8 TTIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1000. Ikcb of Liquidation and Short 8ellinp 0usc Slnmp in Wheat. SESSION IN CORN QUIET, BUT RATHER FIRM 0nM Cnmpnrcd ultli When! V'ii It iichn Are Mend) , lull l,n I r r I'rm I- liiiix Arc Weill. llcnpHt- UkIiI IIok Itcl'l-lptx. fonsvm-, hipi)inK, wnk: wentorn iiteiimed, 17.20: refined, Weak, continent, J7 X',; 8. A.. JS; com W.l'l: Pork, (drone, familj, ! i-2?: 'hort rl(,,,r- Hl.0Wlfc.26; mos.. ll.l.fKlTjrf. (ft, It.W-Qulet; choice, TotTic. HnPH-stonily; Mate, common to cholcp. to crop. I IfMr, old, Sflfce; Pacific const. 'Hit crop. ii,.nei old, 3iGc. tierce, steady, 3ik Haenn. hort clo.ir , 'l" "i.?.'.- .. . h.tcltx. 3711(1: clear hnllli.n. Hrm. 40m. T.iI. I Amer, ..lllUl7?rHIVn,y! "iilvcMon, 20 in lli!.. i low, prime city, Hrm, . ISc, Ciillfornln, IS to 21 Ih., l'4c; Tcxn, ' ' VVi'-p'tiiMi "!V ll0, , j MoviniHvrs oi. .stocks ami iiumi 1 1 K A T 1 1 K It M rm ; hemlock sole, nticnos AjrcH, ngnt to licavywclghtH, awSltic; nciii, MiKi'axic. !,,,?. Available eah balance, I51JI.7S5; Eoid, ro,3io,av). v Itiintoii lnck Mini Homl Ollfnrnln. fl Jdnfi Sd. future, linn; July. Km Id: Hcptemhar, fir,,d; December, nom inal. CORN Spot American mixed. new. steady, Im ,(!. spot American mixed, old. pmiJ i ;m i ,fM' "rmi JlllJ' ,M,rt; " , l-f".5 tXm 341M ! cent. (Vr I'ltON IHIUNtf-Liilil. AimTlruii rellned In ! L-HZ 8Mb. nails, utuiiilv. 'Aim iirlmn vitrn In A., T. & 1. tv llli'lai lllrenk In Wlirnt Dotu I nn u t Influence -1'lrrn; domestic, fair to extra, I'.i rlltrAOO, .fune : -A rush of liquidation, together with considerable short selllitS. tanned a sharp alump In wh'nl today and trough there was some recovery Inward tho e . I tho close was weak, 3V tinder yeter- ilr.. Torn was llrm, hut under the inllu if e of the wheat weakness closed UVc lo'wr. Oats closed Hfi-V down and pro- Ions 12!i1iC21.tc denref.ed. There are nearly four hours to the regu- sesslonH of the Hoard of Trade and those urn today were nrcupled piln'lpally In ttlng rid of recently acquired wheat. The irket opened lower because Liverpool .h down and the .on, pressure the ! &,u; irkol. tinder a. demand from U. ill street ConiH,r, hoth here and fn Umdnn. wafl red the northwest and omo covering by h'lorts the market regained the Initial dip. but this and a lot more was lost later, local long of the Inlluentlal type star cd l.i to make the weakened demand look like r nine-spot and simply choked up the open I s through which much high-prlrcd stulf 1 i recently disappeared. Outside lone on t n decline Joined the ranks of sellers and tiio market liecamn wo'one sided that It dropped 414c, with only momentary checks. T ho bottom wan renchcd,ncar the end of the reunion and covering by shorts caused a llltle. recovery, but not a sulllclent amount to relieve tho market of the charge of de ( led weakness. 'I'he AliRtist option wan I ie morn active, althnueh July was any 1 ilnc but slow. August openol at SMil' It'io, advanced lei saed to and tiosc'd Site down at M'ir. July opened at I " In MIap. sold between S3"c and 70'i-, oslnc 3j,e depressed at Wk. There were TM'AC. l'KANI'TS-QuIrt! fancv hand-picked, 4 (fll'ie; other domestic, SlSUc. HITTTKK-Receipts, 0.1 10 pUcs.; Btcady, creamery. 17ii20c; factory, H11;''C. l-.flriS Ilecelpts, 13,27a pkijs. ; market dull and heavy; western, loss olT. 13fiH',4r; western. Hi mark, for average lot. lnftl2c. CIIKKSn-Weak: large white and col "red. OliK'JVj small white and colored, S'i TAM.OW Nominal; city, V.ic; l.'ullc. MlC'I AI.S Iron today was even In a worso condition than It ban been. No. I northern was offered at Mr, but found no buyers. I'lttsburg reported free offerings of Hesse mer .il at Jl'.t. but with steel blllcta down to 2." He.semer pig Is not wotth over JI5. Kngllsh in ,rkets for Iron were nil lower and ucak. Tin showed an advance of 1 llis for spot In Ixndnn, with only small transactions. The local market was. llrm if tln Market. NKW YOHK, June 2-S. The stock market showed symptoms during the early hour Pf.l.... Sit mi r . do pfd HHI Telrplimie n.isi-n A AllHjny , iinsinn I, i llnstoti & Me... , C . It. & Q i Dnnilnlnii I'oal .. I do pf.l Federal Hle ,, of the trading today of having fallen back i nufet. closing here at tlG.R0. I'Od was still unsettled at l.22i( I.27H, while speller ruled quiet at $t 201(1.25. Tho brokers' price for lead was Jl.lu and for copper Jlli.25. OMAHA wiioi,i:sAi,i: .MAHKIVr.S. Cnmlltlnn of Trndr mill Qiiotiitlnns on Maple mill Knney Produce. KOOS-Receipts liberal; good stock, nc. MVB POl'LTItY Hens, 7r7'4c; roosters, nrcordlng to age and size, 3ff4e; broilers, IVtfiUc; ducks, -Ifinc; geese, turkeys, PRKStr nnKsann pouijTry nen, fir S'ie: roosters, MtGc; ducka nnd gese, jiff 10c; broilers, Vi to 2 lbs., ptr doz, W.vyffi.W, turkeys, 124c IH'TTI'JR-Cnmmnn to fair, 13c; choice, 151IGr; separator, 20c; gathered creamery, 175llSc. FISH-Trout, nc; blue fish. 12c: nlckerel. rains in North Dakota and Manitoba, but i Re; catfish. 12c: dressed buffalo. 6c: white private advices from these sei linns nnd , tlsh, 10c; herring, Re; black bass, lfic; sal etner parts or tile siriaaen iioriiiwesi urn i mnn, i.ie; wnne nass, ioc: crnppie, lac; piK i nt vnrv much from the rei ent tone. 'I he 1'rlcn Current, which U of Inllileuce with i imi speculators, made the total estimated i ror. winter and spring. .XO.OOO.CWO hu., 2i, W.0CO of It spring, compared with HU t stlclan Snow's estimate of -PiO.Ono Jul. It declared that with the reservu supply the crop would be equal to the demand and that the crop yield would be 5 per cent higher than the avcrago for the last live, years. However, crop considerations generally wer overshadowed by the selling which ap I eared to be the result of a general desire to ret out before the price got any lower. New York reported 18 loads for export and tho cash demand here was s aeK. Clear i.nces at the seaboard In wheat and Hour wero equal to SA1,MM lu. Primary receipts nggregated 4tl,0i bit., compared with 7!2,0OO tin. inst year. .Minneapolis and J xinitli re I ortod :m cars, against 311 last week and 511 a year ago. ilecelpts Here were uu cars of contract grade. Corn was rather quiet, but considering the wheat weakness It was llrm. The ex cellent cash business done dlirlnL' the last lew days was continued today, about SfX, (K fau. belns worked from here. This formed the main sunnort of the market Thero were rood rains In the corn belt and country offerengs were moderate. July sold between 43'ic nnd 42c and closed 'ic down at August soiu uetween 7W41c and 42,e. closing VMo depressed at 1314c. Rc eljus hero were SSI cars. Tho opening was wiVia unuer yesterday in sytnpattiy nviin wncai anu ine top price followed early vun tout cereal. Oats, compared with the wheat weakness was steady early, but the market yielded later out of respect to the downward path followed by wheat. The northwest was re ported to show prospects of about half n croD in Dom oats and nay and this was a resisting Influence against wheat. Tho country was u buyer. July sold between j?ic ana zinc closing "ic down at 2l?ic. Aueust sold between 3Kc and 24Tio and closml ft'c down at aifi'Hc Receipts were 311 cars. Provisions wero wenk, despite light hog i I'uuiiHK. j urivc was maue at porK by longs and tho whole list as usual suffered. 'ine wneat weakness was a factor In the jiecunc. i ncre was a ralr cash demand, but It was not equal to tho task of sustaining V. l '"' io influential selling tod.-n. At the bottom the market steadied on cov ering by shorts. September pork sold be tween I12.sr7. ii n, i Ui irm. n,l o.,,, down at tl2M; September lard, between Y7.20 ' cioseu ,'j.c down at J7.CC. and fteptenVber ribs, between $7.25 nnd I7.12U, with tho close 12c depressed at J7.15ft7.17V. t,sumated receipts tomorrow: Wheat, HO iJX Z.' ,,J -io; uuis, .iv cars; nogs, .u W0 hand. The lending futures ranged as follows: Artlcles.l Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close.! Yes'y. Wheat June July . Aug. Corn- JllllB July Aug. Oats July Aug. Tork July Sept. Lnnl July Sept. Oct. tllbs July Sept. S2H?TS3 ""kvi t34-41i MTi WW 4:p; 2''.S, nyt 3!W4 Ti''fll 25U1 2GNi 25ii'H 2 12 75 12 75 12 !X 12 97'4 7 00 7 0214 7 15 7 20 7 17'4 7 20 7 15 7 15 7 22'J 7 25 79' i so-. 42 12 42 24'4I 24Jil 12 r,o 12 C7!4I 0 87',4 7 m 7 0754 79U f-0 I 42?i 42'AI 43',j,:i:uivii 82Tfc 84T 42H 7 Oj 7 12J4 sty.: 25ii!4 12 60 I 12 m. 15 W 7 05 7 0714 7 10 7 li'.4 25i 12 SO 13 0214 7 IKL 7 1714 7 20 7 20 7 u0 No. ' r.iP,l.lo,.a.llons follows: WHKAT-No. .1, 77f7flc; No. 2 red 8"e-;!!jORN-No. 2, iVAv; No. a yoiuiw. .-9AT?TN,0' -?SI4J525-V; No. 2 white, 27'iW ticj No. 3 white, 2ti!AW27',.c RVE-No. 2, BIHc. " SKHDS-No. 1 flaxseed. J1.S0; No. 1 north- C i jaLONS?,0f,f' ,ork- l,cr 1,1'.. JI1.60JT l-f'- :a-yfr loo lbs., J8.7714iitf.90. Shor r bs sides (loose). JC'Mf, 7.20. Dry hi ed tshouh ers (boxed), $B 751(7.00. Short clear Hiles (boxed). J7 4orj7.no. QYy,JlI?,,,i'iIarl!,,of.,h,i;n wnos. SIIOAR-Cut loaf, fi.4s: granulated, $3.92: eonfectlonerfl' A, J3.SS; off A, J5.73. Tor" "da!" "r thf rcco,,ls al"' shipments Articles, "lour. bbls.... M'heat, hu Torn, hu pats, hu Itye, hu Hurley, hu.... Receipts. Shipments. 20.HV) ... 57.COO ...4S2.0INI ...2iO,fVl ... 2,010 lO.OiliI 15.IXW 1 1,000 4!l,0ii0 lli7,lW On the Produce exchange toav tho iJJT. Tii 1 WW .""'"'g; creameries. i?cV- rtH'r,"", WiWKc. Cheese, steady DSljc, Kgg.1, llrm; fresh, lie. 7.000 tint 141f , SI, ne; halibut, 12c; bullheads. 10c: rlnr norch. Be; lobsters, green, 22c; boiled lobsters, 25c; mackerel, 20c; codllsh. 10c; yellow perch; Co. PIOKONS Live, per doz., SOcSJl.00. VBALS Choice, S10c. HAY- Per carload lots: Upland, choice, J7.S0; midland, cUr.'.re. J5.50: lowland, choice, $5.50; rye straw, choice, $(!; No. 3 corn, 35c; No. 3 white oats, 2IV4c; cracltcd corn, per ton. $1I.C0, corn and oats, chopped, per ton, $15; bran, per ton, $12.00312.60; shorts, per ton. J12.C0. VEOETARIES. CUCUMnERS-Per dor., 50c. ASPARAC.US-Home grown, per dor., 20 (Uioc. NEW TURNIPS-Per. doz. bunches, 25 30c. ' SPINACH-Per box, 40CGOC. bbS. KKTS-Pr doz." bunchos. 2Cc. H CAKROTTS-Pcr doz. bunches, 2Gc. I.ETTUCE-Per dozen bunchee, 20c. RADISHES Home grown, por doz., 15 PEAS-Per U-bll. basket. 00c. A. nKANS-Per 1-3 bit. box, 40c. I OTATOE3-Pcr bu.. choice, 2Stf40c. NEW POTATOES-Per bu.. Wc. CAR RAGE Homo grown, per lb., l4c. CAfl.IFI.OWER-Per doz. Jt. TOMATOES-Mlsslsslppl, per four-basket crate, 755Wc. Slt'SllnOOMS Per Bound box, 50c. RIIl'RA RR Per pound. H4r2c ONIONS-Callfornla. per sack, $2. PKL'ITS. 8TRAWRERRIES - Colorado shipping stock, per 2(-qt. case, $2.753.00. H L.ACKHERRIES Per 24-qt. case, $2.0Otf 2.25. HI.ACK IIASPRERRIES-Pcr 24-qt. case, $2.i5; per 2l-pt. case, $1.50 Into the condition of lethargy ami sagging prices which marked tho trading last week. Hut tho large outstanding short account showed llselr very scnsntlve to develop ments In the wheat market With the con tinned fall In the prlte of that cereal and reports of tho enormous uunntltlt-s of country, j wneat thrown upon tho market to liqui date, tile COIirili;e nf tltn liailra nnvn.l .till nt the tips of their lingers nnd they scram bled to cover their short contractu In tho ! Into dealings with considerable preclp itancy. Tim result was a strong closing at the top level, with the rHlly still In force and at it b vel nf prices from 1 to 2 points over lust night for many nctlve stocks. The , bears wem In full retreat ull through tho st, even llaltlmnre A Ohio turning: from Its persistent downward course with n rnllv I ' a point from the erly decline. Sugar, i.uMmivii iransii, i-eopie s Has and Amer 1 lean Tobacco all made notnblc upward inovements, the latter apparently on be- "",' "i 1'iei-iniion oi yesterday s div ( end declaration. While the brenk In tho wheat market wns unquestloiiably tho dominant Inlliiencn there were other points of strength which radiated ii favorable Influence. Tho coal e" advanced on tho rlso In prlco of anthra cite. The southwestern mocks moved up ward In company on the more favorable prospects of the Texas cotton crop, com pared with that In other cotton states, on tho largo winter wheat crop nnd on hopes of the corn crop. Estimates by a western trado Journal that tho winter wheat crop nnd the wheat reserves would make tin the dnllcloncy in tho shortage In thn spring whout crop hud much In do with the day's movement both in wheat and railroad stocks. It was made evident that prices of stocks have not only kept pace with tho damage to wheat, but have heen dis counting continued dutorloratlon. Tho ruins in the northwest caused a sharp check to the speculation on this basis. Tho "."" 71'0' mockr showed decided nnui,.L'.unt,l..u mBlkcl Jlsrcgnrd for tho J.,m,lmJSlc.iilpvs uxI"-f,s"" of the trade outlook by th Iron Age. The movement of Prices lit the ntf.nl .rMm ...... .. clear Intimation that Increased demand Is lielng met on the decline In prices. Opinions "r ,Jt,nr,'?, that nny further reactions In prices will Insure a violent rebound when the consumers' needs begin to bt felt and i "ucFa ""a when the turn of i"1-" i.ivu oviaoiui.v been nimio Fltclilmrg pfil.. urn. Klectrtn ... Kd. Kl'c. Ill Mexican Central Michigan Tel N. II. ll. C... Old Colony OM Dominion ... . Tl'i .tl.T, .111 .:tj ...!.-, .IR7 . Vi .in . 32 . S1 ItilMier 2l'j t'nlnn I'liellle S' W.t I'.nd 2t S. II. O. ft O. 5s... K Adventure I Alliiue Mln. Co 1 Ainnt. Copper Atlimtle Hilton ft Mnnt.. ilutte A- Ilostfm Cal. fz Herla ... Ceiilfnnlal Krnnkllii .. .13511 Oirenla ,..2V, Turret ..2o:, oulney .. 127 Huntii Fe Ceppr. ... v Tnniarnck ... is t'lali Mining ..... ..50i ! Winona ... 16 'Wolverines ,. 21 .ft) . "I'.i .72) . ir, . mi . , . 31U .t!l .t;i . 2l'i . .IS', OMAHA LIVE STUCK MARKET Dairablo Corafad Steers Sill in the Sttni ' Kotohts is Ytitetdiy, 4 M ... . lln s o ... tto IM ... I ill 7(1 HEIFERS. HOG TRADE DECIDEDLY UNSATISFACTORY Hons Mold llluber t :i r I . but Kepi (oliiK Inner, mIIIi 'I'rnile Xlor nnd Ilrnmo-Kmv Slieeii Here .sold tlult'kl) mid Strnnuer. imv Vorl .11 1 ii I ti u Sliii'lin, N10W YORK. June 2S.-The folloYjhig the closing quotations for mining shi todnr: Cliollar are ares Va. Crnwn Point Con. Cal & IVmlwond OmiM & Currlo llnle A- Nnrcrojs. Irnn Silver Mexican Ontario . 40 . 11 . 27 . V, . 1 S7.1 Ophlr PIMnniith Qiileksllver ... do pfd Slerrn Nevada Standard t'nlnn Con Yellow Jiirket . TO . It tffl 7'1 ro . ii . 12 i llldll'll llll IIIILTIIUI talnly the ennran nf A .ii Li,.;:. dull at tho close. ? ie8fn?il.llar ll1!"'fK"r'' of the current enlM. LiU,U l1K p.r ClT 1ml Probable dltll cultle.s over the adjustment of wage scales for tho coming year. nun,i mow "I"101 continued quite un ruined. The decline n xchang was checked today with tho sharp advance Mn m?t ' up ,by )l nonny of the Bank of enlte"d ?hI,rlf J01" f!oll alA t0T American eagles. The decline In exchange Is said to b.w1 ?nu,iei1 bK, te coming upon the markot of long sterllnjr hills, which have been held for maturity and are now being sold as sight bills. As they had figured meantime as collateral for loans their 1 qui dutlon now Involves the paying off of loans and may thus help to account for the cur? nt case of the money markot. The bond market wan not active, but to?, f"V T?tl Mien, par value! j' i "IV. nlal,es Domia wero choruttfd In bid quotations. Following are the closing prices on Now York Stock exchange: ""les on Atchison un-thc Foreign IMimnclnl. rAR.TS, Juno 2S, The weekly statement of the Hank of France shows the following chnnges: Notes In circulation, ilncrease, li, 420.O0Of; treasury accounts current, Increase, 4!U7G,OCOf; sold In hnnd. Increase. l5,sso.mf ; bills dlsi'ounteil. Increase, 45,551,000; sliver In hand, decrense, R2S.0ri0f. Cnder the Inllti ences of a fresh decline ill tractions nnd other Industrials the tone on the bourse to day was heavy from the beginning. It was rumored that thero wero forced sales by n Oermnn npeculator, but the transactions were Insignificant, nio tlntos declined on realizations and bear selling. Kaffirs were dull. Threo per cent rentes, lOOf 25c for tho account. Exchange on Mndnn, 25f ll'4c. Spanish 4 closed nt 72 15. LONDON, July 28. The weekly statement Of the Hank of Etml.ind shows the fnltowlni; changes: Total reserve, decrease, iTO,fiO0; circulation. Increase, ioOi.OfiO; bullion, de crease, lo.s,,sO; other securities, decrease, JC32,(O0; other deposits, Increase, JC22,0r; public deposits, decrease. SM,000; notes re serve, decrease. 700.000; government securi ties, unchanged. The proportion of the nank of England's reserve to liability Is 43.64 per ent. Last week It was 41.3(i per cent. Rate of discount unchanged at 3 per cent. American securities were depressed and prices went well below parity level. There was a disposition to await further ad vices from Wall street. SelUrs predom- inaicu lorougnoui ine session, which was tho Close. Rnutdflh 4 nlnlnrl nt 71 9', The amount of bullion withdrawn from the 'a'H', 1 '-nginnii on uaiancc today was 31,000. Cold premium quoted at Huenos yres ni i:if..u. BBlU'lft, Juno 2J. A llrmer disposition jinn iimiuiosieii on me oourse today owing iu imp mu.r news irom unina and tnc ex pectatlon of a smooth settlement. The bus! ness tran;acteu, however, was mnll ami hesitating. American securities were weak on the rise In thn price of wheat. Exchango , Si , "P"!' ior cnecKs. Discount L ul"s- Per cent; tnree-monthn blllu, 4?i per cent. SOl'TH Receipts were: Olllclal Monday 2,230 umciai Tuesday 4, ill Olllclal Wednesday .... 1,212 Olllclal Thursday 2,311 OMAHA. June 2. Cattle. I tog. Sheep. I' our days this week... .13.470 Same dnys Inst week. . . .12,3 Same week before 15,055 flame three weeks ago. .10,5.W Samo four weeks ago. .17.I3S Average price paid for hos several days, with comparisons II90O.I1S99. 7.1'2i 12,!iS0 'J,2)l 11.72 Ti,92l .",'',,( H 3?,M1 43,3-tl I W 4 pO 1 t m in HTAOS. 1 Tn 1 41 I 1 1W .1 Ml 1 2 Iivv, 3 r, -, t . IICI.I.S, STEERS AND i" !( 4 in ., J. .MIklmlns-Wyo 31 stk cws. 782 $1 10 17 feeders.. J 25 2.1 stk cws. 476 3 60 lions-Today's market was mot tin satisfactory and a hard market for sellers to operate on. In the llrst place the market opened with h fair demand In Division It. where buyers seemed to want a few good loads nnd where they worn willing to pay J.vI'J's. or rlose lo 10c higher than yester day s opening, for such a.' pleased them, lit the other division it was almost Im possible to get above $5,10, After fortv or 'fly, loads had changed hands the market suddenly came in a standstill and buyers all snt down. For a time the best that tllCV Would iln unu IT, III I, ill II tvn, ,,! long that they would do that well, for as provisions enme lower, they dropped down 1.311 , to Sn.OMifi.flTU. i ll liitn limit, tlmrn it'.,..i 3,7!'.), stllj a number n r InmU unsnlrl ,,iiJ 50 1 l),(Wt fi.97 6.74Ti 8.3. tl At nn ttfne tlllrlltfr tlln ,lnl uiia tlm titur ket active or In any way brisk. Heaviest Packers right from Hie start seemed to be looking for n decline in provisions and did not appear to have any confidence In the market. Til nthnr wnr,lu Itinv bnAttir,,! tn feel that the longer they put off buying the Wfcea offeni fQ eetmun DOCTOR SEARLES & SEARLES OMAHA. KER70US (ME & June 1 June 2 June 3 June 4 June 6 June 6 June 7 Juno 8 Juno 9 Junn 10 June 11 June 12 June 13 June 14 June 15 June 18 June 17 June 18 Juno 19 June 20 Juno 21 Juno 22 June 23 Juno 24 June 25 June 26. Mine 27. June 23. 4 S.3I 4 S3 3 U, 4 13 J 32 4 53 4 91 I 94 4 95 G 02 i 01 3 Ml 1S9S.187.19C.1S, 3 5!)i 53 3 Co, 3 67 3 CO 3 61 3 53 5 oo: 4 921 3 57 4 SG 3 64 4 85 3 66 4 89, 3 64 4 95 3 62, 3 63i 5 03 fi (Ml 4 0l I 03 5 no; 5 13 3 64 3 71 3 6!) 3 05 3 63 3 62 4 21, 3 401 2 i 2 8' 2 S7 2 931 l 3 01 3 30l 2 31, 3 OS cheatier rhpv wntild cai tlm lin 'riii- i. or tns last ! 1lfT;rrnoo nn the part of buyers and the leeung on ine part of sellers that they were not getting enough made the trade very slow nnd drnggv. Representative shIpm- 4 03 4 10 4 Oil 3 S3 3 87, 2 82 3 'J 3 36! 3 32 3 31 J6I 430 U 4 34 1894. 3 04 2 !'3 2 9 3 00 3 031 5 10 5 011 .1 63 .1 5 031 3 61 I I 3 C5 ..I 3 29 3 27 3 27 3 31 3 75 3 79 3 29 3 77 3 32, 2 OS 3 901 3 22 3 01 3 S3 3 181 3 OS! 3 SOi 3 2t. 3 10 3 15 3 02 3 81 3 151 3 72 3 21, 3 02 3 21 3 02 3 261 3 00 3 23 2 97 3 1! Z Mi ' I 2 9H 16 3 72 3 68: 3 69 I 3 62 3 Sli I 4 39 4 35; 4 , 4 34 4 8S 4 44 4 36 4 32 4 3S 4 41 4 44 4 46 4 48 4 15 4 37 4 10 4 40 4 46 I 5: 4 5 I 63! 4 51 4 t 4 41 4 49 4 55 4 64 4 53 4 53 , 4 57 4 6s 4 74 4 70 4 bi 4 53 4 65 4 70 4 H) I 4 67 4 77 4 S2 4 85 4 7.1 4 73 4 W No 74.... 93.... 70..,. 7.,.. 77 78 .... ifi ...., Av ..v .167 . 2.W .2.17 ...206 . . .2.16 ...246 ...205 m is: 59... 79... 69. . IV,.. . M... C9... 70... 07... ..W ....K2 '.'.'.'.232 ....15 ....237 ....213 ....234 (9 506 8.1 EH 307 i S:::: , 67..., 79.... 6.V... do pfd IJnltlmore fc Ohio. Cannillan PaelHc ., RED RASI'HERRIES Per 24-nt. case. Canada So ; iiirs. HI.UEBERRlES-16-qt. cases, $2.2G. Ct'ItRANTS I'er 24-qt. case, J2.00. REACH ES California, per box, $1.10. APRICOTS-Callfornta, per bos. J1.35. I'M'MS California, per crate, J1.25'(n.G0. I'RrNES-Callfornla, per crate, $1.50J1.75. OOtlSEBERRlES I'er 21-qt. case. J2. CHRRRIES-Callfornla, per 10-lb. box, J1.10; Missouri, por 24-qt. case, $2.25. TROPICAL FRUITS. PINEAPPLES Per doz., $2.00. ORANGES California, .Mediterranean sweets, per box. $4.00; budded seedlings, $3. LEMONS California, fancy, $4.5064.76; choice, $4.25. CRAPE FRFIT-Callfornla, per box, $4. 1IANANAS Per bunch, according to size, :2.25'u3.00. HIDES. HIDES No. 1 green hides, 6!4c; No. 2 green hides, 5(.c; No. 1 salted hirtes, 7'.c; No. 2 salted hides, 6V4c; No. 1 veal calf, to 12 lbs., 9c; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs., Sc. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS Hickory, laree. ner bu.. 11.28: shellbarks, $1.35; English walnuts, per lb.. i."((i'ic; filberts, per lu., izc; uimoncn, per lb.. llQ16c: raw. uer lb.. 5'Afl6c: roasted. tiQV.ic. Ohio .. CIiIcbko O, w.. c, n. & q Chlcgr, Ind. to rfj Ohlcaeo & U. Ill Chlcngo A N. W. C, U. I. & p C. C. C. & St. Oolo. aouthern do 1st pfd... M M pfd.... Del. Hiiilnon . Tel. L. W Denver & Tt. a. do pfd Krln do lBt pfd... Gt. Nor. pfd Ilorklng Coal ... Hocking Vulley Illinois Central . lotva Central .... do pfd K C. p. & O.... 14'i ... sot; ... ion ...i:w l,. is . 4S . 9". .156 ....io:i', I... C6!i .... .... 40' i .... IS ....no ..170 .. 17j 2H Union I'aelflo .., 71 I do pfd 71 Wabauh SW do pM 493! Wheel. & L. b.. no 2d pfd... Wis. Central .... Third Avonu ... Adam American Ex..... V.e.Kx U sIlswForito Kx. Anir. Cot. Oil... do nfii.. Amer. Mnltlne . do pf, Auit. S. Sc It... do pd , Amer. Spirits ... do nfrt 67'ijAmec. fl. Hoop .. ii i aw pm .. 32vi Amer. S. & W...( ..1IH4I do pM .. 13 Amer. Tin Plate ni VO Pfd.. Nt. I.ohIs (irnln nnil Provision. ST. LOUIS. June 28. WHE AT Lower: No. 2 red cJsh. elevator. 80'c; track. J2'i' 81c: Julv. 79Hc: Aueust. SOVic: Scntember. f0ic; No. 2 hard, 775780. CORN Lower: No. 2 cash. 42c: tracK. 434? I3M,c: June. 41Hc: July. 41ic: Seotember. 42Te. UA is Lower; o. a casn, z&c; tracK, .'4c; June, 24'ic; July. 2IVlc; September, I'f24c; No. 2 white, 27Viii2Sc. HYK 1.3-vrr at COc. FLOUR-Dull. . 'SKEDS-No market. ' CORNMEAL J2.0OH2.2O. RRAN Steady; sucked, east track, 6Sfl70c. HA Y Easy: timothy. $8.00&'12.OO: uralrle. $6 5OB7.C0. WHISKY Steady, $1.23. IRON COTTONTIES-$1.30. RACMIINO 7i1iSMe. HEMP TWINE 9c. METALS lead: Firm at $4.25. Snclter: Hlrher at $4.15. POULTRY Steadv: ch ckens. 7Uc: flprlngs, lOti'llc; turkeys, 4c; ducks, uc; springs, !c; geese, nc; springs, 7c. .;i,tr ixiwer at 'ic. HUTTICR-Steadv: creamery. lOfllKUc: dairy. 111716c. PROVISIONS Pork. V. . 75 .tiU 1 Vl $6.77',i. fiKW TOII IC jfluolnlloiiN ciE.MniAi, miiki:t. for the On y nn CoiiiiiinilK .M, Vnrlnus 9iV; Ii.. York, car .-1i?.YOIlK ll"u, :s -'''OUH-Recelpts, 11.477 bhls.; exports, 5.6S7 bbls.; lower with rut buyers, as further declines are looked for; winter patents, $4.401.50; Minnesota ,:7SJ6.1B. Xllnnesoln bakers. $3,20 fcnUT.; winter straights, Utuvj, uo; winter rxtras $2.75t3.l5; winter low grades. $2 mi S K Rye Hour. firm, fair to good, Jj.isya.. iholce lo fancy, 3.IOii3,75. " ' ,! ""'"'''Ai'-nriii; yellow western city. 94o: Rrandywlne, $2.50Ti2.m. ,,..,r, on, . wesiern, bfc, r. o. rii,,n.i, ciuii, 144,111-, i-. 1, j., ;cw V RARLEY-null tind nnminnl: feeding, 4e. r. I. f.. New York; malting, 49')&3c. c 1. f. tsew York. 11 HA RLE Y MALT Nominal at 55ii5e WHEAT- Receipts, 4.00 bu. ; exports.' So.. K4 bu. Snot, weak. No. 2 red, SOiir. f n b nnoat! No. 2 red, S6Lc. elevator; No. i northern, Duliith. 90V, f. n. b., uiiont prompt; No 1 mrl, Ouliilh, 92', c. Options showed further signs of demoralization to nay under extensive reductions of long ac rounts. poor support, ICngllsh cables nnd rains in Manitoba. At the lowest pjnt valuer were about So olT frn.r the top of Ihe. year. The market closed weak at 3Li' CTio net decline. July. SufiSOUi: closed. M;i September, i.liSSV; closed, S5Sc; December. S6fWlj closed, Stiie. COKN-Recelpts. 201,215 bu.; exports, ,119.. If39 bu. Spot, Mendy; No. 2. 49r. f o. b.. ntloal, nnd Co. f. o. b,, elevator. Options opened steady and were relatively well sustained all day on heavy clearances, het ter cables uud another big cus'i diupaiid, easlns off ilnall) with wheat and closing (weak at HiiS,c net lower: July. 47iJrisiiCi Ipsed,, 4i?c; September, 4S'iftl9V closed, OATS Recelnts. t,.00 bu,; exports. 2),2:l5 hu. Sot, easier; No. 2. 294c: No, 3, 29c; No. D white. 3l'tr; No, 3 while, 31c; track mixed fwestern, 2:)Uo30'ct track while, 30i.fi35se. Options neKleoted nnd nominally lower. PROVISIONS-lteef, firm family, $10.MK J2.0O; mess, $9.0Oii!i.r0. Reef hams, Jiuootf 21.00; packet, Jt0.50fill 50; cltv, extra Indl.i mess, $l6.ixiil7 50, cut meats, steady, gilckled bellies, s.J2miUM; pickled shoul ra, J6.75; pickled hums, 9,V5ii 10.20. 1-urd, weak: iobblntr. $13. lower; prime steam, $6.72H; choice, Dry salt ments (boxcih. lower: extra shorts, $7.3"h; clear ribs, $7.50; clear sides. $7.75. Huron (boxed), lower; extra shorts. t'.HtW. clear ribs. $S: clear sides. $S.I2W. RECEIPTS F our. 6.000 bb s wheat. 19.. 000 bu.; corn. 92,or0 bu. ; oats, 1S.M0 bu. SHI PMENTS Flour. S.OoO bbls- wheat. 6.000 bu.; corn, 87,000 bu.; oats. 9.00) bu. WitiiuiK City rirnln mill I'rnvlHlnns. KANSAS CITY. Juno 28. W H E AM' .1 11 1 v.i 07kc: Sentomber. 73c: No. 2 hard. 73e: cash. No. 3. 70??72c; No. 2 red. 77c: No. 3. 73fi76c: No. 3, 70'o72c; No. 2 red. 77c; No. 3, 73ft 76e. CORN Jlllv. 4lc: Senteoiher. 4Ki41ie: cash, No. 2 mixed. lOUo; No. 2 white, iVAc: No, 3. 40'.jC. OATS-No. 2 white, 27c. RYE-No. 2. 36r. HAY-Cholce timothy, $IO.(XVjri0.60; cholco prairie. $7.00(7.50. i(m"l J'LR-crcamery. 15fjlSc; dairy, fancy, KtjOS Dull; fresh Missouri nnd Kansas iii-ti, or, ri-ciiuus. oe, loss on, eases re turned; soutlurn, ; new whlltnvood cases Included. Uc more. corn, 20,1(X) com, 27,- lnciuaetl. He more. . KECEIITS Wheat, 3I.RO) bu bu ; oats, B.loO bu. SI II PM ENTS Wheat, 27,000 bu. POO bu.; oats. 2,000 hu. Toledo iirket, TOLEDO. June 2S. WHEAT Active, lower; Miot. Mic; July, SUc; August. S4T4o; September. S5',c. CORN- Active, llrm; No. . cash. 45e: Sep tember. 4U,e. OATS-Actlve, llrm; No. 2 cash, 26c;'Sep tember, WIjc. y,Y,?l,u": "'"'hanged; No. 3 ensh, 60.-. ShLDS-Clover, 1S9S nrlme. Ti.10; 1899 prime, $,).(0, October. $5.82,; No. 2, $4.75. .110, Amer, Tobacco ... . 1 I do pW. 41 Anac. Mlhtnir Co.. Brooklyn It. T Cok. Ful A ir,,,,. Con Tefcareo do pfd (Vileral Steel do pf,I fen. Kleclrtn lSMHi Ohieose ftienr .... io prt . V) I Inter. Paper . 45'i do pfd . .15 .Lacleik Oas . IV National Illscult . . 30' dp pfd .13 iNattfmal Iad .... .I2S4' do prd . smiNatlonal Steel .... . THHi do pfd 50i'K. T. Air Hrak ... ,10H ... 72 .. 7U .. 17'. .. 8i .. 31?i .. 13 ..my, ..nt ..i .. 4,1 ..120 .. 314 .. 83 .. 3 .. IS .. 3515 .. ft .. Pi .. 17 li .. 67 .. 314 .. W4 .. tS'i ,. 724 ,. 904 . 4P; r,5 US :i 76 1 ; 31?i 64 136 4 97 214 6t . 71 I No. Amrlean . in raciria Const .. .4! do lot pfd. . 76 I do id pfd. .126U Pacific! ornll .. . 16'i People's Oas .. . 614 Preiivd B. Car . 2i do nM . 3941 Pullman P. tr.'.'.'.'t7s , 87 Utundard R. & T.. i . fuirar . 79 . 19'i . 95 . 21i . "Hi .123 H5i . 50 . M . 61 . '.;t; . 9Ci; . 3'i 4ike lCrle & U'. In pfd ' Lake Shore lit. im 11111111 mi n Met St Tty Mexican Central Minn. & St. L... do pM Mo. Paflllc Mobile Oblo ... M , K. & T , do pfd N. .1. Central N. Y. Central ... Norfolk W do pfd No, Pacific do pfd Ontario & W Ore. Tly. Nav.. do pfd Pennsylvania .... Rending .'. do 1st pfd.... do 2d pfd Rio (). W. ...... do pfd St. L. & S. F...., do 1st pfd..... do 2d pfd...., St. L. Sotlthw.... do pfd St. Paul do pfd t. P. & Om.ha... So. Pacific , So. Railway , do pfd Texas & Pacific ., Offered. "Assessment paid. Kerr York .Honey Market. NEW YORK, June 28.-MONEY-On call uim;ii,-u ui. jvj ior cent; uigncst, 14 per . ,.,. ,.,, ,., i-rai; Vinson, l',k cent; time money, unchanged, 3if?3U cent; for 60 days to ,'1 months, mvl cent, Prime mercantllo paper, XKSti cent. STIC R LINO EXCIIANOE Firmer, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.86', for demand and at $I.S3 for sixty days Posted rates. I.S4W.S5 and $l.87!i. Com mercial bills. $42i((4.S3. JS&"'VoiRn"r' JV'"'- McxIcmii dollars, 4S4c Sliver certificates, lilfii'C'ic. . aOVERNMENT HONDS-Stcu.ly; state bonds. Inactive; railroads, flrmw. follows-'08'"6 rrlceM on b(,"dH today are bb I . K . si; . 9t; .PO'i .171 .110 . 324 . 1Pl . Sl . ?; 1. do pfd, Term. Coal & U. S. leather do pf,l U. K. Rubber do pfd Western Union ... nepuWIc I. & s., . do pfd P. C. C. & St. I... 1134 114 6.VJ s; (6 2t; 914 79 104 12' J 57',i per per per per V. S. ref 2s ... do coupon do ? reg do 3 do coupon do nv 4s. reg. do coupon do old Is, re, do coupon on Eh, re-, , , do coupon . D. of C 3 61t AtiHileon Ren. do adj. 4s Canada So. :... Clior. & o. 4!vs.. ilo 6s C. & Jf . W. c. 7s. 4 .102'i .ID-I'i .100 .199 .109 .1.11 .134 .114 ....115 ....113 ....111 ....IB .100', . .IMI, . ) 111' .110 Mo S. F deb. Cs.l'O 2s. M , If. Si T do 41 N. V. C. Is N. J. C. gen. Sa No. Pad tic 3i.. do 4n N Y, C St. I .NOtrollC w. . Orrnou Nav. Ih. do 4.1 Oresron S. j,. 6s. do eon sol fia... Heading sen. 4a Wo (i. w. Is m St L ft I M e. 6s.. TOt; "St I. it- R r B. 6.1S", St. Paul consols ,.169 31. P.. C. f- p. l...ii'iu .... . 814 1114 .12211 .101 'i 4..106 4. 'J',i .. 10? ...ioit; Hunk ClenrliiKS. CHICAGO. June 28,-Cle.arlngS, $23,160,672! t?l?vhuJ2,ig'ehSii -L- p?sted v change. $4.-n)jI((4.SS16; New York exchango, 25c premium. ' ST. LOUIS. June 2S.-Clearlngs, $3,239,614; balances, $j36,S5S. Money, 4g7 per cent; ... "uiuiiir, imr oiu. ioAT1110111'3' Ju,1 2S.-Clearlngs, $2,S64. 126; balances, $470,702. I'HII'ADELPIIIA. Juno 2S.-Clearlncs. $13,543.53.3; blances, $2,230,792. " fl?MJSi I'&.fir cloar,nES' ,153- ba1!a)S3J6y,3Tl.aS--C'earlnEa' lm5i Cotton Miirket. N.K' VORK, June 2S.-Event of the day on the Cotton exchange were not calculated to clo.ir up tho confusion of opinions and the mixed state of sentiment in general, riui statistics camo to the front and cut a leading influence lu the English and New Orleans marknts, as well as In local mar kets, A great Htir of spinners nt Liverpool for present crop caused ono of tho most aciimiiiuiiui nuvnnce in .llittt market re membered, which .fire In lurn caused a de cided uplift hero, and In tho south. The lax months flugtuated in the reverse direc tion, In keeping with better weather re ports and predlctlona and selling by those hOldOrs bellcVlllir thn mnrlt In l.n In top-heavy condition us the result of the late cluslng uiion tho short accounts, At the time of our opening vnlues in Liverpool woru at 1 points uji on near months, but 2V4 I&3 points off In tho remote optlonb. First iale Indicated an advance of 2'C points on tho old crop and a decline of 4'tf points on new crop cotton here, with the room trade very much at sea us to Just what way to turn, l'he later reports from Liverpool In creased thu nervousness ajid confusion on the local exchange and checlscd fresh spec ulation by the outside publlcs Dlsyuletlnr report regarding affairs In CJilna Intensi fied tho genural excitement prevalent. Llntlldatlon set In flflor thn nnnnlncr untl fried price down to about Ixst nleht's n-lces on summer months and VU points ower on near month-?. A ntilclc turn nf ironi in response to a perpendicular rise In Liverpool snt value up Udh polnta. A long period of apathy gave way to renewed feverish lluctuatluns and spasmodic trading In tho Inst hour. Prices once more took an upward direction and urgent demands from southern and foreign Interest, which wero Influenced by reports of heavy spot sale for export in .New Orleans nnd other south ern markets. Tho market closed firm for near mouths, with June 47 points, July 30, August 24 and September 2 points higher. Later months steady at a decline of 4'fr6 points. Fulurcrt closed llrm on nenr nnd steady on distant mouths, June, $9.75; July, $9.59; August. $9.32; September, $8.72; Octo ber, K48; November". $8.39; December, $8,36; January, K3S; February. $8.3S; March, $8.10; April, $S.41; May. 3.45. Spot, "ic advance; middling uplands, 9io; middling gulf, 10c; sales, 22 bales, ST. LOUIS, June 2S. CO'ITON-Stcndy. l-ICo higher; middling, 9C-16c; sales. 2,251 bales; receipts, none; shipment, 373 bales; stock, 36,027 bales. NEW ORLEANS. Juno 2S. COTTON Firm; sales, ,5W) bales; ordinary. 7'c; good ordinary, S)sc; low middling. 9 l-16c; mid dling, !Mjc; good middling, 94c; middling fair, 10c; receipts, 226 bales; stock, 67.0S3 bales. Futures, strong on near, ntendy on distant months; June, uoinlnnl; July. W.OOfl" !l.91; August. $9.01; September, $.7Sii.8o; October, $8.34ftv35; November, $8.20rf8.21; December, $S.20-fS.21; January. $S.19S.20; February, $S.22't.S.2l; March. $S.2.B8.27. Coffee llarkcl, NEW YORK, June 2S.-COKFEE-Filtures opened steady at an advaiue of GfllO points and further advanced CfiflO points with more active trading, following higher European quotations, a further rise In Rio exchange nnd tho disappointment regarding the new crop movement. Later the udvanco w.is checked by unsatisfactory warehouso de liveries and a reluctant response by spot buyers to the advaiue on futures. The market broke In the last half hour under heavy realizing. Closed barely steady with prlres iinchnnged to 10 points higher. Total sales. 10,500 bass, including July. $7.;W'u7.35; August. $7. 15ri7,50; September. $f.50fi7 60: Oc- , toher, $7.5517.65: November, $7.60fi7.70; lie. 1 ceinKr. $7 75i(7.5; January, $".?5; March. $8: May, $S.ifi. Spot, Rio, firm; No. 7 Invoice, fcic; mild, Bleudy; Cordova, OV-iW.ac 1)11 Market. OIL CITY, Pa., Juno 2S. -Credit balances, $1.25; certltlcntes, nn bids; shipments. 81,- runs, 101,- Indicates Sunday. The Ofllclal number nf ears nf stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H'r's. v.. !. ac at. 1: uy... z O. & St. L. Ry Missouri Pacltic Ry... 12 Union Pacific system. 42 C. & N. W. Ry 1 V., E. & M. V. R. R.. 26 S. C. & P. Ry C, St. P., M. & O.... 12 II. & M. R. R. R IS C, U. ft Q, Ily 1 K. C. & St. J 1 C R. I. & P. Ry., E. 2 C, R. I, & P. Ry., W. 3 Total receipts 120 The disposition of the day's receipts wns as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: 3 3 3 as 1 63 o 8 40 12 1 16S Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 421 C. Buyers. Omaha Packing Co... G. H. Hammond Co... Swift and company... Cudahy Packing Co... Armour & Co Omaha P. Co.. from K Cudahy P. Co., from K.C. 11111 c ituntzinger Livingstone & Schaller. Hamilton & Rothschild L. F. Husz Cudahy Hros. & Co Other buyers Totals CATTLE For this time in the week there was 11 fair run of cattle, mostly cornfed steers. The market was a little, slow to oDen, and first bids were In munv rnmn 170 391 261 578 Ml 136 161 71 Ktt 8 3 "iio 991 1,111 1.046 2,190 3,659 1,078 2,95fi 10,075 427 67.... 70.... 21.... 66.... 71.... 61.... 63.... 79.... 66.... 66.... 74.... 76.... 7V.7.7 60.... 60 68 67 67 76 65 7! 69 6"i 66 10 10...... 68....; 59 "5 62 7.. 88... SS... 71... 63... 63... 64... SO... 61... 55. ....227 ,...221 ,...233 ,...208 ....2.".3 ...240 ...244 . 6 ... 275 ...247 . . .236 ...2.-,2 ...277 ...201 ...261 ...2.".4 ...307 ...233 ...212 ....250 ...264 ...266 ...247 ...240 ...264 ...202 ...226 ...227 ...260 ...260 ...2C3 160 160 40 :oo M 40 ttO 120 200 40 40 360 40 120 200 80 -40 80 "m ....242 ...284 ....24.1 ....267 ....186 ....193 . . .203 ...248 ...234 ...239 ...244 ...275 ...281 ..297 Sh. Pr. 80 5 m 580 5 0:, 320 5 OS 120 $5 0.1 160 f, OS 5 01 6 OJ 6 06 6 M r. 074 5 074 8 074 3 074 6 074 5 074 5 10 5 10 6 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 R 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 6 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 .1 10 5 10 6 10 5 10 6 10 5 in 5 10 5 10 5 10 6 10 5 10 6 10 5 10 6 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 K 10 5 10 6 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 6 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 E 10 5 10 5 10 5 14 6 10 6 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 Nn, 61... 92... 67... 61... 71... 7.1... . . . :... 60... 8... 74... 74... Srt... 63... 73 TO 64 61 6.1 6S 74 ..773 ..181 ..217 ..224 ..2.V1 . .206 . 22.-. "1 80 280 80 40 240 120 80 80 40 "to 160 80 27.. 81... 129.... 56 75 67 66 63 59 75 6.1 60 72 75 70 69 64 61 68 73 tt 66 60 56 62 61 74 74 55 64 76 . 277 ...221 ...31.1 ...25 ...264 ...32.1 ...224 ...2.11 ...224 ...230 .227 .2.11 ,...20t ....241 ... 255 ....266 ....109 ....2.19 ....28 ....M9 282 ....2.10 ....3.11 ....247 ....242 ....225 ....2.12 Sli 80 80 160 160 120 80 60 80 40 40 80 120 M 210 80 ISO IS) 2f0 100 80 80 40 240 280 so 130 io 80 4-1 .233 1t0 .2.10 ... .270 ... 80 40 40 120 160 160 120 160 SO 80 80 80 74.... 7..... 62.... 76.... 63.... 83.... 70..,. 66.... 61.... 69.... M... 79 IS...., 88 78 03 58 ..236 ..207 ..261 ..231 ... .294 ....286 ....266 ,...215 ...214 ....S9( ,...287 ....MS ...239 ...246 ...280 ...197 ,...226 ...241 .... 269 ...237 ...247 ...262 .. .284 . . .223 .. .269 . . .224 ...94 . . 329 ..261 SO Pr 6 10 8 10 6 10 6 10 ,1 10 6 10 6 10 5 !?, 6 12', f 124 5 124 5 12', t 111, 5 12', 6 124 6 12', 5 124 5 124 K 124 6 124 6 I2'j 5 12', 5 124 5 124 5 124 5 12'j 6 124 5 134 5 124 5 12', 5 124 6 124 6 124 6 124 5 t2i ft 124 5 124 5 124 5 124 i 124 5 124 5 124 5 124 5 124 5 124 5 124 5 124 6 124 5 124 6 124 5 124 6 124 5 llf i 5 12', 6 124 5 124 5 12", 5 124 t 124 ( 124 8 124 6 124 5 1:4 5 124 5 12'.', 5 11 S 1.1 S 15 5 15 5 20 op MEN SPECIALIST We guarantee to euro all cases curable ol WEAK MEN SYPHILIS SEXUALLY. Cured for Llf. Night Emissions, Lost Manhood, llydiocele. Varicocele, Gonorrhoea, uicut. Svtihills Stricture, Piles. FUtuIa and Rectal Ulcon and all Private DUenaea nnd Disorders of Men Stricture mill (ilrct Cured at llouir. Consultation Frec. CaU.onr .address 110 Mouth 1 Ith Ht. OllAlll. ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD DIRECT LINE TO SHEEP There wero only two rnra nf easier man yesterday, in fact, buyers acted 1 mcep on saio mis morning, wnicn is Hardly HV.."rrl as 11 lm wanted their cattle at a little lower prices than yesterday. Th trade, however, soon livened nn nnd ho. came reasonably active at about the same prices us prevailed yesterday. It might be summed tip as a good, steady market on all desirable kinds of fat cattle. Common stuft Is naturally neglected, ns Is most always the case at this season nf th n u.tmn there are so many good cattle to bo had on 1110 inurKut. Cows nnd heifers sold In practically tho same notches as yesterday und the mar ket on that kind of cattin wn rem,,,,,. quotable change. As the receipts were light nnd the demand good the offerings were alt disposed of In a very short time. There is hardly any demand for stock cattle or feeders and when there nre nny number of cattle of that description in sight they are almost certain to sell weak. Rep resentative snles: BEEF STEERS. 'i?.'.? 1 m bbls.; average, id.9.17 bbls.; '1L 1772 bbls.: average. 01.771 hltlu. ,. 8',i 1.1 VFliPnni. in, . mii 'niin.,i ! Hull rellned, July-August, 22s." Linseed! l.n uu, NEW YORK, 4s. Dnliilli Wheat llnrkrt. pt'LI'TH, Minn., Junn 2S.-WHEAT-N0. 1 Imnl. ensh. SI4c: July. si,() September, tni"'''' PTomc!!fr' ss (': No- 1 northern, cash, h r,, ' r ,l ' ' "' inner, mzsc: Decern nn, M'ir .mi. j nortiicrn, so-'.c; No, spring. ii4c ' OATS -SiMiSr. CORN-t24c. 91 84 Is Plillndelublii Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. June 21.-RUTTER-Mim. fancy western creamery. 20c; fancy western prints, 21c. in. ii)':fU'? "'J"11 ,l.n'1 wak; fresh nearby. 13'-e; fresh southwestern lie; fresh wcsU em. lie. fresh Kiuthern, Hffl2c. Mllvtfitikec (irnln Market. MILWAUKEE, June . WIIEAT li?,l'.?r: No 1 ""theni. S3o; No. a northern, HYK -Higher; No, I, file. 4oj4SiR''I'n'1''lrni: No' 2,WJe: xamplc. j Chicago Ter, ! uin. f.o, is.,,. i. & n. 11 is do 4s K. T.. V. A 0, , Erie KncrHl 4k ' p. v. n c a j lien. Kli. .. 8k .. luwa f'cntrnl l ic (V i 1. II lu tA TVI. L.fiN. unl. l..i.iovj "Va When Isiiued. cclpt. do Sh.. So, Paoina 4s Sn. rttilluav Cu... 1014S. n. tt T. 6s . 9H,iTex. & p.i-. is.... .1014! do Is ... 704 I'nloa Parlrtu 4.. Is. 70 Wabash is ...117',' do 2k ..112 I Weft Snore 4.... Central !... Centuries .. ,. 78 ..II14 ,. 7ft .111 .. 51 ..ice .1144 ..100 .113 ,, 91 . 92'i Olfcicd. Trust re- I.niidnii Stock Qiintiitlons. LONDON, Juno 2S. 1 p. m.-C'losIng: Ciii.7 money '., loo 11-ti) Rrle 1.7" .....7 .IlliiiieiiimlU Whom Market, MINNEAPOLIS. Juno 2S.-WH EAT-!n store, No, 1 northern. June. 82c; July, sltjc; September. f2o, on track. No, 1 hard, S44o; No. I northern, K5i4o; No, 2 northern, Mo I.lveriinol (irnln Mini Prnvlalnna. LIVERPOOL. June as, WHEAT Spot, dull; No. 1 northern, spring, 6i75d; No. 1 Wit do 1st pfd.... VA Pimylanltt V Reading 1124, Nn. Piddle pfd... Hi flmnrt Trunk 7C' Aaiiioinla 71't'ltaiid Minns 131 1IH sn, 614 SH 72i 6; s', 40 do nocount, Atyhlinil (VnuJUli Purine. St. Paul Illinois Central ... Inilin Hie Union Puc. pfd.... N, Y. Ceiilml HAH SILVER-Steady, SSfl-lCd per ounce. MtiNKY-SMid per cent wanted. Tho rate of discount lu the onen market for hhort bills U iu per cent! for threu months1 bills, 2Hft2?t percent. Condition of the Tronsnry, WAHHINOTON, Juno 2S. Today's state mont of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund cxi luslve of the l.000.ooo Kold reserve In tho division of ledemptluu July ?! OILS f'nltnnsrea quiet: prlmo crude, nominal; prime yellow, .'!i'U1(... Petroleum, nulot. Rosin, steady. '1 tiipentlne, steady at Ij145I2c. Dry (ionds, llnrl.el. NEW YORK. June 2S.-DRY OOODS-No ninvenient of moment reported lu cotton Roodt of any kind. Staples are slow throughout, but nri not (iiiotablv lower thou yesterday In any direction. Prints arn selling moderately in I'an. les nnd Hlaples. iJInghams ijulet In all makes Print cloths Inactive in regulars. No tales reported; iiuoted ST,e In Kail River. Wide gray goods moro doing, hut market easy. Cotton linings dull und unchanged. Ciillfornln Dried Fruit. NEW YORK. June 2i-C.LIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Inactlve. The market for evaporated apples ruled iiulel, but nliout steady at about unchanged prices: slate, Il'i (5c; prime. 6V'ii54c, choice, 5iT?fil4e; fnncy "'tjl'.ie. 1'rimcs. .'.','rj7c per lh as to Hzo end quality, Apricots. Royal. MVAtUc; .Moor Park. l&liISc. Peaches, peeled, lll15c: No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr 1 70 3 75 43 KS 5 00 1 9M 4 CO 20 1111 5 W 3 4 00 41 H8l 6 00 1 S0 4 10 1....... 12M 5 0.) S21 4 10 1 Vi-0 6 00 ' 74S 4 10 16 1310 5 00 1 8W 14 25 40 1216 5 05 2 1130 4 30 It 1173 5 OS I HI" 4 35 7 130S 5 01 M 4 10 4 0 1209 5 W IS 10O5 4 45 1 1041 5 (if, 1 9M 4 50 1274 5 o-, ' 8S0 4 50 47 12i 5i,s 4 1027 4 1 34 1252 h Of, 24 WIO 4 60 50 , MM 5 io 1010 4 41 21 1318 5 10 1 65 46 H53 5 10 16 U50 4 61 41 1334 S 10 23- . -4 002 4 70 7 1342 5 10 60 13 4 70 85 1277 s 10 14 10W 4 70 60 1277 5 10 8 1M4 4 75 2S 1143 6 10 4 t'4 4 80 18 1IT0 5 10 31 M6 4 80 18 1162 5 10 7 1M1 4 83 31 1240 8 16 26 W 4 85 60 HffJ 5 15 47 947 4 85 3 mi 6 1.1 12 Sli 4 81 36 16.j r, 1,1 26 981 4 ) 15 1317 6 11 20 108 1 4 90 13 J273 R 2,) 20 RM 4 90 16 1244 5 20 22 K92 4 90 22 13)6 5 20 30 1173 4 95 21 1278 5 20 8 7 1293 4 9.1 37 1303 5 2,1 28 ...109.1 4 91 3 1460 5 30 24 10 5 00 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 11 1129 4 25 16 1025 4 M 30 711 4 61 30 m rt t5 20 93.1 4 75 20 1214 5 20 COWS. 1 8W) 1 73 1 1200 J .7) 1 1030 5 25 2 865 3 60 1 970 2 25 1 1280 3 j0 1 830 2 31 2 9,V) 3 m 3 860 2 2.1 1 10M 3 63 2 800 2 .M) 2 RVl 3 73 1 99) !: 1 1080 3 71 14 936 2 60 1 1100 3 7,1 2 1000 2 71 1 1040 .1 7S 1080 S 7S 1 3 75 14 92.' 3 7.1 12 1113 3 85 1 980 i 75 1 I tj 14 887 2 75 4 0M 4 00 1 670 2 73 4 107.1 4 00 2 9.15 2 90 2 13V, 4 00 1 1130 2 91 2 1 1 ro 10.) 1 110.) 3 00 39 7&S 4 K 1 750 2 00 1 1210 4 2n 1 800 3 60 26 j76 4 ,) 1 1090 3 no 20 m 4 s) 1 1090 3 20 1 13(0 4 21 1 1020 3 20 3 1319 4 30 1 10JO 3 21 16 f,.l 4 31 3 1030 3 25 3 1173 31 6 921 3 2.1 1 Iil0 4 8.1 8 910 3 40 2 MO 4 3.1 1 1210 1 4 6 1J80 4 41) 14 1002 3 50 2 ijjo 4 GO enoutrh to mnkn n. test nf the mnrL-ni They wero grass wethers of the same kind ns nrougnt n.io yesterday nnd sold today hi h.iu, wnicn wouiu seem to indicate a goou strong mantel nt least. There Is a constant demand at this point for deMrnble muttons, but shippers must bear In mind that It Is very dlincult to dispose of feeders at this season, its no ono Is ready to buy until something a llttlu more definite Is known nbout th corn crop nnd the urob abla prlco of feed. Quotations: Western grass wethers, 4.00 5M.25; choice grass yearlings, t4.65fiJ.00; fed wethers, J4.76fiu.00; fed yearlings, tfi.tXKffi5.40; fed ewes, good to choice, 4,16f4.35; fair to good fed ewes,,t3.C3'ff't.00; good to choice cupped latmw, j.i.iojfo.oo; fair to good ciippeu lumos, .uut.uv. sales: No. Representative Wyoming Brass bucks 151 Wyoming grass wethers.. .1 Wyoming grnsei wethers.. 23iJ Wyoming grass wethers.. vt. 140 117 113 113 Pr. 3 00 4 10 4 10 4 10 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MA11KET. Cattle Active, Strnnir to I.iiirer Sheep nnil I.anilis HlRber. CHICACO, Juno 28,-CATTLE-necelpts, 5,000 steers: nctlve, strong to 10c lower; butcher stocks steady to strong; natives, best on sale today, 5 cars at $5.tl; Rood to prime steers, medium weights, 10c; heavy, MJlOe higher, nt J5.0Ot)5.S0: poor to medium, stoady to 5c higher, tI.E0U5.10; selected feeders, slow, $3.75Ti4.70; mlxod Blockers, ! weak, lower, 2.50i3.70; cows, t2.90fi4 40; , heifers, J3.00tI4.S5; canncrs, steady. 52.001 '.'.75; bulls, t2.75fil.50: calves, steady, t4.50ft C.75; Texans, receipts, 200 head; Texas fed 1 alters, llrm, tl.10fj5.20; Texas grass steers, H.75tf4.30; Texns bulls, $2.75773.40. 1 HOOS Receipts today, 20,000 head; to morrow, 20.000 head; left ovor, 4,000 head, average, 10c hlrher; top. 5.42U; mixed and I muoiiers, ,r).."U'nfi.40; good to choice, heavy, Ki..w)ia.iz4; rougn, neavy, jo.isiio.i; light, m.idii.'m'i; nuiK 01 sales, ;..nm !,... SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recelpts, 7,000 nenn; slieep and lainos. choice, strong to a shade higher; others about steady, good to choice wothers, ?I.OOff4.75: fair to choice mixed, J3.20ftl.15; western sheep, J1.0W175, Texas sheep, $3.50ff 1.40; natlvo lambs, J5 0-'W b.-jo; western tamtis, to.tifti.zo; spring innins, 1 1.751 0.50. MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL DUBUQUE WATERLOO ROCKFORD FORT DODGE City Ticket Office 1402 Farnam St. DENVER BUFFET LIBRARY GARS Best Dining Cat Service viiiiimy km 1 ! s COWS AND HEIFERS. ... 615 4 40 STEERS-TEXAS. unpeeli'd, lW5)e. Ilenty ItreolptH of (inlil, ..SEATTLE, Wash.. Ju.ie 2S. Hie gold re celved at the Fii.ted Stales ,is:iy offlio since June t, '900, amotnis 111 value to over tl, 000,000. From Informitloii now at hand It Is tmsslble to make t.10 cer nln predic tion that the receipts of t ie otllce durlnx 'he month of July ,vlll amount to ever f3f V( CJU. Savo take u your trip. coupons and help some girl S3 1286 5 10 HEIFERS. 1 510 ; 1 670 4 41 7 761 3 0.1 3 1023 4 fj) 1 870 4 11 71 618 4 51 33 691 4 31 HULLS, 1 1120 2 75 1 UfA 3 90 1 900 S 00 2 f,!)r 3 ;) 1 1:100 3 2.1 1 nno 3 90 1 1010 3 30 1 imo 3 91 1 1130 3 41 1...... I'O 4 in 2 705 3 50 1 13(iD 4 no 1 1160 .1 60 2 IMS 4 10 t 17.90 3 75 1 4'0 4 7.1 1 1700 3 SO 1 070 5 50 1 1170 3 90 CALVES, 1 310 4 00 1 20 6 7.1 2 91 4 7.1 1 160 8 7.1 1 300 6 00 3 150 7 110 1 60 5 50 1 nt) 7 00 1 '."IO 6 00 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1 990 2 01 2 780 3 21 1 710 3 71 17 541 in 1 610 2 71 1 460 3 (1 2 (v) H 6 s;t 3 40 3 443 1 01 9 601 3 50 1 0s0 3 00 3 3il 3 50 1 f20 3 H) 1 510 3 f.l 1 1IC0 3 11 6 418 3 V. 4 670 IS STOCK CALVES. 1 4M 2 76 2 370 4 25 1 370 2 80 1 K0 5 00 1 330 3 V) 1 250 5 00 1 360 4 00 2 210 5 ,V) STOCKERS AND FEEDERS, 2 41.1 1 50 S , 670 4 10 1 660 3 20 22 ,. 780 4 20 1,,, Cf) 3 V) 9 81 4 20 6 681 3 80 )7 1,2.1 4 5 1 11 4 W 6 863 4 25 KnusitH Ctty Live Slock. KANSAS CITY, June 2S.-CATTLE-RC celnts. 3.S00 head unlives and 1,C) head Tex ans; good killing dry lot cattle, active and mm; green Inferior kinds, nearly steady native steers. t4.6O1i3.50; stockers and feed eis, i1.75i4.S0; butcher cows nnd helfurs, J3.(?(.4 73; canners. J2.5Hi3.00; foil westerns, tl.15fifi.23; texans. J3.25i 35. IIOOS Receipts. 8.S0O head; animated trado nt fifJiOc higher; heavy. 15.25ff5.35: mixed. tj.20i5.30; light. t.15I5.25; pigs, tl.50 &r.oo. SHEEP AND LAM US - Receipts. 1.S00 nenrt: trade fairly active and very little change in values; lambs, t5.5Oji6.0O; year lings. t.".0Ofi5.2G: muttons, t4.50tj4.C5: Tex- uns. t3.S5f74.2r,; feeders. J3.25ff4.00; culls, $2.50 aj.w. St. Louis Live Stock. ST. LOUIS, June IS. -CATTLE Receipts, 2,:h ncao. including l.uia nead Texans; mar ket aieuiiv; native shipping and export steers, JI.S0fi5.iri; dressed heef nnd butcher sleeis. $l.31f(5.25, sleers under 1,000 lbs., $4 25 T4.'&: stockers and feeders, $3.45ffi.90; cows and neireis j3.i"rT4 '.ft; canners. $.50fi2.Mi; bulls, $3.20fil21; Texas and Indian steers, M."6ii-4.S0; cows and heifers. l2.KfM.ffi. HOOS Receipt-. 3.700 head- mnrket 10c higher; pigs and lights. t5.20f;.30: packers. t5.20fifi.35; butchers. t5.30fjS.Vj; butchers, $1 30 . H1IEEP AND LAMBS - Receipts l.hOO neauj market steady to strong, native mut tons. fl.O0fH.10; lairibs, tl.SOfiOOO; culls and bucks. t2.f)f4.00; stockers, $2.90f3.6, Neiv York I,lv- Stork. NEW YORK, Juno 2S. REEVES- Re ceipts. 996 head; two cars on salo anil sold a I steady prices; cables steady; no ship ments. CALVES- Receipts, 206 head; slow nnd 25c lower; buttermilks, easier; veals, fl.oof 5.3714: buttermilks, t.1.50. SHEEP AND LAMMS- Receipts. 863 head; sheep, not wanted; lambs, dull; feeding a trifle llrm; sheep, $3.00fi I.12!,; lambs, $1,75 fil.lO; one deck, extra, M.50. IIOOS- Receipts, $3.79: half a car on sale; market a trifle weak at $5.65fj5.S0. St. .loxepli Live Stock. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH, Junn 2S.-(Speelal.) Tho Journal quotes: CATTLE Ifecelpls. 1,800 head; market steady to Ilk- higher; natives, $l.25'i6.f,0; Texas and westerns, t1.90?ifi.2.i; cows iiml heifers. t2.25fi I.S0; hulls and slags. t2.25f 4.90; vearllngs nnd calves, Jl.ooijj.oo, stock ers and feeders, $t.2r)frl,60; enls, $i.00fii 7,1 llUflS- ltecelpts. 5,210 head; market 0fj Kite higher: all grades, $5.17l.jf(f..35; bulk nf sales, $i.20firi,3O. SIlEEI'-RecelplB, S.m he.ul; sternly. Stock In SlKhl, Following arn the recclplM nt the four principal western markets for June 2S: , Cattle. Hops Sheep. South Omaha 2,911 11,722- 517 Chicago fJ.orm 20,001 7,01)) Kansas City 5,400 s.srm i.rijo St. Louis 2,00 3,700 1,500 Tgtals 19,214 n;s 10.VJ7 Simnr llnrKrl, NEW ORLEANS, June 2S, . SUOAR -Strong, eeiiiilfugal yellow, 4',s'ra6ijc; oc onds, 3f?4lic TO CHI0Q0 intl EIST, LEAVE 7:00 A. M.-4:55 P. M.-7:45 P. If. ST. PAUL and MINNEAPOLIS, LEAVE! t:ti A. M.-7:36 P. 3C. HOT SPRINGS - DEADWOOD LEAVE 8:00 P. M. Oify Offices, 1401-03 Farnim. Kodol dyspepsia Cure Digests what you cat. It artificially digests tlm food and alda Nature in struiiKtlictilni; and recon structing tlio exhaust od dlKestlvo or. ans. It Ih the latustdlscovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It In clildcncy. it In itantly relieves and peniianuutly cures Dyspepsia, IndiKcstlon, Ilcarthurn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Ileadaclie,Gastrali,'li,Cr;iti)ps and all other resultsof tnipcrfcctdlgestlnn. I'rlcoAOc.nnd $1, Largu bloconlalns!i',4 times small size. Hook all ulxjutiJrhpupsia mulled freo Precared bv E C. De'VPT 4 CO., Chicago MMsssssyBslsLssKiTiBssSk.asstsnASja KINGSFORD'S CORN STARCH Tht Original for food purposes. IN USE ALL OVER THE WORLD. Anfi-Kawf It stops It nt oni'p. No tlekllnR In Ilia tltioiil if you use Anil Knwf. All ihugISlH Hell It. noci'TA M,,riAi.ivoiin c.m'.mimc. Curs nnr.orrhoea. (lleet. nnnalnnl ai charges In a few days. All druggists, urcorl only Doruta, uy mall jl.w. full directions. UIC fc CO., J33 c.'entrs Bt.. Now Tork. JAMES E BOYD & CO., Telephone I ()!). Omaha, NcV COMMISSION, GKAI.N, PROVISIONS und STOCKS UOAII.U otr THAIIIC. Correspondence: John A, Warren ic Co Direct wlrcu to Chicago and Nw Yori tokc iw9 MEY8-C0. RRPErJ (2Q0H4rirurE uoa OMAHA PCs). BRANCH 1038 rLJJ