THE OMAHA T)AT"LY TVETC: "WEDXESBAT, JtTEV 4, 1000. 4 V J 'Y CONTRACTS FOR SUPPLIES LET Stato Board Makes tho Quarterly Awards to Bidden as Usual. WHO WILL FURNISH THE ARTICLES NEEDED MM nf Contractor Who Will Supply the Sevcrnl Slnle Institution DuriitK thr CoiiiliiK Three .Month. I,INC0IA July 3. (Special.) Tho S nta Hoard of Purchase find Supplies today awarded contracts for supplies for state lu Ultutlons to the following bidders: Hospital for the Insunc, Lincoln Dry Roods, Miller & I'alnc; coal, Whltcbroast Coal Co.; staple groceries, Raymond Hro.; fancy groceries, HargretiVM liros,; flour, Zwonecheck & Askmlt; drugs, llarlry Drug Co.; clothing, IM Serf and Macr Hros. lndustrht Homo, Mllford Coal, White breast Coal Co,; meat, Swift & Co.; butter nnd eggs, fancy groceries, staplo groceries, Thomas A, nincUburn. Penitentiary, Lincoln Hardware, Hudco Ouonzel; dry gooi's, Fltigorald & Co.; drugs, Harloy Drug Co.; Hour, Zwonechock & Ask mlt; meat, Citdahy Packing Co.; fancy gro ceries Raymond Iiroa.; clothing, Muyer Ilros., Ed Serf; coal, Charles H. Gregory, Whltobroast Coal Co. Asylum for tho Chronic Insino, lliwilngfl Klour. Hastings Milling Co.; drugs, A. H. Farrcns; fancy groceries, Harg'oavfs B os ; staple groceries, Raymond Bros.; clothing, W, J. Folk; dry goods, William Brock, Fitz gerald Co.; coal, Victor White and White breast Co. Industrial School for Boys, Kearney Coal, Victor White; dry goods, L. C. Gregg; oil, Hoxlo Oroccry Co.;. meats, Armour Parking Co,; fancy groceries, Hargreavcs Br:B.; sta T)lo groceries, Raymond Bros. Hospital for tho Insane, Norfolk Coal, Oltnn Rock Coal Co.; meat, Cudahy & Ci. drugs, Oeorgo B. Crlstoph; dry goods, John son Dry floods Co.; clothing, K. B. Konyon; flour, F. L. Saunders; fancy groceries, Har nrcavea Bros.; utaplo groceries, Raymond Bros. Industrial School for Girls, Geneva Meat, Bwlft & Co.; dry goods, Fitzgerald Dry Ooodi Co. nnd Miller & Palno; conl, Whltebreast Coal Co.; groceries, W. J. Carson. Instltuto for Keoblo Minded Youth, Bea trice Meat, Cudahy & Co.; bread, C. E. Wolfe; coal. Whltebreast Coal Co.; toilet pnper, A. N. Morso & Co.; staple and fancy groceries, HnrgrenvM Bros. Soldiers' nnd Salloin' Home, Mllford Meat, Cudahy & Co.; coal, Victor White; clothing. Ed Corf nnd Mayer Bros.; ataplo nnd fancy groceries, 0. L. Laune. Soldiers' nnd Sailor's Home, Grand Island Dry good, S. N. Wolbach; burlnl enses, J. C. Croycr; drugs, Tucker & Farnsworth; meats, Swift & Co.;. shoes, S. N. Wolbach; flour, Hastings Milling Co.; coal, Whl'c broast Coal Co. and Victor White; clothing, Woolfltenholm & Sterne nnd S, N. Wolbach nnd OU8 M. Friend; stnplo groceries, Har greavcs Bros.; fancy groceries, Raymond Bros. Homo for the Friendless, Lincoln Coal, Whltebreast Coal Co, and Charles B. Greg ory; moats, Armour Packing Co.; drugs, llarley Drug Co,; dry goods, Fltzgernld Dry Goods Co.; .bread, Golstllnger & Hoieholmcr; Ice, Lincoln Ico Co.; fancy and staple gro ceries, E. J. Kettering. The Equitable Tontine Savings company of Hastings Incorporated with tho secretary of state today. Tho capital stock of tho con cern Is $100,000 and tho incorporators arc C. S. Watkins, William L. Lnthrop nnd E. A. Watkins. Thov German Evangelical Zlon's church of ' I,lbf)rly,Oae county, lncorporated-undcr the state laws, Tho Knox Horso company of Omaha, capital Btnck $25,000, was Incorporated by II. E. O'Noll, William O, Gilbert nnd James A. Thompson. Department Commnndor John Reese has Issued orders to Ornnd Army men of Ne braska rclntivo to tho national encampment nt Chicago In August. FLOATER FOUND IN RIVER Iloilj- of l.nliorliiK Mn n I CniiKht In the Mlinoiirl lit PlntttN iiioiilli. FLATTSMOUTH, Nb July 3. (Special Telegram.) Jack Elliott snw a floater going down the river this forenoon nnd when a short dlatnnco below tho Burlington bridge ho caught and towed It to shore. Ho was cibout 40 yonrs of age, five feet eight Inches, unndy muatnche, stubby chin whiskers nnd black hair. Ho woro checkored ovcrnlls, light colored striped shirt nnd No, 7 shoes. In tho pockets were found a bluo cotton nnnuKercnmr, a Biiver dollar and a nickel safety pin, two padlocks, a heelplato nnd a collar button. He was evidently a laboring man. Tho body had not been In the water long nnd was not bndly decom posed. Tho coroner will hold an inquest this nftornoon. t'lume County FimloiilNtn Meet. IMPERIAL, Nob,. July 3. (Special.) The democratic and populist county con ventions for Chaso county met in Imporlal Thursday for tho purposo of nominating a county nttornoy nnd ono commissioner and choosing delegates to the various convm tlons. Each convention met separately and organized, and then appointed a committee from each convention to confer together and eolect the candidates. After a few mo ment's conference tho conimitteo reported tho namn of James S. Androws, a domocrnt ot Lnmor, for county attorney, and D. H. Sutherland, a free silver republican, fot commissioner, both conventions ratifying tho choice of tho committee. Tho call ac credited about sixty dolcgates to each con vention, but thcro wcro not sixty dolcgatos present In both convention. There was no enthusiasm nnd but little harmony bo tween tho two factions. The delegations to the congressional convontlon aro favorab o to tho ronomlnntlon of R, D. Sutherland. Tho democratic delegation to the repre sentative convention nro for W. M. Pence, a democrat, of Waunltn, for representative. ShnlTnrtli Sentenced nt Xurth I'lntfc, NORTH PLATTi:. Neb., July 3. (Special.) Chief of Pollco H. T. Rice, who went to South Omnhn last Friday to take posus- nlon of the man who was wanted horo for stealing a coat, vest and gold watch a couplo of months ngo, returned with ha prisoner on Saturday evening, Tho latter Ij a negro namel Chnrlre Shafforth. He wns npprehended at South Omaha by Chief of Pollco Mitchell lant Wednesday, whllo try ing to sell tho watch nt a pawnshop. Tho chief happened to bo in tho placo when Shafforth offered the watch for tale and took him Into custody nt once. The negro acknowledged that ho stolo tho watch nt North Platte, but said that the coat and vest woro taken by ono of two pals that wcro with him, He said that both nion went to Kansas City from here, whllo ho stopped at South Omaha, where his homo Is. When takon boforo Pollco Judgo Baldwin yesterday afternoon Shafforth pleaded guilty to stealing tho -watch. Ho was ad- CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. Hie Kind Yoc Have Always Bough; Bears tho Signature of Judged a proper subject for tho Kcarno Industrial nr-hool and will bo taken there by Sheriff Kellher tcxlay. Ho claims to bo only 16 years of age. UNANIMOUS FOR VAN BOSKIRK Fourteenth District Convention of Itcpnlillcnns nt Crawford .Vinil iintm Senntorlnl t.'itiitllilntcn, CRAWFORD, NcbTT"july 3. (Special Telegram,) J. R. Van Boaklrk of Alliance was unanimously nominated as republican candidate for senator from the Fourteenth district at the convention hero today. Tho countltn were well represented, and instructive addresses were delivered by Hon. F, M. Dorlngton. R. W. Mont gomery of Alliance wns selected as chair man of the senntorlnl committee. Van Bosklrk Is secretary of the North west Live Stook association and Is engaged in the implement buslnons. He is a very strong candidate. Hill n Fnlls nt llnrvnnl, HARVARD, Neb., July 3. Last week wan Intensely dry, with heavy wind most of the time, but a chaugo camo about 2 o'clock ycatcrday morning, when, following much wind, a fine rain of .44 of an Inch of water fell. About half tho winter wheat crop has been cut and thin week will see practically all secured. BROKEN BOW, Neb., July 3. (Special.) The long dry spell in this county was ended Friday night. From 10 o'clock until morn ing 2 5-12 Inches of rnln fell. Much of the lato wheat is Just In bloom and will be greatly benefited. In some localities the wheat was too far gone to be helped. The corn Is In most excellent condition, the prospects for the largest crop of corn since 1891 being very promising. The postures are excellent and the cattle are in fine shape. Tho cattlo industry Is now one of tho most prominent industries In the county, tho number of cattlo In the county having In creased largely in the last year. Sentence Hoy to Ileformntory. PLATTSMOUTH, Neb.. July 3. (Special.) Charley Frlsh, a boy 15 years ot ago, waa given a hearing before County Judge J. E. Douglas on the chargo of Incorrigibility His mother filed the complaint, asking to hnvo him sent to the reform school, as all efforts to keep him at home Tiad proven fruitless and whon sho had found a placo for him to work ho would run away. Ho could not resist his inclination to place ob structlons on tho railroad tracks. On tha strength of tho evidence tho court decided that tho best placo for the boy was in tho stato reformatory, whero ho could be prop erly looked aftor and kept out of mUchlef and ho was accordingly sentenced to that Institution. I'opiillntn Cnlleil In Convention. TRENTON, Neb., July 3. (Special.) Tho populists of Hitchcock county aro called to meet In convention nt Trenton July 10 for tho purposo of electing six delegates to the stato convention, six delegates to tho con gresslonal convention, delegates to the senatorial convention nnd fourteen delegates to tho sixty-seventh representative conven ticn; nlso to nominate a county clerk, county attorney and commissioners of the Third district. Primaries to bo held July . The populists of tho Sixty-seventh Represent atlve district hnve called their convention to meet nt Palisade, Hitchcock county, July 20. Itlilx Farm of Chicken I. Ice, SEWARD, Neb., July 3. (Special.) Yes torday morning about 10:30 Jacob Wester hoff built a fire In his chicken house In order to smoko out lice and then wont down town. Tho Are soon had the chicken house In ashes and then caught tho barn, which was entirely dostroyed before the flro do partment arrived. A daughter of Mr. Wm tcrhoff was quite badly burned in getting their horso out of tho barn, and Mrs. J. C, Mdrgan was bo badly frightened that it was necessary to call a doctor. KpcnkliiK nt Cntnp llnywnrd. SYRACUSE, Neb., July 3. (Spoclnl Tele gram.) It was disagreeably windy at Camp Hayward. So much so that spcnklng out doors was abandoned. Hon. Jesso Strode of Lincoln made a highly patriotic speech In Floral hall this afternoon. He was listened to with marked nttentlon In spite of the great heat. Tho gamo of baso ball between Nebraska City and Cook wns red hot. Score: Ne braska City, 20; Cook, 21. William Schap crs was umpire. Clinne County Crop. IMPERIAL, Nob., July 3. (Special. ) Chaso county was hlessed last night with a fine rain of from one to two Inches. Its coming was very timely, aa small grain waa beginning to need rain. The small grain was cut short by dry weather, yet if noth ing prevents wo will got a half crop. The corn crop Is looking fine and our outlook for a corn crop wan never bolter. The ranges aro In lino condition nnd stock has never dono any better than it Is now doing. Telephone Compnny riinniceH Ilntul. NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., July 3. (Special Telegram.) Tho Independent Telephone Co., a rival organization of the Nobraska Tele phone company, which commenced buslno s horo about a year ago, was sold today to a number ot local business men. Since tho advent of this company rates havo been very low, lower, it Is ststed, than they can be profitably maintained. It Is not known what tho policy ot tho uew own ers will bo. Veternnn of Snntlnrcn Celelirnte. FORT CROOK, Neb., July 3, (Special.) The veteran members of the Tenth Volun teer Infantry celebrated the second annl vesary of the battlo of Santiago by ap propriate memorials nnd a stag party on Sunday, July 1. There was n full attend ance and a beautiful program was rendered suitable for tho occasion. On Monday, July 2, a very enjoyable dance wound up the fes tivities. Seirnrd County MnrtKncrc HecoTil. SBWARD, Neb., July 3. (Special.) Tho mortgage Indebtedness record In Sownrd county for Juno Is ns follows: Farm mort gage filed, 27, $31,7G2.K0; released, 34, Jt7, City mortgages filed, 2. $1,300; released, 6, $1,760. Chattel mortgagoi flloj, 73, J37.223.97; releasetl, 41, $34,250.29. Cliiiutiiiiiiiiu I'Iuiim Celehrntlon. BKATRICK Nob., July 3. (Special Tele gram.) Preparations are being made for a big Fourth of July celebration nt tho tomorrow. Tho program In cludes an Inspection of the flro department and a sham battle by tho National Ouard company nt this point. Hamilton Olven Five Yenr. WAHOO, Neb., July 3. (Spoclal.) Judge Good yesterday sentenced Hamilton, the man found guilty of complicity In robbing Joseph & Grate's store, to flvo years In tha penitentiary. Court adjourned until July 12, when Harris, tho other arrest In this caso, will bo tried. IlrldKc Collmmeii With Tcnnm. NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., July 3. (Spoclal Telegram.) By the collareo of a bridge tora today two men, a team nnd Ico wagon were precipitated to tho bottom of Table creek, u dldtanco ot twenty feet. Tho men wcro severely bruised and It, Is believed wcro lu jurcd Internally. Nov Killtor uu llnntliiK Itecord, HASTINGS, Neb., July 3. (Special.) George James has purchased an Interest In tho Hasttngs Evening Record. Tho papor will hereafter bo edited by Ramsey & James. Injured h- Cannon Crncker. DAVID CITY. Neb., July 3. (Special.) Conrad Lauaskle, an old soldier, was cele- bratlng the Fourth of July In advance yes terday evening, He was giving the boys n lesson In discharging fireworks and held a largo cannon cracker In his hands while It exploded. His right hand was almost torn to pieces and his right leg was badly bruised, Ho Is In a critical condition and fears ot blood poisoning aro entertained by his comrades. llrnvj" .Storm nt ilohiifttovrn, JOHNSTOWN, Neb.. July 3. (Special Tel- egram.) Our long dry spell was broken last night by a severe electrical storm, accom panied by rain. Tho barn of August Bohle, a farmer living northeast of town, was struck by lightning and completely destroyed, with eighty bushels ot corn, fifty bushels of oats, four sets of harness and n new saddle. Itclile nee nt Syrneime, SYRACUSE, Neb., July 3. (Special Tele gram.) About 1:30 p. m. nn alarm of fire wa3 sounded and located In a coal house on tho promises of Moses Hlx. A lino of hose was soon laid and the flro wns out In short order. Owing to the high wind tho work done bo tho firemen was very skillful. Will I'lre Cnptnred t'niinnn, GENEVA, Nob., July 3. (Special.) To morrow at 2 p. m. will bo fired a number of salutes from tho old Philippine cannon cap- turod by Company O and brought home. It Is estimated that the largest crowd ever seen in Geneva will bo here tomorrow. UeleKntcN I.enve I'lnttuninuth. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., July 3. (Special.) Hon. J. M. PalterBon and Frank J, Mor- gnn departed yesterday nnd tho Platlsmouth band nnd many others will leave today for Kansas City to attend tho national demo cratlc convention. Syracuse Will Celebrate. SYRACUSE, Neb,, July 3. (Special Tele gram,) Tho Fourth will be celebrated In great style here tomorrow and an Immense crowd is looked for. The orntor of the day is Congressman E. J. Burkett of Lincoln, Senrlet Fever nt Ourlil City. DAVID CITY, Neb., July 3. (Special.) A well developed case of scarlet fever at tho residence ot J. F. Albln, editor of tho People's Banner, was reported yesterday evening by the attending physician. Grain 1'ronpectH (iuoil. BUTTE, Neb., July 3. (Special Telegram.) Boyd county had half an Inch ot rain Sun day night and four Inches last night. Crops of all kinds aro booming. Small grain Is sure. Corn will bo a bumper crop. School Ccnnu nt Ilentrlce. BEATRICE, Neb., July 3. (Spcclnl Telo- gram.) Tho school census for Beatrice which Ih Just complotcd, shows 2,972 of school ago within tho. city. This Is an ex ces3 of 105 over last year. Divorce Cune nt limiting. HASTINGS, Nob.. July 3. (Special.) Luella B. Hull has fllod her petition In tho district court praying for a divorce from her husband, Byron F. Hull. Mrs. Hull also asks for alimony. Hot Duy nt Ilentrlce. BEATRICE, Neb., July 3. (Special Tele gram.) Today was another excessively hot and dusty day In thiB city. Tho tempera- turo ranged from 100 to 102 In the shade It Snveil II in I.eic. ' P. A. Danforth of LnGrange, Ga., suffered for six months with a frightful running soro on his leg; but writes that Bucklen's Arnica Salvo wholly cured it in flvo days, For Ulcers, Wounds, Piles, It's tho best salve In tho world. Cure guaranteed. Only 25 cts. Sold by Kuhn & Co., druggists. PROSTRATIONS FROM HEAT Sevcrnl People In Clitcngo Are ported Ovi-rcome ly Oppre Tie Ive Weutiicr. CHICAGO, July 3. Ono death and two prostrations as a result of tho heat were re ported up to noon here today. William Wle grede, whoso homo Ib In Blenheim, III., died shortly after midnight of heart dlseaso super Induced by heat. Tony Sedlock succumbed In front of his homo and Joseph O'Brien was overcome while walking over tho Lake street bridge. Both tho latter will recover. At noon tho weather bureau showed 84 degrees but nt tho street level the mercury In many Instances showed over 00 degrees. Tho molsturo In the air rendered the heat very oppresslvo and there woro doubtless many prostrations which were not reported to tho authorities. Tho afternoon also furnished ono death and n number of prostrations. A man known by the name of Huinbac, while crazed by tho heat, Junued Into the river, but was rescued. A man named Clock wns found dead from tho heat in a lodging house. Samuel Swarsky and Daniel Lynch were prostrated during tho afternoon nnd were removed to the hospital. It is believed they will re cover. Showers are predicted, but they will probably render the atmosphoro more etlil lug. If you nre sick all over, nnd don't know Just what nils you, it's ten to one your kidneys aro out of order. Foley's Kidney Cure will bring you health and energy. For salo by Myer's-Blllon Drug Co., Omaha, and Dillon's Drug Store, South Omaha. FIRE CLAIMS FIVE VICTIMS Ucnd Were Occuiinntn of a Frame Tenement Which Ilnrned I.lUe Tinder. NEW YORK, July 3. Five persons were burned to death In an early morning teno ment flro In Hobokon today. Tho dead are: Jacob Nelhnus, aged 33; August Bon der, ngod 19; Math Wlnkleman, aged 3; William Wlnklomnn, aged 9; Albert Bich- mann, aged 18. Tho victims lived In a two and onc-half-story framo tenement at 125-131 Adams street. The adults wore n tho top floor of 131 und tho children, with their parents, lived on tho ground floor of 129. Five families, thirty-six persons lu all, wero asleep when tho fire was dUcoverod on the top floor. The l.lnt of 'Wounded who havo been healed by Banner Salve, Is very large. It heals all wounds or sores and leaves no scar, Tako no substitute. For sale by Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha, and Dillon's Drug Store, South Omaha. NOT GUILTY OF CONTEMPT United Stntca Court nt Sun FrnuclNCn AlmolveH (lunrnntiue Oltlcer Dr. J, J, Ivluyoiin. SAN FRANCISCO, July 3. In the United Stntos circuit court Judgo Morrow held that Dr. J. J. Klnyoun, tho local federal quaran tine officer, had not been guilty of con tempt of court In requiring persons leaving this city during tho plaguo excitement to securo health certificates. The Judgo found that travel within tho borders ot tho stato had not bcon restricted and that tho letter ot tho Injunction ngalnat the authorities had not been violated. Y. M. C. A. TenuU. Tho first round of tho tennis Klnclea In the Younir Men'B Christian nssoclatlon tournament was played Tuesday night at tho Ames uvenue park, Tho results were ns follows: W. II. Havmonil and Weltv drew bye, Wheldon defeated Reedy. Young doreateil wenstcr. Patterson defeated Stephenson, UucklnKhum defenteel Eita brook. Coffee nnd Isaac Ilnvmoud drew u bye. The second round will bo played this morning nt 9 o'clock. Flnnls will be played mw niternoon. .Mld-ltond CooperlteH. Thn Peter Cooner club, the anti-fusion middle-of-the-road club, met last night ut 1515 Howard street und perfected plans for tho banquet which the club will give In wusnington nail me nigni ot juiy is. Wharton Barker, the middle-of-the-road populist candidate for president, will be tno guest oi me ciud on mai aay. ipfitinii VUHPO I WIT TinV I Althi 1 lUlUV O li 1 1 A I Hh I Commercial OlubWill Attend tho Volun teer Firemen's Tournament. OMAHA LOSING TRADE OPPORTUNITIES (corse II- Mnxtvcll Review the AVorli I of the .Vntlonnl Irrlnu t Ion Au clntlou mill DrKcn Con tinued Uttorti, tv won nmnimna in rnmn vnrk nnd gct acquainted with us.- Too much of tho trade of York nnd tho surrounding section of Nebraska goes to Kansas City, St. Joseph and other cities that aro working tho terrl- tory for all It Is worth. It Is right that Omaha should havo this trade and It can bo had by Omaha merchnnts It they exert more effort to securo It. Wo nro friendly to nil Nebraska Institutions. Tho Nebraska Vol unteer Firemen's tournnment will bo held at York July 24, 25 and 26 nnd wo extend tho 'Commercial club of Omaha nnd all poo- pie of tho city a hearty Invitation to visit us uu dm m uium u.jn luiu ,tuc nuuiui- nnCCS Wlin OUI irienuo Him uusilivan uaau- elates," said Judgo O. W. Post of York to tho executive committee of tho Commercial club. JUUgo rost was ncarmy mannou ior uio cordial Invitation, which wns Immediately accepted, kuciiu luarun, who ucieu as cmur- man of tho meeting, was Instructed to np- point a committee, get railroad rates and mako nil arrangements for an excusion to York on one of tho tnreo flays mentioned, July 26, tho Inst day of the tournament, is tho day upon which the most Importnnt contests will bo held nnd It is likely that tho Omahn excursion win bo given that nay. II. W MeOlnnls nnd JUdco Post enmo to Omaha as representatives of tho Commcr- clal club (f York, which wan Instrumental In securing tho tournnment, and is doing nil in Its power to maKe It a success. Moro than J2.500 Is offered in each prizes besides many handsome and expensive trophies, Two thousand volunteer firemen will nt- tend. Kearney will send two companies to tho tournament. Fremont, Grand Island, Kearney, North Platte, Beatrice, Stanton and nearly all Nobraska towns of nny size will enter companies In tho contests. -.'..- .. i ,ii . Grorgo II. Maxwell of tho National Irrl- gatlon association spoke to the exocutlve commlttee concerning the work dono by tho association In congress, Mr. Maxwell ad- uressefl tno commercial ciuo soverat monms ngo and since he was hero congress made an appropriation or i;u.uu ror preliminary Irrigation surveys In the arid lands of west- em states. The purpose ot tho society is to get additional appropriations nnd Impress the pooplo oi tno unuca htaics wun me luea tnat tno irrigation oi western tanas is u matter of national Importance. Tho Commercial clubs of Omaha, St. Paul and Los Angeles havo been particularly ac tive In assisting tho association and Mr Maxwell made many suggestions concerning tbo carrying on of a campaign for funds to prosecute tho work. u u, "uuo - 'c'J, essential to success In securing government I assistance tn tho reclaiming of government lands," said Mr. Maxwell. "Enact laws that mako tho water eo with the landB nnd prevent water from being sold nlono ns n commodity. Montana and Wyoming have good laws and I believe that the Nebraska laws aro quite similar to the Wyoming laws. In Colorado nnd California tho laws are bad IrrlKiitlon n XatlonnI Duty. "Discourago the plan sometimes ndvanced that the government shRll deed all nrld lands to the various state xhd!'allow them to do the irrigating. This ls"a nalional duty and not a state duty. Th'6 rivers that rise in Colorado and Wyoming water seventeen states and territories. Government control of such streams Is the only hope for the vnst territory tnat can De mane rertuo ny saving the great supply of water that goes to waste. The cession of these inncls to various states would bo the death of the movement. Mr. Maxwell urged that tho Commercial club do all in its power to carry on a cam- palgn of education through tho astern states. Ho juggested thnt II tho merchants of Omaha pro- pare lists of firms with whom they 'iavo business dealings and turn them over to tho secretary ot tho Commercial exchange. In this manner a vast mailing list of lnlluentlnl persons may be secured to whom literature M'UU IMU DllUJUtk III 11 . I,IIIIJU tail WU Bl'lll. Tho Los Angeles club adopted this plan nnd did much to nsslst tho nssoclatlon by having letters written to congressmen and senators at tho tlmo tho recent appropria won was penning, .nr. mhxwoji urgea inai tho Importance ot tho development of thoso ands to the commercial world cannot bj overestimated, and urged tho business men of Nebraska to do all In their power to bring tho matter to tho attention of eastern people HEADS ON SPEAR TOPS (Continued from First Page.) Is said that serious trouble would havo re sulted except for tho perfect dteclpllne of tho Japanese. Flying American l'lnsr. ine bunion correspuuueui oi me van) Telegraph, wiring under rmto ot July i, Bays mo largo unineso svoamsa.p companies are applying or leave to iuo r nips io mo American nag, iiuninees is uiuiubi in a standstill and another reverse to tho nlllcd troops would precipitate a massacre of for elgners In the Bouth, which LI Hung Chang would be utterly unable to avert. He re cently outwitted tho Sun Yatscn party by buying thousands ot Mauser rlflro at Macao, Ho Is Increasing hla troops, the correspond ent says, adding nnother 1,000 guards to thoso at Canton and recruiting two divisions to 1,500 each. A dispatch to tho Dally Telegraph from its Shanghai correspondent, dated July 2, says that tho chief pantor at tho Moukden mis sion has been killed, together with n number of native Christians. LONDON, July 4.-1:50 a. m. Tho Shang hai correspondent of tho TImos telegraph ing on Monday, snys: Tho only ordor issued nt Tekln on Juno 20 amounts to an open challenge to the pow ers and practically declares war. It com mands the provinces to enroll the Boxers to nsslst to expel the foreigners." A nnprlnt itlnntph frnm S'lanirhal dnlfiil Inlv iva that thn tnn tnl nt Shanahal ,,Min.,i fh ntiinonn nmriMnnm i. ginning June 21 no notice will be taken of docrceB of tho so-called imperial govern- ment, ns rrince iuan nau seized me power on mat nay. Tho Times' St. Petersburg correspondent says that on Juno 30 tho grand staff of the Husauin army uaw.iiuiuu uio wuiico iinny i t I i .1 11 -!.! . 10 numocr i.isv.vuu men. no uiso earn wiui Apollinaris ' 1"1HE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS") BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTIONS. about OnO.OOO Mausers have been importel within the last three years. CUBE FOO. July 3. It is reported mat all foreigners havo been ordered out of Tien Tsln. The situation Is considered desper ate. Tho Chinese nre pushing their en trenchments under tho walls. Tho railway between Tien Tsln nnd Lutal la In the hands of the Chinese. GOVERNMENT IS NOT GUILTY CutiRiil tienernl tSooilunw Clcnr I pre DiMtiiHcr of Coinpllclty In Trouble. WASHINGTON, July 3. Tho Importnnt news that camo to the State department to- day from Consul General Goodnow ut Shnng- hl respecting the conditions nt Pekln hns Bono far to enlighten the oinc nts as to ccr- " points that were shrouded In iincer- tolnty and doubt. The consul general s nd- v're"ff lu' 1 u C,.,B' ? V , ment is not implicated In the attack upon tho ministers and the missionaries and con firms what the Stnte department has all along suspected, namely, that a stato of in surrection exists In Pekln and the province ot Chi Le and that tho rising must be treated as such. Tho olllcials hero are gratified at the .,, .rlln , n, ,hn ,,,, ,,nntpti . . .-n-nii.tnHmr flin v re .,. ., , p.bln In ..n nornomntll ntinn a po,cr o ncutrnlUy nl ,caBt. The lll8t ,, ,,. rpnlrB, n lllM virnrnvn envn In ,ila mihrslon tndnv. ncnnrdlnc to the State de partmeut's advices from Consul McWade nt canton, so thnt the ofllc a s fee reason i,io secure for tho safety ot the foreigners in ho whole territory south of the Yellow rver, which comprises three-fourths of china. Tho Canton rumor that Viceroy LI Hung Chang had asked for a United States war ship to carry him north to Tien Tsln was nn incident of tho past fortnight. Ho wanted tn m nn th Ilrnnklvn nnil whlln Admiral Kcmnff was willing to tnke him ns a pas- senger tho viceroy changed his mind, owing to tho perilous stato of affairs in his own province. n is estimated that tho Ninth Infantry from Manila should nrrlvo at Taku tonight or tomorrow. They will bo tho first of tho United States regular troops to land on Chinese soil. Secrctnry Root todny said ho hnd not ordered any moro soldiers there. jje has selected tho Fifteenth Infantry as the next regular regiment to bo sent out to Manila, and this organization, llko tho Sixth cavalry, will touch at Nagasaki en routo nnil mny bo diverted to China If nPIiP,i Thin regiment, nccordlue to Sccre- iary tootl goes out in nccordanco with the pr0gram nlready laid down looking to tbo renlacemcnt of tho volunteers now n tho Philippines by regulars. The regiment Is now -tntloncd In tho east. It will bo re- ,,iaced by ono from Cuba. It Is estimated nt the War department that tho Fifteenth wm be Bcarcciy able to sail for a month. It wm 0 by waJ. 0f San Francisco GETTING READY FOR REVENGE Ocriiiuny Will Mnue China Feel Wclicht of Itn Wnitli for Von, Ketteler'n Murder. BERLIN, July 4. Further military steps nr0 reported. Tho small cruisers Nymph, .. ',,', Mnzclla and Bussard will soon bo ready to sail. Tho Lokal Anzolger last night stated thnt 2,500 moro marines had been summoned to Kiel and Wllhelmhavon for transportation to China. The German consul nt Cho Foo reports a number of excetses at Yon Tschoj Foo, Tslng and Tainan, all In Shan Tung. Ho roports that the missionaries havo been expelled and tho missions destroyed. A representative of tho Associated Press called tho attention of tho foreign office to an unanimously hostile tono toward Oer- many'a Chineso policy In tho Russian press, even the semi-olhclal newspapers. Tho foreign minister smilingly nnswered- ..Th0 Russian government has faithfully kept within the ontento between tho pow- crB, its official relations with Germany aro excellent." Hrr von nrandt. formerly minister to chlna( declares thnt Prlnco Tuan enn , arrllv hn ne.tlnir ns the nress renorts fr m rh,n ... HinC(, ho knew Prlnco Tunn aB n person least likely to play such a ralo. the ..-,.. -,. 1)Ut frank nn(1 good-natured. Besides being tho father of the crown prince, ho would bo unlikely to endanger the prospects of his son. Tho Krouzo Kcitung states that tho Chineso forces aro partly armed with old- styled Bavarian rifles, which were sold to I Jn 1S9g wHh tho conscU o pr,Ui,0 Hohenlohe. Dock nt Port Arthur Too Sninll. WASHINGTON. July 3. A cablegram rn nntvBri nl thn N'nvv dpnartmont from Lieu- ! tonRnt Koyi dntcd Toklo, last night, says "Russian dock nt Port Arthur Ib too tmall for Oregon to enter. Tho dispatch conveys tho first news that Key Is not nt Pekln, whero ho was naval attache. If tho Oregon Is floated It will bo docked at Nagasaki. ArRonuut I.enven for Chlnn. LONDON, July 3, Tho British first class cruiser Argonaut, with a crew of CS7 mon, left Sheernesa for China today. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER WnnhlnKtnn I'roKiiimt lentor l'romlNcs it Cooler Ilrnnd of Atmosphere for t.lorloiiN Fourth. wash WfiTflN: Tulv 1 -Forecast for Wc,,neg(Iay and Thursdny: NobrasUft nml South Dakota-Showers and C0Qler Wednesday; fair Thursday; south erly, shifting to westerly, winds. WeBtern Texas Showers and cooler In nothern, fair In southern portions Wednes day; generally fair Thursday; southerly, shitting to northwesterly, winds. Now Mexico Showers in northern, fair In southern portions Wednesday; generally fair Thursday; southerly, shifting 'to north westerly, winds, nirl.tiAtnn nnd Tn.llnn Toi-T 1 1 nrvfl o n or a ,, , . i.,,j,,,,0,.nv. nnlhlv nlinwora ntlri ' " '.il. " ..i..i cooler Thursday; southerly winds, shifting to northwesterly Thursdny. Iowa and Missouri Fair In eastern, show ers and cooler In western portion Wednes day afternoon and night; fair Thursday; southerly winds. Kansas Showers and cooler Wednesday; fair Thursday; southerly, shifting to north westerly winds, Colorado Showers nnd cooler Wednesday; fair Thursday; varlablo winds. Wyoming Showers In southern, fair In northern portion Wednesday; fair Thurs- iW. Varlablo winds Montana Showors in eastrrn, fair In western portions Wednesday; fair Thurs "i num. W'YMAN Anna Christine, nt 8 n. m., July 3, 1900, aged 3 years, C months nnd 3 days. . I r uiiri ill uu ,i II V J iii ii uiii villi I I ,,0nC0i 3227 Webster street. Interment nt i Korest Lawn FEW EXEMPT Aa fmir out of have rutnrrh in soino form, It mny appropriately lie willed our national disease. Catarrh begins, with a tdniplo Inllaniinatlon ot the Inner lining of the nostrils and throat -a bad Oold -oon goes deeper and attacks the lungs, ptouiaeh, kid . . , nev! and other organs. The foul seeivtlons neeu Catnni'i Is Common ,nuat0 U the blood until the entire ny.Mom 1? polluted. Catarrh Is common and cures raro because the treatment Is wrong, fciprnvs, washes and Inhaling medicines relieve for a short time, but do not euro. Local treatment can not reach the seat of tho disease, which is tho blood. Catarrh Is .leeseated and l"'; Ouros aro Raro booause S. S. H. U it curtain, complete and safe cure, be- . c.aii.p It la themilv medicine that !. able to foroeout TPOatmant IB WPOIItt of the blood ull polonium Mibitnncen; that tones ii - jrffrriw nd (ilrniiac Address Medical Denartniciit, Swift Wbe otlMr tall consult DOCTOR SEARLES & SEARLES OMAHA. mm mm & PRIVATE BIS2ASES op MEN SPECIALIST We guarantee to euro nil cases curable ot WEAK MEN SYPHILIS SL'XUALLY. Cured for Life. Night Kmlasluns, Lost Manhood, Hydrocele, Varicocele, Gonorrhoea. Uleut. Syphilis, Stricture, Piles, Flttula and Hcctal Ulcers and' all I'rtvuta Dlncnaca nnil Dlnunlcr nt Men Stricture find Uleet Cured at Home. Consultation Free. Call on or address nit. si:viu,iis ,t si:ahi.i;s, HO Hoiith 14th tit. OMAIli ILLINOIS CENTRAL DIRECT LINE TO MIMPiEflPOLSS DUBUQUE FORT DODGE City Ticket Office 1402 Farnam St. Summei Complaints, DYSENTERY, DIARRHCEA, CHOLERA MORBUS. Taking nndwhy'B Heady Relief in wntcr will In a few moments riire t'ramus, Spasms. Sour Stoma.-h, Niuifea, Heartburn, Material Fevers, Sick lleudnehc, Colic, Flatulency nnd nil Internal Pulns. Externally for Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Sciatica, Sprains, Bruises. Mosquito Bites, Stings of Inf-ects, Sunburns, Burns, Tooth ache, Hoadni'he. l'ulna in the Back, tho application ot in Mm nnrt nr ii.irtH affected will Instantly relievo and soon cure the sufferer of thebo complalulB. Sold by all druggists, lrt-UV. V.VJ,, .ion ..w.a. lyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Itiirllfteiully digests Uui food and aids Nature In strengthening and recon structing tlio exhausted dlgcstlvo or gans. It 1r the lat est discovered dlgest ant and tonic. No other preparation can Upproach It In elllclency. It in itantly relieves and permanently curca DyBpepsIa, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SlckIlcadaeiie,GaHtralgia,Cramp9 and all other results of iniperfectcllgestlon. PrlcoDOe.nnd $1. Largo rlzocontalnsSH times small !l.e. Boole all uboutrfvspepslu mailed froa Preoared by E. C. De'VFT & CO., Chlcaao NGSFQRD'S OSWEGO STAROH SILVER GLOSS CORN STARCH FOR THE LAUNDRY. FOR THE TABLE. Tha public cm OHalnul Only tifnutne. 9AKI ilwtMiHUblr l..1lr. I'rutfdt In 1(M snl (J old tmtHllo Uiti ittltj fllb. Um ribbon TttLa no ulhrr. Kcf'Jio Ttansvroaa Mbtllutlon nutl 1ml tit tlun. flu of jour Inuccltt. or to4 1p. la l v -jT mrup ior rnrtienUrM, ri rtlmulali A L turn 1111. rMtimfioUU. tfbMbr -"' til Prutslm. rhU'heatrr 'Kr mlrul 'o. VeL(loDlt)f ("''' Mn4Won luuarr 1MIII., 1A Illiri'TA SA.MIAI.-WOOI1 OAl'SUIiRS. Purea Onr.crrhoea. Qleet. unnatural dl charges In a- few days All, drucKtsiH, accept enly Docuta, by mall $1 K, full directions, iJIclc a L.O., i.u i.enire hi., jnow toi-k. IIOTlll.S. VIENNA HOTELS 101 l-KI-ir. Knrnnm Nt, Restaurant, Indies' cafe rending room, newly furnished rooms, tmth rooms. Kvery. thing first class. American and ICuropeun pian. jiooms wiin ooaru, ( li. I'. IMM I'l'init, Prop. Uowllng alley In connection. mm H ST irrv llvo iwrsoiiH In llio United Stntei ut ... ..... tbo slomnch, and restore- npriunl, healthy notion to all tlieo.'C'" .n.t. in uiooni.vuioou ineuienu that In free from polionmn minerals. 8. S. S., If taken lit the enrllrr singes of Cutnrrli, will prevent serious StoiimcU nnd lCldnev Trouble and t'otiMiliiplloii. In our Medical Department me physicians of large exj perlrnro nnd skill, who will take ptr.inne In giving free nl ill eont utiv Information or uilvii-o wanted. rlto tlieua fully of your ease, describing nil symptoms. Specitlo Company, Atlanta. Georgia. Whether summer or winter "Krug's Cabinet is tho drink. No bovoraco better than It. It Is tho real, genuine etuff. Cooling during heat warming nnd strengthening tho blood in winter. Appro prlato for luncheou, dinner nnd supper. No stylish table, properly set, complete without It. luir.wun n v FRED KRUG BREWING GO,, Phone for a caso. Telcphono -ISO. $5.00 A iVlOMTH. DRo McGREW, SPECIALIST. Trnlj t!l Forms oi DISEASES AND DISORDERS OF MEN ONLY. 22 Yean Experience. 12 Ycariln Umihg. ELECTUICITT and 2ir.l)UUL Tir.itr.ient com blued. Varicocele. - Stricture, Syphilis, Lossof Vigor ana Vitality. CVRKH OIUIUNTEF.D. Cliarirf s low. llOXlH TlirATlllT. lloolc.CoiuulUllnitand Kiam. Inatlou Free. Ileum, 8 a. in. tot; Sunday. 9lolZ P O. IlnX7f.6. Officr, N. K. Cor. Mth and I'V-ini Strctltx. OMAHA, NEll. Visitors to the Paris Exposition will And THE OMAHA BEE on Hnle at he UNITED STATICS ritKSS ASSN., 8 Place de 1'Oiiero, Pnrln. Anti-Kawf Not once In a hun.lred times Joes Antl-Kawf (nil In I'lirr IV cold. It's sure. Seo your druuglst. lis sellH It. BUIU-1TY I1Q.DS. Fidelity Deposit Co Cniildil (?l,r.OO,(l()(l. Hiii'iilun If I.S.'.O.OO') Kvery form of Judicial Bond reimlrod by the United States courts nnd the district, county and other courts ot tho atatos ot No braska nnd Iowa, executed at Omaha. H. A. WAGNER SPMCIAI. .KiUXT, lion lut Natl llinik III ilk. OMAHA, Ni:il. JOBRERS & MANUFACTURERS OF OMAHA DRY GOODS. Mr E. Smitl; & Go. Imptt Uf ami loktarsat Dry Goods, Furntsttr.? Goods AMD MOTIONS BOILER AND SHEETIRON WORK Qr&ke, & SnccFmnr Wllaon & Drake. Manufacture boilers, smoke stacks and breechlngs, pressure, renderlnc, sheep dip, lard una water tankr, holler tuDes con stantly on hand, second hand boilers bought and sold. Speclnl and piompt attention to repairs in cny or country, mn nnil riorce. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. lAesiern Eiacfrica. vv Company Electrical Supplies Bleotrlo Wlrlnp Bells nnd Gas LlfcKtlna O. W. JOHNSTON. Wet HI" ow'rd nt SAFE AND IRON WORKS. 'he Omalia Safo G. ANDREKIN, Proo. Makes aspnclaltr of &nd nuralar Proof Saf nun V'mi.t Poors, eta OKI N I 111. H.. OuinliH, N!. Davis & Gowgil! Iron Works, MANUI'-ACTI'IIKIIS AND JODBEnS OI'' MACHINERY. GENERAL niSPAIRINO A 8PECIALT1 IKON AND RRASS FOUNDERS. 1501, innU nml lnotS JiieUnon Street, OlnnliH. b. Tel. 5,'IH, E. Zabrlskie. Agent. J. U, Cowglll, Mgr. Amalha SncSsor Fence Company 205-7 NORTH 17TH ST. Manufacturers of ornamental lawn fences, tree guards, stool hitching pouts, vlna trol lincs, poultry netting, etc paints for all purposes. j Mauuftctured by National Oil & Paint Go. 1015-17 Jour. Sl I'lion 17S1. UMAUA, MKU. LEi 1.1. d mi D M