10 TUB OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, JULY -i, 1000. CENSUS NOT YET COMPLETE Final Schedules Cannot Be Closed Before Wednesday Night. SPECIAL ENUMERATORS STILL IN THE FIELD 'ourlh of July Trent nt llennett'H. I Special this morning great snap In Peaches ONLY FIFTEEN CENTS PER BASKET. Wednesday until noon we will 1 ave on sale a choice lot of peaches at fifteen i cents per basket. Just the thing for Fourth of to only four baskets to a1 Ilrport from Second District, fHitnlile of Omfihn, Itciifli Oniiilin In lliul Hluux I 'm nil Si'lieillilm ! Wont. 'An tho work of closing up the census schedules progresses tho amount of labor Is becoming moro npparent. Last night tho Washington office expected the work In Omaha to ho complete, but the final schedulo will not bo closed until today, as there are four special enumerators still In the Held. Tho reports from the Second district out side of Omaha nro coming In very poorly prepared and a number of the enumerators havo been called upon to visit tho office of tho supervisor to complete their reports. The g'catist trouble experienced Is In the manner of the preparation of tho farm sched ules. Tho department has announced that It will not pay for work where It shown upon Its face that It Is Incomplete, so when an enumerator reports a man who runs a farm of 300 acres with no llvo stock tho enumer ator has done his work for nothing. Monday evening a special enumerator In one district, supposed to be closed, found seventy-five poisons who had never been turned It. They aro laborers who occupy rooms, and tho principal tenant could not Klvo their names. Tho work on the manu facturing and other special schedules will begin us soon as tc population schedules aro completed. For this work enumerators will bo appointed by tho Washington office. They will report to Major Wheeler, but ho will havo nothing to do with their appoint ment. They will bo paid by tho day and tho extent of their work cannot bo deter mined In advance, ns no real census of this character has over been takon In tho Sec ond Nebraska district. July picnics. Sale Ib limited customer. DRUG DEPARTMENT. Special for this morning Bryant's root beer only six cents per bottle. A great bev- rage for n hot day. Each bottle will make five gallons. W. It. UENNETT CO. Fifteenth and Capitol avenue. AYMttUT TUAI.NS I'OH SPIHIT I..VKI3 Oluilioji mill Arnold l'nrk. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail- ay company havo just placed In service daylight trains between Omaha and Spirit Lake, Okqboji and Arnold's Park. Going tho train leaves Omaha at 7:15 a. m. and ar rives Spirit Lako at 1:15 p. m, Returning the train leaves Spirit Lako at 6:45 a. m. and arrives Omaha 3:65 p. m. This Is the best servlco that has yet bten offered over any one road. Hound trip tickets, good ro turning until October 31, $10.70. City ticket office, 1504 Farnam street. F. A. NASH, Oon'l Western Agent Cliciiii Hound Trip llntrw. On July 7, 8, 9, 10, 17 and 18 and August 7 and 21 tho Illinois Central will sell tick ets, limited until October 31, as follows: Waseca, Minn., nnd return, $10.35. Wutervlllo, Minn., and return, $10.08. Mndlson Lake, Minn., and return, $10.08. St. Paul, Minn., and return, $12.65. Minneapolis, Minn., and return, $12.65. Duluth, Minn., and return, $16.95. Superior, Wis., nnd return, $16.95. West Superior, Wis., and return, $16.95. For full particulars rail at city ticket of fice IlllnolB Central railroad, 1402 Farnam street. American Kiiti-rprlne nt I'nrl. Among the striking and original exhibits nt tho Paris Exposition of 1900 few havo oc casioned moro favorable comment than the great mup of tho United States, 18x15 feet, exhibited by tho well known advertising ngoncy of Lord & Thomas, Chicago nnd Now York. This map Is constructed to show at a glanco the various details concerning stato nroas nnd population, number of publications In each, circulation per Issue, percentage of circulation to population, valuo of publish ing plants, number of employes, nverngo hours of labor, avcrago wnges paid and aver ago cost per Inch for yearly advertising. In formation of this nnturo Is of especial value to advertisers, showing ns It does tho best locations in which to pluco advertising to reach tho greatest number of people and se cure best results. Tho firm of Lord & Thomns has been en gaged In tho general advertising business for over thirty years, and ranks nmong tho largest In its lino. They preparo advertise ments for all classes of advertisers and place them In any publication In tho world. Copies of this vnluablo map will be sent free on request to nil advertisers who nd drcss Lord & Thomas, Trudo llulldlng, Chi-uugo. I'nlili'n of the Hull II. A Young man was going to Chicago to get Married nnd he rodo in the Sleeping car so that ho would be nlco and Fresh for the Ceremony next Day. Put he was Unable to Sleep, and when tho young Womnn saw his Red oyes and what n General Wreck ho was sho thought he had Accumulated a Jag and refused to Marry him," whereat ho got his lcture In tho Paper for being dead. Moral Always go to Chicago via the North-Western Lino and you will sleep like brick and be as fresh as a daisy whon you nrrlvc. , . Cnnip MrcttiK T ml Mountain Lake Park, Maryland, LOW RATEP Via tho Baltimore & Ohio Ratlroaet. On July C to 16, Inclusive, the Baltlmor & Ohio Railroad will sell low rate excursion tickets to Mountain Lako Park, Md ac count above occasion. Tickets will be good for return until July 20, 1900. For further Information call on or' address nearest Baltimore & Ohio Ticket Agent, or N. Austin, General Passenger Agent, Ileyi'i Free Souvenir Cnntlnned. Juno 7 to JuW 7 we present free a "now process water color photo, handsomely matted, with each now dozen plattno cabi nets or larger photos. Heyn, the Photog rapher, 313-317 South Fifteenth. SMITH TRYING TO KEEP OUT Kerr llnnrri or Kilncnt Ion Meinlirr FlKht Shy tit the Seerr tnry Muilillc I'lcnle nnd Olcbrntlnn. Rlvervlcw Park, July 4, 1900, W. O. W. Log Rolling Association of Nebraska and South Sldo Improvement club. Drills, con tests, games, barbecue, etc. Admission free. Everybody invited. Transfers given on all street cars that dny. "It Is a question In my mind whethor I had bettor qualify as a member of the Roard of Education until after the contest h'jtwcen Mr. Burgess nnd Mr. Olltan for tho secretaryship of the board has boon settled," said J. J. Smith, tho momber of tho Board of Education who was elected to fill tho vacancy caused by tho resignation of President J. F. Burgess. "I do not caie to enter Into tho fight and hopo that It will bo possible for tho matter to bo settled by tho old members of tho board. Tho posi tion on tht bonrd came to mo without any solicitation on my part and I havo no dl position to tnko up a fight In which I have not been Interested. I know noth ng about tho merits of tho contest and am not dis posal to mix up In It." When you deposit your vacation coupons pin them together. It will mako tho count tng quicker and easier. Chillier of Time. On July 1 tho Chicago. Milwaukee A St. Taul railway chungo tho tlmo of their trains between Omaha nnd Chicago. Tho fast train formerly leavlug at 7:35 p. m. will, under the now card, leave at 6:00 p. m., arriving Chicago at 8:30 a, m., In nmple time for all eastern connections. Tho local train form crly leaving ut 11:00 u. m. has been changed to a fast daylight train for Chicago, leaving Omaha nt 7:15 a. m. nnd arriving Chlcngo at 10:30 p. m. Nplrlt I.nWe OknliiiJI Arnold's l'nrk. Leave Omaha nt 7 a. m., arrive Arnold's Park 4 p. in., Spirit Lnko 4:10 p. m., vlt Illinois Central. Tho most direct route Round trip tickets $10.70. good until October 31 returning. For particulars inquire at city tlcKct olllco, 1402 Farnam street. Fourth or .Inly Itntrm. On July 3 and 4 tho Chicago, Milwaukee i St. Paul railway Will sell ronml Irln inir sion tickets to points within 200 miles at greatly reduced rates. Tickets limited re turning to July 5. City ticket office, 1504 j-arnam. Clneliitiiitl nnil Iletitrn. Ht22..10. On July 10, 11 nnd 12. via Illinois Cen- tral. Particulars nt city ticket office, 1402 Farnam st. Hamilton Warren, M. D., eclectic nnd magnetic physicians, haB moved his offlco to 709 North 16th street, room 13. Special at tentlon to all long stnndtng or lingering dls eases and to diseases of women and children Fourth cf .Inly Hntex, In nil directions via tho Northwestern line July 3 nnd 4. Good until July 6. 1401-1403 Farnam street Blank book and magazine binding. A. I Root. 414-416 South 12th St. Huborman. Jowelc:, s$t 1S58; absolutely reliable; lowest prices guaranteed. 13&Doug Omaha Tent and Awniug Co.. tents, awn Ings, oanvas goods, 11 and Harney, phono 883. A. D. T. messengers. Tol. 177. Lest You Forget COCA-CELERY IS THE BEST This season has been tho beet for C:m Celery, Its refreshing, Invigorating quail ties, combined with the agreeable, aromatic favoring, makes It tho Ideal summer drink 'A few of our competitors nro still plugglni away with an IMITATION, tha best recom mendatlon that tho GENUINE has merit Bold only by J. A, FULLER & CO cut iMiicu lmut; GISTS. Fourteenth nntl UotiKlua Street. HENNINGS' GOOD SHOWING Tni Cotlrctlonn for .lunp Fonr Time ns Much tin for Sntne Month I,u t Ycnr. Tho total amount of taxes collected by City Treasurer A. 11. Ucnnlncs dur ing tho month of Juno was $604,262.44. Of this amount $469,827.96 was paid on realty, while $134,334.48 was personal taxes. The receipts for Juno aro 55 per cent of the entlro tax on realty for 1900 and 68 per cent of the personal taxes for tho year. In June of 1899 tho taxes collected amounted to only $169,903.49, Of the taxes collected for tho month Just passed $547,139,95 was money duo on taxes of the present year. Tho re mainder of tho money wns for years run ning back as far as 1877. NPHCIAIi K.CUUSIO.S Via Hook Inlnnd llonte. Charleston, S. C, and return, $36.55, July 4, 5 and 7. Cincinnati, O., and return, $22.50, July 10, 11 and 12. Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo and return, $19, July 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 17 and 18. Olenwood Springs nnd return, $31, July 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 17 and 18. Salt Lake, Ogden and return, $32, July 3, 7, 8, 9, 10. 17 and 18. St. Paul and .Minneapolis nnd return, $12.63, July 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 17 and 18. Duluth nnd return, $16.95, July 3. 7, 8, 9, 10, 17 and 18. Call at city ticket office, 1323 Farnam St Morro Castlo in our window. ORCHARD & WILIIELM CARPET CO. Carriage calls. Tel. 66. Baumley ft Johnson. W Ya talce ao rials a, bararalm. Diamonds If toil numbua a diamond from na tat become dissatisfied at any Urn -within om year, we will return your money Um pt cent. DODGE i Black Parasols Our third shipment of black parasolsjn for this season now hero. Vertical tucks, $5.25; clusters of nro tucks, J $4.75; cords, $4.25; hemstitched, $3.60. ED. F. PICKERING 105 SO. I6TH ST., OMAHA t)S W i) ; (J) Don't Neglect Tho teoth nature gave you, but If they are gone como to ug for your next set. Fit guaranteed. Gold Sot $5.00 Gold Crowns $5.00 Gold Fillings $1.50 up Tad's Philadelphia Dantal Rooms ir17 bona-lna St. Tho ort nrrciitcrii Line EXCURSIONS. EXCURSIONS. EXCURSIONS. Half Faro Charleston, S. C, Cincinnati and many other points. THE NORTHWESTERN LINE. City Offices. 1401-3 Farnam St. TO Til 14 THOUSAMJ ISLANDS. White Moitntiiliin, I'ortlnml and tho mv I'rmlnnil Connt. Tha Michigan Central, "tho Niagara Falls Route," has a through sleeping car to Clay ton nnd tho Thousand islands of the St. Lawrence, leaving Chicago 3 p. m. except Saturdays, nnd buffet sleeping car for Port land nnd the New England coast, running through tho White mountains by daylight, leaving Chicago 11:30 p. m. except Friday. Reserve space at city ticket office, 119 Ad ams street, Chicago. Fidelity Oil Co. Oil and gasoline delivered to any part of tho city. Tel. 998. Chicago Laundry. Tcleohone 205. SUMMER OUTINGS AS THE riUNCII'AI, WKSTKK.V HKSOIITS are reached via the bVJII III iib 1IAYI)H.S' CLOSE ALL DAY. That line has made the following SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES Omaha to Denver and return, $19.00. Omaha to Colorado Springs and return, $1). Omaha to Olenwod Springs and return, $31. Omaha to Pueblo and return, $19. Omaha to Ogden nnd return, $32. Omnha to Salt Lake and return, 33. In rffeet July it, 7, H, O, 10, IT nnd 18 and AtiKimt 3, 7 nnd 31. Flnnl return limit, Ootobar 31, lOOO. City Ticket Office, 1:102 Karnnm SI. Tel. 31(1. If You Suffer from the thought of hot weather to come, preparo for the sizzling period now. Have your bath room put In perfect ordor. The outlay Involved is small compared with the benefit which It will secure. Cross perspir ation brldgo betoro you .come to It and send for us now. When you want anything done In plumb ing, steam or gas fitting, wo are experts In our trade. Free 6t Black, Phone 1040. . . 1800 Farnam St. Douglas Prlutlng Co., 150$ Howard. Tel. 641 The IIIk Store Will felehrnte nn Iniiiil. Tho hundreds of employes of Hnyden Pros. will have a chance to celebrate the Fourth, as the Illg Store will be closed nil day . mt. t . nt i it.- mursnay Bargains win ce so Dig mai me ..-,.,. two dayB' business will bo done In one, lft) WILL bURl ItlSE YOU HAYDEN BROS Write nds. Sell cuts. Print anything. Stonecypher, 1201 Howard St. Tel. 1310. A I'lnee to Sprint the Vimnier. On the lines of tho MILWAUKEE RAIL WAY In Wisconsin are somo of tho most beautiful places In tho world to spend a summer vacation camping out or at tho ele gant summer hotels, noatlng, Ashing, beau tiful lakas and streams nnd cool weath.T. Theao resorts aro nil easily reached from Omnha. A book describing them may bo had upon application nt the Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul Ry., city ticket offlco 1504 Farnam street, Omaha. Round trip tickets, good rcturulng until October 31, now on sale. F. A. NASH, General Western Agsnt. Tnkc the Yfntinih For Niagara Falls, Thousand Islands nnd all the summer retorts of the cast. All agents sell tickets via tho Wabash. Ank for them or cnll on or write O. N. Clayton, Room 405 N. Y. L. BIdg. Genuine Imported R. D. Pilsner beer on draught nt Ed Maurer's. 1300 Farnam St. When a person Is' suffering the tortures of a nervous sick headncho ho docs not like to conllnuo tho suffering auy long- cr than Is possible. It " only tnkes one of Vic- tors Hcadacho Cap- sulcs to relievo the t most sevcro headache. It Is hardly over nec- cssary to take two to bo relieved. They nre composed oi nouiing,. WITH ITS RAPIDITY Victor's 4 llcndachc Capsules Do Not i Affcd The I in Least. tie iimnctw mm m MORE EXCURSIONS. Charleston, . C, nnd return, $30 55 July 2, 4, 5 and 7. L'lnclnnali and return. XJ.'.iO Julv 10. 11 and 12. J Denver. Pueblo, Colorado Springs and return, $19.00 Julv 3, 7, i, 9. 10, 17 and i .nenwoou springs aim return, wi.w JUiy 3, 7, 8, v, 10, 17 and IS. Ogden, Salt Lake and return, $32.00 July 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 17 nnd 18. Mot Springs nnd return, J15.40-July 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 17, 18. 11 and a. duster, S. D., nnd return (Sylvnn Lake), J20.60-July 3. 7, 8, 9, 19, 14. 17. 18. 21 and IS. 1 Ticket OIIIgs, 1 602 Farnam St, Tel, 260. urllnoton Station, 10th and Mason Si. Tl. 128. DAY FEVER PREVENTED liny Fever linn no tcrrorn theoe lnyn to the person who will tnke n hrlef treatment with Merrlnm'n (icin C'n tnrrh I'nmlrr, Dy commencing to uso It now taking two or thrco doses per dny until tho usual tlmo for Its attack Is past, It will bo absolutely prevented. This Is an certain ns "Death nnd Taxes." It Is equally certain that you will derive great benefit otherwise by this short treatment. It ! the greatest nerve brncor ever offered to a nervous people a great boon to nil on noloy, excltnble dnys llko tho 4th of July. Get a bottle and braco up tho system against tho fatigue nnd nerve Htrnln of any hot nnd tiresome, day. It acts llko magic harmless, pleasant and convenient to take. Prlco 50c hut CUT TO 35c at CUT PRICK DlilJCGIST. SCHAEFER Cor. Kith anil Chlcnico Street. illlllil i .1 1 , , I. il ii ll Hull ilnln li i Everybody Celebrate t The Fourth. Let us sug gest ninnk Cartridges as n notso making urtlclo. We sell Hlanks-22, 32, 38 at lowest nrlces. Headquarters for Rubber Hose. J, A. Weaver & Son Hardware k Tinners 2700 I.enveiMTorth St. Tliono 1678. i'Uii!iininmiiniijin.ijinijn Ptlre Wedding Rings, Albert Edholm, Jeweler. 107 N. intfc It. MERCHANT'S NATIONAL BANK OF OMAHA. N. EL Cor. Farnam and 18tb 8ta. Pld Vp Capital 9500,000 mrplna Fond 100,000 UNITED STATES DKPOSITOIIY. FRANK MURPHY, President. B. B. WOOD. Vice President XilXTHER DRAKE, Cashier. F. T. HAMILTON. Assistant Cashltr, which Is harmful to tho system. Prlco v 25 cents u box. Sherman & McConnell Drue Co., Jlltli nnil IlnlK Streets. Celebrate Today Hy buylns tho best shoo you over wore, nnd at tho same time save Jl.GO or $2.00 by Investing In tho celebrated Regent $3.50 Shoes A shoe thnt Is the eiiunl of any shoo mndo In style, tlnlsh nnd quality that Is Hold for $3.00 nnd $5.00. Sold direct from tho factory at factory prices $2.50 and $3.50. REGENT SHOE CO H. l.Vril STIIKHT. Nine Specials Ilenutlful Crystal Glass Vases.... 25c Cut Glass Vanes $3.00 Cut Glass I.emonndo Sets $12.00 Cut GImhs Suucp Dishes $5.0) 'lit Glass Hon Hon Dishes $2 00 Cut Gloss Hoso Howls $3.00 Cut Gliiss Wine Sets $16.00 Cut Glass Choose Plates $3.0) Cut Glass Celery Dishes $5.00 Your watch can bo made to keep correct tlmo if you'll lot our watch man look it over. Geo. W. Ryan & Co. The Jeweler. 100 S.lOth St. Anyoiie Can Use Them Most People Have Them We Sell Them Wo have the largest and most com plote lino of Kodaks ad Cameras In tho west. Our prices the very low est. If you aro golne for a vacation, call nnd ro us. It will double your ploasure and make lasting souvenirs. The Robert Dempster Go., 1215 Farnam St. INSTRUCTION FltER.,.. FINISHING A SPECIALTY. HAYDEHs Greatest f An Clothing Sales for Thursday Men's, boys' and children's fine summer clothing at half regular prices and less Of all the clothing sales we ever saw you ever saw anybody ever saw this will eclipse them alL This is how we will do it. Men's $3.50 Trousers now Men's $10.00 Suits now Men's ?8.50 Coats and rants now . Men's ?3.50 fancy Silk Vests now Men's $2.50 Civsli Suits now Boys' $1.00 Odd Knee Pants now Boys' $3.50 Sailor Wash Suits Boys' 25c Washable Odd Knee Pants now .$1.50 $4.75 $4.50 $1.75 9Sc 50c $1.25 8c Men's $1S.00 tine Worsted Suits now $10.00 Men's $1.25 Odd Crash Pants now 50c Men's $15.00 Blue Serge Suits now $7. 50 Men's $1S and $20 stout and slim suits, in line worsted. $10.00 Young Men's $12.50 Suits now fo'tn Men's $4.50 line Trousers now $ 2.50 Men's $0.50 finest Trousers now $3.75 Boy's 35c Sailor Wash Suits now 13c Boys' $1.75 Sailor Wash Suits now 75c Boys' $1.50 Double Breasted Wash Suits now 75c Boys' $5.00 Vestee Suits now $2.75 Boys' $3.75 Double Breasted Knee Pants suits now $1.75 HAYDEN BROS. HAYDEN Great S Closing Out Sale of Oxford Ties and Shoes Thursday Ladies' $2.50 Oxford Ties and Slippers 98c Ladles' $2.50 Oxford Ties 98c In our main shoo department, we put on I Oxfords nnd slippers made lor big: itern alo over eight hundred palm moro of la- dealers to sell at $1.75, $2.00 and 2.5 your dies' fine Oxford Ties, In tan and blacU, vlcl cholco of any of these on big bargain ccun kid and valour, calf, with hand turned and 1 tcra. t 98c. flcxlblo McKay solos, All tho now styles, Child's fine $1.00 slippers, sizes i to t made for tho spring trade. at 69c. Ladies' Shoes, worth S3.00 and $3,50 On Sale at $1.23. Over SOO ladles' fine vlcl kid, 'turned and crs', all made to retail at 12.50, $3.00 and McKay, flexible soles, dress shoes, left $3.50, all on big bargain tables at the ooa from tho stock of big eastern manufoctur- I uric. $1.23. HAYDEN BROS Piano Purchasers, Attention By July Sth our IMMENSE STOCK OF PIANOS MUST DE REDUCED, as the large shipment of new styles recently purchased by our Mr. Schmoller In Now York and Boston will beln to arrive. VISIT OUR STOKE MONDAY, JULY 2, 1900, and get FIRST CHOICE of tho following bargains: Square Pianos $25.00, $3S.O0, $12.00, $50.00, $55.00 Decker Bros., elegant In finish, only $150.00 Kimball, 8 months' use, In perfect condition $225.00 Emerson, slightly used, worth new $560, for $335.00 Four eastern made Sample Pianos $133.00, $150.00, $168.00, $192.00 Sohmor Parlor Grand, worth now $S00, for $150,00 Geo. Stock & Co. Artist Grand, worth now $1,200, for $350.00 All Pianos In regular line at reduced prices, Including the STBINWAY, A. B. Chase, Voho, Emerson, Packard, Stoger, Ivors & Pond and other standard makes. $5.00 monthly payments accepted on sales. Every Instrument fully warranted. Pianos exchanged If not satisfactory. Slate agents for the SEIjF PL.AYING PIANOLA. New Pianos rented. Ono year's rent allowed If pur chased. Pianos moved, tuned, stored and exchanged. Telephone 1625. WARNING Wo have no oonnactlon with any other music house bearing the name Mueller. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER THE OLD IIEMAHI.U I'lA.VO IIOUHK, 1313 FarnamStreet. 337 Broadway, Council Bluffs. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 2 You Are Not Satisfied with Your Shoes Perhaps they haven't held their shape well, or they don't fit well and therefore hurt your feet or thoy don't look well on your feet no stylo to them or they haven't worn so long as thoy ought. Well, that shows that you did not buy them from us. You probably bought them from somo ono who claimed to be giving you a "great bargain" more than your money's worth, and It's tho natural result of such purchases. Let us fit you with the next pair and you'll see tho differ ence. You'll havo a durable, comfortable, stylish, high-grado shoe. T. P. CARTWRIGHT & CO. I6th and Douglas. 4 ) BSK r lOufTta VtOtTAflliS J ' v I Wat riEA' L2 -lJ 1 Kiekers aro In their place on tho foot ball Held, but not good to have na customers. Purchatiers of the Herrick Refrigerator do not kick because the goodB do all wo claim for them. Moro food space for tho money than you can got In other makco. Absolutely perfect circulation, positively uo dampness, consequently no mould or decay. J' LsK! I Squires & Smith, LIS 1108 FARNAM STREET. Are You Discouraged? huiI loth to bollovo tho announce ments In tho papers from dcntUts who claim to perform miracles? You do some an injustlco to put all In' the -same class. Wo nek simply a trial lets than that como and tee us only. Wn can refer likely to somo of your Intimate friends who aro stout champions of our work. BAILEY, the Dentisl al'JS I'm Ion IIIk. lOlh A I'nriiaiu, Lady Atlcudaut. I'buuc 1U83.