THE OMAHA PAIL.T BEE; SATl"T?DAT, .TCNE 30, 1000. These Great Bargains on Sale Saturday Made of the ft both rough an! 1 1 TEST Thousands of fine shoes on bargain $3.50 All the latest styles in men's button and lace patent leather welt.O A A shoes, also button shoes for men in velour calf, worth $5.00 II and ?G. 00 they go on sale at 3.50 and 3.00. UiUU SNICKERSNEE STILL SWINGS Union Pacific Officials Diicutiin.; Pltni for Farther Gtiialirhtion. EXPENSE ACCOUNT IS STILL TOO BIG llnrfment. nn Foot lo lo Army mIIIi Independent Tlrkrt Oilier In OuMlile ('Him nnil nr I Itcnlp nnil .snlnrlr. Conferences are now In progress at Union raclfls headquarters between Freight Trafflr Manager Munroe. General Passenger Agent Lomax and representative of the freight and passenger department at Denver and Fait lak relative to the consolidation under ono general head of the. gentral agencies of those cities Much of the ex pence attached to tho maintenance of op erate, representatives of the traffic depart ments has been saved by consolidation an I tho plan already experimented with by the Union Pacific fans proed satisfactory In III operation. Consolidations have already bevn effected at New York, Tort land, Kansas City and St. Louis and It Is undoubtedly ttut purpose of the executive bead of the Union Vaclfie to continue them consolidations until all of the big outside agencies are In opera tion under one single head, having supervi sion of both freight and passenger business. That Denver and Salt Lake are the next cities In which consolidation will be made Is a practical .ertalnty. George Ady. gen eral agent of the passenger department, and K. R Griffin, general agent of the freight department, at Denver, and P n Choate, 5tneral agent of the freight department at Straw Hats Another big purchase of 8 raw Hats eves us an oppor tunity to offer you wonderful bargains for Saturday The lot Includes ery style of straw bat worn this season lest straw braids, Manila, Milan, etc . in smooth straws. There are hats In bis lot worth t2. whl e the cheapest arc worth 1. They go In two lots Saturday at 49c and 75c i Celebrate the Good Clothing for Men's $12.50 Suits for $7.50 Men's all wool suits in clay worsteds, diagonals, fancy cas simeres, tweeds, stripes and plaids in the latest patterns and colors, as well as fine serges, cheviots and vicunas, all excel lently tailored suits, well lined and perfect fitting, in the very latest styles of single and double breasted sack coats and cut-aways. Your choice of this entire lot of suits worth on the average ?12.50 each, for S7.5QS9.98 Prices which no other house could make. Saturday is the last day of the great sale of MEN'S FINE SHOES Actually and five These Salt Lake, are now In the city In conference with their superior officers. Official hav ing knowledge of the matter state that while the saving in expense will be an item of no small importance, the chief end In placing the t rattle ulwlness under one head is because of tho belief that better results follow. I'nrcr 1VIII ot He Iteilueeil. In Salt I.ako and Denver It Is asserted that no reduction In the working force will , be made, although the titles of the pasn , ger and freight general agents will be I changed. The representative cho?en to take ; nargo nr tne joint trame arrangement win he designated as general agent. Owing to the grejtcr importance from a standpoint of revenue of the freight departments it has been the plan heretofore to place the freight , representatives in charge as general agent ' and have the passenger man report t. him. If this bo carried out In the present in stances Mr. Griffin will likely be appointed ' an general agent at Denver and Mr. Choate , at Salt Lake. ' It ls expected that the union of the traf- ft'- departments in other cities will follow immediately in the wake of the settlement of th Denver and Salt Lake situation. Separate departments are now maintained at Chicago, Cincinnati. Cleveland and San Kranclseo. rlty Tlekrt (lltirra May Go. In connection with the question of con solidation It Is stated that executive old ilals of the Union Pacific, along with officers of other influential lines, aro considering 'he advisability of doing away with many of the expi naive Independent ticket office maintained in outside cities. In nearly every metropolis every railroad ha in operation a city ticket otle an 1 beside this the traveling public Is afforded tho i opportunity of pun basing their tickets at the depot ofnes The plan on foot tii is to do away with the separate offices in thi On Second Floor in Boys'l Clothing Dept. Boys' 4th of July Red, White unci Blue Bib Overalls $1.25 Men's Underwear 50c. On main floor on b&raaln squares and In our regular men's furnishing goods depart ment we place on sale 223 dozen men's finest SI, 25 French balbrlggan, fancy mixed balbrlggan underwear in pink, blue, light and dark tans, also medium weight balbrig- Kan underwear and mens underwear In fancy stripes, summer merino, lisle finished and a special lot of elastic-seam lean drawers choice of the entire lot Saturday, 60c each BOSTQSfii Glorious Men s $15.00 Suits for $9.98 Men's fine suits in first class English worsteds, fancy tweeds, plain and fancy cassimeres, stripes and plaids, in the very newest and choicest colors and patterns, also fine worsted and cheviot suits, some satin lined, all expertly tailored and perfect fitting suits, they are even better than the best you could buy else where for $15.00 your choice Saturday at made to retail at three, four dollars a pair, at s,69 are all on bargain squares. business districts and for all of the rail roads to unite in on general city t eke office provided for the arcommcdatl n of the general public. This would result la the saving of an Immense amount of money by the railroads In the elimination of ex-1 pensive rentals and a large number of ticket sellers. Such a plan would not disturb the permanency of the city passenger repre-j nentatlves nor the hustlers for passenger business stationed cither in cities or travel ing on the road. m: vucimm; nut thi itoiuir.u. llnmllt Who llrhl t p lliirlinuton Meeper Mire to lie CniiKlit. Chief Detective Malone and assistants of tli Ilurllngton are conducting a vigilant search for the man or men who held up the sleeper on the Hurllngton's Portland train , at an early hour Thursday morning Prom . th accurate descriptions furnlohed li Is ' ... mm ,uini.Tiu(r iui iiic (-riiuiuaict id es cape. General Manager Holdrege is con fident that the outlaws will bo apprehended and because of the frequency with which these sleeping car holdur have been oocur ing recently it Is hinted that in cane the fugitives are captured examples will ba mad of them. Detective Malone telegraphed yester day from Davenport, a station on the E k born road, stating his belief that the robber and his accomplices are hiding along the Dlue river north of the Ilurllngton main line. The country, he states, will be thoroughly scoured and notice has been given railroad agents and sheriff to keep a sharp loekout for any men answering the descriptions of these fugitives. SlioiiK Iteilllet lYnrL.lni? Tfiu. The usual summer reduction in working time at the In Ion Paclnv shops becomes ' efferthe next Monday, after which Mme eight hour tor the Brit the working days Entire Wholesale ock Shirts At prices that simply baffle either Imitation or competition. All on bargain squares. On main floor, on bargain Bquares at 39c w offer nearly 5.000 men's elegant first class made and perfectly fitting shirts, In all sizes. In nearly 60 different styles, in mad ras, percales, penangs, chambrays. etc. Each shirt has two collars and one pair of cuffs detached. At the same price. 39e, we give you choice of an Immense lot of men's Negli gee shirts, with collars and cuffs attached, in all the swellcst styles and In all sizes. Also a big lot of men's tine white laundered shirts, with reinforced linen bosom and back, stayed scams, gusseted and continuous facings throughout all sizes long an 1 i short bosoms and sleeves your choice for I 35c I I ( I .. . . Fourth of July Dressed Properly Everybody Men's $22.50 Suits for $15.00 Men's very fine suits made of the very best material; such as imported English worsteds, tweeds. vicunas, fancy worsteds, many of these are silk lined and the lot embraces the very high est grades and most desirable patterns. Your choice of this entire lot, which, could not be duplicated for less than $22.50. your choice Saturday for sikoo Women's Shoes on Bargain Squares. Hundreds cf ladles' fined hand-turned shoes In Imported vlcl kids in black and tans. In plain anil fancy facings, toppings, also finest patent leather 6hoes made and retailed for f 4 00, J4.D0 and J5.00 a so on bargain square, main floor. for of tho -week and four hours on Saturday will constitute a week's work. At present nine hours for each week day but Satur day and four and a half hours on Saturday arc put In by the shop men and machinists. The reason for the reduction In time Is that a great deal of accumulated work has been disposed of and the amount of work required of the shop men during tho sum mer months U not so great as In the win ter. It Is expected that. In the fall tho longer working day schedule will be re sumed. t itlon I'nelllr elorann Organise. Tho old veterans of tho Union Pacific shops who have been In tho employ of the company since the completion of the road In 1S63 arc contemplating organizing them selves Into an association for mutual ben efit and social pleasure. It ls estimated that there aro from seventy-five to a hun dren men now working at the shops In this city who would be eligible for membership. The idea Is merely for tho old veterans to get together occasionally and enjoy the companionship of each other talking over the days when the road was in Us Infancy. final It n 1 1 rim "1 Trnnnfer lllenl. ST. PAUL. Minn.. June 29. The State IUilroad commission today filed notice with tho Nonhern Pacific and St. Paul & Duluth rallr als to the effect that after Investi gating tho recent absorption of the latter road by the former, they find such absorp tion and' transfer to bo lllogal and void. A Monster Devil TUh Destroying its victim It a type of con stipation. The power of this malady is felt on organs, jhtyc. muscles and brain. But Dr King's New Llfo rills ar a safe anl certain cure nest in tho world for stom ach, liver, kidneys and bowels. Only :5c, at Kuan L Co.'i drug store. Underwear 75c Men's for 25c On Bargain Square No. 2 wc place on sale Immense quantities of men's fine underwear in cream, pink, blue, light and dark tans, as well as fancy striped and mottled under wear. Also India gauze. Egyptian cotton, angola mixed filet underwear and fancy tinted Frenih balbrlggan underwear, silver gray underwear and fancy Random mix tures. All such goods as would retail at Toe. they go on sale Saturday on bargain square at 25c on main floor ana casement 'fffDOUGL m for Men and Boys Boys' made to retail squares- pair, S2.50 MAY BE REMOVED TO DUNDEE Omaha Thfoloricil Biminarj Likely to Leave Its Prtiint QnarUrt. OfF.CERS MAKING AN INVESTIGATION JIunnKfri No it ri:ntlntlnc for Trent of I. nnil Sutlnlile for n Mte Out In the .Milmr. linn Town. Plans are being perfected for the ultimate removal of the Omaha Theological seminary from its present quarters in the old Cozzens hotel to a new building which will be erected iq Dundee Plare. Por somo time tho officers of the semi nary have felt that the Institution should have a different location, but until lately no opportunity has presented Itself to warrant the change. Recently several of tho resi dents of Dundee Plato offered the seminary a bonus to remove to that suburb of Omaha and the managers began investigating the matter. They finally secured an offer of ten acres of ground lying In the desired situation at a price which they were willing to pay. but ten acrtt. were not considered large enough, and the managers aro now negotiat ing for a tract of land adjoining. If the ad joining land can be secured tho ten acres will bo purchased. The new- location will not be utilized as a , school until the present quarters can be dis posed of. The seminary now holds a lease on the Cozzens house at a nominal rental. , Since the lease wax made one of the owners of the fee In the real estate has died and Neckwear for the Fourth Mens finifv silk band hows nl so wnsh bund bows of madras and per cale worth LW and 1 rc each on salo Saturday for only 5c Now Imperials and English ?quaros in styiisti patterns ?hoico colorings worth up to nl)c 15c each choice An elegant line of fancy silk tecks and the new string ties, with wide ends regular HOo neckwear on sale Saturday at inly 25c On special sale 3 50 Knee Pants Suits at 2.98, 3.50 and 3.9S, go $1.98 S50 Boys' Knee Pants Suits, age 6 to lo years, consisting of the finest imported cheviots, wor steds, cassimeres. black clay worsteds, etc., in plaids, checks, stripes and plain patterns, all brand new, the very best silk sewing and tailor ing, fine fitters, elastic waist bands in pants. This lot includes every former $2.98, 3.i0 and $3.98 suit, on special sale for only Grand Bargains Boys' $2 and $2.50 Oxford Ties $1,25 Child's and Misses' Strap Sandals, all colors , . 50c, 75c, 83c, 98c Children's Shoes on bargain squares 2,0u0 pairs of misses", Children s and Infants fancy strapped sandals and slippers. In black, tans nnd patent leathers Most elo Bant hand-turned poods, to on bargain squares, on main floor at Bo, 7."e, S!c,liSc. Ladies' Oxford Ties, 89c, 98c, $1.50, $1.98 and $2.50 On the main floor and In the basement you will find an Immense number thousands In fact of ladles' tine slippers and oxford ties. In black, tans and iiatent leathers. Some are In the original cases, others on bargain squares. Kverythlng else In the way of a tie w have placed In the basement. Everything In the way of slippers and oxfords from tl.W nnd up. are on sale on the main floor. Thre Is absolutely no limit to the number of pairs that you can buy. pMCQ2fl Over 1,000 pairs of ladies' finest band Ill DfloBIIIolll turned and McKay sewed shoes, which were made to retail up to $4, including almost every kind of shoe worn oday that Is In style nil sizes go at Ladies' House Slippers and Strap Sandals, at 60c. 65c. 75c, 9Sc. il 50 and $1 18 In black, tan, red. white, blue, etc devised his one-half interest in the land to the Institution. It ls said that the holder of the other half Interest has signified his intention of deeding It to the seminary, and when this Is done the site will br sold and ihe proceeds used for tht erection of necessary buildings upon the new site. DoWltt's Little Early Itlsers are famous little pills for liver and bowel troubles. Never gripe. ANNEX CONTRACT ARRIVES llnllrtins to lie Completed Within iliteen Month nnil Will Cost :tio,(Mn. Copies of the contract between the United States and Olndele & Co. for tbe construc tion of tho federal building annex havu reached Omaha and aro now In possession of tbe custodian and the supervising archi tect. According to the contract tho annex is to bo completed within sixteen months of tbe signing of tho contract, which will be October 16. 1T01. Tho contract price Is J240.OO0. Tbe stono specified ls St. Cloud, Minn., granite for tho basement and founda tion and South Park, Colo., granite for the superstructure. Tbe annex will contain nineteen rooms, be side vaults and toilet rooms. There will be a stairway and elevator In the Dodgo street wing, which will occupy the space taken up by rooms in the Capitol avenuo wing. Tho first floor will contain but one room, which will be used by the postofflce department. There will bo two rooms In the basement, which will be devoted to a carriers' waiting room and the Btorage of postofflce supplies. The second floor iw! rontain two rooms In the Dodge street wing and hrc In the Capitol avenue wing. On the third floor tbe Capitol avenuo wing will 1 Hat Sale Saturday we place on sale nn entire sample line of Fedora and Derby hats, including all the 'atest styles and shades. These hats are made of good quality felt. They are worth fully fU.OO ind ?2.r0. Saturday they go on sale at just about half price. .Don't miss this chance to get two hats for the price of one) ale price $1.38 at SI.59 Ladies' Golf Boots, black and tan. 10 Inches high, with rubber S4 disks In soles and heels, hand welts, at have four rooms and the Dodge street wing two. Two rooms will constitute tho fourth floor of the Dodge street wing, while the Capitol avenue wing will have three. No Information regarding the use of the upper rooms has been received from Wash ington, but almost every federal officer has , applied for space In the annex, claiming that they ore now cramped for room. A ' photograph of the present building has been ordered by thp Treasury department, to bo filed In the Washington office for reference during the construnicri of tho annex llimernwwi Ueellue I'liollliin. r. H. Hnwerman nf Munkegnn. Mlcli , who was recently elei ted commercial teacher the Omaha Jligh sehonl at a salary of $11D per month, has refused to rome for that salary, stating tlwt lie has been re-eeetel to bin position in the Muskegon Hicli school which pays more thun ho was off' red In Omaha. The Omaha Board nf IMtifHtlmi ha Increased Hm-offer to about Jl.KO a year, and believes Mr. Jtowcrman will now accept the poHlliuu l.tnlillltleK i:eenl net. A eomplete statement of the assets and liabilities of the Continental clothing store . nax iieeu prepureii rnr suiimlsslon to h ! meeting f f the prim Ipal creditors In New York r'aturduy evening No authentic Matement of its contents has beep oh ! talned, but one at the Interested creditors says that, aioniing to tun informatl in the. aggregate indebieilness Is about J')0,', anil the assets something tivtr JIo.OjO. Horsford's Acid Phosphate NERVOUS EXHAUSTION. A whols&oms tonic and nerve food, im parting vigor and strength to tbe entire system. Induces refreshing sleep. Gcauicc bears sarae Hotfposo's oa wrapper dp?