.Tllff. OMAHA DAILY BEE; 'TUESDAY, .TUNE UG, 1000. Telephones Gl S-601. Wash Fabrics Remnants marking them without reck oningtoat or valuo. Wash fabrica of every kin'd aud deacrip- tion waist, skirt or dresfi longth, 14 to 12 yards Every, wash fabric for ladies' and cliil (lien's wear, etc. among 'the more prominent uj boing -tissues, zophyrs, madrafcr fancy cords, dimities, foulards, batistes printed muslin, Bwissea, dOVo'rts,' lawn's, etc. Great value al-small prices, f 'Lawns, 10c. v Dimities, 12I-3C. Madras, ISc. Swiss Mull, inc. W Close Our Store Saturdays at 6 P. M. ' AflBifTS FOB POSTCIt KID GLOVBS SXD MeCAMVI PATTKRrTS. "" Thompson, Beldeh & Co. a THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE DRY GOODS HOUSE IN OMAHA T. M. C A. BUILDING, COR. 1QTII AND DOUOLAt STB. demanded Af him will to responded to only In the rharoeter of u private citizen, I pre sume he docs not propose to tnlk politics until utter he lus been oinelally notified of his notnlimtlon for tho vice presidency Wo ahull leave here some time Saturday for Oklahoma City, wheto the Rough aiders will hp the entertainers." DEFEAT FOR SENATOR JONES "Willi drawn I of Mrltne from liner for (nminltleemnn Is Index of I'nrly Tide. L1TTLK BOCK, Ark., Juno 2D. The most InterostlnR content expected to eomo before the democratic Kioto convention, which as sembles hero tomorrow, was nettled this afternoon when Congressman Mcllao an nounced that he was not a candidate to succeed himself as national rommlttecman, thus giving a clear Held to former Governor JamtR V Clarke. Thla la considered n de feat -for Benator James K. Jonea, chairman of the democratic national committee, who favored McBnc, Clarke la generally under stood to bo a candidate for the United titates senate, two years hence, against Senator Jonea. Charra B. Barker of Ouachita county, who Is prompting the movjmrnt to Instruct for David ,0 ,11111 j for vice prcflldont. In con fident the. convention will adopt a Hill reso lution. ''Tho' convention will InHtruct for Dfyan lof prealdeut and tho Indications to niKht, ojrp. that tho Parker resolution will ho adopted; Mcaplte the strong opposition of several party lcndcra. , Hill l.lknl In (leornln. ATLANTA, Oa Juno 2."!. Among the rep resentatives of the democrat of Georgia who will leave for Kansas City Sunday to attend thei national convention, tho mention of David U. ,11111 aa Bryan's running mate has been received with much favor. Klllott Danforth of. New York,, Amos Cummlnga of lew York and 'ex-CongrcMman Shlvely of "Good Beginnings Make Good Endings, ft You ate making a good beginning whtn you commence io lake Hood's SarsaparSU for any trouble of your blood, stomach, kidneys or liver. Persistently taken, this great medicine nvill bring you the good end ing of perfect health, strength and vigor. l Send this coupon and Only 10c to The Bee Publishing Co., Omaha, Neb t For part Jl Paris Exposition Pictures. Snf nnctrtolrl tit nnv flHHlkli - a puJiiniM v Stay at homo and enjoy the great exposition. 16 to 20 views, ig ovary weolc, covorln ull points of interest. Altogether there will ,w bo 2(1 parts containlnp; 350 views. Tho entire sat mailed for 12.00. CUT OUT THIS COUPON. Omaha Bee. Prepaid Subscription Coupon. A Summer Vacation for the most popular yenng laly. This coupon, If accompanied by caah propaylnt; a new or old Btiljseriptlon to THE BEE, conntH 15 votes for each 15a prcpnid, 100 votes for each dollar prepaid, etc. No.. Votes for Miss. Addres. Town. 1 Works for. Send Bee tc(name) Address. fj.B. ThlfV'coupon must be countersigned by the Bts Circulation Dept. (or tne town ciRont to whom the subscription money is paid.) Deposit or. mail to "Vucution Contest Dppt." Bee, OutHhu, Nobi Deposit i jfnntcrslRned by it. pmaha Bee. A Summer : fer the most popular young Jaiy. One vote for Mips. Address. Tows, t ' ; Works for. CUf TlilS OUT, Deposit ut Bee Contest Dept.," ..... Bte, June 25, 1900. Egyptian Tissues'? 25c. Embroidered Tissues. 23c. New Broderlo Lea, 18c. . s New yellow nil black striped tllmltlos, oma flnc quality, at 18c. Indiana will also not b without support In the Georgia delegation. foil illy ' onventli-n of l'opullats. MITCHELL, S. D., June 20. (Special Tel egram.) The populists, of Davlion county held a convention this afternoon to, soloct sixteen delegates to the Yankton state con vention. The convention was sllmly attend ed, four townships not being represcalcl. J. K. Johnson wan made chairman and A. K, Graenkc secrotaiy. Tho following delegate wero elected: John Colvln, U Beall, R. H. Saul, Carl Knappc, II. G. Hoyt, A, Carlton, Joseph. Swift, G. Nclgeson, G. K. Jenks, V. Iligglns, A J. Buse, Martin Gleason, F, D. Tyler, J. K. Johnson, 11. A. Btahl. C. II. Perry. Tho Canton platform r,'s endorsed. " . i Mnrller Accept. Appointment. COLUMBUS," O., June 2S. Bev. 'father Moollcr, vice chancellor of the archdiocese of Cincinnati, today formally accepted the appointment as bishop of Columbus. He camo to Columbus and held an Important conference with Rev. Father Spocht, the vicar general, during which. preliminary ar rangements for tho ordination were made. No date was announced for the ceremony. I'.vnns Will tint ltelcn. CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., June J35.--A letter has been received by the-Cbslunooga News from Commftislorier of rcgalons Evans In which he denies tho,'tqry jwb llshod several days ago to the' effect" that ho would resign as pension commissioner and run for congress. Wnsrnrr 1st JlcnonilMittrrt. BRISTOL Pa., June 2f. The republican ronforees nf Bucks and Montgomery coun ties, which comprlso tho Beventb congres sional district, today .unanimously renom inated lrvln P. Wagnori for .congress. Diimiuorr tielif Vomlnatlon. CONWAY, Ark., Junc5i The.democratlc convention of ,tbo ElfUj xbngresslonal (ils trlct toduy nominated" Hugh A.'Blnsmoro for congress. " ' Wool Snip nf Pierre' I'lKRUK, S. D.. June 2S. (Special Tele gram.) Today was the first wool tain day of the season und Is'A. busyonj, around the wool warehouses, A 'large number of wool raisers are on hand to dispose ot thotf clips. Over 125,000 pounds of wool' came Itf toiay alone and nearly 200,000 pounds was stored up to last night, making more than (300,000 pounds on the market today. Tha lo:al price Is from ID to IB cents. V Large Carpet .Mill, Til I LA DELTiH I A , Juno 25. Tfhp' carpet mill nf MaslAnd & Bona -was destroyed, by Are toduy. Loas between $75,000 and 1 100,000. ft Nam. State; .Agent CUT OUT THIS COUPON. . ? Single Coupon. " Vacation : Nanio. 8tt. office or instil to "Vacation Omaha, Neb. DAVIS SEES THE PRESIDENT Chairman of tha Senatt't Fonign Committee Calls on Hr. McXinUj. DECLINES TO DISCUSS CHINESE SITUATION IOiprrsRcn the Mope 'I'linl the Mutter .Mil)- lie Ailjimleil Without u Hot Inrnllim of War or n Mpeelnl Senslon of Conn rmn. WASHINOTON, June 23. (Special Tele gram.) Senator bavls, chairman of the senate committee on foreign relations, had a conference with the president today nbout tho situation In China. Senator Davis de clined to discuss tho Chinese situation fur publication, but he admitted that if a state of war resulted from complications nt l'ckln It would bo ncceasary for tho president to convene congress In special session. Senator Davis, llku-cvcry one els, hopes that neither war nor a special .session of congres will grow out of the. troubles In tho Celestial tfm'plrc. Senator Hannn, chairman of the repub lican national committee, docs not expect to begin the active work of tbo campaign until August. Ho wilt remain quietly at home lu Cleveland until thnt time, when bo will go to Chlcngo and formally open headquarters and launch the campaign, which bo con fidently believes will result as did that of four years ago, waged from tho mime head quartern, In success of the republican ticket, Branch headquarters will be maintained In New York, In charge of former Secretary of the Interior Bliss, treasurer of tho national committee, but tho real battlo will bo fought )n the west. During the manth of July, while Senator Hanna Is resting nt Cleveland, he will bo In easy communica tion with rrosldent McKlnley, who will bo U Canton. Between them the program of the campaign will be formulate!, with, ot course, the aid and sanction of the execu tive committee to be named by Chairman Hanna. Senator J. C. Burrows of Michigan has Indicated to Assistant Secretary Molklcjohn that he will mnkc six speeches In Nebraska and will hold all Invitations to xpoak In other states until ho hears from Chairman Llndsoy of tho state central committee. Tho plan is to have Senator Burrows speak 111 each ot the six congressional districts of the stnle, although details cannot bo ar ranged unlll Chairman Llndeey has talked over the situation with his colleague. Frank Barber of Kranklln, Neb., is In the city on matters connected with tho Depart ment of Justice. Comptroller Dawes has been advised of the following changes In officials ot north western banks: Nebraska Superior Na tional, Superior, T. Lewis, vice president; Hartlngton National bank, Hartlngton, S. A. Merrill, vlco president; K. M. Kimball, nssUtant cashier; First National . bank of Loomts, K IC. Dohorty, vice president; K. L. Doherty, rashlcr. Iowa First National bank of Albla, F. M. Drake, president, In place of J. H. Drake, deceased. Wyoming Raw lins National bank, Rawlins, William Daly, vice president. A, F. Bracken wac today appointed post master at Freeborn, Uinta county, Wyo., and Mrs. Mary O. Olbson at Guthrie, Con verse county, Wyo. SUMMARY OF FOREIGN TRADE 'In til ox Miou'lnK Koiiiurta nnil Import for May nm Well na Kleven Month KmlliiK Mn !tl. WASHINOTON. Juno 23. Tho detailed tables of the Imports and exports for the' month of May and the" eleven months of tho fiscal )tar ending with May havo been com pleted by the treasury bureau ot statistics. They show the Imports and exports by claeses as follows: Month ending May .11: IMPORTS. 180?. 1300. Artlrles of food and live animals J 2f,II6,-7t; J 19.267.1SI Articles In a crude condition for do mestic Industry .. 22,oM,703 25,t',9l5 Articles mnnilfnr tured for uo In mechanic arts .... 6,01S,73S 7.131.32J Articles mnnufni' tured rendy for consumption 8.700.273 10,1)3,217 Articles ot volun tary use, luxuries, etc 8.763.3S.-1 !),372.7M Total Imports of merchandlso U,IC0,37J 7l,.i,iJ5 KX PORTS. Products of ngrlcul- turo 52,975,612 61,353.322 Products of munu- fncture 30.KI6.31I 40,460.387 Products of mining. 2,621,433 3.&67.1S.1 Product qf the for est 4,219,811 5,154,613 Produajx of the llsli- erles 267,361 297.373 Miscellaneous 317,23 1 474,335 Total exports of do mestic merchan dise 91,2J0,S5u 111,307,193 Foreign goods re-exported 2.590,392 2.207.6S6 Total exports of merchundlso 9.1.S41.417 U3,r.M,s,'il Gold imports 3,o70,2nr a.esa.EM Gold exports 2,019,155 12,209,596 Eleven months ending May 31: IMPORTS. U99. 1900, Articles of .food and live animals J 190,727,790 202.851,416 Articles In u crude condition for do- mestlo industry .. :0,R57.499 2S2.109.933 Articles manufac tured for wo In mechanics and arts 61,174,112 81,299,610 Articles manufac tured ready for consumption 99,061,119 118,537,507 Articles of voluntary use, luxuries, etc.. 85,670,660 10I.OS2.220 Total Imports of merchundlso 15.391,180 78S,8S0,722 KXPORT8. Products of agricul ture 730,629,261 778.76S.061 Products of manu facture , 306,854,428 3.'i3,f'89i7n Products of mllirng. 2S.O03.151 35,235,167 Products of the for- 1 est 37,079,110 16,53j,172 Products ot tho llsh- orles 5,711,036 6,079,235 Miscellaneous 3,160.58 1 4,6ti,7&2 Total exports of do mestic merchan dise 1,103,311,573 1,261,269,007 Foreign goodi re-exported 31.0S7.503 21.956.8U1 Total exports of merrhundlso l,13rt,29,075 1,2H).2JB.S0S Gold Imports k5,MS,f17 40.814,(1 W Gold exports 16,618,759 40,173,91 DOUBLE TURRETS IN FAVOR Naval noard nernininemU Sii ip r I in -liuaed Turret" for Three Iluttleahlpii. WASHINOTON, Juue 23. Secretary Long announced this afternoon v that the naval board, to which wus referred the matter of superimposed turrets for tbo now battlo (hips, reiommended by u vote of twelvo to one that three ot the battleships bo built wi,h superimposed elght-iuch turrets and two of tho battleships with quudrllatorally arranged elgbt-lilch turrets, Secretary Long has not yet announced his approval or dis approval of the flndlta ot tho board. Hobher Uftn Micliter Seiileiu-e. WASHINOTON, June 25, The president has commuted 16 tlvo years tho sentence Of llfo Imprisonment Imposed on Alfonso J, Jennings, convicted in Chickasaw, I. T In February, 1899, of train robbery. Tbo ut torney general considered the sentence of Jennings unjust, A3 others convicted vth him at the samo time received lighter sen tences. llenrnlHii Visit lyrnlilent. WASHINOTON. June 25, A party of ills tlngulabed Georgians called on the presi dent today and Invited him to visit Atlanta on July 20, tba anniversary of the battle ot Teach Treo Creek, which occurred on July J 20, 1864. The anniversary Is ,to be mad the occasion of the reunion of tho untcn ond ex-confederato soldiers who pnrtlclpat'd In that engagement. According to present arrangement the president will be In Can ton on that day, which will prevent his bo lng In Atlanta on the 20th, RATHB0NE LOSES HIS JOB I'ostninnter (?iiprnl Smith Ilelitove Director nf Culinn I'oxts from Oilier. WASHINGTON, Juno 25. The postmaster general has Issued an order removing from omco Estcs O, Rathbone, who had been sus pended by a former order from tho posi tion of general director ot posts of Cuba, and detailing Martin C. Fosnes, an In spector In the postal service, to perform tho duties of dlroctor general of posts until further orders. Fourth Assistant Postmas ter General Brlstow has been relieved from further work 'In Cuba nnd tins sailed for home. Today's action In removing Rathbone, Postmaster' Ocncral Smith said toiil'ht, was not taken because, of any fresh develop ments In the Cuban postal frauds affecting the deposed director. When Mr. Brlstnw, who has been conducting the Investigation, left the Island, hn designated Mr; Fosnes as acting director and, to simplify tho mat ter and avoid a' makeshift arrangement, Mr. Smith decided to appoint Mr. Fosnes aa director, his tcnure"!t6 be "until otherwise ordered." ' Mr. Smith wnB' not prepared to say whether or not Former Director Rathbone would be arrested for nny 'connection he may have had with existing affairs In tho Cuban PoMal department. The determina tion nf that question, he said, would be left entirely with General Wood, tho military governor of tho Island, who would bo guided by the developments shown by the Investigation Concluded by Mr. Brlstow. Mr. Rathbone, Mr. Smith said, would not leave tho Island, as' ho would be wanted ns a witness In the eases of the other officials against whom charges havo been preferred. NAMING THE NEW WAR SHIPS South Unkotn icin ltcrnnnl tlnn nnd New Charleston Apueura In Hie Iti'Klntcr. WASHINOTON, June 25. The secretary of tbo navy has authorized tho following names for tho new battleships nnd cruisers: Battleships Vlrglnia nnd Rhode Island. Armored 1 Cruisers Maryland, Colorado and South Dakotii. , Protected Cruisers St- Louis, Milwaukee and Charleston. . ew Silver Certtflente. WASHINGTON; June 23. Five-dollar cer tificates of the new design made their flrt-t appearance today and took the place of the old lives In all treasury payments from the cash room. Tho feature of tho now note Is a largo Indian head In tho center, with a blue seal and a large tetter .V, with the word "five," also In blue, running In a curved lino across It. As an artistic produc tion this note Is regarded an equal to any ever Usued by the government. (enernl Hurry Uolnic to Mnnlln. WASHINOTON, Juno 25. By pn order Issued today Brigadier Genoral Thoma II. Barry. United States volunteers, will be rollovcd from duty In tho office of the adju tant, general In tbjs city, to tukc effect July 5, nnd will procopd.to Manila, where ho will act as chief .of staff to the commanding general. i1.,t , Old nnhtU'rejchnnited for Nevr. W A S I H NGTjON;, une 23. The amount of bid bqndfi so' r.ir .e'xohanged for the now 2 per cent consols U'$304, 456,800. of which 37fi, $87,600 we're received from Individuals nnd institutions other than national ahnks. SOLDIERS WILL COME HOME Jinny Troop Will lie Spared from Service In Culm No Iiidlonllon of Future Trouble. WASHINGTON, Juno 25, As soon as Sec retary Root returns to this city early next week final arrangements will bo made for the withdrawn) of as many troops as can be spared from further service In Cuba. According to reports recently received from Governor General Wood the elections parsed oft' quietly and without' serious dis order at any point and affairs havo becomo tranquil with ua Indications, of future trouble. In consequence of this encourag ing 6tato of affaire the officials of the War department .are considering the question of a large reduction of the military force In Cuba. It has been estimated tnat about one half of tho troops can safely be brought homo within the next few mnntr. Nothing will bo settled as to which regiments Bhall come until after Secretary Root returns to tho city. There Is an impression, however, that the Fifth Infantry, stationed principally in tho Department of Santiago, will be the first Cuban regiment to return to the United Stntes, and that the Eighth infantry, stationed in tho same department, will fol low soon nfter, Tho return of these troops to the United States will enable tho department to carry out Its plan of sending regular troops from this country to tho Philippines to take tha places of the volunteer army, which must bo brought home and discharged by June 30, 1901. Unless developments in China necessitate a chnngo of program, the b'omeward move ment of the volunteer troops from the Philippines will begin In the early fall and about 8,000 or 10,000 regular troops will bo sent out gradually, from this country to takp their places. Culinn Teacher l,ente for Harvard, HAVANA, Juno 25,-lHavaiia has been practically given over today to tho teachers chosen to attend tbo summer school In Bos ton nnd to their friends. Tno United States transport Sedgwick took .110 women teachers and tho United States transport Crook 205 men. The Sedgwick will call at Matanzns, Cardenas and Sagua, tho Crook touching only at Matanzas. Bands and special tugs wero chnrtered for tho early morning, but It was soon learned that no ono would bo allowed to go on board tbo transport before 3 p. m. The crowds, therofoie, vIMtod the city. It was estimated that fully 8,000 residents and friends devoted the day In saying farewell. The teachers seem to be In excellent spirits and to bo anticipating with keen pleasure a residence of three month in the United States. The Crook left about 5 o'clock and the Sedgwick later. Cuhnn l'nlal and Custom I'rniiiln. HAVANA, Juno 25. Senor Andrndo, the new fiscal, says that tiro ctibtom bouso fraud coses will be brought up tomorrow. Ho believes bo can secure convictions In most of them. Ho far as the postal cases nro concerned, ho says be cannot proceed until all tho papers aro In his hands. Con sequently ha ls-unprepared to make n state ment respecting them at present, but he understand that ho will recolvo tho entire eharses within the next few days. tleurriil Lee'n ('mirne iJnilorNi-il, HAVANA, Juno 23. The mayor of Quern ados recently complained to Oeneral Wood oLlhe closing of certain saloons thoro by Genoral Lee, who acted In the Interest of sdnltntlon following the precedent created last year by Oeneral Wood nt Santiago. In hW reply to tho complaint General Wood said that the only places closed wero those whoso proprietor!), had specially catered to the United States troops and that be fully endorsed Oeneral Lee's course DEATH RECORD. .loll n II, lltln. John H. Bliss died nt the residence of his parents, at 1603 Burdetto street In this city, nt 12:30 yesterday afternoon, after nn Illness ot only nbout three days. His ail ment diagnosed ns appendicitis, but he grew worse so rapidly that, an operation could not be performed. Tho deceased was very prominent among Jlvo alock men at South Omaha arid had nlrcady made for himself a reputation as u successful bus iness man, though but little past his majority. He was born at Schuyler, Neb,, where his father was well known as one of the old settlers of tbe state and' where his family resided most of the time until their removal to Omiiba, II. C. Add I. H. C. Addis, for some years past a resi dent of Council Bluffs, died at 'Arkansas City, Ksn., last Thuprsdny morning of cholera morbus. He bad been In poor health for some time past and had removed to Ar kansas City only threo weeks ago, In the hope that the change In climate would bo beneficial, Tho funeral was held Friday afternoon, the services being conducted by Rev. Dr. Wood of the Methodist Episcopal church, of which denomination tho deceased was a member. Tho deceased leaves a wife but no children. Prominent Nolirnskn I'nrmrr. COLUMBUS, Neb., June 23. (Special.) Word was Juet received hero today that Charles T. Coxen, a prominent and well-to-do farmer living six miles south of hero In Polk county, had died In 1-ondon, England. Mr. Coxen left here7 early In May expecting to pass the summer In Europe, his native home being In England. The Information today stated that ho died Juuo 8 and had been burled there and reference was made to, u former cablegram which for some reason tbo family railed to receive. elirnnka f'lly Doctor. NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., Juno 23. (Spe cial TelCGram,) Dr. Cicero- C. Jordan died at his home here today after a long lllnecs of paralysis. Ho was 52 years of age. He was a veteran of the civil war and was a member of William Bautner post, Grand Army of the Republic, of this city, nlso of several secret societies. He has practiced mcdlclno In this city for ten years past. His wlfo survives him. C'lileiiKO e,Tiiipcr Man. CHICAGO, Juno 23. Mnrtln J Russell, one of the proprietors and editor of tha Chicago Chronicle and for many years Identified with tho management of Chicago newspapers, died last night at Mackinac Islan!) from a complication of dlesascs. Mr. W. A. Xcncll. BEATRICE, Neb., Juno 25. (Special Tel egram.) Mrs. W. A. Newell, wlfo of a prom inent Insurance man of this city, .died yes terday morning of cancer of tho stomach. LOCAL BREVITIES. The remains of Lury liurko, who died or gastritis nt 617 North Seventepntli street, have been sent to Plattsmouth for Inter ment. The work of the census office Is progress ing satlsrurtorlly, hut the supervisor ran still tne n few volunteer wheelmen In the work of verification. A burglar forced an entrance to Harry Wadswnrth's saloon, 1313 Douglas street, about 3:30 Sunday morning and stole $12 from tho cash drawer Mrs. Emma Hrennan, nged 46, died Sat urday of cancer at 1021 South Twentieth street. Her remains were Interred yester day at Holy Sepulcher cemetery. A small frume burn tu tho rear of 3101 HlOpdn street was destroyed by lire late Monday afternoon. The cutis was ii com bination nf children and matches. The work 'of removing he qliarfer rnaliterJWdcpnrtnient. of the' Department of, the Missouri from The Bee hullillug Juto the old postofUcc licfnn yesterday mornlijrf. Mrs. Grace Blake, who lives At 417 South Tenth street, has been arrested nt the Instance of Mrs. Liuten Smith, her neigh bor, who charges assault. She says Mrs. Blako chased her with a hatchet. N. V. Halter hns resigned us ronstnLle of Justice Lcarn's court and Lou Grebe has been appointed In his place. Mr Halter, who Iihs business that will take him out of the city, was formerly ergtrant ot police, James Lynch, the iiMJiillailt or Dr. Mc Dowell. nr.d Tom Ring, Lynch' partner, were released rrom the city Jail Monday evening by order of Pollro Judge Gordon. No complaint has "oeen filed against cither or them. Only three members of the city council showed up at the committee .meeting yes terilav afternoon at 3 o'clock and It wus Impossible to take action on matters which have been submitted for the consideration of the council. Upon complaint of Henry G. Wemlmont Charles Hornbure was placed under $200 bonds to keep thp peace. Hornburg and Wernlmont occupy the snme flat at 124 South Tventj'-flfth street. The case waa tried yesterday in Altstadt's court. The race between J. M. Glllan and J. F. Burgess for the secretaryship of the Board of Education Is attracting considerable at tention, Mr. Burgess claims to have at least six of the fifteen vote, while Mr. Glllan Is confident thnt he has eight votes. C. J. Weslerdahl has bean placed in charge of the city prisoners who aro de tailed to cut Weeds and reports that lie hns no trouble In gottlng good work out or the men. Previous experiments In work ing prisoners have not been so successful. Mvrtle Woods, a 16-year-old girl who re sides with her mother nt 1(115 South Sev enth street, was painfully bruised Monday nrternooii by railing 'from a railroad em bankment at Second and Hickory streets, Sh was taken home In tho city ambulance. The Interim! revenuo collector reports that the majority of persons who jinld the legacy tax in the district of Nebraska under a misconstruction of tho luw have made applications for refund, It will be six months or mofo before th"y get tho mane;'. Persons living near Avondale park have notified tho park commissioners that tho curbing around the park wus washed away by the recent heavy ruin and Webster street wns so badly damagel by the water that tcumstdia are driving over the park and ruining the sod and shrubs, Officers ot the health department havo re ported that a House numbered 2912 Dewey uvenue Is liwm unsafe condition, A portion or the hoiiho rxtendf. over u bunk many reet high, and Is regarded ns dangerous by tho health ulllccrx. The mutter has been ro ported to tho Inspector of buildings. The regular Juno examination for teach ers who are seeking pusltlous In the Omaha public schools wdll be held at tho High bchool building for three days, commenc ing yesterday. More than 100 iippllcants will tnko tho examinations under the direction or Miss Anna Foos, Dr. W. F. Milroy and E. C. Page. During the past Week the members nt tho city council huvo been giving considerable attention to the ordinance proposed nt thp last mrelne for an Increase In tho tajc license fee required of lunch wagons. Tho council hns practically agreed to tlx tho license fee nt $100. und to Include ull four wheeled vehicles In tho ordinance. Peter Knudsen, formerly employed hb driver ot a. milk wagon for Nels Paulsen, filed a inmplalnt In Justice Altstadt's court yesterday, charging a, Swedo nunied linns Cliilsten Peterson with assent. Tho latter succeeded Knudsen us driver nf the milk wagon, and when Knudsen went out to the creamery to get his effects there was a quarrel which ended In u light. An entertainment will be given at Crelgli ton hall tomorrow night for tho benefit of O'Brien Kennedy, ono of Ireland's patriots, The program or the evening will Include ad dresses by the giiesti or honor, T. J. Ma honey and (', J. Smyth; solos by Miss Gene vlevo Croft. Mrs. T. J. t'obry ami Clint Miller: selections by tho Phllhuimonlc quar tct and a recitation by M. P. O'Connor. Mrs, Martha Martin, who runs a room ing house nt Eleventh and Nicholas streets, complained to the police yesterday thai aha had been robbed of 110. A man culled upon her Sunday, she said, and rented it room. In the morning she observed thut the room hud not been occupied, und about tho same time discovered that the money wus missing. She gave the police a 'descrip tion of her new "tenunt." Civil service examinations In Omaha nro announced as follows: July 10, 11, 12 and 13, for nrchltectural draftsman, Navy de purtment. at salary of M per duy, for structural steel draftsman nt the sumo salary, for moat Jnspector, at it sularv of ll.uo to' Jt.l'iO per yer. Applicants for tho last named position must bo graduate of a Veterinary college. July 21 and 25, assistant ethnokiglo librarian und assistant ethno logist Smithsonian Institution at J.v per month each, Applicants for the latter po sition must understand the Bloux lull FALL MAY PROVE TO BE FATAL Geortc (ilncomlnl llndlj llnrl U'lillc HcpurliiK nn At nine on lit llulldliiK. George Glacomlnl, 2410 North Twenty-second street, while repairing nn awning at 1306 Douglas street about 0 o'clock yes tcrday, fell from a ladder and sustained Internal Injuries that may result In death. Ho wns taken to his homo In tho city ambu lance, where Tie' was trrated by Dr. Gil more. At last accounts ha was unconscious. It Is thought that Glacomlnl fell as tho result of it sunstroke. Spectators say he was standing on the top of it twelve-foot step ladder working at an awning. In tho full glnrc nf tho sun. Suddenly his legs seemed to give way under him nnd ho fell to tho pavement, striking on his head. Glaromlnl la a man of considerable wealth and, among othor property In tho city, owns the building upon which he was working. HYMENEAL, yVolf-Mnrtln. COLUMBUS, Neb., June 25. (Special.) Mr. R. O. Wolf of Lincoln, Neb., and Mlf Zella Martin, daughter of Mrs. Eva Martin of this city, were married today nt high noon by Rev. J. P. Yost, pastor of tho Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. Wolf will make their homo nt Lincoln. I.ll He-Slot ten till rtc. John E. Little of Deadwood, S. D., and Miss Lillian Stottenburg of this city wore "married Sunday, June 24, by Rev. Charles W. Savldgc. Complete Three (Ink Prnuriini. THREE OAKS, Midi.. June 25-The program for'the ceremonies connected with tho unveiling or the Dewey cannon June 2S I substantially complete. The address or welcome on bohnlf or tho state of Michigan will be delivered by General R. A. Alger and the oration or tbe day bv Wil liam E. Burton, D.D., or Chlcngo. on the .theme "Tle Victories of Peace and or "War." The. utivelllug of the Dewey canrtoti will be performed by Miss Helen Miller .Gould. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. A. R. Guye ot Mllo, la Is at the Murray. John Gosling of Kansas City Is In Omaha Henri- P. Harbour ot Denver Is In the ClU'i E. W. Auspuch of Hasscy. la., Is at tho Murray. I'. A. Yeast of Hyunnls, Neb.. Is at the Merchants. ' W. Edcar Brown of Fremont Is nt the Merchants. John E. Rederlcli of Sioux City spent yes terday In Omaha. J. II. Woolley, a lawyer of Grand Island, Is at the Merchants. E, W. Nordyke and wife of Allen, Neb., afo stopping ut the Millard. Judse W. D. Cornish and wife of New York are guests of the .Millard. W. F. Briscoe, Charles W. tluldela and C. If. Roach of Chicago are nt the .Millard. Miss Muttlo McNlsh or Norfolk Is a guet of Rome Miller und family at the Her Grand. ( Mrs. Joseph Redman left yesterday for Denver and Colorado Springs, where she will s;end the summer. Joseph Shultz of Hastings. J. N. Forbes of Crawford and C. F. Atkins of Lincoln registered Mondtiy at the Murniy. ,1. '('. Cllpn of Oskaloosa and W. C. Reed or Knoxvllle, la., are. In the city buying horses. They are guests of the Murray H. F. Rose nnd L. E. Wettllng ot Lincoln, j. v, Shuffiebotbam of Inman, Charles Mathlnsou of WlnnelMgo, G. Downing of Kearney und F. M. Rubleo of Broken Bow were state guests nt'tho Her Grand Monday Ncbnisknns nt tbo Merchants Monday: Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Miller nnd W. J. O'Brien of South Bend, V. A. Dearborn imd sons of Wayne, D. M. Strong of North Bend, Ivan Simontnn of Our, Oliver A. Hall of Kearney and D. M. Owon of Norfolk. Albert Heywood. "-Gustavo Ulrlch. Gertrude Monroe and Ethel Dayton, who aro touring the middle wo.,l, giving con certs' nnd character Impersonations, are at tbe Murray-. They Hrrlvcd Sunday 'from Uio Black Hills country,, solvent, and prosperous. Hon. C. H Dietrich of Hustings was In Omnhii yesterday and wns at' republican headquarters. Mr. Dietrich Wits out In Saunders county during the last week nnd received manv assurances of the favor in which his candidacy for governor Is held, During his visit he witnessed u large picnic of Bohemian citizens, ut which he was rc celvfd with manifestations ot heurty ap preciation and support. R. B. Schneider Is In Omaha, returning rrom tbo national convention at Philadel phia. He says that the national eommlttro Is fully alive to the favorable conditions existing In Nebraskn and will lend Its In fluence actively to the work of tho party In this state. Just what Its plan of action will be or what It will do In thnt behalf will not be decided upon until tho meeting of the national executive committee at Chicago In aout two weeks. A w. oman's Trials tnoreasm from girlhood to tho gravo. Tho question of health Is always before her. Thirty years of her life Is a battlo with menstrua" tlon, and not ono woman In a hundred esoafies the Ills whloh lie In wait from month to month. Lydla tL Pinkham'i Vegetable Compound has restored a million women to health, Letters from grateful women are oonstantly being printed In this paper Mrs, Plnkhem has fifty thousand such letters. Her counsel Is safe coun sel. It always helps wo men and It will help you, Mrs, Plnkham's ad dress Is Lynn, Mass, She will advise you free. HUHHUII IlESOHTS. Summor Tours on Lakt Michigan. t"etlb8aT8th,p manitou for paaaDT firrlca eicluslfelr, nmkei trl-wMklr triiis (or vliarlrwtst llnrbar HpHttsTt. Dmj View. rrluaUt'f and MatcUlim 11km4 conntH-llnu with nil Hteamhl Lintm tot Luk buperlor Kwtira nd Con Wait Points. LEAVES CHICAGO AS FOLLOWS I Tara tf . in. Thar 11 m. m tat 4 p m. Manitou Steamship Company, OFFICE 4 O0CK8, Ruth and N. Water Sli. Chicago. Lakeside Hotel perxkee AND COTTAOSS. HiTUU r. u.. uw. a mil.. Tram Vulirk S.uil dir l.rnn nnd ! rrlptlvaclrcqUr. II. U. IHI.NMMi, Mgr. SCHOOLS. Wenlworlh Military Academy and N.llon.l Acaii.mlrt, ABSOLUTE SECURI1T. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills, Must lear Signature f Am Pac-SlnlN Wrapper Below. YT tsall and a marf 0 Uke aa anfro. FOR NEAIACNL FOR BI7ZINE3S. FOR IIU0U8RESI. FOR TORPID LIVER'. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION CARTERS PILLS. OKRiunn nut iwt tn.ATuM, Psrely TeffatafiIo.wa-e7w - TBasroLwiOl IUU ' CURE SICK HEAOAQHK. Strengthens (MA It I A. VI WINK.) HivcH power to the. brain, ntrctiffth aitrf vlaHtivity to the, muHcle, ami richncHH to tho. blood . It in a promoter of good health and tonjierlty. Rlnrinni Wiiio is in- valuable for overworked men. delieate women ami , ntekly children. It noothen, Hfrcnyt It em and HUtttaimt the system. May be taken in soda wafer as a ton ie. With chipped ice it is re- freshing and overcomes debili ty in warm weather. Sold by ull druggists. Rcfu-e substitute. A Sklst mt Buty la a. Joy Forerer. DR. T. PEMX OOUnAUD'S OltlKNTAl CREAM, On MAGICAL HE AUT IIMIEIt. lipmores Tan, Plmplot Prcclcle. Moth, Patches iiasn inn Skin dis eases, and every blemish on beauty, and defies dotpc tlon. It bus stood the test of (la yei' and la so haimissi we tastu It to b sure It Is prnprl made. Accept ni counterfeit or simi tar mine 'jr T.. A, SAjrte said to n isrty of iliehattt-to'. 'a uallent) "As you ladles will us tbein .1 reooiiiip,nd , Qourand Cream n tlie iel lijnnnu or all 1 Skin preparations." For sale by all Dritgglstaant . r.mcy Oooda Daalers tn the United States, L'ansdt , and Btirope. I rRKUT. HOPKlWS.yrop'r, 17 Jone 84., N. Y. IF YOUR HAIR Is Gray. Streaked or Bleached, II can lie restored to any beautiful color by tho Imperial Hair Regenerator the acknowledged STANDARD HAIR COLORING for Gray or Blenched Hnlr. Colors nro fast and 4t,faliti ( f ii Hex. nnnnnf ha rtl.ittitil . Mample' or hair colored free. cnd ror L'ampniet. Hold by druggUta nnd hairdressers. J4rt;-k.4t- 1,10 zroi ' campaign ref- lwt,tJI IWM'3 ment settler or 100(1 by , r Murat llaistcad. Republ :-w., 1U00 AGENTS whv lieoubllcnn nrlni'lnals will trhimnh at. cumy. Jells tho polls In November. Contain, plutform, biographies of .McKlntnv nnd ltoonevelt; all about EXPANSION!, TRUSTS, PROSPERITY, the "GREATER ARGUMENT POLICY," mid it POLITICAL ARGUMENT SETTLER. ONLY JI.CO. Ench sub scriber get, a VALUABLE PREMIUM FREE. .Sell, like hoi rakca. Eudnricd bv Iadlna party mo;,. COMMISSION 60 PER CENT. IVelRht paid. Credit Klvcn. OUTFITS FREE. Endure S two cent stamps for postage. 8. A. PARK & CO.. Dept. II. .TU Di iii born SI., ,CI1 IC I.O. Dr. Kay's Renovator i.narHtiteed to cure tho very worst casrs of dyspepsia, constipation, bilious head ache, liver and kidneys. At druRRlsts. Sie and tl. Send for Free Sample. Free Book and Freo Advice. Dr. It, J. Kny, Saratoga, N. V. AMl.SU.1IH.TS. BOYD'S Crowded to tho Do (mall K M. BEAR. MHnacor Tel. 1010. Crowded to tho Doors Last Night An Un- (maimed Kiicccss, Redmond Stock Go. In ''DAD'S lillll.." Mats, Wed. Sat., Sunday Prices- Uu . 15. . 20c. Mats., any seat, 10c. All seats- reserved. BASE BALL TODAY St. Joe vs. Omaha JUNE 24, 25 and 26 Game Called J:J0. Grounds: 15th & Vinton S(s hCIIOOI.S. Racine College Grammar School "The School That Makes Manly Boys." Its Graduates enter any Col' 5 lege or University. Social 5 and Athletic Advantages, f Military Drill. i For Boys of 8 Years Old and Upward. J Illu.trated Catalogue ..nt on uw.llclllon to J Rev. II. I). ROBINSON, fl. A., Warden, Racine, Wisconsin. (a....ww. igvieiweeine,eiirf MISSOURI MILITARY AC A I) KM Y FINE NEyV EUILOINOS. ( milium Oik"' Hundred Aorei, Hunting, Swlmmlnn. Plshlnu, Boating. .... ti ...... I .. 1 1 ... I ,.t I 1111111 ... Hii VIM,,",- iiiMiiitPi ... i rninu leadiiiK Military School and . 1'nlvcrsltlcs; Fducators of national reimtallon, Modern improvcTneiun. rur liwumui iiiii iii- formatloih..ij'ldr , ' , A. It. i A.1t l.i, I'rrnini'in, .ti-ii'ii, .hi, Oldest and lareest military school in Central West. OKradusiea. ITep.ruUon for rnlvemtlrs 1 St AXnhl I- COL. 8ANDF0RD SELLERS, M. A.. Supt., LEXINGTON, M0.