gardner.
Carrlo Dingle. Relatives from out of town
present wtre: Mr. and Mrs. Will Scheming
of Wuterbury, Neb., Miss Anna Welcho and
Will Thleson of Shroyer, Kan., Hans Hlef
of Underwood and John ltiet and Selffert
met of crescent uity.
N. Y. Flumblnx Co., Tel. 250.
Another l'rle for Saturday.
Tho girls coutostlng for Tho Hoe's annual
vacation trip will havo a chattco to com
peto for another elegant prlip this week
M. Wollman, Jawelor, at 409 Ilroadway, will
award to tho girl casting the most votfH for
the 11 vo dayn thla week a tine pair of pearl
gold-mounted opera glnssee, valued at $10
Tho contest Is to ond Saturday, July 7, at S
o'clock, p. w. Every girl la the contest tiaa
n chance to win thla prize. It Is not (or
the highest atundlng score at that time o
the general vote, but for tho greatest num
tier of votes cast in the Ave days, so that
the ono having tho lowest ucore last Mon
day may win tho Wollraan prize. This.
beautiful gift will be on display in the show
window of Mr, Wollruan's store during tho
Save your eoupotis and vote for the moat
popular Council Bluffs working girl.
Negotiated In Eastern rteoraika
an Iowa. James N. Ca-Mdy, Jr,
1X6 Main tit i-ounrii tiiuna.
Savings Loan and Building Assaclat'n
. weuncii uiuuu, igw. .
Council Orders Somo Extensive Improve
ments for the Snmmor.
Itniiieinmlc Mntrrlnl "Will Be Used In
I, a y I n IT the "Wnlkii Ordered by
the Iteaoliitlon Adopted
.tin n day Mtt M.
Sidewalks ordered laid by tho city council
at Its meeting Monday night will glvo the
local brick business nn Impotus. In all
about sir miles of brick sidewalks wero or
dered laid nnd tho cntlro list will bo con
structed of homo mado brick. Tho property
owners interested havo thirty days In which
to law tho walks, after which the city will
do tho work. Ulds for the work will be
advertised for in tho regular way.
Tho sidewalks ordered laid aro as follows
and cover every section of tho city:
Four-Foot llrlclc H'nlka.
West sldo of William street from Avenue
D Ui north lino of lot 10. block 1, William's
" North'slde of Avcnuo B from Eighth
'S Ido'oNlnu'r-street from Avenue
"Wnorth Eighth Jtroet from
Avenue O to north lino of lot 16, block 10,
TUNras,do1of0,ElKhth avenue from Th.r-
N'oVlh8 o? fta Thlr
tceuth street to Kourtoenth Mtreot.
West side of Twelfth street from Third
avenue to Tenth aveiiuu.
East side of Eighth street from Eighth
avenuo to Eleventh avenue.
West side of west Eighth street from
Eighth avenuo to Twelfth avenue.
East side of Sixth sU-cot from Eighth
uvonuo to Tenth avenue.
West side of Sixth street from Eighth
avenue to Tenth avenue.
West side of Harrison street from Unll
street to McGce avenue.
South nldo of llenton street extension
from Benton street to Harrison
Doth sides of Kuughan street from ash
lngton avenue to Harmony street.
North side of Harmony street from Ben
ton Btreet to Hurrlson street.
West sldo of Little Frank street from
Plerco street to alley north.
North aide of Voorhls street frotn.Llncoln
avenue to Union street.
East sldo of north First street-from
Washington avenue to Hall street.
North sldo of Sixteenth avenuo in front of
lots fi, V and 8, block 20, William's llrst ad-
dlEast sldo of Pleasant street from Thir
teenth avenuo to Fifteenth avenue.
West sldo of Thlr.i street from Willow
n'venuo to Fifth avenue.
West sldo of Bluff Btreet from north line
of Jackson's addition to south lino of lot
12. original plat 175.
West sldo of Scott street from Mill street
to north end of Scott Btreet, except lots 6
and 7. block 1. Allison's addition.
North sldo of Mill street from facott Btreet
to Sixth street.
SU-Foot llrlok Walks.
North sldo of Worth street from Fourth
street to alley west and from Fourth street
to nlley east. ...
South side of Washington avenue from
Benton street to Frank street.
North Hldo of Washington avenuo from
Benton street to Baughan street, except In
front of lot 6. Baughan's subdivision.
West sldo of Frank street from Washing
ton avenup to Broudway. .
South sldo of Broadway from Frank
street to Nicholas Btreet. '
East sldo of Frnnk street from Broadway
to Pierce street.
Both sides or isicnoias street irom xjroau
way to Pierce street. m
East Hide, or Thomas street from Broad
way to' Plerco street.
West side oi uan sircoi irora utuuawny
to alley south.
South side of Plerco street from cast line
of Oak street produced to Little Frank
street. . ...
West nldo of Glon nvcnuo from High
School nvenue to Fifth avenue.
East sldo of Union street irom iiroaaway
to Pierce street.
North side of Perrln avenuo from Lincoln
avenue to Frank street.
West sldo of Stutsman street irom voor
hls street to Bloomer street.
South side of Voorhls street from Stuts
man street to Grace street.
East tide of Eighth street from Seventh
avenuo to Eighth avenue.
South sldo of Avenuo A from Eleventh
street to Twelfth street.
Avenuo C In front of lot E, block 13,
Grimes' addition,
Ton-foot brick wnlk on east side of Main
street In front of lots 7, 8 nnd 9, block CO,
Iliddle s subdivision.
Temporary Four-Foot Brick "Walk.
West sldo of Twenty-fifth street from
Avenuo A to Sixth avenue.
East sldo of Twenty-nmin sireei irom
Broadway to Fourth avenue.
West sldo of Twenty-llrst street from
Fifth avenuo to Sixth avenue.
West side of Twenty-rourth Btreet irom
Fourth avenue to .until nvenue.
West side of Eighteenth street from Third
avenuo to Fifth avenue.
East plde of Twenty-third street rrom
Broadwny to Second avonue.
Nasi suto or wl niruoui street irom Avenue
to Avenuo K.
East sldo of Thirtieth street from Avenue
B to Broadway,
West sldo of Twenty-sixth street from
Avenuo A to Avenue U.
West sldo of Twenty-fifth jitrcot rrom
Avenue 11 to Broadwuy.
North sldo of Avenuo I from Twenty
eighth to Thirtieth street.
South sldo of Slxtoontn avenue from first
alloy west of Sixth street to Seventh street.
North sldo of Seventeenth avenuo from
Seventh street to Ninth street.
North side or second nvenue rrom Four
teenth street to Fifteenth Btreet.
KaBt sldo or Seventh street rrom Tweniy
thlid avenuo to Twenty-fourth avenue.
West side of Tenth street from Sixteenth
avenuo to Twenty-third avenue.
west sine or Twenty-sixin street 10 Ave
nue A to Avenuo B.
West side of Twenty-first street from
Avenue 11 to Avenuo D.
North sldo of Avonue B from Twenty
second street to Twenty-fourth Btreet.
r;usi biuo or 'rweniy-iourui street rrom
Avenue A to Avenue B,
West sldo of Twenty-third street from
Broadway to Avenue A.
East sldo of Twonty-slxth street from
Broadway to ullcv north,
est stiie or Twenty-ruth etrcet rrom
Avenuo B to Avenuo G.
Both sides of South Eighth street from
Nineteenth avenuo to Twenty-first avenue.
;sorin siao or Kigntrenth avonue rrom
Ninth street to Eleventh street.
East side of Eleventh street from Eigh
teenth avenuo to Twentv-flrnt avenue.
North sldo of Fourth avenuo In front of
lots 0. 10. 11. 12. 15 nnd 10. block lfi. Beer's
Temporary six-foot brick walks North
Kioe oi wasnington avenuo m tront ot lot
S. Baughiin's subdivision.
Four-foot plank walk on temporary' grade
on east side of Park avenue from Pomona
street to Falrmount park, except lot 1,
uiock r, uienaaie uauiuon.
tlo.ed All Day.
Tho Doston Storo will closo all day the
Fourth. Whltflsw & Gardiner.
When you deposit your vacation coupons
pin them together. It will make the count
ing quicker and eaaler.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hlef wloh to thank
their friends and neighbors tor assistance
and sympathy extended at tho death of their
daughter, Minnie.
Commonwealth 10-eent cigar.
Pardon for Jnncs.
Attorney I. N. Fllcktnger returned yes
torday morning from Dcs Moines, whero ho
succeeded In securing a pardon for Jona
than Jonee of Iitla, this county, who twenty
years ago, after several trials, was con
vlcted of tho murder of David Roberts In
Ilockwnod township. Jones was released
from tho penitentiary In 1891 on account
ot his mental condition. Tho application
was signed by every Judge who had figured
In the Beveral trials and by Judge Smith
McPherson, who at tho time was attorney
general ot tho state. Jones will now bo
enabled to end his days In pcaco and with
out (ear ot being taken back to the peni
tentiary to complete his sentence.
Fnlriuonnt Fnrk nnd the Elks' Dull
Gmne nnd Munnwn.
Although there will bo no popular cele
bration, with a set program ot addresses nnd
exercises, as In the years gono by, the
Fourth will ba duly and appropriately ob
ecrved by tho citizens ot Council Bluffs and
tho day will bo enjoyed as a general holi
day. Tho city and county offices, bank, whole
sale) and many of tho larger retail estab
lishments will bo closed all day and the
employes afforded an opportunity to cele
brate, each ono in the manner meat pleas
ing to him or her. Fatrmount park will be
thronged with picnic parties and each of
tho surrounding lako resorts will rccclvo lta
quota of pleasuro seekers. Lake Manawa,
It Is expected, will bo tho objective point
ot thousands ot visitors Irom Omaha and
this city. A featuro ot tho day at tho lake
will bo tho gamo between tho Omaha and
local Klks. Thu line-up will bo:
Council Blurts. Position. Omaha.
Fred Searlo catch Crawford
Gebhnrt pitch Stryker
Brulngton ., first base. Abbott
Wright second base Handle
Hess ....short stop Met
Etnyro third base Marsh
Harry Scarlo left field Hunt
Treynor center field Bliz
Hamilton right Held Mullen
Stewart Latensen
Mann Pcrlne
Spud Farrtsh will act as umplro for the
Omnhas and Dr. Wntterninn will perform a
similar service for the BlufiUes. Promin
ent mcmbors of both lodges will help en
tertain tho crowd and Incidentally extract
tho shekels from their pockets by selling
peanuts, red lemonado and other articles
to quench tho thirst nnd nppeaso tho ap
petite The Suburban company will do Its best to
accomodate the crowd expected at the lake
today and will run three electric cars and a
steam dummy train from Sixteenth avenuo.
Thore will be other attractions at the lake
In addition to tho ball game.
Tho celebration of tho great national holi
day started In promptly last evening at 6
o'clock, the time specified In Mayor Jen
nlng's proclamation, and the sound ot ex
ploding giant firecrackers and other noise
producing Instruments was to bo heard all
over the city. Local dealers say that while
tho trade has been good the sale of fire
crackers and other nrtlcles In that lino this
year has not beon as heavy as last year.
The usual holiday hours will bo observed
at the postofflce. The stamp, general deliv
ery windows and money ordor department
Willi be open from 8 o'clock to 11 a. m.
Carriers will mako ono delivery, leaving the
offlco at 9 ii. m. A collection will bo made
In tho business part of the city In tho after
noon, tho carriers leaving tho offlco at 1
p. m.
Cloned All Day.
Tho Boston Store will closo, all day the
Fourth. Whltelaw & Gardiner!
Gravel roofing. A. II. Reed, GU B'way.
Not Inclined to Compromise the Fair
mount Park Case.
Tho Board of Fork Commissioners
at Its regular monthly meeting
last night decided. to loave .thp
controversy between It and - the. .old
motor company over tho entronco to Fair
mount park to tho courts to settle. A dis
cussion of the matter showed that the park
commissioners were unwilling to compro
mise or try to effect an amicable, settle
ment with tho motor company. President
Schmidt of tho board was authorized to
sign on behalf of tho board the answer
which Attorney Hazelton ha3 propored to
tho Injunction suit brought by tho motor
company. This answer will bo filled tomor
row and the board will ask tho court to
set an early dato for hearing tho case.
Although nothing further was dono than
to discuss tho proposition, the members of
tho board expressed themselves In favor of
having a band concert somo Sunday In tho
near future In Falrmount park. Member
Peterson was authorized to ascertain the
cost of hiring a first-class baud for ono or
moro concerts.
It was decided that no canon firecrackers
shall bo exploded In cither Bayllss, Fair-
mount or Cochran parks and tho park
policemen wero instructed to arrest any
ono disobeying this order.
Aftor allowing tho usual grist ot bills
and the monthly- salary roll the board ad
journed. Howell's Antl-"Kawf ' cures coughs, colds.
"Mr. Riley- S-cent cigar.
Ileal Extate Trnasfem.
Tho following transfers were filed yester
day In tho abstract, tltlo and loan ofllco of
W. Squire, 101 Pearl street:
J. G. Stadler nnd wife to James nnd
Joseph McSweeney, lot 18 In block
6. Carson, w.d t
J. D. Edmundson nnd wife to James
and Joseph Mcswccucy, lot Is in
block C. Carson, n.c.d
Thomas J. Evans und wlfo to F. F.
Everest, lots a to 10 in block ui,
Evans' 2nd Bridge add., w.d
L. L. Hereld and wlfo to C. E. Young,
lot 7 in diock jo, mcmuiioii, cooper
& Jefferlos add. w.d
Sheriff to A. It. Lo Grow nnd Carrie
Adlum, se'.i swVi. 2-77-43, sh.d
Herman Hrakrnan and wife to Lon
Thomas, neVi, i-jti-u, w.d
Alonzo P. McMillan, et. al., to Helen
jj. jvic.Miiian, sett sw'i, si; nwii
neVi 20: ne'A nwW. 20-77-41. n.c.d
Leonard Everett to Eugene Good-
wator. wlr4 swvi. 16-77-41. w.d
Martha C. McKeo'wn nnd hiuband to
Edward M. Steele, "4 acre In no'i
sc'i, 1C-77-II, w.d 60
Total, nlno transfers JU.OOG
I'nroltiiic liianiie Mnn.
Tho Board ot Insanity Commissioners ro-
celved an order ycutorday from tho Stato
Board ot Control authorizing tho parole for
sixty days ot William Seaman, Jr., from the
Stato Insane asylum at Clarlnda, In care
of his parents.
Suporlntondent Wltte of tho State asylum
at Clarlnda has notified thu local Insanity
board that it it will order the discharge
of William H, Dial, an olderly patient, whose
homo was at Weston, this county,, his daugh
ter, living lu Ban Francisco, will take caro
of him. Dial, while still Insane, la consid
ered harmless.
Lights GnnriU' Election.
Tho Dodgo Light Guards, forming Com
pany L, Fifty-first regiment, Iowa National
guard, held an election last night to fill
the first lieutenancy made vacant by the
resignation of Lloutenant Charles O. Mill-
sap. Second Lieutenant J. E. Mather was
unanimously elected to the position and
First Sergeaut C. P. Jamison was elected
second lieutenant. George Jmlson waa pro
moted to first sergeant and tho other non
commissioned officers each received an up
ward step.
Davis sells palnti.
Mnrrintfe Licenses.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to
the following persons:
Name and Residence. Ace.
Paul Belcclmeler, Council Bluffs 33
Frances Kunold, Council Bluffs 23
Elmer E. Lane. Council Bluffs.... 24
Mury Blumensteln, Council Bluffs is
Fred Herphuhn, Omaha 23
Amanda i: Enseie, umana a:
Small Companies Mako BhowingB Beforo tho
Iowa Exeoutivo Board,
Auditor Mcrrlnm Want to Make u
ShowltiK nt the Hume Time, the
Xatlounl llniikH Mnke
UES MOINES, July 3. (Special Tele
gram.) Charles Huber and S. T. Slade ap
peared betoro the state, executive council
Monday to bo heard In tho Interest of tho
Homo Telephone company of Oskaloos.i with
reference to assessment and taxation under
tho Blanchard law. Tuesday 11. G. Orton of
Princeton, Mo., appeared, representing the
Iowa and Missouri Telephone company,
with reference to tho taxation of that con
cern's Iowa property at Albla, Bloomtluld
and Llnevllle.
Auditor of Statu Merrlam has Issued n
call requiring tho state and savings banks of
the statu to report thu condition ot their
business at tho clcse ot business Jutio CO.
Tho government has Issued a uutluual bank
call for tho same dato. An effoit wns mado
by tho last legislature to provide for tha
five- calls per annum which tho government
requires of thu national banks, It being ap
parent that the reports mado by the bank!
simultaneously with tho national banks
would bo ot great value. Tho schomo
failed, however, so that tho statu requires
reports but four times In tho year.
It Is practically determined that the en
campment of tho Fifty-second rrglment,
Iowa National Guards, will be held In Perry.
Colonel Humphrey is known to favor this
location and the adjutant general, who was
In Ottumwa yesterday, was favorably Im
pressed with tho caso presented by the peo
ple of Perry when they called on hlra a
few weeks ago.
Representative Thcunen of Scott county
has resigned his legislative position and liai
been appointed city solicitor of Davenport.
Horeafter tho examinations of funeral di
rectors for embalmers' purmlts will be hold
but once a year, and then In connection
with tho annual meeting of the Iowa Fu
neral Directors' association. The next ex
amination, therefore, will bo at Boone, dato
not yet known.
Application was mado recently to the
State Board ot Health to ship tho remain ot
a soldier who died of yellow fever from Flor
ida to Iowa. It was refused on tho ground
that such shipment would be a menace to tho
peoplo, and for the further reason that tho
shipment of bodies dead of Asiatic cholera,
yellow fever and bubonic plague Is absj
lutely forbidden by Iowa and by nearly
every stato In the union, and would also bo
a violation of tho rules of the general bag
gage agents ot all the railroad companies
ot tho country.
Inspector Olmsted has returned from a
trip of Inspection of the Flfttoth regiment,
Iowa National Guard. His report was filed
today. Tho result and tho nvcrago per cent
standings follow: .Company B, 97.6; C, 81.3;
M, 83.9; I, 83.6; E, 81.6; D, 81.1; O, 79.6;
L, 76.3; K, 76.1; Ht 74.9; A, 64.2; F. 0.
A call was lssiictj today by Prof. Floyd
Davis, president otvhe State Board of Mine
Examiners, for' a mooting of tho board next
week to arrango, foi1 tho 'examination ot the
mlno foremen, pltbcssea and hoisting en
gineers, which wlirbe. conducted In August
under tho law whc went into effect toduy.
Tho now law provides that certificates of
competency must be Issued to these persons
beforo January 1, 1501, or they cannot con
tinue to hold their positions.
State Hoard of Control Provides for
Three Nctv IlulldliiKN nt the
Institute There.
DES MOINES, Juiy3. (Special Telegram.)
The State Board of Control today awardoi
the contract for three buildings at Glcn
wood Institute for tho Feeblo Minded and
the contrasts for tea and coffco. The North
ern Building company of Davenport was
awarded tho Glcnwood contract for $40,000.
This Includes the hospital, tho cold storage
ond tho boys' cottago addition. The hospi
tal will bo fireproof. It -will bo built ot
buff pressed brick. This brick goes abovo
tho water line, bolow which tho brick made
nt tho stato Institution at Glcnwood Is fur
nished freo by tho stato. This enables the
uao of the costlier pressed brick for tho fac
ing. Tho stato charges tho contractor $30 a
thousand for Its brick In tho othor buildings.
Work will bo begun at once. Tho board has
reserved enough money to establish an Ice
manufacturing plant at Glonwood also. The
board, tho contractors and Superintendent
Powoll havo been working on tho matter for
two days.
OttiniMva MoMHliniikN Fluht the Cnrne.
Kle PrOMOKltlOII SlIUCCNNfllll)'
In Court.
OTTUMWA, Iu July 3. (Special Tele
gram.) Judgo Frank W. Elchlebcrgcr to
day handed down a decision In an Injunction
case, lu which ho gave ns his opinion that
women according to the constitution aro
not eligible to vote.
Tho caso grow out ot tho proposition ot
Andrew Carnegie, to donate to tho city of
Ottumwa $50,000 for a public library on tho
proviso that tho city guarantee. $5,000 an
nually for Its support. Tho proposition to
accept or reject was voted on by tho women,
according to rights granted by tho stntute,
Tho proposition curried on tho women's
vote. Tho opponents to tho meaiuro, began
Injunction proceedings on tho grounds that
tho election was unconstitutional, which was
sustained by Judgo Elchleberger. The case
will probably be carried to tho supremo
court, as It Is the first test that has been
mado of tho question In tho state,
Dolltver Greeted In KmmnN City,
FORT DODOK, la., July 3. (Special.)
Hon. J. P. Dolllver has returned hero from
Kansas City and was Interviewed upon his
experiences In the dcmocrntlo convention
city. Mr. Dolllver got Into tho city Just
as things wero commencing to llvon up and
had some very amusing experiences. Ar
riving at tho Ccntrul station thero was no
one about who recognized in him tho ex
vlco presidential candidate, and an advance
agent of Congrccsman. Sulzor approached
him saying, "Hero, lot mo put a badge on
you," and Mr. Dolllver was soon decorated
with a badgo bearing the Inscription: "Bryan
and Sulzer, Victory." Mr. Dolllver upon In
nocently Inquiring as to what kind of a
man Congressman Sulzer was, was Informed
that bo was the txtit sort of a man, the very
best ever, In fact, excepting Bryan, Another
advance agent nprpoached him and Mr, Dol
liver Innocently Interviewed him on the
situation. This enthusiastic anti-lmperlallit
told him that "Four years moro ot the XI c
Klnley administration and tho republic
would be no moro." "Do you really think
it would be as bad as that;" earnestly In
quired tho Iowa congrcnminn. "Yea, Indeed,
wo will seo an empire and McKlnley tho
emperor If this thing goes on.'- Just then
some ot Mr, Dolllver'n acquaintances came
up and the Joko was off, Mr. Dolllver and
Mr, Sulzer wero old acquaintances In the
Sioux City Wants Con veil t loll.
SIOUX CITY. la., July 3. (Special.)
When tho grand lodgo meeting of the In
dependent Order of Odd Fellows la held at
Keokuk In October Sioux City Odd Fellows
will mako a determined effort to secure tho
next grand lodgo meeting for this city, nnd
pi prorations already nro being mado for tho
cnrapalgn. It has bcn fifteen years since
Sioux City has been privileged to entertain
the Odd Fellows ot tho stato.
Iltinnvwt)- nt Slciiui.
SLOAN, la., July 3. (Special.) A team
belonging to Oscar Washburn engaged In a
lively runaway today. Attached to a heavy
lumber wagon, they ran broadside Into a
team belonging to S. L. Dean, the wagon
tonguo running Into tho sldo of Dean's
horse nearly ten Inches.
Turunda nt Ormme City.
SIOUX CITY, la.. July 3. A small tor
nado struck Orange City today. It took the
roof off tho city hall and damaged several
residences. Three children of William Old-
enkaump, a farmer near Sheldon, were badly
Heiit nt Duliiiriiic.
DUBUQUE. Ia.. July 3. Tho government
thermometer toduy registered 92, tho high-
OBt of tho scison. Ten prostrations wero
reported, but nono resulted fatally.
You can deposit your votes for the mcst
popular working girl In tho vacation con
test at tho Council Bluffs otOcc.
Colomiitl .Statue of the Flrnt Amer
ican la Unveiled in
Par In.
(Copyright, 19C0, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, July 3. (New York World Cable
gramSpecial Telegram.) Tho first of two
monumental statues offered Franco by tho
peoplo of tho United States was Inaugu
rated with Impressive nnd touching cere
monies today. It wns the Washington col
ossal horseback figure by French and Potter.
Tomorrow all tho Franco-American Boclal
world and hundreds of visiting Americans
will nssemble again at nnother beautiful
spot In the city to dedicate tho Lataycttte
monument by llurtlott, also an American
WnBhlngtdn's noblo figure on horseback
now stands unveiled, dominating from n tall
marblo pedestal, tho Jena squaro and the
wldo avenues startlug from there In flvo di
rections. Tho situation Is admirable. Somo
Idea may bo gained of tho appreciation
shown our gift from the fact that the spot
has been so far kept sacred, tho ultimate
Intention being to erect the proposed mem
orial of tho French people to their best
beloved poet, Hugo, but upon tho govern
ment's application the municipal council
Immediately yielded to Washington. Jena
squaro Is In tho heart ot tho fashionable
quarter, whore dwell countless Americans.
Opposite the statue a stand accommodat
ing i.f.OO peoplo was erected, beautifully
decorated with the Joint flags of France and
America, upholstered In red, with yellow
hangings heavily fringed with gold besides.
On a platform opposlto was Sousa's band,
which had to make the quickest trip on rec
ord In order to bo present. All tho neighbor
ing houses wero decorated with flags and
bunting, garlands of foliage and flowers In
tho windows and roofs and the sidewalks
were black with enthusiastic beholders,
while crowding tho stands was one ot the
most brilliant assemblies over seen hero at
an affair ot this sort.
Thobgh the weather was threatening the
women's toilettes were magnificent nnd dip
lomats and officers mingled their bright uni
forms with civilian elegance till tho United
States ambassador,- rising, silence, fell and
the whole Bceno 'was Uko a Joyous select
cosmopolitan reception. Tho ceremonies be
gan at 10:60, exactly twenty minutes late,
Sousa rendering the "Star Spangled Banner"
and the "Marseillaise." Then Ambassador
Porter delivered a lofty vibrant discourse,
partly In French and partly In English.
This speech, full of happy, terso sayings,
frequently elicited thunderous applause.
When tho nmbussador called Washington the
Immortal champion of tho sacred rights of
Belt government there wero a few cries of
"Vive les Boers.."
Consul Gowdy followed, His address was
delivered In tones ringing with patrlo'lc
emotion. Ho was nlso often Intorrup'e.l
with npplauee and hurrahs. Tho unveiling
was then mado by Mcsdamos Jones and
Manning, while Sousa played "Hall to the
Chief." Tho scene when tho canvas was
hauled down nnd the proud statue ap
peared, glittering In Its newness, was ex
tremely moving. The peoplo In tho stands,
despite their enthusiasm, preserved their
compoaurc, but the French massed outside
the lanes ot American exposition guards
and Paris mounted pollco yelled hrnvos,
"Vivo l'Amcrlque," "Vive les deux re-
publlques." "Vivo Washington," waving hats
and throwing them In the nlr.
Ambassador Porter Introduced Minister
Delcapso, who formally and In very happy
fraloinal terras accepted the gift In tlio
nnmo of tho French nation. During tho
discourse tho minister of foreign affa'rs
was frequently interrupted by ono wlld-
cyed nationalist standing among the press
representatives, Immediately undor tho
speakors' stand. This fool began vigorously
shouting "Vivo l'arniee" as soon as Del
cassu nlludcd to Washlnglon's military
operations nnd then kept up a running flow
of offensive remarks, sometime In an
undertone, sometimes very loud. The min
ister wns manifestly nnnoyed and everybody
embarrassed, till, upon the suggestion of
several American correspondents, tho uni
formed nthleto who captains tho United
Stutos guards placed a haud on tho sh til
der of tho lndlvadunl, asking him whether
ho cared to experience what an American
bouncing was. When the offer wns trans
Iatod tho obstreperous patriot Immediately
Colonol Chnllle In a long speech briefly re
traced Washington's historical career. At
Inst a mnrch by Sousa concluded the cere
monies nnd nfter General Porter had called
for nnd obtained tbrco touslng cheers for (he
clstor republics tho first raindrops drove the
Ill Tablet Form Pleaxuii t to Tnke.
Is the best remedy known for the cure of
nil l'crnaio Diseases. Kvcn in mo most
obstinate cases it nns ucnieved results
whlnh lire tnarvolous and stuml unrivaled.
It hus uroven tho greatest benefactor of
r. ailing womankind, Even nfter
short treatment It has aban
doned pain und restored the
putlunt to a new life.
I suffered years with Femnlo
Troubles before I abandoned all
hope of over being cured, but In
the last hour 1 took Dr. Flurk.
hart's Vegetable Compound and lit three
monins i was a won woman.
Mrs. I,iiur;i Sims, Dayton, Ohio.
For salu by all druggists. Thirty days'
treatment for 23c; seventy days' treatment,
Wa; six months' treatment, $1.00; 10 days'
trial treatment free.
Dr. W. H. Ilurkhart, Cincinnati, O.
Mr: Wlnvlow' Houlltluit Srrup
Has been used ror over KIFTY YliAHS by
MILLIONS ot MOTHUrtH for their 01111,.
CUHES WIND COLIC, and Is the beat rem.
edy for DIAItltllOEA, Sold by Orucststi
In- every part ot the world. Ilo sure nnd
ask for "lira. Wlnslow'a Hoothlnir Svruu."
and lake no other kind, Twenty-rlvo centi
audience scurrying toward tho nnglo whero
carriages wero massed evpry whero abojt.
President loubet wns represented by two
members ot his household nnd (Irozure, chief
ot the procotol, and many mombcrs of the
diplomatic corr were present.
Continued I'lilllntr On lu Mnrkctlnu
of Horn 1 1 n m n Direct Ilriu-liiK
on the Output,
CINCINNATI, July 3.-(Spcclal Tele
gram.) The Prlco Current says: Tho cur
rent movement of hogs Is of moderate pro
portions. Western packing for the week Is
41G.000, compared with 435.000 tho priced nc;
week and 475,000 last year. From March 1
tho total Is 7,855,000 against 7.G00.C0O a year
ago. Prominent Places compared as fol-
.. 2,2-,a
.. 1,03j,00
.. 6C'VJ0
.. SSl.OOO
Kansas City
St. Louis ....
Indlunnpnlls .
Mlhviiukeo ...
St. Joseph fW.niO
Cincinnati SlO.OuO
Ottumwa 2ffl,
Cedur Rapids 15s,Ort
Sioux City 20,000
St. Paul 173,000
lluniim or limine,
Sprains or sores, burns or scalds, wounds or
cuts, letter or eczema, all quickly cured by
Banner Salvo, the most healing medicine In
the world. Nothing else "Just as good."
For salo by Myer's-Dlllon Drug Co., Omaha,
and Dillon's Drug Store, South Omaha.
Receiver of Gulf .Ntnn.
ST. LOUIS, July 3. Judgo Thayer, In tho
United States circuit court, has denied tho
application ot eastern stockholders of tho
Kansas City, Pittsburg & Gulf for tho re
moval ot Charles II. Chappello and Jamca
Hopkins ns receivers of tho Omaha & St
Louis and tho Kansas City &. Northern
connecting railways. Judgo Thayer re
served his decision on tho request that ho
rescind his order allowing tho receivers to
borrow $525,000 on certificates for tho pur
peso ot re-lronlng the Omaha & St. IuIb
t So
At least it does not
seem so when there is
HIRES Roolbeer
on baud. II ketpa your bloed cool and
your temper vn. A V cent packace
niakraSvullona. Write for Hit of premiums
ouerra in9 xor movis.
CHARLES E. HIRES CO., Malvern, Pa.
a .l 1 1 1 1 i . S
77' vv
Wenlworlh Military Academy
Government snpervllon. BtatocommliuiionstoKrnrluates. I'rep
and National Academics.
mv 4 1 j Night office hours arc dis
IN Iff lit WOrK agreeable at the best, but how
" much worse it is when you
have to climb stairs because of no elevator service, and
grope through dark halls.
The Bee Building
olovarnrs run dav. nirht and
2 ing is always illuminated. It makes the best office build
m ing for a doctor, who wishes night or Sunday office hours.
(J On account of the Army Headquarters moving we
ft can accommodate you with any sort of a room you wish.
ft R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents,
ft Ground Floor, The Bee Bulldinr
Ruormon ClahODt Pills uetr fo.tacrt. rome,jr
or self-abuse, dUslpsuoa. eicesses,
potency, (Lost Power, Nlght-Lossfi, Spermatorrhoea Insomnia
In bnck, Ell paslrafci 4im nnl atmleslone,. lnm. flack, Mervo
bl Ity, Headcho,lJnfilneslptDjMrTrl.paiof rjfj Semen, Vari
i. nXM.iinM.lnn. Alrtni Ou
vauo Tw'ltohlnK Of kyeildl
. Uuc ntiil act cKiuouJict.
orrsns, StlmiUles Die hsln end rere tenters, tx a bi.
a uency itfuaUed, id 6 baits. Circulars fate. AddrDM,
Made happy by our Turlclah T. nnd P. Pllla. Monthlies an ro to ihn dny Never (lla.ippoiutH any
Lilly. Curi'H Brantv. nxeeHalVf or pulntul menstruation. Kothlnv llUn II in thu marknt. H.00
box by mall, Two boxea cur any oho. Ro pain, no dancer, HuIiii'm Pharmacy. Omaha. Nob.
Real Est:
Some excellent lots, pleasantly located and de
sirable for suburban homes, can be had now at
reasonable prices. These lots are located in
Omaha, Wrights and Central Sub. additions. This
property will steadily increase in value as the city
grows in that direction and the time to buy is the
present. Call at
Council Bluffs.
A Measure of Merit
Omaha Ciiizens Should Weigh Well
This Evidence.
Proof of merit lies In the evidence,
Convincing evidence In Omaha
Is not tho testimony of strangers;
But tho endorsement of Omaha peoplo.
That's tho kind of proof given here,
Tho statement of an Omaha citizen.
Mr. J. Flick of 1C0S .Cass street, says!
"Doan's Kidney Pills nro the best remedy I
over used for kidney complnlnts. A friend
of mlno, recommended them to mo and I
'procured them at Kuhn & Co's drug store. I
wns troubled for several years with sharp
pains when stooping and tho Irregular notion
of tho kidney secretions especially nt night
caused mo much misery. Doan's Kldnoy
Pills gavo mo compteto satisfaction. They
aro so mild you hardly know you arc taking
them, yet thoy cure. I havo advised friends
to use them and in all coses good results
wero obtained."
For salo by nil dealers. Prlco 50 cents.
Fostor-MtUiurn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., solo
agents for tho United States.
Remember tho name, Doan's, and take no
Colds, Coughs,
Hay Fever, Bron
chitis, Asthma
and all Diseases
of the Throat and
ClotM of Medicated Vnpor are InhOhM
through tlie mouth nnd emitted from the nci-
II- clrtotlaR and Ttporliloic sll the lsnamol
a oti dlsratrd parti which can Dot lo reached br
mrdlclno taken into tho atoinacb,
It Tcachtt the tore tpoUIt heaU the raw
placet It aon to the fat of It attt nt
atxtlm und tonic to the ivhnte tutrnSl.(X)nt
itruaoUts orient lymalL S((I3 Arh RUl'MUr
lluiirdliiK nml Day Suliool for ulrln
under lu illrci'llon of Ht. Itov.
Ceorne AVorthlimton, S, T. I)., 1,1,. 1).
I'll II term ticitliiiiliiur Sept. 10, 10110.
Ono of tho oldest nnd most succersful
educational Institutions of tho west Its
high standard allowing It to compete with
eastern colleges and schools. Uulldlngs lu
complete order perfect steam heating, gun
Itary plumbing; collegiate nml preparatory
courses; special students In music, the lan
guages and art; competent corps ot teacheis.
Every advantogo offered n regards the
moral, mental and physical training. Send
for circular or apply personally to Mrs. L.
R. Upton, Principal.
Oldest and larrejt
military school In
Central West.
HnarAllim fnr ITnlvrraltlM
Sundays. The Bee Birili-
aire beta in bu over so rtirt bv Uia leaders oribe Mormoa
cuies u wont cue. la U aod younr arising loia eorcu
clcuette - amoklo - .
Duraa Lost Manhood. Im
nia, i-aina
rvouo ue-
hntiacho.UnfitneiataMaOTit.oasot' 1 mm Sm6n, varicocele,
nkneia nff Dla- B?- I flhar.n. BtfiDB NAT
tnects " Irjnwlute. trSXiJ lru.MOi(of .oil latency la
a cure Is l binJ. BViTTa Ketl.res smlll. onritTelctad
i for IrS'lT mall, uriwm A written ruvintee, tocura
Dlihop Remedy Co., Francisco, CmU
To Teachers
Attending tho Institulo We will
make a discount of Ton Por Cent on
all our regular prices until July 4.
Comein and have your teeth examined
before going homo. It will cost you
nothing to do so.
..Telephone 145.
H. A. Woodbury, D. 0. SM Council Blufh.
30 Pearl SI. Grand Hotel