Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1900, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
omaha. thi'esday mortsg. jt.xe ss, 11100 twelve page.
roreir !irin Eor:e to Be
?t"ni 3. lief lares.
lkriEU: v n Sip-sts-i GoaSicnc ir 5k- !
et of Bine af w u.
5s Oriert laasi fit BiKpttcb of Kwe
Aaenets T-atrpi to Cirist,
Trop "ltbdr'nn from Cnha Are ot
to Be -rut to CMnau t Ml Ke
,lirr lbi-r 'Ml lo
- USBIOTOS. Jaac 5T The t3v;
oabira wao reod at the Jay
7ax Beat lata tbt aRcrBoaa:
the TOO. J use 27 aeretarr f
nahianoB fm tare and atlaiatr
rrrrorted n-itfe PeWa ra'Aff eKpofflrtan. a
treorhed etat awia trow TWfi Talm.
The deveiaposeBta of the raTtS
-v"n ere inpertast aad la: k fit lac Te
Ch.neM lB.teT' report af be apartare
of ihe tareieai BhaMn aod tboar cj:d Pek area; J y re!iee4 the offlcl-
here. he too r. m the m erideaee that
ih' Cblaeae tape, ial ctrre naaemt had a
; nilinatawi of the oaonoity cf perrtt
: nc the mfcsiaLer ta ptrao-aJ
ham asd w?r tha oadertakiac a tar
tie. lay hi their paver ta oboer the aaa
aefity of lttteraaamoai exehaase The keeawat
ir-ereat i ay the aSctal ta the
The rhtaee adaiater'g dtapatoh
rtr Dene aa the peoeraJ atroatwa AJ
tioBch he eaflrtswed ata oawsdwaae ta the
atwxinteace of a atatr af war. ft hi aa-e-nllr
atattted that ft vtB be dtSntH to
a'-ert ktr onrnirmrrim If it aan trsaerlrr
ihat the Tekix peraae8t iteeif ha sent
the zmniKtvrt away v-tth thetr paaaaorw. or
nhat may oaaae ta the name thiae. tUs a
puard a safe ooartaot. AT the 3e e
PMrtmeat tt le aaad that tf it shall be ex
plained that tke Umxirtal wreraaBt did
tkm. not wtt a porpase af raptBrtac diplo
mat te reiattoo. hot atoaplr iaaure the
safety of the atftMari. vhteh It aa
unubie to coaraatee as hac ae thejr re
mained is Pefcta. ec thore ie still praand
for an sadwaUAdlBC-
Jo.tltlcntion for Intervention.
It is. however, potatrd oot that is nch
raae the telf-waeed Inability af the to
pena! aovernaaeiit to aainlain peace and
P--de- at the capital would aaooat te an
RdTEiBtnon of tt utter failure urn a corn
nietit and would leave Ckiaa la a state
vnn-r than that af aetata! war. la eathnr
n r mm tm-iaw te ah urtiefacot) of
the oSrtalu that there was ahaolnte Jnotia
rEtier lor aach taterveiatlnn a e have
offfred lji rhtaa.
Notlre ia eeae to the. roveramcnt that
the (table rojapaaief kaw acatn reopened
"ntrtaunlratioB teiecrnphirally with Taku
aad Che Fa. Tate arrangement hae beea
made by SHMUia of the Kuasian teiecraphr
fvfrm eoonertmc wtta the Sbertan rafl
rnafl Aa Buropean aaeat ha nmnaed to
reoprs the lttHt. thoach the raean of cora
inuturstioB hetweeii The Poo and Taku and
Tier; Ta-.B are probably precarinue
The War departamat nf&rtale aUB laaift
that no orders hae poae forward to .end
mare Troops te China th the Vlath reci
meBt new oc n way from Manila, aod the
S.xt.a caealry. vhtrc wUJ .ail froa Sa Fraa
clero aeit Suaoay for Nacaala. and per
haps Taku. It w aid that with theee two
orcaataauoae and the aa arise now on ChJ
isee not General rhaffee miB he the full
tirirade te whirh hia rank entttle him-
auBiorf of wtcbdeawala of troop frara
rubfi are aatd to be the probable haoU tor
'he persistent ntateroat that more soldiers
have beea ordored ta Ciiina. It ic adsitrted
Tha; two rejrtaaeatR will eooa be erdered to
the rnd State from ""uba.. the partirular
o-paiuiatJon txuuc oeaicaated by General
Worn! but tbej- fcltnply will take the place la
line rarrihont. of reetaBt of recaiars
wfci fc co otrt to Maatia to relieve volun-
orgaaimtiona there.
Emrrnr TVIlllam "ttorrjinir Oifr
Bent Way to Ttlrrt "-Itnation
In China.
BERLIN Juee 17. A prominent mew.r
of niat'nior WllUaw's ecioura;e. who has
Just returned to Berlm from Kiel, where
the emperor te. says that hit, majesty aad
Count von Baelon. the foreics misuser
are coomderably perpieswd ac te how- Ger
many is to weet the present Mt nation in
China, taacmurn as they are tncHnsd re
Think that a work larper force af troops
-will hecowe necessary to carry the cam
paign there to a saorseaful iseue. They
are ale ooavwcod that Geraaay should
ber its fo ehare af the responsibility.
Jdean while dsseuiettac reeerts ooattaue
to STree tnwa Ka Chan, where GeverDor
Jaeerhae tears that aa eethreek may oeear
a: ary woaarnt. precipitati a aeaeral
rruptn and into tbe German spa ore
Moreover it u aaderatooa that Baipe-er
vrintam has ant derided whether to ooj
tlnne the termer entente with Russia aad
France ta China, as after the China
Japaaese war. or e turn wore to the
of s eland, the Caited States aad Jap ui.
Herr Bmemr WolS ts the Berliner Tare
hlatt. paeUeaei. a powerful arlcle repari
lac China, drawn from tntiatote aad v-y
recent aoquaintaane wrth the laad aad its
people. Me gives a history af the Beasr
xaevewoat aad blaaam Cermaar aad Ra;
Isad for aot reeocaiainc -ts daagerou ch.r
art'r dnrtnc the out te years, tte ayi
that the French wistiater is Pikta. M
piochef aeaee eaereeucally fo-end the em
press dowaaer to reasove Ooe Shea tian.
the peeemasehiy of Saoa Taac Qee San
icviac been apneuited. althoach the oa.
press knew that he was the i ponder of tie
Herr Wolff Oedarei that etther the m
mors are true that the easpres. ba, hacawt a
d"unkard aad at rftea ia a state of Irrespon
Fj'b.l ty. tr that she has heec hoodw'tnaed
r;n belltevtac 1lt tie Boxers only mean
"o oust the tnratasert aad have no dswaait
tipoo the Maaeaa dyaoaty Me nnatnadi
that the power maot tepee the twpertal
ruart ta reaaatB ta Pekia aad ooaspei the
rmprens ta say there aader the oaatrol of
the pewrs At the saw ttwe he reaarde tt
si ef the bachoat wtportaaoe that the Tauec
L. Taws be thoroachly reformed sad be
cetelepcd ir'o aa aetuaJ reipn cf5i-
I -bed v.rh au hcrrv nai:nc 4 tc et
X t i matja es He alricaies Si-
iCct'lt.'e. os Se-ond rape 1
Larcelr Priihlrunttriil. Ir
eplte torle.
loni 'V j .tf .h :
posit b cdf L '
mr. which rawed
r Tui aad poet -4
tbe tn r
on ? hel
mou- ha prebeMr
ha dot reached
Cb Feo 'be
Th. lat
ihwp: arr: nx si
ntouuh. this mesaa-e
"The RsiaE aenera;
relief lore had decided
a rsassead af tb
ta w Sera -
day't heavy asrhtinc Bad ma-cb'ns. th t
one dar't mot far the troop wac ate Btta.
Ud thai tbe avaec -ehould IK
sawed aatll today Meanwhile citae Ad
miral Seyweur's heiioe.-pb that his poet-
tioa wm desperate sad that a could only
hold out tw days. The relief Ktarted at
daws today i Monday) "
Saturday' fiaattia hooax at doyhrsak.
The fort apffoed with eeeeraj of the Ter
rible 'a .T caae. ate held fa sad aaaaerjac
amca r rum., the ttrtsi: hetac
raaaa. The allies eoatlBaed to
at tea;
l gadfly, the Chiaeee artilltirr repy1t.
Tao earns of the aUam were were ekiUfuily
haadled sad put the n&s of the Chsa oe
out of actioa. ose by or" the Ouaaee re
troailar a boat aooc
The aOBBt atarwed the iueaol.
therebr uonaiutai zbt laraost launea.
pral thanoaad Japoaew bare Velt Taku
for Tieo Tata aad ahorethar 13.04
Japaanat haee kaadod. The InKrrEiti. a,
troopo sow aaatrasato aoartr Jfi.W sal
Japax it prepartac to aend W.ons jure.
With BrtOeh. Ataciiraa aad other trr a a
or dared to as. probably wea will be
available Hi a aioath
The Tost; 3baa lefueet aad th Icrr ca
ejicaaeers at Che Poo erttaate the Chiaeoe
troDpf bow ta the held a 5.W drl"a
troops at L.D Tai. SS.OW at Sbtag Sal Waa. d'hras off fross Ties T.a aad 13'i.WIj
at ?ki&.
The dtapBtch reeareed hr the foreica
aSee that the Jaretsrs lesmrloet ware rt-
qoeetod te leav. Pe'kis wtthis a oe.rta;n
Utae ts iaterpreted ta ensw of&eMtl far-
tert m taataaioBat to ylvlu tbe wtmators
thsir pacHpertt aad to a doedaratloB of war.
hut a Chtam doee aothtas Bke othar cmin
tries the oOdal eateioe ia that there is
aothtBC to do hot awstt the ooarfie of
prcntt and to see whet the snawtera tbesa-
ae)c eay whes rhey are r-9cued.
' ATI the tTudeott at tbe fo-eiax hoeptOe
tt CaatoB are )at-iac Wcuaes taie- oo-
' arie are Tttrrrinr !ma the Wen riv -r
, pe-tf There wu a aiicht diatarhaaee at
Wo rhou Tuesday while the woaaea i ere
i eajbarkine The rrowd shouted. "Kill tbe
' foreica derQa." ,
Viroy Demand that Forelirn Trooji
Mtal o: Br Landed
In China.
L.OKDON". June 2R 5 M a. n AcrsrdtEC
to aflrieee trota Shaachai. the Citaeee of
ficial, by direction of the soutbera vireroys.
are aPkir.r the consul? to acre to coodltlaae
"ireuriac." hr the CSaaese say
the neu-
tr nitty of Rhaachai and other cnrnnmnttW..
l bey also aanea taat aoreum war snaps ,
sbail not sal or anchor Dear the forts, aor ,
Co to ports where there are no war fchlpe 1
aow: that thetr crewr ehall not co ashore
aad that tie protection of foretcners b left
te tie Chint authorities. These condi
tions are considered at Shaarbai to be rir-
itr of tdmlrnl ejmnr t
tually an ultimatum from Viceroys lit Kua rpdrneat were filled with spectators. Ju
Vifa and Tun Chiai Tine- The ooaeulc de- pre r mat to tie full f tie envoi tie dele
sire a eafScieot naval aad military force to pates from the New Enclaad statet- marched
back up their -efueal to oompiy with these iato tie hall la a body, each delecates car-
demande. The tctal aaval force there sow
oecriats of ! men with thirty-two caas.
The Chtaese have s.WiB men with six cans is
the forts aad li."fl men outside Shaacbal
with naodera rifles and machine runs.
The naapaitude of tbe arraacements Japaa
it Etta kin c Rucceots provision ac&iast ooa-
tincenciee other than the suppreiiW) of the presidential candidates were heartily
preheat dtotaxbaoces in China. It has char- cheered, applause 1 amine tor sereral mla
tered nineteen additional transport! aad now ' utes irreettnc his reference to his "aeJchbor
has thirty-five in all. ' and worker from Caicaco" ( Jehn G Woel-
1 I? 1 hnadreds of tie delecates stand lac on
Michael HirL-Brar)i Declares
That Cncland Oppoe Plum
( ntr TbMirj .
LONDON June 27 air Michael Hicks
Beach, chancellor of tbe exchequer, who was
tbe cuest of the lord mayor A. J. Nmc,
aad the bankers aad mrchants of the city
at tie Mansion Bouse tile eveaiac. speuk
inc of the difficulties facinc a chancoller
whs found three warti ia South Africa,
Chtna and ta AbhaaU-on hi haads at tie I
"It is difficult W know what are the soope
aad nature of the work before us ia China.
We saeaet yet what were tbe precise
immediate reasons for this furious out
We do not kaow bow far it exteads
or w-fll extend, r-ir can we tell what are the
r.t,OBl.,rf.. CWfT fr'V""?'
thes. who at any rate ia the &r-r. tnstaace ,
appeared W be rebel. acaint the aathorl- j
Uv' . . . . . . , , 1
It Is easy to are that the first duty beforr :
' , ij.i
T " " Trl " . , , :
rpcscnise ise linn mwnn aa jmmn. i m
'" " ar" TTL .
jsbktkb aVUQ t-BT Mb I 11PB14 Mni li li J W tt
aad property . as well as to see that such
thtace do sot occur a rain
"Since the war wtth Japan tt bar been
ianbienaMe te record Chsaa as s plum cake
to be divided ameer; the powers, provided
the powers do sec quarrel amonc them
selves. I doubt whether any aatcne ae
wdd advance that view, aad tt has sever
I Orel) (Or Tin Tu M- K-,ajT-m.j a iwr; umviib
. which has always desired that there ahould
be a stable pevemayeat in China.
",t the present tune I believe this view
te be held by all tbe powers "
TelesTrara from Mianchal a They
4 ent vrtli oder Cblneie
j PARIS. June :7. If a. m. The French
ocasul general at Sbanphai. teieprapbins
j aader date of yesterday, attnouactts that the
I allied troops have entered Ties Tetc. He
1 states also that the fereipn ministers have
oepartsd fross Pekte for the Berth, accoa-
paated ht a Chinese escort It is euppehed
that they are headed far Shanghai Kotwa.
fsUowisc th course of the rrset wall The
telepram add that tbe viceroy of Naakia Li.t of IVntlona. Cammlneemea.
and the vioerer of TLhens-Gtcbetenp hawe Um 0, oetswteemet u se-
reqaew the eoneal to aanounct te the lwtf ty deiepatsens of the various
French cevsrameat that they are pretectaap etaM1 U-M adopted as ieOows
the interest of some of the osionaries aad California. L. W EUwtt. Gahriee Stick -soae
of the lore. pa mercaaais ia that I Coio J. W SoeoBw. Mrs. M E.
rf!. lJrT i "'iCr Cosaecaeut. F G. Piatt. Steel;
date states that the French consul at Cheloe j r,-.. AiijtB2 r. Tatuau w
eoabrmc the sews of the deliverance from TAii iiw, w r v x, c.. t,
Ties Tnn aad the tact rhat the fo,eipa
ministers h ft Peicla seder an eaoort
W 13H1NCTON Jcae If The Chinese
winistsr hu1 just received a tele pram from
1 Pekta via Chinp Fu ds.ed Juae lh sayinc
that the ministers and 'eweurners in PekiB
were sat. aere ana uei. aad taat a-aape-
iiu m tt. v .it us Uiiur 1 piv lut -UCS , .H
as twrort out of the -uty
maees one single issce s
PnUbiaeritU v ill Eland r TtH ez Esr
to L qaar.
By Resolution Convention Places Jl
L,oii Record a l"rorlE
''Woman nCricr In
CHKAOO. Juae ST. The nrehfbltkJii
party will wake tec aetieaa. cnwnpaitga tail
year apon a platform of a stag isae,
tat liquor tra&c. ail other iBs fre.x.g
HUberfUaated is th oa qiseiria.
Vpcc thte plat! orai it m aratwh e 'Jmm
t-Hher JUt. . C. Swatioa, '.he 'BKht h(
paroaa" af Karriahant, Pa., or Mum G
WooUry of Carcase, edtur af the S.
Voice, the prohtbttloa astiaaoi oraaa, 1 1
fee aowwote par pram Quart.
The aatmaoi ooaveaiioa af tae aruh b.-
partr wot here
today aad ta OJoe
aaaratac. afteraosc ad evori. g.
cleared Bp all htwaoac esoeat tho ao.i.ia--Utws
tar yetatest aad vice p;esijnt,
which wUl be aade taworrow moraoic.
The coavestioa. ia pottiW. of aaotors aad
oatarnoiaaw aao-a. at i a l aider!
of the
p-eteet held by the advocates of c Id
water. Thtrry-tteTea t.tkte of "e ca a
wore repr on uated when Cbatrsnw Oil t.r
Stewart af the saOooal eaoKatttee ca le .
the caavoatiec to orter at the Plrr. r?3-
qunt umap nomtl9 Ami naft WbW ri -
eat. while aoom of othr are ocpacted
The platform, as adopted by the cosroz
tMm. heart solely apoc the qoeotkiu a.'
the u pari apt an of the liquor traSc. la
coasoctioG with thlE. however. th attaalr
ottratloc and President McKialer is par
ticular are btttery arratsaea f- the po
Mtwc takes on the aati-caateea law tt.
acttos as thte betas deaooaced aa "treaeok
A bluer Sett took ?tep ia the nonmtittrr ,
eooiuttoae betore the platform was
saaily acre&d apes., tbe sesrberE buiar
aherpiy dtrided over the staple ioeae. or a
a.BBa piioBr
The advocates of weraaa suSraae wore ,
parttealarly ewphatir m doaaaadtac a suf-
trace plaab. hut after a eeeatoa lasttae for
faeveraJ hours tbe matter wat comproauaod
by reportiac a separate rettoluuoa faoric
the praauas of the franehiee to women aad
ia this form the report of the eotnmittoe oa
resolution wat adopted by the coateatioc
after eaosider&ble further debate.
Expreteiotii. r.I various state deleimioBe
Rhode Iaiaad far vice preaiaeat. Tbe vbtiag -
stroll ni of the tbiri prominent caadidate , Cncll,h rray I id-rc"- Mnrh Miff rj
, for tbe presideatiiJ noraiaatioa. Hale John-1 Dur Leek of Proper iMed
' son of tntaoi. appareatly decreased rapidly , leal Pncitlt !-..
duriac tie day to tie cats of Mr. WooTley
and it appears probable that the cosiest
toaorrow win be narrowed down tc Jar. :
WooUev and Her. Mr SwaUou The let- ks..-,., ivsiuth-as wu
ter a friads. hevever. coaadeaUy aheert f"oattb i'rriMc exposore af the failure of
hn Kic nAm4rmttain te at uutipuJ ail a h4iisr
tie medical orwuuauieti of the Brttteh
, . . .
I 1.U i. i j i
Convention Called to Ordrr.
It was exactly Is .SB a. m. when Chairman
Stewart of the national eoranrrttw rapped
for order. At that time nearly all the dele
cateE e-e ia their seats, whfle the caJlenee
surrsundlac tie hie drill rood of the First
ryinc a canttn ith tbe letters T. S.
es v a.i u aaiu att-wh Aua urr t a. trf xm JMi '
teen." They were liberally applauded. After
1 VITIIJV imJI uq Vmi fKi. 4'V a. a rn
Stewart proceeded to deliver his formal ad
dress. Mr Stewart's references to tie different
their chairs aad w a vine flac.
fhairmas Stewart then latrodoced Dr.
Joha H. Hill of Chi caps, who doiiverd a
lenctsy uddrees of weteaae. Cbairman
Stewart then announced temporary ofacert
as follows-
Chairman. Saauol Dickie. Micbicas; sec
rFtary. A. E. Wilson. Ciicaaro, assistant sec
retaries. Colonel Jellia, Tennessee, and E. B.
?-u.Bc. Idaho Chairman Dickie made a
brief speech outliniac tie work te be dene
by the convention.
Dickie bitterly assailed tie adauaii-
I -rctlOTl for ItK TiCui; ' 1 f- mi Kx, aiid Int.
aai charpei ,t ith -debnocbinc the peipHi
! of tt new possessions la the Philippine, "'
He also accused tie covemmeat with uems
its consular service for Catherine laforma-
4nr'C tuns tViw Jtf Vnira fka
' Kh,Mri- n , t,w,fc. .
persrsa, statement sscaed by John G Wool-
T that he wtu
e s CILaiKi on,T Ds a u- Tu-
EatlDI. aU wbftr Uso; te the prohihittoa
question. Otherwise he declares be does
... . . . . . .
echtre his name to come before the
ooaveotion Te aemmate him on
a 'h-aad
he drlaret. he unfair ts ,
tie party and to himself
The afternoon srsmoc was eafled tc order
at : s clock. The report of the oowsatt
tee oa sredestials was aot ready aad pead-
lnc its completion the ooaveaties was eater-
tataefl by instrumental aad vocal music in
-which prohthstlos was laoded. Reereeeat-
attves ef the Yi
rapie s rreaBatTjen
Tork were 0so tntroduced aad
aeese away on tae wort k taat orcaauia-
7 . .
The report of the cBtamtttef on rerdeetieU
was then preseated hy Chairman Jebeae.
' w ho stated that the committee had decided
, that ecly those dolecwei preheat wtth eer
; tthcatec duly straed w ere entitled to seats.
There were 6M delegates actually seated.
! representing thirty-seven statet. Tie re-
pert was adopted.
Horaer Cast ell of Pittsburp sabmatted the
renan af tbe eemrtritte rar normnnMr
j paaisaties and order of bustsess. The re
pen recommended Samuel Dickie of Micht
pas for permanent chairman aad Coionej R.
S. Cheves of Teaaessee for permanent sec
retary It wat evident that the Indiana del
epates had abaadoaed thetr iateattoe of
aowtnauap John G Woeiley for pennaseat
j chairsaa. for the recommendations of the
ctommittee w ere adopted acaatsaoBsty ambi
1 a roar of applause.
cvvr W Stewart. Hale Johaeao t.u-
Maleotn Smith, kev W L Ferns, trmumf
T D Talmadpe J S Gearsas; Kentucky.
France E Beauchaicp T B Demaree
Maine X F Woodbury. A H Clary Mary
land. Josbua Levenac Lewia S Nelson
Masaat tm,etts Fraas M Ferhi, Heruert
lConi.x-ea ds Fourth Pact )
in Africa
Beer and Brfttsli Apparently Arc I
HrMlne on Tle4r Arm mi a to
Co ten Brraetu
LONDON. June fOd a ai
S:r hmhr ftaadic kafi ac artJBcrr ad In- ;
tastr? tmlaa aaar Maadekl mda? "f ,
a larga fore of i au laaatut bVwtb. TM ia '
th oalr fraaa aMta; nayaiiad. i
The Baer ratauan aaiChuaai of lrtaria
are haey Tap taaaaaaaax 1 art ween
CtaattcrtOB and Srmtn eat loafta;
aad Sir JUr tin feut a rrpart hr
Cmamatidaat te Wat. xai LOW a aad
tkm ruse, is SKrvtaa; tliumi ia th
Ornace River arnica
at W aadanrtaod that i
ajtMBMl Botha aawrcd .
be and Cowwaedaatt
into a impact thai acaaaar wvald aarrM-
ier taac ac tar aahar -wac ta the Srid.
TVelT-f taouaaad rta, a told. ha haea
sarredered to the
ProaidoBt Itruoer la tJM at Maeada&orp.
The eipoeurea reaweawa; the hoepitahi ia
South Africa have wtalu a proat ansa litis
la Saa;laad. Thy It-puf with tare- col
umn of reotratawd taaajaaipe ia the Ttwos
:Bterday ti-cm W. A. gtu'dou-Cctrtu. ooa-
wrrat!t wewber of Fwtlaauat for Wast-
wtaater Kit aucarai are beea widely
riaBrodMced aad Uhrt afyippli lueatod this
woraitut with aeranuetaaarj- teJeatnuas end
iatoretews fross snrrracw and araiy aied
iraJ wea. The arcaaliawa of Capetoaa. ia
aB ddruot bt.'ore the 3ftr of Good Hope.
it the Cape ynfff-ti sooat aaaae. Standay. es
preaoad creat gfewal Isatji akin at the way the
-i;:k aad woo&dwd wero liOOWJd Be declared
that tbe warw ctethiaa; that, was abtmlntety
aoceooary was Sreoly oahawd. but waa rarely
if ever diairiboted Bar the araiy doctors.
tl1 Pt oa ttt -r- srouad sad
that even la Capetowa the way the hoopttate
wero mtOBMBaced naado " blood boil
Mrs. Harperry-WnilsiwiL wife o! Joha
Baaherry-WiUiaaaa. Str Alfred Xilaor's
aillitary aerretary. taM tte zaeetiap that tf
the rial tine -mown a had fforted the sata
aoaooesawat the aoore wsdd have bees)
abut ta thetr facer..
A aew aceary dtepadBh frorc Capetowa
Tertala rf-eefcanaaoe jwrtnt to maJ-
for th, HC). r
The Daily Expreas r Basra to the "aarias
lm. out-of-date" aiiihaanafini of the British
aad oontead that the Soar awbulaacec are
aotoriemsly superter. PBenM. Christian
v,.., - . . .
The Capetowa rerreoaondejil of the Dolly
Tolecrapt say. that Lard Robert win re
ply fully to the "herce Of Burden -Coutts
Frederick William (vneBttlac phyetctaa of
th LoBdno hoHpital who wai -erectly ai
the front. the hereon enmr to him as
&e absolute sbnrk aad are ajalte incredible.
He praiaet the medical flusjei luieat.
(Copyrirbt, ipi by Pr-es rubttebinc On
VOSVOS. June :7 HJSew Tork World
anar ta Soetrh Africa i aishl i in tint- mo
wounded hfdstc autstat-tog I "' frlr taifaal arnn- i
tfciSK aad ,aaToaii.fts wmmt hod
dine aed tbe lareat aeeeMUrtM of Ufe, he-;
sidce tie latk of asofticel cneatartt aad
dearth of nurees. eatuaea tho biami aec
satiea since the war toecaA. Beiac a earn-
tb(. Burdet
who returned oa santrday froai Sou h Vlrica
is absolved from aaj desire tn caoae em
barrsHsriHiBt or aay motive, except te save
the lives of the nolers. who are drinp
at the rate of nearly SW a w-eefc frnw
1 enteric fever. The eacponore. tt is believed.
, . , . a
the rnwt anl
of War Secretary
oururxi-.. uutu aam Hir in
tae lobby of the Howe ef Common e:
"People tJunk I have eawpitrated. So
far from that. I dare sot tell all I saw.
It if too horrible far werd. I slwfl preM
for aa inquiry, whes amch more will coae
out than has beea stated. It ran be proved
that the cover&aieat had Heme kaewieds
ef what was coatac; and has beea tryuuc
te eope around it. but hundreds af Urea
have bees mthlesety sacrificed hy apathy
and icaoraace."
Tbe Tiavef held Bardett-Coutts' letter a
month aad only pMu4)ed It when he ar
rived aad exposure wat no lettcer pre
ventable. He t4d m- "1 wroie three
letters. The only ase published ic the
second, -wbjrh warned the aoversaeat of
aa oBterlr fever epidemic lwoendias aad
implored them to presire. If that letter
' had bees published much avoidable sats-ry
and mortality micbx have been prevented "
, Numerous inquiries 00 the srsbiect wfil
addreeW te the mumaers and Parlwaent
en njiort Hport tliat Oneral
RiDdlr't Lln t'ere Pr-trnt-d
b Emrmj-.
LONDON. June Telecraas tram South
Africa indicate that tie renewed Boar ac
tivity increases in proportion with Lari
Roberts' quiescence, as th ooatpletjOB of
the aaamaBder-ia-cbiefa envetoassc mow-
menT hurbiiu tn h. In vrarrava i ur-
The news this moraine supports the re-
pert that tie Beers succeeded is pi r sine
( GeaersJ Wtmdle s
Uses and penetrated
, Baatbwa-i
it timt the faOnre af five arttteh
. nreoerir euard thetr line of caaaauaica
non north of Kroeostad Involved digester
, u, E wr of Baeutae workitu: on the rail
i roao. 01 wudbj iwnuxy were xtueo aaa i"e
were made prisoners Thu- has bad a d-
road, of whom twenty were kiHed aad
ddedlv bed eftect on the native wind asd
a reerudesoesoe of unrest is rep.rted is
Bar Gold ftider Snaplrion.
LONION, Jnae a. The Ioareeae Mr
qnet oorreupondeat of the Ttwes. teJecraah-
yteruy, says
Aeoardiae te . Transvaal aeviees. the
Boers are entrenched ts eadecaeie 'inoi
bees ia tbe MidaMtorp kiils The Irish,
Hotlaader and Iattaa troops are aerriar an
oostrollabl. They arc leotiap seseas aad
farm houses.
"Bar geld is a drop ia tbe weal market
' "-""-C to a suspicion thai 1: is nf aa iafenor
quality A large qaentity of stole seU is
wmitiap te be swasfded out of the Traas-
' yaw.
Deirree of U L S. Conferred Upon Sir
Jalian Pasarriair aad I
Otfcrea. J
CAMBRIDGE, Maes.. Juae 27 At the
eaercies at Harvard today
' tie beaorary decree of L.L D was oaa-
ferrsd apea Sir Juliat Pa us ess Britiafc
ambc seder to tbe Caited States WilUata
Henry Walnh. ptofosiioi- ef patbetoey. Jokee
Hopkiat, university aad Brnjamis Ide
Whfceler president
California 1 It
Fie-ssem -president
, suiuu Vjx tun-
o.' tae,! of
jpoti Hoiu Burke
ef the jtacspton it-
Ekinri Grater tn5 Zi-3:siSr Xsrpiy of
Sfsc Tsrr G-wij tc LiacaiZ.
Advance Snard of Brlecate to Drn
wrBtte atonai Couventton in
J Arrlilnic la Kan
ban CltJ'.
XASSA5 OTT, Jwte ST. CehKretataa
WiUiaw Salatr. who ia boiaa; baswod for ,
viae president aa taw duwocratic ticket, aad
aUcaard Croser aad ex-Seaator K. G
atarphy ef New Tork wfil hare a aocfe reset '
at Unsala. Neb., with WiUiam J. Bryaa
before they oawe te Kansas City ta attend
the national coBventlon. 9teria Fries of
Texas, who has epeaod headqaarters here
tor Mr Bttlaer today received a telegraw
trow Mr. Sutoer. saying he hod left New
Tt.rk for Lsacoln at aoaa today. Another
teierraa sayc M soars. Croker aad Murphy
wU be ia the Kcbraoka capital wtthia a ivw
day. Xr. JKUaer hopes to be oa the tMheA
wtti Mr. Bryan and it ie said the hatter ct
preaeed a duaire to oonler with him. Fur
ther that this Mr Price would vouchsafe
Prestdeat OTaaBelJ af the Seas ef Lib
erty, the oldeet poUtical oraaaisatttia ta
New York, le oa at way te Kaaaae Cur
aad -will opea hueae Barters teaaaiiuw or
Fridav tor Sciaer. aad Frea Feiaei editor
of the Taumtany Tlwes. another Sulser
boaaMir, will amve Friday. The city is be
fTlaaiBc te take oa a aala appearaace tn
aatictptttiea of as early arrival of delegates
awataoss hoew- are btdnx; derarated. ar:
aad inoaaaViceot Utrhts are beiac struni ta
prufuojor oa the dowatswa streets aad a
renoral cleanup is la preereea. A pood
sued contiaseBt of oaetera aewapoper rep-
reee&tatrres has already arrived, bat t paa
eraj iafiaw of people is not esserted until
Friday Ex-Governor William J Stone, aa
tuanvi cowtoitteewaa for Mlseouri aad vice
choirwaa of the national comm. nee. is x
perted Friday aitrht. alee meabtirs of the
Kuheowwfttee which will hold a meeting oa
Saturday. Jatnet Boyle, diotrii-t loader of
Taanwacy. will arrive on Saturday with
a bout a daseti of his eoDescaes. Ther eoaae '
to prepare the way for the Tammany dele- ,
cation, whit will roach Kansas City Man
day eveninc oa two special trains. Sunday
the state deleaatioar will becia to arrive.
The Pennsylvania delesntinn. made up of JOB
people, aad the Montana delectation, headed
by W. A. dark, is due oc Suaday aaorala?
aad the Kaaoac delecation tn the evening.
Ob Monday the New Bnarlaaders from
Maine. New Hampshire. Maosachoaetta.
Connecticut aad Rhode Mead, with Gears
Frd WiUiaws of Maesttcbafcetu.. their vice
presidential candidate, will teach the city
aad on the Mtsae day the California aad Xi.
souri delecatioas w-ffl arrive. Tbe createat
rush of delecauans will be oa Tuesday
Nearly all tbe fttates aot meatioaed are
hooked to arrive oc that dar
A nacventioa tanovatioa. the reodtac ef
the Pedlaratioa of Independence, will he in
troduced. It will be read at the fcrst net
Bios oa July 4 aad. amardiac to plans . the
music and deceretiaa of that day wfQ he
scanted wtth a parrtealar idea ef com
aoattiwraetnr. be cjttaaaal haKday.
Tbe bodpe for tbe defecates have been
reeohpni They are lan elaborate aCair.
There ie an oridised silver bar for tbe pta.
below which lianas a silk flac about four
inches lone To Tb flac if attached a
medallion of cold or rxidised si'rer.
Arkansa BrmotriH Refnc 10 Go
tVlld irr Mrntton of El-
he unlur'k Candidncy.
LITTLE ROCK. Ark., Jane IT. Havtac
completed its labors the dewocratic etate
ooaventtoc adjourned at 6 p. m. The de e
ettioe to the Kansas City oonventkm was
Instructed to wt for W. J. Bryan for
president. Cher J. Parker of Ouachita
county withdrew hit resolutioa "tastmrtiai
for David B. Hill tor vice president. t
beiac claimed by assay detepates that Hill
ts an advocate of the pold st&adard.
Jeff Davis, nominee for novemor. Seas
ter James K. Jonefv. James H- Berry aad
ex-Ooveraor James P. Clarke were elected
satloaal delepaies at larpe. L A. Syrne.
3d ear s. Br-aat. W. A. Townsead aad T.
C Trimble we elected detecale. at larpe.
Serosal Taylor of Pine BlaC and B. B.
Hutciuas of Harrisoa were made preetdea
ttal electors at larpe. Carroll Armetrons
was re-elected chairman of tbe state central
cestBMttea. T. C. Monroe was nominated
for auditor af state, after a dose contest.
Abaer Gaines and F. T. Haaley were nom
inated for raOreed commissi caer. The third
(lewnltaoeer is yet ta he nominated, the
eoaveatioB tmlse deadle.ked.
Tbe platform adopted reaSrmr tbe Chi
eaao platfono of law;, tavers stnc; nb
wrvaaoe of the Monroe doctrine dclare
tor poveraweat construct 10s and ewnersh p
of the Nicaragua canal, opposes dona-.ioa
of public lands to prrrate corporation . de
nounces trusts and demands national lec
latjoB on the subject; eoaeemas tae " death -deal
lac" policy af the administration ia tbe
Pnflipptnst . demands freedom for Curant
and Filipino, denounces the "carpet baa:
povemmeBt totsted oa the people of Porto
Rioo aad Cuba by the amiaistratioc" aad
deaa&de tie enactment of such law-s by the
loplsiatur? a thai! prohibit rarpcrattens
which betonp to poolfe. trusti or eomMna
tion ia rest-amt of trade, so matter where
oramaiBed from dniae business in Arkan
sas and exclude them from its borders"
, v nniiipr 1 TC? Dfli inv
"AT UnAltUC lid rULILl
Only Deroirrutlr Pnper in Lim Ancelra
oid to Repalitlean
Triumi irate.
LOS ANCRLBS, Cal.. Juae SI The Ei
prass says "The Loe Aaseles Her all at
prefcfat the ociy dewocratic daily paper ia
Les Aapelea. hae beec seld. The. traaafer
of the property wtu take place taworrow.
The stir owner is a sewapaper a uawec
Jawec of PfeiladeiiiBia. W. B warrisoa. a
local man wtji larpe ej tater-at. and
Geveraur Henry T. Goes are said ta be
afcocie&ed with Mr. JaavM.. which weuid ta
dieate that tbe paper is te be chaepsd e a
reptabBoas dally.'
' First Aaalstant Poatinnaler General to
Continne In Prenent
NEW TORK. June S7 Fletcbor Hea-h.
prmident ut the Seven 'ch NsdoeaJ baa
aad brother ef First Assistant PostWATter
General Hsatk, deaied today the report
that tbe latter bad ay ta tan ties of r---Siamsc
ws p-ait iot in Waahlsptem. "M"
brother was ta New Terk oa Masday " said
Fletiher Heath, "aad talked f reedy about
his official affairs and he ir.tima ed
thai would war-ant th public' ie of the
a:i-er 'hit: be is at variance w;:fc the ad
an justratioa.
condition LIHE WATHE
ryref-aat J'r N-braai
Temerarrr; at Onmhji U(rrHiii
Hoar. lrt. Mcur. Mrs.
& a. m 7S 1 t. m n
" t n. mC. 74 T f. tn TZ
T ju Hi ;& S H. in J"S
a. in rs 4 H- ni 73
n. in T 1 m n. m 77
10 a. m ...... 74 W p. iu 7a
11 a. ni 7t 7 . tn 7
1- m 74 yi. m 77
n. m 7
Mnc Prominent Illtirfna Leader Re
lenoed lllrr SnberiMtic to
ABflj Condition.
Manila J nor IT Nme of the insurant
waders, iaciadte Geacrais Pio Del Filar.
Cenatca. Garcia aad AJ varus, ware nchsaoad
here today aprn ukiac the ijv'h of alieari
aase to the atmc-aaaeat aad reaeutacaaa; all
tortas of revolutwe th the Pklllaplaia. te
pether with sakiac formal arkaosrleds
west of Aawrioaa svrereifnty This oath
is wuch troaaer aad mere biadtBA thaa the
oath which GeaeraJ O-js administered and
woe BanooquetiUy distaotefu: to the Pin
ptaoti. wac accepted it wtth bad arose. faOy
rsttUcin. th rt-Hulu of any violation
5oaor Bueaeawitto took the oath eh Mea
day. It is aaped that the actioa ef the
atav leaders will laSueare their wea to
take advantage of tbe amnesty, which has
tane tar beec without results other than
those nf today
elrnUn Rrrrbri an Invitation to
Addre. Xonetary Lri:nr at
Kauika Ctty.
KANSAS CITT. Mo . Jutie Z" The .
meet bore at the Auditorium July aad S,
will te ad dr ii sand by a doaea atwakers of
national rromtneace. There wfll he three
seeeioss. aeratap. afternoon and evening
ef each day end two apeecbes at each see
sioa. Aooeptances of invitations to apeak
have bees received from Senator W. T Al
loa of Nebraska. Dr J. Jt Reemelia of Cin
cinnati, J. R. Weaver of Iowa, John Palmer
of IUiaotc Fred William ef Maaoarha
setts. W H. Harvey .Coin of Calcaoe. Joha
P. St. Joha of Xaaaas. Thomas X. Beck
worth of Mirhinan, Norsaa E. Mack of
BoSalo. Samuel Gompera president ef the j
American Federation of Labor. Chartes A.
Towae of Miwnesota and Coaayssawaa Sal
ser of New fork The Weetths is sot a
coaveatioa. It will adept seme resolutions
on what the platform oucfai to contain, hot
it will aot attempt to make the ticket. Jadce
Charles ThoonaoB of Iteaver. Cose., presi
dent of the nations! orcaa nation aad la tour
Woods Merrill of Kansas Cty are prepar
ing: the proeram.
Gin rrr It .-?. el t Will DevMr lit
Lfrit ITirrr WffL 10
NEW TGRK. June r7. Geveraer Reose
veb has advised the rcpubficaa nartoaa
comrartte. tteaaas;h r vice ebatrmes. tent
he wis prve three weeks te eampaipa work
ia New Tork state after Antra? 38
"The coventor seems to be impressed with
the need of purunc la a let of bard work
tn his host- state.' said Mr. Payne, just be
fore start tae for Cleveland teolKbt-
"The satloaal committee hold the same
view aad three weeks have been blocked
out for the noveraor ta his own state. All
the rest of the time will be at the dlepeeeJ
of the net ional "
Before starting for Cleveland ton teat Mr
Payne received a teleayam from the chair
man ef the Maasnun republican state ooa- J
mirtee asking that Roosevelt s train make a
number of snort mop- on its way back from
Oklahoma aext week V' Payne was1
chliped to wire has reeret thai the request '
could not be complied with.
Executive and Party Will
Lriip Priday lor Visit
at Canton.
WASHINGTON. June :7. The prooidest.
Mrs. McKislew' and party will leave for
Cantos. O.. ts a private ear attached to the
regular 7 4D p m. traw on the Pesasy)
vaaia. railroad Friday The president will
be aooowpocied by Dr Rixey. Secretary Car
tel you aad Assistant Secretary Barnes.
Durice the abseace of Secretary Cortelyoii
the executive etbee will be ia eharpe ef
Asatst&nt Searotary Prudea. Only the meet
important matter, will be transmitted to
cantos, aad, while the president will be at
all times in direct commuaieatiea with the
White House and members of tbe cabinet, he
wi'l 'be relieved as much as possible of mat
ters wh'Ch should prcperlv be disposed of ia
Cohan Policeman Who Had Killed
Cltiren of I nlted State. Wantonly
Goes ?.et Free.
HAVANA June !7. A Cuban policeman
who recently killed as- AB ericas named
Weiss, and apatnet whom the evidence was
apparently complete ts tie oeiaieti of offi
cers aad ethers who saw the whole aSair.
has just been acquitted hy the Jedaes to
drruastaacet so extraordinary that Gov
eraor Geaeral Wood will order aa lsvH
gauoa. The aseal said tbe case had bees ees
pletely proved aad ie demanded a entesoe
of fnurteen years.
AmertcasF is Havens are very tndlpsant
over what they etetw is s studied attempt
to show the Cubans that it is no crime u
kill aa Aawioan They refer to & case
neeurriae some aaonthe apo. whes a Cuban
odMer klHe-4 Mr Smitk, tbe Americas eel
lector ef easterns at Gubare. Oa the trial
tbe cecal aai3 he rose with rocret to re
Buest the punishment cf a Cabas far ttTl
lap one ef the inter voners." as set w hich,
in hie opinion, was scarcely a crime."
j Troop May Lene Culm.
, HAVANA. Juae S7. Much interest waa
' aruuaed amonc the Americas sold lore by the
; Axseciatad Press atsiiatch a noons n up the
fact that prohahly half tbe troepe will leave
Cnha dartst; the beet few months. The ra
wer here thai the Seoosd tsiaatry wfil leave
i within tbe next tea days. a sees as a trass-
port is available, and ae direct te China jc
ceo -rally believed. Governor Genera! Wood,
however, den ter all kno iidat ef tbe report
and it seems Chat as uSbeer of tbe reatweat
received a prtvate oabi dispatch frea: t
friend ta that tfXect
Tiieontlve Covni-st of Porte Itten.
SAN JT'AX Parte Ritie. June Z A am
tax of tbe brat executive ooumcU of Purs
Rise will be held o morrow and it b thotacbt
that 'ill tbe wewbera. vnb th exception
ef Messrs Rushel! and Briraesuh wi be
.s attendance The nveetina: w.U of an
en -rely prtittainary character and ae rou-iia-
buaJteat hat wra au.;;i .' Tlwre
w... bimply be a furana: 01 ssiiiia' ion of tb
61 DtaasriS CuinBt 3 Tecstid Iats
CTjiparaag Celertl xrtz.
EUWTN Of sura NO lh'9UC!MtT
Ckictrs Plttfsrrs 5facrs if IS : 1 it Erin
OHicOfliibJt to Theri.
i li Slj Etiaaarc Tu Tioinct Ttzx Yetzs
I Ar it it Tei
Bemwrrats ho 'Were Branded as
Trnitor by the ter Men Are
."Vwt Hud)' to March I o
der H finanrr.
LINCOLN. June It. I Special t "!f nivr
ts eliuuaatod frw tbe platform this year
will Mr Bryaa recess the support c; hut
Jemerrate who dedtned ia lis te accf;.;
the Chi cat Platform-' This question ,s
answered ta tbe negative hy ex -Secretary 4
Stertias: Martea. whs saps that if Bryan is
acatn the nominee ef tbe democratic pary
;ney will use. wtth slisrht vartat ens -he
worst be Uttered at Richmond ia 1b "We
will not cosoe hack." He aoeartc that if th
yold standard was a video thine in 18?i
-t is equally deaervine of condemns: ,nc th a
.'ear aad that 11 would be aa aot of Infamy
ter Bryan to compromise with those whoa
he once cAaraed wttb conspiracy. Mr Mar
ten recently returned from the east, where
he oaaf erred with many prominent poid
democrat aad his remarks are taken a a
an e Kjnt" "kia of their sect tmesis
In tomorrow- losue of the CeaerrxtiTe
published at Nebraska City, Mr. Morton wiil
define tbe posit '.on of tbe sold democrats as
If stiver ie eitwioated from tbe watform
this year will Mr Bryan receive the up
port of thoe demorrate who declined m
lass to a;-.-ept tbe 4 nirajro piatforni Sti
teen 10 J ts but one of tbe many hereaies ef
Eryanarrhy As ihe whole area'e. tuaa
any -of its pens Bryanart hy is rnnt 'v
m.i'a cUneerous than aey one of i.a dux:-
Bryan's opeeetoes in JHW were '"r.hed "-.
verbiaae den-iapoint . danaerouoly tra"
cbistir la bis spew at th Coioeeum i e
need tbe foUowwc len-ruauae in discuss. -.p
the issues of moment before that torve-.-tior,
"We de net come as acfsroseers. Our v. ar
Is cot a war of runcueat. We are fta. r.p
ha the defense of our hoses, our fm..
and posterity We have pe-OtltineC and our
petitions have beea t.cortf i We have !
treated aad our entreaties have ben tiisre
parrieu We have beryed and the-j n e
mock-d and our calamity t ir "n't .-wj
no ion-rer. we entreat i aner-, we t'e:v
iVlo Dad Bryan -tennf
W.boos be Mr Bryan "petitioner: -"
tim has he "entreetedT" Whom has h
"bncaed " ' And by wheas has b re.-n
"aeortied." "dterepiLrded" and morkeQ"'
Wbo are those whew be "denes" He
Blast have nsaert these ta whom war -trtMSted
toe remnaanniniiv .r our yore.".
Jem a-ad tbe tnrnOTtettcp of n-ir -.-..i, os
He ana,! ; refet-aid to Waatiinr-ori.
Medseea. JerSersen. Jackson. Ltaoln. c.ev
tand and a boot ot ntbees wbooe name, a--boaored
and revered by tbe Awervan ' -pie
Can tbeet tae the noes -whom
tsdirt wtth coneplritic tu d.t: -v
"homes'' arid toe "liberties of 'he Atr. -
icun -'ci-le- l it b. cause of he iron..
lect acts nf these thai "our future te
teta ita blood crushed out of tb tifipi. tv
If tn 1KW tbe ayld stands rd was a '-or.-ssiracy
axainst tbe human race tf a was
then s. vinous as to aae-it such dn" - -tioa.
it ie eeoallv deservans; of rondemmi
tlor in lie, if tbe words Mr Bryati ufierei
tan lM. in porrrainr the fcaia-oi'ies of tl..s
sold o Tidard. were tbe esprewdr"
bwnesi eviction it wedsd he an art of in
famy fr him to now compromise an.h
thoe whom be i"f ehareed w-rr, rrn
sstrtitc to destroy our "homes and "ssre
les " The arild demnersts would m.: sup
port une who wouid thus knowinpn mentifi
iii-aiself with those whom he beUe- r
seekinp the ruin of tbe rountrj If .r was
not the lanc-nape f soberrwes and tr-h if
He ws ooly pbitoc the arts of the ..enm
roptie and piaiinp to tbe prejud)-e sn i
peemions of tbe people he 1 dishonest a i !
uttttt tor the pretden-v If he was honest
ami .ifffri ia MHtl. but le now will, rip tr
a'-kr.-wiedee btmsell tn rrror. he Is lark
me ta -i-loent ani f.n rttrSem te .asoti
inc powers as to be "c-ly taeontweTit 11
be the chief executive of this prai "epob
ilc Tbe pold democrats of tbe fntlcl
;-" wfll not supfiort BrySnarrhv wita or
w bout silver
-WTiat Can Bryan Dof
"WiTJ tb dit3tjiruit-hed warrior whr de-r-ireKH
. ,, h undi'nr and nevcr-endinp hos-ti-itv-
to 1 ie ppl s'andard. who wou i
p"ithe- pive uor receive quarter. acept. a.
' Otr. a niiminmuon 'or the presi
dency tf the eoni'erMot) intermtr it fip-t
urwn tbe sold sian'-urd hb-: de lares wr
upon setnetbiae else Will he thus become
a party te "a const). racy aEM the human
race . wm he join or oomproanise wi-1
that, which ts 1K; be 'hid be would no
s.-ioner Join than be would "aa army to de
stiny our bosses and to destroy our f sm iles-"
-arm tie openly confess himself te be
each a tsPtvSeh enemy te societr
In bis speech at Columbus, O . Septem
ber L HW, Mr Brian thus trifled wtth
'The advocate of 'he pohj standard
have never dared " submit the arbitra
tion of tbe rold standard te the ha. it
Everv Hrf that has been takn has been
by stealth and without the approval of utae
American people "
Mr Bry'ae forjjot to mentios that Jef
ferson, in IFM-, ordered th rlosmp of the
mints to silver dollars Th jUBfniaii peo
ple apiprovod the art and they rptnatned
cdeeed for tbtrty Tears The art of IBM.
placinR us upon the p'ld standard which
we have maintained to the present Time
was nimed by Ja-ckson and approved bv
tbe Aasarices people The art of 1K de
woneclsed STE.iniO.KMi of sJver and was in
dorsed by the Amen can people
The art of IKS. dropptnp tbe silver dollar
fron tbe coinage was not enacted bv
stealth, but was peodtnp before tbe Amer
ican conpress ttir three years, waa printed
thlrteer times as a bill and its amend
ments, and the dmpplnp of the dollars
frooa the list of coins caused no obiectlon
trow any eource Senator Stewart even
voted for the bill
Bryan aa a Boiler.
In Mat. -when the democratic state con
vention of Nebraska indorsed the action
of Pernod oat Cleveland is astdfic for tbe
repeal of tbe Sberwaa law, Mr Bryan
thus stated his poeroos upoa tbe question
of bottiar
"Gentlemen, I know pot what others rosy
do. but dutv to country to above duty to
party If the democratic parry,
after you po bonne. HidorMs your artiet,
and make your position its sennaneri'
polity- I promise you thai 1 wr' c rnit
anc serve wy country and wy G'! under
aone other name even tf I must pn alone '
Mr Bryan here at.noutacod v hat he w uH
do if tbe democratic perry adhered t. ita
advocacy of the pold standard he wuuid
booosae a bJter and believnd b would b
perfonctnp a patriotic duty in belttr.p. But
tbe yold standard did net remain the per.
naanest policy for tbe democratic party
The na,norisJ fotiveririon of lsWi adopted
a It to 1 plank tn tb platform Many
true, honest and patriotic democrats cmia
not stippcn that ;lsr(oruv. believinr it t'i
be dtabormst and a menace 10 tbe business
interest of tb country Accord! nriy :hev
did wbs-t Mr Brj-ar said he would do if
tb perry pratsied in its advocacy of the
pold ticejatard The borted.
Tb action of tbe roid desBOcrais forced
Mr. Brvan to revise Ms nhHeanBbv of bolt.
tap as ersmuieateo .r :9C Thea bait np
was a -petriou'. cuty ow it was te be
branded as the "act of s traitor Ie latC
"duty to cotiEtry w- hietber than duty to
party " in jjati strict panv devotion was
wore tc bv commended than loyahr to
prtticlpie or love of couctry In his peea
at Ri hanotid Va i" '. Mr Bryar 'has
defined hi attitjde 'oward those ieni u-rsts
wtx- were not supieirtiup hie candidal
"I want to warts ou who are ontrtem
plannc deeertiip from rh democranc
jiany at tru ust 1 tie t the waa who, ta