i T1TE 031 AHA DAILY REE: SATURDAY, J17JSM5 a;, i:uu. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. CLEN AVENUE SITE IS TAKEN Board of Education Decides on Another Locu tion for High Sobool. OAKLAND AVENUE IS LAID ASIDE FOR GOOD I'roponlllon to Appenl (u the Slnli; .Superintendent Miidr, lull (ictn Ao Support Xrw Site Mil' Ho Clinllenue.l. MINOIl MENTION. Pa vis -sells glass. Txkr your rr.eala at the Vienna, (ias fixtures arid globes at Hlxby's. Mngar.lncs bound, Moorcliouse & Co. Iludwelscr beer. L, Itosenfcld. npenL l'lne A, D. C. beer, Noumaycr'a hotel, rvhmldfs photos, new and latest :lcs. K. Lowls Bells monuments. Ml I. way. Horn, to Air, nnd Sirs. C. 13. Datrxmnn, fi on .''tend M. V. Club dance tonight, Ungues' li d. U'lialey'B orchestra. v. V. Clraff. undertaker and licensed cm I mer, 101 South .Main street. J'ho vacation prize will bo to the Council J tiffs Blrl who hustles votes. let your work done at the popular Gagl I indry, 721 Uroadway. 'l'hone 157. lderman lluher utid family have gone to -w York for a visit with relatives. W C Estcp, undertaker, Pearl street. T-lephonea: Olllce, 07; residence, 33. Vpr pictures, frames and artists' ma erlals, go to Alexander fe Co., 333 B-w.ty. Miss Aancs Shapland left yesterday for n month's visit with friends In Button, M VT. Mlkcsell of Atwood, Kan., clerk the courts of Rawlins county, is In the city visiting relatives and friends. 'hester Kgbort was arrested last nlirht t t disturbing the peace by using profane a id otwrene language on tho streets. All votes In the Counrll niurf vitrntlnn ' High school. ,ntPbnrJJmL,nrn,li,,.lil.l!y an.il th r?11.11 thu 01,1 Hlh scbo1 Blto contains about -II become more interesting from day to nvo acreSi No gtepg wwo m ,0 pom. Itr Auditor V I.. Hvani returned yes- menco the erection of the building. Mem Krdiiy morning from Creston, where lie 1 bers of tho board have been notified that i c'1 ,,IC BlH,e Sllll,l"y school conven- , on appeal will be taken by the adherents n n rnt,. , . . !of tho Oakland avenue ulte from tho action I Wlon VlP?Sii;,nhVS.rnJIw.i """jSJroVchl" ln locatlnK ,h0 8C,ro01 on ,h0 01,1 Rrl,'ls' rego. is In tho rlty visiting old-time friends i Tno meeting was understood to be for r.i.l acquaintances. ! the purpose, of taking nomc nctlon In the 4t?d 'ihi nTlt' V-nli'vfnL10' -f " M-I"h soh001 slte n'att" nn Stewart set veft1 b! rollln8 mvlug that an appeal I I Omaha and will hold 1dm for luvestiga- j 1,0 taken to tho stato (superintendent from ' I tho decision of tho county buperlntendetit. 1 ri"mimwl,H ,hrtirt,.n 9nr,..!,'"l,?,!I";,;?.n Hl9 mn wa received in Hlcnce. receiving J n!lnK wllvaiu!" fff; "to " 8CCJ- At this point In the proceed v hlch nil old soldiers and their friends are 'ngs Lucius Wells handed the following 1 '! t0"- I Petition to Member Stewart, who read It to Hie city has served notice on the motor i tho board: mpany to rlnt Hip Fifth avenue brldgo over the creek so as to relievo the munlcl- I For ourselves and many others wo respect i tlltv from any responsibility In case of an fully ask that you take an appeal to tho accident. I stato superintendent of public Instruction The. mother of Hob Scott filed nn Informn- ! frnm ,np decision of the county supurlntend 1 1on In .lustlce Vlen's court yestcrdav even-' R,,,t W t,'p; locution of tho now High lug, charging her son with tho larceny of !,,-llp1 se. 0 "no has any conlldencc in a ncott was"ested . """"' u .....uulu ui u iiraniiK mui wHH.estta , wp fce, thul th(J p,.onIo of Uls M)lU.lrl IOWA WILL CASE SETTLED fut possession of the school funds. Tho court's finding vn that tho certificate of ntftntfnn nlvnn in 1 1 n t'l.r.l rw.l K !,, tlntiprt of Kduratlon was prima fnele evidence of J rigui oi possession, penning mo nciorraina- r. ... n... v. n-U nA T3.. Hon of the quo warranto proceedings now In tho superior court. It Is these proceed- j lngfi which will determine whether imvis or Haverstock Is tho legally elected trcna tircr of tho Hchool district. Tho Hoard of Kducatlon at its adjourned regular meeting last night declined to en tertain tho recommendations of Us attor neys and decided not to appeal to the state superintendent from tho decision of County Superintendent Mc.Manus in the High school sito case. After reaching this decision, do spito the protest of 'Member Stewart, the board selected the ncroago property be longing to tho district lying north of tho present High school building and facing on Olen avenue as tho location for tho now This location Is known as her bmrffv anil hnrsn In nmriltn August Anderinn committed tn ). H""'u no,1 no Donna by tho holding of such rntnity Jail to se out tine of Kn , a tribunal. It the stato superintendent has . nsti fo VaUn h" wife h?m been rn v,lso.Lornd. "" 05ln'l'n nd has no regard leased. Krend w tohl f.w for l"1, wishes of the people or the Judg-t-ald ho line rescue and , m(.ni of your boarn. that decision (?) will ii 1. nit wunmim tli'llllt' sue un 1111 LIMIT HVJIS Till: MIII.IT. Ill 1 1, Ml Mi, Coiiiptiiiy A mil ii I, omen In the Suit for tin- I'niliir I'mpert . Attorney John Mndt has again comn out on top in the lengthy litigation with tho Schlltz Hrowlng company over tho posses sion of the tuo-Ktory brick building on Uroadway, erected by tho brewing company on the property owned by tho Into Mrs. Anna I'rnlor.' After being defeated In the supreme court, the Schlltz Brewing com pany brought suit under tho occupying ten ant's act. Yesterday Judge Smith of tho fnro the Court. REPUBLICANS RENOMINATE JOHN A. T. HULL Seventh f'niiKreNsliiiiiil Dlstrlet Clin tendon Hold nt lies .Hollies ( limine lllm for Hie Third Time l.y Aec'liiniiitlaii, DBS MOINKS, June 22. (Special Tele gram.) After being out twenty-four hours tho Jury In tho famous Klrscher will case this morning returned a verdict finding for tho plalntllfs and declaring Peter Klrscher to be of unsound mln.l m n,n Hm h nv. district court handed clown his decision in cuted bis last will and testament. This settles, for tho time being nt least, one of tho hardest fought cases ever tried In I'olk county. Tho court costs alone aggregate $3,000, as the caso occupied over six weeks In Its trlnl, holding tho record for being tho longest caso aver tried In the county courts. I'cter Klrscher came to I'olk county ln 1S55. Ho was n Herman and by hard work, honesty and integrity saved up a consid erable sum of money. Ho was tljo owner 01 j.u acres or land and left an estate Tho Christian church Similar school of Creston got tho banner for having the Inrg cst enrollment percentage In the parade. Four hundred nnd seventeen registered del egates nnd visitors, swelling the number ! to 000. took part In the convention. Special music by tho Misses Kvnns and Prof. Alex ander nnd Mrs. Smith were pleasing numbers. St. Vitus' liiitertiiliiiiionlH for Storm l.iiUe. STORM LAKH, la., June 22. (Special.) The Summer I'rogrnm association has pre pared tho following list of entertainment for tho next two months: T. K. qunrtr-t of Omaha, July 22, 2.1. 21; Itcv. Itobert Maclntyro, I). U., subject, "Hut- toned Up People." July 21; Congressman Dolllver and Champ Clark, debate, August 1; Prlndlo Opera company, August II; Klfty- first Iowa Regimental hand. August 2. and 2t; Hon. Lafayette Young, lecturo on Cuba, August 25; Itev. Ilartholomew of lltooltlyn on "Tho Unseen Heroes, August .20. .. .rn V hii r.1' S0V' ro'nmltted to St. Tier- ally eliminated, 'but until such time we hope hi , '"V. bccn .,.,!"0., ov(,r to . that your honorabln body will proceed upon vhn vs..nv VLhciVlJ-.W,i ""W'lnnon. thn theory that the state Huporlntendent ii..r ,ay look h,m to hls homc ut wl" "fOBnlze the power of your board and i..iKec. itj, in. tb, honesty of Its Judgment. We know The ease licalnst .Inhnsnn rl.nrra.l with disturbing tho peace, was dismissed l'i polleo court yesterday, owing to the failure of tho prosecuting witness to put In an appearance. Two car.i of rock to be used ns a rock rllo for tho hoboes that fall Into the 'lutches of the police arrived yesterday morning and are being- unloaded In tho city yard north of the Jail. ' Chief Templelnn. with the assistance of the numbers of the department, has put another hoie, curt Into nervlce by using arts of two discarded carts. It will be .'laced at So. 2 hose house. Judge Smith yesterday overruled the ob .lections of the heirs of tho late John Law on, who committed suicide In Omaha, and confirmed tho final report of L. F, Potter, the special administrator of the estate. Wanted A boy 13 or tl years of age, i:ood writer and reader, to accompany Mind man In his travels. Cood wages and nil expenses paid. For further particulars apply tn Harry Wilson, Revere house. At the request of the city authorities the county treasurer Is preparing a statement of county nnd state taxes duo on the prop er! v taken by the city In default of pay ment or special assessment taxes. Thero aro about 100 lots In the list. Mrs. Herman narkemper. living six miles east of the city, died yesterday afternoon, aged i years, Thn rcmnlns will be taken tn Avoea. where the funeral will be held fiundav. Sho leaves besides her husband three daughter and one son. The Pythian Memorial day exercises to bo held In Hughes' hull tomorrow afternoon will liei open to the public generally. All knights aro especially Invited to be present, ps wnll as all members of tile families and friends of deceased members of the order. Fred Cllne tiled an Information In the Miprenm court yesterday afternoon, charg ing A. C. Kllsworth with malicious trespass, llo says Kllsworth ploughed up his oats. Tho two have trouble repeatedly nnd havo had each other arrested several times within tho last six mouths. I, L. McClelland bad n partial hearing In .police court yesterday morning nn tho haree of stealing SS.-.S) in cash nnd a cer llllcato of deposit of 50 from Mrs. Kllcn Jeffries of HIS Third street, ln default of hall, which was Used at j::no, McOlellund Is languishing ln the city Jail. The Omaha Rrldge and Terminal Rallwav company deposited with Sherlrt Cousins yes terday a check for U.VIO. being the amount nssesved by tho sheriff's lury in the con demnation proceedliitfs. Tho company de clined to pav tho amount assessed on thn dump and fraek, as the ownership of that Is In dlsaute. nohrt L. Dally of tljls cllv has been granted a pension of $i per month on ac count of Injuries received while serving In 1ho Flfty-tlrst Iowa volunteers In the Phil l?plns, ll was shot In the shoulder nnd leported dead. He recovered and now car ries the bullet which wounded him as a watch charm. N. T. Plumbing Co., Tel. 250. that an anneal wilt he tnkn.i nniocu n, Oakland avenue site Is finally settled, and for that reason an appeal would save time, ns tho holding of the state superintendent must either eliminate tho Oakland avenue site or permit Its selection to stand. Sinner to the Petition. The petition was signed by John Rercs hclm, S. Farnsworth, John Reno, Adolph Reno, L. A. Caspor, O. M. C.ould, Alex Wood. Samuel Haas. Lucius Wells, William Moore. Stewart moved that the prayer of the pe titioners be granted, but again there was a dead silence and he failed to secure n sec ond. Member Macrae brolco the silence finally by saying he would like to vote for tho motion, as ho had always been In favqr of tho Oakland avenuo slto, but ho did not feel ho could do so in face of the compact that had been entered into betweon tho members of the board at a recent secret meeting. It developed later that this com pact was that In tho event of the county superintendent ruling against tho board the old school site should be selected. Stewart did not give In. however, and made another motion to the effect that thu the case, sustaining tho demurrer of John Llndt to tho brewing company's petition. The demurrer 1 sustained on several grounds, two of which are the most essen tial. Tho court holds that the petition un der tho occupying tenant's act was not filed In time, It having been llled after tho brew ing company nnd its tenant had been evicted under the regular proceedings, nnd that In order to havo been effective tho petition should havo been filed Immediately after Llndt obtained Judgment for possession and before tho decreo was put Into execution. The court further held that as the property was obtained ln tho first Instnneo by tho browing company as part payment for liquor brought Into this stato to bo Bold con trary to law. It was very doubtful whether property secured contrary to public policy would come under the provisions of tho act. or whether the brewing company, hav- ... nMiirml Hir. nfnnnri V In thn llllinnrr it had. could take ailvantago of tho act. Unless tho brewing company should np- pcal from Judge Smith's ruling, tho property will now pass Into tho possession or Attorney Llndt without further contention. The build ing wai creeled at a cost of nearly $6,000 by tho Schlltz Hrowlng company and Attor ney Llndt obtained possession through a deed from on which erty from nnny was declared nun ana void ay tne courts on the grounds that tho consideration paid by tho brewing company had been In part liquor, which was contrary to the law of tho state. You can deposit your votes for the mcst popular working girl In tho vacation con test at tho Council Bluffs ofllco. Killtorn In Contention, STORM LAKE, la., Juno 22. (Special. )- Tho Iowa -corn belt editorial convention opens today. Tho arrivals began with the early morning trains. The weather Is all that could bo desired and this first day of the meet will be devoted chlctly to driving. sailing nnd sightseeing generally. Hoy Killed li- l.lKlitnliiK, CRKSTON, la., Juno 22. (Special Tele gram.) During a heavy rain and electrical storm that prevailed last night, Ray, the 8-ycar-old son of of James Locke, a farmer residing near Kent, was killed. Farmers report stock killed by lightning. Cnlnr Itnpldn Sinn Drimneil. CEDAR RAPIDS, Neb., June 22. (Special Telegram.) C. S. Decker was drowned at worth $15,000. In 1SD4 hn suffered n strnkn i the f' of the mlllrace while In bathing at of nppoploxy, which resulted In the pa- ' 9 p' m' June 21, Decker m employed by raiysla of one side of his body. From tho lno i""""8 iiradford Lumber company timo of the stroke of appoplcxy until tho ol lu,B pluct?' uatc of his death ho was never out of bed except when helped. Ho left surviving him eleven children, four of whom live nt home, the youngest being .IS years of age. To tbeBc four chil dren ho left, by a will executed seventy four days prior to his death, nlmost his en tire property. To the other Bevcn chil dren he bequeathed $10 each. They fought tho will and have broken It. Hull Viimeil fnr C'onKl'cnn. The republicans of the Seventh congrcs- DEATH RECORD. Mm. Will In in Ttippi-r Wvnnui, Tho death of Mrs. William Tuppcr Wyman occurred at 0:30 yesterday morning at her residence, 2222 Half Howard street. Mrs. yman was born nnd reared In this city and was wcll known In society circles as Miss Mabel Orchard. She was tho wife of . r. Ayman of the Omaha Loan and Trust oompany. Mrs. Wyman was attacked bv consumption two years ago and has he-sn j Oursd by Dr. WHIiams' Fink Pi!9s for Pale People Mrs. Minnie 1'icdlcr, of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, nay ! " I was nlTllctccl for years with St. Vitus' dance. The first symptoms of the dlscnrc began in 1SS9, when thu nerves began twitching in tuy left hand. I con sullcd physicians of Una city, but none of them ever did me n particle of good. After I had suffered for two and one half years, the disease continuing to grow worse, I hcnnl of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pole People. " It was in 1S91 that I was induced to try them, nnd I was surprised at my rapid improvement. I took only two boxes, nnd was entirely cured. It was hard to realize that I, who for over two years was scarcely able to walk, nnd who often found it almost impossible to talk, should be restored to perfect health and in full possession of nil of my powers by two boxes of this wonderful remedy. " I am happy to 6tatc that my health is still perfect and I have never had the slightest symptoms of a return of the disease, although it is eight years since I was cured. " Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People contain, in a condensed form, nil the elf. ments necessary to Ki vc new life and richness to the blood and rettoro shattered nerves. They are an nnfailing specific for such dis eases m locomotor ataxia, partial rnralysii, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia rheul inntlsm, nervous headache, tlienner-cnectsof la crintie. nalnitntinn nf tli.. ),rt .,.i....i sallow complexions, nil forms ol 'weakness cither in male or female. . Pj,-fcW.l?,!rm" PlnV Pll'o'PlPeoplirenter old bit he doten or hundred, but always In tuck. get. At all druggists, or direct from the Dr. Wl. Hams Medicine- Company. Schenectady, N. V 60 cents per boi, 6 boxes $2.60. , tho late Mrs. I'ralor to the land j -lonnl district met In convention here today conS to her home or the mZ Zt dur" It was built. A deed for tho prop- nn.l named Hon. John A. T. Hull for con- ! ing the imt few months I iTwKtor Mr Mrs. Pra.or to the brewing com- hy acclamation This will make his ! and M""0 PhU?",? n68 Estate is Savo your coupons and vote for the most popular Council Bluffs working girl. U.O.Mll.TI4 TIIH MOTOR COMI'ANV. t'ornucr'n Jury Decide l llliiiuelesa foe the Ileiitli of llnliy Stein. The coroner's jury yesterday morning ex onerated the motor company from any blnmo for tho death of 1-year-old Leo Stein, who wan run down and killed by a motor car Thursduy evening on T) road way. but recom mended that It bo compelled to place fen ders on Itn cars. The Jury was composed of A. P. Lang niade, Thomas Johnson and R. S. Torwllll gcr. A large number of witnesses were subpoenaed, but after the Jury had listened to tho testimony of Conductor Summltt, Motorman Showard, Chief of Police Albro, Officers Slack and Jnmes R. O. Oregg. Frank Rrady, A. R. Morehouse. J. L, Whltaker and members of tho Stein family, It decided It had heard sufficient and returned tlie ver dict, ns above. Tho testimony of many of the witnesses was conflicting a.H to tho rate of speed at which the car was going. Both the con ductor and the motorman testified that It was running nt about four and five miles an Rising sixth term, his last two nominations being o acclamation. The convention was n re publican love feast, there being no opposi tion whatever. Tho resolutions follow: Resolved. That the republican congres sional convention of the Seventh district of the state of Iowa reviews with pride and yatlsfnctlon the wise and able udmlnistra t 1 n of President McKlnley during the last three years of natlonnl trial and peril. Ilrm yet .sympathetic, daring to enter now and untried paths with conservative wisdom, he has earned the gratitude of our whole peo ple. Resolved, That wo heartily endorse the platform adopted by the republican na tional convention in Philadelphia ns a statement of tho principles and purposes on which the republican patty Is ready to go to the people for endorsement and aupport. Resolved, That In the unanimous re nominatlon of William McKlnley of Ohio for president of tho Vnlted States and Theodore Roosevelt of New York for vice president wo Join with joyous acclamation. Resolved, That the delegates of the Seventh congressional district of Iowa re gard with profound satisfaction thn record made by Ca.italn J. A. T. Hull ns repre sentative In congress for tho last eight years, and that his courteous, untiring suc cess has earned our gratltudo nnd entire confidence. Resolved. That we asurc him of our heartiest support, and that we rejoice that wo are ablo to name him for continued service where he can so honorably and use fully serve his district, his stato and his na tion. The additional five days granted by tho director of ccnsUs for the completion of tho work of gathering the census In the city of Dcs Moines have not been sufficient. The enumerators ln tho big districts havo not completed their first round, let alone tho back calls, and today was the last day of the extended tlmo, though tho work hoping that tho change might prove heue- nctai. .Mrs. Wyman leaves two chlriren Tupper and Clifford, aged I and 2 vcars re-1 spectlvely. Tho funoral will probably oc cur irom tne residenco on Sunday mornlug. .lolin !'-( ritnln-U. HUMBOLDT, Neb., June 22. (Special. John Petrashek. an aged farmer of this section, died yesterday at his home, a few miles south of town. He had been sick for a long lime and bis death was due to old age. Ho Is the father of a number of grown children, who reside In this vlcln- II TM, f.... , - i.iiiciui services win De held nt tne family home on Saturday. Daniel 1'. McKlllUnn. HELENA, Mont., June 22. Dan P. Mr. Klllican, a mining man of note In thn has Just died hore. He built thn first quartz 111111 near neiena, at Unionvllle, In the euriy tiixues, ana put up .1 number of quartz and other mills ln different parts of mo siaic. uo was a pioneer of Colorado. naving uquattcd on property now in in neart or Denver, In 1859. IN VALUE. Some excellent lots, pleasantly located and de sirable for suburban homes, can be had now at reasonable prices. These lots are located in Omaha, Wright's and Central Sub. additions. This property will steadily increase in value as the city grows in that direction and the time to buy is the present. Call at THE BEE OFFICE, Council Bluffs. The content Is now on for some girl In Council Hluff.1 to win a vacation, with transportation nnd expenses paid free of charge 11 rs. II r imt 11 Anmvom. Mrs. Klzzle M. Brown, against whom her Jiusband, Chnrles E. Brown, recentfy brought suit for divorce, has retained O. R. Fcott and the latter yesterdny filed nn nnswer tn BrownV petition. In bis petition llronn made p. number of more or lrs sen Fntinnal charges against his wife, which tho latter In her nnner now denies. Pnn't you know fome deserving girl who ought to havo a vacation' Cut your vaca tion coupons from Tho Bee and save thcra for her. Howell's Antl-"KnwP curcn coughs, colds. llenl i:lnte Triiuf-r, Thn following transfers were llled yes terday In the abstract, title and loan ot flco of .1. W. Squire, 101 Pearl strejt: 'i'lut United Real ICtnlc and Trust , company to Omaha Bridge & Ter minal Railway company, part uccre- tlon to 20.75-41, w. d i 1,000 Hhcrlff to J. C Rockwell, lot 4, ln block 0, Mornlugslde add. s. d t.OVp Two transfers, total You can vote as many times as you want to In tho Working Girls' Vacation Contest. Gravel roofing. A. H. Reed. 541 B'way. .MnrrlnKf lili'onni', Licenses tn wed were issued i'estcrday In tio following persons: Names nnd Rei-ldence. Age. Harry Clausen, Shelby. Ia 20 Mlnnlo llnltz, Shelby. In 21 Krnnk Wlcklzer. Omaha :it Cecil Stenberg, Philadelphia U C C. Brnniou, Mlxsourl Valley 22 .da II. Culver. Mlshourl .Valley 22 attorneys who represented the board nt ihn hearing of the appeal ho authorized to take SovcIltn "treot he bad shut otf tho power tho ease up to tho stato superintendent, pro- nn'1 wnK "masting." and that he reversed vlded It could ho done without evnensn tn tho power and put on tho broken as soon as tho district. This motion, like tho two former ones, was received In chilly silence, which wn broken after a few seconds by Hess remarking that to take an appeal would bo only a waste of time. Swalne said he did not believe the stato superintendent would change his previous ruling, and Knrgont, to hnur nt thn Hn.,. nf ll.o nrpirlnnt- Mnfnr man Shewnrd testified that after passing I w,u 1)6 VurmcA now until finished. It Is now esumiucii tunc, ino city win not suow It. was possible. This part of his testi mony wiiH corroborated by several of tho witnesses who paw tho accident. Chief of Police Albro trHtllU-d that about a week ago he was requested by the motor compony to warn Stein to keep the child off the street, as several motormen had habit of running ln front of tho cars and that nevctal times he had been nearly run over. Sergeant Slack testified that on or ders from the chief hn warned Mr. and Mrs. Stein. Thn, death of the child has called public attention to tho speed nt which tho cars are run In this city and it was stated yesterday that tho city council at IIh next meeting would bo aked to pass, an ordinance regu lating It. Tho general opinion la that tho enns are run at too high n rate of speed, particularly on Broadway and Pearl street. When you deposit your vacation coupons pin them together. It will malio tho count ing quicker and easier. Commonwealth 10-cent cigar. relieve his feelings, whistled "1 guess I will complained that tho llttlo fellow was In tho nave to telegraph my baby." At the suggestion of Macrae that tho bond matter be taken up tho site question was dropped for tho tlmo being. Another offer from (1. M. Bechtel of Davenport, similar to the one made by him at the nlcetlng Mnndny night, to exchange JfiO.OOO of HJ and r. per cont outstanding bonds for funding bonds In the name amount bearing 1 per cent Inter est, whs submitted by tho secretary, but on motion of Cooper whs laid over until Friday night of next week, the board adjourning to that dato nt Cooper's suggestion. Slto Mntler Settled unln. This matter deposed of for tho time be ing Macran Miggestcd that the board pro ceed to ballot on a high school alto. Swnlne soconde.1 tho motion. Tho secretary read a proposal for tho salo to the. board of a slto at tho southwest corner of Fifth ave nuo and Seventh btreet having a frontage of lt!9 1-3 feet on tho avenuo and 181 1-3 feel on Seventh street for !,T.0. This brought Stewart to hl feet again with a motion that ns tho board hail decided not to appeal to tho utato superintendent tho board proceed to select tho old High school site. His mo tion was seconded by Swalne, but President Henry ruled that inasmuch as the board had voted to ballot on a nlto the motion was out of order. Stewart accepted tho ruling with the remark that those In favor of tho old High school would vote for it anyhow. His prediction was realized, as on the HrFt ballot the old High rhool site received live votes and the Seventh street nnd Fifth iivenuo location two votes, tho two latter being cast by the president nnd Sargent. A voto to make tho selection unanimous car ried and tho members U'litrd their pent up feelings hy clnpplng their hands. The board then re-cltvtiil T. A. Brewlck supervisor nf grounds and building against tho protest or Cooper and Stewart, who voted to abolish tbo office. At the request of A. T. Fllcklnger, attor ney for School Treasurer ll.ivorstoik. tho secretary was Instructed to have returns of tho recent school election from tho flrst precinct of the Fifth ward completed by se curing the slgnntures to them of the clerks and Judge of that precinct. It was this defect In the returns that Davis, the former treasurer, set up ns grounds for his contest over tho election of Haveratock. The board then adjourned to next Friday night. Another Injunction Notice. George W. Ling served notice yesterday on lllrnm Huttorflcld. proprietor of tho Kansas City hotel saloon cm South Main street, that ho Intended applying to tho dis trict court for an Injunction restraining him from helling liquors. Long nlno filed an amendment to his petition for an Injunction agnlniit Charles Blerwith of tho Metropol itan saloon, alleging that ho had nn two Bpcclllc occasions sold liquor to minors, Got an eirly start In the Working Girls' Vacation Contest so that you may lot your friends know that you aro In the race, "Mr. Riley" B-ccnt cigar. Davis sells paints. School .Honey Turned Over Trip to Di'N llnliie. Muyor Jennings, the members of the city council, City Engineer Elnyro and City So licitor W.i.lsworlh went to Dru MoIiicm Inst evening oer the Milwaukee rnad to In spect tho paving brick plants of that city. Judge AyloAwnrtli of tho superior court went along In tho capacity nf chaperon. Tho party will return tonight or Sunday morning. l?pnltloii Trnff See 11 roil. STORM LAKE, la.. Juno 22. (Special.) Arrangements, havo been mado hy which a tract nf eighty acres on the north shore of tho lako may be set asldo for exposition buildings, raco track, bafo ball park, etc. A committee is now .soliciting subscriptions for stock to tho amount of $10,000. A horse meet nnd street fair aro planned for September. a population of moro than 70.000, A contract was closed today for the pro duction In this' city this fall during tho stale fair and Carnival week of Palno's flro spectacle, "The Last Days of Pompeii." BOY TORN BY BARBED WIRE .Tallies Mnj-er Iiiimor II Im I.cr nn Result of lllnt rcKhlni; Acci dent. FORT DODGE, laT June 22 (Special Telegram.) A most dlbtrosrting accident occurred on tho Ilruer and Sherman farm north of Bancroft, In which James, tho 211-ycnr-old son of II. J. and Mrs. Mayer, living on that place, nearly Inst his life. Tho father and son wcro laying a now fenco with somo old wire that had been used on another fenco and waa lying strewn out on the ground. Mayer had a team hitched to 0110 end of tho wiro and was dragging II along to tho place whero they Intended stringing It on tho new fence. A post, standing In tho path nlong which tho wire was being draggod, was Impeding matters and tho son stntloncd himself at tho post with a crowbar placed against It for tho wlro to slldo over. The bar which ho was hold ing ns Jerked out of his hands and he was thtown against tho post nnd In the way of tho wire, which was being pulled along by tho team. Hold ngainst tho post ho wnn unable to extricate himself, while the barbs of tho fast moving wlro toro their way Into his leg. Ho cnllcd at onco to Ills father, who stopped thn team as quickly ns possible to seo what wns tho trouble, but that could not bo done before tho wire bnd cut Into his leg elenr to tho bone, cutting and lacerating tho flesh so ns to ncccssltnto Immediate amputation. Tho boy Is still In a critical condition. Cnlvln Hush. Calvin Rush, father of S. R. Rush, died Thursday night at the home of his son in Dundeo Place, death being tho result of j senile paralysis. .Mr. Rush had resided with his son for about' four years, coming hero irom f.nc, l'a., wnere ho was born In 1821. ills remains will bo taken to Erie for In terment, where services will be held Sun day. Netirnnl.n llonieittemlor. HARVARD. Neb.. June 22.-(Spoclal.) t.ortrrey rsowHa, a well-to-do German farmer, who located a homestead somo seven miles southwest from this city m 1ST whero ho has continued to reside died a. his homo at tho age of 78 years yesterday after a somewhat continued lllnoss Incldcn' to old nge. Pioneer of .Notirilokn. NEBRASKA CITY, Juno 22. (Special ) .iukc.ii iiiiriu.iii, one ni enc pio.ieer farm er,, of this county, died at his homo todny in nropsy, iigen 1.1 years. 110 leaves a wife, who nt tho present time is very 111 a son and four daughters. Tho remains will be interred In Leo s cemetery. .Ill due l 11. Tlionipxnil. BARTON LANDING. Vt.. Juno 22. Judge L. H. Thompson or the Vermont supreme court died at his home nt Irashurg today of pneumonia, llo was &2 years of nge and had been a supreme court Judge since ISSfi. PEOPLE appreciate our work because it is done in such a thorough andartistic manner. They are also pleased to find our prices so very moderate. If you have dental work that needs to bo done wo can satisfy you both in Hie quality of work and the price. . ..Telephone H. A. Woodbury, D. D. Council Blufh- 30 Pearl SI. Grand Hotel "A FAIR FACE MAY PROVE A FOUL BAR GAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES SAPOLIO llellrcil Army 1 111 cor. .ii iimn, June run nenth Is an nounced in London of Captain George F. Towle, U. S. A., retired, aged (1.1 years He was twice brevcttod for gallant and meritori ous service during the civil war. llKUXtllM l.fMVI'll, BOSTON, June 22. Augustus Lowrll. A. M., died at his home In Brookllne today He wns a vice president of tho American Academy of Arts nnd Sciences. Proof POSITIVE HON A S. CIII IK IIILL. Kx-Attornoy (Im1er.1l nf NYhraskn. of Omnlia says Ur Ka's Renovator DOFS Cl'RF. stomach ttouiiles! Hci,iue it .'urccl his wife' MRS D. A Md'OV 711 So. 27th St, Oinnhn, says Dr Kn s Renovator DOF.B CFRIC coiiHtlpatton' He. utin It .'tired her of constipation of 20 years' Hiandli.g ' Refuse substitutes' "Just ns Good as Or Knv'n Renovator' Is NOT TRIM). At druggists 2.1c nil $1 For Free .M. 'lnl Advi.-e, Kninplo and l'ook nddr'as lilt. II. .1. K MKDM l, .. SAIIAI'Di; A SI'll I ',(,?., V , FARM LOANS Negotiated In Kaslern rreurnska and Iowa. James N. Candy. Jr.. ,h Mill St 1 junrll Rlutln. MONEY TO LOAN;:;::',; Savings Loan and Building Associat'n Council UlufiH, Iowa. . ,. "' ' ' " ""r- jiPHoe, n young man who ir in compliance with the writ of mandamus I Olenwood. U no-used of forging the hiaiuiMi oy juugo smith of tho district court Thurtday, George S. Davis, former treasurer of the Independent School dis trict of Council Bluffs, turned over yester day afternoon to V. K. Haverstock the mon eys of tho school district In his possession, amounting to $68,104.50. This order of the court and tho turning over of the money by Davis to Haverstock does not settle the controversy as to tbo trcasiirershlp. Judge Smith's decision sim ply determined one of the questions enter ing Into tho controversy that of the right- Ioviii .Ncivk .Notes. The summer term of school at thn Stato Normal Is now In session. Davenport expect to have n ulassware factory in the near future which will em ploy Cni) hands. Regular trains are now being run on tho new Northwestern liraiuli trom Hello I'hiln to Blue) Kurtli. Minn. The Implement Micds of L. II. Raymond of Monduniln were destroyed by tire, en tailing u loss of SI.O'0. William Allison and hU 13-year-nld 1.011 weir killed by a full of sluto In tho Hlto mun coal mines near Albla. Alva. Resoe, 11 young man who llcs nt ci iisc'il of fore nir the iiaiiin of .1 1'acllk' Junction tiiun to a check for A large number of tramps havo been making headquarters nt liclmond of Into nnd terrorizing; the community. When re fused soinethl.iB to cut they threaten thu occupants of the house A timber projecting from a Hat cur on nn Illinois Central work train struck nnd In jured two men at Lognn. The Injuries of William Hchlnp are poodhly fatal and those of i:d Frvln nro sorlous. Fldnra claims to be the tlrst In tho field with a MrKlnley mid Roosevelt club. Ten minutes nft"r the news of the nomination was received in Umt city tho club had organized and elected officers. Snlnnn KrepcrN Aro Fined. SIOFX CITY, Junn 22.-(Spcclnl.)The police court of this city looked llko a liquor dcnlern convention when nineteen saloon keepers wero arraigned on tho rhnrgo of unlawful assembly for bnvlng kopt their places of business open tho Sunday nf tho big excursion crowds. They had been ar rested nt tho Instance of tho ministers of tho city nnd representatives of tho ministers wero on hand, wearing hlue ribbon temper mice badges. Kach saloon keeper wns fined $50 nnd 11s a result of the wholesale ar resting tho city treasury will bo enriched to tho extent of Jfl.'O In cold money. Tho ministers say they havo tho upper hand nnd prnposo to niako the saloon men ob serve the Sabbath. Thnso who refused to plend guilty wero to havo been proceeded ngainst under tho Injunction statutes, SnnlliiKo nt Storm l.nl. r. STORM LAKK. Ia,, June 22. (Speclal.)- Tho location of our city upon the shorn of a beautiful Inko makes It especially adapted fnr tho presentation of spectacular displays In the lino of fireworks nnd on tho evening of July I .1 grand reproduction of the battle of Santlngo will bo given. Castlo Morro will bn erected out in tho lake and about fifty persons will take part In the bombard ment. Tho cannon will bo in the bauds of the soldiers of 1SS1. Sundny Schools 10 oil Session. CKF.STON. la.. Juno 22. (Special,) The largest attended Stato Sunday School con vention in tho history of the asboclntlon closed here last night. Dr. J. C. McClln tock's address on "Windows to Light up the Lesson." being an especially btrong and helpful feature. Rev. Murchle of Allerton j conducted the closing consecration bcrvico. For disorders of tho fomlnino organs havo gained thair great renown and enormous sale be cause of tho permanent good they havo done and are doing for tho woman of this country. Shun a Firetrap. How intuit would It root yon to rcplaco your Imnks nnrl pnporH If U10 hIipII of it liulldinc in which your olllrn Ih should burn tonight? How iiiuiii Ineoiivnili'iicp nnd nnnoynnro would It cost you? Isn't, It worth whllo to know tlint flro ennnot ivnch you? An olllco In The Bee Building Ib Urn 1mm Insiimncp policy. Tho entire- fifth floor will ho vnnatrd by tho Aniij Ili'ad(tiiiiioi's nntl this Is nn opportunity which you do not often got. We lui vp rooiiiH from Ipii dollars per month up. R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents, Ground Floor, THE BEE BUILDING if all ailing or suffer" ing women could ho mado , to understand how ab-' solutely truo aro tho statements about Lydla Em Pinkham's Vogotablo Compound, their suffer- j Ings would end. Mrs. Plnkham counsels women free of chargo Her address is Lynn, ' Mass. Tho advice sho gives Is praotioal and honost. You can wrlto freely to hor; sho is a woman wiftI THE NAME OF On Lard, on Ham, on Bacon is a guarantat . of purify. Svlft and Company, Chicago, Karirtiia City, Oinnhu, St, Louis, St JciHcpli, St. Paul. $5.00 A Not once in n hundred times n Anti-Kawf fall tn cure a rnlil It's See your drus<t. lie sclli It, MONTH. DR McGREW, SPECIALIST, TrutillPorrmef DISEASES AND DISORDERS OF MEN ONLY. 22 Ytart Enptrltnca. ri.KCTHICITT IJIKUK.'AI, '1 rratn...t combined Vsrimj..!. Strictnre,SyphllU,X.08sof Vittorand Vitalit! rrriEHfilUimTKKn. Charges Ion. HOME THKATHKNT. Hook, Cnntull.uii.il s, .id Kiam. inatlon Free, lloi.rn, 8 a. ni. tuG; 7io:).m, Sunday, 9to 12. I'O.I!ex7tu OMrr, fc. K, Cor. MtUand fa Stre-n.OMAUA. NE11. IJIini.'TA NAMIAI.WOtllJ CAI'SUI,K, Cures Oor.orrhoea. dlect, 'tnnAtural din charts ln a fnw daye. All druccltii, accent only Dociita, hy mall Jl.M, full direction. Dick & Co., IM Centra Bt.. Now Yrk.