Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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Annual Hspert for tho Tear Ending Maroh
31 is Mido Fablic.
PnKRrnupr nml I'roltslil liirnltiK fur
the Vcnr Toll it Xlnry of I'rna
jii'roiin CiitiillllotiM that
; Can mil lie llelll llcil.
Tho nnniial report of the Hock Island nys
tcm fnr tho lineal year cuillnR March 31, 1!)00,
lihows a most gratifying condition of affairs,
dross earnings from iiawienKcr, freight nnd
mall transportation show a Mr IncrcuKc over
tho preceding year, tho total Rrora
earnings boltip $22,001.01, an lncrcimo of
1,082,690.09. Tho operating expenses for
tho year woro $11,033,708.62, an lnercnso over
tho provloun year of $1, 321,000.77. Net earn
lngs worn $7,663,104.03, an Increase of C5G,
849.80 over 1S9J.
In his report President Purely mal(c a
number of Interesting computation! rclntlvo
to tho Increased hunlncsH, Hclatlvo to tho
paHsenscr department ho snvs: "In com
parlson with tho previous year, passenger
earning show nn Increase of $187,453.17, or
0.6 per cent, which In tnndo up of an In
crenno In earnings from connecting lines of
$117,016.66, or 13.92 per cent, and an Increusa
from business originating on our own lino
of $370., or 8.79 per cent. The totnl
number of paivsungcrH cnrrlcd Increased
742,002, or 13.07 per cent. Of all tho pawen
Kcrs carried, 3,210,022, or CO 10 per cent,
traveled wont, and 3,180,601, or 19.51 per cent,
travoled cast. Tho paficngor btmlncss at
400 Rt.'itloim nhow nn Increnso during the
year of $536, 122. 56, and at 139 ntntluns a de
crenHo of $48,067.39.
"Freight earnings for tho year Increased
$1,529,136.49, or 10.66 per cent. Tho move
ment of freight earning revenuo ns compared
with tho prevloUH year shown an Inrrcnse
of $512,762 tons, or 7.30 per cent, tho rate
por mllo being $.0099, tho aamo as for
tho last fiscal year."
Tho report Is an eloquent showing of the
proBpcrotiH conditions that nro existent In
tho territory through which tho road passes.
Owner AVri Junl Aliimt tit Mi-finurr
'I'hrin til Verify TliPlr AkciiI'r
A fow weeks ngo tho Omaha Klcvntor
company, owner of tho largo cribs nt .Mil
lard, believed that It hnd located a nhort
ago of $500 In tho account of their agent
nt that point. The agent mndo tho defense
that ho had purchased corn with the- money
and that the commodity wna stored In the
rrlb. Ho nald that be had simply been
careless with IiIh bookkeeping.
Tho only way to verify the statement was
to measuro tho corn anil this tho company
Intended to do this week. Just as tho opera
tion was about to begin tho crib burned to
tho ground from ramn mysterious cause and
about one-half of tho 11,000 bushcln In stor
ngo was consumed. It will bo Impossible,
theroforc, to determine whether or not the
corn was really In tho crib. The case
ngalnnt the agent Is ponding In tho courts.
DoWltt's hlttlo Knrly Risers aro famous
little pills for liver and bowel troubles.
Never gripe.
.More Niilen of liriiltiK llaiiclirn.
Mr. O. H. Payne of the Payno-Knox com
pany ban Just returned from a trip up tho
Klkhorn railroad In northwestern Nebraska
nnd reports ti salo In Shorldnn county of
4,168 acre; also u sale In Ilrnwn county of
1,120 acres,. These lands wero bought for
cattle rnncheH and will soon be placed under
fence, which Ik another strong ovldenco of
tho fact that the cattlemen In tho northwest
nro getting hold of tho land that they want
to uso.
Cmul Itlonn I'riiniiitly Met.
Tho season at Hot Springs having opened
rather earlier than usual, tho "North
western line." I, K. fc M. V. It. It., has
nnnounrcd the rintcet for running
SIONS" to this favorlto resort and this service will
provldo particularly for travel from Omaho
nnd vicinity:
July 7.
July 14.
July 21.
July 28.
Limit, October 31, 1900.
Unto, ono fare, plus $2.00.
Through sleepers Omaha to Hot Springs
every Saturday during July.
Via Northwestern line.
Returning, sleepers leave Hot Springs for
Omaha ovory Monday In July.
Thp SnniplpR of Seprnl WpII Known
.MnimrnetiirprN on Snip Tmln).
Today we will place on sale for the
first lime 15 traveling men s rumples of
shirt waists. Over 2,000 garments In all.
Thoso woro bought nt n fraction of their
rcnl value. There aro white waists, per
cale waists, lawn waists, dimity waists,
gingham waists, many of them Inserted,
tucked, hemstitched, shirred and corded, nnd
told regular from 75c to $3.00 each, go In
four lots:
IOt 1 75c samples of shirt 'waists at 25c
each on sale In tho basement.
Lot 2 $1.00 and $1.30 samples of white and
colored shirt walsU, at 49c each on salo on
main floor.
Lot 3 $1.75 and $2.00 samples of white j
and colored shirt waists at 75c on Bale on .
main floor.
Lot 4 $2.50 and $3.00 shirt wnlst samples '
ut OSc on sale on main floor. I
Today on main floor bargain square
wo will place all the sample wrappers from
several of the bent wrapper manufacturers
In New York City. Theso are all light
lawn nnd percnlo wrappers, trimmed with
lace anil embroidery, made In the latest
style, Just the thing for hot weather wear.
No matter what their wholesale price was,
whether $1.00 or $2.00 each, on salo on main
floor nt 50c each.
N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas Sts.
For Spot Cash We Baj 50.0C0 Piotnns at
Om-Third Their Regular Price.
l)n ,ot llnnillp riplnre ns n !en
prnl TIiIiik, lint 'I'lice Were Of
fered So t'lienii Wc Could
.ol Help HnyliiK Them,
nx tt: as i ox hat us
Vln riilcnmi, .Mllunnkrc fc St. I'nnl
June 2, 3 nnd 4, Milwaukee and return,
Juno 14, 15, 16 and 17, Philadelphia and
return, $30.73,
Juno 25, 26 and 27, Chicago and return,
City Ticket Ofllce, 1504 Karnam street.
1 A. NASH.
General Western Agent.
Omaha Tent nnd Awning Co., tents, awn
ings, canvas goods, 11 nnd Harney, phono SS3.
An lilt.
nro best reached
via tho
that lino has made
the following
Omaha to Denver nnd return, $19.00.
Omaha to Colorado Springs nnd return,
Omnha to Glonwood Springs nnd return,
Omnha to Pueblo nnd return, $19.00.
Omaha to Ogdcn and return, $32.00.
Omnha to Salt Lake nnd return. $32.00.
In effect Juno 21. July 7-8-9-10-18 and
August 2. Final return limit October 31,
Two Trains Dally to
Denver and Colorado Points.
Three Trains Dally to
. Salt Lnko City and Utah Points.
City Ticket Ofllce, 1302 Farnntn street.
Telephono 316.
Thp lliiitftiui Itlver lr Inj- Ilont.
The Lake Shoro Fast Mall No. 6, leavlns
Chicago dally at 8:30 n. m.. with through
buffet sleeper. Is the only train from Chi
cago, making direct connection with tha
Hudson River Day Line boats ftom Al
bany. Tho Now England express Is tho
only twenty-six-hour train between Chi
cago nnd Doston. Leaves Chicago ovory I
afternoon at 2. Tho Lako Shoro Limited
Is tho only twenty-four-hour train between
Chicago nnd Now York, passing through tho
benutiful Mohawk Valley and nlong tho
banks of tho Hudson river by daylight.
Srmmor tourist tlckots are now on Bale.
n. P. Humphrey, T. P. A., Knnsns City,
Mo. F. M. Ryron, O. W. A., Chicago.
Cnraii Mrrllmc
at Mountain Lako Park, Maryland,
Via tho Raltlmoro & Ohio Railroad.
On July B to 16, Inclusive, tho Raltlmore
& Ohio Railroad will bcII low rate excursion
tickets to Mountnln Luke Park, Md ac
count above occasion.
Tickets will bo good for return until July
0, 1900.
For further Information call on or address
nearest Baltimore fc Ohio Ticket Agent, or
II. N. Austin, General Passenger Agent,
All tho Inrgo Imported painted plaques,
exact reproductions of many famous paint
ings, In tho ten-inch oval size, go at 10c
each. You can bo your own Judgo ns to
what they nro really worth.
All tho largo 11-Inch painted plaques,
tho most beautiful designs nnd subjects, ex
act reproductions of all tho famous oil paint
ings, go at 12c each.
Passepartout pictures, In all sizes, all tho
famous subjects, Pharoah's horses, St. Ce
cilia, Indians, etc., etc. Tho most modern
nnd up-to-date pictures that sell in art
stores up to 50c nnd 75c each, go In this salo
at 15c each. Over l.OO subjects to select '
from. 1
One big lot of framed pictures, they aro
carbon, Sepia nnd photographic effects,
framed In beautiful ebony frames with fancy
metal corners, worth regular 50c to 75c; wo
offer them tomorrow as long as they Inst nt
10c each.
Tho great ribbon snlo continues today.
$1.00 RIIlilONS, 23C YARD.
In ono big lot wo put all the ribbons up
to 9 Inches wide. Flno all silk, black taffeta
glnco ribbon, double-faced, very heavy, all
silk and satin ribbons, fancy striped, checked
nnd plnld necktie ribbons, in fact, nil rib
bons worth up to $1.00 go In this 25c lot.
All tho ribbons that generally sell from
50c to 75c, In plain colors, doublo-fnccd satin
and fancy striped, checked and plaid ribbons,
also laco effect and novelty moire taffeta,
all at 15c yard.
All those staplo satin nnd gros grain rib
bons up to 2 and 3 Inches wide, that gener
ally sell nt 15c, wo offer In this remnant salo
nt Ec yard.
All thoso ribbons that generally sell up to
10c yard wo will offer In two lots; they aro
nil silk nnd a big bargain, nt lc nnd 3c yd.
N. W. Cor. 10th nnd Douglas Sts.
Write nils. Sell cuts. Print nnythlng.
Stonccypher, 1201 Hownrd St. Tel. 1310.
In warm weather ou ran take any time you
feel disponed when your bathroom Is fitted
up In modern style, with a good shower ap
paratus, porcelain lined tub nnd good closet.
Do away with your antiquated old tub and
wash bowl, and let us put you In Improved
fianltnry plumbing worthy of tho times
When you want nnythlng done In plumbing,
stenm or gas lifting wo arc experts in our
Free & Black,
Phono 101!). . . ISO)! Furnuin St.
Oil rap Itonnd Trip Ilnte.
On July 7, 8, 9, 10 nnd 18 and
August 2, the Illinois Central railroad will
sell tickets, limited until October 31, as
St. Paul, Minn., and return $12.65
Minneapolis, Minn., and return 12.65
Duluth, Minn., nnd return 16.95
Waseca. Minn., and return 10.35
Superior, Wis., and return 16.93
West Superior, Wis., nnd return 16.95
For full particulars call at Illinois Central
Uy ticket office. No. 1402 Farnam atrcot.
.- ! niipt not;!
Dig lot of pieces of flno carpot, suitable
for rugs, small rooms, etc. In this lot aro
goods worth $1.75 and $2.50 per yard to bo
closed out nt once. A chanco of a llfo time.
Don't miss this 50c per yard. Orchard &
Wllhclra Carpet Co., 1414-1416-1418 Douglas
You can vote ns many times as you want
to In tho Working Girls' Vacation Contest.
Tho Nortlm rntcrn I.lne
Half Faro
Charleston, S, C,
many other
City Offices, 1401-3 Farnnra St.
Kppplnl Trnlu to K unmix City, Mo.
On July 3 the Omaha & St. Iiuls railroad
will run a special excursion train to Kansas
City account tho democratic national con
vention. Special leaves Union station,
Omaha, 8:00 p. m., Council llluffs 8:15 p. m..
arrives Kansas City 7:00 a. m. Sleepors will
remain In Kansas City during tho conven
tion and will bo occupied by nil who apply
at onco nnd Bccuro berths. Cnll at Omaha
it St, Louts Ticket ofllce. 1115 Farnam
street, or wrlto Harry E. Moores, city pas
senger and ticket agent, Omaha, Neb,
The Vorllnt i-Ktcrii
Half faro to Chicago and return. June 25,
6, 27. Qpod till July 2. 1401-1403 Farnam
it root.
ChlenKC nnd Upturn tl',7r.
On June 25, 26 and 27, via tho Illinois
Central. Inqutro at 1402 Farnam st.
Varnishes that wear.
The Sherwin-Williams Co.'s VARNISHES,
Ilka tbelr paints, aro of superlative quality.
Thoy aro put up In small cans as well as
largo ones. Thoro nro varnishes for FUR
NITURE and varnishes for FLOOR. Then
thcro Is tho beautiful "HARD OIL
Halt-plnt can Family Paint 15c
Half-pint can Varnish Stain.. 25c
Half-pint can Screen Paint 15c
Quarter-pint can Enamel Paint 20c
Quarter-pint cans Ulcyclo Enamel... 25c
Half-pint can lluggy Paint 25c
One Quart Can Floor Paint,
(Covers 75 square feet, two coats,)
Half-pint can Rath Tub Enamel. 60o
Half-pint can Oil Stain 15c
One-pint can Flno Varnish 40o
One. quart bottlo Saunders' Ruby
Floor Oil , 50c
.-One-pound can Shlnon Floor Wax.... 50c
Sherman & McConnell Drug Go
r. lUtu Hud DudKe St., OMAHA.
CloftiitK Out.
All remnants and short lengths of Ingrain
carpets. 75c and 85c Ingrains ono to 15
ynrds each at 25c yard. Must bo sold at
once. Wo don't want to take them In In
ventory. This Is a great carpot opportun
ity. Orchard & Wllhelm Carpet Co., 1 114-1416-1118
Douglas street.
Spirit I.nkp Oknliojl Arnold'n I'srk,
Leave Omnha at 7 n. m., arrlvo Arnold's
Park 4pm. Spirit Lako 4:10 p. ra., via
Illinois Central. Quickest nnd most direct
route. Round trip tickets $10.70, good un
til October 31 returning. For particulars
Inqulro at city ticket ofllce, 1402 Farnam at.
Clnolnnntl nnd Upturn, if'--.."".
On July 10, 11 nnd 12, via Illinois Cen
tral. Particulars at city ticket office, 1402
Farnam st.
See C. F. Hnrrlson's 10 big real cstato bar
gainstoday's paper.
i'ci:ui, .wrier,.
Tim funeral of Kittle D. Iforron will
tnko place from the fnmlly residence, soj
Charles street, nt 2 o'clock ti. m. Thurs
day. Interment nt Forest I.'uvn ccmotery.
rni'ims inviicii.
TnUp the VnTinnli
For Niagara Falls, Thousand Islands and all
tho summer resorts of the east. All agents
sell tickets via tho Wabash. Ask for them
or call on or wrlto Q. N. Clayton, Room 405
N. Y. L. nidg.
10,000 Uncle Sam's Soldiers
and every ono of them took their pun and
a straight aim nt a bed bug would not Jlo
iiny mure good than nn application nf
all that'H necessary to get rid nf them.
Full direction! on ench hottle. Price 20c
pint, 50c half gallon nnd $1 for gallon Jug.
Cramor's Kidney Cyro 75c
Mennen's Talcum Powder lfio
Duffy's Malt Whiskey Sic
Schlltz' Malts, 13e, 2 for .T.o
Pertinu 7.o
Winn of Cardul 73c
Plnkhnm's Compound tsc
Llsterlne 65c
Syrup of FlgH :vk
Malted Milk. Wc. 75c and $?..r.
I'nnd'H Extract 4i)c
Pierro's Prescription 73c
M lid's Ncrvlna 75a
Hnr Don 40u
Ajux Tablets 40c
Pyramid Pile Curo 40e
Uromo Quinine ise
8. S. 8 75c
Warner's Safe Curo 91V
1 dozen 2-gr.iln Quinine capsules 7c
1 dozen 3-grulu Qulnlno rntvnlesi 0j
1 dozen 5-grnln Qulnlno capsules .... 15c
Cor. Kith nnd Chtcnco Streets.
Tho ONLY DIRECT ROUTE to and from
tho Pacific Coast.
Two trains dally to and from Omaha and
Donver nnd Colorado points.
Two trains dally to and from Omaha and
San Francisco nnd California points.
Three trains dally to nnd from Omaha
and Salt Lako City and Utah points.
Two trains dally to and from Omaha and
Portland and North Pacific coast points, with
direct connections for Taeoma nnd Seattle.
Iluffot, smoking and library ears, with
barber shops and pleasant reading rooms.
Double drawing room palace sleepors. Din
ing cars, meals a la carte. Plntsch light.
City Ticket OIIlco, 1302 Farnam St. Tel. 316.
frl? OA
Via the Burlington RouteJuly 2, 3 and
4 account Democratic National Conven
tion. Trains for Kansas City Ieav tha Bur
lington Station 8:50 a. m. and 10 15 p. m.
Ticket OfflM,
1 502 Farnam St.
Tel. 200.
urllnoton Station,
10th and Mason Sta.
Tol. 118.
Help you In the saving of money help us
to sell larger quantities of goods.
Ladles' Gingham Petticoats, 53e each.
Sealskin Leather Bolts, 25c each.
Whlto Lawn Wrappers, $2.50.
Colored Lawn Wrappers, $1.50.
Mercerized Pcttlcpnts, $1.93.
Shirt Wnlets, SOcSc, $1.00 and up.
Black China Silk Waists, nil tucked. $3.30.
Tailored Suits, Tailored Skirts and other
1510 DotmlnsSt.
If 1.1)0
14 1.00
ii. on
I? 1.(10
if 1.00
if 1.00
I'li'ri'p'n Prescription. ,. , ,
Wine of Cnrdiil
I'liikliiini'n Compound
.Motlier'n I'rlenil ,
I'IiiWIhiiii'i Wnili
lliiiKliiii'ill TiiIiIi'In
Mil rnlinll t n 1 1ml loon
llooii'i'' I'll In ,
I'l'llll? ro ill I'lll
Til ll xj- I'IIIm ,
lurtp' KriMioh I'llN.
CIiiiU'n I'IIIh ,
K 1 1 nicr'.H lVmnlp Itpinpdy.
1 1 t I'ltn i: nut (ii.isis.
l'oiirteciilli ii nj Ummlim Mrertn.
A I'Iiipp to Hp mil the Sum in it.
On tho linos of tho MILWAUKEE RAIL
WAY In Wisconsin aro somo of tho most
benutiful places In tho world to spend a
summer vacation camping out or nt tho clo
gnnt summer hotels. Boating, fishing, beau
tiful lakes and streams and cool weather.
Theso resorts nro nil easily reached from '
Omnha. A book describing them may be
hnd upon application nt. the Chicago, Mil-1
wnukco &. St. Paul Ry., city ticket ofllco
1504 Farnam street, Omahn. Round trip
tlckots, good returning until October 31,
now on salo. F. A. NASH,
Ocncral Western Agent.
No, not when Vitalized Air Is used when
having a tooth extracted. Alwnys fresh i
nnd leaves no uftcr effects.
Extracting 25c
Vitalized Air &)
Tooth Cleaned 73c
Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms
9th Gay of the Great
Pre-Snventory Sale,
A salo that is saving thousands of dollars for tho buyers of
Omaha. Our cloak department is still crowded with goods and
the great sale will continue from day to day until stock is normal.
Clean, stylish up-to-date merchandise at, less tha n" half price.
Colored and white wash waists, wash and colored skirts, wrap
pers and lawn dresses will bo the goods on sale tomorrow.
f do.en wash waists at 25c
100 dozen Wash Waists, with the new French back, made
to sell for .?1.00 on sale at 45c
HO dozen 'Madras, (Jinghain and Lawn Waists, with the new
back and soft! cull's and new collar, that were made to sell for
$ 1.75 at each 89c
120 do.en White Waists, (5 rows of insertion, new back and
cuffs, for only each 7c
JO do.en White Waists, very desirable styles, worth ?3.00
and -1.00, for $1.75
2r do.en Wash Skirts worth $l.n0. for 49c
lr do.en Wash Skirts uoith SL'.OO for 98c
7H Ladies' Heavy listei"'d Crepon Skirts. We bought them
at a bargain and can sell for $4.98. They are worth '.$10.00.
7H Sample Skirts, no two alike, taffetas, percales, satins and
other materials worth $ir.()0 to $2r.00 your choice, each 8.50
LT) do.en Ladies' I'liderskirts, trimmed with flounce and
ruffle, worth l.L"i, for each 23c
do.en Ladies' rndeiskirls in black and colors, deep
flounce trimmed with ten rows of cording, worth 1.50 for 4c
HOO Ladies' Silk Waists in all leading colors, worth (5.00.
for $2.98
100 Ladies' Suits, worth ?in.00, for each $5.00
:) Ladies' Silk Capes that wore made to sell at. 10.00, 12.00
and 15.00, your choice $5.00
1 table of Ladies' Skirts, serges, brilliant i nos nnd other ma
terials, worth r.()0, for $1.&5
HOC LADJHS' 15ELTS IHc Sale begins Thursday morning
at 8 o'clock.
Thousands of Belts worth L'uc, HHc, and HOc; all go on sale
Thursday at only 15c
Piano SaSs
to make
Knowing the bargains In the east at thlH time of year In discontinued styles
nnd ear lots, nnd tho great udvantago of buying for cash - our Mr Schmoller.
Martlng nt Chicago, then to Fort Wayne. Ind ; New York and Iloston. taking
advantage nf nil bargains especially where the nmntifn turerx need ..ash and
sell In Inrce quantities at low margalns. telegraph us that he ha pur
chased eleven ear loads of pianos and for us to nacrllli e our present Im
mense stock. We will offer Monday till bold your choice of 10 Upright pianos
$152.00, $163.00 and $878,00
-J3.00 per monthly payments, all our high grade pianos, prices cut 111 propor
tion. Square Pianos and Orgains, $18, $28, $39 and up.
We sell on easy monthly payments and clv a handsomn stool and scarf
free with each piano. New pianos for rent. Flno tuning und repairing :i spe
cialty. Telephone 162.
You nro cordially Invited to Inspect tho wonderful self playing Pianola
tho greatest musical Invuntl m of tho century. It playt. iiny piano. Any ono
can play It.
47:rvf Schmoller & Mueller have no connection with nny other
TTlirillllg. house using tho nmne of "Ml'ELLER." Ho sure nnd go to
tho old rellnblo house, 1313 Karnam btroet.
Tin: oi.n iiiii.iAiii.u cia vo not mi.,
1313 Fara in StraJt. 337 3ro.vJva, Council Bluff
You have the BEST notwlthstandlufj thoy cost you no more ttun Inferior ooodt.
. R. KICK M. C.rO..MANlIKACTimKRfc, HT.I.ori, JUU.
Shoes ? Yes.
Well, then, here's the place to buy them,
any day before the Fourth. Every
reasonable shoe request can be sup
plied here, ?C J JTC
Men's Genuine,
Goodyear, Welt
All colors and fry jjn
choice of lasts . . p 0U
Men's Box Calf
Broadway, London or Foolform fry r(
every pair guaranteed pZ.DU
Men's Black and Tan Vici Kid Shoes
With kid or vesting tops
easiest shoo in the world p.OU
Men's Russia Calf Shoes
Tan or oxblood this shoe is giving tho best fry pa
of satisfaction, and every pair guaranteed.. p.0U
Men's Oxfords and Southern Ties
lust tho thing for warm weather t r
made specially for our trade puU
Boys' Russia Calf Shoes
Made to stand 1 ho rough uso tho boy generally givos
thorn 14 to 2 $1.75
-'J to 5.i $1.50 to 1.90
Youth's Satin Calf Shoes
Every pair guaranteed $1.10 Hoys, $1.25
Youth's Steel Shod Shoes
You can't wear 'em out Youth's 13. to 2 $1.45
Boys', 2 J to 5fr $1.90
Youth's Box Calf Shoes
outh's ItiA to 2 $1.75
Boys' 2A to 5.V $1.90
Men's Canvas Bike Shoes
A complete lino of sizes $1.00
You've been telling' every year such pleasant thing's about
our Men's shoes, that it's no wonder we take pride in it. We
gaguc the whole story by what yon tell us of the past.
Last year's best is where we started in this season, and
these are gVahead days. It pays to buy shoes of The
m i
Boys' and Children's
Summer Clothing
Of all tho clothing deals wo ever saw,
you over saw, anybody over saw this will
eclipse thorn all.
Mind you, eighteen thousand eight hun
dred. Two makers' ontiro stocks of choicest
boys' and children's summer suits and odd
Bought for spot cash, at but a fracli m
of thoir intrinsic value, placod before you
at prices that will create a sensation.
$2.00 Boys' Permit, blouse, sailor suils, sizes ',) (o 10,75c
!?r.fl0 and Sli.OO boys' fine vestoe suils with fancy D M vests,
in fine blue serges and pure worsted, sizes '.I to S, on sale at
2.V washable knee pan Is, a I. 8c.
i?:i.i"0 boys' double breasted knee pants suits, in fine cassi
meres, cheviots and worsteds, all sizes from 11 to !(!, on sale at
$.'.00 boys' very finest suits, blouse sunnier sails, sizes ', to 9,
on sale at $1.25.
Slid boys' washable summer sails in blouse and double breast
ed styles, suils worth up lo !.."(), on sale at 15c, 25c, 35c
and 50c.
Young men's fine suits, sizes K5 to 1!), suits in fine worsted,
rassimere, serges and fancy cheviots, willi and without double
breasted vests, real i?10.0() ,to Sin.OO suits, at $5 and $7.50
Sellinjr the .Most Clothing in Omaha.
Handsome Old People
np much nf their Rood looks to
ili'iiilntry. Our
.wmririAi, Ti:r.Tii
aro do perfnet In nppearunco nnd Uo
that tho lofH of tlifi natural teeth la
r.oi felt. Wo make
MOTS ()!' Ti:i: I'll
from p. 00 up and Riiarantrn nil to h
superior to any other at equal prlcos.
BAILEY, the Dentist
.11 I'lixtun llll.-. lUih A Fiirnum.
LnU- AtteiiUuut, 1'lioua l(Jb 3.