CAPTAB I1UTCIIES0N COES CrcIcreJ to Join Hii Rimsa'. at Can Fran c s:s for tha Philippine CAPTAIN BtRVlN OF THS FOURTH COMTS ClintiRF In (he (linur of Aiijulnnt flcn. vinl, Deportment uf (lie .Mlnxcnirl, Ortlernt from Wnililnt;- i s tun 1 cMt-rtln). V'AEHINOTON. Juno :: (Spe-rial Tele pram.) Captain James Merwln. Fourth cavalry, l S. A., now on alck leave, will proceed to Omaha and report by telegraph to commanding general Department of the Mlrsourl for alignment to duty as acting ad jutant general of that department and to .ueh othr duties as may bo required of him. Captain Grote Huteheion, Sixth cavalry. U. S. A is relieved from further duty at hendfiiurtcrs, Department of Mhaourl, Omo,!i, and will proceed to San Kranelsco and Join his regiment. "Since official announcement was made that th Sixth cavalry was 10 be sent to the Philippines 1 have been cpc.-tlng to bo ordered to Join my regiment." t.ld Captain C.rotn Hutcheson, adjutant general of the Department of the Mltourl. last night. "It ha always been the custom In army circus for all officer.! serving on detached duty to join their reglmcntH In case they are ordered to foreign shore and for thin reason t am not surprised at the new. In fact. It would have been decidedly out ef the ordinary had Mich action not been taken b thti War department. "The nes Is by no meana dihappolntlng to mc. I will be very glad to poln the Sixth and luok forward to service In the Philip pines with no inconsiderable degree of Tdeamre. When I tan get away Is uncer tain. Tho Sixth will probably lone San Kranrlsro for Manila Saturday, the 30th lnt,t. I hope to be able to Join It by that time. There will be considerable work connected with the transfer of the office of adjutant general of thin department to my nuccersor and a great ninny details Incident to the closing up of the responsible affairs of the poMtlon. Who my successor will be I do no know. The change In the position of adjuiant general coming just at this tlui". whrn our headquarters are being removed to a new location In the city, will also make torn? added delay." He Is lti-iul In start. Anticipatory of tho receipt of orders to Join his regiment at San Kranclhco Cap tain Huteheion has nlrcady arranged man) of tho details of his departure and his suite of rooms at the Millard hotel In piled high with trunks anil other moving parapher nalia. Mrs. Iliilchcbon will return to her hom m Brooklyn. Captain Hutcbcson's command Is Troop C of the Sixth cavalry, which has been sta tioned at Fort I.ogan, Jui.t out of Denver. Since his promotion from the Ninth cavnlry o a captancy in the Sixth, Captain Hutchc son has continued to t.erve as ndlutnnt ren- eral of tho Department of the Missouri and Ills service In tho Philippines will be his first active connection with5 the Sixth. Captain llutcheeon has been connectcil with army lieadouartcrs In this cltv wince lS'.I.V I're. vlous to that time he was stationed at Fort Robinson as adjutant of the Ninth cavalry. Ho came to Omaha as an aide on General Copplnger's staff and strved In that capacity tintll April. lS!)i. when he was made Gen eral CopplngerV adjutant general and went south during the Illspano-Amerlcan war, later going to Cuba for a short time. He lesigncd his position on General Copplnger's staff to go with, General Schwnn Inji like capacity, firfd went' through the Porto Rlcari campaign with General Schwan. returning to Omaha as adjutant general of the Depart ment of tho Missouri In November. 1S?S. Reports hhow that over fifteen hundred lives have been saved through the use uf One Minute Cough Cure. Mont of thtss wfro cases of grippe, croup, nsrfcmn. whoop ing cough, bronchitis and pneumonia, lti early uso prevents consumption. REMINISCENCE OF ROOSEVELT I'nlkcil So Kntf rtnlnlnitl; Hint l.mrjrr lirlBB I'nrnnt to Look nt ' the SlKlit. General C. r. Manderson telM a story which Is a dellcato compliment to the cou Tersatlonal ability of Governor Roos?vclt. "It was In tho campaign of 'SS," tald he. "Ono day N. K. Griggs, the lawyer poet of Beatrice, came to my headquarters and asked for a letter of Introduction to Mr. Roosevelt. " 'Why. I'll do better than that.' I hald. 'I'll take you down and Introduce you to him In person.' "So wc put on our hat 4 and In ten mlnutct Toet Griggn had realized ono of tho am bitions of his life. Then, In the course of a few days, It was the good fortune of the Beatrice bard to form ono of a party of gentlemen, of whom Roescvolt was the lead ing spirit, who took a drive through the city, vkltlng several points of Interest, among others National cemetery. Griggs had often expressed a wish to seo the National cemetery. It was one of tho attractions, he said, that brought him to Washington. "Well, Grlggii sat In the back beat with Roosevelt and started tho conversation by Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels r,rANSES THE 5YSTEM Di L"-fc 1 1 " ur - -K r.CA.V, .nkGu .fO? 2y UPA CfVl-L. OVERCOMES X.srrO ' w WARlT.iM C0Wr' - ufii nrnvjAVirwny ovy tvie GENVirtt - maht o ey (auernia Rg jcT?vp(s VA "fee'5r: tZZ. t PELTS' c nfe, c .vJSr li a pcem which, by a strange coln'ldcnce. wa.i written by Mr Griggs himself. Hut before quotlug a stanza from 'Lyrics of the Lariat they had ridden flvo blocks Roanevelt had j steered the talk away from poy Into the,n... P ., r , , rugged fields of woodcraft. From thla point ! on the soldier and statesman dominated the convocation and the poet and lawyer was content to listen. "At the conclusion of the drive Griggs thanked Roosevelt fcr the pleasure It had afforded him and was about to depart when he wan reminded of something. "'Hut how about the National cemetery' he said. 'I thought we were to visit that.' "'So we were, we've driven all through It.' answered Roosevelt. "Grlgga scratched hla head and then re membered that for tho latt two houie he had been oblivious to his Immediate sur roundings. He had been out In the Rockies hunting bear and mountain sheep." Gnnriwifccil Cure tor Piles, ttchlng. Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles. No cure no pay. All druggists are authorized by tho manufacturers of Pazo Pllo Ointment to refund the mcney where U falls to cure any case of piles, no matter of how long standing. Curce ordinary case in M.x days: the worst cases in fourteen days. One application gives case and ret. Re lieves Itching Instantly. This is a new dis covery and Is the only pile remedy told on a positive guarantee, no cure, no pay. Price lOc. If your diugglst don't keep It In Block send us 50c In pwtagc stamps and we will forward same by mall. Manufactured by Paris McdLine Co.. St. Louis, Mo. Manufac turers of Laxative Bromo-Qulnlne and Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonk-. ni:i:it PAitiv 11011:1,. Deer I'mU. Mil, UiihI llellutitrtil Sum mer Itcsort In the A I Ictflin iilcs. Swept by mountain breezes. 2.S01) feet above the sea level. Absolutely free from malaria, bay fever and mosquitoes On main lino of Mainmort & Ohio railroad. Hotel and cottages. Every modern convenience. Hnoms en suite with bath. Klectrlc lights, elevator. Turkish bath, two latgo swim ming pools, golf links, tennis courts, bowl ing alleys, magnltliient drives, complete livery sorvlce. Annapolis Naval Academy band. Delightful cottages (furnished for housekeeping if desired) ready for occu pancy June 1. Hotel open from June 23 to September 30. For ratc3 and Information, address W. K. Hurwcll. manager, Daltlmore & Ohio building. Baltimore. Md., until June 10. After that time, Deer Park, Garrett county, Md. AuimuiK'i-mi'iitn. There will be but two more performances of "Sapho" at the Trocadero, a matinee to day and the last performance tonight. This company, beaded by I.ylltan Atwood, have played to very good houses all week and give a very good performance of Daudct's famous story. Vote early and often. Iiinnepiit Mm 11 Stmt In l.nlmr linn-. Clllc.UiO. June During a labor row at the Ocden Gas compauj's plant 011 the north side today Ous Pnnokoniln. a con tractor w is shot and serlous wounded by James W Collins, a negro. f'nin, a non union mini, was set upon by striker and began shooting at his assailants Pono koniln. who happened to bo passing and had no hand In the trouble, received a bul let Intended for one of the strikers. Collins wiLH arrested. Itiirttlnr lnriii Com Off. For twenty minutes early this morning the big burglar alarm In front of the United State National hank nt Twelfth and Karuum kept up a terrific din. A large crowd snon gathered and stood In lit tle groups, momentarily cspertlng a gang of burglars loaded with plunder to make their exit. The pollco patrol wagon and a halt dozen oflicern were on hand early, even o.licers walking beats ten blocks awav being attracted by the noise. Rut after all it appears that there was nothing more Hcrloiu the matter than the accidental 'crossing of two" wires. Ilnrroll llrnke III" ltll.. Nate Hurrcll. a farmer of Vllllsca. la.. was full of Third ward whisky when he fell dov.-n tho stairs at SVJ North Eleventh street early this morning. He was taken to the ponce station, wnere .surgeon Ames took care of i-overal fractured rib. (ilnrlmis 0w11 Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargilo of Washita, I. T. He writes: "Electric Bitter has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had caufed her great suffering for years. Ter rible sore3 would break out on her head and face, and the best doctors could give no help; but now her health Is excellent." Electric Bitters Is the best blood purifier known. It's tho supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, bolls and running sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, helpa digestion, builds up the strength. Only 50c. Sold by Kuhn & Co., druggists. Guaranteed. LOCAL BREVITIES. New stone curbing Is being placed In posi tion around the army headquarters build ing. Mrs. Olive Decker, aged 21. died ester day at 2110 Douglas street of peritonitis. Tho remains havo been sent to Aurora, Neh., for Interment. Alpha camp, No. 1, Woodmen of the World, will give an Ice cream and card foclal at Its hall, sixteenth street and Capitol avenue. Thursday night, June 2S. William Illchtbower. who runs a saloon nt South Twentieth street, complained to the eollec that he had been euchercd out of J10 by a sneak thief, who "tapped his till." The body of Dora Uuhel, who committed suicide by drowning In Rlvcrvlew lake last Tuesday, has been sent to the home of her father In Aadubon. la. No inquest will be held. (leoige Cronk, Edgar Allen and .Mel lhl. composing the amusement committee of the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities, have engaged room No. nt tho Her Grand hotel and may be found there each day at 12:."W p. m. The Patriotic league will hold a ratifica tion meetitu; this evening, and also select candidates to the state republican leaBiie. to be held at Lincoln, June 2-s. Sam Morris and the leaguo male quartet will slug campaign songs. City Treasurer A. II. 1 leanings has Issued a all for IT0.11W worth of school fund war rants, upon wiile.i tho Interest will ceuso Juno 20. The warrants Included In the call are numbered from 121 to fiX. Another larce call for city warrants will be mado 111 a few days. Tho receipts of the policemen's picnic amounted to about J2.6k. The exnenses were tVn, leaving J.'.Jio to be turned Into t f md for sick and disabled otlh eri. The lUfndance was much larger than that of former years and the proceeds are J50O In ecss uf tho-o of the most successful p. nl. hclJ previous to this year. t'pon recommendation of Assistant city Physician Ralph, a woman named Doily I Ullin. tVIIU V U7 r-CVriri) IIMllli-il III li li Grove. Mo., a jear ago, was sent to the 1 . ounty hinpltul yesterday. Ever since t-i ' aci jdent the woman has been In umaha tin- d-rzilng treatment. Within tin- last few 1 wueits, however her money has given out ac 1 he was compelled to become a public ch rse. Ttio county and city officials wiio are to I nhy ball at the Vinton street nark t ihU afternoon will meet at the Lobster 1 l ib. i:il." Douzlas street, at 1 n'lioi k and dress for the game. A street car decorated for the occasion will be provided for the Players at the torncr of linw.ii.l and KIT- tfen'P streeta and a hand will accompany I them on u trip along the main car line of 1 the clt. The came will be called at 3 I o'clock. I Charles Hnrcadlne. a carnentcr who has I been working on the Omaha Itrldce and 1 Terminal company trestle across Cut Off ,.. .:.-. ..... iai.ii nun mc itiuroaii ir.irKH icu iiiiru -live feet Into the water, strlklnc a stringer I enrouto with Ills teeth o severely as to fir timber Kxam nation showed his jaw wn4 proken r. two plates and Ids front teeth wero 1. nocked out vhere they hit the timber. He was also Injured Internal!). , Ills condition Is considered serloiu. Peter Merges, a condector on the Hurney street car line, has rr.-overed from Injuries received in the line of duti last Sunday. ine neavy rain or eaturuay naa wasneu a hole In Twentieth street, between Douglas and Karnam Htreets. and u board had been nlaced across half of the street until the thorouchf arc could be tendered passable U hlle his car was runulnc down the street Merges, on the footboard, was rausht be tween the cr and the end of the board. It was thought at the lime that several of hla riDa wr orontn. THE OMATIA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. CRASH IN NORTH NEBRASKA U"U6S "Ila mw ujaairw.w mrgm or to Dite inths Vaculoa Contest CLARA MOHL Or WEST POINT THi V.CTOR Tun Sen Vncnllnii ccUcr Hntrr the M.y Pnrlor oi the M CrlotlnU, .Miss Miller Ad n iicIiik to Second I'lncc. It rauit have been a young cyclone that hit the North Nebraska list yesterd&y, th ! way it tumbled things together, dropping ' Miss Denitt after a long period of glory down to second place, and sinking the occupant of tecond place down to fifth, but there arc more cyclones hidden In the sweet ozone of North Nebraska and they are liable to mako their debut almost any old day without prevloue announcement. In Omaha Miss Parrlsh still holds court In the realms of the celestials, but tho small margin of majority, unless balanced by large slcevei, renders her liable to a trip not 01 me sort ine uec nas onered In IU prospectus. There are several vigorous climbers now ncnrlng the apex and It Is not likely any of the future queens will enjoy a lengthy reign. In South Nebraska another aspirant has started In with a vote that promises to make her an Important factor In the race. Tho following In the score up to S o'clock p. in. Friday, June 22: l.ncllf Pnrrloli. Xrli. Tel. o . . . . (l.Ils.-, Sopliln Miller, . I'etoron IMI.VI I. II11 Crnnr, 1,1 11 1 11 up r A Mrtrulf .1.ssi i n.l.iT I Kntlc Kern, l)linH' Nellie WhuIm tk. ii. llnnly a ( . . 1.0.10 , ' i.,-t nr r. 1. ,,.. Estelle Van Horn. Neb. Clothing Co.. 3.M2 May Albee, National Biscuit Co 3"t 3.125 iv htlliweii. lace cleaning Fannie Goiney, Armour Ikg. Co. ... Maud Williams, the Ambrose Letter Writing Co Courtney FJ. Dale, Mrs. Hetison Tena McNalr, E. II. Terrtll a ,. f ........ n c . 2,071 2.U0 1,M1 1 4111 i 1 1 ti 1 11 iilrt II, tttjn 1 in flUHl' lln Alta Hreldenthal. W. F. Stoecker l.SM Mary .Malone, .Nen. clothing Co 1.0T.: Mary Bowers, Boston Htore 1.2t3 Mary Dcvlnc, Swift. & Co SV Eva Cayley. County Pub. Co Stl Nelllo Crandall. Hoyles" school "IS Marie Peterson. Murray Hotel Co 6V) Elsie Metz, 1'axton hotel f2. Mrs. L. Braun, art dept., Boston Store 5is Nellie ('apples, Hayden Bros Marie Taylor. C. Jioore Pearl Llnserfelt. A. V. Todd eiura Feree, Ramsey & Kerr Bird Healy. Boston Store Ollle Johnson. Hong Kong Tea Co El vlna Howe, Dally News Esther Simons, llayden Bros Hessle Aver, nurse Jennie Clievaux. McCord-Brndy Co.... Lena Cox, music teacher Luclle Elson. Postal Tel. Co Bertha Meyer. Thom'n. Belden fc Co.. Rosella Vlckery, Boston Store Clara Gray. Neb. Oraln Dealers' assn. Leonora Charde. Sherman & McCon nell Kittle MiC.rath. Cuduhy Packing Co.. Kate Swartzlander. public library.... Harriet Carmlchuel, Omaha Casket company Dena Brandenberger. milliner Mrs. Ella Qiilmby. nurse Funtile Kout.-ky. Nat l Biscuit Co Bertha Housemond. Cudahy Pkg. Co.. Phlllpplna Kunold. Kreller Delcla E. Ooodchlld, Goodchlld sis ters Louise Wctrel, A P. Ely fc Co Nora Emerson. Adams express Kate Ryan, teacher Kate Powers. M. E. Smith & Co Jean Kramer. Clement Chase Pearl Price. T. M. Grain Co Ella Gamble. Om. Furniture Co Anna Owen, nurs Emma Quick. Payne-Knox Co Agnes Thomas. Mrs. Hartell Cassie Arnold, tlorlst Frances T. Bucholtz, Carter Lead Works Allen B. Mills. Her Grand Clara Nelson. Boston Store Adalene Doherty. B. & M Carrie Kirk. Albery Printing Co Mnrle llurst, iirown &- uorsneim Anna Keuy. nayuen urns Rose Rllev. Nat. Biscuit Co Jean McCormack. City Steam Laun dry Annie Cameron. Rose's Art store r.lllle Miller. Megentvs Maud Ayers. teacher Kthe Thompson. KiipaincKs Nora Raker. People's Store Klla Smith. Hartford B. Ins. Co Clara Holmes. Swift and Company.... Emma Markmnn. urexei notei Margaret O Dc.i. Hayden Bros Alma Llndqulst. M. E. Smith Mnv Van Brunt, teacher Grace Campton. nurse Mlna E. Mills, housekeeper Jennlo McMillan. Bennett's Grace Maxwell. Hammond Pack. Co.. Mary Rowley. S. (J. Tel. rcxenange... Bertha l'ostusil. Novnk's millinery.... Mary Slmonds. Board of Educntlon.. Marv Lucas, teacher Mamie Russell. Nat'l. Biscuit Co Virginia Phillips. Olds Gasoline En gine company Council 111 11 n. EDITH STEVENSON. W. V. Tel. Co 2.K1I Mabel Adams. Barlel k Miller 2.237 Addle Bcecroft, Boston Store l.TVi Rose Beck. John Bono & Co '.V3 Luclle Van Brunt. Hamilton s tilioo store Mrs. Ama Klasell. nurse Anna I,. Hutchinson. Beno & Co Edna Wllkln, Bourlclus music house. Male Lunkley, Stork's millinery Cora Oretzer. teacher Maud Bryant. Peru Flow and Imp. Co Anna Walllne, Beno & Co Emma Boesche teachet Nettle Krncht, Bono & Co Cella Mulqueen. Sandwich Mfg. Co.. Anna Moore, Beno fc Co Rose Wind, teacher May Caldwell, teacher IiMTn. DAISY LEDWICH. Harlan Mabel Baker, (ilenwood Fannie Deur. Missouri Valley Mae Skldmore. Boone Edyth Nolan. Carroll Emma Maxfleld. Neola Cora Backus, Walnut Besslo Noyes. Missouri Valley May Thorp. (Ilenwood Craco Haiti, Perry Louie Gllroy. Perry Augusta Bowker. Glenwood Bessie Fensler. Missouri Valley M. Y. Sc-ott. Missouri Valley Xorlli elirnskn. CLARA MOHL. West Point Florl.i Dowitt, Grand Island Jessie Schratn. Columhus fclcla M. Chase, Wayne Lena Klein. North Platte Gwendolen Taylor. Blair Florence Howell, Grand Island 1SI 20 r. 1: 10 9 s 1 1 3,350 2. "Sij 51 m 26 is 16 9 T2 H. 255 I. 91') 1827 4.621 2.172 1.S72 SJl till 4 trt 21S 112 41 35 31 21 lit 27 21 20 1? It 10 May Durlaiul. .Norront Vlrdle Welch. I'apllllun Delia Parker, Central City Minnie Sterner. Fremont Fannie Norton. Norrolk Mnv Davis, Kearney Jennie Newton. Fremont.....' , Ida Mlier Florence , Nel'le W. Watts, Grand Island I'.thcl Davis. Nellgh Josephine Whltted. Florence Mao McCormack. Blair Anna Iinff. Schuyler Eva Phelps. Blair IWtha Gulou. Grand Island Nell Moouey, Fremont Hose Kllker. North Bend Alice Covert. Florenc; Winifred Flfleld. Tekamnli Jessie F)fe. Pierce Kale Walker. Ixlngton Mary McDougal. Nellgh Anna l.obnow, Norfolk Helen Porterfleld. Fullerton Lillian Tlilessen, Grand Island. Ella Vlzzard. St. Edwards Pauline Stuefer. West Point Elsie Baxter. Fremont Miss Johnson. C'-.U Jeanette Pedersnn. Arll.-.r.tnti ncna Ayr. Papllilor. Cora Canipbell. Fremont Marie Bell. Fremont Edna Brueb. Fremont Fannie IIIiBc'nkowitj, Fremont Mrs. Nettle Hew Ins. Norfolk .miiup r oicy. muir Mlttle Foley. Hlalr i vt:,iA t.-nmii Centrnl Cltv M"LVr , -"!n"'.2iral L,l " ; 'T','' , ' ' p""'.; " ' mltr.. I r. mom J 'HrnJ.-. KATE SCMIN'KK. Nebraska City. 3. (at l.u lli :ri7 S)0 ollle Holmes, Auburn Mabel Itilnbel, David City Annie Hopkins, Auburn i Mna, Ho-". Lincoln 1 Nettle Mills, Nebraska City Anna Sanders, rtcatrlce tf.l J'ene Hmltn, Hastings Autonla Kessler, Plattsmouth Catherine Marlow, rtcatrlce .. Mae White, Hastings I.lzzle Rooney, Hastings Maud Woods, McCook OIa nuhoff. Nebraska City .. Anna smai, wnmir Ida McCarl, McCook Helen Wei n. Mncn n . . . ... .Martha IMywarl. Nebraska Cit ... it Mnv HetiMs. Wymore .. .. s Henrietta HoiiowbusV Lincoln . ... J Mattir Stalks, Hastings Dlanche Gillespie, Hastings 2 tirade Mostly Ashland 1 Mnrle Hoover. Lln' dn 1 Florence Putnam, Lin, oln 1 j SOUTH OMAHA NEWS. J Fire toially destroyed the fe J wueVus: of .V ') .r 11 Rudif r"i m,l 'wo .ot cges belonging to Frank Shllahan. at Twenty fourth and Q yesterlay nftermcn. Thi total loss will be In the neighborhood of ".000. U was about i o'clock when fire w is discovered In tho Rushforth warehouse and a telephone alarm ent In. On acccunt of ths Immense amount of Inflammable material m the storehouse the llamtn srreaJ tnp'.dlv and by the time the fire depar;mcnt arrived the Interior of the building was one masj of flames and the roof was about ready to fall. In an Incredibly Bhort space of time the flames spread from the feed warehouse to tho two cottages on the south owned by Shllahan, and theso were nlso i!eatroeJ. For a time the row of ten cottages belong ing to James and Joe Koutsky at Twenty f0,lrlh nrt rt .treets i .-,., i . ing destroyed and as a was one of ths houses was damaged to the extent of ?nrt. When Chief Smith and Afslstant Chief Holland arrived they aw at a glance thJt help was needel and a general alarm w s turned in. The fire fighting forces of Ar mour's. Swift's. Hammond's and the I'nlnn Stock Yards company promptly rcapandd and rendered valuable assistance. It was deemed ndvlsabtc to have the Cudthv and Omaha plants' fire departments remain on duty at their respective houses In otdrr 'o protoct thp paeklnR industries In ca-c of an- 1 ot her fire 1 l " , , ,. . , , ..l uiu, Hum uuiuilli Uiiy HI1U rHIU In the warehouse was Intense and for a time kept tho firemen at a distance, but they gradually worked up to the burning build ings and by dint ot hard work confined the (lames to the buildings mentioned. During the fire, which lasted about three haurs, sev eral firemen were overcome with rmokc and were compelled to ,-etlre temporarily In order to secure a breath of fresh air. great deal of excitement was displacd by those who lived In the Koutsky cottages, as It was feared that the entire half block would be destroyed. Carpets were hastily torn from the floors and furniture moved Into the street and In a very few minutes very little If anything was left In any cf he surrounding houses, chief Mitchell was on hand with a detail of rollce and tho prop erty which had been dumped promiscuously into tho street was guarded until the own ers saw lit to move back Into their houtej after all danger was over. The heaviest Ices will fall on Arthur Rush forth. His property destroyed was worth $5,500. with Insurance on only a po tl-n. He carried M.SOO Insurance on the warehouse proper. J100 on a detached building In the rear and $300 on the contents, which In cluded both feed and coal. James Zaloudek occupied one of the cot tages destroyed, while C. Small resided In the other. These homfs were worth aboil' $600 each and were Insured. A Jarge ror tion of the contents were Kaved by the po llco and others who assisted in removing everything possible. On account of lines of hose tclng laid across Q street at the Intersection of Twenty-fourth street car service around ih) loop was discontinued and Omaha tra'n used the old O street "Y." All service on the Albright line was discontinued for a couple of hours. Asldo from the mentioned, the In dividual loss to those who hastily moved will bo quite large, as stoves, plcturrs anl dishes were broken In tho general rush. One of tho features of the Are was the difplay of fire fighting ability Khown by Po lice OrTlcer John Brlggs. This officer servrd for a number of years on the fire depart ment and when he saw that help was n:cded he took charge of one of the lines of bo'e ji,i first-elis work in keenlnz the lire. and rttn tirst-ciass worn in Keeping me urcj from spreading. At one time Brlggs was en the roof of tho porch of the Curry co tago when a sudden Increase of the water pres sure threw him to the ground. With hU usual good luck Hriggs landed on his feet and immediately climbed back to his pi:t again. Some of the new hose rce?nlly pur chased was used and came (n vcrv handy. Hundreds of people were attracted to lha scene as the conflagration was the which has occurred hero In a number of years. Mr. Rushforth was In Omaha dur ing the afternoon and was not cognlnnt of his loss until he icturned about 5.30 o'clock. Itcpiilillcaii Club t Select l)elrBite. President Tagg of the Young Men's Re publican club will meet In the city hall building Monday night to select delegates to ...V . 1.-invention of the State I eacue of attend the convention of ine btate i-cague or Republican Clubs. According to the ruling made. South Omaha Is entitled to one ucie gato for every fifty members. From the rec ords ot the secretary the club here Is there fore entitled to ten delegates nnd this num ber will be selected on Monday night. County CiinimUalonerii Will mnoss. Notices were served yesterday by County Clerk Havcrly on the corporations owning property In the Fourth ward to appear be fore the Board of County Commissioners on Monday morning. June 25. for the purpose of entering complaints. If any are to be made, on the assessment of taxes for the year 1M0. All Interested parties have been notified and It Is understood that tho com A Goo! Drink- Ami n nice iiMtin make a pleasant com binntlon those lint thiys -Vo arc not In the liipilil tvfrosliinoiit business, but have iiictili'PH of ovety Ulnil anil !' sciiption IMi'tiitPs Hint will Intorost you t'llitt'iito and totino you Our water colors, platinums. I'tdiliiss. onsnivluss. pliotoirravurps, carbons anil photo colors comprise- a collection that cannot fall to plcaM? the niot artistic at prices raits lup; from 50c to as many dollars Ap proprhtto frames for pictures of every kiinl made to onler. A. HOSPE, Music and Ait 1513 Douglas. 5. i 5 ! 5 4 ! I : t 3 You Can't Fool Dis Coon- Yi itcviliy when It wiiz so lnt I JIM .; In do buck room ucx to our J Ire t unlit' i.-t' "Idle I niiz v.riilii' this t ad I .UK l up n piorl ice water from j cue of nur coleis which am de bet i tuikra made-an' v.e sell 'cm fur !l.-"i 1 up den we ..ot Ice cream freezers uh low as fl,-ls-but de bjr kind wld de lly Wheels we sell fill' Sl'-MXl-non we Kot Leonard t'le.tnahle Trlserator -ile ones dat am built on sch-mliie prin ciples -bei-aiiKC dey keep tie vltlles purer use h'is h-e an' plve bctier tiatls lactlon a'iy other 'frlserator mado An' den trim's dat Hlue I'latne Icic les wolitio Move de one dat you can vjj tibc either gasoline or eoaloil or both i'.i) , but what's tie use sayln more you call W nn' nee mv Iws-i dat's A. C. RAYMER 1SU 1-AIl.VAM ST. 2409 K Itroet, SoutU Omaha, JfNE 23. 1000. The new package for the dainty products of the baker the "In-er-seal Patent Package'" defies damp weather. Let it rain; let every condition prevail that prevents the preservation of the crispness and delicacy of biscuit, wafers and snaps in ordinary boxes! Harm can't come to them if you insist on getting the "In-cr-scal Patent Package." For instance, take Soda Biscuit packed in the "In-cr-scal Patent Package." They go right from the oven to the package. All the delicate crispness that makes a new soda biscuit so delicious iroes into the package and The following biscuit arc now packed in the "In-cr seal Patent Package:" Soda Hiscuit. Milk Biscuit. Saratoga Flakes, Long Branch Biscuit. Butter Crackers, Graham Biscuit. Oatmeal Biscuit, Ginger Snaps, Handmade Pretzelettes. and Vanilla Wafers. Look for this seal on both ends iSsm I mlssloners will proceed on Monday to make tho assessment which was overlooked by Joseph Carroll, the regularly elected asses sor. County Commissioner Hector has been Investigating recently and from the records has ascertained the amount of Improxcmenls mado by tho corporations during the l.tst year. Weed iiltlnu Mnrts iuiln.v. Police Judge King appears to be heartily In accord with the new ordinance which provides for the working of prisoners In mentioning this matter yesterday the Judge Mid that he was perfectly willing to sentence vagrants and minor offenders to the rock pile and If requested to do so he would put prisoners to work cutting weeds. All along the sidewalks the weeds are growing rapidly nnd should he cut. In home places the growth Is so rank that the eidewulks are al most Impassable, chief Mitchell announced last evening that he proposes to commence tho cutting of weeds today, as the city haa thn s?ythes on hand, and he will request Judge King to make the necessary order. Ah for the rock pile, the sledges have ar rived and the rock will be here In a day or two. Then some work will be done by vio lators of city ordinances Instead of sending them to the county Jail at a cost of 45 cent3 a day to tho municipality. MiikIc CUj (iiisnlp. Mrs. C. I,. Mullan and on. Charles, left yesterday for an extended eastern trip. IM Pollard, who Is now employed by Cudahv In the Dakotas, Is here for a few days' vacation. , "roKr" lr0"F a' 1 weniy-rourtn nm, v strr(lt, ,0nyed street car trafllc for thrcc-qunrtrr of an hour yesterday morn- Ing. Weeds nearly cover the sidewalks In some sections of the city ami an effort will he made to have the street commissioner cut them. Dr. Elisor has Muallv recovered the bay liotve stolen from his premises a month nan. He found the animal about sixteen miles out In the countr:-. James I,. P.ixtnn. general superintendent of th Stock Yards compan. writes from Odessa that he Is enjoying life. Krom Odessa he goes to St. Peteri-hursr. Thirteen vagrants were brought before Judge King yesterday, hut all were ordsred out of the city. The Judge said that he did not feel like Incorrlns an expense on the city by sending the prisoners to the count Jail and considered a suspended sentence the best thing at Cie present time. Funeral services over tn remains of t Finch will he held thl.s afternoon .it tho resldenie or Mrs J. K. Dennis Twentieth (m( , lt,r(,rB interment will be nt Laurel mit cemeterv. The deceased was president of the Order of Postal Clerks of the Tenth Ilstrlet and his tun was from Council Bluffs to Minneapolis. TRY ALLEN'S FOOT-ESSE A powder to bo shaken Into the shoes. Tour feet feel swollen, nervous and hot, nnd get tired easily. If you havo smartlns feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease. It roots the feet and makes walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating feet Ingrowing nails. blltrrs and callous spots. Relieves corns and bunions of all naln and glvei rest and comfort. Try It today Sold by all druggists nrd shoe stores for 23c Trlnl package FREE. Address, Allen 8. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. stays there until you open it. NATIONAL DISCUIT COMPANY. TV ONE CHAPTER OF ACCIDENTS nrlcil Assortment of Mllini Hint Overtook lininri Mortitls In O11111I111. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge P.. Palmer of B02 South Sixteenth street were quite badly In jured Friday ornlng on the Nineteenth street boulevard. They were driving slowly Into tho city when some unkuown persons panted them going in the tame direction at a farit rate. Palmer's horre became fright ened and got beyond control. It dashed Into a rig going north, throning Palmer and his wife violently to the pavement. Moth wero badly bruised and shaken, though 110 bones were broken. They were removed to a nearby resldenre nnd attended by Dr. Riley and then taken home In the city am bulance. Tho horne driven by Palmer was struck In thn breast with a shaft and mi severely wouuded that it will probably be shot. In spite of the warning of the conductor thrice repeated, Miss Ktta E. I.etson of 1712 Jackson street Jumped from a south-hound car near Sixteenth and Jones streets I'rl- day evening and suffered a eonrussPn ot the brain, a smaii tcaip wounu ann minor Injuries. She was removed to her home Dr. Mack, who attended the young woman, believes she will bo out again In a week. Mr. and Mrs O. J. Averill were enjoying a stroll on the High school grounds Fri day evening when the former stepped in'n the excavation for the new building, quh'klv followed by his better half. The fall was about twelve feet and Mr. Averill sus talned a severe sprain of ihe left ankle, though his wife was uninjured. Police Su. -geon Ames took the man to his room at 1301 Webster street. All who suffer from piles will he glad to learn that DcWitt's Witch Hazel Salve will give them Instant and permanent relief. It ' will cure eczema and all skin diseases. Be ware of cout.terfclts. Paris Exposition Pictures, Part HI. no.v i ready. 10 cents and a coupon cut from The Bee, page 2. , HndorMc I'lillndelpliln Nominations, i Friday evening's meeting of the Fifth i Ward Hepubllcan club was In the nature of a ratification of the nominations at Phlla- ' delphla. tho satisfaction of the members ; of the club being manifested In no tinier- tain manner. Delegates were elected to rep- . resent the i lull at the I.I in "hi lonventlon! of the Hepubllcan league of Clubs care being exercised to select onl thuse w io will attend. The delegates arc W. T. Nelson. A Representative Book Shop XV K tllH SKl.l.lMi Tlllh Wllllli FOH I." t 12 VI M Adven'urcs of Sherlock Holmes. "The lowers "ihe (iactny. "l oren Lovere." "Barabbas." "Ziska " 'Choir Invisible." "St. Ives." "Wolfvllle," ' Mandors." Pushed by I'nscen Hands." Is Thn Your Son. My Uou : ' "Margaret Moncrlffe. Aaron Hurr'n Kind I.ove " by mall 5c extra: "A Cep per Prlncetjs, ' by Gunter, Just In All the late cloth boutid bucks ut N. V prkes. Barkalow Bros.' " Bookshop," . Hir.2 rnrnnni Street. 'I'hone 320. At The Race Meet Kvcrv contestant will be in It to wln lmt there Ik only to be one winner It's the hi int' In shoo-there are lots of kinds-but only one besi-Drcx I.. Shoo man Is particularly fortunate in havlnu one best In boys' shoes at S?1.."0 These shoes have won Tor us many frlends not alone anion; the boyn on account of their stylish looks and comfort to the foot but arnonc; the parents for their sreat weiirins iuitlitlcs We hack this shof up with our reputation n shoe value, elvers as bcln the best boys' .$1..V shoe ever sold. Drexel Shoe Co., Oniha'f Up-to-date Shoe House. 119 FAKNAM STREET. Warm Weather Luxuries- We 1'iin't all eo into the country these warm days when the apple blossoms are hldluu the branches of the trees ami the fanners are plnntlu? pea.s. beans. I'lK-iimbei's nml potatoes. Hut we can all ko to lialdulf's and cool our-i-elves Avhh ihe hiiim delicious Ice cream for which he Is noted for making If we tlo not to eat It there he will pel It In a little barrel and we can put It In our pocket ami take it home such a handy way to earry It Almost nightly now otie will see tally-ho or hay rack parties purtnklntr of lunch at Balduff's bahony--liH so lnre;e and roomy well lighted and cooled with electric fans It's the nicest place In town. W. S. Baldufi. 1520 Farnam St. Hen M, Ian. Nell I'arrrll. lipirce S'! John Wlgmati. Il M Osborne. R Hi- ardsjn and P. It. ttcwiird After Ihe bust nes.s session .in iitliuxtastir and stirring ad dros was dcliveted by John I. Webster iii. 1.111: s. nil tlj ( IiiiiiiImtIhIii'n Colic, (iiulera nml lllnriiiocn ItriuiMt). "I am sure that Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and DIarrhnea Itemedy at one time saved my life," says A. K. l.afalet'e of Otcgory landing. Clark county. Missouri "I was In such bad shape that the dortirs said I could not live. When I was at the lowest ebb ono of my neighbors brought in a bottle of Chambrrlaln's Cnlir. chrlera ant Diarrhoea Remedy and 1 took It and got Instant relief. I soon got up and around. That was nine ears ago and I am still in good health. Since then that medicine hn alwah been In my house and always will be. It Is the best on earth." Don't you know some deserving girl who ought to have a vacation? Cut join vaca tion coupons from The Hee and savj then ( for her, , num. WYMAN- MalvM rv-nird. wlf. of William T. Wvnian. on Fti lay. June 22. 1!X. Serlrrs at t 'c residence 52:2 Half How ard street. Sunda, June St at 9.30 a m Interment private. Spectacles. that arc f-cientlfically and properly fitted nro tho ones, that brlnp; tho must relief. A complete lino of optical goods Free examinations. THE ALOE & PENfOLD CO., 8 Lcadl I 1403 Fl LLP Leading; Scientific Optician. Farnam. OMAHA. OPPOSITE PAXTON HOTEL. 9 4