THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, JUNE 2.1, 1!)00. GOOD CLOTHING TORE FOR EVERYBODY L.Br?AND!S a 5QN5 JEsi&JiSb rfl. &JSU The contin ual increase of our cloth ing trade is proof enough for any one that the clothing v e Bell is absolu tely right. It is perfect in lit, perfect in Btyle, perfect in wear, fact there is no room for im provement, & the price is always so much less than the same quality could bo bought for olse whero that com mon sonso alono will compel you to trndo with us. if yiu want tho very best clothing thut money can buy. To show how much bettor our c.lnthini? In than othrtra nnd linw tnnoli linilnH ItMl ton rrit It ...... ...... "uit uuivui jf wu uil nu " " of ua, wo quote throo special olTorlnp-a for today: MEN'S SUITS FOR $9,98 ifnn'n wool suits In llslit and dark casslmeres, mon s hand finished worsted suits, both plain and fancy checks and stripes, as well as men's black and gray pure worsted suits, thoroughly well trimmed and lined, mode to retail for $12.50 will go on salo Saturday tor ON SPECIAL SALE SATURDAY 8S0 J 850 MTS SOITS made to retail at S'J.98, ?3.50 and $3.08, go at y well trimmed and 9.98 MEN'S SUITS FOR $12.50 Men's elegant all wool suits In the swellcst up-to-date patterns, dark and light carelmures. In stylish checks and stripe, men's superb suits made of thlbct cloth and unfinished worsteds, cut In round and square sacks, lined with fancy lining; or fine serge, made to retail for $18.00 will be sold fiaUrday for only s 12.50 MEN'S SUITS FOR $15.00 Ven's all wool fancy stripes and checked worsted suits. men's suits made of black all wool unfinished worsted , Scotch cheviots, fancy casslmeren and fancy vtcunns , "with all wool scrgo and Italian cloth lining, satin piped, hand made button holes and hand padded col lars, with tho samo workmanship and exact caro of the best niade-to-order clothing, will bo sold .Saturday at $ kmanshlp 15.00 850 BOYS' KNEE PANTS SUITS Ages 6 to 15 Yrs Consisting of the finest imported cheviots, worsteds, cassimeres, black clay worsteds, etc., etc., in plaids, checks, stripes and plain patterns, all brand new, the very best silk sewing and tailoring, fine titters, elastic waist bauds in pants. This lot includes every former ?2.9S, $3.50 and Jtt.nS suits, on special sale for Saturday only at $1.08. SATURDAY WE PLACE ON SALE THE ENTIRE WHOLESALE STOCK OF SHIRTS AT PRICES THAT SIMPLY BAFFLE EITHER IMITATION OR COMPETITION. ALL ON BARGAIN SQUARES. a; UN IV! All 39c ON MAIN FLOOR-ON BARGAIN SQUARES. wo offer nearly fiOOO men's elegant, first-class made and perfect fitting shirts, in all sizes, in nearly (10 different styles, in madras, per cales, peiiangs, ehambrays, etc. Each shirt has two collars nnd ono pair cuffs detached. At tho samo price, 39c. wo give you cholco of an Immenso lot of men s Negligee. Shirts, with collar and cuffs nttnehed, In nil tho swellcst styles nnd In nil Hlzes Also n big lot of men's flno white laundered Bhlrts, with reinforced linen bosom and back, stayed soams, gussetcd nnd continuous facing, throughout, all sizes, long and short bosoms and sleeves your cholco for 39c. ON BARGAIN SQUARE-ON MAIN FLOOR. You get the choice of three thousand men's finest custom made shirts, including men's summer shirts with fancy silk bosoms men's laundered shirts in percale, penang, madras, cheviot and linen. In plain white and all the newest fancy colored stripes and patterns collars and cuffs detached, attached or without shirts with stiff bosoms, shirts with Boft bosoms In fact every posslblo stylo of shirt that Is worn by man. Your choice of this Immense and magnificent assortment for 60c. ON BARGAIN SQUARE-IN BASEMENT. 11 0 JH Hundreds of Negligee shirts with collar at MI tached in variety of fancy and stylish put- W all" terns. Stiff bosoms shirts in fancy stripes with detached cull's. White laundered shirts with linen bosom and waist bands. New York mills muslin with continuous facings throughout. Summer working shirts In light, dark nnd medium shades, 25c. At50c S SALE MEN'S 0FFIGE COATS COATS AND VESTS-COATS AND PANTS Men's summer and otllce coats In flno plain black lustre alpaca sack coals at Men's office coats, all wool black and blue black square and round cut serge coats at Men'a extra fine all wool French flannel cents and pants to match. In plain light and dark colors, also stripes, round and square cut, single and double breastcd.gcod values, f 10, our prlco Men's all wool coats and vests In blue and gray serges, satin yoke, felled scams, sizes 34 to SO, at 1.50, 1.75, 2.50 2.00, 2.50, 3.00 6.50,7.50 1.98,2.98,3.98,4.50 HAT SALE SATURDAY Men's Fedora, ntnl Derby lints worth $2.00 and $2.30 for .... SI.38 Saturdny we place on sale an en tire sample line of Fedora and Derby Hats, including all the latest styles and shades. These hats are made of good quality felt. They are worth fully 2 and $2.r0. Saturday they go on sale at just about half price. (Don't miss this chance to get two hats for the price of one) Sale price $1.38 MEN'S UNDERWEAR nosTox stomp, n.Arr.s o. muito. moiihow li.vrntn an fT()J K Jin.V.s I M)HltWF,All 25c, 39c, 50c, 75s, 1 Thin I Mir Snip nf tlm Wholesale .Stork of Mru'n 1 nilrrnmr Mint W llnvi llrpu I'rrpnrliiK Yon for Onr Iiir tho I. nut Krtv liny. AT nOSTO.V STOltK, OMAHA. GREATEST MEN'S UNDERWEAR SALB EVER HELD IN OMAHA. 1320 dozen Men's Kino Underwear on sale Tomorrow AT IIOSTON STORIJ, OMAHA. ON HAROAIN SQUARES. AT 23c, 30c, 60c, 76o AND $1.00. On Main Floor and in Basement $125 STRAW HATS Another big purchase of Straw Ilats gives us an opportunity to offer you wonderful bar gains for Saturday. The lot includes every style of straw hat worn this season. Made of the finest straw braids, Manila, Milan, etc, In both rough and smooth straws. There are hats In this lot worth $2, while the cheapest are worth $1.00. They go In two lota Satur day at 49c - 75c Too MEN'S UNDERWEAR, 23c. On llargatn Square No. 2 wo placo on sal Immenso quantities of men's lino underwear In cream, pink, blue, light and dark tans, as well as fancy striped and mottled un derwear. Also India gauze, Egyptian cotton, angola mixed, lllot underwear and fancy tinted French IJalbrlggnn nuderwear, allvcr gray underwear nnd fancy Random mix tures. All such goods ns would retail at 75c, they go on salo tomorrow on bargain square at 25c, on main floor nnd In baso tccnt. $1.00 MEN'S UNDERWEAR. 39C. On bargain squares on main floor and In basnraent, your choice of 300 dozen men's lino summer merino, fancy French balbrlg gan underwear In fancy colors, fancy mixed balbrlggan, combed Egyptian cotton under wear In ecru, pink, blue, light and dark tan, fancy tinted Angola mixtures and French combed balbrlggan underwear. All under wear that sells regularly for up to $1.00 on calo tomorrow at 3!)c for shirts or drawers. $1.25 MEN'S UNDERWEAR, C0C. On main floor on bargain squares nnd In our regular men's furnishing goods depart ment, we plnco on salo 223 dozen men's finest $1.23 French balbrlggan, fancy mixed balbrlggan underwear In pink, blue, light nnd dark tans, also medium weight bal brlggan underwear nnd mcn'n underwear In fancy stripes, summer merino, lisle fin ished, and a special lot of tlastlc-tseana Jean drawers, cholco of tho entlro lot tomorrow, 5t0 each. $2.00 MEN'S UNDERWEAR. 7CC AND $1.00. All tho hlgbost grado nnd most expansive, men's underwear, consisting of fancy llsls thread and silk finished underwear that reg ularly retails up to $2.00, go In our tnen'a furnishing goods department at 75c and $1.00 each. Wo wish It to bo noted that this Is ono of those celebrated sales by -which we havo reached tho placo we now havn among the trade of Omaha. Tho bargains are some thing phenomenal and It will pay overy man In Omaha to attend this sale. Salo starts at 8 o'clock sharp. no.STON STORE, OMAHA, N. W. Cor. ICth and Douglas Sin. WE HAVE A SHOE SALE NOW THAT BRINGS EVERY BODY TO OUR STORE There's a whole lot of difference between our shoe sales and others we have what we advertise, and sell the shoes just as we advertise wc will and we have plenty of everything we advertise. ENS SHOES Mat were made fo sell for to five dollars will go at 1.69 old for $2.50 Its own. All and from that, ntono price, on up to $5 n. $1.(11). This inclndos all tho men's shoos of every de scription in blacks nnd in tans, all mado for this season in tho very nowost and latest btinimor styles, in vici kid, Russia calf skin, horsohide, velours oalf in thu very finest Goodyear wolt bolo.s and lino McKilV sinvltiL'. Shoo thn nhennnst of whieh pair. Your choice of all tlictc men's lino shoes, each e,izc by itself on a bargain countor of Women's Shoes on Bargain Squares Hundreds of ladies' finest hand-turned shoes in im ported vici kids, in blarka nnrt tana, In plain ami fimcv furiuKS, lop plngK. also lincst patent leather shoes mnde, ami retailed 'for S-1.00. S l.r.o illltl ifO.MJ 11 II.IU, ko on bargain squares, main tloor, for ...... $2.5 In Basement Over 1.000 pairs of ladles' finest hand-turned nnd McKay Hewed shoes which worn mado to retail up to $1.0. Including almost every kind of shoo worn 1 Efj tndav that Is in style nil sizes go at VliwU Children's shoes on bargain simares :',0) pairs of misses', children's iind Infant s fancy strapped sandals nnd slippers In blacks, and ji.itent leathers." Moat elegant hand-turned Roods bo on bargain squares on main tloor at 50c, 75c, 89c and 98c. I.AOIKS' OXFORD TIKS. On th main floor nnd In the basement ynu will ilnd nn linninnso number, thousands In fact, of ladles' lino slip crs and oxfnnl tics In blacks, tana nnd patent leathers. Some are In the original cases, others on bargain squares. Kvcrythng else In the wmv of a llo wn havo placed in thn basement. Kvrrythlntr In tho way of slippers and oxfnrds from $!. and up, nre on sale nn tho main floor. There la absolutely no limit to tho number of palr that you ran buy. WaW - w Tr m. wi RUCCO FINDS HIS LOST SON Happy Dentnf msnt if Wht Apprd t Be t 0a: f Kidnaping, WAS BEING CARED FOR BY MRS. FINDLEY Found the liny Anlccii In (lip Ituntl mill ToiiU 1 1 in lo Hit Ho iih HiiIM llln I'liriMilM Culled fur Mini. An excited Italian, who p.uo the nnme of Betvistl.m IIol'co, called at tho pollco station yestorduy and demanded tho Immediate return of his 3-year-old son, I'Yrdlunnd, Tv'hom. he hinted, the pollco hud assisted to Wdnap. When told that no menibor of tho department waB Informed as to tho whero nbouts of tho child ho shrilled his shoul ders and looked wise. It was evident that ho Buspccted n deep-laid conspiracy. And tho pollco admitted that tho circumstances attending tho dlsnppeuranco of the child wero somewhat unusual. About 9 o'clock Thursday nlKht a hand somely dressed woman drovo up to thn sta- i Hon In her cnrrlaRO and sent word to Desk' Seregnnt Uavey that whllo driving on North Eighteenth street a few minutes beforo sho had Been a little boy lying asleep In tho Biiddln of tho street. If her homes had not shied, shn eald, sho would probably hayo driven over him. An ofllccr wna sent out to tho carriago to talk with her. The child was still asleep. Shn had picked him up so carefully, shn said, that he hail not been nrouscd. Was tho pollen' matron there? No? Then sho would not lea-6 iho boy. She would take Mm home and keep him until his parents sent for him. Her name as .Mrs. Find ley. " Fl-n-d-l-e-y, tho namo was spelled, nnd sho lived at C52 South Twenty-fifth avenue. When Itocco called yesterday the lucl Bent of Thursday evening was related to htm, and ho went forthwith to tho address given, only to return an hour later to say that no such person lived there. Tho police man on tho South Twenty-llfth nvenuo beat was Instructed to Investigate tho matter, but his report wns tho samo as that of Itocco. No person of the name of Klndley lived In tho neighborhood, l-'or this reason tho police wero disposed to bo Indulgent with the bereaved father. During tho afternoon thn boy was found nnd tho mystery which was a very sim ple ono after hII was dissipated. A woman called up and wanted to know why tho pollco hadn't sent for the child. There was a running flro of ciucstlons and an swers over tho telephone wlro and flnnlly It wns made plain that the omVer had mis understood the address. It was 552 South Twenty-sixth avenuo Instead of Twenty fifth avenue. Tho boy was brought back to tho station, whore the father was waiting, and tho greeting ho gave his offspring was most affecting, lie says ho'll not let tho child Bleep In the street hereafter. Tho IIhiImiiii Itlwr li Day limit. Tho Iako Shgro Kaut Mall No. 6. leaving Chicago dally at S:30 a. m.. with through buffet sleeper, Is tho only train from Chi cago, making direct connection with tho Hudson Hlver Day Lino bo.its from Al bany. Thn New Rnglan I e.prrm Is tho only twonty-slx-hoiir train between Chi cago nnd Ilodton. Leaves Chicago ovory afternoon at 2. Tho Lake Shore Limited Is tho only twenty-four-hour train between Chicago and New York, passing through thu beautiful Mohawk Valley and along tho banks of tho Hudson river by daylight. Summor tourist tlckots uro now on sale. II. I'. Humphrey, T. I'. A., Kansas City, Mo. T. M. llyron, O. W. A., Chicago. Cnnip Meeting at Mountnln Lako l'ark, Maryland, LOW KATES Via tho Italtlmore & Ohio Railroad, On July 5 to 1C, Incluatvc, tho Iialtlmore & Ohio Hallroad will sell low rate excurtlon tlckots to Mountnln Lake l'ark, Md., ac count above occasion. Tickets will be good for return until July 20, 1900. For further Information call on or addreis nearest Iialtlmore Ohio Ticket Agout, or H. N. Austin, General 1'aiuenger Agent, Chicago, III. NO PH0FIT IN EXCURSIONS I I. on IIiiIon Stimulate Trntrl tn nn Icnl, Iml I'ull In llrliiur Iti'ltiriiK, Desplto the fact that the first of the west bound summer excursions Thursday woro morn than successful In point of patronage, all of tho railroads having to bring Into service all of their available extra equip ment, a prominent passenger ofticlal of ono of the lines Interested summed up his ob servations of low rain excursions from tho his ofllco in Omaha Is not known. It Is likely to bo booh, however, as the under-. standing Is thnt tho presidents are anxious to start their pooling experiment In order to sen whether It will do away with the present 1 unsatisfactory condition of freight nffalrs. IIIIKill'l' I'HOSI'I'K "L'S OKLAHOMA. Knrmcrn Are 'I'll rl I itf ami Siilmtnn llnl (Jroulli In IIcIiik Millie. John nonnell, general advertising agent of tho Uock Island, was in the city yrs. onlay whllo enrouto from Chicago to Oklahoma. standpoint of tho railroads In this manner: 1 llr- Honnell is spending a good deal of time1 "Low rate excursions nro all right la the I measure nt stimulating travel to n degree, but as a rovonue producer I consider thorn I far from a success. I bollove that thcro is ! a smaller percentage of profit In the low I rate excursion business than most railroad , men themselves appreciate, in Oklahoma now, having Just returned from a tour of tho territory. "No western state 1 ever bnd brighter prospects than has Okla homa this year." ho said. "Thcro Is and ' has been a material and substantial growth anil tho territory has been transformed into u productive, promising agricultural domain. In tho llrst placo for two or three days ' Tho furmers nro prosperous and nrocrcbslvo previously and buten,ucnlly to tho date of nnd everything Is thriving." the excursion thcro Is practically nn travel. Kverybody waits or hurries up to tako ad vantage of tho excursion. As a conscquenco on tho day of tho excursion Is concentrated tho travel which ordinarily would move In tho course of a wcok or ton days. Much of ltiillTii- .totfN am: rcrnmiiln, Oenenil Manager Dickinson nf t ho 1'nlon I'neltlo has returned from u trip over tho line. (Icneral Agent J. A. Kuhn of the North- WCMtnrn 1iti4 rntiit'imfl frnm n hiiLtunLii, irlt. thin In Iraflln ,a .n.J. ..-a.. 1.1 I. . ... " w ... .1 vo. ...... ... ...b uiu .ut.'.n Mini- I III I. IIICIXU. out the application of tho low rates and tho A. W. Ilrnck. chief clerk In tho llurllng ra II road a lose a good deal of money in this , lo general freight otllce, has gono tn wuv. It Is nrohahlv nfret hv thn travnt Chicago on a short business trip. .iviiriui i .ii.uiih' 1 wtKi-iu i.uiii.ix nr inn 1'nlon Pacific, wlio has been In chicaeo all tho v cck. Is exjocted to return today. K. O. Mccormick, passenger trallle inn me Ker of the Southern Facltlc. paused through the city yosterday enrouto from Chicago to San Francisco. 1'ho Uock Island provided threo extra which rates moves solely becaii3o of tho low i Avxiors nut i-ooi.ivc FOUR YOUNG WOMEN GRADUATE Cmiiiiirm'fMiiriit Hiprclm's nf Mount Nt. SlnryS Seiiiliiarj' Held X CHlcriluy Aricrnoon. Yesterday nflernnon thn commonenment oxcrclsen of Mount St. Mary's seminary took placo In thn parlors of the seminary at Fifteenth and Castollar Htrects. Tho room was beautifully decorated In tho sem inary colors, light green and gold, iho deco rations being thn work of the pupils. Tho program of the day was well snlected and executed lu n pleasing manner. Only parents and iutlmatn friends of tho pulpls were prment nt tho exercises. During tho first half of tho program erowiw and ribbons worn distributed to pu pils who deserved especial consideration, ami In tho latter half honors wero awarded young women who had dlstingulHhed them halves in composition, elocution, singing, nntlquo drawing, painting and drawing, tiiifis drawing, music, fancy work, plain sewing, Christian doctrine, Latin, French, Herman, amiability and dressmaking. Di plomas wero conferred upon four young women graduates of tho business department of thn school. At tho close Illshop Scan ncll delivered nn address to tho assembled pupils ami parents. Do Itnllriinil PrexlileiilN lloii- AVill A mi " wltlt Hate I'littlnir. Tho selection of C. L. Wellington ns tho representative of tho presidents' pooling committee for Omaha, Council ni tiffs and Sioux City is a matter of general gratltlca- sleepers on Its Colorado train Thursday afternoon for ninety-two coal dealers nf Nebraska and Imvu, who left for a week's trln through the mountains and other points of Interest In Colorado. Among tho nut-of-tnwn railroad men In lion to local railway men. Mr. Wellington !, ll'tiri. ' S oTkSW. has a wldo acqualnnnce with olllclals of tho Omaha Hues, having been connected for sev eral years past with freight and passenger associations In executive positions. At present ho Is stationed nt Denver, whero ho has charge of tho joint bureau of tho West ern l'assengcr association, having Jurisdic tion over business to Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo. Just how soon Mr. Wellington will open trave nir nassenccr agent of tho N'lckln Flute; O. R Haggles of Chicago, traveling freight and passenger ngent of thn ivrn Maruuette ami II. II. Marley of Kansas city, southwestern passenger agent of thw Mlehlcau Central. II ii 1 1 1 1 it Penult. The following building permits have been Issued by tho building Inspector: O. (J, Foster. North Twenty. tifth. frame dwell ing. KM; M. Huller, 27M South Ninth, frame dwelllnir, 00. N. N. Shampoo cures dandruff. LOOKING FOR PRODIGAL SON Voiiiik Mlanoiii'inii WIki Wnnlnl In Sec thn World Han a lllicrlpner. J. K. Shacklett nnd S. A. Miller of Gorln, Mo., uro In Omaha In quest of Warrlo Shacklett. tho 19-year-old ton of tho first named. Gorln is a small town In Scotland county, Mo., and young Shacklott decided thut he must see moro of tho world. Two wccKs ngo ho went to Cheyenne, Wyo. Ho had not been In tho western city moro than a day beforo ho was robbed of all of IiIb money nnd decided that ho would go home. Ho left In a passenger coach, hut was wllllnc to return In a box car and In that conveyance left Chnycnne. At Lasallo, Colo., be was thrown from the train and was found unconscious beside the track. He was taken to thp Weld county almshouse, where he remained until last Sundny evon Ing, when ho left without giving notice. Sinco that tlmo no trace of him has been found, though It is believed that he Is try ing to roach Omaha over tho Union Pa cific. Mr. Miller goes to Lasallo tonight, while tho fathor will remain In Omaha un til some tram of his son can bo found, DON'T LIKE THE NEW QUARTERS OflW'er of Department nf tlir MlnKOiirl 'Iml Tlirtin Inferior In tlir flnm Tliey Vncnteil, Tho chango in tho headquarters of tho Department of tho Missouri does not seem to suit all of tho officers to Judge from tho expressions of ono who for obvious reason? does not deslro to havo his namo mado public. "Yes, wo aro getting Into our new loca tion." ho said, "nnd for one I do not llko It. Wo nro supposed to say nothing, hut It does not suit mo at nil. Tho assignment nf quarters In tho building Is tho best that can be tr.adn nt present, I suppose, but it will bo constant traveling up and down atalrs from one ofllco to another. In tho quarters wo left ovory ofllco was on ono floor nnd wo had plenty of room. Down hero wo havo room enough, but will havo to do double work because of tho arrangement of rootna on' dllforcut floors." for all conveyanccn to cross tho tracks, tho street car tracktj havo boon so located that It will no longer bo necessary for teams to pass over them In turning tho corner. Tho paving at tho south ond of tho viaduct will bo changed In such a manner that It will conform with tho grade of tho viaduct. Six teenth, Vinton and Twenty-fourth stroma will all b In tho best repair and will offer a line route for heavy teaming. There nrn no bad graden In thn streets and tho palng Is all In tho best of condition. Morliilll.v SlaliMlli'M, The following births and ilnti t Iih wero re ported tn the city Hoatd of Health for tho twenty-four hours ending nt tmnn Friday: lllrths-Fifil Maack. a" Miiudersnn, hovj II I. .lessen. 2017 Iak boy; 'hallo Krum weld, 1210 Jackson, girl; Hermann Hosslng, West ('enter, boy; Stewart Outlier, 122 I'lirkwild avenue, boy; John Greenlee. 3210 ('ass. boy; Anton Viinous, jaiS South Four teenth, girl Deuths -Mrs. Ollvn Decker, 2110 Dougl.. . nged 21; Hlehurd Palmer, 1711 Chicago, u,, 1 3d; Dora Hubol, 11;0 . aged 23. VIADUCT NEARLY COMPLETED Will Probably Ha ((pencil lo the Pub lic July 1 PnvliiK ua Vluluii SI reel Almost Done, Tho new Sixteenth strcot viaduct will probably bo openod to tha public July 4 with appropriate ccromonlos. Tho Ironwork la almost completed nnd City Knglnocr Hosu water expects to eoe tho lust span In placo by tonight. Tho opening of tho new viaduct will revolutionize travel be tween Omaha and South Omaha. Vinton street Is being repavnd between Sixteenth and Twenty-fourth and will bo ready for uso at tho tlmo tho viaduct Is thrown open. At tho corner of Twenty-fourth and Vinton streets, whero It was formerly nceceaury PARALYSIS AND COFFKIJ ,S iiiiituiiiN DlNiiiuiiMir Mb en Drui; In Aliiiiiiluiieil, "Tea and coffeo were forbidden by my physician, for I had symptoms of paralysis nnd It was plain that tho coffeo was the caiiso of tho trouble. I began u :ng Postum Food Coffeo and am now a si ady advertisement for Postum. Tho old . .wnp tom of paralysis disappeared in a m brief tlmo after I began the uso of Postum nnd quit tho uso of coffee. 'Do not uso my namo publicly, If you pleae." Morrow, O. Tho ahovo namo ran bo given by tho Postum Cereal Co.-Ltd, llattlo Crock. Mich. Coffeo Is such a direct poison to tho ncrvo centers of many highly organlzod peoplo that It produces all sorts of disorders, from btotnnch and bowel troubles, palpitation f tho heart, kidney trnublri, etc., etc., i ; in moro Intricate nervoua troubles, nr n i paralysis. Tho way to koep well Is to '.h off coffee or any nerve destroji! . ' sort, nnd uso Postum Food Coffee . ' Ib a direct rcbullder of tho ncrvo ccr .. Sura and woll defined Improvements In health will follow thla cnurso, as ran lis proven by any uorton who will tnako tho trial.