Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 01, 1900, PART I, Page 7, Image 7

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let Omsbmt Daokrvd .c B Opatfa Is
VJoktiasa of Ltw,
prrrrwN for ikwnctwn dewed
Com ;miit will (nutliiue ti In Ilnsl
nes t mil rail. WIh-ii the (mf I
Will lit- Henrd on
Its .Merits.
Judce Icl:ltiMii banded Ac wb Kb ex
haustive opinion yesterday U tbt caw of
the mate against the Keaervoir Ice com
pany, tbt rulitir, rovcrins thirty typewritten
rape of pl cap. Tii court refused the
attorney general's application Inr a tons
porary injunction, and to that extent the
decision win k victorr for tb let com
pany In response to tbt request of At
torney General Smyth, however. Judge IHcfc
luson expressed his opinion plainly that the
Ice combine was acting lb violation of
Litlele of the tate untl-truat law uni
would therefore, lie ppn to proocutlen.
He intimated that lb cac the bearltir, came
before lum ot lit nrnrits that be vould
declare the corporation an illegal body and
ttt. charter null abd void.
Attorney General Smyth, at tbt conclu
sion of tbt opinion. whcb occupied ab
hour lb the reading, at once moved that th
case lie advanced to tbe trial on itt merits
at this term of court He urred the
riatutory richt of tbe mate to aucb a pritf.l
cc in cases where it vat. ab Interested
parry Oeberai Oowin objected on tbe
found that there was at. yet no Gelatine
issue. He Kiibtid out that tbe defendants
vere entitled to time lb which to ilie their
tnswer and that it would be iinrtoMible to
come to trial until tbe fall turn of court.
Genera! Cowln added that he wotrtd demand
a jun trial. Judce Ihrklnwin announced
thut hi would only bold court noit Thurs
day, rriday una Saturday before adjourn
ing tor tbe summer. It was virtually de
cided therefore, that the Reservoir ootn
punv may continue bimlue before until
next fall
f. ii Inert Ml He llnpcil Tor.
In dteruaslnp tbe opinion Attorney General
Kniyth said that he had pained ull that be
had hoped abd eitperted He prophesied
that tbe days of the ice trust were num
bered. "I hardly believed, myself," be Mild.
that there wae crutind for a temporary In
junction and ucb a measure would prob
Lbly have been rather harsh Judge. DieU
lnaob Judicially Intimate., however, that
the Iteservolr company is an illicit combine
and that Its member are artinp contrary to
the law and art exiting themselves to
jirosecutlon The decision If in ull respects
a victory fur the people and it only remains
to be i.ecn whether the eomjwnent parte of
tbe company will continue to act during tbe
summer aionp a line which they are fully
Informed It. illegal. I bad hoped to nettle
thr matter at thU term of court, but ihlt
may be impossible. 1 am perfectly RUtiaiicd
with Judce Iiclttnon'i' opinion both on the
injunction tnd aa to tbe oompany't real
The attorney for the ice trwit would out
line no course of action until they had con
ferred with the offlcen. of the company.
Tbey expree;nt)d not tbe least doubt, how
ever, but that tbe company would continue
in buf,lnci at. iu;ual during the t;ummer
In delivering his opinion Judge Picl.ln
ron pave it brief history of tbe cunt, ex
plaining that tbe attorney general had
brought proceedingF In quo warrauto against
the Ice company and bad applied for a tem
porary injunction ut u preliminary ntcp. It
wap chaigeO bv tbe attorney gonu-ul mat tbt
company w formed on December ir, IKim.
to preclude competition, to create und carry
out rerir'lonE in trude, and to arbitrarily
fix tbe price of ice ut an exorbitant ra'e. tbe
quotation being in some cases 100 per cent
in advance of one year ago. The btute
prayed therefore that the charier be
forfeited und the company ousted from the
enjoyment of Us corporate powera.
I'rlre Clmrced Not Kiorbltitiit.
Afc regarded tbe temporary injunction
Judge DlcUinKon cited an abunflKUee of
authorltiei- u to the powers of a court of
equity to impose restrictions. It was shown
that wboucver the object complained of vi'S
a public nuisance cr whenever property bad
been transferred lor the accomplishment of
a crime that thr court might Interpose with
a restraining order until thr case was heard
on its merits. These chscs. however were
bold not to be in line with tbe present con
troversy, as the ice company, in selling Us
commodity to the people, wus only currv
lng out the privilege granted it by its
charter. There are only K.000 tons of ice
available for public consumption, the ;ourt
raid, which were not under the control of
the Reservoir Ice company. It would be a
real detriment to the people. Judce DlcLin
son conrluded. to force t'e Reservoir i!oru
pany to withhold Its flfi.00l tons of lee from
public consumption. Judge Dickinson did
not consider either that the prices charged
were exorbitant, lnHsmueh as a long list
of ire dealers had testified to the disastrous
results of their business experience during
the last ton years and tbe present prices
are not notably higher than formerly.
Another reason given by Judge Dickinson
for denying the teropora-y injunction wai
that the Nebraska utatu'es only gave an
equity court the right to lsur a restraining
order In rases of non-resident corporations.
Tbe oflicials of thr Souih Omaha. Seymour
Lake. Arctic and Kimball eaiui'ani'h, g-.lng
to make up tbe combine, were all businett.
firms of this city.
"The application for a retraining order,"
concluded Judge Dickinson, "will therefore
be denied "
i iiiniuiiij ' Mntii Token I i.
In taking up informally thr quest. on s
to whether the Ro.snolr cim'pany wbe an
unlawful trust under the state law Judge
Dickinson n viewed the local situati"n in
the ice business Ml 'In Omshs i.e ctm
panles be t, w cnfloub-ed.j Lis up
money anfl a" war toe1 t. (pohi (' 'he.!
bueines !t ira i o H u'ikius i m;e-
tltlon at t" sb n thr t- u
tiles UD e ur ' pt tir 'i it
Is due tc no ncvl TK!sir whirb a.ns
organs to cum ov auu icrpiue svs:en
, solvent punfyinj; properties, attacks the disease tn the right way . and in the right place - the blooO - and auick. v neutralizes
the R-tJ aril disst .vfs all oisanus dejiosus, stimulates and reinforces the overworked worn-out organs and cJean. the svstem
rf a:l ut.heojthy nccumulattons. & b t. cures jiermancntly and thoroughly . and keeps
the buxii tn a pure, healthy state.
M Mallev i7jtt itti MreM IndiunajiohK Ind. for eigmerii months wak o irtTibly ndlirtrd
with Kbrums' nm lie was uuuhlr te feed ot drr. hini'tif Ictar said ln cae wa lojitlt4 I t lind
tried f.ft tw. t.rfM,pripikim that inetieli. bad givcu lum wiibuut the klighmt relief A irw bo'.Urnof
b. s h currtl htm iiermatiriilK and be bak uevrt hud u rhrumattc pain wucx This wc years of t
We wi'.l send free our Bjiecial lxok on Rheumatism, which should be in the hands
of every sufferer from tin torturing disease Our pbvsicianshavc made blood and tk:n
diseases & lite stuiv and will give Mm anv mformatiot1 or advice wanted so write them
iuV.) and freclj f vwt ; oiu case. e make no charge whatever for tius service. Audress, SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanti, ,
t.-lrr thst "bv might eobt'ol lbs sl'Uflnc
at': tnas' profit tb their wi htmt rtux
Iiros flio not openly eo loto rbe trw but
retained tbe!; owe bone abd wupou
kU" h utdetntcadibr exMed with tbe
lUkwvoIr cnuipany abd ihe real dlrertion
wan routed it the la tw concern. To ro
fluct the conn looked upoa at ealrtilated to
deceive tb p'jbllt
It cm wltluB tbe province of tbe court.
Juflfte Dlcklnarb aaid to r behind the bon
inal purpose of a corporation as outlined in
ltf article lb order to diucern wkat rai the
real istrnt of tbe orcaniaa'-lon Wfthout re
eard to whether the price hat bean raised
rxcrptlonally high the court felt that It had
Mctrtalbod the purpose of the concern to be
tbe roll tic out of oompetittoB It controlled
at present all tntt s.nofi tons of the available
supply and was plclnly. the Judgt bold,
liable nnfssr tbe hnti-trast law of .Nebraska.
The Mime petition that filed in the prti
ent case will te rellwd uon by the attorney
general for his case tt the fall term of
rourt. The defendants will hie their answer
In due time and the case will come on for
hearing on its menu. One of thr attorneys
active in the prosecution pointed out the
interesting fact that Inasmuch nr the ire
company if. in reality an illegal concern It
has no right to collect a bill through legal
measures. If It is possible for any consumer
to obtain credit therelore. he mlcht defy the
efforts of the company to set Itt money.
f South Omaha News . K
There seems to be a difieretice of opinion
in regard to the right of the Iloard : Ed
ucatwti to purchase a site for a new build
ing on account of the injunction issued by
one of tbe Judges of the district court. In
speaking about tbu matter yesterday after
boob 1'resident Hulla said that the injunc
tion bad been dlsnolved by the court upon
tb" showing made that tbe agreement made
with Thomas Hoc tor had been ab-ogated
He holds that tbe bnard Is now at liberty
to purchase uny ni;c It sees ht. us with the
license money released and the V.m tax
levy made, nearly 1100.000 is available. The
main question, Mr Bulla staled, it w bother
tbe board will erect a wing of a High si boo!
building or build a graded ar-bo-jl. 1'lenty
of Bites are available, be said, for grade
schools, but High school sites are scarce
It is the undeirtandlng now that this mat
ter will lie taken up at Monday night's
meeting of the Iward and disposed of. Bids
for sites will 1 recehed by tbe secretary
of tbe bnurd up to i p. m. Monday and
all bids must be accompanied by a certified
check for IlOli. All sites offered to tbe
district in response to the ndvertisemt nt
must be within eight blocks of the pres
ent High school building.
Rumor bus it that some nf the members
of the board are talking of locating the
High school in tbe Second ward in order to
punish the Tlrst ward citizens who procured
the restraining order in tbe Hoctor site
deal. One prominent taxpayer iald yes
terday that if the board attempted to take
any such step as this the courts would be
appealed to again. Very little credence Is
placed in he rumor
At Monday night s meeting it is expected
that the surety bond of Treasurer Koutbky
will be presented and approved. This bond
it for SiiO.000 und the premium Is Ilif. a
year, which amount the e.chool district pays
us the tnuBurer receives no compensation
for keeping the accounts of the hLhool
Treasurer Koutsky stated last evening
that as soon nr his bond was approved he
would isue a call for warrants. With the
release of seventy-five liquor licenses tbe
sum of JST.CiOO will become available, as well
as tbe balance now held by Former Treas
urer Broad well, which amounts to t:,300.
Vntil the books are checked cer after the
coming meeting It cannot be told Just what
the warrant call will amount to. but very
likely it will be for $25,000.
Srlmlta "Writes fr,in PnrU.
Tormcr Councilman John F. Schultz. who
Is now truvellng in Europe with his family,
writes The Bee an Interesting account of
his visit to the I'arls exposition. Among
other things he says "We have hired a
guide who has been here thirty-nine yeart
and speaks three languages He Is thor
oughly acquainted with all the objects or
Interest. 1 want to say in regard to high
charges that 1 have seen little of it. Our
room at the Hotel de Palais, for which I
made arrangements before leaving Omaha,
costs I4.&0 a day. and Is first-class in etcry
ru'pect. The hotol it within one blork of
tbe exposition grouds. We take our meals
at a restaurant one block from the hotel,
the charges being 35 cents a meal. V
have not decided when we will leave I'tris.
but probably not lor a week or ten days
yet. We are all in the liest of health and
enjoying every moment of our Btay "
Open Air Meetlntts.
Rev. Dr. J. A. Johnson, pastor of tbe
First Methodist Episcopal church, hat about
compluted plans fur a series of open air
meetings. A large tent Is to be erected near
tbt church in which these meetings will be
held. Bishop McCabe will it is fxpected.
preach the first sermon in the tent on Mon
....ninr Julv ii. The pastor will be
aBElslcd by Mr McGregor, one of tbe Meth-
I ...... hnuulhlr
odtst conference evanpeiiMi.. m.j
by others before tbe series of meetings
Liquor l,ireiir Head?.
Seventy-five liquor licenses have been
signed by Mayor Kelly and City Clerk
Shriglcy. and will be delivered to dealers on
Monday. All suloou keepers whose licenses
have been granted may secure thr same by
calling at tbe clerk's office and presenting
receipts from City Treasurer Koutaky show
ing that tbe sum of JT00 bus been paid to
the city.
Mnu-lr Cll? finiii.
Pottages tn-i t to suit bujers Jno J. Ryan.
Nineteenth street from S to V streets is
lilnc graded. .
Mr and Mrs W B. Cheek are rusticating
in Colorailo
flts Stranpr of Greenfield. O.. is ttie
puesl of Mis- A hole JuM
Tin if" oaugt.ter cf Mr and Mrs Hrnrj
Al V '! ! rip ned serlnus'j siek
U H T w f Mil nm. hii rucking "ii.
jiat i n turner, ?r un uti eas'ert. trip
Mars!.;,' R." 'f Nn"l ria'-e r ' '
.'ri ' . ' u . I'-n-H, talUI'.C, " '
' ' lit rx r. w i s w uM u
i.tcest to the bi:iofl through failure of the procr
c-iearof a.i tnortiia criett matter Jmsjoistfn
trjucri the pctieraj crculaut is deposited in the joiirtB rausues and nerves causingthe most intense pain
Rheumatism mo atta k with suci) suiieauess and seveftv as to make wtihib a few davs a healthy,
artive person helpiesr. and bed-ndden with distorted limbs and shattered nerves or it tnay ie siow in
Uet fi.ipmR s:pht wundcrtrg pa;ns just severe enough to matt one fee! uncomfortable the ten
dency in such cases is t& grow worse and Jinai.y become chronic ,
Like other iilood diseases. Rheumatism is often inherited snd exposure to damp or cold want of proper
food, insufficient clothitin or nrytliinp calculated to mipa:rtlic bealih will frequentlr cause it to develop
tn early life but more often not' tintu middle ape or later. In whatever form, whether acute or chronic,
i till e nted. Rheumatism is Strictly a Blood Disease,
und do hmmem or other external treatment can reach the trouble Neithe- ur- the preparations of otasu
and merrury, and the various mineral salts, which the doctor alwavs presenile cure Rheumatism, but
ru.ii the digestion and break Uown the constitution
A remedy which builds up the general health cad at the same time rids the svstem ol the jKjison is
the only safe and certain cure for Rheumatism. S S. S., made of roots herbs and barks -if wonderful
Tl" fir (""sltnc a -wairh Chief
h-l arres'e ''In. r, "r rnrlui
"h Meth-idist ihu'il Im'.r 1 l. givrr.
a vacating during tb' tti'itri of Aup.i'.
There will br enmmut.i'ii, nervl , at tbe
first Ireertrlftti i hurch this morning
A son has boen borr to Mr ant Mrs Jay
J. LtppoM. Twetitv.fnurth an R nmu.
Horr C IHetamfind has poise to tb, west
, em part of tbe Mate for a few days' viiOt.
A flnapti or more vaeranta rers orarfl
out of ttee city lr the police judge yeetat
dar. Mr A L L'Ht has cone In Colorado,
where she will ilmnd a portion of the num-
! mer.
Mis Roietta Metteer sister of Mrs 3. TV
i Da)e, is rooeveftag from a two wetlir' Ill
An ItntKirtatit nr-etlng of the offielhl board
of the CUrietlan church will a held at noon
Bishop MeCabe will speak at the Metho
dist church in tills city on MotsSay evening,
July b.
Rev. Knox V. Taylor of Bloeminrlon. III.,
will preach this morning at tbe Christian
Mis May Babeock left for Lincoln yes
terday when ; ht will visit friends for a
1 wek nr two
I See Kd Munshaw & Co for lumber Tel :K
I Joe Porak Is suiorinteidlnc the erection
i of tbe new Shamblln building on Twent
I fourth Htreet.
1 No nieetinr of the Ladles' circle of the
First MetlK.dlft Eplscojial church will lie
held this week
W H Palmer was fined JI and costs by
Judge Klnc yesterday for stetllng meal
from Cudahy s
A. L Frost and wife have returned from
Des Moines w here they spent a week with
friends and relatives
Rev Howard Cramblett and wife are
plannlhp to spend the vacation seation in
MliHKiurl Ultd,
Frank Burtiess Is asslsttnr Cltr Clerk
Shrlpley In the work of straightening out
! th w orb of the aaseasors.
The attention of Postoflice lnspftor
I Swift has leen called to the need of more
' letter carriers at this jilaci.
Police ORleers Martin Anderson and Mar-
tin Tlgbe tendered their rosignations to
Chief Mitchell last evening.
A thtrty-tw o-rnom. modem, brick lintel
1 fur rent Splendid location for right party,
j O Neil s Real Estate agency
' It is expected that quite a delegation of
democrats will pn from here to the conven-
ti"!i at Kansas city on July 4
Vpchureh lodge. Jno D"gree of Honor,
will give a lawn social at Twenty-third and
P streets, on tbe evening of July 10
A nieetltic of the trustees of ttie Tlrst
Methodist Episcopal church will be held
Monday evening at the jiastor s study
The repular meeting of the Woman's For
eign Missionary society of the MetbodlHt
church has been postponed until July 11
An Important meetlnc of tbe board of
stewards of thr First Methodist Eliiseopal
church will be held on Thursday evening
A meetlnr of the Kinp's Daurhters of the
First Presbyterian church will In held at
tbt home of Mrs C D. Gibson on July C
C M Mayne of Omaha will addre. the
mens meeting or the i outic Mens t nris
tian association at I: o clock this afternoon.
The lawn social given at the home of Rev.
George VanWlnkle on Friday evening by
the women of the Duptlst church was u
very enjoyable affair
Special rates for summer term on piano,
violin, guitar mandolin, zither and vocal
culture at South Omaha Conservatory of
Music. 31 North 24th St Telephone 04
An adjournment until next Thursday has
b-en taken In the quo warranto proceedlncs
to oust President Adkitis of the citj coun
cil The cast was to have been tried yes
terday The South Omaha Commercial club has
accepted an Invitation from the South Side
and Riverside Improvement clubs to at
tend a picnic to be held at Rlveniew park
on July 4
Mary, wife of William O'Connell. Twenty
elphth and R streets, died ut St. Joseph s
hospital yesterday. A husband and five
children mourn her demise Tuncra! ser
vices will hi held Monday morning
Secretary Overton of the local Younp
Men s Christian association has secured
grounds for buse ball and tennis games and
clubs for the summer s work will now be
organized. All members are eligible to
play A croquet section will also be a
A picnic will be held at Syndicate park on
July 4 under th auspices of the Christian
church The park will le op-n to all who
desire to spend the day under the trees
Amusements will lie provided and refresh
ments may be obtulned from stands to be
erected in various portions of the grounds
Editor Merrill of the Presbyterian has inls
to say of city allalrs: "We commend Mayor
Kelly on his firmness In having our city
ordinances conform to the law. The better
class of our city appreciates our mayor's
efforts toward the better conformlt to law
and order, as shown by many of his rul-
Members of the Christian churrh are re
Jolclng over the fart that the church is now
entirely out of debt The energies of tbe
eonrreratlon will now be directed toward
tbe erection of a new house of worship Mr. J
i. rumnieri win vim J ivansai t ny soon,
where he has been promised aid for the
proposed building
l Tin Woman's Missionary society of the
I First Presbyterian church have in hand an
excellent program for the meeting to be
1 held at tbe humi of Mrs Josenhin, Rich
i on Thursday of this week The topics of
i Alaska. South Amerlcu anrt Guatemala.
' prexerited b Mrs Nanry B Wheeler Mrs.
Herman Oswald utid Mrs James Phi. lips
will constitute an occasion of more than
usual interest
Hot Dn? .Not Kiioueb to ierrlfj the
in nil n Ilui-tlers Out of u
Good Time.
More than 150 Omaha people attended the
Real Estate exchange picnic at Arlington. A
special train on the Elkhorn left Omaha at
f o'clock in the morning and returned about
10 o'clock in the evening. Plcusant grounds
with fine shade were provided at Arlinrton
and a delightful day was spent A band ac
companied the part? and there were music
and dancing throughout the day
One of the features ofVthe trip wus the
holding up of the train bJLstx masked men
A census of the women In the party was uIrd
taken which showed that all were tindar 1C
years of age. Games and sports were pro
vided on the picnic grounds. A ball game
' between members of the city council and the
Real Estate exchange afforded much nxnuie
i ment and resulted In a score of IS to C m
favor of tbe real estate men
The winners of tbe field events were at
follows Egg race. Mrs Treuzer, slim
men's race. H S. Askwitb fat men's race.
Judge Shields, lean woman s ruce. Mrs.
rrenzer. fat woman's race, Mrs Wead,
girl s race. Miss Homun. long distance race,
Berry : potato rare. Miss Wead . sack race,
O P Morton three-legged race Bennwa
and Askwitb hop step and juinp Bern ,
standing jump Berr running jump Berrj .
ItnllflliiK IVrtultk.
- .r k' t.u'.ldi'.gs bus Issued tin
t ;.i tnus
t ti
a . -. I . f i " w .In, n.
!" .' M Mu .ei S)fi K n ( Twttitl.
Bistorts Kusdes,
Sfiaifers Nerves,
Stiffens JOiEiES.
Plain Btatcsient of Tacts Presented by tht
Tontint Oomjiwies.
Iilemeiit of Lapses IInter l.nrzrly in
to tbe Bnltiei. ames of the
Companies. Their Officer
anil Their Locntlou.
To the Editor of The Bet Srvera. t:r.
ticlet dtnouncltig toutttie assoi lum.s and
hupallisp the integrity of the a s tngagei
in this business hac recettly a-pta-ej it
The Ilee The aien i'ho huv o-gaciied
these companies in Nebraska have bteu
called swindlers and have Ihvj tiased
among tbe "get-ricb-QUlck" opera'orr and
bond investment promoters Iielimtg ihat
Tbe Bee dot not dei.lre to intention .'y do
lnjusticr to anyone we ask tht pnv.iege of
presenting to the public through it .'Olunins
a plain statement of facts in reiauon to the
tontine assoclHtlDns.
This statement, we are ttie wil, trrve
to The Bee that it has beea miiiltorinea
and at the same time cor. vane th public
that the tontine companies opc-a. up in
Nebraska are composed of hones-. rTu-able.
well known and responsible business men
and that they are doing a eg.'..u,a'.e bus
nitss. and that tfary cannot afford to cngagt
in any entcrprlt.e that Is tainted with even
a suspcion of fraud
It has been charged that enormous proiitt
are being mode. For lnstan"e thai every
member of a certain company is rrwarded
with a two-carat commercial white pure
and perfort diamond, of tht rcai) value of
1200, upon the following cobditionr An ad
vance payment of IS. together w:th the fur
ther weekly payment of I1.2f for seeniv
slx consecutive weeka. making a total of
1100 to be paid by the contract holder on
each contract."
'If a man does not want a t20!o beadilgb'
he it, at liberty to take tlCO each instead '
says the writer of one of the armies i in
ferred to above.
This is true, and we supposi this i-io the
difference between flliO cash and a t'M dia
mond is what It meant by cpjrmous
proflu.." Now we claim it to be a fact that
the profit on a 1200 diamond Is Id the vi
cinity of 140 to the retailer Is it then un
reasonable for a tontine diamond invest
ment company to make a similar profit?
We maintain that it is not unreasonable
The tontine diamond oompacy buys its dia
monds In large qucntltier. and at wholesale
prict. The contract holder in settlement
of hie contract hat tbe option of taking
the diamond at the retail price or an amount
of money equivalent to its wholesale cost.
This certainly seems like a fair transaction
Bicycler., watches, buggies, pianos, house
hold furniture, or any other article of mer
chandise may be nold in the came way. A
tontine compacj need not necessarily con
fine itself to diamonds as an attraction for
its patrons. The plan is simply a means
of forcing trade in some particular article
and is at reputable and honest as many of
the enticing methods followed by up-to-date
merchants everywhere in pushing their busi
ness. The expenses of a tontine investment
compuny salary of manager, office rent,
employes, printing, stationery, and so on
are by no means light and the profits are
not so "enormous" a some persons might
be led to believe.
Insurance is a saleable thing Tbe plan
upon which these Nebraska contlne com
panies are operated lb based upon life in
surance methods and statistics, which have
been proven infallible in calculation for
hundreds of years The profits of life in
surance companies are derived from the
lapses of policies. We refer you to the
published statements of life Insurance com
panies for proof of this. Take one leading
company During the years 1800 and lfcPT
it had 0.241 policies terminated by death,
amounting to J2fi.874.744. and by lapse in
the same period. 44,071 policies, amounting
to I124.70E.SOO. were terminated. If tbe
policy holders who lapsed during these two
years paid only an annual premium each,
then these companies collected from for
feitures alone tS.riCl.OBO. or J4.S70 for each
day. Three other prominent life insurance
companies make comparatively the same
showing at to lapses of policies.
This lapse element is a law irrevocable,
uncontrollable never failing It bus no
special significance or bearing which should
operate analnst honestlv conducted tontine
investment companies more than It should
agaluRt life insurance or any other form of
insurance investments. Its operation has
been favored from the beginning of the in
surance business und it has been sustained
and pronounced legitimate by courts and all
business rules. It is Just as legitimate at
the suspension or expulsion of u member
of a fraternal order for nonpayment of
dues. Lapses will continue as long as peo
ple have a right to change their minds or
are governed by the force of circumstances
The right of those who keep up their pay
ments to appropriate tbe money of those
who fail is uot only applied to life insur
ance companies, but institutions arc found
where the lapses constitute the main source
of profit
In an unanimous opinion of tbe appellate
court of Illinois, in tbe case of tbe Vnlon
Investment association, it wus said. "The
theory os which profit Is promised is that
of all the subscribers a part will fail to
beep up their monthly dues and so whatever
money is paid will go to the certificates of
those who do not fall. There seems to be
nothing contrary to the law in the scheme.
H applies tbe principle of Joint tenantcy to
the investment by tbe subscribers The
survivorship depends upon the default in
stead of death. It is tbe tontint principle
which Rapp applied to his Harmony society,
which Chief Justice Gibson, speaking for
the supreme rourt of Pennsylvania, said
wus prohibited by nolther statute nor com
mon lew.' "
Incidentally it should lie borne In mltid
hat tbe tontine investment companies in
Nebraska have been incorporated under tbe
laws of the state and have in every particu
lar complied with all legal requirements
It stands to reason that If thtue companies
make monry they will pay their contracts.
It is generally understood they do make a
profit. That is one of the oharges we do
not deny. The comjiaule could not exM
without a profit. Some of tbe oompanlea. If
not all. huve a clause in their contracts to
tbe effect that after twelve weeks' pay
ments, tbe contract is non-forfeiiable that
if to sny. it can be settled, and bus a paid
up caah value These companies have a re
serve fund which is a protection t every
contract-bolder, who is also a participant
in tbe profits of the business aucordlug to
tbe amount of his Investment. But we shall
nut at this time go Into detailt of the Plai
nest, as our present object is to sit tht
tontine companies right before the 4'tiblic
and not to advertise them.
As are race, sex and health are not gi v
ernlng features, the membership of tbe
Tontine Investment eoinpcny finds its
t'treugtb in the memberc aione Its field is
unlimited The lesses of insurance com
panies are not paid by the dw'9as.i mem
bers, but by the surviving membr.'s, aid
'hose who have loptiod out. Tnt same Is
rue of the Tontine Investment company
iu contracts can only be psU through the
contributions of Us memlic'i If thev ful
fil, their part of the coat.-a.-t, tht assoctu-
nifch fcue bet-B Tixii tt '-t.
Free Consultations.
Or a cuurantced cun. m ill c .1 .:t luct ..11 irg s 111 nil curab'e case and tht pamentma be
made in montliiv mt nUmc.nt'-
DR M-GIiCW'S ipi 1 m !-.- w '.it-i it. x'if usi o' both of these feat remedies Eie -rni t and Med
icine has etm: . b :l ' iff ; r- 1' .!( mo'.' t-i markii 1' Vf t ... Hvfii-o.'ie p- it c'-,hurand
all diseases of : b 0 i. 1. ' r' .pur stu1 Vra.iit di-trjr. of ibe I .aJJ-r an-' K.:t,r t V eakness and
Nenous D .'. j 2w t: - rr t sil. ti-wbr n mu.l or X(ress
tlcn can carry tut ",s !..- It mrv'c-E
do not pay then itie ass- .1 . l is ri un
Irom any ob.icatiun
The tontine eon.pnt.tpF o-p.'.'.i7r i .n Ne
braska are composed ti ren of ibarcc.ei 1
und responsibility. Here tbey are:
Tontine Investment company of Icnve
formerly of Hastings: I'resfleji. John Sits,
vice president, L.. C. Laouii. grain buye
oecretary and treasurer, Uoyd JLycn, ex
couuty clerk.
The Security Tontine l.ivesu&eo: company
of Grand Island I'rej'ueu., James T.
Kourkf.. president ot the CcntinenuU Csr
company, now located in Oma'ia; vice prti
dent. "VV. A. Heimberser; tie':retnrr and
treasurer, L. "VV. Lya'i), O. H. Tracy, W.
S. I'came, county sttorn-y of Hall county,
and C. A Carr, secretary nbd treasurer of
the Doane Fruit compny.
Omaha Tontine Investment afbociatics .
President. Dr. Carter of Council Blufis. sec
retary and treasurer, L. M Sliubert of
Omaha, manaeor of the Cionternlle L'aal tarn
pany. Universal Tontine AmjcI&tujii of Omrha:
JTetldcut. C. "VV. Cor.r.lln; ot Tekamah. real
rotate and loans: trsifitrsr. G. B. Ltubury
ot Omaha, real estate and loanj.
North western Mer:ut'lr li vestment cnm
pany of Omaha: Presidsat, J. IS. McDtmtili
vice president, P. D. l'arl:, socrutary, I'. It.
Tontine Beneficial Assoc '.uUia of Omaha
President and treasurer, i A. Towtisend,
vice president and manner, S. T. St. ivol:
secretary, T E. Bird.
The Tontine Mercantile Ansoclmu ti of
Linroln PreEident. A. It. Taibjt. ex btato
senator, vice president, M. L. btewart tet
retary E II Spcucor.
Hankers' Investment Company of York
President, N. V. Harlan, cs-state senator;
vice president and treasurer. Joojib Boyur;
secretary, r. It. Clark.
Western Tontine Savings Company of
Hastmps President and treasurer, E. P.
Nellls: secretary. C. A Shirley.
The above companies invite the fullest in
vestigation. All they ask is a Jalr show.
Tbey have hundreds of ondorsemenu from
prominent people ail over Nebraska vhD
have profited by Investing with them These
endorsements will be furnished at any time.
A larpe cumber of patrons reside in Omaha,
includlnp numerous prominent bunlnes men
to whom any Intending investor will be re
ferred. It Is not the intention of these companies
to in any way antagonize life insurance com
panies Tbe incorporators are hrm believers
in life insurance and many of them are
patrons of life insurance companies. Tbe
tontine companies have simply made us of
tbt statistics of life insurance to show the
proportion of lapses in policies and to dem
onstrate that the profits are derived from
lapses. This Is the fundamental principle of
the tontine associations When life insurant
was introduced several hundred years ago ti
met with vlgorot opposition and the meth
ods were severely rrltlrlied, but lit Insur
ance survived and today Is one of tbe nms'
Important fartors In business and sons! life
Tbe tontine compaules have come to s'uv
They will outlive any temporary opposit ol
it honestly conducted Any company that
indulges in crooked work will turns be dis
covered and that will eud Its career The
tontine iuestment plau is by no meant a
new thing. There are sueb eompaoiei In
England that have tecn successfully con
ducted for many years. One of them is over
u hundred years old One Unglieh company
bar a reserve fund of St.OOfi.OOD.
With this stuteroent of facts on the purt
of tbe tontine investment omnfianies the
controvcrs'y ends so far as they are con
Afier u lniltiMr;.
Secretary Vtt of the Commereik.1 e
bar gone to Waterloo, la , to fie-ure ti
curing the removal to Omaha of u thru
iridiinrlal establishment of that in-
which u seeklnr u new locution unO
manifested a leati'.nc toward OmnliH I
t I'
proponed to locate it, ir it can ih hit"
in the Murphy-Wasey rhulr fartory im
trig in the north part of the city
II ii ! nr IlrulKtt., ,
Sprains or son, burse or soaids. wounds or j
cuts, tetter or eezumu, all quickly cured by
Banner Salve, the moat healing medicine in
the world. Nothing ols "Just aa good
ror Bale by Myor's-Pillon Drug Co.. Omaha,
and Dillon's Irug Store, South Omuha. ,
llollilu; Itiilik.
Via the Burlingion P.outc.
July S and 4.
between stations net mote
than 'Jdo miles apart
Morlnlllj iitiitlktlek.
The following births and death were re
ported in th city Board of Health for the
t went -four hour ending at nuon Satur
day .
Births Martin Petersen, 2M Arbor, irl;
B Swoboda. 1M6 Mlnrej Ktrl. Q F H'wil.
rldpi 1VM North Seemeiiith, pirl, a M
Pklmor. SO Sew aid l
Itith John atumpfraaler yjs Biaint.
a ted 4fc
1 lie l.ll.l of Woitiillfil
who have lieen healed by Banner Salve is
very large It bals all wounds or sore aud
leaves no scar Take no substituti for
sale by Mjers-Dlllou Brug C-. Omaha, and
lull on i Bruc Blcic South Omaha.
K u.-
i-O vV PRIC5,
. s t ut" r f 'r '
tac a n.
Free Examinations.
onth for Treatment-
fcfT Hour?. S a 111. to 5
ifcS-WT I O. Box
W u 1
0 the
The four trme'..LC men who were
'swapping stories it the smcker and
trying tn pass away thi time botween
Chicago and S: tiouis were all well
known patrons of tbe Wabash railroad
and persona! frieud of tbe various con
ductors on that road They were con-i-equenU
properly sympathetic when
George . who was in charge
ot tbe Pullman on that trip, came into
the smoker almost bent double with
jmln. "What's the matter. George?"
said the hardware man. Crani)," re
marked the conductor "and I ve taken
whiiky and Jamaica ginger and don't
get a bit of relief." "That's all right,"
sang out the a:ac with tbe Jolly, gond
hitured face, who represented one of
the largest grorery housets in Chicago,
"I'll fix you inside of thirty seconds,"
and 00 saying be produced a small bo t'.e
from his grip Mid gave tbe Buffering
conductor a dose in the glast. from tbe
water cooler. Hardly half a minute had
elapsed before the couducior straight
ened up and with a smile hold ou: his
hand, saying- "Shake, old mac. that
the very boat atufi 1 ever look. 1 feel
all right, all right. The pain's com
pletely gone. What is it. anyhow ;
miracle water"" "That." said tbe gro
cery man. "is Mull't lv.gbttilug Pain
Killer, and I've been eight yeeats on tbe
road, and ever since an expsrlaiice I
had like yours lit Peoria in '83 I've
never, been without a bottle of it in my
grip." The hardware man spoke up and
said: "You ran count me in us a 'Mull'
man. too. That Lightning Pain K.ller
is the very best thing I ever knew .
I'm subject to rheumati&m and it alwayt
kills the palD right off whenever I have
an attack, which, by the way, doesn't
happen very frequently since I used
Mull's Lightning Pain Killer." "Well,
thut's the quickest cure I ever saw,"
said one of the othets.. "und it's a
mighty good tip." and before continuing
the stories they each, as well as the con
ductor. regitered a vow never to travel
again without Mull's Lightning PUn
Killer. The four truvellng men and tbe
conductor sent tult story to the Light
ning Medicine Company of Muscatine,
Iowa, who manufacture tbe remedy, ex
prtfliug their belief that Mull r Light
ning Pain Killer was absolutely infallible.
Tor kii1- In Omuhn li lleanm-Mr Glim DruK Co.. Jns. I'orsjthe, Kln
riiniinii-j . I.. 11. I'rjton. .I0I111 II. Ciiiite. Sum II. rurnsw on Ii.
Jn ounell lllun lj Iii-ii, S. IluvU. O. II. Ilroirn,
In Miuth Oiuuiin l.j M. A. Itliliin.
1 L.4
f '
(ty have to climb stairs because
grope through dark halls.
The Bee
elevators run day, night and
m ing is always illuminated.
ff ing for a doctor, who wishes night or Sunday office hours.
f On account of the Army Headquarters moving we
can accommodate yoj with any sort of a room you wish.
w R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents,
Ground Flmir The Ret Building
Ad Sense
Retailers wholesalers manu'a- tu'fM. o'
lice men all of buB.L'sih mr tu
Ad Sunse, and tbc J.l.i i M n" i
fl Oli a jear. to e ho you lil.t no i
cent in coin or atamp for a sample o. i
to Atl Seni, sli Pifib Ave r-nn ug
SJri. WiiJilii-'s "iot lit im rtii
Has tieeo uwd for ovor FIFTT Tl.Al.P fr
J'ECI Sfi". 'ESS TT R. n THE? ' hi 'H J-T'
n'RES WTNf. O ai.fl is thi ties' u m.
i.:y lor IHAI'.RHfiEA Sold b Druggists
ti ever) part of tn worly Ut s..u at d
asa for - Mrs Wlrulow s Soothing Srj'"
and .akc no otbw kind Twet.-y-ii c i-erts
Cure Gntr.rrhoea, Gleet. 'jnr.Htural dl
charges lu a few flars All r'iccit-s nrcepl
only Do' "ta ir" f ' " 'tona,
TJlck t Co.. tS Centre EL, Kew Tsrk.
HcSREW Las betti
a it
3eut spec aa&t if Or..aha.
During these FOURTEEN YE&RS
DR. KcGREW Las ika en Lim
Worthy and able as a phy
sic i an.
TLe Doctor's Remarkable Suc
cess n e treatment of all forms
of Diseases and Disorders of
Mm, Las never been equalled.
His Large Patronage mes from
almost every state in the west.
His Resources and Facilltilrs for
treating this class of diseases are un
limited. He is endorsed by all for his
skill and reliability.
UK DGKirVt hn. been consulted by
iiicti of ull clnse. and their confidence
in hib skill and treatment us u special.
1st is practically unlimited
tGeosof cus f iSC-tt'.es utiu uisnrcers Of
ntt s ftuitrcrt Wj. u c t cist lie-e.
p in . 7 to 9 p. in. Mindayytol2
Toll Clfticc l . l.orner
14th and I ..main Mred, OMAHA. NEB.
Absolutely cures nil pain, either
external or internal Contains no
opiates, ammonia or ccpcicum and
can be taken by the most delicate
child without harm.
25c and 50c.
Ask lour Drncd't or -Vritr
Mull's Pioneer Cures are
tripd and proven rcmedlei.
Night office hours are dis-
agreeable at the best, but how
much worse it is when you
of no elevator service, and
Sundays. The Bee Build-
It makes the best office build-
ft ir I
Cn Lard, on Ham, h
Btcon is & gii&riatit
of purity.
Swift and Company,
Chicago, Karma Citv, Omuhu,
St. Louis. St Joseph, St. Penl,
t or 4t 'it r fra'i( rclUblr J ruimlfi
lfculwllr latlir ti .c- Kelwvtkwiiliit
uii i - . m i-v mi., hi r Alt.
fihtrxntir M i v r x ( .