4 THE OMATTA DAILY BEE: TIlTrKSDAV, ,TVSB 21, 1000. RIP EGAN TURNS THE TRICK Too Foxj for thi Ilaadlon; Saints and Omtba WIdi Again. HIT GIBSON AT HIE RIGHT TIME (Jluiiiipliina I ii I In TlH'lr l.li'liw .Hint lit I lie IIIkIH .Unite 1 1 1 1 h Into Titlllra. Omiilin, ll il. .loai-pli, I'lilliidrllililii, ill lli-ooMti, I. I'lllaliurid M lili'imii, I. ll'iMiin, I It sctv irh, I. liiilliiiuiliiills, II) lliitTiilii, II. Ilrli-iilt, M Clf rlnnil, (I. llll'IIMl 7 Mllllllki'( li. Itiiiiana Cl, H .!liilii'itii)IU, 1. HT. J0HU1MI, Mo., Juno 20. (Special Tel eKrani,) Tho Champions took thu Saints Into rutin today, 4 to 2, In their fourth tioslpuncd K'iniu. It was a pltcliurn' battle, Unan huvlnu a shade tin; butler (it It. AIiIidiikIi lie "Mowed ulna hit", thoy nattoil only i wo riniH. (illt.ion let thu leuders down with ttlx hits, hut. Hided hy errors, they netted four riuiH. Ht. Joseph wrh llrnt to score, a two-biiKKor nnrl bIiikIu In Ui II rut kIvIiik nun run. Tim HalnlK wetc then hlnnkeil until tho ninth, when KgiM wan n llttla wild, allowing two liases on hulls iiinl it kIiikIi', iinuther run coming In. Tho leiiiliirH illil thulr run-KcttliiK In ths rrrmid, third nnd auvonth. In the nccond Iiuzon took II rut on hulls, xrurltiK en I'rii' hit. In tho third, nftnr ono out, .MrVlckcr connected for it triple, reachiiiK home mi Hehaainen'H out to rliht. An error and two hits cuvo them thulr hut two rum. Score: HT. JOHICl'll. All. It. II. O. A. K. Htrnne. 3b I 0 Si ll o I Hull, its r. 1 I SI I 1 ICIlritf. u t o 2 r. I 1 .Hchriill. If 10 1 110 MrKllili.'M, rf II o a 0 0 DavlH, ll It 1 0 7 0 0 HrlHlow, SI I 0 I 10 1 WIIhoii, rf 4 ll 2 5! o 0 (iiiihoii, ii a o i n a o Tolnln 31 2 10 23 S i VMurkey railed out in the rilxth on third Itompt to hunt. OMAHA. Alt. It. II. O. A. 15. Tliier. If a 0 0 2 0 0 Tniniili, Hit I 1 1 .1 a 0 MrVlrker, ef II 2,2 0 (I 0 Itidimimcn, 11 I 0 1 R 2 0 "WIIhoii, o 2 0 0 S) 1 0 Liiiiitnii, if a i o t o o Hoy, ah a' o i i 2 0 Muckoy, 2li I 0 0 a 2 0 kkuu, 1 t 0 t 0 a 0 Totulu SW 1 ii 27 13 0 Ht .loMcph 1 0 n 0 0 n 0 0 1-2 Omaha ( 1 I 0 0 0 2 0 I Kanied run: Oituihu, 1. Two-linno IiIIh: HtraliK. Toman, MrVlrker, Thrre-luiHO lilt M : llrlittnu. MrVlrker, Toman. Haerlllro hltn: Mi-KIIiIm-m, MeVlcker. Htnlen Ii:ihch: HtraliK. UavlH, lllll WIIhoii (2). Double nlay: Mchriilt In Kllnir. Hlrurk out: lly (llbHon, fi; bv Myall, 7. Humph on balls: HIT tllliHtin, I; oft ISu'im, 2. lilt by pitcher: Hy OIIihoii, 1; ly '-'Kim, I. 1'iiHned Hull: Kllllif. nme: 5.05. (finplru: Maurk. Ml llllillllU of llie Ti'iniiH. I'liiyed. Won. I.o.st. V.C, rtmaha ..k 3!t 25 II .fill Hen MoIiich 35 IS 17 .Ml Denver 3SI 1 .S13 Ht JoHcph IS IS 2D .171 I'Ucblo as 17 21 .417 Bloux City 37 15 22 .103 IIAMI'N tit.' 'I'll 13 NATIOXAI. l.l'JAl.til-J. I'llok "tlnUra a II1111111 Unit H111I l.lwn IMillllllrlililn l-'lr-tt I'lnre. IMIlI.ADrJM'IllA. Juno 20. With two on lumen I'llclc rapped out 11 homo run, kIvIiik the I'IiIIIIch 11 lead which tho HrnoklvtiH rnitld not ovrrrome. Attendance, 7.110. Bcoro: i,iiiiAi)i:r.fiiiA. ; iuiooki.yn. U.H.O.A.R.' it H.O.A,!!. Thoinm. rf.. 10 10 0 .ones, cf.... 1 2 3 0 0 Hlrnil. If. .. t 3 S 0 0 Kfflfr, if... 0 2 3 0 0 Pelrli'ty. lb. I 1 11 1 0 Jrnn'uH, Hi . I S ! I 0 Hick, rf.... 1 I 0 0 0 Klly, If ... 110 0 0 l)iiugliia. e, 0 I 2 0 1 1 mlilcn, ya.. 0 2 2 1 0 fhllin, I I 13 l. Cn, 8b. oil 10 II11I1111, Sti. . . 0 2 2 il 0 Duly, SU 1 0 2 1 0 -M. (."roan, on 0 0 I 5 O 1 ' rn ll. c .. 0 1 3 1 1 rrurr, 1 0 0 1 2 0 I'cniirdy, p. 0 3 1 3 0 Totuls .. S 8 7 10 1 Tutnls ..1 13 23 13 1 llmoklyn 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 0 0-1 I'hllmlellihla 1 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 -6 Kanied riuiH: Hrooktyu, 2; I'hllndnlphla, 4. Two-liiino hit: lfoeler. Thrre-lmKa lilt: Kelly. Homo mum V'llek, Chiles, aaerlllou liltHt Keelor, Uolehunty. Htolun Ihihch: JoneH, JontiluK. BIukIo. Left 011 lumen; Hrooklvii. 13: I'lillndelphlu. 4. FlrHt Iiuho on IiuIIh: Off P'ra.ter. 5; oft Knnnedv, 2, Hlrurk out 1 Hy Kroner, . 1; tiy Kennedy, 2. I'anHed IuiIIh: DoukIuhs, i. Tlmu: 2:1B. Ifin plro; O'Day. Hlllen 1'rinon 11 Milan. CIlK'AflO. Juno S.U- l'lttshuri; Jumped onto Klllen's eurvcH In tho tlrm. lilt him hard 111 thre other InulilRM and. helped hy very lauKt'd llelillne, won an rimy name. Tannelilll ullowed hut (our wrattereil nlii rleH until tho ninth, when two eim.iecu. live douhleH kvo tlie loeaU their only run. Atteiulanre, l.iw. roro: ClllfAno. 1! II O A.l l'lTTtilll'IKI It II (1 A 1C flrrrn, rf.... OHIO 0 ChlliU. Mi ..0 0 4 3 0 O'llrlrn, If., t 0 2 0 6 Hruiim't, ef. 114 0 0 Will' nut. 3b. 112 0 1 WiiKlirr, rf.. 0 1 t 0 0 Mrrlcn. rf... 0 I 2 2 Mrl'iufy. If 0 1 2 0 0 (liniiel. lb . 0 0 10 1 1 MrCor'lt. 3b. 1 3 0 2 2 Chiinee. e . 0 1 5 I 1 ('n.ilry. lb... 0 0 11 1 il Ultqiey. 2b. 1 3 2 11 0 lily, km .. .. 1 12 2 I '.burner, e... 1 3 3 0 0 Tuiinelilll, i 2 I 0 3 0 rihiK'a, .. o o :t 5 n KUItiii, p.... 0 10 2 1 IVlnU ..1 8 27 K. V Ti.tuW .. 8 It 27 12 ! ChlriiKO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 Plttsburjr ...2 0 1 1 1 0 0 3 0-S Kanied runn: ChleiiBo, I; l'lttnbmtr, I. l.eft on b.tKes; Chlcauo, fi, lMttntmiK, D. Two-bano hits: McCormlek, Chance. Home run: Williams. Sacrifice hits: O'Hrlui, Wll Hams, Hraumnnt, I'.lv, Tanuehlll (2). Stolen tniHo: Merles. Double plays: McCormlek to Chlhls to (linusol; Merles to Cllnuiiuui to Clmiire. Struek out: Hy Klllen, 1, by Tan uehlll 1. Haues on imltrt: Ott Klllen, 2: olT Tatiuehlll. 1 Time: 2:00. Umpire: Hurst. Ilimlou .Sliottn AhuIii, NPAV YOHK, Juno 20.-The New York had an oft day today and tho Hostous were enabled to break their IosIiik streak. Car rick pitched for three IiiiiIuks. Ho wan hit wifely twelve times. Then Cou'iiu came In nnd, nil thlncs considered, made n koci nhowliiK fur his llrst appearance. Attend ancf, 3.MO. Score: hot-ton, I It.lI.O.A.K. lUnilH'll, cl U 0 0 0 ll tvmim, Sb . I 2 0 I 1 NEW YOUK. lt.ll O. A 14. 11. Hmltli, rf 0 2 i o o VmiiII'ii, ef. 0 1 7 0 0 lnvl, Bit.... 0 1 S s I Trimry, llv.. 0 1 II II 0 Hlutil, If.. . 3 3 l 0 0, Mriluun, ir.. O010I nt, ha.... 3 13 1! 1 1)0110. lb.... 2 1Ot l'meiiiiui, rf 2 3 1 0 0 Olnaaoit, Sb. 0 3 3 1 1 U-Wf. SI 3 3 4 4 1 lllrkm'ii, 3b 0 0 0 1 2 SillllMtii, e.. 114 1 Hl'iMUIi, p.... 0 0 0 1 0 Cuppy. p.... 1 10 1 0 llowMi'n, r.. 0 0 3 7 1 (urrli'k, p.. 0 0 0 0 0 T.ititU ..12 17 37 14 S tlrnily, 3b... 0 0 110 I Totulu . .. S 7 37 It 1 Hostim 13 0 3 0 0 0 0 012 Nejv York o 0 0 0 o o 0 1 12 named runs: Hosteu. 7. Klrnt Imso on er rors' Huston. 2: New York, 2. I,e(t on bases: lloslon, !: New York, 5. Haso.i on bulls. Off Carrlck, 2. ott Cokiiii, 0. Two bane hHs: Collins, Cuppy, Doyle. Sacrllhe liltl Kreeman. Stolen bases. Stahl, Kree ni.lll. Double play: l.oo to Teiiney. Panned ImII: Howerniiiu lilts: Off Caitlck. 12 On lluee luuliiKH). Time: 2:10. I'niplie: Kinslle. MulllllllU or the Triini., .., .... Played. Won. u. PC. Phlhidelphl.i l ,i n .tils Itrooklyn 4J : 17 PlttsburK f. 25 o J'un v is 23 21 .i;s ClllfUKO I'J 23 2d . itl& It picks me up in the morning, It holds me up all day, It brightens me in the evening, It keeps me in health alway. rtrAKKl) ONLY BV THE DR. J. II. McLEAN MEDICINE CO. St. Louli, Mo, com. .457 .124 .42J tlAMIS. (IK THU A.MKHH'.W I.D.tlll U I ml la 11 11 ii 1 1 n t 1 1 'lorthrr I. unit ISiiiiiikIi to Win Amillipr linmr, INDIANAI'OMH, Ind., June 20.-lloth pliehrro worn hit hard today, hut linker n w! Morns proved more cotttly than Amole'H the day before. IndlunapollH won throuKh a fortunate bunching of hits. Attendance, l.SW. Heorc: INDIA.NAI'Of.lH, . HUM'AIA It. II O A H It. II.O. A U. Ifogr'vfr, rf 1 I 3 I I lleyilon, If.. 2 13 0 1 clettman, rf. 0 2 0 0 0 Hlieurnn, rf. 0 0 1 0 0 lUlllRBii, If. 0 1 0 0 0 Athrrtori, lb 0 1 M 0 Hpr, r 0 0 1 1 furry, lb.... 0)910 MHroon, Jb. 0 113 0 KrylwM, ef. 0 3 4 0 0 MHdlwiM, rt. 0 0 3 2 1 KHIy, lb . . 1 19 0 1 lmrn, r... J 1 J I 0.Anlre. 3b 2 1 1 2 t I Iflrkry, 3t. . 13 2 3 0 llallinnn, ill O 1 0 0 I lUmm, p... 110 4 O Jlaker, p.... 1 2 0 2 0 Total .. 9 13 27 II 4 Total! .. 3 10 21 12 2 Indianapolis 1 4 0 3 1 0 0 0 -9 Huffalo 0 0 II 2 0 1 0 0 0-3 learned run: Indianapolis 1; Huffalo, 1, HiiHeif on IhiIIh: Off Hume. 2; oft linker, B. Strurk out: Hy Unriie.H, 1; by linker, a, Hit by pitcher: Hy linker. 2. Two. base hit: linker. Three-bane Mltn: Clnttman. An drew. Home run: Heydoit. Haorlllco hits: HoKl'li-ver, I'owern, Hpeer, Double play: AndrowH to Carry to Ilallman. Htolrn banrii: HoKileVer Ci). lleydon, Kelly Illckey (2), MaKoon, Heyhold. Paused ball: Powers. Left 011 lumen: Indianapolis, 7: lluffulo, 10. I'lnplro: Cantlllloii. Time: 1:15. rimer SiuollirrH ('let i'IiiiiiI. Diri'ltOIT, Mich.. Juno 20.- Hulllvan was Hie only member of the Cleveland tram who could hit Veneer successfully today, while Mrlveuuit wan easy for thu locals. Vender's Mum llfldliu: was a feature. At tendance, I,3ii0. Hcoie: DirrnoiT n.KVHiANi). 11. 110. a. 1: ( rt.H.o.A.r:. Cimcy. Sb... 2 4 I 1 0 1'lekrr'K, rf. 0 1 2 0 2 lb.lmi.it, if . t 1 2 0 Odenlns, If... 0 0 2 0 0 Hurley, If... 1 4 1 0 0'Kiilllvnn, 3b. 0 3 2 3 1 r.llrrfeil, ks 0 1 2 4 1 flood, Sb.... 0 0 110 Hyun, 2b.... 1 0 4 2 0 Ijit'li're, lb. 0 1 13 0 0 Dillon, lb... 3 3 9 0 O.Mc.Alrrr, cf. 0 1 2 0 0 NIcM. rf.... 3 1 R 0 OlVlox, rn 0 0 15 2 Hluiwr, c 3 I 2 1 OCrl-hmn, c. 0 I 13 0 YniKir, p... 1 2 1 4 1 MclOnm, p. 0 0 0 2 0 Totulu ..11 17 27 12 ll To tn Id ..0 7 21 11 S Detroit 2 0 0 3 3 0 2 4 ll Cleveland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Harneil runs: Detroit, I. Thrfe-bnno hits: Hhaw, Dillon. .Stolen Iiiiuch: Hurley, Caney 12), Plrkerlui;. I 'I I'm t li.ise on balls: On YenRer, 2, off MeKeiina, 6, Klrst bano on errors: Detroit, 1; Cleveland, 1. Left on lumen: Detroit, 10; Cleveland. 0. Hlruck out; Hy YeiiRer. 2. Wild pitch: MeKeiina. Time: 1:15. Cmplro: Dwyer. ItiiKrr llrnxer'n liimil liny. CIIICAOO, Juno 20.-Tho homo team hit Hotti;er at will and won hs they ilciiHed, while Milwaukee could do little with Den ier. Tho hitter received almost iicrfecl support. Isbell's work ut third wan the feature. Attendance, SKX). Score: CIIICAOO. MltAVAUKIin. H.II.O.A H. It H.O.A K. Hoy, cf 1110 O.Wulilron. rf. 0 0 1 0 0 llrndlr, If... 2 3 2 0 O.darry, rf.... 13 4 10 Mel'iirlM. rf I I t 0 0 Dciwd, If.... 0 1 2 0 0 l'uil.loii, 2b.. 1 3 2 6 0 Amlrrn'n, lb 0 0 14 0 0 LIHI, 3li 0 2 3 4 l'l'illtr, Hit 0 1 0 K 0 Hliimiirt, nil. 0 2 12 (MUkkIhii, r... 0 0 1 0 0 HiikiIi-ii, lb.. I 2 13 0 0 Illlike, 3d.... 0 114 0 lliirklry, v.. 0 0 4 0 o.lllirb'r, 2b.. 0 113 0 Hunter, p... 10 0 1 0 HrttRcr, p... 1 0 0 5 1 Total .. 7 14 27 12 ll Totaln ., 2 7 21 1? 1 Chicago 0 0 0 2 0 2 1 2 --7 Milwaukee 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-2 learned runs: ChlriiKO, 5; Milwaukee, 1. Left on lumen: ChlriiKO, 3; Milwaukee, 2. Two-bimo hits: Oarry, StlKdeii, Haerlllce liltH : Mrh'ttrland, Paddeu, Dowd. Stolen bano: Inbell. Double playH! Inbull to Sne llen; Knits to lllerbauer to Anderson. Struck out: lly Den.er, a. Dane on bulls: Off Denzer, 5; olf Hotttfor, 2. Time: 1:60. Umpire: McDonald. licit i:hrrt Hun it Waterloo. MINNEAPOLIS, Juno 20.-Knnsan City look the last of tho nerlen from Minne apolis today. A hunching of hits off lOlnet In tho sixth uave tho visitors an rimy lead of live rutin, which tho locals could not overcome. Lett pitched In lino form and kept tho lilts well ncattered. Attenilnnce, l.OuO. Score: MINNHAl-OI.IH. I KANHAH CITY. It. II.O A. K It H.O.A IS. Jark'nili, rf. 2 2 4 0 0 Hemphill, rf 0 1 GOO Wlhiuit, rf.. 1 1 1 0 liWiisnrr, si. O 0 1 2 0 Uilly, If 0 0 1 0 OO'Hrlm, If.. 2 3 3 0 0 Vt'enU'ti, lb. 1 2 8 2 O DunKiin, lb. t I 7 1 2 Klidier, c..., 0 0 3 2 0,l'"aricll, cf.. 2 2 3 0 0 .Nailer, 3b... 0 0 3 4 O.OniiRbUn, 3b 2 2 0 1 1 Hmltli, kh... 0 1 2 2 0,.Slewiut, 2b, 0 0 3 2 1 Abb'lcli. ill. 0 13 2 1 Wilton, o... 1 2 3 0 0 Ulilel, p 0 0 2 2 3 I.ee. p 0 0 12 0 T.iluli ..I 7 27 11 41 Tnluls ., 8 10 27 8 4 Mlnueapolln 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 11 KunsaH City 03000 Ti 10 0-S Kanied runs: uMlnuea polls, 2; Kansas City, 2. Two-bimo IiIIh: Jaeklltsch, O'llrlrn, Kitr rell. Cout'hllti (2). Homo run: Jaeklltsch. liases on balls: OIT I'Shret, 3; ofr I. re, 1. Struek out: Hy Khret, 1; by Lee. 2. Double play: Stownrt to Wanner to Dunuim. Suc rlllco IiIIh: Smith. CourIiIIii. DuiiKan. Left on banes: Mlnueapolln. 5; Kansas City, ii. Hulk, Khret. Time: 1:15. Umpire: Sheridan. StitnillitK ut Clir Traill. Plarrd. AVon. Lost. P.C, Indianapolis 47 .10 17 .0.1s Chicane 53 Ifi 21 ,0 Milwaukee 62 2S 21 .MS Minneapolis M 2S 20 ,5?J Cleveland 40 25 21 .510 Kaunas City Kl 27 2K ,ll Hunalo 51 10 3J .373 Detroit 4'J 18 33 .327 BOYS GIVE THEM POINTERS I'll) Hull lluar Hull Tram TnUliitr In ati'iiclliuiN I uilrr (be llt-itl .Sliiiiiii-Pure l'lityrra. Tho elly ball crowd had a pinetlco game of ball yesterday afternoon pteparatory to the Rnmo the electlvo city otllclals will play Saturday with the ollloor.s of Douglas coil my. Tho Ruino wan called at the Vinton l,lr!'t'i.A,,.u'k. Ilt :l "'clock. Councllnieu Karr and hltuhorn acted an captniun for tho leaniH and chose nldes In reEUlatloti town ball stylo. Mr. Uarr chose Councilman Lo beck, Hulldlnir Innpector Hobert 11. Carter. Lleenne lnspeotor Scott and Ulled In htn lllll, I ll'lt), lt,,..U .1.1,.. - . . Kit me. Mr. Whltehorn was supported by ....... v.. in.jr, .iiiuiinii nun .Mount ntui live, pick-ups from the blenchers. After four InnliiRs that hinted more than two houm tho name was called off by common .consent, Tho tlnal scoro wan 23 to 26 In favor of Captain Whltehorn'a fans. TAIII.U.N .Villi Tlllt.MCn AT KIJAU.MJl. Seroml (iiiuir lltaiilla In Orient 01 I Ionic Tt-Hiii, KKAItNHY. Neb., Juno 20.-tSiifclal.)-In tho Riime of bull yesterduy uftornoon whllo U'enriiey was pl.iyliiR "cholly-hoss" l.ln coin was playltut ball, and as a - suit Kearney wan short on scores when the end of the RAiiie came. Charles Ashley pitched his llrst Riime of ball yesterday afternoon and lint for tho poor support lie received would have won his mime. Another kuiuo will be phufed between Kearney and l.ln coin this afternoon. Attendance, too. Score: KK.UtNUV 1.1.VCOUV 'HI-OA. HI It.H.O.A.K. j. lien 11, r.. u 1 0 : 0 llootli, r .... 1 s 5 i 0 tuarn. ii) j 1 t. j ii.Mk-kle, Hi. 0 in Kt-t.fr. lb... 0 1 9 0 2 Wata.n, it, 1 1 t 0 0 a t aroint, m... 1 3 18 0 IVH, .... 1 t 0 & 11 V. llluck, rf 0 0000 Seiniln, rf. Hunbam, If. 0 0 1 0 3 Camp, 2b.. Oi-av. ii 0 1 it 0 A Min.r 110 0 3 0 0 4 11 AkilleV. II .. It 1 O 1 tlnrl.1. ..." A .a . a 0 10 5 0 Stutti.ui. 3b. 0 1 1 0 2 Harrluit, if. 0 0 4 1 0 Total ..3 8 21 1 0 Totala .. S 7 27 U 3 Kearney 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0-3 Lincoln 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 -6 Off Miller. 3; off Ahlev, 2. struck out: Hy Miller. 4; by Ashley. 3. Left on bimes: Kearney. 10: Lincoln. I. Two-baao tills: C. Hlaek, Mlckle, SeRiiln. Double plnys: Scoutt t.0..!,.,l"-'.r; 1 Lenfe; Keti to Camp In Mlckle Wild pitch: Miller. Panned balls: Hoo h. i lime. S:W. Vmplre: It. D. Phllllivt. tlitiiMiiii WIiin the Piirae. MANSON. la., Juno S0.-(Speclal Tele Riain i-.Manson won the woo print from .Vm'-'i" 1 ' 'okt' '''day. Italn In tho llflh Innlnir rattled the Mansonltes and let l.emars run In four scores. The special feature whs the clean playliiR by Manson. Attendance, 2.000. Score: n.H b, Manson 2 3313000 l-ia IS 2 Lemurs ... 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 I S 4 Hatterles- Manson' Johnson and Jamison; Lemars. Hlllebrand, Hall. Hrown and Struble I'tnplre: HenholT Ariipnlioe Detents Mcl'ooW, AHAPAHOK. Neb.. June . -(Special Tel tKr.im 1-Arapahoe won -Us fourth strulKht v toi-v today by ilefe.ttliiK Mci.'ook at this Pltu-e by tho followltiR score: McCook 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 04 Arapahoo 2 0 0 0 I 3 0 0 - Crelr l.uara to I'rlrnil. CHl-STH, Neb.. June S.-(Speclnl Tele srnm ) Friend won from Crete today In a Kimie of base ball. The game was played on the Crete athletic grounds. 1M Standard did One work behind the bat for thn home learn Grarco Ireland pitched for the Cretans. Kluj, us pitcher, did ood work flnrionall 44 21 Ht Mnln (7 20 New Vork 4i 19 for the) visitors. Phro on second base nNo did careful piny I or for the visiting team. Thfl rcoro was 8 to 7 In favor ot friend. JOCKKY RULED OFF AT HARLEM Muaplcloo AVork of I'lyim, l.oril ( liratrrllrlil'a Hlilrr, .llahra Trouble CiriCAOO, Juno o". The Judges at Hnr Jrrn today hnd Rood Rtound for attlon In the streplcchnso. Ijrd Clirsterlleld, heavily backed at 7 lo 2 nnd ridden by Klynti, had tho rnco all to himself ufter the last Jump, but his rider In somo way mistook tho COIl roe and Mulshed 111 thn InlloM wblln i.n 1 outsider ut 20 to 1, VlkltiR, Ralloped home, I 1- li'iiu was ruled off the course, Tho raclna; was good, tho victory of Ad ' incttis, well ridden by Cnywood In tho Inst I nice, helnu tho most spectacular. Tho riover riuinR alone won. tho ruce from Ited Pirate. Tho tlmo was within a quarter of a second of tho track record. Summary: Klrst nice, four and one-half furlotiRs: Ijidy Idrls. 10 (Dupec), 2 to 1, won; Kdlth Q, 116 (W. Lyon), 3 to 1, Mcond; Anna Chamberlain, 107 (lloland), third. 'lime: 0:f-i. .Seorpoletle, Kldred, Glove, Patriot ism, La Mlnco and Penchrn also ran, Second race, six nnd one-half furious: Sly, 109 fllullmaii), 7 to C, won; Princess Thynt, 90 (D. Hose), 8 to 6, berond; Al Karetta, 109 (Orlmesj, third. Time: 1;19. Oneltn, Iidy Dixon, Homer C. Davenport, Headwater nnd Tarhlll also ran. Third race, short course, strrplechnse: VlkliiK, 130 (Ctmey), won; Van Urunt, 130 (WorthliiRlon). perond; fllnbo II, 155 (Hn-Ki-rson), third. Time: 3:13','. All bets off. Jockey took C'hesterllrld out of course. Ilrakeman, Proud, XufalllR, Onco More. Chenler, Ixjrd Chestcrllrld and Myosotln also rnu. Kourth rnco, ilvo furlotiRs: Cora rioetz, 10,", (Knos), 20 to 1. won; Likeness, 111 (L. Hose), 4 to f, Kecond; Kohliwreath, 105 (lloland), third. Time: 1:0114. Janewood, Sllurlaii, Icon, The Hutchcr, Orlcus, Kldhampton, tllbaou (llrl and Anxious also rnu. Klfth race, one nnd nne-elRhth inllcs: Do nation, JO (HasshiRer), t to 1, won; Hen Chance, 851 (J. Wnlsli), 7 to D, second; Jullutt Caesar. 107 (T. KnlRht), third. Tlmu: 1 :KiV4. ISIsle Venner. Cariboo, MononRah, Hosn vnnnnh, Colonel PSadn, Hub Prathcr, Papa Harry and La Prlncessa also ran. Sixth rare, 0110 and otie-elRhth mllrs: Ad metus, 112 (Cay wood), H to 1, won; Hrd Pirate, ICS (T. KiiIrIH), 3 to 1, second; Tho Hobby, 'Ji (Wclr). third. Tithe: 1:534. In Htirrectlon, (luen.t Me, Topmast, Torlblo, Oxnard, Vlticcnnen nnd Jimp also ran. HORSEMEN ARE INTERESTED Ilrlvlnu Pnrlc ilnlliir- .Veil Nitturila-r I'roinlarn n lie a Most 1'njoj nliln ISvrnt. Omaha horsemen are beeomltiR Interested In tho matinee of races which will ho held Saturday afternoon nt the new driving park track under tho nusplccit of the Omaha Drlvlnir club, II. II. Allen, who la RlvltiR his personal attention to tho matter, la conll detit that tho affair will bo one of tho most enjoyable events ever hold In Omnha, Inas much as some of tho speediest horses owned In Omaha, -South Omaha and Council Hluffs have been entered for tho races. llesldo tho trottlnt; and pacing races, thero will be a special race for the homes owned by city salesmen UvIiir In Omaha, these to bo driven by their owners. Al ready several entrlcw havo been mado nnd others aro expected. Thero will also bo nn exhibition mile paced by lllrdlo A, Homer Allen's iiromlslnir mnre. More than uminl Interest centers In tho free-for-all pace, owIiir- to tho Rood nuTirds of tho horscn entered, Amonit others aro Tom leo, 2:13; Uidy Hlchards, 2:2Hi: Su perior Medium, Carter McOreRor and Jcilo KII11J. To tho winner of each event n Ann whip will be awarded as a souvenir. Music will be furnished before the program statin and between tho events. Tho racing- beglna promptly at 2 o'clock, ItraiiltN nt Ht. I.oula. ST. LOUIS. Juno 20. Tho -weather was perfection for rucltiR this afternoon and the track In best possible condition. Threo fa vorites, one well backed second choice and two outsiders were Huccennful, Hello of Memphis won tho feature event of tho card, tho fourth race, quite handily. Alias Mae Day wan a -warm contender In thin rnco until tho turn for homo was being made, wheie she rnu wide and lost all chance of winning. Rn-sults: Klrst race, nix furloncB: Lena Williams, 101 (Morno), 7 to C, won; Miss Lorettu, 91 (Dotnlnlck), 8 to 1 nnd 5 to 2, second; Mns cnRlnl, 100 (Cnrroll), 30 to 1. third. Time: 1:16!. Clay Jr., Astrulath, SMaud Wnllaco, Anna. Lee, Uuby Itlloy, lo There, Slddublo, JIappy Jnck and Leo Neater also ran, Second race, Ilvo furlongs, for 2-yenri olds: South Hrrcze, 110 (Ollmorc), even, won; "Wild Plrnte, 113 (J. T. Woods). 6 to 5 and 3 to 10, second: Amoraso. 110 (McGinn), 20 (o 1, third. Time: 1:02 u. .Mltitaru, I.utes Konso and Tennis Girl nlso ran. Third race, one and three-slxteonth miles, selling: Kox dlard. IW (Shaw), 40 to 1, won, HrlRht Night, 97 (Domlnlck), 10 to 1 and 4 lo 1, second; Parole d'Or, lOi! (Crowhurst), 4 to 1, third. Tlmo: 2:0J. Sir Philip Sldnev, Hatnlro II. Musket Wotdcut. Imp. Consllla, Judge Steadmnn. Jim Coiiwny and Torra In coznltiv also ran. Kourth race, seven furlongs: 'Hollo of Memphis, 101 (Frost), won; Milwaukee, 103 1J. .Mathews). 8 to 1 and 2 to 1. second; Lord Neville. 109 (Talley). 8 to 1, third. Time; 1:2, ji. .Mlns Slue Day nlso ran. Klfth race, six furlongs: Gibraltar. 109 (Howell), won; Hortha Nowell, 101 (Tallev), 2 to 1 and 0 to 1, second; Davo Wnlde. 103 (Crowhurst). third. Tlmu: 1:14U. Kindred also run. Nlckey I) broko down. Lady Callahan loft at iiost. Sixth rnco ono mllo and seventy yards, selling: Myth. 107 (J. Mathews), 7 to 1, won yanlloorebeke, SS (Domlnlck). 13 to 5 and 9 to 1 second; Uo King. SS (.1. T Woods). 9 to 2, third, Time: 1 : 174 Trouheatn. Kl Caney and Havlland also ran. "ul''"' lA Ck-IIIiih I'liilabra nt Newport. CINCINNwVTI, June 20. Tho sport nt Newport today was the most exciting of the mrotlng. seven horsen tlnl-thlng roseu apart 11 the necond race, with Mlsszoura In llrst place. The handicap went to Winter, the favorite, who galloped all the way. Latonla. opens tomorrow, with the lllnynr stakes as the feature. The weather was lino and tho track fast, nummary: Urst race, tdx furlongs: Catle, 109 i.l. Lynch). 30 to 1, won; Uuly Kent. 1ft'. (W. Mooney), 5 to 1, second: Sarllla, 103 (Mason). to 1, third. Time: 115. I-Miin Grrrv. W. (l! Welch, Hire. Ir.ollne. Prince Wllhelm, llansforl. Kllen Uussell, Colbert and Had luiigo also ran. Second race, one and one-sixteenth miles, selllnr- Mlazourn, 104 (II. Wilson), 6 to 1 won; Goose Liver, 10S (Aker). 10 td 5, sec YY; I'"." "Ixby. S7 (C. MurpHy). 20 to 1, third. Time: 1:41 KIkln. Krlcsland. Trci X'or r.T.K: Henpose. King Klkwood and Nellorlno also ran. Third race. 2-ye,ir-olds, six furlongs: l"ince. 101 (Hrltton). 4 to 1. won; Nitrate. 110 (Aker). 7 to 1, second; Keglna Loe. 107 (Van Camp). 7 to f., third. Time: 1:15'.. Syncopated Sandy, Porter H, Virginia T and John McGurk ulso ran. Kourth race, handlenp, 0110 mile: Winter, 101 (Aker), 9 to 5, won; Tragedy. 105 (South ard), a to 1, second: Challo O'Hrlen, W til. Miaou), 0 to 6, third. Tlmo: 1:10. Kunja nnd Sauber nlso ran. Fifth race, seven furlongs, soiling: nien helm. 103 (llarnhberger). S to 1. won; Head ley. 102 (Aker), 15 to 1. necond; Tim Oalney. 99 (Hamson). 0 to 1, third. Time: 1:291;. vio let Parsonn, Cella II. Sound Monev, Mttlo Hilly. Deteptrlx, Mlnnlo 11. Itedtlro and Our Lady also ran. Sixth race, seven furlongs: Junaettn, 103 (Suthard), 9 to 2, won; Marguerite Huge man. UV (Van Camp), ti lo 1, necond; Kltho lln, 113 (Mason). 9 to 6, third Time: 1:2SU, John MoKlroy. Peter Duryea. Hentley 11, Crinkle and Osmon nlso run. Korea nt Illnlr. HI.AIH. Neb., Juno 20. (Special Tele Rram.) Tho llrst meetlns of the Nebraska State Speed association was opened hero louay nun win continue Thursday and Krl I day. Thero were numerous showers of rain during tho forenoon and the sun cumin I.11HIIII) HUlilll it tl CIIH'K, RlVIIltf a tine track for the afternoon races, which drew a good crowd for the opening day and tho threatening weuther of tho morning In the 2:15 trot thero was seven starters and was won In one, two, three order by Colonel Woodbine, owned by J. L. Wright of David City, Neb. Time: 2 31. 2.32 and 2:33, with Thelma second and Tootsy It. third in the second. 2:33 tiace, with seven start ers, Hlley C, owned by J. D. Strahn of Aurora. Neb., won handily In straight beat In 2:224;, 2:221, und 2:25, with Hoby sec ond, Cup Medium third und Wheeler Wood blno fourth. In the one-halt mile and repeat running raco there were ten starters. The llrst heat was won by Any T. second heat by Maty Powell and third by Any T. Time: :504, :5l und :51!:. Judgo W. I". McCrcary of Hastings, the otllcla) Rtarter, made himself very popular by his earnestness und fairness 111 setting the horses oft In good time. limiil It lie Inn nt Shrr palirml. NBW YOHK. Juno 20.-There was little to commend the racing at Sheepshead Hay today. The Held was 1 Uht and the weather , was warm nnd clcme. Two stakes were de- ciiieu, me itosecuu ior .-yeur-oiu nines unu the Hay hurdle race, Glenellle, n 1 to 5 fa vorite. Ralloped all tho way. winning In slow time. Imp won the handicap In clever style. Summary: First race, six furlongs: Sunders, US (Claw son), s to 5 and 2 to f. won bv one ' length. Mayor Ollroy. 110 (Shaw), 12 to 1 und 2 to 1, second) McMeakin, 120 (Mithcr), ct.cu, third. Time. 1:113-6. Iln Undid, I Ciilonel Hue, Gold lirc, Somerset and Tar- ; tnr al.ao raa. Second raie, srlllnir, live nnd one-half fur lings: Scurry, 19 (McCue), 7 to 2 and 6 to 1 5, won by n nerk, Sentry, 10! (Odom), 4 to , 1 nnd 5 lo Si, second; Helmst-ch, 102 (O'Con- 1 nor), 6 to 2, third. Time: 1:07 Sf-45. QxiUr. II. Stiark, Sport, Himself, Kord, Henitlst and Illvcnonk also ran. Third rncc. one and threr-slxteenths miles: Imp, 131 lltaber), 4 to 1 and out, won; (Lionel Hoosevelt, 101 (O'Connori, 3 to 1 and 7 to 20. H-oiid; David Gnrrlck (Maher), 7 to 10, third. Time: 2:00 3-4. 1 Kourth rnc, Hosebud slnkes, live fur-lonj-n: Glenelllr, 115 (MK'ur), 1 to f. and out, won by Ilvo lengths; Ashes, 115 (Hulter), 9 to 2 nnd 1 to 5. second; Holllnwood, 115 (Krnst). third. Time: 1:03. Sporting Dueheas nlso run. Klfth rncc, Hay hurdle, two inllet: Dr. Klchbers, 117 (Veltrh), 9 to 5 und 2 to 3, won by six lengths. Governor Griggs. Ifi? (Donahue), even nnd 1 to 5. second; Hon knnkomn, 110 (llrazll), 15 to 1 und even, I third. Time: 3:60 2-3. Sixth race, one mile, selling: Her Lady- 1 ship, 101 (Hausch), 3 to 5 nnd 2 to 5, won by u neck; Precursor, 103 (O'Connor), to. 1 nnd 2 to 1, second; K.d Tipton. Ill (Wink" Held), 12 to 1 and 4 lo 1, third. Time: 1:11 1-5. ( KinniKinnic, Autumn, .mukio j.igui. iiiiu Hombshcll also ran. COLEMATTHHOWS MIKE CROW Wresllrr froiii SI. I, mils Gels Ttvti I'alls MtrttlKliI from (he Oiinibii .linn. One of tho rlnvercnt. most excllltiR and closely contested wrcstllnir mntrhes ever held In Omaha was witnessed by 11 fair sized crowd of sporting- enthusiasts At Krlllng's hall Wednesday night. The ron testants were l-'rank Coleman, a middle weight wrestler 0f moro than ordinary prominence who rermtly mine hero from St. Iouls, and Michael Crow, tho llrrnilri of thin city. Colrmun won the match, Rain ing two straight falls off Crow In thlrly sovrii and one-half minutes and tho other In forty minutes. Though defeated, Crow won much praise for himself benuiso of his splendid show ing. Ho wan pitted against a. wrestler, whoso sclentllb- nblllly entitles him to a place nmoug the topnotchcrs and ruvo 11 good nccoiint of himself by nhowlng a de termination and willingness that were com inendnblo. Crow had tho advantugo In welRht by nbout sixty tioiinds, but Coleman offset thin by reason of his activity and his lithe, wiry movements. Coleman lierrormancc wns truly remnrk able. Four Units did Crow havo 11 full Nelson hold on him nnd during one of these locks tho eager spectators who crowded rloso to the mat heard 11 rattle In Colr mati'n throat. Indicating that he wan chok ing. Hitch time howevfr, lie wriggled him self nut of what nermed 11 hold that would nrodiicu a certain fall. Coleman gained the llrst fall by uslii'i a compound Grant lock on Crow'H left leg. Tho latter attempted lo bridge, but Cole man doubled him up and touched both his Hhouldern to the mat. In tho second Cole man secured a hummer lock with his right hand, a half-Nrinon with his left und us hln victim turned over pinned him down with a llalsh. "Co" "Win Itntlicr Tn 111 r. The. secrecy that accompanied tho distri bution of tickets to a fpnrrliiR match ut 1313 Douglas street last evening uporara to havo 1ieon tiniiei essary. The mill had been heralded ns a twelve-round bout between Pnul Murray of Omaha nnd Hilly Mason of Denver, 'hut after a preliminary go of Ilvo hustling rounds between two local colored amateurs, In which nasal blood wus drawn even with the pillows: In use, It was an nounced that Mason had failed to show up nnd Hint Dan Ogdcn would tako hln place. Ogden, who it white, possesses some science, but Is much lighter than Murray, lhey got logeiher for three rounds that wcro not by any means so brutal an to call for pollco Intel Terence and nt tho llnlnh the gate recelptn were awarded to Murray. Thero were about llfty Hpectator.M. AVI ml tip of Clii-as Toiiriiitiiient. PA It If, June 20.-In tho playing off of tho two drnwo games of the tl mil round of the International chess tournament to day Mioses heat .Mason, while I.iiskcr and Tuchlgorln had another draw. This result nllows Mleses to share In tho seventh nnd eighth prizes with Murco and Schlechter. f w v SOU SOUTH OMAHA NEWS.;; Bids for n mnY school site will ho ro cclved hy thu Hoard of I-Mucatlon up lo C p. m. of July 2. According l0 tho ad vertisement ordered printid such cites nnut ho within eight blocks of tho present II gh school building and must havo a frontage of 125 feet or more. In this way the Hoard of I-Mucntion ex pects to got around tho order Ismiod by Judgo Dickinson restraining tho pro limit nnd Hecrotaiy from Issuing warranitt for tho purchaiso of the Doctor site. In the nllcRutlous niado by Joseph Garlow thu objection If, raised that tho board ordered the worrunt drawn when thero wero no funds on hand with which to pay tho claim, lly the making ot tho animal approprli tloti Tuesday night thin fcatttro Is entirely dono away with and tho re.vlvortlslug for bids leaves the mntter ns it was before any bids had been received. .Member Miller of tho board snld yester day that ho was opposed to renting any more outsldo rooms or using tniomonts Kxperlenco last winter has i,hown that outside rooms are not comfortable ami can not be properly heated or ventilated. lly the erection of n ward school In the crowded portion of tho city tho renting of a num ber of outside rooniH can bo dono nwny with and It lu the desire of the board to proceed as soon ns possible with the con struction of a new building. July 25 h;u been set as thu date for tho hearing of tho Injunction and It Is tho intention to Inva the matter settled lu home way heforo this tlmo In order lo proceed an soon ns pos sible with tho erection of n building. Architect Davis cannot draw plans for a building until he Is familiar with tho site to he purchased and It will ho tome lime after a site Is llnnlly chosen heforo butt can bo advertised for. as it will take some tlmo In which to prepare tho spccincit'otiJ, contracts, etc. In caso this propo-d building is net eroded this summer -and tho board decline) to rent ntiy mora outaldo rooms, a large number of children of school ago caon it bo taken caro ot by tho dlstrl.-t and wll: bo compelleU to forego tho benefits ot curly 1 training until such tlmo as HullU'L-ut sc tool j room Is provided. Another ("tiiiatulile Arrealeil. 1 Another Omnha constablo fell Into tho I hands of the police yesterday afternoon, but this time it was all a mistake. Constable !Ionc! wns tnkon Into custody by Olllcer Newman and charged with stealing a horse , and buggy. It seems thr. tho coustnble had rome papers to serve hero and ho tele phoned from his oilier In Omnhn to a livery stable for a rla. He w-nt Informed by tho stable boss that a sorrel ho'se would bo left nt tho west entrance of the New Vork Life bulldlnK for him.' When llensel wn-s ready to loavo ho Jumped Into the rip. sup posing it had been left for hint. As soon ns he reached here he learned his mistake. for ho was taken into custody. It beems that tho rig Heusel drove away belonged to an attorney In the Lite building and as , toon as the property was mimed n de i siTlptlon wns sent out by telephone OthVer I Now mini ro.-ogtilzt-d the rig by the desirip- Hon given nnd after heiiditiK the horse lo Hrewcr's barn wn'.'ed for tha driver It otif required a sr.ort tlmo to straighten out tho tnnglo and Heusel returned the rig 1 to tho owner. j 1 1 ArrniiKt ntn for Witrftiril I'uiirriil. 1 ' Friends ot Ira Warford, the suicide, csme I up from Lincoln yesterday afternjou an I 1 made arrnngementg for the luneral Att r the Inquest the body will bo taken to Perry. , I la., for Interment The deceaicd wai a' ' brother of Mm. C. G Sheely of l.ln -oln 1 1 and had been employed as foreman of a j bridge gang, working on contracts held by Mr. hAAlv V'i-Mjiv W.trf.iril went in I, it. ' coin and drew some monoy to pay hi? gans, which was working at Alvo. In stead of going to Alvo he went to riaOs niouth to visit hU sweetheart, Rrace Val lerjr. It la presumed by relatives of tve dead man thst uome mlsunderstandl-ig arrt which Induced him to come lo South Omaha. The money ho drew to pay the help on tie hrldso ruur wan spent hero In various ways nud he wns virtually without funds whe 1 j ho shot himself. H lo nisertel that War ford had good prospects nnd wan 11 hrlgh' young man. Asldo from unrequited lovo no reason for his action can he given. All Inquest will ho held today. liiliiullr.liiK 4lio City Title. Tho council, sitting ns n board nt equal izatlon on tho 1900 rn-r(smcnt, closed 1 s sctsloii last evening. Many complaints havo been received and another mooting will bo held In tho council charohor nt 2 o'clock Krlrinv nftrrnonti In llatrn to nrtMi- ir.cnts on tho complaints nicd. City Clerk j Khrlgley will bo engaged today In sending -out notices to nil parties intoreatod In the complaints filed ot tho meeting to be held on Friday afternoon. With tho exception ot tho First ward the work ot tho assessor has boon below the nvcrago nnd tho result will bo that a largo number ot changes will havo to bo mado on the records. It la hardly thought that 'tho totnl valuation as returned wilt bo materially changed Disappointment Is expressed at the (art that tho valuation wan not Increased sufll clncntly to mnko a total of $2,000,000. ThU, how over, will como In nnother year. Ilfllef fit I'll 111 1 lit- StilTrrers. On Friday night ut Ulum's hall a meet ing under tho nusplccs nt tho ministers of tho city will bo held for tho purpose of ralslnc funds for tho fnmlno stifforera ot India. Mnyor Kelly will preside nt tho meeting, whllo Dr. W. J. McCraun, Hon. Jatnen II. VntiDuscn, James G. Martin, II. O. llostwlek nnd John Klynn will net ns vice presidents. Prayer will bo offered by Hov. Dr. Wheeler and ntldrcsscs will bo mado hy Mr. VnnDusen und others. Hov. Irving P. Johnson und Dr. Warren H. Slabnugh con stitute tho committee In charge of raising subscriptions for tho famlnu fund. All of tho ministers In tho city, ns well ns church workern generally, nppcnr to bo Interested in tho movement nnd It Is expected that a rousing meeting will bo held. ('iniiin-rclnl t'lnli .Mcctlim, An Important meeting of tho South Omaha Commercial club will bo held In tho council chamber on Friday night of this week. Kvery member is urged to bo present, as matters pertaining to tho census will he taken up. It Is asserted hy tho census enumerators hero that they were, In somo litstnnccs, given crowded districts nnd It was an Impossibility to cover tho ground within the tlmo Epcclllcd. Especially In this trito In tV? First precinct of the First ward and In "firown park. Through tho efforts of Secretary Watklns tho Commercial club Is making nn effort to havo every resident listed lu order to show tho correct popula tion ot tho city. NlitrtviilU Olint met 1 11 ox. Tho attention of tho city council has been called to obstructions on tho sidewalks nnd particular complaint Is nindo of tho nu merous boot blnck stnnds placed In front of storo buildings. Thoso who uro paying rent nsaert that fruit nnd other stands tako nwny trndo nnd nn effort Is to bo made to stop tho practlco of nllowlng fa kirs of vnrlottH gorts to occupy tho side walks. Another complaint Is thnt certain stores litter tho sldewnlk with dry 'goods boxes, etc., thus narrowing tho walks and cnuslng luconvenlenco to pedestrians. MiikIc City tiiN-ili. A High school bond proposition Is being tnlkcd nbout uguln. II. C. Allen of the Ames beet sugar works spent yostordny in the city. About four dozen tenchers aro taking tho examination nt tho High school building. W. II. Clifton hns returned from St. Joseph, where ho visited frlend.t for a few days. Plans nro on foot for a change In the city charter providing for tho election of a tax commissioner. .AJ1,,L-'w",.bo 'ven by Mnglu City coun cil No. 3ifi, Kiilglitfl and Lndlen of Security, for tho benellt of Mr. Kerr on Tuesday ovcnlnir, June 20, nt Woodman hall. The Swift hall team will go to Missouri Valley Sunday to play 11 game. Quite 11 number of the employes of Swift and Com pony will accompany the learn on the trip. Funeral services over the remains of Hugh Shields, a well known nnd respected citizen, will be held at St. Ariics church thin morning, Interment ut St. Mary's ceme tery. Hnlletlns from tho Philadelphia conven tion were posted by Manager Holland ot the Nebraska Telephone company yester day. The bulletins cumo direct from Phil adelphia on the long distance telephone. .Mel 11 turrT' Ii pi 11 11 nt In 11, At Crelghlon hall last night Dr. D. N. McIntuilT of Spokano, Wash., made an explanation to the members of tho Peo ple's I'nltcd church of his notions In re tnrd to the relations between himself and Dr. Savldgo of tho People's church of Omaha. Ills explanation was In harmony with that given In The Heo recently. In addition to that statement he read the correspondence which passed between him self nnd Dr. Savldge, togotlter with let ters from Spokane recommending him un a minister nnd business man. At thu conclusion of his address K. F. Dcrlght nnd J. F. Wilkernon made a report of their visit to Spokano upon the occnnlou of the biennial meeting of the United Peo ple's churches. The report wan a com plete endorsement of Dr. Mclnturff. It was nuuounceil at the meeting last night that regular servlcen would be held lu Crelgliton hall on Sundays until further notice. Oiiitrniilliie Auitlnat Cuttle. Ji:FFKHSON CITY. Mo June 20.-Gov-ernor Stephens has Injued a proclamation shutting out the cattle from a number of states In which he nays tuberculnsln cxlstp The states ng.ilnnt which the quarantine Is directed nre; Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania. Now Jeraey, Delaware. Ohio, Indiana. Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, California, Kentucky and Tcnnesseo und the Dominion of Cauadn. Acts gently on the Kidneys Liver and Bowels r,eANSES THE 5YSTEM e-s effectually; OVERCOMES J??rO rfS. , BITUAL CONSTlPAT' " i I UAU v pERMANENTY ,T5BtECTS- U TXE (iPMUINE - M AH'F O CiV Tuniina V?r CmD VAUI?rvfMA lU.VlVI VT' - '"t-V'-v. .s52t sK mm Pretzelettes and Ginger Snaps sold in paper bnrjs lose their flavor between you and the oven. The "In-cr-seil Patent rackaf-e"' is the only known method of ictainlnp, their delicate flavor and crispneu until thev reach the table. Butter Crackers Vanilla Wafers and Saratoga Flakes when first baited have a pjculiar delicacy and flavor. After exposure to the air they coon become flit and tasteless. The "In-er-fel Patent Package" retains r.ll the flavor, quality nnd goodness the baker puts in. It's like living next door to the baker lo r-et your favorite baking in this wonderful package. The "In-er-seal Patent Package" contains only the baking of the Company m-vi .-jjvj TBTijTiirrTyj--7 nrv-Tjrtc. WHCN IN STRONG AGAIN ! 0 f vigor to the whole being. All drain n.An.nn..lUM...J .J 1 . ...t. t'..'1'i...j ,ui.u, ...en 1.UUU111U11 u iic 11 wurri-Tsiiicmiuiu insanity. 1 oniumpiionur jvcim. Mailed (ealed. Price Si per box: 6 boxes, with trnn-clad Ifcral cuaraniee to cure or refund tbo money, I5.00. Send lor free. book. Sold by Kuhn & Co,, 15th nnd Douglas, Sf.SVSAMOOD oie vuiiiiit-r.llieprricriptiimof nfiimouil rrnrli physician, win qnirkiy cuiu you oi ait m-rvoiitor dlti-a.-a ul the ceinTnl.ro nrsuiii, nu ll !. JI1111I11101I, liiaui.inlft, 'ulna In Hie Hiiclt, hriiiliiiil Km laaloca, Ni-rt un Debility. IMmnlca ti mlliieta to.TIm-r.T, l:tiniillnc Drill no. Vurlrorelp nml Coital I pinion. Ilftltlli-f u)l IneM hv 1I11V or 1 Ishl. Pri-vntan nkm-i, of im.i!UIIi. W'blcll If not Checked I'd'ls 10 hnrrniutorrbu'i ni-d ml tlu horrors, ot uuor i. m I'l'l lK"VI'.cleanetu llv.-r. Ilin L iilm.vtt nml trtn tirlrmrv nn-.n, of M.l I in till rlt l. C tt 11 IS IIS.' 13 atre-Jttluena find rMtoressmit'l wr.-iK tiiKins. . Tint reason miifrrrrs lire rol ciiird by DorlnrslsbrrnnsoOTpcrrpnt nre troutilcd with I'rnslnlllla. CtTI'l 1)1. M-S Ibr only known ri-iiieily to cure wiili.-ui nn upcrailnn. SCO) loilininiitiils. A vrrlttr-n Kiuranti-dRiviMi nud mo-., y remriinl if niinxi-sdntstioli eUcct u permanent euro. 1 1x0 a box.dfar 15.00, L innll. fern I for kiiki: rlrriu r nml Irstlmrulnls AiMris t) !, niKiirs I.m: (.!.. p o liox wa. Kan Trancl'm. Tni. FOIt SAI.I II Y 11 YHHS-DII.I.O.N 1)111 (i CO., KITH AM) I All.VAM. Si Wenhtrorifa Miteiy Ssaeicmy. (lovernment autiervlslon and National Aemlemlra, Iii Every Fashionable Set They Drink 66 Krug Cabinet" I'lie- liost, tlit' puivst, tlie luofi'ii'i'tl. Always imlutublo -M'loct. Substantial ntul uniform. A in'oinotoi' of tllj,'ostloii "liar I'-M't'llt'iii't'." iiitr.u nn iiv FRED KRUG BREWINC CO,, (111 Ml , Mill. N 11. if health Is tho f-rentcst of boon. Oabmot is tho drink for white mnn nnd coon Visitors to the Paris Exposition will And THE OMAHA BEE ou anlf nt the U.MTE1) STVT11S I'llUSS ASS.V,, S I'litct- tie I'Otirrn, I'nrla, :Mnfs-!Kawi jilot'S Ari't K u f ill 'tn . nr ii , ll ii i Sec your drusKlst Hr I HUH1 MM 111:11 itixmis. Summer Tours on Lake Michigan. '" STEAMSHIP MAWiTOU lor pAteviuvr rvlra rt uvlfvl) lllkr tri-wrlilf tri. (or t liarli-tult. Ilaruur aprlnie, lla tltw. rvluskr 411,1 "ilMi-.,uai- UlaH, runnect 0- with all Sli-l-n-t; , I. urn for l.aka Uriur t.utcril tail ( anilk.-i 1'oiui. LEAVES CHICACO AS FOLLOWSl Tue. V a. bi. Thur. I I a. 111. at. l p. tn. Manltou Stonmshlp Company, Office. & DOCKS, Rush and N. WaUr SU. Chicigo. I nlnnirln Untnl PGWaUkee LdftDilUU flUlUI Lake AND COTTAGES. lUttlUMi I', o.. mis. It mllr fruai WauLraba. San I fur tfrtut anJ rlo crul.tt circular U. U. U1.1.M.1U, Mr. Soda Biscuit Milk Biscuit and Long Branch Biscuit have an affinity for moisture. The better they are made the quicker they pet stale i exposed to the air. The "In-er-seal Patent Package " keeps the best soda biscuit ever made per fectly fresh until they reach the table. It is air tight, dust tight, odor and moisture proof. WM mm Graham and Oatmeal Biscuit are spoiled by the odor of the poeery store or damp and muggy weather. If you want them fresh, crisp and delicate, always get them in the "In-cr-seal Patent Package." Your ctoctr will supply it. DOUBT. TRY Thyhaveitood the letted yean, aim have cured thousands cf cases o( Nervous Diseases, sucb as Debility, Dizziness, Sleepless ness and ancocele. Atrophy, They clear the brain, strengthen the circulation, make diiettion r.rferr. ami imnart a healthv and losses are checked tirmantntty. Unless pitlenu . - . I . . . , . ... : Address. PEAL MEDICINf ' O . Cleveland. 0. and J. A. Fuller & Co., 11th nnd Douglas, RSSTOREDSv'iL IIOOI.S. Oldest and larcest military school in "Central West. fctatecommlMions in crnduatra. 1'repurnUnn for I'nlverflltlea I COL. SAN0F0HD SELLERS. M, A.. Supt., LEXINGTON, MO. x IKIOI.S. Racine College Grammar School "The School That Makes Manly Boys." Its Graduates enter any Col' lege or University. Sscial and Athletic Advantages. Military Drill. For Boys ol 8 Years Old and Upward. Illutr.J Catalogue t'r.t )u afiillcatlon to Ret. II. I). ROHINSOV. 11, A., Warden, Kuclne, Wisconsin. .MISSOURI MILITARY ACADI-.MY. FINE NEW BUILDINGS. I ll ill )il h (lllr lliiliilreil Arrra. Iliuitlnu. Sivlniiiilnn. rlshluu. Boating. I'iiciilt or irrliillt .ilutunl of twelvn Nitdliit; .Mill'.r. Si linnH un.l t'nlvrrsltles, H..lu hi -rs r niii.. i, ul repulatton. Modern Im-.r. ' trtt in I-.-r bouklet wild full In- i ii ,- i i I. if 1 1 K. 1AM 111, I'rrsldciit, llctlen, llu. IM HIJI.Y Vr.lill'I'AHI.K. Acts as it Tonic and Stops Hair from FalUa" Out. CurH UandrufT Brittle Hair. ItcaV idk and ull Scalp TroubKn. Guaranteed to Cure When ait other remedies hate jailed or name y refunded Sold everywhere. Safe, Sure. Reliable, Treatise on Hair and Scalp troubles free. A. II. llltl'MI'.lt CO., Clilcaiio. I'or Snlft lijr Sth'-rrnan & Mn'onnell Druj; Co., Jljera-lJIUon l)ru Co. Tritilt- Supplied by M Monelt Hair Ilwiaar. A 1 I'ndeUnd, HP hardson Drus Co. HOI I 'l'A IMJAI.IVDdll CAIMUIiBlT. " C':re Onr.crrhoea. Gleot, jnnatural dls chartrra In a few dnvn All drurKtste. accent only Do. uta. by mull JI W. full directions. Dick C Co., 133 Centre at.. New fork.