10 THE OMATIA HDAY, JUNE HO, 1000. DAILY 1U5E: SAf )' COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL ploKICil oolllff. IWlWVJ.vr, mi'Kieti nnuui derx, Jtf.75; pickled liumH, t9.7f 10.25. J.nrd, lloef homo. $20. cltv. cxlrn India meals, sleuiiy What ii W1c Erlj, bnt Oloies & Cent Hlghor.B CORN IS INCLINED TO FOLLOW WHEAT Onf Trnll Alunu Aflor Wlirnt mill Corn nt Opening. IiiH I I " ,,,u Xop Prut ImIihin Open W'fltU mill Clour IM nil. CHIOAOO, June 29. Wheat wns wenk enrly. but Inter on u better demumt for carh Htuff, less pressure from hint? nnd icports of diitniiKo to winter wheat, aM well us furtlier complaints from the north west, elosliiK 1?c over yesterday. July torn closed a simile lower and August corn n shudo hlithcr Oats closed W Uc down nml provisions unchanged to l"',4c Hn- proved. , , Wheat opened easy, August unchaiiBed to io lower at from Sl'ic to Sic. Liverpool was weak and the Argentine shipments lieiivy, 2,r.2,OU0 tmshels. Liverpool recovered most of Its early loss and this was re flected hero for the moment, August rallying to S1V. I'ndor moderate selling by com mission houses a decline to SO-0 followed. The selling at this time was not heavy, rather suggesting the end of the t;J tlnn which has sent the market down since Monday; but on the other hand there was very little pressure from buyers. I rude was rather quiet during the forenoon, but later It became more active and decldcdl more strong. Having digested news oi bumper crops In Kansas, Oklahoma. In dian Territory and Missouri the bulls re spectfully directed attention to the light northwest receipts, My damages In north ern Illinois, Ohio and IndlAiia and Injuiles from excessive rains In Kentucky, Tennes sec and southern Illinois and certain por tions of Missouri. Attention was el so directed to the IS per rent deterioration fdmwn In Iho Illinois crop report, which put the winter wheat condition at bic. 1 hey said nothing about the spring wheat con dition, which the report makes 92o At the decline the demand Improved. The cah demand was much livelier and Wall street Interests appeared In the market as buy ers Another assistance to the bulls was the announcement that a concern controll- li.rr tnOi.litU elel'lllorM IllolllT tllO CI TIM t Northern had concluded to leave these ui.ul. ennllneMt X7".n: H. A.. 13: COttl' potiii.l. Jii.2&?(0.37'4. fork, strong; family, $t3.7.Wll.f0; short clear, J13.00fil5.2o; mess, m.'WfU.T.. , , , UAY-Qulet; choice, SOflS'lic; shipping, 70fi"5o. . . . HOPS Steady; state, common to choice. '03 crop, lUSHc; old, SltGc; Puclltc coast, I'J crop. IHIHe; old, SflGc. (tt I We. I IIDHS-Stendy; (Jalveston, 20 to E lbs., 1ic; California. IS to 2t lbs., 2t'.4c; Texas, dry. 21 to 30 lbs., lie. . ItEATIIEH Firm; hemlock sole, nucnos Ayres, light to heavyweights, MMi-lt'c., acid. 231ifr2lc. ... ,,. IUCE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, 4!i M'foANPTS-Qulet; fancy hand-picked. 4 8l Hie; other domestic, 3f(3Uc. m'TTi:K-Hecelits 6,461 pkgs . ; mnrkct dlllet: creamery, 1720c; factory. Hf'Si0,-, eilEKSE-llooclpts. 3.WW pkgs.; market weak; large white. OWIjSUe; large co ored, 9Wl9',',o; small white, f(9Uc; small colored, EtkiS-Hecelpts. 7.33(5 pkgs.; dull and heavy; western, at mark, 10',iif13c; west ern, loss off, 13'f14VsC. . . METAItS-lron ruled sternly; Philadel phia reports a further reduction of oOo, making the decline for tho week about $1.50. Olliclnl statistics of exports of Iron and Hteel from the United States for the first five months of this year show a fa ling off of about 25 pel- cent compared with Inst year. Of pig Iron only 59.077 tons . ww shipped from nil ports, against 12..078 last year; at the close pig Iron warrants wore quotVd nominally at $14. Tho London mar ket for copper was 5s better. There was no chance here, with bimlness quiet. Itcnd remains unsettled at $l.22',4tf-l.27',4; spelter was 5 points better and more active at $l.2off4.30; tin In Itondon closed easy today, but Sli above yesterday's prices for snot. The local market Is stendy but quiet with a small trade In progress, nt $31.o0ii3.'.00. Tho brokers' price for lead wus $1.10 and for copper $16.2."fi 10.50. OMAHA AVHOIKSAI.H MAHKKI'S, (.'nml It Ion of Trntlc mid tliintiitlnns on Staple nml l'nne' Produce. EGOS Kccclpts liberal; good stock, 9c. MVK I'OI'IrHY-Ilens. 7&"He; roostern, according to age and size, 3M4c; broilers, 12',4'Ollc; ducks. 4fjfic; geese, 4fGc; turkeys, "VuKSJI DRESSED I'OHIntY-Hens, 8 8'i.c; roosters, 5f(Gc; ducks and geese, Otf 10c; broilers, l',4 to 2 lbs., ptr doz, $.1.004.50; turkeys. 12',4c ... , , HfTTKIt-rommon to fair, 13c; choice, 13'dlfic; separator, 20e; gnthercd creamery, ''KIHIf --Trout, 9c; blue tish, 12c; pickerel, fc: cattish, 12c; dressed btlftalo, 6c: white iu,i, m... imrrlnir Rp : lilnnlc hasn. 16c: sal mon. 13c; white bass. 10c; cropple. 10c; pike, July. Slic: September, fsVc; December, 6c; I 71'5 Amount of bnlHon withdrawn front No. 2 northern, S3c; No. 3 spring, 79,iC. the Hank of Knataiitl on balances today, OATS-27'1Cic. ' -t.5i'.'". California linseed, spot, Ms. Tur- COKN I2!ic. pentlne spirits, Ms (id. Hold Is quoted at Toledo )lnrlrt, TOLKDO, O., June 29.-VIinAT-Actlvc nnd higher; spot, Jti'4c; July, Mic; August, i6c; Hcplembcr, 6te. t'OHN Lower; cash, 4l'4c; September, 4.H4C. OATS Active and lower; No. 2 ensh, 20'trc; September, 25c. IIYK-Oidl nnd lower; No. 2 cash. CSc. CLOVKHSKBO-null nnd lower; 1S93 prime. $."i.l0; ISM prime, $."..10; October, $3.M); No, 2, $l.7S. .MIiiiipnimllN Wheat Mnrtiet. MINNKAI'OLIS. June 29-WIIMAT-!n store, No. 1 northern, June, M'o; July, 8l',4e; September. SI'ic; on truck, No. 1 hard, SV; No. 1 northern. S,Vc: No. " northern. SSTic. r LOt'H Lower; first patents, $I.S0; sec ond patents, $1.60; llrst clears, $3.25; second clears, J2.S0. I1UAN-In bulk, $13.00013.50. .Mllirnukcp (irnln .Mnrkpt. . MIUVAt'KKB. June 29. - WHKAT -Higher; No. 1 northern, WffSSc; No. 2 north urn, fcnvjfisic. KYK-Slower; No. 1, 62ftfi2'4e. HAISL13Y Firmer; No. 2, 19Jiu0o; sample, 40S lie. pentlne spirits, Ms fid. Hold Is quoted at Hlli'lios Avres at 12!.30. llllllLIN. June .-On the bourse today theto was ii disposition to realize, but tho abspticu of a demand caused loans to tie. cllne. Americans and Canadian 1'aclllcs word strong. . Vnrk Minn1)' Mnrliet. NIJW YOHU, .tttnu29 -MONHY ON CALL Kasy at 1M12 per cent; last loan, 2 per cent: prime mercantile paper, 3Vf4'4 per cent. STKItLINO KXCUANOK-FIrm, then easier, with ncttlal business In bankers' bills at $l.S6li for demand nnd at $I.M for sixty days; posted rates. $I.S4',4'ii 1.85 and $I.S7'4; commercial bills, $l.83lil.S.IU. SlLVKK Har. lilUc; silver ccrtincatci, 61M1K2V; Mexican dollars, 4SV4c. HONDS (lovernment, strong. The closing prices on bonds todny nre as follows: lo 4.1 10P4 .V Y l! & S L 4s. 100 Nor. & West. c. 4s.. 06'i warehouses closed because of the wring halibut. I2c; bullheads. 10c; ring perch, wheat disaster In the northwest. August j. ; ol)pr!; Krpen. 22c; boiled lobsters. 25o; jpcovered all Its early loss and following nnc,t.rct y'v; codllsh. 10c; yellow perch, 6c. tip Its advantage climbed to WUc. On tho nillgo mere was ine umuu iium-iiinin(," but tho market closed strong. August ITU' over ypstxrday at MfiSSHc July opened at SOc to 79-ie, sold between 79'Kc nnd 81Tc, closing l'nc higher at S1V Now York re ported 12 loads taken foV export. Clear ances at the seaboard In wheat and Hour were equal to lSu.OOD bushels. Primary re ceipts were 4I5,W) bushels, compnred with, fii7,0n0 bushels last year. .Minneapolis and Duluth reported 191 cars, against 425 last Reek and 502 u year ago. Kecelpts here wero 6S cars, none of which were graded contract. Com was rather quiet and Inclined, for the lack of other Incentive, to follow wheat. The mnrket opened lower nnd de clined early with the mnior market. He pelpts were liberal, 839 cars; the crop situa tion was favorable, country offerings were modcrato nnd Liverpool was easy. There was considerable scattered liquidation and Homo short selling The rally In wheat Kent shorts to cover and there was n fair cash demand, under which the market re covered. Changing July for August formed a considerable part of the business In tho pit August sold between 42U: and 4.H1C nnd closed a shade up at 43(l'U43Ue. July ranged between 42V4o nnd 4Wic, closing u, shade under yesterday at 42-1;c. Oats followed wheat nnd corn off enrly, recovering later nnd closing at the top. Crop conditions were not materially ehnnged. There wns considerable heavy commission house selling during the fore part of the session, but some of this was rebought later. The northwest was a buyer on the recovery. Receipts wcrn 325 cars. August sold between 2l3ic nnd 23c and closed Wi'.'iC lower at 2IT4c; July between 24c and 2Uc, with tho close Uc depressed at 2i!tc. Provisions were weak early nnd llrm lalpr, presumably affected to a degree by the actions of wheat. The changes in the course of the market might also bo as cribed to the workings of two packing In terests. Ono of them was n heavy seller parly. This stopped later nnd another packer was reported buying and like u well-behnvod market should provisions nboyed the law of supply anil demand. Sep tember pork sold between $12.60 and $l.'t.02'4 nnd closed 17V4e over yesterday at $12.97Vj. September lard between $7.02'4 nnd $G.99, closing unchanged at $7.05, una September ribs between $".20J7.224 nnd $7.05 and the close 5c higher at $7.20Ji7.22V4. Kstlmatcd receipts tomorrow: Whent, 115 cars; corn, 600 cars; oats, 270 enrs; hogs, 21,000 hend. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles.) Open. High. I Low. Close.l Yes'y. Whent .Juno July Awr. Corn June July Aug. Oats July Aug. Tork July Sept. Lard July Sept. Oct. nibs- . July Sept. 1 I ! SH, T0H 79WI80 R77f. T9 SITh 80 81 JfH S3U 80SS3 81U 42Ufl3J 4214 41i 42'4 42 42',. 421.4 4Hi 42U l2-iiiTll 43V4 42'4 IVMiVi 431, 2IV4 24H 21 2P4 21 33 2IS 2ITi 23 fH 12 43 12 8r. 12 10 12 S2!4 12 60 12 tli 13 02H 12 60 12 9714 12 80 6 8214 0 8714 6 774 6 8714 90 I 7 00 7 OT. 6 9i) 7 03 7 0 I 7 00 7 0714 6 95 7 0714 7 0714 , 7 0214 7 1214 7 00 7 1214 7 10 I 7 10 7 22i2 7 03 7 22V4 7 li'i No 2. Cash quotations wero as follows: FIOUH Firm: wlntpr tminnts Jl "f?ijn straights, $3.20ff4,10; clears, $3.(KMJ3.S0; spring jpeelnls, $4.75; patents. $J.60ft 1.20; straights, $3.2iV(;t.70; bakers. $2.4fV(73.00. HJU'JAT No. 3, 77$c77Hc; No. 2 red, SHiW Bi'pC. ..I-.OV- n ,nA..... . . .. .... 4"iio 'i--Jc; .no. yenow, 42',i'i( OATS-No 2. 2lifl25c; No. 2 white, 20'4tf f7c; No. 3 white, 2ii26i4c. SHHOS-No. 1 llaxsccd, $1.U); No. 1 nortlv western. $1.80. Clover, contract grade. $S. IMIOVISIONS-Mess pork, per bbl.. $11.70 12 8... Lard, per 100 lbs.. $tl.75i?i.87'4. Hacon, short ribs sides (loose), it! r.i7 s n,i. salted shoulders (boxed). $(i.75t(7.li0; short VH-HI KUII'M UlOXetll, t..WK( ,.U1I, WIIISKY-nasIs of high wines, $1.23. SIJOAU Cut loaf, $6.4S; granulated. $3.92 con feet oners A. S3. 8.8 : nrf A -.-:! Following aro the receipts and shipments for today: . .Articles. Itccelpts. Shipments. j' our. nuts 14,000 s.ooo neni. nu 54,00) 14,(W) '"11, bll 61 S.OOO 763,CklO "ill", in 320.0CO 311,000 llye. bu 2,000 xinney. nu 5,0110 10.1 CO tin hip rroduco exchnnge today the but- ... ninin.i. mi iirin; creameries, ltjirjc; dairies. UWIfi'MV Cheese, quiet nt 8'.1i' J".c. Kggs, weak; fresh, lOlic. Ni5v Yoiuc ;i:.M:it.i, maiiki:t, iluiuiuioi.il ror tin. liny on Vnrlouii 1 omiiioilltlPN, .XKV YOUIC, June 29.-FIXH'nItecclnts lu.i.'rt nnis.: exnorts. 11. ss2 iiii mrUinr;..i.: nctlvo at old prices, but hold somewhat V " wiaier naients, u.'iSw 4.IS, Mlnnenota patents, $l.76'n5.10: Miniie- rotii '," ers. winter straights. hnv grades. $lspfi2.85. Hyo ilour.' llrm: fair ...mtvtu, rt.ioiio.i, ruuit'H 10 tailcy, $3,40)' 0. tu. l OUNMhAIt-Flrin: yellow western, 90c city. 94c; Hrandvw ne. 12.S0tfi2.fio. HYK Irregular; No. 2 western. 6314c f. 0 b. alloat; state, 61)2c, e. I. f.. New York car lots. IIAHLKY Dull and nomlnnl; feeding. 4Se, i; ' ) 4: lum; iiiuiiing, i'jjjwc, c. 1. r. ei'n 1 t.i n. fV?.5'.l'A' MALT Nominal at 551T5Se. llfJA I-Kecelpts. 15.723 hu.: snot firm No, 2 red, K)lo f. o, b, alloat; No. 2 red tiM, elevator; no. 1 northern, Duluth it'". :.," I'rompi; .mi. i hard DUlUth. 93T0 f. O. Ii. alloilt. .irntmit (It, tlons openoil steady on drv wnnth er 1.1 Ihn northwest nnd nfter mlddny decline, under rcaii.-riu luiiiuiaiioii rose again in the nft rrunon nn hltrhet tnlt. 1 .lver.tr., .1 ...1, iu better cash demand west, local covering mm niniiiK urn iiiwphi inarKeis; closed llrm nt lso net advani'o; July, S6iiSSHe, closeii nt 8So: Septnmbifr. S5sf'S7 7-16c. closed at S7-V: Oecember. 86tHTSSe, closed at S7c. COHN-Hecelpts, 2:1.1,150 bu.; exports, 96, JS'J bu.: wnot llrm: No. U. 49ip f. o. h. ninni nin4 4So f. o, b elevator, Options opened hte.idy with wheat. Hold on under oasv en. tiles. MfiSht clearances nnd favorable weamer anil rpcovereq on a uripnna from Hhorts and weakened on 11 demand from sliorls; closed 'o net advance; July. WMt 4R, closed at 4Sc; September, 4SytSlic, closrd at 48!uc. OATS-Hecclpts. 72.900 bu.: cxportn, 63.SU bu.; spot, steady; ro. ., ..".je; no. j, sic, Mn. while. 32c: No. 3 white. SIW.o: track mixed western, 29Vj1i31c; track white, Illfj rnoVISIONS-IJccf, firm; family, $10,000 PIOICONS Live, per doz., 90cQ$1.00, VUALS Choice, araloc. , , II AY Per cnrlnnd lots: Uplnnd. choice, $7.50; midland, cl.0.1 $.f1; lov.innd, choice, $5.50; rye straw, choice. $0; No. 3 corn, 3.c; No. 3 white oats, 2114c; cractted corn, per ton $11.50, corn nnd oats, chopped, per ton, $15; bran, per ton, $12.00ffl2.50; shorts, per ton. $12.60. VEC.ICTABLES. CUCUMHRIIS Per doz.. 50c. ASPAHAC.US-llomo grown, per doz., 20 Q2oc. NEW TUUNIPS-Per. doz. bunches, 25 SPINACII-Pcr box, 40ft50c. NKW IU5UTS Per doz. bunches, 25c. NKW CAIIHOTTS-Per doz. bunches, 25c. LKTTUCK Per dozen bunches, 20c. ItADISIinS Home grown, per doz., 15 20c. PKAS-Per '4-bu. basket. 60c. WAX niCANS Per 1-3 bu. box, 40c. POTATOES Per bu.. choice, 25fJ40c. NEW POTATOES Per bu.. 60c. CAHHAC.E Home grown, per lb 114c. CACLIFLOWEIt-Per doz.. $1. TOMATOES Mississippi, per four-basket crate, 75OM)p. Ml'SIUtOOMS-Per pound box, 50c. IIIU'HAHH-Per pound. l!4i?2c ONIONS-Callfornla. per sack, $2. FRUITS. STHAAVnERUIES - Colorado shipping stock, per 21-qt. case, $2.75ir3.00. IlLACKUEltHlES-Per 24-qt. case, $2.00& 2.25. HLACIC RASPUEUHIES-Per 24-qt. case, $2.75: per 21-pt. case, $1.5u. RED RASPBERRIES Per 21-pt. case, $' 75 "BLUEBERRIES 16-qt. enses,' $225. Cl'RRANTS Per 21-Qt. case. .0O. PEACHES Cnllfornla, per box, $1.10. APRICOTS-Callfornln. per box, $1.35. I'Ll'MS California, per crnie, i..oj.uv. T.ni'NV."Sn.illfornla. ner crate. $1.504fl.u. OOOSEBERRIES-Per 24-qt. ense. $2. CHERRIES-Cnllfomla, per 10-lb. box, $1.10; Missouri, per 24-qt. case. $2.-5. TROPICAL FRUITB. PINEAPPLES-Per doz., $2.00. on a vnw.B r'nilfnmlii. Mediterranean sweets, per box. $1.00; budded seedlings, $3. LEMONS-Callfornla, fancy, $1.50g4..5; choice, $1.23. ... , ., ORAPE FRCIT cailtornia, per nuj, i. BANANAS Per bunch, according to size, HIDES. HlDES-No. 1 green hides, 61c; No.J green hides, 5U,c; No. 1 salted hides. 714c, No. 2 salted hides. 614c; No. 1 veal calf, f i to 12 lbs., 9c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., Sc. MISCELLANEOUS. XTTTTC IXlnlznW lfiriTP. TlCl' bU.. Jl.-a .,i,iiK.riro ti :!-.:" Knirllsh walnuts, per lb. 12m:ie; llltierts, per id., nv, iiiuiu..u., i-. lb.. tlfllCc; raw, por lb., oV4'a6e; roasted, 614Q714C. St. I.uiiIh irnln mut I'rnvUlom. ST. LOtMS, June 29. WHEAT Higher; No. 2 red. cash, elevntor. c; irara, b.u S3i,4c; July. S2e; August. 821ic; aeptemoer, S2ie: No. 2 hurd, 77(&7?,4c. CUIIN Jiigner. .'u. - T") 43c; July, 4nc; September, 43.,c. n.iTa a Vn ' cash. 25e: track. 5V.c: July. 241ic; September, 23Tc; No. 2 white. 2Sc. RYE-Steauy; i.w. l'MtOUR Dull and unchanged. m.'i.Mm'riiTintiiv sped. Drlmo new to nr- rlve. August. $3.0o'bld; spot, nominal nt $2.25 4(2.73 Flax, no market. BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, 68CT1OC. HAY-Tlmothv. strong at $10.00''tfll.00; prairie, easy at $6,505(7.00. WlllHlvi nieauy 111 IRON COTTON TIES-$1.30. HAaC,INC,-7'iflSc. HEMP TWINE 9c , PROVISIONS Pork, steady; Jobbing, $13.00. Lard, lower; prime steam, Jb.io; choice, $0.75. Dry salt meats, boxed, easier; extra shorts, $7.371; clenr ribs, $7.60; clear sides. $7.73. Bacon, boxed, easier; extra shorts, $i.871i; clenr riDS, js.w; cienr siues, $8,121. METALS Lead, llrm; $4.25. Spelter, firm; $4.20. POULTRY Weak; chickens, 714c; springs, 9'U0e; turkeys, 4c; ducks, 5c; springs, 8c; geese, 3vS springs, "c. Ki.iitt i.ower; uc. MUTTER Steady; creamery, WSMKc; dalrv, UQKc. RECEIPTS Flour. 5.0C0 bbls. : wheat. S3.- 000 bu.; corn. 91,000 bu.; oats. 26,0fl bu. SHIPMENTS Flour, y,ww nnis. ; wneai, 22,000 bu.; corn, S3,t00 bu.; oats, 15,000 bu. .MOVHMH.NT.S OF STOCKS AMI UOM1S. .Mnrket Starts Off with (Srent Show ot Strength, but WeiiUpns. NEW YORK, Juno 29.-U took about fifteen minutes of trading nfter tho open ing of the. Stock exchnnge this morning to demonstrate tho disinclination of stocks to continue tho advance which aroused the hopes of tho bulls yesterday. Tho market started oft with a great show ot anima tion nnd 11 semblance of strength. Prices of Americans were up In London, but whether this symptom wns the result of operations by cable from this side Is open to Inference. At all events tho advance In prices seemed to bo designed for the benellt of the shorts, who were anxious to cover nfter yesterday's rise. The demand from this element wns so liberally fed that It made slight Impression on prices and after It became satlslled the market became notably soft. The movement was after ward Irregularly downward on a very small volume of business. A great many brokers left the street and the market fell Into n condition of lassitude that is so character istic of tho season thut It Is midsummer dullness, even when it occura in other sea sons. Tho languid movement of prices dur ing the latter part of the duy was largely governed by the fluctuations In the wheat market stocks, hardening slichilv with the mlddliy reaction in wheat nnd snsirlns ngaln when the price of wheat rallied. Sugar and some of the preferred steel stocks gave evidence of strength. Other wise there were no striking features in tho market and the closing showed very small net changes and Irregular nnd uncertain fluctuations. The money market continued surpris ingly quiet up to the close, considering that It is practically the last day to complete preparations for the seml-nununl disburse ments of dividends and Interest, which are the largest In tno history of the country. Call money wns slightly harder at the opening, but tho rate was not free from the suspicion of manipulation in the Inter est of reaction In tho stock market. It Is expected Hint the banks will show 11 small net loss In cash In tomorrow's statement, the estimated receipts from tho Interior not being sutllclent to offset the loss on sub treasury operations, but as last week's un usually large decreases in reserves are sup posed to have anticipated the requirements for Monday's navment Into Mm siilitrensiirv of the called government deposits It Is pos sible Hint this week's olliclnl figures of sub- ireasury operations may over-state the nc tunl demand made upon tho banks. There has been no evidence either that the sur plus has been oncioached upon by expnnd ing loans. Tho sulo of withheld sterling inns uuruig mo wcck nas Decn accom panied by liquidation of loans, which were secured by tho sterling bills as collateral. Unless the demnnd for the seml-annunl settlements has offset this loan contraction a decrease In the loan item is therefore probable. Bonds were In better request than stocks nnd prices nre higher. Total sales, par value. $1,365,000. United States refunding 2s, when Issued, ndvunced !' and the old 4s li In the hid price. . commoro,nI Advertiser's Iondou jiiuiiiuim cauiegram is as follows: The mar kets here aro llrm. London bought Amer! cans, but New York !I.I thuslastlcally and tho rise was stnnneil. Paris Ij "tipping" tlntos for nn advance of several points on the largo short account to t settlement. The bank lost J.M00.0OO gold to the Cape nnd received ffoni Egypt half as much. Loans to end nun me nan year were maclo at 3 per cent and the bank, which did a lnr-m I nan lutul. luss yesterday, was ne-nln nmii... . n,i,. 1., that department, the prevailing rate being ...... .t nan. nili.nv tnll .. . ... .. " closuro that the government has not been In the market, ns wnu uinmni,.i ei... bleaching concerns are to be amalgamated with a capital of .C6.000.000. The prospec us Is to be out In July. 1 l.ollovliiir are the closing prices on the jiiiji oiul'iv I'Acnange: P. St. 2s, rf 102 st K. & T. 2a... ilo coupon wv, dn 4i no zr. reg 100 do Ds 109 N. do coupon 103 do now 4s, itk 131 do coupon 131 do old if, reg... UIU do coupon H'.'i do r, reg Ill do coupejn 113 D. of V. 3 63s 153 Atcli. gen. 4s 10M'( do ndj, 4s s.li, Ctinmla So. !n 106" Chen. & O. 4141.... 9SS do In 1K.I C. & S. ". e. 7s. 140 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Datirtble Crnfed Cattle Sell at Jmt About Ycstirdaj'i Fricit, HOGS SELL D:CIDEDLY LOWER AGAIN Sudden t ps nnd Iliiwn In lion Mnrket .Make It Very Dlfltcnlt for Seller to Opprntp Satlsfnctorll) Sheep tliiclinnnpil. Receipts were 4: v; c."is.:::::::. i?fi jWiV u ..s SOUTH OMAHA, June 29. MMtKKUS AND 8PRINOKRS. ltrwi'3ti him l.p'pii'n lone limn since the I..,.. ... ,L . n llila nnlnl ItllS bepll III IIH Ull- satlsfsclnry rondltloti as It was yps erday nnd todny. In fact the, tnnrkpt yesterday was so little lo the liking of sellers that no one expected anything of 11 run today, so that tho big receipts were 11 good deal of a surprise. Counting the holdovers there wero close to 200 .urs on sale this morning. The market opened 10?15e lower than the best time yesterday morning. 10c lower limn yesterday's average market nnd uc lower thnn yesterday's extreme closing. Tho early sales wpre on the basis of $.i.(M for most anything. They would pay thnt price for loads that were not very good and It was hard work to get them to rahe it even for tho bpst. A few loads brought ft.02's but It wns no ensy mnlter to get 11 buyer to pay that price. As might be ex pected under the circumstances, the mar ket was very slow and It was 11 drag from stnrt to finish. After a half or two-thirds of the hogs hnd changed minus nuyers i-nfilo ItnirM KhPAii 01 lnp nogs nan I'liaugeu 11111ms uujun t-'t'C. Hog?. onJVi . uepmp.1 , -, ln n. rniielllslnll that they ... - '.fr" ''Hi Viiwl ..... I.iltnn tIV n.in.ml. nl.il Illt.V lillvnrpd 4.111 12. isi x.i'.ki "v. '""""" """r." " "Mo H. V. dfb. lis. i:o lilcugo Ter. 4s Vt Colo. So. 4k 8IHJ1 !. It. (1. lv.,,103 do 4s Ml1 II. T. V. & O. ls.IOJ'.i P.rlp gpn. 4s "I p. v. Si r. c. :ov (len. lilectrlc 6s ...117U la. Central Is 112 K. C. P. & O. Is. L. & N. unl. 4.....100'kl When Issued. IlldT Offered. Ore. Nov. Is 10S do 4s I0P4 Oregon S. L. s 12i' Mo con. 5s 113'j Heading Rfn. 4s.... Slj It. (1. W. ln 9!U St It Sz I M c. 6s.. 109?. rf I. & H V K C.123 St. Paul con 170 S. I. C. & P. 1H..U9H Mo 3s 12014 So. Pnelt'o 4 Sl So. Hallway 6s 110'i Stnnd. It. & T. 61. 70 Texas Sc Pacific ls.lllli Mo Is 18 t'nlon Paclflo 4i 10 Wahanh Is 1!S" do 2s ... Wejt Shore 4 11!'(j Wis. Centrnl 4s.... Ri Vn. Centuries .... 91 Trust Five days this week. Same days last week same weeK before 16,670 53,112 14.2S3 42.624 1 H lilt 4'.r,'.HI Same three weeks ago.,12,4S6 44,280 ".161 ' 'nM,inD.BJi.X Same four weeks ago. ..18,730 65,2Hl 11.SA3 I " Average price paid ror ;5c: tor tno last Eovcral days, with comparison: pw York Mlnliinr Stocks. NI3W YORK. June 29. Tho following nre the eloalng quotutlons for mining shares todur: G.V) Chollar 15 Crown Point 7 Con Cat. St Vh....14". Iwnilwood 41) (loulil & Currle. ... 21 Hale & N'orcross... 21 llnmestake Mi lion Silver " Mexican 17 Atchison 2" do pfU 711, Ilaltlmore & Ohio.. 71 Canadian Par-Inn .. w Canada Southern Oies, & Ohio PhlcnKo Ot. W,... I., It. & Q Chicago, I. & I,.. do pfd Clilpaco ft U, 1 LTil-aBO & jf. W...P.7 C, H. I. & I' lop C. C. C. & St. I..... 1C Colo Southern .... do 1st pfd,.., do 2d pfd.... Del. Hudson.... Del. L. & AY Denver & It. a... do pfd Krlo do 1st pfd.... 1"'!' ISI' 41 9 . 0 . 40 . 10 .110', .175 . 17 . 10T, . 33' Ot. Nor. pfd 141'J Liverpool (iruln unit Pror ImIoiis, LIVKRPOOL. Juno 29. WIIKAT-Spot. dull; No. 1 northern, spring. 6s 414d; No. 1 California, (is Cdjit'n 7d. Futures llrm; June. Cs 3td: Hentember. us slid: December. nominal. CORN Spot, steady; American mixed, new, 4s 'id; American mixed, old, llrm nt is in f utures, sieaciy; juiy, is a; aep tembur. Is 2V1. ULOUR St. Louis fancy winter, dull Ht Ss 3d. PROVISIONS I lams, short cut, firm nt 50. tld. Bacon. Cumberland cut, llrm nt 40s 2d; Hhnrt rllis, is to 22 111s., steady at 42s Cd; long (dear middles, light, llrm at 43s; clear middles, heavy, llrm nt 42s 6d; snort clear ducks, urm ai uis iu. l.aru, prime western, In tlereeti, dull nt 3Gs; American refined. In 2S-lb. pnekuges, 3iis r.d. Imports ot wheat Into Liverpool for tho last three days wero 37S.00O centals, Includ- inir hs.uuo American. ImportH of American corn Into Liverpool for 111" last three days were 119,000 centals. Kansas city (irnln nnd I'rovlslou. KANSAS CITY. Juno 29.WHKAT-July, 72'S72Hp; September. 74Vs4l74!kc; cash, No. 2 hard. 72c; No. 3, 70-371Hc; No. 2 red, 77 "Sc; No, 3. 73517'ic CORN July. S'3c; September, 40Tic; cash, No. 2 mixed, 40e; No. 2 white. 41c; No. 3, 40c. OATS-No. 2 white, 2tji4fi27e. RYK-No. 2. 5Sc. HAY-Cholce timothy, J10.OfHJ10.50; choice prairie. $7.fHW7.50. BUTTHR-Creumery, 161118c; fancy, dairy, He Hons Market continues Inactive; fresh Missouri and Kansas stock lats, Sc, loss off, cases returned. RKCKIPTS-Whent, 06,600 bu.; corn, 20.100 bn.; oats. 12.0A) bu. SIUPMKNTS-Wheat, 21,600 bu.; com, 25, 00 bu. Union Paclflo ... do pfd Wabash do prd W. i L. K do 2d pfd.., Wl. Cenf.nl Third Avenue ... Ailam Kxpres9 , American Kx P. S. Kx Wells-Purgo Kx Aimer. Cot. Oil.. do nfri Amer. .Malting do pfj Amer. . & it.. do pfd Amer, Spirits .. do pM Amer. S, II do pM Amer. S. & do pfd Amer. Tin Plate... 11 no iifii ti ,11'iu timer. Tobacco .... fVi n no prd i!q Anuconua ji. Co... Wl mi., jum. tp Colo. P. ,fc i Con. Tobacco ... do pf.l Federal Steel ... do nfil (leneral Klectrlc Olucow Sugnr .. uo pfd Int'n'l 1-aper ... do pfd Ladedo Oas .... National lllscult do pfd Nntlonnl Itead .. do pfd National Steel ... do nf. 13 ...10 ... Jli ... S( . 11 ' . n ...111) ...IP. ...ISO ... 4- ...12D ... .12 ... M ... 3 ... IS ... 3.VH ... vi; ... P4 ... 1 ... Wi .... nr. ... 31' 71 . 43 . II . 2fi . S3 .2041 . ".Vi .147'i . 12 . 41'3 . 4t . 31 . 10 . 31 .121 31 7fi !10l 70H v:; 42 7C 4 3P 76i 31 133; 127 S3 Ontario Ophlr Plymouth Quicksilver ... do pfd Sierra N'evnda Standard Union Con .... Yellow Jacket June 1 June 2 Juno 3 Juno 4 June 6 June 6 June 7.... Juno 8..,. June 9.... June 10... June 11... V,,.. in iJuno 13.'.; June 14... Juno 15... Juno 1G... June 17... June 18... Juno 19... June 20... June 21... June 22... June 23... June 24... June 25... Juno 26... Juno 27... Juno 2S... Juno 29... 1900.1899.1898.18ffi.l96.18.lW. 4 301 4 61 . .k ' sptl on the nncnlnr the mnrket Is sure to 1K15I dose higher, and If you refuse first bids X..... nnd bold 011 ihr mnrket Is sure to close """ . 1 .. .!,,. i, 1. 1.. i,.. e ....in, m. .iiitL ...ill ...rvf n t'lH (i....i. u . worst pr it wlilcticver man you follow." Represeutnttve sales: No. av Sh. Pr. No. A v. Sh. Pr. M 23 IM 4 !. 37 2S5 120 5 01 4 i8 4 83 I 4 J3 4 91 4 94 .1 4 93 5 02 5 01 j 5 001 4 92 4 SG receipts . .. 17 .... 10 ....130 ....7") 3 D0 3 &X 3 59 .. 58 3 65 3 67! 3 SO 3 61 4 f3 3 671 3 64 4 211 3 401 2 tt6j 4 12 3 32 2 83 4 Ot 3 36 2 ts6 ..3.-0 .. 17 .. 12 London Stock (liintntlmis. LONDON, June 29.-1 p. m.-ClosIng; Consols, money ....WW Krle do account lOflft " IBt P'" Atchljon Pennsylvania Cnnmllnn Pnclllo ..01 Heading St. Paul Ill No. Pacific pfd Illinois Central ...111 lurnnil TrunK Itonisvllle "Vt Anaconda Pnlon Pnellle pfd... TI Hand .Mines N. Y. Contrnl 132 I ill", 65 73U i S'i 40 HAR SI LVKH Quiet at 2SUd per ounce. XIONHY 1IC2 per cent. Ti... min nf iiiseniint in the onen market for short bills is WMZK per cent; for three months' bills, 2',45ja4 per cent. Hunk ClenrliiKs. CHICAOO. June 29.-Clearlngs. $22,024,513; balnnccs, $2,072,153; New York exchange, 25c premium: sterling exchange, $4.8lHfH.S7U.. ST. LOCIS, June 23. Clearings. $1,354,642; balances, $2S0,S93: money, 4ft7 per cent; New York exchange, rinr bid. 10c premium asked. HALTIMORK, June 29. Clearings, $3,196, 019: balances. $i31.022. PHILADELPHIA, June 29,-Ulearings, $15,211,693; balances. $1,612,272. HOSTON. June 9. Clearings, $29,076,100; balances. $1,517,637. NRW YORK. June 29. Clearings, $114,261, C09; balances, $13,156,271. 4 S3 3 6G 4 89. 3 04 4 95 3 02 I 3 63 6 03 5 061 3 64 4 91 3 71 4 93, 3 69 5 00 3 65 5 131 3 63 I ' I 3 62 I 5 10 3 63 3 61 3 66 3 6S 5 01 5 03 5 11 4 99; 4 10 4 01 3 88 3 S 3 92 3 'M 3 6I 3 3 79 3 32 2 87 3 31 I 2 93 I 3 01 3 30l 1 3 31, 3 OS 3 2? 3 04 3 27 2 93i 3 27 Z 911 1.9. 100.. 4 4) 4 34 4 33 4 41 4 35, 4 41 210 V) 4 M . .210 200 I 95 .207 120 4 95 4 29, 4 34 4 3! 4 44 3 31, 3 00 4 36 4 M 4 33 4 41 3 03 3 29 3 77 3 32! 2 'A 3 901 3 '.2 3 01 3 S3! 2 181 3 08 3 801 3 21 3 10 I 3 lol 3 02 3 80 I 2 95 3 81 3 1 3 21 1 3 02, 3 .1 s UJ 3 26 3 3 15i 3 72 3 72! 3 6S 3 69 3 62 3 61 3 60! 4 44 4 46 4 48 4 45 4 37 t 10 3 1; 3 24 4 55 4 50 4 63 4 M 4 51 4 66 4 74 4 70 4 5? 4 69 4 63 4 70 11 218 80 4 93 t.6 243 ... I '.1.1 36 236 80 5 95 6l 267 SO 4 fC, ti 223 ... 4 97IJ 70 21.3 120 4 1714 83 Oi ... 4 97W 68 22 400 4 97i 20 271 . 4 97V, 77.., 70. . . 7... to... 63. .,193 20.3 i M7 .310 8) 4 P7, ... 4 7li ... 4 97'i M 4 97'i 4 97ij ..206 Il 4 97i ,14 l-in 1 Il,li Vl 190 160 4 97li I in 91 200 12i) 4 97'4 4 77 I 82 3 00 4 10 2 97 4 46 2 97 I 52 2 951 I 57 4 3 4 80 2 9l 4 60 4 70 M. 80. 65. .256 261 .220 4 !l7t, SO 4 97'4 , , 1,-1 , - VI 227 160 4 97U '62 231 ... 1 97 ? I I C.I -.Q Crt t t.-.'J i 73 I 04 2.3S 80 I 97!a 57 Indicates Sunday. The ofllclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each rond was: Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H'r's. C., M. & St. P. Ry Mo. Pacific Ry It 6 Union Pac. System.. 35 3.1 .. 10 C. & N. W. fly 1 1'., K. & M. V. R. It. 62 67 3 S. & I'. Ry C, St. P.. M. & O. Ry. H. & M. R. R. It,... C, H. & Q. Ry C, R. 1. & P.. east... C, R. I. & P., west.. 11 It 3 3 169 Totnl receipts ...,141 169 3 10 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of hend Indicated: Uuyers. Cnttle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 288 1,596 . II. Hammond Co 26.9 791 .... Swift and Company 879 1,071 v'uiialiy PacKlng Co 39.. 2,913 Armour & Co Cuduhy P. Co., K. C. swiii, rrom country R. Hecker & Desan.. Hill & Huntzlnger .. L. V. Husz Cudnhy Rros. & Co.. Other buyers 879 395 313 137 186 4 103 445 0 211 40 4 97','. 2 240 40 5 0o 6 239 1C0 S 00 7S 21(1 240 r, 0) 3 2wi ... 5 no 49 21 120 .-,00 73 193 ... 5 00 74 212 40 6 00 '9 227 SO SCO 70 213 200 S r.0 J8 20 ... 5 00 54 ) ... 5 00 '4 Z.a 80 5 00 s" 236 120 5 no C" 2CO ... .'.on I W 2-lS 160 5 00 7 235 80 5 00 I C4 248 ... 5 00 1 73 215 120 fi on 7" M 5 CO 61 272 80 5 0(1 68 246 ISO 5 00 - 265 SO 5 00 67 243 160 5 00 3 230 ... fi r 30 046 ... 5 00 ..226 M 5 00 ..232 ..224 ..270 ..232 61 215 ... 5 W SO 219 10 5 00 44 213 ... f. CO SI 21(1 ... f. 00 70 244 40 5 00 2JS ... 5 00 61 244 240 5 0 70 E!0 SO 5 00 69 241 40 5 00 4i 3( PM 5 M 1.7 221 160 f. 00 CS 222 160 5 00 210 12.) 5 00 75 228 SO 5 10 6.1 3( 160 5 00 M 2S5 40 5 O) 73 225 40 5 01) 72 235 240 5 iM 76 214 120 fi 00 77 227 160 5 00 M 255 120 5 oe 60 219 200 6 M 73 20S 210 '. e,. ?2 193 IM 5 10 74 272 100 3 no 91 209 20) 5 '! 227 SO 5 CO 257 80 5 0) SO 211 SO 5 no 73 241 100 5 01 63 jyo 210 F. 00 50 210 ... 5 00 73 217 160 5 IX) (fi 535 100 6 l 68 273 ... 5 00 57 21 160 6 00 73 22S SO 6 00 CO 248 10 6 00 61 237 ... 5 00 60 240 80 6 00 79 211 80 5 W 68 211 80 6 no 03 233 ... 6 00 66. . 79.. 61.. 90. . 6: ....233 120 6 (!) ....216 Ml 5 Oil .210 210 6 00 ...206 6 O) .269 160 6 () 47 296 160 6 00 4.15 i ' 250 S2-- o. . . 74.. 63.. 1,074 65... 61 71 2S SO 13 9". 24'3 84 N. Y. Air llrnke...12l Hooking C0.1l Hocking Valley .. Illinois Central .. Iowa Central .... do pfd K. C. P. & (5.. It. K. Sz v do pfd Itake Shore ltniils. & NnBh.... Manhattan L .... Met. St. Ity Mex. Central .... Minn. & St. L. . do pfd Mo. Pacific Mobile & Ohio.... M.. K. & T do pfd N. J, Central N. Y. Central.... Nor. A- West do pfj No. Pacific do pfd Ontario ,t W Ore. II. & N do pfd Pennsylvania Reading do lt pfd.... do 2d pfd.... it. a. Y do pfd St. U & 8. F do 1st pfd.... do 2d pfd..., fit. L. S. V do pfd St. Paul do pfd St. P. A- Omaha. So. Paclllo So. Hallway do pfd Texan tc Pacific Kx-tilvldend. Offered. "'AtlK't said. Ronton Slocks mill IIihiiIn. ROSTON, Juno 29. Call loans, 2'Afi.W per eent. Mttia Itvintt !U4J lint. ..nn. t. t ...... . closlns: No. Amerleun Pnclllo Coast .. do Ut pfd. do 2d nfd. Pltllndelpliln Produce Miirkrt, PHILADKLPIIIA. June 29.-BU'n'F-R-Flrm; fancy western creamery, 20c; fancy western prints, 21c l'MOS Dull and weak; fresh nearby nnd western. 13'e; fresh southern. 12ifl3e, CHKi:Si:-Dull and lower: New York full cream, fancy, hiuuII. 9VjJ9s4'; New York full cream, good to choice, 9tj9Uc, Diilulh AVhenl Market. Dl'LrTII. June 29.-WHKAT-.No, 1 hard, cash, 864c, July, Mic; Seplember, 87Vi December, SSc; No. 1 northern, cash, 84ic; 14 101 .'.Pi SilJ, 62 , f: . im . 12"Ti Paclllo Mall .. 1C People's (las .. 5SH Preswij S C. 2"i do pfd.... .. ..!': Pullman P. C. .. 87 Standard II. & T . . 3 14 Sujrar .. 66 1 3 do pfd .. 2l'i Ten 11. C. r.... .. 9 u. H. Leather.... ..24 do pfd ..110 P. s. Rubber.... ..171 do pfd ..110 Weitern Pnlon . .. Republic I. & S..., 101'j JO'i do pfd f,;ij i-. V . K .-II. Jt. .. VI Ciiiiilllloi' of till Treasury. VASHlNOTON. June 29. Today's state ment of the treasurv balances In the gen- ctal fund, exclusive, ot the $150,000,000 re serve in the division ot reuemption. snows that the avuilable casn Daiance is 1152,124,- 200; gold, $70,771,843. Cotton Miirkrt. NKW YORK, June 29.-COTTON-From nn uneventful opening the market for cot ton futures developed u surprising amount of activity and a remarkable degree of In herent strength, with the feature of the day an advance to 10c by the July option. The weekly statement of statistics from Liver pool was hardly ,us bulllt'h as expected, while the public- and private advices at hand before our lip'enlng failed to note nny serious change, In the situation abroad. The start here was tolerably steady, with prices 3 points higher to a point lower. Refore 10:30 a. m. foreign representatives stepped to the front as buyers of the near months, which wero offered with extreme reluctance by local holders. The south Joined In the buying movement, which grew to a tre mendous proportion as the forenoon pro gressed. Strong late cables, unfavorable crop news and reported further rains In Alabama, Tennessee and Georgia, together with rumors of a pronounced advance ln spot cotton on urgent export demand added to the llrm undertone of the market. Then came a setback under local realizing, which started soon after the Until Kngllsh cables were in hand. During the early afternoon the market seemed in a position to go lower as foreign orders appeared to bo pretty thoroughly executed, while tho weather predictions wero exceptionally favorable to the growing crop, Rut nt the opening of the last hour bull speculation nulckeucd and prices assumed nn upward course, with the summer months fur In the lead. Tho sole thought In the minds of room traders seemed to bo that 10c for August was as sured and on this feeling large blocks of that delivery were purchased on this dis play nf confidence. Tho market closed very steady, with prices 10fi39 points up on near months and lf3 points tip on far month". NKW YORK, Juno 29.-COTTON-Futures closed steady; June, nominal; July, $9.9S; August. $9.51; September, $S.9S; October, $S58; November, $8.42; December, $8.3S; Jan uary, $S.3S; February, $8.39; March. $8.41; April, $8.43; May, $S.47. Spot closed steady, Uo advance: middling uplands, 10c; mid dling gulf. 10i,4c; sales, 3,618 bales. ST. LOl'IS, Juno 29.-COTTON-3-16C higher: sales. 400 bales: mlddllmr. 9'4e: re ceipts. 22 bales; shipments. 585 bales; stock. 33.J6I bales. NKW ORLKANS, June 29. COTTON Firm: rtuotntlons revised: sales. 4.650 bales: ordinary. S'ic; good ordinary, $o; low mid dling, 9kc; middling, uis-n.c: good mid dling, 10140; middling rnir, loc; receipts, 1,298 bales; stock. (16,443 bales. Futures steady: June, nominal; July, $10.50; August, $9.93: September. 8.975i8.9S; October. $8.39' S.40; November, $S.234iS.25; December, $8.22'rt S.23: January, S8.22fi8.23; February, $S.24if 8.26; March, $S.275?S,29. Suenr Mnrket, NKW ORLKANS, Juno 29.-SUOAR-Strong: centrifugal, yellow, 4'ilJ5Uc; sec onds, 3ff4c. Totals 3,045 11.9S6 CATTLK For a Friday there was a good liberal run of cattle, but the demand was good, as has been the case all the week, and the market as 11 whole In very satis factory condition. Ruyers did not seem to want to appear too nnxlnui for the cattle this morning, and they tried to act a little Indifferent nt llrst. It was apparent, how ever, that they wanted the cattle, and the trade, when once under way, resolved Itself Into a good, steady market. It was not particularly nctlve, but the cattle kept changing hands, nnd In reasonable season about everything was disposed of. Tho common kinds nnd grassy cattle were neg lected, ns is the ense most every day, nnd there were some who thought the market wns weak on everything that was not good. Cows nnd heifers were In good demand and the mnrket steady, with no noticeable change of any kind on the dry lot stuff. Common nnd grassy cows keep working lower nnd are gradually getting down. Nothing of any Importance wus doing in either stock cattle or feeders for the double renson that there were very few here nnd very few wanted. Representative sales: I3KKF STEKRS. ' 64. 6S3 ' S4. ...179 ..113 ..inn .. 63 .. S .. 66 .. 24 .. !2 79 lit .213 .137 .12311 . SS 11JV-V A.. T. & 8. F 23 do. pfd 71 Amer. Suenr 1'3'i do pfd Ilojton & Albany Boston Rlevated . C. II. & Q Pom. Coal do pfd Federal Steel .... do pfd I'TtPhlmrg pfd ... (lea. Klectrln .. . IM. Klfc. Ill Mex, Central .... N II. O, & C Old Colony Old Dominion .... Rubber Union Pal no .. ' Kx-divldend. Went Rnd ! Atchison (i 1914 N. V. O. & C. U.. 6.1 Adventuie .1 Allouez M. Co 1", Amnl. Copper SI'-j Atlantic 23 Honton & Mnntt....:sPi Ililtte Sr Iloston 63 3P,jOal. Sc HeeU 72J ill Centennial 16 ..ut"j 1'iaiii.iiii i.-', ..l!(iii ineeola 59"j ..205 Parrot S1 .. 1214 (julncy 133 .. 13 Santa I'e Copper.... I'4 ..203 Tamarack 176 .. 17U Ptah Mining 2I'4 . 241s Winona 2lj ., 50 Wolverines 36 No. Av. Pr No. Av. Pr. 1 610 3 50 16 104 S 5 00 1 740 3 50 29 1000 5 00 1 930 3 73 21 1130 5 00 4 790 4 0ft 4 973 5 00 1 COO 4 10 19 1124 3 00 6 938 4 T. 23 1202 5 00 1 C90 4 25 20 110.) 5 00 2 923 4 35 17 1116 3 00 2 623 4 35 37 1150 5 0 8 930 4 40 21... M. 1115 5 01 1 1690 4 40 18. ...1325 5 10 1 750 4 40 19 1113 3 10 4 965 4 10 19 12(5 5 10 1 870 4 40 2.1 1081 5 10 9 10S7 4 50 2! nr. 3 10 2. 9C0 4 .'.0 41 1219 5 10 I 1180 4 50 2 1100 5 10 5 1070 4 50 1 1260 5 10 3 870 4 60 13 1163 5 10 22 1020 1 S3 K6 1159 5 10 12 1121 4 70 21 1334 5 15 17 10l 4 70 41 1323 5 15 22 104 4 4 7 0 4 4 13J7 6 15 1 870 4 75 2 1325 5 13 II 998 4 7 3 41 12CS 5 15 9 1003 4 85 21 1217 5 15 45 1114 4 85 CO me 5 15 17 1429 4 ft". 47 1229 5 15 27 1133 4 S3 S3 12(2 5 15 39 1027 4 90 20 1272 5 15 21 1107 4 90 13 1099 5 15 19 1217 4 90 21 1293 5 17'i 30 1121 4 90 17 1356 6 20 20 1207 4 90 34 12C1 5 20 20 1235 4 90 22 1323 fi 20 40 1134 4 90 45 1307 5 20 14 1193 4 95 14 1369 f. 20 20 114 1 4 95 1 7 1324 5 30 20 1062 4 93 33 13S0 5 30 28 1183 6 00 69 1(24 5 40 STEKRS TEXAS. 1 1130 4 'A 60 1237 6 10 4 1193 6 03 STKKRS AND HEIFERS. 4 "17 4 00 3 1096 4 6. 4 1010 4 10 3 1064 4 oo H 962 4 20 l'orrlitn FIiiiiihiIiiI. PARIS, June 29. Prices on the bourse to day opened llrm on the homewhnt Improved Chlneso news, but later there were relitiga tion. Prices closed steady, with business inactive, Rio tlntos sharply recovered on (he better tone of rapper In New York. Kaffirs wero llrm. Three per cent rentes, 10of33'4c for tho nccount. Exchange on London, 25f 12,-jO for checks. Spanish 4s closed at 72.15. LONDON, June 29, American securities opened rather tlrnier in response to better overnight prices from Wall street. The market was well maintained throughout, with business very restricted. At the close the ton wan firm. Spanish closed at 'run iiiiAirv jiaiikkt. I NRT Itl'lIU NTS placed on record Friday, June 29, 1900: Wnrrmily Denis. S. R. Anderson and husband to W. T. Denny, sVi lot 10, Roes' Place $ 303 O. W. Shepherd and wife to K. P. Michel, lot 7, block 11, South Omaha (rellle) 13S Annie Durkec nnd husband to . S. Lester, sis lot 2, block 5, Horbnch's 2d add 1.900 K. A. Krwuy nnd wife to Nels Larson, 10 acres 111 oj he 36-16-9 700 J. II. Evans and wlfo to a. a. Harton, lots 13 to 16, block 13, West Knd add. 60,000 Midway Investment company to Frank Vnsuk, lot II, block 3, Persons ,fc 11. 's add 350 Same to same, lot 15, block 3, same.... 350 L. M. Heard to llnunnh Kahu ct al, lot I, block 3. Paddock Place 5,000 John Hlazek and wlfo to K. L. Schnei- tlerwlnd. n 2 feet lot u, diock :i, Aruor Place extension 20 J. L. Kubat and wlfo to Leah Kendls, n II feet ot w 112 feet lot 2, Okla homa add 4C0 J. F. Harrold and wlfo to Tukey & Allen, lot 17, block 10, Clifton Hill (relllo) 2.250 K. L. Schneiderwlnd anil husband to C. A. Homellus, s 65 feet lot 31, Ilurr Oak and other property 1 C. A. Homellus nnd wlfo to Jumea nnd K. L. Sehnelderwlnd, same i A. P. Tukey nnd wife to K II. Hoel, lot 13, block 7, Clifton Hill 1.500 S. J. Hostwlck to .1.. A. Goldsmith, w 40 feet of sVu and w 30 feet of n!4 lot 5, block I'. Lowe's add 600 J. A. Russell nnd husband to Mury Rouse, lot 2, block 8, Hrown Park... 800 M. C. Wear and husband to Andy Nel son, lot 19, block 21, 1st add to Cor- rlgan Placo !W0 tlult Cllllni Deeds, E. R. Dnollttlo to F. J. Morlarty, lot 13, block 17. Hanscom Placo 1 I) U. Fulled States to L. A. Walker, no no 9-14-13 : Sheriff to Riley1 llros., undiv Vj of n 5.) feet of n 153 feet lot 00, Redlck'H 2d add Stj W. T. Dunmore, executor, to F. J. Morlarty, lot 13, IiIock. 17, Huuscom Place. l.M .920 2 00 . 860 2 00 , StO 2 00 . 900 2 no .1220 2 90 . 820 2 00 .1020 2 ?5 .1020 2 23 O 1", 1260 2 25 900 2 25 770 2 40 942 2 40 910 2 50 1010 2 50 107) 2 63 103.3 2 75 1270 2 73 SSrt 2 75 119.) 2 7 5 843 2 73 961 2 "5 1300 2 75 ..1000 3 00 .. 07) 3 00 ..1015 3 0) . . S60 3 00 . . 9S3 3 Oo 2 9.7) 3 20 2 9S5 3 25 1 1170 3 31 2.'.'.'.'.'. 1 2 1 1 r. s 3 1 1 HlllMI 1 1 1 n 5.'.'.'.'.'.' 1 1 1 t i'.','.!'.'. 10 COWS. 3. 14 2... 1... 1... 6... 21... Total amount of transfers. ... $66,760 1. 7... 12.... 1... 1..., 4..., 1..., 1 10.'..'.".'.'.' 980 3 35 1 COWS AND HEIFERS. ,,. 9S2 4 23 7 861 4 30 .. 871 4 25 17 S31 4 40 HEIFERS. ,.. 820 2 73 1 820 3 50 .. 570 2 75 If 750 3 73 ..610 3 50 3 053 4 to ,. 720 3 50 HULLS, 5 1... 1... 1... 1 ....1150 3 35 ....1020 3 41 ....1210 2 50 ....1OS0 3 50 ....1233 5 50 ....1120 3 f.0 ....1130 3 50 . ... 994 3 60 ....1028 3 65 ....1160 3 73 ....1145 3 75 ....1060 3 76 ....1160 3 90 ....1010 3 90 ....10O5 3 90 ....1035 4 01 ....1050 4 00 ....1060 4 00 ....1183 4 00 ....1060 4 (V) ....1020 i 10 ....1410 4 10 ....1220 4 10 ...,1310 4 20 ....1290 4 25 ....1160 4 23 ....110i) 4 25 ....112.1 4 15 ....1240 4 21 ....122S 4 30 ....1210 4 35 1000 4 45 ...1240 ...1340 2 75 ... 960 2 75 ...1340 2 75 ...1410 2 73 ...12S0 3 00 ...1105 3 10 . . . 9S0 3 20 ...1I.S0 3 25 690 3 25 1120 3 25 13S0 3 30 1350 3 SO 1240 3 30 4 1275 3 40 1 ....1530 3 50 ....1440 3 60 ....1140 3 61 ....1510 3 75 1 1480 3 75 1 2290 3 SO 1 1610 3 SO 1 19(0 4 no ..1230 4 00 .1200 4 00 ..1570 4 00 ..1590 4 10 ..1C5S 4 15 ..1M0 4 15 ..350 5 00 121 6 no I... 1... 1... 3... 4... 10... 1 1 1 1 fi 1 1 970 3 40 CALVES. 190 s no i STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS, WV) 2 10 1 7) 3 23 M0 3 I.) 1 1100 3 10 720 3 15 4 437 3 50 STAGS. 930 3 73 2 1335 4 50 STOCK KRS AND FEEDERS. S', 3 SO J( Ml 4 10 496 4 06 11 10i)3 4 65 953 4 lit 3 4 65 STEERS AND STAOB. 1010 4 10 2 1593 4 7( 68... 67... CS... so... S4... 74... 62... fS... 6.1... 60... 67... 57 . . . 53... 56... 70.. 73... 80 6 0 40 5 () . . 5 00 . . . 5(0 . .261 200 5 00 ..235 210 5i) ..218 ... son ..?07 ... 6 00 ..225 to 5 00 ..214 120 5 no . .239 SO 5 00 ..222 ... 5 ft) ..239 ... 5 00 ..250 ISO 5 00 ..237 80 5 00 ..221 SO 5(0 ..206 160 5 (V) ..222 SO 5 00 5 00 40 5 00 40 5 00 80 5 00 SO 6 00 . . .215 160 5 00 ...303 40 5 Oft ...30S ... BOO ...234 SO 5 00 ..220 ... 5 00 79. 58... 87... 71.., 87.. 117. 61.., 66.. 74.. 63.. 49.. 59.. 28.. 65.. 67.. .201 6 00 120 5 Oi) 235 100 6 (0 229 40 5 00 209 2O0 5 00 80 5 () ...271 . . .267 ...240 , 00 80 6 00 .222 150 5 00 .250 ...216 5 00 5 00 slenrlv to shade lower: unfiles, $4 ifmi .VS Tevns nnd westerns, $3.!'"ii 5 2i., tows it ml heifers, $2O0f4.7S; bulls nnd stags. $2 2fp 4.90; yenrllngs nnd calves. $l.Ht5.o. stock ers nnd feeders, $J.lVfj4.iVi, enls. 830M6 75. IKX1H Reielpls, 7,M) head, market big, 10c lower, all grade. JR.Oi'Vdo 22' a. bulk of sales, J5.HM.. 16. SHEEP AND LAMMS- Heeelpts. Cnohoad; market steady; spring lambs, $6.36. ('Hirer Minl.el. NKW YORK. Juno 23. COFFEE Spot, Rio. Hleady, mild, steady The market for coffee futures opened steady at unolmncoit prices and ruled m vler.iteiy inthe, with unimportant variations .nul rather easier undertone In tho nbsetu e or public mipport, but the further advance In exchnnge rate, with itlo and the bacwurd movement of tho new crop, with diminishing American vis ible supply, caused further covering on Eu ropean cables, which were unatlsf.irtor.V nnd tho slack spot demand In the lot a I market; the demand oat-cd off In Hie last hour under llillldatlon and iliMted 4tad, with jirlres ftom 5 to 15 points net lower, total rales, 21.1) bags, Iniludlng' Jo!., $7.3?(7 36. August. $7.r'd7.43: September. $7 I5f(7.60; October, $7.livf7.55; November, $7.60ir7 66; December. $7 SO; March, $7 M( 8.00; May, $8.O((8.03. Ili-.v (InniN Market, NEW YORK. Juno 29 -DRY (7O0DS . Ruslness conditions ln cotton goods with out chnnge of nny account. Huylng of coarse brown cottons limited throughout, but the market U not any easier than be fore. Raw cotton chocks sobers In making further concessions. No business in bleached cottons; outside nf small pur chases, prices Irregular. Coarse colored cottons slow and easy. In prints demnnd Is moderate throughout, (llugbains ipiletty steady. Print cloths Idle mid unchanged. Linens quiet and unennnged In pi Ice. Hue laps unlet, but rather llrmer for Culeuttas. Cllllrnrulll Dried Fruits, NRW YORK. June 29 CALIFORNIA DRIED FIU'ITS-Markot .ontlnuos .(. tlve Thero wns vorv little 'business In the op tion market for evaporated apples todav. The undertone was rather quiet at the old basis; stale, common, 3'tf6c; pilme, f.Vu 6',4c: choice. fVMM'Ajc; fancy, 7l7V-; Cali fornia dried prunes, 3Vi7c per lb., ns lo size and quality; apricots, Royal, n'sttll' . 'Moor Park. lSll'ISc; peaches, peeled. 16'20, , unpcelcd, 6fi9c. Klncut liiulxt r.leel Ottlcer. ST. LOUIS, Juno 29. This was the flnnl session of the ninth annual convention nf the National Association of JCIocullonlns Olllcers wero elected as follows: Preldent, Ilenrv M. Sopher. Chicago, re-elected, lit st vice president. Miss Laura E. AldrMi, Cin cinnati; seeietary, Edward P. Perry. St. Itouls; treasurer. Mrs. Elizabeth Man llcld Irving. Tub do. A board of dlre. tors was also selected, Vertllot fill' lliliiiUKi's I'utereil. CHICAOO, June 29. A verdict fur dam ages amounting to $10.o00 was entered in the appellate court ugalnst the Chlmgo k Northwestern railroad today In favor of Miss Eleanor Weeks of St. Louis, who w.is run over by an express train on that r ad near Rnvennwood ln M.iv. 189S. Mls. Weeks at the time was a student nt the Cuninoi k School of Oratory (it Evonston. Paris Exposition Pictures, Part IV, now ready. 10 cents and a coupon cut from Th Ilee, page 2. Vote early and often. .26.S 120 5 00 .279 ... 5 00 .222 . . 5 00 .266 160 5 00 252 80 6 00 ....236 ....278 ....271 ....230 ....211 OS 247 160 5 02'i 65 218 SO 5 02'a 85 2O0 . 0 02H 64 23S SO 6 02U 61 27 .. 5 02'4 127 271 ... Mij 65 250 ... 5 02'i 64 2(9 40 6 C2i, C5 55 SO 5 nji3 75 259 . . 5 02 66 2SJ! ... 5 02'i 139 2S9 SO 5 02 55 31S SO 5 02'j 53 295 5 02' j, 70 264 fft 6 O.'l-j 57 27 SO .'. 05 79 227 . . E 05 55 292 80 5 V, SHEEP There were two cars of western wethers hero today which sold readily at $4.10, tho same price as was paid yesterday for the same stuff. There was one load of yearllncs which sold nt $4.40 nnd that com prised the entire supply of killers on the market today. With so little stuff here thero Is not much to be enld about the mnrket except that It wns good and steady with a fair demand for decent mutton sheep, There Is no Inquiry, at lenst none to amount to nnythlng, for feeders, and It would not be advisable for shippers to send In anything of that kind at tho present time. CJuotntlons: Western crass wethers, $1.00 (r4.25; choice grass yearlings, $4.65Ji5.00; fed wethers, $l.76ir5.00; fed yearlings. $5.0OfiC.40; fed ewes, good to choice, $4,1514.35; fair to good fed ewes, $3.63'i4.00; good to choice ellnned lambs. $5.75fi6.00: fair to irood clipped lambs, $5.35'f)6.60. Representative sales: No. Wt. Pr 10 Wyoming bucks i: $3 oo 8 ewes 78 3 00 217 Wyoming wethers 112 4 10 2S Wyoming wethers 117 4 10 233 So. Dukota grass yearlings 84 I 10 9 spring lambs to 6 00 I CUKACO LIVE STOCK MAR ICE I'. Cntlle Ccnernlly Sternly Slieeii mill 1 .ii in tin Sternly In Slovr. CHICAGO. Juno 29.-CATTLE-Reeclpts, 3,000 head; steers generally steady; butch ers' stock, choice, steady, others nlow: natives, best on sale today three carloads at 5c higher, prime steers. $-5.2(iiu.80. :ioor to medium, $4.6OiJi3.10; selected feeders, $1.73 14.70: mixed stockers, $2.6O'(f::.70; cowh, $2.85 5(4,35; heifers, $.I.CKMf4.76; canners. $2.002.75. bulls, $2.75G4.50; calves, $l.60-?i.75; Texalis, receipts, 200 head; best on sale today, three carloads nt $5; Texas-fed steers, strong and Inactive at $l.40fl6.20; Texas grass uteers, $3.73i?i4.25; Texas bulls. J2.75fi3.r55. HOGS Receipts today. 21,0m) head; tomor row, 13,000 head; left over, 4,000 head; 10c to 15c lower; modoratejy active; top, $5.27's. mixed and butchers. $5.105'5.27'4: good to choice heavy. $5.20ft5.27'4; rough heavy, $3.05fl3.15: light, $5.0yu5.27Vl..; bulk of sales, $3. 17(5.22 V4. SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts. 5,000 head: steady to slow; good to choice weth ers, $4.00!fj'l.75; fair lo choice mixed, $3.20fi' 4.20: western sheep, $4.00i4,i6; Texas sheep, $3.50J4.40; native lambs. $3.0Ofjii,0O; western Iambs, $5.50ftO.(0; spring lambs. $3.O6.50. Xrw York Live Slock. NKW YORK. June 29.-nKKVKS-F.o-oelpts. 2.775 head: steers, llrm; top grades 10c higher; rough butchers' stuff, steady; steers. $l.6)fi6.70; tops. $5.90; bulls. $3.IOW4.20; cows, $2.33rrj4.25. London and Liverpool ca bles quote Pulled States cuttle higher at 12ftl3c; refrigerator beef, firm at 9c per lb.; shipments, none. CALVES Receipts, 331 head; veals, dull; buttermilks, KljfioV on"; venls, $4.00f(6.25; lops. $6.50; butt.irmllk calves. $2.50'u3.00. SHEKP AND I.AMHS-Reoelrits, 3,715 head; very little Inquiry for sheep; prices weak; lambs, Iflfilftc higher; Hheep, $3.00f( 4.20: lambs, $3.00ftii.60. HOGS Receipts, 1.763 head; none for sale alive; nominally stendy. Iviiusns City Live Slock, KANSAS (MTV, June 29,-CATTLK-Re. celptH, 2,100 natives, 400 Texnns; gnod killers stendy; Inferior grades, slow to 10c lower; native steers, $4.(i(5.40; stockers and feed ers, $4.00K4.75; butcher cows and heifers, $3.00'ul."6; runners. $2.50113.(0; fed westerns, $4.(Wt6.00; Texnns, $1,10(1(1.60. lions Receipts, 12,100 head; slow trade and 10O to 15c lower; heavy, $5.1t(5.25: mixed, $5.W(5.20; light. $5.05i(6.20; pigs, $1.80 6.00. SHEEP AND LAMRS-llecelpts. I.OOO head; choice killing sheep steady, common grades, slow and unevenly lower; lambs. $3.5Mi5.05; muttons. $4,605(1.73: Toxans. $(..3 ff4.20; Angoras, $3.90?I.OO; feeders. $3,25f( 4.00; culls, $2.60-1(3.50 SI. I. mils Live Stork. ' ST. LOUIS, June 29.-CATTLE-Rccelpts, 2,600 head, Including l.COO Texnns; market steady to strong; native shipping and ex port steers. $I.S0f5.6O ; dressed beef and buteherH' steers, $I.C5fiG.I3; steers under 1,000 lbs.. $l.l5f4"5; stockers and feeders, $3.00ftl.S5: cows and heifers, $2.O06.10; can ners, $1.60?i,2.85; bulls. $2.75'3.IO; Texas and Indian steers, $3.IXr5(4.(a; cows unit heifers, $2.50'ij3.93. I IOOS Receipts. 4,800 head; market 10o lower: plgH and lights, $3.15t(0.25; packers, $r..l5f(6.30; butchers, $5.2Ki5.30 SIIKKP-RecclntH. 3.100 head: market steady; native muttons, $3.001(6.0.); cuIIh und bucks, $1,6011.00; stockers. $.l.40fl3.S0. Stock In SIkIiI. Following are the receipts at tho four principal western markets for Juno 29: Cattle. Hons. Sheep. South Omaha a.JfiO 11,618 t.'hlcago 3,000 21,000 5,000 Kaiuas City S.6V1 12.100 4,(K St. Loulb 3.600 1.800 3,100 . T.bV nre much like COATED ELECTRICITY as science can make them. Knelt one produces ns much nerve-building substance ns is con tained in the amount of food n man consumes In a week. This Is why they have cured thousands of cases of nervous diseases, Mich ns Debil ity, Dizziness, Insomnia, Vnrleocelc, t f Tit. ....-I,! 1.1LI..I. - ( J I . --.. .it y . ,i,t(c J Ull IU I lllll. L.C.1I- V lvbvdeveloninir brain matter! force healthy circulation, cure tndlges. tion, nnd Itiipntt bounding vigor to the whole M-stem. AH weakening and ti.ssue-de.trovIng drains nnd losses permanently cured. Delny 1 VI ,nay mean Insanity, Consumption hit and Death. MM Price, ft per box; six boxes (with Ml Iron-clad guarantee to cure or re ffl fund money), $. Hook containing positive nroof. free. Address Peal Medicine Co., Cleveland, O. Sold by Kuhn & Co., 13th nnd Douglaa. and J. A. Fuller Si C. llin und Douglua. When otbr fait consul! DOCTOR SEARLES & SEARLE OMAHA. mim cut; & 0P MEN SPECIALIST Wo guarantee to cure ull cases curable ot WEAK MEN SYPHILIS SEXUALLY. Cured for Life. Night EmlEUlune, Lost Manhood, Hjdiuccle, Verlco;cle, Gonorrhoea, uiect, Syphlll. ! Stricture, Piles. 1'lMuiu and Rectal Ulcura and all Private Illnenaea nml Unorder nt Men Stricture null JIrt Ciirril at lloinr. Consultation Free. Cull on or nddreii Hit. hKAItl.US X SI : A It 1. ICS. 110 Koutu 14tu St. O.UAII. jjgj Totals 11.200 52,118 12,785 St, .!opih l.lse Stock. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. June 29,-(Spe-clal Telegram.) Tim Journal fpiotiu. CATTLE -Receipts, 1,300 hcud; inurkct TO CHICAGO and EAST, LEAVE 7:00 A. M.-4:65 P. M.-7S45 P, M. ST. PAUL and MINNEAPOLIS, LEAVE 6:65 A. M.-7:36 P. M. HOT SPRINGS - DEADWOOD LEAVE 8:00 P. II. City Offices. 1401-03 Farntm. JAKES E BOY! & GO., Telephone 1 (,'(!). Oiunli.t, COMMISSION. GRAIN, PROVISIONS und STOCKS 1IOAUU OI'' TltAUE. Correspondence; John A. Warren & Go uirect wlrev to Chicago and Nw VorX H.RPEMNEY&C0. 800H4tir LIFEELDO. BRANCH KUarUI mama ni.it. iincoin ma. t i