TIII2 rijTjUSTKAT.E) 1JE12. July 1. 1000. Carpenter's Letter (Continued from Sixth Pago.) most of tho product is Bent to bo sorted and classified beforo It Is shipped to the mar kets of tho world. It Is taken to Manila 1 from tho Islands In sailing vessels and small steamers and Is brought In from tho In terior of Luzon In cascocs, or great barges, which arc pushed nlong through tho river with poles. Somo of the warehouses nro enormous. Tho one I visited had moro than $1,000,000 worth of produco of ono kind or another stored away In It. It was a great whlto two-story building, covering almost an aero, situated on tho banks of tho I'aslg river, not far from the bay and nt tho lower end of that section of Manila called Ulnondo. Cas cocs and ships loaded with tobacco and hemp lay beforo It and bnlcs of hemp woro bolng cnrrlcd out of and Into It by half naked Chinese coolies. Tho coolies woro la boring In palr3, each pair carrying a balo In a rattan sling upon n polo which rested upon their shoulders. In front of tho ware house a quantity of hemp was spread out under tho sun to dry and Insldo of It were stacks and bales of this stuff, half filling tho great room from lloor to colling. I went Insldo and wntched tho baling and I3AT.ING sorting of tho hemp for shipment. It was Indeed a strange sight for the end oil tha century of Invention and progress. Every thing was dono by hand. About fifty Fili pinos were at work tearing tho bales apart and sorting the stuff, which looked like strands and twists of silvery white faalr, tut which wns really great hanks of hemp. From time to time tho men would carry a great bundle of theso hanks and pllo it up on a platform until they had ai much as an ordinary mulo cart would noil. They would weigh this upon Immense stoelynrds which hung from the roof, add ing or subtracting In order to get tho 283 pounds, tho amount comprised In a balo, ready for shipment. Next would come tho pressing. The hemp Is first packed in a framowork of boxes which rest one upon the othor, eo tint a press operated Just like a letter press can bo forced down upon them. The queerest thing was tho working of the scrow. This was dono by Chinese. Upon a platform high ahove tho press thirty-two half-naked, yellow-skinned mortals trotted about, pushing tho spoko3 of a wlieel. Four grasped each of tho eight great spokes and all ran round and round a? fast as they could go, turning tho 6Crew which formed tho axlo of tho wheel, thereby pressing tbo hemp tight In tho balo. A bell rung below was tho signal for tbolr starting and stopping, and when they moved It was on tho dead run, pushing, straining and sweating as they did 83. Tho bales aro put up In tho mo3t econom ical way. They nro wrapped In basket work mats of palm leaves and aro tied with strips of rattan, so that tho cost of ties and sacking Is practically nothing. I asked tho proprietor of a warehouse why ho did not put In machinery and save the employment of so many men. Ho replied that it would bo cheaper for him to do so. but that his insurnnco would bo thereby Increased, and ho preferred to work by the old method, which has been In voguo hero slnco the beginning. A Hemp Trim!. Thoro Is danger that thero will bo a hemp trust organized, which may control tho pro duction and marketing of all tbo homp pro duced In tho Islands, and tho conditions would seem to bo favorable for such an or ganization. I met beforo I left Manila au American who was Just starting for Now York for this purpose. Tho facts In favor of tho success of such a trust are that hemp can bo raised nowhero outsldo tho Philip pines, and also that tho business Is already In such fow hands that It might easily be consolidated or so manipulated that tbo ex porters could bo forced Into tbo combina tion. This man told me that many of tbo homp planters aro In debt, and ho aeemod to have little doubt of his success In the or ganization of a possiblo syndicate. As to the facts, however, I am not sure, and tbo largo amount of undeveloped territory would lead to the supposition that such a trust might bo a failure In tbo devolopmont which will probably como through the American occupation. At present no syste matic combination of hemp planters has been organized. Tho business Is almost en tirely In tho hands of tho natives and tho Spaniards, very fow of tho estates being owned by tho friars. Hemp rnlslng is not llko sugar raising in that It needs a large capital. A man must, It Is true, havo enough to support hlmsolf for tho thrco years required to bring tho plants Into bearing, but after that an outlay of a fow dollars will furnish him with all tho machinery ho needs, and ho can, as I havo said, as far os labor Is concorncd, run his plantation on shares. Even If ho pays for his labor ho will not glvo his hands moro than 15 to 20 cents n day. In Manila, whoro wages aro at their top notch, tho manager of tho largest hemp warchou-to told mo ho was paying nmounts equal to 25 to 40 cents gold, and ho evidently thought theso rates cxccodlngly high. 1'rolllN In Hoinp HiiIxIiik. It seems to mo that hemp raising will, after matters aro settled, form ono of the best openings for American capital. It Is estimated that about 720 plants can bo set out to tho acre. I am told tho plants can bo bought for about 1 cent apiece. Bach plant shouldvproduce nbout ten ouncre of fiber, and If scientifically treated It might bo made to produco moro. Two men can, It Is said, harvest nbout 300 pounds In a week, and this nt present rates would bo HEMP. worth about $50 (silver). I cannot glvo the details, but I have been told by a number of planters that from 25 to 30 per cent Is not an uncommon profit and tbut If caro Is used In gathering tho crop tho profits might b& still larger. At present a great deal of tho hemp goes to waste on account of tho rudo machinery used In its extraction, but so far nil at tempts to Improve upon tho present meth ods havo been failures. There havo been numerous machines Invented, but all have either torn tho fiber or stnlned It and there Is still a good chanco for Ynnkeo Ingonulty. It Is said that tho English who havo at tomptcd hemp raising have failed bocauss they have not been ablo to handle tbo workmen and that only tho natives or the Spaniards can U3o tho Filipino labor with profit. It might bo tho same with American planters. As to our peoplo working the crop themselves I doubt whether they can do so successfully In this climate. As for rao, I grow tired very quickly, and I find that most Americans must keep In out of the sun during n great part of tho day. (lllfNlloil Of TltlCM. As to tho prices of hemp lands, this do ponds largely upon tho location, tho owners nnd tho title. In Mindanao tho most of tho lands still belong to tho government, only a stiip hero and there about tho coast bolng under cultivation. In tho province of Da vao, which Is bigger than New Jorsoy, thoro Is not, I venture, ns much cultivated land as you will find In any ono of Ohio's eighty-eight counties. The rest all belongs to tho United States government. Thoro nro government lands on others of the Islands and among thorn wild lands, which could bo cleared for homp. Tho most serious question as to all lands, however, Is that of titles. I had a chat at Zamboanga with Major Morrison, tho Judge advocate, who has been looking Into such matters. Ho telte mo that In tho fight which tho Insurrcctos of Mindanao had with tbo Spaniards all tho records were de stroyed beforo the Americans camo and that tho evidences of tltlo In most cases havo been lost. Ho says, however, that all notaries were required to report tho deeds thoy executed to Manila and that from tho Manila records many of tho disputed titles can bo established. I find that tho records havo been destroyed In tho Island of Pnnay and In other places and tho vico presldento hero tells mo that but little of tho land In this part of Mindanao Is legally owned. Even in tho town of Davao tho most of tho peoplo aro but squattors. Tho Spaniards did not question their rights as long ns thoy paid the taxes and It has been tho samo with lands taken up In the country. It is a question who really owns the big homp plantation which I visited. I am told that tho Chlncso merchants havo In tho post fow months been laying claim to every thing In their reach at Cottabato and other places, so that much of tho land now sup posed to havo proprietors will need to go Into tho courts beforo Its ownership can bo definitely established. FRANK O. CARPENTER. I CURE VARICOCELE AND For tho past docado I havo contended that tho medical profession was "at sea," with out chart or compass, eo fur as tho treat ment nnd euro of Varicocele, Rupture, asso ciate Pelvic and Ncrvo-Vltal diseases wa3 concerned. My contention hno not been In vain, ns ono by one physicians nro boglnnlng to ncknowledgo tbo errors of their ways and tho utter Inadequacy of a truss or suspou sory to cure Pelvic troubles. Every mall brings applications from physicians who do elro to Investigate my Elcctro-Chemlc Method for tho euro of Varlcocolo and asso ciate diseases. I havo successfully treated and cured, to stay cured, over 10,000 patients slnco tho perfecting of my Elcctro-Chemlc Mothod. My success has been tho means of establish ing tbo merits of my euro and today It Is fast removing tho doubts of tho mcdlcnl fratornlty, who woro trained in tho belief that thoro was no euro for theso dlsoascs. For two thousand years fevers and almost evory other dlsenso woro troatod by blood letting. Tho system, under tho prcstlgo of tho ago, was considered right, and each stu dent accepted It as a safo "euro-all." After twenty centuries It wns given up as bad pac tlco, and nny physlclnn who should practice In that way today would bo charged with malpractice every week In his life. For years tho great cry and only prescrip tion for Varicocele and Rupture has boon a trues or suspensory. And why? Simply becauso tho mcdlcnl fratornlty docs not look beyond tho text books simply bocauso thoy llo burled In tho rut of collogo theory and refuso to go beyond theso environments, This Is a progressive ago; radical chanso? nro taking place In everything. Why not In Medlclno and Surgery? Tho nntlquated' methods of wearing a truss or susponsory for tho euro of Varlcocolo and Rupture boar tho samo rotation to my Eloctro-Chom'c treatment ns tbo tallow dip docs to tho In candescent lamp. How can tho ordinary physician know very much nbout tho euro of Varicocele and nnsoclnto diseases, whon expcrlonco Is tbo only teacher? Why should he be ex pected to perform a euro when, perhaps, ha haB novcr had moro than four of these cases during his wholo career, and ho has Invariably dismissed them by prescribing a truss or suspensory, or somo othor aoul trylng, Hfo-sapplng Instrument of torturo? Does It seem reasonable that tho nverago physician should bo competent to ndvtso you to tako your very llfo In his hands? Does It seem right to moroly offer you tho samo treatment nccordod your forofathors a treatment that has ruined many n man's health, his happiness, and robbed him of his manhood when a now, modorn, scientific treatment In keeping with this progressive ngo Is to bo had? It Is your prorogatlvo to refuso to countenance such a troatmont your duty to turn to a modern, positive cu-e that knows no failure. DO YOU WEAR A TRUSS? If you aro so unfortunate as to bo a vic tim of Varlcocolo or Hupturo, and nro now bound up In tho vlceliko grip of a health wrecking truss, for your enlightenment, your own physical benoflt, your futuro wolfaro nnd happiness, I ask you to read tho fow words I havo to Bay to you to glvo every line your slncoro thoughts thon nsk yourself plain, common sense quostlons, nnd sock your nnswor In theso lines of truth. m DO MOT WEAR a Aj) SUSPENSORY IT AWAY 0 D. D. RICHARDSON, M. D., Copyright. 1900, V. 1). Richardson, M. 1). You can be cured to st ty cured of VARICOCELE and a.ssociatc dis.as.'s. You will acknowledge that wearing n trus. or siisponscry is unnatural, uncomfortable, galling and often torturing, and that at no time docs It romove tho possibility of danger of strangulation, nnd porhaps death. You havo noticed that you nro campollcd to mako tho pressure greater In order to hold tbo rupture In plnco every tlmo you have n re fitting. You will admit that this unnatural ! pressure Interferes with tho healthy circu lation of tho blood In tho affected parts. You cannot fall to notlco that tho muscles nro gradually wasting nway from lack of nu trition nnd that It becomes necessary now nnd thon to Increase tho prcssuro until you nro held In n vlceliko grasp that nukes every moment of your exlstcnco a llfo of t:r turo, nil but Imposslblo to benr. You ro allzo that you aro gradually losing your health, that you aro fast becoming Inca pacitated for labor or tho duties of life. I nsk you as man to man, does It not seem scuslblo that tho passing of tho truss that antiquated mothod should glvo way to a modern mothod that will euro to stay cured and dlspcnso forovcr with tho discomforts of a truss? Why should tho noblo science of medlclno and surgery stand still wbllo nil tho othor professions ndvanco? ELECTRO-CHEM'C CURE. My Elcctro-Chomtc euro does not consist In dosing rank stimulating drugs that loavo you worso off when tho effects havo van ished. Most patients aro cured without a slnglo drop of medlclno. Tho Eloctro Chcmlc method Is a painless, blo',Jlo,B trcntment, effecting tho euro of Vuru.. ilo In flvo days In a rational mannor through the medium of modification of tho natural forces of nature a combination of two of tho greatest curatlvo agents known to tho nineteenth century. A scientific euro which oxporlcnco has established beyond porad venturo as thu only rcllablo mothod that will euro to stay cured all forms of Vari cocele Rupturo and assoclato disease, iStrlcturo and nil Prostatic ailments. When a patient applies to mo for treatment, If ho Is at all skeptical, I can send him to as many patients ns ho cares to lntorvlow patients who, out of sheer gratltudo. nro only too willing to tell how thpy wero cured nnd of tholr prorlous oxperlcnco with mechanical appliances. A FAIR PROPOSITION. Whon I toll you thnt I havo a positive euro for Varlcocolo, Rupturo and all Pelvic diseases and offer to prove It to you by doc umental cvldonce that Is backod by thou sands of living testimonials, havo you tho right to dlsbcllovo tho statement without In vestigating Its truth? Is not your health and futuro happiness worthy of your tlmo and troublo to substantiate tho truth of my assertions? When I offer you n thorough personal examination free nnd then explain In a comprehensive manner bow I can euro you, how long It will tako nnd how much It will cost, Is It not worth tho effort to wrlto mo in detail, giving exact description of ! your troublo In Its present advancement? You will rocolvo by return mnll a correct diagnosis of your ailment freo. In nil probability you havo novor been examined by n truo specialist, one who can correctly nnd minutely explain In simple language your exact condition. I wnnt every man, womnn and child who wears a truss or supoprtlng device to come to my offlco, whoro I can fully oxplaln nnd demonstrate to their entire satisfaction how nnd why my Elcctro-Chemlc mothod cures Rupturo and assoclato diseases, If you cannot como, wrlto mo nnd I will reply personally. RUPTURE. In stating that I can euro Varicocele and HHforlato diseases 1 do not nsk you to risk your tlinu nnd money with tho possibility of a failure I provo to you nt the start thnt I can euro you. In addition to this proof, I can refer you to tho best banks to business men of high stnndlng who have been cured by tbo Eleotro-Chemlc method. A man who hns a now method by which ho ngrccrt to euro ou of such torturing, distressing, nerve-wrecking nnd henllh-kllllng ailments Varlcocolo and associate discuses In live days and plnco your system In a sound, healthy condition, docs ho not deserve to havo his method Investigated, especially under tho llbornl conditions which I offer? Can you nn"ord to further experiment by UHlng suspensories, washes, electric bells, supporters, developers, trusses nnd drugs? You must realize from your own experience thnt they will fnll to euro you and In tho end your money will go for untight, not counting tho misery you havo undergone. Under no circumstances allow nny ono to lead you to believe that ynu can bo cured by tho ubo of medicine. Internally or lo eally, or mechanical appliances of any de scription. It is absolutely Imposslblo and no ono knows It better than tho mnn who sells you tho drug or nppllanco. ASSOCIATE DISEASES. In curing you of Varicocele, Rupturo, Stricture, etc., I completely remove by my Elcctro-Chemlc Mothod all tho various nerv ous conditions which usunlly attend those dlsenBos, such as nuurnsthenln, prostration and mnuy other weaknesses. If you nro a crltlcnl observer ynu will no tlco tho very minute you Btep Into my office thnt I "know my business," ns tbo saying goes tho oxnmlnntlon tho palnstnklng do tall by which It Is inado and tho manor In which everything Ih made plain to you will beget tho conlldenco that an export deserves. Your own Instinct will Instnntly tell you that I can mako you a mnn nmong men. WHERE CURES ARE MADE I perform nil cures In my "Homo," nnd It Is absolutely necossnry for you to como to mo to bo cured, ns I never undcrtnko n enso ex cept under my personnl care. My "Homo" Is situated on Michigan boulevard, two blocks south of tho hako Front Park, Mlchl gnn boulevard Is a beaulful thoroughfare thnt Is constantly traveled by tho finest equipages In tho city, affording a panornmn that Is nlwnyB Interesting. I havo been a long tlmo lilting up this plnco nnd thero Is no convonlenco lacking that would con- I tribute to your comfort or nsslst you to n J quick euro. I will freoly nnswer nil ques tions you deslro to nsk, either personally or by mnll. Those visiting Chicago nnd resi dents may personally seo mo by calling nny day during tho week between tho hours of 10 n. in. nnd i p. m. Evenings, 7 to 8. i Sundays, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. FREE BOOKS. I have Just written nnd published scien tific, Illustrated booklets on Rupturo nnd Varlcncelo, Norvous and Mental Dlsenscs, Paralysis and Vltnl Power. Tho lllustrnlons aro all half-tones from nctunl photographs and represent every form nnd stage of theso diseases. Any Htirforor from Rupturo or Varlcocolo can find illustrated a caso similar to, If not Identical with, his own, nnd If ho will rend tho booklets cnrefully. ho will easily acquire nil Information ho desires respecting his particular malady. My booklet on Viirlene.elc will tell you why HiinifiiNorlea mill an jiportern lire iincIcnh, Every man who wears a Busponsory or truss will bo Interested In rending this lit oraturo. Thoso booklets will bo sont to nny man sincerely Interested on rocelpt of 10 cents (silver or stamps), to pay for scaled postogo In plain pnekago. ririiNf mn extreme enr mid wrll your inline null nitilrcNN iilnliily. t266-74cSn Ave