Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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Cunty Cemmiulonirs Qiie Their Attention
to Largs Prcptrtj Owatri,
Nnmlicr of Cnriiorntliinn Cltrn Ttnil
lrnl liH'rrnup Oirr Hip
aiirn' lleliirnn Will llolp tlic
Conut)'n Him
Th lant ilay of thp Hoard of Kquallza
tlon'n nlttlnK nan a scramble of taxpayer.
to get In before the flnlih for the aJJust
ment at their county assriuimcnts. Tno
board dlspnfod of a larsc number of In
r.lenlflcant canes and then went about tho
tank of holaMng the valuation on tho large
property owners. Several radical Increases
were tnado and the revenues of the county
were perceptibly swollen.
A further hearing of tho Krnervolr Ice
company's clnlm was entered upon, Presi
dent Talbot and Attorney Oalncs earnestly
testifying to the Injustice of an Increase.
The return of the nsscifor fixed tho one
nlxth valuation of the combine at J.'.SiO.
Commlasloner Connolly believed that an
assessment of J1G.00O was none too large
nnd Uarte was in favor Of making It
$25,000. Tho olllclals made a showing tint
only a small portion of the Hcqulrcd Ico
plints were In service nnd a compromise
of $10,000 was agreed upon, $1,200 above
tho arfictsor's return.
The Omaha flas company was nleo obliged
to submit to a material, Increaso ovor tho
assessor's return of $19. ISO. It was dis
closed that the same property wus valued
on the city books at about $100,000 nnd tho
commissioners believed that $110,003 vrn
none too large an amount on n one-sixth
The National Hank of Commerce failed to
file n showing of Its holdings In tho pre
scribed form. The board thereforo took for
Its estimate the published statement In tho
public print and assessed the Institution
$38, "ill. as against $10,050 one year ago.
Other Important Increases were tho Omaha
Wator company, from $113,500 to $130,001),
and the Omaha Street Hallway company,
from $70,000 to $91,000. Tho case of tho
telephone company has not yet been settl d.
Tho board was occupied during tho after
noon In fixing tho assessment for tho Fourth
ward, South Omaha, where no rcturnB were
compiled by tho ward olllclals. There were
n number of complaints nnd tho process was
Tho last of tho proposed Increases In as
sessments were adjusted to tho satisfaction
of the board and the total additions made
amounted to-$585,597. Tho Increases made
by the board one year ago footed up $510,507.
Jlodne Street I'roiirrtr Holder Sub
mit Jlcvlxril rctitlunn for I'av
Iiik Unit TlioroiiKlifnre.
A rpeclal mooting of tho city council was
held at 10 o'clock yesterday for the pur
pose of receiving petitions from property
holders who nrt( seeking to havo DaJgo s'treot
repaved from Seventeenth to Twentieth
street, also Nineteenth street from Dodge
street to Capitol nvonuc. Tho ordinances
providing for the repaying of thceo streets
were vetoed by .Mayor Moores at tho regu
lar meeting of the council because tho peti
tions for the repaying did not bear the
Fignatures of tho wives of men who own
homesteads that would bo subject to, the tax
(or tho proposed paving.
The signatures necessary to make thema
petitions errorlcus were ttccurcd and certi
fied to by a notrry. The petitions were
submitted to tho council that ordinances
may be passed without delay. A peti
tion for repavlng Chicago street from Six
teenth to Twonty-second street was nlso
submitted to the council. Ordinances were
jiassod to u second reading which provide
for the paving of Thirty-seventh street front
Farnam to Leavenworth, tho repavlng of
Twenty-fourth street from Farnam to St.
Mary's avenue and tho paving of Yates
strcst from Sherman avenue to Fifteenth
street. All thesp ordinances havo been In
spected by tho city attorney, city englneor
and city clerk nnd tho proceedings aro said
to bo free from errors.
Myron D, Karr, president of tho council,
Is In Lincoln and Mr. Mount presided. Ths
mcmbor of the council attending the meet
ing were Mount, Trostler, l.obeck, Hurkloy,
Hascall and Zlmman.
Conditions of atmosphere and other fac
tors which go to make up Omaha's weather
aro such that almost anything Is possible
In tho next twenty-four hours. Out west
tho mercury Is again flirting with the cen
tury mark and In Kansas, Colorado and
Texas readings from 100 to 103 wero the rule
at tho points of observation. In the north
west the weather Is cooler, but the heat of
thu southwest Is probably of n character to
counteract any fall In temperature which
might result from the northwestern condi
tions. Locally thunderstorms would not sur
prise the forecaster, although tho storm con
dition shows more generally for the state
at large.
At St. Paul yesterday tho weather was 10
degrees hotter than at Omaha, but this
morning tho upper valley Is considerably
Wnrlil tn Hint Tli In Vpnr. .
Thlft Is the recent decision of ono of the
prominent societies of tho world, but tho
exact day has not yet been fixed upon,
nnd whllo thero aro very few people who
bcllovo thlB prediction, there aro thousands
ot others who not only bollpve, but know
that Hostettor's Stomach Illttem Is tho
hest mcdlclno to euro dyspepsia, Indiges
tion, constipation, biliousness or liver and
Sidney troubles. A fair trial will ccrtaluly
convince you of Its valuo.
ChpiiK-, mill Upturn,.
On June 25, 26 and 27, via tho Illinois
Central. Inquire at H02 Farnam at.
Vote early and often.
A. Plnep (ii NiipiiiI Hip Siiniiiipr,
On tho lines of tho MILWAUKEE RAIL
WAY In Wisconsin are some of tho most
beautiful places In tho world to spond a
summer vacation camping out or at tho ele
gant summer hotels, floating, fishing, beau
tiful lakes and streams and cool weather.
Tbeso resorts aro nil easily reached from
Omaha. A book describing them may ho
had upon application at the Chicago, Mll
wsuken St. Paul Ry., city ticket office
1501 Farnam street. Omaha. Round trip
tickets, good returning until October, 31,
now on salo. F. A. NASH,
General Western Agent.
Commit tern Ankpil tii lpinrt.
All soliciting committees for the sale of
tickets for tho Omiih.i Musical fextlviil
havo beeen asked to hand in their llstH at
once for use In reillstrlrtlnif the idly. Tho
publicity rommltteo has been directed to
procure tickets for Immediate distribution.
Tho General advisory cnminlttctt bus been
enlarged to Include all of those who lmvo
taken active interest in tlui project. The
llrowers' association will meet Saturdny
nnd will ho asked to subscribe for a hunch
of tickets. Many requests for books are
lielng received from neighboring cities. In
dicating the Interest taken In the project
ouisiuo oi uui city.
For two years Ira W. Kelloy of Mansfield,
Pa., was In poor health on account of kidney
trouble. He consulted soveral physicians
nnd spent considerable money for medicines
without obtaining relief until ho tried Foley's
Kidney Cure, and now wrltrn "1 denlro to
add my tretlmnny that It may bo the cause
of aiding others," Myers-Dillon Drug Co.,
Omaha; Dillon's Drug Store, South Omaha,
I'lrecrnpUrmMtint Hp l.nlil Aunr fu
ll! Hip Kvpiilnn; of
.Inly II.
Tho small boy and his firecrackers nnd
other Instruments of torture are supposed to
bo off the earth until 6 o'clock on the even
ing of July 3. Policemen will be after all
vlolaters of the fireworks and firecracker
ordinances until that evening, when tho or
dinance will be suspended until Fourth of
July at midnight. Mayor Moores has in
structed the chltf of police to prevent Fourth
of July celebrations from continuing
througout tho entire summer.
A number of runaways that were caused
by firecracker and fireworks have already
bctn reported nnd many complaints havo
been lodged with the mayor and the police
department. Every effort will bo made to
protect the city of Omaha from an untimely
fusillade of cap pistols and Roman candles.
The following Fourth of July proclamation
has been Irsued by Mayor Mooresr
OFFU'K OF MAYOR. June 2S.-To tho
Citizens of Omaha; As our great national
liiilldny. the Fourth or July, draws near, it
becomes inv nrlvllcce to call the nttcntlun
of our people to the duty which every
citizen owci to his country to celebrate
nroncrlv the anniversary of our national
Independent e The history of our country
during the last year has been one of gicat
achievements, reflecting honor .upon the
nation for Its wMe oilmln stratlon or the
great trusts committed to its care.
It Is earnestly hoped that every loyal
citizen of Omaha will cease labor himself
and glvo Ills employes also a holiday on
that day nnd show his patriotism by dis
playing (lags and bunting on his residence
anil on his place of business.
The ordinances of the city of Omahn for
bid the tiring of firearms and llrecrackers
at all times, but this rule may lio suspended
by the mayor. I hereby sunpend the opera
tion of these ordinances for the evening of
July 3 nnd for all of July 1.
The tiring of dynamite llrecrackers and
cannon llrecrackers Is made a misdemeanor
by him city ordinances nnd Is punlslialile
by a he:'vy line. This ordinance Is not
suspended and will be strictly enforced.
Tno nring of llreworKs prior to tne even
ing of July 3 Is also u misdemeanor and
the police hnvo been ordered to arrest
violators or the ordinance. This order will
be followed to the letter, for such tiring Is
dangerous and has caused at least six
teams to run away In the last two days, en
danuerlng life and property.
The llrlng of explosives on July 3 and 4
In alleys or near barns or other combustible
materials Is expressly prohibited.
Tho dnlly paper will contuln full an
nouncements of tho arrangements which
have beeen made for nuhllc celebrations In
the city. FRAN1C H. MOORES,
Condition Are Sueli (lint the l.ocnl
Forppnntpr In 1'rppirpit for
Aliuont An j tiling.
An tlie
aro best reached
via the
that line has made
the following
Omaha (o Denver and return, $19.00.
Omaha to Colorado Springs and return,
Omaha to Olenwood Sprlags and return,
Omaha to Pueblo and return, $19.00.
Omaha to Ogden and raturn, $32.00.
Omaha to Salt Lake and return, $32.00.
In effect June 21, July 7-8-9-10-18 and
August 2. Final return limit October 31,
Two Trains Dally to
Denver and Colorado Points.
Three Trains Dally to
Salt Lake City and Utah Points.
City Ticket Office, 1302 Faruara street
Telopbone 316.
Tolaj the Gmteit Offering of Mill
Ends We Em Mads,
50C AND S1.03 WASH G0UD;, 102 A YARD
(Srrnt Snip llpiiinnnln JIoiisspIIop iIp
SiiIp, All Wool Cnntiiuprp, lllcli
(irnitp Silks, llriienilPN ll Oilil
l.oln I'liilcmeiir Very t'lipup.
All the remnants that have accumulated
from our Mgh-class wash goods, embroid
ered and dotted swlr, lawns, sheer linens,
real Irish linens, Paris organdlre, silk
striped and floral effects, Dresden effects,
every yard worth from 50c to $1.00, in rem
nants from 2 to 10 yards, at 10c per yard.
Remnants of mouteellno de pole and silk
cord batiste in plain colors, Moral designs,
many embroidered dots, actually worth 50c
yard, but In short remnants from U yard
up to ono yard, go In three lots, many pieces
to match, at lc, 3o nnd 10c for entire rem
nant. ' Remnants of nil wool cashmeres In even
ing shades; also black; a lot of crcpons and
novelty black goods In lengths of one yard
nnd less, but all that match arc put together
and enough of each kind to make a ladles'
waist or ladles' skirt, go at 10c per yard.
Another lot of hlgh-grndp silk remnanU
from a retnll house, goods worth from $2.00
to $5.00 yard, heavy brocades, plain taffetas,
figured taffetas, hrocaded taffetas, In lengths
from 2V4 yards to 5 yards, waist lengths and
trimming lengths, go at IPc and 69c yard.
Short lengths of heavy silk; thceo are es
pecially high grade, beautiful novelty silks,
In lengths of H, ',4, and one yard, go at
5c, 10c, 16c and 25c for entire piece.
The greatest offering of mill ends we have
ever made. More mill remnantn of cotton
goods placed on sale than ever before at any
one time In Omaha.
10,000 yards of remnants, dimity, organdy,
lawn, sheer lawn, etc., nt 3'2c yard, worth up
to 25c.
10.000 Violet A lawn remnants, worth
12V4c. nt 5c yard.
10.000 yards mercerized sateen, In plain
colors, at 10c yard.
10,000 yards 3fi-lnch wide chnmbray, nurse
striped, gingham, 8?4c yard.
10,000 yards 3B-lnch wide fancy light col
ored striped percale. 8c yard.
10,000 yards drapery burlap, 5c yard.
Ono big counter all grades black sateen,
worth up to 25t yard, go at 3c yard.
One assorted lot of short remnants of per
calo and calico, lc yard.
Ono big lot of all kinds of plain white
goods, India linens, organdies, etc., go at
3ia yard.
One big lot of plain shades of all kinds of
lawns go nt 3&c yard.
Ono big counter long remnants all kinds
of dimity, worth 25c, go at 10c yard.
'All the balance of our entire stock of
bicycle covert cloth, worth 124c yard, go at
So yard.
N. W. Cor. 16th 'and Douglas.
The .VurtliTrrnterii
Half fare to Chicago and return, June 25,
26, 27. Good till July 2. 1401-1403 Farnam
Clirnp Hound Trip Itntes.
On July 7, 8, 9, 10 and 18 and
August 2, the Illinois Central railroad will
sell tickets, limited until October 31, as
St. Paul, Minn., and return $12.65
Minneapolis, Minn., and return 12.65
Duluth, Minn., and roturn 16.95
Waseca. Minn., and return 10.35
Superior, Wis., and return 16.95
West Superior, Wis., and return 16.95
For full particulars call at Illinois Central
city ticket ofllce, No. 1402 Farnam street.
Special Trnln to ICniman City, Mo.
On July 3 tho Omaha & St. Louis railroad
will run a special excursion train to Kansas
City nccount tho democratic national con
vention. Special leaves Union station,
Omaha, R;00 p. m., Council Bluffs 8:15 p. m.,
arrives Kansas City 7:00 a. m. Sleepers will
remain in Kansas City during the conven
tion nnd will bo occupied by all who apply
at once and secure berths, Call at Omaha
& St. Louis Ticket office, 1115 Farnam
street, or wrlto Harry E. Moores, city pas
senger and ticket agent, Omaha, Neb,
mi? ii.
V A N 1) E H FO R D Wll 1 1 a in of pleurisy, Juno
.1. hko years a inonuiH ii nays.
Funeral services nt residence, 112.1 Smith
Thirty-third street, Saturday at 1 p. m.
r riciius invucu.
Omaha Tent and Awning Co., tents, awn
ings, canvas goods, 11 and Harney, phono 883.
Friday Morning Early
Tho people of Kearney will have an op
portunity of seeing the Cramer Chemical
Co., of Albany, N. Y Wagon No. 27, drawn
by a team of gray horses. Its mission will
be to advertise It thoroughly there, and as
the wngoa does not sell the goodn only to
druggists, they will be able then to get
thum at home.
Cramer's Kidney Cure 75c
Sure Death for bugs 20c
1 doz. 2-gralii Quinine Capsules 7c
1 doz. 3-graln Quinine Capsules lOu
1 doz. 5-craln Quinine Capsules l5o
Enu de Quinine. (Pinnud's) 3Sc and 73c
Duffy's Malt Whiskey 85c
Perunu 7So
Wlno of Card u I 75C
Plnkham's Compound "5c
Pond's Extract 40c
Family Syringe 500
Pierces Prescription 75c
Iotus Cream ioo
Uncle Sam's Tobacco Cure Mo
Miles' Heart Curo 73c
Ayer'H Hair Vigor 75a
Hu-Can Hair Tonlo 750
QPUIECED cut price
ou finer cn druggist.
Car. lfitb and Chicago Htreetn.
The ONLY DIRECT ROUTE to and from
the Pacific Coast.
Two trains dally to and from Omaha and
Denver nnd Colorado points.
Two trains daily to and from Omaha and
San Francisco and California points.
Three trains dally to and from Omaha
and Salt Lako City and Utah points.
Two trains dally to and from Omaha and
Portland and North Pacific coast points, with
direct connections for Tacoma and Seattle.
Iluffot, smoking and library cars, with
barber shops and pleneant reading rooms.
Double drawing room palace sleepers. Din
ing cars, meals a la carte. Plntsch light.
City Ticket Office. 1302 Farnam St. Tel. 31.
The Nnrlmt entprii l.lne
Half Faro
Charleston, S. C
many other
City Offices, 1401-3 Farnam St.
When you deposit your vncatton coupons
pin them together. It will mako the count
ing quicker and easier.
Write ads. Sell cuts. Print anything.
Etonocypher, 1201 Howard St. Tel. 1310.
It is Cool in Colorado.
Leave Omaha on tho Denver Limited 1:25 this af
ernoon and tomorrow innrnlng-TO.!ORROW MORN
1N(i you can be In Colorado Springs or Manltnu,
whero tho inerriiometer does not rise aliovo 75 de
grees live days In a summer and the evenings are so
cool that gruto llres aro welcome ut least twice a
Only $19 00 for the round trip.
July 3. 7. 8. 9. 10. 17 and IS.
Ask for our 72-page book about "Colorndn" one of
the handsomest and most Interesting railroad publica
Ticks! Otllce,
1 502 Farnam St,
Tel, 200.
Burlington Statlen,
10th and Mason Sta
Tel. 128.
siMiriAi, 11 tks
Vln. MIonrl I'm c I tie ltiillnn.v.
nccount the DEMOCRATIC convention nt
KANSAS CITY will sell at very LOW
RATES on July 2. ,1 and 1.
Fourth of July tickets on sale July 3 and
4. Homeseckcrs' tickets to certain points
In the south, routheast nnd southwest on
sale July 3 and 17.
For further Information call nt company's
nmccn at S. E. corner llth and Douglas
streets, Omaha, Neb.
THOS. F. (IODFREY, P. and T. A.
J. O. PHILLIPPI. A. (1. F. and P. A.
Mulliler of Nntlons,
The press reports nt the time gave very In
adequate summaries of tho address recently
delivered before the International Commer
cial congress at Philadelphia by Mr. (leorge
H. Daniels, general passenger ngent of the
Now York Central railway. Since then the
paper has been printed as No. 2t! of the
"Four Track Series," and may be obtained
on application. As a general exposition of
tho relationship of the railways of America
to tlui commercial, Industrial and agricul
tural Interests of the country. Mr. Daniels'
paper was, so far as 1 havp seen, tho broad
est nnd most Interesting discussion that tho
subject has at any time hnd. No one can
read It without having brought home to him
the marvelous part that the railways havo
played In building up the greatest of all na
tions. Town Topics.
I'lcnlc mill Cclplirntlon.
Rlvervlew Park. July I. 1900. W. (). W.
Log Rolling Association of Nebraska and
South Side Improvement club. Drills, con
test!, games, barbecue, etc. Admlrsion free.
Everybody Invited. Transfers given on all
street cars that da
Take Hip Wnlinuli
For Niagara Falls, Thousand Islands and all
the summer resorts of tho east. All agents
sell tickets via the Wabash. Ask for them
or call on or write G. N. Clayton, Room 403
N. Y. L. Bldg.
Cincinnati anil Upturn. 22.n0.
On July 10, 11 and 12, via Illinois Cen
tral. Particulars at city ticket office, 1402
Farnam at.
25 Per Gent
Discount Sale
r.xcv:siox It ATMS
Vln riilennn, Mllvrnnltpp A. At, Pnnl
June 2, 3 and 1, Milwaukee and return,
Juno H, 15, 1C nnd 17, Philadelphia nnd
return. $30.75.
Juno 25, 26 nnd 27, Chicago and return,
City Ticket Office, 1504 Farnam street.
General Western Agent.
Cnmp .tlppln
at Mountain Lake Park, Maryland, 1
Via tho Ilaltlmoro K- Ohio Railroad.
On July 5 to 16, Inclusive, tho Ilaltlmoro
& Ohio Railroad will sell low rate excursion l
tickets to Mountain Lako Park, Md., ao- j
count nbove occasion. '
Tickets will be good for return until July 1
20. 1900.
For further Information call on or addresi
nenrest Baltimore & Ohio Ticket Agent, or
B. N. Austin, General Pacuenger Agent. !
.Spirit l.nUc OU0I.0.II f ii!.r. 'llr.,
Leave Omaha at 7 a. m arrive Arnold's
Park 4 p.m. Spirit Lake 1:10 p.m., via 1
Illinois Central. Quickest nnd most direct
route. Round trip tickets $10.70, good 1111- )
til October 31 returning. For particulars
Inquire nt city ticket office, 1402 Farnam st.
See C. F. Harrison's 10 great bargains In i
real eatnto today's paper.
lursins- Bottles.
Wo have a very complete assortment of
supplies for tho nursery. In nursing bottles
we have twelve (12) different shapes, and
styles somo for fitting In sterilizers, others
with SHORT NECKS easy to clean some
with vnlvo at bottom of bottle others that
come apart In middle. The price on most
kinds Is 10c each, 3 for 25c and 75c per
dozen, Wo have about 25 kinds of rubber
! nipples to fit the nursers mentioned above.
Write for rubber goods catalogue.
Sherman &, McConnell Drug Co.
Corner O t It and IIoiIkp.
To close out balance of our Refrig
erators wo offer for this week
25 Per Cent Discount on
Yukon, &oska and Eddy
from eur regular plain figure prloea, an
we do not want to carry any over.
Everybody knows that YUKON,
ALASKA and EDDY Refrigerators
have no superiors. We are Omaha
acents for them.
14th nnd Farnam S ts.
'f You Take a Holiday
Take a Kodak.
You are not fully equipped for
your summer trip imlcss you havo
carry all reliable makes and can
advise you just what to set. Call
and see us before going. Free In
struction how to use them.
The Robert Dempster Go,,
1215 Farnam St.
Send us your Alms to develop.
Boys' Summer
The better your knowledge
of values and qualities, the
more we will welcome your
trade, for then you will better
appreciate the wonderful vab
ues we are constantly giving
you from day to day in our
boys' department
To make a long story short,
get your boy in shape for the
Fourth of July,
Saved Dollars Turn Into Bank Accounts. Attend llayden's
Pre-lnventory Sales.
Berry Rowls, Colery Dishes. Olive Dishes, Vases, Ca
raffes and Tumblers, Ico Cream Dishes. Tea Bells,
Vinegar Bottles, etc. Spend a few minutes at our
store. Look for the name.
LINDSAY, the Jeweler,
IMG Doiifjlafl.
Saved Dollars Grow Into Bank Accounts. Attend
11 AVflEII' Pre-lnventory Sale
IIA I UCnS of Oxfords & Shoes
Selling all the fine Oxfords and Shoes from
three big manufacturers at less than half price.
Ladies' Fine 2.50 Vici Kid
Oxford Ties for
$18 All Wool Bunting Flags $3.50.
Having purclmsptl ;00 G.vIO regulation U. S. flags, with sow
cd stars and double stitched .mthhs. with reinforced corners and
brass grommeU". at our own jjrice, from parties
going out of busiuesfi, we offer same Friday for, each
50c Ladies' Belts, 15c.
Sale begins Friday morning at 8 o'clock, thousands
of belts worth 2ijc, 35c, 50c. go on sale Friday at
35c Net Top Laces, 5c Yard.
Closing out all summer laces, Point Puree and va.1 laces, at
one fourth regular price. (50c val laces, 15c a dozen. $1.00 val laces
25c a dozen.
30c New Neck Ribbons, I5c.
The very latest new metallic taffeta ribbons, all the tP
latest shades, regular price 30c, on sale Friday I civ
$1.50 Lace All-Overs 59c.
We have the greatest line of lace all-overs in the city, goodri
worth ? 1.00, 1.25 and $1.50 y,w, Qf
all on sale Friday at Jjj
A full line of lace tucking and inserting all-overs, L to .?1.50.
A full line of new .Mechlin laces now in stock..
$1.00 Jeweled Pompadour Combs, 39c.
Just received a closing out line of 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 Hair
Ornaments, to CLOSI3 OFT QFKMv they go at :?9c.
50c New Pulley Kelt Buckles at 15c a pair.
$1.50 Sterling Silver Bracelets, at 75c.
We put into this sale over S00 pairs of ladies' fine vici kid, tan
and black Oxford Ties and Slippers, with hand turned soles, new
coin toes, kid and patent leathei tips, Oxfords and Slippers made
to retail at $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50, on sale now at DSc.
Ladies' Fine $3.50 Vici 1 r rt
Kid Shoes for Only
All the ladies' line $3.00 and $3.50 vici lace and bnttpn Shoes
left from the three big manufacturers' stocks, consisting of over
1)00 pairs, in this sale at one price only $1.23.
$.18 buys a nloe Top Buffgy.
Spring Wagons
Farm Wagons
H. E. Fredrickson
15th anil Dodge Sis., OMAHA, NEB.
S 5
S9 a'
mmxm u kai